Gosh, I love this show and the dynamic between all the characters, it's amazing and it is surprisingly *so* wholesome! *Veros, the fighter:* is solving the paint puzzle *Rikki, the druid:* is warding off mummies with vines and burning fire-sword *Veros, the fighter:* turns around (genuinely) Go Rikki!! *Veros, the fighter:* goes back to solving the paint puzzle
Anyone who's watched this series knows that it's very high quality and the production value is above and beyond any previous D&D shows on RUclips. Deborah is a top tier DM who should be in a Dungeon Master Hall of Fame, the recurring cast is amazing, the guests really get into it. The set changes for each campaign to match whatever mission they're on is inspired. And I love the fact that someone went into post production before uploading these to RUclips and added all these cool and subtle sound effects and music to fit whatever moments that are happening in the story. This is just an amazing series and I'm so baffled as to how and why these videos have so few views. Geek & Sundry has several different shows that are well known, Critical Role probably the best even though it is it's own channel now, but others like Spellslingers, and Tabletop alone gets typically a million plus views per episode. Don't get me wrong, Tabletop is a great show and very entertaining. But I think Relics & Rarities deserves so much more attention. Deborah's devotion to these campaigns and telling the stories with so much passion. We need a Season 2. #DnD #RelicsAndRarities #GeekAndSundry
I absolutely agree! I just discovered it and I'm already re-watching it! I hope they do more seasons. It reminds me of my days playing in highschool and college. I've recently come back. Never stopped loving it! 🤘😁🖖🇨🇦
@@xMRxZEROx I absolutely can't understand it too. Excellent production values, cool regular players and surprise guest stars, plus an amazingly kickass DM!
@@gregfam6250 Right? That's my attitude. This was one of the best D&D series I've ever seen. Period. The love and devotion that was put into it showed. Deborah is one of the greatest DMs I've ever witnessed run a game. It deserves Critical Role status.
The tangible fondness this crew has for each other (and the way they include each of the special guests) gets more and more enjoyable with every episode. ❤️
Ricky is a fuckin genius. Seriously. I've been playing this game for 25+ years and he surprises the shit out of me, every single episode. Entangle on the door? Druid Craft to make it more dense? Then remembers the flamesword to set the whole damn thing on fire?? Then jumping in the way of Beryl's hit to save her from Mummyrot. Sheesh. lmao Not to mention all the other crafty shit he comes up with.
I really love that kind of dming style. Deborah really works with her players, listening to their ideas and allowing stuff if they make sense or being really nice about a ruling. I love my dm but he's more a him vs us kinda guy
@@MulberryDays True, but with one-shots (which is what each of these episodes are), a GM can be a lot more lenient and play fast and loose with the rules. In a long-running campaign, while GMs certainly need to accepting of their players' ideas, they also need to be more consistent with their rulings, lest the campaign devolve into "wheedle at the GM". The players need to come up with plans that actually match their characters' strengths and weaknesses and not have a character who isn't strong try to smash down a bunch of stone columns... and then rely on the GM to fudge things so that they succeed. Deborah, here, did what was absolutely right for a guest player in a one-shot but something that, in the long term, isn't very healthy for a campaign. Part of a GM's skill is to employ just the right amount of both support and tough love for the players so that their wins feel truly earned.
Funny how that's only an accurate stereotype when the table is full of middle-aged straight white men who never learned how to play well with others. I'm sorry your players are all assholes? 😂
@@MulberryDays Wow! Mad Radagast quote: "middle-aged straight white men who never learned how to play well with others." That's some ageist, racist, and sexist stereotyping you got going there. FYI, our group identifies as 2 males, 2 females, and 1 non-binary with a more than 30+ age range among us. I can certainly see how if you approach roleplaying with such hostility and antagonism that you might have trouble finding any GMs who want you as a player... Sheesh!
Pleeeeease keep this one going!!! The entire cast is perfect and Deborah Woll is PERFECT! She seriously made the kaleidoscope puzzle?? If she ever needs an art assistant.... ;)
Timestamps & Possible Spoilers 00:05 Cinematic Intro 00:38 Episode Starts + Recap Rikki's Fall 02:11 Rikki's Selfish Vapor + Greedy Looting 03:30 Ill-prepared Adventurer + Two Hats Rikki 06:15 Deborah Ann Woll Draws A Map + 5 Sarcophagi + Treasure + Axe Of Thanyon Myett 07:49 Prophecy + Rikki's Greed 10:04 Investigating The Chamber 12:48 Sarcophagus Sounds 14:06 Mummy Reveal + Roll Initiative 17:05 Shaming The Mummy 20:00 Rikki Huckster Has Had Enough 22:45 Necrotic Punch To The Face 26:30 Beryl's Ancestral Guardian Shade 27:39 Bag Of Tricks Direwolf 34:07 Beryl's Vocabulary: Not A Fan Of Charades, Shenanigans, Or Chicanery 36:32 Mumeé Grabs The Axe Of Thanyon Myett + 3 More Mummies Reveal 38:38 At Least We're In A Tomb 39:01 Locking The Sarcophagus 40:28 Taking Out The 1st Mummy 42:46 Knocking Down The Columns 45:30 Locking The Remaining Sarcophagi 47:10 Octagonal Room + Mosaic Puzzle 49:10 Rikki Fends Off Mummies 53:39 Solving The Mosaic Puzzle 54:47 Exiting King Senna's Tomb + Returning To Relics & Rarities + Healing Rikki 56:29 Axe Of Thanyon Myett 57:16 Rikki's Heroism 58:42 Mumeé Departs + Game Ends Thank you Deborah Ann Woll, Tommy Walker, Jasmine Bhullar, Julia Dennis, Xander Jeanneret, Janina Gavankar, and the Production Crew for the fun! ☮️❤️🍀☺️🎲
Totally loving Xander! He is so much fun, great character, and so considerate of everyone at the table. I might have a new life goal; to get to play D&D at the same table as Xander Jeanneret. Sign me up for Make A Wish or something =)
Thank you Geek & Sundry for Relics and Rarities. This has become something I love to watch, and am excited every time I see a new episode pop up. Makes me wish I could join everyone on one of there amazing outings. Way to go rickey for your amazing hero skills this time helping to save your friend from a curse at the risk of your own life. Please keep up with this amazing group. My best to you all on your journey and may great fortune come to you all!
I hope our brave adventurers cross paths again with Mumee, a true bad ass if ever I saw one. Janina Gavankar added so much to an already brilliant cast!! Great job!!
Love it. Deborah creates great dramatic tension and the players clearly really enjoy playing together. Its great how she can incorporate a guest star in every week that really gets in to the party.
I love the escalation at the end of this adventure. I'm sure the editing helped but I love half the team doing a puzzle and the other half defending...so great!!!
Yay!! Ricky lives!! Great episode players! The pillar trick made me nervous..I was waiting for the ceiling to collapse. Deborah Ann, great job running the game tonight!
