A Christian's Response to Carlton Pearson's "There Is No Hell"

  • Опубликовано: 3 апр 2018
  • Bishop Carlton Pearson was recently on Megyn Kelly Today's "Leap of Faith" segment, where he shared his view that people are not going to hell. The subject of an upcoming Netflix film "Come Sunday," Bishop Pearson is viewed as a heretic of the faith in many religious circles.
    Today on Real Life, Don Black, Teri Black, and Jay Gilbert address Pearson's claims and share a Christian perspective on his infamous beliefs.
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  • @thelovely961
    @thelovely961 Год назад +15

    It was the enemy that spoke to Him.. now people following him being led astray. I pray for them.

  • @operatormac7960
    @operatormac7960 4 года назад +13

    Sounds like Carlton Pearson has *sin* he doesn’t want to let go

    • @operatormac7960
      @operatormac7960 4 года назад +4

      Kenneth .Groenewald Absolutely! But I’m not giving a false gospel to hold onto immoral behavior.

  • @SometimeAgo65
    @SometimeAgo65 3 года назад +30

    I was reading up on this doctrine of Inclusion because I know someone who switched over to this belief...and I'm not sure if I have it all right but I know they believe there is no hell because Jesus came and did away with that. It's kind of like they're saying, You're saved because Jesus came so you can sin, live your life however you want whether homosexual or whatever and you'll still go to heaven. If that were true, Why did Jesus Christ say to the woman at the well "Go and sin NO MORE" ??? And there are other stories throughout the scripture. I have no idea why someone would switch to this doctrine. It is confusing and worries me for these people

    • @denisehedrick6722
      @denisehedrick6722 3 года назад +7

      Yes that is the doctrine of demons to tell people there is no hell and y'all can live and be happy God is love and know is ones going to hell that is a lie from the pit of Hell because Lucifer and 1/3 of the Angels was kicked out of heaven and they are roaming around in the earth in people today as Ministers of Satan

    • @JudahTVHD
      @JudahTVHD 3 года назад +2

      Hell is the grave. A return to dust and non-existence. When the Bible talks about 'fire and brimstone' it's a description of the lake of fire, not hell. After the resurrection and the 1,000 yrs is complete, those who continue to follow satan will go to the lake of fire. You cannot send a man to prison before he is found guilty in a court of law. Therefore it would be unrighteous of God to send people to hell before the day of judgement. The day of judgement is after christ rules for 1,000yrs. Christians need to be re-taught the Bible. Without a re-teaching, they will forever remain in the deception of satan. Look up hebrew words, then use precepts for understanding. Here is a good example to start! Do you think Jacob the fore-father of Jesus went to torments and chains in hell? Genesis 37:35: "And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down into hell unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him."

    • @hookshowmusic3076
      @hookshowmusic3076 2 года назад +2


    • @AriesMarquis
      @AriesMarquis 2 года назад

      @@JudahTVHD Hell is not always interpreted as the "grave". That would be Sheol that you are talking about. Gehenna is the Lake of Fire Christ is talking about, and pretty much everything else you nailed...no one goes there until after Judgement Day (for the damned).

    • @kzeetha
      @kzeetha 2 года назад +1

      @@hookshowmusic3076 please tell them! I have also experienced demonic attacks from th devil, to a point where I once woke up with bruises, so where do those demons go??? To heaven too? Because of inclusion??? I can't believe he is going around preaching this and ironically leading people to hell😔

  • @DJ_Ndiks
    @DJ_Ndiks 2 года назад +25

    If there is no hell why do we need a Savior! JESUS is the way, the truth and the life. Glory to GOD glory to JESUS.

    • @gab31282
      @gab31282 Год назад +1

      If there is no hell there is plenty of things we need to be save from. We need a Savirour to save us from our sinfulness, hopelessness, unbelief annd separation from God's love and truth

    • @756Attitude
      @756Attitude 7 месяцев назад

      Man please go do some real research. I promise that you'll find out why he said this and the process of canonizing the Bible and how they added in things and took things away. There were a lot more scrolls than they originally admitted which is why the Ethiopians have a bible with 81 books documented as the oldest in the world.

    • @jeremyvanbriesies1940
      @jeremyvanbriesies1940 4 месяца назад

      Jesus saved us from lack , limitation , not enough , self hurtred , self hatred , hatred of others , poverty , shame ....
      THAT MY FRIENDS , IS HELL !!!!!!!!!!!
      Many people are already living in a hell here on earth ..
      The problem with linear type of thinking ( like these on this panel ) , is that everything biblical , must fit their narrative ...
      I would ask them only 1 question , and it will be this :
      Do you like hell ????
      Do you want hell for yourself ???
      Is hell that important that you are willing to even defend it ???
      If the answer is NO , then why do they have a constant awareness of it ???
      Carlton's reasoning about hell , is way beyond what these people could perceive ....
      There's one thing about Carlton i must say ( and its the MOST important ) ...
      HE LOVED EVERYONE WITHOUT ANY PREJUDICE !!!!!!!!...Can i say the same about many so called christians ???...i don't know ..
      May he keep on evolving in the afterlife ( since he is not dead ) ...He has just exchange garments ..

    • @AriesMarquis
      @AriesMarquis 4 месяца назад

      @@jeremyvanbriesies1940 There are, literal, atheists that don't experience half the things you claim Jesus will save us from. Wow...Jesus died to save us from being broke...new one to me 🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @jeremyvanbriesies1940
      @jeremyvanbriesies1940 4 месяца назад

      @@AriesMarquis yes....One aspect of the cross of Jesus for me , is for example the ' crossing OUT of old dis-empowering negative money beliefs ' .beliefs that push money away from us ....beliefs that were handed over to us by our parents , family members , society , education etc.....
      I was saved from poverty into riches..
      It is written in 2nd Corinthians ( if my memory serves me well ) that : "Jesus who was rich , became poor , so that we - through His poverty , might become rich ..." ...
      There's an old song we sing that says .." i will cling to the old rugged cross , and exchange it someday for a crown "
      I have decided NOT to cling to the " rugged - ness of the cross anymore ,but exchange it TODAY for a crown ....!

  • @bishopbrown7582
    @bishopbrown7582 4 года назад +16

    You will know a tree by its fruit ! Galatians 1: 8 - But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

  • @kimbright2763
    @kimbright2763 5 лет назад +19

    You know JESUS preached on HELL more than HEAVEN.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +2

      Kim /// That is absolutely incorrect. It was 2 to 1 in the other direction. Please recheck your facts.

    • @kimbright2763
      @kimbright2763 5 лет назад

      @@k0smon check that for yourself you don't know spit

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +4

      @@kimbright2763//// Hey, Kim not so bright, Listen up!
      Surprisingly, only about 60 of those verses, or just three percent of them, might be construed as either directly or indirectly referring to Hell.
      On the other hand, there are more than three times as many verses in the Gospels in which Jesus references Heaven, eternal life, or his coming kingdom: 192 verses in all, or almost 10%.
      So, the evidence suggests that Jesus didn’t speak about Hell more than Heaven. In truth, he talked about Heaven three times more than He did about Hell! ( Ed Elliot)

    • @kimbright2763
      @kimbright2763 5 лет назад

      @@k0smon Why are you so concerned with my comment ?what's your issue ?why do you slander my name? I haven't been rude to you

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +3

      @@kimbright2763 ///// Because I do know "spit". You were wrong with your comment and do not want to admit it. Truth is my issue. Telling me I don't know "spit" when you are wrong yourself, I do find rude.

  • @princedarius7224
    @princedarius7224 6 лет назад +22

    Yes, Jesus did talk about the reality of hell - in fact, He talked about it more than any other person in the Bible. He warned, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (Matthew 10:28).
    Did He say this simply to scare us? The reality of hell should frighten us, because not one word in the Bible about hell would ever make you want to go there - not if you take it seriously. The Bible speaks of hell as a place of absolute loneliness and despair and hopelessness. It calls it a place of “darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 22:13).
    But Jesus didn’t talk about hell just to scare us. He talked about it instead because He wanted us to know that God has provided a way of escape! Listen: God doesn’t want you to be separated from Him forever. He loves you, and He wants you to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Unlike hell, heaven is a place of joy and peace and freedom from all the fears and pains of this world. Who wouldn’t want to go there?
    Don’t gamble with your soul, and don’t turn your back on Jesus. Instead, by faith turn to Christ and commit your life to Him. He alone gives us hope - hope for today, and hope for eternity

    • @MsLionofJuda
      @MsLionofJuda 6 лет назад +4

      Prince Darius This was well done. However, people who love their sins, will not hear God's voice.

    • @CarsonSchuby
      @CarsonSchuby 5 лет назад

      NopFor OpposingForce we talk about Hell because that’s what we are trying to avoid. God wants us all to repent and believe in Jesus but the punishment for those who don’t is eternal separation from Him in Hell. If Hell isn’t a real place and if our sins aren’t needing to be paid for why do we need a Savior? We wouldn’t! But in fact Hell is real, and God sent His Son to pay for our sins and all we need to do is trust Him and believe in His Son. And that will produce fruit as we are to lead others to Him.

    • @ivansupraha4971
      @ivansupraha4971 5 лет назад

      @NopFor OpposingForce fear is the stornegst weapon used against us to reach the true peace and true love in our harths. that is why is so hard to drop eternal torture from the mind, but its easy is we know that God created anything for one true purpose only - to live forever not to be torturing anything forever. Sin is destroying and after sin itself is destroyed, the destroying is finished. What purpose the Eternal Love and Mercy will have from the creation of everlasting torture? God is not man, he is God and his ways are so wise and holy that we cannot undesrtand them as a human being. Peace with you!

    • @ivansupraha4971
      @ivansupraha4971 5 лет назад

      @NopFor OpposingForce Yes, and all hell stories are only about fear. And does anyone think about that where is this hell torturing in the Old testament?

    • @sophietherobot6343
      @sophietherobot6343 5 лет назад

      NopFor OpposingForce: You are arguing Christian annilationism. Yet it seems only Christian Universalism justifies this God for requiring the existence of sin in the first place. Without evil, there can be no good. Religion teaches people to compartmentalize evil nature from a (false monotheistic) Creator.

  • @busydem6161
    @busydem6161 2 года назад +4

    We often forget that Hell was made for fallen Angels who lost there first estate. So the place is as real as any place. It was not made for mankind. However, if man chooses to reject Jesus Christ and live under and influence those fallen angels then GOD will send you to spend eternity with them,

    • @gab31282
      @gab31282 Год назад

      It was not made for mankind, but 99.99% of people go there, so...

