Chris Hedges Q&A "The Death of the Liberal Class"

  • Опубликовано: 24 июл 2024
  • Chris Hedges, whose book "Death of the Liberal Class" (Perseus) came out the day of this presentation, is also the best-selling author of "War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning." Hedges, whose column is published Mondays on Truthdig, spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than 50 countries and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News and The New York Times, for which he was a foreign correspondent for 15 years. Produced by The Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy NY. This event was co-sponsored by Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.

Комментарии • 74

  • @uttaradit2
    @uttaradit2 12 лет назад +6

    Hedges is a good man doing good work....worth listening to.

  • @GatelliteSimp
    @GatelliteSimp 10 лет назад +7

    Thank you Chris Hedges! Thank you uploader.

  • @JustCamus
    @JustCamus 13 лет назад +6

    WOW! Hedges is incredible. This is powerful stuff.

  • @Kollenda1
    @Kollenda1 10 лет назад +2

    "... These forces that make us finally human, that make it possible for us
    to see in the other not the stranger or the enemy, but the reflection of ourselves.
    And that's why they wanna destroy the humanities. They don't want you to think."
    Thank you Chris Hedges!

  • @cabreal
    @cabreal 4 года назад +5

    Amazing, here we are and those refuting chris can see how it has turned out...... who said: Dismiss at your own peril? look what happened

  • @madelefant05
    @madelefant05 11 лет назад +8

    Chris Hedges is brilliant. He is the heir to Noam Chomsky.

  • @greenmachine933
    @greenmachine933 12 лет назад +2

    Don't ask questions. Don't read Tolstoy. Don't question the present system. Don't read Dostoevsky. Don't think for your self. Just continue obeying and being a good consumer.

  • @moety2
    @moety2 9 лет назад +5

    The guy at the 14 min mark missed something very critical. There are far less people in manufacturing then their use to be thanks to automation. He confuses productivity with people power. The reality is the opposite. The more productive these places are, the less people they have and the more machines. I am sure, at least I hope he has realized this in the 5 years that has passed since this talk. ; )

  • @schizo7099
    @schizo7099 Год назад

    1:48 You enter suddenly and I am nowhere again. Inside the majesty.
    "As for the beauty of his ornament, he set it in majesty"

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад +2

    "The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
    History of the Peloponnesian War
    The Melian Dialogue

  • @ZZZ2573
    @ZZZ2573 2 года назад +1

    18:00 prescient words. Incredible

  • @ABevs
    @ABevs 12 лет назад +2

    lol Chris I can really hear your seminary roots at times during this video. You sound like a preacher sometimes.

  • @pianoart2
    @pianoart2 12 лет назад

    Hedges gives the impression that the war has been lost and the one thing you have left is faith, whatever that faith may be. He's not a nihilist, just a realist.

  • @lsd938
    @lsd938 Год назад

    where is the talk...

  • @ngonea
    @ngonea 13 лет назад +1

    @hamletundone -so why not go all the way, end the PRICE system and profit as the valuing of human worth?

  • @Hasan_Piker_Fan
    @Hasan_Piker_Fan 2 года назад

    Chris is a savage

  • @1michelemichele1
    @1michelemichele1 13 лет назад +2

    @citizenzeus He's brilliant & I seek out every lecture he's in, but yeah, he's somewhat demoralizing. Still, he'd be *impossible* to take if he'd throw out banal fluffy bullshit he doesn't truly believe in, so, well, oh well...

  • @jimtrueblue99
    @jimtrueblue99 13 лет назад +3

    The guy who goes on and on about the American working class has missed the point entirely. He should take note of the recent report in Manufacturing and Technology: in the first decade of the 21st century America lost 54,621 FACTORIES (that's around 5 million manufacturing jobs). The American working class is being gutted and this guy needs to recognize that fact. America is rapidly becoming a giant 3rd world country.

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад

    "Hedges describes an America that is somehow wickedly involved in every country throughout the world."
    When a nation has 700+ military bases around the world, it's difficult to come to any other conclusion other than those bases form a part of an imperial project. The U.S. does nothing abroad without expecting something in return, the cost can be either economic (IMF loans; cheap labor with minimal constraints on business operation) or military ( base in your country).

