"Well done Private." Bernard turned to see a small grin on the face of his previously hostile captain. "Thank you Capi-" "For a coward." "Wha-" "One steadfast action does not clean the stain of desertion Private." "Capitaine I-" "Do not subject me to your petty excuses!" The Captain said as he began to rise from the city wall. "Many of your compatriots have died valiantly defending France's newly acquired land and yet you deemed it fit to try and escape your duty as a soldier!" Bernard could only stare as he had no capacity to counter his superior's argument. As he thought more in depth about it, the guiltier he felt. The stronghold had been subject to U.S bombardment days prior to the landing so the defenses would have been on high alert with or without the concern that a winded man emerging from the jungle brought. Bernard's mind then quickly flashed back to the stories of his grandfather that he was so captivated by. Each and every one demonstrated the bravery and comaraderie that could only be found in the service of one's army. Bernard demonstrated none of these qualities. He fled the battlefield with a half baked excuse as to why and left his brothers-in-arms to rot on the beach instead of having the decency to die by their side. Filled with remorse and self-loathing, Bernard prepared himself for the barrage of insults that were to come, knowing full well that he deserved every single one. The Captain spoke "Were we not so desperate for manpower I would shoot you on the spot." Bernard looked away to the corpse beside him who, minutes prior, had been his crash course mentor on artillery pieces, his own self-hatred growing as he knew that his fallen comrade had fulfilled his duty without question while he himself had tarnished the name of the French military. Noting Bernard's shift in gaze the Captain barked an order. "Private Droit!" A soldier further down the wall rose and hurried to the Captain's vicinity. "Yes sir!" Droit said while giving a salute. The Captain gave one in return before continuing. "Take this man to the inner citadel to ensure that he does not attempt another escape." "Sir yes sir!" Droit responded. "Excellent. I shall be off. I must make contact with the two remaining companies and organize a counterattack." "Sir! The radio has since been repaired after the last American bombardment. Surely you would wish to save yourself the journey?" The Captain shaked his head "No, they are under strict orders of radio silence. I will not risk losing the element of surprise just so that I may save myself a walk." "Understood sir!" The Captain gave one final salute to Private Droit before making his way out of the citadel. Droit then escorted the quiet Bernard to the inner walls where he was shown the mortar that he would be manning in the hypothetical scenario in which the Americans broke through the outer defenses. With night settling in, Bernard retired to his sleeping bag as did the majority of the French soldiers. *The next day* The battle was intense and the casualties were enormous on both sides. Even with their superior numbers, the Americans were having great difficulty in breaking through the French lines. Like waves against a rock they crashed and crashed against the solid defense that the French were putting up until finally enough was enough. Discouraged by the heavy losses they took the remaining American forces began to withdraw. Bernard saw this occur from his mortar position and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Removing his Adrian helmet and lying on his back he took in the fact that he and his fellow Frenchmen had repulsed the American assault. The hot sun quickly evaporated the sweat on Bernard's head as he listened to the cheers of his comrades below. Somehow, against all odds they had- "THEY'RE COMING BACK!!!" Snapped out of his peaceful lull, Bernard tuned in to the worried cries that were coming from the sandbag line. "THE AMERICANS ARE COMING BACK!!!" "BERNARD, LOAD THE MORTAR!!!" Putting his Adrian helmet back on, Bernard got to his feet and saw that the once demoralized American soldiers were making their way back to the citadel. Now in a panic at the sight of the regrouped American force, Bernard hastily looked for mortar shells. Finding none he made his way to the nearby ammo depot to try his luck, all the while he heard the familiar sound of French rifles and machine guns grow more and more scarce. Finally coming across a supply of shells he made his way back outside and loaded the mortar as fast as he could. He managed to get a few shots off before he could no longer hear the crack of French rifles. Understanding the gravity of the situation he was in, Bernard retreated to the confines of his mind to determine his next course of action. All at once, a series of voices swirled about Bernard's mind as each debated with the other. 'We've got to get out of here.' 'Maybe we can surrender?' 'They'd torture us!'' 'You have any better ideas!?' 'What would grand-père do?' As each worried and alarmed voice rattled around in Bernard's mind his eyes darted around profusely as he tried to locate an escape route. Scanning the ground floor of the citadel's headquarters his eyes made their way up to its roof where he saw two French tricolors waving in the wind. Seeing the flag of his beloved nation silenced the voices in his mind as he thought back to the reason why he joined the army, all the acquaintances he had made, and the wonderful times he had while in service of that great tricolored flag. This influx of memories brought back the rantings of the Captain who berated him and accused him of desertion. With these rants he remembered the feelings of dread he felt for letting down his comrades. "No." Bernard said to himself. "I'm not running away this time." Hopping to his feet, Bernard scoured the area looking for a weapon. After the ground around him yielded no results Bernard sprinted his way through the HQ, and along the walls of the citadel until he spotted a machine gun on the ground next to some sandbags. Picking it up and pulling back the bolt, Bernard began to let out a battle cry. "VI-" Before he could so much as pull the trigger, an American .30-06 bullet punched through his chest causing him to collapse in pain while covering the entry wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Time would tell if the French Private would survive. (EDIT: Decided to do away with Bernard's death as I forgot to take in to account that a casualty doesn't always equate to a death.)
