This is the deal. You have resources that are keeping you safe from out doing what you hold within you based on the memories that hold pain & hurt. If you try to move beyond what those memories hold & to make more money or being more successful those memories will try to keep you where you belong, You must make peace with your past & beliefs they hold or else you will not move beyond where you are going now. The sabotaging behavior is keeping in alignment with what you hold about yourself.
I want to thank you for this video and tapping system! I had tried traditional tapping as well as thought field therapy. your system has helped me the most, to the point where I now feel cured of a vicious case of OCD I had been battling for 20 years. It's been almost 6 weeks since I started tapping with your system, and I still feel totally healed. THANK YOU SO MUCH. My kind of OCD was like mental torture, it was very painful, and now I finally feel free. I've been recommending this and will continue to, to anyone who might need it. Thank you so much.
Having trained to level 3 Faster EFT I need to tell people the power of this. This is the quickest way to heal stuff from the past. Also in the moment the quickest way out of fight and flight. When we intergrate this into our live our lives change.
been watching the Tapping World Summit and I must say THIS approach addresses the single most important part of making any change in your life. Not only 'recognizing' the issue....BUT TO FEEL IT. Thought + Emotion=Manifestation....THANK YOU!......then adding on the IMAGINATION factor at the end, seeing and FEELING a different outcome...GOOD STUFF!
I just came out of a very dark place. I am borderline ... bpd. I am 63 and when I was 13 my mother's doctor gave me diet pills, Dexedrine. Overnight I changed from something my mom loathed to her favorite daughter deserving of a slice of her time. In the fifty years since my transformation, I've lived a borderline's life in all manner of ways and chaos, lonely all of it. I'm alone still. My life can be told in installments, each life culminating in lots of loss. I am currently finishing installment 6 or 7. A week ago I had a full blown panic attack and I could feel my sanity slipping away. I was full of fear. I felt no hope for me. But I tapped in a clumsy yet effective manner and the pa went away. I kept tapping thru the night and then I tapped in the morning to set my sail on a new course. I plan on meeting you soon and I'll share more. for now, let me say that I didn't even do it right but I wanted it more than anything. I wanted control over my mind and body. I survived and have no doubt where I'll be next. Thank you.
Barbara, I am very proud of you. You are taking control of your mind. Keep taking ownership of your mind and Keep changing it to what you want instead of what used to be. Remember the labels you were given (bpd) you can change my changing your own memories. Keep tapping!!! Peace Robert
I use it in my style and if you will notice the "Peace" cue word at the end. I have streamed lined his process and combining with others as a powerhouse for changes. I work with the deeper psychological levels and leaving other energy therapies behind. That is why my process and following is growing faster because I address everything. I have refined it to a everyday practice with good understanding of how and why.
In order to change a problem you have to know you have a problem! You feel it and to create a change you need to TAP! This makes so much sense, you bring so much awareness to your life🙏🏽
NLP is about the study of internal process and not just techniques. When you know what is occurring within the mind then it is easy to make changes. Yes it is very quick and will put most traditional NLPers to shame as well as traditional EFTers. I have a great mix for sure. Peace Robert
Hi Robert this is Shawn, i spoke to you earlier this week and want to thank you again for taking the time to talk with me. The more i watch your videos the more i realize how much of a sincere and geniune person you are and i apologize for any doubts i may of had, i know they are my own bad references that i need to let go of. I hope you have a great trip to Europe and i look forward to any future video postings you provide. Take care and have a great day!
Thank you Robert. God bless you for your generosity. I don't have words to express my gratitude to you. Your videos have had an amazing effect on my thinking.
This is powerful stuff. I had Shingles 3 years ago and suffered post herpetic neuralgia which is an after effect caused by damaged nerves could n't find relief in anything from the chemist shop . It's gone now thanks to tapping and Robert Smiths videos which I find encouraging and supportive. Will you be visiting Portugal some time Robert ?
the world needs to know it is no "Secret" - you cannot change the world around you, it is impossible... can however change your reaction to it, your perception of it (which is actually just how you think of what is happening... as in, instead of 'this will stop me from doing something', to 'its ok i can do this instead anyway', style of thinking) wonderful stuff here, about the brain, about the discoveries of the body, about the conditioning of the self, everything is just wonderful, thank you
Thank you. Brilliant! Perfect explanation. I like being able to tap throughout the day when problems present themselves. Better to tap them out right then (if you can) so the feelings don't stay stuck in an endless loop in the mind.
