wow thanks for making this video. because of you blizzard decided to buff every tank and make dps useless. so thanks. people like you are the reason dps is such a miserable experience now. blizzard always nerfs dps and now we wont ever be able to kill a tank because u think its funny to make a video like this. so you better make a video why dps is bad now so blizzard can rever these tank changes. tank players are so much worse than dps players they are just going to get carried now because theyre unkillable. playing tank doesnt even take skill you just stand there.
Yeah…this is dumb. You think cause this guy made one video they buffed them🤣. Everyone even tank players think they were over buffed. It’s a game. Chill out.
@@THEYGUY well everybody knows dps players are the best at the game and also its the most fun role because as a tank u just stand there and do nothing? lol so why even buff them. tbh does anyone else feel like dps should get more rank points for winning than tanks who do nothing and healers who dont even aim? LOL the only reason im still silver is because i always get THE WORST tanks and healers on my team and now because tanks are even stronger, that means its just a coin flip if good dps like me wins or not because it doesnt matter how good i am if the enemy tank is just better than mine. this is why they need to nerf mercy tbh so people stop playing that no skill dog champ. im a widow main and i have 18% accuracy and if thats not enough to carry a silver lobby, then thats how u know something is seriously wrong with blizzard balance team. they need to be fired and realie that nobody wants to fire into a bullet sponge ok? thats why games like valo and cod are so popular because people die in one tap so blizzard needs to just delete the tank role, delete mercy, and probably just delete every hero except for widow because if u cant hit a flick shot like i can, then you are just a bad player and dont deserve anything higher than bronze. i would be top 500 if it werent for mercy players. DELETE MERCY i HATE YOU BLIZZARD
@@ihavecrabs56I’m guessing this is bait for laughter (if it is I did laugh so good job), but if this is meant to be taken seriously this is just still more bad logic. If you’re still in silver one you might want to take a look at your own skill. Tanks do not just stand there and do nothing along with healers. 18% accuracy is terrible for widow. And finally if Tanks and Healers do nothing then why are you loosing because you have “bad ones”? Also you can’t compare Val and COD to this because they are different genres and must be handled differently. That’s like me comparing Minecraft and Fortnite. It doesn’t work.
@@THEYGUY well minecraft and fortnite are for kids and overwatch is for mature 47 year old adult men such as myself to enjoy. you can tell by how serious and stoic the characters are and how monotone the colors in the game are. its a very realistic shooter and most people just arent capable of handling mature, realistic, uncensored type of game and thats just a fact!! btw i paid 300 dollars for coaching every week from a platinum widow main and he said that with 8 more session with him (ive already paid for 5), my aim will only continue to get better and i should be able to get 19% accuracy and probably be better than most top 500 mercy mains.
@@ihavecrabs56 you some goofy guy LOL you shoulda made it look more serious now we can all see its a troll, (and if you actually paid 300 dollars for a platinum windowmaker main to coach you GET SCAMMED LOL)
> Play tank > Supports are absolutely clueless, you start to wonder if theyre trolling > DPS imagines you as a holy savior that can win every combat even after they died 7 times without doing anything > Play support > Tank is so bad you dont even get mad anymore, but just stare at the screen blankly > DPS starts trying suicidal tactics of rushing into the enemy without anyone else and proceeding to blame you. Oh boy i love this game!
My experience: > Play Tank > Team get scared by a single Lucio and run away or attempts to chase Ball around map ALL game. > I fall over because my entire team is somehow off in Narnia > Play DPS > Somehow get two DPS only supports and a tank that spends most of their time in our backline playing sniper dva > Play Support > Tank insists on going in 1v5 every time. DPS constantly spam for heals but refuse to swap off of Genji and Widow into Monkey It seems like 1 out of 50 games has a team full of people who actually feel like they know how to play the game. Any other time, I swear i'm playing with people who have never played a video game in their life.
@@GummyDinosaursify the 1/50 statement is so true, mainly because ow2 is free so it's more accessible to more people, and on average they will all suck
Say you're not a support player without saying you're not a support player. Everytime I queue up with someone who's not support, I get reminded what it's like to not join a gain in literally 10 seconds. DPS isn't too bad. Couple minutes max. Tank? I played with a tank yesterday, we spent like 20 minutes, waiting and when we finally joined the game, two of my teammates were afk, there was no priority queue for some reason so we queued for like another 10 minutes, until my friend said "yeah, maybe I'll not try tank, I'm go back to support" and as soon as she did that we started playing a game in about 7 seconds. After winning that game, it was midnight, so I went to sleep. I spent about 1 hour grouped up with my friend and played a single match.
@@timothychinye6008 Yeah it's probably because of your rank. No one queues tank for the most part. Of course there are times when tank queues can be longer but whenever I queue all, tank is picked 8/10 times.
That's what every tank main was saying for ages. The stress of being responsible for full performance of a role in your team is so much. If one DPS or support is lacking, other one can pick up the slack. If tank is lacking, you better pray support will go brig and won't flank
Yeah, but 5v5 is a necessary evil because of queue times. Tank was still miserable enough in OW1 that it was the least played role by far. I still remember doing homework in between matches because I had to wait 20-30 minutes if I wanted to play DPS.
@@jocm99wait but if he got carried, and NEEDED the carry, might that be because his role isn’t impactful? I don’t even have an opinion here but if he was impactful wouldn’t he be the one carrying?
@@agedgouda8809 He got carried because he's terrible at tank and his DPS did all the job. Tank is the most impactful role. They create space, and ow2 is all about space, not kills. If you win the space, you win the fight, if you lose it, you lose the fight. And that's the tank's job.
@@jocm99 that’s true but you do need ur team to help you hold that space. If you take an area and ur dps don’t follow up, ur not scary enough and if ur supports don’t use resources on you, ur not tanky enough. So they initiate but I feel like everyone else actually makes shit happen. Idk, I could understand an argument either way regarding impactfulness.
“I feel useless and talentless everywhere else so I’ll bully lower ranked players. My penis is totally not gross looking” -the gm streamer with the unranked to gm accounts
@@lennywhere except smurfing has little to no impact on your actual rank and gives players who actually make money playing this game to have accounts that don't have 30 min q times so they can practice the game. the -20% you get has no impact on your ability to climb
@@CoachMuffler It may barely affect long term rank but queuing up a 10 game ranked session and coming away having had any actual impact on only one of those games does effect long term enjoyment of the game. Let alone this missing the entire point that Warn was complaining about cheaters(hacks) while literally according to ingame report system also cheating (boosting/deranking(smurfing)). Don't get me wrong either, I quite like Warn, I just hate the justification for people running around in lower ranks and deciding whether they want to throw or sweat and control the lobby based on their whim purely because they're a streamer.
Playing Tank in Overwatch 1 was fun, you felt like an anchor that could either protect allies or dish out damage, I loved that fantasy. In Overwatch “2” you essentially have to carry the burden of the whole team on your shoulders, if you fall the entire team crumbles. It’s exhausting to experience.
And on top of it there’s 2 tanks who are almost entirely melee in Rein and Doom (who I seriously don’t think should be a fuckin tank cuz he’s not a damage sponge) who can either protect or attack
@@cryptosuchusp1517 Doom is a huge damage sponge but not in the "rein shield" sense. He can take damage, and enemy cooldowns and pop away. Doom should always focus on having the enemy team focus him while being in line of sight of his own team so they can help him secure kills/ doom helps them secure kills
honestly kinda refreshing to see a support player try tank and really grind the role. its unfortunate you eventually had to stop cause its extremely painful. love the vid and hope you reach that goal one day
@@theoryez Yeah, that tracks. Damage main getting hyper critical of Tanks while playing Support, only to play Tank and realise you have to be utterly insane & go for broke to get anywhere in that Role. Maybe now you know why some Tanks are so far "Out of Position", as you put it. Sometimes making room and playing to stall gets you deep into their lines. Just how the Role has to play mate.
@@soulsurvivor8293there’s a big difference between bad positioning and making space. If your team is with you it can be making space if they aren’t then it’s a bad position
@@AdamSlander888 nah some of you guys choose to fight in bad positions just to fight. So many fights away from point just to get damage up and get no kills .
3) we stopped playing this shitass game. Everything, literally everything has gotten worse. The gameplay, the UI, the performance, the monetization. Just give it up man
The thing about being the only tank of the team is you are the make or break. If a sup is playing bad but the other sup is picking up the slack, you don't notice. If one dps is playing meh but the other's popping off, you're not noticing. But when you're underperforming as a tank...everyone notices. Plus, everyone and their mother now knows which tank can be countered what way and by which characters. The moment you walk out of spawn and have a mediocre to good play, the enemy team is bound to go for one tankbuster or counterswap. And that just sucks
Its not that everybody knows the counters now its actually more than just that. U gotta think now that theres less people in each game, it makes countering one person inherently more valuable. Losing 1/6 of your team to a counter (17%) is not as harsh as losing 1/5 (20%). Not to mention that tank comps/synergy makes it countering one tank less easy? Easy isnt the right word but like a doom zarya vs a rein monkey, if the monkey switches to horse to counter doom, you still have the defensive utility of zarya to keep your doom up and also theres another person to shoot at, if that makes sense
I like how Warn immediately blamed anti cheat for the reason people think a player with that aim is in a mid diamond lobby, and not he is supposedly the best Ashe player NA smurfing (against the terms of service)
Oh yeah, 2 tanks in current state...would be horrible. U would have to nerf the whole ass tank roster in terms of damage hp and quality of life stuff again
@@kusolp544 True. But is it worth the role not feeling awful? I mean they already did the hp changes, extra passives and multiple "Reworks". It might just be worth doing.
