The Stanford Rape Case - TFF Special Edition, Episode 41

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @Guildofarcanelore
    @Guildofarcanelore 3 месяца назад +29

    This could have happened to me.
    I was at a party making out with a young woman.
    I was drunk, she was drunk.
    She passed out.
    I got her a blanket and left her on the couch and returned to the party in the other room.
    Next day she asked if we “did it” and I told her I wasn’t in the habit of taking advantage of drunken women.
    But I could, in my drunken enthusiasm have taken it too far.
    I stopped when I saw that she passed out, but I can’t say I was particularly perceptive in that drunken state.
    It could have been me.
    They wonder why young men are MGTOW, but women want all the authority and none of the responsibility.
    I wish all I had to do was get drunk and I couldn’t be held responsible.

  • @iwacu123
    @iwacu123 3 месяца назад +30

    A great explanation by Janice of how disgustingly misandrist our whole society and justice system has become. 2 adults get drunk - the man is held 100% accountable for getting drunk and his life is ruined, the woman is held 100% innocent of responsibility for her own deliberate choice to get completely drunk to the point of blacking out! But guys, it’s a “patriarchal” society we live in that is protecting men and oppressing women! 🙄🤯😫

    • @joejoejoejoejoejoe4391
      @joejoejoejoejoejoe4391 3 месяца назад +2

      I can't help wonder what would happen if two women got drunk, and woke up in the same bed the next morning; would they both be guilty, or victims?
      This is a genuine legal curiosity.

  • @1495978707
    @1495978707 3 месяца назад +2

    What is so utterly unbelievable to me is that she is exactly as culpable as he is. Where's all the concern about how she assaulted him? Suddenly it becomes obvious that such an accusation is ridiculous. Really shows how deeply ingrained misandry is. God help us

  • @uncle0eric
    @uncle0eric 3 месяца назад +27

    I had always accepted that this case involved penetrative intercourse (because that's what I had heard). It was only after seeing this video that I looked up the details to confirm that this isn't what actually happened. I'm not going to defend Turner's behavior at all, but facts should matter, and I feel very misled by the narrative that has been allowed to circulate without challenge. I remember when the case first happened I had raised the question in a group about whether the victim bore any responsibility given that she voluntarily engaged in alcohol consumption in a social environment known for drunken hookups, and I was condemned as a "rape apologist".

    • @CitizenBeep
      @CitizenBeep 3 месяца назад

      The case influenced the California legislature to include digital penetration in the definition of rape.

  • @lukehanley5392
    @lukehanley5392 3 месяца назад +6

    Sons are the sacrificial lamb on Altar of Feminism.

  • @EDP1
    @EDP1 3 месяца назад +8

    i'm really happy to have people like janice , steve , tom golden , and all these guys . we would be in big ,
    trouble if they werent there for us . thanks all .

  • @drewmoynihan5763
    @drewmoynihan5763 3 месяца назад +3

    Saw this Brock Turner video a few years ago and loved it. Glad to see you re-uploaded it. Well done Janice.

  • @thetwelfth9987
    @thetwelfth9987 3 месяца назад +12

    The sexual revolution sounds like a sexual regression

    • @teonactalpizza
      @teonactalpizza 3 месяца назад

      It's one of the 10 planktd of communism

  • @mysticone1798
    @mysticone1798 3 месяца назад +12

    Excellent video of a radical example of a woman refusing to be accountable for her own behavior! Nothing illustrates more clearly the misandry of US society than the notion that women are not responsible for their actions when they are drunk, but that men must be held fully responsible for theirs under the same circumstances.
    We are living in a society that suffers from mass hysteria. There is no other explanation for the irrationality of our misandrist justice system.

    • @KingKhan-123
      @KingKhan-123 3 месяца назад +1

      Power of pussy over male brain. That's it basically. The Titanic also.

    • @Samuel-y1b9h
      @Samuel-y1b9h 3 месяца назад

      Hysteria is what it IS. But you ARE wrong to think this is only happening in the US. It's happening all over the world. Oh, and if you think the Middle East is any better, then you've drunken the feminazis Kool-aid too. FAR from being a "misogynistic" , "patriarchal" oppressive to women society, it's actually a society that defies women and exalts them to a god-like status not much different from what you see in the West. A man can be jailed for 3 years minimum if a girl/woman tells the police he's had sex with her.....WITH HER CONSENT ! Yeah, I'm not even talking rape here. The mere act of sex between a man and a consenting woman is an act punishable by jail IF you are the MAN, but not the woman ! Why. Because you've "violated" the woman even though it was by HER CHOICE. So, as a man you're automatically guilty of "violating" a woman if you have sex with her. Of course, she's not guilty of the same "crime". All a woman has to do is call the police if she happens to get mad at you and tell them you had sex with her and you'll be arrested and thrown in jail and again, I'm NOT talking rape here.

