How Statins Made Me Stupid | EpicReviewGuys in 4k CC

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • I used to be a reasonable intelligent person but after ten days on statins I became a mental zombie. I couldn't remember anything for more than a few seconds I entered a world of forgetfulness and confusion that was just about as scary as the event that got me put on statins! I am on a lower dose now and the cloud has somewhat lifted, but I am still not mentally the person I used to be.
    I learned that statins block your body's internal mechanism for supply and demand of cholesterol and force all your cells, including your brain cells, to scavenge for needed cholesterol in the blood stream. This lowers your blood cholesterol numbers and makes your doctor happy. It also means your brain doesn't have what it needs to "assemble" thoughts in your short term memory. When you are thinking of something directly you are okay. But as soon as there is any distraction you lose that other thought. Your brain is starved for cholesterol and your short term memory is shot as a result.
    Now is this just me? Earlier in the year I read a number of new studies about how this memory effect with statins was more widespread than anybody knew. Then a big statement from doctors and the drug companies saying those studies were all wrong and statins have no effect on your memory. Sorry, but with medicine becoming just another business I trust what they say about as much as I trust statements from any business- not much.
    Do you have experience with statins like Lipitor, Crestor and Zocor? Or does someone you know well? Have you noticed any mental side-effects? Please comment down below and let's take an unofficial poll of how many people on statins have these kind of problems. Thanks!
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Комментарии • 463

  • @shellieh.158
    @shellieh.158 2 года назад +252

    I had a stroke last year and was put on statins. I started having horrible memory loss and back pain. It got pretty bad. It's now been a year and it's just gotten worse. I told my doctor I wanted to stop and she refused to listen. She even told me memory loss isn't a side effect. It frustrated me. I stopped them anyway. I'm just gonna focus on lifestyle and exercise. I definitely don't trust doctors anymore.

    • @shyamjiupadhyay1267
      @shyamjiupadhyay1267 Год назад +11


    • @mariannaginter678
      @mariannaginter678 Год назад +16

      me too

    • @christopherrobin7776
      @christopherrobin7776 Год назад +25

      She lied to you.

    • @christopherwunsch5077
      @christopherwunsch5077 Год назад

      @shellieh Good for you. Most doctors truly do not understand the real risks and benefits of many, if not all, of the drugs they prescribe. Best thing you could have done, was to stop the offending drug. I would strongly suggest you make sure it is DOCUMENTED in your medical record, that you are ALLERGIC TO STATINS.

    • @markhonea2461
      @markhonea2461 Год назад +14

      You have made a wise decision sir. We would like to know we how you are. We hope you are OK and nothing has gone wrong. .my girl was started by the effing beeyotch doctorette at 80 milligrams, with zero history of high lipids, blood pressure, or high cholesterol . Sh felt horrible the 1rst time she took that and the 2nd day she was a raving obnoxious bitch and partly mad about being so confused . She was frightened and thought the terrible side sickness from that garbage was from her stroke when actually it was from statins. God, people all over the world are going through hell because of doctors sociopathic inability to feel empathy for the patience. I got my girl , on the 3rd day down to 25 mg.a day and ever since.
      Of course I want her to live, but that level of misery is no way to live.

  • @FarmanF.O
    @FarmanF.O Год назад +112

    I am put on 80mg a day due to a sudden heart attack.
    Over the last two years my regular blood tests showed that my cholesterol is low (& great😃)
    According to my doctors Stains worked thus I should continue 👌
    But they don't know what I know & I have not told them that actually I stopped taking it for the last 2 years and my cholesterol is still the same 🤪

    • @2centsworth766
      @2centsworth766 Год назад +2

      80 mg seems high. Talk to your Dr. about cutting your intake. Try eating like a rabbit to make up the difference.

    • @FarmanF.O
      @FarmanF.O Год назад

      @@2centsworth766 But eating what like a rabbit?

    • @dmorgan6503
      @dmorgan6503 Год назад +1

      ​@@2centsworth766 same dose they put me on after a heart attack also

    • @raymondwilliams5661
      @raymondwilliams5661 Год назад +2

      @@2centsworth766 you will forget we're your pill 💊 are that's a high dose.

    • @Yahoo12
      @Yahoo12 Год назад

      Im on 10mg statins before a heart attack and it never improves my 3 cholesterol marks LDL HDL Trig.
      I have short term memory fog, calf spasms & unexplained back ache doctors don’t know what to do, just give a pill.
      I learned keto vegetarian diet low carb low sugar is better for me. A MMR and LDL particle size (sm is bad fluffy good) tests are important but doctors don’t run those tests. Watch Dr Boz vid explain cholesterol. Next time ask your Dr for a LDL particle test.

  • @mystatinfreelife
    @mystatinfreelife Год назад +101

    It took me years to realize what statins were doing to me. Thanks for telling us your story.

  • @christopherwunsch5077
    @christopherwunsch5077 Год назад +102

    I was a critical care RN who was "educated" about the dangers of cholesterol and the invaluable "benefit" of Statins.. Fast forward 3.5 years, I began to have headaches, the likes I'd never known. Shortly after, I began to have episodes of confusion, and disorientation, later accompanied by incredible fatigue, leaving me sleeping upwards of 16 hours/per day. While I continued to comply with the statin regimen, I continually worsened. Leading to a 28-day hospital stay, where I was akin to a 95-year-old man with end-stage Alzheimer's disease. I could not walk, speak coherently, or recognize my wife, my 2-year-old son, my parents, or my siblings. For the next 3 weeks, I wet and soiled myself, and was circling the drain. I was evaluated by nearly every Neurologist, Med Student and resident at UW Madison. Had a brain MRI revealing "innumerable lesions in the white matter of my brain, including my brain stem and the corpus callosum (the area between the left and right halves of my brain.) Brain biopsy revealed the lesions to be Neuronal Apoptosis (Programmed brain cell death). An electron microscopy revealed Mitochondrial DNA anomalies most closely resembling MELAS (Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy with Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-Like Episodes). and Doctors began to prepare my wife for my certain death. (at 34 years old). Drs planned for my eminent nursing home transfer to live out my days. When a visiting professor, a mitochondrial disease specialist at Johns Hopkins, was asked to evaluate me. And he started me on a mitochondrial cocktail of a robust dose of CoQ10, Acetyl L Carnitine, Folate, Vit B Complex, Vit C, Vit E, and various others. When within 24 hours of my first dose, my wife came into my room, and tells me, for the first time in almost a month, I called her by name. This led to my discharge home several days later with aggressive rehab therapies, which continued for several months. I had to relearn how to walk, and several Activities of Daily Living (ADLS). Neuropsychiatric testing was done some time after discharge revealing cognitive deficits of "sufficient severity to substantially restrict any gainful employment." I fell into a deep depression as I had worked my entire life, since my 12 year old paper route days. Madison Doctors discharged my with a diagnosis of Viral Encephalitis, in spite of the atrocious brain biopsy findings. It was a few weeks after discharge, my wife and I watched Good Morning America one morning where Diane Sawyer was interviewing Dr Beatrice Golomb MD PhD of UC San Diego, discussing the statin effects study Dr Golomb was starting. At my wife urging, I enrolled in the study which later determined my illness, the holes in my brain, the profound cognitive issues, the polyneuropathy, and my disability was a direct result of my taking a Statin". Talk about a BITTER PILL to swallow. It was 20 years ago Nov 7, 22, when my disability insurance company decided to send me to an Independent Medical Exam to determine my case. After a full day of intense neuropsychiatric testing, the IME doctor determined the cognitive deficits continue to warrant long term disability. And to think, this Pill, which I doled out like Tic-Tac's, has NEVER proven to prevent a first heart attack, (Primary Prevention) and only Modestly MIGHT prevent a subsequent heart attack, but ONLY IN Middle-aged men who have had a prior heart attack or blockages seen on heart catheterization. But the percentage of those who might benefit is a mere 1% Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR), YES 1%, not the glorious 36% (Relative Risk Reduction) RRR we see in television advertisements. This is a well-disguised statistical slight of hand, known to insiders as a "Relative Risk Reduction" which is merely a tactic used by drug companies, to make a tiny 1% ARR.