How is this not viral!!! I love these stories so much and she has such and an AMAZING imagination. I am new to D&D and was looking for inspiration to how it's supposed to work and this is by far the best stories and acting I have seen. Thank you! Please do more!
if they’d all had rot there could have just as easily been many uses of the cure. it’s an old dm trick...if there’s an chance to make something more dramatic by revealing after the fact it was the only one available or happened at the last possible moment, that’s a freebie because the players will never know what would have happened otherwise
That depends on whether or not Beryl succeeded on her Constitution saving throw or not. Her CON is likely better than Ricky's, and Barbarians do get their proficiency bonus on those saves. Not a guarantee by any stretch, but certainly more in her favor.
Or the next guest could be a cleric, paladin, warlock, or wizard that knows / prepared Remove Curse (2nd). (Paladins get lvl2 spells at 5th level so that would be possible.) The next guest did in fact play a warlock, so a small tweak to their spell choices could have had that character come in and save Beryl; she'd have had a few days before her max HP got down to zero. The whole time stuck in whatever damaged condition unable to regain HP, but alive. Her max HP is only 42, not very high for a 5th level barbarian (very unlucky hit-dice rolls?), but that's still a 4 day window to cure mummy rot. (With the final day being at 2 of 2 HP!)
Holy shit, this is amazing. If this show ends, I'll get so depressed... You hear that G&S? You've made yourself responsible for my mental well being with this show!
Great performance! One note about bards: they can't give bardic inspiration to themselves until they reach 14th level. "You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do so, you use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die."
I just started learning about D&D and created my first character. The DM helping me learn suggested I watch this series to learn how the game flows. Holy shit was he right. Deborah is amazing. If I had a goal in my adventures it would be to get to play in a session she DMs. I went from having never played the game to NEEDING to play it because of her enthusiasm for the game.
Rules nerd notes: 1:10 - Deborah gave Rikki "6 seconds", so time to do a whole action not just a reaction. Wild Shape into an ant would make him too small to take fall damage, and a climb speed to get back out. Or Wild Shape into something with a decent amount of HP could at least protect his gnome form from the damage, if he didn't think of being a very small creature. He's not 8th level so he can't shape into a flying creature. 2:19 - Circle of Dreams druids can only spend at most half their pool of healing dice in a single use. Temporary HP doesn't stack, so Rikki can only end up with at most 2 temp HP. At least that's how the XGE version works, but it doesn't have the speed boost either. Maybe that restriction wasn't present in the UA version they're using? Burning all his bonus-action healing seems unwise, leaving him with nothing to bring someone else up from 0 HP as a bonus action and still cast a leveled spell the same turn. I'd have used one or two level 1 spell slots on Cure Wounds to get 1d8+Wis healing, as well as maybe some Balm. Both only recharge on a long rest. (Unlike wildshape that's 2 per short rest.) 4:55 - Second Story Work - so Janina's character is a Thief subclass of rogue; appropriate for a tomb robber I guess. Or since she's playing the character as knowing about the culture, she can flavour it as being nimble at climbing around in tombs or something. Or maybe her true goal is just taking the shiny treasure, with the knowledge being necessary to find stuff, rather than the main prize. I'm not sure how the the lack of Investigation skill or ability fits narratively (+0 modifier so no proficiency and an Int modifier of +0). I'd have thought that would be pretty important for surviving, and for finding and solving puzzles as well as finding traps. She does have expertise in perception, I assume (+2 Wis + 2x3 proficiency rather than +5 Wis + 3 proficiency), so maybe her idea of the character was being good at finding things by noticing them. Deborah might have let her make a perception instead of investigation check in a few cases if she'd asked. (Probably not to check for traps: RAW that's part of investigation.) IDK if Janina was just totally not thinking about her character's skills / stats when asking for investigation, or if that's what Deborah had asked for last time so was just going with what she was learning, or if she thought it would be funny for Mumee to fail to find / notice stuff. I'm guessing it's a combination of not thinking about stats and going with the name of a skill that had already been used for something similar recently. 14:38 - Seems that Deborah requires her players to say they're getting something ready before the thing happens they were getting ready for. There were plenty of hints that something was moving in the sarcophagus, but nobody said they were moving or readying anything even as the lid was sliding off. Deborah seemed to be kind of continuously narrating (at least in the edit) so they would have had to interrupt her. Some other DMs might have asked the players if anyone was reacting to the situation to remind them that their characters are currently standing there flat footed unless they say something. This is a different style, one that requires the players to think quicker and put themselves in their character's shoes in terms of being ready to react to signs of danger. Otherwise they're just going to let a monster climb out of something and attack without PCs attacking it first. 16:09 - Reckless is advantage for all attacks on your turn. They've been getting this wrong the whole time, but this is the first time Deborah's actively confirmed that she agrees with this misunderstanding :/ All monsters get advantage on all their attacks against you, so it's only fair. (Unless Deborah is playing it as monsters only getting advantage on their first attack?) Beryl's damage modifier is only +4? Oh, she forgot to rage, so it's just Str. Or intentionally chose not to? She gets 3 rages per long rest. IDK if Jasmine is looking for narrative reasons to justify becoming "angry" before using the central class ability of her character? If she'd been raging, she could have given the mummy disadvantage to attack anyone but her, and reduced its damage by half if it did so anyway. She has much better Con saves and ability to take damage than Rikki. 20:30 - Flame Blade is a melee *spell* attack, same wis+proficiency modifier as he'd normally use for spells. Rikki's modifier is at least +6, maybe +7, I forget. The +1 he added is probably his Str or Dex like he'd add to a regular weapon attack. :( If Flame Blade actual did work that way, it would be a bad choice for Rikki. Mummys are vulnerable to fire, so if Rikki (and/or Xander) knew that, it is actually a pretty good choice of spell. Or would be if he was doing the attack modifier correctly. Flaming Sphere is also quite good since you can do other things with your action every turn. (They're both concentration so you can't have both up at once.) Especially if he thought Flame Blade would only attack with his Str or Dex without proficiency, Flaming Sphere would have been a better choice of fire damage spell to prepare for this adventure. It gets frustrating sometimes knowing that according to the dice and their stats, the characters should have succeeded at something. The characters and story are interesting enough that I want them to succeed, not to be bumbling incompetents more often than ---- 21:08 - This mummy seems to be homebrewed and more powerful than the monster-manual version. The MM version's Dreadful Glare is a single-target effect, and only inflicts the Frightened condition without forced action while frightened that way. > The mummy targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If the target can see the mummy, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened until the end of the mummy's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the same duration On its own Frightened just means you can't move closer, and you have disadvantage on attacks and checks while the source of fear is in sight. Some effects like Turn Undead have extra effects, like forcing the target to run away. Standard Mummy fear doesn't do that. Remove Curse (2nd) cures mummy rot; it's a cleric / paladin / warlock / wizard spell so none of them have it, unless Annabella took it as her magical secrets pick which would be highly unlikely. (Nor Greater Restoration (5th) which would also work; it's on the druid list but too high level for Rikki.) How far did they travel from civilization in general, or from the Relics and Rarities shop? Is it more than a day to get back? (Mummy rot reduces HP max by 10 for every 24 hours. You die if it reaches zero.) 30:05 - Last round, I was surprised Mumee didn't move and/or bonus-action dash after seeing her attack be resisted and deciding to go for the axe. You can break up your movement, e.g. jump off the wall, fire your bow, then use the rest of your movement up to 30 ft, and bonus-dash for another 30. This turn, she can also dash as a bonus action because she's a rogue (cunning action), getting 60 feet while still having her action. I think Deborah doesn't realize that, since she talked about giving up her main action. And last game she helped Charlie Cox build Seamus, who had Expeditious Retreat as an arcane trickster. But fortunately as a Thief rogue, she has Fast Hands so hopefully she can grab the axe as a free object interaction or with that as a bonus action? No, they just ended her turn.
