I have never seen snow in my life, but i love watching it . I watch every video I can find every winter. Soo beautiful! Thank you. Prayers you all stay safe out there .
I remember going to Squaw Valley back in the 60s! We went down to the lodge and walked across the parking lot.We dug into the snow and found a roof!!! We were walking on the top of cars burried in the snow!
Glad you enjoyed. We did something similar last year from Truckee to Lake Tahoe and a lot of people seemed to really enjoy since they were also home sick.
My husband died two years ago and my daughter lives in Michigan so here I am. But I am fourth-generation Californian and you just can't get it out of your blood.. @@WxChasing
When I lived in SJ CA me and my girlfriend would always take a trip to Reno, Tahoe for the weekends snowboarding gambling chilling drinking u name it it was our backyard paradise great memories lots of driving but we enjoyed it I miss them days I live in. Vegas now memories stay safe out there my Cali folks! 🤙🏽
F-250, Toyo all terrain. Good combo for deep snow. Does not do well on icy conditions but this storm was all snow. Any 4x4 SUV or pickup could have made it easy. A decent AWD suv could have made it with a little more effort. The F-250 came in handy when we were pulling people out.
@@WxChasing - That was some awesome video! It really captured those insane road and weather conditions! But, it looks like it wasn’t your first rodeo as you seemed to make that hazardous journey look effortless!
@@renof2505 In the early 60s My dad was a truck driver and I rode with him over the old road many times with all its twists and turns. Compared to the old road I 80 is pretty tame.
Great video, beautiful capture of a blizzard. I love snow, I'm an east coast dweller and love winter for this reason! Peaceful for me, everyone disappears and the world is quiet except for plows and wind/snow....thx for the ride!
I'm a trucker and I don't miss driving here. I've been stuck at Reno since Thursday night and I'm trying to get to Oakland. This video actually looks better than how bad the weather really is.
Hello from Queensland Australia. When you think of California, the usual image that pops in your head is sun, sea, and sand. I wished that I had gone to northern California and seen how the other half of the state looked like. Maybe one day I'll get back to check this area out.😊 Thanks for sharing this video.
And to keep in perspective donner summit is over 7,000 feet and some of those areas you drive right on the edge of some very steep mountain sides! Personally I’d slow it down 5 to 10 mph just in case of trees knocked over, snow plows or emergency vehicles
I’ve driven over the pass hundreds of times in major snows. The camera is a super wide angle which looks a like we are going faster. Traction was not an issue, snow depth and drifts were thick in some places. For perspective, the distance for an object with the naked eye is about 1.8x the video and objects come into view much sooner. .
Que vídeo mais lindo, nunca vi algo tão belo assim, senti até calor, esses Caras são muito corajosos, é muita neve, é muito maravilhoso, nota mil 😂😂😂❤❤❤
My hubby and I drive through I-80 to get to South Lake Tahoe but never in this much snow. Plus it could be closed to all drivers except CHP and to the people driving the snow plows. But all this snow makes it all look so beautiful. 😁❤️
Great footage. I think that head of the USPS should watch this, since he wants to move the mail processing center for Reno. from Reno to Sacramento. We have about 37 days average that the donner pass is closed due to this type of weather.
10-15 mph when it was really bad. 20-30 mph for most. Towards the end of the video where the interstate was good 30-40. Could have gone faster at the tail end.
@@WxChasing Thanks for posting. Done my share of driving those roads over the decades, in similar conditions--minus the closure and quite as much wind.
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas! Let it Snow. Let it Snow. Let it Snow! My Grandfather built all the Snow Sheds at Donner in the 1920s and 30s. Never been there in the Winter. WAY TOO MUCH SNOW FOR ME! It's beautiful. I use to spend summers up there as a boy. Stay safe everyone!
