Dr. Nirit Soffer-Dudek explains research on Maladaptive Daydreaming speaking with Valeria Franco

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 9

  • @juliannewarren5466
    @juliannewarren5466 3 года назад +9

    I'm glad more health professionals try to understand what MDD is and what mechanisms are behind it.
    MDD often feels like a sleep deprivation - you become drowsy and you catch yourself closing your eyes and starting to drift to sleep even if you didn't want to or planned to go to sleep. MDD feels similar - you are in the real world and suddenly you aren't and your mind slipped into a made up world and is preoccupied with made up scenarios/places/fictional characters. It's nigh impossible to force oneself to not do it and it may be a form of a dissociation. But compulsion is also present - the strong positive and negative experiences are addictive and MDDer wants to relive that experience just like a substance abuser wants to feed their habit. Repetitive movements like pacing, tapping your foot are common. So is hair twirling, lip biting... But not always.
    You spend most of your day just MDD. At work/school/home, on the street - everywhere, any time. You don't go to sleep until you satisfyingly finished "the scene" that you MDDed about, so you might sleep only 2-4 hours a day and after a week or so, you sleep through the entire day during the weekend to catch up on your sleep. When speaking with others you suddenly realize you don't know what they are saying, because you've stopped listening in the middle of a sentence. You have no friends, no romantic relationships. If you are lucky, you have a family (parents/siblings) that cares about you, but even they can become frustrated by your frequent zoning out. If you have a job, you prefer repetitive one, e.g. office job, that allows you to DD with very few interruptions. You live out most of your life on autopilot.
    Feeling you have nobody in your life that truly see you and know you might make you sad at times, and you catch yourself crying about being alone from time to time. But truth to be told, you don't want any kind of relationship anymore. Not really. Any normal person would be disappointed in your frequent obliviousness and disinterest in many activities and you cannot imagine anybody REAL being more interesting than all those made up characters. No place in the world is more interesting than those gorgeous made up places in your mind. No stakes in the REAL world can be higher than those that have to be overcome by the characters.
    By now, you have created a monster of the world containing hundreds of characters with their intricate relationships and you "know" them since you have been a child (so all your life), constantly adding new characters to the old ones, so numbers are ever growing and you care about them as much as you care about your own REAL family. They have always been there for you. Their interactions make you cry, they make you laugh. But not really you, you don't exist in that world. You experience that world either as if you were writing a novel or you "become" one of the characters to live out the made up situation. You are addicted to the lows and highs, the different scenarios that change all the time in that world.
    When any REAL person talks to you, you get frustrated, because they are unknowingly interrupting your characters doing whatever they are doing at the time - single criminal/entire criminal organisation working on a diabolical plan, married couple celebrating their anniversary, detective investigating a serious crime, group of individuals on their epic quest, thief on the prowl, couple on their first date or maybe their wedding day, birth day celebration, funeral, birth of a child, characters settling at their new home, M.D. examining/attending to a patient, group of characters just enjoying their time together at the restaurant/concert/watching a film/playing the mus. instruments/singing/swimming/diving/being actors performing a play/silly snow fighting or building a snowman... Your characters go through pub brawls, bare knuckle fighting, knife/sword fights, gunfights, wars... they attend yet another meeting of the members of a secret organization sworn to protect their fellow citizens against criminals that cannot be taken down by the standard law enforcement... maybe you have a bunch of supernatural beings and elements in your made up world. Your world has writers, scientists, doctors, policemen, private investigators, criminals, spies, soldiers, lawyers, singers, players, actors, housewives, babies, school children, senior citizens, royality members, homeless people, beggars, teachers, politicians, journalists, farmers, handymen, landlords, pilots, taxi/bus drivers, sword smiths, philosophers, paper-pushers, bureaucrats... your world has any possible vocation and societal position that exist.
    You are quite aware that you are a pathetic mental case and ashamed of this ridiculous behaviour. You can't imagine ever telling anybody about MDD - unless you are online, hiding under a false name. But you can't force yourself to stop MDD, even when you know most of your emotions are coming from the fiction. Real world seems so flat and uninteresting. You would lose all the comfort you feel because all your life, you have spent you time building a fictional place a without that, you feel you have nothing to look forward in the real world, because you never truly gave a real world a chance. And you still won't take your chances in the real world, because why would you, when the cosy alternative is so readily available at any moment...
    This is a description of my own MDD. MDD is often accompanied with the social anxiety, attachment issues, mood swings. Not everybody who suffers from MDD has same experiences. It depends on what MDDer is interested in. But the obsession and compulsion to do it are always there.
    Maybe it will inspire somebody to seek help, if they want it. Maybe it will help somebody to understand MDDers, if their recognize this type of being-out-there behaviour in person they know and might even care about.
    Sorry for such a crazy rant, I just started writing and didn't realize how long it would get.

