Excellent info. Nina's book "Big Fat Surprise" was an eye-opener for me. I cut out all the factory-made fats and I feel much better. (I also went low-carb, and lost 80 pounds) Butter and tallow are my fats now.
Thank you all for what you are doing. You are saving peoples life's. I am 60 and was avoiding fats and red meat for years and my health suffered for this . I now eat a keto diet and I lost 25lbs with no strain. I enjoy steak and vegetables etc. I have more energy and all of my joint pain has disappeared. My IBS also disappeared and so has my ragweed allergy.
Fantastic pod all around. Nina is an icon in this movement and she continues to turn over every rock and bring to light the significant conflicts of interest with food and pharma and how journalism has grown weak and accommodating (essentially complicit) in this process. Bravo and more of this gents!
I have always eaten a lot of meat. I have always cooked in bacon grease, lard, tallow, rendered duck fat, ghee, and butter. I have alway eaten a ton of these "bad foods". For the last 5 years I went keto, then carnivore, and I am down more that 200 lbs. I also at a lot of bad foods, fast food, etc. I was pushing toward 500lbs and I was diabetic and on over 300 units of insulin per day, and still had A1C in the 14's. I am still healing, but my High BP is the only thing left to really get under control. I had a stroke from my high BP in October, but I refused Statins (because my cholesterol is fine), and I kept my diet clean Ketovore. I have since made pretty much a 100% recovery from my stroke, it took 3 months of intensive rehab, and I am on more BP meds to keep my down, but I am pretty much back to normal. I am now OMAD, and gave up caffine, and pretty much just carnivore all week, but I let myself do brunch on Sunday and I am more Keto on that day as well, and I have a cup of real coffee on sundays. I am back to loosing more weight to get my BP under control and get off the meds. I am no longer diabetic. I had a Stress Test, a Ultrasound of my heart and neck, I had some kind of scan where they put radioactive stuff in me, I had a CTA cans and a CAC Score. All the tests showed 0 blockages or build up in my neck heart and lungs, and my CAC scored came back a 0. My heat is just a little enlarged on the left side from years of high BP. It is coming down. So if fat is a problem, why don't if have any blockages!
Thank you for sharing that! If you are interested in working with Dr. Ovadia and his team, go ahead and book a call with our metabolic health consultant to discuss more. ~ Jake, On behalf of Dr. Ovadia's I Fix Hearts Team: ifixhearts.com/jake/
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing! That's amazing!... I am so proud of your endurance.... Fight the fight and never give up! 💃 You are truly a role model to many, many people. You never know who is going to read your comment. I'm grateful you left it 🙏🏻 enjoy life and stay strong....
Great stuff, I am newbie and started on a Keto diet 5 weeks ago. At 73 I am a type 2 diabetic, and taking 3 BP meds 2 times a day. a heart medication 2 times a day, a statin, a fat inhibitor. My heart cauterization last year showed a 70% blockage. My diet consist of meats and non-root vegetables. Also my wife started this diet with me and is only taking a statin. So far my blood sugar is dropping, I have quit taking 2 of the 3 BP meds while keeping my BP in a normal range, and have lost 15 to 20 pounds. My annual physical is in 2 weeks at which time I will discuss the above with my doctor and I plan at that time to quit taking the statin. Hopefully, I will be able to get another set of labs in 3 months to track my LDL, HDL, and triglycerides.
Love you, Nina! One of the by-products of heating polyunsauturated fats IS trans-fats. That's what they meant when they said "partially-hydrogenated" vegetable oils. They hydrogenated ("hardened") the oils to different levels to get the consistency -- the hardness -- they wanted in the particular product. If they were actually FULLY hydrogenated, they would be "saturated" fats, meaning all the double bonds would be saturated with Hydrogens attached. Industry used platinum or palladium catalysts to speed that process, but you will get SOME trans fats produced just by heating those polyunsaturated fats. The double bonds between carbons pull the two carbons closer together, which the Hydrogens attached to them on the same side of the molecule(both positive) are not comfortable with. That's the way molecules are formed by enzymes in the body. "Cis" -- i.e. on the same side of the molecule. When you heat the fat, the double bonds increase in energy, vibrate more, and one of the hydrogens flips to the other side -- TRANS. That's how it happens. Not in nature, but in a pan or an industrial vat. A catalyst makes it happen faster and more easily than just heating it, so cooking is not as bad. But the point is that trans fats are still in those products, just done via heat and not measured or mentioned.
I was saddened last week to learn a friend of mine who was a patient in a hospital was feed. Potato casserole in gravy, Corn, and a dinner roll with a cup of Apple Juice on the side. Keeping patients sick I guess 😢😢
Same here.. I was vegetarian for 35 years.. I never ate meat 🥩 or butter for probably over 35 years… after reading Nina Teicholz and Gary Taubes books I realize we’ve been lied to about red meat 🥩 and fat…
Thank you Nina for the best book we’ve read on this subject! None of our friends believe any of this! Unfortunately our society has been perfectly brainwashed by media bought off by big pharma and big food industry. Biggest thing we’ve done to improve our health was remove sugar and seed oils, and consume very minimal carbs. Any one who does this will see a vast improvement in their health!
Can you please recommend other good books that explain how fats are really not bad for you and what really makes you unhealthy? Ive never read her book yet. Its very old but is it a good place to start? Thank you
Nina and Dr. Ovadia are rock stars! But just to clarify regarding President Eisenhower’s heart issues. Upon autopsy it was discovered he had a somewhat rare adrenal gland tumor called a Pheocromocytoma. This causes high blood pressure which causes heart attacks and strokes. That was the ultimate cause of his death. I have a related tumor called a paraganglioma. Neuroendocrine tumors. ❤❤
I remember the brief rise and fall of olean in potato chips. Always seemed wacky to me how we experiment with food on the public by releasing products first and then finding out the effects...
