Arguments like 'Israel started the (67) war" are for people who don't know the details. Yes Israel struck first-but why it had to?....look up on youtube docs about this conflict!
He did not said your ancestor did not exist or that the land called Palestine did not exist, he said there's no Palestinian STATE or NATION that ever existed. Is this the truth or not? Sorry, but according to my research, what he said is the TRUTH. You don't agree? Ok, so who's the president, prime minister, or head of state of Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948? Who's your national hero? What's your national anthem? Was there a state or nation called Palestine in the League of Nations or the United Nations? Palestine is the name given by the Roman Empire to the land of Israel and Judea, which are both Jewish states. It's called Palestine at the time of Jesus because it's already under Roman occupation at that time. So yes, you can say that Jesus was born in Palestine, but a Palestine that's is a Jewish nation with Jewish population under Roman occupation. This is historical FACT that every credible historians know. Most of the Jews were forcibly driven out into exile by the Romans, but some never left. The only way to move forward is for both Arabs and Jews to admit that both sides have the right to exist in that land.
Palestine is just a geographical name, it does not belong to any group of people. Palestinians are arabs that moved there years ago, they are not related to the ancient inhabitants of that land more than anyone else. I totally agree with you, there is no reason why they should keep trying to find excuses in the pst, they have to adapt to the reality that the only solution is a two states solution. But imho Palestine will never accept it, unfortunately.
“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian? We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag. When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”. Walid Shoebat, former PLO member
Jordan was also part of Palestine. Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC. Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele: “In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews. "the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea"- David Ben Gurion. Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
I looked up Palestine in several encyclopedias and not one of them describes Palestine as a nation. It is typically described as a geographical region, end of story!
@@sharomdguda it is a region with people living in it. Is it okay to remove people just because they live in a region and didn’t have a nation? Is it hard not supporting colonialism?
MOST "Palestinians" immigrated AFTER 1923 from Egypt, Syria, Saudi, Turkey to WORK in British Mandate. Those know exactly WHEN and from WHERE they came and most of them have close relatives in these countries. There was NEVER a "Palestinian" tribe or entity, that's a FANTASY term invented by Egyptian Arafat in an openly admitted jihad intention. Before that Arabs were just Arabs from VERY different backgrounds. Shame on this disgusting lying b*tch. ALL "Palestinian" charters demand FIRST and ONLY the death of ALL Jews in the ENTIRE world, they NEVER wanted a state. Despicable people
1. When was the country of "Palestine" founded, and by who? 2. Where were its borders? 3. What was its capital? 4. Name at least one "Palestinian" leader before Arafat?
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC. Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele: “In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews. "the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea"- David Ben Gurion. Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
their border?? isnt that the whole argument?? in this case you think Russia has the right to attack nato countries since they are gathering around there borders?
@@MrNordicRules It's pretty common for both Russia and NATO to do military exercises on each other's border for the sole sake of deterrence, showing the other side they're ready for war at a moment's notice. Israel and the Arab states are an entirely different situation. Israel received intelligence from both the US AND Soviets that the Arabs were mobilizing their forces because they were about to attack. You'd be an idiot if you're so heavily outnumbered but can mobilize first to then not strike first when the advantage is on your side. Sorry bruh, but this shows how ignorant you are in this area.
Palestinians are descent of settlers from different regions except for Samaritans Here are some common "Palestinian" families and their place of origin: Saudi, Al-Husseini, Al-Hassan, Hijazi, Tamimi, Erekat, Barghouti, Qureshi, Badawi - Saudi Arabia Yamani, Azad - Yemen Haddadins - Yemen (Ghassanids) Masri, Masrawa, Tartir, Bardawil, Fayumi - Egypt Abu Kishk, Shakirat, Zabidat, Aramsha, Abu Sitta, Abu Sutta, Shaalan - Egypt (Bedouins) Turki, Sultan, Uthuman - Turkey Iraqi, Baghdadi, Faruqi, Tachriti, Zoabi, Abbas - Iraq Nashashibi, Hurani, Allawi, Halabi - Syria Lubnani, Tarabulsi, Sidawi, Surani - Lebanon Bushnak - Bosnia Khamis - Bahrain Afghani - Afghanistan Mughrabi - Maghreb Araj - Morocco Djazair - Algeria Kurd - Kurdistan Hindi - Indian Subcontinent Abid - Sudan We all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen or anywhere else." "... Half the Palestinians are (Arab) Egyptians and the other half are (Arab) Saudis" - Arab "Palestinian" Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, 2012. israel was reformed in 1948 the word Palestinian comes from Hebrew word peleshtim which means invaders it was a term used by jew to describe non-jews who live in Jewish homeland even a Palestinian politician called Awni Al-Hadi said to the British empire "There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' was invented by the Zionists
Pick your moment in history. How can you claim one has land rights over the other? The unfortunate fact is that the Ottoman empire was destroyed and the land was given jurisdiction to the groups by those that conquered it. They tried to split it between the Palestinians and Jewish people, but Palestinians slapped their hands away and refused. They also refused to the point of warring over it several times since then and have lost every single time. If it was your land at one time it is not now. You lost it by a combination of your own bad choices and losing wars. Hamas knows that and they feel the only way to get the land back is by eliminating the Jewish people off the face of the planet. Can Jews treat Palestinians better? Yes. Can Palestinians stop screaming, "IT'S OUR LAND! YOU STOLE IT FROM US!" Yes they can, but they are refusing to do so. The Jewish people are not going anywhere. There is no amount of screaming at them or shaming them into it. A person does not owe you something or have to disappear just because you say they are your problem. Life does not work like that.
@@CDRNY25 You can rest assured I won't be sitting down and STFU over rude bullies like yourself. I have EVERY right to run my mouth like you do. It is my God given right as it is yours. So I suggest you learn something about decency and reasonable human interaction or you will continue to have a ton of unrest in your life AND it will be completely your own fault, no one else's. I know types like yourself think your life is a living hell because of someone else, but you are clearly the master of disaster over your own life. So why don't you do us all a favor and take responsibility for yourself, your actions, your bad attitude and your failures. Stop being a coward and actually do something with the gifts God has given to you rather than being a spoiled brat, chip on the shoulder, sitting there sulking in the corner like a bitter child. It's your choice and absolutely no one should give into your childish kicking and screaming fit that you people like to throw to make a scene thinking that is going to somehow change anything for you. Stop being a selfish brat for a cool change. YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICES, YOUR PROBLEMS, COMPLETELY ON YOU AND OF YOUR OWN DOING. You can change or forever be miserable by your own hand.
That gives israel no right to terrorize and kill Innocent palestanian civilians.Fuck off israel.They would kill everything that is different than themselves.
Mandate of Palestine included both israel and Jordan. Many people pretend like jordan was always there. Another interesting fact; 25% of israel population is Arab/muslims of which the majority, 80%, would not leave israel for a future country of palistine because they have proven that they cannot run a country.
Yes, but being a region that has existed for over 2,000 years, it deserves credit for actually existing and the people who live in it as well. North Dakota isn't a country either, but does that mean it never existed?
Who said, that you never exist? Palestine never existed, as a country. But Palestine was the region. Do you know: The Arabs were overnight told, to call themselves Palestinian, and not Arabs. By there leaders! I heard it from an Arab, that lived in the westbank at the time.
Is this woman serious . The land was Judea and the inhabitants were Jews. The philistines were a people who lived in a tiny part of the area now known as Palestine . They were probably of Greek origin. David killed the Philistine Goliath. Judea was conquered by the Romans who governed it for centuries. After the revolt by the Jews in AD 70 the temple was destroyed and most of the Jewish people expelled. The Romans renamed Judea Palestrina . The Muslim Arabs invaded the Regions under the Greek Roman Empire ( after Rome’s fall in the west) and conquer all the Middle East . Much of Palestine became a part of Syria. The ottoman Turks invaded the Middle East and conquered most of the Arab Empire ,later becoming Muslims themselves. These people captured Anatolia ,now Turkey destroying the Last parts of theChristian Roman Empire. Under the ottomans the area became an administrative district of Syria . Obviously after the Muslim invasions many Muslims moved into the Area . Many Jews had returned to their homeland and Jerusalem was a majority Jewish area. The Jews were treated as dhimmi under the Ottomans . after WW1 the Ottoman Empire was broken up and the Colonial powers took control until permanent arrangements could be made. The Jews were promised part of their ancient homeland and in fact were originally allocated a much larger part of their former homeland . This was reduced to accommodate Arab grievances. The Arabs themselves never recognised Palestine as a nation ,it was a part of Southern Syria. After the Arabs refused to accept their part of the land some of it was stolen by the State of Jordan. Israel was content with the tiny bit of their homeland given them but the Muslims vowed they would never share the land with the Jews. This is why we have this situation. The Jews did not expel the Arabs ,they left on the advice of the Arab governments because of a pending war. They were promised Israeli property when Israel was defeated. But Israel won and those who were actively anti the Israeli state’s existence were refused re entry. The only people with any rights to the whole of Palestine ,apart from the primitive tribes expelled by the ancient Jews thousands of years ago,are the Jews. The Muslims were invaders.
Yes. Israel’s history is complicated ; she has been through many troubles but always stays dedicated to the Jewish destiny. Due to famine and other reasons Jews went into Egypt who allowed them in but feared their increase in numbers and then enslaved them. They returned to the promised land and formed a united state which later split in two . The Syrians and Babylonians conquered and enslaved many again . They were freed and returned to Judea . Alexander the Great had a turn then the Romans conquered them . Then the state was destroyed and the Jews dispersed. The rebirth of Israel is according to prophecy and God’s plan. All of what is called Palestine really belongs to Israel,not just the little bit they have now. Israel could get all their land back in due course. The main stipulation by God is that they remain a just people under God.
You exist. No one is saying YOU don’t. All he was saying is there was not a nation state of Palestine when Israel captured the West Bank during the 6 day war. The war Egypt started by illegally blockading Israeli from the straits. Even after Israel negotiated the Egyptians reneged on the deal and kept the blockage up. An act of war. This video is revisionist history that conveniently stops short to make it seem like Jews just showed up in the 40’s and took land. The Jews settle the area and built the 1st temple in 1300 BC and there has been a Jewish presence there ever since. They were invaded, attack, and eventually almost wiped out after the founding of Islam around 600AD.
JUST because the area was called Palestine doesn't mean you have rights to it, it dosen't mean its a country either. In fact the are was called Palestine by the Romans after they captured it from the Jews where the area was previously called Judea... The reason the Romans did this was to mock the Jews in the area as "Palestine" means "to invade/occupy"!
Sorry to burst your bubble, but all the historical references of the Greek and Romans since the time of Herodotus referred to the land as "Palestina" which is from the Greek form Palaistinē which was a word used to describe the land of the Philistines. Note here the "Philistines" not the "Palestinians". The Roman occupiers took Syria and Judea (the home land of the Jews) and called it "Syria-Palaestina" once again with "Palastina"; a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the "Philistine's" invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea. Note: The "Philistines" were not Arabs.
You didn't disprove any of the points made in his video and removed the context for many subjects. In addition to that you kept talking in a disrespectful and insulting manner on top of cherry picking and twisting history facts. I always like to listen to both narratives of the conflict to see where each side is coming form. Unfortunately this video is about you trying to brainwash people with a distorted picture of reality. On the matter of how he painted the figures in the video. He painted a Jordanian soldier as a man with a Keffiyeh and a gun, being pretty accurate. He never once mentioned that it was an illustration of all arabs or muslims, the drawing purpose was to illustrate a Jordanian soldier in 1967. As for the other drawing, he drew a man smoking with a red hat. If we take a look at the ottoman empire, the tobacco industry was very developed and popular. The red hats and the tobacco represented the culture of the ottoman empire at that time. Again he never once said that these drawing depict all arabs or muslims, those were your words not his. My advice to you is to stop being so arrogant and actually listen to what people say, who knows sometime other people may enlighten and richen your knowledge.
"Both the byzantine and the romans referred to the region as Palestine" --> well, yes, because they colonised the land from the Jews. "Jesus was born in Betlehem in Palestine" --> no, Jesus was a Jew and was born in Judea - which in fact was the only sovereign power in the history of the land. So no, he was a Judean under the Kingdom of Judea - Jewish kingdom.
There was NEVER a "Palestinian" tribe or entity, that's a FANTASY term invented by Egyptian Arafat on an openly admitted jihad intention. Before that they were just "Arabs" from VERY different backgrounds/tribes. ALL places in JUDÄA/"Palestine" have JEWISH rooted names, ALL archeology is Jewish. Palestine was the name given by the Romans for JEWISH kingdoms/territories. Surrounding Arabs tried to wipe out the INDIGENOUS Jews for CENTURIES. The Al Aqsa mosque is built on the ruins of the HOLIEST Jewish temple. How about Christians/Jews doing that to the Kabba/Mecca. "Palestinian" leaders had a STRONG bond to Nesi-Germany from 1933 on. And played a KEY ROLE in the shoa. The genocide of TWO million Chrestians Ermeniens from 1894-1917 in the Middle East, was the SCREENPLAY presented personally by mufti Amin Husseini to Heddler to convince him the shoa is possible. As Esleme-fescests Husseini & Co lived 41-45 in Nesi-Germany busy KILLING Jews. Enough is enough !
1. The fact that Palestine was used as a name for centuries doesn't mean there was a Palestinian state, separate national identity or independent political movement back then. During my childhood the term was used in traditional Christmas carols, but it never meant "Arab Islamic Modern-Day Country". 2. Religious minorities like the Druzes and the Bahá'ís are well respected in Israel. In fact, the ethno-religious group with most graduate titles are Christian Arabs (69%), surpassing the Jews (67%). The problem lies within Arab Muslim non-Israeli citizens, a majority of which don't have secular mindsets or have any interest in becoming Israeli citizens. 3. The girls demand a less biased depiction of Arabs, but still they mock the Israeli accent and pronunciation of Rs. 4. Israel did attack Egypt first and this didn't lead to a war with just Egypt, what would have been expected. All the other neighboring Arab armies attacked Israel simultaneously (again, and then again in 1973, and always lost). 5. The video was fun and the girls are charismatic presenters, which doesn't mean the content is any good.
While your statements are largely totally correct, number 4 is slightly off. Though Israel is perceived to have fired the first shots, that is not true. Other Arab belligerents committed the first acts of war, even including shooting, beginning in the early 1960's. Syria was shelling Israeli communities in the Golan, while Israel kept requesting negotiations with all parties to end the belligerence. Nasser ordered UN peacekeepers removed from the Sinai without General Assembly discussion, a violation of the truce agreement. Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran, cutting off Israel's major supply route to the east, another clear act of war under international law.
Those were called skirmishes. in '73, Israel did attack first, but it was a preemptive attack. Everybody knew what was going on, Egypt has been amassing military hardware on the Sinai for months. Israel was left with no choice but to strike first. We're talking about a very tiny country here, 424km north to south and 114 km across east to west on its longest and widest points. For us, it's easy to talk about who striked first and lay blames that way. For Israel, it was a matter of survival; the battle in '73 would've been lost already if they didn't strike first. And the Arab nations aimed for the annihilation of the Jewish state, Israel didn't. But thanks for your clarification on the finer points, those were true.
Oh, and yes, that hilarious 'Jesus a Palestinian' moment. The same Jesus who knew Torah back to front, and spent his time in Synagogues ? The 'King of the Jews' ? That one ? ;-)
.....are there only kingdoms in ancient times? are there no free cities who dislike monarchies? the greek dont have kings. the romans have emperors but also democracy. what are you on about? and before the term palestine, there are ancient kingdom of canaan/cannanite/hittite. and israel was one nomadic tribe with no territories. try again troll.
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC. Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele: “In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews. "the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea"- David Ben Gurion. Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
0:34 No 0:52 Once again, no. The woman in this video makes a big rant about how many groups referred to the land as Palestine, but never mentions people in the land who actually identified as Palestinians, nor does she mention a Palestinian nation. 1:09 No, is he saying that your people never had a distinct nationality or sovereign state in the region you claim as being yours even once in history. That’s much different from saying you don’t exist. 1:23 Or will you deny my request to actually here about the Palestinian nation that you speak of instead of wasting your time on cringe-worthy sarcasm. 1:26 Rather hypocritical seeing as you can’t. 1:40 Yes, and no one denies that it was used as a geographical term, but that does not make it a nation or a sovereign state. 1:47 You said it yourself, it was a name created by the Greeks to describe the geographic region that originates from the name of the already extinct Philistines of Greek origin who occupied a tiny area along the coast. It does not reflect the existence of a Palestinian people. 1:58 Once again, you mention foreign powers using the term Palestine, but neglect to talk about the indigenous people. In fact, the name Palestine was specifically used to deny the heritage of the indigenous people like you are doing now. The land was originally called Judea when the Romans came, a name that came from the Hebrew “Yehuda”, the name used by the indigenous Yehudim, or Jews. The Jews revolted due to persecution, so the Romans destroyed many of their cultural and religious sites, such as the Second Temple of Jerusalem, renamed cities (Jerusalem became “Aelia Capitolina”; Shechem became “Neapolis”, and later “Nablus”), ethnically cleansed the indigenous Jews, and changed the name from Judea to Palestina in order to erase the heritage of the indigenous Jews in the land. 2:09 Wrong. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a city in Judea, which would not have its name changed to Palestine for another 70 years. You are doing exactly as the Romans did by denying the indigenous heritage of the Jews and their presence in the land. This is what is known as ANTISEMITISM. And no, I am not calling you antisemitic because you are anti-Israel. I am calling you antisemitic because you are literally rewriting history to erase the Jews. 2:15 No, it makes him a Jew/Judean. 2:22 As a geographic term, not a nation, people, or political entity. 2:37 A geographic region. Still not a nation. Most western nations used that name because it was used by the Romans, who once again only used it to ethnically cleanse and erase the history of the indigenous Jews. 2:53 Here we really see how wrong the idea that Palestine was a nation is. Palestine was the name given to the mandate by the British for reasons already stated. “Palestinian" was an ethnically-neutral term used to describe anyone living in the Mandate of Palestine. In fact, it was more common for a Jew to be referred to as a “Palestinian” that for an Arab. Entities like the Palestinian Philharmonic and the Anglo-Palestine Bank were Jewish institutions, which would later become the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and Bank Leumi respectively. 3:04 Yes, that is what the British Mandate was called. Your point? 3:17 Zionists are not colonialists. The Jews were indigenous to Judea. The Arab invaders who came from Arabia were colonialists because they colonized a land to which they were not indigenous. And at the time, there was no Palestinian identity, and geographic Palestine was sparsely populated, so the idea that it was a land without a people was not to far off. 3:27 So there was a Palestinian people? Well, since you haven’t told me anything about them yet, why don’t you do that now? 1) When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom? 2) What were its borders? 3) Where was its capital? 4) What were its major cities? 5) Name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat. 6) What was the language of the country of Palestine? 7) What was the prevalent religion of the ancient country of Palestine? 8) What was its currency? 9) Since there is no such country of Palestine today, what caused its demise and when did it occur? 10) Why did the Palestinians never try to become independent until after the devastating defeat of invading Arab states in the 1967 Six Day War? 3:30 It is true that Zionists did expel Arabs in Palestine early on before Israel’s creation, but it did so completely legally. They bought the land legally from landlords at prices much higher than the land was actually worth. They had ownership of the land, so they could decide who stays on it. But I assume you are talking about the “Nakba” that occurred during the Israeli-Arab War of 1948. In most cases, invading Arab leaders told Palestinians to leave and promised that they could have everything back and more as soon as the Arab armies finished off all of the Jews. Of course, this did not happen, resulting in a large population of Palestinian refugees. Many Palestinians also just left to get away from the fighting, which was started by their own Arab leaders. It is true that some Palestinians were evicted by the Israeli Forces, which I will agree was wrong, but the fact is that is something that happens in war. However, this was not even the biggest refugee crisis resulting from the war. Approximately 700,000-800,000 Palestinians became refugees. Meanwhile, there were 800,000-1,000,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Islamic nations who had nowhere else to go but Israel. The combined total of land stolen from them was approximately equal to five times the size of Israel, so if you wanted all Palestinian Arabs to be able to return, the Arab world would also be obligated to give up five Israels for the Jews. The reason you don’t hear about this crisis is because Israel accepted them all into their nation. The Arab nations did not accept the Arab refugees, which is why their descendants are refugees to this day. The fact that you are holding Jews to a different standard than Arabs is antisemitism. Not to mention, that the Roman Empire, who you expressed support for earlier in this video, expelled and slaughtered the millions of indigenous Jews living in Judea. Once again, your lack of sympathy to this huge ethnic cleanse is antisemitism. 3:34 It didn’t have to be that way. Originally, there was a plan for the region to be shared, with Arab regions going towards the Palestinian Arabs and Jewish regions going towards Israel. Jews accepted this plan, while Palestinians did not because they were told by their Arab leaders that they would first expel the Jews so they could have it all. Huh, that’s strange. For some reason you are far more okay with the expulsion of Jews than Arabs. In addition, not all Arabs left. Many stayed, and they were given full citizenship and rights, such as the right to vote, which they exercised as early as the first Israeli election. I do recognize that Arabs in Israel do not have complete equality in society, which is wrong, but they are more free than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East. Arabs in Israel today are doctors, lawyers, artists, policemen, soldiers, generals (yes, in the IDF), politicians, and even Supreme Court Justices, and, like I said, all Arabs who have chosen to accept Israeli citizenship have full suffrage.
