So glad to come across this wonderful documentary. I feel so enlightened by this man in my understanding of the scriptures. Praise our Lord Jesus for defeating hell so that we need not fear it
@@gustaviacampbell5332oh please. The soul is not "ours". The soul belongs to God, and is part of God. Not just your soul, every soul. There is no evil soul. Every soul is good, it's the man, who has fault, not the soul. God is not sending part of himself to hell.
He definitely opened the door🙏🏼. To begin with He said he had to get the people happy. Seems like Holy Spirit wasn't present because he doesn't participate in our performances. So that was already room for the spirit of error. Lord help the church to turn from performance orientated church. Have mercy, Holy Ghost🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥cleanse your church. We love you and pray you get a fresh revelation of Jesus.
Carlton Pearson said that "Jesus broke the rules" of God?! How is that possible when He IS the word of God. He came and ENFORCED the word, not taught against it....
>> "Jesus broke the rules" of God?! How is that possible when He IS the word of God. Because the "words of God" that Jesus broke were the rules of men masquerading as the words of God. "And the last thing that Jesus does, that I think is astounding - but we somehow never see it because we're so busy arguing about the minutia of literalism - and that is that Jesus recognizes that religion is one of the most divisive forces in human history. And so Jesus is always calling people to step beyond the boundaries of their religion...Every time He has an opportunity, He steps beyond the boundaries of His religion." -- Bishop John Shelby Spong
2 Tim 3- The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers
To celebrate the Living Christ IN Us...for the fellowship with Gods people who know Him intimately for we are all His children...some just do not know it yet! Thats why....
I believe that when you give the world this kind of teaching you are enabling them to do what they want without no consequences and that is a dangerous thing to do and you are actually enlarging the mouth of hell.
This is the most ridiculous thing. Why should a person stick beside a man that made a decision to go against the word of God. Our call is to stick beside God. If people would slow down and think, they would know that this is the most prideful statement a pastor can make Then he plays the victim, saying everyone turned against him, instead of saying they made a decision to stick by God's word! LORD HAVE MERCY! 😢😢
So his reasoning for not believing there is a hell is because surely his grandparents couldn't have gone??? I'm not being sarcastic that's what I really got from this interview.
He talks about the Old Testament Greek and Hebrew go looks up Sheol Hades and Gehenna they were translated as hell and mean nothing like hell. He did address it. Just didn't mention the words.
Hell is Not Real it's from the Poems of Dante's Inferno author is Dante Alighieris 14th Century Florence Italy; Epic Poems of Divine Comedy: Others Dante wrote are Purgatorio & Paridiso: Pope Clement V - Knights Tempar born 1264 in Villandrant Gascony Kingdom of France - died April 20 1314 ad in Roquemaune Papal State......birth name Raymond Bertrand deGot ; resided in Aignon, France: which is somewhat responsible for his close relationship with King Phillip 1V The Fair of France: King Phillip Corrupt & War Monger Stealing Resources of Others: Pope Clement also in same character as King Phillip -------- Read then used Dante's writings as in his Description, Explanation and Invention of Hell (placing Fear among the People's to Control) ..... Hell is mentioned 8 times in Bible ( and whom hid & altered words in Bible - Papacy) mating Dante's works with the Trash Dump outside of Gethsemani (eternal fires - where they Rulers used Sulphur burning bodies of dead & living, fooling people's of Fire that never ends) in Jerusalem where they used to Crucify supposed criminals (whom were probably all Italians against this Foreign Pope that followed Orders from King Phillip the corrupt war monger, of that Era. Hell is the Imagination, idea of a Man Pope Clement V. manifesting from Fear's of Populace by Believing: A befitting end to Pope Clement V as he lay in State Papacy.....Lightening struck the Papacy burning his Remains & building:
The light of God surrounds us. The love of God enfolds us. The power of God protects us. The presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is. Thank you God and so it is! Amen
Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Just because we get a "revelation", we need to be careful of what voices we're listening to. The Bible says that Satan can appear as an angel of light. Don't listen to every voice.......
Do you know greek and hebrew and do we realize it was man that decided what books to put in the bible and they altered the bible to fit their agenda they excluded books that were already part of the bible. I trust Jesus my savoir not man or some book that was written by imperfect men. The romans same people that crucified Jesus decided to control a religion centered around Christ changed certain words in the bible changed the translation to fit their agenda. I am pretty sure Satan is tied into the Catholic church. What kind of a father would give their kids serpents for asking for food and water. Jesus said that. Yaweh was put into place in the old testament that was not even the creator which turned God into a cruel God that is jealous of other Gods and wants to throw you into hell. If there are no other Gods then why is that in the ten commandments. That sounds like Satan to me jealous wanting to be God if you dont worship him he will cast you into hell so lets deceive people that is what satan does. I do believe God will discipline us what loving father would not. I would never toss my kids in a lake of fire for eternity or outer darkness because i love them. Then how much greater is Gods love than mine.
The Bible was written by MAN who were inspired by God, but we don't know everything via the bible.. it has been used as a political tool since Emperor Constantine funded its canonization., He wasn't even a Christian. He and his council were pressured by Roman Catholics, who helped decide what books would be included in the book. man made those decisions...not God. KingJames was pressured by others with different religous beliefs. Its been revised over 2000 times, and is still be updated. So are those who changed another man's inspiration heretics, as well? And Csrlton never mocked God. He just said he didn't believe in an angry God.
being brought up christian i fully understand the strong ingrained beliefs about hell...i have learned that there is a knowing within me that has nothing to do with Belief...belief is something needed in order to stand for something and yet within me there is a knowing that just is....i know jesus came and contributed in a special way unlike no other...but i see we humans through time have completely gone oppistie of what he came to show us. Love this path of light im on Love Carlton Pearson!!!!
What he came to show us is not fully known to the masses, or these "preachers". The Roman Catholic Church kept most of what he taught out of the Bible .
