I live alone in a house I own. Friends/Acquaintances hit me up all time to rent a room and I have to say no. Thanks to CA laws someone could squat and be declared a resident after three days. I’m willing to bet these laws contribute to the homelessness problem.
When I first moved out in my 20s, I had a roommate who was a good friend. He was always late paying bills and even bounced a check on me. Toward the end of our lease, he just left without telling me and I had to come up with rent for the last few months. Glad I learned this lesson at a young age. Life is so much better living alone.
I used to be a landlord. I have my own law. You paid me rent. I paid the bank. We all happy. You stop paying and won’t move out. I’ve no money to pay the bank. You will be very unhappy. I tell that to all new renters up front. They ask what do I mean by that? I answer back. Do you really want to know? They always paid on time and none of them trash my place when they moved out.
Because ticket is profit to the government. Eviction cost court money and government after the person got evicted. Once evicted, government needs to find a place for the evicted person to live. So the government rather headache on homeowner than the government-a selfish act.
yamesia thomas you nailed it ! that is so freaking TRUE! I can’t believe this is happening it’s horrible ,! I hope someone would start a go fund me for this family ! I would love to donate 👍🙏
My grandpa use to own a lot of property and when ppl would squat after being served. He would go in with my male cousins, remove their shit, put it on curb and change the locks. When they’d come back he’d say they left a month ago and they left their shit. I know it sucks for us poor I’ve had to leave places I couldn’t pay for anymore. But what can one do you have to leave you can’t just hijack someone’s property.
This happened to a x coworker of mine. He got married. Before he got married both him and his new wife each had a condo. So they decided to rent one out and live in the other. After all the interview they decided on this guy who was well spoken and dressed. For the first three months the rent was on time and no problems what so ever. On the fourth month that is when the problems started. The well dressed guy always has a excuse. Long story short. It took them about a year and three months go get rid of him. So him and his wife were in financial deficit. On top of that they had to spend more money to fix the place. After what they went through they then decided to sell the condo and avoid the headaches.
Actually she was helping them pay their mortgage, and we dont know both aides of the story. I was in the same situation as the renter, and the owners would steel items and food from my room and when I left they refused to give me the deposit. Im sure they tell people a different story.
@@imatter4619 Actually, some renters are just psychopathic. This is coming from a person who's family is dealing with the same thing. The renter has more access to valuables than the other way around. Instead of simply leaving, she decided to complicate matters by involving the court.
I agree. Let her only be able to live in the homeless shelters. They wont allow any of that mess she pulled. The sooner she realizes she cant do things like this the better off everyone will be
She will sue you into oblivion and then she will own your home. Remember this is California and in California the renter has the rights not the homeowner. Liberals are voted in and then people cry that renters are doing this to them. Vote Republican and renters like her will be out in the streets.
I had a boss that let a homeless couple move in with her. While she was gone, they killed her 14 year old poodle and almost killed her cat. It was at the vet for 2 weeks and did recover. A word to the wise, do not ever move a stranger into your home.
That is true. Not only stranger; They are everywhere. I had a distant family back while ago that move in with us. We figure out; we try to be nice with them by helping them. They said they will stay for one month but eventually they stay forever; about 1.5 years and we ended force them to leave our home.
I had a similar situation EXCEPT, (1) I THOUGHT I KNEW THE YOUNG LADY.....(she was a foster child 4 years as a teen) (2) she wasn't required to pay rent I was attempting to help an otherwise homeless lady and 3 year old child get on their feet. Issues began when this lady started inviting others who were homeless addicts into my home to take showers, do laundry, and she would offer food from my home to them and even give my dogs' food to their pets. I didn't mind helping but I really grew paranoid of their ability to see things of value inside the home as they all had stories of having their posessions stolen. When she was confronted with continuing to bring strangers into my home, the real drama started. This person called the police and accused my bf of assulting her. She had bruises to prove! (Both her wrists were bruised from him grabbing her as she pounded on him) Then, as she found power in her ability to call the police, she called... and called.... and called. One time the officer would understand my plight and advise me to get a restraining order against her in an attempt to get her out. The next time she would call, I was the villan and was told that since she lived in my home, she could bring ANYONE in because it's her house too! I was told to go to my room and shut my damn mouth!!! The police stripped me of any power over my own home. I attempted to be a good little citizen and obey my "go to your room" order but the foster girl started a conversation at my door then came in the room eventually saying things that caused me to get up and yell and threaten her. At which time she laughed hysterically saying, "they told me that if you threaten me I can call them back! I've got it all on tape!" Then as she's on the phone with dispach she yells, "stay away! Don't hurt me! " and I'm at the opposite side of the house ( a disabled, (car wreck injuries) older person who physically couldn't hurt anyone) my heart sunk as I hear her tell the police that my name is not on the lease and she wants ME removed from the premises! Omg Is this even REAL? WELL..... I wasn't removed by the police but once again they put me at a disadvantage by telling me that since so many man hours are being wasted that my home would be deemed a nuisance and my landlord fined $500 for anymore calls this lady made. Sheesh! I could get evicted over this person! I stayed away from my own home to maintain peace and no more police calls awaiting the order of protection but it was denied. I went home to check my dogs but couldn't get in the front door. I pushed harder thinking the throw rug must have got in the way but discovered the tv and stand had been moved to block the door. When I could open the door enough to peer inside, a black guy was completely nude sleeping on my living room floor. The girl appeared from around the corner to inform me that she invited this guy as her protection from me because she'd been assulted. Arguments ensued but I left before she phoned the police another time. Shortly after leaving my own home, I kept feeling the need to go home. I told my friend that I felt I needed to go back but they advised me not to return because she would call police and they were now threatening to take someone to jail if they have to keep responding..... I didn't return when I felt the urge. Then I got a call from a concerned neighbor. Seems this lady had someone come with a pickup truck and cleaned house. She moved in my home with belongings that fit in bags in the trunk of a small car. She LEFT with TV, dvd player, radio, boxes of gifts I bought for family before Christmas as I'm on disability income and manage my money accordingly. After she robbed my home, she accused the guy who moved her of assulting her and moved with her daughter into a homeless shelter. As KARMA would have it, the staff found this 30 y/o dead in her bed one day. Ironically I discovered she was charged for abusing an elderly lady and was scheduled to serve 6 months in jail. Her sentence was to begin the day after she was found dead of accidental overdose. A nightmare come true. This is in Missouri.
@@dangrousnurse That's so terrible. I'm sorry you dealt with that. Honestly, we have many people in this country who are choosing not to live properly, which I wouldn't judge, but they are deliberately harming others in their steadfast refusal to straighten themselves out. The pendulum is going to swing hard on these people at some point and I won't shed a tear about it
My father owned rentals in Detroit back in the 80s, this is the shit we had to deal with all the time. When we filed an eviction it would take over a year to throw the parasitic tenants out. When I inherited all of my father's property's, I sold out and took the money and ran for my life. Thank you god.
Indeed and sadly you see people like this lady everywhere no matter where you live at and the neighborhood you live it be very careful of people like her once you rent a room for them on your own house.
Everyone always has this image of landlords being huge companies or slum lords. Quite a few are just regular people. This eviction delay rule was a bandaid and poorly thought out.
I wanted to rent my home if/when I am ever able to move, but I don’t think I will anymore. Unless the state steps up and protects landlords, it’s just not worth the risk of losing your home when dealing with bad people.
@@HamPower renting your home through a management company usually will not give you issues like this. Not always so before all of the well I rented my home through a management company and this happened starts. You are usually better off losing some money on the deal to have a 3rd party take care of the rental. The reason why you are better off doing this is because they are essentially signing a contract stating they will rent your home and while the contract states they are not responsible for damages to the home made by a tenant. In cases like this, the court would most likely favor your side. The reason you hear of so many horror stories with rentals is because the person who bought a home and is fortunate to buy another isn't always the best person to be a landlord. An example would someone I've known for a good part of my life rented there home to my brother. Before moving in my brother stated the master bathroom sink was broken. Meaning the bowl for the sink. The landlord knew this already and promised ro fix it asap. He also let the landlord know one the pipe was leaking in the same sink. Fast forward a couple months nothing was fixed. So my brother fixed the speaking pipe himself. Now a couple years later my brother moves out. And this person calls me telling me my brother broke his bathroom sink. He then complains because he has to repaint the walls and was the wood flooring. Not fixing the sink is a dumb thing that most landlords will take care of. But complaining about painting walls or waxing good flooring is common stuff you will hear from new landlords. And these people shouldn't be landlords. Whatever home you rent will take more damage to it by a renter for a couple reasons. One is they dont own it and don't care about it like you do. Another reason is in many cases renters have never owned a house and dont realize the massive costs doing certain things can do to a house. But this is why you are usually getting paid more than what the mortgage costs. Although this isn't true in California anymore. These people in the video most likely created a craigslist ad in Mandarin stating Chinese only in it. I live in a Chinese area and this is common. Most adds will say Chinese only. If it is air bnb they will cancel anyone who is not Chinese because they are looking for pregnant women over staying there visas to have there baby here. Exchange students or restaurant workers. The crazy lady in the video looks like a restaurant worker or low wage worker. The gold mine for them is the exchange students or pregnant women. So assuming this is the case for this family which I am almost certain it is. I dont feel sorry for them at all that this happened. They discriminate on who lives with them. Which I dont really have an issue with except that the law states it is illegal to do it. The issue I have is only so called minority communities can do this and not Americans. We get a lawsuit. They get a it's ok they didn't know. The point is dont be scared to turn your property into an investment property. Just accept the costs that come with doing it. Don't be attached to a property. Understand every time someone moves out you will be there painting the house and patching walls. Fixing the kitchen sink etc... If you cannot accept those things then just sell the home and done get into it. You can make good money renting your home. Just make sure you do it through a management company with a good record.
