Dahr Jamail "The End of Ice" and Q&A

  • Опубликовано: 8 июл 2024
  • On April 16, 2019 Dahr Jamail appeared at The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY for a talk about his latest book, "The End of Ice," and a great evening of conversation! A Q&A with the audience followed.
    After nearly a decade overseas as a war reporter, the acclaimed journalist Dahr Jamail returned to America to renew his passion for mountaineering, only to find that the slopes he had once climbed have been irrevocably changed by climate disruption. In response, Jamail embarks on a journey to the geographical front lines of this crisis-from Alaska to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, via the Amazon rainforest-in order to discover the consequences to nature and to humans of the loss of ice.
    Co-sponsored by Vasudha @ RPI, with Green Legal and Education Fund (GELF) and Women Against War.

Комментарии • 53

  • @colecolettecole
    @colecolettecole Год назад +1

    i just saw the documentary ' living in the age of dying ' which has led me here ~ these words as well as the documentary
    have actually been a balm for my state of mind if not my soul & my whole being ~
    listening to this in 2022 october has shown that all these words are true ~ i am more content with this ~ these truths ~
    i am at peace with my choices & content with this ~
    i was born in 1956 & when the tyme came for me to get a drivers licence i didnt as even then at age 16/17 i saw the pollution caused & did not want to contribute ~ before graduating from high school i knew i did not want children ~ many different reasons but the main one being i did not want to bring a life into this capitalistic soul corrupting way of life as i had experienced it so far
    ~ a few years later i became vegetarian again after much reading & thinking ~ ' diet for a small planet ' was one of the excellent books i read ~ as with my other main decisions there were for me many different reasons to go this route ~
    today i am still happy with my choices despite the humans world overall declining & causing the declining of every other living alive thing on earth ~
    i recall the pollution question ~ i remember the ozone threat ~ acid rain ~ & up to this moment ~
    this moment of october 2022 with all the worlds current happenings ~ war draught flood diseases pandemic disasters more famine homeless hungry addicted people of all sorts ~
    but amazingly these happenings were predicted and amazingly i am not depressed nor angry nor despairing ~
    yes i want to know the truth & it only confirms my wonderings about what is happening ~ now i know ~
    with the onset of this pandemic there was tyme to step back & think even more deeply about what matters ~
    for me it is to love & to love everything & as many beings as i can ~ but most of all ~ loving life
    loving life & its gifts of beauty that i find every day ~
    tonite i descended down a steep pathway & 5 staircases to an ocean front on the south coast of british columbia ~
    i checked the tidal charts before i left & tonite just after midnite the tide would be the lowest i had ever seen it ~ i climbed & scrambled over huge rocks & got as close to the waves as i could stepping over & thru tidal pools of small sea creatures ~ i sat down & just listened & watched the waves for several hours until the tide moved back in & i had to move ~ above me the sky was clear & i had the stars to look upon & try to see if i could see leo yet ~ i love the constellations auriga perseus pegasus aquila & the rest of the summer triangle ~ all of this i had to be with ~ sharing life with all of this
    these words of dahr & his book have only affirmed & consolidated my resolve to live & love more & better ~
    i do not find this doom & gloom ~ i find it liberating
    i am more at peace ~

  • @swissspanish
    @swissspanish 5 лет назад +29

    Whenever I listen to Dahr I'm deeply touched by his connection to truth, integrity and life. Well, that's what he tries to do. To touche peoples heart and reconnect them to real life. Thank you Dahr Jamail!!

  • @thomasellis8586
    @thomasellis8586 5 лет назад +24

    Dahr Jamail is one of the best unknown journalists I have ever encountered. A brilliant, insightful, courageous, deeply compassionate man who deserves to be much better known!

    • @clarkdavis5333
      @clarkdavis5333 4 года назад


    • @xyzunodostres
      @xyzunodostres 4 года назад +2

      There's a reason Mr. Jamail is unknown. The well connected private interests that keep him major media mute need to keep us uninformed, disengaged and distracted.

  • @StressRUs
    @StressRUs Год назад +1

    When the ice melts, so does humanity, and Mother Nature is waiting patiently. Stress R Us

  • @jasonfirewalker3595
    @jasonfirewalker3595 3 года назад +4

    I've seen Earth as my mother since I was a young child. I was a curious child in every sense. Started with dinosaurs and a love of reading.
    I've been watching climactic change worldwide since the discovery of the ozone hole back in 87 or thereabouts.
    I was an explorer.
    I rode my bike all over town and wherever I looked, no matter how far into the woods I went I could always find litter.
    I remember the moment I understood the what that ment. Mankind has lost it's way. I started researching .
    My acceptance came as a young man. My fear has grown but so to has my courage. It's almost a relief to have you all on the same page with me now as the portents become ever more blatantly obvious. I despaired for many years wallowing in solitude and depression.
    The Native North American Tribes speak of walking the Red Road, one of harmony with nature. The Hopi specifically speak of a promise by the star brothers that if they honored the corn plant in the way they were taught they would return at the end of time and take them to a new home.
    Plant a garden. I suggest corn, beans and squash just as Squanto taught the pilgrims. The natives call them "The Sustainers of Life." Learn survival skills including how to hand drive a well, how to purify water with a charcoal/sand filter and how to start a fire 10 different ways. ( I know of 15)
    Massive disruptions to supply chains by 2023 folks. Do it now.

