A great video, thank your for it. I might be wrong but just a little tip here - if you use your Coordinated Assault, it gives you 3 charges of TotS from what I am seeing, therefore there is no need to use a Kill Command immediately after bursting from what I am understanding... but once again I might be wrong here
I love survival hunter. The way wildfire bombs add small shifts to your playstyle mid rotation and playing a melee hunter was always my favorite thing. However, the mongoose bite stacking and eagle's fury as an ability never felt good to me. The class itself never feels like it gets a huge amount of love in the expansions either, and in pvp you just never feel as tanky as you need to be to operate as a melee dps in rbgs (maybe I'm just bad). I'm not really interested in the other hunter specs and I said I wouldn't play SV hunter as Blizzard always feels like they let you down but just seeing the gameplay makes me miss it. As a notoriously awful altaholic it's always really hard to settle on a main spec. I don't really know what to do.
The Mongoose Fury revert was not just a byproduct of the Flanking Strike revert. The way they changed it was just making it a boring maintenance buff which caused the entire identity of the spell to fade. Had they kept that change, Mongoose Bite would have been pretty much the same as Raptor Strike just with a different color and that is what people were unhappy about.
@@KroesGaming I don't like the revert. The way survival played in DF felt like you were fighting against yourself for priorities. If MB was the tier bonus, MB took priority over bombs and vice versa. Had they kept it the way they changed it, it would've felt more fluid without that need to focus on one over the other. Now, if you're in MB window, it'll feel like you prioritize MB...
The problem is that it feels like you have two core gameplay mechanics fighting each other for your attention with mongoose fury and bomb/es, battling over ToTS. The revert to mongoose fury, or just mongoose fury in general is really ruining the flow of the spec. I'm on ptr, and there is a LOT of mechanics to keep track of, I mean a LOT.
Completely agree. 🙂 It is fortunately still a lot better than the DF version of SV Hunter, which had 3-4 separate mechanics you constantly swapped between. But it would be awesome to see a final rework, before pre-patch, to address the last issues with TotS and MF.
Agree 100%. I'm thinking of skipping MB/MF completely. Frees up 2 points and lets the rotation flow much more naturally as FC/FS instead of forcing MB priority during MF uptimes.
This is so funny. A month ago I was watching your tutorials on PHP and today I come across you gaming channel. that too, my favourite game. Instant sub. Survival spec has always been interesting to me. May be i might try maining it in TWW
Am I the only one that is sad that they removed the SV talent that increased melee range by 3 yards? It was a cool unique feature for SV and fit thematically
First off, that xmog is amazing! Is it a full set? Or something from TWW? Secondly, I appreciate the grounded takes on the Survival hunter- I am heavily considering maining it in TWW just due to your videos.
I'm glad you are enjoying my content. 😊 The set in the thumbnail, is a mix between various sets, including the Blood Troll set, and the Venthyr sets in Shadowlands. The set in my actual video, is most likely from the PvP sets in Dragonflight, which randomly appear on my character, because I don't have all my tmog appearances unlocked in the beta. 🙂
Honestly mongoose bite isn’t a must pick. Neither is flanking strike. Imo that is for pvp. But that’s just me. Greta video though! Been loving your content
It’s nice that we are getting options to have multiple utility spells like binding/scatter but this feels like it’s only making the button bloat in the game even worse 😢
Personally I feel that the bloat is more of an issue, when it comes to the damage rotation. 🙂 But I do have a key bind setup which allow me to access 60 spells easily at any time, so I can perfectly understand how some players without a setup like mine, might find it difficult. 😕
Been playing SV since Wotlk. I think the spec is very lost rn and they’re not sure how to fix it while making it new. Hope it gets another pass by the devs. Hero talents too.
Great video! I do have a question - Killcommand (next spell) mongosebite ( is that basicly singeltarget rotation) Killcommand (next spell) wildfire bomb ( aoe ) I am prepping some for mythic + , keep up the good work! ///Cheers from sweden
None of my tmogs are from shadowlands raid 🙂 but…. The chest piece is from a previous trading post reward, and the glove is from the Plunderstorm event… so they can’t be obtained atm, and I don’t know if they will return. 😕 The rest of the gear is from the Venthyr covenant in shadowlands, so you can just farm them out easily 🙂 they might even just be the gear rewards from doing the covenant questline 🤔 I can’t remember… The belt is the NE heritage armor belt. The sword however, is a rare drop from mobs in the Zereth Mortis zone. I was lucky to get it after 3 days farming, but some people farm it for weeks/months. It can be bought on the AH maybe…? 🤔
Mm hunter can use explosive more than once at a time and both will go off it just dosent show on the debuff the still take the damage and the animation is still there
SV was fucking perfect I swear this class better not be reworked or at least I’ll speak for my self in saying I’ll never play this game again if I can’t have my good old SV hunter
I'm primarily a PvPer yes. 🙂 I just pick what "sounds good" atm, until we have the final version released to retail. Then from there, I dive deeper into picking the more optimal talents.