    • @magyarulnembeszelek1354
      @magyarulnembeszelek1354 Год назад +11

      Thanks for sharing! I am scared to death, my mother in law was prescribed statins for a colesterol issue. Greetings from Lima, Perú.

    • @christopherwunsch5077
      @christopherwunsch5077 Год назад +3

      @@magyarulnembeszelek1354 I would encourage you to get your mother in law, the book "The Truth About Statins:Risks and Alternatives to Cholesterol Lowering Drugs" by Dr Barbara Roberts MD a cardiologist of more than thirty years who specialized in women. The wisdom she shares will most certainly afford her a much greater chance of benefit than any cholesterol lowering drug. The book can often be found in libraries.

    • @magyarulnembeszelek1354
      @magyarulnembeszelek1354 Год назад +4

      @@christopherwunsch5077 Thank you! I will

    • @christopherwunsch5077
      @christopherwunsch5077 Год назад +2

      @magyarulnembeszelek1354 you are very welcome.. fir almost 20 years now, since I learned Lipitor was the cause of my hell, I decided to do what u can to learn about these POISONS, and when I learned the truth, I told my wife, I need to undo the wrongs I'd done as a pharma parroting RN. And I've been preaching the truth of these drugs since.

    • @leecopeland2061
      @leecopeland2061 Год назад +12

      That is an amazing story! I'm so sorry for all you have suffered! Thank God for that professor!!! God bless you!! I hope you will heal more and more!!
      I had a tiny stroke several years ago and they put me on Atorvastatin
      But after reading the side affects I stopped taking them after a couple weeks! So glad I did!!!

  • @drfrank777
    @drfrank777 Год назад +7

    Your testimony is very compelling. My MD tried to put me on statins (no cholesterol problem, but an iffy CAC score), but a whole lot of investigation convinced me that it wasn't a good idea. I'm sorry you had to be a guinea pig, so to speak, but thank you so much for sharing your experience and helping me to know I have made the right decision.

  • @roberttomyn1599
    @roberttomyn1599 Год назад +16

    I took a statin for years and had all of the problems you mentioned plus diszziness. Last December I decided to quit the Statin for a month to see if I felt better. Well I felt like a new person in just a few weeks. I won't be taking a statin again. I also found out that lots of Doctors don't support Statins.

  • @Traderbear
    @Traderbear Год назад +23

    I’m so glad I found this video because I’ve been suffering 💯 like this on statins

  • @davidnorbertgarza
    @davidnorbertgarza Год назад +24

    I'm quitting my statin pill right now...

  • @dennisconroy3459
    @dennisconroy3459 Год назад +15

    Cholesterol is needed for many functions in the brain. After taking statins for more than 3 years ,I started having balancing problems. When ever my left foot would drop down in a small hollow on uneven ground or concrete, I would loose balance and fall over straight away immediately, I had no way of stopping my body from falling. I usually fell straight over forward, but fortunately I would put my hands out to stop falling on my face. I had to make my own diagnoses , and stopped taken statins my balance improve back to normal.

  • @semiproactive9625
    @semiproactive9625 Год назад +6

    Hi Crazy, Me too. I took 40mg for 20 years, stopped one month ago and noticed the positive difference immediately. Thank you for the video.

  • @daves5623
    @daves5623 Год назад +19

    My doctor said ‘statins’ but the muscle aches were so bad. I felt like a baseball bat had hit me all over. A former pharma rep said, “your heart is a muscle….” So I got off them and I eat a vegan diet with daily exercise and I feel better than ever with lower cholesterol levels

  • @wakeywakey8603
    @wakeywakey8603 Год назад +4

    I love how straight forward the title of this video is. Thank you for your honesty. I've watched several videos on this subject. Some health professionals are so long winded & technical, you lose interest before they ever get to the point.

  • @perryvath7617
    @perryvath7617 Год назад +6

    I gave up statins & no longer wonder why I’m standing in a room.
    Good enough evidence for me.

  • @paraskevimour193
    @paraskevimour193 Год назад +8

    I used to take statins and I had pains in all my body , I stopped taking these , and the pains disappeared , statins are the worst medicine that exists from Florida USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @conniew338
    @conniew338 Год назад +1