    • @kirkha100
      @kirkha100 2 года назад +3

      I agree with all you’ve written here, emphatically. Last week I ate Cholla buds like the Tohono- Oodham. Today, I found extensive patches of purslane, to make verdalagas and wolfberry. Each living being I meet in these Piñion/Juniper highlands is a person, whether it’s a Rufous Hummingbird, Western Fence Lizard, Oneseed Juniper, or Raven. They are all persons with strengths that surpass my own. The Earth is a person. A person that has been robbed and raped and used as a slave. We use money to purchase the things we need to live and the shame and irony is that the Earth offers all these things openly for those that approach her with respect and humility. So…best of luck to you on your journey. I hope we are recognized by the Earth as her children and she will forgive us of the wrongs we have done Her and we will be allowed to mature into the best versions of ourselves. Thanks.

    • @Patrick_Ross
      @Patrick_Ross 11 месяцев назад

      It’s 2023 and the mass disruptions haven’t materialized. Not to say they aren’t coming at some point but don’t buy into the doomers who say humans will be extinct within a few years or decades.

  • @keithw8286
    @keithw8286 3 года назад +11

    during extinction events, the apex lifeform always dies out. Given that this one has the potential to match the Permian event, i would say we are toast. The only unknown is the timing.

    • @earldecker7760
      @earldecker7760 3 года назад

      You may be toast but I & many that use our God given brains will adapt & survive like ALL life that now exists did. The earth does what it does & survives & life adapts, dies or evolves survival mechanisms. Only those that live contribute to future existence.

    • @suburbanwoman6280
      @suburbanwoman6280 3 года назад +4

      The earth made people. Respect your mother

    • @geofthompson3844
      @geofthompson3844 2 года назад

      @@earldecker7760no. You won't. When the air is unbreathable, water is acid and food no longer grows, you'll die like all of us. Our oceans are on the edge of death, and they are going to expand and rise covering most of the land and by the end of this century humanity will be gone. Unless you've got a spaceship handy.

    • @jedlimen123
      @jedlimen123 Год назад +1

      @earl. Sadly your thinking and that of many others is EXACTLY why WE are toast. Cheers.

    • @Patrick_Ross
      @Patrick_Ross 11 месяцев назад

      @@earldecker7760- you are clueless, Earl. Some of humanity might survive for a few hundred years but not at any level I would want to be a part of.

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 2 года назад +1

    it is 2021 as I listen and the storms are extreme and the first rain on the highest place on Greenland

  • @robertlussier2944
    @robertlussier2944 2 года назад

    2 years later, after most of the pandemic has impacted the USA, I can only deduce that humanity (civilization) has only a short time left, and I have a young grandson whom I weep for.😭

  • @turleytho
    @turleytho 4 года назад +4

    True inspiration. Thank you for sharing and reporting. It matters ti all of us who do not watch TV for news.

  • @refusoagaino6824
    @refusoagaino6824 5 лет назад +24

    I cry for the animals at the drop of a hat. People, not so much.

  • @refusoagaino6824
    @refusoagaino6824 5 лет назад +5

    No government or group is going to have any plan that doesn't fail, miserably. It's up to us as individuals, or small groups with similar circumstances.

  • @AudioPervert1
    @AudioPervert1 4 года назад +8

    Inspire, care and Hospice... in the face of extinction or the near term of it...

  • @TheSatiyeh2005
    @TheSatiyeh2005 4 года назад +6

    I love it, cant wait itll its over :)

  • @refusoagaino6824
    @refusoagaino6824 5 лет назад

    I don't think Climate Change weather and storm effects will ever get substantial enough to end our lives. We'll accomplish that on our own, fighting over what to do now.

  • @pamelajoy6037
    @pamelajoy6037 3 года назад +5

    This was recorded before the COVID pandemic.
    I wonder what the discussion would be about now @ 2/7/21?

    • @kody1654
      @kody1654 2 года назад

      "Told you so"

  • @kirstinstrand6292
    @kirstinstrand6292 3 года назад +2

    As long as denial exists, few will grieve. This will only create greater societal disruption when entropy takes charge.