(continued) 31:10 - Wild Shape is a full action unless you're a moon druid. Rikki is Circle of Dreams, that's also why he can only shape into less powerful creatures (CR1/2 at his level). Wild Shape does not prevent concentrating on a spell; you *could* keep Flame Blade active. Probably wouldn't want to, unlike spells such as Flaming Sphere which are usually better; cast a concentration spell and then wild shape and escape can be a good combo, especially with something like Heat Metal. A house cat makes little sense; it has only a couple HP, vs. a larger cat being faster and having enough HP to maybe take a hit, or at least soak up much of the damage, especially while Beryl's ancestral guardians are protecting the party. e.g. a Panther has 13 HP, a black bear has 19 HP. (And speed 40 with a climb speed to get back up the ladder fast.) Or an ape could still use the flame blade. (And has higher str than rikki, which would be useful while they're still misunderstanding flame blade's hit bonus.) A house cat has 2 HP (1d4). It's fast, though, speed 40 ft / climb 30. Rikki is in full panic mode, not even disengaging? RAW he couldn't disengage in the same turn as wild shape, because both cost his action. But Deborah and Xander both agreed that Rikki can wild shape as a bonus action. Xander said he thought booking it without disengaging was Rikki's "best chance to get outta here". That is objectively incorrect. Just be faster than the mummy, e.g. as a panther (speed 50 / climb 40), and disengage. It can't get another attack on you, since it either doesn't catch up, or it has to use its action to dash instead of attack. (A Mummy actually has speed 20, so couldn't even close the distance to a panther with a full move+dash.) Taking another hit against a cat's AC 12 and 2 HP seems like a good way to waste your wild shape. If you want to take damage, start your move in gnome form so he's attacking before you wild shape. (Rikki's gnome-form AC is hopefully higher than 12.) He happened to get lucky and it missed his AC of 12 with disadvantage. It was about a 50/50 chance, given its hit bonus of +5, so it needed both dice to be 7 or higher. (Actually a 0.492 chance of rolling a 7 with disadvantage, so very close to 50/50.) He would have had a 100% chance of escaping without further damage with disengage. (And since mummys are slow, didn't actually need to wildshape.) Oh, I misunderstood which direction he wanted to run. He's going towards the treasure and axe, toward Veros and Mumee. So not panic, but even less reason to pick a super weak form with no hit points. Or is the idea to be one of the 4 creatures that are sacred to this culture, one of the four canopic jars? That makes some sense, but not without a disengage. But he didn't use his action to dash? Looks like he only went about 40 ft, base movement for a cat. If they thought wild shape was a bonus action, he'd still have his action left. Maybe they edited out a part where they remembered that was only for Moon druids. He said later his plan was to lock the other sarcophagi. That's a very good idea, actually, if it works on things that didn't have locks. Being a panther would have made sense for that; he could have put the key between his teeth in gnome form before wild shape, and chosen to have that item be one that his animal form was carrying, instead of merging into his form. A warhorse is even faster, but hooves are even less usable than panther paws for picking up the key if holding it in his mouth idea didn't work out. 31:35 - being "engaged" with another creature isn't relevant for whether they can take an op attack on someone fleeing (moving away without disengage). Is he maybe thinking that having someone else still engaging it will discourage the mummy from pursuing? 32:25 - Interesting, Beryl's choice not to go reckless last turn paid off. It missed her on a straight roll, might well have hit with advantage. 33:10 - Veros's whole turn was just an intimidation check? No movement, not even to get back within 30 feet so he could move+attack next turn. Many DMs would let that talking be a bonus action or free action while attacking. I suspect Deborah would have let Veros move and talk, even if it cost his whole action. I guess Deborah tunes her encounters towards the less deadly side, partly to account for new players, partly to account for rulings like this that cost players their turn when they try stuff, and partly so they don't take too long because they're not the main focus of the game. It works for this table, with players that will still try things other than making standard attacks even though it's likely to cost a lot of actions; at many other tables rulings like this would teach players not to try stuff, just to keep attacking instead of trying a fairly long-shot check. (Obviously a 4 is nowhere near convincing a mummy to change course, but I expect the DC was pretty high. Mummys are immune to charm, fright, and exhaustion, among other things, so I suspect intimidation is a lost cause.) 45:22 - Protection from Energy (3rd) is only elemental damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. There is a "Potion of Necrotic Resistance" item, but it's a real potion item, not an effect you can get from a spell. (At least not by that name; there might be a spell that includes it.) And Xander said "protection from energy" when describing this. 50:30 - Flame Blade (3rd) indeed is concentration for 10 minutes. And yes you can release the blade so there isn't fire in your hand, and re-summon it later. But only while you still maintain concentration. Protection from Energy (3rd) is concentration, but maybe that was an actual potion. Entangle (1st) is definitely concentration (for 1 minute), and definitely a spell not a potion. (RAW it creates a 20 ft square of difficult terrain. Mummies would take 1 turn to cross it if they dash, or 2 turns if they're like the mummies and not dashing.) It can also Restrain creatures in the area when you cast it. (Str save that they can repeat every turn.) Creative idea to use it to try to block the door; I guess Deborah is making the mummies use their action to make a Str check or save (+3) against Rikki's spell DC (probably 15). Deborah definitely is generous about creative uses of abilities; that makes the game more fun to watch, and presumably more fun to play especially for players that aren't great with rules / mechanics. Ok, so Deborah's mummies are vulnerable to fire like standard mummies. 51:25 - After another 30 seconds? 5 rounds of combat? 52:30 - Ancestral Protectors only affects the creature hit by the barbarian, and only for one round! You can keep hitting every round to maintain the effect on a creature. > Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, spectral warriors appear when you enter your rage. While you're raging, the first creature you hit with an attack on your turn becomes the target of the warriors, which hinder its attacks. Until the start of your next turn, that target has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn't against you, and when the target hits a creature other than you with an attack, that creature has resistance to the damage dealt by the attack. The effect on the target ends early if your rage ends. Beryl's rage also would have ended after one round of not attacking or taking damage. But it's their story, and Deborah is clearly more interested in just creating some exciting time pressure on the puzzle solvers, not so much in having the combat tactics itself take center stage, so any approximately-close application of character abilities is good enough. Besides, they're in a tomb of a culture that cares super deeply about ancestors and presumably ancient spirits, so it's narratively appropriate that Beryl's ancestors can have more effect on these mummies than they normally can. 54:30 - Sending the Dire Wolf first to trigger traps is a great idea. Janina is 100% correct, the dire wolf is faster (50 ft) even than Beryl. So at a full dash, it can go 2x 50 = 100 ft, vs. the Mumee's 3x 30 = 90 ft or Beryl's 2x 40 = 80 ft. Also, the mummies only go 2x 20 = 40 ft, so the party doesn't need a full sprint to outpace them; they can still stay semi-alert for traps. Oh, Mumee sounds like Mummy, I get it.