  • @kanayoeasley8448
    @kanayoeasley8448 6 лет назад +62

    His message appeals so nicely to the flesh.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +4

      KE//// No it does not. It only appeals to people who have some spiritual understanding and wish for more. The 'flesh' wants sex, money, drugs, and rock and roll.

    • @kanayoeasley8448
      @kanayoeasley8448 5 лет назад +7

      This to add to your spiritual understanding. (Roman 8:5-9) The flesh desires other things that are not tangible i.e. Sex, drugs ect., Intellectual pride and arrogance are also works of the flesh.

    • @faxed3423
      @faxed3423 4 года назад +9

      @@k0smon thats why it does appeal to the flesh because now they can do these things cause there is "no hell" according to him

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 4 года назад

      @@faxed3423 //// What the bible does not tell you is how justice really works in the afterlife. There are gradations, a place suitable for everyone. And some of those places are quite miserable. The bible is so wrong about so many things.

    • @faxed3423
      @faxed3423 4 года назад

      @@k0smon ok boomer

  • @wordhannah528
    @wordhannah528 3 года назад +6

    I pray Jesus will save that man and that truth would set him free and free from himself so God can reign in his heart. Agree with the lady to follow people who draw us closer to the Lord - that is so true. We follow Jesus not other people.

    • @billieschultz1352
      @billieschultz1352 2 месяца назад

      If this is true, stop going to church ⛪️ and this is how people get brainwashed. God helps those who help themselves 🤣

  • @michellerostant8727
    @michellerostant8727 2 года назад +3

    He's DECIEVED bottom line.....

  • @gingerbread1231
    @gingerbread1231 Год назад +2

    Hell is what you go through, not to!

  • @shaylaahava6413
    @shaylaahava6413 7 месяцев назад +2

    This will only become worse with time.
    While you are topside and alive, there is time for you to get right.
    Believe in Christ and ask Him to come to you and change you spiritually. If you Love Him obey Him! Read and learn his Word.
    All for clarity and understanding. Study to show yourself approved.
    Thank you Father for your love, grace and mercy. He's AMAZING ALWAYS! 💯

  • @hugotradio
    @hugotradio 6 лет назад +9

    Question: "Is hell real? Is hell eternal?"
    Answer: It is interesting that a much higher percentage of people believe in the existence of heaven than believe in the existence of hell. According to the Bible, though, hell is just as real as heaven. The Bible clearly and explicitly teaches that hell is a real place to which the wicked/unbelieving are sent after death. We have all sinned against God (Romans 3:23). The just punishment for that sin is death (Romans 6:23). Since all of our sin is ultimately against God (Psalm 51:4), and since God is an infinite and eternal Being, the punishment for sin, death, must also be infinite and eternal. Hell is this infinite and eternal death which we have earned because of our sin.
    The punishment of the wicked dead in hell is described throughout Scripture as “eternal fire” (Matthew 25:41), “unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12), “shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12:2), a place where “the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:44-49), a place of “torment” and “fire” (Luke 16:23-24), “everlasting destruction” (2 Thessalonians 1:9), a place where “the smoke of torment rises forever and ever” (Revelation 14:10-11), and a “lake of burning sulfur” where the wicked are “tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10).
    The punishment of the wicked in hell is as never ending as the bliss of the righteous in heaven. Jesus Himself indicates that punishment in hell is just as everlasting as life in heaven (Matthew 25:46). The wicked are forever subject to the fury and the wrath of God. Those in hell will acknowledge the perfect justice of God (Psalm 76:10). Those who are in hell will know that their punishment is just and that they alone are to blame (Deuteronomy 32:3-5). Yes, hell is real. Yes, hell is a place of torment and punishment that lasts forever and ever, with no end. Praise God that, through Jesus, we can escape this eternal fate (John 3:16, 18, 36). Source: www.gotquestions.org/hell-real-eternal.html

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 6 лет назад +2

      HR///// An everlasting place of torment makes God a psychopathic maniac. He has not that characteristic. The bible gets a lot of things wrong.

    • @lr1698
      @lr1698 6 лет назад

      No evidence of either place. So ? Faith is not evidence..

    • @joelchapman8622
      @joelchapman8622 6 лет назад

      Hugot Radio quite amazing that after adam 'sins' God says nothing about hell? Did he forget ? Also, levitical law says nothing about hell only that a person will die. So we were actually better off before Jesus came apparently.

    • @heygetoffmylawn1572
      @heygetoffmylawn1572 6 лет назад +3

      Hugot Radio...Great Bible substantiation. Unfortunately, more souls will go to hell than to heaven in the final White Throne judgement found in Revelation. The Bible says...narrow is the road to redemption (Jesus Christ) and wide is the road to destruction. Most of the world follows the wide road meaning no redemption for them.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      LR//// There is lots of evidence for the afterlife. Try 1000 people who have had NDEs.

  • @wawuglio
    @wawuglio 6 лет назад +3

    Revelation 20:14&15 "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Like it or leave it, there's a lake of fire awaiting the wicked.

    • @winteccarlw1889
      @winteccarlw1889 6 лет назад

      And the Lake of fire will destroy them.

    • @wawuglio
      @wawuglio 6 лет назад

      wintec CarlW Wrong discussion. This is about whether or not there is a hell, not what happens after the judgment. Carlton Pearson says hell does not exist.

    • @bobwellington7580
      @bobwellington7580 4 года назад

      Jesus never spoke of hell ever. The Bible states "the dead are conscious of nothing". If you're conscious of nothing then you can't suffer in hell. Hence there is no hell

    • @socksumi
      @socksumi 4 года назад

      The bible is a steaming pile written by and for delusional lunatics.

    • @wawuglio
      @wawuglio 3 года назад +2

      @Big Country So Jesus was just trying to scare people when he talked about everlasting torment in a place where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched? So you're saying Jesus literally lied to manipulate humanity. Good luck selling that doctrine.

  • @raywinsor3948
    @raywinsor3948 5 лет назад +2

    This Bishop, like many who are religious but lost will find out hell is real by going there (read Jesus' words in Matthew 7:21-23).

  • @claraht.6999
    @claraht.6999 5 лет назад +5

    The blotting out. Like you never existed, your name erased out of the BOOK of life.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      Clara///// You cannot take yourself out of existence. The bible is so wrong about so many things.

    • @denisehedrick6722
      @denisehedrick6722 3 года назад

      That is true

    • @AriesMarquis
      @AriesMarquis 3 года назад

      @@k0smon The Bible never said you can take yourself out of existence, nor that God will either...the Bible isn't wrong, it's these people with bad interpretations.

  • @denisehedrick6722
    @denisehedrick6722 3 года назад +7

    Like 16-
    The Rich Man and Lazarus
    19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
    22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’
    25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
    27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
    29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
    30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
    31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

    • @jesseandjan
      @jesseandjan 3 года назад

      How can he be burning in hell when he has not been judged yet?
      ACTS 17 31Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained;

  • @NotYourTypicalNegro
    @NotYourTypicalNegro 4 года назад +2

    Carlton Pearson is not the first person to say that.

    • @heety532417taytay
      @heety532417taytay 4 года назад

      Totally agree is not, the best way to control is by fear, God is not a God fear, folks on that program are the very ones that hung Christ on the cross, because of their wanting to believe was not the son of God, this is a generational curse, this would mean that God is sending himself to hell with you, tell the whole truth, if God breathes into man which was the dust of the earth, your body goes back to that, dust it's your soul that would be tormented, so that breathe he breathe into you is you is his, you that mean he's damning his self to hell, and most of this so-called minister are taught from what so man before has been taught, that takes away froth the accuracy of it all if you read the words of Jesus, there's nowhere he talks about eternal hell, and another thing as far as Carlton Pearson is concern he was taught under Oral Roberts, some of the best , God is in you not some organization, these are the sam things that , racism aliv in this country ,and some of these people that are , preach the hell fire and demons are the very demons themselves , God loves everyone no matter who you are un conditional love read Jesus world and stop letting people tell you what he said and what he meant read it for yourself .

  • @raphaelgreen8913
    @raphaelgreen8913 6 лет назад +21

    In the fall of 1973, I met Carlton during my freshman year at ORU. During the five years I was there as a student, I had the privilege of serving together in ministry with him in a choir and smaller ensemble that he founded and formed. Both groups were commissioned to minister on campus, in the greater Tulsa area and around the nation -- in many different settings, but especially in particularly in urban areas. After graduating in 1978, I worked briefly in Tulsa at various jobs but eventually returned to my hometown to look for work and engage in ministry.
    We stayed in contact periodically but not very much. I was blessed to serve in itinerant ministry, meet and marry the woman who is now my wife and mother of our four children, plant an church and continue in ministry -- much with his support and encouragement. During those years, I cheerfully watched as God elevated him to higher levels of visibility and supported his ministry over the next decades. Many of us in that mid-level boomer generation joined with others throughout the world, thrilled over the voice and platform God gave him to preach the gospel of salvation and the kingdom inter-generationally. After several years, you can only imagine the shock many of us felt as he turned and left the word of God and us to preach his truth.
    When Carlton presented this message of inclusion, it was difficult to believe he was espousing such things. After several personal conversations and debates both live and online over the years, I'm convinced he's been deceived through a line of reasoning that affects all of us at some point in our lives; namely, the premise that the human heart is a sufficient discerner of truth. During our debates, I discovered that his "theology", philosophy and ideology, have been shaped by beliefs which deny the deity of Christ and the errancy of Scripture. With that paradigmatic framework and foundation, very little those of us who have been transformed by the life, message and power of Christ espouse, has substantial or significant weight to him any longer. He falsely assumes that he has been where Christians are, that he knows us better than we know ourselves, and that he has evolved beyond the state where we fearly and ignorantly live.
    Unfortunately, he sees those who are genuinely transformed followers of Christ as monolithically living and/or functioning either in incriminating denial of the logical implications and blatant conclusions of our belief or that we are ignorant of what our beliefs rationally lead to. Of course, those of us who live in relationship with Christ, know differently. But, he's beyond convincing by any of us at this point. So, in my judgment, it is best that we continue to pray, love, and trust that God will reveal the culprits involved. Also we must trust God to untangle the devastating web in which he's entrapped.
    Honestly, I've learned a lot through the intercession on his behalf and the debates we've had. One lesson among many is that truth exists on multiple levels (God, human and demonic / spiritual and natural). Another is that the standard that we use to determine something or someone to be true must be from God or we can reach a defiant posture of autonomy vs God rejecting His views based on our own perspective of jurisprudence. Finally, (at least for this post), this is where many in the world who are not espousers of the truth revealed in Christ or Scriptue live daily.
    Thus, it is vital that we rely less on our ability to reason, less on our carefully crafted arguments and exclusively on the power of the Holy Spirit as we respectfully speak & argue biblical truth in opposition to this and other errors. Given the fact that most view private interpretation as a personal entitlement and inalienable right, both this trust in God and His salient responses are indispensible.