Give the remaining French a few tanks to give them a chance. Some WW1-era FT-17s would be nice. Makes sense they'd have obsolete vehicles shipped to the colonies for "peacekeeping" duties. In which case that 37mm AT gun would come in handy.
I absolutely love your channel, you inspired me to get this game and test my creativity in the game, even if it's using the mission maps, it's so much fun, keep doing what ya do!
it would be cool if once the us captor the citadel there was a French counter attack and two destroyers could go at it in the background as the 2 forces clash on the beach
Awesome new series!! Keep going with this man your doing great! You should show the full strength of the companies and then do a like before and after, to show how gruesome war is and it would also add to the dramatics!
*Marine Narrative Continued* *Edit- For those who don't know Col. McMalory is a military college educated Irish immigrant, hence the way he speaks* Right at the end, although pyrrhic, Col. McMalory angrily over the radio ordered Captain Royce to move his light 75mm gun forward and provide fire support. But when that last position being so close yet so far McMalory signalled for a charge, no less than to be speared headed by one of his last remaining company commanders. "I swear too, bloody fucking hell Royce, if you don't take that goddamn point I'm gonna leave your arse in No Man's Land and shoot you me self!" Yelled The Colonel over the radio. Captain Royce took that last of his platoon, grabbed the rest of the available grenades they had, loaded his pistol and began to rush up with his tired but steeled marines. With one loud command, "Fix bayonets! and let us see if Froggy likes pineapples!" Before he began his charge, Captain Royce's men let out a loud and thunderous "OOHRA!!!" and began to move up tossing their last remaining grenades and striking a true aim. However there was one blast French Mortarman giving it his all. "Marines, fire at my ten o'clock 150 meters!" The suppression managed to shake the brave French man to move, ducking and dodging automatic fire and rifle suppression. One private, with a good eye and quick reflexes noticed him out of the corner of his periphery. "Sir, look out, he is on the em-gee!" And shot through the frenchman's heart with clean crack of a 30-06. Winded and shook, Captain Royce ordered his remaining ing men to search and secure the area , but he just couldn't help but shake the feeling...."We're being watch" muttered under his breath as his platoon Sargent comes over with the radio man from higher echelon.
6:33 "Well it looks like this platoon is making more progress than the previous platoons before it." Platoon proceeds to be shredded by artillery. Damm it diplex you jinxed them.
I really like these alternate history scenarios, maybe for the next idea have a revolt in the soviet union (before the invasion by the germans) due to famine and unrest which would result in civil war?
Papa Javi more like caused by Stalin, remember it’s fictional but it doesn’t have to be cause of a famine or anything that’s just an idea and most likely, there are many other options that could have made it happen, maybe the return of Trotsky and an attempted coup is lead by Trotsky’s followers.
I hope that any video by now after this part is that the French also invaded the Philippines by Indochina and Filipino colonial soldiers are the first to fight the french then the americans came and called the brits... just an idea btw hoped u liked it
Really enjoy this series, during this time period the US Marine Corp did have a platoon of tanks ( Harmon-Herrington CTL-3) which would have been acquired in 1935 a year before this is set, not sure what mod you are using and it is unlikely they are in the mod but would be cool too see a platoon of tanks in D or E company also when we see more US units will they be equipped with The .30 M1 Garand Rifle?