I know this is all previously recorded, but if you do a second season with these characters, reckless attack effects all your attacks for the round. Also why wouldn't you rage if you're going to reckless attack. That way rage resistance helps mitigate the advantage they get against you.
For some reason these episodes are "hard to find" I have to type them out exactly. Hopefully these algorithms fix themselves and present me the next episode in order.
Loving the show, I know this is so old but it’s bothering me so much that they’re not getting advantage on all attacks with reckless attack 😂 I hope they adjust that eventually
Im a little sad that BTB doesn’t get advantage on her melee attacks. RAW only the decision to RA is tied to the first attack of the turn. All subsequent melee attacks should be at advantage.
I guess there're three rules: 1) You're at least a bit known in showbusiness 2) You're interested in or have played D&D 3) Deborah Ann Woll likes you as a person
Great episode! I wish they didn't always rush to the epilogue, though. The players literally had to interrupt the DM to get a few words in to react to their companion being severely ill, that's not how it should be. Lots of DMs do this, they're so keen to wrap up that the emotional payoff of the session suffers. Why not take another 10 min for more roleplaying at the end? It's just 10 min, are you really in that much of a hurry?
Ya, I think it's like Matt Mercer said, he's good but even he can't remember every rule for every class every time, plus the wording is funky. As per D&D Beyond, "Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. (Now here's where it gets confusing) When you make your "FIRST"? attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly." Now if that's all it said it wouldn't be so bad but then it goes on to say, "Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon "ATTACK ROLLS"? (PLURAL?!) using Str "DURING THIS TURN"?.....etc. if you only take first part, it seems only first atk roll gets adv. But the second part seems to say all attacks that turn (not round, so not for AOO) get adv. My rp groups have argued this a bit but eventually settled on ALL attacks that turn.
@@clooliss6400 That's the rule at my table, too. I've had guys playing Barbarians who were surprised when I told them to roll with advantage on the second attack, who later admitted that our interpretation made the ability worth the advantage it gives to the enemies the rest of the turn.
@@clooliss6400 It means that if you choose Reckless Attack then you get advantage on all Str based attack rolls that turn BUT you have to choose to do it the first time you attack. You can't attack once without it and then make your 2nd attack Reckless. It's an all or nothing that you have to declare before you do anything. Not the best wording I agree but it does makes sense with a little thought.
I hope this show format gonna evolve to a less "casual" (with all due respect) somewhere between the actual and Critical Role (i talk about the duration) but keeping the narration up and keeping the rules aspect light.
I agree with you. This is my personal opinion and is in no Way a try to anger or blame or even criticize this show it is just my view and this felt like the right place to put it also read the whole thing don't stop Halfway through. The show idea and general feel is great but i feel that the time limit is limiting/ holding back the show from its true potential. I know this is to make it more acessable but the locked format of: intro (this part i great), travel ( this is nessesary), small RP or Mood creating incounter, exploration, puzzel or fight, puzzel or fight, conclusion (this often feels rushed). This in itself is Funny and nice but it feels too short for 2 episodes of 1 hous and would fit nicely into 1, 2 hour episode. Which is surpricingly not the same thing just watch the first episode again to see the difference. But still just give them more time to RP and feel less rushed. Sorry(for the long post ) but i felt like getting it of my chest this is purly ment as a comment with no ill intent(no matter how it may sound to you not you the guy behind you)
Gosh, I love this show and the dynamic between all the characters, it's amazing and it is surprisingly *so* wholesome!
*Veros, the fighter:* is solving the paint puzzle
*Rikki, the druid:* is warding off mummies with vines and burning fire-sword
*Veros, the fighter:* turns around (genuinely) Go Rikki!!
*Veros, the fighter:* goes back to solving the paint puzzle
Anyone who's watched this series knows that it's very high quality and the production value is above and beyond any previous D&D shows on RUclips. Deborah is a top tier DM who should be in a Dungeon Master Hall of Fame, the recurring cast is amazing, the guests really get into it. The set changes for each campaign to match whatever mission they're on is inspired. And I love the fact that someone went into post production before uploading these to RUclips and added all these cool and subtle sound effects and music to fit whatever moments that are happening in the story. This is just an amazing series and I'm so baffled as to how and why these videos have so few views. Geek & Sundry has several different shows that are well known, Critical Role probably the best even though it is it's own channel now, but others like Spellslingers, and Tabletop alone gets typically a million plus views per episode. Don't get me wrong, Tabletop is a great show and very entertaining. But I think Relics & Rarities deserves so much more attention. Deborah's devotion to these campaigns and telling the stories with so much passion. We need a Season 2. #DnD #RelicsAndRarities #GeekAndSundry
I absolutely agree! I just discovered it and I'm already re-watching it! I hope they do more seasons. It reminds me of my days playing in highschool and college. I've recently come back. Never stopped loving it! 🤘😁🖖🇨🇦
This show needs a second season.
I loved that line.
So much yes. But I fear it won't be back. For some messed up reason, this series has hardly any views for a Geek & Sundry show.
This show needs also a third season!
@@xMRxZEROx I absolutely can't understand it too. Excellent production values, cool regular players and surprise guest stars, plus an amazingly kickass DM!
@@gregfam6250 Right? That's my attitude. This was one of the best D&D series I've ever seen. Period. The love and devotion that was put into it showed. Deborah is one of the greatest DMs I've ever witnessed run a game. It deserves Critical Role status.
The tangible fondness this crew has for each other (and the way they include each of the special guests) gets more and more enjoyable with every episode. ❤️
Ricky is a fuckin genius. Seriously. I've been playing this game for 25+ years and he surprises the shit out of me, every single episode. Entangle on the door? Druid Craft to make it more dense? Then remembers the flamesword to set the whole damn thing on fire?? Then jumping in the way of Beryl's hit to save her from Mummyrot. Sheesh. lmao Not to mention all the other crafty shit he comes up with.
Xander is a really smart player and it shows in all the games he plays, and in the characters he creates.
I really love that kind of dming style. Deborah really works with her players, listening to their ideas and allowing stuff if they make sense or being really nice about a ruling.
