FIRST DRIVE: GMA T.50 - McLaren F1 Successor’s 900-mile road trip

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @GordonMurrayAutomotive
    @GordonMurrayAutomotive Год назад +5499

    Ollie…we’re happy to hear you as enthusiastic about T.50 as all the team are here at GMA!

    • @connorblakey3163
      @connorblakey3163 Год назад +202

      it's perfection. Hats off.

    • @giorgosarifoglu953
      @giorgosarifoglu953 Год назад +113

      Sir Gordon have made a masterpiece. A timeless classic for future generations to admire and just go " wow". Nothing beats old time rock n roll and for that I'd give my arms and legs just to have a go❤

    • @slozzasolomon1104
      @slozzasolomon1104 Год назад +24

      The last real analog? Are we going to make like the utopia does not exist

    • @simonmorty8344
      @simonmorty8344 Год назад +42

      To GM and the team. You guys have delivered beyond all we could hope and possibly imagine in a supercar/Hyper car. The attention to detail, the weight, the driver involvement, the quality, looks. Also I never thought a combustion engine would sound as good or in this case better than the LFA. I love what Rimac is doing with EV but I honestly believe even with out sitting or. driving you Hage created the greatest car in the world. Your dedication to perfection and driving is on another level.
      Please let Henry Catchpole, Chris Harris and Jay Leno do an indepth review.
      GM you achieved your dream of creating something that perfects the F1 in every way. I'll steal BMW saying ' This truly is the ultimate driving machine'

    • @Lemingtona-x5g
      @Lemingtona-x5g Год назад +33

      Toyota MR2 was the design inspiration

  • @poeticalvision
    @poeticalvision Год назад +3194

    An engine that goes up to 12,000 RPM comfortably, has 70% of its torque by 3000RPM, and gets 25 to the gallon?!? Its an engineering masterpiece by Cosworth.

    • @purwantiallan5089
      @purwantiallan5089 Год назад +120

      Basically GMA T.50 is a new rival to McLaren F1 GTR 1997.

    • @jimiverson3085
      @jimiverson3085 Год назад +127

      I'd love to see that expertise applied to an engine that would go into a car mortals could afford.

    • @srinitaaigaura
      @srinitaaigaura Год назад +116

      @@jimiverson3085 That's what Honda's VTech is for

    • @lorddoobsworth144
      @lorddoobsworth144 Год назад +25

      it definitely is, although if we're talking UK MPG here the Chevy LS1 from the C5 Corvette from the late 90s can get over 35 MPG on the motorway / highway 😜

    • @yota8325
      @yota8325 Год назад +57

      ​@@lorddoobsworth144because lazy v8s are actually pretty good on fuel in the highway despite what most normal people would think

  • @matthewwhite5058
    @matthewwhite5058 Год назад +357

    I’m glad there’s still people like Gordon Murray and the GMA team that understand that this is what cars are all about, not these dull lifeless, computer aided, electric cars of current,
    Absolutely amazing from a team of passionate engineers.

    • @jessealcorn45
      @jessealcorn45 11 месяцев назад +9

      I agree. More manufacturers need to build drivers cars that aren’t so heavy and gimmicky. Can’t imagine what this feels like to drive.

    • @MrEkzotic
      @MrEkzotic 8 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed. I hate being isolated from the engine and the tires.

    • @TechInfo-ul4xr
      @TechInfo-ul4xr 8 месяцев назад


    • @JesseFlannery
      @JesseFlannery 7 месяцев назад +2

      Two type of cars. Street and Track. You don't need all this on the street.

    • @swan_sky_studios
      @swan_sky_studios 7 месяцев назад +4

      It is a beautiful piece of engineering, the end of an era, I get emotional seeing a worthy successor to the F1

  • @speeddemon467
    @speeddemon467 Год назад +755

    I can't afford a T50 of my own, but it makes me happy just knowing that this car exists. A spiritual successor to the legendary McLaren F1. Absolute perfection.

    • @gustavoflorio5383
      @gustavoflorio5383 Год назад +9

      Well, all the buzz around it could it influence the market...

    • @KCJbomberFTW
      @KCJbomberFTW Год назад +4

      As someone who’s been around a lot of these I don’t understand the need for this thing
      It’s somehow MUCH less than the sum of its parts

    • @deshanmk6
      @deshanmk6 Год назад +21

      @@KCJbomberFTWThe sum of its parts doesn't show the R&D costs of this car, the Mclaren F1, nor the price you can put on Gordon Murrays lifetime of knowledge.

    • @KCJbomberFTW
      @KCJbomberFTW Год назад +2

      @@deshanmk6 it’s a Guntherwerks version of an F1 but with a fan
      I think the 33 with make this look instantly silly

    • @deshanmk6
      @deshanmk6 Год назад +12

      @@KCJbomberFTW Except it's not. Gordon Murray was never happy with the F1 as the technology he needed wasn't available so he had to cut some corners (carbon ceramics, etc). This is what his vision. He explains it in one of his interviews.

  • @DonLee1980
    @DonLee1980 Год назад +829

    Of all the 1000+hp hypercars with the quickest launch control system gearboxes, Gordan Murray got this right. There's nothing like this and it'll be forever a very special car for all of history to marvel at.

    • @ksm1985
      @ksm1985 Год назад +22

      He was never going to say anything negative about it was he. That'd be him cancelled.

