No what he is saying that Abortion should be the sole defining issue of the day. After all if Hitler banned abortion to win over religious for their backing so he could do all of the other terrible things that he did, would you vote for him, the World is shades of grey not black and white
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
The best thing for faithful Catholics to do is to financially starve the errant clerics in The Church. Be generous in your charitable giving but make sure your generosity benefits those worthy of your giving.
Joe, one of my best friends, a very holy man, and I discussed recently this very topic. He has decided to no longer support his local parish but to support other "causes" such as the New Hampshire Pro Life Ministries and other Catholic ministries. Initially, I was troubled by his adamancy but thought hard about it. This video makes me more certain that, at this time, it is better to support those ministries which DIRECTLY support those in need rather than my parish (which I love) due to the fact that a percentage of those funds are given over to "campaigns" which I do not support. It is sad ... as a Catholic, we should all trust that our Bishops are the "medicine" and source of spiritual direction to the masses, but are not. Unfortunately, our bishops have proven themselves, with exceptions, to be more in support of groups such as "BLM" rather than groups which provide support and hope to those supporting life. Until I am convinced, with evidence, that our bishops are actually behaving as successors to the Apostles, I will be deliberative in my tithing. Sad state of affairs.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
Bishop McElroy I pray for you as a native San Diegan I pray that you Instead of being a social justice warrior worried about Immigration / LGBTQ and now not thinking life is at the fore front of Catholic belief "Jesus said let the Children come to me" it doesn't mean sacrifice them and send them to me. Please Bishop McElroy teach us how to save our souls, teach us not take Communion in the hand teach us to kneel for our Lord teach how to live in a State of Grace.
Yea why would you be worried about immigrants, especially since immigrants in this time in American history refers to people coming from countries south of America where the populations have a way higher percentage of Catholics then the U.S. you’re right too in not caring about lgbtq either. We shouldn’t care about disenfranchised groups like that who struggle witg who they are for large portions of their lives usually causing depression and sometimes suicide. If you don’t see how your attitude towards them caused hatred toward and people committing acts of violence or murder against them maybe you don’t see that human life continues after birth as well
Friday, Week 27, Ordinary Time Joel 1:13-15;2:1-2 Gird yourselves, and lament, O ye priests, howl, ye ministers of the altars: go in, lie in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: because sacrifice and libation is cut off from the house of your God. Sanctify ye a fast, call an assembly, gather together the ancients, all the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God: and cry ye to the Lord: Ah, ah, ah, for the day: because the day of the Lord is at hand, and it shall come like destruction from the mighty. Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: because the day of the Lord cometh, because it is nigh at hand. A day of darkness, and of gloominess, a day of clouds and whirlwinds: a numerous and strong people as the morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been from the beginning, nor shall be after it, even to the years of generation and generation. Luke 11:15-26 But some of them said: He casteth out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of devils. And others tempting, asked of him a sign from heaven. But he seeing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation; and house upon house shall fall. And if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because you say that through Beelzebub I cast out devils. Now if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore, they shall be your judges. But if I by the finger of God cast out devils, doubtless the kingdom of God is come upon you. When a strong man armed keepeth his court, those things are in peace which he possesseth. But if a stronger than he come upon him and overcome him, he will take away all his armour wherein he trusted and will distribute his spoils. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest: and not finding, he saith: I will return into my house whence I came out. And when he is come, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then he goeth and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself: and entering in they dwell there. And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. SOLEMN BLESSING OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (6 January 2000) For Priests Only Adoration and praise to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the source of my power. May it fill you all with strength and power. Amen. Adoration to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ which opens up the seal. May you all be sealed with the Blood. Amen. Adoration to the Blood that opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy. May it grant you mercy in your days. Amen. Adoration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, may it reign in your hearts forever. Amen. May Almighty God bless you; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEAD of Our Blessed Lord, as the Seat of Divine Wisdom O Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide me in all my ways. O Love of The Sacred Heart, consume me with Thy fire. O Seat of Divine Wisdom, and guiding Power, which governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may all minds know Thee all hearts love Thee and all tongues praise Thee, now and for evermore. O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to Thy Heavenly Father’s, control me in all things, as Thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made Man. Glory Be… O UNDERSTANDING, which knows all things, ever guide me with Thy Light. Glory Be… O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me to love Thee more and more. Glory Be… ASPIRATIONS TO THE SACRED HEAD OF OUR BLESSED LORD My Lord and my God, humbly prostrate before Thee, I adore Thy Sacred Head as the Seat of Divine Wisdom, the Shrine of the Powers of Thy Most Holy Soul and Intellectual Faculties, and the centre of the Five Senses of Thine adorable Body. When I gaze into the depths of this fathomless abyss of Goodness, Power and Wisdom, which has contrived and instituted such unheard of ways and means of proving Thine infinite Love, and lavishing Thy choicest gifts upon me, Thy poor child, I am lost in astonishment and admiration. O Light of lights, in whose glorious rays I see fresh mines of Wealth in the Sacred Heart; O Sun of Justice, in whose intense heat I feel the burning Love that consumes the Sacred Heart. Oh! By the shining light of Thine Eyes, teach me to see Thee in all things; and by Thine Ears, which are ever open to the prayers of the needy, grant that I may ever hear the voice of Thy Church, and listen to Thy holy inspirations. Oh, give me always a love and a relish for what is right and just. Let me taste how sweet Thou art. Let me drawn by the odour of Thy Virtues, and feel forever the intense joy of seeing, loving, praising, blessing and glorifying Thee for all eternity. O Flood of Light! Mine of Wealth! Ocean of Goodness! Sea of Mercy! Fountain of Living Waters! Fire of Love! Source of all Good! To Thee I consecrate myself with that I am or have. O Sacred Head, Seat of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of God with man; in Thee I behold at once a celestial and terrestrial Paradise, a new Heaven, and a new Earth; the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared and adorned as a bride glowing with light and glory, in whose sparkling crystals I behold all the attributes of the Godhead reflected as a sea of glass. O Rainbow of peace! O Burning Bush! O Peerless Pearl! Storehouse of the Treasures of God! O Lamp, ever burning! Brightness unfading! Sun for ever shining! O Tree of Life! Life and Light of those who are Thine! O Seal of the Elect. O Wisdom without beginning or end! Boundless knowledge! Love so great that we cannot understand it! To Thee I raise my prayer of love, reparation and thanksgiving from the centre of the Sacred Heart, where I safely hide; and I beg of Thee to accept, O my Jesus, all the treasures of this infinite mystery of love and riches, in atonement for my coldness, misery, and poverty. O Jesus, my beloved Jesus. I love Thee far more than I can tell; Jesus, my Spouse, and my treasure, I grieve that Thou art so little known and so much offended. Jesus, my Life and my Light, may all minds know Thee, all hearts love Thee, and all tongues praise Thee, now and for ever more. Amen. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! O Seat of Divine Wisdom, have mercy on me, O Sacred Head and loving Heart, guide me with Thy Light, and consume me with Thy fire. Amen. O Mary and Joseph, all ye choirs of angels and gleaming rows of saints, raise now your minds, hearts and hands to the adorable Trinity and beg of the Holy of Holies to look on those warm red drops of priceless worth, the Precious blood of Jesus which have obeyed the order of His Divine Wisdom and Love He has shown towards His creatures to arise and spread this light over the whole face of the earth. Imprimatur, Jacobus Canonicus, Carr, Pro Epo Liverpolitano LITANY TO THE SACRED HEAD OF JESUS The Seat of Divine Wisdom Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God The Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God The Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us. God The Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. Response: GUIDE US IN ALL OUR WAYS Sacred Head of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary Sacred Head of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God Sacred Head of Jesus, Temple of Divine Wisdom Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of Eternal Light Sacred Head of Jesus, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge Sacred Head of Jesus, Safeguard against error Sacred Head of Jesus, Sunshine of Heaven and earth Sacred Head of Jesus, Treasure of Science and Pledge of Faith Sacred Head of Jesus, radiant with beauty and justice and love Sacred Head of Jesus, full of grace and truth Sacred Head of Jesus, living witness of humility Sacred Head of Jesus, reflecting the infinite Majesty of God Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of the Universe Sacred Head of Jesus, Object of the Father’s joyous satisfaction Sacred Head of Jesus, upon which the Holy Ghost rested Sacred Head of Jesus, around which the glory of Mount Tabor shone Sacred Head of Jesus, who had no place on earth on which to rest Sacred Head of Jesus, whom the fragrant anointing of Magdalene consoled Sacred Head of Jesus, bathed with the Sweat and Blood in Gethsemane Sacred Head of Jesus, who wept for our sins Sacred Head of Jesus, crowned with thorns Sacred Head of Jesus, outraged by the indignities of the Passion Sacred Head of Jesus, consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica Sacred Head of Jesus, bowed to the earth which was redeemed at the moment of death on Calvary Sacred Head of Jesus, Light of every being born on earth Sacred Head of Jesus, our Guide and our Hope Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all our needs Sacred Head of Jesus that governs all the motions of the Sacred Heart Sacred Head of Jesus, whom we wish to adore and make known throughout the world Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all the secrets of our hearts Sacred Head of Jesus, who enraptures Angels and Saints Sacred Head of Jesus whom one day we hope to behold unveiled for ever Jesus, we adore Your Sacred Head: We surrender utterly to all decrees of Your Infinite Wisdom. This Litany has been translated from the French original which bears imprimatur of Fredericus Gui, Liverpool April 1927, and Richardus both Archieps, Liverpol, Spt 1931
Agreed and I am from San Diego as well. We should be kneeling receiving the Eucharist on the tongue being more reverent and reflective of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Life is Precious, and the innocent lives that are taken through Abortion need to be spoken for as they are not here to speak for themselves. Preeminent will stay until abortions cease to exist. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
What is happening when even a Bishop does not think that Abortion is the preeminent issue of our time! Thank God we still have Holy men like Bishop's Strickland and Chaput!
A grave injustice was done to Archbishop Chaput for not elevating him to Cardinal (his predecessors for 100 years were all elevated) yet Bishop McElroy in a diocese that has never received a cardinal. It's favoritism.
Your diocese is blessed not to have a cardinal it takes them away too much away from the diocese and aides end up running it. Like the Biden administration
And that includes banning the death penalty, no bombing, no gunning down people. And no letting the poor starve while the wealthy are given big tax cuts
Is destroying God's Creation not MURDER in the highest degree? Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
They also tried to make up their own truth. Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
All Life is sacred per Pope Francis and destroying all environmental laws and God's Creation which would end All Life---born and unborn---is very pre eminent as well. Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
As Ronald Reagan said I have noticed that everyone who is for abortion have already been born . Just read Our Lady of good success and Our Lady of Akita. These wicked priests are gonna lose in the end . The Church is right not left ...God Bless Bishop Strickland...
Nathan Wilson you can’t even get that right nobody adores that Japanese woman you Protestants are all the same heretical oh by the way here is your founders views on things now that is someone to follow .
Ronald Reagan as Governor of California signed into law one of the most liberal abortion laws in US history. People forget the gippur wasn’t so pro life
Very sad state of the church we live in today when a bishop will get up and have the nerve to indicate he wants the word preeminent as it pertains to ABORTION stricken from a USCCB statement. What the hell is the matter with this man? Has he lost his mental faculties? OMG!
Excuse me...where did former Bishop Strickland get the right to change and alter the intent of Pope Francis' message?? That is defiance and disobedience--two of the Devil's calling cards. Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message. Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet --be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies. Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits. This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
Succinctly, Archbishop Chaput commenting on now-Cardinal McElroy’s statement that abortion is not preeminent “…it just isn’t true.” TBTG American bishops unambiguously stated: abortion is the preeminent social justice issue of our time.
The Knights of Columbus will always fight for the lives of the unborn, no matter what any particular Bishop or Cardinal may say. Vivat Jesus! Ave Christus Rex!
How the heck is McElroy a bishop??!! If any clergy in any way oppose pro life or are pro homosexual they should immediately be publicly excommunicated.
McElroy is awful and should have never been made a bishop. I have a couple of priest friends who heard nothing but terrible stuff about him from priests and laity in his diocese.
Could they not just have said that "It is the preeminent current topic of discussion around the issues of bioethics within Catholic moral reflection and teaching relating to the primacy of life"
You have to start opposing him now. If he does become, cut the funds and warn him of such. If Soros will then fund him, nothing we can do about it. Wherever he appears boycott the event. Do not follow the wolves.
As of August 2022, McElroy was officially installed as Cardinal but is still in San Diego for the time being. Nelson Perez became the Archbishop of Philadelphia in January 2020.
@@mikeryan7213 The Catholic Church isnt to be manipulated to fit the needs of the people of the time. It is the people themselves who are to repent and live their life parallel to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Titus 1:9 "He must hold firmly to the faithful word as it was taught, so that he can encourage others by sound teaching and refute those who contradict it."
@@johnpaulsandoval6178 indeed. But that dosent mean that certain man made laws of the church can't evolve and change over time, while remaining faithful to the fundamental principles of christianity, the most important being love god with all your heart, and love thy neighbour as thyself. As I've said already, there was a time when priests, bishops, even popes were married and had families. In fact we have married priests today, mostly Anglican converts. These are all man made laws, to be changed to suit the agenda of the church. There was a time the church believed the earth to be flat. I'm fact those early astrologers who argued otherwise were persecuted. There was a time, not so long ago, when the pope was held to be infallible. Not so anymore. There was a time when people had to fast from the night before mass if receiving communion. No meat on fridays. All this was changed. There was a time when mass was only in latin. That too changed. My point is that a religion that is rigid and stuck in a time warp will become irrelevant and die, except to a cohort of hardliners. Again, that doesn't mean the church should bend to every whim of a fast changing society. But it also dosent mean that the church should remain aloof and indifferent to the changing needs and dynamics of modern society.
The Catholic faith is not as rigid as you would have us believe citing many of the changes you suggested. That being said I am all for showing maximum reverence to our Lord Jesus Christ when receiving the Body of Christ. More recent changes in the history of our faith take us in a direction where we give less and less reverence to our Lord and Savior who died for our sins. It has not gone unnoticed. Signs of the Antichrist are abundant in these times. The Modernists wont be able to win, as it was said that even the gates of hell wont prevail.
@@johnpaulsandoval6178 christ himself threw the scribes and pharisees out of the temple, repelled by their corruption and sanctimonious piety. He gave succour to the sick, the poor, lepers, social outcasts. Some of those he picked as his apostles were flawed men. Yet all thos seems lost on those who yearn for a fundamentalist type of catholic religion. We all know that hypocrisy and sin often lurk in the underbelly of these fundamentalists.