Nina said the average person wouldn’t seek their knowledge on Utube yet that’s where help has been found for me. Have autoimmune issues and have learned about carnivore as an elimination beginning. Am now on day 11 of a 90 day aim. Dr. Chafee, Steak & Butter Gal, and others are helping me support this aim. Already knew from having some keto experiments, about the problems with seed oils, trans fats and the value of unsaturated fats plus the Ansel Keyes misguidance. The word is slowly getting out that for some of us, this is a healing method. Thank you for your efforts.
I am very glad that I found people who are telling the truth in 2015 I had in open heart surgery at that point I was 298p for years I tried following there diet recommendations. But I just gained weight because .Intel after the surgery I was not getting my strength back the had me on worfren witch caused me agonizing head each that was when I really started looking for a way out or something else then I came across the low carb diet and I changed my diet now I'm 195p feeling better than before I really think if I had nown for months prior to my heart surgery what I now now I wouldn't have had to go through the surgery
Fantastic conversation! It’s so inspiring to hear all three of you share your knowledge and experience. It helps me to be more bold and sharing what I’m learning from you about nutrition with the people in my life. Love from Vermont
I’ve watched countless videos on this subject area and would have to say this is one of the best primers that people should watch to start their journey to understanding how we are where we are in the fields of nutrition and health
Nina: The primary bias in the media isn't left or right. It's pro-corporate bias and whether it's Fox or MSNBC, both sides protect the corporate class and make sure that the parameters for national discussion on anything are kept as narrow as possible. And neither Obama, Trump, or Biden or Dems or Reps in Congress are keen to do anything about our national food policy.
Reagan was so blitheringly successful lying and telling everyone what they wanted to hear, that the Clintons (college republicans) aligned the parties. The democrats gave up on working class they’d championed, and the middle class as well, and joined the two parties into one. This is why the democrats are so ineffective, their role is yo cower to the republicans, and neither party cares about anything but their donors, like Nestle or Monsanto.
7 years ago I had a diabetes caused 3x heart bypass. It took me a year to get myself convinced that animal fats were ok and switched to a carnivore/ketovore way of eating. It fixed a lot of things including total control of the diabetes. My heart has been fine ever since. However, less than a week ago I had an ongoing and worsening problem of worsening circulation in one leg fixed with a stent with perfect results. I asked the cardio what would have caused the problem and the immediate answer was cholesterol of course and he called in a lipitore script. I will not take it
@@paulclarke299 In the long term it was the building insulin resistance brought on by the junk excess carbs in today's world. I had 5 blocked cardiac arteries. To someone without problems I would say eat real food prepared at hone and never coming from a package with an ingredient list.. To those with an A1C over about 5.3 I would say eliminate almost all carbs.
And oh.... do they advertise. We can't soak people with meat and bacon, but we sure can try. Every year in Australia we have this ad for Australia day about eating lamb we gotta have it. It makes us big and strong, but it's only one day a year. 😂😂😆😆
@@Photologistic I know it's sad and scary. At 62 I don't take any meds. Whenever I have a health issues I ask myself what vitamin/minerals my body needs, NOT what drugs it needs to cover up my symptoms 😞
@@Photologistic You know, you're being sucked in there by advertising. In the UK and Australia, that sort of crap is illegal to advertise. We do get brainwashed with ads about food in the supermarkets though, just like the rest of the world. That's why we're all so sick. You just get told about stuff that makes you sicker still. Good health my friend.
You speak truth! Thank you for stepping out and really helping people. I once did an experiment exposing seed oils to light for months outside. It was disgusting to see the seed oil turn into a solid mass akin to jello. Taking control of our health is so very important! I use only olive or avocado oil. I grow organically and know my food has not been contaminated by chemicals. The wisdom of the victory gardens of the past can save you a lot of money. I buy clean meats etc… Keeping a gluten free household makes it easier to avoid the temptation of processed foods. You really focus on the fine print of ingredients in food.
It’s the Linoleic Acid Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, originating from plant seeds in highest concentrations, although many other sources primarily processed foods.
American Heart Association is on the take. I’d like to see Nina do some takedown videos on various alleged health gurus. Especially the vegan plant-based people who post videos of complete nonsense non-science
it is not just the various institutions to blame. See what happens when you try to spread around you what you have just learned from QUALIFIED PEOPLE in the field of new health understandings and how these people (family, friends, colleagues etc.) back of the hand!! and cling to the advice of their healthcare professional despite SOLID evidence. How frustrating...
It’s never been so easy for me to just maintain optimum health. I think one of the other issues is that the main stream media and big corporations that make it to junk foods and to some extent the medical industry, they don’t want you to be healthy because that would significantly bite into any profits.
In my most recent video I displayed her video. I was angry at some nutritionist who tried to tell me saturated fat was dangerous so I made a 5 minute rant video. I also eat plenty of salt and it does not raise my blood pressure. My latest blood pressure test this morning was 114/79.
I ended up on the operating table 8 hours after a angiogram, quintuple bypass. What should i do? I cut transfats back in 1992 and now cut seed oils. Wish grass fed talow easy to find.
Well she nailed that one. Where in the heck can someone find any trustful information about our health? ESPECIALLY, if you’re someone dealing with heart disease already. NO ONE, not even Dr. Ovadia will touch the question of saturated fats consumption when a person has existing atherosclerosis! I have a CAC score and I’ve been trying to learn how to live longer than just a few more years. And I sure don’t want to be taking statins if I can avoid it, so far I say no! I want to help myself with appropriate diet and lifestyle changes! Hopefully keto/carnivore will be the answer!🙏
So, as a layman in this subject matter, I am a professional in my field. My question is, who should we fire for dereliction of duty for there not being any studies on low carb diets in the face of unrelenting increases in CVD deaths across the world on the currently recommended diet by the regulating agencies? Suggesting dereliction of duty is kind. Malicious profiting on the suffering of others is likely more accurate.