Wow this why I live alone . I will do whatever I need to do to pay my rent by working hard. This troll is a snake and she's evil . Adults are evil . I would be in jail dealing with crazy .
Is there a go fund me? I’d like to donate. We’ve got to get this boy out of his car and the mother and daughter back in their home. They’re probably paying rent and a mortgage!
They need a real man in the house. He would have deal with it real swift. Too bad he did not have a dad and these far left Universities are churning out soy boys in their safe spaces who dont learn how to deal with these things. I cant fault him, this is just how they are rasing boys now.
They should have changed the locks while she left to go out. Pack up her things while she is gone and put the boxes on the street with her name on it. Let her bring you to court.
They couldn't change the locks because the laws prohibit it u have to let these li lunatics remain in your property and have full access and full utilities. It's insane. All things need to be lined out in your contract and if u violate them you GTFO!!!!
That is considered an unlawful eviction and comes with it's own penalties and if I remember correctly she could not be held responsible for any damages she does trying to get back into the property that she legally has a right to occupy. See my other comment for the right way to handle this under CA law.
Las Vegas Nights - YOU GOT THAT RIGHT. I'm going. Period. That _is_ too much tension. And if I was the homeowner, girl would HAVE to go. You not staying in my home and you're not welcome. I'll give the legally required notice and yo a** gots to go.
This happened to our family. We are in Canada. We rented a home to a family of six. As soon as they took possession of the home they treated the house like theirs and refused my parents to enter the property. My parents gave sufficient notice to them that they would go on a certain date to perform a yard maintenance; and guess what, the tenant called a local police because she didn’t want to see my parents there. Wtf. What’s more, they completely took advantage over the eviction freeze during the pandemic and refused to pay us rent for 6 months. They filed a complaint to a local residential tenancy branch demanding that we not only had to forgive the 6 month rents but we also needed to compensate them for job loss due to the pandemic. I attended the hearing and the arbitrator was literally laughing his head off about the tenants’ claims against us. I think this was probably the most ridiculous claim the arbitrator ever dealt with. And of course the arbitrator dismisses their claims. Thank goodness, they decided to move out after they lost in the hearing but they still owed us 6 months of rent ....now I am waiting for another hearing to be conducted within two weeks for the overdue rent. The chance of getting the money back is very low but I am going to try! For all landlords out there, please make sure you do extensive background and credit checks on your tenants; otherwise, you will end up with endless nightmare! I am glad that I didn’t suffer from any depression from this but it was a tough two-years!
@@bmona7550 yes that’s my plan. I think I will proceed to the court so if the future landlord search them up they will know these tenants are real bad. But to be honest, it is also very time consuming for my part too.
@evelyn apilado I think majority of people are good. But you do need to do your homework so you won’t end up with the evil ones like mine. Tough lesson learned though.
@Pandoras Box thanks. However I don’t put too much hope because the system in Canada here isn’t protecting landlords’ right at all. There is no enforcement to make them pay if they default unfortunately
@Smurfette Did It The Lord GOD favors who he will have Favor on period. You do not determine that. All of us have to prepare for what is to come if he gives you much more then me then more of things will be required of you!!! Do not be deceived for all things are possible for the Lord. If he wants to fill my barns and prepare them for the time to come then he will. The only one going to the FEMA camps will be you if you do not prepare. You Sound like your trying over compensate for something your quite short on.
What do you think that because I was bieng truthful about what I said about protection cant be applied to the Gentiles or even a Moabite? Of course they can but you and I do not determine that outcome. Of course these people will not listen but its not for them anyways. GOD protects his own. period. You sir are stepping on the wrong toes. You best check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Tell me about. A guy came to rent one of my apartments and he said it was just him and his girlfriend who will just come and visit. He gave me the deposit and we agreed that he will move on the 1st of July. I was praying asking God are these the right people. I kept praying and it seems like God was giving me the go. The tenant I had said she needed a few hours to move out so I called the new tenant to tell him that give me till the 3rd of July so I can paint the apartment. It did not need anything just a bit of painting. Out of no where I went and I prayed again and I said God show me who these people are! After I finished praying I heard something push me to call the guy to come pick up the keys on July second and he said let me call my girlfriend to go get the keys. When she come she said I'm going to see the apartment and show it, when she came she came with her daughter, another women with a small child. The lady she was with did not say hi to me or anything she did not even acknowledge me and started making plans on how she would fix the apartment. Out of no where my mouth opened up and I asked who is the one going to live here. The girlfriend said oh I told you just him oh and her and her child that are on vacation. I asked until when? The lady started yelling and almost cursing I opened the door and they left. I called the guy and told him came and get your deposit. They all lived across the street and next thing you know they moved out. I believe they were all planning on moving into the apartment. I started to thank God for fighting for me without me knowing what was happening and what was going to happen he is great. God bless and pray before you rent.
Its happened in Florida too, 1 day can even prove to be too long, and cause the same. Once personal belongings and mail arrives to address you can be had.
It don't matter if a person stay more than 3 days I don't know where you live but if a person stayed more than 3 days the they're allowed to stay even if they're not on the lease
@@goyod6 How do you stop them from simply going to the post office and filling out change of address to the house they intend to squat in? Especially if they do not tell you - seems like it is too late by the time the owner finds out.
there is a national registry its called your credit report my land lord looked at before he even rented to me and others have also when i had to get a new place to rent sounds like this was a month to month lease or some fast cash business that went south
Lol ....a strong blk woman..there is some don't want to be a statistic would be like this victim homeowner lady...heck any strong woman would have gotten her out with a decent plan.
When people think it’s ok to do it to the big guy, what they forget is when you start allowing these abuses, eventually everyone enjoys the ability to abuse their landlord. Just like the income tax. Oh, it will just be for the rich, they said.
@@winning3329 Unfortunately, you have no idea what you are talking about. I wish landlords had better tools to deal with bad tenants. These renters give all of us a bad name because they don’t want to rent to anyone except people with perfect history, perfect credit, and with high deposits.
My neighbor is going through this right now. Cant get bad renters out. They are protected, draining her dry while her house and home is slipping away from her.
@Leo C lol You know how I know you are full of shit. Not only do internet dweebs only flex online that they make a lot of money when they really don't but also, if you did make that much money, you would simply just pay the rent to avoid a negative credit score hit or getting sued later on. Also you would be an idiot to still be renting when you have a decent salary. That or you are just simply a shitty human being to be taking advantage of other ppl during a pandemic. Take your pick
@Leo C You must not know how to read because I wrote "decent" salary, which is in the state of CA lol. I understand internet dweebs like yourself like getting off from flexin online about how much fake money they have and hearing about how poor other ppl, but there is no need to project yourself onto others lol. I'm doing pretty well for myself if you must know and I got where I am without scamming other ppl. How would I be poor if I'm a landlord in CA? lol That's why I'm defending this thread against a shtstain of a tenant like yourself. I have encountered ppl like you because liberal tenant protection laws protects bums like you, so you can get ahead in life off of honest hard working Americans. Get a clue idiot
@Leo C So many renters are taking advantage of covid. I can't believe Democrats don't understand that by blocking evictions they are putting the owners under water and no one is going to want to invest in rental property thus the number of places to rent is going to drop driving up rent prices in the long run. Why don't they understand the impact their laws really have.
Can you expose my story too? My rental house is occupied by squatters (no lease at all!) and the pandemic policy prevented us from evicting them. So unfair to landlords!
@Daniel Pan Yes they're protected by claiming they have verbal lease even though never paid a penny. The eviction ban banned all kinds of evictions, many are not Covid-19 related. The government puts all burden to landlords' shoulder.
I consider myself a good person but I think I might have hurt her. I see quite a few of these cases and I am surprised that some of these people aren't hurt or killed.
Wake up Governor Newsom. Enough Is enough. What are you doing for property owners ? We have mortgages, we have property taxes, we have insurance, and Maintenace expenses. So far, you keep on extending the eviction process. It’s time for you to lift this process so landlords can move forward to pay our bills. We all are going to remember how you have treated us.
Newsom would not care about you, me and all other innocent landlords. What he only cares about just the voters, as long as he could gain some supporters among the bad tenants.
The math is simple. How many home owners are there in California and how many tenants are there in California? Do your math, and come back to me. Your welcome 🙏
I'm in a similar situation. Roommate refused to pay telling me he staying there forever. Change the locks and was told that I could be arrested. He's living rent free at my expense. Specially with the moratorium eviction they can even spit in your face. At the end I'm the one hurting because the lease is under my name. These people don't care about landlords even when we get assaulted by these bums.
California governers keep saying the renters are the vulnerable and exercise every action to fully protect them. Truth is all renter protection policies accumulated turning landlords into vulnerables. What happen in the video is not a single case that renters exercise evil actions, delaying payment, damaging the properties intentionally. Good tenants, regardless protection policy in place or not, they would well behave, communicate and stick to the contractual obligation; bad tenants, would take advantages of every possible way to avoid their contractual obligation. More than that, as demonstrated in the interview, 1. Housing cases are not considered serious by police, county and court 2. Landlord had to bear all the costs to repair, evict and even had to prove the evil intention of the renters. California is deteriorating to pursue political correctness to the point where illegal is over legal, immoral over moral. Glad to see NBC reporting on this!