Total support to Chaput and Strickland! Unbelievable McElroy who got eventually the red hat! Life the most important issue as no life no nothing! Just common sense!
I returned at this moment when the Pope removed Bishop Strickland from the See of Tyler, Texas, while maintaining his close confidants in the US Bishops
The first time I ever had a chance to listen in on the usccb, when i was very green as far as my living more fully and actively my Catholic faith, I was excited and enthusiastic to be able to listen in on what I thought was an effective force and conference on evangelization and catechesis. I waa greatly disappointed. I was seriously let down. I felt it was a sham, cold, dead, empty, devoid of the life of the spirit that I thought would and should be when the bishops of the Catholic Church meet, like a boring business meeting dealing with administration and not the saving of our souls. It still seems to be that. I had a thought: an individual bishop is not required to participate in the usccb to fulfill his duties unto God, is he? He can just opt out, right? Do his own thing in his own diocese unto his own better judgement for the good of his own people, right?
Thoughts of Cardinal McElroy, "Oh... if only we could forget about abortion and bring ourselves up to the times and the sustainability movement..... These conservatives are always holding us back in the Catholic ghetto instead of allowing us to be like everyone else in the world..... Canada is now way ahead of us in getting rid of everyone who is unwanted, including the elderly".
Friday, Week 27, Ordinary Time Joel 1:13-15;2:1-2 Gird yourselves, and lament, O ye priests, howl, ye ministers of the altars: go in, lie in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: because sacrifice and libation is cut off from the house of your God. Sanctify ye a fast, call an assembly, gather together the ancients, all the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God: and cry ye to the Lord: Ah, ah, ah, for the day: because the day of the Lord is at hand, and it shall come like destruction from the mighty. Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: because the day of the Lord cometh, because it is nigh at hand. A day of darkness, and of gloominess, a day of clouds and whirlwinds: a numerous and strong people as the morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been from the beginning, nor shall be after it, even to the years of generation and generation. Luke 11:15-26 But some of them said: He casteth out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of devils. And others tempting, asked of him a sign from heaven. But he seeing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation; and house upon house shall fall. And if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because you say that through Beelzebub I cast out devils. Now if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore, they shall be your judges. But if I by the finger of God cast out devils, doubtless the kingdom of God is come upon you. When a strong man armed keepeth his court, those things are in peace which he possesseth. But if a stronger than he come upon him and overcome him, he will take away all his armour wherein he trusted and will distribute his spoils. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest: and not finding, he saith: I will return into my house whence I came out. And when he is come, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then he goeth and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself: and entering in they dwell there. And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. SOLEMN BLESSING OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL (6 January 2000) For Priests Only Adoration and praise to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the source of my power. May it fill you all with strength and power. Amen. Adoration to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ which opens up the seal. May you all be sealed with the Blood. Amen. Adoration to the Blood that opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy. May it grant you mercy in your days. Amen. Adoration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, may it reign in your hearts forever. Amen. May Almighty God bless you; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. PRAYER TO THE SACRED HEAD of Our Blessed Lord, as the Seat of Divine Wisdom O Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide me in all my ways. O Love of The Sacred Heart, consume me with Thy fire. O Seat of Divine Wisdom, and guiding Power, which governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may all minds know Thee all hearts love Thee and all tongues praise Thee, now and for evermore. O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to Thy Heavenly Father’s, control me in all things, as Thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made Man. Glory Be… O UNDERSTANDING, which knows all things, ever guide me with Thy Light. Glory Be… O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me to love Thee more and more. Glory Be… ASPIRATIONS TO THE SACRED HEAD OF OUR BLESSED LORD My Lord and my God, humbly prostrate before Thee, I adore Thy Sacred Head as the Seat of Divine Wisdom, the Shrine of the Powers of Thy Most Holy Soul and Intellectual Faculties, and the centre of the Five Senses of Thine adorable Body. When I gaze into the depths of this fathomless abyss of Goodness, Power and Wisdom, which has contrived and instituted such unheard of ways and means of proving Thine infinite Love, and lavishing Thy choicest gifts upon me, Thy poor child, I am lost in astonishment and admiration. O Light of lights, in whose glorious rays I see fresh mines of Wealth in the Sacred Heart; O Sun of Justice, in whose intense heat I feel the burning Love that consumes the Sacred Heart. Oh! By the shining light of Thine Eyes, teach me to see Thee in all things; and by Thine Ears, which are ever open to the prayers of the needy, grant that I may ever hear the voice of Thy Church, and listen to Thy holy inspirations. Oh, give me always a love and a relish for what is right and just. Let me taste how sweet Thou art. Let me drawn by the odour of Thy Virtues, and feel forever the intense joy of seeing, loving, praising, blessing and glorifying Thee for all eternity. O Flood of Light! Mine of Wealth! Ocean of Goodness! Sea of Mercy! Fountain of Living Waters! Fire of Love! Source of all Good! To Thee I consecrate myself with that I am or have. O Sacred Head, Seat of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of God with man; in Thee I behold at once a celestial and terrestrial Paradise, a new Heaven, and a new Earth; the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared and adorned as a bride glowing with light and glory, in whose sparkling crystals I behold all the attributes of the Godhead reflected as a sea of glass. O Rainbow of peace! O Burning Bush! O Peerless Pearl! Storehouse of the Treasures of God! O Lamp, ever burning! Brightness unfading! Sun for ever shining! O Tree of Life! Life and Light of those who are Thine! O Seal of the Elect. O Wisdom without beginning or end! Boundless knowledge! Love so great that we cannot understand it! To Thee I raise my prayer of love, reparation and thanksgiving from the centre of the Sacred Heart, where I safely hide; and I beg of Thee to accept, O my Jesus, all the treasures of this infinite mystery of love and riches, in atonement for my coldness, misery, and poverty. O Jesus, my beloved Jesus. I love Thee far more than I can tell; Jesus, my Spouse, and my treasure, I grieve that Thou art so little known and so much offended. Jesus, my Life and my Light, may all minds know Thee, all hearts love Thee, and all tongues praise Thee, now and for ever more. Amen. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! O Seat of Divine Wisdom, have mercy on me, O Sacred Head and loving Heart, guide me with Thy Light, and consume me with Thy fire. Amen. O Mary and Joseph, all ye choirs of angels and gleaming rows of saints, raise now your minds, hearts and hands to the adorable Trinity and beg of the Holy of Holies to look on those warm red drops of priceless worth, the Precious blood of Jesus which have obeyed the order of His Divine Wisdom and Love He has shown towards His creatures to arise and spread this light over the whole face of the earth. Imprimatur, Jacobus Canonicus, Carr, Pro Epo Liverpolitano LITANY TO THE SACRED HEAD OF JESUS The Seat of Divine Wisdom Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God The Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God The Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us. God The Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us. Response: GUIDE US IN ALL OUR WAYS Sacred Head of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary Sacred Head of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God Sacred Head of Jesus, Temple of Divine Wisdom Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of Eternal Light Sacred Head of Jesus, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge Sacred Head of Jesus, Safeguard against error Sacred Head of Jesus, Sunshine of Heaven and earth Sacred Head of Jesus, Treasure of Science and Pledge of Faith Sacred Head of Jesus, radiant with beauty and justice and love Sacred Head of Jesus, full of grace and truth Sacred Head of Jesus, living witness of humility Sacred Head of Jesus, reflecting the infinite Majesty of God Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of the Universe Sacred Head of Jesus, Object of the Father’s joyous satisfaction Sacred Head of Jesus, upon which the Holy Ghost rested Sacred Head of Jesus, around which the glory of Mount Tabor shone Sacred Head of Jesus, who had no place on earth on which to rest Sacred Head of Jesus, whom the fragrant anointing of Magdalene consoled Sacred Head of Jesus, bathed with the Sweat and Blood in Gethsemane Sacred Head of Jesus, who wept for our sins Sacred Head of Jesus, crowned with thorns Sacred Head of Jesus, outraged by the indignities of the Passion Sacred Head of Jesus, consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica Sacred Head of Jesus, bowed to the earth which was redeemed at the moment of death on Calvary Sacred Head of Jesus, Light of every being born on earth Sacred Head of Jesus, our Guide and our Hope Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all our needs Sacred Head of Jesus that governs all the motions of the Sacred Heart Sacred Head of Jesus, whom we wish to adore and make known throughout the world Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all the secrets of our hearts Sacred Head of Jesus, who enraptures Angels and Saints Sacred Head of Jesus whom one day we hope to behold unveiled for ever Jesus, we adore Your Sacred Head: We surrender utterly to all decrees of Your Infinite Wisdom. This Litany has been translated from the French original which bears imprimatur of Fredericus Gui, Liverpool April 1927, and Richardus both Archieps, Liverpol, Spt 1931
This clip only gets more and more relevant through the years. Today, bishop Strickland is cancelled and McElroy is elevated. Something is seriously wrong. Let's pray for the Church, let's pray for the Washington Archdiocese.