The talent build is more single target oriented and looks built around "freedom of options". Rotating from spell to spell focusing on kill command. Sentinel will be the better aoe. But I am a single target gamer
The defensive nodes like den recovery will 1000% get nerfed, and the new reworked tip mechanic is SO clunky, feels really bad compared to what we have in retail. mB is also COMPLETELY overshadowed by bombs/eS
The thing about MB though, is that SV Hunter is never meant to be 100% within melee distance to the enemy, since that is a VERY quick way to die. Therefore we need ranged spells like bombs and Kill Command, to have something to press while ranged. 🙂 MB is in no way overshadowed, if you weave in and out, like SV Hunter is meant to be played both in Dragonflight and TWW. The way Tip of the Spear works in TWW beta atm, also feels miles better than the Dragonflight version imo. It's not perfect of course... And you are right, it does feel very clunky. 😅 However stacking Kill Commands 3 times in DF, is a horrible mechanic, that only adds ANOTHER mechanic to the other 2-3 mechanics we weave in-between in Retail currently. Now in TWW, we can finally stack them up, since Kill Command allow us to. I think that TotS isn't perfect, but "better" than DF. 🙂 Why do you think Den Recovery will get nerfed? I'd love your thoughts on this, since Hunter need to have access to more healing, if we are to do Delves. I don't believe Exhilaration in itself, is enough for solo content, which is becoming a end-game pillar.
@@KroesGaming den recovery is healing absurd amounts, almost as much as warlock self healing with cookie + dark pact + soul leech combined if youve pvped at 80. To be fair, it will get nerfed along with most other classes with % based healing as certain specs like fury warriors are basically immortal atm (2nd wind with bloodthirst and slayer execute healing). It's also funny to see some specs like WW end shuffle rounds with more healing than damage done since it's all passively baked into their rotation This is a quick fix though since blizzard can ( and should ) apply pvp modifiers to all these new self sustain spells in arena/blitz without it affecting delves About your comment on bomb vs MB damage, i agree that we should be weaving in and out of melee range, but as it stands MB does about 1 tick of bomb lol there's zero reward for actually staying in and pressing MB. This is with full mastery/crit + verse gear at 80 with shuffle/duels/skirms in mind. In my ideal world, MB should be our hardest hitting ability since we have to give up our positioning in order to gain it's full affect but as it stands right now, i feel like a bomb throwing mm hunter with harpoon
Den recovery won't get much attention since it's controlled by cooldown interaction. As for tip of the spear. The new tip of the spear is one billion times better than the trash we have in dragonsflight in my opinion. So your sentiment isn't shared.
@@donaldpeaceIts already getting alot of attention, all % based self healing is. You cant have a spec with mobility of a hunter and the self sustain of a warlock without getting it nuked from orbit (ala DF s1 demon hunters). As for this new tip mechanic, i fail to see how forcing you to press what is suppossed to be a FILLER over and over and over and tying 13 different effects into KC is supposed to be an upgrade. At that point just make tip 'combo points' cause you pretty much HAVE to have it up permanently
I liked DF survival, not my favorite (that was Dragonflight with venthyr ability) I loved the complexity, i showed a map of priority for moves to someone cause they wanted to get better at survival. I was ahowing them the cost of fun My FAVORITE Shadowlands was how survival really felt like a skirmisher class, always uptime during melee and ranged, loved chalkrams (both) serpent legendary and venthyr ability. (Though night fae covenant was gloriously op)
a small annoyance i have with the spec is despite it being the melee spec, you dont actually get to melee until level 14, so your first 3 levels of survival is spent being a discount beastmaster hunter
My favorite version of Survival was in Shadowlands as Venthyr, using Pouch of Razor Fragments legendary. It was just such a fun build. I will say that TWW version is much better than Dragonflight, although I personally think the Dragonflight and TWW talent system sucks.
Ive always wanted to like this and feral druid but theyre so needlessly complicated and bloated i cant be bothered. They seem to be designed with anti-fun in mind.
The debloat you are talking about sounds like shit to me. having a ranged serpent sting that hits multiple targets is fantastic in all content especially when you are farming low content for transmogs. killing a target with kill command means you don't get credit for the kill. and relying on your pet to be your soul source of ranged damage feels bad. also you don't do death chakram for the fun of it it does an aoe damage increase. getting rid of it just lowers our damage. and in mythic plus serpent sting was one of my highest damaging spells.