That’s really cool. I love the history in that area. Union Ice Company mined ice in the 1800’s and stored it in San Fransisco. They were located in a now abandoned town near Truckee with a brewery. Between wildfires and harsh winters it can be a tough place but it is full if incredible and friendly people. Mark Twain spent considerable time in the area. Of course the Donner Party, the rotary train, ski legends, etc.
Like maybe, being able to relax in your vehicle with the heat on and the windows rolled all the way up because you don't have to worry about carbon monoxide?
No Worries! You won't be able to drive thru here in the winter once the internal combustion engine is outlawed. How many Electric Plows and Payloaders have you seen? These areas will be closed with the hint of a snow flake and will stay closed until Memorial Day! Your little electric car won't leave the driveway since the town and city streets will be full of snow as well. OH, and you won't have any snow blowers capable of handling the snow because battery snow blowers are rarely two stage which is what you need to even begin to clear that amount of snow in your driveway or on your sidewalks. But hey, they asked to go all electric so they must be ok with being stranded until late spring or early summer.
Reminds me of my youth. Sometimes I`d get a cold 6 pack of beer and a pack of Lucky Strikes and go driving around in a snowstorm. Fun times while I was young and "Superman".
Not sure at Donner, Soda Springs was close to 90” last I saw. Sugar Bowl was a little over 90”. Still another 18-24” forecasted tonight. Will likely close out close to 10 feet.
2.8 meters near Norden on 1-80. That is 110.1 inches. 120 inches would be 12 feet or 4 yards. So about 11.2 feet of snow is laying on the ground as I write today, It stopped snowing but there is snowing not far away (30 miles). Wind has dropped. Tempreture is -4C (25F).
I was wondering the same thing. I have to assume they know what they're doing. I also don't understand why CalTrans does not have wing plows on their plow trucks and graders. If the snow banks are higher than your front plow blade, you are not going to be able to move the snow to the shoulder except with a blower. And snow blowers are very, very slow [typically one to two mph in those conditions.] Granted, I have never seen that much snow in such a short period of time, but I used to live in western New York State, and we got hit with some bad lake effect snows. All the state and local plows had wings. I know with a wing and some speed you can get at least some of the snow up and over the snow bank. I don't pretend to be an expert but I've seen it work for deep wind-blown drifts. Also, the Union Pacific Railroad has had good results using snow grooming machines to push snow farther back from the track than their plows can reach. From the videos I've seen, they seem to be pretty fast and nimble. I want to commend everyone for the long hours and hard work they're putting in.
13:50--looks like plow driver got sucked off the road a bit and determined to get it out by himself, probably wants to spare the embarrassment of needing help. :D
Thanks for the ride along.... but can I ask a q's? I thought that road was closed? How were you able to drive it? And what are you driving to get around in all that snow? Thanks!!
We are affiliated with multiple media companies and credentialed. We are at our own risk and have to inform CalTrans. We were in a F-250 diesel 4wd truck and had a week’s supply of food and gear for sub-zero temps.
Judge me but i love winters 😂😍 the difference is that,the winter in my country is NOTHING like this at all! I live in Brazil tropical country so No snow, only cold winds and rains ... Anyways beaultiful deadly Winter 😍😱⛄❄
Well thumb up for larue snowblower made canada quebec city yup.the video show caltrans and uprr got plate full clean up this mess.the problems now is huge snow slide from mountains we have same west calgary hwy 1.thanks video😮
My hubby and I drive through I-80 to get to South Lake Tahoe but never in this much snow. Plus it could be closed to all drivers except CHP, trucks and to the people driving the snow plows. But all this snow makes it all look so beautiful, I miss Tahoe, we usually go in late Fall or Christmas time, depending on the weather. 😁❤️ What are you driving?
I travel this several times a year for 30 + years hwy 20 to 80 Est to Reno now.not when its like this Be Safe Out There, Ya Definitely wouldn't want to be up in that it's good to see it tho we need it 🙏💪👊🇺🇸🙌
I am wondering how you are driving with that kind of speed,you must have chains on your tires and must have traveled on that highway many years plus your experience.my salute to you man,thanks
It is a wide angle lens, appears much faster. I do have many years of experience driving in heavy snow and a capable vehicle. It is my job. Thank you for the compliments.