I’m so thankful for the roommate I had. I lived with her for 10 years, rented a room to her. She was always so sweet and respectful. We never once had an issue between us, or a complaint. She is wonderful person.
yep upstairs neighbors flooded my apartment landlord refused to come down he just moved out and rented it out to some greenhorns ended up with a flooded apartment in my bathroom and bedrooms cops did nothing they are lucky i got the love of my life to live for or there would of been a really bad incident there
The system only works for those that work it. Know the law and your rights before moving renters into your home. It's not liberal as you call it for many.
Thank you Candice and NBC for exposing this story to the public, your great work is lighting hopes to so many hopeless and struggling mom and pop housing providers. There are deeply systematic discriminations towards California mom and pop housing providers which will eventually backfire and hurt the entire housing market (renters included). Our justice system is over-protecting one side and ignoring/hurting the other side, this imbalance is injustice towards mom and pops.
Nice job NBC and reporter on exposing this horrible story. Sad to see a bad tenant’s behavior would hurt housing providers and good tenants. Hope there’s better law to prevent such a bad apple from harming others.
Ex freaking actly. I couldn't even get my non rent paying ass cousin out for a whole year. It was a nightmare. If family will do this, you know a stranger will do it.
affordable housing crisis right there. Politicians make laws to protect sympathetic poor from eviction, this increases risk to property owners, landlords calculate risk into rent, sympathetic poor can't afford higher rent and go homeless
The system isn't the only thing but you can also quickly end the relationships of your love ones and close friends very fast! I had a very close friend of more than 20 years(he was like my brother) who move into my house many years ago with his 5 year son and his girlfriend with all their stuff for 6 months rent free and now we are no longer friends cuz of it. He now cuts all ties with me after I kicked him out for disrespecting me, free loading, not answering my calls, disappearing most of the time, not looking for a job, and so on for half a year he had more than plenty of time to look for work the first month I didn't say anything giving him time to settle in and rest up a bit when the second month came I asked him how's his job searching but he said he's over qualify(I wanted to laugh) he lost his house, he's broke, and depressed so I tried to understand his situation at first and I was cool with him not working cuz he said he had to take care of his 5 year old son but when I talked to his girlfriend she told me that she told him she can watch his son so he can go get a job and they fought many times over it but he still refuses to he basically took a advantage of me and used me until I've had it! I tried everything I can to help him and his situation to get back on his feet but he was so disrespectful and rude I finally had and kicked his ass out! I also like to add my wife was fine with him moving in at first with the fact our daughter was like 2 years old and my wife was pregnant again at the time so I had to deal with her mood swings and temper tantrums as well but she also had to put up with him and his sons bullshit so she was very respectful for me in that sense it was really rough thinking back to that moment. I originally was gonna give him 3 month(which is still a very long time) but his girlfriend had a private talk with me and insisted that I to give him 3 more months to really help his situation out since he had just lost his house, broke, and have a 5 year old son to raise and he was like my brother so I agreed. I mean, how many people do you know that will help you enough to let you stay at their place for 6 months? I mean, at first I was helping him but after a while I realize I wasn't helping him anymore I was SUPPORTING him! If he at least tried to make an effort to do something right I probably wouldn't have minded him staying longer I would have offered it for sure but instead he acts like a teenager without any responsibility other than raising his 5 year old son. I really didn't wanna throw him out(it's like kicking out my own brother) but I truly felt I had no choice I believe anyone in my shoes would have done the same thing at even half the time he stay or less! So after they were gone and we haven't talked for a long while so we both release some steam and can cool off I felt really bad for kicking his ass out I thought about it everyday but I felt I had no choice at that time but to do so hoping it'll get his ass moving and be productive. So I spent a whole year trying to contact him by every means possible since he's still a very close friend of mine(or so I thought) so I can talk to him to see how he's doing and catch up with his life also to bury the hatchet and start all over again but instead he just disappeared out of my life for good just completely cut me off with no answer or any kind of explanation at all. I saw him a few times out in public over the years he just ignores me and avoids me like a plague or like I'm some stranger he doesn't know and walks the other way when he sees me which I'm absolutely fine with it doesn't bother me one bit at all I just think despite of everything we went through together to hell and back for more than 2 decades it's sad things had to end this way but it's not on me it's on him he did it to himself I did my best to go out of my way, bend over my back, and walk the extra 10 miles for him but he still isn't satisfied if he doesn't appreciate all I did for him after loosing his house and being broke with a 5 year old son living 6 months free in my house refusing to look for work and disrespecting then erases me from his life(basically our past) than I hope he will find new friends that will do everything I did for him and more maybe what I did for him wasn't enough I wish him the best of luck but it's all good though life is too short for his bullshit anyways I actually think it's even better this way we both moved on at least I'm much happier now(I wish him the same) without him in my life I look at it as his mask fell off during that hard time he finally revealed himself and I now finally saw and know his true colors! My point is don't ever let anyone you are close to move in with you they will make your life a living hell believe me I know from experience! They might do things to inconvenient and/or annoy you but you will just let it slide and roll off your back and keep taking it and swallowing it while deep down you’re really boiling on the inside since you all are living under the same roof or things can get very ugly! They might even also stall you on the rent or not even pay it. What are you gonna do? Charge them late fees? Evict them? Usually, when you're close with someone it's rare there a written and/or signed agreements if any (they'll take offense cuz if you do than you're NOT "family") it's usually verbal agreements so for that you "can't kick them out" cuz , again, if you do than you're not cool cuz at the end of the day you're all "family" and when you finally reach the point to where you feel you do have to kick them out things can get VERY UGLY and both sides are gonna feel it(it's even worst if young children are involved I've seen it) they will always remember it and hold it against you then you’re done! This should also applies to even if they don't live with you but rents properties from you that you own so be very careful! You're smart I'm glad you don't rent out at all and hopefully no one else reading this does either especially to close friends and love ones I hope no one will ever have to go through what I had to it's already bad enough with strangers but it's even WAY WORSE with families and close friends. Sometimes having a good heart isn't always the best thing cuz it can also backfire on you believe me I learned the hard way. I just wanna save the next person from my misery so sorry for this huge paragraph I just had some more to add that I left out but to anyone reading this whether they live with you or not DO NOT RENT YOUR PLACES TO FAMILIES, CLOSE FRIENDS, OR ANY LOVE ONES PERIOD!!! THEY WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU AND YOU WILL END UP REGRET IT!!!
@@GranTube I would say the same thing for children that have left the nest and have to come back. Hard to get them back out and into the world again, and by the time they do there's so much hard feelings and anger that your relationship has been damaged
that renter needs to pay for the thousands of dollars of water damage. It's just hard to understand someone having that kind of power who doesn't own the house. It's just wrong, plain and simple.
Thank you Candice, thank you NBC, for bringing this horror to daylight. Keep the good work! There are so many similar situations out there. Mom and pop landlords are suffering.
This makes me sad. I had a similar issue as a rentor, the landlord lived with tenants downstairs and they were monsters. Constantly screaming, slamming doors, anything they could think of. They even damaged my vehicle, when the police were called they did nothing. Had to go to court a few times as well to get justice. You just never know who people really are until you live with them.
4 года назад+46
San Mateo county sheriff's and cops, judges, council people etc don't care about you.
They can get up to a year forebearance on their mortgage under the CARES act. They won't have to make payments and won't be marked as delinquent or be foreclosed on.
That doesn't address the thousands of dollars in damage the squatter caused by leaving the shower on for days at a time, or the cost of the water bill.
@@sidharthchand8072 If your uncle got a money judgement, it would be easy to pursue and garnish the lawyers' income. And report the eviction with all their personal info to the Landlord Associations.
Poor excuse for terrible morals. You sound like you have done this behavior before. Also you are incorrect. Its leftist policies that promote this behavior. Nice try democratic apologist. Oh and you probably are a racist
Something similar is happening to my mom and my brother right now. The roommate threatens my brother with a restraining and had my mother arrested already. She continues to live there without paying a dime. That's what people don't understand about the eviction moratorium. Renting out a room is not worth it, pandemic or not.
@@IYeleven No lease, but she finally moved out. She was arrested for assault. We just have to make sure she comes back for the rest of her belongings. The rest of the battle is my mom fighting the tenants false accusations.
As a homeowner renting rooms, I always worry about sabotage when evicting a tenant. Evictions can end up costing you a lot of money or your whole house.
@@ravenone6255 sorry, but nope! I've had people I thought I could trust and that I thought I knew and come to find out they weren't what or who they played to be. That's the problem ya never truly know someone, even if you think you do.
WRONG! Owning and renting RESIDENTIAL Real estate is the best business for the average person to get into BY FAR! You don't have to do business in a state like California, you can own and operate in any state, you don't even need to live there. You tube Phil pusteovsky, and Kris khrone and they will go over all the reasons why, you will be a believer if you do any research at all.