    • @simonmenzies3142
      @simonmenzies3142 Год назад +3

      It’s just a mclaren with an engine that revs far far far too high🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @johnxina2140
      @johnxina2140 Год назад +105

      ​@@simonmenzies3142that might be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard

    • @ronhonhola
      @ronhonhola Год назад +60

      ​@@simonmenzies3142only someone who doesn't appreciate cars, and really has no clue at all, could say something so ridiculous and offensive. You should be blocked from this channel after that

    • @invisiblekid99
      @invisiblekid99 Год назад

      @@simonmenzies3142 Spoken like a true Renault Clio owner. What a galactically moronic thing to say.

  • @MrEkzotic
    @MrEkzotic 8 месяцев назад +16

    That beautiful noise actually gave me chills.

  • @Chrissy-H
    @Chrissy-H Год назад +1303

    I love how this review is 25 minutes long and doesn't make a single mention of horsepower, top speed, or 0-60 time. Because none of that stuff matters when a car feels this good and sounds that fantastic!

    • @olis_garage
      @olis_garage Год назад +102

      In a way I hope it doesn't ever end up on a carwow review - it deserves more than that

    • @amg863
      @amg863 Год назад +12

      He mentioned top speed twice I think.

    • @gustavoflorio5383
      @gustavoflorio5383 Год назад +3

      @@amg863 He didn't.

    • @danieldickerson4838
      @danieldickerson4838 Год назад +62

      @@gustavoflorio5383He did. He explicitly stated how much downforce the T.50 produces at its 226mph V-Max.

    • @Chrissy-H
      @Chrissy-H Год назад

      Oh right. Well, I missed it, because there wasn't the usual 'stats' section of the video.

  • @discoverlight
    @discoverlight Год назад +61

    This car comes like light in the middle of darkness in the automotive industry, V12, manual, high revving, noisy, middle seating, old school-like headlights, simplicity tangled up with top-notch engineering and technology, the clockwork masterpiece which is (sadly) hidden on the engine with the gears driving the camshafts from the crankshaft is something worth to be exhibited at the Louvre. This car is a blessing, as expected only a few will be made and even less will be driven on the road, but what it represents is the purest sense of what a car should be; Joy, smiles, beauty, passion.

  • @quocanhphanho8969
    @quocanhphanho8969 Год назад +240

    T50 vs Valkyrie is the ultimate duo. Gordon Murray vs Adrian Newey, two of the best F1 designers of all time. No other explanation needed.

    • @mubasheerahmed8659
      @mubasheerahmed8659 Год назад +18

      Both cars have different approach on the the ultimate drivers car and the other is the road F1 car

    • @rudolfdaher
      @rudolfdaher Год назад +23

      Indeed. The Valkyrie is a track car homologated for the road, with a structural engine and all the vibrations and stiffness and lack of comfort it induces, while the T.50 is a much more daily drivable and practical supercar. The main common feature is the… definitive Cosworth NA V12s!

    • @uzulmuadib
      @uzulmuadib Год назад +1

      I do all agree! The best sport misiles ever 😮

    • @x265_hevc5
      @x265_hevc5 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@rudolfdaher The Cosworth engineers are Gods among men.

    • @rudolfdaher
      @rudolfdaher 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@x265_hevc5 I don’t like to deify anyone, even Plato or Mozart or Shakespeare or Newton.
      And I don’t believe in semi-gods.
      What’s sure is that Cosworth democratized Formula 1: a lot of teams emerged in the 60’s and 70’s, since designing and building a car became much easier with an available and accessible V8 DFV, coupled with a Hewland gearbox.
      With the Valkyrie and the T.50, Cosworth proved to be the definitive internal combustion engine specialist, and deflated the V12s of Ferrari and Lamborghini to their exact importance - around 9000 rpm with a power ratio of 130 hp/l at best, which is way below 11000 or 12000 rpm that produce more than 160hp/l.

  • @jamesghani
    @jamesghani Год назад +251

    Like many others, I've tracked the development of this car through RUclips. It is an engineering masterpiece. Bravo all at GMA and Cosworth; you've brought British sports car manufacture back to the very top again.

    • @Hitical_Crit
      @Hitical_Crit Год назад +8

      Not just British sports cars, but proper sports cars too. Light, no fancy electronic aids, responsive, nimble

  • @ginge82
    @ginge82 Год назад +660

    Amazing thing. I truly hope some owners have the balls to daily drive this beast.

    • @shubidajain384
      @shubidajain384 Год назад +10

      Not some but many will

    • @similaritiesendhere
      @similaritiesendhere Год назад +17

      Some jackass on the USNS Comfort (ship) used to park their "daily driver" McLaren right on the Norfolk Naval Base pier (saltwater+car) back when I was in the Navy. Nobody respected them.

    • @gabrielbarcellos1036
      @gabrielbarcellos1036 Год назад +8

      Gordon entrevistou cada cliente, fez questão de saber qual carro eles dirigem e se realmente vão usar a T.50, o cara foi fundo nas escolhas

    • @Sonderax
      @Sonderax Год назад +10

      Gordon made sure a majority would use it

    • @pete6705
      @pete6705 Год назад +9

      I doubt anyone will daily drive it. And many may only take it out once or twice a year. But maybe a few will take it out a couple times a month

  • @steved2008
    @steved2008 Год назад +53

    I actually had a lump in my throat as Ollie talked about the F1 inspiring him to become a motoring journalist, class act Top Gear well done

  • @pe8268
    @pe8268 Год назад +52

    The McLaren F1 has been my top dream car alongside the Carrera GT for a very long time, until this video... I don't even really have the words to say how much I adore this car, it really is all the best parts of the F1 dialed up to eleven, an incredible masterpiece of engineering. I severely doubt I'll ever get to see one, let alone sit in it or drive it, but this video is all I need. I had tears in my eyes nearly the entire time, thank you for this great work! And an immense thank you to Gordon and his team for creating this magnificent machine!