We're changing, we're getting keto doctors all over the world. It's happening. I found a keto doctor only three minutes from me that lectures once a week. Yippee.
@@petercallinicos Ouch, sorry. I live in Brisbane. They're getting around, my new doctor has only just popped up here. Keep you eyes and ears open. One will show up. Good luck.
Just happened across this video today and thoroughly enjoyed it! Totally agree with all said. Am a 71 year old woman who has "dieted" my whole life and bought into the low fat and other dogma. Been on low carb & keto now since 2016 not only for weight loss but for health issues. In addition to butter, lard, ghee and animal fat, I also use olive oil and avocado and coconut oils. Are they considered "seed" oils or are they ok to consume? Avocadoes and olives have pits. Are they considered a seed? Just curious. Thanks for the great video!!
The oil of coconuts and olives comes from the flesh, not the seeds, so those ones are considered the best of the vegetable oils. I'm not sure how avocado oil is made, from the big seed or the flesh? Historically, while the people in ancient Greece and the Mediterranean have made olive oil for thousands of years, it took a long long time for them to start consuming it. Previously it was used for their skin and hair, various crafts, lubricating wheels and parts of ships, etc. The theory I've heard is that there was some kind of famine and they eventually had to start eating it, and then they just got so used to it that they never stopped. That's not to say that olive oil is bad or dangerous, just that it seems to have been a last-ditch calorie source in the ancient world, not anybody's first choice of fat.
Up to 80% of olive oil and avocado oils in the US are cut with canola oil. So you wanna go for the really good quality ones, try to confirm that it’s all 100% olive oil or avocado.
Hi, avocado, olive and coconuts are all fruits. Cold pressed extra virgin oil from these fruits are 👍 By contrast canola oil, soy and corn oil are chemically extracted.
Great interview. There are just a few real journalist left in general. Just starting carnivore just 2 months in ac1 dropped from 6.5 to 5.7 LDL went up to 105 all other numbers good and doctor 2 days ago we talked about blood work first thing stop all red meat. also want to put me on stains. told him he could prescript but would not take. will see in 90+ days for blood work again. Starting a word doc on what I am finding in the journey maybe he will listen.
Doctors sometimes have too much pride and aren’t willing to flip things on their head even when the evidence is screaming at them. Also, the financial benefit for prescriptions is their main goal and until the governments intervene by making no financial benefit for doctors through their own dispensaries or health system paybacks nothing will change for the betterment of mankind !
Cutting milk out of schools and meat (I've heard) they've done in Edinburgh, Scotland. Of all places, where it can get so cold. I only hope it's not true.
Rep of Ireland is going to slaughter almost all their beef cattle to “help climate change”. 🙄😠 Scotland seems to be right on board with the EU and their crooked recommendations too.
It's true. It's part of the "C40 cities of the future" agenda. They are also aiming to remove meat from all institutions they fund, including care homes too. 😢
On this topic with carnivore lifestyle making money for people- I see corporations making loads of money that have employees working more efficiently due to eating carnivore! Corporations invest in employees, but even the ones with top degrees and experiences- if sick from eating plant based they aren’t at their top performance levels. Here are reasons why corporations need to invest in employees trying carnivore diet and encouraging/ supporting it- have competitive fun challenges to start it up, making it volunteer but have incentives: *Less people sick so work production consistent! *sharp employees with clear creative minds due to no more brainfog! *productivity is steady since employee energy levels will stay consistent throughout the day!! *Employees will be stronger if doing more physical jobs. *employees will have fewer injuries physically since muscles and bones of employees will be stronger! *employee mental health will be positive due to carnivore relaxing people and making them handle stress and not stress when on a carnivore diet! *health insurance will be easier to cover employees since nobody would be sick or injured. Overall companies have competitors- and if their employees have clear brains and mentally and physically thriving they will drastically move ahead and win making a larger profit!! And people who are competing for jobs will be higher on the corporation’s interview or higher promoting list if on a carnivore diet due to being completely healthy - physically and mentally- and extremely sharp with thinking capacity and creativity will shine! Why would anyone not invest in that for themselves, would be silly. Plus of anyone tries to limit corporation’s employee’s meat consumption then the productivity will drastically decrease and corporations will loose major profits due to slow brain fogged sick employees!
I feel that that you have pulled back the rug on the truth of the matter. It is my understanding that when a study is going to be conducted it has to be published, but there is no requirement to publish the results of that study. The fact that these studies have not been published is a strong indication that they are not favorable to the current standard approach to fats and cholesterol treatment. The amount of advertising money paid to the media in advertising of pharmaceuticals and cereals certainly is more than enough to discourage any journalistic investigation by main stream media. I personally feel that the events of the last 2 years regarding the following science by the government and medical establishment has not been the case.
All I know is that we live in a planet in which animals eat animals. Meat and grain industries are horrible for the environment. Everybody is fat, both plant eaters and meat eaters. What do they have in common? They crave bread and sweets. As a Brazilian, I crave barbecue and chocolates. But if I eat lots of meat, I don’t do dessert. Bingo! What should I eat in order to not binge on dessert? Meat. Actually, red meat. I feel sorry for the animals. I hate eating them. But we come back for the first statement: animals eat animals. And some animals eat the indigestible grass so we can eat them. Sad as it is, is it the real truth?
What I don’t understand is how it CAN be called “vegetable oil”… they’re all seed oil! There are fruit oils I. E. Olive, Palm, Avocado, but you cant keep them too long before becoming rancid. Only animal fats are useable at high temps & safely..
Nina's great, I use her videos as a sleep aid at night, I bet her husband sleeps like a log listening to those sweet dulcet tones. She's interesting whilst lulling you to sleep at the same time..