In the bible the the people of God in the old testerment became like the pagans and make sacrifices to the pagan gods and they sacrificed their children to them in the temple withthe help of the priest,s.God punished them by allowing them to be over come by Babylon and taken into slavery for fourty years .Suffer little chilren to come unto me ,for such is the kingdom of heaven. Noy even a sparrow will fall from the sky but God will hold an account for its life,how much more you,for all the hairs on your head have been numbered. Why do these prelates think we do not know our scripture,church,s teaching of 2000 years.Do they really believe we do not know they have sold their souls.Salt that lost it,s savour soon to be thrown out and be trampled under foot.
He was not there physically, but his presence lingers over the USCCB. Vigano said Bishop McElroy was appointed to his current position because of the recommendation of McCarrick.
1Corinnthians 5: 11But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister c but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. 12What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
The PREEMMINENT issue of the faith is Jesus Christ and his Kingdom. It is about the will of the Father to happen on earth as it is in heaven. Getting rid of abortion is an important part of it but not preemminent. Catholicism is not focused on the problem of abortion as it is not focused on the problem of adultery or greed or whatever sin comes in mind. If we make it first and foremost about fighting abortion or even fighting sin in general we are losing the centre of the Faith.
Personal feelings influenced by political ideologies is what is happening. McElroy is doing and saying what he "feels" is right. That, of course, is what liberals "feel". Feelings are subjective and can mislead a person. McElroy either can't or refuses to put his personal feelings aside. I am wondering just how pro-life he is. If a person is truly pro-life, he will do anything to protect that belief. He will not, however, claim to be pro-life, but be against something that would protect it.
Those discussions could be done indoors .... imitating the secular world by " democratisation " of inner Matters of the Catholic Bishops conference is just dramatisation.... keep the dignity of the magesterium.
Thank you so much John for your hard work in giving us these little snippets.
Awful to argue life is not preeminent.....
No what he is saying that Abortion should be the sole defining issue of the day. After all if Hitler banned abortion to win over religious for their backing so he could do all of the other terrible things that he did, would you vote for him, the World is shades of grey not black and white
@@richardstevens8839 Preeminent doesn’t mean “only”.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
Bishop Strickland did not need to say anything further. That was a brilliant mic drop.
mcelroy is jesuit?that explains a lot...
Not really a mic drop at all!
He had to explain why…
He had to explain why…
If life is not preeminent what is?? Without life there is nothing else!
Since when is one sin more important than the other
@@iloveamerica007idk man murder seems worse than say, telling a small lie.
@@iloveamerica007literally all sins are different levels of evil
@@iloveamerica007 So I guess you don't know the concept of venial versus mortal sin.
The battle between the Church and Satan's snarling minions is fully in the open, and the stakes have never been so clear. Pray for McElroy's soul.
Pray for yours n everyone’s else’s too!
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
The best thing for faithful Catholics to do is to financially starve the errant clerics in The Church. Be generous in your charitable giving but make sure your generosity benefits those worthy of your giving.
Joe, one of my best friends, a very holy man, and I discussed recently this very topic. He has decided to no longer support his local parish but to support other "causes" such as the New Hampshire Pro Life Ministries and other Catholic ministries. Initially, I was troubled by his adamancy but thought hard about it. This video makes me more certain that, at this time, it is better to support those ministries which DIRECTLY support those in need rather than my parish (which I love) due to the fact that a percentage of those funds are given over to "campaigns" which I do not support. It is sad ... as a Catholic, we should all trust that our Bishops are the "medicine" and source of spiritual direction to the masses, but are not. Unfortunately, our bishops have proven themselves, with exceptions, to be more in support of groups such as "BLM" rather than groups which provide support and hope to those supporting life. Until I am convinced, with evidence, that our bishops are actually behaving as successors to the Apostles, I will be deliberative in my tithing. Sad state of affairs.
Chaput was articulate like a boss. Strickland had the mic drop like a boss. Admire em both!
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
Bishop McElroy I pray for you as a native San Diegan I pray that you Instead of being a social justice warrior worried about Immigration / LGBTQ and now not thinking life is at the fore front of Catholic belief "Jesus said let the Children come to me" it doesn't mean sacrifice them and send them to me. Please Bishop McElroy teach us how to save our souls, teach us not take Communion in the hand teach us to kneel for our Lord teach how to live in a State of Grace.
Yea why would you be worried about immigrants, especially since immigrants in this time in American history refers to people coming from countries south of America where the populations have a way higher percentage of Catholics then the U.S. you’re right too in not caring about lgbtq either. We shouldn’t care about disenfranchised groups like that who struggle witg who they are for large portions of their lives usually causing depression and sometimes suicide. If you don’t see how your attitude towards them caused hatred toward and people committing acts of violence or murder against them maybe you don’t see that human life continues after birth as well
Friday, Week 27, Ordinary Time
Joel 1:13-15;2:1-2
Gird yourselves, and lament, O ye priests, howl, ye ministers of the altars: go in, lie in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: because sacrifice and libation is cut off from the house of your God. Sanctify ye a fast, call an assembly, gather together the ancients, all the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God: and cry ye to the Lord: Ah, ah, ah, for the day: because the day of the Lord is at hand, and it shall come like destruction from the mighty.
Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: because the day of the Lord cometh, because it is nigh at hand. A day of darkness, and of gloominess, a day of clouds and whirlwinds: a numerous and strong people as the morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been from the beginning, nor shall be after it, even to the years of generation and generation.
Luke 11:15-26
But some of them said: He casteth out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of devils. And others tempting, asked of him a sign from heaven. But he seeing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation; and house upon house shall fall. And if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because you say that through Beelzebub I cast out devils. Now if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore, they shall be your judges. But if I by the finger of God cast out devils, doubtless the kingdom of God is come upon you. When a strong man armed keepeth his court, those things are in peace which he possesseth. But if a stronger than he come upon him and overcome him, he will take away all his armour wherein he trusted and will distribute his spoils. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest: and not finding, he saith: I will return into my house whence I came out. And when he is come, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then he goeth and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself: and entering in they dwell there. And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.