80 doesn't really get icy like you might see in Idaho or back east. When you get 6"-8" of snow as a base on the freeway like this its actually quite predictable. Not unsafe, though the 2 trucks that passed him going much faster might be considered so. Might be unsafe if driver does dumb things like slam on the brakes or gas, make sudden turns, drift into the shoulder/snow bank. Drive at what speed is comfortable for you.
@r2dad282 80 in truckee donner pass gets really bad. Small stretch but very very dangerous. It's between Sacramento and reno that's very bad. But Nevada towards the end gets really bad too.
The only ice is over a couple bridges going east to Donner, and the downhill eastbound after the summit where there can be black ice. Neither of these situations are when there is snow on the ground. Ive been driving this stretch for 45 years.
@@r2dad282 ice is by far the least of anyone’s problems. It’s speed over the lack of traction. Most of all accidents on 80 are from Truckers, and those are from too much speed, not ice. 4 spots on 80 are over the 5% grade, and that causes all the issues with snow.
Just read over half the Caltrans plows in the Sierra are broken down waiting to get fix. Wtf. You think they would be better prepared. Love Tahoe hope to retire up there soon.
Why I moved from Tahoe to Santa Barbara. Beautiful area as long as you don't have to go anywhere. Waters look like this and summers your stuck in tourist traffic forever to go 2 miles.
Because some people are mountain dwellers growing up there most of the lives and for them it is just a normal winter's day. Shout snow to a skier and it's like shouting gold to a gold prospector. Before long some one thinks he wants to build a Hotel, Another builds a hot bath and an other a saloon. Next a bus stop, a school, and by the time some one thinks to build a chair lift to deeper snow the gold rush has started. As a skier-I see the chaos many reporters report as a side show comedy. More appropriate would be why drive a giant high sided truck there (But the truckers were not expecting or being informed of the approaching blizzard). As a skier I would find the conditions attractive but feel oblidged to stand above the snow on skis and help any one experiencing problems. But nowadays people there are never far from civilisation as long as a person does not stray too far from the prepared roads and tracks. It may seem harsh conditions for some people but it's just high altitude mountain weather to others.
Thanks from this senior lady who enjoyed the trip while staying cozy under my blanket on the recliner!! LOL ❤❤😂❤❤
Me too!😮
I'm there with ya! Love Lake Tahoe / Sierra Mountains but won't drive through this type of weather!
A whole lot safer!!👍
I miss the Sierras. Over 50 years since I drove this road. Take care out there.
Me too. 30+ years... too long.
❤ 😊 Love the road!
I miss Marin Sierra Camp
It's why some of us remain in corrupt Commifornia.
I have never seen snow in my life, but i love watching it . I watch every video I can find every winter. Soo beautiful! Thank you. Prayers you all stay safe out there .
You should get your opportunity to feel and eat snow.
I hope you get to experience snow soon. Thank you for watching.
The Mother of All Blizzards. I'm 90 miles from here, down in the Valley, not a single flake. Gotta love it.
I remember going to Squaw Valley back in the 60s! We went down to the lodge and walked across the parking lot.We dug into the snow and found a roof!!! We were walking on the top of cars burried in the snow!
They changed the name.
@@Skidderoperator I like"Squaw"!
@@fake734 Palisades now.
@@Skidderoperator Palisades is by Brentwood!
@@fake734 Palisades tahoe
Beautiful drive! Thank You 👍
Great to have the precip, we need it!
Glad you enjoyed!
Thanks for the ride. I was home sick.
Glad you enjoyed. We did something similar last year from Truckee to Lake Tahoe and a lot of people seemed to really enjoy since they were also home sick.