"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." - 2 Timothy 4:3
As born again believers we should be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is Holiness and Repentance. God does love all of His people. I don't know if I can agree that there isn't a hell because the Bible clearly talks about Hell. One scripture even states that Hell has enlarged itself. None of us have the right or the authority to put anyone in hell. All of our righteousness is of filthy rags unto the Lord. Jesus is the judge, not man!!
To quote one of our late pastors that I know name Emmett G Williams, he would always used to say talk about it!. What I meant by talk about it is, when you are saying something that's right and true.
I believe he's speaking to those that don't quite know the peace and grace that God gives graciously. Remember that God is being patient for our sakes not his. I believe he's bringing people to God just as Christ did with love understanding and compassion. Instead of judging and convicting people to hell he's loving them with arms open saying God loves you. To come as you are. Not how you should be but with sin brokenhearted and sickness. Jesus came for the sinners not the high priest or Pharisee that thought they were the holiest of the holy. There's times where we believers can act like the Pharisees. Knowing God's law and keep in them but do we really have love like Jesus loves us
Just think, this is how it all started, this is how the devil tricks us daily. With smoking, cursing, crimiting adultry. Although I don't agree with him, God said love your enemies, including "false prophets". We all made mistakes and crimited sins, especially since when we were born, we were born into sin. But all you have to do is give your heart to Jesus. Some people belive that if you are a Christian, then you automaticly go to heaven, but that is not true. It doesn't matter if you claim you are a Christian and don't act like one, how Christ acted when he came down to Earth, to give us a second chance, because the holy word says the wagers of sin is death. But, (if it doesn't happen along the way) in the end days, most Christians will fall, and others will take their place. Sorry if I didn't really explain this properly, but all you have to do is read your bi le and let the Holy Spirit come into your heart, and follow the "advice" the bible gave you (since the bible oz fbe guide too your life). The bible said be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only (if i stated that correctly). :)
2 Peter 2:1-3 1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
Amen! Just because you hear voices in ur head doesn't mean its God's voice! The first rule in hearing God anyways is that His voice will never contradict his Word! If it did, that would make God a liar. Which, He's not. Mr. Pearson is off. James 3:1 "Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment."
"Christianity has distorted itself into a very impure cult following of Jesus"-C.Pearson.... That is the truth.. People based their religion/relationship with the Lord based on what someone says, instead of learning about Christ themselves.Through study of His Word.... It's easy to label someone a heretic, and disown them, but how many of us say we love the Lord, and don't do the things He says? What stops the Lord from slapping a big fat label "heretic" sticker across our mouth? I'm just sayin... I can identify with the cult that alot of people call "church".... urgh...
God BLESS The Reverend Carlton Pearson. Unknowingly, he used to serve Evil (Just like I did), but now he serves the ONE TRUE GOD! And the name of the One True God is *****"LOVE!!!!!!"***** God bless you brother Carlton Pearson!!!
The Bible was written by MAN who were inspired by God, but we don't know everything via the bible.. it has been used as a political tool since Emperor Constantine funded its canonization., He wasn't even a Christian. He and his council were pressured by Roman Catholics, who helped decide what books would be included in the book. man made those decisions...not God. KingJames was pressured by others with different religous beliefs. Its been revised over 2000 times, and is still be updated. So are those who changed another man's inspiration heretics, as well? And Csrlton never mocked God. He just said he didn't believe in an angry God.
Keep your prayers for yourself. He has come to the light. Wow a doctrine of love, and you all can't receive it - Carlton Pearson doesn't have a problem...
Positive Meditation Positive Energy Magazine False doctrine, Shame on you, God will deliver you all if you want to be set free, nothing wrong with love but God will love you right to hell
It's funny many of you criticize him but probably have only read the KJV which is not the original text if you haven't read the original hebrew text other Greek you are reading a version of these text which are filled with proven errors. study to show your self approved.
Preach!!! If hell is an actual place where people burn forever, then please explain Revelation 20:14, where death and Hades are thrown in the lake of fire. Who are death and Hades? Why are they thrown into the lake of fire? Is this literal or symbolic? If it is symbolic, then could hell not also be symbolic?
what errors are you referring to? Shame on u all for being fools and if you don't believe in the Bible KJV then that's an excuse to live in sin, God will judge every soul according to their works
So throw out your Bible ! Follow that Crowley idiot !!! ( Do what you want !!! ) Jesus said you must be Born Again ! Jesus warned about being deceived ! Maybe that's something you disagree with also !!! The Great Falling away has begun !!!
Carlton has broken down to very common language. Considering the extensive study that is required to come up with this perfect change in direction. Hell is real hell is the word the language used to convey a meaning . I appreciate this . I appreciate all concepts and beliefs . It takes boldness integrity character to step out and speak truth as it relates to one current understanding. Thanks for this reminder. True "prophets" will be rejected almost always . I know a man who help lead me to some truths about religion . Keep going. I r
What he is saying as far as telling people that hell doesnt exist is really dangerous and he will be held accountable for leading people to hell by not preaching the truth..
TOTALLY SADDEN BY THIS. Bishop GE Patterson once said that we often think about Holy Spirit coming upon us and making us happy; But, the Spirit should come upon us and make us mad. We should be mad about what the devil is doing to people and right now I am mad. IN THE NAME OF JESUS I TRULY PRAY FOR THAT SEASON OF HEALING AND RESTORATION TO COME IN THE LIFE OF BISHOP PEARSON.
There's no compromising when it comes to the word of God. Those who left did the right thing. We don't have time to have people playing with our souls. The bible said for us to study to show ourselves approved and for us to seek our own soul salvation. If hell is where he is going I won't be there either.
y'all stop playin - y'all know this message is NOT OF GOD! God loves us ALL but we must make a conscious decision to serve Him otherwise, u can sort it out on THAT day when EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW and tongue confess Jesus is Lord. There is a Hell and a Heaven - u make the decision where u want to go but there is no way u can live any way u choose here on earth and expect to end up in heaven. False doctrine - itching ears...
