FIRST TIME HEARING | A Perfect Circle - Judith - REACTION

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @godjuda8289
    @godjuda8289 6 лет назад +212

    Im black and 35. I been rocking Maynard shit since Tool and APC. Their music is another dimension beyond our time. ITS FIRE 🤘🤨🤘

    • @jhavannedumas6722
      @jhavannedumas6722 5 лет назад +3

      A perfect circle is it. Saw in concert once

    • @glassfireactual9207
      @glassfireactual9207 4 года назад +2

      Im brown and 32

    • @pbrown4699
      @pbrown4699 4 года назад +1

      Love APC and TOOL. Maynard won't put ANYTHING out unless it's PERFECT!!!! 46 and 2 is probably my all time favorite song though

    • @amexemoor443
      @amexemoor443 4 года назад +2

      I’m 45 and been rocking with Tool and Maynard since 93

    • @XisoLate
      @XisoLate 3 года назад +1

      Damn we are all old at this point. LOL!

  • @darkhorse5932
    @darkhorse5932 5 лет назад +53

    4:26 when Paz Lenchantin steps up and does her vocal, I get chills down my neck every time

    • @aMomentOfScienceSTL
      @aMomentOfScienceSTL 5 лет назад +5

      J M - Paz made this track... From the very first note until that last vocal and the fade. Was amazing to watch her stage presence when they toured the Mers album!

    • @darkhorse5932
      @darkhorse5932 5 лет назад +5

      @@aMomentOfScienceSTL hell yeah, not to take anything away from the others but her voice just resonates, it was a excellent move to bring her in for this album.

    • @mr.malevolent6835
      @mr.malevolent6835 4 года назад +5

      Dark Horse 5:02 is the real spine chiller for me I agree she made it sound so sick

    • @pay2000
      @pay2000 4 года назад +2

      Paz tying up her hair is legendary and well known

    • @darkhorse5932
      @darkhorse5932 4 года назад +1

      @@pay2000 talkin bout her vocals, not her hair.

  • @Sutterbombz
    @Sutterbombz 6 лет назад +283

    Judith is Maynard's mom, same person he talks about in "Tool - Wing's for Marie" and "10,000 days". Judith Marie Keenan.

    • @alpo6668
      @alpo6668 6 лет назад +7

      J Lester and “Jimmy”

    • @namelessstgabriel4840
      @namelessstgabriel4840 6 лет назад +1

      Did not know... kool

    • @Sutterbombz
      @Sutterbombz 6 лет назад +5

      He loves his mom

    • @mawky82
      @mawky82 6 лет назад +1

      10000 days, for me

    • @klowner1986
      @klowner1986 6 лет назад +17

      If I remember right she was an avid catholic that ended up passing away in pain. Correct me if in wrong but that's the point of the lyrics in this song. " even though hes the one who did this to you, you never thought to question why". Shes passing away in pain but stayed faithful till the end.

  • @kristopherbushman5816
    @kristopherbushman5816 6 лет назад +107

    You are probably already aware, but just to point out again. So Tool "Jimmy" you said in your reaction to that song you read the back story on Maynard's mom Judith Marie having an aneurysm that left her paralyzed for the remainder of her life. (Roughly 10,000 days) "Jimmy" is Maynard James Keenan talking to himself at 11 years old saying "I'm coming back home" I've been lost and numb... Hold your light... Then A Perfect Circle "Judith" is his anger at his mother's faith and piousness saying "you praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed." and this magnum opus of 3/4 songs resolves itself with Wings for Marie/10,000 days where Maynard lets go of ego and says that while he is stuck in his ways and his arrogance and the burden of proof is not on him that his mother was his eyes and his evidence and she better shake her fist at the gates and demand her wings.

    • @tenpastten4167
      @tenpastten4167 5 лет назад +10

      Kristopher Bushman i would also add tool’s The Patient as part of this story arc. Making it 3/5 rather than a 4 song arc. The Patient marked a turning point that made the resolution in Wings 1&2 possible. Maynard has suffered for his art and we are all the better for it.

    • @lllpratlll
      @lllpratlll 3 года назад

      Man.. brilliant

    • @Einlanzer83
      @Einlanzer83 2 года назад

      A reminder of why I loathe Tool/APC fans.

    • @Einlanzer83
      @Einlanzer83 2 года назад

      Why would I think anyone cares? Well people like you always reply.

  • @ItsM16
    @ItsM16 6 лет назад +218

    Who else. Liked it without even watching?. Bro u always rocks. So genuine reactions. Love from india

  • @AnthonyTran
    @AnthonyTran 6 лет назад +1

    Damn. It's been years and this song still gives me the chills. Thanks for bringing it back.