My husband died two years ago and my daughter lives in Michigan so here I am. But I am fourth-generation Californian and you just can't get it out of your blood.. @@WxChasing
When I lived in SJ CA me and my girlfriend would always take a trip to Reno, Tahoe for the weekends snowboarding gambling chilling drinking u name it it was our backyard paradise great memories lots of driving but we enjoyed it I miss them days I live in. Vegas now memories stay safe out there my Cali folks! 🤙🏽
It’s like Snowpocalypse
Only the few dare brave the extreme conditions
to bring us the real story out there
Thank you for your service
Thank you for watching.
@@WxChasing- may i ask what vehicle you are driving and what tires you are rocking?
F-250, Toyo all terrain. Good combo for deep snow. Does not do well on icy conditions but this storm was all snow. Any 4x4 SUV or pickup could have made it easy. A decent AWD suv could have made it with a little more effort. The F-250 came in handy when we were pulling people out.
@@WxChasing - That was some awesome video! It really captured those insane road and weather conditions! But, it looks like it wasn’t your first rodeo as you seemed to make that hazardous journey look effortless!
The building of i80 and affordable 4 wheel drives took the thrill out of driving over the Sierras in a big snowstorm over the old Donner Highway.
Yeah sure, obviously you have not done it.
I didon 52willys 4x4 pick up with my uncle in 1958
I believe you. Be Well
@@renof2505 In the early 60s My dad was a truck driver and I rode with him over the old road many times with all its twists and turns. Compared to the old road I 80 is pretty tame.
I’ve never been that way! Warmer and safer watch you! Thank you so much
Great video, beautiful capture of a blizzard. I love snow, I'm an east coast dweller and love winter for this reason! Peaceful for me, everyone disappears and the world is quiet except for plows and wind/snow....thx for the ride!
😂 well thats right
Thank you Sue!
I commend your driving skills! Job very well done and thank you for sharing!
Thank you very much!
I'm a trucker and I don't miss driving here. I've been stuck at Reno since Thursday night and I'm trying to get to Oakland. This video actually looks better than how bad the weather really is.
Lol i was stuck in boomtown. Im done with donner pass to dangerous not worth it.
@@outlawtrucker187 I got stuck at Boomtown last year for 4 days. I gambled and it took all my money.
@lmdeguzman13 I lost around 400 too. Lol.
Hello from Queensland Australia. When you think of California, the usual image that pops in your head is sun, sea, and sand. I wished that I had gone to northern California and seen how the other half of the state looked like. Maybe one day I'll get back to check this area out.😊 Thanks for sharing this video.
Don’t stop just keep going
If you are first time on that road you wouldn't get far
Great Job ! So much snow , i'm not used to this amount.
Not a lot for this location at this time of yr, we need it!
Thanks for the ride! ❄️😁
Our pleasure!
It's been doing this at Donner for the last 5 Million Years. You were there.
And to keep in perspective donner summit is over 7,000 feet and some of those areas you drive right on the edge of some very steep mountain sides! Personally I’d slow it down 5 to 10 mph just in case of trees knocked over, snow plows or emergency vehicles
I’ve driven over the pass hundreds of times in major snows. The camera is a super wide angle which looks a like we are going faster. Traction was not an issue, snow depth and drifts were thick in some places. For perspective, the distance for an object with the naked eye is about 1.8x the video and objects come into view much sooner. .
This coming from someone whose sense of adventure is riding the Merry go round without a helmet.
Que vídeo mais lindo, nunca vi algo tão belo assim, senti até calor, esses Caras são muito corajosos, é muita neve, é muito maravilhoso, nota mil 😂😂😂❤❤❤
My hubby and I drive through I-80 to get to South Lake Tahoe but never in this much snow. Plus it could be closed to all drivers except CHP and to the people driving the snow plows. But all this snow makes it all look so beautiful. 😁❤️
Great footage. I think that head of the USPS should watch this, since he wants to move the mail processing center for Reno. from Reno to Sacramento. We have about 37 days average that the donner pass is closed due to this type of weather.