  • @p382742937423y4
    @p382742937423y4 3 месяца назад +7

    The scary thing is not this particular case, but the fact that our collective thoughts "naturally" tend towards guilt and innocence distributed amongst the genders, and it takes some out of the box thinking to even consider another narrative.

  • @psychologicalprojectionist
    @psychologicalprojectionist 3 месяца назад +2

    Six months in jail reduced to three for good behavior, a slap on the wrist?
    I want to meet the person who would rather have a slap on the wrist to three months in prison.

  • @itry2brational
    @itry2brational 3 месяца назад +5

    The alleged victim was a loose lush. She had "at least 4 shots of whiskey" at home with her sister before their own mother drove them both to the party. Her original request was for Turner to serve no punishment but outside influences bullied her to change her tune. That case is a travesty of justice.

  • @dn82180
    @dn82180 3 месяца назад +4

    As if women have never taken advantage of a man who would be otherwise unwilling if not drunk. I've seen one purposely get pregnant in that scenario then go for maximum child support. It's so ridiculous to claim the man is automatically guilty if both parties are intoxicated.

  • @MichaelLeBlanc-p4f
    @MichaelLeBlanc-p4f 3 месяца назад +6

    There's been a remarkable rise in the numbers of 'Re-Born Again' Virgin Marys of late.

  • @mz9540
    @mz9540 4 дня назад

    The defense had an option to appeal and chose not to.
    Defendant's appellate briefs also raised claims of evidentiary error, instructional error, prosecutorial misconduct, and cumulative error. However, after briefing in the case was complete, he withdrew those claims of error because, "if successful, [they] would provide the District Attorney an opportunity for a re-trial of the case in whole or in part, or for a re-sentencing on one or more counts."

  • @leebennett1821
    @leebennett1821 3 месяца назад +5

    Believe Women!!!! Not without Evidence I won't

  • @surfsailor2545
    @surfsailor2545 3 месяца назад +4


  • @allen_p
    @allen_p 3 месяца назад +1

    A very good break down of the events, as much as we know. This is how I look at it. I was born and raised in the Houston, Texas area.. I knew growing up and into my college years there were some parts of Houston that were very violent and dangerous. I decided to avoid those areas to NOT put myself into bad situations. Would it be my fault? No.
    Why would I purposely put myself into such a possibly life threatening situation? I wouldn't and I didn't.
    Why do women take no accountability for their safety when they decide to get drunk in a social setting with people they know very little? Absolute foolishness. People shouldn't take advantage of women, but our world is fallen. Don't be a moron and be an easy target.

  • @MrFreeman0179
    @MrFreeman0179 3 месяца назад

    It's sickening what they have done to this young men. His life is indeed ruined.

  • @johnlenhart5911
    @johnlenhart5911 3 месяца назад

    Thank you

  • @lancewalker2595
    @lancewalker2595 3 месяца назад +2

    I was always confused as to why Brock Turner didn’t defend himself. He seems to have simply accepted that he’s somehow guilty of what he clearly wasn’t guilty of… which sort of makes me think he’s guilty. If I were him, and mind you I’ve been aware that women my age (particularly on campus) cannot be trusted as though they were adults capable of consent so I’d never have put myself in his position, but IF I were naive enough not to have noticed the dangers of not noticing how infantile young women are and were accused of such a thing I’d do one of two things: commit suicide because living life being perceived of as a monster isn’t a life worth living, OR, I’d spend the rest of my life railing against feminism and defending my humanity and innocence. Brock has done neither of these things, which from my perspective is deeply strange; honestly, I’d love to figure out why he’s willing to take this lying down.