  • @josephodonoghue-walsh843
    @josephodonoghue-walsh843 6 лет назад +48


  • @lj6720
    @lj6720 6 лет назад

    Yes! I loved waking up knowing you're finally reacting to them! Can't wait for more APC reactions.

  • @SchorbJxP
    @SchorbJxP 6 лет назад +128

    A perfect circle - the outsider

    • @damianwhite7771
      @damianwhite7771 6 лет назад +3

      This needs to happen immediately!

    • @KmillieMadhr
      @KmillieMadhr 6 лет назад +5

      Yes, the outsider live please!!

    • @realisticthought1781
      @realisticthought1781 6 лет назад +2

      Outsider live definitely

    • @mikebrase5161
      @mikebrase5161 6 лет назад

      That song was on repeat during my first tour in Iraq. It evokes a ton of memories for me.

    • @luv4staley
      @luv4staley 5 лет назад

      The Outsider, that's a positive reinforcement in my opinion! Very powerful message behind that song

  • @randomhockeyguy9149
    @randomhockeyguy9149 6 лет назад +8

    The song is a lot more powerful when you realize Judith is Maynard's mother, who was paralyzed after a stroke when Maynard was 11 years old. Even after becoming paralyzed, as a devout Christian, she kept praying to God. Just look at these lyrics and realize that Maynard is basically telling his mother she is a fool for her beliefs, if her God was so great he wouldn't have caused this to happen to her.....makes the song so much more impressive and powerful.
    You're such an inspiration for the ways
    That I'll never ever choose to be
    Oh so many ways for me to show you
    How the savior has abandoned you
    Fuck your God
    Your Lord and your Christ
    He did this
    Took all you had and
    Left you this way
    Still you pray, you never stray
    Never taste of the fruit
    You never thought to question why
    It's not like you killed someone
    It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side
    Praise the one who left you
    Broken down and paralyzed
    He did it all for you
    He did it all for you
    Oh so many many ways for me to show you
    How your dogma has abandoned you
    Pray to your Christ, to your god
    Never taste of the fruit
    Never stray,…

  • @MilledgeVillain
    @MilledgeVillain 6 лет назад +165

    This is the melodic side of Maynard. Check out
    The Noose
    Weak and Powerless (from Stone and Echo)
    By and Down (Stone and Echo)
    When the Levee Breaks (Stone and Echo)
    The Outsider (Apocalypse Remix)

    • @thestoobers7084
      @thestoobers7084 6 лет назад +2

      I like counting bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the wardrums more than pet. I understand that theyre basically the same song but still

    • @GobRogan
      @GobRogan 6 лет назад

      I Love this weak and powerless the bestвидео.html

    • @silverisbull
      @silverisbull 6 лет назад +4

      The Package

    • @morpheus562
      @morpheus562 6 лет назад +2

      He definitely needs to check out The Noose!

    • @alburnett75
      @alburnett75 6 лет назад +1

      Counting bodies like Sheep

  • @bigldm
    @bigldm 6 лет назад

    I like this track, definitely added to me playlist, oh and you hold on braaaaaah! Makes my day everytime, love this channel dude

  • @CassieCrochets
    @CassieCrochets 6 лет назад +85

    Maynard has a 3rd band Puscifer too....check out momma sed, rev 22:20, the mission

    • @Sobergirl_
      @Sobergirl_ 6 лет назад +8

      Cassie Contino
      I LOVE REV. 22:20 and THE MISSION!!!!
      I also love MAN OVERBOARD!

    • @danielleblais3658
      @danielleblais3658 6 лет назад +2

      Puscifer is great too! The green valley. I love Maynard's voice on that one. Well his voice is always fantastic but still. Preston my friend you gotta check out Puscifer too!

    • @jojomama09
      @jojomama09 6 лет назад +2

      Cassie Contino and the song Talk!!!!

    • @timothyandrews3332
      @timothyandrews3332 6 лет назад +2

      He just needs to play every tool, every apc, and puscifer because he doesn't write one bad song and he can just press play to every album.

    • @CassieCrochets
      @CassieCrochets 6 лет назад +1

      @@timothyandrews3332 yes I am Waitin so patiently for the patient and No quarter from tool

  • @ag3478
    @ag3478 6 лет назад +27

    I subbed after a couple of vids and still watched your others. Seeing how you love Maynards voice, you gonna also dig his third band Puscifer. Your reactions are fire! Keep it going!