@7:32 he says, "Jesus broke the rules" WHAT RULES DID HE BREAK?" the bible says, "for HE(GOD) has made HIM(JESUS CHRIST) to be sin for us, who knew NO sin; that we might be the Righteousness of GOD in HIM." 2 Cor. 5:21 So, what rules did Jesus break if He had no sin but became sin for us???
Why? He believes in Jesus. Do you have to have right doctrine about hell to get to be with Jesus? If so, can we be wrong on any doctrine and still be saved? Seems like no one will be saved then!
Some may say that if hell doesn't exist, then why would anyone go to church? If hell doesn't exist, we have more reason to go to church. It means we can truly understand God's love. We're told of God's ultimate lovingness and forgiveness, but would God, if He was that loving and forgiving, send people straight to hell? I Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
“the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever” (Rev. 14:11; 19:3); “the lake of fire and brimstone, in which the devil, the beast, and the false prophet ‘shall be tormented day and night, forever and ever’” (Rev. 20:10). Hell is a place of divine retribution, not a place of rehabilitation. When God chastises a Christian, He does it for the Christian’s sanctification (moral improvement) and benefit (Heb. 11:6-7). But punishment in hell is pure retribution against breakers of God’s law.
Hell is used to instill fear. Fear promotes only hatred, anger, mistrust, dominance/subservience, lies, etc....Only love inspires. Hell is on earth. Here is where we have the ability to love, help, and soothe/comfort those in need.
Perfect love casts out fear. God’s perfect love is only found in Jesus because Jesus took the punishment for our sins that we were going to take. Now we have no fear.
There is no hell like hell on earth, dying babies, AIDS, cancer, grown men being soldiers, drugs, rape, hunger, you name it. I wait patiently to be released from this hell. I have learned my lesson and understand that I must want for nothing, for to leave everything in pursuit of what is not there is hell.
I am an atheist, but if i have ever seen a Christian, Carlton would be the closest thing to it. His message is that of love an acceptance, he has surrounded himself with the broken and abused. The God Carlton preaches about has compassion far surpassing human understanding. His kindness is a reflection of his spirit, and seems to carry a more godly demeanor than most. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and surroundings before judging.
carltons questions are legitimate. i have also had them and we have discussed this in church before. the conclusion i came to and what i believe my pastor agreed was that God will judge people according to their understanding ie those who dont know about the gospel of Jesus. i dont think people who have never heard about Jesus will go to hell. but i believe the Bible to be the only infallible word of God. pearsons conclusions are his opinions. and theres nothing biblical about that.
Carlton Pearson, I had always been one of your greatest admirers, but your doctrine is really difficult for me to comprehend. This however does not stops me from admiring you. But, your new look with an ear ring, hmmm, leaves me really doubting, I pray for you.
Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. john 5:19 For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. John 6:38 But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. john 8:16 The verse is showing Jesus is doing the will of the Father, they judge co equally.
Did he say they were Jesus after they bowed down cried and washed his feet? Wow, Creature worship. He has found a place where he can be worshiped and adored. How better than to secure the praise and worship of the down trodden than with sweet words of deceit upon itchy ears.
For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. (Colossians 1:19-20) NAS And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever (Rev. 5:13)NKJV And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself. (John 12:32)NRSV This is good and acceptable, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men-the testimony given in its proper time.(1 Timothy 2:3-6)NIV
Vic you sadly are wrong! You need to read the original and Hebrew scripture not the many translations satan and man has corrupted. Your vision of God is based on pagan myth. In fact if you believe in hell I would say you are not a Christian
If he had a need to be loved by people why did he embrace a doctrine that caused him to lose the vast majority of his former congregation? He has less followers now than he did when he embraced the traditional teaching on Hell.
Don't worry about the ear-ring. What has meaning is Carlton's understanding of God's relationship with His creation. He has become a 'new thought' preacher. Look into that philosophy for yourself.
It is good if they follow Carlton's path. He has been given higher light. You will meet the Lord within the next 80 years. You go to him, he does not come to you.
Sure you have. And there is no real problem with that. When you get to the pearly gates, you will find that how you have treated others is what makes the difference, not whether you have been 'saved' or not. The greater reality is that it makes no difference. You are no better or worse off.for your faith in Jesus. Have a good life.
6:54 "I think Jesus would be appalled at what we have become." Wow! That is the most refreshingly honest thing I have ever heard a preacher say! I stopped going to church 20 years ago for this very reason. To hear someone who was once rich repent of the Prosperity Gospel and finally admit this is really awesome. He is absolutely right. Christianity IS a cult. I still wouldn't go to his new church but its nice to see he is no longer blinded by religion and is helping people!! Thanks for sharing!
that was really moving to watch his journey. i started crying when he started talking about trying to understand the suffering in Rwanada and how that transformed his faith.
This man is truly brave. Jesus himself was abandoned by his crowds and even by his own disciples when things got tough or difficult. Jews didn't even believe in the afterlife until 300 years before Jesus due to the dualistic Persians that ruled then that told them about the whole angels vs. devils idea, good god vs. devil. We have been paying for it ever since.
Jesus followed ALL of the rules!!! He carried the weight of sin for all humanity, and He sits at the right hand of the throne! Lord please help this Man, he has lost sight of what it takes to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
@dynastyda Lastly, the word says, "my sheep know my voice and another they shall not follow. I truly believe because I am not only a believer, but a disciple of the Christ and of the Way to the Father, that I have not been deceived and robbed of my reward because of these Hellions like Pearson. He is a lucerferian at heart. If you parallel his fundamental "babel" up with principle in the church of Satan, they are saying virtually the same thing. Ppl please beware and avoid this man.