  • @tanvo93
    @tanvo93 13 лет назад

    wanna hear a song that kinda goes hand n hand with what Hedges is saying?
    bullet in the head- by Rage Against the Machine..about corporations keeping us infintile

  • @theyalllied
    @theyalllied 13 лет назад

    I agree, I am a very caring, loving and compassionate capitalist.
    If you understood the virtue of capitalism you might think differently. Those who are psychopathic, emotionally disconnected and shallow ruin capitalism. Those of us who desire the intangibles know and understand that the better off our employees are the better off we will be, the better off my neighbors are, the better off I am. Government is force and ruins the spirit of comradery and selflessness.

  • @AlexXFresh
    @AlexXFresh 12 лет назад +1

    10:53. We're gonna have to reach a point here we break the law! Witch hunt these Tyrants!

    • @steppenwolf3252
      @steppenwolf3252 3 года назад +1

      No. Just establish a world where the majority of us can flourish and do better. Politics doesn't help the masses. We need to govern ourselves. And create communities that help all Americans

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    @dansocha401 determining the legality of all international relations. If the United States acted illegally in invading Afghanistan, then did all of the 27 NATO states also act illegally?

  • @NoLongerDelusional
    @NoLongerDelusional 13 лет назад

    @AndrewMann552 Yep, yep, & yep.

  • @unkmonk1
    @unkmonk1 2 года назад

    Clergy have delusions of relevance.

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    America has been thrust into its dominant position and it must act prudently in order to encourage peace and promote prosperity. America has no interest in keeping the billions of the world's poor impoverished (after all if the people of the developing world can earn money, then they can buy our products) and war has proven itself to be the anti-development of the Third World (you can't plant crops if your village is attacked by a rebel army). Lastly, I respect

    • @steppenwolf3252
      @steppenwolf3252 3 года назад +1

      The top 1% does want to keep the rest of us impoverished because they have a win/lose mentality. They think three's not enough to go around and so the more others have somehow takes away from their wealth and well being. How much money do we need?

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад +1

    @dansocha401 "Respond to this video" I think you haven't even watched the video, re your comment reagarding Hedges' statement that he's an Arabist. Hedges has never claimed America's direct resposiblity for 9/11. Now, if you say 9/11 was a response to American foreign policy in the Muslim world, you are on solid ground. If Iraq's main export were cabbages & not oil, do you think the U.S. would have invaded? And no, Chile et al were not "errors" of US foreign policy, they WERE foreign policy.

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    @bapyou One is that the US, far from trying to dominate over all foreign countries, economically or otherwise, respects the independence of even the weakest states (particularly in Africa). I question the use of culture because the term is so overused that I don't think it holds much meaning. In international relations, states exist within a Hobbesian state of nature with no universally recognized norms or laws. Anarchy is kept in check not by some bureaucracy on the East River

  • @gaylewaltersdorf7940
    @gaylewaltersdorf7940 4 года назад

    May 2020 Pandemic!!! guess what? TOO Late. LIGHTS OUT!

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    @bapyou I observed that most Gambians (I served in The Gambia) are unconcerned, uninterested, and unaffected by most of what happens in the U.S. Hedges describes an America that is somehow wickedly involved in every country throughout the world. This is a fantasy. Did the US have any strategic interest in intervening in Somalia in the early 1990's to put an end to the famine in that country? What about American involvement in Liberia that helped put an end to that country's civil war?

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    Respond to this video...
    I'm sure Hedges would say that Americans were somehow responsible for the disasters in both of those countries (like America being responsible for 9/11). All of the examples you gave were legitimate cases of errors in US foreign policy (a less than honorable involvement in Congo or the tragedy of Vietnam could easily be included), but I do believe that if the US could return to a policy of isolationism it would. The option simply doesn't exist though.

    • @steppenwolf3252
      @steppenwolf3252 3 года назад +1

      It's not either/or. We are responsible for some of the ills. But this is no reason for us not to ensure we do better in future.

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад +1

    @dansocha401 Why don't you ask Hedges these questions directly? Show up at one of his talks, genius.
    US imperialism is economic and military, not territorial. 700+ US military installations around the world; two illegal invasions in the past decade.
    State sovereignty is unimportant to international capital; which is a corollary to the observation that American workers are also unimportant to American capitalism. What matters to capital is Profits.
    At least some things never change.

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад

    "most of what I learned does not match up with Hedges's vision of the world."
    Give me one example.
    "phrases like "cultural criticism" or "illegal invasions" ... don't ... hold much meaning."
    The first is a branch of critical thinking applied to culture. What about its meaning do you not understand? Silly or not, pro wrestling is one facet of present-day American culture. Second: international law classes the US invasion of both Afghanistan & Iraq as illegal.