  • @EldarPeri
    @EldarPeri 6 лет назад +26

    A Perfect Circle - Weak and Powerless

  • @TheTamitude
    @TheTamitude 6 лет назад +1

    Great reaction!!! You always make me smile. Your energy is infectious!! Keep up the great work. Great song too.. keep us smiling 🙂🤗

  • @uBoBaMnupa
    @uBoBaMnupa 6 лет назад +26

    A Perfect Circle - The Outsider (live at Jay Leno)

    • @HouseSox
      @HouseSox 6 лет назад +2

      His scream at the end of that performance.... damn!

    • @ldybozz
      @ldybozz 5 лет назад +1

      Just 'The Outsider' period. That song is bad ass!!! And 'Pet'!!

  • @KMS_80
    @KMS_80 6 лет назад

    Just came across your channel and I absolutely love your reaction videos. I am a lifelong fan of TOOL and APC, but I love a variety of genres. Just wanted to say ty for sharing your love of music.

  • @wraithyowler5293
    @wraithyowler5293 6 лет назад +72

    Preston PLEASE listen to Magdalena from A Perfect Circle. You will be hooked from the first Beat. Trust me!

  • @Awfiddlestickz
    @Awfiddlestickz 6 лет назад

    I don’t know you or anything about your channel...but you have just done the best thing for your soul by discovering A Perfect Circle. I’ve been a die hard fan and faithful follower is theirs since 2002. Seen em live 4 times. If you EVER have the chance to see need to! After ten years of not touring, they’re finally doing tours!!! I’m happy for you that you found Lord Maynard. He’s my everything. Lol

  • @ollyhudson9931
    @ollyhudson9931 6 лет назад +38

    Jinjer - Pisces Live Session

    • @Lynn-hn3qs
      @Lynn-hn3qs 6 лет назад +1

      Or Jinjer - Just Another (music video)

    • @motorcitymaniac167
      @motorcitymaniac167 6 лет назад +2

      Good choice. Excellent song for a reaction video..
      Love Tatiana

    • @hanparker9752
      @hanparker9752 6 лет назад +4

      I love people’s reaction to Jinjer Pisces

    • @cginsane22
      @cginsane22 6 лет назад

      Sit, stay, roll over is also a good choice. As well as scissors

  • @acatlover138
    @acatlover138 6 лет назад

    There is nothing more satisfying than watching someone hear your fav for the first time... and loving it!

  • @theredlogician4743
    @theredlogician4743 6 лет назад +25

    Thank you for branching out to Maynard’s other bands! Tool is amazing and so are his other 2 bands!

  • @DarkMyst1975
    @DarkMyst1975 6 лет назад

    Dude...dude... this is my favorite band. Watching you listen to them for a first time and saying how Maynard touched you're soul brought a tear to my eye. Listen to all their albums brother, they're amazing. Thanks for the video. Made my day.

  • @brookemiller3881
    @brookemiller3881 6 лет назад +12

    A Perfecr Circle..... Hourglass, Orestes, and Counting Bodies Like Sheep 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼❤️

    • @Sobergirl_
      @Sobergirl_ 6 лет назад

      Brooke Miller
      Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drum reminds me of Trump! “Go back to sleep.”

    • @brookemiller3881
      @brookemiller3881 6 лет назад

      @@Sobergirl_, Trump?? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I just love the song...the sound, the ALWAYS pumps me up!!!'s a great track to workout to!!!

  • @jaimereynolds258
    @jaimereynolds258 6 лет назад +1

    I saw them in concert in 2000. So great 🙂

  • @cliftonjames785
    @cliftonjames785 6 лет назад +46

    "The remedy" from puscifer. It's from the lead singer of tool, same as a perfect circle. Check it out!

    • @GuidelineSalt
      @GuidelineSalt 6 лет назад +2

      This is hands down my favorite puscifer song. Don't let your mouth write checks that your ass can't cash!

    • @x_Heffe_X
      @x_Heffe_X 6 лет назад

      Was about to suggest this one as well!

    • @Plysomack
      @Plysomack 6 лет назад

      I came here to say this. I couldn't possibly day enough about The Remedy by Puscifer.

    • @haloart824
      @haloart824 6 лет назад +1

      Bitches.... receive stitches
      Trolls receive eighty sixes....
      Awww love The Remedy!!

  • @Zindanx
    @Zindanx 6 лет назад

    Great work on getting 100k+ subs, people know you respond from the heart.

  • @raywhyte203
    @raywhyte203 6 лет назад +5

    Judith is the lead singers mother. She’s a devout Christian and was paralysed and put into a wheelchair after a car crash. The song is about Maynard ( the lead singer) questioning how his mother can still love god when he did that to her. Every time I hear it, it just gets deeper and deeper.