@sami.mtg. after the changes it got better. Then only reason my tank games are horrible cause my teammates log in the worst supports and dps rightnow. Cant do much as tank if we get a mercy and zen lucio
Accusing Warn of cheating is pretty accurate when it's legit against tos and a banable offense. He might not be aimbotting but what is the difference when a gm players sits on his main with a pocket mercy
Counter picking the enemy tank has been around since the first game, but it became worse when they removed the second tank going into Overwatch 2. I loved the role in the first game, but its so lonely, and you get flamed worse than supports used to.
In overwatch 1 there was almost always a right comp to play and anything that wasn't that would most likely lose you the game so counterpicking wasn't really a thing the higher you go. The problem with the current counterpicking is that it is so strong that even top 500 players can't stomp a lobby in like diamond if the enemy picks the right characters so what hope does a player of that rank have when he runs into counters if even t500 can't do anything other than swap themselves
@@fettbub92not only was it not mandatory, it was not very effective. Swapping to improve your team synergy ALWAYS was better than swapping to counter an individual player, and if you were going to counter someone the last person you’d want to counter is a tank. Hitscan for pharah, sure. Zarya for dva? You got bigger problems at that point
Now consider if you weren't in a duo most of these games. Solo Q gets a lot harder even on the premise of having one more random to flame you. It's a huge difference.
@@cagxplays9602 solo ulting a tank as pharah is literally best case scenario. if you ult as pharah without another ult, you just die. like this, you turn an underwhelming ult into a 5v4 with no tank. that's a w.
If you're not solo ulting as a pharah, you're playing the game wrong. It's like the scrubs that think high noon is supposed to get a kill. if you can get one kill with their ults, you're going well above what you're supposed to do.
it's always nice to see people from different roles trying out tank just to see how MISERABLE this role is. I really fucking wish more people do this. Specially support players. It's literally a different game when ur playing tank.
As an ex-support main, and current tank main, supports are the pain. The opening clip is why. You try to take space, your team decides that they will just do something else, then they blame you.
@@jonathon947 i'd say the zarya is at fault too cause if the other 4 men arent ready for the fight, zarya was probably early. but yes i do get your point
I wish more support and dps players would play tank atleast just to understand that they're wrong most of the timea when they think tank is easy or fun
I queue for all roles and in the name of all things good in this world playing tank in OW2 is one of the most stressful things in gaming I have experienced. Actually no, not stressed. Fear. I'm constantly scared of doing anything and of getting flamed because a lot of players expect a tank players to do everything.
unless youre in low gold, then pick orisa and turn the brain off and just javelin throw and/or spin to cancel everyones ults or abilities out of existience. its so fun
@@cagxplays9602 i play stoned and/or with a beer in hand, javelins are satisfying to hit especially when its on a flying ulting sigma. No way could i could play any overwatch sober tbh (im support and tank main only ever touched diamond once in ow1 so not playing high skill games where itd a chore)
at 16:50 you realize your importance in just staying alive as tank and at 29:34 you seem to have forgotten already it as you get confused why you would get solo ult'd so many times. tank is valued at two people in overwatch 2 because of their health pools and ability to take so much damage but they only have the abilities of one. so it's the pressure of two people on one person. solo ulting a tank to kill them in OW2 is always worth it. fight ends when they die even if you trade as a dps. after the last tank buffs for 25% less headshot damage it's near impossible to take out a tank without another tank so blizzard basically buffed your ability to be a punching bag for longer which is why it isn't fun. as a tank you want to make plays and go for picks but that's counter to what will win you the match. yes you need to dive targets or get squishy heroes when you can but more than anything you just need to survive longer and more often than the enemy tank.
Muaga is more brainless than a bronze rein in quickplay. I hate that tank with every fiber of my being along with hog and orisa. If only blizzard understood how to balance the tank role man.
Why Roadhog, you need to calculate your hooks and even hitting them is hard sometimes. Hooking a flying Pharah or Echo feels so good. My brain starts feeding me these feel-good things. I get why people hate Roadhog, but why do you think Roadhog is braindead?
Theres a reason why nobody wants to play the tanks that still capture the original essence of what the role was meant to be: Because the original idea of a tank was to enable your team to make plays, and intern your team would enable you to do the same by getting eliminations, putting pressure onto their backline. Except now, your DPS dont always need a tank to enable them to get picks, so what ends up happening is the DPS are able to do their job on the flanks, at the expense of the tanks ability to do the same, so you just sit there as tank getting torn into by the enemy team while your DPS dont help and go for greed plays that end up with them feeding.
People don't want to play Tank because its miserable to play, as you are 2 OW1 tanks worth of attention packed into a single one. People also despise fighting them because they are gigabuffed to compensate for the loss of 1 Tank and are completely impossible to duel. Roadhog is notoriously victim of this. He isn't bad, on the contrary, he is fucking regarded. He has so much health and resilience he can win a duel ALONE against a Nanoboosted Reaper with a Mercy damage boosting him. Tanks have 39282 bajillion health to facetank 5 PLAYERS WORTH OF DAMAGE, otherwise they would be completely useless. Remove the resistance on Take a Breather and you'll see how fast he gets dumpstered. Thanks devs for being incompetent ig
The problem I have with this is that you cant have the REAL TANK EXPERINCE UNLESS YOU SOLO QUEUE. I notice that you were on stack with other ppl while doing this, I personally think tank it aint bad its just miserable because if you do 1 mistake u get punish more heavy (compare to other roles) as you climb through the ranks. My mechanics are not good trust me its just a mental strength to power through. This is coming from a top 500 Rein/Winston/Sigma main
i respect any tank player out there lol tank is imo the hardest role to play since it carries a lot of responsibility for the team, i have huge respect for anyone who tries to take an attempt into carrying a whole team on their back that’s just crazy i literally could never anyway i loved the video u earned a sub + insane editing :)
As a tank who dabbles in playing support, i can definetly tell you tank is the harder, well, the hardest role 1. You're alone, there is a single tank in a team, meaning unlike a dps or a support who performs bad, i can't just blame my other fellow tank, cause i swear if a moira with 4k damage and 1k heals blames my ana with 7k heals one more f.cking time i'm gonna throw them into a pit of starved rats 2. Tanks are big, mostly (looking at you JQ) So they will be there as a mannequin in a windowsill of a shop, they're presented forward, infront of everyone, so we're shot constantly, 5 seconds of bad positioning, extending too far, means death, and most tanks don't have quick escape skils similar to a moira fade, or kiriko TP, etc. If i had a penny for everytime someone yelled at me for dying (while it's like my 3rd death the entire game) I'd have a fortune to buy 2 more computers
During one game both of our medic healed 3 digits and somehow me, the tank, was the reason our team gets steamrolled. What do you expect me to do? Go and play roadhog?
@@StevenZephyc Yeah you should've just played hog to heal, ur the bad one XD Jokes aside, i shit you not, i was playing a really good Junker Queen game, and i healed more than my damn Zenyatta who just spammed left click and had like 2k damage and 2.100 healing, while i had over 4k healing on myself with 9k damage, what more am i supposed to do? xD
@@youtubeman998 I mean yeah but tank has been a miserable role since season 2. The only time in ow2 when every tank was playable was season 1 tbh. Nowadays only the top 3-5 tanks are viable and the rest are pushovers. It's sad but being a tank main is basically picking 2-3 heroes per season and hoping the enemies don't counter swap too much
I have fun playing tank. All my friends think I’m insane. My trick? Flank Rein. One trick flank rein. Charge straight through every choke, play back line every fight, and take fights in the enemy spawn. Is it optimal? No. Because my team cannot support me and peel for me, every small mistake that I do gets HEAVILY punished. However if I play perfectly and outsmart everyone on the enemy team, I win. It removes the whole “I have no impact” mentality because it is a high risk high reward playstyle. If I go for a play and it works then we win the fight, but if it fails then we lose the fight. It’s high tension as any miscalculation kills me. I go into their back line, take 1v3s, pray, repeat. It sounds like feeding, there is a valid reason everyone treats me like I’m insane. However, after one-tricking flank rein for 100 hours I managed to climb from gold to masters. It fucking works, and it’s fucking fun. 11/10 experience on tank.
INSANE Enlightened scientist uses DIMENSIONAL SCIENCE and PRIMAL UTILITY to make tank fun, generates enough paradox to EXPLODE!!! Virtual adepts everywhere are seething at clear technocrat SUPERIORITY!
Playing hammond almost exclusively has made me mentally ill, the amount of hate from both teams and counter swapping and unwinnable games because no one knows how to play with Hammond is incredible 😐
I love playing ball so much bro but this is so real to get blamed bcuz your team can’t play with you is beyond me I could literally bait every cooldown find 1-2 kills in the teamfight survive it and peel im still the blame lol
i've onetricked doom last patch and if i had a penny for every game where after first fight half of enemy team doesn't swap to hog/orisa/cass/sombra/ana/kiriko i'd have about 6 which isn't a lot
@@DD-fs7pgits neither. Tank is difficult to play because of the sheer amount of thinking you have to do while playing the game. Because of that its also not fun.
@@someonelikeawormmaybe thats why I like tank. I like being the big buff guy and all I do is constantly think on a daily basis. The only time my mind is blank is sometimes during sleep.