    Thank you for bringing up this topic. More people needs to know the side effects of statins. People also need to research whether they
    need to be prescribed and encouraged/persuaded/threatened to take statin regularly.
    I am a 70 year old single women taking stain on and off for the past 23 years. I told my doctor my brain was foggy and my muscle ache and was always tired right after prescribed and taking statin around year 2000. My doctor said my cholesterol level was still high and may need to increase from 10 mg a day to 20 mg a day. At that point I stop complaining and compiled. 10 years went by and I was still limping along at work. What saved me was I had a desk job and that job was 2 grade levels beneath my experience and training. I finally retired at 58 in 2011 when I found it difficult to concentrate.
    5 years prior to that in 2006, I was becoming pre-diabetic(a1c at 6.0). My kidney was spilling protein. I had hypertension. My blood pressure was usually at 145 and above. I was prescribed medication for each of the ailment.
    After I retired, I slowly weaned myself off statin and other high blood pressure medication. After I retired, I did changed my diet to eat whole food, less sugar, more good fat, concentrate on reducing stress, but I was too exhausted to exercise. I was mostly slumped into my chair most of the time. I would be off statin for 3 months at a time while the brain fog lifted. When cholesterol level went up, my doctor would yell at me and ordered me to stay on statin. She said my chance of getting a stroke would be 10 % plus in 10 years. Imagine, I was 58 and my son was 17. What would happen to my son if I had a stoke or heart attack. I was not prepared to take that risk. Reluctantly I went back on statin and the subsequent blood test showed dramatic improvement. My doctor was happy while I felt miserable.
    This movie went on 10 plus times for several years. Meanwhile, new problems emerge. every time I sneeze, My bladder will leak a little urine. My eyes were always very dry to the point I kept putting eyes drops and kept my eyes half closed. My skin was itchy a lot of times. I thought there were bed bugs in my mattress and fleas in the house. Luckily my son helped me see reality. He kept telling me he felt fine. There were no fleas nor bed bugs.
    Then came the break in 2000. Something went through my head. "If my kidney is going to fail and my blood sugar keeps rising and I become diabetic and frail, I might as well have a stroke and die. After all, my son is grown I have a lot less responsibility." I stopped taking statin every other day. Effectively, I cut the doze in half. I felt the same. No better, no worse. Finally beginning this year 2023, I dropped all my medication. Miraculously all my problems resolve or improve. No more brain fog. Some muscle ache. I guess it will take time to built muscle strength again. No worry on my bladder. No more itching skin. No more dry eye. No more hypertension. Blood pressure is now 125/135 range . No more spilled protein in urine. Best of all, I reversed pre-diabetic. A1c at 5.3/ 5.4 range. Thank God it was not too late!

  • @eg1661
    @eg1661 Год назад +6

    I had the forgetfulness issue. After I stopped taking Statins, in about 2 weeks all is back to normal

  • @keenmcdowell
    @keenmcdowell Год назад +4

    When I hear “safe & effective” I go in the exact opposite direction.

  • @williamstringer6519
    @williamstringer6519 Год назад +5

    My GP recommended I take statins to lower my blood cholesterol levels. I took them for a couple of weeks, developed aching muscles and stopped taking them. That was a couple of years ago, and I am still fine, due to turn 90 in four months' time, so clearly I don't need them.

  • @SuperHaunts
    @SuperHaunts 6 лет назад +21

    Same and even worse effects when they tried multiple different blood pressure meds. I got to the point where I couldn't talk properly, stumbled when walking, forgetfulness, headaches and bleeding thru all orfaces ! If a person doesn't 'fit in their medical journals' they can't accept the fact that people are just different. I've long since stopped taking BP meds, feel great, and now the only people that have the heart attacks are the doctors&nurses that occasionally SEE what my BP is! And DON'T get me started on the 'flu shot' debacle!

    • @heidifouche7187
      @heidifouche7187 Год назад

      worst part of high blood pressure tablets doctors don't tell you is that it gives men ED (erectile disfunction) and can effect you at any age

  • @Blue24Osprey
    @Blue24Osprey Год назад +2

    It is great to hear honest straight forward opinions and experiences, such as yours, because people need to be made aware of this.

  • @davidotness6199
    @davidotness6199 Год назад +2

    Thanks for this. I was put on the drug two years ago and although I can't concretely state that my cognition/memory was concurrent to my starting on them, I do indeed experience those symptoms and have commented to my siblings just that. Currently on 20mg, I'm going to start quartering that based on your observations----and blame-free for my, that's MY choice here. You really got my attention with the muscle-wasting as well. Sheesh, I was of a similar build to you and now my arms are sticks! I'm going to change my diet to reflect the changes I'm making and will continue to follow your channel and update. My cholesterol levels were not extreme as it was, and I do not believe I was one of the "one in five hundred" either. My trust in our allopathic medical system (industry) has been severely, irreperably damaged by the 'Event' of the past three years badly enough already, and that gave my already extant skepticism a needed boost. Our awareness (being aware) must be maintained into the future as there is too much money without conscience being made off of our gullibility (trust) already.
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

  • @dragonesquire
    @dragonesquire Год назад +17

    Thanks for this excellent tutorial. Looks like the statin industry is setting itself up for a humongous class action suit based on negligence and faulty research.

    • @ellenorbovay5226
      @ellenorbovay5226 Год назад +2

      Doubtful, the victims will all be dead. RIP

    • @christopherwunsch5077
      @christopherwunsch5077 10 месяцев назад

      I spoke to huge law firms who solely deal with Pharmaceutical litigation, and was told by 3, that the likes of Pfizer have teams of attorneys whos sole purpose is to drag out litigation until long after you are dead and buried.. Nice EFFING system we got, huh?

  • @ddeangelis152
    @ddeangelis152 Год назад +7

    YES!! I noticed the impact of Rosuvastatin immediately when a perfectly robotical process of putting breakfast together in the morning suddenly started going awry. Burned the waffle. Forgot the coffee sweetner. No salt in the eggs. WTF? I do this perfectly and mindlessly practically forever. I go off the statin, and it’s perfect. I take the statin, and the very next day - and until I stop the statins - there’s mistakes every time. And there’s lost keys, forgotten assignments - it’s so predictable, repeatable, and obvious. Yet - it’s almost impossible to find anything but anecdotal stories about this.

    • @mathewvanostin7118
      @mathewvanostin7118 Год назад

      Me too i totaly forgot who my wife was and i accidentaly slept with other women due to memory loss
      When my wife was mad screaming at me for sleeping with another women again. I told her "honey its not my fault its the statin fault it makes me memory loss"
      Since my wife is so understanding she rolled her eyes and just said "you better dont do this when youre off statins" 😂

  • @deadpoetoftheyear
    @deadpoetoftheyear 9 лет назад +37

    My friend has been on them for 7 years and almost at once he started to change. At first he was bothered but these days he defends the meds he is on, he really enjoys having no memory, so of course no one sees the problem! He went from living alone to have a nurse 10 hours a day. Doc seems fine with the decline. I'm his last friend because everyone else left they didn't want a zombie as a friend. It's not just memory, his whole personality changed, his mood, everything. He even had a day of global amnesia that scared the police so they were just about to shoot him. It just bothers others that he is like this, if he repeats the same stuff endlessly doesn't bother him at all, also he can watch the same TV:show over and over every day because he doesn't remember it. He likes that life. As his last friend I begged him to speak with the doctor and he agreed. I don't have high hopes though. Oh yea he was on it to prevent heart attack but he got one anyway because they don't at all push healthy eating.