    • @Illumirage
      @Illumirage 6 лет назад +1

      Didn't know any of that. That said, "god" did that to her and not the free will of human beings? Not sure the logic makes sense there....

    • @jeffgo5742
      @jeffgo5742 4 года назад

      Damien INSANE-O everything is gods plan so there’s no such thing as free will

    • @louiswolff3251
      @louiswolff3251 4 года назад

      She had a ruptured aneurysm at age 31 I believe, I'm not sure if it was from a car accident or it just ruptured, that left her paralyzed on her left side and affected her speech as well, and he's singing about how could a god that is supposed to love you do this to you, she lived for 27 years after it, roughly 10,000 days, he said it was her still being a devout christian after the stroke and the event solidified him to not believe in christianity anymore, and he left it at that point, very deep song

  • @pay2000
    @pay2000 4 года назад +1

    Paz tying up her hair is legendary and well known

  • @eyepatchbelou
    @eyepatchbelou 6 лет назад +28

    Yay!! Judith 😆😆😆
    I wanted u to check out this one!!!

  • @azaces6645
    @azaces6645 6 лет назад

    Digging it. You are speaking of my favorite musicians on Earth. Seen them 18 times, and will again 3 more times in November.
    I didn't expect your, sir, have excellent awareness of great talent. *Subscribed!

  • @runeghost4264
    @runeghost4264 6 лет назад +7

    This song is about Maynard's frustration with his mom being highly religious yet she was paralyzed and never gave up her faith. He of course is angry at God and felt she didn't deserve so terrible a fate.

  • @MarkLandrey
    @MarkLandrey 6 лет назад

    Thank you Preston! I have been waiting for this one. Check this out, the lead singer waits until his band completes the instrumentals and then he writes all the lyrics. He does this for all three bands. I have never heard of this crazy creative process, but it seems to work dreams for them.

  • @leafsfan1728
    @leafsfan1728 6 лет назад +61

    A Perfect Circle- The Hollow, 3 Libras, Orestes, The Package, Pet, The Outsider, The Noose, Magdalena, Passive, Sleeping Beauty, TalkTalk, The Doomed, Disillusioned
    You may now proceed. 👌

    • @MarkLandrey
      @MarkLandrey 6 лет назад +1

      Yes, all of these!

    • @mfurrow81
      @mfurrow81 6 лет назад +1

      I 100% agree.

    • @OhioOwns
      @OhioOwns 6 лет назад +1

      yeah you named all those songs but didn't include "Weak & Powerless" and/or "Blue?" really?

    • @leafsfan1728
      @leafsfan1728 6 лет назад

      Ohio Against The World Well it's only meant to be a sample of some of their tracks from each album. Those 2 songs are great but I like the ones I listed better from "Thirteenth Step".

    • @OhioOwns
      @OhioOwns 6 лет назад

      leafsfan1728 true, but "prolific"-wise. you really don't like Weak & Powerless? I don't think I've ever met an APC fan who didn't like Weak & Powerless lol I mean to each their own, but just curious.

  • @dianabiro646
    @dianabiro646 6 лет назад

    One of my absolute favorite songs ever made. This the rose and their new song, so long and thanks for all the fish.

  • @NorthernThaiGardenGuy
    @NorthernThaiGardenGuy 6 лет назад +12

    Good for you for finding A Perfect Circle! 2019 will be a good year for TOOL fans!

  • @charliem.p.4864
    @charliem.p.4864 5 лет назад

    I just love watching people smile when they like what they hear. The fact that you went back to listen again some parts put a smile on my face. Good music is good music.

  • @spinosa360
    @spinosa360 6 лет назад +3

    SO glad you took a dive into A Perfect Circle man! Looking forward to more and definitely check out Puscifer too.
    Puscifer - (Galileo/ Horizons/ The Remedy/ The Humbling River/ Autumn)
    A Perfect Circle - (The Outsider/ The Hollow/ The Doomed)

  • @crystalbrashears760
    @crystalbrashears760 6 лет назад

    Yes!! And pusifer!! Mamma sed!! And & omg THE HUMBLING RIVER. The most beautiful song ever written.

  • @gabeellis9193
    @gabeellis9193 6 лет назад +3

    You will love weak and powerless by APC.. So melodic and hautingly beautiful

  • @heatherodonnell7655
    @heatherodonnell7655 6 лет назад +1

    I love how eclectic your taste in music is. Seeing you react to Maynard’s songs for the first time gives me life!