I love my dm but he's more a him vs us kinda guy
Oof, yeah some dms don't seem to understand that they're playing WITH their party, not against it. :/
@@MulberryDays True, but with one-shots (which is what each of these episodes are), a GM can be a lot more lenient and play fast and loose with the rules. In a long-running campaign, while GMs certainly need to accepting of their players' ideas, they also need to be more consistent with their rulings, lest the campaign devolve into "wheedle at the GM". The players need to come up with plans that actually match their characters' strengths and weaknesses and not have a character who isn't strong try to smash down a bunch of stone columns... and then rely on the GM to fudge things so that they succeed. Deborah, here, did what was absolutely right for a guest player in a one-shot but something that, in the long term, isn't very healthy for a campaign. Part of a GM's skill is to employ just the right amount of both support and tough love for the players so that their wins feel truly earned.
Funny how that's only an accurate stereotype when the table is full of middle-aged straight white men who never learned how to play well with others.
I'm sorry your players are all assholes? 😂
@@MulberryDays Wow! Mad Radagast quote: "middle-aged straight white men who never learned how to play well with others." That's some ageist, racist, and sexist stereotyping you got going there. FYI, our group identifies as 2 males, 2 females, and 1 non-binary with a more than 30+ age range among us. I can certainly see how if you approach roleplaying with such hostility and antagonism that you might have trouble finding any GMs who want you as a player... Sheesh!
I agree, WCWIA. She says "yes" to her players and is delighted when they have fun.
Beryl and Rikki made me tear up, "I AM YOUR TRIBE NOW!"
everyone: we all gonna die!!!1
rikki: at least we are in a tomb.
Pleeeeease keep this one going!!! The entire cast is perfect and Deborah Woll is PERFECT! She seriously made the kaleidoscope puzzle?? If she ever needs an art assistant.... ;)
Timestamps & Possible Spoilers
00:05 Cinematic Intro
00:38 Episode Starts + Recap Rikki's Fall
02:11 Rikki's Selfish Vapor + Greedy Looting
03:30 Ill-prepared Adventurer + Two Hats Rikki
06:15 Deborah Ann Woll Draws A Map + 5 Sarcophagi + Treasure + Axe Of Thanyon Myett
07:49 Prophecy + Rikki's Greed
10:04 Investigating The Chamber
12:48 Sarcophagus Sounds
14:06 Mummy Reveal + Roll Initiative
17:05 Shaming The Mummy
20:00 Rikki Huckster Has Had Enough
22:45 Necrotic Punch To The Face
26:30 Beryl's Ancestral Guardian Shade
27:39 Bag Of Tricks Direwolf
34:07 Beryl's Vocabulary: Not A Fan Of Charades, Shenanigans, Or Chicanery
36:32 Mumeé Grabs The Axe Of Thanyon Myett + 3 More Mummies Reveal
38:38 At Least We're In A Tomb
39:01 Locking The Sarcophagus
40:28 Taking Out The 1st Mummy
42:46 Knocking Down The Columns
45:30 Locking The Remaining Sarcophagi
47:10 Octagonal Room + Mosaic Puzzle
49:10 Rikki Fends Off Mummies
53:39 Solving The Mosaic Puzzle
54:47 Exiting King Senna's Tomb + Returning To Relics & Rarities + Healing Rikki
56:29 Axe Of Thanyon Myett
57:16 Rikki's Heroism
58:42 Mumeé Departs + Game Ends
Thank you Deborah Ann Woll, Tommy Walker, Jasmine Bhullar, Julia Dennis, Xander Jeanneret, Janina Gavankar, and the Production Crew for the fun!
Watching Janina switch to puzzle-solving mode is flipping inspiring.
'Where there's a target there's a plan' words to live by
Oh, Ricky ... you brave, brave little fool! My heart can't take this, have mercy!
This is how role-playing should be done! Keep up the great work!
The look on Veros face when Ricky says "Ricky Huxler has had enough".
Totally loving Xander! He is so much fun, great character, and so considerate of everyone at the table. I might have a new life goal; to get to play D&D at the same table as Xander Jeanneret. Sign me up for Make A Wish or something =)
Throw in Deborah as a DM, and I am right there with you.
Thank you Geek & Sundry for Relics and Rarities. This has become something I love to watch, and am excited every time I see a new episode pop up. Makes me wish I could join everyone on one of there amazing outings. Way to go rickey for your amazing hero skills this time helping to save your friend from a curse at the risk of your own life. Please keep up with this amazing group. My best to you all on your journey and may great fortune come to you all!
This moment of silence followed by the "did you make these?" realization that Deborah really is an amazing DM
I hope our brave adventurers cross paths again with Mumee, a true bad ass if ever I saw one. Janina Gavankar added so much to an already brilliant cast!! Great job!!
I'm sad that I only found this show many years later. What a fantastic job by everyone, but Deborah is on a whole other level. Well done, everyone.
I just want to say that everyone had fun in this episode, including me!Thank you Relics and Rarities can't wait for the second season!
Love it. Deborah creates great dramatic tension and the players clearly really enjoy playing together. Its great how she can incorporate a guest star in every week that really gets in to the party.
I love the escalation at the end of this adventure. I'm sure the editing helped but I love half the team doing a puzzle and the other half defending...so great!!!
Brave, brave sir Viros!
Sir Viros ran away!
This show is just like a mystery novel that you can't jump to the ending......
Janina is amazing in this! :O Really hope she comes back if there's a season 2! :D
Yay!! Ricky lives!! Great episode players! The pillar trick made me nervous..I was waiting for the ceiling to collapse. Deborah Ann, great job running the game tonight!
How is this not viral!!! I love these stories so much and she has such and an AMAZING imagination. I am new to D&D and was looking for inspiration to how it's supposed to work and this is by far the best stories and acting I have seen. Thank you! Please do more!
Please, bring this series back.
I just discovered this show and I can't believe is not more popular. The stories Deborah have created are amazing!!!
56:13 Holy crap, that means if Ricky didn't take the hit for Beryl, one of them would have been stuck with the rot!
if they’d all had rot there could have just as easily been many uses of the cure. it’s an old dm trick...if there’s an chance to make something more dramatic by revealing after the fact it was the only one available or happened at the last possible moment, that’s a freebie because the players will never know what would have happened otherwise
That depends on whether or not Beryl succeeded on her Constitution saving throw or not. Her CON is likely better than Ricky's, and Barbarians do get their proficiency bonus on those saves. Not a guarantee by any stretch, but certainly more in her favor.
David Chong lol we know that David
Or the next guest could be a cleric, paladin, warlock, or wizard that knows / prepared Remove Curse (2nd). (Paladins get lvl2 spells at 5th level so that would be possible.)
The next guest did in fact play a warlock, so a small tweak to their spell choices could have had that character come in and save Beryl; she'd have had a few days before her max HP got down to zero.