3:43 And no Jewish refugees have been accepted back into the nations from which they are expelled. Again, you are holding Jews and Arabs to a different standard. 3:44 And there’s your answer. They did not take land from Palestine. They took it from Jordan. Although you could make the argument that Jordan is Palestine, since Jordan was the 70% of the Mandate of Palestine that was broken off and given to Arabs in the region so they could have their own state. But if that’s the case, then the Jordanians have so much other land. Also, Jordan did not give any rights to Palestinians during their occupation of the West Bank. 4:01 You’ve spent much of the first half of your video trying to rewrite history, which, like I said, was antisemitic. Not only did you attempt to rewrite history, but you attempted to erase a nation completely. That’s far worse than his arguable biased narrative of the events of the Six Day War. 4:08 True, but this was because Egypt was, a nation that had previously attempted to destroy Israel, was mobilizing on Israel’s border. It had formed an alliance with Syria, another nation that had previously tried to destroy Israel. Israel had a perfectly reasonable concern. Technically, even though they made the first strike, this strike was made in order to gain leverage over the future Egyptian attack. There still would have been a war, regardless of whether or not Israel attacked first. 4:30 True, but it certainly was a just cause as I just explained. Also a reminder that he was not the Prime Minister when the war was going on, so he can’t really speak for PM Levi Eshkol. Also, how many times are you guys gonna change your accents? 4:47 What he said is true, and I fail to see how what you said refutes that. 5:03 You are calling his video a propaganda video. While it is not perfect, your video has way more issues and biases (including antisemitism) which I already pointed out. 5:12 Well yeah, that’s because the Jordanian Arabs who attacked Israel were gun-toting Arabs hellbent on destroying Israel. That wasn’t a generalization of all Arabs. It was an accurate depiction of a few. 5:31 You’re accusing him of racism, yet you have used antisemitism many times throughout this video that I have already pointed out. 5:34 You mean like the way they treat Jews in the media in the Palestinian territories and many other Arab and Islamic nations? 5:39 And now you are pointing the finger at European antisemites, while, like I said, they depict Jews like that mainstream to this day in Islamic nations, and you have been antisemitic this whole video. You are the pot calling the kettle black. 5:51 Because the Jews were a powerless minority at the time. Arabs have held power ever since they invaded the rest of the Middle East and North Africa from Arabia. You have to be a total moron to not see the difference. 5:53 But nothing on the stereotypes of Jews in the Islamic world? And, like I said, that was not a stereotype. That was an accurate depiction of the invading Jordanian army, not a generalization of Arabs as a whole. Well, this video was a load of bullshit. It’s gonna take a lot of bleach to clean it all out of me.
+Guy Fawkes 1- Still no 2- How exactly is that a straw man argument? That’s what she says in the video. She talks all about other groups that referred to the land as Palestine, but doesn’t actually talk about the actual historical nation of Palestine itself. You calling my argument a straw man still doesn’t mean there was ever a nation known as Palestine. Citation needed. 3- When she says “what are we, in the matrix?”, that is a sarcastic answer to the idea that she straight up doesn’t exist. I suppose it was unnecessary to refute, as it was clearly sarcasm, but I decided to anyway because it was a stupid use of it. 4- My point is that she is taking way to long to get to the punch of what she is discussing. She is wasting time on sarcasm rather than discussing information. 5- I’m not. I’m laughing my ass off at your stupidity. 6- And if you want a source that gives basically the entire history of the Land of Israel There. Now give me one source of a Palestinian nation. And if you really have a problem with Wikipedia, then why don’t you just look at the listed sources at the bottom of the page? 7- The Philistines became extinct after the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions. Philistines were not Arabs like the Palestinians today, and they were not even an indigenous Semitic people. They were a Greek people who invaded the Levant from overseas, being described as “Sea Peoples” by the Egyptians, who they also invaded before being kicked out. 8- 9- My point was that Bethlehem was a city in Judea before it became Palestina. That’s a fact, not an opinion. In addition, there were no more Canaanite peoples at that time within what was considered the land of Israel. Historians believe that the Canaanites became part of the Israelite population, and it is likely that the Israelites themselves were simply Canaanites who revolted. 10- The Jews are an ethnoreligious group describing those who lived in ancient Judea and their descendants who still practice their culture. And remember, there was no Palestinian identity at the time. Therefore, Jesus was not a Palestinian. 11- My comment was a negative statement. Therefore, the burden of proof lies on you. Why don’t you prove to me that there was a Palestinian nation. 12- Burden of proof relies on you. 13- For the rest of this, the burden of proof relies on you. 14- Citation needed. 15- The Zionist movement predates the UN. As already established, since the Jews were there first, which any historical timeline will tell you, they are by definition not colonizers. And yes, Arabs invaded in the seventh century during the Islamic invasions. It feels like anyone who knows any basic world history should know this. Jews are from Judea, Arabs are from Arabia. But I suppose you are rather uneducated, so allow me to provide a source: 16- Okay a- Wow, well look at that, you just countered your previous point by admitting that the Arabs were invaders. b- Prior to the Israeli return, there was no country called Palestine, merely a geographic region and a British Mandate. And prior to the British Mandate, the land was ruled by the Ottoman Turks. So why don’t you please give me a source to when there actually was a nation known as Palestine. c- Same response as answer b. d- Same response as answers b and c. c- Well, it looks like you repeated a letter here. I am saying this because Arafat was one of the first big Palestinian nationalist leaders (although he was actually Egyptian) and at the time of this Palestine was not an independent nation because the land was known as Israel by this time. Therefore, if Palestine preceded Israel, then there must be more Palestinian leaders before him. e- If the national language was Arabic, then there would have to be a nation known as Palestine between the times of the Islamic Invasion and modern Israel. I cannot seem to find such a nation during that time period in my research. May you provide a source/citation please? f- What do you mean “what timeline”? There are no alternative dimensions, only one timeline of history. Unless, I suppose, you are referring to time period. In that case, give the various ancient religions of Palestine whenever they existed. g- Same basic response as to answer f but with currency instead of religion. h- Palestine is not a country today because the land currently belongs to Israel. Therefore, the country must have had some sort of demise that allowed it to fall to Israel, as well as the Brits and the Ottomans before them. i- So what? If Palestine was a nation, you would have thought its nationalist movement would occur much sooner. 17- 18- The funny thing is that I had to look up what hasbra is since I’ve seen the term before but I didn’t actually know what it meant. I have refuted your claims as to my usage of straw man arguments, clearly my "red herrings" were legitimate because you failed to convincingly refute them, and best of all I showed how ignorant you are on basic world history, such as the Israelite kingdoms, the assumption that the Philistines are the same people as the modern Palestinians, the Judean revolts, the Arab invasions, and the apparent lack of a nation known as “Palestine” at any point in history. Now I'd like to see you refute my arguments on the rest of the video.
+Guy Fawkes I ignored nothing you said. I responded to it all. If you want sources, look at the sources listed at the bottom. At this point your head is so far up your ass that you are refusing to actually acknowledge that I said anything. If your ancestors owned the land, then you are indigenous. If they invaded, like the Arabs, that is imperialism. And, by your logic, if you do not ethnically inherit land, then why should Israel belong to the ethnic Arabs who do not currently own the land?
I love how she's trying to portray Jesus as Palestinian, when Jesus was a Jewish man born in Judea, NOT PALESTINE!!! The Romans changed the name of Israel and Judea to Palestine around 100 years after the death of Jesus! I guess history and facts are not important to "Palestinians"... LOL
Dardahan, I know! I was sarcastically replying to someone who deleted his comment already... ;-) He wrote something like the Canaanites were there before the Jews... Which I don't dispute, but I think he was trying to suggest that the "Palestinians" of today are direct descendants of the ancient Canaanites... LOL!!! No wonder the dumbass deleted his comment...
What you state is correct - Jesus was not a 'Palestinian' because no where on the face of the earth, in the history of the world has there ever existed 'Palestinian' as a Nationality until 2006 but to be fair, after WW1 when Great Britain was given the mandate over the last sliver of land not yet created into a state, Great Britain called that piece of land Palestine. The people living in the land, from the British Mandate until May of 1948, were known as Palestinians. And there were Jewish Palestinians and there were Arab Palestinians. Golda Meir carried a Palestinian passport from 1921 until 1948. In fact, up until less then 100 years ago, the connotation 'Palestinian', usually referred to a person who was Jewish, not Arabic.
@@lscottschlager2147 It divided the land of Palestine into two nations, one Israeli and one Arabic, as the Palestinians didn't call themselves Palestinians at the time, they were just arabic, and at the time they didn't declare themselves as a nation. Also Jordan and Egypt immediately occupied the Arabic parts.
I asked a Sikh I know once about Islam. I asked him "since you have lived near Muslims all your life what are Muslims really like back in India?" He told me "If you dip your entire arm in a barrel of oil and then dip that same arm into a barrel of bird seed and then count all the seed stuck to your arm, you will know how many lies a Muslim tells in a day."
When you only choose the history dates that suit you and not the whole dates, it usually means your hiding something. Also why would you say Jesus was Palestinian he was literally Jewish that Is a fact.
@@Executtiive According to the Gospels Jesus was a Jewish rabbi from Judea. "After Jesus was born in *Bethlehem in Judea* , during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem" (Matthew 2:1) "They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach" (Mark 1:21) "Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want? They said, “Rabbi”, “where are you staying?” (John 1:38) Jesus answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel". The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said. Jesus replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs". (Matthew 15:24-26)
Jordan was also part of Palestine. Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC. Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele: “In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews. "the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea"- David Ben Gurion. Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
He didn't deny that Palestinians exist. He denied that an independent country called Palestine existed. The term Palestinae was what the Romans called it after conquering it. The name was resurrected by the British, but the term didn't refer to Arabs specifically. Ariel Sharon was born on the British Mandate of Palestine, which was not a state, but a British property that had been promised to the Jews, it also included Jordan.
Nope the area was called "Palesiniae" BEFORE the Romans conquered it, even by JEWISH writers. But if you want to be technical, there was never an ancient Jewish state called "Israel" either. Judaism is generally recognized to have gotten really off the ground AFTER the Babylonian exile and centuries after the fall of Israel to the Assyrians.
@@michardav no it wasn't. Some Greek literature refers to the home of the Philistines, but the Philistines did not control the whole area, only a small strip, and they were in no way related to Arabs or Jews. The term wasn't officially used to denote an area until the Romans began using it after they conquered the Jewish kingdom. The Roman used Palestinae as it was derived from Philistines, who were conquerers of European origin.
"Some Greek literature refers to the home of the Philistines" untirely untrue, there is no evidence the Greeks even knew of the Philistines, nor did the Romans. Herodotus mentions it in his histories simply because that's what it was called, same with Aristotle in his treaties on meteorology when he speaks about the Dead Sea. Philo a RABBI calls it Palestine- and he died about 40 CE!! Sorry but historians simply do not back your case. But common misconception. The fact is we only have two sources for Hadrian's reign, only one mentions the name change, and it was specifically reasoned as an amalgamation of Galilee, Judea and Samaria to name already in common usage- Palestine. There is no mention of "Philistines" and in fact it would be ridiculous to claim as such since "Philistine" is only mentioned in the Tanakh and I really doubt your average pagan Greek or Roman was familiar with the Jewish set of Holy Books nor cared. Also keep in mind that the vast majority of Jews lived OUTSIDE Palestine at the time of the Emperors in Rome- Egypt having the highest population followed by Babylon (Persia),
@@michardav You need to look at your own sources. ""As early as the Histories of Herodotus, written in the second half of the fifth century B.C.E., the term Palaistinê is used to describe not just the geographical area where the Philistines lived....." "Hence, when Herodotus (3.91), the first classical writer to mention Palestine, speaks of the fifth province of the Persians as including Phoenicia and the part of Syria called Palestine and Cyprus; the part of Syria called Palestine either refers only to the coastal area, so called because it had been inhabited by the Philistines, or he is speaking loosely, since the only part of the area that he had visited was apparently along the coast. Hence he called the whole land by the name of the coastal strip. " Herodotus was referring to the Philistines. The Philistines were a coastal likely Greek people, so it makes sense that some Greek authors would refer to Philistines. The Romans purposely chose the name Palestinae to associate the area with European invaders and disassociate it from the Jews. Once again the Philistines had no connection to Jews or Arabs. They were a European group originating in what is now Greece.
And just a few years later Aristotle says the Dead Sea is in Palestine, which isn't near the coast. Sorry try again...BTW EVEN that were the case, remember that the Angles only dwelt in a small part of the south east coast yet all of England bears their name. AND doesn't change the fact that even JEWS were calling the area Palestine- as opposed to ISRAEL- before the Romans changed it. You're claim was that the Romans changed the name, they only made it official, the place was already called that. Nor was the name resurrected by the British since Mark Twain wrote an entire book on his visit to PALESTINE- not ISRAEL- decades before World War One. Your claim is simply and demonstrably false.
@pros tras their names also reveal their places of origins. A brief guide to some Palestinian Arab surnames (updated) Here are some popular Palestinian Arab surnames, and their meaning in English: al-Masri - the Egyptian al-Mughrabi - the Moroccan al-Djazair - the Algerian al-Yamani - the Yemeni al-Afghani - the Afghan al-Turki - the Turk al-Hindi - the Indian al-Hourani - the Hauranite (from southern Syria) al-Kurdi - the Kurd al-Ajami - the Iranian al-Shami- the Syrian Khamis - Bahrain al-Araj- part of Morocco Halabi - Aleppo, Syria Bardawil - named after a lake in Egypt I have yet to hear of anyone with the surname "al-Filastini."
what do you guys think of U.S. Senators looking to ban BDS?видео.html video has undercover clips of zionist plots as well.
Extremely ignorant rebuttal. She was incorrect or purposely misleading in her very first statement that Ayalon (or anyone for that matter) denies that the Palestinian people exist. NO ONE has EVER denied that the Palestinian people exist. MOST thinking people deny (and are correct) that there was ever a Palestinian state or nation. To say there was ever a Palestinain state in past history would be the equivalent of saying Sub-Saharan Africa is a state or western Europe is a state. It is an AREA or REGION and NOT a nation or state. You need to go back to school lady. Your juvenile language and snarky insults are just fillers for your lack of actual substantive argument.
Israel and the worlds biggest mistake was condoning the lie that there is such a thing as palestinian people. They do live in Jordan, Israel , Gaza and Judea /Samaria.
Lies. Palestina was a name given by the Romans after they conquered Judea. There were no Palestinians. The first PLO leader was born in Cairo, Egypt. the Palestinians are Jordanians, Egyptians and from other surrounding Arab countries. The term a Palestinian was created by the Soviets in 1964 as a political tool for a land grab.
Palestine is an area not a country. There is no country of scandinavia, it is an area that is occupied by different countries. List any name of a Palestinian king or leader prior to 1988.
literally because Palestine isn't a country with legal borders, it's just a region? it's like accusing someone of telling me I don't exist as a Latin American. I don't, Latin America isn't a country, it's a geographical area. I do, however, exist as a Dominican.
1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state 2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. 4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab - Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state . 5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. 6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. 7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state. 8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state. 9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire , not a Palestinian state. 10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. 12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state
The lady in this video is so ignorant she thinks its about the name Palestine and she thinks people are claiming it was never called Palestine.... lol... she can't even grasp the most basic argument and then goes on to make a completely INSANE and fallacious video like this. I can't stop laughing. She truly might be one of the dumbest people on earth.
+Egg ibn Asfoor You must read history from Palestinian books right? I read history from the rest of the world, I see archeology, I see ancient artifacts, I read holy books like the christian Bible, the jewish Bible, and the Koran, I see the oldest photos of the land, and guess what? There was never such thing as Palestine nor Palestinians. Only Jews that lived for thousands of years in the land, and got occupied several times, once by the Romans who called Israel Palestina, that is the history for you. 3 Jewish states in history, 0 Palestinian states in history. To proof the existence of a country called Palestine with indigenous population called Palestinians you need to destroy all the archeology, architecture, burn all the books of international history, destroy the christian Bible, Jewish Bible and Koran, and maybe then come up with a story to tell. It is pathetic to keep trying to convince the world of a different fictional history. We don't deny your actual existence, we deny that you were ever a country, a people, a state. Why Palestinians are not wanted in any Muslim country? Interesting... Arafat was the first one to come up with the new idea of calling his Jewish land occupiers Palestinians. Even the rest of the Arab and Muslim countries did not recognize such people back then. Palestinians should leave their occupation and go back to Jordan, Syria and Egypt where they came from.
Moshe G.V. I have only one thing to tell you....I am an Arabic,Palestinin,Muslim girl and I have a case that everyone denied it because it's dangerous for their own safety and don't care about us.... I don't care what history says I only belive of what is happening now.i believe what is happening to me... I belive that Israel is killing our children our girls our old men our people...and they will still do that untill they vanish us....but guess what we are not leaving our country no matter what...and for the record Palestine do not only have Muslims but Christians too.... I think you should study more...because darling I'm telling you exactly what's happening oky...and if you don't belive me come and I'll show you everything you want to see...and then you'll be the go search of what I'm saying...
ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ You must not be serious right??? Palestinian are Arabs not Greeks or from Crete. The Philistines were only a small little nation on the sea side, not the entire Palestinian region. They are two totally different regions and race. By the way, the Philistines disappeared way before the first Palestinian showed up, that is Arafat, who by the way was born in Egypt.
LOL! Just because you speak better English than Danny doen't mean you can just tell blatant lies that don't pass the most simple of tests! Nice try, though!
Recognition is precisely what`s being offered by Israel and the international community a state for the Palestinian people only presently prevented by an organisation with an agenda to remove Israel from the map pretty ironic.
Forgotten, that Jordan occupied Palestine in 1948 and annect it in 1950? What about the "palestinians" in this time? There were no arabs in palestine called "palestinans" until 1967. There were only the people living there. Jews and arabs. The jews, by the way, since 3000 years. The arabs just after the arab occupation of byzanz 1600 years later.
This is an historical lie, sir. Palestinians considered themselves how palestinians by the late XIX century, se could see in all Arab journals and from the discourse in ottoman parliament of the delegates from sanjaks of Jerusalem, Nablus and Akka, and from the regionale project about forming a specifical vilayet of Palestine, and for all palestinians journals, expecially from the journal Falastin, Palestine in Arab, that this people existed. Only British authority, zionist leadership and panarabist intellectuals and Leaders didn't recognize the palestinian people, their request and rights, for specifical reasons. And there were protests in West Bank during jordanian occupation, and request ti change the name in "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan AND Palestine"! With other requests, that were often tied with specifical palestinian request in Israel. You have to probably read the History of this people from real research, not in the old book written by British and Israeli historians that didn't know a single word of standard arabic and the specifical palestinian arabic.
@@angelocoll7802 no you’re wrong. The Arabs rewrite history and claim that theirs is truth and that others is wrong. Not to mention the arameans and modern Syrians hating Arabs and Islam because of historical censorship on them, including burning books
I'm already thinking of Palestine as Philistine, so let's move it to Gaza and let it take part of the Sinai and boom, they don't have to claim Judea and Samaria anymore. Plus it actually started existing while the Kingdom of Israel was around, taking over Gaza and part of the Sinai Peninsula.
This video did not mention: * The name of Palestina has a Roman origin and it has nothing to do with Arabic. Romans *renamed* a territory which had names already like JUDEA, SAMARIA AND GALILEE as the very Jesus referred to them with those names. *Acts 1:8* New International Version _"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all _*_Judea and Samaria,_*_ and to the ends of the earth."_ *To say that Jesus was a Palestinian is just cheap *ANACHORNISM,* because the name of Palestine was not used by Romans at the time of Jesus. This name was used only in the second century AC and the complete name was *SYRIA PALESTINA* and was used by Romans as a humilation to Jews because of Bar Kokhba revolt in 135. *The above-mentioned fallacy shown in **02:15** is an obvious propaganda lie of the pro-Palestina narrative.* We all know the Parable of the Good Samaritan of the Gospel of Luke, referring to person of good heart who was from Samaria who helped a Jew but the Parable is NOT named the Parable of the good Palestinian. See how do they want to deceive you? * Regarding the War of 1967. it is known that Egypt had an aggressive stance against Israel. Egypt had blocked the Straits of Tiran which Israel had warned it would be an *act of war.* What Israel did in 1967 was a preemptive war, contrary to what happened in the war of Yom Kippur in 1973 when Israel did not want to do another preemptive war even though Israel knew Arabs wanted another war.