    • @Deniz-b3g6o
      @Deniz-b3g6o Год назад

      I actually cried. The car reminds me of better times. I remember watching F1 at Monaco in 1974. This was the first race I saw as a kid. This car brings back all the memories.

    • @jdsk8914
      @jdsk8914 Год назад

      I love the Carrera GT too!!

    • @cedmo7857
      @cedmo7857 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Deniz-b3g6oit aint that deep, fella. man up its just a damn car. stop your sniveling

  • @millennialpoes5674
    @millennialpoes5674 Год назад +247

    I want a 2 hour episode of this thing under the skin. The hubs, steering, suspension parts, chassis construction, everything!

    • @gregorylemmons5022
      @gregorylemmons5022 Год назад +10

      Agreed. I paused on the 12k Tachometer to make sure I wasn't seeing things. What an Epic machine.

    • @brendandrives
      @brendandrives Год назад +12

      When it first debuted there were a lot of interviews with Gordon going into depth on the car. I may go re-listen to them myself…

    • @bigshotcelebrity_
      @bigshotcelebrity_ Год назад +11

      The GMA channel has 20 episodes about the production of the car in one of their playlists. Chassis is episode 2.

    • @ashscott6068
      @ashscott6068 Год назад +4

      As these people have said...those videos exist. And they're really good, too. There are videos on the GMA channel of Gordon showing and talking about pretty much every detail on the car. Like EVERY detail

    • @robertelwell9360
      @robertelwell9360 Год назадвидео.htmlfeature=shared

  • @ClassicSam.
    @ClassicSam. Год назад +87

    This is better than any Mainstream Top gear TV episode in the last 10years.
    Truly spine tingling sounds from this “sports car” superb.

    • @marlonius05
      @marlonius05 8 месяцев назад +4

      Genuinely brought tears to this old face the first time I heard it full chat

  • @ehshezah
    @ehshezah Год назад +32

    This gave me goosebumps: GMA at their finest. He’s always been the master of automotive design and understood what drivers want. Less is more and he packages it up elegantly and perfectly. It is automotive engineering art and he is the greatest artist. Love how Ollie referenced this also.
    Great piece from the top gear team

  • @Neutralreviews
    @Neutralreviews Год назад +88

    After hearing it and seeing it move, I can honestly say I’ve never had a car instantaneously evoke such emotion from me. Thank you Gordon for pushing to make this a reality and for Top Gear creating such a great cinematic work to display how truly special this vehicle is❤

  • @sunkid86
    @sunkid86 11 месяцев назад +15

    This video is produced so well, several shots of it could go out in print to be posters and they would come out remarkable. For instance, the opening of all the hatches at the same time was the most beautiful thing I have've ever seen a car do. And the closing shots were dream like. Great job!

  • @NostalgiaFix81
    @NostalgiaFix81 Год назад +457

    You don’t have to love cars to know that sound is motor perfection.

    • @Matt_10203
      @Matt_10203 Год назад +11

      Its like an expensive boutique camera with how tactile and well designed everything looks. Its a masterpiece of design and engineering.

  • @broughy23
    @broughy23 Год назад +116

    I'm glad that this car is as good as we all expected it to be. I do hope anyone who's lucky enough to own one of these really uses it and does it justice

    • @Vamppas
      @Vamppas Год назад +1

      Totally agree!

    • @aaa84gt
      @aaa84gt Год назад

      I follow three buyers/owners on Instagram. One is definitely putting it in the garage forever, but two are proper carguys who will definitely enjoy them as intended.

    • @ihavenolifeandiclearlyneedhelp
      @ihavenolifeandiclearlyneedhelp Год назад

      you know it's gonna end up sitting gathering dust in some rich asshat's garage

    • @Unspoken_T187
      @Unspoken_T187 Год назад +2

      Owners will never daily drive them because they want the value to go up not down

    • @Unspoken_T187
      @Unspoken_T187 Год назад +3

      @@farnarkleboy nah no chance these will go up in value super quick the rich always want to make money you will hardly see these on the road

  • @wakemanburigatto7683
    @wakemanburigatto7683 Год назад +61

    Oh boy!! The intro was amazing!! What a view of the car. T.50 the new legend

    • @lincolnpinkoln359
      @lincolnpinkoln359 9 месяцев назад +1

      Like the opening scenes of a scifi movie..alien or similar.😅

  • @wot48320
    @wot48320 Год назад +40

    That old F1 sound... beautiful. A real driver's car, well done!

  • @Emjackson89
    @Emjackson89 Год назад +116

    One of the best car reviews I've ever seen. The car, the scenario, the noise, the speed. Just perfect. Ollie you deserved this and I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed watching it

    • @martynrollinson
      @martynrollinson Год назад +2

      Wait for Henry Catchpole at Hagerty.... that will be the best I'm 100% sure !

    • @wingcommanderdaltonwalton67
      @wingcommanderdaltonwalton67 Год назад +3

      Fantastic review,it’s great to see/feel the enthusiasm and enjoyment!Ollie nailed this one,well done.