    • @EzekielsCall
      @EzekielsCall 3 года назад +2

      I don't know why I didn't know what happened sooner. I didn't pay much attention to him after I heard him preaching the prosperity stuff. I mean, yes I believe God wants us to prosper, but the emphasis on prosperity is a problem.
      Anyway... I somehow saw a video tonight about him coming to this conclusion, and now preaching in a unitarian church or something.
      When I studied the topic of "hell" for myself, I found a very different perspective on it than I had ever heard in the church. I still think
      that the church greatly misunderstands what it is. I messaged Carlton myself tonight with my perspective, which I believe is the biblical perspective.
      . I have no idea whether he will even read it, but I had to try,
      There are two words rendered as Hell. One is Sheol, the place where the wicked dead go upon physical death, where the stripes, ie punishment, are according to their crime
      The second thing rendered as "Hell" is Gehenna, the lake of fire, and the place where the Second Death takes place as they are thrown into that lake of fire.
      Jesus never said there was eternal suffering, except on the part of the devil and his angels.
      He said that we could "lose our soul" and and said, don't fear those who can kill the body, fear the One who can destroy BOTH body and soul in hell.
      I see a phrase "Eternal Judgment" which literally means an eternal judicial decision or punishment, ie one that will never be reversed.
      While I see that the smoke of their punishment rises forever, the fire never goes out, and the worm never dies, I do not see anywhere in scripture
      that claims that the person thrown into that lake of fire never dies. The punishment is literally called the second death.
      can't find a teaching of eternal suffering for humans anywhere in the scriptures.
      I shared this with Carlton just a little bit ago via Facebook Messenger.
      I will pray for him, and hope that he was not just a false teacher to begin with, biding his time until he sprung the "what if hell doesn't exist" thing on the church,
      never imagining that they would turn him out over it. The fact that his theology is, as you say, based on a denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ, and a denial of
      the inerrancy of scripture makes me wonder whether this was planned all along. I am seeing a pattern of people starting churches, and literally trying to subtly turn people
      away from the truth in ways that a lot of people don't seem to pick up on. I was investigating one such person when I stumbled across the info re Carlton's losing his ministry
      over all of this. Of course I don't know his heart, butI wonder if maybe he was not completely honest with other Christians from the beginning. Unless he initially did believe the bible was the Word of God, and then somehow got talked out of his faith.
      I pray if he really wants truth, that God will show him the error of his beliefs, and help him to see the deceptions and any deceiving spirits for what they really are.

    • @TheFreedomDefender
      @TheFreedomDefender 8 месяцев назад

      Do you know Dave Weeden? He's a longterm friend of Carleton.

  • @fothgt
    @fothgt 2 года назад +1

    The Psalmist wrote that it is "Gods Truth that is our shield..." Yes we believe in the Love of God but not at the expense of His Truth.

  • @worldoutreachministries2644
    @worldoutreachministries2644 6 лет назад +21

    True Christians believe what the true inspired word of God says, which is the bible. We will stand on what it says and we will not move to the left or right. Pearson is being used by satan to sweep as many souls into hell as he can, for he knows that the both of them time is short. I pray that Pearson will abandon this damnable doctrine and repent. Our arms are out stretched to him. Bro. Harrison, minister

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 6 лет назад +1

      Ed///// Your assumptions are misplaced. The bible says many things, some of which are contradictory. There is no Satan, there is only God. And no fiery hell either. Carlton is on an upward path of spiritual understanding, which includes the ability to recognize the errors in the bible.

    • @colorpurple4623
      @colorpurple4623 6 лет назад +3

      edward harrison Pearson only started this gospel of inclusion because his family members started dying outside if Christ and he couldn't phantom the thought of the going to he'll and burning through all eternity. But he has condemned to to Hell himself, thinking that he was their Savior, that's his first mistake. who knows the heart of man except God. He don't know if they repent before taking their last breath.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 6 лет назад

      Pam/// What have you been smoking? That is so confused. Phantom the thought? What is that? Carlton never claimed to be anyone's savior.

    • @galgalore
      @galgalore 5 лет назад +3

      What is a True christian, What church do they go to? because we have catholics, anglican, adventist, baptist, pentecostal, etc etc . most read the same bible , and they all believe they have truth. The problem is the bible and the nature of humans. The bible is contradictory and flawed then human then cherry pick what they like to suit their needs. The same book the slave holders used to justify slavery is the same book abolitionist used to condemn it . And according to the bible they are both right and simultaneously both wrong.. Carlton Pearson is doing what every other christian does rationalize their beliefs then find that part of the bible they like to suit it. God is a loving and caring God therefore how can he allow someone who has been sinning for 30 years of their life to burn for all eternity. Doesn't sound loving to me therefore hell doesn't exist.. Thus is his thinking. And any christian that chooses to respond i can show that they do the same exact thing.

    • @sophietherobot6343
      @sophietherobot6343 5 лет назад +1

      Pentacostal is Calvinistic based. Not only do they interpret and worship an unmerciful God, they believe this all knowing God created most life to see it be punished forever. The teaching of no resurrection required of spiritual consciousness, as ETERNAL consciousness is given by design. If you don't repent and believe in Christianity, you will pay eternally (no choice of non conscious existence). Blackmail and coercion into a Christian heaven. The bribe and the threat, the carrot and the stick. Yahweh, like any other religious definition of a God, is logically impossible. Evil nature did not arise from nothing. If there were no Yahweh, there would be no evil nature. A super intelligence cannot be BOTH simply all powerful and all loving. Is your God a monotheistic Creator of all nature, existence and reality or not? A God that deliberately created opposition to Itself to satisfy it's own vanity. There is no required cosmic conflict. If free required sin, you'd lose it in Christian heaven. Evil nature is a negative end on a scale on how not to do things for mutual beneficial survival. Without the real role of conflict, we are not driven to learn, experience and adapt. Time to stop swinging from, and get out of the trees.

  • @deandalley3607
    @deandalley3607 4 года назад +3

    These people are correct!

  • @jasonegeland1446
    @jasonegeland1446 3 года назад +2

    The good people of Cornerstone Television need to more carefully research (thoroughly) the word, hell.
    They very clearly do NOT understand that it's an atrocious translation error! It has been a heavily and unnecessarily mistranslated word to mean something that was never even in the Bible in the first place, but it's been falsely taught in the churches for years and years simply because people like to adhere to the traditions of men and not the understanding of Jesus Christ. The correct word that was replaced with the word, hell was sheol. It merely means, the grave, the very thing that Jesus was the atonement for! In fact, it was his atonement for THE WHOLE WORLD! He has already forgiven EVERYONE! Before anyone comes after me calling me a heretic too, do yourself a favor and quit condemning people with your uneducated passages from Scripture and just look up various passages that mention the inclusion of all people back to God, the salvation of all people, how Jesus actually did save the WHOLE WORLD! You will find these passages and they will be the same ones I would have provided you with in response to your objections. I'm not going to spend a bunch of time arguing on who has the most proof on what one needs to do for salvation. The answer by the way, is NOTHING, but do your research and you will see that if you follow Scripture through the lens of Jesus, the answers will start to unfold and be unveiled for the first time in your life! God bless

  • @lifetvglobal
    @lifetvglobal 3 года назад +1

    Galatians 2:21
    I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.

    • @denisehedrick6722
      @denisehedrick6722 3 года назад

      When I read the Bible I see the love of God
      but God truly hate sin he's going to destroy sin.

  • @billinga
    @billinga 5 лет назад +4

    Being lost is hell. This concern seems more of semantics than a change. Anyone not knowing Christ or believing in God is lost. And that is not a peaceful place, not a place of fulfillment or of understanding. Carlton Pearson's core message remains the same, that there is a sovereign God and the world is saved by the sacrifice of the Christ Jesus. Those not accepting or acknowledging this fundamental are lost and not living in the fulfillment of God's Grace and Mercy. Knowing God and that we are saved through Christ is what energizes our spirits and brings peace to our plight. Those that need a hell to fear for salvation are missing the essence of God which is LOVE. IMHO

    • @Lodeenie
      @Lodeenie 5 лет назад +1

      Except Pearson also says that even the lost will go to Heaven. Even those who don't believe in Jesus or God at all. I don't understand how a Bible believing minister can write off so much of the Bible that says salvation comes from believing in Jesus.

    • @Sweetdification
      @Sweetdification 4 года назад

      Exactly what I stated and Said Amen 🙏

  • @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316
    @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316 Год назад +1

    The voice he heard was from the devil most likely

  • @jesseandjan
    @jesseandjan 11 месяцев назад

    WHY DID PAUL SAY! 1 Corinthians 6/12) All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
    LAWFUL= 1. Conformable to law; allowed by law; legitimate; competent.
    2. Constituted or authorized by law; rightful

    @SOULRELIEF22 Год назад


  • @johnjeffords878
    @johnjeffords878 3 года назад +1

    And I assume questioning what you are saying is wrong? The problem I see is that too many evangelists and churches are preaching severely twisted and heretical teachings but you never speak against them. We are supposed to sit back and just listen to what you say because your “knowledge” comes from where?

  • @josephwilloughby5836
    @josephwilloughby5836 6 лет назад +1

    Where does he get 12 as a number of saying you know right from wrong I know a 3 year that will bleam it on ever one but they self and he's 3

  • @Snowbeard
    @Snowbeard 3 года назад

    This conversation is missing the point. Why not include the fact that God is Holy and upon Christs return will be the lion of Judah by exacting His divine judgment.
    The verse mentioned in Roman's doesn't talk about Hell at all. The guy on the left context is way off.

  • @new-im8rb
    @new-im8rb 10 месяцев назад +2

    Carlson is right
    1. Jesus naver saved us from hell, but from the first adam
    2. The bible doesn't say God sends Jesus to die so we wound't have to go to hell, but that we shouldn't perish but have eternal life John3:16. the future eternal torment (what people call hell) is not what Jesus referred to when he said perishing, perishing is described in John 3:18-19

    • @jesseandjan
      @jesseandjan 9 месяцев назад +1

      Right on and very good

  • @winteccarlw1889
    @winteccarlw1889 6 лет назад +6

    You are not being saved from hell you are being saved from death which is the wages of sin.