    • @MaladaptiveDaydreaming
      @MaladaptiveDaydreaming  3 года назад +1

      This is very interesting especially for people who have no idea how it is and how it feels being a MDer. MD is a heavy burden, like any other addiction.

  • @GeorgiKrastevMusic
    @GeorgiKrastevMusic 3 года назад +8

    Here before this became mainstream psychology

    • @MaladaptiveDaydreaming
      @MaladaptiveDaydreaming  3 года назад +2

      Not yet mainstream enough though, we are working to spread awareness among people and professionals.

  • @meryp.6056
    @meryp.6056 3 года назад +1

    Fantastiche🥺😭❤ Ho visto il video che mi hai consigliato prima
    Ora mi è tutto più chiaro ❤😭
    Ho pianto per la gioia perché pensavo di essere l'unica.
    Spero possiate fare altre ricerche e video assieme❤
    Grazie mille veramente ❤

  • @turitanaportoghese7674
    @turitanaportoghese7674 3 года назад +1

    Io ho questa caratteristica sin da quando ho memoria, almeno dai 4 anni in su. Mia madre pero' mi ha sempre detto che quando ero piccola gli parlavo di cose che accadevano, che vedevo, che immaginavo. Se ne accorgevano perche' quando entravo in questi stati facevo dei ridicoli movimenti con le mani come di fortissima ec citazione, anche col viso e spesso saltellavo, l'ho fatto fino a 7/8 anni, poi sono riuscita a correggere del tutto la parte fisica. Oggi controllo molto bene come dice la dottoressa il pilota automatico, ma ne sono comunque completamente dipendente ugualmente. Io guido, pulisco e lavoro persino con la Testa in un altro mondo. La capacita' di concentrazione e' altissima, sono riuscita a recuperare esami di cui non avevo studiato nulla in pochi giorni, ma riesco a mantenerla così alta per poco tempo, poi viene assorbita per la maggior parte dal mondo immaginario. Il problema non credo sia la mancanza di concentrazione, ma che la debba utilizzarla per vivere due vite.

    • @MaladaptiveDaydreaming
      @MaladaptiveDaydreaming  3 года назад +3

      In effetti il MD è una incredibile abilità, che permette di "dividere la mente" in due e farla funzionare in modo indipendente, una parte fantastica e l'altra guida, pulisce, lavora. Un focus mentale elevatissimo. Ma a questo punto possiamo porci una domanda: se ho questa incredibile capacità CON i sogni... quante cose potrei fare SENZA i sogni, ovvero liberando tutta quell'energia?

    • @turitanaportoghese7674
      @turitanaportoghese7674 3 года назад

      @@MaladaptiveDaydreaming sono riuscita a concentrarmi solo sulla realta' per qualche mese, giorni in cui ho vissuto a 1000 sia psichicamente che fisicamente, pareva avessi assunto sostanze stupefacenti, quando ho rivolto la mia totale attenzione al quotidiano sono anche successe cose molto strane, la realta' sembrava essere fluida plasmata per me.. Non so spiegarlo bene. Non avviene subito ma dopo un paio di mesi. Dopo circa 9 mesi cosi, degli episodi spiacevoli, a cui ho reagito con paura, mi hanno destabilizzata e man mano sono tornata a rifugiarmi nel mio paese delle meraviglie, e ora sono nuovamente dipendente dalle emozioni che mi costruisco. La sensazione che ho di me e' di essere una batteria ricaricabile da 12 volt in cui passa una corrente elettrica da 24 volt, l'immaginazione consuma parte dell'energia impedendo cosi alla batteria di bruciare. Bisognerebbe disciplinare la mente al sovraccarico di energia, adeguarla ad una sorta di trasformatore.. allora si che si vivrebbe davvero, la vita diventa quasi magica, tutto piu'"vero, persino quando si piange lo si sente nel profondo, so che e' cosi perche per quei 9 mesi in cui ho vissuto senza necessita' del mondo parallelo e' stato cosi. Come si attiva il trasformatore? Non lo so. Quello che aiuto' me fu uno schock emotivo molto forte.

  • @patriziapatruno7852
    @patriziapatruno7852 3 года назад +1