(6 January 2000)
For Priests Only
Adoration and praise to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the source of my power. May it fill you all with strength and power. Amen.
Adoration to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ which opens up the seal. May you all be sealed with the Blood. Amen.
Adoration to the Blood that opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy. May it grant you mercy in your days. Amen.
Adoration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, may it reign in your hearts forever. Amen.
May Almighty God bless you; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
of Our Blessed Lord, as the Seat of Divine Wisdom
O Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide me in all my ways.
O Love of The Sacred Heart, consume me with Thy fire.
O Seat of Divine Wisdom, and guiding Power, which governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may all minds know Thee all hearts love Thee and all tongues praise Thee, now and for evermore.
O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to Thy Heavenly Father’s, control me in all things, as Thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made Man.
Glory Be…
O UNDERSTANDING, which knows all things, ever guide me with Thy Light.
Glory Be…
O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me to love Thee more and more.
Glory Be…
My Lord and my God, humbly prostrate before Thee, I adore Thy Sacred Head as the Seat of Divine Wisdom, the Shrine of the Powers of Thy Most Holy Soul and Intellectual Faculties, and the centre of the Five Senses of Thine adorable Body.
When I gaze into the depths of this fathomless abyss of Goodness, Power and Wisdom, which has contrived and instituted such unheard of ways and means of proving Thine infinite Love, and lavishing Thy choicest gifts upon me, Thy poor child, I am lost in astonishment and admiration.
O Light of lights, in whose glorious rays I see fresh mines of Wealth in the Sacred Heart; O Sun of Justice, in whose intense heat I feel the burning Love that consumes the Sacred Heart.
Oh! By the shining light of Thine Eyes, teach me to see Thee in all things; and by Thine Ears, which are ever open to the prayers of the needy, grant that I may ever hear the voice of Thy Church, and listen to Thy holy inspirations. Oh, give me always a love and a relish for what is right and just. Let me taste how sweet Thou art. Let me drawn by the odour of Thy Virtues, and feel forever the intense joy of seeing, loving, praising, blessing and glorifying Thee for all eternity.
O Flood of Light! Mine of Wealth! Ocean of Goodness! Sea of Mercy! Fountain of Living Waters! Fire of Love! Source of all Good! To Thee I consecrate myself with that I am or have.
O Sacred Head, Seat of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of God with man; in Thee I behold at once a celestial and terrestrial Paradise, a new Heaven, and a new Earth; the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared and adorned as a bride glowing with light and glory, in whose sparkling crystals I behold all the attributes of the Godhead reflected as a sea of glass.
O Rainbow of peace! O Burning Bush! O Peerless Pearl! Storehouse of the Treasures of God! O Lamp, ever burning! Brightness unfading! Sun for ever shining! O Tree of Life! Life and Light of those who are Thine! O Seal of the Elect.
O Wisdom without beginning or end! Boundless knowledge! Love so great that we cannot understand it! To Thee I raise my prayer of love, reparation and thanksgiving from the centre of the Sacred Heart, where I safely hide; and I beg of Thee to accept, O my Jesus, all the treasures of this infinite mystery of love and riches, in atonement for my coldness, misery, and poverty.
O Jesus, my beloved Jesus. I love Thee far more than I can tell; Jesus, my Spouse, and my treasure, I grieve that Thou art so little known and so much offended. Jesus, my Life and my Light, may all minds know Thee, all hearts love Thee, and all tongues praise Thee, now and for ever more. Amen.
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! O Seat of Divine Wisdom, have mercy on me, O Sacred Head and loving Heart, guide me with Thy Light, and consume me with Thy fire. Amen.
O Mary and Joseph, all ye choirs of angels and gleaming rows of saints, raise now your minds, hearts and hands to the adorable Trinity and beg of the Holy of Holies to look on those warm red drops of priceless worth, the Precious blood of Jesus which have obeyed the order of His Divine Wisdom and Love He has shown towards His creatures to arise and spread this light over the whole face of the earth.
Imprimatur, Jacobus Canonicus, Carr, Pro Epo Liverpolitano
The Seat of Divine Wisdom
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God The Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God The Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God The Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Sacred Head of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary
Sacred Head of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God
Sacred Head of Jesus, Temple of Divine Wisdom
Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of Eternal Light
Sacred Head of Jesus, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge
Sacred Head of Jesus, Safeguard against error
Sacred Head of Jesus, Sunshine of Heaven and earth
Sacred Head of Jesus, Treasure of Science and Pledge of Faith
Sacred Head of Jesus, radiant with beauty and justice and love
Sacred Head of Jesus, full of grace and truth
Sacred Head of Jesus, living witness of humility
Sacred Head of Jesus, reflecting the infinite Majesty of God
Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of the Universe
Sacred Head of Jesus, Object of the Father’s joyous satisfaction
Sacred Head of Jesus, upon which the Holy Ghost rested
Sacred Head of Jesus, around which the glory of Mount Tabor shone
Sacred Head of Jesus, who had no place on earth on which to rest
Sacred Head of Jesus, whom the fragrant anointing of Magdalene consoled
Sacred Head of Jesus, bathed with the Sweat and Blood in Gethsemane
Sacred Head of Jesus, who wept for our sins
Sacred Head of Jesus, crowned with thorns
Sacred Head of Jesus, outraged by the indignities of the Passion
Sacred Head of Jesus, consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica
Sacred Head of Jesus, bowed to the earth which was redeemed at the moment of death on Calvary
Sacred Head of Jesus, Light of every being born on earth
Sacred Head of Jesus, our Guide and our Hope
Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all our needs
Sacred Head of Jesus that governs all the motions of the Sacred Heart
Sacred Head of Jesus, whom we wish to adore and make known throughout the world
Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all the secrets of our hearts
Sacred Head of Jesus, who enraptures Angels and Saints
Sacred Head of Jesus whom one day we hope to behold unveiled for ever
Jesus, we adore Your Sacred Head: We surrender utterly to all decrees of Your Infinite Wisdom.
This Litany has been translated from the French original
which bears imprimatur of Fredericus Gui, Liverpool April 1927,
and Richardus both Archieps, Liverpol, Spt 1931
Agreed and I am from San Diego as well. We should be kneeling receiving the Eucharist on the tongue being more reverent and reflective of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Life is Precious, and the innocent lives that are taken through Abortion need to be spoken for as they are not here to speak for themselves. Preeminent will stay until abortions cease to exist. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
What is happening when even a Bishop does not think that Abortion is the preeminent issue of our time! Thank God we still have Holy men like Bishop's Strickland and Chaput!
A grave injustice was done to Archbishop Chaput for not elevating him to Cardinal (his predecessors for 100 years were all elevated) yet Bishop McElroy in a diocese that has never received a cardinal. It's favoritism.
Your diocese is blessed not to have a cardinal it takes them away too much away from the diocese and aides end up running it. Like the Biden administration
It's not about the teaching of Francis. It's about the teaching of Jesus and the Catholic teaching
Abortion is murder. Murder of the most innocent is a crime beyond our comprehension. He has been made a cardinal. Really?
Thou shalt not commit murder is clear instruction handed down from God , do you need any other authority?
And that includes banning the death penalty, no bombing, no gunning down people. And no letting the poor starve while the wealthy are given big tax cuts
@@mikeryan7213 100% with you on this. Respect ALL life.