I have been tapping, don't know if it work, feeling that nothing is going away listening to this man gives me something to soak up , like the explanations I did some felt more confidence. Thanks much.
This is going to be the video I use when I refer people to using Faster EFT. Very nice, clear and interesting presentation of the basics. I loved it! You should do more interviews like the Living Energy Secrets one you did. Those are a great way to get the word out. That's how I found you. Got the Special Offer package you gave and have been studying those seminars over and over again ever since. Many thanks, Robert. You are very cool!
I have help many lower their blood sugar and it works. One thing I don't invest my time in is theory. I want what works. THAT IS IT. PROOF AND RESULTS. peace Robert
Hi This is an amazing video! Being a former Massage Instructor I understand what and why this works. The teachings John Assaraf in his book The Answer sound just like the first part of this's all in the perception & how we think & use our minds! Very well presented ! Well done, Dale Werner
Just getting into this one. I am excited to hear you explain the distinction between you assumptions and Gary's. I am inclined to agree with you that the system is not broken but is indeed perfect. Very nice presentations!
Understanding that the mind internally makes real what it thinks to be real in the body by using its system, blood, lymphatic, and the meridian system to make it to seem real. Well, that isn't really true that tactile stimuli doesn't change the visual or auditory responses but with skilled intention you can make major changes.
Depression is what you are doing to you and it doesn't come back but rather you do something to make it come back. You are the problem generator and not a victim so we must start taking ownership of what we do. Low blood sugar does make you feel drained but what you do while your drained is the problem. Peace
My whole system is now the brain actually works which I do pull in the inner world shown by NLP but tapping will not change your problems unless you are adjusting memories and the programs within.
Honestly you only need to do it once and from then on the Unconscious knows what your intention is, but you can do it if you feel you are getting better results... it is not necessary but you can... peace
As someone who used to suffer from Hypoglycemia and thus did a full study of it, I can tell you that it is completely controllable with proper diet. The only time you would experience symptoms is when YOU do not properly nourish yourself. The good news is that in very little time, with proper diet and feeding schedules, you'd be cured and symptom free. Try tapping on issues that keep you from taking good care of yourself and providing yourself with a timely and healthy dtet.
I've been trying out this technique the last few days. I went through various people I've known in my life and muscle tested while thinking of them to see what kind of response I would get. If my muscle went weak, I did the faster EFt until my muscle stayed strong while thinking of them. Thanks Robert, I feel like there has been a shift.
how did you do muscle testing? i need to strengthen mine and would like to be able to test for progress. i just recently developed a lot of muscle problems in past 2 yrs and Ive always known they are emotionally connected, because when im anxious im hunched over and my shoulders are tight and i just feel muscle fatigue and balling and pain 24/7 from unconsciously tensing my body up, and i know it's anxiety because of the welling in my chest. only anxiety pills or even gabapentin ever get rid of it; i cant even focus enough to think my way out of it. right now as i type this i keep holding in my breath and tightening up (right shoulder droops, and im hunching a little more forward and leaning to the right) for no good reason, other than im scared to wake up & be in this body of mine.(its 730 am and i still havent slept).
I believe in Faster EFT and I am yet to find someone it didn't work on. It is all about aiming at the right feelings and causes. It can help you. And if you are interested I would like to try and help you. I always give my first treatment for free. So it wouldn't cost you anything but time. I hope you find some way to relieve your pain. :) Take care.
5 лет назад+1
When I first learned tapping with the Ortmans, it was made to sound as if once a tapping routine completed, you were done with the are saying..tap all day if needed..
How to tap if someone has somatic personality disorder? Meaning he has no feelings just the memories and mabe phisical pain? Or if someone has dissociation and can not be present when the memory comes up? How do you tap on adhd? Is tapping works for these issues? Is that true that Gary Craig says that eft doesnt work if someone is medicated or smoking a lot?