The whole time stuck in whatever damaged condition unable to regain HP, but alive. Her max HP is only 42, not very high for a 5th level barbarian (very unlucky hit-dice rolls?), but that's still a 4 day window to cure mummy rot. (With the final day being at 2 of 2 HP!)
Deborah must be awesome reading to and telling her own stories to kids. :)
Love this show and so great to see Janina and Deborah gaming!
This just keeps getting better and better.
Holy shit, this is amazing. If this show ends, I'll get so depressed... You hear that G&S? You've made yourself responsible for my mental well being with this show!
I really love this series so much
Yes! This show needs a second season! Deborah is the best!
This was absolutely fantastic
Such a great episode. The team synergy is really something. Thank you to everyone involved.
Great performance! One note about bards: they can't give bardic inspiration to themselves until they reach 14th level.
"You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do so, you use a Bonus Action on Your Turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die."
House rule trumps phb.
I love how rikki knows the game in and out helps the story and combat moving quickly
Having the players solve a puzzle while in combat is malicious and I love it!
The combination of some PCs holding off the zombies and some of the PCs doing a puzzle was good suspense! :O
Great show again guys,im so glad alot of whats seen isnt edited,geek & sundry you rock.
I'm in love with this group of people
"Did you _make_ this?"
I just discovered this!! Deborah is amazing!!!
I love the riddle parts every time
Hello from Australia, this is brilliant, just discovered and please please do more
I just started learning about D&D and created my first character. The DM helping me learn suggested I watch this series to learn how the game flows. Holy shit was he right. Deborah is amazing. If I had a goal in my adventures it would be to get to play in a session she DMs. I went from having never played the game to NEEDING to play it because of her enthusiasm for the game.
This was such a fun episode! My favorite so far
"and a little pee came out" ROFL
Wait what? What is this “if there’s a second season”?
Watching this during quarantine makes me want to play D&D.. NOW.. ppfft this is hard to not watch anymore :(
Rikki was MVP for this episode.
The blonde guy needs to burn his dice and get a new set
This is the best!
I love all these players so. Much.
Rules nerd notes:
1:10 - Deborah gave Rikki "6 seconds", so time to do a whole action not just a reaction.
Wild Shape into an ant would make him too small to take fall damage, and a climb speed to get back out.
Or Wild Shape into something with a decent amount of HP could at least protect his gnome form from the damage, if he didn't think of being a very small creature.
He's not 8th level so he can't shape into a flying creature.
2:19 - Circle of Dreams druids can only spend at most half their pool of healing dice in a single use. Temporary HP doesn't stack, so Rikki can only end up with at most 2 temp HP. At least that's how the XGE version works, but it doesn't have the speed boost either. Maybe that restriction wasn't present in the UA version they're using?
Burning all his bonus-action healing seems unwise, leaving him with nothing to bring someone else up from 0 HP as a bonus action and still cast a leveled spell the same turn.
I'd have used one or two level 1 spell slots on Cure Wounds to get 1d8+Wis healing, as well as maybe some Balm. Both only recharge on a long rest. (Unlike wildshape that's 2 per short rest.)
4:55 - Second Story Work - so Janina's character is a Thief subclass of rogue; appropriate for a tomb robber I guess. Or since she's playing the character as knowing about the culture, she can flavour it as being nimble at climbing around in tombs or something. Or maybe her true goal is just taking the shiny treasure, with the knowledge being necessary to find stuff, rather than the main prize.
I'm not sure how the the lack of Investigation skill or ability fits narratively (+0 modifier so no proficiency and an Int modifier of +0). I'd have thought that would be pretty important for surviving, and for finding and solving puzzles as well as finding traps. She does have expertise in perception, I assume (+2 Wis + 2x3 proficiency rather than +5 Wis + 3 proficiency), so maybe her idea of the character was being good at finding things by noticing them.
Deborah might have let her make a perception instead of investigation check in a few cases if she'd asked. (Probably not to check for traps: RAW that's part of investigation.) IDK if Janina was just totally not thinking about her character's skills / stats when asking for investigation, or if that's what Deborah had asked for last time so was just going with what she was learning, or if she thought it would be funny for Mumee to fail to find / notice stuff. I'm guessing it's a combination of not thinking about stats and going with the name of a skill that had already been used for something similar recently.
14:38 - Seems that Deborah requires her players to say they're getting something ready before the thing happens they were getting ready for. There were plenty of hints that something was moving in the sarcophagus, but nobody said they were moving or readying anything even as the lid was sliding off.
Deborah seemed to be kind of continuously narrating (at least in the edit) so they would have had to interrupt her. Some other DMs might have asked the players if anyone was reacting to the situation to remind them that their characters are currently standing there flat footed unless they say something. This is a different style, one that requires the players to think quicker and put themselves in their character's shoes in terms of being ready to react to signs of danger. Otherwise they're just going to let a monster climb out of something and attack without PCs attacking it first.
16:09 - Reckless is advantage for all attacks on your turn. They've been getting this wrong the whole time, but this is the first time Deborah's actively confirmed that she agrees with this misunderstanding :/
All monsters get advantage on all their attacks against you, so it's only fair. (Unless Deborah is playing it as monsters only getting advantage on their first attack?)
Beryl's damage modifier is only +4? Oh, she forgot to rage, so it's just Str. Or intentionally chose not to? She gets 3 rages per long rest. IDK if Jasmine is looking for narrative reasons to justify becoming "angry" before using the central class ability of her character? If she'd been raging, she could have given the mummy disadvantage to attack anyone but her, and reduced its damage by half if it did so anyway. She has much better Con saves and ability to take damage than Rikki.
20:30 - Flame Blade is a melee *spell* attack, same wis+proficiency modifier as he'd normally use for spells. Rikki's modifier is at least +6, maybe +7, I forget.
The +1 he added is probably his Str or Dex like he'd add to a regular weapon attack. :( If Flame Blade actual did work that way, it would be a bad choice for Rikki.
Mummys are vulnerable to fire, so if Rikki (and/or Xander) knew that, it is actually a pretty good choice of spell. Or would be if he was doing the attack modifier correctly.
Flaming Sphere is also quite good since you can do other things with your action every turn. (They're both concentration so you can't have both up at once.) Especially if he thought Flame Blade would only attack with his Str or Dex without proficiency, Flaming Sphere would have been a better choice of fire damage spell to prepare for this adventure.
It gets frustrating sometimes knowing that according to the dice and their stats, the characters should have succeeded at something. The characters and story are interesting enough that I want them to succeed, not to be bumbling incompetents more often than
21:08 - This mummy seems to be homebrewed and more powerful than the monster-manual version. The MM version's Dreadful Glare is a single-target effect, and only inflicts the Frightened condition without forced action while frightened that way.
> The mummy targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If the target can see the mummy, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened until the end of the mummy's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also paralyzed for the same duration
On its own Frightened just means you can't move closer, and you have disadvantage on attacks and checks while the source of fear is in sight. Some effects like Turn Undead have extra effects, like forcing the target to run away. Standard Mummy fear doesn't do that.