    • @christopherwunsch5077
      @christopherwunsch5077 Год назад +9

      I would suggest to your friend to take a statin holiday, stop them for 6 weeks or so, and have someone objectively see if there's any improvement. If there is, QUIT.. Dr will likely try scaring him into submission, with an often used tactic "I don't want to see you die of a heart attack" or some bull like this, when in reality, statins are highly unlikely at preventing death (less than 1/2 of 1%.

  • @karenzinaich9315
    @karenzinaich9315 Год назад +1

    I’m sorry for your experience. I was told to take the pill also. I have high cholesterol numbers. I have been refusing it. I am so grateful you made this video. Many blessings.

  • @crustycobs2669
    @crustycobs2669 Год назад +8

    OMG, wish I had seen this before. After statins, I had many of the same symptoms. Thanks.
    I put the increased pain, and some memory issues, with advancing age, until this video.

    • @daryldaryl913
      @daryldaryl913 Год назад

      Yes Crusty. We all put it down to getting older and many Doctors would agree when you say it. However when you think back a little it does seem to be at the time we started taking the poison and happens over weeks and months. Insidious .

  • @readyeddy101
    @readyeddy101 2 года назад +7

    Great video Paris. I experienced the same side effect(s) you described. I tried 3 different statins and experienced brain fog & forgetfulness with each. To sum it up I became a scatterbrain. These symptoms would start about 2 weeks after I began the taking a statin. Many years ago I began surfing the internet for any information related to my symptoms and I became aware of Duane Edgar Graveline, a retired physician and former NASA astronaut, who experienced a sort of amnesia which he believed was caused by a statin he was taking. His story made a big impression with me. I have since found much information on the subject of statins and negative mental effects. As I was watching your video I kept thinking to myself, "yup, that was me". I too began lowering the dosages and weighing the benefits of the statin against the negative symptoms and several months ago decided to no longer take statins (again). I am comfortable with my decision and when I told my doctor (again) he did not push back. I had decided to change some things with regards to my diet (again) and reap the many benefits of losing weight. I noticed on your more recent videos that you have lost weight. I am thinking that you have naturally become more healthy and cognitively on top of your game satin free. Thank you for making this video......Nick

  • @garrybuckley1503
    @garrybuckley1503 Год назад +7

    I stopped statins because of brain fog and memory issues my friend who started statins 3 months b4 me this was 11 years ago is now in a nursing home with dementia he's 59, it may not be the statins but I believe it is

  • @ajayanand4338
    @ajayanand4338 Год назад +49

    Well, I was given Rosuvastatin and I had body aches, mental fog and terrible constipation. Many times I was advised to stop it and restart on a lower dose till 5mg alternate days. It still produced all the side effects. Now I have stopped taking it - I prefer dying from a heart failure instead of Constipation 😁

    • @johntooth1886
      @johntooth1886 Год назад +4

      I was on Rosavustatin. Nearly did me in . Though Wats going on . Muscles joints. Massive nosebleeds . Everything unbelievable. Stopped never again . Control with a good diet.

    • @btrous1
      @btrous1 Год назад +1

      Amen brother!

    • @MusicByJC
      @MusicByJC Год назад +1

      Maybe more fiber would have helped.

    • @free2gaming123
      @free2gaming123 Год назад +1

      This is the best reply so far.... :D :D

    • @christopherwunsch5077
      @christopherwunsch5077 Год назад

      Ajay I would suggest you stop the offending drug and be sure your doctor DOCUMENTS you are ALLERGIC TO STATINS

  • @alanalarsen7759
    @alanalarsen7759 Год назад +16

    I noticed the effects of statins as soon as I started taking them, and I went off them. I was in a fog and I couldn’t think clearly when I went off of them I was fine, so I’m not taking them.

  • @jeanlloydbradberry9099
    @jeanlloydbradberry9099 Год назад +6

    Glad I refused to take these, although I was condemned and shunned for doing so, and the doctor gave me non-statin blood pressure medicine that works without ruining my health and brain!

  • @cynthiatucker2147
    @cynthiatucker2147 Год назад +8

    You’re not crazy. In fact I feel better knowing what’s going on with me. Forgetfulness is a major issue and yes I take statin medication. I’m in my early 70’s but constant senior moments are too much. 😮

  • @Gold63Beast
    @Gold63Beast 10 лет назад +9

    Please keep doing these reviews!

  • @bubblerings
    @bubblerings Год назад +4

    Your rants are pretty long on each video clip, without any problems. I hope you are still this sharp!!
    Looking great to me, watching your 8 yr old video.
    It surely looked like you could not be reading all of that from a teleprompter. Solid!!
    And thx for this video!

  • @GraemePayne1967Marine
    @GraemePayne1967Marine Год назад +2

    Thank you for this enlightening review! I have been on a statin for several years. I have had issues with short-term memory for a while but i dont remember for how long. If I remember I will ask her in the morning. I am tired of having episodes like walking from one room to another and having no memory of WHY I was going there! Also geneal malaise and headaches. And not caring about stuff I used to enjoy! Likewise with mental confusion. Next step, talk to my doc at the local VA Medical facility. If they won't or don't help, I also have a pill cutter.....

  • @tweaterdea2
    @tweaterdea2 Год назад +3

    Great video. I'm sending it to my son cause I'm sure he thinks I just complain. But since getting on 2 different statins, I was in whole body pain, and like you, cramps in places I didn't know you could have cramps, and same memory problems, exactly like yours. I got off my statin a week ago. Hope I don't go tits up.

  • @ajarnwordsmith628
    @ajarnwordsmith628 Год назад +6

    I was put on 80 mg Atorvastatin in April 2022. Within a few weeks, (I think) I developed severe cognitive problems. I knew I had short-term memory problems & confusion but I thought this was due to an acute episode of clinical depression and/or jet lag, something I had many years ago. My depression is usually well-managed with meds. Now I was concerned that I had Alzheimer's and/or another form of dementia. The memory clinic tested me and reported the all-clear on dementia. Reported the matter to NHS GP in the UK and mentioned my concern that this was caused by Atorvastatin 80 mg. Doctor changed the brand of statin and halved my dose to 40 mg. Despite numerous attempts to raise red flags with my doctors about a causal link of my memory impairment to statins, they won't take it onboard other than a perfunctory nod & brief note in my med files. This gentleman's account on RUclips is a mirror image of my own. Scary stuff

    • @David-nq4qi
      @David-nq4qi Год назад

      Interesting. I have been taking the same medication for years, and have had no such problem. Not even close. (See my comment if you can find it above) I am absolutely amazed from reading about other people's negative experiences as a result of taking something that has caused me no problem whatsoever.

  • @Junk65
    @Junk65 Год назад +3

    Great info! Thanks!