Another very good video, but I'd suggest as good as you are to get a better camera person.One who when you make a reference to something written on the board to pull out or pan over and record it for the eventual viewer. This particular one in itself forced me to tap! Haha Keep up the good work!
Hello. I notice that you don't include beneath the arm, the side of the hand or beneath the armpit....but you do include the wrist. Any reason for this particular differentiation? Thanks!!
Hello. Thanks for your quick response. I'm a bit confused though. Are you saying that the other meridians are or are not necessary? Sorry if I'm not reading your response correctly.
Was it with just a single practitioner? Because some are more competent than others. And since it got worse it did actually affect you. The practitioner just wasn't competent enough or capable of understanding how to change it from worse to gone. I completely understand why you would think that it isn't working and that you are frustrated. And you don't have to apologize. I lived with constant back pain for more than 2,5 years. But it does work. It has changed my life and my family's.
This belief is what is keeping you trapped. If you do not address the specific issue you will not get the results you think you want. If your fear is there then it still controls you and of course the more you imagine the issue in your mind and rehearse the problem then of course it will get bigger because you are practicing what you say you don't want. Peace
I have had success & money self sabotage all my life and cannot seem to find out how to tap it out. I know I want success & wealth however I seem to be blocked and cluttered in my thinking, I also do things to sabotage; many times I cannot feel a specific emotion to address. Please help.
Robert... Can you give me some advice for how to help my relatives..? I'm so glad I've found your videos and I totally agree with your theories on emotion and pain. So, I'm trying to tell other people to just try this new thing I've found, and they just aren't convinced. I'm not sure why... I think they think it sounds impossible, maybe the Google search research didn't satisfy them, maybe they feel creeped out by the idea of changing their thoughts... I want to share a story which I find incredible... I had a problem with my dad's dog... The dog annoyed me so much... So I decided after watching your videos that maybe I had an issue with my dad which was surfacing as a problem with his dog. So I randomly searched for an early negative memory of my dad, I tapped for it and of course I felt very freed from that and that tapping also solved the problem with the dog. I now don't mind the dog. I don't have any feelings for the dog apart from peace. What's interesting is that I don't smell the dog anymore. The dog smell used to be overpowering, but now I don't smell him. I'm really interested in how tapping can effect our senses. Or maybe what's going on is how anger or frustration can heighten our senses, or give us sensory illusions. Anyway... This story about how I can't smell the dog anymore, I think is amazing, but I think other people find it weird or scary even. Thanks for your help. I'm tapping everyday!
come back? what if it wont go away & I have no underlying issue attached to it. My physical body is just damaged. Is it going to make my herniated and budging discs go away or inflammation in my t-spine. How do you change your perception of that. It's real & its there.
a lot of people doing EFT have "real" problems. Even the physical issues have emotions and pictures and memories associated with them. Pick one at a time or pick a memory or feeling and purposely incite it, make it as strong as you can and then tap "let it go, easy to let it go, im letting it go now", repeat as many times as you have to until it goes way down or dissolves into a zero. Could take 5 minutes or could take days and weeks but its not too complicated just address one fear, emotion or physical feeling at a time.
Robert thanks for answering my question. I have one more question if you don't mind. I understand before tapping one should visualize a tree having it's roots pulled out to symbolize to the subconcious mind "when the roots are pulled out it dies". Is a person suppose to visualize this before every single negative reference that is tapped on? So say for example, if i tap on 5 bad memory references in one day do i visualize the tree having it's roots pulled out 5 times? Thanks again
Barry Pearson Change the memory. Sounds silly, but as Robert says "Memories aren't real". And that sounds even sillier until you realize that your memory of an event will be different from someone else's. Check out some of the other videos on his page.
I have to say, in response to your disagreement with Craig--I think your both right. There can be disruptions in energy. Your mind/body holds onto memories. Is the memory there, yes. Is the disruption there as well? I believe so. Just my 2 cents.