    • @thespanielinquisition7167
      @thespanielinquisition7167 5 лет назад +1

      There are sooooo many scriptures that say you are 100.00% wrong - I'd be here all day posting them. You need to repent of speaking such apostasy immediately - God will forgive you.
      Psalm 86:13, "For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell."
      Revelation 14:10 “they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb.” And Hell is not death - its eternal burning in flames in torment:
      Rev 21:8 "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
      2 Thes 1:9 "They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might"
      Matthew 9:43 "If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out."Jude 1:7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.

    • @oliviasmith6808
      @oliviasmith6808 5 лет назад

      You are correct !

    • @trevorrussell7001
      @trevorrussell7001 4 года назад

      Yes yes yes. The wages of sin is death. Not God punishing you. God is not a monster. You cornerstone guys are still teaching Dark Ages error. teachings.
      Jesus came to manifest what the Farher is really like. Jesus never tormented anyone. He spoke in parables. He is the express image of his Father.

    • @socksumi
      @socksumi 4 года назад

      Consider that it's ALL a steaming pile and when you die... you die. That's all we have evidence for. Your consciousness emerges from brain synapses, it does not exist independent of a brain. Manipulate brain chemistry and you can change a persons personality, character, mood, memory and other cognitive attributes. When the brain is under anesthetic your consciousness is temporarily frozen to the point where there is no awareness, no sense even of time passing. Six hours passes in a blink of an eye. Therefore when your brain dies so does your conscious awareness.

  • @michaelbastinelli3084
    @michaelbastinelli3084 3 года назад +1

    How rude. You cut the woman off as she was giving her thoughts! Not cool!

  • @siphondhlovu1153
    @siphondhlovu1153 6 лет назад +2

    What’s with the cups?

  • @Jesus24347
    @Jesus24347 3 года назад

    Tell them how Jesus story was stolen from Horus of Egypt or how Jesus couldn’t be his name because the letter didn’t exist or what happened to Lilith Adams first wife? Or how Jesus makes no mention of Adam or coming to take away his sin

  • @tommywarren2178
    @tommywarren2178 2 года назад +1

    When Jesus talked about gehenna same as in the Old Testament the valley of Gaben Hunnam he was not referring to the afterlife but talkin about Earthly destruction the new upcoming destruction of Jerusalem the true translation is better to lose a limb than to wind up thrown into Gahanna gehenna should have never been translated hell you should be translated the same as it was in the Old Testament it makes as much sense to translate the valley of an arm as hell as it would have translate Central Park in New York City as hell

  • @augustuschukwu2606
    @augustuschukwu2606 5 лет назад +1

    If there is no punishment for sin, then Jesus was just wasting the disciples' time when he said "Go ye into the world and preach the gospel...", Also it would only be a show business for Jesus to appear to Saul who later became Paul. There would be definitely no need to save Paul. Why did Jesus go through that much trouble? Our God is Merciful loving Father, but He is also a consuming fire. He hates sin! Now if a God that went through the troubles of sacrificing His only begotten son to give us everlasting access to His glory, and then someone said, "No, you don't have to accept this gift" really? If I were God and you refuse my sacrifice, my gift, I will definitely punish you. Many at times we allow our emotions to cloud our judgement or understanding of basic concepts, no wonder this world is in such a mess

    • @augustuschukwu2606
      @augustuschukwu2606 5 лет назад

      When you tell a child, "keep doing what you are doing, daddy will not be mad", of course the child is happy that you are approving of his bad. But will daddy be mad? Hell, yeah!

    • @gab31282
      @gab31282 Год назад

      Being without God's love and experiencing the blindness and consequences of sin is very punishing.

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 3 года назад

    If satan is a victim we are all victims we are not allowed change too lean and evolve when you shut off change we are all victims

  • @KelvinMiles
    @KelvinMiles 6 лет назад +5

    1 John 2 New International Version (NIV)
    2 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father-Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2 He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

    • @MsLionofJuda
      @MsLionofJuda 6 лет назад +2

      Kelvin Miles However, once free from sin, we should no longer live in it. Read Romans chapter 6. Jesus did not save us to live in sin, but so that we would be overcomes.

    • @Stand4sumtin
      @Stand4sumtin 6 лет назад

      Kelvin Miles 1st John 3:9 whosoever is born of God does not commit sin for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot send because he is born of God

  • @Mybrotherskeeper
    @Mybrotherskeeper 6 месяцев назад

    Calton had the mind and tongue of a serpent, very cunning and crafty-he twisted many words and took them out of context to make them say something else or fit his narrative.

  • @lbeschrich
    @lbeschrich 3 года назад

    Consequences for unbelief? Did she say that?

  • @kwakles
    @kwakles 6 лет назад +6

    The Biblical Evidence for Hell.
    Would a loving Jesus really teach about hell? Yes, and so does every New Testament author. Let’s consider what they teach.
    Hell in Matthew
    In the Sermon on the Mount, often known for its emphasis on love and the kingdom, Jesus teaches the reality and nature of hell (5:20-30; 7:13-27). In Matthew 5:20-30, Jesus contrasts hell with the kingdom of heaven and warns that hell is a real danger to unrepentant sinners. The fire of hell, the justice of hell, and the extreme suffering in hell are particularly stressed. The unrepentant are warned to use extreme measures to avoid being cast into it by God.
    As Jesus concludes the Sermon on the Mount, He contrasts the kingdom of heaven with the horrors of hell (7:13- 27). Jesus cautions that hell is a place of destruction, depicted as the end of a broad road. Hell awaits everyone who does not enter the kingdom of heaven- even those who profess to know Christ but continue in sin. Jesus is Judge and King who personally excludes the wicked from His presence and the kingdom of heaven (“Depart from me,” 7:23). Indeed, those who fail to follow Jesus are like a house built on the sand that ultimately comes crashing down.
    Matthew also recounts Jesus’ surprising warning that Jews devoid of faith are in danger of hell, which is portrayed as outside, darkness, and a place of intense suffering (8:10-12). Jesus addresses hell when He commissions His disciples not to fear humans but God alone, “who can destroy both soul and body in hell” (10:28). In Jesus’ parables of the weeds (13:36-43) and the net (vv. 47-50), hell is seen as exclusion/ separation from the kingdom of God, described in terms of fire and is a place of suffering. Jesus later describes hell as a place of “eternal fire” (18:8) and even warns the scribes and Pharisees of hell, characterizing it as inescapable for the unrepentant (23:33).
    In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus speaks of future punishment in the parables of the slaves (24:45-51), bridesmaids (25:1- 13), talents (25:14-30), and the section on the sheep and goats (25:31-46). Several truths about hell emerge. Hell is punishment for disobedience to the master. Hell is graphically expressed as a location where people are cut into pieces and placed with the hypocrites (24:51) and as a place of suffering (24:51; 25:30). Jesus also likens hell to being outside, or a place of exclusion/separation (25:10-12, 30), as the outer darkness (v. 30), as personal banishment from His presence and the kingdom (“Depart from me,” v. 41), and as just condemnation/punishment (vv. 41, 46). Hell is then described as eternal. It is a place of “eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (v. 41) and of “eternal punishment” (v. 46).
    Hell in Mark
    Mark 9:42-48 is similar to Matthew 18:6-9 and records Jesus’ teaching that hell is a punishment for sin that is worse than death and earthly suffering. Hell is exclusion from the kingdom of God, a result of God’s active judgment on sin, and a place of eternal suffering.
    Hell in Luke
    In Luke 13:1-5, Jesus speaks of hell as punishment for the unrepentant, and those in hell are portrayed as perishing. In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus calls for generosity to the poor by proclaiming that justice will prevail through the coming judgment on the wicked oppressors. The punishment is marked by suffering, torment, fire, agony, exclusion from heaven, and finality.
    Hell in Paul
    It would take too much space to survey all that Paul writes, so we will highlight Romans and 2 Thessalonians.
    In his letter to the Roman church, Paul stresses that Jews and Gentiles alike are under sin, under God’s wrath, and under God’s judgment. Only those who have faith in Christ will escape. In this context, Paul relates important truths about hell.
    First, future punishment is connected to God’s wrath. The wicked are presently under His wrath (1:18-32), are objects of wrath (9:22), continually store up wrath for the day of wrath (2:5-8; 3:5), and can be saved from wrath only by faith in Christ (5:9-21).
    Second, future punishment is God’s judgment. The wicked are deservedly condemned under the judgment of God, which is impartial, true, righteous, and certain (2:1-12; 3:7-8). This condemnation is the result of sin and is just punishment for sin (6:23).
    Third, future punishment will consist of trouble and distress. This suffering shows no favoritism between Jews and Gentiles (2:8-11).
    Fourth, future punishment consists of “death” and “destruction.” Sinners deserve death (1:32), the wages of sin is death (6:16-23), as sinners we bear fruit for death (7:5), those who live according to the flesh should expect death (8:13), and sinners are vessels of wrath “prepared for destruction” (9:22). Fifth, both sin and future punishment are separation from Christ (“accursed and cut off from Christ”; see 9:3).
    As he encourages believers suffering persecution in 2 Thessalonians, Paul stresses that God’s justice will prevail (1:5-10). In just a few verses, Paul emphasizes several important truths about hell: hell is the result of God’s retributive justice on sinners; hell is punishment for those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel; hell is eternal destruction; and hell is exclusion from Jesus’ presence and majesty.
    Hell in Hebrews
    Two passages in Hebrews speak clearly about future judgment. Hebrews 6:1-3 refers to the future punishment of the wicked as “eternal judgment” (6:2), which is an “elementary doctrine” of the faith. Hebrews 10:27-30 depicts this judgment as fearful and dreadful and as a raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. It also teaches that hell comes from God as punishment, judgment, and retribution.
    Hell in James
    The letter of James depicts future punishment primarily in terms of destruction, death, justice, and suffering. In particular, the oppressors wither away and are destroyed (1:11); sin produces death as its offspring (1:15; see 5:20); and God is the Lawgiver and Judge, able to save and destroy (4:12). James teaches that oppressors of God’s people deserve to be punished severely. This just suffering is certain and severe, graphically portrayed as miseries, flesh being consumed by fire, and the day of slaughter.
    Hell in Peter and Jude
    Peter’s second letter is filled with references to hell, and Jude closely parallels 2 Peter 2. Peter and Jude both depict hell as destruction (2 Peter 2:1, 3, 12; Jude 5, 10, 11), as condemnation hanging over the wicked (2 Peter 2:3; Jude 4), and as a gloomy dungeon where rebellious angels are held for judgment (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6 is similar). Peter illustrates future punishment with the account of Sodom and Gomorrah burning to ashes (2 Peter 2:6) and warns that God holds the unrighteous for the Day of Judgment while continuing their punishment (2:9). Peter also writes that hell is a place of retribution (v. 13) and blackest darkness (v. 17; Jude 13). Jude adds that hell is a punishment of eternal fire (Jude 7, 15, 23).
    Hell in Revelation
    Revelation teaches that hell is a place where God’s fury and wrath are felt at full force (14:10). Hell is a place of intense suffering, filled with “fire and sulfur” (14:10; see the lake of fire in 20:10, 14-15; 21:8), a place where “the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever” (14:11). The suffering is continual: “They have no rest, day or night” (14:11), and “they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (20:10).
    In Revelation 20:10-15, the Apostle John emphasizes that hell is just punishment for the wicked. God casts the devil, the Beast, and the False Prophet into hell. They do not rule or have any power in hell but are “thrown” there (20:10). Hell will also contain everyone whose name is not found in the book of life (v. 15). Such will be separated from God in hell (21:6-8) and banished from heaven (22:15).
    Three Pictures of Hell
    Clearly, the future punishment of the wicked is a significant theme in Scripture. Jesus teaches it, and so does every New Testament author. While this brief survey has demonstrated an array of truths about hell, three key depictions of hell recur in the New Testament:
    1. Punishment. The chief picture of hell is a place of punishment for sin. The punishment is deserved, consists of suffering, and is eternal.
    2. Destruction. This destruction is likened to death, second death, loss, and ruin (see Robert Peterson’s article in this issue of Tabletalk for more on this).
    3. Banishment. Whereas punishment stresses the active side of hell, banishment shows the horror of hell by highlighting what unbelievers miss-the very reason for their existence, namely, to glorify and love God.
    Hell-this is what we deserve. This is how sinful we are. This is what Christ endured for our sakes. And this should spur us to share the true gospel. Amen