  • @Bodtec66
    @Bodtec66 Год назад +19

    Statins actually saved my life as they were causing me so much pain so fast, I quit all prescribed drugs 20 years ago and never turned back. True story! I lost my 30 years of work for the social security disability I was on for congenital heart disease because I wouldn't do the drug's but it was worth it in telling the pharma owned government agencies to piss off! Thank You statin drugs!

    • @theluckyman74
      @theluckyman74 Год назад +1

      Maybe you should find A good lawyer Statins have never proven useful in congenital heart disease. Yes Maybe in Transplant patients. I know I was born in 1974 with a single ventricle, and they, had, just developed the Fontan Procedure. Which saved my life. I had, the operation, at, Sick kids, hospital in Toronto, and did, really well, for many years. I, was born with purple lips, before, the, operation, and kids, would make fun of me. Luckily, my circulation, was, normal afterwards, with, pink lips.

    • @artspark7697
      @artspark7697 Год назад

      You lost your disability? You should have just pretended to take the drugs.

  • @peterjackson2625
    @peterjackson2625 Год назад +1

    In the UK doctors are partly paid by the NHS according to the number of patients they have. Since 2004, the other parts come via the "Quality and Outcomes Framework"; a meaningless phrase. It is in this system that GPs are paid to prescribe certain medications, including statins. One GP was making over £150,000 p.a.

  • @ritajames7797
    @ritajames7797 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your experience. I do hope you are very much better now and have benefitted from giving up the statins.

  • @mrsm482
    @mrsm482 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the video. Took them for 6 months and I regret it profoundly.
    My muscles have changed visibly and are "dead" on touch. Not to mention the pain and twitches in the muscles.
    Nobody lives forever, so I am ok with my LDL. We are friends now.

  • @bobeileen1
    @bobeileen1 2 года назад +8

    Yes, you are correct. My short term memory has diminished. I will take necessary action. John 3:16

  • @Underpantsniper
    @Underpantsniper 10 лет назад +6

    Hey Paris, I totally agree with what your saying. I started growing Marijuana years ago to help substitute the massive amount of the pain and cancer drugs that my father was taking when he was diagnosed. He ended up living 6 years after being diagnosed stage three with esophageal cancer. The drugs the doctors were prescribing created a huge change in his personality, his physicality and overall character. Im not saying that pot is a cure all but it definitely a better and safer alternative to many drugs that are peddled by doc's and pain specialists these days.

    • @EpicReviewGuys
      @EpicReviewGuys  10 лет назад +1

      Underpantsniper Thanks for writing. I imagine dealing with chronic pain must be a tough challenge. All the worse of course for the side effects of the pain medicine you take. Glad you could find something to help that didn't erase the person along with the pain.

    • @raymondwilliams5661
      @raymondwilliams5661 Год назад

      Doctors have a lot to answer for some have no idea. Just look at the jab say no more. 😉

  • @malbor
    @malbor 9 лет назад +7

    I have several very close co-workers and I can tell pretty quickly when they get back on their statins. They get stupid, and I ask "back on statins again?". "Yup, how can you tell". "Because you forget everything". My wife got extremely forgetful and had very serious leg pains and simply had to stop taken them. The cardiovascular benefit from Statins is in their anti-inflammatory properties but there are other ways to get the same benefit without taking a liver killing statin.

    • @Birtee229
      @Birtee229 Год назад

      @TracySkywatchers 28thchannel
      Whole Foods plant-based diet helps many a LOT! Check physician’s committee for responsible medicine website.

  • @h.ptenebre7739
    @h.ptenebre7739 10 лет назад +36

    Hi Parris,
    I couldn't disagree with your M.D. more on his rational for prescribing you to such a medication. Seeing that you are within normal limits and have no previous history of high cholesterol levels, it is mind boggling to wonder what his motivation was for doing so. I am not an M.D. yet, however I am a medical student. In my mind your diet change should have been the first step into your recovery and you should have been monitored from there on out with routine laboratory work. I have a philosophy that no patient should be taking a prescription drug unless they absolutely have no choice. I will carry this philosophy with me throughout my career. It makes me sad to see that these drug companies are taking advantage of society as a whole. All for the sake of a few extra bucks in their pockets. I just wanted to let you know that there are still some good doctors out there. I wish you the best my friend and keep up the great work! I thoroughly enjoy your reviews.

    • @EpicReviewGuys
      @EpicReviewGuys  10 лет назад +5

      H.P Tenebre Thanks for writing and I certainly agree with you about nobody being on a drug unless they clearly need it. I think my doctor had two reasons for putting me on statins- one is that most people probably can't manage the diet change and so the doctors automatically assume you will fail. The other is that statins are supposed to "stabilize" plaque deposits that you already have so they don't break loose and wreak havoc.

    • @beannamated
      @beannamated Год назад +4

      @HP Tenebre I hope that you are in medicine and holding to your standards. You are desperately needed.
      If you aren't familiar with the very serious adverse effects of SSRIs and SNRIs, I hope to connect with you. I am with drugawareness org and work with Ann Blake-Tracy PhD and several other researchers: David Healy MD, Peter Breggin MD, Peter Gotzsche MD, Joseph Glenmullen MD, Patrick Hahn MSc, and especially Robert Whitaker of Mad in America and ISEPP (Channels on RUclips). Please watch David Whitaker's talk at ISEPP 2011 in Los Angeles. He explains the Anatomy of an Epidemic (of mental illness). I do realize that it was 11 years ago and many things have changed in the world and society, but so much is iatrogenic.
      I have a passion to educate people as I UNKNOWINGLY sold drugs FRAUDULENTLY for several years and had a part in killing and disabling thousands of people as an institutional and academic medical center specialist. Also, I was strategically involved in T.Spetter v Abbott (Depakote) that is up to $1.6 BILLION now. Tom was my territory partner and got possession on critical information after I was gone from the company.
      I will try to find you on another platform. Your comment inspired me and gave me hope for the future of Medicine. ❤️

    • @betsysuetrueman3532
      @betsysuetrueman3532 Год назад

      Thank you 🙏

    • @dongdongki7691
      @dongdongki7691 Год назад

      Bravo to yu sir! Doctors are very rare gifted talents but nowadays they all turn to money as their gods.
      My wife who hot no history of heart attack or high cholesterol or high blood pressure but her blood tests comes back a little on the high side LDL 220
      But her HDL was very high and the doctor put her on simvastatin.
      She believe the doctor as she is afraid of stroke in the she took it for over 5 suddenly she has high blood sugars and have shin spots.
      Maybe old age or maybe simvastatin? Is it possible? Should she stop?