@@charlesritter6640 and now there is a movement in California to make it illegal to do background checks. That should make this industry even more of a delight. But you are correct that it can be a good investment. The more difficult the government makes it for property owners, the higher rents must go to compensate for these risks. And that may explain why homelessness is such a problem here in California. The government has made it risky to deal with renters, especially those who seem to have lots of problems. Many landlords don’t even advertise anymore, preferring to keep a place empty until someone they know well needs a place. It’s time to stop actively screwing people who own property. I myself rent. I’ve had a couple of bad landlords. Far less bad than some I’ve heard about. It can go both ways. But that doesn’t mean that the rights of both parties can’t be respected.
People like that should go to jail. Theres no excuse for ruining someones life. How the hell does she possibly validate this in her mind? What a garbage human being.
Went through something similar when I rented out a room in my apartment. I did not own the place, but I was the master tenant, so under the law I was the landlord. She caused all kinds of drama and a complete lack of peace in my life, and only paid me $450 total for 6 months of rent and utilities She insulted me constantly. It cost me thousands to get her evicted. I will never again rent a room to someone, renters have too many rights in CA. And I say that as someone who was a lifelong renter until 2 years ago. Most tenants are good people, but if you're a bad tenant, it takes way too long to get you out.
I had similar experience with a tenant. She is a visiting scholar. She treated me that she can take the entire house and evict me and my mom. I only lived in that house on weekends. So I ended up giving her discount on her bills. I almost filed a small claim against her.
So many horror stories. I can't imagine inviting a total stranger to live in your house with you. Are they drug addicts, sex offenders, felons, murderers, or totally crazy like this one? Once someone is a tenant in your home it's extremely hard to get them out.
I will never again help someone again, most were disrespectful and soon blamed me for their problems. And never got any thanks and tons of fleas front his two dogs.
@Rod Tip LOL that nonlegal way sound too dangerous. The police will come after you for that and they will get you in trouble once they collect enough evidents. I don't think I can do that.
She came to the right house. The average person would’ve beat the brakes off of her.
Ikdr! Bcus the way my attitude is set up! They'd be coming to my house with a body bag
Alexis - That's exactly what I was saying. Best be glad she didn't try this number on a sista from the hood.
Alexis That part 👌🏽👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💯
You that right time to pull a gun and play kool moe dee wild wild west kids
I pay a lot of money to live alone. Every time I think of a way to cut costs, I read shit like this. Other people are HELL.
I live alone in a house I own. Friends/Acquaintances hit me up all time to rent a room and I have to say no. Thanks to CA laws someone could squat and be declared a resident after three days. I’m willing to bet these laws contribute to the homelessness problem.
I hear ya. Living alone is better than going to jail because someone else is the scum of the earth. I gladly go without for my peace of mind.
Me too. My apartment is crappy, but I live there alone and unbothered.
When I first moved out in my 20s, I had a roommate who was a good friend. He was always late paying bills and even bounced a check on me. Toward the end of our lease, he just left without telling me and I had to come up with rent for the last few months. Glad I learned this lesson at a young age. Life is so much better living alone.
i'll bet the law would work just fine if the bank wanted to evict the homeowner.
that was a great observation
I used to be a landlord. I have my own law. You paid me rent. I paid the bank. We all happy.
You stop paying and won’t move out. I’ve no money to pay the bank. You will be very unhappy.
I tell that to all new renters up front. They ask what do I mean by that? I answer back. Do you really want to know?
They always paid on time and none of them trash my place when they moved out.
@BBD Design
No shit. Why do you think I disclose that upfront before I rent to them? Lol
@@xbman1 lol but imagine if they didn't pay you. you wouldn't do shit XD
@@gordonlin6120 some guy own my uncle about 5 months of rent he didn't want to pay up... so ... we don't know exactly what happened to him lmfao
Kindness paid with destruction
She probably wants the entire house to herself. where have I heard this story before...
Always... Been there .. people do take advantage,Trust me.
I'm the comment that says "I see you everywhere"
No good deed goes unpunished
What kindness...they are landlords. In that case, Jared Kushner is a fucking angel.
Poor family the damage has been done mentally and financially
Thanks for repeating what they said
@Lt col George Armstrong Custer why does it hurt them more?
@Lt col George Armstrong Custer Dude... you're a moron.
Xzcy Vs1 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🥳
You get a court date for a speeding ticket faster than having some evicted lawfully.
Because ticket is profit to the government. Eviction cost court money and government after the person got evicted. Once evicted, government needs to find a place for the evicted person to live. So the government rather headache on homeowner than the government-a selfish act.
yamesia thomas you nailed it ! that is so freaking TRUE! I can’t believe this is happening it’s horrible ,! I hope someone would start a go fund me for this family ! I would love to donate 👍🙏
meanwhile the county feverishly looks for a way to make you lose your house, because since you have a house. you must be an evil rich person..
My grandpa use to own a lot of property and when ppl would squat after being served. He would go in with my male cousins, remove their shit, put it on curb and change the locks. When they’d come back he’d say they left a month ago and they left their shit. I know it sucks for us poor I’ve had to leave places I couldn’t pay for anymore. But what can one do you have to leave you can’t just hijack someone’s property.
That’s because the system doesn’t benefit financially, like the speeding ticket, our leadership is full of criminals in suits!
And she claims that she works in the law industry? That's how she took advantage of others using law?? Shameless!!
She should be on blacklist!!!
She knows how to take advantage
She should be fired from her job and add that record to her credit report.
@I DON'T KNEEL what does this have to do with black people?
lawyers are legal thugs
The only one who knows how to break the law best is a lawyer, I watched my dad go from lawyer to prisoner so I'd know
Terrible how a person can violate your home and the courts won’t do anything about it !
The owner was greedy. She has to deal with the consequences.
It’s so sad that we try to help and now the system is failing us 😢
@@andrewsayers1347 how?
@@andrewsayers1347 she didn’t pay for months
@@uchibauki2515 Yes, but renting a room in your home to a stranger whilst you reside there is greedy and stupid. Things like this can and will happen.
Horrible situation. I am glad that NBC decided to air this.
This happened to a x coworker of mine. He got married. Before he got married both him and his new wife each had a condo. So they decided to rent one out and live in the other. After all the interview they decided on this guy who was well spoken and dressed. For the first three months the rent was on time and no problems what so ever. On the fourth month that is when the problems started.
The well dressed guy always has a excuse. Long story short. It took them about a year and three months go get rid of him. So him and his wife were in financial deficit. On top of that they had to spend more money to fix the place.
After what they went through they then decided to sell the condo and avoid the headaches.
Won't get them anywhere unfortunately.
What a horrible human being she is. Took advantage of people who helped her.
Actually she was helping them pay their mortgage, and we dont know both aides of the story. I was in the same situation as the renter, and the owners would steel items and food from my room and when I left they refused to give me the deposit. Im sure they tell people a different story.
@@imatter4619 that’s sucks. Sorry to hear about your situation. If that’s the case for this renter then she should come out and defend herself.
@@imatter4619 Actually, some renters are just psychopathic. This is coming from a person who's family is dealing with the same thing. The renter has more access to valuables than the other way around. Instead of simply leaving, she decided to complicate matters by involving the court.
That part ‼️
@Tp L if there’s no writing she’s trespassing. They have every right to kick her to the curb even without a eviction letter.
I guarantee that lunatic thinks she is the victim in this.
Only in Cali she is the victim🤦🏽♀️
Shes a liberal
@LYDIA DEVOLDER NO WAY!? what’s her youtube??
@LYDIA DEVOLDER for real?? What’s her RUclips?
how hard is it to just scream at her ears everyday.
publish her face picture everywhere like that she can't rent anywhere
Aren't you supposed to go door to door??
I agree. Let her only be able to live in the homeless shelters. They wont allow any of that mess she pulled. The sooner she realizes she cant do things like this the better off everyone will be
She will sue you into oblivion and then she will own your home. Remember this is California and in California the renter has the rights not the homeowner. Liberals are voted in and then people cry that renters are doing this to them. Vote Republican and renters like her will be out in the streets.
@@valleriecombs3786 Huh? Your question makes zero sense.
@Teller of unfortunate Truths , well my white republican classmate did it two years ago. It’s not about race it’s about crazy people, dummy.
I had a boss that let a homeless couple move in with her. While she was gone, they killed her 14 year old poodle and almost killed her cat. It was at the vet for 2 weeks and did recover. A word to the wise, do not ever move a stranger into your home.
@Jolt Soyo Me Too! Amen.
That is true. Not only stranger; They are everywhere. I had a distant family back while ago that move in with us. We figure out; we try to be nice with them by helping them. They said they will stay for one month but eventually they stay forever; about 1.5 years and we ended force them to leave our home.
@Tp L Yes, it is. I hope they are ok.
How awful!!
She is creating an awful lot of bad karma for herself.
I had a similar situation EXCEPT,
(1) I THOUGHT I KNEW THE YOUNG LADY.....(she was a foster child 4 years as a teen)
(2) she wasn't required to pay rent
I was attempting to help an otherwise homeless lady and 3 year old child get on their feet.
Issues began when this lady started inviting others who were homeless addicts into my home to take showers, do laundry, and she would offer food from my home to them and even give my dogs' food to their pets.
I didn't mind helping but I really grew paranoid of their ability to see things of value inside the home as they all had stories of having their posessions stolen. When she was confronted with continuing to bring strangers into my home, the real drama started. This person called the police and accused my bf of assulting her. She had bruises to prove! (Both her wrists were bruised from him grabbing her as she pounded on him)
Then, as she found power in her ability to call the police, she called... and called.... and called. One time the officer would understand my plight and advise me to get a restraining order against her in an attempt to get her out. The next time she would call, I was the villan and was told that since she lived in my home, she could bring ANYONE in because it's her house too! I was told to go to my room and shut my damn mouth!!!