    • @jimtaylor431
      @jimtaylor431 Год назад +1

      Certainly does the car justice! :-)

  • @JazzysTrove
    @JazzysTrove Год назад +24

    One of the most beautiful intros I have ever seen! 😢 Outstanding cinematography and that music score, oh my, it blends in perfectly!
    And the car, oh my god it's an astonishing piece of engineering! ❤
    Even if I'm not even remotely close to ever seeing one let alone drive one, I'm so glad that something like this exists!

  • @darrenmanser2847
    @darrenmanser2847 Год назад +55

    Something truly magical seems to occur above 10'000 rpm. Lord and Ollie only know what that feels and sounds like in the cabin. Wonderful video sir.

  • @watchesandburgers
    @watchesandburgers Год назад +307

    With the world in hyper-sensory mode, it's hard to get a true "wow" reaction anymore. But this.... This! This is a "wow" car. The true successor to the McLaren F1. I'd love to see one in person one day.

    • @freakattack9616
      @freakattack9616 Год назад +5


    • @bonniebonnie9388
      @bonniebonnie9388 Год назад +4

      Not a true successor until it wins some races

    • @lewisevander
      @lewisevander 11 месяцев назад +9

      I'm sorry I don't know how it looks like in person but in videos it's not even close to being as good looking as the f1.

    • @silver_c1oud
      @silver_c1oud 11 месяцев назад +2

      To be honest.
      Maclaren F1 is not designed for Racing.
      so i think it closely resembles the F1 or should i say an updated version.

    • @gooosay
      @gooosay 11 месяцев назад

      the f1 has been used in racing multiple times

  • @nostalgia5631
    @nostalgia5631 10 месяцев назад +9

    Never seen such a intro like this. Literally gave goosebumps. Masterpiece

  • @davnape14
    @davnape14 Год назад +40

    I'm so thrilled that this car even exists! My passion for cars comes from the thrill of a good driving experience and a huge admiration for the engineering behind it, making the T.50 the perfect car in my eyes. It puts the engagement of the driver front and center (literally) in a very usable and non intimidating package. Like a teen who just learnt how to drive a cars it seems like it's eager to show you what it can do, except it's actually Niki Lauda in car form - comfortable in any situation, meticulous with its performance and never compromising in the delivery. In addition, it's a bargain for those who can afford it: it's a modern F1 with modern tires, suspension, chassis, with apple car play, all for 1/4 or 1/5 of the price of the McLaren. Thanks to everyone in the GMA team and anyone involved for making this a reality.

    • @jezzplays8654
      @jezzplays8654 Год назад +1

      I feel exactly the same this car has to be perfection from a driving perspective

    • @Finn-ci9fd
      @Finn-ci9fd 2 месяца назад


  • @Das_Ginger
    @Das_Ginger Год назад +18

    The blast through the tunnel was a time machine back to Monaco F1 in the 60's

  • @johnhilyer5366
    @johnhilyer5366 Год назад +42

    Standing ovation for Gordon Murray and his team for giving us the evolution of the F1 and providing the Auto lovers of the World the Mona Lisa of pure unadulterated Automotive essence. No electronic hokus pokus just mechanical perfection!! This is truly one for the ages.

  • @herberttuck2170
    @herberttuck2170 Год назад +110

    Everything about this video was epic! The production, the T.50 , and Ollie's commentary whilst driving. I would have been absolutely speechless whilst driving.

    • @Pirustae
      @Pirustae Год назад

      His commentary sucks

    • @2_Sec_C
      @2_Sec_C Год назад +1

      it looks like a Toyota.

    • @davidgoon1978
      @davidgoon1978 Год назад +1

      they had to repeat shooting because ollie was speechless a lot of time.. 😂😂😂

    • @lemonmaster8933
      @lemonmaster8933 Год назад

      @@2_Sec_C you must be blind, im sorry to hear that

  • @glubibobi
    @glubibobi Год назад +19

    This truly gave me chills. What an amazing car.

  • @tsppm
    @tsppm Год назад +17

    As a kid I clearly remember seeing a car magazine featuring the first street legal F1 McLaren. I was awl struck, with its curves, rider position and the engineering marvels that my kid brain could barely comprehend. That is when I fell in love with cars.

  • @TheChazas
    @TheChazas Год назад +57

    Intro was just sublime, whole vibe and cinematography is Christopher Nolan-esque quality.

    • @hellodavey1902
      @hellodavey1902 Год назад

      How are they getting the shots at 13:00?!

    • @wilsonc4027
      @wilsonc4027 Год назад +2

      The shot from 00:34 makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Incredible film from Top Gear.

  • @stuartsmellie4966
    @stuartsmellie4966 Год назад +455

    The revs....that noise. And so useable...Gordon has done it again.

    • @DavidBrown-bs7gg
      @DavidBrown-bs7gg Год назад +7

      So useable.. and yet nobody other than reviewers will use them (also see: 911 Dakar)

    • @ksm1985
      @ksm1985 Год назад +3

      He was never going to say anything negative about it was he. That'd be him cancelled.