*Read this for truth:* Skip to the end for the conclusion if you don't want to read this boredom. The real question is: are the Palestinians and the biblical Philistines the same peoples? Either way, the land does not belong to them. Canaanites are the original owners of the land. The ancient Israelites conquered them and enslaved them. Many of them were absorbed into the Israelites and other nations. They don't exist anymore, so the second in line of succession are the Israelites. But wait. There's some interesting info here. Where do the Israelites come from? They were the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. Israel is the second name of Jacob. Jacob is the grandson of Abraham. Abraham was born in the city Ur Kaśdim (Iraq). So, the Israelites originally come from Iraq. But the Palestinians still don't own the land. Keep reading. Where do the Palestinians come from? Depends on whether you believe they are Philistines or not. According to the bible, the Philistines came from the sea, the Island of Crete. According to DNA evidence, they have strong connection to Crete, Greece, Sardinia and other parts of south Europe. So if the Palestinians believe the bible and they believe that they are the Philistines, they should claim Crete as their homeland, which is a lot larger than the west bank and Gaza combined, has good farm land, good weather, has no enemy neighbors and has more access to sea. Also, the Philistines only settled in the Gaza strip, not in the west bank and not in the rest of Israel. According to the bible and many historians, the Philistines were absorbed into the Assyrian and the Babylonian empires after they both conquered the kingdom of Israel and Judah and then the Philistines got extinct, while the exiled Jews kept their identity and culture thanks to their religion. But I doubt they are Philistines. Because of DNA evidence, different language, different religion and no archaeological connection. Where did they come from then? Some suggested that the Palestinians are Canaanites. Unfortunately for them, there is nothing significant to back that up. The Canaanite language and culture is a lot closer to the ancient Hebrews. All evidence, DNA, archaeological discoveries and ancient transcripts point that the Palestinians are descendants of Arabs. The same Arab Caliphates that invaded the whole middle east (including Spain and even parts of India later on) during the 7th century. You can read the Origins section of the Palestinians wiki page. The "Pre-Arab/Islamic Influences" and "Canaanism" claims are very weak. But the Arab connection is very strong. Many Palestinian families can trace their origins back to tribes in the Arabian peninsula who settled the area after the Muslim conquest. DNA evidence shows that there is strong connection between the Jews and the Palestinians. If most of the Palestinians are indeed Arabs, then the Bible confirms the connection. Many Arab Muslims believe that they are descendants of Abraham and his son Ishmael. The Jews believe it too. But Ishmael and his mother were banished far north so they no longer have the right for the land. The 12 sons of Jacob (Israel) moved to Egypt because of drought. The 12 tribes became slaves in Egypt. Meanwhile, the Philistines moved from Crete to the Gaza strip. And then the tribes united and returned from Egypt and formed the Israelite kingdom which later split into Israel and Judah, until the Assyrians and the Babylonians invaded and exiled them (including the Philistines). The Palestinians claim that the Jews are just European invaders. But obviously, the Jews were exiled to Europe long time ago after the second temple was destroyed by the Romans. The first and the second temples were destroyed by Assyrians ad Babylonians. King Cyrus of Persia defeated Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to their home. They built the second temple. Greeks invaded them. Greeks lost in the end. Romans invaded them. Romans won (during the emperor Titus), which led to large emigration. The wiki page "Jewish diaspora" explains how a lot of Jews got to Europe. Hadrian, another Roman emperor, crushed the Jewish rebellion and changed the name of the region to Syria Palestina to punish the Jews. He also changed the name of Jerusalem. But my humble, personal guess is that the new name just didn't catch up. Many centuries later, the British called this region Palestine. The rise of Palestinian nationalism started that time. But a Palestinian nation or country never existed in ancient times. It was always a province or a region. Imagine if some people of Norway, Sweden and Finland will demand a new country called Lapland. 1:09 The woman asked if she, as a Palestinian does not exist. But that is not what Danny Ayalon said. There is a time manipulation in her words: He said such country or a nation did not exist (IN THE PAST), but now Palestinians do exist because new nations are being born every century. So if she was born 200 years ago, she would not exist as a Palestinian - she would most likely exist as an Arab or Ottoman. 1:39 She was telling the truth that Palestine was a region. Herodotus and Aristotle did mention Palestine, but AS A REGION. They did not mention a country or a nation. The oldest year that she mentioned was 484 BCE, but she wouldn't dare to mention that the kingdom of Judah was destroyed by Babylon way earlier in 586 BCE. Conclusion: if the Palestinians are the biblical Philistines, then Crete is their land. If the Palestinians are Arabs, then their land is Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and so on... But if they are Canaanites - the land is theirs, but they will have to bring some really hard proof, which they can't.
Small correction: The first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. Ignore the Assyrians. They conquered the kingdom of Israel, while the temple was in Jerusalem which was part of the kingdom of Judah.
who lived there ? Jews lived there - And when the Jews lived there and the Jewish temple existed - the Arabs drank wine, believed in pagan statues, buried their daughters alive and worshiped Elilath - El Manath and Uzath - Then a man named Muhammad said that he had heard verses from Gabriel ... and Muhammad established Islam - and in the name of Islam - the Arabs conquered the Levant and Jerusalem - a city that did not belong to Muslims or Arabs! Mohammed is a perverted pedophile who raped a little girl at the age of 9 ! Jerusalem is not mentioned at all in the Koran - not even once! so it is immoral to kick The Jews out of their land just because a pedophile false prophet Muhammad tell us that he heard some verses from the devil - and he twisted and distorted everything - The Arabs belong to Saudi Arabia - from where Islam came - they do not belong to Jerusalem!
What a silly argument- First of all, you do not need the letter J - in Hebrew - because the original name of the Jews in Hebrew is - Yehudim - the Arabs also express it - Yehudiya or Yahud! In a foreign language they express it - Jew - but the Jews express it correctly - in their original language! The Arabs, on the other hand, do not have the letter P - and they can not pronounce the letter P! Therefore the Palestinians can not pronounce their name - because it is not theirs - they took this name from another nation! The original Palestinians are Philistines - They are a nation that originated from the Aegean Sea - Greece, Crete, Minoan and more. Their original name begins with the letter P - and expresses it - Pelishtim ( Palestine ) - The Arabs pronounce the name F - Falastine - What just proves that this name is not theirs is unnatural to their language, they can not pronounce the name of their nation properly and in the right way - which indicates that they stole it - and that they are not really a nation! As well as - the biblical name of the Philistines( Pelishtim/Palestine) means in Hebrew - "invaders" - It's coming from the root word "Pelisha" which mean in Hebrew to invade - cause the biblical Philistines came and invade from Crete and Greece ! The Arab Palestinians have no history !!! There has never been a Palestinian kingdom, a Palestinian state, a Palestinian coin, Palestinian symbols, a Palestinian language, Palestinian traditions, Palestinian religion, and ancient Palestinian personalities. There has never been a Palestinian rebellion against any empire - against the Greeks, Persians, Romans, Babylonians, etc.! Philistine culture was extinct with the Assyrian conquest in the 8th century BC !!!! Since then, the name "Palestine" has been used only as a regional Geographical term - and not a name of any nation - certainly not of an Arab nation! Another fact is that the Arabs conquered the Levant not because the Byzantines provoked them! The Arabs conquered the Levant and large parts of North Africa because of the spread of Islam! On the contrary, the Byzantines grew weaker and weaker, and the Arabs took advantage of it, and in victories they quickly conquered the Levant from the Byzantines and the Sassanian ! The Muslims are the ones who invaded - in the name of Islam and their murderous ideology ! Quds in Arabic means "holy" or sacred - and it's not means Jerusalem! The name Jerusalem explicitly is never mentioned in the Koran - not even once! The al-Aqsa mosque did not exist and it was not built yet when the Koran was written, or the Prophet Muhammad the pedophile made his fake false stupid "night journey" on a winget donkey ! Ha - What a JOKE !!! According to ancient Islamic sources, the al-Aqsa Mosque, once mentioned in the Koran, was one of two mosques located next to a village in the Arabian Peninsula (now Saudi Arabia) called Jajrana, between the cities of Mecca and Taif. The mosque near to the village is called - al-Masjid al-'Adna - means - the nearest mosque, while the second, the more distant one, is called - al-Masjid al-Aqsa - the furthest Mosque. This is the Al-Aqsa Mosque mentioned in the Koran in Chapter 17, which describes the myth of the night journey of Muhammad from the Holy Mosque in Mecca to the Far Mosque in Jajrana. Finally - the Jews are Jews - genetic tests prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Jews from Europe or elsewhere - have roots in the Middle East! A Jew is the person who is born to a Jewish mother - and today there are millions of people who see themselves as Jews and are not necessarily religious - they are connected and related to the Jewish culture, tradition and history of the Jews! The traditions and culture of the Jews have been confounded from father to son for generations, and very few joined or converted to the Jewish people! It is known that conversion is a long and arduous process - and one can not simply become a Jew - In contrast to the Arabs and Islam - who accept everyone - you have to say one miserable sentence - and that you become a Muslim! Another thing - the absolute majority of Jews does not prevent religious reasons - but for historical reasons! Historically, Jerusalem and the Land of Israel belong to Jews even before the Arabs invaded the Levant. This is a historical fact that can not be challenged - the cradle of Judaism is in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem! The cradle of Islam and the Arabs is in Mecca - Saudi Arabia !! The vast majority of Arab Palestinians - themselves immigrants who came from different Arab regions - and different Arab countries! The majority came from Egypt, but there are other masses who came from Morocco, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and even from Europe - the Balkans ! If you can tell us about the "Palestinian" history - I would love to learn something new " But "Palestinians" is an Arab invention! And Jerusalem has never been the capital of an Islamic caliphate or a Palestinian state, or a Palestinian kingdom , and Jerusalem has never been an Arab capital!
Zayd Abbas No you funny 😄 stupid .. What was the " Palestinians" language and religion Or tradition or history before Islam and the 7th century AD.. Funny 😄 shit you ignorant fool.. LOL
Zayd Abbasвидео.html So .. Please help them find their history .. Tell us about the 5000 years of history of the "Palestinians"… lol . Tell us what their culture was .. What language was .. What did they believe? .. What was their handwriting handwriting .. What was their traditions .. What was their currency .. What was their capital .. What was their symbols ? What distinguishes them from the rest of the Arab world ?? Does it have unity as a nation? Or are they Arabs who came from Arab countries and settled in an area called Palestine and the reactions against Zionism and the Jews? And as you say ... in Colombia you speak Spanish ...? Because the Spanish conquered South America .. The language of the locals is different and remains a traditional second language alongside Spanish .. What proves again that the Arabs and Muslims are occupiers and invaders!
@@QarsherskiyEducation I was specifically referring to the water pipe but as a matter of fact there are Turks living in Jordan and Palestine who are mixed with Arab . The water pipe is not making fun of Turks. A lot of Israelis are of Turkish descent. It is using a symbolic reluctant to represent them. Just like if it were Italians, it would probably be pasta or something. I'm Italian and would not be offended.
Chronology of the name of that region spoken: Canaan ----->Israel------>Northern Israel + Southern Israel (Judah)-------->Palestine-------->Israel + Palestine + Gaza Israel's name was coined at about 1000BC, Palestine was coined at merely 450BC. Israel a product of Zionism? Wrong. Israel today is the restoration of its predecessor. Palestinian isn't a race. Arabs are a race. You are an Arab. At most you can say is that Israel and Palestine are interchangeable. You said it yourself, the Arabs adopted the name Palestine (Filistine). Oh, and by the way, without Judaism, there cannot be Islam.
There is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist. Therefore, the Palestinian leaders claimed two contradictory lineages from ancient peoples that inhabited in the Land of Israel: the Canaanites and the Philistines. Let us consider both of them before going on with the Palestinian issue. Read more here:
@@levanpalestine4899 This means that the Palestinians were Jews at the time, since circumcision of Jewish men was obligatory. Circumcision is also obligatory for Muslim men. However, Islam did not exist during the time of Herodotus. These Palestinian Jews later became the majority Christians. Most of the Palestinian Christians converted to Islam during the Arab rule. It is clear that African black Jews, European Khazarian Jews, Malayalam Jews in the Indian state of Kerala, and Mongolian-looking Jews are not indigenous to Palestine.
Let me tell you something about the name "Palestine" Do you know where the name "Palestine" comes from? The Roman Empire called the land of Israel "Syria Palestine", as an insult to the Jews. It is named after the Philistines, which used to be Jews' enemy when before David became the king of Judea. The name Palestine just stuck And by the way, when you called Betlehem a Palestinian city, you probably forgot that the Hebrew meaning for Betlehem is "house of bread" (בית לחם). Now don't get me wrong, I'm an Israeli and I'm rooting for peace, but I just couldn't stand these bias
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC. Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele: “In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews. "the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea"- David Ben Gurion. Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
Those Arabs that embraced Israel's declaration of independence. in 1948 and stayed became full Israeli citizens in a Democratic society , the other half who were committed to fighting Israel left, assuming that the mighty Arab armies would wipe out the Jews. But the Jews survived the onslaught, and these Arab refugees had no way to return, so they settled in Gaza, the West bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, etc. the same Arab countries they shared their language, culture, religion, and ethnicity with. The same countries they cheered and supported in a war against Israel. Problem solved right? No. The Arabs continuously fought Israel in countless skirmishes, sniper shootings and terror bombings between 48 and 67, when Gaza and west bank were not even under Israeli control. Why didn't they just declare a Palestinian nation then, and end the conflict ? There are two reasons. 1st, UNRWA funding would cease as soon as a Palestinian nation is formed, because all Palestinians would lose their refugee status. Arab Palestinians have been living under foreign aid for 7 decades, they wasted their money and efforts at waging war and brainwashing their children instead of investing in industry and innovation. The loss of foreign aid would cause collapse of Palestinian economy. Hamas fighters and the family of martyrs are paid a hefty salary while producing zero productivity. Even 1st world countries like Spain and Greece are suffering economic collapse due to fierce global competition. 2nd, any Arab leader who accepts peace with Israel is a dead man walking. Religious fanaticism had made sure of that.
Is it possible for a country or independent state to exist, without ever having an acknowledged form of government no armies - no definded borders - no date of inception - no historical events - no language particular to that country = no recognized leader such as a king or a president - fought no wars - had no currency - had no official relationship, treaty, or pact with any other country - no artifacts ever unearthed - no documentation ever discovered where any country in the world ever made any reference - no flag - no architecture - no forefathers, etc. If all this is possible, then ok, maybe there did exist at some point in time somewhere in the world an Arab Palestinian country or independent state with no constitution, no leader, no borders, no government, no national language, no claim to any historic event, no currency - - - - very bizarre.
@@malcolmtyler1673 Was I? Let me put it this way. Swiss Cheese. Everyone in the world can be placed into one category or another when they look at a chunk of Swiss Cheese. Those who can see the holes and those who cannot.
@@lscottschlager2147 Why did it take the jews/zionists sooo many centuries to get back to 'their homeland', a territory that some 'god' given them. Muslims, Christians and jews had been living in Palestine for many centuries in communities of co-existence. Zionists arrived with their sense of entitlement and that co-existence was destroyed.
@@malcolmtyler1673 At the risk of sounding like I'm ranting, I would humbly like to make a couple of points. You state that Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine (co-existence) for 'many centuries'. After WWI and the Ottoman Empire crumbled, and new Arab countries were created, Great Britain was given the mandate over the last sliver of land left and referred to the land as Palestine. Looking at a time line, I would not refer to the end of WW1 up to the present as 'many centuries' - a minor point and maybe we're just talking semantics. I would also beg you to allow me this liberty. You use the phrase 'Zionists arrived....'. Just so no one who reads this falls under any misconceptions, archaeologists barely had to scrape the surface of the ground to uncover proof of a Jewish presence that has existed in that corner of the world dating back to the time of Joshua and in fact, the 3rd time in history that there has been an independent 'Zionist' state under a government/rule of self determination (remember - Judaism is a nationality, not a religion in the modern interpretation). Which brings me to my final and main point. You accuse the Zionists of attempting to destroy co-existence, and like any honors student who graduated from the Arab School of Debate, you're careful not to present any point to explain just how or what the Zionists have done to destroy this co-existence leaving me no alternative then to assume you feel the Zionists are destroying the co-existence simply by returning home. Opinions and accusations are your own. The truth shall set you free and here is the truth - after WW1, the powers that be - powers who had authority or a say in the land such as Great Britain, the League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. - decided in their infinite wisdom to partition this sliver of land and give some of it, in the 1st proposal about 80%, to the Palestinian Arabs for the creation of a new Arab state, and the rest of the land (without Jerusalem) to the Palestinian Jews (yes, from the end of WW1 up until May of 1948, the Jews living on this sliver of land were also known as Palestinians) for the re-establishment of a Jewish state. Over approximately a 50 year period, there were 5 separate proposals to create a Jewish state and an Arab state. 5 times, David Ben Gurion and the 'Zionists' accepted the proposal and said yes, we will live in co-existence along side our Arab brothers. 5 times the Arabs said 'no', the land is ours and we will accept no proposal of partition in any form. Am I missing something here? Didn't you state that it is the 'Zionists' who would try to destroy the co-existence? Although it's not my place to dictate how you should respond, I will mention that when you do, it will be exceedingly difficult for me to have any respect for you or your opinions/accusations with no substantiated point of fact. I'm going to watch The Three Stooges (more Jews) but will check back tomorrow. Thanks, Scott
@@lscottschlager2147 You must have missed the historical episode of the bombing of the King David hotel and other terrorist acts at the hands of the Stern and Irgun gangs. But Scott, don't let historical facts get in the way of your lectures. Scott centuries passed with communities living side by side. You refer to Palestinian Arabs - I thought the point was that Palestine did not exist. You obviously agree with my point about coexitence but it was not for 'the re-establishment of a jewish state' because a jewish state had never existed before 1948. Scott, I do not need your respect. You are just another zionist on the internet. I assume that you are jewish. Interesting surname. Do you play an instrument.? By the way, I have historical maps showing Palestine. The only maps I've seen showing Israel are in the bible - the first section, of which, is written by jews claiming 'god' wrote. Give us a break!!
The Palestinian living in the west bank have more autonomy and rights than they had under the jordanians. Also israel has spent billions in infrastructure turning the landscape into an accesible modern enviroment.
“And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land” (Quran: 17:104)” “O my people (the Jews)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you”, (Quran: 5:21) “And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, ‘scatter and live all over the world… and when the end of the world is near we will gather you again into the Promised Land” (Quran:17:104)
@@Enzorgullochapin Yes, people do believe in fairy tales.... Like the daft and ignorant woman in this video who doesn't even understand the arguments being made. Like "Palestinians" with all their ahistorical narratives and propaganda. Avoiding all the actual evidence and avoiding all the actual arguments that destroy their agenda completely. lol lol
stopped at 1:12 where this cute girl is trying to make a strong argument "Palestine was never a state" into "do i not exist?". this is very childish, and i can see where this whiny Palestinian video is going. to say that there was no state called Palestine ever, and the indigenous Arabs in Palestine are just that is not crazy, not racist and just is a stating of a fact. Of course today, they can define themselves whichever way they want, if they all wanted, they could call themselves "The Klingon Empire" and it would be something people need to accept. and yet, it doesn't rewrite history. grow up, read a book. maybe then Palestine will start to look a little more like Israel. Good Luck
Ha nice job ignoring the part of the video which shows that the Palestinians have never accepted any of the offers for a two state solution despite being offered it and the fact that Jordan was part of the original mandate.
Precise Senior So you dont think Israel should exist? Whats your solution then, genocide or mass eviction of 8.5 million people because those are the two things you have to be in favor of..
Gra Piken I suggest you read that article because it somewhat proves my point. "the failure to develop infrastructures as a result of the unwillingness on behalf of the Palestinians to convene the Joint Water Committee (JWC), there are problems in the water supply." They would rather see their people die of thirst before sitting at a table and working and talking with the Israelis. The JWC has equal representation from both Israelis and Palestinians but the Palestinians refuse to even talk with Israel.
+lover sniper Ok, nice that you have found the name Palestine (philistine of syria) from the pages of the history. Now, only thing to do, is to you to connect 'your people' with those ancient tribes aka Philistines (sea people), Palestinian Arabs, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Muslims and other tribes that occupied that area. It is a fact that the name Palestine appears in history, but it does not mean that it's a country, nation, identity etc. Fact is that Palestine is a name of an geographical region, mostly empty and dry land before Jews make it flourish. There is no history of Palestine. Cite some sources, if you have some. Saying 400 BC does not mean anything. Please name some ancient Palestinian rulers, kings, historians, writings, outside mentions on literature. There is none, that will confirm you claim.
+LogicDontFail mr or ms logic, the jewish before 1948 they were only 27% percent of the total population started their migration to the land illegally after theoder herzel established the zionism movement, sying palestinins built nothing is a lie, go to the old city of jerusalem, jaffa, acre, hebron, safad, nablus and others you will all still standing building were built mostly during the mamluk and ottoman time, surely you will find umyyad , abbasid and bizyntim still standing buildings, not to forget to inform you that around 550 palestinian villages and cities were destroyed in 1948 by zionist gangs "dowloand the inakba app that was devoloped by palestinians and jews to know more "", now yes the term palestine is due to the palast tribes who came from crete island near greece around 3000 thousand years ago who tried to conqure the land of canaan but failed, and they just lived in canaan later and took their traiditions from the canaanites, however, jewish history starts with joshua when he invaded canaan and as the torah believed and destroyed the city jercho "see the bible unearth documenray to know more on youtube", now the first of all who are the canaanites if we want to get outside the bible to know about them, according to herudot "greek historian", the canaanites came from the eastern part of arabia towards the coast of the levant, in a huge waves of migrations so there is why cities like sur, jubail and arwad still existed in east arabia, and the island of tarut "in saudi arabia" was called ashtarut a paganist godess canaanites worshipped, now there are names of many palestinian men who ruled plestine but under the ottoman time like daher el-omar who built the city of haifa, and of course more, since palestine was under the control of islamic caliphs, before islam and christianty the arab nabateans ruled most of the and their capital was petraa, now looking at the map of stolen palestine and the deserts of arabia you will determine that most of the ancient migration was from arabia and the deserts of syria towads stolen palestine and syria now from elsewhere like egypt since arabia is desert and people were migrating to fertile places like syria and palestine and iraq and egypt and not vise versa
+lover sniper How is it illegal migration? Weren't the Ottoman empire's occupation then also illegal? Every conqueror has its right to the territory. Ottomans ruled about 600-700 years and then British conquered the lands from them. They divided it (by the right of conquest) and with help of UN, to two nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian. In what part of this, where the "evil Zionist Jews" guilty to illegal migration. They have been there before (27% like you said), they have bought parts of that land from Arabs, they accepted former occupants as citizens, if they agreed to that.