    • @mevensen
      @mevensen Год назад

      @@dongdongki7691220 LDL is a more than a little on the high side. This, of course, does not automatically mean a statin is appropriate, but it should trigger a closer look at other risk factors, lifestyle, diet, etc. Possibly some other lipid studies that are not often ordered by many physicians at this point. Also, yes, statins do have a risk in increasing diabetic incidence, but it is usually in people who are already at increased risk, so a deeper look into that would also be needed.

  • @anitasoni9988
    @anitasoni9988 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for an honest assessment. Very useful. Hope you regain your health 100%.

  • @lourdeslomeli824
    @lourdeslomeli824 Год назад +7

    You are absolutely right
    You just described all of my symptoms and experience with statins
    I No longer take any anymore
    Thank God.
    Your video has helped my decision not to ever start taking them again as just prescribed by the doctor.
    Thank you

  • @vinayparadkar851
    @vinayparadkar851 Год назад +5

    I started Atorvastatin 10mg in November and started noticing stomach pains/cramps. I just stopped taking the medication, will check with the doc after blood test but most likely will not take the medication as it just doesn’t make sense to take the medicine with side effects. Not worth it.

  • @loriceresia
    @loriceresia 10 лет назад +8

    Hi Parris, I was on these as well for a short time but my muscles were killing me! So I told my Dr. After 3 months after not being able to take the muscle pain I got off them, and lowered it all on my own! Oh and I think I'm forgetful because I'm 54, menopause!! lol 😃

    • @EpicReviewGuys
      @EpicReviewGuys  10 лет назад

      Lori Crafter Thanks for writing Lori. Certainly better to adjust your cholesterol by diet and exercise so you don't have to worry about the side effects. I have heard that changing hormones can can affect your memory.

  • @johnwienstroer1858
    @johnwienstroer1858 2 года назад +12

    I am having this problem as well. Thank you for putting this up. I would be driving and forget where I was going. I would blank out on peoples names. For get where I put stuff. I even cut dose to 2.5mg. Still happening. It is quite scary and I am only 45. Going off the statins because it is all about quality of life. Hopefully this goes away when you come off it.

    • @dacisky
      @dacisky Год назад +2

      Read Lipitor,Thief Of Memory.

    • @sharonb341
      @sharonb341 Год назад

      I just got the book yesterday. I ordered it from Amazon. I am not on a statin nor do I have a cholesterol issue, but I have two sisters who are on statins and have memory problems.

  • @loridyson569
    @loridyson569 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for not only letting me know I am not imagining things & letting my partner know I have not gone crazy or lazy. I had finally after 20 years of constant migraines decreased them to a couple a month after we moved to a higher elevation. I was walking 2 miles a day, claiming ladders, digging fence post holes in clay & had a great memory right up to my heart attack 1 1/2 years ago. Told the doctors repeatedly that my memory was shot, I could not walk down my long driveway, I was getting strange muscle cramps, I'm back to getting migraines more often again (but not as severe as before), constant headaches, tired during the day but only able to sleep 5 hrs at night & yes I will say it I have gotten bitchy! The worst thing is my attention span is gone, can only watch 5-10 minute video's & can't even read my bible which I know because I can not retain what I just read until I make it to the next paragraph. Even this is hard to write! I have to reread it & the add to it. I told the doctors I wanted off of the Statins but they said no even with my cholesterol dropping down to normal due to stopping smoking & major food changes. I had to go back in to have another stent put in a year latter & crashed on the table during it. I'm to the point that I am sorry I said anything that first night & had just died, because now I am just surviving in he'll on earth & making my partner miserable while putting him in medical dept.

  • @gericummings6122
    @gericummings6122 Год назад +2

    I have been on Atorvastatin for about a year. But. I noticed memory loss. As a nurse. I decided to look into the adverse side effects. Cognitive impairment was one. There are other types of stations that do not list Cognitive Impairment as a side effect. I talked to my Dr. and she was listening to me. One of the stations not having this type of problem is Ezetimibe 10 mg/day.
    I will be monitoring myself for memory function. Thank you for your video.

  • @lynncoffin180
    @lynncoffin180 Год назад +5

    I took statins about 20 years ago for high B/P but never noticed any issues of forgetfulness, but learned that statins damage kidneys. I stopped taking them because the made my legs ache all the time. I never experienced forgetfullness until now, 20 yrs. after stopping them. I'm now 86 and have the beginning symptoms of dimentia. So, I' really can't say the statins 20 years ago caused my dementia.

    • @MusicByJC
      @MusicByJC Год назад

      The first issue is that you statins are not for high blood pressure. They reduce LDL cholesterol.

  • @eileennoonan5173
    @eileennoonan5173 Год назад +4

    I agree . My doctor wants me to go on stating, but I'd prefer to take my chances on trying natural methods. I'd rather die than lose my memory. That's no life.

  • @Birdsafe
    @Birdsafe Год назад +1

    I am 67 years old. Was on statins for 10years. Kidney function declined. I took myself off the statins. Kidney function is now normal. I will not take statins again!

  • @joanseddon3589
    @joanseddon3589 Год назад +1

    I did not have high chloresteral. But was put on a statin as a preventative. I also have memory loss, had terrible dizziness, falling down, using a quad cane, and insomnia due to nightime leg cramps, twitches and overall leg pain My muscles started to Waist away. I did my own research and decided to go off the statins. I was right. Immeditely, that night, for the first time in years I could sleep and hardly any pain at all. Gradually the pain left completely. Physical Therapy over the last year has helped. Please advocate for yourself, it is OK to question your doctors. Do your own reearch. Find
    Doctors who will listen to you and actually help. Don't give up.

  • @iandavis380
    @iandavis380 Год назад

    With me, you are preaching to the converted. I had a STEMI heart attack last year, and was prescribed statins as part of my recovery medication. I stopped taking statins after a couple of weeks because of the effects they were having on me, very much similar to what you have described in your video. Next time I saw my cardiologist, I told him what had happened, and he prescribed a different brand of statin -guess what - same, same symptoms started almost overnight. I stopped taking the statins and instantly felt so much better. I don't think you are crazy, and applaude your stance. Well done!