In his world, sin doesn't exist, and heaven is here on earth now, so there's no heaven to look forward to in the future. I don't understand what could have possibly happened to his mind to shift to such heresy. He's leading the most vulnerable straight to hell. I can guarantee that most of his congregants never read the Bible, even if they do, they don't believe it....
My heart weeps for those that are unbelievers in my Father.How can you not,believe in the only true living GOD.There is a Hell,as there is a Heaven.The Bible is the true written WorD oF GOD.And I pray,to my Father that His word be heard;so lives will be changed,in JESUS NAME.Amen
I totally agree with you. And also, I agree with Pastor Bill Tim's and what he said. I so totally wish that Carlton Pearson never left the church of God in Christ. The gospel of inclusion is a dangerous idea.
Universal salvation is the truth however, do not believe that you will not be judged and receive punishment for your sins because you will. The difference is that the temporal punishment is for the purpose of correction so that you may learn righteousness. The more sinful life you have lead the more punishment you will receive as you need more purification.
I'm proud to say that I am a Christian, and I do believe in the Bible, and I sure do believe that there is hail as well as heaven. I wish and pray to God that he would snap out of it one day.
Which Bible? Not all Bibles have hell in them, even including the original scripts. But let me guess... only your Bible is correct, and all the others are the work of Satan? Join the flipping club.
@Hisdailytouch Exactly. 1st Corinthians 6:9:11 clear makes it clear that these sinners will NOT inherit the Kingdom of GOD. Not to say that if they're are saved and delivered they will, but if they're not saved then no they won't. Matthew 7:15-"Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. GOD bless you!
I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself. Isaiah 44:24 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis1:1 [U]nto the Son he saith...Thou, LORD, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands. Hebrews 1:10
God bless you Carl Pearson! I am just watching this video now, Oct 22, 2010. I was amazed to hear the things you said in this documentary, as for many months now, I had the exact same feelings and ideas that you just now said to me in this video. A change is comming to the church, and the message is I believe from Heaven that we need to LOVE thy neighbor! All neighbors! I do however believe if one dies in sin, we could go to a type of pergatory, but how GREAT GOD would be if he saved ALL! amen
he is still a child of God, curse u for cursing him, Christ still loves him, he hasn't lost his salvation, cos the bible says u can't, grace is for everyone! It isn't any mans job to judge, thats Gods job, he is still reaching people with the promise of Gods love! Bless him.
@Ktaressa I agree. Matthew 18:18Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be [a]what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be [b]what is already permitted in heaven. That's why its so important that we watch we say and do. GOD created/ designed us to be that powerful. one of the main reasons Jesus came; to show us just how powerful we are in this human form.
Many CLAIM Carlton Pearson is leading people to hell. On the contrary, he has led many former non believers to God (as they understand Him). I know this to be true because I'm one of them. I am truly grateful!
Confucius: you'll never appreciate health unless you've been sick. Christians who fail to understand simple theodicy is bound to follow Carlton's path. This indeed are the latter, dangerous days. Maranatha, come quickly Lord!!!
Thank you! God never said anything to Adam and Eve about hell. Never even referenced it or Satan in the whole book of Genesis. These ideas were developed in the New Testament which could have also been named New Ideas.
I am not now a Christian, but I once was. Do not belittle your heavenly Father. He is all powerful and everywhere present, and does not need Jesus Christ to accomplish His goals The supposed Jesus changes nothing. The real God can accomplish all by Himself, and needs no religious foolishness, saviors or anything else.
..." Surely those who believe (in this Revelation) and those who are Jews and Christians and Sabians- who believe in Allah and the Final Day and do good- their reward is with their Lord, and neither is there fear upon them nor are they grieved." Surah Baqarah: 62 (The Holy Quran)
Amazing story. Amazing human being.
Thanks for posting this.
So glad to come across this wonderful documentary. I feel so enlightened by this man in my understanding of the scriptures. Praise our Lord Jesus for defeating hell so that we need not fear it
Jesus loves you I plead with you not to believe this damnable doctrine of devils.
@@gustaviacampbell5332oh please. The soul is not "ours". The soul belongs to God, and is part of God. Not just your soul, every soul. There is no evil soul. Every soul is good, it's the man, who has fault, not the soul. God is not sending part of himself to hell.
“Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe.”
― C. JoyBell C.
He definitely opened the door🙏🏼. To begin with He said he had to get the people happy. Seems like Holy Spirit wasn't present because he doesn't participate in our performances. So that was already room for the spirit of error. Lord help the church to turn from performance orientated church. Have mercy, Holy Ghost🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥cleanse your church. We love you and pray you get a fresh revelation of Jesus.
he quotes the parts of the bible he likes. he has made his own god, his own jesus, and his own bible
Just like the Roman Catholic Church, made yours.
Carlton Pearson said that "Jesus broke the rules" of God?! How is that possible when He IS the word of God. He came and ENFORCED the word, not taught against it....
Because Jesus brought the second covenant. The previous one was done away with.
>> "Jesus broke the rules" of God?! How is that possible when He IS the word of God.
Because the "words of God" that Jesus broke were the rules of men masquerading as the words of God.
"And the last thing that Jesus does, that I think is astounding - but we somehow never see it because we're so busy arguing about the minutia of literalism - and that is that Jesus recognizes that religion is one of the most divisive forces in human history. And so Jesus is always calling people to step beyond the boundaries of their religion...Every time He has an opportunity, He steps beyond the boundaries of His religion." -- Bishop John Shelby Spong
Learn more about the real Jesus.
@@carsonfball4beautifully said Brother
2 Tim 3- The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers
I've Always wondered why there are so many denominations, ect. In the Christian religion. This is true for so many other religions. 🧭💛😎🕊🎀🖼
quote: why preach if we are all saved -
thank you!
4GODEvryDay love for God, maybe? His word is like a fire in your bones that cannot be contained.