  • @MrRavager420
    @MrRavager420 6 лет назад +19

    the whole album, Thirteenth Step, from apc is actually pretty great.

  • @Screwsandrods
    @Screwsandrods 6 лет назад +2

    Awesome reaction to a great song by the one and only Maynard! APC touches me as well, ALL Maynard's bands do the hits you in your core and it resonates! 🙏🏻

  • @telsa7812
    @telsa7812 6 лет назад +4

    One of the things I love most about a perfect circle is that it is a “Mega Band”. The whole band is made up of amazing artist from other great bands.

  • @yvonnes1657
    @yvonnes1657 6 лет назад

    Yes, yes! Cant wait to hear more APC reactions. This makes me very happy.

  • @edmora3048
    @edmora3048 6 лет назад +3


  • @nameit3635
    @nameit3635 6 лет назад

    I saw A Perfect Circle in concert a few years ago, it was an amazing experience.

  • @AM-ko4pi
    @AM-ko4pi 6 лет назад +50

    Yo if you want something hard, but slightly different than the usual rock you hear, try Wish by Nine Inch Nails. I feel like it’d be right up your alley and a great introduction to NIN

    • @sterlinghousewashpressurew9594
      @sterlinghousewashpressurew9594 6 лет назад +1

      Yes watch Nine Inch Nails. Trent started it all

    • @johndorsey1423
      @johndorsey1423 6 лет назад +1

      Good one! Wish, is the perfect introduction song to NIN.

    • @mr.nervedamagegaming8050
      @mr.nervedamagegaming8050 6 лет назад +1

      Hmm... NIN would be a great choice for him to react to, but Wish is a bit harsh from a songwriting perspective. Not sure he'd love that song as much as something like Head Like A Hole, Terrible Lie, Every Day Is Exactly The Same, Into The Void, The Big Comedown, Copy Of A, In Two, etc.

    • @TheGroundedCoffee
      @TheGroundedCoffee 6 лет назад +3

      One of my all time favorite NIN songs: The Becoming. Sends chills down my spine everytime.

    • @Awfiddlestickz
      @Awfiddlestickz 6 лет назад +1

      A M best show ever...APC opened for NIN In 2004. ❤️❤️❤️💕❤️💕

  • @selfproclaimednobody4614
    @selfproclaimednobody4614 6 лет назад

    This song almost brings me to tears! Beautiful song

  • @zanasahinovic6531
    @zanasahinovic6531 6 лет назад +27

    you should do the entire 13th step album by them....a fn masterpiece

  • @mikewhite255
    @mikewhite255 6 лет назад

    Great video man, glad you liked it I love a perfect circle and tool . Two great bands one great lead singer.

  • @51page
    @51page 6 лет назад +3

    The Noose
    A Perfect Circle
    So glad to see you well
    Overcome and completely silent now
    With heavens help you cast your demons out
    And not to pull your halo down
    Around your neck and tug you off your cloud
    But I'm more than just a little curious
    How you're planning to go about making your amends
    To the dead
    To the dead
    Recall the deeds as if they're all
    Someone else's atrocious stories
    Now you stand reborn before us all
    So glad to see you well
    And not to pull your halo down
    Around your neck and tug you to the ground
    But I'm more than just a little curious
    How you're planning to go about making your amends
    To the dead
    To the dead
    With your halo slipping down
    Your halo slipping
    Your halo slipping down
    Your halo slipping down
    but I'm…

  • @naic4291
    @naic4291 6 лет назад

    Loved your reactions, I’m a long time Tool, APC, Puscifer fan and love it when new ears appreciate. Thanks for your video!

  • @jasonmagistro1053
    @jasonmagistro1053 6 лет назад +9

    Check out A Perfect Circle- Orestes live from Stone and Echo. Also, you want to review these with lyric videos and to read ahead of time to get some background info, just like TOOL

  • @untouchable1368
    @untouchable1368 6 лет назад

    Damn, you hit 100k subs quick! You deserve it man. Love your reactions.

  • @412xtaint
    @412xtaint 6 лет назад +68

    This song is the Shit, but I think my favorite Perfect Circle song is The Hollow

    • @veloraloves
      @veloraloves 6 лет назад +4

      THIS. Times 1000!

    • @johngrazier3580
      @johngrazier3580 6 лет назад

      Try The doomed and talk talk off the latest perfect circle album. And Third eye from Tool

    • @412xtaint
      @412xtaint 6 лет назад +2

      @@johngrazier3580 I love third eye, "now here's Tom with the weather"

    • @operative2136
      @operative2136 6 лет назад +2

      Yeah the hollow was fantastic. I still remember the first time I fired up the CD and that track came on. My jaw just about hit the floor. It was such a sonically distinct sound compared to so many other bands of the time.