The police stripped me of any power over my own home. I attempted to be a good little citizen and obey my "go to your room" order but the foster girl started a conversation at my door then came in the room eventually saying things that caused me to get up and yell and threaten her. At which time she laughed hysterically saying, "they told me that if you threaten me I can call them back! I've got it all on tape!"
Then as she's on the phone with dispach she yells, "stay away! Don't hurt me! " and I'm at the opposite side of the house ( a disabled, (car wreck injuries) older person who physically couldn't hurt anyone) my heart sunk as I hear her tell the police that my name is not on the lease and she wants ME removed from the premises! Omg
Is this even REAL? WELL..... I wasn't removed by the police but once again they put me at a disadvantage by telling me that since so many man hours are being wasted that my home would be deemed a nuisance and my landlord fined $500 for anymore calls this lady made.
Sheesh! I could get evicted over this person! I stayed away from my own home to maintain peace and no more police calls awaiting the order of protection but it was denied.
I went home to check my dogs but couldn't get in the front door. I pushed harder thinking the throw rug must have got in the way but discovered the tv and stand had been moved to block the door. When I could open the door enough to peer inside, a black guy was completely nude sleeping on my living room floor. The girl appeared from around the corner to inform me that she invited this guy as her protection from me because she'd been assulted. Arguments ensued but I left before she phoned the police another time.
Shortly after leaving my own home, I kept feeling the need to go home.
I told my friend that I felt I needed to go back but they advised me not to return because she would call police and they were now threatening to take someone to jail if they have to keep responding.....
I didn't return when I felt the urge.
Then I got a call from a concerned neighbor. Seems this lady had someone come with a pickup truck and cleaned house. She moved in my home with belongings that fit in bags in the trunk of a small car.
She LEFT with TV, dvd player, radio, boxes of gifts I bought for family before Christmas as I'm on disability income and manage my money accordingly. After she robbed my home, she accused the guy who moved her of assulting her and moved with her daughter into a homeless shelter. As KARMA would have it, the staff found this 30 y/o dead in her bed one day.
Ironically I discovered she was charged for abusing an elderly lady and was scheduled to serve 6 months in jail. Her sentence was to begin the day after she was found dead of accidental overdose.
A nightmare come true.
This is in Missouri.
@@dangrousnurse That's so terrible. I'm sorry you dealt with that. Honestly, we have many people in this country who are choosing not to live properly, which I wouldn't judge, but they are deliberately harming others in their steadfast refusal to straighten themselves out. The pendulum is going to swing hard on these people at some point and I won't shed a tear about it
@@dangrousnurse " a black guy was completely nude?" Why mention race?
I hope so, but she is under the Democrats law protection .
Lesson learned here is don't ever take in stray dogs into your home.
Do not hire this woman or allow her to rent a room ever. The public must know who this lady is.
Huh? They mention her name several times. Her identity is no secret.
Absolutely, she's a menace to society.
I feel so bad for them. Poor guy, crying like that. He sounds like he is going through ptsd.
For sure!!!
This is just some p**** s*** take over your house beat that lady's ass
@@mulastafa you CANNOT do that.... It sucks
PTSD from a renter hahaha man we have gotten soft.
These laws make no sense, so the renter get to stay In the house while the owners moved out. This is ridiculous
@Dario 👎 ⛔
@Dario hell no. Democrats are evil, they win world is going to end.
Sounds right for democratic cities and states. 😤
@Dario lol 😂
My father owned rentals in Detroit back in the 80s, this is the shit we had to deal with all the time. When we filed an eviction it would take over a year to throw the parasitic tenants out. When I inherited all of my father's property's, I sold out and took the money and ran for my life. Thank you god.
Once you give someone a hand they will take your whole arm
You are right!
Indeed and sadly you see people like this lady everywhere no matter where you live at and the neighborhood you live it be very careful of people like her once you rent a room for them on your own house.
Gotta set a limit. Don't give too much.
Yup, i will no longer extend my hand out, instead I’ll just point my finger to someone else. I’ve been had countless times
Any guy crying and wearing a Friends T-shirt in 2020, is telling the truth!
😆 😆
He goes to UC Berkeley so definitely a liberal (it also explains the crying)
This guy is just so sweet it hurts my heart watching him cry
Everyone always has this image of landlords being huge companies or slum lords. Quite a few are just regular people. This eviction delay rule was a bandaid and poorly thought out.
I wanted to rent my home if/when I am ever able to move, but I don’t think I will anymore. Unless the state steps up and protects landlords, it’s just not worth the risk of losing your home when dealing with bad people.
@@HamPower renting your home through a management company usually will not give you issues like this. Not always so before all of the well I rented my home through a management company and this happened starts. You are usually better off losing some money on the deal to have a 3rd party take care of the rental. The reason why you are better off doing this is because they are essentially signing a contract stating they will rent your home and while the contract states they are not responsible for damages to the home made by a tenant. In cases like this, the court would most likely favor your side.
The reason you hear of so many horror stories with rentals is because the person who bought a home and is fortunate to buy another isn't always the best person to be a landlord. An example would someone I've known for a good part of my life rented there home to my brother. Before moving in my brother stated the master bathroom sink was broken. Meaning the bowl for the sink. The landlord knew this already and promised ro fix it asap. He also let the landlord know one the pipe was leaking in the same sink. Fast forward a couple months nothing was fixed. So my brother fixed the speaking pipe himself. Now a couple years later my brother moves out. And this person calls me telling me my brother broke his bathroom sink. He then complains because he has to repaint the walls and was the wood flooring.
Not fixing the sink is a dumb thing that most landlords will take care of. But complaining about painting walls or waxing good flooring is common stuff you will hear from new landlords. And these people shouldn't be landlords. Whatever home you rent will take more damage to it by a renter for a couple reasons. One is they dont own it and don't care about it like you do. Another reason is in many cases renters have never owned a house and dont realize the massive costs doing certain things can do to a house. But this is why you are usually getting paid more than what the mortgage costs. Although this isn't true in California anymore.
These people in the video most likely created a craigslist ad in Mandarin stating Chinese only in it. I live in a Chinese area and this is common. Most adds will say Chinese only. If it is air bnb they will cancel anyone who is not Chinese because they are looking for pregnant women over staying there visas to have there baby here. Exchange students or restaurant workers. The crazy lady in the video looks like a restaurant worker or low wage worker. The gold mine for them is the exchange students or pregnant women. So assuming this is the case for this family which I am almost certain it is. I dont feel sorry for them at all that this happened. They discriminate on who lives with them. Which I dont really have an issue with except that the law states it is illegal to do it. The issue I have is only so called minority communities can do this and not Americans. We get a lawsuit. They get a it's ok they didn't know.
The point is dont be scared to turn your property into an investment property. Just accept the costs that come with doing it. Don't be attached to a property. Understand every time someone moves out you will be there painting the house and patching walls. Fixing the kitchen sink etc... If you cannot accept those things then just sell the home and done get into it. You can make good money renting your home. Just make sure you do it through a management company with a good record.
This is why I hate renting out your homes. Find other ways to pay the bills. You can’t trust people out here.
Wow this why I live alone . I will do whatever I need to do to pay my rent by working hard. This troll is a snake and she's evil . Adults are evil . I would be in jail dealing with crazy .
They are being forced out by the Democrats and Republicans to a neighborhood near you.
Your right for these assholes take over your home!
@Danielle D. Minerva yes right or instacart anything to bring in money
Tasnia Islam housing is so expensive now that it requires roommates to live
Is there a go fund me? I’d like to donate. We’ve got to get this boy out of his car and the mother and daughter back in their home. They’re probably paying rent and a mortgage!
I'd like to donate, too.
@@wownewstome6123 simp
@@valleriecombs3786 People like you ruin the meanings of words.
@None None bro: look at ur name
Erry hear a irony haha clown
Dey tuk our JERBS!!
If she did that to me, she would have been buried in that crawl space...
That's a waste. I'd feed her to the hogs. At least that way in 6-8 months you'd have some beautiful chops and bacon.
They need a real man in the house. He would have deal with it real swift. Too bad he did not have a dad and these far left Universities are churning out soy boys in their safe spaces who dont learn how to deal with these things. I cant fault him, this is just how they are rasing boys now.
@@jayscott9860 It's not a soy boy scenario. Chinese would prefer to study, rather than engage in physical confrontation.
Squatters are so infuriating!!! Simple, it's not your place....Leave and quit terrorizing these good people!!!!!!
They should have changed the locks while she left to go out. Pack up her things while she is gone and put the boxes on the street with her name on it. Let her bring you to court.
I would have taken the L on that court case 😆 but definitely would’ve plotted day in & out until proven results without me getting involved
They couldn't change the locks because the laws prohibit it u have to let these li lunatics remain in your property and have full access and full utilities. It's insane. All things need to be lined out in your contract and if u violate them you GTFO!!!!
That is considered an unlawful eviction and comes with it's own penalties and if I remember correctly she could not be held responsible for any damages she does trying to get back into the property that she legally has a right to occupy. See my other comment for the right way to handle this under CA law.