Is destroying God's Creation not MURDER in the highest degree?
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
That's why Bishop Strickland and now Archbishop Emertius Chaput are two of my favorite bishops. They are never afraid to speak the truth.
They also tried to make up their own truth.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
The clapping at the end was so encouraging to know where the silent majority of bishops stand. 🙏🙌👏👏👏
Very paltry clapping!
And yet, which Bishop is being elevated to Cardinal? Lord have mercy!
That was a perfect response. Preeminent needs to stay.
Phoney Mcelroy needs to stand down.
Quad erat demonstrandum.
What is wrong with these bishop?? They think that protecting baby’s life is second nature. Abortion is the preeminent issue of the times.
All Life is sacred per Pope Francis and destroying all environmental laws and God's Creation which would end All Life---born and unborn---is very pre eminent as well.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
As Ronald Reagan said I have noticed that everyone who is for abortion have already been born . Just read Our Lady of good success and Our Lady of Akita. These wicked priests are gonna lose in the end . The Church is right not left ...God Bless Bishop Strickland...
Nathan Wilson you can’t even get that right nobody adores that Japanese woman you Protestants are all the same heretical oh by the way here is your founders views on things now that is someone to follow .
Ronald Reagan as Governor of California signed into law one of the most liberal abortion laws in US history. People forget the gippur wasn’t so pro life
Very sad state of the church we live in today when a bishop will get up and have the nerve to indicate he wants the word preeminent as it pertains to ABORTION stricken from a USCCB statement. What the hell is the matter with this man? Has he lost his mental faculties? OMG!
Excuse me...where did former Bishop Strickland get the right to change and alter the intent of Pope Francis' message?? That is defiance and disobedience--two of the Devil's calling cards.
Pope Francis has defrocked Frank Pavone and Bishop Strickland is no longer a Bishop because they have created their own Catholic Dogma making abortion a single & pre eminent issue and ignoring all other Pro Life agenda items in defiance of Pope Francis' intent and message.
Trump wants to destroy 100 Environmental laws and destroy God's creation---effectively killing all life on this planet
--be it born or unborn---all annihilated by his policies.
Trump wants to abuse and return all refugees to death-violence and starvation in Central and Latin America so that giant plantation corporations can continue to abuse them and reap huge profits.
This is text book disobedience and defiance of Pope Francis---and you endorse this?
"Beware of wolves in sheeps' clothing."
Mcelroy is the example of what is evil in the church.
It is bigger than him, but he plays his part.
Please, faithful Catholics in San Diego, give your weekly donation to a truly pro-life charity. The Catholic Church in McElvoy’s hands isn’t pro-life.
Thanks for sharing this. Great to hear the applause at the end. But why was there not a line up for the mic?
God Bless Bishop Strickland.
I think we need to pray for Bishop McElroy. What he values is wicked and false.
I love how bishops like McElroy all of a sudden seem to care what a Pope or the Magisterium teaches.
Why do u say…”all of a sudden”?
@@inaantao2792 Because he usually does not.
Yay Chaput and Strickland. True Catholics!
Now he’s a Cardinal
Are you judging?
Casting stones?
Succinctly, Archbishop Chaput commenting on now-Cardinal McElroy’s statement that abortion is not preeminent “…it just isn’t true.” TBTG American bishops unambiguously stated: abortion is the preeminent social justice issue of our time.
Thank you Bishop Strickland continue to speak the truth BOLDLY
God have mercy on those shepherds who do not teach the true Catholics faith. Life is precious our gift from our Father above
The Knights of Columbus will always fight for the lives of the unborn, no matter what any particular Bishop or Cardinal may say. Vivat Jesus! Ave Christus Rex!
Strickland is a Holy man!!! Chaput is a Holy man!!!
How the heck is McElroy a bishop??!! If any clergy in any way oppose pro life or are pro homosexual they should immediately be publicly excommunicated.
He's now a cardinal ahead of Strickland, Vigano, and Schneider. That's how far gone Bergo the Child Butcher has become.
Because Bergoglio loves promoting heretics.
@@williambarnedo9737 Cardinals are bishops with an extra title.
Disgraceful that the prolife issue seems like life doesn’t matter!! GOD Bless Bishop Strickland and Archbishop Chaput.
Protestant bishop
Bishop McElroy, how did you ever become a priest let alone a bishop
One word: McCarrick.
Can we have Strickland in San Diego please lord.
I love Bishop Strickland and Chuput
Bishops Chaput & Strickland you rock like the foundation of our Catholic Church ✝️
McElroy should be shown the door.
Brothers and Sisters, the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington
Wow. Mcelroy. A wolf in sheeps clothing
Far too many Bishops have lost the Way, the Truth and the Light. They have become political pawns. God have mercy on their souls!
McElroy is awful and should have never been made a bishop. I have a couple of priest friends who heard nothing but terrible stuff about him from priests and laity in his diocese.
How is the Child’s life not preeminent. You and the Pope should go back to Seminary.
We simply need a new Catholic pope.
THIS MADE ME SICK. pray for the people of san diego....
Man of the world McElroy, shame on you.
and folks this is the new Archbishop of Washington, praying for him and the priests and people of Washington
Could they not just have said that "It is the preeminent current topic of discussion around the issues of bioethics within Catholic moral reflection and teaching relating to the primacy of life"
... and of course McElroy is the one being made a Cardinal. 🤮
wow, heresy!
For those who are against sexual abuse within the Catholic Church should also find opposition to Bishop McElroy
Yes, it is. Abortion is, in FACT, the preeminent issue of our post-modern society. Read Evangelium Vitae wriiten by the great St. Pope John Paul II.
Woe to you Bishop Mc Elroy...
You are evil doers...
Vengeance is mine according to the Lord Jesus Christ....
There are rumors that McElroy will become the next Archbishop of Philadelphia. Heaven help us if he does get the appointment.
Nathan Wilson he will be very liberal and push the Modernist agenda.
You have to start opposing him now. If he does become, cut the funds and warn him of such. If Soros will then fund him, nothing we can do about it. Wherever he appears boycott the event. Do not follow the wolves.
As of August 2022, McElroy was officially installed as Cardinal but is still in San Diego for the time being. Nelson Perez became the Archbishop of Philadelphia in January 2020.
what has happened to common sense ? we compare the weather worries-or immigration to that a debate ?
Clearly there is a deep spiritual division in the church between traditional and progressive clergy.
The dinosaurs will always have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
@@mikeryan7213 The Catholic Church isnt to be manipulated to fit the needs of the people of the time. It is the people themselves who are to repent and live their life parallel to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Titus 1:9 "He must hold firmly to the faithful word as it was taught, so that he can encourage others by sound teaching and refute those who contradict it."
@@johnpaulsandoval6178 indeed. But that dosent mean that certain man made laws of the church can't evolve and change over time, while remaining faithful to the fundamental principles of christianity, the most important being love god with all your heart, and love thy neighbour as thyself.
As I've said already, there was a time when priests, bishops, even popes were married and had families. In fact we have married priests today, mostly Anglican converts. These are all man made laws, to be changed to suit the agenda of the church.
There was a time the church believed the earth to be flat. I'm fact those early astrologers who argued otherwise were persecuted.
There was a time, not so long ago, when the pope was held to be infallible. Not so anymore.
There was a time when people had to fast from the night before mass if receiving communion. No meat on fridays. All this was changed.