    • @412xtaint
      @412xtaint 6 лет назад +1

      @@operative2136 the two part harmony in that song is this absolutely stunning

  • @geraldrobertson7871
    @geraldrobertson7871 3 года назад

    When there first album came out, I got to see the live at Louisville Gardens. Really didn't appreciate how good this song, or how good the band was at the time. Now they are one of my favorite artists that have ever played music!!!!!!

  • @eddieouo9273
    @eddieouo9273 6 лет назад +4

    I feel Judith its gonna be on my playlist now

    • @michaelg4089
      @michaelg4089 6 лет назад

      Just lay down, with headphones on, and take in the whole album “Mer de Noms”. Start to finish.

  • @thetruthfrommyperspective6688
    @thetruthfrommyperspective6688 6 лет назад

    This song is epic, used to blare it down the road when it first came out. Their song 3 Libras is too. So much power in the music, lyrics, and vocals, chills.

  • @ethandunne1016
    @ethandunne1016 6 лет назад +8

    1979 by the smashing pumpkins and passive by a perfect circle

  • @Jeffypdiaz
    @Jeffypdiaz 6 лет назад

    Been watching yalls journey with Maynard, keep up the great production bro love this channel.

  • @josephpolito3577
    @josephpolito3577 6 лет назад +27

    Great song. In the event you don't know, the frontman for A Perfect Circle, Maynard, is also the frontman Tool.

    • @TonyTheLoneRiderSmith
      @TonyTheLoneRiderSmith 6 лет назад +3

      Joseph Polito yeah and i thought he was bald lol

    • @josephpolito3577
      @josephpolito3577 6 лет назад +3

      @@TonyTheLoneRiderSmith He actually was! He wore the wig so fans would differentiate between Tool and APC.

    • @JoeyBird685
      @JoeyBird685 6 лет назад

      Also story behind song is it's about his mother.

    • @joehynes5452
      @joehynes5452 6 лет назад +3

      Anthony Smith He ALWAYS wears all different types of wigs when he performs with APC....usually goes with the mohawk but I personally like the long wig when he braids it haha

    • @tonyuthe8820
      @tonyuthe8820 6 лет назад

      Not any more if I'm not mistaken, I think Maynard stepped down and let Billy frost take over

  • @genericjesus8803
    @genericjesus8803 6 лет назад

    I’ve heard this song a million times AND IT’S STILL AWESOME

  • @rlundquest
    @rlundquest 5 лет назад +10

    A Picture Circle is on the same level as Tool, in my opinion 🤘

  • @MacAnAirchinnighJM
    @MacAnAirchinnighJM 6 лет назад

    Saw them live a while back. Greatest show I’ve ever been to.

  • @gabifromhell
    @gabifromhell 6 лет назад +9

    This video was directed by David Fincher!

  • @joeyloucks912
    @joeyloucks912 6 лет назад

    I've been waiting for you to do this!!! I clicked so fast!!

  • @dougmott8926
    @dougmott8926 6 лет назад +30

    A Perfect Circle - Gravity

    • @alicepleasance7664
      @alicepleasance7664 6 лет назад +4

      One of the most beautiful songs ever. And the fan made video that is out there is a perfect fit for it.

    • @KMS_80
      @KMS_80 6 лет назад +1

      One of the best APC songs ever!

    • @cindyforish8081
      @cindyforish8081 6 лет назад +2

      I love Gravity

  • @raychelb6904
    @raychelb6904 5 лет назад

    I love that look you have when you are hearing something and you are so amazed by it because the way you look is exactly how I feel when I hear it

  • @bryanleonard8008
    @bryanleonard8008 6 лет назад +38

    Bro! you have got to check out Mad Season with all the love you show Alice in Chains!

    • @MarkLandrey
      @MarkLandrey 6 лет назад

      Yes, I just recently discovered this hidden gem! So freakin good as AIC is my fav of all time.

    • @seansaville5664
      @seansaville5664 6 лет назад

      river of deceit is awesome though

    • @bryanleonard8008
      @bryanleonard8008 6 лет назад

      few hit wonder?

    • @seansaville5664
      @seansaville5664 6 лет назад

      what are you questioning? Mad Season isnt a big name bro. i love Layne, but truth is M S is a few hit wonder, i cant even name another song than rive of deceit. now you may like the entire album, im not sure, but... to most who do know mad season , they will tell you, few hit wonder. not like A in C

    • @bryanleonard8008
      @bryanleonard8008 6 лет назад +1

      I never stated they were the best band with the most hits... I suggested a reaction video to them and wonder why someone else called them a few hit wonder. Considering they had 1 album I would venture to say that it did pretty damn good...