It's more daring with the speed at 2X!
Just curious. How fast were you going most of the time?
10-15 mph when it was really bad. 20-30 mph for most. Towards the end of the video where the interstate was good 30-40. Could have gone faster at the tail end.
@@WxChasingGreat video. Been a while since I've been on the Hill. Hopefully I can get to Reno and Carson City this way this summer.
Going faster than the other guys!😮
@@WxChasing I guess you were hallucinating the whole way.
Very good vid quality, sound included.
Glad you enjoyed it!
@@WxChasing Thanks for posting. Done my share of driving those roads over the decades, in similar conditions--minus the closure and quite as much wind.
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas! Let it Snow. Let it Snow. Let it Snow! My Grandfather built all the Snow Sheds at Donner in the 1920s and 30s. Never been there in the Winter. WAY TOO MUCH SNOW FOR ME! It's beautiful. I use to spend summers up there as a boy. Stay safe everyone!
That’s really cool. I love the history in that area. Union Ice Company mined ice in the 1800’s and stored it in San Fransisco. They were located in a now abandoned town near Truckee with a brewery. Between wildfires and harsh winters it can be a tough place but it is full if incredible and friendly people. Mark Twain spent considerable time in the area. Of course the Donner Party, the rotary train, ski legends, etc.
Imagine what happens when all these stuck vehicles are electric!
Like maybe, being able to relax in your vehicle with the heat on and the windows rolled all the way up because you don't have to worry about carbon monoxide?
No Worries! You won't be able to drive thru here in the winter once the internal combustion engine is outlawed. How many Electric Plows and Payloaders have you seen? These areas will be closed with the hint of a snow flake and will stay closed until Memorial Day! Your little electric car won't leave the driveway since the town and city streets will be full of snow as well. OH, and you won't have any snow blowers capable of handling the snow because battery snow blowers are rarely two stage which is what you need to even begin to clear that amount of snow in your driveway or on your sidewalks. But hey, they asked to go all electric so they must be ok with being stranded until late spring or early summer.
The elites will be getting there for their ski vacations. Those of us “non essential” life forms will have nothing and be happy.
You seriously have not thought this out very well, have you? You people crack me up!😂
The main thing is batteries are useless in the cold. There will be internal combustion for the privileged.
This is where all the snow in the country has ended up
For the last two years, yes.
What were you driving and how was it equipped?
Beautiful ride Brandon..
I’m sitting in Seattle and riding with you😂
A lot snow wow
Thanks for shooting the video! A couple times when you rotated the camera, I thought you'd lost control.
Lol, sorry to disappoint. In all seriousness, hopefully it answers questions for so many wondering why it is still closed.
You have been watching too many Ice Road Truckers episodes. That's their favorite trick.
Reminds me of my youth. Sometimes I`d get a cold 6 pack of beer and a pack of Lucky Strikes and go driving around in a snowstorm. Fun times while I was young and "Superman".
We would do that here in Mi. back in the 80s.
Things were so different when we were young and indestructible..
How can someone not like driving through that, especially when you are basically alone on the road.
How many feet did donner pass get on the 80?
Not sure at Donner, Soda Springs was close to 90” last I saw. Sugar Bowl was a little over 90”. Still another 18-24” forecasted tonight. Will likely close out close to 10 feet.
Sure hope it was speed up a bit! lol.. Been there - done that - don't miss it!!!
Don’t forget to smash the like button 👍 and subscribe 🛎️
what vehicle are you driving ? make / model / 4wd / tires / etc ..
Ford F-250 diesel
Anybody know the total snowfall accumulation from this storm?
2.8 meters near Norden on 1-80. That is 110.1 inches. 120 inches would be 12 feet or 4 yards. So about 11.2 feet of snow is laying on the ground as I write today, It stopped snowing but there is snowing not far away (30 miles). Wind has dropped. Tempreture is -4C (25F).