I wasnt going to comment until I heard you say you try to read them all. On part two im curious why you chose to assault the right flank vs the left, left was way softer and would have left a lot more Marines left. Also for part one and part three, I dont know if its just how the game runs but the key to an assault is to keep the tempo up and when you know they have mortars and arty always spread out. They lost a lot of guys in parts one and three due to stalling in assaults and being so close together. Losing squads at a time for a single shell. I figure the tempo and grouping is just how it runs, but It would be cool to see a second video where they use a little smarter tactics.
loving the video . i do think given all the casualties in the first and second video that A and B companies would be unabel to make an assault on a fortress like that ...while the Americans might be winning the battles they are losing men at a much a higher rate and therefore really should lose the war
Hello again from: "Not My Real Name". As a recently medically retired Soldier (w/ 34 1/2 yrs of exp.), I found myself really enjoying these more 'obscure' battles that are presented. As most people will remember specific WW II battles, but people really tend to miss the 'side battles' that also decided future military traits & trends. Also as a True Soldier (a Soldier who only wishes for True & Lasting Peace), I couldn't help to be 'some moved' by the destruction of this Island Paradise. As shown by the Islanding hoping battles of WW II, these jungle paradises can recover, but the scares are forever permanently etched into the rock itself. Thoughts?
What algorithmic (bug) makes the French machine gunner aim opposite of the direction of the US marine attack at 23:54? Similar patterns occur repeatedly in this and other assault?
I think America having before WW2 having carries, see if you could use some early war naval planes on the map, like America bringing reinforcements and a carrier task force.
This was a fantastic scenario. Keeping with the Pacific theme, how about a secret German mission at the start of WW2 to recapture Germany's former colonies in east New Guinea, Nauru and the Solomon Islands, and the Australians have to kick them out. Or what about an attempted Japanese invasion of Northern Australia?
This is really cool! i love men of war series that connect. I am in the process of starting a combined men of war modern war cinematic universe starting with the Russian civil war on my channel. You make your men of war videos look so good and cinematic... have you got any tips, if you would be so kind sir? or is it a trade secret? ;)
I'm really liking this series, but what happened to the post apocalyptic series that you were doing? It was really awesome and I was really excited for season two. I hope that you do that soon because the first season is what brought me to your channel
He has said that it will come at a later date. He has already done a prequel series on it but know that he takes a while to do series. Expect it a few months from now.
please please do a video describing in detail how you get all your mods to work, star wars and not. the whole map when i load up is a checkers board and i really wanna play star wars mods. please help.
It may have been a tactical victory but it's not enough to turn into a strategic one as the French were outnumbered and outgunned and yet they tried to inflict as much damage as possible
Hey Diplex, I love your Men of War vids and I want to buy this game but when I want to play this custom Battles do I need to download a mid or is there a sanbox mode in this game? PS: Pls make more of this I love it.👍
Hey brother you know what would be cool.... if you did another halo video it’s been to long, like a small group of ODSTs holding a base against a bunch of covenant plz do it for us
Just a little fact, most letahl thing isnt the Shrapnell from an explosion, its the shockwave. Many soldiers died cuz of tair lungs collapsed. Its slow, extream painfull and no madic can fix that... poor souls...
Fun scenario idea: One early war army faction (say 1940-41) fight a late war army faction (say 1944-45). Ex: A 1941 U.S Army fight a 1945 German Army. Just an idea...one i will post as often as possible until it leaves my head.
also special forces stuff would be badass, something like US Recon Marines would be really cool to use if you made this into a island hopping thing or something
@@candidodacquisto7930 the m1919 was an lmg and was heavier than the bar I think it would have been more appropriate if you had like 3 per wave for a dedicated machine gun squad and they fire the same caliber 30 Cal or 7.62mm. While it's true the m1919 has a larger clip the bar would be the weapon of choice for me in this situation. Although Diplex made a good point that the Marines needed heavier firepower for this mission.