Hello Robert, from looking at your biography i see you were trained in (BSFF) under Dr. Larry Nims and don't notice any of it's techniques being used in your videos. On your website it says: "It is believed that BSFF works at deeper psychological levels than other Energy Therapies by specifically and purposefully treating the unresolved emotional roots and the belief systems which are operating automatically in the person's subconsious mind". Just curious why you don't use it?
@imagoddessru You will do the same thing. Address and change the meaning. They are no longer a child and not being abused any more except my replaying the memories. changing them frees them. Robert
Hi Rob, great video. Hence the title 'how to get results....' can you tap for an ex to come back, reverse the situation, and have this ex falling madly in love with you just how you feel for them? Thank you for your response.
Keep watching the videos - in some of them he talks about what he did regarding being beaten by his father as a child. It may not make much sense at first so you'll probably need to watch repeatedly.
I was abused as a child. I prayed, learned to forgive and tried all kinds of method to forgive and let go. I think forgiveness is a huge thing. Its very hard and it takes a long time with the help of therapy, prayer, letting go, tapping etc. I hope you will work towards our peace, and I know soon you will achieve it. Bless you!
_"they injected radioactive dye into the points and they can see that the channels are really there"_ WHO are the ones who were injected and WHO injected them? Where was this study done and when?
I was just getting to give this man's pitch a chance when he came out with this b.s. about 'meridian 'proof' ... :-( In the article linked below here it states "These findings indicate a lymphatic and venous drainage of the radioactive tracer at the site of injection followed by transportation through the veins, rather than visualization of acupuncture meridians as suggested by some authors." It's the kinds of bold yet, if you research it, wholly unfounded statements made by practitioners of EFT and related practices that make me wonder why they need to rely on insulting peoples intelligence to get their point accross. If they would stop presenting their cases based on verifiable untruths and would have the integrity to say 'well, even if there is no evidence we can point to, we do find it working for people' or something to that effect, that would be so much more respectful...
Those are not peer review studies. In addition, it says on the bottom of the page that *data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed* why would anyone subject themselves to to *any* medical procedure with such conditions?
Love you man, thanks for those tips. Gratefull to you❤😘
This is the deal. You have resources that are keeping you safe from out doing what you hold within you based on the memories that hold pain & hurt. If you try to move beyond what those memories hold & to make more money or being more successful those memories will try to keep you where you belong, You must make peace with your past & beliefs they hold or else you will not move beyond where you are going now. The sabotaging behavior is keeping in alignment with what you hold about yourself.
I want to thank you for this video and tapping system! I had tried traditional tapping as well as thought field therapy. your system has helped me the most, to the point where I now feel cured of a vicious case of OCD I had been battling for 20 years. It's been almost 6 weeks since I started tapping with your system, and I still feel totally healed. THANK YOU SO MUCH. My kind of OCD was like mental torture, it was very painful, and now I finally feel free. I've been recommending this and will continue to, to anyone who might need it. Thank you so much.
Having trained to level 3 Faster EFT I need to tell people the power of this. This is the quickest way to heal stuff from the past. Also in the moment the quickest way out of fight and flight. When we intergrate this into our live our lives change.
been watching the Tapping World Summit and I must say THIS approach addresses the single most important part of making any change in your life. Not only 'recognizing' the issue....BUT TO FEEL IT. Thought + Emotion=Manifestation....THANK YOU!......then adding on the IMAGINATION factor at the end, seeing and FEELING a different outcome...GOOD STUFF!
I just came out of a very dark place. I am borderline ... bpd. I am 63 and when I was 13 my mother's doctor gave me diet pills, Dexedrine. Overnight I changed from something my mom loathed to her favorite daughter deserving of a slice of her time. In the fifty years since my transformation, I've lived a borderline's life in all manner of ways and chaos, lonely all of it. I'm alone still. My life can be told in installments, each life culminating in lots of loss. I am currently finishing installment 6 or 7. A week ago I had a full blown panic attack and I could feel my sanity slipping away. I was full of fear. I felt no hope for me. But I tapped in a clumsy yet effective manner and the pa went away. I kept tapping thru the night and then I tapped in the morning to set my sail on a new course. I plan on meeting you soon and I'll share more. for now, let me say that I didn't even do it right but I wanted it more than anything. I wanted control over my mind and body. I survived and have no doubt where I'll be next. Thank you.