"In 1967, there was no Arab nation or state by the name of Palestine. Actually, was there ever?" Let's discuss this: "Are you actually trying to tell me that I, as a Palestinian, do not exist?" No. He was saying that you, as a Palestinian, are part of a people (Arab) that did not, in 1967, have a state in this geographical area that had once legally been called Palestine. This is contrary to the status of the Jewish Palestinians, now called Israelis, who do have a state, called Israel, in this geographical area that had once legally been called Palestine. In case this is new to you, I'll elaborate: 'The right of self-determination for the Palestinians' is a right to which Palestinian Jews as well as Palestinian Arabs are entitled, and which both have, in fact, attained. Before the old 'Palestine' (defined in the 1910 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica as "the strip of land extending along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea... Eastward there is no such definite border. The River Jordan, it is true, marks a line of delimitation between western and eastern Palestine; but it is practically impossible to say where the latter ends and the Arabian desert begins") became Jordan (in 1946) and Israel (in 1948), the name 'Palestine' was associated with innumerable Jewish, as well as Arab, enterprises. The Jerusalem Post, an Israeli-owned newspaper, was originally founded in 1932 as The Palestine Post, renamed in 1950, two years after the State of Israel was declared. Similarly, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra was called the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra before 1948. By mid-1948, two independent sovereign states existed in the area once known as Palestine: the Arab-Palestinian state of Jordan, and the Jewish-Palestinian state of Israel. As Dr. Eugene V. Rostow, who was an influential legal scholar and former Under-Secretary of State (1966-69), has reasoned, "the only possible geographic, demographic and political definition of Palestine is that of the [League of Nations] Mandate, which included what are now Israel and Jordan as well as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The term "Palestine" applies to all the peoples who live or have a right to live in the territory - Jews, Christians and Moslems alike. Thus the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are not "Arab" in the legal sense, but territories of the Mandate which have been recognized as belonging to Israel or Jordan." After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Jordan ruled Judea and Samaria, or what is now known as the West Bank. This is nearly two decades prior to the 1967 war. An Arab-Palestinian state could easily have been set up there. Yet no such state was established, or even suggested. What changed? Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district came under Israeli control, and about a million Arab Palestinians formerly residing in Arab-ruled areas are now ruled by Israel. Conclusion: An Arab-Palestinian state still exists - Jordan. The Arab Palestinians, whether Jordanians or Israelis, are therefore neither 'stateless' nor 'homeless', but as Danny Ayalon has said, "In 1967, there was no Arab nation or state by the name of Palestine."
My name is Dana dajani and I am a model and Make Up Artist , as well as actor for Pallywood and writer. I enjoy working on projects of all kind, whether it be photoshoots, films, plays-- I love any and all performance art! I split my time between Dubai and the US, with a majority of my time spent working out of Chicago, although I frequent LA and New York as well.
Read some Non Islamic history books and you will know that Palestine was a province carved out by the Roman Empire and the land was occupied by the jews,much before prophet Mohmd and Islam were born.
You might be embarrassed, I'm very proud. How many Jews or Christians in the Iranian , Iraqi, Syrian Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain, or Jordanian parliaments? They are well represented in the Israeli parliament where women, gays, and all religions have freedom of speech.
So what was the border of this country Palestine, What government ruled over it? what was its national currency and flag? What passport was used to identify a person from Palestine? We all know that Palestine was a vulgarism of Philistia created by the Romans as a insult to the Jews. Arafat himself was an Egyptian not a "So called Palestinian" Arabs are the best truth benders on the planet....
The name israel is older. The Romans named the land Palestine after the ancient israelite enemy the philistines. Therefore the name palestine has no Arab or Muslim roots, which admits you guys were always on colonized land in first place.
I wonder what’s your last name .. el-masri ? El Baghdadi? Ur grandparents are probably Egyptian/Hashemite or Syrian … You’re *ARAB* Don’t start inventing ethnicities … You didn’t tell who was the king of Palestine? Maybe what was it’s borders were before 1948? Maybe what currency they used ? What was their food ? ( not Arab food stolen from Egypt/Lebanon/ Syria/Iraq Lebanon please) . Knock knock , welcome to real life !
My God, people really know nothing about what Arab means these days! Arab is a cultural and linguistic term these days! Arabized Arabs outnumber actual indigenous Arabs! Wake up Western World!
@@SomniaCEвидео.html She was lying. They misquoted Menachem Begin as saying that Israel was the primary aggressor in the Six-Day War, even though in the exact source they used, Begin went on to say the exact opposite. By closing the Strait of Tiran, Egypt was in direct violation and provocation of the ceasefire, hence presenting a casus belli for Israel to preemptive attack. There was a peacekeeping mission dispatched to Egypt by the UNEF before Israel responded militarily. The representatives were expelled, and a strong Egyptian military presence was instituted at Sharm el-Sheikh. Armed retaliation and opening hostilities are legitimate defensive tactics. Israel was well within her rights. They point out that Israel was founded on injustices like the displacement of Arabs in 1948, but omitted the fact that Jews were also displaced by Jordan... Fair enough, if you criticise Israel for expanding settlements on the West Bank, that is something I can understand. But you can’t just brazenly and disingenuously frame Israel as the sole belligerent in this way
@@SomniaCE way to start a discourse by throwing insults than running away when faced with a bit of actual intellectualism from someone who doesn't agree with you like a true libtard lmfao
The only lie is the entity so called Israel being a Democratic nation! And home land of Jewish people! When I listen to you guys ! Even your terminology is as disgusting as the NAZIs Germany ! HOME LAND of Jews ! Mother Land of Arians !!! Can’t you see the similarities of your fascist mentalities !!! 🤣🤣🤣
It was called "Palestina Ai" (פלשתינה א"י) AI is an abbreviation for Arez Israel. Which is "The Land of Israel" so even during the British mandate times it was called Israel as well.
Yes exactly! It was Jewish or at least there were many Jews and other monotheistic religions... however, when the Byzantines came they displaced and killed a lot of Jews until the Muslims liberated Jerusalem! That's when the Muslims (including Jewish converts) started to bring Jews back to Palestine and establish a Jewish majority in Jerusalem! They swore to protect the Jews and died side by side against the Crusaders! And when the Muslims liberated Jerusalem for the second time, they brought the Jews back again! And during the 1200 yr Muslim rule, a lot of us converted to Islam, which most Palestinians either don't know or refuse to admit, because of the political implications to be related to those that caused us all this harm!
Re-writing the history. Tell me: Does jews randomly chose to settle in this piece of land? Why you don't tell the history before Greece? Do you know that before 1948, ALL citizen there were called Palestines? Yes. even the JEWS... Why there were never an established country of "Palestine" ? so many wrong facts in this video...
The first of the women appearing in the video is an actress and model by the name of Dana Dajani. According to her LinkedIn profile: Dana Dajani is a Dubai-based Palestinian performance artist, writer, and founder of The Human Spirit Project. She can be seen performing in English and Arabic films, television series, and commercials across the MENA region, as well as on stage: presenting her original solo performances or acting in theatrical productions. Dana also writes for Dubai’s local arts publication, Quint, and can be spotted around Dubai reciting her poetry with the Poeticians, or collaborating to create Floetry with singer Layla Khodjasteh and various musicians. She was educated in the US and has performed in Caryl Churchill’s antisemitic play for Gaza “7 Jewish Children.” What her LinkedIn profile does not mention (but what Professor Google does reveal) is she has also worked as a “model.” Some of her poses could be characterized as “risque,” and would certainly be met with some reprisals by the Hamas-controlled religious police in Gaza. And this website reveals she was born in Jordan to a “Syrian lawyer-painter and a Palestinian pacifist-engineer,” even though she refers to herself as “Palestinian.” Of course, for the right price, she will also pass off as an Indian. The second attractive woman is Lara Sawalha. Can you guess her profession? Here she is referred to as a “Jordanian” actress. And according to this, her “native” accent is “American”, even though she puts on a British accent in the video (according to that same resume, she can do “Israeli” accents as well, so I assume she would even be willing to play an Israeli for an acting gig). My point here is not to criticize the women’s choice of profession (although their politics leaves a lot to be desired). It is to show that the organization that put together the video hired a couple of attractive actresses - neither of whom are actually “Palestinian” according to the definition of someone born here - in order to increase the appeal of the video. They even had one of them put on a fake accent, presumably to make her more appealing (in my opinion, it worked!) None of this surprises me, given the level of authenticity of the arguments they put forward in the video.
So let me get this straight, thousands of European magically become Israeli overnight, but women with only one parents of Palestinian isn't "Palestinian" Oh and BTW Lara Sawalha not only LIVES in Britain but is part BRITISH.
Cute girls...bad lies. Firstly, Palestine was not a "country", it was a region, settled by a heterogeneous population composed of Afghans, Persians, Circassians, Druze, Italians, Germans, Bosnians, Greeks, Berbers, Turks, Kurds, Bosnians, Indians, Armenians, Jews, Arabs (both nomadic and sedentary)...all living in separate quarters and villages. So a bit of sleight of hand...there was indeed a region called Palestine, but never a Palestinian race, nor nationality.
Also, Jews purchased over 500,000 acres of land during this heterogeneous division of Palestine...legally, in which they built their homes, and most of the infrastructure in Palestine. The Arabs, along with the 10s of 1000s of Arabs who migrated into Palestine, launched a war to kill the Jews, and rob them of what they built.....and the 67 War, despite Begin's "confession" was provoked by the Arabs, who persistently sent terrorists into Israel from the Egyptian controlled Gaza, and the Jordan West Bank, coupled with mobilization of their forces in the Sinai, and public boasts about an impending war to destroy Israel....But Israel simply struck first.
Hey you what u call ur selves Israel !! .. If u really believe what this mad boy said so you r crazy too .. Ok let we suppose that he's true .. why each of you keep his European or American Passport an don't define on the Israelian Passport ?? .. WHY the weak and coward Israelian government claims that the "Bengorion" Airport has attacked during last war in 2011 and Stopped working ?? .. i tell u why ,, Cuz they Observe that all people in Occupied Palestine Escaping to their originals country (which they keeping its passport) and leave the land and the weak army alone .. So do you think that anybody prefer to escape and leave his land alone !!! So who are the Aborigines of this land !! ... Any way.. YOU WILL ESCAPE AGAIN BABIES ... WE WILL COME BACK TO OUR LANDS
False. Israel existed then as it does today. despite the attempt of the Greeks and Romans to rename the country Palestine after the Greek Philistines. Archaeology consistently disclose Hebrew artifacts, ancient buildings, etc etc...even the names of many "Arab" villages in Palestine are named in Hebrew...not Philistinian, nor Arabic. In fact, the name Palestine itself is Hebrew in origin, it's a Hebrew word that means "Invader". Heres the truth, both the Europeans and Muslims expelled, barred, forced into migration, the Jews of "Palestine", annexing the homeland of the Jews for the name of their respective religions. The Romans, for their Greek/Roman gods, and later Christ, and the Muslims, for Allah and Mohammad. After annexing the land of the Jews, both the Muslims and Europeans oppressed those Jews who lived in their kingdoms and states for 2000 years....and thus the "Wandering Jew". But alas! No more....for the Jews have returned and regained control of their homeland...and their destiny....And no matter how many lies, how many threats are made against them...the truth is the Truth....Justice has prevailed, which shall not be overturned.
mike the drugs that you used are so powerful its making you hallucination when your dad came to Palestine he came to earn some mony by stealing the lands from Palestinians people and make some fake legacy for you and your children . and you are so stupid how could you think that your dad and grandfather was borne in Palestine THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME LAND; SO WAKE THE FUCKE UP
She talks nonsense. The fact that Palestine has not officially existed as a country does not say anything about the people who lived there. Because according to that logic Kurdish people also don't exist. She talks out of emotion and not logic.
Lets start with - What is "Palestine" you guys talking about? Does anyone ever heard about "Palestine as a nation" before 1948 or 1967?? By the way... "Palestine" its not even arabian name, its a Romans name since they occipite the middle east. More then that, before 1948 the British ruled the place before the Ottoman and before that the Greeks and before that the Romans and before that was the kingdom of Judah (it is also written in the Qur'an) So where or when exactly was a Palestinian state? And this means that the Arabs lived there illegally. the fact is "Palestinian nation" never existed. its abiggest lie of the modern history. period. Only ignorant can deny.
@ But didn’t God also say the land was theirs? Allah said the land was given to the Israelites as an inheritance. Didn’t God also say the Jews would return?
Jews and Christians and other monotheistic religions in the middle east! However once the Muslims came and brought the Jews back twice and swore to protect them, most of the native population converted to Islam sooner or later! By the way, the Muslim forces had a bunch of Jewish converts along their ranks! So get this idea out of your head that Muslims depopulated all areas they conquered and moved to these countries! They only integrated them into their caliphate! The Population stayed mostly the same, however, we did cross-migrate across all Islamic lands, and married people from all over, which makes today's indigenous population a mixed race, with the same national identity and culture!
--- "Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against: “Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” “We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”. “When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”. ---
Rebuttal The Real Truth about Palestine
Arguments like 'Israel started the (67) war" are for people who don't know the details.
Yes Israel struck first-but why it had to?....look up on youtube docs about this conflict!
The quote from the prime minister, did you read it or you were blind by israeli propaganda that you can't even see what your own prime minister said?
He did not said your ancestor did not exist or that the land called Palestine did not exist, he said there's no Palestinian STATE or NATION that ever existed. Is this the truth or not? Sorry, but according to my research, what he said is the TRUTH. You don't agree? Ok, so who's the president, prime minister, or head of state of Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948? Who's your national hero? What's your national anthem? Was there a state or nation called Palestine in the League of Nations or the United Nations?
Palestine is the name given by the Roman Empire to the land of Israel and Judea, which are both Jewish states. It's called Palestine at the time of Jesus because it's already under Roman occupation at that time. So yes, you can say that Jesus was born in Palestine, but a Palestine that's is a Jewish nation with Jewish population under Roman occupation. This is historical FACT that every credible historians know. Most of the Jews were forcibly driven out into exile by the Romans, but some never left. The only way to move forward is for both Arabs and Jews to admit that both sides have the right to exist in that land.
Palestine is just a geographical name, it does not belong to any group of people. Palestinians are arabs that moved there years ago, they are not related to the ancient inhabitants of that land more than anyone else. I totally agree with you, there is no reason why they should keep trying to find excuses in the pst, they have to adapt to the reality that the only solution is a two states solution. But imho Palestine will never accept it, unfortunately.
“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian? We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag. When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”. Walid Shoebat, former PLO member
Jordan was also part of Palestine.
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC.
Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele:
“In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
"the peasants of Palestine were the
descendants of the inhabitants of ancient
Judea"- David Ben Gurion.
Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also
African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
I looked up Palestine in several encyclopedias and not one of them describes Palestine as a nation. It is typically described as a geographical region, end of story!
Yes , yes that is the reality. It was a region or a province but not a people.
So it’s okay to remove people from a region they call home?
@@sharomdguda it is a region with people living in it. Is it okay to remove people just because they live in a region and didn’t have a nation? Is it hard not supporting colonialism?
MOST "Palestinians" immigrated AFTER 1923 from Egypt, Syria, Saudi, Turkey to WORK in British Mandate. Those know exactly WHEN and from WHERE they came and most of them have close relatives in these countries.
There was NEVER a "Palestinian" tribe or entity, that's a FANTASY term invented by Egyptian Arafat in an openly admitted jihad intention.
Before that Arabs were just Arabs from VERY different backgrounds.
Shame on this disgusting lying b*tch.
ALL "Palestinian" charters demand FIRST and ONLY the death of ALL Jews in the ENTIRE world, they NEVER wanted a state.
Despicable people
1. When was the country of "Palestine" founded, and by who?
2. Where were its borders?
3. What was its capital?
4. Name at least one "Palestinian" leader before Arafat?
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC.
Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele:
“In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
"the peasants of Palestine were the
descendants of the inhabitants of ancient
Judea"- David Ben Gurion.
Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also
African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
“The Israelis attacked us first !”
After we gathered our troops on their border
their border?? isnt that the whole argument?? in this case you think Russia has the right to attack nato countries since they are gathering around there borders?
@@MrNordicRules It's pretty common for both Russia and NATO to do military exercises on each other's border for the sole sake of deterrence, showing the other side they're ready for war at a moment's notice. Israel and the Arab states are an entirely different situation. Israel received intelligence from both the US AND Soviets that the Arabs were mobilizing their forces because they were about to attack. You'd be an idiot if you're so heavily outnumbered but can mobilize first to then not strike first when the advantage is on your side. Sorry bruh, but this shows how ignorant you are in this area.
@@ericharrison7518 let me guess, you are sided with israel?
@@MrNordicRules I'm on no one's side. It's just a really dumb and bad comparison to make between Russia and NATO and Israel vs the Arab States.
@@MrNordicRules There was more, they also put in place a blockade at the Straits of Tiran, that under international law is a act of war.
Palestinians are descent of settlers from different regions except for Samaritans
Here are some common "Palestinian" families and their place of origin:
Saudi, Al-Husseini, Al-Hassan, Hijazi, Tamimi, Erekat, Barghouti, Qureshi, Badawi - Saudi Arabia
Yamani, Azad - Yemen
Haddadins - Yemen (Ghassanids)
Masri, Masrawa, Tartir, Bardawil, Fayumi - Egypt
Abu Kishk, Shakirat, Zabidat, Aramsha, Abu Sitta, Abu Sutta, Shaalan - Egypt (Bedouins)
Turki, Sultan, Uthuman - Turkey
Iraqi, Baghdadi, Faruqi, Tachriti, Zoabi, Abbas - Iraq
Nashashibi, Hurani, Allawi, Halabi - Syria
Lubnani, Tarabulsi, Sidawi, Surani - Lebanon
Bushnak - Bosnia
Khamis - Bahrain
Afghani - Afghanistan
Mughrabi - Maghreb
Araj - Morocco
Djazair - Algeria
Kurd - Kurdistan
Hindi - Indian Subcontinent
Abid - Sudan
We all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen or anywhere else." "... Half the Palestinians are (Arab) Egyptians and the other half are (Arab) Saudis" - Arab "Palestinian" Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, 2012.
israel was reformed in 1948
the word Palestinian comes from Hebrew word peleshtim which means invaders
it was a term used by jew to describe non-jews who live in Jewish homeland
even a Palestinian politician called Awni Al-Hadi said to the British empire
"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' was invented by the Zionists
Then why was it called Judea before the Romans conquered it
Be quiet.
@@abdulel4093 Bite me
@@abdulel4093 Better yet why is the Islamic temper built on top of the Jewish temple who was there 1st
@@seankavanagh3668 DON'T CHALLENGE THEM 🤭😂
Pick your moment in history. How can you claim one has land rights over the other? The unfortunate fact is that the Ottoman empire was destroyed and the land was given jurisdiction to the groups by those that conquered it. They tried to split it between the Palestinians and Jewish people, but Palestinians slapped their hands away and refused. They also refused to the point of warring over it several times since then and have lost every single time. If it was your land at one time it is not now. You lost it by a combination of your own bad choices and losing wars. Hamas knows that and they feel the only way to get the land back is by eliminating the Jewish people off the face of the planet. Can Jews treat Palestinians better? Yes. Can Palestinians stop screaming, "IT'S OUR LAND! YOU STOLE IT FROM US!" Yes they can, but they are refusing to do so. The Jewish people are not going anywhere. There is no amount of screaming at them or shaming them into it. A person does not owe you something or have to disappear just because you say they are your problem. Life does not work like that.
Funny, you wouldn't say that if you were in their shoes. You don't care because you don't have this problem. Sit down and stfu.
@@CDRNY25 You can rest assured I won't be sitting down and STFU over rude bullies like yourself. I have EVERY right to run my mouth like you do. It is my God given right as it is yours. So I suggest you learn something about decency and reasonable human interaction or you will continue to have a ton of unrest in your life AND it will be completely your own fault, no one else's. I know types like yourself think your life is a living hell because of someone else, but you are clearly the master of disaster over your own life. So why don't you do us all a favor and take responsibility for yourself, your actions, your bad attitude and your failures. Stop being a coward and actually do something with the gifts God has given to you rather than being a spoiled brat, chip on the shoulder, sitting there sulking in the corner like a bitter child. It's your choice and absolutely no one should give into your childish kicking and screaming fit that you people like to throw to make a scene thinking that is going to somehow change anything for you. Stop being a selfish brat for a cool change. YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICES, YOUR PROBLEMS, COMPLETELY ON YOU AND OF YOUR OWN DOING. You can change or forever be miserable by your own hand.
That gives israel no right to terrorize and kill Innocent palestanian civilians.Fuck off israel.They would kill everything that is different than themselves.
She lost me when said the bysantine empire existed before christ.
Fábio Costa it did
Sir Cullars oh. Really? Always associated it to the former eastern Roman empire
The earliest possible dates you could place on the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empires existence is over three hundred after Christ's birth.
George Zipp so I was right. Besides Byzantium is what was left of the eastern Roman Empire after they divide the empire
They are ignorant and innocent; they are being used by shrewd elements in the Islamic seminaries and propaganda groups.
A region is not a sovereign country. Palestine was a region. Not a country. Not a people. Not a nation. It received the name Philistia by the Romans.
Mandate of Palestine included both israel and Jordan. Many people pretend like jordan was always there. Another interesting fact; 25% of israel population is Arab/muslims of which the majority, 80%, would not leave israel for a future country of palistine because they have proven that they cannot run a country.
Yes, but being a region that has existed for over 2,000 years, it deserves credit for actually existing and the people who live in it as well. North Dakota isn't a country either, but does that mean it never existed?
Good answer!!!!!
Who said, that you never exist? Palestine never existed, as a country. But Palestine was the region. Do you know: The Arabs were overnight told, to call themselves Palestinian, and not Arabs. By there leaders! I heard it from an Arab, that lived in the westbank at the time.