I don't understand why CalTrans is using individual plows and not a plow train to clear all the lanes at once? Makes no sense to me.
I'm in Minnesota
I was wondering the same thing. I have to assume they know what they're doing. I also don't understand why CalTrans does not have wing plows on their plow trucks and graders. If the snow banks are higher than your front plow blade, you are not going to be able to move the snow to the shoulder except with a blower. And snow blowers are very, very slow [typically one to two mph in those conditions.] Granted, I have never seen that much snow in such a short period of time, but I used to live in western New York State, and we got hit with some bad lake effect snows. All the state and local plows had wings. I know with a wing and some speed you can get at least some of the snow up and over the snow bank. I don't pretend to be an expert but I've seen it work for deep wind-blown drifts. Also, the Union Pacific Railroad has had good results using snow grooming machines to push snow farther back from the track than their plows can reach. From the videos I've seen, they seem to be pretty fast and nimble. I want to commend everyone for the long hours and hard work they're putting in.
@@evanstauffer4470 Good point about the wing plows.
Beautiful! ⛄
13:50--looks like plow driver got sucked off the road a bit and determined to get it out by himself, probably wants to spare the embarrassment of needing help. :D
Eventually that rotary plow will catch up with him.
Thanks for the ride along.... but can I ask a q's? I thought that road was closed? How were you able to drive it? And what are you driving to get around in all that snow? Thanks!!
We are affiliated with multiple media companies and credentialed. We are at our own risk and have to inform CalTrans. We were in a F-250 diesel 4wd truck and had a week’s supply of food and gear for sub-zero temps.
Loved sitting shotgun. Blessings
What are you guys driving? Any special equipment?
F-250 with all terrain snow tires. The road wasn’t too bad for a single capable vehicle but it was down to a single lane from 3.
Judge me but i love winters 😂😍 the difference is that,the winter in my country is NOTHING like this at all! I live in Brazil tropical country so No snow, only cold winds and rains ... Anyways beaultiful deadly Winter 😍😱⛄❄
Donner Summit: 13:37
Donner Party!
Greatings from Germany
Great video. Enjoyed all of it. One question, if its closed how did you get on it. Just curious.
Dang, fast and furious on that snow packed road. I’m scared just watching 😱🩵Be Safeout there!!
How were you allowed on I-80 ? What are you driving?
I can't tell where the road is in all that white. Is this film from a snowmobile, or what kind of vehicle is this?
F-250 4x4
Nice weather we are having
Well thumb up for larue snowblower made canada quebec city yup.the video show caltrans and uprr got plate full clean up this mess.the problems now is huge snow slide from mountains we have same west calgary hwy 1.thanks video😮
Wow this was 5 hours ago? 5 hours ago I'm in North Orlando Florida and it's 70° and I'm wearing t-shirts and shorts.
Keep the momentum 💪💪
What’s keeping the snow from piling on the window of the camera?
It’s really cold and dry snow. Once the lens gets cold it does not stick.
Who said there was too much traffic in CA?
Great snow tires!
I live in Minden, Nevada. Most of our snow is off the road.
Wow ! California became Alaska city now ! ?
What kind of tires did you have ?
Is this a chp truck? Those guys are just so good at driving in these conditions
My hubby and I drive through I-80 to get to South Lake Tahoe but never in this much snow. Plus it could be closed to all drivers except CHP, trucks and to the people driving the snow plows. But all this snow makes it all look so beautiful, I miss Tahoe, we usually go in late Fall or Christmas time, depending on the weather. 😁❤️ What are you driving?
What are you driving? Handles perfectly in that stuff.
Gird yer loins! Looks like we got us a "Bomb-Blizzard"!
Is the camera mounted outside of the car?
It is being held by Jonathan Petramala outside the vehicle.
They say if you don't have to be out in that weather, don't go.