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +2

      Legacy/// When will you be publishing that book?

    • @EzekielsCall
      @EzekielsCall 3 года назад

      ok, well first , the bible does not teach "eternal torment", except for the devil and his fallen angels.
      The bible teaches an eternal JUDGMENT, and that word Judgment means a Judicial DECISION or punishment.
      The bible teaches a Second DEATH for unbelievers, not eternal consciousness in a lake of fire.
      it teaches that the FIRE never goes out, and that the worm never dies, it does NOT teach that people
      will SUFFER for eternity. as a matter of fact, the judgment of God, Jesus taught, is in ACCORDANCE
      with their works. The Stripes fit the crime - some will receive less stripes, others more.
      I find it really sad that this man never studied hell closely before simply deciding that the bible teaches
      Eternal suffering. The judgment/decision of the Second Death in the Lake of Fire is eternal. It will never be reversed.
      Jesus said, don't fear them who can kill the body.... fear Him who can destroy BOTH body and soul in Gehenna.
      I don't know about what others think, but I got my understanding from the bible, instead of relying on preachers.
      The wages of sin is DEATH, but the gift of God is eternal LIFE. The wages of sin is not called eternal suffering,
      but an eternal punishment. Ie, a judicial decision/punishment that will never be reversed.
      People also need to realize the difference between sheol and gehenna. Both are translated as "hell" but they do not
      both mean the same things. There are people suffering in sheol right now. That is the place where the wicked dead go
      when they die. It is not the place where the second death or the destruction of body and soul take place.
      Gehenna is a literal place on the planet. The bible says we will literally go there and LOOK UPON the dead bodies
      of those who are destroyed by God in the battle of Armageddon (Har Megiddo). But in addition to that, the bible
      ALSO tells of God raising all people from the dead , death and hell give up their dead , and when God separates
      the sheep from the goats, ie the believers and the unbelievers, the unbelievers will be thrown into a lake of fire.
      That isn't the same as the suffering they endure in sheol. Sheol is temporary . Sheol is the place where the spirits
      of the unbelieving dead go. The idea of an eternal torment is a pagan concept of the "underworld".
      So in Sheol, based on the story Jesus told of it, is a place where the wicked dead go, and where their suffering is
      appropriate to their crime. ie. the rich man who failed to help Lazarus , a suffering man who was set at his gate,
      whose sores the dogs would lick. The rich man passed him by day after day, and never offered any help or comfort
      whatsoever. His punishment upon death, was to be in sheol , suffering HEAT AND THIRST. AT the final judgment,
      however, the bible says that death and hell (sheol) give up all that is in them, and after God separates the believers
      and unbelievers, the wicked are cast into the lake of fire, Gehenna, and this is the SECOND DEATH. I believe this
      means it is the final death.
      . There is a "hell".. but it isn't like the Greek final
      destroyed, both body and soul, in the lake of fire. Satan and his fallen angels however, do receive what appears to
      be an eternal torment of some kind, possibly being locked up for eternity in a place they can't get out of.
      it may be that the fallen angels , being immortal, cannot be destroyed in the same way humans can.
      In Revelation 14, it says that the smoke of the fire goes up forever, AND it says that those who are being punished
      by God have no rest day or night, ie those who take the mark. It does not say that the suffering lasts forever.
      "And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
      the same shall drink of the wine of the WRATH OF GOD which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be PUNISHED WITH FIRE AND BRIMSTONE in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment (agony, vexation) ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
      This does not actually say it's hell. What it says, is that God's WRATH is coming upon those who take the mark. These people will be punished, ie God's WRATH
      will fall upon them, which He says is fire and brimstone. This will take place in the presence of God and His angels. This is not necessarily a description of Gehenna.
      However, even if it is, all it says is that they will have vexation/agony because of God's wrath . That does not necessarily imply eternal punishment. The statement,
      ":they HAVE no rest day or night who worship the beast and his image..." is a switch from future to present time in the text. He is saying that those who are worshiping
      the beast and take the mark HAVE no rest day or night. There is no day or night in Gehenna. Gehenna is the lake of fire, which they will be thrown in at the final judgment.
      The outpouring of God's wrath is not that final judgment. The final judgment does not take place until after the 1000 years is passed of Jesus ruling on the earth.
      Just because the smoke of someone's agony will go up forever, and the fire will burn forever, does not mean that they are still alive. It means that the smoke
      and the fire of their punishment is left there, burning and smoking. As a matter of fact there is a scripture in the old Testament that says we will go out and LOOK UPON
      the dead bodies of those who are burning in Gehenna. I'm pretty sure it says that the smoke goes up forever, and the worm doesn't die. Gehenna is a real place.
      This is reference to the wrath of God being poured out, but not a reference to the final judgment. Though the final judgment is called Gehenna, it may be
      symbolic of a real punishment, likening it to Gehenna, It is a a lake of fire that it was created for the devil and his angels, but where humans will be thrown after
      they have been resurrected, and when they are thrown in, this is called the second death. The wages of sin is death. Not eternal suffering. It is an eternal death,
      it will never be reversed. Though it does seem that the devil and his angels will suffer eternally from the sound of it,... possibly because they are eternal, they will
      be in anguish over being trapped in a lake of fire for eternity.

  • @kzeetha
    @kzeetha 2 года назад

    Ok so does he still use th bible to preach, or does he use a different book? Because th bible is completely contrary to his theology

  • @benedicte4642
    @benedicte4642 2 года назад +1

    Ils n'ont pas reçu l'amour de la vérité

  • @deanabsacademicaffairs5338
    @deanabsacademicaffairs5338 5 лет назад +3

    I am wondering why are you so much focused on the existence of hell whereas, through our lives we continue to make the life here on earth a hell? Just drumming around 'truth' of the gospel like you guys are doing, you are not even scratching the surface of what Carlton raised.

    • @Sweetdification
      @Sweetdification 4 года назад

      So Agree?! Lol The Most High Gd 🙏✝️ through Christ is Still on be the throne

    • @nikowaqaisavou9371
      @nikowaqaisavou9371 4 года назад

      100% true Dean.

    • @denisehedrick6722
      @denisehedrick6722 3 года назад +1

      All I know is what the Bible say if I decided one day to serve Satan and not God I'm going straight to the Lake of Fire and those who don't believe it O well that's on them I ain't trying to go to hell for nobody not being stuck on stupid

    • @AriesMarquis
      @AriesMarquis 3 года назад +1

      Maybe because Christ didn't even focus on the hell on Earth compared to the hell that is to come. He said persecution, and even death will come to those who will believe in him. In fact, He even said He came to bring a SWORD, and not peace. Screw this world, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also (Matt 6:21)

    • @fothgt
      @fothgt 2 года назад

      But what you may have not realized was Person's gravitation toward inclusion. l Remember "no Scripture is of private interpretation..." 2nd Peter. Yet he made this teaching on his own private theology. And you know once we play the God card no one can be persuaded otherwise!

  • @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316
    @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316 Год назад

    If everyone's saved what was the point of Jesus coming down and dying for our sins and rising again on the third day

  • @pattielakley9103
    @pattielakley9103 6 лет назад +15

    Hello is a real place whether you believe it or not. Jesus died for our sins so that we don't have to go to hell.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +1

      Pattie///// You have been there. Is that why you are so certain?

    • @charlesboles9307
      @charlesboles9307 5 лет назад

      @@k0smon , that comment just end discussion .

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      @@charlesboles9307 /// Which comment? Please be more specific. What were we discussing?

    • @charlesboles9307
      @charlesboles9307 5 лет назад +1

      @@k0smon , one of the quest was ask to comment ( i believe the first comment ) and he made the statement " if there is no hell why do we need a saviour "

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      @@charlesboles9307 ///// We don't. That is only a concept of the Christian religion. We need to learn how to think and live.

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 3 года назад

    What you believe will put you in a trap a hopeless hell

  • @roxannebarr2102
    @roxannebarr2102 4 года назад +1

    You say people have to stand if something is wrong about the teaching when you all don't even stand up for the stuff that's happening in churches today there are churches in the south today that won't even accept black people in them I don't see nobody standing up for that saying what's wrong in the department

    • @fkiakia
      @fkiakia 3 года назад

      I guess it doesn't threaten their position of power so it's ok. But God forbid that the people will actually question their dogmatic teachings and worse still discover the unconditional and transformative power of God's love and be themselves. Smh!