@@DiplexHeated the us marines should be using m1917 water cooled machine guns as during this time the marines were still using mainly dated but still effective equipment the us army got most if not all the m1919
The M2a1 howitzers didn't come out till 1941 so the marines would probably still be using british 18 pounders or french 75mm same with the m3 37mm gun wasn't introduced until 1940
I don’t understand how you do these videos. I get that it’s with mods but how do you get the bots? There’s no not in Men Of War Assault Squad 2. Can someone explain how he gets these giant battles that he only controls one side?
If the other two french companies attack the cited ell now they could easily reclaim the island because the other two us companies would be stuck on the beach
I know this has nothing to do with you how the AI operates, it's just curious how often the french artillery fire and how confused the american artillery is on static positions lol
Posthumously is the word you're looking for. Also this should lead to an alternate WW2. Like Germany and Japan siding with the US against Europe, Russia, China, etc.
The tow last French companies hearing of the massacre at the citadel and the bravery of their brothers, launch a pincer counter attack at the citadel wanting to reclaim it as a matter of honor. If you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog. But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight like a lion. - Napoleon Bonaparte
"Well done Private."
Bernard turned to see a small grin on the face of his previously hostile captain.
"Thank you Capi-"
"For a coward."
"One steadfast action does not clean the stain of desertion Private."
"Capitaine I-"
"Do not subject me to your petty excuses!" The Captain said as he began to rise from the city wall. "Many of your compatriots have died valiantly defending France's newly acquired land and yet you deemed it fit to try and escape your duty as a soldier!"
Bernard could only stare as he had no capacity to counter his superior's argument. As he thought more in depth about it, the guiltier he felt. The stronghold had been subject to U.S bombardment days prior to the landing so the defenses would have been on high alert with or without the concern that a winded man emerging from the jungle brought. Bernard's mind then quickly flashed back to the stories of his grandfather that he was so captivated by. Each and every one demonstrated the bravery and comaraderie that could only be found in the service of one's army.
Bernard demonstrated none of these qualities. He fled the battlefield with a half baked excuse as to why and left his brothers-in-arms to rot on the beach instead of having the decency to die by their side. Filled with remorse and self-loathing, Bernard prepared himself for the barrage of insults that were to come, knowing full well that he deserved every single one.
The Captain spoke "Were we not so desperate for manpower I would shoot you on the spot."
Bernard looked away to the corpse beside him who, minutes prior, had been his crash course mentor on artillery pieces, his own self-hatred growing as he knew that his fallen comrade had fulfilled his duty without question while he himself had tarnished the name of the French military.
Noting Bernard's shift in gaze the Captain barked an order. "Private Droit!" A soldier further down the wall rose and hurried to the Captain's vicinity.
"Yes sir!" Droit said while giving a salute.
The Captain gave one in return before continuing. "Take this man to the inner citadel to ensure that he does not attempt another escape."
"Sir yes sir!" Droit responded.
"Excellent. I shall be off. I must make contact with the two remaining companies and organize a counterattack."
"Sir! The radio has since been repaired after the last American bombardment. Surely you would wish to save yourself the journey?"
The Captain shaked his head "No, they are under strict orders of radio silence. I will not risk losing the element of surprise just so that I may save myself a walk."
"Understood sir!"
The Captain gave one final salute to Private Droit before making his way out of the citadel. Droit then escorted the quiet Bernard to the inner walls where he was shown the mortar that he would be manning in the hypothetical scenario in which the Americans broke through the outer defenses. With night settling in, Bernard retired to his sleeping bag as did the majority of the French soldiers.
*The next day*
The battle was intense and the casualties were enormous on both sides. Even with their superior numbers, the Americans were having great difficulty in breaking through the French lines. Like waves against a rock they crashed and crashed against the solid defense that the French were putting up until finally enough was enough. Discouraged by the heavy losses they took the remaining American forces began to withdraw.
Bernard saw this occur from his mortar position and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Removing his Adrian helmet and lying on his back he took in the fact that he and his fellow Frenchmen had repulsed the American assault. The hot sun quickly evaporated the sweat on Bernard's head as he listened to the cheers of his comrades below. Somehow, against all odds they had-
Snapped out of his peaceful lull, Bernard tuned in to the worried cries that were coming from the sandbag line.