    • @patricksullivan1827
      @patricksullivan1827 3 месяца назад

      Shame. The nervous system shuts down from the massive cognitive dissonance.
      He might have known her or her crew. She was likely socially embarrassed. He might have realized some of his own responsibilities but then also had a truth.
      But humans have to listen through a dark field to add total Truth. When an angry mob is up in arms it's not exactly a have a safe space for total social Truth. So on one hand he has a locus of control and on another he intuits it's not right to take total responsibility.... It's actually sexist to take full responsibility, imo - on one hand, because it gives zero agency to another being , in particular a women/girl.
      Classic somatic cog. dissonance shutting down the nervous system.
      It's not just females who take advantage of this move. Worse it's often not even fully intentional hence the deep culturally and socially systemic issues...
      I think a good faith Truth and reconciliation would be needed and it would require inclusivity -holistically and totally... Not sure why we can't seem to bring multiple Truths together in an intimate way? Human public discourse still requires the goat to scape as we fear being so bold as to move through moral coercions and amped up accusations... Particularly with females , most humans hold onto romantic ideals , technically de-humanizing and deducing to a projected imago, done by oneself- in mind, the female - A social mind and that too is blamed on the archetypal masculine for allowing that imagination to happen... Projected onto men as one becomes uncomfortable in a particular situation... Another deflection , dehumanizing oneself as one removes e/affections from actuality. A platonic back and forth, the serpent eats its own tail and gets stuck in a strange loop....
      We been stuck on that one for sometime now... But the tension is becoming... bites off, Thanks Janice! 🎉

  • @psychologicalprojectionist
    @psychologicalprojectionist 3 месяца назад +1

    His drunkeness didn't make him innocent whilst her drinking made him guilty.
    I am of the generation whose female peers were warned by their parents about boys, who warned their sons about girls.

  • @und3rgroundman865
    @und3rgroundman865 3 месяца назад

    Let me firstly state that I'm Scottish and therefore have complete familiarity with every conceivable state of drunkenness. I don't believe that 3 times the legal driving limit is close to actual passing out drunk.

    • @StudioBrule
      @StudioBrule  3 месяца назад

      She may have faked passing out. I know a woman who did that because she didn't want to continue making out with a guy. When he left, she got up.

    • @und3rgroundman865
      @und3rgroundman865 3 месяца назад

      @@StudioBrule She might have been profoundly embarrassed someone caught her fumbling behind a dumpster and acted much drunker than she was to cover for that.

  • @GeorgeWMays
    @GeorgeWMays 3 месяца назад

    It takes two to tango. This is pretty ridiculous. But, we are talking about California and a liberal university....

  • @polystrophicmusic
    @polystrophicmusic 3 месяца назад

    I protected a drunken woman. But I get the picture.

  • @mz9540
    @mz9540 4 дня назад

    I read the court case as well as the entire rationale for Judge Pensky’s decision.
    This was the case where other students caught the individual in the act and did not allow him to flee.
    Turner was convicted of assault with the intent to grape. S3xual penetration of an intoxicated and unconscious person with a foreign object.
    Fleeing would indicate he understood he knew what he was in the midst of doing was not right.
    I’m confused about the objection here that he should not have served the full 6 months… plus he was made to register as a s3x offender permanently and 3 year probation. He served 3 months for good behavior.
    A jury had a chance to review the and found him guilty. You and others may not like the way the jury ruled.. and that’s fine.
    Is your logic the jury was incapable of thinking critically and interpreting the evidence and arguments presented because feminists exist?
    The woman in this case has a right to feel the way she feels… as would anyone who was the victim of a crime. Or is the logic here b/c she drank, she put him in a position to have no choice but to p3netrate her with a foreign object while unconscious?
    I’ve been around drunk guys (in college and beyond) and they were still able to decipher what they probably shouldn’t do.

    • @mz9540
      @mz9540 4 дня назад

      I see the sarcastic mood through the video. Hopefully, you can provide and response so I can understand the logic here.

  • @jamesberlo4298
    @jamesberlo4298 3 месяца назад

    She is awesome,

    • @Xbalanque84
      @Xbalanque84 3 месяца назад +2

      Janice? Or the false accuser?

  • @TiaKruimel
    @TiaKruimel 3 месяца назад

    Are these videos new?

    • @miroirs-jumeaux
      @miroirs-jumeaux 3 месяца назад

      No. The description for this video specifies an original publication date of *16th June 2016.*

    • @StudioBrule
      @StudioBrule  3 месяца назад +14

      RUclips deleted my original channel. I am republishing these videos on this new channel

    • @anguskelly9655
      @anguskelly9655 3 месяца назад +2

      Right on!

    • @iwacu123
      @iwacu123 3 месяца назад +4

      @@StudioBruleThat’s outrageous! How did they get away with deleting your original channel? 😡

    • @ryanlee2546
      @ryanlee2546 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@iwacu123Because *0y v3y*

  • @MrFreeman0179
    @MrFreeman0179 3 месяца назад

    It's better to avoid women.

  • @Allan_aka_RocKITEman
    @Allan_aka_RocKITEman 3 месяца назад

    Feminism strikes again.

  • @miroirs-jumeaux
    @miroirs-jumeaux 3 месяца назад


  • @Samuel-y1b9h
    @Samuel-y1b9h 3 месяца назад +3

    False rape ACCUSATION is WORSE than rape itself. PERIOD