Barbara, I am very proud of you. You are taking control of your mind. Keep taking ownership of your mind and Keep changing it to what you want instead of what used to be. Remember the labels you were given (bpd) you can change my changing your own memories. Keep tapping!!! Peace Robert
Thank you, Robert
Robert Gene, Faster EFT, FasterEFT & Eutaptics
I use it in my style and if you will notice the "Peace" cue word at the end. I have streamed lined his process and combining with others as a powerhouse for changes. I work with the deeper psychological levels and leaving other energy therapies behind. That is why my process and following is growing faster because I address everything. I have refined it to a everyday practice with good understanding of how and why.
We are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made....If only we could embrace IT! Solutions are within us to heal and restore.
In order to change a problem you have to know you have a problem! You feel it and to create a change you need to TAP! This makes so much sense, you bring so much awareness to your life🙏🏽
NLP is about the study of internal process and not just techniques. When you know what is occurring within the mind then it is easy to make changes. Yes it is very quick and will put most traditional NLPers to shame as well as traditional EFTers. I have a great mix for sure. Peace Robert
Wow! This is the simplest and clearest explanation of Tapping that I've found. Thankyou!
You're very welcome!
Hi Robert this is Shawn, i spoke to you earlier this week and want to thank you again for taking the time to talk with me. The more i watch your videos the more i realize how much of a sincere and geniune person you are and i apologize for any doubts i may of had, i know they are my own bad references that i need to let go of. I hope you have a great trip to Europe and i look forward to any future video postings you provide. Take care and have a great day!
After 12 years you still get a thanks message from me
Thank you.
I tapped so much yesterday, my face got all tingly. I resumed with mental tapping.
Thank you Robert. God bless you for your generosity. I don't have words to express my gratitude to you. Your videos have had an amazing effect on my thinking.
This is powerful stuff. I had Shingles 3 years ago and suffered post herpetic neuralgia which is an after effect caused by damaged nerves could n't find relief in anything from the chemist shop . It's gone now thanks to tapping and Robert Smiths videos which I find encouraging and supportive.
Will you be visiting Portugal some time Robert ?
the world needs to know it is no "Secret" - you cannot change the world around you, it is impossible... can however change your reaction to it, your perception of it (which is actually just how you think of what is happening... as in, instead of 'this will stop me from doing something', to 'its ok i can do this instead anyway', style of thinking)
wonderful stuff here, about the brain, about the discoveries of the body, about the conditioning of the self, everything is just wonderful, thank you
A very inspirational movie, making difficult concepts easier, and empowering folk to help themselves quickly. Thank you Robert
Thank you. Brilliant! Perfect explanation. I like being able to tap throughout the day when problems present themselves. Better to tap them out right then (if you can) so the feelings don't stay stuck in an endless loop in the mind.
Thank you so so much. I am doing the tapping, in few sitting feeling better my frozen shoulder pain.
Really i have to thanks again and again... YOU!
I have been tapping, don't know if it work, feeling that nothing is going away listening to this man gives me something to soak up , like the explanations I did some felt more confidence. Thanks much.
I after many times watching another tapping videos, now I understand exactly what happens in tapping.. thank you thank you thank you
This is going to be the video I use when I refer people to using Faster EFT. Very nice, clear and interesting presentation of the basics. I loved it!
You should do more interviews like the Living Energy Secrets one you did. Those are a great way to get the word out. That's how I found you. Got the Special Offer package you gave and have been studying those seminars over and over again ever since.
Many thanks, Robert. You are very cool!
I have help many lower their blood sugar and it works. One thing I don't invest my time in is theory. I want what works. THAT IS IT. PROOF AND RESULTS. peace Robert
This just makes so much sense. Thank you.
I am so grateful to find your video last night.
They absolutely change. Robert
It's so good, simple and really working technique! thank you, Robert.
Lana qq
Just started tapping and came across this. Awesome. Love that you can tap in the mind for the same results.
So true Robert. In order to see things change, we have to change the way we see things.
you are EXCELLENT Robert thank you so much !
good video. I've been trying regular EFT on and off without much success but I will definitely give Faster EFT a proper go.