Is this woman serious . The land was Judea and the inhabitants were Jews. The philistines were a people who lived in a tiny part of the area now known as Palestine . They were probably of Greek origin. David killed the Philistine Goliath. Judea was conquered by the Romans who governed it for centuries. After the revolt by the Jews in AD 70 the temple was destroyed and most of the Jewish people expelled. The Romans renamed Judea Palestrina . The Muslim Arabs invaded the Regions under the Greek Roman Empire ( after Rome’s fall in the west) and conquer all the Middle East . Much of Palestine became a part of Syria. The ottoman Turks invaded the Middle East and conquered most of the Arab Empire ,later becoming Muslims themselves. These people captured Anatolia ,now Turkey destroying the Last parts of theChristian Roman Empire. Under the ottomans the area became an administrative district of Syria . Obviously after the Muslim invasions many Muslims moved into the Area . Many Jews had returned to their homeland and Jerusalem was a majority Jewish area. The Jews were treated as dhimmi under the Ottomans . after WW1 the Ottoman Empire was broken up and the Colonial powers took control until permanent arrangements could be made. The Jews were promised part of their ancient homeland and in fact were originally allocated a much larger part of their former homeland . This was reduced to accommodate Arab grievances. The Arabs themselves never recognised Palestine as a nation ,it was a part of Southern Syria. After the Arabs refused to accept their part of the land some of it was stolen by the State of Jordan. Israel was content with the tiny bit of their homeland given them but the Muslims vowed they would never share the land with the Jews. This is why we have this situation. The Jews did not expel the Arabs ,they left on the advice of the Arab governments because of a pending war. They were promised Israeli property when Israel was defeated. But Israel won and those who were actively anti the Israeli state’s existence were refused re entry. The only people with any rights to the whole of Palestine ,apart from the primitive tribes expelled by the ancient Jews thousands of years ago,are the Jews. The Muslims were invaders.
Ah finally the truth
Yes. Israel’s history is complicated ; she has been through many troubles but always stays dedicated to the Jewish destiny. Due to famine and other reasons Jews went into Egypt who allowed them in but feared their increase in numbers and then enslaved them. They returned to the promised land and formed a united state which later split in two . The Syrians and Babylonians conquered and enslaved many again . They were freed and returned to Judea . Alexander the Great had a turn then the Romans conquered them . Then the state was destroyed and the Jews dispersed. The rebirth of Israel is according to prophecy and God’s plan. All of what is called Palestine really belongs to Israel,not just the little bit they have now. Israel could get all their land back in due course. The main stipulation by God is that they remain a just people under God.
@O'Shay Muir Nonsense. There is evidence for the Exodus. You've been reading lefty historians haven't you.
@@forthfarean Well documented. Historically correct and presented in a teachable and relatable manner. Good job..👏👋
russell north thank you.
You exist. No one is saying YOU don’t. All he was saying is there was not a nation state of Palestine when Israel captured the West Bank during the 6 day war. The war Egypt started by illegally blockading Israeli from the straits. Even after Israel negotiated the Egyptians reneged on the deal and kept the blockage up. An act of war. This video is revisionist history that conveniently stops short to make it seem like Jews just showed up in the 40’s and took land. The Jews settle the area and built the 1st temple in 1300 BC and there has been a Jewish presence there ever since. They were invaded, attack, and eventually almost wiped out after the founding of Islam around 600AD.
JUST because the area was called Palestine doesn't mean you have rights to it, it dosen't mean its a country either. In fact the are was called Palestine by the Romans after they captured it from the Jews where the area was previously called Judea... The reason the Romans did this was to mock the Jews in the area as "Palestine" means "to invade/occupy"!
but a "promised land" gives you the right to kill thousands of innocents????
Sorry to burst your bubble, but all the historical references of the Greek and Romans since the time of Herodotus referred to the land as "Palestina" which is from the Greek form Palaistinē which was a word used to describe the land of the Philistines. Note here the "Philistines" not the "Palestinians". The Roman occupiers took Syria and Judea (the home land of the Jews) and called it "Syria-Palaestina" once again with "Palastina"; a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the "Philistine's" invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea. Note: The "Philistines" were not Arabs.
and the israrli are Europeans
not semites
@@brianhanrahan7561 and you're an idiot.
Sorry guy, nice try,but majority of Israelis are not European.
You didn't disprove any of the points made in his video and removed the context for many subjects. In addition to that you kept talking in a disrespectful and insulting manner on top of cherry picking and twisting history facts. I always like to listen to both narratives of the conflict to see where each side is coming form. Unfortunately this video is about you trying to brainwash people with a distorted picture of reality.
On the matter of how he painted the figures in the video. He painted a Jordanian soldier as a man with a Keffiyeh and a gun, being pretty accurate. He never once mentioned that it was an illustration of all arabs or muslims, the drawing purpose was to illustrate a Jordanian soldier in 1967.
As for the other drawing, he drew a man smoking with a red hat. If we take a look at the ottoman empire, the tobacco industry was very developed and popular. The red hats and the tobacco represented the culture of the ottoman empire at that time. Again he never once said that these drawing depict all arabs or muslims, those were your words not his.
My advice to you is to stop being so arrogant and actually listen to what people say, who knows sometime other people may enlighten and richen your knowledge.
Exactly...she's taking things out of context and distorting history, her video proves nothing just only insults
If they were interested in, or had the capacity to understand your advice--they never would have made this video in the first place.
"Both the byzantine and the romans referred to the region as Palestine" --> well, yes, because they colonised the land from the Jews.
"Jesus was born in Betlehem in Palestine" --> no, Jesus was a Jew and was born in Judea - which in fact was the only sovereign power in the history of the land. So no, he was a Judean under the Kingdom of Judea - Jewish kingdom.
The Romans conquered that land which was called Judea and named Palestine to insult the Jewish people living there. How come u didn't mention that?
Because the video is biased
"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians. " Nelson Mandela
There was NEVER a "Palestinian" tribe or entity, that's a FANTASY term invented by Egyptian Arafat on an openly admitted jihad intention.
Before that they were just "Arabs" from VERY different backgrounds/tribes.
ALL places in JUDÄA/"Palestine" have JEWISH rooted names, ALL archeology is Jewish.
Palestine was the name given by the Romans for JEWISH kingdoms/territories. Surrounding Arabs tried to wipe out the INDIGENOUS Jews for CENTURIES.
The Al Aqsa mosque is built on the ruins of the HOLIEST Jewish temple.
How about Christians/Jews doing that to the Kabba/Mecca.
"Palestinian" leaders had a STRONG bond to Nesi-Germany from 1933 on.
And played a KEY ROLE in the shoa.
The genocide of TWO million Chrestians Ermeniens from 1894-1917 in the Middle East, was the SCREENPLAY presented personally by mufti Amin Husseini to Heddler to convince him the shoa is possible.
As Esleme-fescests Husseini & Co lived 41-45 in Nesi-Germany busy KILLING Jews.
Enough is enough !
1. The fact that Palestine was used as a name for centuries doesn't mean there was a Palestinian state, separate national identity or independent political movement back then. During my childhood the term was used in traditional Christmas carols, but it never meant "Arab Islamic Modern-Day Country".
2. Religious minorities like the Druzes and the Bahá'ís are well respected in Israel. In fact, the ethno-religious group with most graduate titles are Christian Arabs (69%), surpassing the Jews (67%). The problem lies within Arab Muslim non-Israeli citizens, a majority of which don't have secular mindsets or have any interest in becoming Israeli citizens.
3. The girls demand a less biased depiction of Arabs, but still they mock the Israeli accent and pronunciation of Rs.
4. Israel did attack Egypt first and this didn't lead to a war with just Egypt, what would have been expected. All the other neighboring Arab armies attacked Israel simultaneously (again, and then again in 1973, and always lost).
5. The video was fun and the girls are charismatic presenters, which doesn't mean the content is any good.
While your statements are largely totally correct, number 4 is slightly off. Though Israel is perceived to have fired the first shots, that is not true. Other Arab belligerents committed the first acts of war, even including shooting, beginning in the early 1960's. Syria was shelling Israeli communities in the Golan, while Israel kept requesting negotiations with all parties to end the belligerence. Nasser ordered UN peacekeepers removed from the Sinai without General Assembly discussion, a violation of the truce agreement. Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran, cutting off Israel's major supply route to the east, another clear act of war under international law.
Those were called skirmishes. in '73, Israel did attack first, but it was a preemptive attack. Everybody knew what was going on, Egypt has been amassing military hardware on the Sinai for months. Israel was left with no choice but to strike first.
We're talking about a very tiny country here, 424km north to south and 114 km across east to west on its longest and widest points. For us, it's easy to talk about who striked first and lay blames that way. For Israel, it was a matter of survival; the battle in '73 would've been lost already if they didn't strike first. And the Arab nations aimed for the annihilation of the Jewish state, Israel didn't.
But thanks for your clarification on the finer points, those were true.
Oh, and yes, that hilarious 'Jesus a Palestinian' moment. The same Jesus who knew Torah back to front, and spent his time in Synagogues ? The 'King of the Jews' ? That one ? ;-)
"Palestine" does not pertain to Palestinian Arabs. It never did.
It does you stuoid like
So, tell me: who was the first native-born king of "Palestine"? When did he reign?
.....are there only kingdoms in ancient times? are there no free cities who dislike monarchies? the greek dont have kings. the romans have emperors but also democracy. what are you on about?
and before the term palestine, there are ancient kingdom of canaan/cannanite/hittite. and israel was one nomadic tribe with no territories. try again troll.
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC.
Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele:
“In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
"the peasants of Palestine were the
descendants of the inhabitants of ancient
Judea"- David Ben Gurion.
Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also
African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
0:34 No
0:52 Once again, no. The woman in this video makes a big rant about how many groups referred to the land as Palestine, but never mentions people in the land who actually identified as Palestinians, nor does she mention a Palestinian nation.
1:09 No, is he saying that your people never had a distinct nationality or sovereign state in the region you claim as being yours even once in history. That’s much different from saying you don’t exist.
1:23 Or will you deny my request to actually here about the Palestinian nation that you speak of instead of wasting your time on cringe-worthy sarcasm.
1:26 Rather hypocritical seeing as you can’t.
1:40 Yes, and no one denies that it was used as a geographical term, but that does not make it a nation or a sovereign state.
1:47 You said it yourself, it was a name created by the Greeks to describe the geographic region that originates from the name of the already extinct Philistines of Greek origin who occupied a tiny area along the coast. It does not reflect the existence of a Palestinian people.
1:58 Once again, you mention foreign powers using the term Palestine, but neglect to talk about the indigenous people. In fact, the name Palestine was specifically used to deny the heritage of the indigenous people like you are doing now. The land was originally called Judea when the Romans came, a name that came from the Hebrew “Yehuda”, the name used by the indigenous Yehudim, or Jews. The Jews revolted due to persecution, so the Romans destroyed many of their cultural and religious sites, such as the Second Temple of Jerusalem, renamed cities (Jerusalem became “Aelia Capitolina”; Shechem became “Neapolis”, and later “Nablus”), ethnically cleansed the indigenous Jews, and changed the name from Judea to Palestina in order to erase the heritage of the indigenous Jews in the land.
2:09 Wrong. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, a city in Judea, which would not have its name changed to Palestine for another 70 years. You are doing exactly as the Romans did by denying the indigenous heritage of the Jews and their presence in the land. This is what is known as ANTISEMITISM. And no, I am not calling you antisemitic because you are anti-Israel. I am calling you antisemitic because you are literally rewriting history to erase the Jews.
2:15 No, it makes him a Jew/Judean.
2:22 As a geographic term, not a nation, people, or political entity.
2:37 A geographic region. Still not a nation. Most western nations used that name because it was used by the Romans, who once again only used it to ethnically cleanse and erase the history of the indigenous Jews.
2:53 Here we really see how wrong the idea that Palestine was a nation is. Palestine was the name given to the mandate by the British for reasons already stated. “Palestinian" was an ethnically-neutral term used to describe anyone living in the Mandate of Palestine. In fact, it was more common for a Jew to be referred to as a “Palestinian” that for an Arab. Entities like the Palestinian Philharmonic and the Anglo-Palestine Bank were Jewish institutions, which would later become the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and Bank Leumi respectively.
3:04 Yes, that is what the British Mandate was called. Your point?
3:17 Zionists are not colonialists. The Jews were indigenous to Judea. The Arab invaders who came from Arabia were colonialists because they colonized a land to which they were not indigenous. And at the time, there was no Palestinian identity, and geographic Palestine was sparsely populated, so the idea that it was a land without a people was not to far off.
3:27 So there was a Palestinian people? Well, since you haven’t told me anything about them yet, why don’t you do that now?
1) When was the country of Palestine founded and by whom?
2) What were its borders?
3) Where was its capital?
4) What were its major cities?
5) Name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat.
6) What was the language of the country of Palestine?
7) What was the prevalent religion of the ancient country of Palestine?
8) What was its currency?
9) Since there is no such country of Palestine today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
10) Why did the Palestinians never try to become independent until after the devastating defeat of invading Arab states in the 1967 Six Day War?
3:30 It is true that Zionists did expel Arabs in Palestine early on before Israel’s creation, but it did so completely legally. They bought the land legally from landlords at prices much higher than the land was actually worth. They had ownership of the land, so they could decide who stays on it. But I assume you are talking about the “Nakba” that occurred during the Israeli-Arab War of 1948. In most cases, invading Arab leaders told Palestinians to leave and promised that they could have everything back and more as soon as the Arab armies finished off all of the Jews. Of course, this did not happen, resulting in a large population of Palestinian refugees. Many Palestinians also just left to get away from the fighting, which was started by their own Arab leaders. It is true that some Palestinians were evicted by the Israeli Forces, which I will agree was wrong, but the fact is that is something that happens in war. However, this was not even the biggest refugee crisis resulting from the war. Approximately 700,000-800,000 Palestinians became refugees. Meanwhile, there were 800,000-1,000,000 Jewish refugees expelled from Islamic nations who had nowhere else to go but Israel. The combined total of land stolen from them was approximately equal to five times the size of Israel, so if you wanted all Palestinian Arabs to be able to return, the Arab world would also be obligated to give up five Israels for the Jews. The reason you don’t hear about this crisis is because Israel accepted them all into their nation. The Arab nations did not accept the Arab refugees, which is why their descendants are refugees to this day. The fact that you are holding Jews to a different standard than Arabs is antisemitism. Not to mention, that the Roman Empire, who you expressed support for earlier in this video, expelled and slaughtered the millions of indigenous Jews living in Judea. Once again, your lack of sympathy to this huge ethnic cleanse is antisemitism.
3:34 It didn’t have to be that way. Originally, there was a plan for the region to be shared, with Arab regions going towards the Palestinian Arabs and Jewish regions going towards Israel. Jews accepted this plan, while Palestinians did not because they were told by their Arab leaders that they would first expel the Jews so they could have it all. Huh, that’s strange. For some reason you are far more okay with the expulsion of Jews than Arabs. In addition, not all Arabs left. Many stayed, and they were given full citizenship and rights, such as the right to vote, which they exercised as early as the first Israeli election. I do recognize that Arabs in Israel do not have complete equality in society, which is wrong, but they are more free than Arabs anywhere else in the Middle East. Arabs in Israel today are doctors, lawyers, artists, policemen, soldiers, generals (yes, in the IDF), politicians, and even Supreme Court Justices, and, like I said, all Arabs who have chosen to accept Israeli citizenship have full suffrage.
3:43 And no Jewish refugees have been accepted back into the nations from which they are expelled. Again, you are holding Jews and Arabs to a different standard.
3:44 And there’s your answer. They did not take land from Palestine. They took it from Jordan. Although you could make the argument that Jordan is Palestine, since Jordan was the 70% of the Mandate of Palestine that was broken off and given to Arabs in the region so they could have their own state. But if that’s the case, then the Jordanians have so much other land. Also, Jordan did not give any rights to Palestinians during their occupation of the West Bank.
4:01 You’ve spent much of the first half of your video trying to rewrite history, which, like I said, was antisemitic. Not only did you attempt to rewrite history, but you attempted to erase a nation completely. That’s far worse than his arguable biased narrative of the events of the Six Day War.
4:08 True, but this was because Egypt was, a nation that had previously attempted to destroy Israel, was mobilizing on Israel’s border. It had formed an alliance with Syria, another nation that had previously tried to destroy Israel. Israel had a perfectly reasonable concern. Technically, even though they made the first strike, this strike was made in order to gain leverage over the future Egyptian attack. There still would have been a war, regardless of whether or not Israel attacked first.
4:30 True, but it certainly was a just cause as I just explained. Also a reminder that he was not the Prime Minister when the war was going on, so he can’t really speak for PM Levi Eshkol.
Also, how many times are you guys gonna change your accents?
4:47 What he said is true, and I fail to see how what you said refutes that.
5:03 You are calling his video a propaganda video. While it is not perfect, your video has way more issues and biases (including antisemitism) which I already pointed out.
5:12 Well yeah, that’s because the Jordanian Arabs who attacked Israel were gun-toting Arabs hellbent on destroying Israel. That wasn’t a generalization of all Arabs. It was an accurate depiction of a few.
5:31 You’re accusing him of racism, yet you have used antisemitism many times throughout this video that I have already pointed out.
5:34 You mean like the way they treat Jews in the media in the Palestinian territories and many other Arab and Islamic nations?
5:39 And now you are pointing the finger at European antisemites, while, like I said, they depict Jews like that mainstream to this day in Islamic nations, and you have been antisemitic this whole video. You are the pot calling the kettle black.
5:51 Because the Jews were a powerless minority at the time. Arabs have held power ever since they invaded the rest of the Middle East and North Africa from Arabia. You have to be a total moron to not see the difference.
5:53 But nothing on the stereotypes of Jews in the Islamic world? And, like I said, that was not a stereotype. That was an accurate depiction of the invading Jordanian army, not a generalization of Arabs as a whole.
Well, this video was a load of bullshit. It’s gonna take a lot of bleach to clean it all out of me.
+Guy Fawkes
1- Still no
2- How exactly is that a straw man argument? That’s what she says in the video. She talks all about other groups that referred to the land as Palestine, but doesn’t actually talk about the actual historical nation of Palestine itself. You calling my argument a straw man still doesn’t mean there was ever a nation known as Palestine. Citation needed.
3- When she says “what are we, in the matrix?”, that is a sarcastic answer to the idea that she straight up doesn’t exist. I suppose it was unnecessary to refute, as it was clearly sarcasm, but I decided to anyway because it was a stupid use of it.
4- My point is that she is taking way to long to get to the punch of what she is discussing. She is wasting time on sarcasm rather than discussing information.
5- I’m not. I’m laughing my ass off at your stupidity.
And if you want a source that gives basically the entire history of the Land of Israel
There. Now give me one source of a Palestinian nation.
And if you really have a problem with Wikipedia, then why don’t you just look at the listed sources at the bottom of the page?
7- The Philistines became extinct after the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions. Philistines were not Arabs like the Palestinians today, and they were not even an indigenous Semitic people. They were a Greek people who invaded the Levant from overseas, being described as “Sea Peoples” by the Egyptians, who they also invaded before being kicked out.
9- My point was that Bethlehem was a city in Judea before it became Palestina. That’s a fact, not an opinion. In addition, there were no more Canaanite peoples at that time within what was considered the land of Israel. Historians believe that the Canaanites became part of the Israelite population, and it is likely that the Israelites themselves were simply Canaanites who revolted.
10- The Jews are an ethnoreligious group describing those who lived in ancient Judea and their descendants who still practice their culture. And remember, there was no Palestinian identity at the time. Therefore, Jesus was not a Palestinian.
11- My comment was a negative statement. Therefore, the burden of proof lies on you. Why don’t you prove to me that there was a Palestinian nation.
12- Burden of proof relies on you.
For the rest of this, the burden of proof relies on you.
14- Citation needed.
15- The Zionist movement predates the UN. As already established, since the Jews were there first, which any historical timeline will tell you, they are by definition not colonizers. And yes, Arabs invaded in the seventh century during the Islamic invasions. It feels like anyone who knows any basic world history should know this. Jews are from Judea, Arabs are from Arabia. But I suppose you are rather uneducated, so allow me to provide a source:
16- Okay
a- Wow, well look at that, you just countered your previous point by admitting that the Arabs were invaders.
b- Prior to the Israeli return, there was no country called Palestine, merely a geographic region and a British Mandate. And prior to the British Mandate, the land was ruled by the Ottoman Turks. So why don’t you please give me a source to when there actually was a nation known as Palestine.
c- Same response as answer b.
d- Same response as answers b and c.
c- Well, it looks like you repeated a letter here. I am saying this because Arafat was one of the first big Palestinian nationalist leaders (although he was actually Egyptian) and at the time of this Palestine was not an independent nation because the land was known as Israel by this time. Therefore, if Palestine preceded Israel, then there must be more Palestinian leaders before him.
e- If the national language was Arabic, then there would have to be a nation known as Palestine between the times of the Islamic Invasion and modern Israel. I cannot seem to find such a nation during that time period in my research. May you provide a source/citation please?
f- What do you mean “what timeline”? There are no alternative dimensions, only one timeline of history. Unless, I suppose, you are referring to time period. In that case, give the various ancient religions of Palestine whenever they existed.
g- Same basic response as to answer f but with currency instead of religion.
h- Palestine is not a country today because the land currently belongs to Israel. Therefore, the country must have had some sort of demise that allowed it to fall to Israel, as well as the Brits and the Ottomans before them.
i- So what? If Palestine was a nation, you would have thought its nationalist movement would occur much sooner.
