KINGDOM COME: Deliverance - The Rageaholic

  • Опубликовано: 1 мар 2018
  • History isn't P.C.? WHO KNEW??

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @dtscurvy7601
    @dtscurvy7601 6 лет назад +1

    We live in a world where Christianity is edgy. Praise Jesus.

  • @SargonofAkkad
    @SargonofAkkad 6 лет назад +1

    I give this game racist/10.

  • @ssgsorrels
    @ssgsorrels 6 лет назад +579

    Ironically, the person in charge of the game's historical accuracy was a woman. In Vice's rush to condemn this game for horseshit reasons, they ignore the fact that not only did a intelligent, driven woman work on the game, but that no hate or malice drove the decision to depict women in a certain manner, not to mention what Razor already did, that black people were not in this area of the world during the time period the game takes place in.

  • @Archandel_Militon
    @Archandel_Militon 2 года назад +4

    There actualy werent any black people in czech history

  • @LOTR22090able
    @LOTR22090able 4 года назад +14

    I spent a week in Prague 2 years ago and I saw exactly 1 resident black person. And he was a drug dealer, I swear to God almighty

  • @arandomcrusader-9355
    @arandomcrusader-9355 6 лет назад +976

    Ah yes...everyone remembers the hordes of blacks in medieval Bohemia

  • @assaultlick2169
    @assaultlick2169 6 лет назад +500

    Standing up to social justice instead of cowering to it pays. Take note triple A developers

  • @Mathmachine
    @Mathmachine 6 лет назад +513

    The fact that this game being popular made the gaming media shit themselves was worth the $60 price tag alone.

  • @LostLocal7
    @LostLocal7 6 лет назад +302

    Everyone who's awesome is endorsing this game. Everyone who's an SJW is crying about it. How could you not be sold?

  • @DrShaym
    @DrShaym 6 лет назад +66

    Let's make a period-accurate game about Operation Barbarossa told from the perspective of the Germans. I wonder if anybody would complain about there not being any playable black characters then.

  • @KrankuSama
    @KrankuSama 6 лет назад +1

    "The game is racist"

  • @crossbones116
    @crossbones116 6 лет назад +1

    Not enough black people/10

  • @oz70nyc50
    @oz70nyc50 6 лет назад +370

    Black guy here. Not only do I not mind there being no colored folk in the game, after 13 hours playing it so far...I don't plausibly see how you COULD fit a black person into the context of the world without completely shitting on the immersion.

  • @ferraridav
    @ferraridav 6 лет назад +426

    Kucktaku, polygon, and vice hated it? That's all I needed to hear to get me to buy it.

  • @Arcananine77
    @Arcananine77 6 лет назад +209


  • @moediggity8797
    @moediggity8797 6 лет назад +82

    " I am from this area. I know it better than you. This is my history. Don't tell me what my history is."

  • @BladePaladin
    @BladePaladin 6 лет назад +118

    The difference between "why'd they push this out with these bugs" and "aww, the bugs are part of the charm" hinges solely on whether or not Bethesda's name shows up in the credits.

  • @jakefrost7404
    @jakefrost7404 6 лет назад +115

    Beggar: "Your father would be ashamed..."

  • @DovahKanye
    @DovahKanye 6 лет назад +408

    The fact this has done so well already, will hopefully prove to the AAA devs that they should MAKE THE GAMES THEY FUCKING USE TO, instead of this casual bullshit, by no means is KCD perfect and there are things that I don't like about it, but the gameplay is solid, the combat system is one of the best I've played. RPG games should take note. This is the direction I want new RPG games to take.

  • @Guilleme
    @Guilleme 6 лет назад +108

    I find it difficult to believe that some people actually think Moravia has something to do with the Moors. That's like saying the population of the Kingdom of Navarre were the Navajo. Just because the names are similar...