  • @tomsawyer4321
    @tomsawyer4321 Год назад +1

    I am just going through the exact same thing. I could no longer read anything without having to repeatedly reread it. Also had serious pain in my finger joints,back and feet. I even had weird thoughts of killing myself but fortunately these were fleeting . Also asked my doctor about these side effects and my doctor said that joint and muscle pain is a common side effect but the other issues are not related to statins. I told him I wanted to stop them and it was like telling a parent their kid didnt make the team. The doctor was against me stopping them. I have stopped them anyway but my doctor insists that we retest cholesterol in 2 months time. I have told him I am NOT going back on them. The doctor seems too invested in them and now watching other videos on RUclips and having read the studies I cannot understand why they are so invested in them

  • @destawirnas4184
    @destawirnas4184 Год назад +3

    Thank you for your invaluable sharing.
    In this case I am not alone in the world

  • @susancataldo9511
    @susancataldo9511 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for your brave video testimonial. My poor husband was put on Atorvostatin a few years ago. Within a week, i no longer recognized the man i married 40 years before. My very bright, positive, energetic and driven husband had become a negative, angry, argumentative, depressed and unhappy man. Over time, his muscles began to ache and cramp. He could no longer sustain his workouts. Memory lapses began, followed by worrisome cognitive issues. He began to alienate friends with unreasonable demands and arguments over minor issues. It was as if another person had taken over his body. A year later my research led me to statin side effects. I convinced him to stop, and within a few days, the man i married was back. However, his cardio convinced him to try a different statin, and this time it was an injection. I was devastated when he told me. Many of those same side effects came rushing back, but this time it took months for them to dissipate. Unfortunately, 1 year later, many still exist. Especially muscle loss and cramps, random depression and the cognitive side effects and decline. I would give my right arm to take that shot away! I hope you have stopped the poison and regained your life!

  • @peteharper2687
    @peteharper2687 10 лет назад +5

    My memory was never much, but I've been using statins since a major heart attack a few years ago, and now I have virtually no memory, and would forget to do things, if I didn't put it all on Windows reminders/calanders of my phone and pc. I forgot my address, phone number, home and landline, car registration number and more, I never made the link with statins, I knew they made my muscles ache quite badly. My Dr put me on a different type of statin, less muscle pains, but my memory is crap. A very interesting review.

    • @EpicReviewGuys
      @EpicReviewGuys  10 лет назад

      Pete Harper Thanks for writing Pete. Sorry to hear the side effects have been so bad for you. And yes, thank goodness for electronic organizers!

  • @ReverendRusty
    @ReverendRusty 7 лет назад +4

    Get cholesterol below 70? That's insane! our bodies are very efficient at making the stuff which is a good indication that we need it and lots of it. But because it is so essential, it is also easy to imagine that our bodies can get too good at making it. But no one with cholesterol under 220 (and no history of cardiac events) should consider using a statin. And even then, the side effects (memory and mood disorders, among others) can make it a bad idea even then.
    Specifically, I had depression, mental fogginess, muscle pains, and shortness of breath, all of which went away when I got off them.

    • @DG-nb6fe
      @DG-nb6fe Год назад

      Not total cholesterol below 70, ldl below 70. Between 40-70 is ideal.

  • @lesliedeana5142
    @lesliedeana5142 Год назад

    Ironic that I haven't seen one of your😮videos due a while and couldn't remember the name of your channel. I had to sing your jingle & here i am. Getting off of these statins now!

  • @PaulA-vc6sn
    @PaulA-vc6sn Год назад +2

    I am YOUR EXACT STORY, I TOO HAVE STOPPED TAKING IT ! memory was declining very fast, and I too realized it was happening! I will say this however, I take 3 to 4 fish oil 1000 mg , my cholesterol levels have been excellent, in fact my Dr. Asked what changes have you made, I told him Omega 3 (fish oil) ! His reply was keep doing it maybe increase to 4 a day. I did and cholesterol doing very well

  • @dannymeyer3256
    @dannymeyer3256 2 месяца назад

    There is so many who have bad side effects yet doctors seem to think that’s a okay thing to go through.

  • @astzfat3319
    @astzfat3319 Год назад +2

    Ho-leee Mo-leee! Yes! My memory & concentration issues are remarkably frustrating and undermining!
    Danger to liver is plenty serious!

  • @josemars9081
    @josemars9081 Год назад +1

    Yes, family member forget all his gmail, pin, and smashed short term memory..slow down freeze moments

  • @Birtee229
    @Birtee229 Год назад +3

    I was started on 80 mg of atorvastatin. After about three weeks it finally dawned on me what was driving my memory problems. So I threw them in the trash. When I went back to my doctor and told him about the problem, he told me that memory loss was not a side effect of statins. And recommended that if I had a concern, we could reduce the dosage by half. From what I’m seeing written here I’m glad I didn’t go to the reduced dosage because it probably would not have helped and by now I would be in a nursing home from memory loss. Thank you for the video.

  • @michellewind8097
    @michellewind8097 Год назад +3

    thank you for clearing up my memory loss issues, my muscle leg spasms, you are not crazy and neither am I, I am going to stop taking the 10mg of rosuvastatin and see if the leg spasms and short term memory clear up, because the spasms are ruining my sleep

  • @mineralt
    @mineralt 2 года назад +8

    This happened to me too. I quit statins and my memory came back. I was on them three years before the memory problems started, but it was pretty bad.

    • @ann-marie1032
      @ann-marie1032 Год назад +3

      That's great news to hear your memory came back, how long did it take for your memory to return? My mum has been on statins 3 years and having terrible memory loss and confusion, its onset started on the lipitor and got progressively worse. We have taken her off them in the last week and yet to notice a difference.

    • @mineralt
      @mineralt Год назад +2

      @@ann-marie1032 I would say it was back in 2 months. Moved to Repatha, no issues. It's expensive and your mom's dr will have to fight the insurance companies to pay for it, but they did for me. God bless you and good luck.

    • @ann-marie1032
      @ann-marie1032 Год назад +4

      @@mineralt thank you so much for your reply. My mums confusion and memory have gotten so bad in the last few weeks that my brother and I have even sadly considered care facilities for dementia. Her memory has deteriorated since she started the Lipitor, plus she has suffered from severe weight loss and muscle atrophy as well as itchy skin, which I have learned are also side effects from statins, so we want to try and rule out the Lipitor as the cause before we go any further. She even suffered from a kidney injury 6 weeks ago which I have also learned can be caused by statins. Your comment resonated with me as you mentioned it was 3 years you'd been taking them, which is approximately the same amount of time as my mum. The more I research into statins, the more I think that they are more dangerous than doctors would have us believe.

  • @garyneilson3075
    @garyneilson3075 Год назад +1

    You're saying exactly alot of the things I'm going through, on Statins!

  • @dionneklein7546
    @dionneklein7546 10 лет назад +2

    Thank you for posting this!

  • @kjewell232
    @kjewell232 10 лет назад +5

    I hear this often in my profession and I will say you should not take statins!!!!! There are other meds you can take if you need them! Wishing you well!!