Putting his Adrian helmet back on, Bernard got to his feet and saw that the once demoralized American soldiers were making their way back to the citadel. Now in a panic at the sight of the regrouped American force, Bernard hastily looked for mortar shells. Finding none he made his way to the nearby ammo depot to try his luck, all the while he heard the familiar sound of French rifles and machine guns grow more and more scarce. Finally coming across a supply of shells he made his way back outside and loaded the mortar as fast as he could. He managed to get a few shots off before he could no longer hear the crack of French rifles.
Understanding the gravity of the situation he was in, Bernard retreated to the confines of his mind to determine his next course of action. All at once, a series of voices swirled about Bernard's mind as each debated with the other.
'We've got to get out of here.'
'Maybe we can surrender?'
'They'd torture us!''
'You have any better ideas!?'
'What would grand-père do?'
As each worried and alarmed voice rattled around in Bernard's mind his eyes darted around profusely as he tried to locate an escape route. Scanning the ground floor of the citadel's headquarters his eyes made their way up to its roof where he saw two French tricolors waving in the wind. Seeing the flag of his beloved nation silenced the voices in his mind as he thought back to the reason why he joined the army, all the acquaintances he had made, and the wonderful times he had while in service of that great tricolored flag. This influx of memories brought back the rantings of the Captain who berated him and accused him of desertion. With these rants he remembered the feelings of dread he felt for letting down his comrades.
"No." Bernard said to himself.
"I'm not running away this time."
Hopping to his feet, Bernard scoured the area looking for a weapon. After the ground around him yielded no results Bernard sprinted his way through the HQ, and along the walls of the citadel until he spotted a machine gun on the ground next to some sandbags. Picking it up and pulling back the bolt, Bernard began to let out a battle cry.
Before he could so much as pull the trigger, an American .30-06 bullet punched through his chest causing him to collapse in pain while covering the entry wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
Time would tell if the French Private would survive.
(EDIT: Decided to do away with Bernard's death as I forgot to take in to account that a casualty doesn't always equate to a death.)
Nice tie-in mate, good work.
Darn. I was hoping since most casualties tend to be wounded he would survive. This was a good story, and a good ending nonetheless.
This could be a whole book.
Do more things like this please
Bernard the soul survivor of the battle
I'm hyped for other nations im this serie, they are probably Japan, UK,. Netherlands, USA and China. Really keep it up m8. Love u :)
But USA is already here...
Ah, true haha
Give the remaining French a few tanks to give them a chance. Some WW1-era FT-17s would be nice. Makes sense they'd have obsolete vehicles shipped to the colonies for "peacekeeping" duties. In which case that 37mm AT gun would come in handy.
Hey uh what game is this it interests me
@@aaron_lifts Medal Of Honor 2
call of duty ghosts
I've been waiting for this battle!!!! I got soo many Hue city ideas ready for the Vietnam mod Diplex! This battle has inspired me!!!!!
Zaqpak is vietnam mod going to cta right ? imagine those amazing hue battles in first person
Press "F" for the hero who throws the grenades back.
So ends the brave tale of Bernard.
I absolutely love your channel, you inspired me to get this game and test my creativity in the game, even if it's using the mission maps, it's so much fun, keep doing what ya do!
Loving this so much! Really vibe the alternative / story lead gameplay. Excited to see the next instalment :)
it would be cool if once the us captor the citadel there was a French counter attack and two destroyers could go at it in the background as the 2 forces clash on the beach
neon make this.happen!
I cant it is u to diplex if he saw this I would be sick and made he would do it
Awesome new series!! Keep going with this man your doing great! You should show the full strength of the companies and then do a like before and after, to show how gruesome war is and it would also add to the dramatics!
*Marine Narrative Continued*
*Edit- For those who don't know Col. McMalory is a military college educated Irish immigrant, hence the way he speaks*
Right at the end, although pyrrhic, Col. McMalory angrily over the radio ordered Captain Royce to move his light 75mm gun forward and provide fire support. But when that last position being so close yet so far McMalory signalled for a charge, no less than to be speared headed by one of his last remaining company commanders.