Nah why leave evidence..
This is UNCONSCIONABLE that these good people have to deal with this kind of scenario. What a nightmare situation!!
I dont understand some people, if I knew a whole family wanted me gone, I'm out, I'm not gonna stay and live under that tension, smh😂
she went in with no intention of leaving
People like her feed on the hate and drama
They are opportunist and always on the look out for ways to take advantage.
Las Vegas Nights - YOU GOT THAT RIGHT. I'm going. Period. That _is_ too much tension. And if I was the homeowner, girl would HAVE to go. You not staying in my home and you're not welcome. I'll give the legally required notice and yo a** gots to go.
you know there are people who are assholes and have no common sense...
This happened to our family. We are in Canada. We rented a home to a family of six. As soon as they took possession of the home they treated the house like theirs and refused my parents to enter the property. My parents gave sufficient notice to them that they would go on a certain date to perform a yard maintenance; and guess what, the tenant called a local police because she didn’t want to see my parents there. Wtf. What’s more, they completely took advantage over the eviction freeze during the pandemic and refused to pay us rent for 6 months. They filed a complaint to a local residential tenancy branch demanding that we not only had to forgive the 6 month rents but we also needed to compensate them for job loss due to the pandemic. I attended the hearing and the arbitrator was literally laughing his head off about the tenants’ claims against us. I think this was probably the most ridiculous claim the arbitrator ever dealt with. And of course the arbitrator dismisses their claims. Thank goodness, they decided to move out after they lost in the hearing but they still owed us 6 months of rent ....now I am waiting for another hearing to be conducted within two weeks for the overdue rent. The chance of getting the money back is very low but I am going to try! For all landlords out there, please make sure you do extensive background and credit checks on your tenants; otherwise, you will end up with endless nightmare! I am glad that I didn’t suffer from any depression from this but it was a tough two-years!
Just keep giving her a case and court to go through. Make her life a hassle!! Do it til you get adequate pay!
my gosh! Two years...
@@bmona7550 yes that’s my plan. I think I will proceed to the court so if the future landlord search them up they will know these tenants are real bad. But to be honest, it is also very time consuming for my part too.
@evelyn apilado I think majority of people are good. But you do need to do your homework so you won’t end up with the evil ones like mine. Tough lesson learned though.
@Pandoras Box thanks. However I don’t put too much hope because the system in Canada here isn’t protecting landlords’ right at all. There is no enforcement to make them pay if they default unfortunately
That’s how the enemy is trying to destroy the family. That family was living in peace and safety when in walked trouble.
Yes you need to have GODs protection so that these petty matters do not happen to you. To be protected from these vile demons evil and wicked.
@Smurfette Did It The Lord GOD favors who he will have Favor on period. You do not determine that. All of us have to prepare for what is to come if he gives you much more then me then more of things will be required of you!!! Do not be deceived for all things are possible for the Lord. If he wants to fill my barns and prepare them for the time to come then he will. The only one going to the FEMA camps will be you if you do not prepare. You Sound like your trying over compensate for something your quite short on.
What do you think that because I was bieng truthful about what I said about protection cant be applied to the Gentiles or even a Moabite? Of course they can but you and I do not determine that outcome. Of course these people will not listen but its not for them anyways. GOD protects his own. period. You sir are stepping on the wrong toes. You best check yourself before you wreck yourself.
@Smurfette Did It they’ve been to my house already. It was the law that threw them out.
Tell me about. A guy came to rent one of my apartments and he said it was just him and his girlfriend who will just come and visit. He gave me the deposit and we agreed that he will move on the 1st of July. I was praying asking God are these the right people. I kept praying and it seems like God was giving me the go. The tenant I had said she needed a few hours to move out so I called the new tenant to tell him that give me till the 3rd of July so I can paint the apartment. It did not need anything just a bit of painting. Out of no where I went and I prayed again and I said God show me who these people are! After I finished praying I heard something push me to call the guy to come pick up the keys on July second and he said let me call my girlfriend to go get the keys. When she come she said I'm going to see the apartment and show it, when she came she came with her daughter, another women with a small child. The lady she was with did not say hi to me or anything she did not even acknowledge me and started making plans on how she would fix the apartment. Out of no where my mouth opened up and I asked who is the one going to live here. The girlfriend said oh I told you just him oh and her and her child that are on vacation. I asked until when? The lady started yelling and almost cursing I opened the door and they left. I called the guy and told him came and get your deposit. They all lived across the street and next thing you know they moved out. I believe they were all planning on moving into the apartment. I started to thank God for fighting for me without me knowing what was happening and what was going to happen he is great. God bless and pray before you rent.
Don't let people stay with you longer than 29 days
@Yo Gabba over night if you need any longer get a hotel
And don't let them receive mail at your home, thats proof of residency.
Learned that the hard way
Its happened in Florida too, 1 day can even prove to be too long, and cause the same. Once personal belongings and mail arrives to address you can be had.
It don't matter if a person stay more than 3 days I don't know where you live but if a person stayed more than 3 days the they're allowed to stay even if they're not on the lease
@@goyod6 How do you stop them from simply going to the post office and filling out change of address to the house they intend to squat in?
Especially if they do not tell you - seems like it is too late by the time the owner finds out.
There should be national registry for renters who do this. The reverse is true too, bad landlords.
there is a national registry its called your credit report my land lord looked at before he even rented to me and others have also when i had to get a new place to rent sounds like this was a month to month lease or some fast cash business that went south
Omg what the hell is wrong with people. What a witch
Thank you Candice, thank you NBC, for bringing this horror to daylight. This is high quality investigative reporting.
she won't do that in a black woman's home. A black woman would handle business and possibly go to jail
She definitely would be out in a day
Lol ....a strong blk woman..there is some don't want to be a statistic would be like this victim homeowner lady...heck any strong woman would have gotten her out with a decent plan.
Would have kicked her ass and dealt with whatever came next when it came
It’s terrible and unfair to small landlords.
This is nothing compared to the millions of landlords who take advantage of their tenants this is usually a rare case.
@@winning3329 not in California, it's common, and being abused
When people think it’s ok to do it to the big guy, what they forget is when you start allowing these abuses, eventually everyone enjoys the ability to abuse their landlord.
Just like the income tax. Oh, it will just be for the rich, they said.
@@winning3329 it's not a single rare case, it's common in California. Landlord's always the passive one.
@@winning3329 Unfortunately, you have no idea what you are talking about. I wish landlords had better tools to deal with bad tenants. These renters give all of us a bad name because they don’t want to rent to anyone except people with perfect history, perfect credit, and with high deposits.
My neighbor is going through this right now.
Cant get bad renters out. They are protected, draining her dry while her house and home is slipping away from her.
@Leo C lol You know how I know you are full of shit. Not only do internet dweebs only flex online that they make a lot of money when they really don't but also, if you did make that much money, you would simply just pay the rent to avoid a negative credit score hit or getting sued later on. Also you would be an idiot to still be renting when you have a decent salary. That or you are just simply a shitty human being to be taking advantage of other ppl during a pandemic. Take your pick
@Leo C You must not know how to read because I wrote "decent" salary, which is in the state of CA lol. I understand internet dweebs like yourself like getting off from flexin online about how much fake money they have and hearing about how poor other ppl, but there is no need to project yourself onto others lol. I'm doing pretty well for myself if you must know and I got where I am without scamming other ppl. How would I be poor if I'm a landlord in CA? lol That's why I'm defending this thread against a shtstain of a tenant like yourself. I have encountered ppl like you because liberal tenant protection laws protects bums like you, so you can get ahead in life off of honest hard working Americans. Get a clue idiot
@Leo C So many renters are taking advantage of covid. I can't believe Democrats don't understand that by blocking evictions they are putting the owners under water and no one is going to want to invest in rental property thus the number of places to rent is going to drop driving up rent prices in the long run. Why don't they understand the impact their laws really have.
Lesson to be learned: Don’t even THINK of renting out a “room” in your own house, no matter how ‘nice’ they appear!
Can you expose my story too? My rental house is occupied by squatters (no lease at all!) and the pandemic policy prevented us from evicting them. So unfair to landlords!
I'd like to see them shine a light on more situations like that instead of saying renters need protections
@@69xxmiiikexx86 has noting to do with the pandemic tho. Squatters have rights regardless unfortunately.
Wow squatters are the same as homeless people
@@user-ti2xi9bd4u legally no
@Daniel Pan Yes they're protected by claiming they have verbal lease even though never paid a penny. The eviction ban banned all kinds of evictions, many are not Covid-19 related. The government puts all burden to landlords' shoulder.
People like that sometimes end up in a hundred pieces. She's lucky she is still alive.
yeah one night she wouldve disappeared . id say well she must have left
I wouldn’t feel bad.
I consider myself a good person but I think I might have hurt her. I see quite a few of these cases and I am surprised that some of these people aren't hurt or killed.
Technicians 87 , yes, but who wants to be a murderer for the rest of life.
Ain't no way that could have been me. She was going to be the one afraid to sleep in my house not the other way around
Wake up Governor Newsom. Enough Is enough. What are you doing for property owners ? We have mortgages, we have property taxes, we have insurance, and Maintenace expenses. So far, you keep on extending the eviction process. It’s time for you to lift this process so landlords can move forward to pay our bills. We all are going to remember how you have treated us.
Newsom would not care about you, me and all other innocent landlords. What he only cares about just the voters, as long as he could gain some supporters among the bad tenants.