There was a time when mass was only in latin. That too changed.
My point is that a religion that is rigid and stuck in a time warp will become irrelevant and die, except to a cohort of hardliners.
Again, that doesn't mean the church should bend to every whim of a fast changing society. But it also dosent mean that the church should remain aloof and indifferent to the changing needs and dynamics of modern society.
The Catholic faith is not as rigid as you would have us believe citing many of the changes you suggested. That being said I am all for showing maximum reverence to our Lord Jesus Christ when receiving the Body of Christ. More recent changes in the history of our faith take us in a direction where we give less and less reverence to our Lord and Savior who died for our sins. It has not gone unnoticed. Signs of the Antichrist are abundant in these times. The Modernists wont be able to win, as it was said that even the gates of hell wont prevail.
@@johnpaulsandoval6178 christ himself threw the scribes and pharisees out of the temple, repelled by their corruption and sanctimonious piety. He gave succour to the sick, the poor, lepers, social outcasts. Some of those he picked as his apostles were flawed men.
Yet all thos seems lost on those who yearn for a fundamentalist type of catholic religion. We all know that hypocrisy and sin often lurk in the underbelly of these fundamentalists.
Total support to Chaput and Strickland! Unbelievable McElroy who got eventually the red hat! Life the most important issue as no life no nothing! Just common sense!
And this is why Archbishops Chaput and Strickland will one day be recognized as saints while McElroy will be relegated to the dustbin of history!!
Praying for all of the Church.
I really don't understand the battle Bishop McElroy is trying to pick with this. I like how Archbishop Chaput shut it down with facts
Wow, this is the bishop Francis just made a Cardinal? The church is in big trouble with Cardinals like McElroy.
I returned at this moment when the Pope removed Bishop Strickland from the See of Tyler, Texas, while maintaining his close confidants in the US Bishops
Personnel is policy, always.
Bp MacElroy is what you get when you cross a modernist with an all-you-can-eat buffet
The first time I ever had a chance to listen in on the usccb, when i was very green as far as my living more fully and actively my Catholic faith, I was excited and enthusiastic to be able to listen in on what I thought was an effective force and conference on evangelization and catechesis. I waa greatly disappointed. I was seriously let down. I felt it was a sham, cold, dead, empty, devoid of the life of the spirit that I thought would and should be when the bishops of the Catholic Church meet, like a boring business meeting dealing with administration and not the saving of our souls. It still seems to be that. I had a thought: an individual bishop is not required to participate in the usccb to fulfill his duties unto God, is he? He can just opt out, right? Do his own thing in his own diocese unto his own better judgement for the good of his own people, right?
Run this SOB out; once outside of the Temple you can pray for him, but not now. He creates confusion; confusion is heresy.
What, then, is the preeminent concern of catholic social teaching based on the magesterium?
Cherish ALL human life.
Cristian identify for being pro life .God is life.the Francisco imposture came from de devil.
Thoughts of Cardinal McElroy, "Oh... if only we could forget about abortion and bring ourselves up to the times and the sustainability movement..... These conservatives are always holding us back in the Catholic ghetto instead of allowing us to be like everyone else in the world..... Canada is now way ahead of us in getting rid of everyone who is unwanted, including the elderly".
Shameful. A disgraceful argument
Friday, Week 27, Ordinary Time
Joel 1:13-15;2:1-2
Gird yourselves, and lament, O ye priests, howl, ye ministers of the altars: go in, lie in sackcloth, ye ministers of my God: because sacrifice and libation is cut off from the house of your God. Sanctify ye a fast, call an assembly, gather together the ancients, all the inhabitants of the land into the house of your God: and cry ye to the Lord: Ah, ah, ah, for the day: because the day of the Lord is at hand, and it shall come like destruction from the mighty.
Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: because the day of the Lord cometh, because it is nigh at hand. A day of darkness, and of gloominess, a day of clouds and whirlwinds: a numerous and strong people as the morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been from the beginning, nor shall be after it, even to the years of generation and generation.
Luke 11:15-26
But some of them said: He casteth out devils by Beelzebub, the prince of devils. And others tempting, asked of him a sign from heaven. But he seeing their thoughts, said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation; and house upon house shall fall. And if Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? Because you say that through Beelzebub I cast out devils. Now if I cast out devils by Beelzebub, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore, they shall be your judges. But if I by the finger of God cast out devils, doubtless the kingdom of God is come upon you. When a strong man armed keepeth his court, those things are in peace which he possesseth. But if a stronger than he come upon him and overcome him, he will take away all his armour wherein he trusted and will distribute his spoils. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through places without water, seeking rest: and not finding, he saith: I will return into my house whence I came out. And when he is come, he findeth it swept and garnished. Then he goeth and taketh with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself: and entering in they dwell there. And the last state of that man becomes worse than the first.
(6 January 2000)
For Priests Only
Adoration and praise to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the source of my power. May it fill you all with strength and power. Amen.
Adoration to the most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ which opens up the seal. May you all be sealed with the Blood. Amen.
Adoration to the Blood that opens up the ocean of Divine Mercy. May it grant you mercy in your days. Amen.
Adoration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, may it reign in your hearts forever. Amen.
May Almighty God bless you; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
of Our Blessed Lord, as the Seat of Divine Wisdom
O Wisdom of the Sacred Head guide me in all my ways.
O Love of The Sacred Heart, consume me with Thy fire.
O Seat of Divine Wisdom, and guiding Power, which governs all the motions and love of the Sacred Heart, may all minds know Thee all hearts love Thee and all tongues praise Thee, now and for evermore.
O WILL, which was always in meek subjection to Thy Heavenly Father’s, control me in all things, as Thou didst govern all the affections and motions of the Sacred Heart of the God made Man.
Glory Be…
O UNDERSTANDING, which knows all things, ever guide me with Thy Light.
Glory Be…
O MEMORY, in which past, present and future are at once reflected, which is ever mindful of me and always seems studying some new means of giving fresh favours, force me to love Thee more and more.
Glory Be…
My Lord and my God, humbly prostrate before Thee, I adore Thy Sacred Head as the Seat of Divine Wisdom, the Shrine of the Powers of Thy Most Holy Soul and Intellectual Faculties, and the centre of the Five Senses of Thine adorable Body.
When I gaze into the depths of this fathomless abyss of Goodness, Power and Wisdom, which has contrived and instituted such unheard of ways and means of proving Thine infinite Love, and lavishing Thy choicest gifts upon me, Thy poor child, I am lost in astonishment and admiration.
O Light of lights, in whose glorious rays I see fresh mines of Wealth in the Sacred Heart; O Sun of Justice, in whose intense heat I feel the burning Love that consumes the Sacred Heart.
Oh! By the shining light of Thine Eyes, teach me to see Thee in all things; and by Thine Ears, which are ever open to the prayers of the needy, grant that I may ever hear the voice of Thy Church, and listen to Thy holy inspirations. Oh, give me always a love and a relish for what is right and just. Let me taste how sweet Thou art. Let me drawn by the odour of Thy Virtues, and feel forever the intense joy of seeing, loving, praising, blessing and glorifying Thee for all eternity.
O Flood of Light! Mine of Wealth! Ocean of Goodness! Sea of Mercy! Fountain of Living Waters! Fire of Love! Source of all Good! To Thee I consecrate myself with that I am or have.