Hey guys, sorry for not being able to finish the challenge. I really wanted to push for masters, but I genuinely wasn’t having any fun playing the role, and in the end, Overwatch is still just a video game. And if you’re not having fun playing a video game, you’re kinda missing the point of a video game lol (we’re masochists aren’t we) I also had the flu while I was making this video, so it might not be up to the standard I set for this channel (i noticed the voiceover kinda sucked). I’m still learning this whole youtube thing so definitely let me know if I can improve on anything! Anyways, thanks for watching! See you guys again for the DPS climb >:)
I enjoy your vids, i like that you talk alot, explaining what you think. I can see the work you put into this. Dont worry, i would really prefer you having fun, than you doing smth you dislike. Your channel, your fun ❤.. . Then i ll be happy too😊
Took a break from Overwatch, returned to play tank. What I’ve noticed is that If you play tanks like Ball you will get much less anmoying teammates that cry, ofc there is still always someone. Yesterday went 35-2 on Ball when our "best dps" was at 24-8 qnd he still complained about me not brawling the enemy tank when my role is harassing their backline and going for supports / dps out of position.
3:44 This right here is why i hate playing tank. People say support is always blamed for a loss. I have mained tank since season 2, and i have NEVER had more shit talked to me, everyone expects you to be some divine protector who can quite literally do everything. Granted yea, sometimes i fucking suck, but when i am playing rein and a lucio keeps diving backline and he says "fank diff" because he keeps dying or i have to go in to save his dumbass ill get blamed. If i win the enemy TANK is blamed and not the support. Tank is hated by even the other players of your team
It really feels like everyone has somehow collectively agreed that it sucks to play tank because of all your responsibilities, the fact that you get hit with *everything* and that dps and supports are more tanky than tanks and just have a better time in general. But at the same time everyone has also agreed that they hate anyone who plays tank and if their tank makes one mistake then they suck and should never queue for tank again. If I play tank and don't switch to what someone on my team demands- "tank is throwing" If I'm getting my ass beat and my options are to back up or die- I better take my ass beating and die. I step three inches into the enemy front line and get shredded to pieces- "Wtf is our tank doing? gg" But if I'm on support and realize after my first death that I've healed half as much as the other support- silence. If I'm on dps and I've done 3,000 less damage than every other dps and tank in the lobby- nothing. I've had games where I thought I was doing horrible on support or dps and another teammate will go "tank diff" at the end.
That's just because the support community is the bitchiest community with the most privileged role They don't get flamed more, but when they do get flamed they just complain about it more.
Tank is the hardest role because the balancing is nonexistent, a off tank like Roadhog have to somehow hold the line, kill squishies, flank, protect the back line, etc.. all at the same time, lol that goes for the other off tanks as well, how can you expect Rein, a main tank, to also kill and flank? It's impossible to balance, the tank role plays a separate game from everyone else, always counter-swapping themselves until the match ends. You can try to force a skill diff by playing Doomfist or Hammond, but good luck with that, you will be hit by all the stuns, boops and counters in the world. I am a Doomfist masochist at masters, I know how suffering feels like (or used to know, because I purged this abomination from my PC last month), trying to carry dps diamonds while being countered by braindead Orisa/Mauga, Bastion, Sombra, Ana, Kiriko, etc.. it's a wonderful experience, the Mauga can generate the same damage and sustain of a tryhard Doomfist by just holding two buttons, it's hilarious. You are about to hit a fat punch from a unexpected position, Kiriko is skirmishing along her team, randomly throws her suzu and by sheer luck she saves her team from being smashed. This game rewards low skill way too much, why should you ever play Doom, Hammond, Tracer, Genji, etc if you can stay put in the back line, shooting bullets the size of bricks, Phara and Junkrat spamming explosives that denies the tank passives and building their ultimates super fast, etc.. low skill it is, braindead shooter, anything goes, stomp 3 times, get stomped 3 times (the matchmaking just works)
@@luckybynn5788i have a funny story about playing tank, so i was going rein dva, we were having a team fight and a dps, a phara, kept getting destroyed by a hanzo, and they cried about me "chasing mercy" (i did so our junk rat could kill her, he couldnt which is ok) but yk it was a standard fight we lost. Well at some point the guy falls off the map (as phara) and ults, and dies. (Wastes it) then he blames me, so i make fun of him and everyone joins in on making fun of him. Another time i had a moira call me horrible when the dps couldnt make a single pick, next game we were getting rolled again, he avoided me, and again, i cant do much when the ash i was playing with didnt understand that taking high ground would of been more useful then sitting on the ground, and no one wanted to counter the hog except me (before mauga was released) so no ana, no sym/bastion/reaper, it was all backline, and just me trying to frontline and being focused. Zero dive to help with hog. I tried playing poke because thats what i thought we were going with, nope Some people need to understand, sometimes, you're just fighting the better team and youre gonna lose. Which is ok. It's ok to lose.
I dont blame them for solo ultimg you. Theres 4 characters in the game nobody likes, Mauga Orisa Sombra Kiri Playing those characters makes you enemy number one, they are the anti fun police.
true and real. I play a bit of Rein and my shatters are usually pepega af. recently I started shattering kirikos in the head whenever one gets too close and I know she doesn't have her cooldowns
I started playing this game a week ago and got so much hate playing orisa I decided to make her my main. Now im grinding through plat ranks and trash talking tf out of everybody losing to a newbie orisa, im terrible and my teammates tell me to stfu. This is what a single week of playing overwatch has done to me 🤣
This is so relatable, i used to main tank but it feels like a coinflip no matter what i do, but the second i play on other roles it feels like i am responsible for all my wins or losses
Tank feels is so bad that I quit overwatch because of it. Was rein main and everything you just said applied to me Sometimes I played like a rock and I still won and sometimes I played like ihclowdy and still lost, got to masters 4, played head2head with a 1000 hour rein and both of us basically didn’t do anything on the match
Had a game the other day on dps and after losing the first round my other dps writes in chat "So what's the plan? because we got rolled that round" and my tank replies "idk just go for healers first?" So I shot nothing but healers for like half a round and never saw their health go down beyond where I got it to and I got no kills. Obviously the other guys aren't attacking healers, so I go for the tank while both healers are still alive. Boom, tank goes down. So that big ass health pool doesn't seem to make you any tougher than the supports...
600 health means nothing if that's all you have. Meanwhile supports may have much less, but as long as they can easily replenish it, summon other players and teleport away, you may as well just stare at them
@@mackeralsmackers if you dont feel tanky try orisa or ram (only play orisa if you feel like being a prick) because fortify reduces all dmg by 50% and ram has 750 health and 300 of it is armor and he can block to reduce all frontal dmg by 75%. And you still wont live, even with an effective health pool of around 3-4k because everyone will be shooting and using every cooldown on you :) because thats tank rn
Youre entirely right. That's why back in the day, there was 2 tanks. It's a lot harder to counter pick a rein with mauga when there's a zar bubbling the rein as he smashes your supp into a wall
@roytgoiys8173 i mean if you think about it outside of ana there is no support who needs to aim to heal a teammate, and all supports have a way to easily survive a flank in ow2, some supports are even better dps than a lot of dps characters.
@@mofumofu9648 hmm, i main ana but i still find bap really hard. His heals are projectiles slightly affected by gravity (makes it hard to heal very mobile heroes so i don't pick bap if we have like pharah or ball for example), but you also gotta constantly flick to the enemies to do damage and flick back to heal teammates. I tend to tunnel vision on either damage or healing at some point. Bap has great tools to survive a 1v1 but they are on a very long cooldown and a lamp used to protect yourself means that for the next half a minute you have no way of saving your team from certain death. Still, i think bap is pretty op in good hands but i'm not near that level yet.
@@mofumofu9648 Is aim the only thing that can make a support hard? I would say that Lucio is a much harder support, and coincidentally also has harder aim requirements. But even someone like Brig arguably has a higher skill ceiling than Ana, and she has almost no aim.
I've mained tank/support since day one, and it's good to see someone finally dives into the "why" it's so stressful especially with 5v5. Here's hoping 6v6 comes back sooner than later!
You need a pretty strong mental to be able to play tank consistently. Mostly because you’ll get blamed often, regardless of if the game was your fault or not. Usually by support players who play the easiest role by far lol.
As a masters tank and support, it truly is a miserable role. Everything you said about tank having exceedingly low impact on the outcome of the game is true. On top of that, there's the focus of every other player on the tanks - both gameplay wise and in chat. Tanks get flamed for pushing up and not standing on point, for standing on point and not pushing up, for not being there to protect the dps diving the backline at the speed of sound while trying to protect someone else or just not die themselves. They get flamed for dying when they go from full health to dead in 0.025 nanoseconds because they tried to press W, and they get flamed for hiding around a corner because they don't want to peek the zen and bastion waiting behind a bap window. Everyone thinks tank can kill everything super easily, meanwhile we have to dump half our kits AND our health just for a single elim sometimes, and people STILL want to nerf the role! Tanks are the bullet sponges and ult batteries for the enemy team, also the focus of the other tank usually, and if they manage to get a kill or two in the first fight, the entire rest of the game is the other team swapping to counter them. Hell, the tank doesn't even have to be doing anything. I could have a pharmercy destroying the other team and they'll swap to sombra, reaper, and ana to focus me with 1/3 of the pharah's damage. When I play with my friends, I basically am signing up to be the tank for 90% of our games because I'm the only one that can handle it for more than 2 games. Honestly, you made it easier on yourself by playing so much Mauga, simply because he's so strong. I have a bit of the opposite going on, where I hate some heroes (namely Mauga and Orisa in their current state) and refuse to play them the majority of the time because I feel scummy playing these heroes that are so much stronger than any other tank while also being as boring and/or simple as they are.