Newsom don't care as long as he is still in the office
The math is simple.
How many home owners are there in California and how many tenants are there in California?
Do your math, and come back to me. Your welcome 🙏
Yes, he is looking for votes to retain his power just like his aunt Nancy Pelosi . They are both corrupt.
@@user-ti2xi9bd4u 55% homeowners and 45% renters according to the Census
When the renter left for court, why didn’t they change the locks and leave her stuff on the lawn???
Cannot do that in Commifornia. Only the renters have rights there.
You cant do that according to laws. But its a good plan
NOT a lot of intelligence in this case !!!!
@@RandalColling but I thought that they said it was a civil matter, so she would have to take them to court now wouldn't she...
Can’t do that in NY either
I'm in a similar situation. Roommate refused to pay telling me he staying there forever. Change the locks and was told that I could be arrested. He's living rent free at my expense. Specially with the moratorium eviction they can even spit in your face. At the end I'm the one hurting because the lease is under my name. These people don't care about landlords even when we get assaulted by these bums.
California governers keep saying the renters are the vulnerable and exercise every action to fully protect them. Truth is all renter protection policies accumulated turning landlords into vulnerables. What happen in the video is not a single case that renters exercise evil actions, delaying payment, damaging the properties intentionally. Good tenants, regardless protection policy in place or not, they would well behave, communicate and stick to the contractual obligation; bad tenants, would take advantages of every possible way to avoid their contractual obligation. More than that, as demonstrated in the interview, 1. Housing cases are not considered serious by police, county and court 2. Landlord had to bear all the costs to repair, evict and even had to prove the evil intention of the renters. California is deteriorating to pursue political correctness to the point where illegal is over legal, immoral over moral. Glad to see NBC reporting on this!
I’m so thankful for the roommate I had. I lived with her for 10 years, rented a room to her. She was always so sweet and respectful. We never once had an issue between us, or a complaint. She is wonderful person.
My neighbor had a tenant like that, he threatened to sell him and his organs on the dark web and the guy left quietly the next day lol.
@@curasos = ass clown
Lmao. Good job.
Love it....but come home first with big trash bags, zip ties, duct tape and a hack saw....
So many of these cases get overlooked even before the pandemic.
yep upstairs neighbors flooded my apartment landlord refused to come down he just moved out and rented it out to some greenhorns ended up with a flooded apartment in my bathroom and bedrooms cops did nothing they are lucky i got the love of my life to live for or there would of been a really bad incident there
What a vicious bully! What a biased unfair court system!
No good deed goes unpunished
Poor family! I hope that crazy woman gets punishment she deserves - under this overly liberal court system.
Aye trump 2020, drain the swamp.
if the landlords didn't abuse the system, the laws would still be in their favor
The system only works for those that work it. Know the law and your rights before moving renters into your home. It's not liberal as you call it for many.
@@yettiman8941 trump is the swamp
She is not crazy , she knew the California democratic party's law ...
Thank you Candice and NBC for exposing this story to the public, your great work is lighting hopes to so many hopeless and struggling mom and pop housing providers. There are deeply systematic discriminations towards California mom and pop housing providers which will eventually backfire and hurt the entire housing market (renters included). Our justice system is over-protecting one side and ignoring/hurting the other side, this imbalance is injustice towards mom and pops.
Stop voting for Democrats.
that’s why you gotta vote red
laws used to be written to protect people, now they are written against people and protect corporations more than human beings
Very often, they end up protecting the criminal and convicting the victim.
Just as there are shitty tenants, there are shitty landlords too but I do agree that the laws protect the tenants more.
Why didnt they just shut off the water when she was doing damage.
Bingo !!!!
DIY evictions like that are illegal.
@@bftjoe who the F cares.
@@mjn3000 people who don't want to loose thousands of dollars in a law suit.
@@mistersir9993 Not if the water is leaking in the house
Nice job NBC and reporter on exposing this horrible story. Sad to see a bad tenant’s behavior would hurt housing providers and good tenants. Hope there’s better law to prevent such a bad apple from harming others.
Yup. After my last tenant was a demon, I quit renting and turned my property into an office/studio/gym. Done ✔️
I would never rent to anyone period. These people use the system.
Ex freaking actly. I couldn't even get my non rent paying ass cousin out for a whole year. It was a nightmare. If family will do this, you know a stranger will do it.
affordable housing crisis right there.
Politicians make laws to protect sympathetic poor from eviction, this increases risk to property owners, landlords calculate risk into rent, sympathetic poor can't afford higher rent and go homeless
NEVER rent to families or close friends unless you want your relationship with them to be destroyed!
The system isn't the only thing but you can also quickly end the relationships of your love ones and close friends very fast! I had a very close friend of more than 20 years(he was like my brother) who move into my house many years ago with his 5 year son and his girlfriend with all their stuff for 6 months rent free and now we are no longer friends cuz of it. He now cuts all ties with me after I kicked him out for disrespecting me, free loading, not answering my calls, disappearing most of the time, not looking for a job, and so on for half a year he had more than plenty of time to look for work the first month I didn't say anything giving him time to settle in and rest up a bit when the second month came I asked him how's his job searching but he said he's over qualify(I wanted to laugh) he lost his house, he's broke, and depressed so I tried to understand his situation at first and I was cool with him not working cuz he said he had to take care of his 5 year old son but when I talked to his girlfriend she told me that she told him she can watch his son so he can go get a job and they fought many times over it but he still refuses to he basically took a advantage of me and used me until I've had it! I tried everything I can to help him and his situation to get back on his feet but he was so disrespectful and rude I finally had and kicked his ass out! I also like to add my wife was fine with him moving in at first with the fact our daughter was like 2 years old and my wife was pregnant again at the time so I had to deal with her mood swings and temper tantrums as well but she also had to put up with him and his sons bullshit so she was very respectful for me in that sense it was really rough thinking back to that moment. I originally was gonna give him 3 month(which is still a very long time) but his girlfriend had a private talk with me and insisted that I to give him 3 more months to really help his situation out since he had just lost his house, broke, and have a 5 year old son to raise and he was like my brother so I agreed. I mean, how many people do you know that will help you enough to let you stay at their place for 6 months? I mean, at first I was helping him but after a while I realize I wasn't helping him anymore I was SUPPORTING him! If he at least tried to make an effort to do something right I probably wouldn't have minded him staying longer I would have offered it for sure but instead he acts like a teenager without any responsibility other than raising his 5 year old son. I really didn't wanna throw him out(it's like kicking out my own brother) but I truly felt I had no choice I believe anyone in my shoes would have done the same thing at even half the time he stay or less! So after they were gone and we haven't talked for a long while so we both release some steam and can cool off I felt really bad for kicking his ass out I thought about it everyday but I felt I had no choice at that time but to do so hoping it'll get his ass moving and be productive. So I spent a whole year trying to contact him by every means possible since he's still a very close friend of mine(or so I thought) so I can talk to him to see how he's doing and catch up with his life also to bury the hatchet and start all over again but instead he just disappeared out of my life for good just completely cut me off with no answer or any kind of explanation at all. I saw him a few times out in public over the years he just ignores me and avoids me like a plague or like I'm some stranger he doesn't know and walks the other way when he sees me which I'm absolutely fine with it doesn't bother me one bit at all I just think despite of everything we went through together to hell and back for more than 2 decades it's sad things had to end this way but it's not on me it's on him he did it to himself I did my best to go out of my way, bend over my back, and walk the extra 10 miles for him but he still isn't satisfied if he doesn't appreciate all I did for him after loosing his house and being broke with a 5 year old son living 6 months free in my house refusing to look for work and disrespecting then erases me from his life(basically our past) than I hope he will find new friends that will do everything I did for him and more maybe what I did for him wasn't enough I wish him the best of luck but it's all good though life is too short for his bullshit anyways I actually think it's even better this way we both moved on at least I'm much happier now(I wish him the same) without him in my life I look at it as his mask fell off during that hard time he finally revealed himself and I now finally saw and know his true colors! My point is don't ever let anyone you are close to move in with you they will make your life a living hell believe me I know from experience! They might do things to inconvenient and/or annoy you but you will just let it slide and roll off your back and keep taking it and swallowing it while deep down you’re really boiling on the inside since you all are living under the same roof or things can get very ugly! They might even also stall you on the rent or not even pay it. What are you gonna do? Charge them late fees? Evict them? Usually, when you're close with someone it's rare there a written and/or signed agreements if any (they'll take offense cuz if you do than you're NOT "family") it's usually verbal agreements so for that you "can't kick them out" cuz , again, if you do than you're not cool cuz at the end of the day you're all "family" and when you finally reach the point to where you feel you do have to kick them out things can get VERY UGLY and both sides are gonna feel it(it's even worst if young children are involved I've seen it) they will always remember it and hold it against you then you’re done! This should also applies to even if they don't live with you but rents properties from you that you own so be very careful! You're smart I'm glad you don't rent out at all and hopefully no one else reading this does either especially to close friends and love ones I hope no one will ever have to go through what I had to it's already bad enough with strangers but it's even WAY WORSE with families and close friends. Sometimes having a good heart isn't always the best thing cuz it can also backfire on you believe me I learned the hard way. I just wanna save the next person from my misery so sorry for this huge paragraph I just had some more to add that I left out but to anyone reading this whether they live with you or not DO NOT RENT YOUR PLACES TO FAMILIES, CLOSE FRIENDS, OR ANY LOVE ONES PERIOD!!! THEY WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU AND YOU WILL END UP REGRET IT!!!