  • @robertawhitfield2414
    @robertawhitfield2414 5 лет назад +2

    Amen 🙏🏽!!!

    • @JudahTVHD
      @JudahTVHD 3 года назад

      1 Corinthians 15:55
      “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

  • @cynthiawalker1179
    @cynthiawalker1179 6 лет назад +6

    The finished work of the cross is to prevent us from going to help. However it's a place for those who deny and reject the salvation of Christ. Jesus speaks of it in the word. He was not one to speak of something that didn't exist. Just because a person refuses to believe there is a he'll doesn't mean it does not exist. The gospel is under attack and what better way to do it than by using one of God's own.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 4 года назад

      CW//// Going to "help"???

    • @bobwellington7580
      @bobwellington7580 4 года назад

      Jesus never spoke of hell ever. The Bible states "the dead are conscious of nothing". If you're conscious of nothing then you can't suffer in hell. Hence there is no hell

    • @socksumi
      @socksumi 4 года назад

      You don't get to live after you die, you delusional fundie whack job.

    • @williams33able
      @williams33able 2 года назад

      @@bobwellington7580 ..lie..you ain't reading the holy bible if you say it doesn't mention hell or the lake of fire or everlasting punishment but you can believe what you want...I know the strong delusion that they might belive a lie that they all.might be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness...The word also tells believers not to be unequally yoked together with unbelivers come out from among them be separate..but whatever..

    • @williams33able
      @williams33able 2 года назад

      Cynthia walker..yes jesus says whoever rejects me and doesn't receive my words has one that judges him the words that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day...Then there's a thessalonian verse...That describes that same thing they wouldn't receive the love of the truth that they might be saved..For this cause God shall send them a strong delusional that they might belive a lie that they all might be saved who belived not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness...They refuse to repent and all that just like Jesus told the pharisees when they claimed God was their father and Abraham Jesus told them you are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do...he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because their is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks of his himsekf cause he is a liar and the father of it and because I tell you the truth you belive me not...But yes alot of what you said is correct...

  • @bigmyke587
    @bigmyke587 3 года назад

    If God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell, why create Hell...?

  • @Rflower1
    @Rflower1 7 месяцев назад

    Isaiah 5:14-16, Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled. But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness

  • @gab31282
    @gab31282 Год назад

    We don't even send kids to jail, but God is going to send preteens and teens to hell to be tortured forever, with no hope. Think about that and let the ramifications of that sink in.

  • @CCozart
    @CCozart 2 года назад

    How 'bout this explanation: Although Sheol is but a temporary abode, to serve till
    the time of the final judgment, the fate of its inhabitants is already foreshadowed by their condition while
    there. In Section 5 - chap. 22 (Enoch) , which is devoted to its description, we learn that it has four apartments: one for those
    righteous who died at the hands of sinners, the second for the other saints, the third for the sinners who were
    not punished on earth, the fourth for those whose retribution was at least partially given them before death.¹
    The last class, however, shall remain here, and not be subjected to a farther condemnation. Only one that had seen with his own eyes the numerous persecutions of the righteous could think of making for them a special apartment in Sheol with the prototype
    of martyrs, Abel, where they have the special privilege of continuing their cry for vengeance. The inhabitants
    of three apartments shall rise again, the unrighteous for punishment, the righteous to take part in the glories
    of the Messianic kingdom. These Churchy-church folks have been mi$$ing some details in scripture, that are now being revealed.

  • @Matzah1982
    @Matzah1982 Год назад

    It could be looked at that since heaven is eternal then so also hell would be too but it could be that the illustration of fire is meant to show the annihilation of the departed reprobates. Ezekiel 18 says the soul that sins will die so thus how can the soul be eternal? Not to mention the Ecclesiastes 9:5 verse that says the living know that they shall die but the dead know nothing. Or how about psalm 115 that says the dead don’t praise HaShem nor any that descend into silence. It’s the resurrection of the bodies of the righteous dead that we wait for when messiah comes. Until then the righteous dead sleep in their graves. The wicked dead will be annihilated. Luke 16 about the rich man and Lazarus is but a parable and though the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies it don’t mean the conscious torment is eternal

  • @booboo-lp8vy
    @booboo-lp8vy 6 лет назад +7

    I hope and pray he has not crossed. the line to blasphemy. in which there. is no forgiveness

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +3

      boo////// There is always forgiveness. Carlton is on the right road of a higher understanding. Get away from the bible, as it is full of error, contradiction and discrepancy.

    • @booboo-lp8vy
      @booboo-lp8vy 5 лет назад +2

      +k0smon I will pray for you That. God will remove. the scales. from your eyes .You ate so wrong

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +1

      @@booboo-lp8vy ////// You are right, I do "ate" wrong. God showed me what the bible is not: the word of God.

    • @AriesMarquis
      @AriesMarquis 2 года назад

      @@k0smon Actually, the Bible is not full or error, contradictions and discrepencies. That doctrine you believe is, however

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 2 года назад

      @@AriesMarquis //// Except that it is. Bible scholar Bart Ehrman wrote a book about it called "Jesus, Interrupted". My doctrine of the bible is this --- it is a quagmire of truth and fiction and as itself says, must be rightly divided.

  • @searchmedude
    @searchmedude 6 лет назад +10

    Religious fundamentalism and hell. Yes these people want to keep you in bondage. If the Son has set you free (and he has), then you are free indeed. And who is Included, ALL MANKIND, Jesus paid it all, no exceptions. Hard to grasp for some. When it sinks in though, you realise what a glorious gospel we have. This nonsense here is so sad

    • @fidel6269
      @fidel6269 6 лет назад +1


  • @edwardevans7219
    @edwardevans7219 4 года назад


  • @felixrodriguez6207
    @felixrodriguez6207 4 года назад +5


    • @lbeschrich
      @lbeschrich 3 года назад +2

      The Bible says the word hell which was translated from the original Hebrew. The word is Gahenna.

  • @icemanred
    @icemanred 7 месяцев назад

    This man interprets his inability to reconcile the grief of some loved ones that had passed without accepting Christ and the sin of some of his homosexual friends that are destined for hell as message from God that contradicts the entirety of scripture.

  • @jesseandjan
    @jesseandjan 11 месяцев назад

    Why don't you also point to the Webster Dictionary and say THATS WRONG? Pearson said he did not believe in the hell he was brought up to believe in, GET IT RIGHT. Webster says HELL= The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the grave; - called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades.
    He descended into hell.
    - Book of Common Prayer.
    Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell.

  • @Gapeaches77able
    @Gapeaches77able 6 лет назад +3

    I guess he ain’t yet holding on.

    • @twinklesmack9953
      @twinklesmack9953 4 года назад +1

      Glory be to God the Most High Maybe that’s why Mother Sherman kept asking him that. She had some spiritual insight.

  • @elhouston
    @elhouston 4 года назад +1

    dat man talking dont seem like i can trust wut he says im just gonna try to follow jesus example pray everyday ask for fogiveness an give thanx for everything and hope that god does judges indivialy and by seeing whats in our hearts

  • @opengates777
    @opengates777 4 года назад

    Mat 26:31 Then saith Jesus unto them, All ye shall be offended because of me this night: for it is written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock shall be scattered abroad.
    Mat 26:56 But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled.
    Carlton Pearson you are so seriously wrong! Prophecy part fulfilled, and the ending will be fulfilled! Only the Righteous people will be purified and Sinners destroyed!
    Zec 13:7 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd( JESUS ), and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd ( JESUS ) and the sheep ( DISCIPLES ) shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
    Zec 13:8 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die ( ALL THE UNGODLY PEOPLE) but the third shall be left therein( THE RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE )
    Zec 13:9 And I will bring the third part through the fire ( THE RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE) and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people ( THE RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE ) and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

  • @ginaventura865
    @ginaventura865 Год назад

    In the movie he does not say you can live the way you want. He told his gay friend God condons sin . Gay is one thing but dont act on that sin. His word from God was the kids dying of starvation the people that never heard the gospel were not dammed . They would go to heaven. Dont have the exact words but I believe his best friend says what about the murders something to that effect. He says I dont know about them.
    Watch again the movie, things were taken out of contents. No where did i hear you can do whatever you want, sin all you want. To be tormented that is not a God of love. But. hell I believe is you will no longer exist and experience eternal life. I can accept the pain of never seeing a love one again. But to accept being tormented , picture your love one being tormented , no way I can accept that hell. I love the movie because it took off that burden. " oh was he saved .Did he accept Jesus " I cant save everyone.

  • @charlesboles9307
    @charlesboles9307 6 лет назад

    How do we know there's a hell because we need a saviour . Good point which one we have had dying and rising saviour's through out history . If they were myths how do we know this one is not ? Because a book say so .

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +1

      CB//// It is a myth just like all the others. We don't need a savior, we need to learn how to live and think.

    • @charlesboles9307
      @charlesboles9307 5 лет назад

      @@k0smon , good point .

  • @deedubb1311
    @deedubb1311 3 года назад

    If you have to believe in Jesus to go to heaven. Where did the people go before Jesus was born?

  • @mikeybee5975
    @mikeybee5975 Год назад

    If God doesn’t want people to go to hell, then why does he send people to hell?

    • @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316
      @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316 Год назад +1

      People send themselves to hell. God doesn't want them to go there. That's why he sent his son to save us from hell

    • @mikeybee5975
      @mikeybee5975 Год назад +1

      @@JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316 so basically there are people who when they die and see both heaven and hell, they choose hell?

    • @jesseandjan
      @jesseandjan 11 месяцев назад

      #1: Mark 10: 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is (NONE) good but one, that is, God.
      NOW ASK your smart phone what the opposite of good is, and it will tell you! BAD, WICKED. Now if you don't want to believe Google, then you might want to ask Webster as he has been around for some time now, he even throws in evil.
      So Just where does that leave ALL MANKIND?= BAD, WICKED and EVIL.
      K.J.V Bible says Jesus was.
      # 2) 1 Peter 2:22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:


    • @tabbylivvy
      @tabbylivvy 8 месяцев назад

      @@JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 I couldn’t have said it better

  • @ronclayjr6642
    @ronclayjr6642 4 года назад


  • @lissettesbloom8223
    @lissettesbloom8223 3 года назад

    People choose hell! By rejecting Jesus!