    • @ehinton4006
      @ehinton4006 Год назад +13

      @@ksm1985what are you even on about lol

    • @simonmenzies3142
      @simonmenzies3142 Год назад +4

      Ripped off the xjr15 to make the f1
      Now ripped off his own rip off to make the t50.
      Like he ripped everyone off that created the mp4/4
      And claimed it as being his, until those who actually did it had to go to mclaren as one.
      Yep he’s 💯done it again.
      Nothing new.
      Nothing ‘his’
      Just a photocopy of others work👌🏻

    • @MaxZelkcovik
      @MaxZelkcovik Год назад

      ​@@simonmenzies3142said the RUclips specialist 😂

  • @jiipee7491
    @jiipee7491 9 месяцев назад +3

    What Gordon Murray and hes crew does, is actual passion and results are shown. Absolute beautiful job with these cars all around. A dying breed. And what is going to be left? Computer aided touch this and that piece of s..t's. Enjoy this as much as you can, while it lasts. There are not much left on these close to earth machinery anymore.. Sad sad sad. But these are beautiful! We need more like Gordon Murray's. AND A LOT!

  • @PKP1
    @PKP1 Год назад +37

    Attention to detail is admirable here. Engineering and purpose of the car is clear and well defined and refined. Mechanically brilliant.

  • @fredaudap
    @fredaudap Год назад +10

    Extraordinary, Gordon Murray is a genius, so much emotion in his voice

  • @Shicomm
    @Shicomm Год назад +3

    I'm in tears.. for a LONG time i was certain that nothing could sing better then the lfa.. While the Lexus is still pure bliss this comes very close.. Sweaty hands and goosebumps at the same time. Big thumbs up for the intro btw, the tv show might be gone but it feels good to see ( and hear!) that the magic is still there..

  • @bicyclist2
    @bicyclist2 Год назад +277

    This has to be the best car built in the last 30 years. The scenery shown here is absolutely incredible. Sadly I don't even expect to even just see one of these in my life. Thank you.

    • @nezabytes
      @nezabytes Год назад +17

      No. Best car ever made. Period.

    • @Jay-xr3sb
      @Jay-xr3sb Год назад +11

      Rather a LaFerrari, this is ugly

    • @Peongster
      @Peongster Год назад +5


    • @jezzplays8654
      @jezzplays8654 Год назад

      bruhhhh this is the craziest manual street legal car of the last 30 years what makes it even better@@Jay-xr3sb

    • @Zuffenhouse
      @Zuffenhouse Год назад

      No question

  • @jryalls
    @jryalls Год назад +68

    Amazing work Top Gear. What a credit to Gordon Murray and the GMA team.

  • @DustyPearl-13
    @DustyPearl-13 Год назад +9

    Divine, Sublime, Gorgeous....Thank you Gordon for creating this MASTERPIECE that will live for decades, if not centuries to come...!

  • @antonioglendinning4414
    @antonioglendinning4414 Год назад +77

    I genuinely don't think I've EVER watched such a spine tingling intro to a RUclips video. This is nothing short of a masterpiece and would belong on a cinema screen. Absolutely epic in every way, and a fantastic review as always. Bravo. 👏

  • @jeffnowicki4059
    @jeffnowicki4059 Год назад +15

    Well done TG! This was an absolutely fantastic production. It showcased through your thoughtful dialog and zealous enthusiasm, the brilliant automotive engineering that GMA delivered in the T.50.

  • @myriaddunes2569
    @myriaddunes2569 Год назад +47

    Damn those revs were insane 😮

  • @James-pl2oy
    @James-pl2oy Год назад +35

    Loved how he referenced the Alpine A110 since that’s exactly the benchmark car Murray used for handling dynamics; his daily driver

    • @BasedHadrian
      @BasedHadrian Год назад +15

      Criminal the Alpine isn’t available in the states

    • @aeolus75
      @aeolus75 Год назад +3

      They still mention the Alpine that the Alpine price will go crazy until we can not even afford it 😉

  • @therehanseries
    @therehanseries 9 месяцев назад +7

    This isn't engineering. This is art.

  • @sl7608
    @sl7608 Год назад +23

    That noise can bring a man to tears… A genuine motoring mile stone.

    • @bg22757
      @bg22757 Год назад +1

      No man is crying over the sound of an engine😂

  • @StavTech
    @StavTech Год назад +30

    I'm not particularly a supercar person, but this thing seems PERFECT, an absolute work of art from a driving enjoyment point of view. Doubt I'll ever drive one, but everything I see about them it's clear it's literally my idea of an awesome car to actually drive and enjoy. Good stuff.

  • @funkymonkey2091
    @funkymonkey2091 4 месяца назад +1

    The intro with the rev counter is absolutely thrilling, the harmony sounds absolutely insane

  • @GrooveTasticThang
    @GrooveTasticThang Год назад +14

    Well done Ollie and Team, not only is the T50 the successor to the F1 but this piece of video is the successor to the Tiff Needell Top Gear review on the F1 . Huge responsibility but you nailed it, not just the videography but with the sheer passion in delivery. Made a 50 year old very happy to watch.

    • @jdsk8914
      @jdsk8914 Год назад

      Hehe both cars were blue

    • @zounds13
      @zounds13 11 месяцев назад

      A 63 year old, too.

    @LOTUSELISE340R Год назад +10

    Like many others, I've waited years for a review on T50. So happy to see it's as astonishing as I'd hoped. Gordon is truly in a class of his own. Great work, TG! A special review for a truly special car.