@@wuzziecrunch5382 bro r u joking? if i hopped on rn and queued for flex i guarantee i would get put on dps 80% of games. Nobody is even playing dps that much anymore everyone is playing support and has been for months. Why? because its the best role in the game and u get multiple bailouts and insane rewards for no skill. Its not the format that changes queue times its how fun each role is. If blizzard stated they're adding back 6v6 i can assure u tank queue times will be like 20 minutes minimum because it would be fun again
I hate to agree, because I always try to hold the mindset of what could I do better, how can I improve my gameplay. But, tank just doesn't feel like it has any impact. Yeah, you pretty much need a tank to win a fight, but the tank can't actually win the fight.
This summarizes Doomfist. The main villain, the strongest character in the setting, he alone can take down a entire team of Overwatch operatives, his punch can leveled up skyscrapers!!! And his fully powered punch in the game does 70 damage
Tank across EVERY game, is guaranteed to catch the most shit. Its not about the skill or learning thats the difficult part... Its the mental game and gymnastics you have to pull off to tolerate the amount of shit thats gonna be thrown at you.
Counter picking (ruining someone else’s fun) should not be a “part of the game” it’s going to lead to tanks being completely removed from the game because no one wants to play them anymore. Sole reason for 5v5 format. I should not be penalized for doing good on Winston
Counter picks are a result of Overwatch heroes being incredibly diverse from eachother. Every hero has strengths and weaknesses that can be countered by a different hero. It will always be a part of the game and 5v5 is making this even worse. Counter picking was objectively less miserable in 6v6.
I can count on my fingers the times i used my ult um games today. Literally everything fucking time in queues on d5+ that you play a good fight counterswap. today i went from mauga, to orisa, to sigma, to mauga, to queen, to winston, to back to sigma again in a 15mim game, this is fucking exausting.
35:20 the problem isn't that the tank is the least impactful role, I would say that tank is the most impactful role but not because it itself provides value but is a target for the abilities of the more powerful roles, that's why when tank dies early the fight is almost always lost. Basically other roles are so powerful that the tank is the only one that can actually survive the bullshit they throw at you while also being the role with the most CC which also means that it's the role that usually gets denied the most by support abilities (suzu, lamp, grip anti etc). Which in the end just means that the tank gameplay loop of a winning encounter is: Bait abilities onto yourself -> try to engage -> make space (which in itself isn't rewarding) -> try to kill someone -> that kill gets denied by supports -> enemy tank gets killed by your DPS thanks to your distraction -> DPS floodgate is open -> enemy team dies and your contribution felt miniscule. And the gameplay loop of a losing encounter is: you bait cooldowns -> you try to engage -> your team doesn't pressure enemy frontline/backline (depending on what tank you are playing) -> enemies look at you -> you die -> DPS floodgate opens and your team dies. The problem with tanks isn't that they are not impactful, the problem is how much pressure is on tank at every given moment which causes every minor missplay to result in death or loss.
your like that guy that thought he could prove that becoming rich is easy by trying to get from 0 dollars to a million in a month, but miserably failed and only got 30.000 dollars
As a former grandmaster tank player that quit the role, you‘be only experienced %40 of the tank misery. Those who blame their tanks for losing matches are the ones who would never reached gm in the first place. Btw, gm in ow2 is just diamond in ow1, so if you think that you are a good player bc you are gm, just a friendly reminder that you r playing a water down version of the 2016 game of the year.
tank are simply punching bag that takes space, nothing more. I know many tanks have more kills and winrate but a bigger problem that it luck for sweet things. They have too little freedom and too dependence on healers.
funny how short a time frame to takes to relies 5v5 makes tanking just bad. Its so much worse if you expericed the combo's, synergy and just fun of 6v6 and tanking in pairs.
Seeing the Rein diff be so successful is the best part of tank. One tricking Rein for all of Season 11 and not only have I climbed from bronze 3 to Plat 2 from just playing him, but also won every mental battle of the Rein mirrors
Just subscribed and followed on your twitch, you're craaazy dude. Just played a game against you and it was the most surreal thing ever lol, I've never ran into a streamer in game before lol. Youre editing is great, you're really funny, and I really liked a lot of the point you made in the video. good shit man, keep it up 👍
9:45 As a tank main that's slowly gravitating from maining Rein to maining Doom, I was not expecting him to be likened to my GG main. And now it makes sense why it feels so similar.
wow thanks for making this video. because of you blizzard decided to buff every tank and make dps useless. so thanks. people like you are the reason dps is such a miserable experience now. blizzard always nerfs dps and now we wont ever be able to kill a tank because u think its funny to make a video like this. so you better make a video why dps is bad now so blizzard can rever these tank changes. tank players are so much worse than dps players they are just going to get carried now because theyre unkillable. playing tank doesnt even take skill you just stand there.
Yeah…this is dumb. You think cause this guy made one video they buffed them🤣. Everyone even tank players think they were over buffed. It’s a game. Chill out.
@@THEYGUY well everybody knows dps players are the best at the game and also its the most fun role because as a tank u just stand there and do nothing? lol so why even buff them. tbh does anyone else feel like dps should get more rank points for winning than tanks who do nothing and healers who dont even aim? LOL the only reason im still silver is because i always get THE WORST tanks and healers on my team and now because tanks are even stronger, that means its just a coin flip if good dps like me wins or not because it doesnt matter how good i am if the enemy tank is just better than mine. this is why they need to nerf mercy tbh so people stop playing that no skill dog champ. im a widow main and i have 18% accuracy and if thats not enough to carry a silver lobby, then thats how u know something is seriously wrong with blizzard balance team. they need to be fired and realie that nobody wants to fire into a bullet sponge ok? thats why games like valo and cod are so popular because people die in one tap so blizzard needs to just delete the tank role, delete mercy, and probably just delete every hero except for widow because if u cant hit a flick shot like i can, then you are just a bad player and dont deserve anything higher than bronze. i would be top 500 if it werent for mercy players. DELETE MERCY i HATE YOU BLIZZARD
@@ihavecrabs56I’m guessing this is bait for laughter (if it is I did laugh so good job), but if this is meant to be taken seriously this is just still more bad logic. If you’re still in silver one you might want to take a look at your own skill. Tanks do not just stand there and do nothing along with healers. 18% accuracy is terrible for widow. And finally if Tanks and Healers do nothing then why are you loosing because you have “bad ones”? Also you can’t compare Val and COD to this because they are different genres and must be handled differently. That’s like me comparing Minecraft and Fortnite. It doesn’t work.
@@THEYGUY well minecraft and fortnite are for kids and overwatch is for mature 47 year old adult men such as myself to enjoy. you can tell by how serious and stoic the characters are and how monotone the colors in the game are. its a very realistic shooter and most people just arent capable of handling mature, realistic, uncensored type of game and thats just a fact!! btw i paid 300 dollars for coaching every week from a platinum widow main and he said that with 8 more session with him (ive already paid for 5), my aim will only continue to get better and i should be able to get 19% accuracy and probably be better than most top 500 mercy mains.
@@ihavecrabs56 you some goofy guy LOL you shoulda made it look more serious now we can all see its a troll, (and if you actually paid 300 dollars for a platinum windowmaker main to coach you GET SCAMMED LOL)
Tank mains after coming from work only to clock in on another 8 hour shift more miserable and exhausting than their actual job
Holy shit someone summed it up perfectly
> Play tank
> Supports are absolutely clueless, you start to wonder if theyre trolling
> DPS imagines you as a holy savior that can win every combat even after they died 7 times without doing anything
> Play support
> Tank is so bad you dont even get mad anymore, but just stare at the screen blankly
> DPS starts trying suicidal tactics of rushing into the enemy without anyone else and proceeding to blame you.
Oh boy i love this game!
Literally exactly how it feels
My experience:
> Play Tank
> Team get scared by a single Lucio and run away or attempts to chase Ball around map ALL game.
> I fall over because my entire team is somehow off in Narnia
> Play DPS
> Somehow get two DPS only supports and a tank that spends most of their time in our backline playing sniper dva
> Play Support
> Tank insists on going in 1v5 every time. DPS constantly spam for heals but refuse to swap off of Genji and Widow into Monkey
It seems like 1 out of 50 games has a team full of people who actually feel like they know how to play the game. Any other time, I swear i'm playing with people who have never played a video game in their life.
@@GummyDinosaursify the 1/50 statement is so true, mainly because ow2 is free so it's more accessible to more people, and on average they will all suck
I get trash dps every time I play tank soooo that’s false LOL.
@@GummyDinosaursifymonkey is goated tho
There is a reason your group queues up faster when someone picks tank
Say you're not a support player without saying you're not a support player.
Everytime I queue up with someone who's not support, I get reminded what it's like to not join a gain in literally 10 seconds.
DPS isn't too bad. Couple minutes max.
Tank? I played with a tank yesterday, we spent like 20 minutes, waiting and when we finally joined the game, two of my teammates were afk, there was no priority queue for some reason so we queued for like another 10 minutes, until my friend said "yeah, maybe I'll not try tank, I'm go back to support" and as soon as she did that we started playing a game in about 7 seconds.
After winning that game, it was midnight, so I went to sleep.
I spent about 1 hour grouped up with my friend and played a single match.
Your coping u were just in permissive queue say it@@timothychinye6008
Yeah it's probably because of your rank. No one queues tank for the most part. Of course there are times when tank queues can be longer but whenever I queue all, tank is picked 8/10 times.
@@DD-fs7pg I'm agreeing with you
Faster? It's almost instant. I am a Diamond-Masters tank and I legit have 5 second ques sometimes.