Come on folks. Speech patterns are idiosyncratic. Cultural influences, regional differences all affect how people speak. Focus on the content of the lecture/presentation and you might just end up being a happier person.
Right?! So many people nitpicking, like this isn't life-saving information being given to them for FREE. Some people need to up their fat intake so they can chill out.
It is a very old and trite saying, but it has everlasting truth: Follow the Money. If you start with that mindset, you will answer the tough questions relatively soon. In most human endeavor, people, whether they be individuals or part of the largest corporations, skew their ideas, research and deeds to maximize profits. Note that I am not saying that is a bad thing, but rather we need to be aware of it at all times in order to make sense of what they are telling about any given topic. Often one can make money by telling the truth, but sometimes not.
I believed all the lies about animal fats…. I heard a story of a farmer who said he ate fatty meats and ended up having heart surgery due to his arteries getting clogged… it made perfect sense to me so I did not eat any animal fats for over 35 years.
Excellent work Nina. It would be good though not to utter this vague and fashionable statement - 'the science' - but instead state which precise peer-reviewed scientific research. Also, you often say 'they' without being clear as to who. Could you say 'the food and drinks industry' etc instead so we know who you are talking about? Keep up the great work.
Woodward and Bernstein were not even "good" journalists. They were then and still are now average journalists. But they were in the right place at the right time.
I think it's kind of funny that she said the average person wouldn't go to RUclips videos well when I saw fatty liver on a record and myI think it's kind of funny that she said the average person wouldn't go to RUclips videos well when I saw fatty liver on a record and my Doctor told me that was normal at my age not to worry about it I didn't believe them. I Google fatty liver. I wanted to know if it was dangerous. It didn't sound terribly good to me. I don't know maybe because I have worked in and around the medical field all my life I've learned not to trust doctors or at least trust that they know everything. I know better than that. Anyway Google came up with several RUclips channels explaining fatty liver and what to do about it. That started me on a low carb journey and learning More and more everyday about how we've been lied to. How we were taught wrong in school on what healthy eating is. So I don't think you should ever discount RUclips channels as places people are going to get information. I'm fairly certain that RUclips channels have been a real cornerstone for helping millions of people around the world learn about the low carb movement and improving their health. Thanks for all you do.
I think the truth is spreading and picking up steam. We will have to force the change from the ground up by what food items we spend our money on, or drugs. I love now knowing that those industries have all lost thousands of dollars just from me alone in the past year and a half. It does feel like we're playing catch up to the push for "plant-based", which is just a new label for vegetarianism or veganism. It sounds more warm and fuzzy and less militant and pushy, right? Propaganda at work.
Host ought read up on a guest, you lost so many opps for Nina to answer. At least you didn’t cut in too much but this was my first tuning into your yt channel. Sorry to say also the last…
Nina Teicholz is a rockstar in the low carb world. I never miss a chance to warch her. Kudos on a great interview.
Excellent info.
Nina's book "Big Fat Surprise" was an eye-opener for me.
I cut out all the factory-made fats and I feel much better. (I also went low-carb, and lost 80 pounds)
Butter and tallow are my fats now.
Bacon 🥓? Bacon 🥓 grease?
Nina Teicholz - One giant step for mankind!! She is a hero.
Thank you all for what you are doing. You are saving peoples life's. I am 60 and was avoiding fats and red meat for years and my health suffered for this . I now eat a keto diet and I lost 25lbs with no strain. I enjoy steak and vegetables etc. I have more energy and all of my joint pain has disappeared. My IBS also disappeared and so has my ragweed allergy.
Plant material is very toxic!
How long did it take for the joint pain to disappear?
Thank God for you Nina teicholz!
I've been following you for three years
And I've never felt better!
Fantastic pod all around. Nina is an icon in this movement and she continues to turn over every rock and bring to light the significant conflicts of interest with food and pharma and how journalism has grown weak and accommodating (essentially complicit) in this process. Bravo and more of this gents!
Nina does NOT get the credit she deserves in the LCHF world....love ya, Nina!!
She's a meat industry shill. Zero veracity in anything she says.
I have always eaten a lot of meat. I have always cooked in bacon grease, lard, tallow, rendered duck fat, ghee, and butter. I have alway eaten a ton of these "bad foods". For the last 5 years I went keto, then carnivore, and I am down more that 200 lbs. I also at a lot of bad foods, fast food, etc. I was pushing toward 500lbs and I was diabetic and on over 300 units of insulin per day, and still had A1C in the 14's. I am still healing, but my High BP is the only thing left to really get under control. I had a stroke from my high BP in October, but I refused Statins (because my cholesterol is fine), and I kept my diet clean Ketovore. I have since made pretty much a 100% recovery from my stroke, it took 3 months of intensive rehab, and I am on more BP meds to keep my down, but I am pretty much back to normal. I am now OMAD, and gave up caffine, and pretty much just carnivore all week, but I let myself do brunch on Sunday and I am more Keto on that day as well, and I have a cup of real coffee on sundays. I am back to loosing more weight to get my BP under control and get off the meds. I am no longer diabetic. I had a Stress Test, a Ultrasound of my heart and neck, I had some kind of scan where they put radioactive stuff in me, I had a CTA cans and a CAC Score. All the tests showed 0 blockages or build up in my neck heart and lungs, and my CAC scored came back a 0. My heat is just a little enlarged on the left side from years of high BP. It is coming down. So if fat is a problem, why don't if have any blockages!
Thank you for sharing that! If you are interested in working with Dr. Ovadia and his team, go ahead and book a call with our metabolic health consultant to discuss more. ~ Jake, On behalf of Dr. Ovadia's I Fix Hearts Team: ifixhearts.com/jake/
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing! That's amazing!... I am so proud of your endurance.... Fight the fight and never give up! 💃 You are truly a role model to many, many people. You never know who is going to read your comment. I'm grateful you left it 🙏🏻 enjoy life and stay strong....