  • @renzocecchetto3064
    @renzocecchetto3064 Год назад +4

    Wow - Gordon Murray and his team should be proud of what they have accomplished - stellar from nearly all metrics ! And thank you to TG and Ollie for a wonderful review and video. Now I know its a different class completely but I'm surprised Ollie nor any of the comments I've read haven't mentioned that for those that can't experience a cost-is-no-object sportscar that a Lotus Elise shares many objectives and results in its execution as the T.50. If one wants 85% of a GMA T.50 at 15% of the cost, I recommend they at least test-drive a Lotus Elise, particularly the Mark 2.0 supercharged one. Keep your revs (and your eyes) high !

  • @sunethrajawasan5039
    @sunethrajawasan5039 Год назад +38

    watching Olllie get emotional at the end of that was so relatable to every car guy ever.

    • @adamvolasko225
      @adamvolasko225 Год назад +1

      Seriously, between the hair raising sound to redline, to Ollie explaining how this might be the last best analog sports car ever made, its like I'm cutting onions here!

    • @darksideblues135
      @darksideblues135 Год назад

      There will be more. People are getting sick of the EV movement. After all, I bought a tube amp, brand new, about a year ago. And I am talking HiFi not guitar. So there will be more because demand is there.

  • @carlsonclassics
    @carlsonclassics Год назад +14

    Analog as much as possible is what it is all about - for me!!!!!!!!
    Well done Gordon Murray and GMA Team.

  • @samuelgais
    @samuelgais 9 месяцев назад +3

    That intro was spectacular ! The first shot already sold the car

  • @shobin05
    @shobin05 Год назад +84

    People here is saying its "ugly" "boring looking" "generic" makes it all the more appealing to me. Its functional, clean, made to be driven, not parked outside of an LV store in Beverly hills. If it revs to 12,000rpm i could give less of a shit how it looks.

    • @xhorxhi77
      @xhorxhi77 Год назад +6

      I mean the car weighs under a tonne dry? doesn’t it?
      This is the Spiritual successor to the F1 and it’s an absolute magical piece of design and engineering.

    • @aldobonaso3481
      @aldobonaso3481 Год назад +9

      I mean functionality doesn't have to necessarily rule out all design appeal...for me the front end is just too bland, could have been so much more, but that's personal taste at the end of the day. Incredible driver's car. It also forces you to drive it fast, or it will sound like a hair dryer...

    • @paulwood6729
      @paulwood6729 Год назад +1

      @@xhorxhi77 The kerb weight is under a tonne.

    • @js00065
      @js00065 Год назад +7

      I'm assuming you mean you COULDN'T give less of a shit? Meaning it's impossible to care less how it looks. If you COULD give less of a shit it implies you do care at least a little bit how it looks

    • @ehinton4006
      @ehinton4006 Год назад +1

      I’ve never seen anyone call this boring looking lol.

  • @DPCcars
    @DPCcars Год назад +9

    Watching this, you realize that the T.50 isn't just a car, it's a symphony of engineering excellence. The way it revs up to 12,000 rpm is not just about the numbers; it's a testament to Gordon Murray's vision of what a hypercar should be - a blend of raw power, finesse, and that unmistakable sound that echoes the spirit of F1 racing. What really sets this apart is how it's built for the road, not just to turn heads, but to genuinely be driven. It's cars like these that keep the passion for automotive innovation alive. Hats off to the GMA team and Top Gear for capturing not just the car, but the essence of what makes it special. #DreamCar #EngineeringMarvel 🏎🔥

  • @briG911R
    @briG911R 8 месяцев назад

    The launch control with all killer electronics engineering systems will never beat the simplicity of such an engine linked to a manual shifter. Driving is all about engagement, feeling and rewards. It seems that this car tick all the good boxes. I loved watching, hearing and feeling Ollie’s pure joy of driving it. Well done Top Gear & a massive Well done to GMA for putting this masterpiece on the roads.

  • @ericpisch2732
    @ericpisch2732 Год назад +15

    Just perfection, passion and engineering turned up to 11. And that noise, like a chorus of angry angels 😊

  • @shmac96
    @shmac96 Год назад +6

    Gordon Murray and his team are living legends. All hail GMA!

  • @johncurrie6277
    @johncurrie6277 5 месяцев назад

    This is one of the best put together pieces of motor journalism I have ever watched. This guy could elevate TG beyond the tradition. Hats off.

  • @TheOneInYellow
    @TheOneInYellow Год назад +7

    I felt your passion and got teary eyed with you at the end of the video, as you described your journey whilst experiencing the T.50, and knowing its lineage to the legendary F1, is how you ended up becoming a well loved motoring journalist 🥹
    Awesome video, loved the impromptu hair advert (🌬️🤣), and the awesome recording and shots of the exhaust as the car revs into a different dimension! 👏🏽🔥

  • @lamineaim5562
    @lamineaim5562 Год назад +16

    What a sensational entry Huge thanks to the camera crew for their epic job

  • @alaaal-shakarchi8902
    @alaaal-shakarchi8902 Год назад +1

    It's very rare for someone to match his greatest hit. To surpass it and create a new benchmark is the pinnacle of creativity, ingenuity and inventiveness. Simply put: the car translates what the road is saying through its wheels and mechanics, and most cars are speaking different language, except few and this is on top of all of them. Gordon is the king of road language.

  • @aw11man26
    @aw11man26 Год назад +23

    As a long time owner of a 1st gen Toyota MR2, racked up almost 500,000 miles on 2 of them over 20 years, I LOVE small mid engine cars. The part he said about forward visibility is spot on. My MR2s were like that. You felt like you could almost reach out and touch the front bumper. It was so easy to drive the car in tight spaces or on winding roads.
    On this car, looks are subjective. Even IF you don't like how this car looks, I absolutely love it, this car is still perfect. The sream and ludicrous revs of this engine is incredible.