Hi This is an amazing video! Being a former Massage Instructor I understand what and why this works. The teachings John Assaraf in his book The Answer sound just like the first part of this's all in the perception & how we think & use our minds! Very well presented ! Well done, Dale Werner
Just getting into this one. I am excited to hear you explain the distinction between you assumptions and Gary's. I am inclined to agree with you that the system is not broken but is indeed perfect. Very nice presentations!
Thank you Sylvia!
Can I message you???
I do believe and know that the physical problem can be changed.
God bless us all,
Gustavo Ceja
I bought and read DR. Callahan's book...I prefer your is so much more simple...Callahan went into eye movemeant as well,.....
This is sooo awesome! Thank u, Thank u, Thank u!
Use what works is what i have always said. I aim at the problem differently and I do circles around traditional EFTers.
Wow thank you so so much for this video much appreciated 💗
@mattyboyers Some of my videos are older and at that time I did not know what was the best so changing it to a positive is the best. Robert
Understanding that the mind internally makes real what it thinks to be real in the body by using its system, blood, lymphatic, and the meridian system to make it to seem real. Well, that isn't really true that tactile stimuli doesn't change the visual or auditory responses but with skilled intention you can make major changes.
Nice! For now my final thought is. I had and have enough problems/ rejection without you..
Depression is what you are doing to you and it doesn't come back but rather you do something to make it come back. You are the problem generator and not a victim so we must start taking ownership of what we do. Low blood sugar does make you feel drained but what you do while your drained is the problem. Peace
Love the combination of tapping and NLP!
My whole system is now the brain actually works which I do pull in the inner world shown by NLP but tapping will not change your problems unless you are adjusting memories and the programs within.
I've read somewhere that the meridian's were discovered by samurai, they stabbed an area and an issue would clear up. Love this video. Thank you
Maybe so but not sure.
Funny way to cure a problem.
Honestly you only need to do it once and from then on the Unconscious knows what your intention is, but you can do it if you feel you are getting better results... it is not necessary but you can... peace
Easily your greatest far ;-)
When you say at the end, change the memory, how do we do that? Could you please give an example
As someone who used to suffer from Hypoglycemia and thus did a full study of it, I can tell you that it is completely controllable with proper diet. The only time you would experience symptoms is when YOU do not properly nourish yourself. The good news is that in very little time, with proper diet and feeding schedules, you'd be cured and symptom free. Try tapping on issues that keep you from taking good care of yourself and providing yourself with a timely and healthy dtet.
I've been trying out this technique the last few days. I went through various people I've known in my life and muscle tested while thinking of them to see what kind of response I would get. If my muscle went weak, I did the faster EFt until my muscle stayed strong while thinking of them. Thanks Robert, I feel like there has been a shift.
how did you do muscle testing? i need to strengthen mine and would like to be able to test for progress. i just recently developed a lot of muscle problems in past 2 yrs and Ive always known they are emotionally connected, because when im anxious im hunched over and my shoulders are tight and i just feel muscle fatigue and balling and pain 24/7 from unconsciously tensing my body up, and i know it's anxiety because of the welling in my chest. only anxiety pills or even gabapentin ever get rid of it; i cant even focus enough to think my way out of it. right now as i type this i keep holding in my breath and tightening up (right shoulder droops, and im hunching a little more forward and leaning to the right) for no good reason, other than im scared to wake up & be in this body of mine.(its 730 am and i still havent slept).
What if you don't feel it and it's just mental. Thoughts and images? Thank u
Thanks, Robert, great stuff!
Thank you,Shawn!
Hello friend
Thanx 4 ur videos
How about Erectile disfunction?
I believe in Faster EFT and I am yet to find someone it didn't work on.
It is all about aiming at the right feelings and causes. It can help you.
And if you are interested I would like to try and help you. I always give my first treatment for free. So it wouldn't cost you anything but time.
I hope you find some way to relieve your pain. :)
Take care.
When I first learned tapping with the Ortmans, it was made to sound as if once a tapping routine completed, you were done with the are saying..tap all day if needed..