I now realise having another tank in 6v6 was beneficial to soak up your own teams aggression not just the enemies
That's what every tank main was saying for ages.
The stress of being responsible for full performance of a role in your team is so much.
If one DPS or support is lacking, other one can pick up the slack.
If tank is lacking, you better pray support will go brig and won't flank
By aggression I literally meant your own teams toxicity haha
yo someone send this to flats
Yeah, but 5v5 is a necessary evil because of queue times. Tank was still miserable enough in OW1 that it was the least played role by far. I still remember doing homework in between matches because I had to wait 20-30 minutes if I wanted to play DPS.
@@gerharddamm5933 no 5v5 is not necessary and is strangling the game.
"Prove to tanks how easy their role is"
I would have laughed but my jaw dropped so hard it nearly unhinged itself.
"tank is the least impactful role"
literally the fucking opposite, dude is clueless. Gets carried all the way through every time.
@@jocm99wait but if he got carried, and NEEDED the carry, might that be because his role isn’t impactful? I don’t even have an opinion here but if he was impactful wouldn’t he be the one carrying?
@@agedgouda8809 He got carried because he's terrible at tank and his DPS did all the job.
Tank is the most impactful role. They create space, and ow2 is all about space, not kills. If you win the space, you win the fight, if you lose it, you lose the fight. And that's the tank's job.
@@jocm99 that’s true but you do need ur team to help you hold that space. If you take an area and ur dps don’t follow up, ur not scary enough and if ur supports don’t use resources on you, ur not tanky enough. So they initiate but I feel like everyone else actually makes shit happen. Idk, I could understand an argument either way regarding impactfulness.
@@jocm99did you watch the video or are you that dumb?
"Unranked to GM on my one trick" - Warn
Typical Dps role behavior
“I feel useless and talentless everywhere else so I’ll bully lower ranked players. My penis is totally not gross looking” -the gm streamer with the unranked to gm accounts
Atleast play a different hitscan 💀
Scummy behavior
The fact that Warn went on a giga-rant about cheating, while doing an Unranked to GM as Ashe, shows why smurfing is an issue
smurfing is not an issue lmao??
@@CoachMuffler i think a guy smurfing complaining about a cheater is the spider man pointing meme
it just shows how miserable everyone in this game is
@@lennywhere except smurfing has little to no impact on your actual rank and gives players who actually make money playing this game to have accounts that don't have 30 min q times so they can practice the game. the -20% you get has no impact on your ability to climb
@@CoachMuffler is defending millionaires your hobby then?
@@CoachMuffler It may barely affect long term rank but queuing up a 10 game ranked session and coming away having had any actual impact on only one of those games does effect long term enjoyment of the game. Let alone this missing the entire point that Warn was complaining about cheaters(hacks) while literally according to ingame report system also cheating (boosting/deranking(smurfing)).
Don't get me wrong either, I quite like Warn, I just hate the justification for people running around in lower ranks and deciding whether they want to throw or sweat and control the lobby based on their whim purely because they're a streamer.
Playing Tank in Overwatch 1 was fun, you felt like an anchor that could either protect allies or dish out damage, I loved that fantasy. In Overwatch “2” you essentially have to carry the burden of the whole team on your shoulders, if you fall the entire team crumbles. It’s exhausting to experience.
Like playing jungle
And on top of it there’s 2 tanks who are almost entirely melee in Rein and Doom (who I seriously don’t think should be a fuckin tank cuz he’s not a damage sponge) who can either protect or attack
@@cryptosuchusp1517 Doom is a huge damage sponge but not in the "rein shield" sense. He can take damage, and enemy cooldowns and pop away. Doom should always focus on having the enemy team focus him while being in line of sight of his own team so they can help him secure kills/ doom helps them secure kills
honestly kinda refreshing to see a support player try tank and really grind the role. its unfortunate you eventually had to stop cause its extremely painful. love the vid and hope you reach that goal one day
i'm actually a dps main! i just played a lot of support for my last video
@@theoryez Yeah, that tracks.
Damage main getting hyper critical of Tanks while playing Support, only to play Tank and realise you have to be utterly insane & go for broke to get anywhere in that Role.
Maybe now you know why some Tanks are so far "Out of Position", as you put it. Sometimes making room and playing to stall gets you deep into their lines.
Just how the Role has to play mate.
@@soulsurvivor8293there’s a big difference between bad positioning and making space. If your team is with you it can be making space if they aren’t then it’s a bad position
I play support because i also play tank and know how much difference a good support can make
@@AdamSlander888 nah some of you guys choose to fight in bad positions just to fight. So many fights away from point just to get damage up and get no kills .
As a Tank player, I can say we go one of two paths eventually:
1. We stop maining Tank
or 2. We stop playing competitive
QP is even worse for tank... Sombra every game and you get counter swapped even more... its nuts.
@@dirusj4006 idk about you, but I tend to have better results in qp than comp
I jump between those two and "I'm going back to baldur's gate" personally.
@@dirusj4006every game is Sombra in low elo as well. I hate that character so much
3) we stopped playing this shitass game. Everything, literally everything has gotten worse. The gameplay, the UI, the performance, the monetization. Just give it up man
The thing about being the only tank of the team is you are the make or break. If a sup is playing bad but the other sup is picking up the slack, you don't notice. If one dps is playing meh but the other's popping off, you're not noticing. But when you're underperforming as a tank...everyone notices.
Plus, everyone and their mother now knows which tank can be countered what way and by which characters. The moment you walk out of spawn and have a mediocre to good play, the enemy team is bound to go for one tankbuster or counterswap. And that just sucks
Its not that everybody knows the counters now its actually more than just that. U gotta think now that theres less people in each game, it makes countering one person inherently more valuable. Losing 1/6 of your team to a counter (17%) is not as harsh as losing 1/5 (20%). Not to mention that tank comps/synergy makes it countering one tank less easy? Easy isnt the right word but like a doom zarya vs a rein monkey, if the monkey switches to horse to counter doom, you still have the defensive utility of zarya to keep your doom up and also theres another person to shoot at, if that makes sense
I like how Warn immediately blamed anti cheat for the reason people think a player with that aim is in a mid diamond lobby, and not he is supposedly the best Ashe player NA smurfing (against the terms of service)
To be fair, he's totally right. People wouldn't be so concerned about catching cheaters if they weren't so common.
@@strangejune to be fair, he still shouldn't have been a top500 hitscan in diamond lobbies
@@kujikawathemeekmage3640 thats peak bLizard matchmaking. The dev team that took over OW dont know how to balance a game for different skill levels
Nor should Custa a former pro be in that game, granted he’s on his alt role, but still.
That said, you should welcome playing against better players. That is how you can improve the fastest.
You know what might assist with all the Tank woes? A SECOND TANK!...
Oh yeah, 2 tanks in current state...would be horrible. U would have to nerf the whole ass tank roster in terms of damage hp and quality of life stuff again
@@kusolp544 True. But is it worth the role not feeling awful? I mean they already did the hp changes, extra passives and multiple "Reworks". It might just be worth doing.
@@dementeddingo321 rn its the best it has been in ow2. Im having quite good games. Switching is part of ow2 now. U switched back then too
@sami.mtg. after the changes it got better. Then only reason my tank games are horrible cause my teammates log in the worst supports and dps rightnow. Cant do much as tank if we get a mercy and zen lucio
start: surely it cant be that hard right?.
end: This is so miserable I don't wanna play this role anymore
Accusing Warn of cheating is pretty accurate when it's legit against tos and a banable offense.
He might not be aimbotting but what is the difference when a gm players sits on his main with a pocket mercy
Counter picking the enemy tank has been around since the first game, but it became worse when they removed the second tank going into Overwatch 2.
I loved the role in the first game, but its so lonely, and you get flamed worse than supports used to.
Nope. You are 100% wrong
In overwatch 1 there was almost always a right comp to play and anything that wasn't that would most likely lose you the game so counterpicking wasn't really a thing the higher you go. The problem with the current counterpicking is that it is so strong that even top 500 players can't stomp a lobby in like diamond if the enemy picks the right characters so what hope does a player of that rank have when he runs into counters if even t500 can't do anything other than swap themselves
@@shawncc89 about what?
@@lifted71blazer true, I didn't say it was meta, I said it existed. It wasnt mandatory to counter pick, now it borderline is.
@@fettbub92not only was it not mandatory, it was not very effective. Swapping to improve your team synergy ALWAYS was better than swapping to counter an individual player, and if you were going to counter someone the last person you’d want to counter is a tank. Hitscan for pharah, sure. Zarya for dva? You got bigger problems at that point
Now consider if you weren't in a duo most of these games. Solo Q gets a lot harder even on the premise of having one more random to flame you. It's a huge difference.
yeah ruins the premise to not do it in solo que
Thought the exact same thing. The fact he duo’d makes this video worthless lol. Solo Queue THEN make your case. This video is null.
You did not just make me do all that with the "Me and the Birds" song for such a short clip LMAOO
i can tell from the patch and memes that this video took a WHILE man. i hope it blows up
also as a support main who dabbles in playing tank, after a while it js feels like a chore
tyty 🙏
i dont blame that pharah for solo ulting you, no one wants a mauga on their game
If it works it works, and the pharah did win the game.
solo ults as pharah are generally better too, you dont insta die yourself.
@@cagxplays9602 solo ulting a tank as pharah is literally best case scenario. if you ult as pharah without another ult, you just die. like this, you turn an underwhelming ult into a 5v4 with no tank. that's a w.