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 2 года назад +1

    I am growing fruit trees from the seeds of the fruit I eat and protecting 80 acres from beliefs to clear cut which has been confusing
    the birds come to say hello and the deer enjoy running around and eating the wild apples
    I find that people can not even see that bumble bees see us and like to be petted and sleep in the flower blooms

  • @susielynn7035
    @susielynn7035 4 года назад +2


  • @tomjensen618
    @tomjensen618 3 года назад

    Get ready. Away from water, the ocean will rise 2+ feet when the ice melts. Grow stuff and have a hand pump on your well. It is a fool's errand to believe humanity will change before major changes forces it's hand. You can be ready if you prep.

  • @elleh3495
    @elleh3495 Год назад +1

    why cant anyone question why people keep having kids? its like the ultimate taboo to even suggest the being childless would be excellent for the environment, not to mention what world are we even leaving for children? why cant people talk about this?

  • @AudioPervert1
    @AudioPervert1 4 года назад +7

    Geo-engineering is like those bad, no-brain hollywood movies ... Where any catastrophe is met by preposterous idiocy.

    • @liamhackett513
      @liamhackett513 3 года назад

      I heard a couple of scientists who happen to be shills for geo eng tech. (Most of the fckers involved in that field are falling over themselves trying to turn their 'research'" into "intellectual property".) According to them geo eng is a cinch, cause humans have being geo- eng the climate through green house gas emissions ! How could it be called engineerimg which suggest some agency and a plan. The only thing that come close to engineering is the fcking denial. According to them the climate is just a problem that a bit of tech and venture capital needs to be thrown at and bingo! climate is fixed. suffocatingly glib sales pitch . Money is fcking up academia like it is a everything else. Carbon rapture.

    • @sergiofedele6811
      @sergiofedele6811 3 года назад

      Hi, I am part of XR here in Italy and I start to consider a specific form of geoengineering very attractive to avoid the tipping point of the Arctic Ice cap melting away. I refer to the us of salt water from the oceans to be sprayed through "snow cannons" to create artificial clouds on the oceans. It is cheap, ecologic and can be scaled easily to verify possible negative effects. I consider all the rest of geoengineering solutions very bad

  • @tomdehen
    @tomdehen 5 лет назад +10

    We adults did this to Earth's children, human and non-human. The young will come to hate us.

    • @lisastassi4500
      @lisastassi4500 4 года назад +2

      You're right. Human and other young may hate the preceding generations for destroying Earth but the truth is that maybe as little as 5% of the human population is really responsible for destroying Earth through greed. The rest of us were busy making a living and being sort of overwhelmed by life. The 95% were duped and that can be forgiven. Teach your kids about the afterlife. It's the only thing to do at this point. The human soul is immortal and heaven is truly magnificent. I recommend Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven by Suzanne Ward.

    • @squamish4244
      @squamish4244 3 года назад +3

      @@lisastassi4500 Well...maybe more like 75%. Of the rich world. A lot of wealthy and powerful people knew about this and did nothing for 30 years. The impact of Evangelical Christianity's anti-science bias and the Prosperity Gospel in the USA can't be underestimated either.

    • @christinearmington
      @christinearmington 3 года назад

      @@squamish4244 indeed. Humans dominating earth 🌍. Separate from nature.

    • @squamish4244
      @squamish4244 3 года назад +2

      @@christinearmington Unfortunately, Evangelicals take "go forth and subdue the earth" (which I don't like either, but anyway) to mean "go forth and destroy the earth".

  • @frankmcquade992
    @frankmcquade992 2 года назад

    I am kinda starting to feel like a Kryptonian...

  • @kirstinstrand6292
    @kirstinstrand6292 3 года назад +1

    5/27/2021 Stll, little concern...sigh.

  • @susanliebermann5721
    @susanliebermann5721 2 года назад +1

    Why do people pretend geoengineering hasn't been ongoing for 30 years? Look up in the sky, folks!

  • @jeffreyluciana8711
    @jeffreyluciana8711 3 года назад +1

    Summer hot. Winter cold
    No "climate change"
    Summer and winter have been happening for billions of years

  • @kurtklingbeil6900
    @kurtklingbeil6900 Год назад

    First questioner is pedantic quibbler

  • @codyjones1098
    @codyjones1098 3 года назад +1

    He is selling "HOPE"! he has no idea what comes next no one does if they are honest.

  • @petercbrandon
    @petercbrandon 2 года назад

    Doomy and gloomy. What a way to make a living.

  • @earldecker7760
    @earldecker7760 3 года назад +2

    This guy is BS!

    • @jedlimen123
      @jedlimen123 Год назад

      @earl. Again, this ‘thinking’ is why we are all toast.. Too bad really.