  • @franmaud3030
    @franmaud3030 Год назад +1

    Ask yourself this question. What is number « one » cause of death ? The answer is cardiovascular disease. I believe around the 1970s a substantial increase in cardio victims led the medical institution to look into a way to solve the problem. Something new was happening , more and more women were victims of it. Researchers believed that high cholesterol might be the culprit. A strong campaign for statin medications began. Not all doctors were convinced, after all smoking among women had increased also, junk food was on the rise, etc… A physician could loose it’s license for going against the establishment, pretty much like what we saw during Covid. At the end of the day has mortality decreased since the introduction of this medicine ? It has not, rather more people continue to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

  • @ichthus1890
    @ichthus1890 8 лет назад +4

    Thanks for the very informative review.

  • @danburton337
    @danburton337 4 года назад +1

    Oh I almost forgot,"Thank You", your video was a great help.

  • @creativesource3514
    @creativesource3514 Год назад +2

    I'm on Statins and I'm totally fine. No side effects. I have high total cholesterol and LDLs.

    • @Amine-gz7gq
      @Amine-gz7gq Год назад

      my father seems to be fine too. he often has blood tests.

  • @toni4729
    @toni4729 Год назад +1

    No way, I will never go on statins and my cholesterol is very high.

  • @emmyc9759
    @emmyc9759 Год назад +1

    I agreed with you. In my 50 my Dr prescribed statin to relief cholesterol. After taking this drug for awhile i realised i had memory lost. Tends to forget things like where is my eye glasses or keys i just put it aside. Just cannot recalls. Plus leg cramps midnight of the night. So I stopped taking this drug after researching and found out a scientist also suffer this problem like me. He said he is very smart and had good memory like me. All of a suuden i cannot remember things so trivial.
    Never take statins ever since until now I'm in 70, still remember where things are. Able to recall events even many years earlier.
    There ia class action but fails to sue the drug maker.
    You are not alone suffering these. Try alternatives med or other health cares.
    Good luck n hope your recover.

  • @miekewiskie3039
    @miekewiskie3039 Год назад +2

    One month was enough for me.
    Couldn't walk and heart attack.
    Dangerous stuff.

  • @pamelawoodsum8608
    @pamelawoodsum8608 Год назад +3

    I have told many friends that this is a bad drug nobody listens to me they just keep taking it
    They wonder why they can't remember anything and why they hurt all over
    I watched my neighbor turn into a babbling Man it was heartbreaking Especially for his wife who has to take care of him

  • @robertdavidson9393
    @robertdavidson9393 Год назад +2

    I just started alternate days statins I think 🤔 but maybe not can't remember I'm fine so far I think 🤔 but don't remember

  • @truthgiver8286
    @truthgiver8286 Год назад +2

    The pharma companies do make sure their drugs are effective they are very affective at making money not so affective at curing problems

  • @dave1ahc
    @dave1ahc Год назад +2

    I was on those with the same problems. Went off and went on the Carnivor diet and it is proven that having a bit higher cholesteral for better cognition!

  • @terriem3922
    @terriem3922 Год назад +2

    I'm not sure you could have a problem with a plant based diet, from what I've read. If I have 2 drinks of sugarless soda, I have difficulty multiplying in my head for 5 days or so. Also, just slower mental functioning. After a week it clears up, but it has happened hundreds of times. I rarely have anything with aspartame in it anymore. I suspect some of the protein powder had aspartame in it, although it wasn't listed on the label. I don't use protein powder anymore, because I can't be foggy at work.

  • @douglaskay9959
    @douglaskay9959 3 года назад +3

    Cholesterol is not bad, sugar is because it clogs your arteries which prevents the cholesterol from flowing.

  • @kevburrows1955
    @kevburrows1955 Год назад +2

    This is exactly what happened to me.

  • @dee5331
    @dee5331 Год назад

    So true! The older you get, the more you wish you didn't know! I started researching everything health related outside of the US

  • @johnallen7367
    @johnallen7367 Год назад

    I kicked statins to the curb, and went full carnivore diet. Losing 2kg (4lbs) a week, and feeling incredible. Mentally sharp, depression gone, eyes better.

  • @valt9508
    @valt9508 Год назад +1

    Try changing your diet and lifestyle. Check out Dr. Dean Ornish or Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn to prevent or reverse heart desease.

  • @mig7287
    @mig7287 Год назад +1

    Thank you.

  • @antykom1
    @antykom1 Год назад +1

    Absolutely, all you told is happening to you after you started taking a statin is happening to me, too, and I have the same dilemma as you have.

  • @janloudon5243
    @janloudon5243 Год назад +1

    I tried statins and their alternative. Extreme stomach upset and vague. One week on each was enough for me. Dietary changes lowered within 2 months.

  • @FalkinerTim
    @FalkinerTim Год назад +2

    People on statins should not get behind the wheel of a car less they are assessed and periodically monitored by a driving instructor.

    • @dickwinkowski4868
      @dickwinkowski4868 Год назад +2

      why do you say that? I am having is balance issues. Or at least that’s what I think I’m having. I am having memory issues also

  • @edinalikic2167
    @edinalikic2167 Год назад +1

    You are completely Wright, I was bing for 6 days on the statin, my body was hurting and kidney, I given up, statin doktora say I give you another statin, I wasn't open the box, of the new statin. I now quite cemical medicine 💊 I really gonna take action on natural resources, doktor have, 30 % of the pharmacy profit for each person whose taking the statin.

  • @DG-nb6fe
    @DG-nb6fe Год назад +3

    5-10mgs Lipitor day is probably enough for most people to greatly lower ldl, total, and triglycerides. 40-80mgs Lipitor is a very very high dose!

  • @wesleyp3024
    @wesleyp3024 Год назад +1

    well, except that studies have shown that people with LDL over 800 actually live longer in old age and more healthfully. the cholesterol isnbt killing people its platelet activation (clotting) caused by stress, high blood sugar and smoking.

  • @gaddisdm
    @gaddisdm 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing. I will never start them and am looking for a doctor who better understands diet and the harm seed oils do. I’m convinced that’s been my root issue.

  • @georgewashington3012
    @georgewashington3012 Год назад +19

    Did you stop the statin completely and, if so, did your memory/cognitive skills completely return? If so, how long since kicking statins did it take for everything to go back to normal?

    • @rob2848
      @rob2848 Год назад +2

      Once you stop statin, you should boost your 'side damage' with exercise and CoQ10 supplement. From my experience with Atorvastatin then Rosuvastatin (5mg), my healing was about 60 days. Brain fog and muscle pain all go away. However, my libido has not returned to the full glory even todate, after more than 100 days.

    • @mathewvanostin7118
      @mathewvanostin7118 Год назад

      Thank god i am a freak. Even with 40 mg i am pervert enough to have high libido when i see pretty women lol