The funny thing is that I had to look up what hasbra is since I’ve seen the term before but I didn’t actually know what it meant. I have refuted your claims as to my usage of straw man arguments, clearly my "red herrings" were legitimate because you failed to convincingly refute them, and best of all I showed how ignorant you are on basic world history, such as the Israelite kingdoms, the assumption that the Philistines are the same people as the modern Palestinians, the Judean revolts, the Arab invasions, and the apparent lack of a nation known as “Palestine” at any point in history.
Now I'd like to see you refute my arguments on the rest of the video.
As I already said, if you took time to read what I said, there are sources listed at the bottom, so don't pretend that there are no sources
I did address your counters, and your denial of it does not make you any smarter
+Guy Fawkes
I ignored nothing you said. I responded to it all. If you want sources, look at the sources listed at the bottom. At this point your head is so far up your ass that you are refusing to actually acknowledge that I said anything.
If your ancestors owned the land, then you are indigenous. If they invaded, like the Arabs, that is imperialism.
And, by your logic, if you do not ethnically inherit land, then why should Israel belong to the ethnic Arabs who do not currently own the land?
Gotta love how this video is chock full of inaccuracies, half truths, and things stretched to the absolute limits to even be based in reality.
I love how she's trying to portray Jesus as Palestinian, when Jesus was a Jewish man born in Judea, NOT PALESTINE!!! The Romans changed the name of Israel and Judea to Palestine around 100 years after the death of Jesus! I guess history and facts are not important to "Palestinians"... LOL
LOL!!! So tell the original Canaanites to come and take their land back...
@@GPBKM jews are the originale cnanites
Dardahan, I know! I was sarcastically replying to someone who deleted his comment already... ;-)
He wrote something like the Canaanites were there before the Jews... Which I don't dispute, but I think he was trying to suggest that the "Palestinians" of today are direct descendants of the ancient Canaanites... LOL!!! No wonder the dumbass deleted his comment...
What you state is correct - Jesus was not a 'Palestinian' because no where on the face of the earth, in the history of the world has there ever existed 'Palestinian' as a Nationality until 2006 but to be fair, after WW1 when Great Britain was given the mandate over the last sliver of land not yet created into a state, Great Britain called that piece of land Palestine. The people living in the land, from the British Mandate until May of 1948, were known as Palestinians. And there were Jewish Palestinians and there were Arab Palestinians. Golda Meir carried a Palestinian passport from 1921 until 1948. In fact, up until less then 100 years ago, the connotation 'Palestinian', usually referred to a person who was Jewish, not Arabic.
@@lscottschlager2147 It divided the land of Palestine into two nations, one Israeli and one Arabic, as the Palestinians didn't call themselves Palestinians at the time, they were just arabic, and at the time they didn't declare themselves as a nation. Also Jordan and Egypt immediately occupied the Arabic parts.
I asked a Sikh I know once about Islam. I asked him "since you have lived near Muslims all your life what are Muslims really like back in India?" He told me "If you dip your entire arm in a barrel of oil and then dip that same arm into a barrel of bird seed and then count all the seed stuck to your arm, you will know how many lies a Muslim tells in a day."
When you only choose the history dates that suit you and not the whole dates, it usually means your hiding something. Also why would you say Jesus was Palestinian he was literally Jewish that Is a fact.
Jesus is not Jewish, He was telling people to believe in god. there are a lot of videos explaining this on youtube. check it out. it's also fun.
According to the Gospels Jesus was a Jewish rabbi from Judea.
"After Jesus was born in *Bethlehem in Judea* , during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem"
(Matthew 2:1)
"They went to Capernaum, and when the Sabbath came, Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach"
(Mark 1:21)
"Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want? They said, “Rabbi”, “where are you staying?”
(John 1:38)
Jesus answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel".
The woman came and knelt before him. "Lord, help me!" she said.
Jesus replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs".
(Matthew 15:24-26)
Does mean palestinian only arab muslim only?
if Jesus Christ was a Jewish Rabbi, it's a shame that other Jews put him on the cross
@JoeBidenIsTrash 1 Jesus is the messiah in Christianity and Islam, many Jewish people deny this fact.
I find this video leaving out a lot of facts How many Arab countries are there ? how many Jews were expelled from these countries ?
So Palestinians have to pay for this? That's what you're focused on? 🤦🏻♀️
Palestine was the name given by the Roman Empire to the area covered by Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, in other words, Israel.
Jordan was also part of Palestine.
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC.
Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele:
“In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
"the peasants of Palestine were the
descendants of the inhabitants of ancient
Judea"- David Ben Gurion.
Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also
African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
Plestine was only a name that the British used to deny the historic connection of the Jews to this land
He didn't deny that Palestinians exist. He denied that an independent country called Palestine existed. The term Palestinae was what the Romans called it after conquering it. The name was resurrected by the British, but the term didn't refer to Arabs specifically. Ariel Sharon was born on the British Mandate of Palestine, which was not a state, but a British property that had been promised to the Jews, it also included Jordan.
Nope the area was called "Palesiniae" BEFORE the Romans conquered it, even by JEWISH writers. But if you want to be technical, there was never an ancient Jewish state called "Israel" either. Judaism is generally recognized to have gotten really off the ground AFTER the Babylonian exile and centuries after the fall of Israel to the Assyrians.
@@michardav no it wasn't. Some Greek literature refers to the home of the Philistines, but the Philistines did not control the whole area, only a small strip, and they were in no way related to Arabs or Jews. The term wasn't officially used to denote an area until the Romans began using it after they conquered the Jewish kingdom. The Roman used Palestinae as it was derived from Philistines, who were conquerers of European origin.
"Some Greek literature refers to the home of the Philistines" untirely untrue, there is no evidence the Greeks even knew of the Philistines, nor did the Romans. Herodotus mentions it in his histories simply because that's what it was called, same with Aristotle in his treaties on meteorology when he speaks about the Dead Sea. Philo a RABBI calls it Palestine- and he died about 40 CE!! Sorry but historians simply do not back your case. But common misconception. The fact is we only have two sources for Hadrian's reign, only one mentions the name change, and it was specifically reasoned as an amalgamation of Galilee, Judea and Samaria to name already in common usage- Palestine. There is no mention of "Philistines" and in fact it would be ridiculous to claim as such since "Philistine" is only mentioned in the Tanakh and I really doubt your average pagan Greek or Roman was familiar with the Jewish set of Holy Books nor cared. Also keep in mind that the vast majority of Jews lived OUTSIDE Palestine at the time of the Emperors in Rome- Egypt having the highest population followed by Babylon (Persia),
@@michardav You need to look at your own sources. ""As early as the Histories of Herodotus, written in the second half of the fifth century B.C.E., the term Palaistinê is used to describe not just the geographical area where the Philistines lived....."
"Hence, when Herodotus (3.91), the first classical writer to mention Palestine, speaks of the fifth province of the Persians as including Phoenicia and the part of Syria called Palestine and Cyprus; the part of Syria called Palestine either refers only to the coastal area, so called because it had been inhabited by the Philistines, or he is speaking loosely, since the only part of the area that he had visited was apparently along the coast. Hence he called the whole land by the name of the coastal strip. "
Herodotus was referring to the Philistines. The Philistines were a coastal likely Greek people, so it makes sense that some Greek authors would refer to Philistines. The Romans purposely chose the name Palestinae to associate the area with European invaders and disassociate it from the Jews. Once again the Philistines had no connection to Jews or Arabs. They were a European group originating in what is now Greece.
And just a few years later Aristotle says the Dead Sea is in Palestine, which isn't near the coast. Sorry try again...BTW EVEN that were the case, remember that the Angles only dwelt in a small part of the south east coast yet all of England bears their name. AND doesn't change the fact that even JEWS were calling the area Palestine- as opposed to ISRAEL- before the Romans changed it. You're claim was that the Romans changed the name, they only made it official, the place was already called that. Nor was the name resurrected by the British since Mark Twain wrote an entire book on his visit to PALESTINE- not ISRAEL- decades before World War One. Your claim is simply and demonstrably false.
I still would like to hear the accent, the dialect or the distinct language of the Palestinian people.
Identical to Jordan on the East Bank. They're the same families! Can't be different nations. Jordan IS Palestine!
@pros tras their names also reveal their places of origins.
A brief guide to some Palestinian Arab surnames (updated)
Here are some popular Palestinian Arab surnames, and their meaning in English:
al-Masri - the Egyptian
al-Mughrabi - the Moroccan
al-Djazair - the Algerian
al-Yamani - the Yemeni
al-Afghani - the Afghan
al-Turki - the Turk
al-Hindi - the Indian
al-Hourani - the Hauranite (from southern Syria)
al-Kurdi - the Kurd
al-Ajami - the Iranian
al-Shami- the Syrian
Khamis - Bahrain
al-Araj- part of Morocco
Halabi - Aleppo, Syria
Bardawil - named after a lake in Egypt
I have yet to hear of anyone with the surname "al-Filastini."
Propaganda is always easier to stomach when delivered by beautiful women.
#FreePalestine #EndTheOccupation
what do you guys think of U.S. Senators looking to ban BDS?видео.html video has undercover clips of zionist plots as well.
Extremely ignorant rebuttal. She was incorrect or purposely misleading in her very first statement that Ayalon (or anyone for that matter) denies that the Palestinian people exist. NO ONE has EVER denied that the Palestinian people exist. MOST thinking people deny (and are correct) that there was ever a Palestinian state or nation.
To say there was ever a Palestinain state in past history would be the equivalent of saying Sub-Saharan Africa is a state or western Europe is a state. It is an AREA or REGION and NOT a nation or state. You need to go back to school lady.
Your juvenile language and snarky insults are just fillers for your lack of actual substantive argument.
Israel and the worlds biggest mistake was condoning the lie that there is such a thing as palestinian people. They do live in Jordan, Israel , Gaza and Judea /Samaria.
Lies. Palestina was a name given by the Romans after they conquered Judea.
There were no Palestinians. The first PLO leader was born in Cairo, Egypt. the Palestinians are Jordanians, Egyptians and from other surrounding Arab countries.
The term a Palestinian was created by the Soviets in 1964 as a political tool for a land grab.
+MADD Nihilist well check a history book
+MADD Nihilist
Who was the first "Palestinian" leader before Yasser Arafat? Who was himself, from Cairo, Egypt.
Your... "actual truth" doesen`t really conform with reality, I`m afraid.
Palestine is an area not a country. There is no country of scandinavia, it is an area that is occupied by different countries. List any name of a Palestinian king or leader prior to 1988.
literally because Palestine isn't a country with legal borders, it's just a region? it's like accusing someone of telling me I don't exist as a Latin American. I don't, Latin America isn't a country, it's a geographical area. I do, however, exist as a Dominican.
blue222blue true but palestine and argentina are different cos palestine isn’t a country
Where is your Palestinian coins ? Leadership? Literature? Nada zip
1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state 2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state. 4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab - Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state . 5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state. 6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state. 7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state. 8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state. 9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire , not a Palestinian state. 10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state. 11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state. 12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state
The lady in this video is so ignorant she thinks its about the name Palestine and she thinks people are claiming it was never called Palestine.... lol... she can't even grasp the most basic argument and then goes on to make a completely INSANE and fallacious video like this. I can't stop laughing. She truly might be one of the dumbest people on earth.
This Pallywood propaganda is painful to watch...So many lies...
Czech subtitles has been added.
+Unfazed seriously.... yaaa well what about the 'jooooos' killing the Palestinin in all kinds of ways. ha? what is your answer?
+Egg ibn Asfoor You must read history from Palestinian books right? I read history from the rest of the world, I see archeology, I see ancient artifacts, I read holy books like the christian Bible, the jewish Bible, and the Koran, I see the oldest photos of the land, and guess what? There was never such thing as Palestine nor Palestinians. Only Jews that lived for thousands of years in the land, and got occupied several times, once by the Romans who called Israel Palestina, that is the history for you. 3 Jewish states in history, 0 Palestinian states in history. To proof the existence of a country called Palestine with indigenous population called Palestinians you need to destroy all the archeology, architecture, burn all the books of international history, destroy the christian Bible, Jewish Bible and Koran, and maybe then come up with a story to tell. It is pathetic to keep trying to convince the world of a different fictional history. We don't deny your actual existence, we deny that you were ever a country, a people, a state. Why Palestinians are not wanted in any Muslim country? Interesting... Arafat was the first one to come up with the new idea of calling his Jewish land occupiers Palestinians. Even the rest of the Arab and Muslim countries did not recognize such people back then. Palestinians should leave their occupation and go back to Jordan, Syria and Egypt where they came from.
Moshe G.V. I have only one thing to tell you....I am an Arabic,Palestinin,Muslim girl and I have a case that everyone denied it because it's dangerous for their own safety and don't care about us.... I don't care what history says I only belive of what is happening now.i believe what is happening to me... I belive that Israel is killing our children our girls our old men our people...and they will still do that untill they vanish us....but guess what we are not leaving our country no matter what...and for the record Palestine do not only have Muslims but Christians too.... I think you should study more...because darling I'm telling you exactly what's happening oky...and if you don't belive me come and I'll show you everything you want to see...and then you'll be the go search of what I'm saying...
+زخاري זכריה don't be sad In the end of the story Israel don't Have no right to take Palestine
ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ You must not be serious right??? Palestinian are Arabs not Greeks or from Crete. The Philistines were only a small little nation on the sea side, not the entire Palestinian region. They are two totally different regions and race. By the way, the Philistines disappeared way before the first Palestinian showed up, that is Arafat, who by the way was born in Egypt.
Just because you speak better English than Danny doen't mean you can just tell blatant lies that don't pass the most simple of tests!
Nice try, though!
All he said was: Israel captured West bank from Jordan. Nothing about greeks or Jesus.
even with Ottoman rule there was never a recognised state of Palestine.
Recognition is precisely what`s being offered by Israel and the international community a state for the Palestinian people only presently prevented by an organisation with an agenda to remove Israel from the map pretty ironic.
"Palestine was used to describe the area" AREA. Not state
So what? Even Greece was ruled by the Ottomans and didn't become a country until the XIX century. Will you also deny the existence of Greece?
Mondiani Joli Greece became a state. There has never been a Palestinian state.
Thank you
+Mondiani Joli Greece was recognized as a state tho...
brwi1 thanks to whom?
You kinda forgot the name before “Palastine” which was Judea.
Palastine is the name of the Region, not a state nor people.
Free Judea and Samaria🕎✡
@@marcohuana7824 Adolf Hitler loved Israelis
2:11 at Jesus’s time the land was called Judea. Palestine didnt come until later. You can stop lying now
Forgotten, that Jordan occupied Palestine in 1948 and annect it in 1950? What about the "palestinians" in this time? There were no arabs in palestine called "palestinans" until 1967. There were only the people living there. Jews and arabs. The jews, by the way, since 3000 years. The arabs just after the arab occupation of byzanz 1600 years later.
This is an historical lie, sir. Palestinians considered themselves how palestinians by the late XIX century, se could see in all Arab journals and from the discourse in ottoman parliament of the delegates from sanjaks of Jerusalem, Nablus and Akka, and from the regionale project about forming a specifical vilayet of Palestine, and for all palestinians journals, expecially from the journal Falastin, Palestine in Arab, that this people existed. Only British authority, zionist leadership and panarabist intellectuals and Leaders didn't recognize the palestinian people, their request and rights, for specifical reasons. And there were protests in West Bank during jordanian occupation, and request ti change the name in "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan AND Palestine"! With other requests, that were often tied with specifical palestinian request in Israel. You have to probably read the History of this people from real research, not in the old book written by British and Israeli historians that didn't know a single word of standard arabic and the specifical palestinian arabic.
@@angelocoll7802 no you’re wrong. The Arabs rewrite history and claim that theirs is truth and that others is wrong. Not to mention the arameans and modern Syrians hating Arabs and Islam because of historical censorship on them, including burning books
If she dressed and talked like this in front of her "sharia law" husband she`d be beaten...
I'm already thinking of Palestine as Philistine, so let's move it to Gaza and let it take part of the Sinai and boom, they don't have to claim Judea and Samaria anymore. Plus it actually started existing while the Kingdom of Israel was around, taking over Gaza and part of the Sinai Peninsula.
This video did not mention:
* The name of Palestina has a Roman origin and it has nothing to do with Arabic. Romans *renamed* a territory which had names already like JUDEA, SAMARIA AND GALILEE as the very Jesus referred to them with those names.
*Acts 1:8* New International Version
_"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all _*_Judea and Samaria,_*_ and to the ends of the earth."_
*To say that Jesus was a Palestinian is just cheap *ANACHORNISM,* because the name of Palestine was not used by Romans at the time of Jesus. This name was used only in the second century AC and the complete name was *SYRIA PALESTINA* and was used by Romans as a humilation to Jews because of Bar Kokhba revolt in 135.
*The above-mentioned fallacy shown in **02:15** is an obvious propaganda lie of the pro-Palestina narrative.*
We all know the Parable of the Good Samaritan of the Gospel of Luke, referring to person of good heart who was from Samaria who helped a Jew but the Parable is NOT named the Parable of the good Palestinian.
See how do they want to deceive you?
* Regarding the War of 1967. it is known that Egypt had an aggressive stance against Israel. Egypt had blocked the Straits of Tiran which Israel had warned it would be an *act of war.*
What Israel did in 1967 was a preemptive war, contrary to what happened in the war of Yom Kippur in 1973 when Israel did not want to do another preemptive war even though Israel knew Arabs wanted another war.
Herodotus and Aristotle lived before the Romans and he called the place Palaistine. So, it was not the Romans who invented the name.
*Read this for truth:*
Skip to the end for the conclusion if you don't want to read this boredom.
The real question is: are the Palestinians and the biblical Philistines the same peoples? Either way, the land does not belong to them. Canaanites are the original owners of the land. The ancient Israelites conquered them and enslaved them. Many of them were absorbed into the Israelites and other nations. They don't exist anymore, so the second in line of succession are the Israelites. But wait. There's some interesting info here.
Where do the Israelites come from? They were the descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel. Israel is the second name of Jacob. Jacob is the grandson of Abraham. Abraham was born in the city Ur Kaśdim (Iraq). So, the Israelites originally come from Iraq. But the Palestinians still don't own the land. Keep reading.
Where do the Palestinians come from? Depends on whether you believe they are Philistines or not. According to the bible, the Philistines came from the sea, the Island of Crete. According to DNA evidence, they have strong connection to Crete, Greece, Sardinia and other parts of south Europe. So if the Palestinians believe the bible and they believe that they are the Philistines, they should claim Crete as their homeland, which is a lot larger than the west bank and Gaza combined, has good farm land, good weather, has no enemy neighbors and has more access to sea. Also, the Philistines only settled in the Gaza strip, not in the west bank and not in the rest of Israel.
According to the bible and many historians, the Philistines were absorbed into the Assyrian and the Babylonian empires after they both conquered the kingdom of Israel and Judah and then the Philistines got extinct, while the exiled Jews kept their identity and culture thanks to their religion.
But I doubt they are Philistines. Because of DNA evidence, different language, different religion and no archaeological connection. Where did they come from then? Some suggested that the Palestinians are Canaanites. Unfortunately for them, there is nothing significant to back that up. The Canaanite language and culture is a lot closer to the ancient Hebrews.
All evidence, DNA, archaeological discoveries and ancient transcripts point that the Palestinians are descendants of Arabs. The same Arab Caliphates that invaded the whole middle east (including Spain and even parts of India later on) during the 7th century. You can read the Origins section of the Palestinians wiki page. The "Pre-Arab/Islamic Influences" and "Canaanism" claims are very weak. But the Arab connection is very strong. Many Palestinian families can trace their origins back to tribes in the Arabian peninsula who settled the area after the Muslim conquest.
DNA evidence shows that there is strong connection between the Jews and the Palestinians. If most of the Palestinians are indeed Arabs, then the Bible confirms the connection. Many Arab Muslims believe that they are descendants of Abraham and his son Ishmael. The Jews believe it too. But Ishmael and his mother were banished far north so they no longer have the right for the land. The 12 sons of Jacob (Israel) moved to Egypt because of drought. The 12 tribes became slaves in Egypt. Meanwhile, the Philistines moved from Crete to the Gaza strip. And then the tribes united and returned from Egypt and formed the Israelite kingdom which later split into Israel and Judah, until the Assyrians and the Babylonians invaded and exiled them (including the Philistines).
The Palestinians claim that the Jews are just European invaders. But obviously, the Jews were exiled to Europe long time ago after the second temple was destroyed by the Romans. The first and the second temples were destroyed by Assyrians ad Babylonians. King Cyrus of Persia defeated Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to their home. They built the second temple. Greeks invaded them. Greeks lost in the end. Romans invaded them. Romans won (during the emperor Titus), which led to large emigration. The wiki page "Jewish diaspora" explains how a lot of Jews got to Europe.
Hadrian, another Roman emperor, crushed the Jewish rebellion and changed the name of the region to Syria Palestina to punish the Jews. He also changed the name of Jerusalem. But my humble, personal guess is that the new name just didn't catch up. Many centuries later, the British called this region Palestine. The rise of Palestinian nationalism started that time. But a Palestinian nation or country never existed in ancient times. It was always a province or a region. Imagine if some people of Norway, Sweden and Finland will demand a new country called Lapland.
1:09 The woman asked if she, as a Palestinian does not exist. But that is not what Danny Ayalon said. There is a time manipulation in her words: He said such country or a nation did not exist (IN THE PAST), but now Palestinians do exist because new nations are being born every century. So if she was born 200 years ago, she would not exist as a Palestinian - she would most likely exist as an Arab or Ottoman.
1:39 She was telling the truth that Palestine was a region. Herodotus and Aristotle did mention Palestine, but AS A REGION. They did not mention a country or a nation. The oldest year that she mentioned was 484 BCE, but she wouldn't dare to mention that the kingdom of Judah was destroyed by Babylon way earlier in 586 BCE.