If you're not solo ulting as a pharah, you're playing the game wrong. It's like the scrubs that think high noon is supposed to get a kill. if you can get one kill with their ults, you're going well above what you're supposed to do.
@@DD-fs7pg especially a tank
it's always nice to see people from different roles trying out tank just to see how MISERABLE this role is. I really fucking wish more people do this. Specially support players. It's literally a different game when ur playing tank.
As an ex-support main, and current tank main, supports are the pain. The opening clip is why. You try to take space, your team decides that they will just do something else, then they blame you.
@@jonathon947 i'd say the zarya is at fault too cause if the other 4 men arent ready for the fight, zarya was probably early. but yes i do get your point
@@jonathon947no absorbing the entirety of the rosters cc and getting counterpicked into oblivion is it
Bro. Tank is EZ when sups are doing their job. Team crumbles if there are no heals. From a sup main who dabbles in tank.
I wish more support and dps players would play tank atleast just to understand that they're wrong most of the timea when they think tank is easy or fun
I queue for all roles and in the name of all things good in this world playing tank in OW2 is one of the most stressful things in gaming I have experienced. Actually no, not stressed. Fear. I'm constantly scared of doing anything and of getting flamed because a lot of players expect a tank players to do everything.
@@mariustan9275 "because a lot of players expect a tank players to do everything" based
unless youre in low gold, then pick orisa and turn the brain off and just javelin throw and/or spin to cancel everyones ults or abilities out of existience. its so fun
@@Rissen_ and by fun you mean boring? No way you just said borisa is fun.
@@cagxplays9602 i play stoned and/or with a beer in hand, javelins are satisfying to hit especially when its on a flying ulting sigma. No way could i could play any overwatch sober tbh (im support and tank main only ever touched diamond once in ow1 so not playing high skill games where itd a chore)
4:31 this is why we need to display actual kills and not eliminations.
2-8 KDA would actually destroy the ego of players like that.
“Prove to tanks how easy it is” famous last words
at 16:50 you realize your importance in just staying alive as tank and at 29:34 you seem to have forgotten already it as you get confused why you would get solo ult'd so many times. tank is valued at two people in overwatch 2 because of their health pools and ability to take so much damage but they only have the abilities of one. so it's the pressure of two people on one person. solo ulting a tank to kill them in OW2 is always worth it. fight ends when they die even if you trade as a dps. after the last tank buffs for 25% less headshot damage it's near impossible to take out a tank without another tank so blizzard basically buffed your ability to be a punching bag for longer which is why it isn't fun. as a tank you want to make plays and go for picks but that's counter to what will win you the match. yes you need to dive targets or get squishy heroes when you can but more than anything you just need to survive longer and more often than the enemy tank.
I'm sayin
Probably got impatient because playing prophunt as tank gets incredibly boring lmao
I completely agree
Yep, this guy has a skill issue and got mad lol
@@ghoulbuster1 I wouldn't say skill issue. more so misdirected anger. the game right now encourages tank abuse.
Muaga is more brainless than a bronze rein in quickplay. I hate that tank with every fiber of my being along with hog and orisa. If only blizzard understood how to balance the tank role man.
I whole heartedly agree. Those 3 tanks are incredibly brain dead yet extremely effective. Game would be better without them
@@nasirthesenatejohnson6935 would it really?
@@nasirthesenatejohnson6935 Why Roadhog?
Why Roadhog, you need to calculate your hooks and even hitting them is hard sometimes. Hooking a flying Pharah or Echo feels so good. My brain starts feeding me these feel-good things.
I get why people hate Roadhog, but why do you think Roadhog is braindead?
@@gamgf 9/10 hog is corner hooking tank dont justify it with pharah
Theres a reason why nobody wants to play the tanks that still capture the original essence of what the role was meant to be:
Because the original idea of a tank was to enable your team to make plays, and intern your team would enable you to do the same by getting eliminations, putting pressure onto their backline.
Except now, your DPS dont always need a tank to enable them to get picks, so what ends up happening is the DPS are able to do their job on the flanks, at the expense of the tanks ability to do the same, so you just sit there as tank getting torn into by the enemy team while your DPS dont help and go for greed plays that end up with them feeding.
but the vocal dps, who always flames you no matter your performance, are trash dps who expects you to shield bot them and never peel for the supports.
In turn, not intern
People don't want to play Tank because its miserable to play, as you are 2 OW1 tanks worth of attention packed into a single one.
People also despise fighting them because they are gigabuffed to compensate for the loss of 1 Tank and are completely impossible to duel.
Roadhog is notoriously victim of this. He isn't bad, on the contrary, he is fucking regarded. He has so much health and resilience he can win a duel ALONE against a Nanoboosted Reaper with a Mercy damage boosting him.
Tanks have 39282 bajillion health to facetank 5 PLAYERS WORTH OF DAMAGE, otherwise they would be completely useless. Remove the resistance on Take a Breather and you'll see how fast he gets dumpstered.
Thanks devs for being incompetent ig
The problem I have with this is that you cant have the REAL TANK EXPERINCE UNLESS YOU SOLO QUEUE.
I notice that you were on stack with other ppl while doing this, I personally think tank it aint bad its just miserable because if you do 1 mistake u get punish more heavy (compare to other roles) as you climb through the ranks. My mechanics are not good trust me its just a mental strength to power through.
This is coming from a top 500 Rein/Winston/Sigma main
“I’m gonna prove how easy this role is!”
Not even 10s later
“I don’t want to do this no more”
i respect any tank player out there lol
tank is imo the hardest role to play since it carries a lot of responsibility for the team, i have huge respect for anyone who tries to take an attempt into carrying a whole team on their back that’s just crazy i literally could never
anyway i loved the video u earned a sub + insane editing :)
As a tank who dabbles in playing support, i can definetly tell you tank is the harder, well, the hardest role
1. You're alone, there is a single tank in a team, meaning unlike a dps or a support who performs bad, i can't just blame my other fellow tank, cause i swear if a moira with 4k damage and 1k heals blames my ana with 7k heals one more f.cking time i'm gonna throw them into a pit of starved rats
2. Tanks are big, mostly (looking at you JQ) So they will be there as a mannequin in a windowsill of a shop, they're presented forward, infront of everyone, so we're shot constantly, 5 seconds of bad positioning, extending too far, means death, and most tanks don't have quick escape skils similar to a moira fade, or kiriko TP, etc.
If i had a penny for everytime someone yelled at me for dying (while it's like my 3rd death the entire game) I'd have a fortune to buy 2 more computers
During one game both of our medic healed 3 digits and somehow me, the tank, was the reason our team gets steamrolled. What do you expect me to do? Go and play roadhog?
@@StevenZephyc Yeah you should've just played hog to heal, ur the bad one XD
Jokes aside, i shit you not, i was playing a really good Junker Queen game, and i healed more than my damn Zenyatta who just spammed left click and had like 2k damage and 2.100 healing, while i had over 4k healing on myself with 9k damage, what more am i supposed to do? xD
Tank is super impactful. But it all falls apart when your team refuse to play with you, or don’t focus down the enemy tank.
Non-tanks flaming tanks because the tank is forward is so painful.
Reinhardt in season 11 is the worst experience i've had in my life. They shoot my shield and abuse me all game and my dps wont kill anyone.
Yup experienced that yesterday
rein is so viable atm tho?
@@kujikawathemeekmage3640It's really not fun anymore. The game is just trying to survive 24/7 and doing nothing for tank
@@youtubeman998 I mean yeah but tank has been a miserable role since season 2. The only time in ow2 when every tank was playable was season 1 tbh. Nowadays only the top 3-5 tanks are viable and the rest are pushovers. It's sad but being a tank main is basically picking 2-3 heroes per season and hoping the enemies don't counter swap too much
That's weird rein is pretty decent right now, you're probably not being aggressive enough
as a pharah main, solo ulting the tank with barrage is normal behaviour bc its the easiest way to get value with the ult
I have fun playing tank. All my friends think I’m insane.
My trick? Flank Rein. One trick flank rein. Charge straight through every choke, play back line every fight, and take fights in the enemy spawn.
Is it optimal? No. Because my team cannot support me and peel for me, every small mistake that I do gets HEAVILY punished. However if I play perfectly and outsmart everyone on the enemy team, I win. It removes the whole “I have no impact” mentality because it is a high risk high reward playstyle. If I go for a play and it works then we win the fight, but if it fails then we lose the fight. It’s high tension as any miscalculation kills me. I go into their back line, take 1v3s, pray, repeat.
It sounds like feeding, there is a valid reason everyone treats me like I’m insane. However, after one-tricking flank rein for 100 hours I managed to climb from gold to masters. It fucking works, and it’s fucking fun. 11/10 experience on tank.
I'm trying to have fun as Rein pls explain your ways 😭
The only downside is that it usually comes at the cost of the teams fun especially when you fail
INSANE Enlightened scientist uses DIMENSIONAL SCIENCE and PRIMAL UTILITY to make tank fun, generates enough paradox to EXPLODE!!! Virtual adepts everywhere are seething at clear technocrat SUPERIORITY!