  • @denisehedrick6722
    @denisehedrick6722 3 года назад +1

    God love his people but me as a parent I would have to chastise my children when they disobey.
    With God everyone that reject Jesus will be done for.
    Hell: a place for those who reject the loving God
    It can be hard for the person who loves God to comprehend that there are people who hate God as much as we love Him. That there are people who hate Him so much that if they saw Him finally, they would not embrace Him and turn from their rebellion, but they would shake their fist all the more and damn themselves for eternity.
    Just as through the Spirit, the believer is finally sanctified after death, something happens to the unbeliever at death that makes him unable to ever repent. He has chosen to hate God and he will hate God for all eternity. Jesus reminded us that some will not believe even if He rose from the dead. The unbeliever cannot inhabit Heaven, because he embodies everything that can never enter Heaven; and to be in the presence of God is not Heaven for him in any case, but the most exquisite torment. He has lost the ability to experience God as anything but terrifying.
    For such a person, Hell is God giving him what he asked for all along-a place where His presence is not manifested as it is in this life. But this also means that there are none of the blessings and providence that even the unbeliever experiences in this life.
    The loving God became our Savior
    The person who goes to Hell must reject Christ, who died so that anyone who repents can be saved.
    So why would a loving God send someone to Hell? Because that person has chosen in such a way that God has no other choice. The existence and reality of eternal judgment for the person who does not repent is sobering, and no one really wants to contemplate it too deeply. But the person who goes to Hell must reject Christ, who died so that anyone who repents can be saved. So God is not to be blamed when an unrepentant, rebellious creature chooses a destructive path that leads to Hell. In fact, we all deserve hell due to our sin nature that separates us from God, but thank God for Jesus.
    The good news is that anyone reading this article is still alive, and so if you haven’t repented of your sins and trusted in Jesus yet for salvation, there is still time to avoid the terrible fate that awaits those who rebel against the Creator, or to tell your unbelieving friends or family members about the Gospel. If you consider yourself a good person that doesn’t need salvation then just consider the following questions: Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen something, committed adultery, blasphemed etc? If you are truly honest with yourself you will find that you have failed to reach God’s standard for holiness and entrance into eternity with Him. And if you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Savior then you will have to represent yourself in God’s ‘courtroom’ when you die and answer for your sins. But for those who believe, “we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1).

    • @jesseandjan
      @jesseandjan 3 года назад

      Denise Hedrick
      You sure have a lot of opinions but nothing to back you up. Let me ask you some questions below.
      Question as a parent would you send your child to burn forever and ever in a fire and then call that LOVE? Myself I would call it very SICK.
      Please answer the Questions below.
      What does the K.J.B mean below? is it saying He is both the Saviour of believer and non believer?
      1 Timothy chap 4 v 9-11 For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the
      living God, who is the Saviour of ALL men, specially of those that believe.
      Question do you know of anyone who ask Adam to pass his sin down to them? Or anyone who had a choice to say! NO thank you I think i will pass?
      1 John 2 2And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
      (PROPITIATION) means The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person; the act of making propitious. PROPITIOUS means The act of appeasing the wrath and conciliating the favor of an offended person;
      Whos going to Judge you? ACTS 17 31Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained;
      Now was Jesus a hypocrite - a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold? Below he says be you kind to the unthankful and to the EVIL. QUESTION HOW CAN YOU BE KIND TO THE UNTHANKFUL AND EVIL AND JUDGE THEM TO GO TO HELL?
      Also says be ye merciful as your father is merciful. Have you ever took the time to look up the word merciful?
      Luke 6/
      27But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, 28Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. 29And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also. 30Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again. 31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. 32For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. 33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same. 34And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again. 35But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. 36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
      MERCIFUL= Full of mercy; having or exercising mercy; disposed to pity and spare offenders; unwilling to punish. Opposite of merciless.
      The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious.

    • @gab31282
      @gab31282 Год назад

      Hell is not chastisement because the purpose of chastisement is for correction to bring about a positive change. Hell is an eternal unforgiving punative punishment with zero intention of changing the one being punished.

  • @melindagoldsby1192
    @melindagoldsby1192 5 лет назад +1

    Brothers and Sisters I love you and JESUS LOVES YOU MORE. We walk by faith not by sight. You don't have to see something to believe its there. We breathe in oxygen, but we don't see that. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If Hell does not exist neither would there be a Heaven. So the definition of Hell is a place or state of punishment of the wicked after death; the abode of evil and condemned spirits; These are other names of Hell Gehenna, Tartarus, Sheol, or Hades; A place of torment and misery. Hell is real, and so is Heaven. Brothers and Sisters do not be deceived. We MUST pray for Carlton Pearson that Jesus grants him mercy because this Brother has been handed over to Satan. He is leading several souls to Hell, a place he claims doesn't exist, but it does. In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth (Genesis 1:1). God is Spirit and those that worship Him must worship in Spirit and in Truth (Saint John 4:24). God is from everlasting to everlasting; He is the Beginning and the End (Revelation 1:8). He is the WORD and He created everything by speaking it into existence. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made (Saint John1:1-3). But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name; Who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (Saint John 1:12-14). Brothers and Sisters the natural man does not understand the things of the Spirit. We Must have faith because without faith it is impossible to please Him(Jesus) for he who comes to God must believe that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). All things that are written comes from God Who is Spirit, so all Scripture is Spiritual. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean that it does not exist. Brothers and Sisters we MUST believe God over man, because God is the ONLY ONE who could save our souls. Trust in the Lord(Spirit) with all your heart and lean not on to your own(human) understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths, and do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil(Proverbs 3:5-7). Do not be deceived the Bible says My people perish for lack of knowledge. We MUST seek God in everything, not man because we are in the last seconds before Jesus returns for His Church(Rapture of the believers of Jesus Christ). The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. So we Must believe God over man. Let God be true but every man a liar (Romans 3:4). Carlton Pearson is deceiving many and is doing the Devil's bidding. Many will believe these lies and be led to Hell. Some think that he is intelligent, but for those who know the real Truth he is far from it. There is a way that seems right to a man, but his end is death(Proverbs 14:12). Brothers and Sisters all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness(2 Timothy 3:16). Through the Holy Spirit was the gospel given to holy men of God (1 Peter 1:12). Knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation. For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21). Brothers and Sisters with the help of the Holy Spirit I will explain this to you all. The Holy Bible is God's written WORD; all comes from Him. Everything that was said and done is not written down in the Bible (Saint John 21:25). God created Heaven and Earth and during this time He also created the Holy Angels. After He created the Heaven and earth. On the 6th day He created Adam the first man (Genesis 1:26-28, 31). Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female, He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply.................... Then God saw everything that He made and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the 6th day. Brothers and Sisters a day to the Lord is like a 1000 years (2 Peter 3;8), so after 6000 years after God created Heaven and Earth, He created man. When God created Adam He gave Him dominion over all the animals, and that he could eat freely from any tree, except the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Genesis 2:16-17). However because God is a God of balance; He saw that all the animals had help mates, but Adam(first man) did not. So God crated Eve from Adam and He took out one of his ribs (Genesis 2:21-22). Brothers and Sisters God gave Adam a command, but he also had "free will." Adam was in the Garden of Eden for about a 1000 years before God created Eve, and she too had free will. God did not make us(humanity) as robots we all have a choice, but our choices have consequences. Eve was cunned by Satan in the Garden and she ate the fruit that God had told Adam not to eat and Adam told Eve. When Eve ate the forbidden fruit she took it to Adam and he ate it. Once the forbidden fruit was eaten sin(death) entered into the world. The animals began to die, the plants, and humanity. Everything that God had created He said it was good because it was perfect without sin. So God came down from Heaven, to remove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden because they had sinned against God; if they had eaten from the tree of life humanity would live forever with sin(Genesis 3:22). In Genesis 3:1, 3:13-15; I will paraphrase it. The serpent is Satan, before God created Adam; He had already created the Holy Angels. Satan's name in Heaven was Lucifer which means the "morning star". He was next to the Throne of God, he was an "archangel", but he rebelled and became jealous of God. He was cast out of Heaven along with a 3rd of the fallen angels(demons). So God created a kingdom for them HELL, the job of Satan is steal, kill, and to destroy humanity, God's creation. Satan can not touch God so he temps humanity through sin, and the wages of sin is death. Satan is a deceiver the word cunning means; having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit. The Devil is the serpent in the Garden of Eden and God told the devil; " Because you deceived Eve and they both ate the forbidden fruit, you are cursed more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you should go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. God is telling Satan that he will be in Hell. And I will put enmiy between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. God is speaking of His Son(Jesus) crucifixion. Brothers and Sisters because Adam and Eve sinned; We as humanity as a whole inherited sin from them. Since sin separates us from God we needed a Savior and God wrapped Himself in flesh and shed His Blood for all of us so we could all have life and more abundantly. He was born to die so we don't have to. God is Holy, love, pure, righteous, peace, joy, forgiveness, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, and most importantly without sin. Since God is Spirit He placed His Holy Spirit in the womb of Blessed Virgin Mary. The Blood that JESUS shed for us all is same Blood that He washes us with when we sincerely repent and turn our hearts to God. For God so loved the world that He gave His ONLY begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish(HELL), but have everlasting life(HEAVEN) (Saint John 3:16). We must be wise as serpents and gentle as a dove. Do not be deceived flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. God is Spirit and His Spirit is in Jesus. When you see Jesus you will see God. We MUST PRAY. Turn to Jesus NOW; He is calling us NOW to REPENTANCE. For we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned we make HIM(JESUS) a liar and the Truth is not in us(1 John 1:8-10). Brothers and Sisters a contrite heart He will in no way despise (Psalm51:17). God is slow to anger but quick to forgive (Psalm 103:8). Brothers and Sisters confession is made with the mouth, but repentance is made with the heart. We MUST forsake sin and turn away from it. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). This includes people, places, and things that causes us to sin. No one and nothing is worth going to Hell over. REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His WORD will stand forever. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but patient towards us not wishing for any to perish(go to Hell), but for all to come to repentance. Jesus is God. Its because of Him that we move, we breathe, and we have our being(ACTS 17:28). If it wasn't God's MERCY we would all be consumed. MERCY triumphs judgment, but without mercy there is judgment (James2:13). Without Jesus we could do nothing and all things are sinful.

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 3 года назад

    If there is a devil we all would be victims

  • @jesseandjan
    @jesseandjan 3 года назад +1

    Webster's 1913 Dictionary
    HELL= The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the grave; - called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades.
    He descended into hell.