To celebrate the Living Christ IN Us...for the fellowship with Gods people who know Him intimately for we are all His children...some just do not know it yet! Thats why....
Yea I loved that one to.
I believe that when you give the world this kind of teaching you are enabling them to do what they want without no consequences and that is a dangerous thing to do and you are actually enlarging the mouth of hell.
Cause it's necessary... SMH
I love you Bishop!!!
Rest in Peace Carlton Pearson! 1953-2023
This is the most ridiculous thing. Why should a person stick beside a man that made a decision to go against the word of God. Our call is to stick beside God. If people would slow down and think, they would know that this is the most prideful statement a pastor can make Then he plays the victim, saying everyone turned against him, instead of saying they made a decision to stick by God's word! LORD HAVE MERCY! 😢😢
So his reasoning for not believing there is a hell is because surely his grandparents couldn't have gone??? I'm not being sarcastic that's what I really got from this interview.
You can say that again !!!! I agree Hell has to be real so my gold digging ex wife and the money she receives in alimony can burn for eternity!!!
Think using foul language is gonna get you into Heaven?
You should love your enemies, even "false prophets"
He talks about the Old Testament Greek and Hebrew go looks up Sheol Hades and Gehenna they were translated as hell and mean nothing like hell. He did address it. Just didn't mention the words.
Hell is Not Real it's from the Poems of Dante's Inferno author is Dante Alighieris 14th Century Florence Italy; Epic Poems of Divine Comedy: Others Dante wrote are Purgatorio & Paridiso: Pope Clement V - Knights Tempar born 1264 in Villandrant Gascony Kingdom of France - died April 20 1314 ad in Roquemaune Papal State......birth name Raymond Bertrand deGot ; resided in Aignon, France: which is somewhat responsible for his close relationship with King Phillip 1V The Fair of France: King Phillip Corrupt & War Monger Stealing Resources of Others: Pope Clement also in same character as King Phillip -------- Read then used Dante's writings as in his Description, Explanation and Invention of Hell (placing Fear among the People's to Control) ..... Hell is mentioned 8 times in Bible ( and whom hid & altered words in Bible - Papacy) mating Dante's works with the Trash Dump outside of Gethsemani (eternal fires - where they Rulers used Sulphur burning bodies of dead & living, fooling people's of Fire that never ends) in Jerusalem where they used to Crucify supposed criminals (whom were probably all Italians against this Foreign Pope that followed Orders from King Phillip the corrupt war monger, of that Era. Hell is the Imagination, idea of a Man Pope Clement V. manifesting from Fear's of Populace by Believing: A befitting end to Pope Clement V as he lay in State Papacy.....Lightening struck the Papacy burning his Remains & building:
The light of God surrounds us.
The love of God enfolds us.
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is.
Thank you God and so it is! Amen
Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Just because we get a "revelation", we need to be careful of what voices we're listening to. The Bible says that Satan can appear as an angel of light. Don't listen to every voice.......
Do you know greek and hebrew and do we realize it was man that decided what books to put in the bible and they altered the bible to fit their agenda they excluded books that were already part of the bible. I trust Jesus my savoir not man or some book that was written by imperfect men. The romans same people that crucified Jesus decided to control a religion centered around Christ changed certain words in the bible changed the translation to fit their agenda. I am pretty sure Satan is tied into the Catholic church. What kind of a father would give their kids serpents for asking for food and water. Jesus said that. Yaweh was put into place in the old testament that was not even the creator which turned God into a cruel God that is jealous of other Gods and wants to throw you into hell. If there are no other Gods then why is that in the ten commandments. That sounds like Satan to me jealous wanting to be God if you dont worship him he will cast you into hell so lets deceive people that is what satan does. I do believe God will discipline us what loving father would not. I would never toss my kids in a lake of fire for eternity or outer darkness because i love them. Then how much greater is Gods love than mine.
The Bible was written by MAN who were inspired by God, but we don't know everything via the bible.. it has been used as a political tool since Emperor Constantine funded its canonization., He wasn't even a Christian. He and his council were pressured by Roman Catholics, who helped decide what books would be included in the book. man made those decisions...not God.
KingJames was pressured by others with different religous beliefs. Its been revised over 2000 times, and is still be updated. So are those who changed another man's inspiration heretics, as well?
And Csrlton never mocked God. He just said he didn't believe in an angry God.
But the Bible even the man about Falling into the hands of an angry God. Who can save him.
being brought up christian i fully understand the strong ingrained beliefs about hell...i have learned that there is a knowing within me that has nothing to do with Belief...belief is something needed in order to stand for something and yet within me there is a knowing that just is....i know jesus came and contributed in a special way unlike no other...but i see we humans through time have completely gone oppistie of what he came to show us. Love this path of light im on Love Carlton Pearson!!!!
What he came to show us is not fully known to the masses, or these "preachers". The Roman Catholic Church kept most of what he taught out of the Bible .
"For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." - 2 Timothy 4:3
As born again believers we should be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is Holiness and Repentance. God does love all of His people. I don't know if I can agree that there isn't a hell because the Bible clearly talks about Hell. One scripture even states that Hell has enlarged itself. None of us have the right or the authority to put anyone in hell. All of our righteousness is of filthy rags unto the Lord. Jesus is the judge, not man!!
To quote one of our late pastors that I know name Emmett G Williams, he would always used to say talk about it!. What I meant by talk about it is, when you are saying something that's right and true.