@angreyalligator3811 what a spurg
“i’m gonna get the tank experience” plays mauga
I love when the other team picks Magua and I slap their Magua with Sigma
Playing hammond almost exclusively has made me mentally ill, the amount of hate from both teams and counter swapping and unwinnable games because no one knows how to play with Hammond is incredible 😐
I love playing ball so much bro but this is so real to get blamed bcuz your team can’t play with you is beyond me I could literally bait every cooldown find 1-2 kills in the teamfight survive it and peel im still the blame lol
@@bruhscoutray fr, I also hate when they say "we need a shield" 😶 like bro it's gm u can deal with it
@@thatonetrooper7531 on god ow players act like they need a crutch at all times “whatever is the cheapest route to victory ahh mindset” 💀
i've onetricked doom last patch and if i had a penny for every game where after first fight half of enemy team doesn't swap to hog/orisa/cass/sombra/ana/kiriko i'd have about 6 which isn't a lot
Yeah bro sombra is absolute cancer no matter who is she focusing
"i took the loss with pride" but complained, explained, and pushed ur defeat onto another player... lmao
It's not just that it's not easy, it's not fun most of the time.
@@DD-fs7pgits neither. Tank is difficult to play because of the sheer amount of thinking you have to do while playing the game. Because of that its also not fun.
@@someonelikeawormmaybe thats why I like tank. I like being the big buff guy and all I do is constantly think on a daily basis. The only time my mind is blank is sometimes during sleep.
Hey guys, sorry for not being able to finish the challenge. I really wanted to push for masters, but I genuinely wasn’t having any fun playing the role, and in the end, Overwatch is still just a video game. And if you’re not having fun playing a video game, you’re kinda missing the point of a video game lol (we’re masochists aren’t we) I also had the flu while I was making this video, so it might not be up to the standard I set for this channel (i noticed the voiceover kinda sucked).
I’m still learning this whole youtube thing so definitely let me know if I can improve on anything!
Anyways, thanks for watching! See you guys again for the DPS climb >:)
do yu think the overwatch gods like you
they don't like anyone
I enjoy your vids, i like that you talk alot, explaining what you think. I can see the work you put into this. Dont worry, i would really prefer you having fun, than you doing smth you dislike. Your channel, your fun ❤.. . Then i ll be happy too😊
@@theoryez am i cooked for spending 3 hours watching ur videos 😭
erm skill issue i'm unsubscribing
Took a break from Overwatch, returned to play tank. What I’ve noticed is that If you play tanks like Ball you will get much less anmoying teammates that cry, ofc there is still always someone. Yesterday went 35-2 on Ball when our "best dps" was at 24-8 qnd he still complained about me not brawling the enemy tank when my role is harassing their backline and going for supports / dps out of position.
This right here is why i hate playing tank.
People say support is always blamed for a loss.
I have mained tank since season 2, and i have NEVER had more shit talked to me, everyone expects you to be some divine protector who can quite literally do everything.
Granted yea, sometimes i fucking suck, but when i am playing rein and a lucio keeps diving backline and he says "fank diff" because he keeps dying or i have to go in to save his dumbass ill get blamed.
If i win the enemy TANK is blamed and not the support.
Tank is hated by even the other players of your team
It really feels like everyone has somehow collectively agreed that it sucks to play tank because of all your responsibilities, the fact that you get hit with *everything* and that dps and supports are more tanky than tanks and just have a better time in general. But at the same time everyone has also agreed that they hate anyone who plays tank and if their tank makes one mistake then they suck and should never queue for tank again. If I play tank and don't switch to what someone on my team demands- "tank is throwing" If I'm getting my ass beat and my options are to back up or die- I better take my ass beating and die. I step three inches into the enemy front line and get shredded to pieces- "Wtf is our tank doing? gg" But if I'm on support and realize after my first death that I've healed half as much as the other support- silence. If I'm on dps and I've done 3,000 less damage than every other dps and tank in the lobby- nothing. I've had games where I thought I was doing horrible on support or dps and another teammate will go "tank diff" at the end.
That's just because the support community is the bitchiest community with the most privileged role
They don't get flamed more, but when they do get flamed they just complain about it more.
My favorite is when you had a really good tank game, played super well and it's always "tank diff" in team chat.
Tank is the hardest role because the balancing is nonexistent, a off tank like Roadhog have to somehow hold the line, kill squishies, flank, protect the back line, etc.. all at the same time, lol that goes for the other off tanks as well, how can you expect Rein, a main tank, to also kill and flank? It's impossible to balance, the tank role plays a separate game from everyone else, always counter-swapping themselves until the match ends. You can try to force a skill diff by playing Doomfist or Hammond, but good luck with that, you will be hit by all the stuns, boops and counters in the world. I am a Doomfist masochist at masters, I know how suffering feels like (or used to know, because I purged this abomination from my PC last month), trying to carry dps diamonds while being countered by braindead Orisa/Mauga, Bastion, Sombra, Ana, Kiriko, etc.. it's a wonderful experience, the Mauga can generate the same damage and sustain of a tryhard Doomfist by just holding two buttons, it's hilarious. You are about to hit a fat punch from a unexpected position, Kiriko is skirmishing along her team, randomly throws her suzu and by sheer luck she saves her team from being smashed. This game rewards low skill way too much, why should you ever play Doom, Hammond, Tracer, Genji, etc if you can stay put in the back line, shooting bullets the size of bricks, Phara and Junkrat spamming explosives that denies the tank passives and building their ultimates super fast, etc.. low skill it is, braindead shooter, anything goes, stomp 3 times, get stomped 3 times (the matchmaking just works)
@@luckybynn5788i have a funny story about playing tank, so i was going rein dva, we were having a team fight and a dps, a phara, kept getting destroyed by a hanzo, and they cried about me "chasing mercy" (i did so our junk rat could kill her, he couldnt which is ok) but yk it was a standard fight we lost.
Well at some point the guy falls off the map (as phara) and ults, and dies. (Wastes it) then he blames me, so i make fun of him and everyone joins in on making fun of him.
Another time i had a moira call me horrible when the dps couldnt make a single pick, next game we were getting rolled again, he avoided me, and again, i cant do much when the ash i was playing with didnt understand that taking high ground would of been more useful then sitting on the ground, and no one wanted to counter the hog except me (before mauga was released) so no ana, no sym/bastion/reaper, it was all backline, and just me trying to frontline and being focused. Zero dive to help with hog.
I tried playing poke because thats what i thought we were going with, nope
Some people need to understand, sometimes, you're just fighting the better team and youre gonna lose. Which is ok. It's ok to lose.
Imagine thinking the role with the most pressure is the easiest.
I dont blame them for solo ultimg you. Theres 4 characters in the game nobody likes,
Playing those characters makes you enemy number one, they are the anti fun police.
true and real. I play a bit of Rein and my shatters are usually pepega af. recently I started shattering kirikos in the head whenever one gets too close and I know she doesn't have her cooldowns
I started playing this game a week ago and got so much hate playing orisa I decided to make her my main. Now im grinding through plat ranks and trash talking tf out of everybody losing to a newbie orisa, im terrible and my teammates tell me to stfu. This is what a single week of playing overwatch has done to me 🤣
@@bababooey-gn4gkthat proves she’s broken
@@Hardfor72hours why do people trash talk me when im carrying the team. I aint understand this game bruh
@@bababooey-gn4gkyoure playing orisa
Damn how do you only have 1k subs? Im subbing definitely man, you deserve way more with the dedication and editing
there is a reason why 2 tanks existed in the past, to share the load
This is so relatable, i used to main tank but it feels like a coinflip no matter what i do, but the second i play on other roles it feels like i am responsible for all my wins or losses
Tank feels is so bad that I quit overwatch because of it. Was rein main and everything you just said applied to me
Sometimes I played like a rock and I still won and sometimes I played like ihclowdy and still lost, got to masters 4, played head2head with a 1000 hour rein and both of us basically didn’t do anything on the match
Not much a rein can do without a second tank
Had a game the other day on dps and after losing the first round my other dps writes in chat "So what's the plan? because we got rolled that round" and my tank replies "idk just go for healers first?" So I shot nothing but healers for like half a round and never saw their health go down beyond where I got it to and I got no kills. Obviously the other guys aren't attacking healers, so I go for the tank while both healers are still alive. Boom, tank goes down. So that big ass health pool doesn't seem to make you any tougher than the supports...
600 health means nothing if that's all you have.
Meanwhile supports may have much less, but as long as they can easily replenish it, summon other players and teleport away, you may as well just stare at them
Sometimes I forget that supports are tankier than me, the tank. I'm like woops what am I thinking attacking this guy? I'm throwing lol.
@@mackeralsmackers if you dont feel tanky try orisa or ram (only play orisa if you feel like being a prick) because fortify reduces all dmg by 50% and ram has 750 health and 300 of it is armor and he can block to reduce all frontal dmg by 75%. And you still wont live, even with an effective health pool of around 3-4k because everyone will be shooting and using every cooldown on you :) because thats tank rn
Support power creep
Youre entirely right. That's why back in the day, there was 2 tanks. It's a lot harder to counter pick a rein with mauga when there's a zar bubbling the rein as he smashes your supp into a wall
pov: youre watching a support player realize theyre playing the easiest role in the game
Glad someone else said it, support players thinking their role is hard is a fucking joke lmao
@roytgoiys8173 i mean if you think about it outside of ana there is no support who needs to aim to heal a teammate, and all supports have a way to easily survive a flank in ow2, some supports are even better dps than a lot of dps characters.
nah bro, dps rhe easiest if you follow the meta
@@mofumofu9648 hmm, i main ana but i still find bap really hard. His heals are projectiles slightly affected by gravity (makes it hard to heal very mobile heroes so i don't pick bap if we have like pharah or ball for example), but you also gotta constantly flick to the enemies to do damage and flick back to heal teammates. I tend to tunnel vision on either damage or healing at some point. Bap has great tools to survive a 1v1 but they are on a very long cooldown and a lamp used to protect yourself means that for the next half a minute you have no way of saving your team from certain death. Still, i think bap is pretty op in good hands but i'm not near that level yet.