    • @michaelj.frazee9043
      @michaelj.frazee9043 3 года назад

      Thank you. That is correct, hell is simply the common grave of mankind.

    • @JudahTVHD
      @JudahTVHD 3 года назад

      Yes hell is the grave. It where everyone and everything with breath goes after leaving the land of the living. The place of torments, is known as the lake of fire. Two different places. The righteous go to hell (grave). 1 Corinthians 15:55
      “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” People took the greek definition of hell and applied it to the hebrew term of grave. Hell is found nowhere in the old testament. The word is sheol and you posted. The Grave.

  • @tommywarren2178
    @tommywarren2178 2 года назад

    And one last comment on gehenna if gehenna was hell in the afterlife Jesus failed to mention it to any Gentiles why because it didn't concern them this destruction was only to come up on the Jews and did in September of a d70 and on top of that in John's gospel to the Gentiles John never mentioned it why again because it did not apply to them Gahanna is not hell in the afterlife

  • @kimbright2763
    @kimbright2763 5 лет назад +1

    This is what people preach when they are in sin,Carlton Pearson will be given over to his reprobate mind

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      Kim//// Carlton has a mature spirit, yours is still in the baby stage.

    • @kimbright2763
      @kimbright2763 5 лет назад +1

      @@k0smon Ok that's what you call it mature apostasy

  • @RoseSharon7777
    @RoseSharon7777 4 года назад

    Hell is the eternal grave. It was mistranslated from Greek and Hebrew. Only the righteous live forever.

  • @vernellguillory
    @vernellguillory 6 лет назад

    Funny how people will preach fake doctrine such as Christmas and Easter and Sunday worship over the God given Sabbath and preach this from generation to generation yet don't see all the false teaching they've done for years that will lead people to directly to hell

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      Vernell//// The bible mentions the 'seventh day' as the Sabbath. What is the authority for claiming Saturday as the Sabbath?

  • @hookshowmusic3076
    @hookshowmusic3076 2 года назад

    Carlton doesn't understand the duality of existence - Prison cells, Torcher chambers, Gas chambers, water, mountains, trees, animals - ect - All Of Those realities have a ORGIN - Remember thought, soul, and consciousness is not essence - It's the tool man uses to think and make choices.. - But Anything that exist in the material world first had sway and existence in the celestial (Spiritual) world first.... Duality of existence means things exist in two dimensions - Celestial & Terrestrial

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 3 года назад

    If you cant change you are a victim

  • @Youdidnthearme
    @Youdidnthearme 9 месяцев назад

    it's not heretical at all

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 3 года назад

    Satan represents no hope and no change a victim

  • @dannyvalastro2974
    @dannyvalastro2974 3 года назад

    Learn I made a mistake and corrected it will God shut us off from change

  • @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682
    @diamondintheroughiamthelaw9682 6 лет назад

    The Lord has to separate Himself from sin
    And wickedness. We need to understand God.
    I detect some jealousy, here. He is not the only
    Preacher that is preaching a false doctrine. Same
    Hell. Is the prosperity message true, all the way to
    The bank?

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      DITR///// God is all powerful and 'high over all'. He is not not affected by 'sin' and has no need to separate HImself from it. Yes, we do need understand God, and that will not happen by reading the Christian bible, which describes God in negative fashions thruout the book.

    • @kalebtrejo3388
      @kalebtrejo3388 5 лет назад +1

      @@k0smon You must be reading a different book then.. Try reading the Holy Bible

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      @@kalebtrejo3388 //// It is the same book. You just read it for what you want to get out of it. God is described as having wrath, hatred and jealousy. God is perfection. Those are emotional failures of men. See Bart Ehrman's "Jesus Interrupted", 'Revealing the hidden contradictions in the bible and why we don't know about them.'

    • @kalebtrejo3388
      @kalebtrejo3388 5 лет назад +1

      @@k0smon I don't read it to get what I want out of it. I read it because it give us what we need. Bart isn't someone to look after he takes scripture out of context. Twists the view to change people's hearts on God. He has wrath and uses it for justice against the unjust. He's a jealous God because, why believe in idols who do nothing for you, than not God who can give us redemption and everything we need. God hates sin, the very thing that seperated us to begin with. You just saw what he has like jealousy, hatred, wrath, and never asked why he has them??
      Please describe "emotional failure," that makes no sense. You only brought up 3 attributes of God that are negative to you, and out of context. Why not put it into context and look at God as a whole? Don't cut him up and keep him in a box with only 3 emotions. It also describes him being loving, long suffering, a God of justice and righteousness etc..
      So if you say its the same book, maybe consider re-reading it.. not what a biased man like Bart has to say about it

    • @socksumi
      @socksumi 4 года назад

      The Lord (Yahweh) is the most wicked of all in the Old Testament. A sadistic, power lusting, murdering, genocidal bully. A real piece of shit unworthy of praise or worship.

  • @ElizabethJoyTV
    @ElizabethJoyTV Год назад

    Why would God need to send Jesus to die for us if there was no hell?! If Jesus said it himself, you can’t rewrite scripture.

  • @setapart3452
    @setapart3452 8 месяцев назад

    Now he is dying and going to the place that he said does not exist.

  • @leavefollow1698
    @leavefollow1698 3 года назад


  • @ctisdale7765
    @ctisdale7765 6 лет назад

    What is the value of a human soul? God would send His Son to die a terrible death for it. Would He send His Son here to come back without that human soul? Is there nothing He wouldn't do to secure that human soul? God never fails. If He sent His Son to save the world then the world is saved. We see through a glass dimly.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад +1

      CT///// It is a false story. God, being all powerful, had no need for a son. We do not need 'saving'. We need to learn how to live and grow in spiritual understanding.

  • @lightninja4795
    @lightninja4795 9 месяцев назад

    Hell is real. It was not made for humans it was made for Satan and the fallen angels but after sin entered the world that was where humans were also sent if they rejected Christ.

  • @SMGLA364
    @SMGLA364 2 года назад

    It just doesn’t make sense that your born into this world and you are not complete till you accept Christ. You go your whole young life vigorously blooming into adulthood and have not one single care to worship God, children don’t care about God and yet they are so much more advanced than us when it comes to love. And only till they are given a solution(being saved) to a problem they never had now a hunger for something more starts.

    • @mosamaduke6969
      @mosamaduke6969 9 месяцев назад

      It’s makes complete sense if you look at the life of the children,from birth we chase love,approval,affection,peace and more.All this shows that we are not born complete because if we were the would be not reason to chase those things or want them from others and to say that children don’t care about God is unfair because how can you say they don’t care if they haven’t known him yet?God is the one who complete us

  • @d.n.9909
    @d.n.9909 6 лет назад

    The resurrection of Christ is no myth. Proof of it exists. Therefore, once you accept Christ is son of man (God) than you read the bible. After reading the old and new testament and realize all of the prophecies that came to pass, there is no denying that the book of revelation is next and soon. REVELATION 20:1-15

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      DN///// Proof? Words in a 2000 year old book? We are not even convinced that Jesus actually was a real person. There is no secular evidence of him in the period of which he is supposed to have lived. See "Caesar's Messiah".

  • @jesseandjan
    @jesseandjan 11 месяцев назад

    Now they have changed that in a lot of bibles to say all people and all people does not line up with the rest of the bible, but all flesh does. SAYS THINGS NOT PEOPLE.
    Romans 10: v9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.
    Philippians 2: 10

  • @andrethompson5545
    @andrethompson5545 7 месяцев назад

    Carlton was truly deceived, well hes no in hell receiving his reward

  • @tommywarren2178
    @tommywarren2178 2 года назад

    I said that was my last comment but I do have one more Paul said preach no other gospel but mine did Paul ever preach about hell or an eternal hell the answer is no and Paul said I told you everything the whole counsel of God the whole never means part how did you forget that he'll was part the deal or did you lie but you said you told us everything the whole counsel of God and that you got all of your information directly from Christ through the abundance of Revelations so I guess if Christ had a told you to preach a n eternal hell you would have been screaming it from every rooftop but Jesus didn't tell you that so you didn't preach it

  • @jgar6643
    @jgar6643 Год назад

    The fact that we have all these denominations of the same faith it just shows you that there is no clarity as to the truth.... Which church are people to attend of the 10 plus thousand that exist just in the United States.....

    • @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316
      @JesusIsTheSonOfGod_john316 Год назад

      *The bible is the truth*. All of the churches are just different interpretations but all of them belive in the same core beliefs: There is one God, Jesus is the messiah, Jesus is the son of God, Jesus was crucified and killed for the sins of humans to be forgiven and that we can be saved from hell, Jesus rose on the third day and and ascended back to heaven to be with the father, the Holy Spirit was sent from God after Jesus ascended and that Jesus will return one day to destroy all evil.

  • @ericmurphy9840
    @ericmurphy9840 6 лет назад +2

    Ok they are so astute please explain why men have to work today or why people become sick and die or how about women still having pain while giving birth? The Bible says these are the Adamic curses if Jesus died and took on all the sins and the curses of Adam why havnt these curses been destroyed? Shalom.

    • @lifecoachmalachi
      @lifecoachmalachi 6 лет назад +1

      They made this video because people are going to question everything.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 6 лет назад +2

      Eric/// The bible makes lots of false promises.

    • @d.n.9909
      @d.n.9909 6 лет назад +1

      The bible promised a lamb of God that would take upon himself the sins of all people in order to save us from bondage to Lucifer. His promise for that was hundreds of years prior to the birth of christ. He fulfilled the prophecies. More than 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Christ alone. Nowhere in scripture does it say he would lift the curses of people and give us eternal life again. The only book left of prophecies to be fulfilled is Revelation. You should read the whole bible in order to begin to make sense of it. Just my suggestion. Either way, May the LORD thy God be with us all

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      Eric//// You speak of heaven. See "Antiquity Unveiled" and "Caesar's Messiah" to know that Jesus was literature, not history.

    • @k0smon
      @k0smon 5 лет назад

      DN//// Make sense of the bible? Impossible. How many Christian denominations are there? And they are all bible based.

  • @lalawson7
    @lalawson7 Год назад

    I am so grateful that God is not a Christian. The self-righteousness manufactured in the so called 'christian' sect is unbelievable. I can see why christians need a belief in hell in order to serve God. Their following Christ has nothing whatsoever to do with loving Him, but is solely based on fear of spending eternity in an imagined furnace. Seems as if their love for God is not enough to quell their desire to sin, only the promise of hell can do that. How sad.