Nina Teicholz: my absolute heroin changing health for the better worldwide. A big thankyou from me in Australia for opening my mind to truth.
Great stuff, I am newbie and started on a Keto diet 5 weeks ago. At 73 I am a type 2 diabetic, and taking 3 BP meds 2 times a day. a heart medication 2 times a day, a statin, a fat inhibitor. My heart cauterization last year showed a 70% blockage. My diet consist of meats and non-root vegetables. Also my wife started this diet with me and is only taking a statin. So far my blood sugar is dropping, I have quit taking 2 of the 3 BP meds while keeping my BP in a normal range, and have lost 15 to 20 pounds. My annual physical is in 2 weeks at which time I will discuss the above with my doctor and I plan at that time to quit taking the statin. Hopefully, I will be able to get another set of labs in 3 months to track my LDL, HDL, and triglycerides.
Love you, Nina! One of the by-products of heating polyunsauturated fats IS trans-fats. That's what they meant when they said "partially-hydrogenated" vegetable oils. They hydrogenated ("hardened") the oils to different levels to get the consistency -- the hardness -- they wanted in the particular product. If they were actually FULLY hydrogenated, they would be "saturated" fats, meaning all the double bonds would be saturated with Hydrogens attached.
Industry used platinum or palladium catalysts to speed that process, but you will get SOME trans fats produced just by heating those polyunsaturated fats. The double bonds between carbons pull the two carbons closer together, which the Hydrogens attached to them on the same side of the molecule(both positive) are not comfortable with. That's the way molecules are formed by enzymes in the body. "Cis" -- i.e. on the same side of the molecule.
When you heat the fat, the double bonds increase in energy, vibrate more, and one of the hydrogens flips to the other side -- TRANS. That's how it happens. Not in nature, but in a pan or an industrial vat. A catalyst makes it happen faster and more easily than just heating it, so cooking is not as bad.
But the point is that trans fats are still in those products, just done via heat and not measured or mentioned.
I was saddened last week to learn a friend of mine who was a patient in a hospital was feed. Potato casserole in gravy, Corn, and a dinner roll with a cup of Apple Juice on the side. Keeping patients sick I guess 😢😢
Definitely keeping patients sick.
Same here.. I was vegetarian for 35 years.. I never ate meat 🥩 or butter for probably over 35 years… after reading Nina Teicholz and Gary Taubes books I realize we’ve been lied to about red meat 🥩 and fat…
Let’s see grains fatten animals. Seeds are grains . Just love Nina . Thank you so much for teaching us more. Great video!!
Thank you Nina for the best book we’ve read on this subject! None of our friends believe any of this! Unfortunately our society has been perfectly brainwashed by media bought off by big pharma and big food industry. Biggest thing we’ve done to improve our health was remove sugar and seed oils, and consume very minimal carbs. Any one who does this will see a vast improvement in their health!
Can you please recommend other good books that explain how fats are really not bad for you and what really makes you unhealthy? Ive never read her book yet. Its very old but is it a good place to start? Thank you
Nina and Dr. Ovadia are rock stars! But just to clarify regarding President Eisenhower’s heart issues. Upon autopsy it was discovered he had a somewhat rare adrenal gland tumor called a Pheocromocytoma. This causes high blood pressure which causes heart attacks and strokes. That was the ultimate cause of his death. I have a related tumor called a paraganglioma. Neuroendocrine tumors. ❤❤
I remember the brief rise and fall of olean in potato chips. Always seemed wacky to me how we experiment with food on the public by releasing products first and then finding out the effects...
Same goes with the jab.
Nina said the average person wouldn’t seek their knowledge on Utube yet that’s where help has been found for me. Have autoimmune issues and have learned about carnivore as an elimination beginning.
Am now on day 11 of a 90 day aim.
Dr. Chafee, Steak & Butter Gal, and others are helping me support this aim. Already knew from having some keto experiments, about the problems with seed oils, trans fats and the value of unsaturated fats plus the Ansel Keyes misguidance. The word is slowly getting out that for some of us, this is a healing method. Thank you for your efforts.
I am very glad that I found people who are telling the truth in 2015 I had in open heart surgery at that point I was 298p for years I tried following there diet recommendations. But I just gained weight because .Intel after the surgery I was not getting my strength back the had me on worfren witch caused me agonizing head each that was when I really started looking for a way out or something else then I came across the low carb diet and I changed my diet now I'm 195p feeling better than before I really think if I had nown for months prior to my heart surgery what I now now I wouldn't have had to go through the surgery
My goodness this information is so vital - we need stand up for our beliefs before it’s too late😢
Nina is brilliant!
Nina is a hero 🦸
Fantastic conversation! It’s so inspiring to hear all three of you share your knowledge and experience. It helps me to be more bold and sharing what I’m learning from you about nutrition with the people in my life. Love from Vermont
I’ve watched countless videos on this subject area and would have to say this is one of the best primers that people should watch to start their journey to understanding how we are where we are in the fields of nutrition and health
Great video! I love Nina and followed her for a while. More folk need to listen to her. The Amex story truly horrific. Stay strong! 💪🏼
Nina: The primary bias in the media isn't left or right. It's pro-corporate bias and whether it's Fox or MSNBC, both sides protect the corporate class and make sure that the parameters for national discussion on anything are kept as narrow as possible. And neither Obama, Trump, or Biden or Dems or Reps in Congress are keen to do anything about our national food policy.
Reagan was so blitheringly successful lying and telling everyone what they wanted to hear, that the Clintons (college republicans) aligned the parties. The democrats gave up on working class they’d championed, and the middle class as well, and joined the two parties into one. This is why the democrats are so ineffective, their role is yo cower to the republicans, and neither party cares about anything but their donors, like Nestle or Monsanto.
Exactly! Spot on!!!
Trump espouses the Big Mac and French fries diet.