"I swear too, bloody fucking hell Royce, if you don't take that goddamn point I'm gonna leave your arse in No Man's Land and shoot you me self!" Yelled The Colonel over the radio. Captain Royce took that last of his platoon, grabbed the rest of the available grenades they had, loaded his pistol and began to rush up with his tired but steeled marines.
With one loud command,
"Fix bayonets! and let us see if Froggy likes pineapples!"
Before he began his charge, Captain Royce's men let out a loud and thunderous "OOHRA!!!" and began to move up tossing their last remaining grenades and striking a true aim.
However there was one blast French Mortarman giving it his all.
"Marines, fire at my ten o'clock 150 meters!"
The suppression managed to shake the brave French man to move, ducking and dodging automatic fire and rifle suppression. One private, with a good eye and quick reflexes noticed him out of the corner of his periphery.
"Sir, look out, he is on the em-gee!"
And shot through the frenchman's heart with clean crack of a 30-06.
Winded and shook, Captain Royce ordered his remaining ing men to search and secure the area , but he just couldn't help but shake the feeling...."We're being watch" muttered under his breath as his platoon Sargent comes over with the radio man from higher echelon.
Bernard got redemption
@@ΠαντεληςΜαρκογιαννακης yes he most certainly did
6:33 "Well it looks like this platoon is making more progress than the previous platoons before it." Platoon proceeds to be shredded by artillery. Damm it diplex you jinxed them.
Honestly thank god you’re uploading again. I can always use some more of this shit.
Really super glad you're back man, love your content. Don't do a dissapearing act again please haha
I believe the word you were trying to say was "posthumously"
If only my computer had the gpu to run this, I suffer and enjoy watching this
I dont think the Americans can afford many more victories like that.
They are almost equally numbered and the US have only been doing assaults. You can't win a one for one attack on an entrenched foe
i love the editor for men of war editor i hope to be as good as diplexheated in making maps/battles one day :3
this is a great series
really well done , loved watchin it
Posthumous is the word... love your vids !
Do TUG OF War!!! Those were awesome, these are rad too how you did well described fictional battles
That squad leader's solo attack is the most heroic thing I've ever seen the AI done.
I'm loving this Diplex keep it up!
Love Your Videos!! Don't stop making content like this ! And I have to say you speak German very well haha
Great series keep up the good work.
I really like these alternate history scenarios, maybe for the next idea have a revolt in the soviet union (before the invasion by the germans) due to famine and unrest which would result in civil war?
SlimmDusty A civil war caused by the famine caused by the first civil war
Papa Javi more like caused by Stalin, remember it’s fictional but it doesn’t have to be cause of a famine or anything that’s just an idea and most likely, there are many other options that could have made it happen, maybe the return of Trotsky and an attempted coup is lead by Trotsky’s followers.
@@slimmdusty8809 I like that idea I'm just saying there was a famine long before Stalin came to power and the war was the cause
2nd Russian civil war. Josef Stalin VS Andrey Vlasov
16:30 French mortarman = getting up on a Monday morning
I hope that any video by now after this part is that the French also invaded the Philippines by Indochina and Filipino colonial soldiers are the first to fight the french then the americans came and called the brits... just an idea btw hoped u liked it
Really enjoy this series, during this time period the US Marine Corp did have a platoon of tanks ( Harmon-Herrington CTL-3) which would have been acquired in 1935 a year before this is set, not sure what mod you are using and it is unlikely they are in the mod but would be cool too see a platoon of tanks in D or E company also when we see more US units will they be equipped with The .30 M1 Garand Rifle?
