DIY off grid life in micro camper Honda Fit.

  • Опубликовано: 21 июн 2024
  • This is the showing my 3 step process. (If I can’t teach you something in 3 steps, then I’ll call you my grandpa)
    the 3 modes of the off grid micro camper. Sleep mode, chill relax mode, and drive mode.
    Step 1: Food. Having the fridge freezer in the passenger front makes it easy to add groceries and to take snacks between breaks. Get the one that has both power cable for house and car lighter plug in.
    Step 2: Power system. The alternator dc battery charger installed from the inside fuse box 5amp red line (positive input from car battery) I chose to go with this location as to not have to shimmy the cable through the firewall and to the hood. That is a pain and suffering that you don’t need to do. Plus this will use less cable.
    Best place to install the charger unit is under the driver seat. The negative cable is connected to driver seat bolt as ground. (Always disconnect Completely the car battery negative - black cable before doing anything)
    The dc to ac inverter is a 1000w rms no noise. The higher wattage will have fans and it’s too noisy. Just be sure appliances plugged into this is less than 1000w ( that means a 1000w device will NOT Work well when plugged in) all our smart devices and and laptops are well under this power rating so no need for anything more. (Electric kettle and electric burners would need at least a 2000w inverter. Propane kettle and burner is better for micro campers.
    The battery is also extremely important and super heavy and you never want to move it, once it is in (your back will hate you) don’t skimp on this. Be sure you get the longest warranty and largest capacity 12v ( Not the 24v. 24v appliances are more for RV and sprinter van class B Rv) this should be in the trunk and place it on opposite side of your car battery (so your chassis stays balanced and not lopsided feeling)
    There are two locations you need the fuse and you need a dead switch where you can access while driving and easy to get to when not. The 1st fuse is between the 12 v battery (red positive + cable) and the 1000w inverter. 2nd fuse is between the main power car battery (red positive + cable ) and the alternator dc charging unit. Safety switches in cases when you don’t want the battery charging while driving (if passengers are sleeping). The dead switch is between the inverter and super heavy battery (when in parked non usage mode cut the power connection. This is on the negative - black cable line. I used a heavy duty black crate to enclose the battery and the dead switch (on black cable) and fuse (on red cable). This makes it easier to take out of trunk when not needed. ( the inverter and charger stays in the car )
    Step 3: Solar panel charger system: get the 4 fold for easy beach use or micro camper use. This needs to be portable foldable and the highest rating. Also don’t go cheap on this.
    When in chill relax mode, place it over the passenger side of car ceiling from hood to trunk, and get bungee cords to hold it down temporarily for anti wind protection. Again with this, be sure to disconnect negative cable first for safety.
    Thank you for allowing me to teach you this class lesson on how to be free while traveling or remote working or PhD studying.
    Get a 24 hr gym membership for toilet and shower access. (Safer than those park public toilets and trucker gas stations)
    At nights, park anywhere safe like rest stop, beach, Walmart parking lot, and gym parking lot, McDonald’s parking lot. Only park where there is a 24 hr open business. So there’s always security. Safety always. Females get a pepper spray for bears (but use it on dirty old men trying to do not good things to you) and get a stun gun and a taser that shoots the pins out. I always make sure mum has these in the car and I have a small dagger in car in case she need to go Mulan on someone. (Are kung fu swords allowed in cars in California?? I still have to check)
    Now that the 3 steps are explained to you. Your turn to Do It Yourself (DIY) please comment to ask Lao Fu Lao su any difficulty or problems or issues and questions or troubleshooting tips.
    I teach all my classes for FREE. This is all open source. Why??
    I’m Professor Y. I always ask why and I teach you to learn why you need to learn this and that. This is my creed. All education needs to be free for all. Because all kids are one people. And all parents are the other set of people.
    I’m not a parent, so I’m still on team Kids. I know All these parents don’t care if kids live or die. They only care about how much money they can hoard for guns and weapons to kill neighbors over underground minerals and oils.
    I am an adult team kid that still thinks wars are stupid. And these parents sending kids to go kill other kids because their parents said so is a bunch of poppycock horse poo poo. How about screw all your stupid rules and policies, because I’m living off grid, remote work teaching, and online overseas college and university courses. Stay Free!

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