Trump is really healthy for his age !
@@LaneCodeRedCarnivore no he’s not. He’s a semi-obese blob with tons of visceral fat.
Great content. More people need to see this!
Gary Taubes is a Journalist.. his books are amazing… he is changing the world.. 🌎
7 years ago I had a diabetes caused 3x heart bypass. It took me a year to get myself convinced that animal fats were ok and switched to a carnivore/ketovore way of eating. It fixed a lot of things including total control of the diabetes. My heart has been fine ever since. However, less than a week ago I had an ongoing and worsening problem of worsening circulation in one leg fixed with a stent with perfect results. I asked the cardio what would have caused the problem and the immediate answer was cholesterol of course and he called in a lipitore script. I will not take it
What was the actual cause?
@@paulclarke299 In the long term it was the building insulin resistance brought on by the junk excess carbs in today's world. I had 5 blocked cardiac arteries. To someone without problems I would say eat real food prepared at hone and never coming from a package with an ingredient list.. To those with an A1C over about 5.3 I would say eliminate almost all carbs.
Can't blame you, statins are poisonous.
😮 how high was your A1C ?
@@johnsonpaul1914 I'm glad you were able to reverse the diabetes, in Canada 🇨🇦 they tell us its progressive and irreversible...
Thank you so much Nina and Phil for speaking TRUTH
This is a must watch video! So good!
Also, the media isn't challenging the pharm and processed food companies because their profits depend upon their advertising revenues.
And oh.... do they advertise. We can't soak people with meat and bacon, but we sure can try. Every year in Australia we have this ad for Australia day about eating lamb we gotta have it. It makes us big and strong, but it's only one day a year. 😂😂😆😆
Practically every ad in the US is for big pharma, and tells us to “ask our doctor” about a drug and they don’t even tell you what it does.
@@Photologistic I know it's sad and scary. At 62 I don't take any meds. Whenever I have a health issues I ask myself what vitamin/minerals my body needs, NOT what drugs it needs to cover up my symptoms 😞
@@Photologistic You know, you're being sucked in there by advertising. In the UK and Australia, that sort of crap is illegal to advertise. We do get brainwashed with ads about food in the supermarkets though, just like the rest of the world. That's why we're all so sick. You just get told about stuff that makes you sicker still. Good health my friend.
@@micaonyx5301 That’s a very good age, my friend!!!
Great video, amazing FREEDOM fighters. Thank you, thank you
Nina is my hero!!
thank you all for your bravery and hard work to spread the truth about our health👏👏👏
Brilliant, Brilliant...! Such great minds!!!
You speak truth! Thank you for stepping out and really helping people. I once did an experiment exposing seed oils to light for months outside. It was disgusting to see the seed oil turn into a solid mass akin to jello. Taking control of our health is so very important! I use only olive or avocado oil. I grow organically and know my food has not been contaminated by chemicals. The wisdom of the victory gardens of the past can save you a lot of money. I buy clean meats etc… Keeping a gluten free household makes it easier to avoid the temptation of processed foods. You really focus on the fine print of ingredients in food.
It’s the Linoleic Acid Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, originating from plant seeds in highest concentrations, although many other sources primarily processed foods.
American Heart Association is on the take.
I’d like to see Nina do some takedown videos on various alleged health gurus. Especially the vegan plant-based people who post videos of complete nonsense non-science
Absoutely agree with you. They're all vegans and members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
Are these guys you talking about actually genuine or backed by big food and AHA??
@@mohammedrehman8306 It really doesn't matter if they are genuine or not - it's still anti science bull.
As is the American Diabetes association....their "recommendations ". Nearly killed me!
@@marianne1959 Explain.
Thank you Nina, God bless and keep you safe, please keep up the good work
I’m so glad this is coming to light. Praying more people become aware of this. This is real evil.
Great interview! I have Nina's book having bought it when it first came out on the kindle. This is a good reminder for me to read it again.
it is not just the various institutions to blame. See what happens when you try to spread around you what you have just learned from QUALIFIED PEOPLE in the field of new health understandings and how these people (family, friends, colleagues etc.) back of the hand!! and cling to the advice of their healthcare professional despite SOLID evidence. How frustrating...
It’s never been so easy for me to just maintain optimum health. I think one of the other issues is that the main stream media and big corporations that make it to junk foods and to some extent the medical industry, they don’t want you to be healthy because that would significantly bite into any profits.
I got her book long time ago.
In my most recent video I displayed her video. I was angry at some nutritionist who tried to tell me saturated fat was dangerous so I made a 5 minute rant video. I also eat plenty of salt and it does not raise my blood pressure. My latest blood pressure test this morning was 114/79.
Great info! Thank you for all.
Thank you Nina.
Fabulous info!
Is oive oil and avocado oil ok?
Is there any website that lists all the studies that support saturated fat consumption??
All studies are flawed
I ended up on the operating table 8 hours after a angiogram, quintuple bypass. What should i do? I cut transfats back in 1992 and now cut seed oils. Wish grass fed talow easy to find.
Well she nailed that one. Where in the heck can someone find any trustful information about our health? ESPECIALLY, if you’re someone dealing with heart disease already. NO ONE, not even Dr. Ovadia will touch the question of saturated fats consumption when a person has existing atherosclerosis! I have a CAC score and I’ve been trying to learn how to live longer than just a few more years. And I sure don’t want to be taking statins if I can avoid it, so far I say no! I want to help myself with appropriate diet and lifestyle changes! Hopefully keto/carnivore will be the answer!🙏
What was your CAC score? Do you think a CAC score is a death sentence? Why assume you’d only live for a few more years?
i eat 94 grams of saturated fat every day. don't worry about it
So, as a layman in this subject matter, I am a professional in my field. My question is, who should we fire for dereliction of duty for there not being any studies on low carb diets in the face of unrelenting increases in CVD deaths across the world on the currently recommended diet by the regulating agencies? Suggesting dereliction of duty is kind. Malicious profiting on the suffering of others is likely more accurate.