Conclusion: if the Palestinians are the biblical Philistines, then Crete is their land. If the Palestinians are Arabs, then their land is Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Jordan and so on... But if they are Canaanites - the land is theirs, but they will have to bring some really hard proof, which they can't.
Small correction: The first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians.
Ignore the Assyrians. They conquered the kingdom of Israel, while the temple was in Jerusalem which was part of the kingdom of Judah.
Keep the good work up!!
Palestine is a region. NOT A STATE.
It was never a State. It was a region.
Daniel said it was a region. Not a state.
Argue with logic not emotion.
who lived there ? Jews lived there - And when the Jews lived there and the Jewish temple existed - the Arabs drank wine, believed in pagan statues, buried their daughters alive and worshiped Elilath - El Manath and Uzath - Then a man named Muhammad said that he had heard verses from Gabriel ... and Muhammad established Islam - and in the name of Islam - the Arabs conquered the Levant and Jerusalem - a city that did not belong to Muslims or Arabs!
Mohammed is a perverted pedophile who raped a little girl at the age of 9 !
Jerusalem is not mentioned at all in the Koran - not even once!
so it is immoral to kick The Jews out of their land just because a pedophile false prophet Muhammad tell us that he heard some verses from the devil - and he twisted and distorted everything - The Arabs belong to Saudi Arabia - from where Islam came - they do not belong to Jerusalem!
What a silly argument-
First of all, you do not need the letter J - in Hebrew - because the original name of the Jews in Hebrew is - Yehudim - the Arabs also express it - Yehudiya or Yahud!
In a foreign language they express it - Jew - but the Jews express it correctly - in their original language!
The Arabs, on the other hand, do not have the letter P - and they can not pronounce the letter P!
Therefore the Palestinians can not pronounce their name - because it is not theirs - they took this name from another nation!
The original Palestinians are Philistines - They are a nation that originated from the Aegean Sea - Greece, Crete, Minoan and more.
Their original name begins with the letter P - and expresses it - Pelishtim ( Palestine ) -
The Arabs pronounce the name F - Falastine - What just proves that this name is not theirs is unnatural to their language, they can not pronounce the name of their nation properly and in the right way - which indicates that they stole it - and that they are not really a nation!
As well as - the biblical name of the Philistines( Pelishtim/Palestine) means in Hebrew - "invaders" - It's coming from the root word "Pelisha" which mean in Hebrew to invade - cause the biblical Philistines came and invade from Crete and Greece !
The Arab Palestinians have no history !!!
There has never been a Palestinian kingdom, a Palestinian state, a Palestinian coin, Palestinian symbols, a Palestinian language, Palestinian traditions, Palestinian religion, and ancient Palestinian personalities.
There has never been a Palestinian rebellion against any empire - against the Greeks, Persians, Romans, Babylonians, etc.!
Philistine culture was extinct with the Assyrian conquest in the 8th century BC !!!!
Since then, the name "Palestine" has been used only as a regional Geographical term - and not a name of any nation - certainly not of an Arab nation!
Another fact is that the Arabs conquered the Levant not because the Byzantines provoked them!
The Arabs conquered the Levant and large parts of North Africa because of the spread of Islam!
On the contrary, the Byzantines grew weaker and weaker, and the Arabs took advantage of it, and in victories they quickly conquered the Levant from the Byzantines and the Sassanian !
The Muslims are the ones who invaded - in the name of Islam and their murderous ideology !
Quds in Arabic means "holy" or sacred - and it's not means Jerusalem!
The name Jerusalem explicitly is never mentioned in the Koran - not even once!
The al-Aqsa mosque did not exist and it was not built yet when the Koran was written, or the Prophet Muhammad the pedophile made his fake false stupid "night journey" on a winget donkey ! Ha - What a JOKE !!!
According to ancient Islamic sources, the al-Aqsa Mosque, once mentioned in the Koran, was one of two mosques located next to a village in the Arabian Peninsula (now Saudi Arabia) called Jajrana, between the cities of Mecca and Taif.
The mosque near to the village is called - al-Masjid al-'Adna - means - the nearest mosque, while the second, the more distant one, is called - al-Masjid al-Aqsa - the furthest Mosque. This is the Al-Aqsa Mosque mentioned in the Koran in Chapter 17, which describes the myth of the night journey of Muhammad from the Holy Mosque in Mecca to the Far Mosque in Jajrana.
Finally - the Jews are Jews - genetic tests prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that Jews from Europe or elsewhere - have roots in the Middle East!
A Jew is the person who is born to a Jewish mother - and today there are millions of people who see themselves as Jews and are not necessarily religious - they are connected and related to the Jewish culture, tradition and history of the Jews! The traditions and culture of the Jews have been confounded from father to son for generations, and very few joined or converted to the Jewish people!
It is known that conversion is a long and arduous process - and one can not simply become a Jew - In contrast to the Arabs and Islam - who accept everyone - you have to say one miserable sentence - and that you become a Muslim!
Another thing - the absolute majority of Jews does not prevent religious reasons - but for historical reasons!
Historically, Jerusalem and the Land of Israel belong to Jews even before the Arabs invaded the Levant.
This is a historical fact that can not be challenged - the cradle of Judaism is in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem!
The cradle of Islam and the Arabs is in Mecca - Saudi Arabia !!
The vast majority of Arab Palestinians - themselves immigrants who came from different Arab regions - and different Arab countries!
The majority came from Egypt, but there are other masses who came from Morocco, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and even from Europe - the Balkans !
If you can tell us about the "Palestinian" history - I would love to learn something new "
But "Palestinians" is an Arab invention! And Jerusalem has never been the capital of an Islamic caliphate or a Palestinian state, or a Palestinian kingdom , and Jerusalem has never been an Arab capital!
Zayd Abbas
No you funny 😄 stupid .. What was the " Palestinians" language and religion Or tradition or history before Islam and the 7th century AD..
Funny 😄 shit you ignorant fool.. LOL
Zayd Abbasвидео.html
So ..
Please help them find their history ..
Tell us about the 5000 years of history of the "Palestinians"… lol .
Tell us what their culture was .. What language was .. What did they believe? .. What was their handwriting handwriting .. What was their traditions .. What was their currency .. What was their capital .. What was their symbols ?
What distinguishes them from the rest of the Arab world ?? Does it have unity as a nation? Or are they Arabs who came from Arab countries and settled in an area called Palestine and the reactions against Zionism and the Jews?
And as you say ... in Colombia you speak Spanish ...? Because the Spanish conquered South America .. The language of the locals is different and remains a traditional second language alongside Spanish .. What proves again that the Arabs and Muslims are occupiers and invaders!
Zayd Abbas
WTF ?? Are you for real ??
Jerusalem is mentioned in the Torah 667…
Lol… you are so stupid… it's funny 😄…
Palestinian was a term the Romans came up with to make fun of jews. Also the one smoking the water pipe is probably depicting a Turk. 😂
Yeah, because Turks wave the Jordan flag and lived near the border or Jordan and Palestine. Totally.
Making fun of Turks is still wrong.
@@QarsherskiyEducation I was specifically referring to the water pipe but as a matter of fact there are Turks living in Jordan and Palestine who are mixed with Arab . The water pipe is not making fun of Turks. A lot of Israelis are of Turkish descent. It is using a symbolic reluctant to represent them. Just like if it were Italians, it would probably be pasta or something. I'm Italian and would not be offended.
@@QarsherskiyEducation look at 2:30 of the original video.
Chronology of the name of that region spoken:
Canaan ----->Israel------>Northern Israel + Southern Israel (Judah)-------->Palestine-------->Israel + Palestine + Gaza
Israel's name was coined at about 1000BC, Palestine was coined at merely 450BC. Israel a product of Zionism? Wrong. Israel today is the restoration of its predecessor. Palestinian isn't a race. Arabs are a race. You are an Arab. At most you can say is that Israel and Palestine are interchangeable. You said it yourself, the Arabs adopted the name Palestine (Filistine). Oh, and by the way, without Judaism, there cannot be Islam.
There is no such a thing like a Palestinian people, or a Palestinian culture, or a Palestinian language, or a Palestinian history. There has never been any Palestinian state, neither any Palestinian archaeological find nor coinage. The present-day "Palestinians" are an Arab people, with Arab culture, Arabic language and Arab history. They have their own Arab states from where they came into the Land of Israel about one century ago to contrast the Jewish immigration. That is the historical truth. They were Jordanians (another recent British invention, as there has never been any people known as "Jordanians"), and after the Six-Day War in which Israel utterly defeated the coalition of nine Arab states and took legitimate possession of Judea and Samaria, the Arab dwellers in those regions underwent a kind of anthropological miracle and discovered that they were Palestinians - something they did not know the day before. Of course, these people having a new identity had to build themselves a history, namely, had to steal some others' history, and the only way that the victims of the theft would not complain is if those victims do no longer exist. Therefore, the Palestinian leaders claimed two contradictory lineages from ancient peoples that inhabited in the Land of Israel: the Canaanites and the Philistines. Let us consider both of them before going on with the Palestinian issue. Read more here:
What are history of your state before 2000 years?! 😂
@@levanpalestine4899 This means that the Palestinians were Jews at the time, since circumcision of Jewish men was obligatory. Circumcision is also obligatory for Muslim men. However, Islam did not exist during the time of Herodotus. These Palestinian Jews later became the majority Christians. Most of the Palestinian Christians converted to Islam during the Arab rule. It is clear that African black Jews, European Khazarian Jews, Malayalam Jews in the Indian state of Kerala, and Mongolian-looking Jews are not indigenous to Palestine.
Let me tell you something about the name "Palestine"
Do you know where the name "Palestine" comes from? The Roman Empire called the land of Israel "Syria Palestine", as an insult to the Jews. It is named after the Philistines, which used to be Jews' enemy when before David became the king of Judea. The name Palestine just stuck
And by the way, when you called Betlehem a Palestinian city, you probably forgot that the Hebrew meaning for Betlehem is "house of bread" (בית לחם).
Now don't get me wrong, I'm an Israeli and I'm rooting for peace, but I just couldn't stand these bias
Judea and Samaria never had united kingdom of Israel, as Dr. Shalmo Sand states in his book 'Invention of the Land of Israel'.The fact that Palestine existed is evidenced by the references to Palestine found in historical accounts of BC. But Israel cannot be found in any historical document.The ancient name of Palestine, Palashtu, is mentioned in the description of Saba Steel by the Assyrian Emperor Adad Nirani III in 800 BC.
Description of Saba Steel:800 BC: Adad-nirari III, Saba'a Stele:
“In fifth year of reign, when I took my seat on the royal throne in might, I mobilized land. The wide spreading armies of Assyria I gave the order to advance against Palashtu.'The independent Jewish religious Hebrew-speaking independent kingdom of Samaria was annexed by the Assyrian Emperor Sargon II in 722 BC.The Hebrew-speaking Jews of Samaria were deported to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. In 612 BC, the Babylonians occupied Assyria and Samaria became part of the Babylonian Empire. Nebuchadnezzar exiled the Jewish Hebrew-speaking Jews to Babylon. In 539 BC, the Persian emperor Cyrus captured Babylon. The book of History confirms that the name of the place where the Jews returned from Nineveh and Babylon was Palestine.During the Persian rule, the Jews returned from exile in Nineveh and Babylon, and Judea and Samaria united to form Palestine. The writings of Herodotus in the book 'Histories' confirm that the Palestinians living in Palestine were then Jews.Herodotus wrote that Palestinians were circumcised. Circumcision of Jewish men is obligatory. The Palestinians must have been Jewish at the time. Herodotus described Palestine as a district in Syria as part of Syria. In 450 BC, Herodotus wrote in his book,The Histories[38]"district of Syria, called Palaistinê""[39][10][40] (Book 3[41]): "The country reaching from the city of Posideium to the borders of Egypt... paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents. All Phoenicia, Palestine Syria, and Cyprus, were herein contained. This was the fifth satrapy.";[b] (Book 4): "the region I am describing skirts our sea, stretching from Phoenicia along the coast of Palestine-Syria till it comes to Egypt, where it terminates"; (Book 7[42]): "[The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine], according to their own account, dwelt anciently upon the Erythraean Sea, but crossing thence, fixed themselves on the seacoast of Syria, where they still inhabit. This part of Syria, and all the region extending from hence to Egypt, is known by the name of Palestine." "the Colchians, the Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, are the only nations who have practised circumcision from the earliest times. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves confess that they learnt the custom of the Egyptians.... Now these are the only nations(Palestinian) who use circumcision."[43][44].Greater Palestine was made up of the Areas governed by the Palestinian Authority, Gaza, all of Israel,Golan Heights, southern Lebanon and northwestern Jordan.The Jews who lived in Palestine forgot Hebrew and became Aramaic-speaking.There is no historical evidence of the deportation of Jews by the Romans in the 70's, according to Dr. Shalmo Sand, an emeritus professor of history at Tel Aviv University, in his book 'Invention of the Jewish People'.His idea is that the story of the expulsion of the Jews by the Romans was an import of the early Christians, whose purpose was to convert the Jews to Christianity.'The Invention of Jewish People' was bestseller in Israel.During the Byzantine rule, most of the Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity.Palestine then became Christian majority.During the Arab rule, most of the palestinian Christians converted to Islam and became Arabic speakers.As result, Palestine became Muslim majority.Tamim Dari, Palestinian Christian monk, converted to Islam in Medina in 631, just as Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was still alive.However, not all Palestinian Christians have become Muslims. So there are still some Christians in Palestine.However, during the Arab rule, Palestinian Christians also became Arabic-speaking.Although the Romans did not expel the Jews from Jerusalem, in 135 they banned the entry of Jews from outside Jerusalem.During the Byzantine rule, the local Jews in Jerusalem converted from Judaism to Christianity. As result Jerusalem became Jew emptiness.Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity, was born into Jewish family.But Jesus preached new religion.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families.Early Christians were the children of Jewish families like St.Paul, St.Peter,Andrew,James, John, Philip,Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas,James, Alphaeus etc.These early Christians converted from Judaism to Christianity. However, the conversion of Palestinian Jews to Christianity began during the pagan Roman rule, which was completed during the Christian Byzantine rule.When the arab conquered Jerusalem, there were no Jews in Jerusalem.After the conquest of Jerusalem by the arab khalifa Omar, the converted Jewish Rabbi Kab al-Ahbar went to Jerusalem with him as companion.When the Arab Khalifa Omar conquered Jerusalem from the Byzantines, Omar resettled 70 Jewish families in Jerusalem.Israeli architect David bin Gurion acknowledged in his statement that the current Palestinians are descendants of the ancient Jews.
"the peasants of Palestine were the
descendants of the inhabitants of ancient
Judea"- David Ben Gurion.
Jews are not an ethnic nation, just religion.Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are not ethnic nation, just religion.Just as Muslims, Christians and Buddhists are divided into different languages, Jews are divided into different languages.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist-majority country gets citizenship by converting to Buddhism or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.No Muslim, Christian or Buddhist majority country gets citizenship by following Islam, Buddhism, Christianity or converting to Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.However, any Jew in Israel gets citizenship.Even in Israel, citizenship is obtained by converting to Judaism, with ancient Jews who have no genetic connection.Conversions to Judaism have been found throughout ancient history, especially in Yemen and Africa.Most of the Jews in Israel are of Russian Khazarian descent, they are indigenous to Khazaria in Russia.Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are Ashkenazi Jews. Russians are white. similarly, Ashkenazi Jews of Russian Khazarian descent are also
African Black negro Jews are the indigenous people of africa,who converted to Judaism in Africa.Negro Muslims and Negro Christians are black.Similarly, Negro Jews are black.Malayalam-speaking Jews are indigenous to the Indian state of Kerala, who converted to Judaism in Kerala, India.Malayalam Muslims,Malayalam Christians and Malayalam Hindus are black.Similarly,Malayalam Jews are also black.Chinese Jews are indigenous peoples of China who converted to Judaism in China.The Chinese look like Mongolians.Similarly chinese jews look like also mongolian.Nose of chinese are flat.Similarly nose of chinese jews are also flat.How do they get Israeli citizenship?So they are not the indigenous people of Israel.Among the Jews of Israel, the only Arabic-speaking Jews are the indigenous people of Israel.Shalmo Sand's study of the genetics survey at Johns Hopkins University proves that Jews are not an ethnocentric race, Jews are multidimensional.After the Persian invasion, Athens, Sparta, and many small independent Greek-speaking kingdoms were united and Greece was formed.Germany was formed by a number of independent German-speaking states, led by the independent German speaking state of Prussia.England was made up of a few independent English-speaking states, led by the independent English speaking state of Wessex.Similarly, the Aramaic-speaking Samaria and Judea formed Palestine.
Those Arabs that embraced Israel's declaration of independence. in 1948 and stayed became full Israeli citizens in a Democratic society , the other half who were committed to fighting Israel left, assuming that the mighty Arab armies would wipe out the Jews.
But the Jews survived the onslaught, and these Arab refugees had no way to return, so they settled in Gaza, the West bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, etc. the same Arab countries they shared their language, culture, religion, and ethnicity with. The same countries they cheered and supported in a war against Israel. Problem solved right? No.
The Arabs continuously fought Israel in countless skirmishes, sniper shootings and terror bombings between 48 and 67, when Gaza and west bank were not even under Israeli control.
Why didn't they just declare a Palestinian nation then, and end the conflict ? There are two reasons.
1st, UNRWA funding would cease as soon as a Palestinian nation is formed, because all Palestinians would lose their refugee status. Arab Palestinians have been living under foreign aid for 7 decades, they wasted their money and efforts at waging war and brainwashing their children instead of investing in industry and innovation. The loss of foreign aid would cause collapse of Palestinian economy. Hamas fighters and the family of martyrs are paid a hefty salary while producing zero productivity. Even 1st world countries like Spain and Greece are suffering economic collapse due to fierce global competition.
2nd, any Arab leader who accepts peace with Israel is a dead man walking. Religious fanaticism had made sure of that.
No, he just said that a Palestinian nation state had never existed before that point. He never said there wasn’t a Palestinian people.
Is it possible for a country or independent state to exist, without ever having an acknowledged form of government no armies - no definded borders - no date of inception - no historical events - no language particular to that country = no recognized leader such as a king or a president - fought no wars - had no currency - had no official relationship, treaty, or pact with any other country - no artifacts ever unearthed - no documentation ever discovered where any country in the world ever made any reference - no flag - no architecture - no forefathers, etc. If all this is possible, then ok, maybe there did exist at some point in time somewhere in the world an Arab Palestinian country or independent state with no constitution, no leader, no borders, no government, no national language, no claim to any historic event, no currency - - - - very bizarre.
Scott, you seem to be raving.
@@malcolmtyler1673 Was I? Let me put it this way. Swiss Cheese. Everyone in the world can be placed into one category or another when they look at a chunk of Swiss Cheese. Those who can see the holes and those who cannot.
@@lscottschlager2147 Why did it take the jews/zionists sooo many centuries to get back to 'their homeland', a territory that some 'god' given them. Muslims, Christians and jews had been living in Palestine for many centuries in communities of co-existence. Zionists arrived with their sense of entitlement and that co-existence was destroyed.
@@malcolmtyler1673 At the risk of sounding like I'm ranting, I would humbly like to make a couple of points. You state that Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in Palestine (co-existence) for 'many centuries'. After WWI and the Ottoman Empire crumbled, and new Arab countries were created, Great Britain was given the mandate over the last sliver of land left and referred to the land as Palestine. Looking at a time line, I would not refer to the end of WW1 up to the present as 'many centuries' - a minor point and maybe we're just talking semantics. I would also beg you to allow me this liberty. You use the phrase 'Zionists arrived....'. Just so no one who reads this falls under any misconceptions, archaeologists barely had to scrape the surface of the ground to uncover proof of a Jewish presence that has existed in that corner of the world dating back to the time of Joshua and in fact, the 3rd time in history that there has been an independent 'Zionist' state under a government/rule of self determination (remember - Judaism is a nationality, not a religion in the modern interpretation). Which brings me to my final and main point. You accuse the Zionists of attempting to destroy co-existence, and like any honors student who graduated from the Arab School of Debate, you're careful not to present any point to explain just how or what the Zionists have done to destroy this co-existence leaving me no alternative then to assume you feel the Zionists are destroying the co-existence simply by returning home. Opinions and accusations are your own. The truth shall set you free and here is the truth - after WW1, the powers that be - powers who had authority or a say in the land such as Great Britain, the League of Nations, the United Nations, etc. - decided in their infinite wisdom to partition this sliver of land and give some of it, in the 1st proposal about 80%, to the Palestinian Arabs for the creation of a new Arab state, and the rest of the land (without Jerusalem) to the Palestinian Jews (yes, from the end of WW1 up until May of 1948, the Jews living on this sliver of land were also known as Palestinians) for the re-establishment of a Jewish state. Over approximately a 50 year period, there were 5 separate proposals to create a Jewish state and an Arab state. 5 times, David Ben Gurion and the 'Zionists' accepted the proposal and said yes, we will live in co-existence along side our Arab brothers. 5 times the Arabs said 'no', the land is ours and we will accept no proposal of partition in any form. Am I missing something here? Didn't you state that it is the 'Zionists' who would try to destroy the co-existence? Although it's not my place to dictate how you should respond, I will mention that when you do, it will be exceedingly difficult for me to have any respect for you or your opinions/accusations with no substantiated point of fact. I'm going to watch The Three Stooges (more Jews) but will check back tomorrow. Thanks, Scott
@@lscottschlager2147 You must have missed the historical episode of the bombing of the King David hotel and other terrorist acts at the hands of the Stern and Irgun gangs. But Scott, don't let historical facts get in the way of your lectures. Scott centuries passed with communities living side by side. You refer to Palestinian Arabs - I thought the point was that Palestine did not exist. You obviously agree with my point about coexitence but it was not for 'the re-establishment of a jewish state' because a jewish state had never existed before 1948. Scott, I do not need your respect. You are just another zionist on the internet. I assume that you are jewish. Interesting surname. Do you play an instrument.? By the way, I have historical maps showing Palestine. The only maps I've seen showing Israel are in the bible - the first section, of which, is written by jews claiming 'god' wrote. Give us a break!!