@@GranTube I would say the same thing for children that have left the nest and have to come back. Hard to get them back out and into the world again, and by the time they do there's so much hard feelings and anger that your relationship has been damaged
that renter needs to pay for the thousands of dollars of water damage. It's just hard to understand someone having that kind of power who doesn't own the house. It's just wrong, plain and simple.
Thank you Candice, thank you NBC, for bringing this horror to daylight. Keep the good work! There are so many similar situations out there. Mom and pop landlords are suffering.
Policy outweighing common sense is a huge problem in this day and age.
This makes me sad. I had a similar issue as a rentor, the landlord lived with tenants downstairs and they were monsters. Constantly screaming, slamming doors, anything they could think of. They even damaged my vehicle, when the police were called they did nothing. Had to go to court a few times as well to get justice. You just never know who people really are until you live with them.
San Mateo county sheriff's and cops, judges, council people etc don't care about you.
They can get up to a year forebearance on their mortgage under the CARES act. They won't have to make payments and won't be marked as delinquent or be foreclosed on.
That doesn't address the thousands of dollars in damage the squatter caused by leaving the shower on for days at a time, or the cost of the water bill.
Can you please send a link for the Cares Act? I'd like to see the details of forebearance
@Rebel88 I'm a homeowner. Only thing they told me was 6 month forebearance. If you have any link, I'd appreciate it.
Never rent out to someone you don’t know. Do the background check at least
Even with background checks it's still difficult to predict how someone will act.
People you know will take advantage of you even more and then pull the family/friend card to guilt you into letting them stay.
Don’t rent to a lawyer same thing happened to my uncle who rented his house to a couple of lawyers strung him along for 18 months
@@sidharthchand8072 If your uncle got a money judgement, it would be easy to pursue and garnish the lawyers' income. And report the eviction with all their personal info to the Landlord Associations.
@reshi p your jus a acum bag who tf is gonna pay double rent
Why she behaving like that, what is wrong with her
She got some hardcore personality disorder shit going on.
It's totally mental, who else stays and fights to stay when not wanted 🤔 "get the hell out of their house!"
Look at her eyes. Crazy bitch.
She's a Chinese spy
the first red flag, she can't leach off a guy
She was let back in? The first time she leaves, locks are changed. Bye bye. How hard is that?
Squatters know how to break locks
@@Liitebulb They wouldn’t get back in the house period.
@@niterida380 what if you just breath the shit out of her when she leaves her room say she attracted you and your son and file a police report?
It’s not as easy as you think to be a landlord. some folks are just trash.
Yes it is all landlords do is collect rent and do nothing.
just stick them with a shit ton of heroin while they're sleeping then tell the cops that a junkie was living with you and OD'd not too hard
@@winning3329 Unless you are a landlord and only do the very things you mentioned, you are not qualified to assume that.
Some landlords are straight trash too
@@iruma4857 is that what you’ve done slumlord, murdered your tenants?
The extreme rent control law encouraged good tenants to become the bad.
Poor excuse for terrible morals. You sound like you have done this behavior before. Also you are incorrect. Its leftist policies that promote this behavior. Nice try democratic apologist. Oh and you probably are a racist
@@2023awakening you sick in the head boy. Stop using internet for once.
Blows my mind how good hearted people are getting affected due to Covid.
Something similar is happening to my mom and my brother right now. The roommate threatens my brother with a restraining and had my mother arrested already. She continues to live there without paying a dime. That's what people don't understand about the eviction moratorium. Renting out a room is not worth it, pandemic or not.
Did you guys create a lease before renting out ?
I’m so sorry you have to go through this
@@IYeleven No lease, but she finally moved out. She was arrested for assault. We just have to make sure she comes back for the rest of her belongings. The rest of the battle is my mom fighting the tenants false accusations.
Change the locks when she leaves.
She will kick in the door when she comes back!
Never rent out a room in your home to anyone no matter what.
They need to get a judgment against her so if someone does do a background check, it will show up.
This is why I tell my mom not to help anyone!!!
Good advice.Protect your Mom and her property. Lunatics are everywhere.
Horrible human being, she'll get her karma. Bless the family ❣️
Which city is this in China?
I have a tenant who hasn’t paid my elderly parents in 7 months.
Why is she covering her face when they already showed a picture of her and we all know what she looks like
She doesn’t know they have a picture of her
Cause more than one person edits these videos and communication with other departments wasn’t clear.
why are they even bothering to ask her after she essentially declined already by not responding...
As a homeowner renting rooms, I always worry about sabotage when evicting a tenant. Evictions can end up costing you a lot of money or your whole house.
It's a monster. Greed, sick mind, ill-hearted; all can lead to anything people can do; especially in pandemic time.
It's October. NOTHING IS NEW NOW. Grow up, San Mateo!
Oh that poor family and poor boy. You can see how hurt he is. God bless this family
This is why you never rent to anyone.
Or trust anyone!
Only those you really trust
@@ravenone6255 sorry, but nope! I've had people I thought I could trust and that I thought I knew and come to find out they weren't what or who they played to be. That's the problem ya never truly know someone, even if you think you do.
WRONG! Owning and renting RESIDENTIAL Real estate is the best business for the average person to get into BY FAR! You don't have to do business in a state like California, you can own and operate in any state, you don't even need to live there. You tube Phil pusteovsky, and Kris khrone and they will go over all the reasons why, you will be a believer if you do any research at all.
@@charlesritter6640 and now there is a movement in California to make it illegal to do background checks. That should make this industry even more of a delight.
But you are correct that it can be a good investment. The more difficult the government makes it for property owners, the higher rents must go to compensate for these risks.
And that may explain why homelessness is such a problem here in California. The government has made it risky to deal with renters, especially those who seem to have lots of problems.
Many landlords don’t even advertise anymore, preferring to keep a place empty until someone they know well needs a place.
It’s time to stop actively screwing people who own property.
I myself rent. I’ve had a couple of bad landlords. Far less bad than some I’ve heard about. It can go both ways. But that doesn’t mean that the rights of both parties can’t be respected.
Lol imagine her in a maxican home or black family home . She would have ended up 6 feet in the backyard.
@@mrs_chin mexico. The real name is maxica. Cuz its magick
@@lizardking7772 I have a distant cousin who is a member of CDS, woulda taken care of her no problem, nice and quiet too lol.
@@lizardking7772 nah, she picked the right asians to do it to.
While we had a BBQ and house party!!!
a fucking baseball bat
People like that should go to jail. Theres no excuse for ruining someones life. How the hell does she possibly validate this in her mind? What a garbage human being.
It is incidents like this that makes me wish I were super rich. I would buy that mom and her son a home.
You done know this couldn't happen to a Jamaican family...
🗣BOMBACLOT think she is... I’m not Jamaican but one of my aunts is 🤣
What a nightmare, sue her
Went through something similar when I rented out a room in my apartment. I did not own the place, but I was the master tenant, so under the law I was the landlord. She caused all kinds of drama and a complete lack of peace in my life, and only paid me $450 total for 6 months of rent and utilities She insulted me constantly. It cost me thousands to get her evicted. I will never again rent a room to someone, renters have too many rights in CA. And I say that as someone who was a lifelong renter until 2 years ago. Most tenants are good people, but if you're a bad tenant, it takes way too long to get you out.
Remember this face. DON’T rent to her 😂
Did they run a background check? I’m so sorry people are so crazy..
it’s a family member
@@anna_m59 It’s kind of tough to differentiate sometimes, but her last name is Jiang. Their last name is Yang. They’re not related.
No they did not do a background check. The mother was probably so desperate for money, she just blindly took this person in.
I had similar experience with a tenant. She is a visiting scholar. She treated me that she can take the entire house and evict me and my mom. I only lived in that house on weekends. So I ended up giving her discount on her bills. I almost filed a small claim against her.
So many horror stories. I can't imagine inviting a total stranger to live in your house with you. Are they drug addicts, sex offenders, felons, murderers, or totally crazy like this one? Once someone is a tenant in your home it's extremely hard to get them out.
I will never again help someone again, most were disrespectful and soon blamed me for their problems. And never got any thanks and tons of fleas front his two dogs.
Exactly why blanket moratoriums harm as many people as they help. "We could stand for some improvement" is an understatement.
So the police can't do anything.. but if she beats that lady's ass, they will arrest her for sure.. crazy!!!!
They could’ve easily gone the “non-legal “ way.
what is the non-legal way? I'd like to know in case if I ever own a house and rent it out to crazy people like that woman.
Exactly no question she would be meeting God before the rapture
@Rod Tip LOL that nonlegal way sound too dangerous. The police will come after you for that and they will get you in trouble once they collect enough evidents. I don't think I can do that.
it could easily come to bite them in the ass later.
I would move out then cut off all utilities including water. Then get a large german sherperd.
Can't legally do that. And as a home owner, they would be fined.
Too much liability. Gotta go stealth on this one.
Unfortunately, cutting off utilities are illegal. Bad renters can use this as a perfect excuse to sue landlord.
Not a smart move. You can’t leave your home and allow a person who has threatened to never leave get full access to your entire home.
Could be treated as a wrongful eviction which runs in hundreds of thousands of dollars to even millions if it was in SF