I believe he's speaking to those that don't quite know the peace and grace that God gives graciously. Remember that God is being patient for our sakes not his. I believe he's bringing people to God just as Christ did with love understanding and compassion. Instead of judging and convicting people to hell he's loving them with arms open saying God loves you. To come as you are. Not how you should be but with sin brokenhearted and sickness. Jesus came for the sinners not the high priest or Pharisee that thought they were the holiest of the holy. There's times where we believers can act like the Pharisees. Knowing God's law and keep in them but do we really have love like Jesus loves us
Just think, this is how it all started, this is how the devil tricks us daily. With smoking, cursing, crimiting adultry. Although I don't agree with him, God said love your enemies, including "false prophets". We all made mistakes and crimited sins, especially since when we were born, we were born into sin. But all you have to do is give your heart to Jesus. Some people belive that if you are a Christian, then you automaticly go to heaven, but that is not true. It doesn't matter if you claim you are a Christian and don't act like one, how Christ acted when he came down to Earth, to give us a second chance, because the holy word says the wagers of sin is death. But, (if it doesn't happen along the way) in the end days, most Christians will fall, and others will take their place. Sorry if I didn't really explain this properly, but all you have to do is read your bi le and let the Holy Spirit come into your heart, and follow the "advice" the bible gave you (since the bible oz fbe guide too your life). The bible said be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only (if i stated that correctly). :)
That scripture is talking about the grave my sister
Hell has enlarged it's self.
Oh wow. beautiful story, thank you for sharing. When I had my NDE I looked for hell and could not find it - praise God
You go, Carlton! Continue standing up for what is right, no matter how unpopular it is.
2 Peter 2:1-3
1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
Thank you podcaster for the interview ❤ I didn’t understand until now the big deal that was made about him when he passed away he was before my time
Great Man!
Love each other as i loved you
Amen! Just because you hear voices in ur head doesn't mean its God's voice! The first rule in hearing God anyways is that His voice will never contradict his Word! If it did, that would make God a liar. Which, He's not. Mr. Pearson is off. James 3:1 "Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment."
You hit the nail on head sir!
"Christianity has distorted itself into a very impure cult following of Jesus"-C.Pearson.... That is the truth.. People based their religion/relationship with the Lord based on what someone says, instead of learning about Christ themselves.Through study of His Word.... It's easy to label someone a heretic, and disown them, but how many of us say we love the Lord, and don't do the things He says? What stops the Lord from slapping a big fat label "heretic" sticker across our mouth? I'm just sayin... I can identify with the cult that alot of people call "church".... urgh...
It would stop hurting if you found Carlton's understanding of God in a true and meaningful way.
God BLESS The Reverend Carlton Pearson.
Unknowingly, he used to serve Evil (Just like I did), but now he serves the ONE TRUE GOD!
And the name of the One True God is *****"LOVE!!!!!!"*****
God bless you brother Carlton Pearson!!!
Wow couldn’t have said it better my friend 💚
Keep on preaching the truth, Bishop Carlton Pearson, Heaven is rejoicing.
The Bible was written by MAN who were inspired by God, but we don't know everything via the bible.. it has been used as a political tool since Emperor Constantine funded its canonization., He wasn't even a Christian. He and his council were pressured by Roman Catholics, who helped decide what books would be included in the book. man made those decisions...not God.
KingJames was pressured by others with different religous beliefs. Its been revised over 2000 times, and is still be updated. So are those who changed another man's inspiration heretics, as well?
And Csrlton never mocked God. He just said he didn't believe in an angry God.
Keep your prayers for yourself. He has come to the light. Wow a doctrine of love, and you all can't receive it - Carlton Pearson doesn't have a problem...
Positive Meditation Positive Energy Magazine
False doctrine, Shame on you, God will deliver you all if you want to be set free, nothing wrong with love but God will love you right to hell
Love your enemies and pray for thos who persecute you
It's funny many of you criticize him but probably have only read the KJV which is not the original text if you haven't read the original hebrew text other Greek you are reading a version of these text which are filled with proven errors. study to show your self approved.
Preach!!! If hell is an actual place where people burn forever, then please explain Revelation 20:14, where death and Hades are thrown in the lake of fire. Who are death and Hades? Why are they thrown into the lake of fire? Is this literal or symbolic? If it is symbolic, then could hell not also be symbolic?
Tjay 000 if you answer my questions, then I will explain it to you.
what errors are you referring to? Shame on u all for being fools and if you don't believe in the Bible KJV then that's an excuse to live in sin, God will judge every soul according to their works
So throw out your Bible ! Follow that Crowley idiot !!! ( Do what you want !!! ) Jesus said you must be Born Again ! Jesus warned about being deceived ! Maybe that's something you disagree with also !!! The Great Falling away has begun !!!
Translation has nothing to do with the overall message
Carlton has broken down to very common language. Considering the extensive study that is required to come up with this perfect change in direction.
Hell is real hell is the word the language used to convey a meaning .
I appreciate this .
I appreciate all concepts and beliefs .
It takes boldness integrity character to step out and speak truth as it relates to one current understanding.
Thanks for this reminder. True "prophets" will be rejected almost always .
I know a man who help lead me to some truths about religion . Keep going.
I r
What he is saying as far as telling people that hell doesnt exist is really dangerous and he will be held accountable for leading people to hell by not preaching the truth..
God is so good!
TOTALLY SADDEN BY THIS. Bishop GE Patterson once said that we often think about Holy Spirit coming upon us and making us happy; But, the Spirit should come upon us and make us mad. We should be mad about what the devil is doing to people and right now I am mad. IN THE NAME OF JESUS I TRULY PRAY FOR THAT SEASON OF HEALING AND RESTORATION TO COME IN THE LIFE OF BISHOP PEARSON.
OMGThe Lord Jesus Christ is really coming soon
Carlton Pearson
Is taking a big risk
by saying theirs
no hell fire 🔥
There's no compromising when it comes to the word of God. Those who left did the right thing. We don't have time to have people playing with our souls. The bible said for us to study to show ourselves approved and for us to seek our own soul salvation. If hell is where he is going I won't be there either.
I Timothy 4:1
y'all stop playin - y'all know this message is NOT OF GOD! God loves us ALL but we must make a conscious decision to serve Him otherwise, u can sort it out on THAT day when EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW and tongue confess Jesus is Lord.