@@mofumofu9648 Is aim the only thing that can make a support hard? I would say that Lucio is a much harder support, and coincidentally also has harder aim requirements. But even someone like Brig arguably has a higher skill ceiling than Ana, and she has almost no aim.
Being an effective tank is easy. Being an effective tank, and having fun, is hard.
as someone whose been a tank main since 2016, playing the role in the current state of ow is straight hell
I've mained tank/support since day one, and it's good to see someone finally dives into the "why" it's so stressful especially with 5v5. Here's hoping 6v6 comes back sooner than later!
You need a pretty strong mental to be able to play tank consistently. Mostly because you’ll get blamed often, regardless of if the game was your fault or not. Usually by support players who play the easiest role by far lol.
As a masters tank and support, it truly is a miserable role. Everything you said about tank having exceedingly low impact on the outcome of the game is true. On top of that, there's the focus of every other player on the tanks - both gameplay wise and in chat. Tanks get flamed for pushing up and not standing on point, for standing on point and not pushing up, for not being there to protect the dps diving the backline at the speed of sound while trying to protect someone else or just not die themselves. They get flamed for dying when they go from full health to dead in 0.025 nanoseconds because they tried to press W, and they get flamed for hiding around a corner because they don't want to peek the zen and bastion waiting behind a bap window. Everyone thinks tank can kill everything super easily, meanwhile we have to dump half our kits AND our health just for a single elim sometimes, and people STILL want to nerf the role!
Tanks are the bullet sponges and ult batteries for the enemy team, also the focus of the other tank usually, and if they manage to get a kill or two in the first fight, the entire rest of the game is the other team swapping to counter them. Hell, the tank doesn't even have to be doing anything. I could have a pharmercy destroying the other team and they'll swap to sombra, reaper, and ana to focus me with 1/3 of the pharah's damage.
When I play with my friends, I basically am signing up to be the tank for 90% of our games because I'm the only one that can handle it for more than 2 games. Honestly, you made it easier on yourself by playing so much Mauga, simply because he's so strong. I have a bit of the opposite going on, where I hate some heroes (namely Mauga and Orisa in their current state) and refuse to play them the majority of the time because I feel scummy playing these heroes that are so much stronger than any other tank while also being as boring and/or simple as they are.
Hot take: ow was never meant to be 5v5 and 6v6 will always be better and ow was made for 6v6
This is not even a hot take lol
not even a hot taake that's just a fact
They should’ve gone to 7v7 to fix dps queue times (3 dps and keep 2 tanks)
@@wuzziecrunch5382 bro r u joking? if i hopped on rn and queued for flex i guarantee i would get put on dps 80% of games. Nobody is even playing dps that much anymore everyone is playing support and has been for months. Why? because its the best role in the game and u get multiple bailouts and insane rewards for no skill. Its not the format that changes queue times its how fun each role is. If blizzard stated they're adding back 6v6 i can assure u tank queue times will be like 20 minutes minimum because it would be fun again
Make it 3v3
I was genuinely surprised when you said that you didn’t have a thousand followers because this video is very well done
the pokemon music choices are on point
I hate to agree, because I always try to hold the mindset of what could I do better, how can I improve my gameplay. But, tank just doesn't feel like it has any impact. Yeah, you pretty much need a tank to win a fight, but the tank can't actually win the fight.
Dude is judging the guy for enjoying his own POTG and will go on to tell himself how good he is on multiple occasions
him hyping himself up after jumping a squishy ashe unaware like it was some god play was so funny
As a tank player I noticed that there's 2 endings of a match, you win sooo easy or you loose soooo bad, it's crazy
Giving up seems about right, there literally isn’t any reason to play tank other than to be a punching bag for both teams
Ah OW2 tank so much power to throw so little power to carry.
Making tanks ult less impactful really hard gimped them, then removal of 2nd tank for combo ults giga gimped most of their power.
This summarizes Doomfist. The main villain, the strongest character in the setting, he alone can take down a entire team of Overwatch operatives, his punch can leveled up skyscrapers!!! And his fully powered punch in the game does 70 damage
Tank across EVERY game, is guaranteed to catch the most shit.
Its not about the skill or learning thats the difficult part... Its the mental game and gymnastics you have to pull off to tolerate the amount of shit thats gonna be thrown at you.
bro said Orisa is boring and then proceeded to play mauga LMAO
Counter picking (ruining someone else’s fun) should not be a “part of the game” it’s going to lead to tanks being completely removed from the game because no one wants to play them anymore. Sole reason for 5v5 format. I should not be penalized for doing good on Winston
Counter picks are a result of Overwatch heroes being incredibly diverse from eachother. Every hero has strengths and weaknesses that can be countered by a different hero. It will always be a part of the game and 5v5 is making this even worse. Counter picking was objectively less miserable in 6v6.
Counterpicking is fine. 5s is garbage
I can count on my fingers the times i used my ult um games today.
Literally everything fucking time in queues on d5+ that you play a good fight counterswap.
today i went from mauga, to orisa, to sigma, to mauga, to queen, to winston, to back to sigma again in a 15mim game, this is fucking exausting.
35:20 the problem isn't that the tank is the least impactful role, I would say that tank is the most impactful role but not because it itself provides value but is a target for the abilities of the more powerful roles, that's why when tank dies early the fight is almost always lost. Basically other roles are so powerful that the tank is the only one that can actually survive the bullshit they throw at you while also being the role with the most CC which also means that it's the role that usually gets denied the most by support abilities (suzu, lamp, grip anti etc). Which in the end just means that the tank gameplay loop of a winning encounter is:
Bait abilities onto yourself -> try to engage -> make space (which in itself isn't rewarding) -> try to kill someone -> that kill gets denied by supports -> enemy tank gets killed by your DPS thanks to your distraction -> DPS floodgate is open -> enemy team dies and your contribution felt miniscule.
And the gameplay loop of a losing encounter is: you bait cooldowns -> you try to engage -> your team doesn't pressure enemy frontline/backline (depending on what tank you are playing) -> enemies look at you -> you die -> DPS floodgate opens and your team dies.
The problem with tanks isn't that they are not impactful, the problem is how much pressure is on tank at every given moment which causes every minor missplay to result in death or loss.
if you dont have 50k by the end of the year im about to throw hands
As a tank main, I love being able to get tank every time while completing the "queue for all roles" challenges.
idk what you mean, like when i killed him?
9:08 this is the best content creator ever 💀 I actually cried you my guy earned a sub
I loved tanking in overwatch 1. 2 is turning that love into Stockholm syndrome. At this point I'm gonna go sit with the people asking for 6v6 back.
12:49 its hard to play any tank into Ana, the anti-nade is such an annoying ability
First 2 losses should have told you the issue with the game. DPS dominate, if your dps is not playing well, then gg
The only reason I play tank is living with glory and dying with honor
your like that guy that thought he could prove that becoming rich is easy by trying to get from 0 dollars to a million in a month, but miserably failed and only got 30.000 dollars
As a former grandmaster tank player that quit the role, you‘be only experienced %40 of the tank misery.
Those who blame their tanks for losing matches are the ones who would never reached gm in the first place.
Btw, gm in ow2 is just diamond in ow1, so if you think that you are a good player bc you are gm, just a friendly reminder that you r playing a water down version of the 2016 game of the year.
tank are simply punching bag that takes space, nothing more. I know many tanks have more kills and winrate but a bigger problem that it luck for sweet things. They have too little freedom and too dependence on healers.
As soon as you said how many subs you had i subscribed because bro you deserve way more with this type of editing/engagement 💕
The editing and music choice was on point 🔥
Anther great video! Your editing is still amazing and the video is still as well formatted as the last one! Keep up the great videos, dude!
1:45 this is EVERY SINGLE GAME for ball and doom players.
The DPS named omnath is probably a magic the gathering player lmao. That’s one of the more powerful creatures ever.
funny how short a time frame to takes to relies 5v5 makes tanking just bad. Its so much worse if you expericed the combo's, synergy and just fun of 6v6 and tanking in pairs.
Everyone always thinks it’s your fault when the team loses lmao
Another man MINDBROKEN by tank
As someone that played unranked and only played take I can confirm it like a coin toss for winning or losing even with play at you best.
Boosted mauga has been the worst thing in the game
"How i proved tank is the most miserable role"
You don't have to prove it we all already knew it was
they just let anyone queue tank these days huh
Seeing the Rein diff be so successful is the best part of tank. One tricking Rein for all of Season 11 and not only have I climbed from bronze 3 to Plat 2 from just playing him, but also won every mental battle of the Rein mirrors
Just subscribed and followed on your twitch, you're craaazy dude. Just played a game against you and it was the most surreal thing ever lol, I've never ran into a streamer in game before lol. Youre editing is great, you're really funny, and I really liked a lot of the point you made in the video. good shit man, keep it up 👍
brotha ran straight here after playing 😭
thank you for the kind words tho!
@@theoryez whats the song at 2:14
Subscribed instantly for the me and the birds bit. The most creative interaction with a YT video since annotations were removed.
the only reason why i can tolerate picking tank is so i make sure i dont get bad tanks on my team 😭 but i hate playing that role so much
9:45 As a tank main that's slowly gravitating from maining Rein to maining Doom, I was not expecting him to be likened to my GG main. And now it makes sense why it feels so similar.
To know ones pain you must step in their shoes
I swear to god if I get another dps main complaining that I'm feeding when I'm making space I'm going to loose it.
Now Imagine doing this challenge without abusing mauga and dva