I wasnt going to comment until I heard you say you try to read them all. On part two im curious why you chose to assault the right flank vs the left, left was way softer and would have left a lot more Marines left. Also for part one and part three, I dont know if its just how the game runs but the key to an assault is to keep the tempo up and when you know they have mortars and arty always spread out. They lost a lot of guys in parts one and three due to stalling in assaults and being so close together. Losing squads at a time for a single shell. I figure the tempo and grouping is just how it runs, but It would be cool to see a second video where they use a little smarter tactics.
can't wait for part 4!
loving the video . i do think given all the casualties in the first and second video that A and B companies would be unabel to make an assault on a fortress like that ...while the Americans might be winning the battles they are losing men at a much a higher rate and therefore really should lose the war
Hello again from: "Not My Real Name". As a recently medically retired Soldier (w/ 34 1/2 yrs of exp.), I found myself really enjoying these more 'obscure' battles that are presented. As most people will remember specific WW II battles, but people really tend to miss the 'side battles' that also decided future military traits & trends. Also as a True Soldier (a Soldier who only wishes for True & Lasting Peace), I couldn't help to be 'some moved' by the destruction of this Island Paradise. As shown by the Islanding hoping battles of WW II, these jungle paradises can recover, but the scares are forever permanently etched into the rock itself. Thoughts?
Can you do comparisons in the future of the map before and after the battle pls?
That was a bad ass intro
I loled so hard when he said prestige, experience and captain in the same sentence.
16:40 I think you were trying to say "post-mortem"
He meant posthumous.
@@michaelho9346 it's the same meaning, they both mean "after death"
However posthumous specifically carries the context of an award being given.
@@michaelho9346 I've always seen it being used as an adjective to mean after death, I've never heard it being used that way, but if you say so
I think you mean posthumously .
A post-mortem is something like an autopsy in order to acertain the cause of death.
Micheal is correct.
What algorithmic (bug) makes the French machine gunner aim opposite of the direction of the US marine attack at 23:54? Similar patterns occur repeatedly in this and other assault?
A moment of silence for Private Bernard. He was the bravest coward I've grown to admire.
You should do 1950s cold war Soviet paratroopers and Soviet and us nuclear tanks
Diplex you should make this into a alternate ww2 timeline where the americans are the agressors instead of Germany it be really cool! (:
I have a suggestion 500 WWI era troops vs 100 wwii us troops
F for that one guy.
I think America having before WW2 having carries, see if you could use some early war naval planes on the map, like America bringing reinforcements and a carrier task force.
Hey diplex referencing what you said about using weapons 20 years old, many military's still use rifles etc developed in the 70s and 80s!!
Awesome video do more videos with the FFL
Hey I love the videos! Is there anyway u can do something like romans vs marines? Or modern marines vs SS?
This was a fantastic scenario. Keeping with the Pacific theme, how about a secret German mission at the start of WW2 to recapture Germany's former colonies in east New Guinea, Nauru and the Solomon Islands, and the Australians have to kick them out. Or what about an attempted Japanese invasion of Northern Australia?
Can u do one were there is a massive air bombing raid and the a follow up assault
This is really cool! i love men of war series that connect. I am in the process of starting a combined men of war modern war cinematic universe starting with the Russian civil war on my channel. You make your men of war videos look so good and cinematic... have you got any tips, if you would be so kind sir? or is it a trade secret? ;)
Can I get a quick rundown on casualties of both sides sofar please ?
I'm really liking this series, but what happened to the post apocalyptic series that you were doing? It was really awesome and I was really excited for season two. I hope that you do that soon because the first season is what brought me to your channel
He has said that it will come at a later date. He has already done a prequel series on it but know that he takes a while to do series. Expect it a few months from now.
@@liamcole1769 thankyou
What mods are you using? attempt 3
He said the models are costum made, most likely bases on Valour or GSM.
Hi diplexheated was wondering how u get them to battle against each other with out controlling a team.??
please please do a video describing in detail how you get all your mods to work, star wars and not. the whole map when i load up is a checkers board and i really wanna play star wars mods. please help.
R.I.P Bernard you will never be froggot
It may have been a tactical victory but it's not enough to turn into a strategic one as the French were outnumbered and outgunned and yet they tried to inflict as much damage as possible
Mortar guy at 16:31 that was brutal. Just got up only to get shot.
Epic intro wow!
Okay this is epic.
You should do a series about war plan red with the British in the 1930s
Hey Diplex, I love your Men of War vids and I want to buy this game but when I want to play this custom Battles do I need to download a mid or is there a sanbox mode in this game? PS: Pls make more of this I love it.👍
There is a level editor, that lets you make costum stuff like this. Also get the airborne. DLC to have singleplayer skirmish vs AI.