There is a Hell and a Heaven - u make the decision where u want to go but there is no way u can live any way u choose here on earth and expect to end up in heaven.
False doctrine - itching ears...
@7:32 he says, "Jesus broke the rules" WHAT RULES DID HE BREAK?" the bible says, "for HE(GOD) has made HIM(JESUS CHRIST) to be sin for us, who knew NO sin; that we might be the Righteousness of GOD in HIM." 2 Cor. 5:21 So, what rules did Jesus break if He had no sin but became sin for us???
LeaSau Posiulai-Tafa Jesus brought the second covenant which did away with the first
This man is on a roller coaster ride to HELL! I pray for him.
Why? He believes in Jesus. Do you have to have right doctrine about hell to get to be with Jesus? If so, can we be wrong on any doctrine and still be saved? Seems like no one will be saved then!
Some may say that if hell doesn't exist, then why would anyone go to church? If hell doesn't exist, we have more reason to go to church. It means we can truly understand God's love. We're told of God's ultimate lovingness and forgiveness, but would God, if He was that loving and forgiving, send people straight to hell?
I Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
God bless him
Glory ‼️
“the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever” (Rev. 14:11; 19:3); “the lake of fire and brimstone, in which the devil, the beast, and the false prophet ‘shall be tormented day and night, forever and ever’” (Rev. 20:10).
Hell is a place of divine retribution, not a place of rehabilitation. When God chastises a Christian, He does it for the Christian’s sanctification (moral improvement) and benefit (Heb. 11:6-7). But punishment in hell is pure retribution against breakers of God’s law.
Love can heal only hell heals nothing and thats the truth
He's aligned himself with every unbiblical teaching now...
Only love can heal a addiction not wrath or sending anyone too hell
Hell is used to instill fear. Fear promotes only hatred, anger, mistrust, dominance/subservience, lies, etc....Only love inspires. Hell is on earth. Here is where we have the ability to love, help, and soothe/comfort those in need.
Perfect love casts out fear. God’s perfect love is only found in Jesus because Jesus took the punishment for our sins that we were going to take. Now we have no fear.
There is no hell like hell on earth, dying babies, AIDS, cancer, grown men being soldiers, drugs, rape, hunger, you name it. I wait patiently to be released from this hell. I have learned my lesson and understand that I must want for nothing, for to leave everything in pursuit of what is not there is hell.
I am an atheist, but if i have ever seen a Christian, Carlton would be the closest thing to it. His message is that of love an acceptance, he has surrounded himself with the broken and abused. The God Carlton preaches about has compassion far surpassing human understanding. His kindness is a reflection of his spirit, and seems to carry a more godly demeanor than most. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and surroundings before judging.
Sure you do, as of today there is nothing to talk about, you have made your decision, and I made with Jesus Christ!!
I am surprised that no one have called you rude and mean, because this is how the cultists define logic.
carltons questions are legitimate. i have also had them and we have discussed this in church before. the conclusion i came to and what i believe my pastor agreed was that God will judge people according to their understanding ie those who dont know about the gospel of Jesus. i dont think people who have never heard about Jesus will go to hell. but i believe the Bible to be the only infallible word of God. pearsons conclusions are his opinions. and theres nothing biblical about that.
Carlton Pearson, I had always been one of your greatest admirers, but your doctrine is really difficult for me to comprehend. This however does not stops me from admiring you. But, your new look with an ear ring, hmmm, leaves me really doubting, I pray for you.
Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. john 5:19
For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. John 6:38
But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. john 8:16
The verse is showing Jesus is doing the will of the Father, they judge co equally.
Did he say they were Jesus after they bowed down cried and washed his feet? Wow, Creature worship. He has found a place where he can be worshiped and adored. How better than to secure the praise and worship of the down trodden than with sweet words of deceit upon itchy ears.
Amen. We are supposed to die to sin and live unto righteousness.
We make our own judgements in life
it's called free will
The same people that stripped this man of the truth we all be damned in this hell and the next one to come.
For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven. (Colossians 1:19-20) NAS
And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever (Rev. 5:13)NKJV
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself. (John 12:32)NRSV
This is good and acceptable, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men-the testimony given in its proper time.(1 Timothy 2:3-6)NIV
He got the big head like Lucifer...and fell from grace...satan's tricking him..
Healing doesn't come from men ... it comes from God. Lord Jesus have mercy ... praying for truth to penetrate Carlton's mind ...
Vincent DeLaidatti please tell Paul the apostle this info.. but i think i understood what your saying...
Vic you sadly are wrong! You need to read the original and Hebrew scripture not the many translations satan and man has corrupted.
Your vision of God is based on pagan myth. In fact if you believe in hell I would say you are not a Christian
If he had a need to be loved by people why did he embrace a doctrine that caused him to lose the vast majority of his former congregation? He has less followers now than he did when he embraced the traditional teaching on Hell.
Don't worry about the ear-ring. What has meaning is Carlton's understanding of God's relationship with His creation. He has become a 'new thought' preacher.
Look into that philosophy for yourself.
It is good if they follow Carlton's path. He has been given higher light. You will meet the Lord within the next 80 years. You go to him, he does not come to you.
Sure you have. And there is no real problem with that. When you get to the pearly gates, you will find that how you have treated others is what makes the difference, not whether you have been 'saved' or not.
The greater reality is that it makes no difference. You are no better or worse off.for your faith in Jesus.
Have a good life.
6:54 "I think Jesus would be appalled at what we have become." Wow! That is the most refreshingly honest thing I have ever heard a preacher say! I stopped going to church 20 years ago for this very reason. To hear someone who was once rich repent of the Prosperity Gospel and finally admit this is really awesome. He is absolutely right. Christianity IS a cult. I still wouldn't go to his new church but its nice to see he is no longer blinded by religion and is helping people!! Thanks for sharing!
that was really moving to watch his journey. i started crying when he started talking about trying to understand the suffering in Rwanada and how that transformed his faith.