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    @dansocha401 your opinions, but I doubt we will come to much agreement so I'll be signing off after this post. You call Hobbes a barbarian and I call him a realist. That is just another difference between you and I. I would like if nations of the world could be governed rationally and democratically. Unfortunately all of human history suggests that this is a fantasy. There is a fundamental difference between how a country is governed and the nature of international relations.

    • @steppenwolf3252
      @steppenwolf3252 3 года назад +1

      Not all of human history. There have been communities which governed themselves communally and healthily. Unfortunately capitalism and greed have often demolished these communities. But you cannot say it's impossible just because we need to achieve it now more than ever. If you do that, you are succumbing to the dark side and doing their evil work for them.

    • @dansocha401
      @dansocha401 3 года назад

      @@steppenwolf3252 It is truly amazing what can happen in 10 years. Many of the views that I expressed here have changed significantly. I agree with you.

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад

    @dansocha401 "the US ... respects the independence of even the weakest states"
    This is a general statement. What did you OBSERVE in Africa that leads you to counter Chris Hedges' conclusions?
    Was the US "respecting" Iran's independence when it overthrew Iran's democracy in 1953? Did the US "respect" Guatemala's independence when it over threw its democracy in 1954 ushering in decades of repressive dictatorship? Ditto Chile 1973.
    Hobbes is nothing more than an excuse for barbarity.

    • @steppenwolf3252
      @steppenwolf3252 3 года назад +1

      US does NOT respect its weakest states if it allows some states to be weak. It's all about the money.

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    @bapyou I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Africa for two years. I think I learned a lot during that time, and most of what I learned does not match up with Hedges's vision of the world. You use phrases like "cultural criticism" or "illegal invasions," but I don't think that they hold much meaning.
    With respect to the pro wrestling, yes, Hedges has the right, but that certainly doesn't make it right. In actuality, it makes him a fool.

  • @1michelemichele1
    @1michelemichele1 13 лет назад

    Jesus I hope Hedges is too pessimistic.

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад

    @dansocha401 "Beck and Hedges are both loud and ignorant sophists. Pundits who have little idea about reality."
    Again lumping Becky Glenn -- a college dropout -- with a man who has years more experience, education & intelligence, is ludicrous.
    And Hedges has every right to set his sights on cultural manifestations of every and any vaariety (i.e. pro wrestling). It's called "cultural criticism."
    Kid? You're 20 years old? Get back to me after you've lived a little.

  • @markspeeps
    @markspeeps 13 лет назад

    @bapyou What does that have to do with anything. Do you support the fascist state? We are in a totalitarian state right now. Uncontrolled capitalism is not any better than communism.

  • @bapyou
    @bapyou 13 лет назад

    @markspeeps "Do you support the fascist state?"
    Do you? You're the one who wrote "Humans are naturally greedy." Such sentiments were expressed by true fascists such as Augusto Pinochet & his Friedmanite economic advisors. It was also spouted by Benito Mussolini, the architect of modern fascism.
    "Uncontrolled capitalism is not any better than communism."
    That's a complete lie. Communist/leftist nations have always been demonized in America and only their worst qualities were emphasized.

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    @bapyou To demonstrate to you how much of a fool Hedges is, let me ask you this: If it's true, as Hedges claims that the US has isolated itself by virtue of it's aggressive and unilateral foreign policy, then how can it also be true that America is an empire? That is to say, how can you be both isolationist and imperial? It doesn't make any sense! If the US is so concerned with global domination, then why does it respect the sovereignty of African states, even the oil rich ones?

  • @dansocha401
    @dansocha401 13 лет назад

    Did anybody else find themselves laughing when Hedges describes himself as "an Arabist?" Does the ability to speak Arabic somehow qualify one's fantastical opinions? The man is a staled fool, full of himself, and not worth anyone's serious consideration...much like Glenn Beck.

    • @steppenwolf3252
      @steppenwolf3252 3 года назад +3

      His opinions are more valid than yours. It's not that he speaks the language (which Beck does not) but that he lived in those counties and has an extensive education in history and in economics. And as for Glen Beck, he's not even in Hedges league. If you don't know that, you need to expand your own education.

    • @loser1234b
      @loser1234b 2 года назад

      Hey Daniel, have you changed your opinion in the past decade ?