  • @geemoney4678
    @geemoney4678 6 лет назад

    Good stuff man glad you enjoyed..they're are such an amazing band,Maynard is a genius!

  • @essamallawi9605
    @essamallawi9605 6 лет назад +8

    I found out about your channel a few days ago and man I love your genuine reactions! Please do a video about Shinedown 45. 45 is the song name :)

  • @thothmark
    @thothmark 6 лет назад +2

    Bought this album when it came out and this song still sends chills through my body

    • @omieg89
      @omieg89 4 года назад +1

      Thoth Mark this album should honestly be in the smithsonian.

  • @jchaney26
    @jchaney26 6 лет назад +6

    Check out a perfect circle - by and down. You'll love it

  • @karlepaul6632
    @karlepaul6632 5 лет назад

    This is the very FIRST time I watched a video of yours, and because of THIS video, you just got yourself another subscriber! 👍🏻
    Time to binge watch brother!
    OR as my Samoan buddy would say: Your videos? Nice. Real nice. Time to binge 'em bruddah!

  • @indigozulu9
    @indigozulu9 6 лет назад +7

    Gotta do the Outsider and Pet! Some of the best APC songs

  • @pw5803
    @pw5803 6 лет назад

    This song got me in to A Perfect Cirkle and then Tool. It really touches your soul, Maynards voice, the melody, the words - everything.

  • @buckrogers2197
    @buckrogers2197 6 лет назад +4

    My favorite channel and always look forward to new videos. Keep up the great work! I have one request, please react to Magdalena off this same album. The instrumentals man

  • @leevaliant
    @leevaliant 6 лет назад

    Bro Maynard's voice just both bands are the greatest. Bro I've always loved both bands and to see u discovering them is making me fall in love with them all over again.

  • @mr.nervedamagegaming8050
    @mr.nervedamagegaming8050 6 лет назад +3

    (3 Libras... you have to check it out). Judith is definitely one of the best songs ever written in this genre. Musically the song is just so powerful and Maynard's voice is in a league of it's own. Personality-wise, I've heard the guy can be a douchebag, but that doesn't change the fact that he's been blessed with some rare talents. A Perfect Circle has a few songs that I can really get down to... this is one of them, but you also have to check out their song 3 Libras. I know you would love it... when the chorus hits, I know you are going to get some chills, haha.

  • @josephdarklight
    @josephdarklight 6 лет назад

    this song was my first one that i heard from them years ago and made me a permanent fan of their work

  • @kaekazakas4597
    @kaekazakas4597 6 лет назад +3

    A Perfect Circle - Orestes
    Tool - The Grudge
    Metallica - My Friend Of Misery
    System Of A Down - Aerials
    Iron Maiden - Dance Of Death
    Pink Floyd - Dogs

    • @omieg89
      @omieg89 4 года назад

      Kae Kazakas Orestes is my favorite song off Mer De Noms.

  • @Mytro8533
    @Mytro8533 6 лет назад

    Excellent review as always! A great choice of songs!

  • @davidfields8518
    @davidfields8518 6 лет назад +24

    Nine Inch Nails
    “Head like a Hole”
    So much to chose from

    • @eliash8903
      @eliash8903 6 лет назад +2

      david fields Ruiner, The Big Come Down.

    • @davidfields8518
      @davidfields8518 6 лет назад

      Heck yeah 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @davidfields8518
      @davidfields8518 6 лет назад +1

      Carefree CFC
      Mr.Self Destruct,Somewhat Damaged

    • @eliash8903
      @eliash8903 6 лет назад +2

      david fields Fuck yes!

    • @davidfields8518
      @davidfields8518 6 лет назад +1

      He ain’t gonna play no NIN :(
      Oh well!!!
      Missing out on a genius

  • @remedy9648
    @remedy9648 6 лет назад

    I loved watching you react to this, it's how I feel every single time I hear this song.

  • @HouseSox
    @HouseSox 6 лет назад +7

    Preston, if you want... I can explain how they, Tool, record.
    First Danny the drummer will lay his tracks down. Then they guitarists, I think Justin first then Adam, go and record their solo parts on top of the previous person's finished product. They do some mastering. It's finally delivered to Maynard, the lead singer, who then listens to the compositions and writes the lyrics last.
    Then they go back thru some mastering, maybe some rewrites, and then it's time to release.
    In the meantime, good to see you checkin out Maynard's other major project (he has a smaller one named Puscifer as well) A Perfect Circle.
    Judging by what you've liked thus far... I'd recommend The Package or The Outsider.
    They have a new track called DisIllusioned that, since you said Maynard's voice touched your soul, would do just that again.