Not sure what u r referring to exactly! Please help me to understand what I said? Thanks sir
This man is truly brave. Jesus himself was abandoned by his crowds and even by his own disciples when things got tough or difficult. Jews didn't even believe in the afterlife until 300 years before Jesus due to the dualistic Persians that ruled then that told them about the whole angels vs. devils idea, good god vs. devil. We have been paying for it ever since.
Jesus followed ALL of the rules!!! He carried the weight of sin for all humanity, and He sits at the right hand of the throne! Lord please help this Man, he has lost sight of what it takes to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus was a heratic too
You missed the point religion has blinded your eyes. He wasn't talking about carrying the weight of sin. Jesus broke the religious rules of his day.
@@acts238jesusgodsson3 Please elaborate?
@@strawberryfields9762 Meaning?
Lastly, the word says, "my sheep know my voice and another they shall not follow. I truly believe because I am not only a believer, but a disciple of the Christ and of the Way to the Father, that I have not been deceived and robbed of my reward because of these Hellions like Pearson. He is a lucerferian at heart. If you parallel his fundamental "babel" up with principle in the church of Satan, they are saying virtually the same thing.
Ppl please beware and avoid this man.
Two good verses which support my point of view.
In his world, sin doesn't exist, and heaven is here on earth now, so there's no heaven to look forward to in the future. I don't understand what could have possibly happened to his mind to shift to such heresy. He's leading the most vulnerable straight to hell. I can guarantee that most of his congregants never read the Bible, even if they do, they don't believe it....
My heart weeps for those that are unbelievers in my Father.How can you not,believe in the only true living GOD.There is a Hell,as there is a Heaven.The Bible is the true written WorD oF GOD.And I pray,to my Father that His word be heard;so lives will be changed,in JESUS NAME.Amen
I totally agree with you. And also, I agree with Pastor Bill Tim's and what he said. I so totally wish that Carlton Pearson never left the church of God in Christ. The gospel of inclusion is a dangerous idea.
Universal salvation is the truth however, do not believe that you will not be judged and receive punishment for your sins because you will.
The difference is that the temporal punishment is for the purpose of correction so that you may learn righteousness. The more sinful life you have lead the more punishment you will receive as you need more purification.
God already has helped Carlton to believe a higher understanding that what he can get from the old ways of understanding the bible.
If he doesn't believe in hell. . .then. . .he thinks the BIBLE is a LIE!
I'm proud to say that I am a Christian, and I do believe in the Bible, and I sure do believe that there is hail as well as heaven. I wish and pray to God that he would snap out of it one day.
Which Bible? Not all Bibles have hell in them, even including the original scripts. But let me guess... only your Bible is correct, and all the others are the work of Satan? Join the flipping club.
The word hell is actually translated gehenna, which the translates to garbage dump.
Carlton you are right. Religion is about control, about fear. Your message is amazing.. god bless you!
@Hisdailytouch Exactly. 1st Corinthians 6:9:11 clear makes it clear that these sinners will NOT inherit the Kingdom of GOD. Not to say that if they're are saved and delivered they will, but if they're not saved then no they won't. Matthew 7:15-"Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. GOD bless you!
Everybody was Jesus???? Lord deliver you servant! Restore him o God!!!
I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself. Isaiah 44:24
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis1:1
[U]nto the Son he saith...Thou, LORD, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands. Hebrews 1:10
God bless you Carl Pearson! I am just watching this video now, Oct 22, 2010. I was amazed to hear the things you said in this documentary, as for many months now, I had the exact same feelings and ideas that you just now said to me in this video. A change is comming to the church, and the message is I believe from Heaven that we need to LOVE thy neighbor! All neighbors! I do however believe if one dies in sin, we could go to a type of pergatory, but how GREAT GOD would be if he saved ALL! amen
Preach bishop
He will know that hell is a terrible reality the day that he will be there.
Great guy 💚
he is still a child of God, curse u for cursing him, Christ still loves him, he hasn't lost his salvation, cos the bible says u can't, grace is for everyone! It isn't any mans job to judge, thats Gods job, he is still reaching people with the promise of Gods love! Bless him.
@Ktaressa I agree. Matthew 18:18Truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be [a]what is already forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on earth must be [b]what is already permitted in heaven. That's why its so important that we watch we say and do. GOD created/ designed us to be that powerful. one of the main reasons Jesus came; to show us just how powerful we are in this human form.
Many CLAIM Carlton Pearson is leading people to hell. On the contrary, he has led many former non believers to God (as they understand Him). I know this to be true because I'm one of them. I am truly grateful!
Does that mean you believe on Jesus for the remission of sins?
Confucius: you'll never appreciate health unless you've been sick.
Christians who fail to understand simple theodicy is bound to follow Carlton's path.
This indeed are the latter, dangerous days. Maranatha, come quickly Lord!!!
you turn away from the truth of God this is the result !
Don't people think that God would've stated in the beginning you will be cast into hell!
Thank you! God never said anything to Adam and Eve about hell. Never even referenced it or Satan in the whole book of Genesis. These ideas were developed in the New Testament which could have also been named New Ideas.
why question God? doubt and unbelief will get you no where but to hell which is out of the presence of God which is what happened to Adam n Eve...
I am not now a Christian, but I once was. Do not belittle your heavenly Father. He is all powerful and everywhere present, and does not need Jesus Christ to accomplish His goals The supposed Jesus changes nothing. The real God can accomplish all by Himself, and needs no religious foolishness, saviors or anything else.
..." Surely those who believe (in this Revelation) and those who are Jews and Christians and Sabians- who believe in Allah and the Final Day and do good- their reward is with their Lord, and neither is there fear upon them nor are they grieved."
Surah Baqarah: 62 (The Holy Quran)