I travel this several times a year for 30 + years hwy 20 to 80 Est to Reno now.not when its like this Be Safe Out There, Ya Definitely wouldn't want to be up in that it's good to see it tho we need it 🙏💪👊🇺🇸🙌
what vehicle are we in?
Why would you go???????
I am wondering how you are driving with that kind of speed,you must have chains on your tires and must have traveled on that highway many years plus your experience.my salute to you man,thanks
It is a wide angle lens, appears much faster. I do have many years of experience driving in heavy snow and a capable vehicle. It is my job. Thank you for the compliments.
I'm curious as to what type of vehicle you were driving....😮
Unbelievable. How could you see the road in some places? What kind of vehicle were you in?
which day is this?
Is this near Big Bear
I-80 between Sacramento and Reno.
Im riding with you from Minnesota.
Going way too fast. I just got down the hill 45 mins ago.
People dont realize how fast you lose control. I dont care how good of a driver you think you are it takes a mil sec to lose control.
80 doesn't really get icy like you might see in Idaho or back east. When you get 6"-8" of snow as a base on the freeway like this its actually quite predictable. Not unsafe, though the 2 trucks that passed him going much faster might be considered so. Might be unsafe if driver does dumb things like slam on the brakes or gas, make sudden turns, drift into the shoulder/snow bank. Drive at what speed is comfortable for you.
@r2dad282 80 in truckee donner pass gets really bad. Small stretch but very very dangerous. It's between Sacramento and reno that's very bad. But Nevada towards the end gets really bad too.
The only ice is over a couple bridges going east to Donner, and the downhill eastbound after the summit where there can be black ice. Neither of these situations are when there is snow on the ground. Ive been driving this stretch for 45 years.
@@r2dad282 ice is by far the least of anyone’s problems. It’s speed over the lack of traction. Most of all accidents on 80 are from Truckers, and those are from too much speed, not ice.
4 spots on 80 are over the 5% grade, and that causes all the issues with snow.
You passed them like they were stopped. What are you driving.
Just watching this made me cold, had to put on a hoodie.
Looks like snow until Tuesday!! Shout out to: California Weather Watch and Michael Snyder...
Turn your headlights on!!!
Not judging, but just curious, how did you get onto 80? Do you have a media pass that permits this?
Flat landers need to hurry and get up there before it starts to melt.😮
I get the tanker trucks being waved up there as long as they take it easy, everyone needs the gas once they dig out and head back down!
Just read over half the Caltrans plows in the Sierra are broken down waiting to get fix. Wtf. You think they would be better prepared. Love Tahoe hope to retire up there soon.
A big part of the maintenance fund magically disappeared.
Glad you got permission to show folks what a real snowfall is like.
Me cuesta creer que esto es california 😮
I think the Donner party is still in snow banks. Gnawed upon
Why I moved from Tahoe to Santa Barbara. Beautiful area as long as you don't have to go anywhere. Waters look like this and summers your stuck in tourist traffic forever to go 2 miles.
As you can see from this video it is impossible to drive on lnterstste 80 in the snow.
I thought I-80 was closed!
So what's Jeremy Renner doing?
Because some people are mountain dwellers growing up there most of the lives and for them it is just a normal winter's day. Shout snow to a skier and it's like shouting gold to a gold prospector. Before long some one thinks he wants to build a Hotel, Another builds a hot bath and an other a saloon. Next a bus stop, a school, and by the time some one thinks to build a chair lift to deeper snow the gold rush has started. As a skier-I see the chaos many reporters report as a side show comedy. More appropriate would be why drive a giant high sided truck there (But the truckers were not expecting or being informed of the approaching blizzard). As a skier I would find the conditions attractive but feel oblidged to stand above the snow on skis and help any one experiencing problems. But nowadays people there are never far from civilisation as long as a person does not stray too far from the prepared roads and tracks. It may seem harsh conditions for some people but it's just high altitude mountain weather to others.