That American howitzer pissed me off so much
Hey brother you know what would be cool.... if you did another halo video it’s been to long, like a small group of ODSTs holding a base against a bunch of covenant plz do it for us
That captain is Royce spotting for that light gun a the very stern personal request of the marine Colonel, Col McMalory.
Just a little fact, most letahl thing isnt the Shrapnell from an explosion, its the shockwave. Many soldiers died cuz of tair lungs collapsed. Its slow, extream painfull and no madic can fix that... poor souls...
Fun scenario idea: One early war army faction (say 1940-41) fight a late war army faction (say 1944-45). Ex: A 1941 U.S Army fight a 1945 German Army. Just an idea...one i will post as often as possible until it leaves my head.
What is the reason? Its obvious who will win.
You ever hear of the superior firepower doctrine?
How do you add skins like the Iwo Jima skins and ww1 skins?
make this series into a alternate reality that is different from our history from this point on and have it go up to modern day or a little further
also special forces stuff would be badass, something like US Recon Marines would be really cool to use if you made this into a island hopping thing or something
Why aren't you using the BAR because it was made during ww1 so they should be using maybe replace the 30 cal with it
The US colonial infantry uses it but the Marines need more firepower, just like the airborne did in WW2.
@@DiplexHeated oh OK I just thought that it would make more sense than carrying that heavier mg
King Of The Neeks Yeah but with the browning you get more ammunition capacity and I believe the M1919 fires a heavier round than the BAR
@@candidodacquisto7930 the m1919 was an lmg and was heavier than the bar I think it would have been more appropriate if you had like 3 per wave for a dedicated machine gun squad and they fire the same caliber 30 Cal or 7.62mm. While it's true the m1919 has a larger clip the bar would be the weapon of choice for me in this situation. Although Diplex made a good point that the Marines needed heavier firepower for this mission.
@@DiplexHeated the us marines should be using m1917 water cooled machine guns as during this time the marines were still using mainly dated but still effective equipment the us army got most if not all the m1919
what mod are you using for the troops and frome were are you getting the maps?
good job
Is that a Bren gun firing?
The M2a1 howitzers didn't come out till 1941 so the marines would probably still be using british 18 pounders or french 75mm same with the m3 37mm gun wasn't introduced until 1940
I don’t understand how you do these videos. I get that it’s with mods but how do you get the bots? There’s no not in Men Of War Assault Squad 2. Can someone explain how he gets these giant battles that he only controls one side?
He doesnt control either side, and AI functionality is in the game, you just have to enable it in the editor.
He doesnt control either side, and AI functionality is in the game, you just have to enable it in the editor.
Post Mortem. Greetings from Mexico great battle. Name of the game please?
If the other two french companies attack the cited ell now they could easily reclaim the island because the other two us companies would be stuck on the beach
This is more then the Robz Realism Mod. What other mods are there
Crazy war
Just waiting to see if bernard survived
I know this has nothing to do with you how the AI operates, it's just curious how often the french artillery fire and how confused the american artillery is on static positions lol
You know how you said that the machine gun the French was 20 years old, the US military still uses the 50. cal Machine gun witch is over 70 years old.
Hayden G. Ok
Posthumously is the word you're looking for. Also this should lead to an alternate WW2. Like Germany and Japan siding with the US against Europe, Russia, China, etc.
The tow last French companies hearing of the massacre at the citadel and the bravery of their brothers, launch a pincer counter attack at the citadel wanting to reclaim it as a matter of honor.
If you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog, in any fight, the lions will die like a dog.
But if you build an army of 100 dogs and their leader is a lion, all dogs will fight like a lion.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
The Congressional Investigation after this battle would have relieved everyone. Everyone.
Posthumous is the term used.
Please do Battle of Khe San
Do a battle with the Aussies
Can you use small vehicles pls and the Dutch thx
Will have Japanese vs Chinese army's? With some major colonial power allies one side or another?
16:40 post mortem?
you should bring australia into this as it's close to the philippines
I love this seris
Go Bernard edit: no Bernard. Could you make him surrender.
Have fun voting!
Post mortem ?
You should give the marines M2 light tanks for the final battle because that what the us military should have or m2 mediums