  • @joshwackernagel7168
    @joshwackernagel7168 6 лет назад +1

    maynards writing process is amazing he leaves the band to create the song meledy and instrumental then he writes the lyrics based on what the sound of the instrumental makes him feel. pure musical genius. cant wait for the next tool album.

  • @jasonmagistro1053
    @jasonmagistro1053 6 лет назад +8

    Nice! Now, react to Tool- The Grudge! Also, A Perfect Circle is another wormhole to go down, tread carefully ✌🏽❤️

  • @etthelost
    @etthelost 6 лет назад

    Nice reaction! The meaning behind the song is the icing on the cake and the craziness of it!

  • @KidtheIcarus
    @KidtheIcarus 6 лет назад +8

    5 minutes alone by PANTERA.

  • @zingyzippo5954
    @zingyzippo5954 6 лет назад

    Preston- just found your channel! First let me say I’ve just spent the last handful of hours watching all your TOOL reaction vids, and it has been a pleasure my friend. Glad you have found the third eye at last! All of MJK’s bands are awesome! I think you should listen to More of the UNDERTOW album by TOOL and you NEED To LISTEN To THIRD EYE!!! Also lots More APC (I think you would enjoy The weak and the powerless as well as Sleeping Beauty!) Pusifer is MJK’s third band and there is a song Humbling River that is also a deep meaning and huge vocal song! Again love the vids, keep exploring

  • @lesdehart7856
    @lesdehart7856 6 лет назад +19

    People need to slow up on the Puscifer recommendations lol...don't believe he'd like it as much lol. There are some great ones but their vibe is definitely different than Tool and Diet Tool lol. Love the Maynard stuff though... Would like to see you react to some Opeth. Windowpane, Burden, and Benighted.

    • @GenericThomas
      @GenericThomas 6 лет назад +1

      As a huge fan of Maynard, even I don't enjoy a whole ton of puscifer's catalogue.

    • @lesdehart7856
      @lesdehart7856 6 лет назад +2

      @@GenericThomas yeah too...not my sound. There's a few good ones but none wow me...whereas Tool never...ever ceases to wow me

    • @Bramble451
      @Bramble451 6 лет назад +1

      I'm a big fan of pretty much the whole "V is for Vagina" album... annnnnnd yeah, well... same, a few songs here and there from the other albums.

    • @hoodiegod6115
      @hoodiegod6115 6 лет назад

      The only album I like from puscifer is conditions of my parole

    • @heathert323
      @heathert323 6 лет назад

      My thoughts exactly!!

  • @OGMrWayne
    @OGMrWayne 4 года назад

    I'm still rocking this in 2020, and beyond. 🤘🏾🤘🏾

  • @meman9380
    @meman9380 6 лет назад +17

    Nine Inch Nails - 'Head Like a Hole'

    • @Sobergirl_
      @Sobergirl_ 6 лет назад +3

      Jeremy Wade
      He needs to do the whole Pretty Hate Machine album.

    • @meman9380
      @meman9380 6 лет назад

      Christi Ellington Very true

    • @graebeard552
      @graebeard552 6 лет назад

      Yep, from top to bottom.. just like we did back in the day when it was all we had until the Broken EP in '92.. one by one.

    • @eliash8903
      @eliash8903 6 лет назад

      Christi Ellington I´d rather see him do TDS or the Fragile.

  • @RandMiller325
    @RandMiller325 6 лет назад

    Amazing video directed by David Fincher (of Fight Club, Se7en, Etc)
    You officially have a new subscriber.
    There is only one thing better than listening to your favorite songs or re-watching your favorite movies, and it's watching someone else experience such mastery of a craft for a first time and see someone REALLY feeling it.
    Absolutely gorgeous. I'm so intriuged to go back and watch your videos. I can't explain it but you have this amazing charisma and openness and I absolute love it!!!

  • @DANKIUS1994
    @DANKIUS1994 6 лет назад +8

    orestes or 3 libras for some of maynards best vocals

  • @linzombie8455
    @linzombie8455 6 лет назад

    I love your reaction vids so much dude. Thanks for giving me a moment in my day where I'm just chill and happy. THis one took me back hahaha Love it!

  • @bryanleonard8008
    @bryanleonard8008 6 лет назад +4

    Oh react to APC - The doomed or Talk Talk