Remove Curse (2nd) cures mummy rot; it's a cleric / paladin / warlock / wizard spell so none of them have it, unless Annabella took it as her magical secrets pick which would be highly unlikely. (Nor Greater Restoration (5th) which would also work; it's on the druid list but too high level for Rikki.)
How far did they travel from civilization in general, or from the Relics and Rarities shop? Is it more than a day to get back? (Mummy rot reduces HP max by 10 for every 24 hours. You die if it reaches zero.)
30:05 - Last round, I was surprised Mumee didn't move and/or bonus-action dash after seeing her attack be resisted and deciding to go for the axe. You can break up your movement, e.g. jump off the wall, fire your bow, then use the rest of your movement up to 30 ft, and bonus-dash for another 30.
This turn, she can also dash as a bonus action because she's a rogue (cunning action), getting 60 feet while still having her action. I think Deborah doesn't realize that, since she talked about giving up her main action. And last game she helped Charlie Cox build Seamus, who had Expeditious Retreat as an arcane trickster.
But fortunately as a Thief rogue, she has Fast Hands so hopefully she can grab the axe as a free object interaction or with that as a bonus action? No, they just ended her turn.
31:10 - Wild Shape is a full action unless you're a moon druid. Rikki is Circle of Dreams, that's also why he can only shape into less powerful creatures (CR1/2 at his level).
Wild Shape does not prevent concentrating on a spell; you *could* keep Flame Blade active. Probably wouldn't want to, unlike spells such as Flaming Sphere which are usually better; cast a concentration spell and then wild shape and escape can be a good combo, especially with something like Heat Metal.
A house cat makes little sense; it has only a couple HP, vs. a larger cat being faster and having enough HP to maybe take a hit, or at least soak up much of the damage, especially while Beryl's ancestral guardians are protecting the party. e.g. a Panther has 13 HP, a black bear has 19 HP. (And speed 40 with a climb speed to get back up the ladder fast.) Or an ape could still use the flame blade. (And has higher str than rikki, which would be useful while they're still misunderstanding flame blade's hit bonus.)
A house cat has 2 HP (1d4). It's fast, though, speed 40 ft / climb 30.
Rikki is in full panic mode, not even disengaging? RAW he couldn't disengage in the same turn as wild shape, because both cost his action. But Deborah and Xander both agreed that Rikki can wild shape as a bonus action. Xander said he thought booking it without disengaging was Rikki's "best chance to get outta here".
That is objectively incorrect. Just be faster than the mummy, e.g. as a panther (speed 50 / climb 40), and disengage. It can't get another attack on you, since it either doesn't catch up, or it has to use its action to dash instead of attack.
(A Mummy actually has speed 20, so couldn't even close the distance to a panther with a full move+dash.)
Taking another hit against a cat's AC 12 and 2 HP seems like a good way to waste your wild shape. If you want to take damage, start your move in gnome form so he's attacking before you wild shape. (Rikki's gnome-form AC is hopefully higher than 12.)
He happened to get lucky and it missed his AC of 12 with disadvantage. It was about a 50/50 chance, given its hit bonus of +5, so it needed both dice to be 7 or higher. (Actually a 0.492 chance of rolling a 7 with disadvantage, so very close to 50/50.)
He would have had a 100% chance of escaping without further damage with disengage. (And since mummys are slow, didn't actually need to wildshape.)
Oh, I misunderstood which direction he wanted to run. He's going towards the treasure and axe, toward Veros and Mumee. So not panic, but even less reason to pick a super weak form with no hit points. Or is the idea to be one of the 4 creatures that are sacred to this culture, one of the four canopic jars? That makes some sense, but not without a disengage.
But he didn't use his action to dash? Looks like he only went about 40 ft, base movement for a cat. If they thought wild shape was a bonus action, he'd still have his action left. Maybe they edited out a part where they remembered that was only for Moon druids.
He said later his plan was to lock the other sarcophagi. That's a very good idea, actually, if it works on things that didn't have locks. Being a panther would have made sense for that; he could have put the key between his teeth in gnome form before wild shape, and chosen to have that item be one that his animal form was carrying, instead of merging into his form. A warhorse is even faster, but hooves are even less usable than panther paws for picking up the key if holding it in his mouth idea didn't work out.
31:35 - being "engaged" with another creature isn't relevant for whether they can take an op attack on someone fleeing (moving away without disengage). Is he maybe thinking that having someone else still engaging it will discourage the mummy from pursuing?
32:25 - Interesting, Beryl's choice not to go reckless last turn paid off. It missed her on a straight roll, might well have hit with advantage.
33:10 - Veros's whole turn was just an intimidation check? No movement, not even to get back within 30 feet so he could move+attack next turn.
Many DMs would let that talking be a bonus action or free action while attacking. I suspect Deborah would have let Veros move and talk, even if it cost his whole action.
I guess Deborah tunes her encounters towards the less deadly side, partly to account for new players, partly to account for rulings like this that cost players their turn when they try stuff, and partly so they don't take too long because they're not the main focus of the game. It works for this table, with players that will still try things other than making standard attacks even though it's likely to cost a lot of actions; at many other tables rulings like this would teach players not to try stuff, just to keep attacking instead of trying a fairly long-shot check. (Obviously a 4 is nowhere near convincing a mummy to change course, but I expect the DC was pretty high. Mummys are immune to charm, fright, and exhaustion, among other things, so I suspect intimidation is a lost cause.)
45:22 - Protection from Energy (3rd) is only elemental damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder.
There is a "Potion of Necrotic Resistance" item, but it's a real potion item, not an effect you can get from a spell. (At least not by that name; there might be a spell that includes it.)
And Xander said "protection from energy" when describing this.
50:30 - Flame Blade (3rd) indeed is concentration for 10 minutes. And yes you can release the blade so there isn't fire in your hand, and re-summon it later. But only while you still maintain concentration. Protection from Energy (3rd) is concentration, but maybe that was an actual potion.
Entangle (1st) is definitely concentration (for 1 minute), and definitely a spell not a potion. (RAW it creates a 20 ft square of difficult terrain. Mummies would take 1 turn to cross it if they dash, or 2 turns if they're like the mummies and not dashing.) It can also Restrain creatures in the area when you cast it. (Str save that they can repeat every turn.)
Creative idea to use it to try to block the door; I guess Deborah is making the mummies use their action to make a Str check or save (+3) against Rikki's spell DC (probably 15).
Deborah definitely is generous about creative uses of abilities; that makes the game more fun to watch, and presumably more fun to play especially for players that aren't great with rules / mechanics.
Ok, so Deborah's mummies are vulnerable to fire like standard mummies.
51:25 - After another 30 seconds? 5 rounds of combat?
52:30 - Ancestral Protectors only affects the creature hit by the barbarian, and only for one round! You can keep hitting every round to maintain the effect on a creature.
> Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, spectral warriors appear when you enter your rage. While you're raging, the first creature you hit with an attack on your turn becomes the target of the warriors, which hinder its attacks. Until the start of your next turn, that target has disadvantage on any attack roll that isn't against you, and when the target hits a creature other than you with an attack, that creature has resistance to the damage dealt by the attack. The effect on the target ends early if your rage ends.
Beryl's rage also would have ended after one round of not attacking or taking damage.
But it's their story, and Deborah is clearly more interested in just creating some exciting time pressure on the puzzle solvers, not so much in having the combat tactics itself take center stage, so any approximately-close application of character abilities is good enough. Besides, they're in a tomb of a culture that cares super deeply about ancestors and presumably ancient spirits, so it's narratively appropriate that Beryl's ancestors can have more effect on these mummies than they normally can.
54:30 - Sending the Dire Wolf first to trigger traps is a great idea. Janina is 100% correct, the dire wolf is faster (50 ft) even than Beryl. So at a full dash, it can go 2x 50 = 100 ft, vs. the Mumee's 3x 30 = 90 ft or Beryl's 2x 40 = 80 ft. Also, the mummies only go 2x 20 = 40 ft, so the party doesn't need a full sprint to outpace them; they can still stay semi-alert for traps.
Oh, Mumee sounds like Mummy, I get it.
How do I throw money for the production of this show?!
i think its done, idk if they are doing a second second tho(hopefully!)
I know you can subscribe through Twitch for more recent episodes since Alpha is now gone.
I love Rikki so much!!
Why would anyone who would watch this dislike it?
Rule Nazis
D&D 1.0 - 3.5 nerds
Some people will downvote anything just because they can
@@NotaFinga209 I like 3.0, 3.5 & Pathfinder. And I LOVE this.
Cause Janina was trying to sacrifice Emma the cute Dire Wolf pup to find traps at the end?
Best rpg show ever!
Great show!
Love me some R&R
Loved it
this show is so fucking good!!!
This episode was intense! Rikki was going thru it.
This was a good one and Janina was great, however I have a slightly hard time seeing a "tomb raider" with a zero investigation score...
Yeah and the columb tipping was ridiculous.
That axe is amazing in the hands of a Frenzy Barbarian who's fighting undead lol. Just get that exhaustion back.
16:16 no! the barbarian have advantage on all it's attack of the turn
why are there so few views? people please watch this amazing series
I know this is all previously recorded, but if you do a second season with these characters, reckless attack effects all your attacks for the round. Also why wouldn't you rage if you're going to reckless attack. That way rage resistance helps mitigate the advantage they get against you.
Armchair barbarian. It had to happen. 😄
Why am I crying? 😅
Rikki, hold the door! hahahaha
For some reason these episodes are "hard to find" I have to type them out exactly. Hopefully these algorithms fix themselves and present me the next episode in order.
Reckless attack does apply to beryl's second attack
They are using house rules
@@dcrose001 Thats a weird houserule
Check out Deb enjoying her self xD
Ricky ♡
Loving the show, I know this is so old but it’s bothering me so much that they’re not getting advantage on all attacks with reckless attack 😂 I hope they adjust that eventually
Ricky the Valorous!
Im a little sad that BTB doesn’t get advantage on her melee attacks.
RAW only the decision to RA is tied to the first attack of the turn. All subsequent melee attacks should be at advantage.
"Where there is a target, there is a plan." #SeniorQuote
How does one get to be a guest on this show?
I guess there're three rules:
1) You're at least a bit known in showbusiness
2) You're interested in or have played D&D
3) Deborah Ann Woll likes you as a person
Great episode! I wish they didn't always rush to the epilogue, though. The players literally had to interrupt the DM to get a few words in to react to their companion being severely ill, that's not how it should be. Lots of DMs do this, they're so keen to wrap up that the emotional payoff of the session suffers. Why not take another 10 min for more roleplaying at the end? It's just 10 min, are you really in that much of a hurry?
Zand well you realize there is a time crunch right?
now mondays dont suck!!!
Thank Garl Glittergold for Two Hat Rikkis recovery, some things would just be too sad.
Veros is the ultimate himbo.
Heads up, if a Barb chooses to attack Recklessly that applies to all of their attacks that turn.
They are using house rules
So, you're table-ruling Reckless Attack, right?
Ya, I think it's like Matt Mercer said, he's good but even he can't remember every rule for every class every time, plus the wording is funky. As per D&D Beyond, "Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. (Now here's where it gets confusing) When you make your "FIRST"? attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly." Now if that's all it said it wouldn't be so bad but then it goes on to say, "Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon "ATTACK ROLLS"? (PLURAL?!) using Str "DURING THIS TURN"?.....etc. if you only take first part, it seems only first atk roll gets adv. But the second part seems to say all attacks that turn (not round, so not for AOO) get adv. My rp groups have argued this a bit but eventually settled on ALL attacks that turn.
@@clooliss6400 That's the rule at my table, too. I've had guys playing Barbarians who were surprised when I told them to roll with advantage on the second attack, who later admitted that our interpretation made the ability worth the advantage it gives to the enemies the rest of the turn.
@@clooliss6400 It means that if you choose Reckless Attack then you get advantage on all Str based attack rolls that turn BUT you have to choose to do it the first time you attack. You can't attack once without it and then make your 2nd attack Reckless. It's an all or nothing that you have to declare before you do anything. Not the best wording I agree but it does makes sense with a little thought.
@@Morthane ABSOLUTELY best break down I've seen/heard. THX!!
@@clooliss6400 Thank you, glad it was helpful! :)
At first I found Ricky get annoying but have grown to like his character.
x will do that to you
I'm sure he forgets about wildshape though!!
Would be funny if them tapping on the coffins with the key does nothing.
16:15 Deborah, thats a fib, she did have advanatage
House rules, try and keep up.
Nooo Marik Ishtar is here because someone else is talking like him... Nooo.
Jasmine Bhullar is beautiful
I hope this show format gonna evolve to a less "casual" (with all due respect) somewhere between the actual and Critical Role (i talk about the duration) but keeping the narration up and keeping the rules aspect light.
I agree with you. This is my personal opinion and is in no Way a try to anger or blame or even criticize this show it is just my view and this felt like the right place to put it also read the whole thing don't stop Halfway through.
The show idea and general feel is great but i feel that the time limit is limiting/ holding back the show from its true potential. I know this is to make it more acessable but the locked format of: intro (this part i great), travel ( this is nessesary), small RP or Mood creating incounter, exploration, puzzel or fight, puzzel or fight, conclusion (this often feels rushed).
This in itself is Funny and nice but it feels too short for 2 episodes of 1 hous and would fit nicely into 1, 2 hour episode. Which is surpricingly not the same thing just watch the first episode again to see the difference. But still just give them more time to RP and feel less rushed.
Sorry(for the long post ) but i felt like getting it of my chest this is purly ment as a comment with no ill intent(no matter how it may sound to you not you the guy behind you)
@@Citiy3 yeah yeah, point taken...
They have to be house ruling things, because that's not how mommy's dreadful gaze works at all