Thank you.
Robert Smith i salute you....all the best in 2010
I am not sure but maybe you can host one there? Good job for using what works. peace Robert
How to tap if someone has somatic personality disorder? Meaning he has no feelings just the memories and mabe phisical pain? Or if someone has dissociation and can not be present when the memory comes up? How do you tap on adhd? Is tapping works for these issues? Is that true that Gary Craig says that eft doesnt work if someone is medicated or smoking a lot?
Yes, yes... Deep good stuff. pea;c;e Robert
if you stick with tapping it definitley helps with negative triggers.
I appreciate your help, Thank you so much!
Thanks Robert ..
Another very good video, but I'd suggest as good as you are to get a better camera person.One who when you make a reference to something written on the board to pull out or pan over and record it for the eventual viewer. This particular one in itself forced me to tap! Haha Keep up the good work!
What if you don’t know the reason? I grind and clench my teeth at night I don’t know why I do it. How do I tap to stop this grinding?
Start out by tapping on just the grinding and clenching themselves I think
You have great taste!
Of course you can, it is all about what happens in you :-)
What’s the science behind it
Hello. I notice that you don't include beneath the arm, the side of the hand or beneath the armpit....but you do include the wrist. Any reason for this particular differentiation? Thanks!!
They are necessary really, been teaching tapping this way for over 15 years and I get faster, deeper and more complet changes.
Hello. Thanks for your quick response. I'm a bit confused though. Are you saying that the other meridians are or are not necessary? Sorry if I'm not reading your response correctly.
I have not tapped on them and not necessary to be tapped on to get great results!!!
Got it!! Awesome!! Thank you so much!!!
Was it with just a single practitioner?
Because some are more competent than others. And since it got worse it did actually affect you. The practitioner just wasn't competent enough or capable of understanding how to change it from worse to gone.
I completely understand why you would think that it isn't working and that you are frustrated. And you don't have to apologize. I lived with constant back pain for more than 2,5 years.
But it does work. It has changed my life and my family's.
great video, thank you very much
This belief is what is keeping you trapped. If you do not address the specific issue you will not get the results you think you want. If your fear is there then it still controls you and of course the more you imagine the issue in your mind and rehearse the problem then of course it will get bigger because you are practicing what you say you don't want. Peace
Thanks from Russia!
Thank you. Peace
I have had success & money self sabotage all my life and cannot seem to find out how to tap it out. I know I want success & wealth however I seem to be blocked and cluttered in my thinking, I also do things to sabotage; many times I cannot feel a specific emotion to address. Please help.
Brilliant !!
Robert... Can you give me some advice for how to help my relatives..? I'm so glad I've found your videos and I totally agree with your theories on emotion and pain. So, I'm trying to tell other people to just try this new thing I've found, and they just aren't convinced. I'm not sure why... I think they think it sounds impossible, maybe the Google search research didn't satisfy them, maybe they feel creeped out by the idea of changing their thoughts... I want to share a story which I find incredible... I had a problem with my dad's dog... The dog annoyed me so much... So I decided after watching your videos that maybe I had an issue with my dad which was surfacing as a problem with his dog. So I randomly searched for an early negative memory of my dad, I tapped for it and of course I felt very freed from that and that tapping also solved the problem with the dog. I now don't mind the dog. I don't have any feelings for the dog apart from peace. What's interesting is that I don't smell the dog anymore. The dog smell used to be overpowering, but now I don't smell him. I'm really interested in how tapping can effect our senses. Or maybe what's going on is how anger or frustration can heighten our senses, or give us sensory illusions. Anyway... This story about how I can't smell the dog anymore, I think is amazing, but I think other people find it weird or scary even. Thanks for your help. I'm tapping everyday!
Peter Levine’s book can go along with this
come back? what if it wont go away & I have no underlying issue attached to it. My physical body is just damaged. Is it going to make my herniated and budging discs go away or inflammation in my t-spine. How do you change your perception of that. It's real & its there.
a lot of people doing EFT have "real" problems. Even the physical issues have emotions and pictures and memories associated with them. Pick one at a time or pick a memory or feeling and purposely incite it, make it as strong as you can and then tap "let it go, easy to let it go, im letting it go now", repeat as many times as you have to until it goes way down or dissolves into a zero. Could take 5 minutes or could take days and weeks but its not too complicated just address one fear, emotion or physical feeling at a time.
this may help.