In my opinion, history has been our study but money shouts too loud.
Ive been carnivore for 7 months down 66lbs just got my first pair of 33w jeans 👖 ❤
They are getting the results they want. Doctors and hospitals don't make money if you change your diet and stop needing them.
We're changing, we're getting keto doctors all over the world. It's happening. I found a keto doctor only three minutes from me that lectures once a week. Yippee.
@@toni4729 I can't find one in the Seattle area.
@@petercallinicos Ouch, sorry. I live in Brisbane. They're getting around, my new doctor has only just popped up here. Keep you eyes and ears open. One will show up. Good luck.
I blame big corporation's funding government's to feed their ppl as cheaply as possible
Just happened across this video today and thoroughly enjoyed it! Totally agree with all said. Am a 71 year old woman who has "dieted" my whole life and bought into the low fat and other dogma. Been on low carb & keto now since 2016 not only for weight loss but for health issues. In addition to butter, lard, ghee and animal fat, I also use olive oil and avocado and coconut oils. Are they considered "seed" oils or are they ok to consume? Avocadoes and olives have pits. Are they considered a seed? Just curious. Thanks for the great video!!
The oil of coconuts and olives comes from the flesh, not the seeds, so those ones are considered the best of the vegetable oils. I'm not sure how avocado oil is made, from the big seed or the flesh?
Historically, while the people in ancient Greece and the Mediterranean have made olive oil for thousands of years, it took a long long time for them to start consuming it. Previously it was used for their skin and hair, various crafts, lubricating wheels and parts of ships, etc.
The theory I've heard is that there was some kind of famine and they eventually had to start eating it, and then they just got so used to it that they never stopped.
That's not to say that olive oil is bad or dangerous, just that it seems to have been a last-ditch calorie source in the ancient world, not anybody's first choice of fat.
Up to 80% of olive oil and avocado oils in the US are cut with canola oil. So you wanna go for the really good quality ones, try to confirm that it’s all 100% olive oil or avocado.
Hi, avocado, olive and coconuts are all fruits. Cold pressed extra virgin oil from these fruits are 👍 By contrast canola oil, soy and corn oil are chemically extracted.
This is so crazy! Have you been able to show results of before and after angio pictures like Dr. Dean Ornish?
Thank you for fighting the good fight I appreciate you!
We appreciate you! Thank you for your support.
~ Eliza, on behalf of the Dr. Ovadia's I Fix Hearts team
Can you please site the RCTs that study the different outcomes between Mediterranean vs Keto or Low-Carb (
Great interview. There are just a few real journalist left in general. Just starting carnivore just 2 months in ac1 dropped from 6.5 to 5.7 LDL went up to 105 all other numbers good and doctor 2 days ago we talked about blood work first thing stop all red meat. also want to put me on stains. told him he could prescript but would not take. will see in 90+ days for blood work again. Starting a word doc on what I am finding in the journey maybe he will listen.
Doctors sometimes have too much pride and aren’t willing to flip things on their head even when the evidence is screaming at them. Also, the financial benefit for prescriptions is their main goal and until the governments intervene by making no financial benefit for doctors through their own dispensaries or health system paybacks nothing will change for the betterment of mankind !
Most people I've heard about on plant-based diets don't seem to last anyway. They soon wake up to the reality of the dangers.
Cutting milk out of schools and meat (I've heard) they've done in Edinburgh, Scotland. Of all places, where it can get so cold. I only hope it's not true.
Rep of Ireland is going to slaughter almost all their beef cattle to “help climate change”. 🙄😠
Scotland seems to be right on board with the EU and their crooked recommendations too.
It's true. It's part of the "C40 cities of the future" agenda. They are also aiming to remove meat from all institutions they fund, including care homes too. 😢
On this topic with carnivore lifestyle making money for people- I see corporations making loads of money that have employees working more efficiently due to eating carnivore! Corporations invest in employees, but even the ones with top degrees and experiences- if sick from eating plant based they aren’t at their top performance levels. Here are reasons why corporations need to invest in employees trying carnivore diet and encouraging/ supporting it- have competitive fun challenges to start it up, making it volunteer but have incentives:
*Less people sick so work production consistent!
*sharp employees with clear creative minds due to no more brainfog!
*productivity is steady since employee energy levels will stay consistent throughout the day!!
*Employees will be stronger if doing more physical jobs.
*employees will have fewer injuries physically since muscles and bones of employees will be stronger!
*employee mental health will be positive due to carnivore relaxing people and making them handle stress and not stress when on a carnivore diet!
*health insurance will be easier to cover employees since nobody would be sick or injured.
Overall companies have competitors- and if their employees have clear brains and mentally and physically thriving they will drastically move ahead and win making a larger profit!!
And people who are competing for jobs will be higher on the corporation’s interview or higher promoting list if on a carnivore diet due to being completely healthy - physically and mentally- and extremely sharp with thinking capacity and creativity will shine! Why would anyone not invest in that for themselves, would be silly.
Plus of anyone tries to limit corporation’s employee’s meat consumption then the productivity will drastically decrease and corporations will loose major profits due to slow brain fogged sick employees!
so is olive oil ok to cook with for blood brain barrier?
olive oil is best used as salad dressing base or very low temperature cooking. Ghee, tallow, bacon grease is best for high temperature cooking.
I feel that that you have pulled back the rug on the truth of the matter. It is my understanding that when a study is going to be conducted it has to be published, but there is no requirement to publish the results of that study. The fact that these studies have not been published is a strong indication that they are not favorable to the current standard approach to fats and cholesterol treatment. The amount of advertising money paid to the media in advertising of pharmaceuticals and cereals certainly is more than enough to discourage any journalistic investigation by main stream media. I personally feel that the events of the last 2 years regarding the following science by the government and medical establishment has not been the case.