Well,if you think Jesus was a palestinian,then you must also accept that the ancient palestinians were jews.
Brilliant answer 👍👍👍👍
The Palestinian living in the west bank have more autonomy and rights than they had under the jordanians. Also israel has spent billions in infrastructure turning the landscape into an accesible modern enviroment.
“And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land” (Quran: 17:104)”
“O my people (the Jews)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you”, (Quran: 5:21)
“And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, ‘scatter and live all over the world… and when the end of the world is near we will gather you again into the Promised Land” (Quran:17:104)
quoting religious text is like ... something that really stinks... people still believe in fairy tales, volcano gods are b/s
@@Enzorgullochapin Yes, people do believe in fairy tales.... Like the daft and ignorant woman in this video who doesn't even understand the arguments being made. Like "Palestinians" with all their ahistorical narratives and propaganda. Avoiding all the actual evidence and avoiding all the actual arguments that destroy their agenda completely. lol lol
stopped at 1:12 where this cute girl is trying to make a strong argument "Palestine was never a state" into "do i not exist?".
this is very childish, and i can see where this whiny Palestinian video is going.
to say that there was no state called Palestine ever, and the indigenous Arabs in Palestine are just that is not crazy, not racist and just is a stating of a fact.
Of course today, they can define themselves whichever way they want, if they all wanted, they could call themselves "The Klingon Empire" and it would be something people need to accept. and yet, it doesn't rewrite history.
grow up, read a book.
maybe then Palestine will start to look a little more like Israel.
Good Luck
You beat me by 21 seconds.
Ha nice job ignoring the part of the video which shows that the Palestinians have never accepted any of the offers for a two state solution despite being offered it and the fact that Jordan was part of the original mandate.
Off course they would not accept that ! Which country will accept it if a terrorist oranisation sucs as israel wants to take a piece of land? Nobody!
Precise Senior So you dont think Israel should exist? Whats your solution then, genocide or mass eviction of 8.5 million people because those are the two things you have to be in favor of..
Well if someone tell you give 55% of your land and you well have 45% of the rest.i am shor you wouldn't agree ether.
Gra Piken I suggest you read that article because it somewhat proves my point. "the failure to develop infrastructures as a result of the unwillingness on behalf of the Palestinians to convene the Joint Water Committee (JWC), there are problems in the water supply." They would rather see their people die of thirst before sitting at a table and working and talking with the Israelis. The JWC has equal representation from both Israelis and Palestinians but the Palestinians refuse to even talk with Israel.
There was no Palestine country and even when Israel offered them a country they rejected it
This is so lame attempt to establish nation and history of Palestine. Please tell me when was the Country of Palestine founded?
+LogicDontFail 400 B.C. just before the greek or maybe armeans called it palestine , it was the land of canaan , israel didn't appear before 1948
+lover sniper Ok, nice that you have found the name Palestine (philistine of syria) from the pages of the history. Now, only thing to do, is to you to connect 'your people' with those ancient tribes aka Philistines (sea people), Palestinian Arabs, Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Muslims and other tribes that occupied that area.
It is a fact that the name Palestine appears in history, but it does not mean that it's a country, nation, identity etc.
Fact is that Palestine is a name of an geographical region, mostly empty and dry land before Jews make it flourish.
There is no history of Palestine. Cite some sources, if you have some. Saying 400 BC does not mean anything. Please name some ancient Palestinian rulers, kings, historians, writings, outside mentions on literature. There is none, that will confirm you claim.
+LogicDontFail mr or ms logic, the jewish before 1948 they were only 27% percent of the total population started their migration to the land illegally after theoder herzel established the zionism movement, sying palestinins built nothing is a lie, go to the old city of jerusalem, jaffa, acre, hebron, safad, nablus and others you will all still standing building were built mostly during the mamluk and ottoman time, surely you will find umyyad , abbasid and bizyntim still standing buildings, not to forget to inform you that around 550 palestinian villages and cities were destroyed in 1948 by zionist gangs "dowloand the inakba app that was devoloped by palestinians and jews to know more "", now yes the term palestine is due to the palast tribes who came from crete island near greece around 3000 thousand years ago who tried to conqure the land of canaan but failed, and they just lived in canaan later and took their traiditions from the canaanites, however, jewish history starts with joshua when he invaded canaan and as the torah believed and destroyed the city jercho "see the bible unearth documenray to know more on youtube", now the first of all who are the canaanites if we want to get outside the bible to know about them, according to herudot "greek historian", the canaanites came from the eastern part of arabia towards the coast of the levant, in a huge waves of migrations so there is why cities like sur, jubail and arwad still existed in east arabia, and the island of tarut "in saudi arabia" was called ashtarut a paganist godess canaanites worshipped, now there are names of many palestinian men who ruled plestine but under the ottoman time like daher el-omar who built the city of haifa, and of course more, since palestine was under the control of islamic caliphs, before islam and christianty the arab nabateans ruled most of the and their capital was petraa, now looking at the map of stolen palestine and the deserts of arabia you will determine that most of the ancient migration was from arabia and the deserts of syria towads stolen palestine and syria now from elsewhere like egypt since arabia is desert and people were migrating to fertile places like syria and palestine and iraq and egypt and not vise versa
+LogicDontFail i reccommend you please to read my comment for two or three times to get whag added, thank you already
+lover sniper How is it illegal migration? Weren't the Ottoman empire's occupation then also illegal? Every conqueror has its right to the territory. Ottomans ruled about 600-700 years and then British conquered the lands from them. They divided it (by the right of conquest) and with help of UN, to two nations, one Jewish and one Palestinian. In what part of this, where the "evil Zionist Jews" guilty to illegal migration. They have been there before (27% like you said), they have bought parts of that land from Arabs, they accepted former occupants as citizens, if they agreed to that.
"In 1967, there was no Arab nation or state by the name of Palestine. Actually, was there ever?" Let's discuss this:
"Are you actually trying to tell me that I, as a Palestinian, do not exist?"
No. He was saying that you, as a Palestinian, are part of a people (Arab) that did not, in 1967, have a state in this geographical area that had once legally been called Palestine. This is contrary to the status of the Jewish Palestinians, now called Israelis, who do have a state, called Israel, in this geographical area that had once legally been called Palestine.
In case this is new to you, I'll elaborate: 'The right of self-determination for the Palestinians' is a right to which Palestinian Jews as well as Palestinian Arabs are entitled, and which both have, in fact, attained. Before the old 'Palestine' (defined in the 1910 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica as "the strip of land extending along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea... Eastward there is no such definite border. The River Jordan, it is true, marks a line of delimitation between western and eastern Palestine; but it is practically impossible to say where the latter ends and the Arabian desert begins") became Jordan (in 1946) and Israel (in 1948), the name 'Palestine' was associated with innumerable Jewish, as well as Arab, enterprises. The Jerusalem Post, an Israeli-owned newspaper, was originally founded in 1932 as The Palestine Post, renamed in 1950, two years after the State of Israel was declared. Similarly, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra was called the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra before 1948. By mid-1948, two independent sovereign states existed in the area once known as Palestine: the Arab-Palestinian state of Jordan, and the Jewish-Palestinian state of Israel.
As Dr. Eugene V. Rostow, who was an influential legal scholar and former Under-Secretary of State (1966-69), has reasoned, "the only possible geographic, demographic and political definition of Palestine is that of the [League of Nations] Mandate, which included what are now Israel and Jordan as well as the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The term "Palestine" applies to all the peoples who live or have a right to live in the territory - Jews, Christians and Moslems alike. Thus the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are not "Arab" in the legal sense, but territories of the Mandate which have been recognized as belonging to Israel or Jordan."
After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Jordan ruled Judea and Samaria, or what is now known as the West Bank. This is nearly two decades prior to the 1967 war. An Arab-Palestinian state could easily have been set up there. Yet no such state was established, or even suggested.
What changed?
Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district came under Israeli control, and about a million Arab Palestinians formerly residing in Arab-ruled areas are now ruled by Israel.
An Arab-Palestinian state still exists - Jordan. The Arab Palestinians, whether Jordanians or Israelis, are therefore neither 'stateless' nor 'homeless', but as Danny Ayalon has said, "In 1967, there was no Arab nation or state by the name of Palestine."
My name is Dana dajani and I am a model and Make Up Artist , as well as actor for Pallywood and writer. I enjoy working on projects of all kind, whether it be photoshoots, films, plays-- I love any and all performance art! I split my time between Dubai and the US, with a majority of my time spent working out of Chicago, although I frequent LA and New York as well.
Read some Non Islamic history books and you will know that Palestine was a province carved out by the Roman Empire and the land was occupied by the jews,much before prophet Mohmd and Islam were born.
You might be embarrassed, I'm very proud. How many Jews or Christians in the Iranian , Iraqi, Syrian Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain, or Jordanian parliaments? They are well represented in the Israeli parliament where women, gays, and all religions have freedom of speech.
So what was the border of this country Palestine, What government ruled over it? what was its national currency and flag? What passport was used to identify a person from Palestine? We all know that Palestine was a vulgarism of Philistia created by the Romans as a insult to the Jews. Arafat himself was an Egyptian not a "So called Palestinian" Arabs are the best truth benders on the planet....
She started talking right before he was about to say that the west bank was controled by jordan beatween 1948 to sad😂🇮🇱🇮🇱
You are a forsaken from Europe ..sad 😂😂😂
The name israel is older. The Romans named the land Palestine after the ancient israelite enemy the philistines. Therefore the name palestine has no Arab or Muslim roots, which admits you guys were always on colonized land in first place.
I wonder what’s your last name ..
el-masri ?
El Baghdadi?
Ur grandparents are probably Egyptian/Hashemite or Syrian …
You’re *ARAB*
Don’t start inventing ethnicities …
You didn’t tell who was the king of Palestine? Maybe what was it’s borders were before 1948?
Maybe what currency they used ?
What was their food ? ( not Arab food stolen from Egypt/Lebanon/ Syria/Iraq Lebanon please) .
Knock knock , welcome to real life !
My God, people really know nothing about what Arab means these days! Arab is a cultural and linguistic term these days! Arabized Arabs outnumber actual indigenous Arabs! Wake up Western World!
Ladies, you are not Palistinians, you are Arabs from Jordan, Syria oder Egypt.
Presidential Vlady What do you mean, exactly?
She acted like an expert but totaly what she's talking is a big fat lie.
But she's just spouting actual facts. Maybe try not being an idiot?
She was lying. They misquoted Menachem Begin as saying that Israel was the primary aggressor in the Six-Day War, even though in the exact source they used, Begin went on to say the exact opposite. By closing the Strait of Tiran, Egypt was in direct violation and provocation of the ceasefire, hence presenting a casus belli for Israel to preemptive attack.
There was a peacekeeping mission dispatched to Egypt by the UNEF before Israel responded militarily. The representatives were expelled, and a strong Egyptian military presence was instituted at Sharm el-Sheikh. Armed retaliation and opening hostilities are legitimate defensive tactics. Israel was well within her rights.
They point out that Israel was founded on injustices like the displacement of Arabs in 1948, but omitted the fact that Jews were also displaced by Jordan...
Fair enough, if you criticise Israel for expanding settlements on the West Bank, that is something I can understand. But you can’t just brazenly and disingenuously frame Israel as the sole belligerent in this way
@@SomniaCE way to start a discourse by throwing insults than running away when faced with a bit of actual intellectualism from someone who doesn't agree with you like a true libtard lmfao
The presentation is so cringe inducing. And the content ranges from distortion and omission of truth to lies.
מסכים איתך. הסרטון הזה פשוט כרינג' ברמות, במיוחד כשאתה מבין כמה בולשיט יוצא מהשפתיים של המפגרות האלה...
The only lie is the entity so called Israel being a Democratic nation! And home land of Jewish people! When I listen to you guys ! Even your terminology is as disgusting as the NAZIs Germany ! HOME LAND of Jews ! Mother Land of Arians !!! Can’t you see the similarities of your fascist mentalities !!! 🤣🤣🤣
Wasn’t it you that fired 1000+ Rockets????
Palestine the state does not exist. It has never existed. If you believe "palestine" is a country then Asia is a country, South America is a country.
2:05 palestine yes, but not an arab palestine. It was jewsish
It was called "Palestina Ai"
(פלשתינה א"י) AI is an abbreviation for Arez Israel. Which is "The Land of Israel" so even during the British mandate times it was called Israel as well.
@@davehedric1543 so it’s okay to remove people to make way for colonists?
Yes exactly! It was Jewish or at least there were many Jews and other monotheistic religions... however, when the Byzantines came they displaced and killed a lot of Jews until the Muslims liberated Jerusalem! That's when the Muslims (including Jewish converts) started to bring Jews back to Palestine and establish a Jewish majority in Jerusalem!
They swore to protect the Jews and died side by side against the Crusaders! And when the Muslims liberated Jerusalem for the second time, they brought the Jews back again! And during the 1200 yr Muslim rule, a lot of us converted to Islam, which most Palestinians either don't know or refuse to admit, because of the political implications to be related to those that caused us all this harm!
@@davehedric1543 Not quite true! it was never called "Palaestina Ai"!
i just lost all of my iq watching this vid
This only helped believe and support Israel more. Thanks for your argument. I feel more confident it belongs to Israel
Re-writing the history.
Tell me:
Does jews randomly chose to settle in this piece of land?
Why you don't tell the history before Greece?
Do you know that before 1948, ALL citizen there were called Palestines? Yes. even the JEWS...
Why there were never an established country of "Palestine" ?
so many wrong facts in this video...
The first of the women appearing in the video is an actress and model by the name of Dana Dajani. According to her LinkedIn profile:
Dana Dajani is a Dubai-based Palestinian performance artist, writer, and founder of The Human Spirit Project. She can be seen performing in English and Arabic films, television series, and commercials across the MENA region, as well as on stage: presenting her original solo performances or acting in theatrical productions. Dana also writes for Dubai’s local arts publication, Quint, and can be spotted around Dubai reciting her poetry with the Poeticians, or collaborating to create Floetry with singer Layla Khodjasteh and various musicians.
She was educated in the US and has performed in Caryl Churchill’s antisemitic play for Gaza “7 Jewish Children.”
What her LinkedIn profile does not mention (but what Professor Google does reveal) is she has also worked as a “model.” Some of her poses could be characterized as “risque,” and would certainly be met with some reprisals by the Hamas-controlled religious police in Gaza.
And this website reveals she was born in Jordan to a “Syrian lawyer-painter and a Palestinian pacifist-engineer,” even though she refers to herself as “Palestinian.”
Of course, for the right price, she will also pass off as an Indian.
The second attractive woman is Lara Sawalha. Can you guess her profession?
Here she is referred to as a “Jordanian” actress. And according to this, her “native” accent is “American”, even though she puts on a British accent in the video (according to that same resume, she can do “Israeli” accents as well, so I assume she would even be willing to play an Israeli for an acting gig).
My point here is not to criticize the women’s choice of profession (although their politics leaves a lot to be desired). It is to show that the organization that put together the video hired a couple of attractive actresses - neither of whom are actually “Palestinian” according to the definition of someone born here - in order to increase the appeal of the video. They even had one of them put on a fake accent, presumably to make her more appealing (in my opinion, it worked!)
None of this surprises me, given the level of authenticity of the arguments they put forward in the video.
So let me get this straight, thousands of European magically become Israeli overnight, but women with only one parents of Palestinian isn't "Palestinian" Oh and BTW Lara Sawalha not only LIVES in Britain but is part BRITISH.
Nice researching.
Mike What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty face.
michardav Like John Nuttall's? Or was he a sucker for your propaganda?
Mike aw More ad hominem attacks? So tell me Sugarhitman (aka Dov Coder)- why weren't you suspended for revealing personal information?
Lol... even Arafat said palestine never existed🤦♂️
Another lies, he never said that.
Cute girls...bad lies.
Firstly, Palestine was not a "country", it was a region, settled by a heterogeneous population composed of Afghans, Persians, Circassians, Druze, Italians, Germans, Bosnians, Greeks, Berbers, Turks, Kurds, Bosnians, Indians, Armenians, Jews, Arabs (both nomadic and sedentary)...all living in separate quarters and villages. So a bit of sleight of hand...there was indeed a region called Palestine, but never a Palestinian race, nor nationality.
Also, Jews purchased over 500,000 acres of land during this heterogeneous division of Palestine...legally, in which they built their homes, and most of the infrastructure in Palestine. The Arabs, along with the 10s of 1000s of Arabs who migrated into Palestine, launched a war to kill the Jews, and rob them of what they built.....and the 67 War, despite Begin's "confession" was provoked by the Arabs, who persistently sent terrorists into Israel from the Egyptian controlled Gaza, and the Jordan West Bank, coupled with mobilization of their forces in the Sinai, and public boasts about an impending war to destroy Israel....But Israel simply struck first.
Mike facuk israel
Hey you what u call ur selves Israel !! .. If u really believe what this mad boy said so you r crazy too .. Ok let we suppose that he's true .. why each of you keep his European or American Passport an don't define on the Israelian Passport ?? .. WHY the weak and coward Israelian government claims that the "Bengorion" Airport has attacked during last war in 2011 and Stopped working ?? .. i tell u why ,, Cuz they Observe that all people in Occupied Palestine Escaping to their originals country (which they keeping its passport) and leave the land and the weak army alone .. So do you think that anybody prefer to escape and leave his land alone !!! So who are the Aborigines of this land !! ... Any way.. YOU WILL ESCAPE AGAIN BABIES ... WE WILL COME BACK TO OUR LANDS
False. Israel existed then as it does today. despite the attempt of the Greeks and Romans to rename the country Palestine after the Greek Philistines. Archaeology consistently disclose Hebrew artifacts, ancient buildings, etc etc...even the names of many "Arab" villages in Palestine are named in Hebrew...not Philistinian, nor Arabic. In fact, the name Palestine itself is Hebrew in origin, it's a Hebrew word that means "Invader".
Heres the truth, both the Europeans and Muslims expelled, barred, forced into migration, the Jews of "Palestine", annexing the homeland of the Jews for the name of their respective religions. The Romans, for their Greek/Roman gods, and later Christ, and the Muslims, for Allah and Mohammad. After annexing the land of the Jews, both the Muslims and Europeans oppressed those Jews who lived in their kingdoms and states for 2000 years....and thus the "Wandering Jew". But alas! No more....for the Jews have returned and regained control of their homeland...and their destiny....And no matter how many lies, how many threats are made against them...the truth is the Truth....Justice has prevailed, which shall not be overturned.
mike the drugs that you used are so powerful its making you hallucination
when your dad came to Palestine he came to earn some mony by stealing the lands from Palestinians people and make some fake legacy for you and your children .
and you are so stupid how could you think that your dad and grandfather was borne in Palestine
She talks nonsense. The fact that Palestine has not officially existed as a country does not say anything about the people who lived there. Because according to that logic Kurdish people also don't exist. She talks out of emotion and not logic.
Can you name me one Palestine ruler before the Israel state was there in 1948?
If Hitler counts than you could have name me any of the Ottoman Sultans.
@@MakeLoveNotWar865 I can name you one entire nation of Jews with their temples and history. Can you?
@@MakeLoveNotWar865 You mean the imaginary Palestinians?
@@MakeLoveNotWar865 Get used to it.
Lets start with - What is "Palestine" you guys talking about?
Does anyone ever heard about "Palestine as a nation" before 1948 or 1967??
By the way... "Palestine" its not even arabian name, its a Romans name since they occipite the middle east.
More then that, before 1948 the British ruled the place before the Ottoman and before that the Greeks and before that the Romans and before that was the kingdom of Judah (it is also written in the Qur'an)
So where or when exactly was a Palestinian state?
And this means that the Arabs lived there illegally.
the fact is "Palestinian nation" never existed. its abiggest lie of the modern history. period.
Only ignorant can deny.
That’s the truth my friends.
Nah bro god cursed beni israel by not giving them a country because they defied God's words
That is very attitude that led to the murder of Jews during medieval times
But didn’t God also say the land was theirs? Allah said the land was given to the Israelites as an inheritance. Didn’t God also say the Jews would return?
@@GaraGambini can you not take something from the scripture and interpret it as you like, atleast you give reference when you're paraphrasing it
Yes it has been called Palestine for a long time-since Rome changed the name of Israel. Palestine was always synonymous with Israel and the Jews.
It's always been called palestine. Isreal is fake.
Wanna take history classe?
I think you are the one who should take history lessons
Jews and Christians and other monotheistic religions in the middle east! However once the Muslims came and brought the Jews back twice and swore to protect them, most of the native population converted to Islam sooner or later! By the way, the Muslim forces had a bunch of Jewish converts along their ranks!
So get this idea out of your head that Muslims depopulated all areas they conquered and moved to these countries! They only integrated them into their caliphate! The Population stayed mostly the same, however, we did cross-migrate across all Islamic lands, and married people from all over, which makes today's indigenous population a mixed race, with the same national identity and culture!
"Palestinians are the newest of all the peoples on the face of the Earth, and began to exist in a single day by a kind of supernatural phenomenon that is unique in the whole history of mankind, as it is witnessed by Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist that acknowledged the lie he was fighting for and the truth he was fighting against:
“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
“We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag”.
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”.