Thats the point
Sadly never worked for me.🤷
Robert thanks for answering my question. I have one more question if you don't mind. I understand before tapping one should visualize a tree having it's roots pulled out to symbolize to the subconcious mind "when the roots are pulled out it dies". Is a person suppose to visualize this before every single negative reference that is tapped on? So say for example, if i tap on 5 bad memory references in one day do i visualize the tree having it's roots pulled out 5 times?
Thanks again
Would this work for tinnitus ? And how many days do you recommend to keep doing this? Thank you!
Yes it will
May 2010 I will be posting it soon. Robert
I'm sure this will help to ease my pain but how can I let it go completely when the person in this memory still torments me
Barry Pearson Change the memory. Sounds silly, but as Robert says "Memories aren't real". And that sounds even sillier until you realize that your memory of an event will be different from someone else's. Check out some of the other videos on his page.
+Barry Pearson You could always snuff them out.
I have to say, in response to your disagreement with Craig--I think your both right.
There can be disruptions in energy. Your mind/body holds onto memories. Is the memory there, yes. Is the disruption there as well? I believe so. Just my 2 cents.
Did tapping similar to massage?
How does this work to attract money
Hello Robert, from looking at your biography i see you were trained in (BSFF) under Dr. Larry Nims and don't notice any of it's techniques being used in your videos.
On your website it says: "It is believed that BSFF works at deeper psychological levels than other Energy Therapies by specifically and purposefully treating the unresolved emotional roots and the belief systems which are operating automatically in the person's subconsious mind".
Just curious why you don't use it?
Thanks for mentioning BSFF! I think I have the book on my Kindle.
No I have not but they have stress/emotions/fears so it will help.
The mind is the body, the body is the mind , Fantastic.
perception is almost wet my self with that .... The Holographic universe.
@imagoddessru You will do the same thing. Address and change the meaning. They are no longer a child and not being abused any more except my replaying the memories. changing them frees them. Robert
Are you using someone who uses EFT? FasterEFT is a lot different!
work environment / family environment/meet ups = "lots and lots of tapping" ha ha.
My dream life
Hi Rob, great video. Hence the title 'how to get results....' can you tap for an ex to come back, reverse the situation, and have this ex falling madly in love with you just how you feel for them? Thank you for your response.
Robert, how can one create a peaceful meaning (at the end of the tapping) about a trauma such as being beaten or raped?
Keep watching the videos - in some of them he talks about what he did regarding being beaten by his father as a child. It may not make much sense at first so you'll probably need to watch repeatedly.
I was abused as a child. I prayed, learned to forgive and tried all kinds of method to forgive and let go. I think forgiveness is a huge thing. Its very hard and it takes a long time with the help of therapy, prayer, letting go, tapping etc. I hope you will work towards our peace, and I know soon you will achieve it. Bless you!
Agnes Polyvas
+Agnes Polyvas well said Agnes
_"they injected radioactive dye into the points and they can see that the channels are really there"_
WHO are the ones who were injected and WHO injected them? Where was this study done and when?
I was just getting to give this man's pitch a chance when he came out with this b.s. about 'meridian 'proof' ... :-( In the article linked below here it states "These findings indicate a lymphatic and venous drainage of the radioactive tracer at the site of injection followed by transportation through the veins, rather than visualization of acupuncture meridians as suggested by some authors."
It's the kinds of bold yet, if you research it, wholly unfounded statements made by practitioners of EFT and related practices that make me wonder why they need to rely on insulting peoples intelligence to get their point accross. If they would stop presenting their cases based on verifiable untruths and would have the integrity to say 'well, even if there is no evidence we can point to, we do find it working for people' or something to that effect, that would be so much more respectful...
Those are not peer review studies. In addition, it says on the bottom of the page that *data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed* why would anyone subject themselves to to *any* medical procedure with such conditions?
can I say let it go in my language.Robert.!