We live in an age where we fear those entrusted with our health may in some ways killing us.
MANY ways .
Nina is a treasure. But who is the Jack guy? He adds nothing but interrupting the guest.
defiantly a distraction
Can carnivore help you if you hve an enlarged heaert valve causing afib
Same here… I didn’t eat red meat or butter for over 35 years…
All I know is that we live in a planet in which animals eat animals. Meat and grain industries are horrible for the environment. Everybody is fat, both plant eaters and meat eaters. What do they have in common? They crave bread and sweets. As a Brazilian, I crave barbecue and chocolates. But if I eat lots of meat, I don’t do dessert. Bingo! What should I eat in order to not binge on dessert? Meat. Actually, red meat. I feel sorry for the animals. I hate eating them. But we come back for the first statement: animals eat animals. And some animals eat the indigestible grass so we can eat them. Sad as it is, is it the real truth?
Don't forget Gary Taubes, a fellow science writer on the low carb bandwagon with a number of books.
Nina Teicholz is the Alex Berenson of the diet industry.
What I don’t understand is how it CAN be called “vegetable oil”… they’re all seed oil! There are fruit oils I. E. Olive, Palm, Avocado, but you cant keep them too long before becoming rancid. Only animal fats are useable at high temps & safely..
Buffalo Wild Wings uses tallow for frying wings.
I really love meat lovers. Keep it up people.
After listened to the beginning of this video, I had to look at its date. I can’t believe that the Heart Association is still so behind.
If they're attacking you Nina, it's jealousy.
They are actually attacking Nina because they don't want to lose money. If they keep people sick they will make money.
I love your podcast and the people you interview but I would prefer Dr Ovadia to be the only interviewer. It would come across better. Thanks.
🔥🔥🔥 she is Humanity scientist 🙏🙏
Nina's great, I use her videos as a sleep aid at night, I bet her husband sleeps like a log listening to those sweet dulcet tones. She's interesting whilst lulling you to sleep at the same time..
Where is Dr. OVaidia?
Come on folks. Speech patterns are idiosyncratic. Cultural influences, regional differences all affect how people speak. Focus on the content of the lecture/presentation and you might just end up being a happier person.
Right?! So many people nitpicking, like this isn't life-saving information being given to them for FREE. Some people need to up their fat intake so they can chill out.
small carnivore here - i eat 6 ounces of animal fat daily. YES
Jack could have asked her to give more information about how to get a hold of her… he may have all her information but the listeners don’t…
It is a very old and trite saying, but it has everlasting truth: Follow the Money. If you start with that mindset, you will answer the tough questions relatively soon. In most human endeavor, people, whether they be individuals or part of the largest corporations, skew their ideas, research and deeds to maximize profits. Note that I am not saying that is a bad thing, but rather we need to be aware of it at all times in order to make sense of what they are telling about any given topic. Often one can make money by telling the truth, but sometimes not.
Wow, what do you think of Ted Naimen who thinks we should be low carb low fat?
he and his partner andreas eenfeldt are idiots
I think he must be delighted with the fact that 92.3 % of the population are metabolically unwell because of his diet preference.
I believed all the lies about animal fats…. I heard a story of a farmer who said he ate fatty meats and ended up having heart surgery due to his arteries getting clogged… it made perfect sense to me so I did not eat any animal fats for over 35 years.
Who is this host and what is the point of him??!!! He is interrupting and annoying with fake horror reactions
Excellent work Nina. It would be good though not to utter this vague and fashionable statement - 'the science' - but instead state which precise peer-reviewed scientific research.
Also, you often say 'they' without being clear as to who. Could you say 'the food and drinks industry' etc instead so we know who you are talking about?
Keep up the great work.
just pray the medical community can come around sooner than later...😢
Woodward and Bernstein were not even "good" journalists. They were then and still are now average journalists. But they were in the right place at the right time.
I think it's kind of funny that she said the average person wouldn't go to RUclips videos well when I saw fatty liver on a record and myI think it's kind of funny that she said the average person wouldn't go to RUclips videos well when I saw fatty liver on a record and my Doctor told me that was normal at my age not to worry about it I didn't believe them. I Google fatty liver. I wanted to know if it was dangerous. It didn't sound terribly good to me. I don't know maybe because I have worked in and around the medical field all my life I've learned not to trust doctors or at least trust that they know everything. I know better than that. Anyway Google came up with several RUclips channels explaining fatty liver and what to do about it. That started me on a low carb journey and learning More and more everyday about how we've been lied to. How we were taught wrong in school on what healthy eating is. So I don't think you should ever discount RUclips channels as places people are going to get information. I'm fairly certain that RUclips channels have been a real cornerstone for helping millions of people around the world learn about the low carb movement and improving their health. Thanks for all you do.
I think the truth is spreading and picking up steam. We will have to force the change from the ground up by what food items we spend our money on, or drugs. I love now knowing that those industries have all lost thousands of dollars just from me alone in the past year and a half. It does feel like we're playing catch up to the push for "plant-based", which is just a new label for vegetarianism or veganism. It sounds more warm and fuzzy and less militant and pushy, right? Propaganda at work.
My triglycerides are 125, hdl is 33. Should i stop carnivore before i begin???
Cholesterol 260, ldl 202.
5'10" 32yo male. 240lbs
Carnivore will improve your numbers, which are not good.
@@markopolo8845 what about thyroid issues? Ever since ive only ate mest my thyroid is swollen
@@takuroshinji2445 You should probably see a doctor and get tested. It’s possible you need to make an adjustment in your diet.
Host ought read up on a guest, you lost so many opps for Nina to answer. At least you didn’t cut in too much but this was my first tuning into your yt channel. Sorry to say also the last…
Test keto to prisoners in the Philippines compared with AHA Nutrition