O Sacred Head, Seat of Divine Wisdom, Tabernacle of God with man; in Thee I behold at once a celestial and terrestrial Paradise, a new Heaven, and a new Earth; the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven prepared and adorned as a bride glowing with light and glory, in whose sparkling crystals I behold all the attributes of the Godhead reflected as a sea of glass.
O Rainbow of peace! O Burning Bush! O Peerless Pearl! Storehouse of the Treasures of God! O Lamp, ever burning! Brightness unfading! Sun for ever shining! O Tree of Life! Life and Light of those who are Thine! O Seal of the Elect.
O Wisdom without beginning or end! Boundless knowledge! Love so great that we cannot understand it! To Thee I raise my prayer of love, reparation and thanksgiving from the centre of the Sacred Heart, where I safely hide; and I beg of Thee to accept, O my Jesus, all the treasures of this infinite mystery of love and riches, in atonement for my coldness, misery, and poverty.
O Jesus, my beloved Jesus. I love Thee far more than I can tell; Jesus, my Spouse, and my treasure, I grieve that Thou art so little known and so much offended. Jesus, my Life and my Light, may all minds know Thee, all hearts love Thee, and all tongues praise Thee, now and for ever more. Amen.
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! O Seat of Divine Wisdom, have mercy on me, O Sacred Head and loving Heart, guide me with Thy Light, and consume me with Thy fire. Amen.
O Mary and Joseph, all ye choirs of angels and gleaming rows of saints, raise now your minds, hearts and hands to the adorable Trinity and beg of the Holy of Holies to look on those warm red drops of priceless worth, the Precious blood of Jesus which have obeyed the order of His Divine Wisdom and Love He has shown towards His creatures to arise and spread this light over the whole face of the earth.
Imprimatur, Jacobus Canonicus, Carr, Pro Epo Liverpolitano
The Seat of Divine Wisdom
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God The Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God The Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us.
God The Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.
Sacred Head of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary
Sacred Head of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God
Sacred Head of Jesus, Temple of Divine Wisdom
Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of Eternal Light
Sacred Head of Jesus, Tabernacle of Divine Knowledge
Sacred Head of Jesus, Safeguard against error
Sacred Head of Jesus, Sunshine of Heaven and earth
Sacred Head of Jesus, Treasure of Science and Pledge of Faith
Sacred Head of Jesus, radiant with beauty and justice and love
Sacred Head of Jesus, full of grace and truth
Sacred Head of Jesus, living witness of humility
Sacred Head of Jesus, reflecting the infinite Majesty of God
Sacred Head of Jesus, Centre of the Universe
Sacred Head of Jesus, Object of the Father’s joyous satisfaction
Sacred Head of Jesus, upon which the Holy Ghost rested
Sacred Head of Jesus, around which the glory of Mount Tabor shone
Sacred Head of Jesus, who had no place on earth on which to rest
Sacred Head of Jesus, whom the fragrant anointing of Magdalene consoled
Sacred Head of Jesus, bathed with the Sweat and Blood in Gethsemane
Sacred Head of Jesus, who wept for our sins
Sacred Head of Jesus, crowned with thorns
Sacred Head of Jesus, outraged by the indignities of the Passion
Sacred Head of Jesus, consoled by the loving gesture of Veronica
Sacred Head of Jesus, bowed to the earth which was redeemed at the moment of death on Calvary
Sacred Head of Jesus, Light of every being born on earth
Sacred Head of Jesus, our Guide and our Hope
Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all our needs
Sacred Head of Jesus that governs all the motions of the Sacred Heart
Sacred Head of Jesus, whom we wish to adore and make known throughout the world
Sacred Head of Jesus, who knows all the secrets of our hearts
Sacred Head of Jesus, who enraptures Angels and Saints
Sacred Head of Jesus whom one day we hope to behold unveiled for ever
Jesus, we adore Your Sacred Head: We surrender utterly to all decrees of Your Infinite Wisdom.
This Litany has been translated from the French original
which bears imprimatur of Fredericus Gui, Liverpool April 1927,
and Richardus both Archieps, Liverpol, Spt 1931
Does anyone the result of this discussion? If the statement remained and what the vote totals were?
This clip only gets more and more relevant through the years.
bishop Strickland is cancelled and McElroy is elevated. Something is seriously wrong. Let's pray for the Church, let's pray for the Washington Archdiocese.
In the bible the the people of God in the old testerment became like the pagans and make sacrifices to the pagan gods and they sacrificed their children to them in the temple withthe help of the priest,s.God punished them by allowing them to be over come by Babylon and taken into slavery for fourty years .Suffer little chilren to come unto me ,for such is the kingdom of heaven. Noy even a sparrow will fall from the sky but God will hold an account for its life,how much more you,for all the hairs on your head have been numbered. Why do these prelates think we do not know our scripture,church,s teaching of 2000 years.Do they really believe we do not know they have sold their souls.Salt that lost it,s savour soon to be thrown out and be trampled under foot.
Was that mccarrik sitting there towards the end of the video? Snakes in the Church 😤
Looked again and he just looks like the Bad Guy, to bad for him.🙄
He was not there physically, but his presence lingers over the USCCB. Vigano said Bishop McElroy was appointed to his current position because of the recommendation of McCarrick.
@@JohntheSonofThunder who's the guy sitting second on the left side of the last one speaking at the floor mic? He quickly looked down.
@@tonygville2969 isn't that Wuerl?
@@rjc199 I knew it was a Bad Guy 🤪
Evil cardinal. The gates of hell await if he doesn’t repent. To think Francis promoted him to top American Catholic is a disgrace.
Any Christian Jesus follower follows the world instead of the word of God is not a true Jesus follower, a Christian!
God have Mercy on these so called bishops that are causing total confusion. God bless and Keep Bishop Strickland.
1Corinnthians 5:
11But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister c but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
12What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
McElroy can’t leave San Diego soon enough.
Strickland and Chaput. Two marked men. Both living saints. Both white martyrs.
Life is preeminant. Thou shalt not kill. Preeminant stays.
What did the Pope say?
I know Archbishop Chaput Well. He is a holy man.
Poor Bp now Cardinal McElroy. All politics. No defense of this crime crying to Heaven!
Thank you, Bishop McElroy! Wow, this does not seem the same today that American bishops necessarily support Pope Francis
The PREEMMINENT issue of the faith is Jesus Christ and his Kingdom. It is about the will of the Father to happen on earth as it is in heaven. Getting rid of abortion is an important part of it but not preemminent. Catholicism is not focused on the problem of abortion as it is not focused on the problem of adultery or greed or whatever sin comes in mind.
If we make it first and foremost about fighting abortion or even fighting sin in general we are losing the centre of the Faith.
Strickland needs to keep his paws to himself and off children.
Personal feelings influenced by political ideologies is what is happening. McElroy is doing and saying what he "feels" is right. That, of course, is what liberals "feel". Feelings are subjective and can mislead a person. McElroy either can't or refuses to put his personal feelings aside. I am wondering just how pro-life he is. If a person is truly pro-life, he will do anything to protect that belief. He will not, however, claim to be pro-life, but be against something that would protect it.
Thank God i'm not a Bp. of the Church or i'll go "WHAT?!" every 10 minutes
Those discussions could be done indoors .... imitating the secular world by " democratisation " of inner Matters of the Catholic Bishops conference is just dramatisation.... keep the dignity of the magesterium.
You support the pope completely? That means you, like he, are not Catholic.
This “bishop” now is a cardinal … sad , sad , sad.