    • @iSOBigD
      @iSOBigD Год назад

      Agreed that the looks are not amazing compared to many other supercars, but the middle seat, good visibility, light weight and super high revving, super Fast revving V12 immediately makes it amazing and rare. How quickly it gets to redline is just ridiculous, so it's hard to beat that sound.

    • @thestoicwhinger
      @thestoicwhinger Год назад +1

      I'd still love an aw11

    • @Nemoticon
      @Nemoticon Год назад +1

      Me too... currently on my 2nd AW11, I know exactly what you mean!

    • @literallyshaking8019
      @literallyshaking8019 Год назад +2

      The F1 is a better looking car. To me the front is too thin while the headlights are too big, whereas the F1 was just right with the proportions.
      The upcoming T.33 is also more aesthetically pleasing as well. It absolutely nails the modern but retro design spot on.

    • @Nemoticon
      @Nemoticon Год назад +1

      @@literallyshaking8019 The headlights on the T50 only lokos big in pictures because it's hard to tell how small the car actually is... in the skin, it's perfection!

  • @brianfreeman8290
    @brianfreeman8290 Год назад +5

    Your opening remarks were also expressed at the launch of the F1. I've never seen an F1. I will probably never see a T50, but there are tears rolling down my face as I watch this. Thank you Gordon Murray for continued hope.

    • @davidblake1663
      @davidblake1663 Год назад +1

      Yep. Someone was slicing onions here too.

    • @Shadowboost
      @Shadowboost Год назад

      I've seen two F1's and it was spectacular. To see a T.50 in anger though, I have a new life goal

  • @AutomotiveWoman
    @AutomotiveWoman Год назад +6

    Oh, isn't it just breathtaking? A remarkable feat of engineering, an absolute masterpiece of a machine! Applause, of course, to Gordon Murray and his undoubtedly brilliant team at GMA for gracing us with this grand finale of driving perfection, concluding with nothing less than a beautifully bold exclamation point! Alas, it's a real tragedy that I'll probably never even lay my eyes on one, let alone have the privilege of driving it. But hey, that's just the way life goes, isn't it? 🙄

  • @edimbukvarevic90
    @edimbukvarevic90 Год назад +5

    Everything about these GMA cars (both T.50 and T.33) is just GREAT. Nothing even comes close. Engineering, looks, lightness, manual transmission, NA, 'analogness'...

  • @maxjelley4055
    @maxjelley4055 Год назад +4

    I watched this on my TV, waited for years to see this moment, loved it

  • @stevendowling8312
    @stevendowling8312 Год назад +2

    Thank you for relaying what 99% of us will never experience.
    Awe struck and dribbling.

  • @firefighterps2
    @firefighterps2 Год назад +9

    All that brilliance, and it sounds better than any recent F1 car.

  • @r4-f440
    @r4-f440 Год назад +5

    One of the BEST SHOT AND EDITED TopGear video to date!

  • @rhapsody2m
    @rhapsody2m Год назад +1

    Wonderful presentation of an automotive work of art. Congratulations to the entire GMA and Cosworth teams for giving the world a stunning example of engineering excellence.

  • @aakar1s
    @aakar1s Год назад +5

    That conclusion was heartwarmingly touching. Thank you so much for sharing this adventure with us.

  • @alexluke84
    @alexluke84 Год назад +16

    This is my dream hypercar...V12 and a the looks..great successor to the best ever it...unfortunately the review isn't longer to observe this weapon 😎😎😎

  • @jonathanseal5155
    @jonathanseal5155 8 месяцев назад +1

    An absolutely gorgeously created and constructed review. Your commentary, and the filming were absolutely spot on that shot of all the doors and engine department opening at the same time was amazing. Thank you for a wonderful review of what is probably the worlds, finest automobile, and the true sense of the word “👏👏🔥🔥Automobile”

  • @tiesb1212
    @tiesb1212 Год назад +8

    The filming and editing of the intro, wow! 2001 a space odyssey meets Interstellar. Probably will rewatch this a few times :)

  • @skywalker3852
    @skywalker3852 Год назад +13

    I have no words !!! PIECE OF ART !

    • @inmortal131
      @inmortal131 Год назад

      True I can imagine the roadster sound.

  • @GepardVR
    @GepardVR 9 месяцев назад +2

    Who ever cut that intro, that is a masterpiece what a breathtaking editing, of such a beautiful machinery.

  • @paulgodden2181
    @paulgodden2181 Год назад +6

    Ollie , One of the best reviews I’ve seen in a long time - add to that phenomenal production

  • @liceface
    @liceface Год назад +5

    You cannot believe how excited I am to finally see this. I’ve been following this car since day 1

  • @simaojrcosta
    @simaojrcosta Год назад +2

    Just have to say, this video is beautiful. Congratulations to the editors and the producers.

  • @Brutus000Augustus
    @Brutus000Augustus Год назад +5

    What and amazing video, pure quality, from vehicle to images and the sheer joy written all over Ollie's face, it feels like one of those lifetime moments never to be seen again. Well done TG Team and GMA.

