Rotax 916 iS (160 HP) | AERO FRIEDRICHSHAFEN 2023
- Опубликовано: 21 янв 2025
- Společnost BRP Rotax poprvé v Evropě představila svůj nový letecký motor Rotax 916 iS s výkonem až 160 koňských sil. Rozhovor s ředitelem BRP pro letecký průmysl Marcem Beckerem.
BRP Rotax introduced its new aircraft engine - the Rotax 916 iS - for the first time in Europe. The engine has a power output of up to 160 horsepower. We had the opportunity to interview Marc Becker, Director of the BRP Aircraft Business.
#Rotax #Rotax916iS #916 #aero2023 #aerofriedrichshafen
I want one.
Would be awesome to see a rotax 150hp turbiine
Can STCs for installation in C172, PA28 and even DA40 airframes be far off?
I have been really encouraged by the innovation occurring in Europe in piston-powered GA. I just wish European certification would mean AUTOMATIC FAA certification.
Super Leistung aber Preis ist hoch!!!!