  • @Mckorzi
    @Mckorzi Год назад +5

    In deed, it must be the finest sports car ever made. I followed this project since month and I,m absolutely mind blown about the thoughts and engineering that went into this project! Up until now my personal favorite was the Carrera GT and still is, but with the T50 around I,m not so sure anymore.
    For the first time in my life I,m having regrets not to be born privileged to own such a masterpiece of a car.
    My highest respect Mr Murray 🙏

  • @tetoqx
    @tetoqx Год назад +1

    At the beginning I got goosebumps... and at 0:31 i had to start crying. just beautiful....

  • @призрак999
    @призрак999 Год назад +6

    What a masterpiece in engineering. I can’t wait to drive one some day. Pure Normally aspirated madness! Thanks GMA! Cheers from NY

  • @supercarowners
    @supercarowners Год назад +10

    Amazing cinematography during the intro. Nice video. I was confused when it was told "52000 RPM a second" because RPM is "Rotations Per Minute" and cannot be "a second". But went through the video a couple of times and I realized that the engine can rev up to that speed "52000 RPM IN ONE second" which is definitely mind boggling.

    • @srinitaaigaura
      @srinitaaigaura Год назад +2

      Simply put, idle to redline in 0.2 sec, and back down in 0.2 sec. This thing blips almost like an F1 engine.

    • @carnagefpv8256
      @carnagefpv8256 Год назад

      But the engine doesn't Rev that high, the fan does..............

    • @treyquattro
      @treyquattro Год назад +1

      I didn't quite understand this figure either. 52,000 RPM/second means that if the redline is 13,000 RPM then the rate of change is 240 times faster. So theoretically the engine can go from 0 to redline in 0.25 second. which is essentially instantaneous, which I just don't get: inertia? Maybe they're extrapolating the highest rate of change across the rev range. I'd like to see a more engineering-led video on this aspect of the engine; I haven't seen anything elsewhere like Harry's Garage or the GMA channel.

    • @Giantcatcher
      @Giantcatcher Год назад

      ​@@srinitaaigaurahow does it do that with a flywheel?

  • @zigman69ify
    @zigman69ify Год назад +2

    What a bloody outstanding video!! Well done TOP Gear!

  • @Al8lack
    @Al8lack Год назад +4

    For me, probably the best car ever made by the best designer who's ever lived. Truly amazing. Also, that fan makes it sound just like KITT from Knight Rider.

  • @oskar6661
    @oskar6661 Год назад +9

    As someone who became a "car guy" in the late 90's...I admit I've more or less fallen out of love with modern cars completely. Electric/assisted cars have all but gutted anything enthusiasm I had for the future of engaging transportation. I cannot be assed to care about electric bawbles and automated systems. It's nice to occasionally see something like this which is carrying the banner for a car you feel/engage with.

  • @jatinmayekar7865
    @jatinmayekar7865 6 месяцев назад +1

    One of THE best introductions to a car ever! Feels like it's inspired from Oppenheimer!

  • @jamiebeckf
    @jamiebeckf Год назад +6

    Truly a masterpiece and already a legend in its own right. It has taken 1st place from the F40 as my favourite car of all time.

    • @jjchockey
      @jjchockey Год назад

      Mine is the T33 because it’s a convertible and looks WAY better

  • @alvarorodriguez1091
    @alvarorodriguez1091 Год назад +7

    Historic fact: 6:40 is the Montjuic Circuit, where Gordon Murray was racing there in the 70's with Brabham and now it's own car is running there. AWESOME!

  • @anon5500
    @anon5500 Год назад +3

    ❤ Nothing surprises me from Sir Murray, I’ve had the pleasure of being in an F1 GTR and it’s the one car that scared the living crap out of me, and hearing this new car has made me smile, if it is one of the last V12 cars ever made, I’m just glad Gordon Murray the legend that he is has made it happen, oh plus it’s very pretty!👌🏻
    All cars need to be easy on the eye as well as the ears🤷‍♂️🤣

  • @alvarojm11
    @alvarojm11 Год назад +4

    Omg,I started the video and had massive goosebumps, this is awesome!

  • @rdd014r
    @rdd014r Год назад +9

    Mind boggling rpm’s, analog gauges, manual transmission. Purist perfection.

  • @felipeduarte1997
    @felipeduarte1997 Год назад +1

    Was just showing to my friend whis video and talking to him how much im loving this car and for a moment we tought: Just IMAGINE GMA make a racing model, to race at Le Mans and the car do as well as the McLaren F1 did back then... How AWESOME this would be! Dreaming of that hahaha Nice video and awesome car!

    • @carlsonclassics
      @carlsonclassics Год назад +1

      "Just IMAGINE GMA make a racing model" They did: It's the T.50s Niki Lauda

    • @felipeduarte1997
      @felipeduarte1997 Год назад

      ​@@carlsonclassics would love to see it in LeMans

  • @andrewnotmyrealname7827
    @andrewnotmyrealname7827 Год назад +5

    Well done to the TG and GMA teams on this amazing tribute to perfection. Excellent video about a sublime machine.

  • @marka.2484
    @marka.2484 Год назад +5

    What a monumental car! A V12 that revs to more than 12,000 rpm. Gordon is an absolute engineering hero. He already gave us the F1 in the nineties, and now this. Holy crap.

    • @m0epinator
      @m0epinator Год назад

      Well to be fair the T.50 is basically a 2023 remake of it, it even has near identical dimensions. Only the V12 is a whole different concept since it's high rev with smaller displacement yet also NA (4L 13k RPM vs 6.1L 7.5k RPM)