I think you misunderstood the changes a bit, so I'll explain them here. 🙂 Your AoE is NOT nerfed heavily by the removal of Death Chakrem and Serpent Sting. In fact, I'm positive that you have even better AoE now, than in Dragonflight BECAUSE those spells were removed, and the dmg shifted elsewhere. The Serpent Sting spell itself is removed yes, but not the debuff Serpent Sting applies to your target. So you will still "deal Serpent Sting damage" in M+, you just need to apply it using Mongoose Bite instead of Serpent Sting now. This has been done to eliminate an extra super global, and it allow you to ramp up Mongoose Fury while applying the DoTs. And the damage you are talking about, where "Serpent Sting was your highest dmg spell", is most likely from Wildfire Bombs applying the Serpent Sting debuff, and not from "pressing Serpent Sting manually". If you DID spam Serpent Sting, then that is in general a really bad playstyle for AoE dmg. Instead we have gotten changes, where Explosive Shot is our AoE damage alongside our Wildfire Bombs, since they are applied constantly and passively as you use other abilities, which means that you naturally deal AoE dmg as part of your normal rotation instantaneously. You are no longer FORCED into spamming Serpent Sting, in order to ramp up a bit of dmg over time... And the removal of Death Chakram, means that you don't need to wait 45 sec for an AoE dmg spell to be off CD... Now we instead have the damage evened out to the rest of our AoE. Win/Win. It's important that you see ALL the changes, and don't just focus on parts of them, since you will end up staring yourself negatively at the new SV Hunter. Forget everything about how SV Hunter plays in Dragonflight when looking at these changes, because it's a completely different spec now essentially. 🙂 They didn't "gut your damage" by removing Serpent Sting or Death Chakram... They just shifted the single target and AoE damage elsewhere, where it makes more sense, and smoothens your rotation. Regarding "low lvl tmog farming", I can see your point there, since I used Serpent Sting there too. But in the end, making the spec actually feel SO MUCH BETTER in CURRENT content, is more important than "making it more convenient to farm legacy content". 🙂
@@KroesGaming I just liked using serpent sting as a ranged opener and as someone who primarily does m+ content using the three pronged one worked best for me then you would spread it with green bomb. I'm not unhappy with the changes per se I just liked using death chakram and serpent sting. Instead they added new buttons for bloat like more traps. Which again isn't bad but I will still miss my serpent sting opener for pulling shit. now I need to use bomb to pull. Tried out on dumbies and stuff and the spec itself still feels good and legit feels a bit busted but hopefully they over look that fact. Thanks for the reply.
This spec must get a lot of nerfs,esp Wildfire Bomb!!!15 K direct dmg basic =300k + in pvp...+ unreal DOT...Yea it is pre patch,but if this is a balance,Billy to die..:D:DD
Not sure if someone mentioned it already, but one of the coolest changes for me is the imploding trap that knocks up enemy’s.
Just subbed. So glad i found your channel. I play MM & BM but for War Within going to try Survival. Looking forward to more of your content.
Same here. I main mm hunter, but Survival looks to be fun in TWW.
A great video, thank your for it. I might be wrong but just a little tip here - if you use your Coordinated Assault, it gives you 3 charges of TotS from what I am seeing, therefore there is no need to use a Kill Command immediately after bursting from what I am understanding... but once again I might be wrong here
Never noticed that 🙂 Thanks for letting me know
Does the pet you are using in the video have mortal strike and where did you get it?
I love survival hunter. The way wildfire bombs add small shifts to your playstyle mid rotation and playing a melee hunter was always my favorite thing. However, the mongoose bite stacking and eagle's fury as an ability never felt good to me. The class itself never feels like it gets a huge amount of love in the expansions either, and in pvp you just never feel as tanky as you need to be to operate as a melee dps in rbgs (maybe I'm just bad).
I'm not really interested in the other hunter specs and I said I wouldn't play SV hunter as Blizzard always feels like they let you down but just seeing the gameplay makes me miss it. As a notoriously awful altaholic it's always really hard to settle on a main spec.
I don't really know what to do.
Wth is the shift by bombs in the rotation supposed to be?
We dont play around mongoose fury stacks either. It's not legion anymore. Sadly
lol was watching your php videos few days ago helped me get my first job xD !!!!!
Awesome! 😊
@@KroesGamingi am very grateful dude thanks
Can you share your full transmog please ? Would hugely appreciate it. :)
The Mongoose Fury revert was not just a byproduct of the Flanking Strike revert. The way they changed it was just making it a boring maintenance buff which caused the entire identity of the spell to fade. Had they kept that change, Mongoose Bite would have been pretty much the same as Raptor Strike just with a different color and that is what people were unhappy about.
I'm glad to get a reason for it, because I haven't been able to see why. 🙂
@@KroesGaming I don't like the revert. The way survival played in DF felt like you were fighting against yourself for priorities. If MB was the tier bonus, MB took priority over bombs and vice versa. Had they kept it the way they changed it, it would've felt more fluid without that need to focus on one over the other. Now, if you're in MB window, it'll feel like you prioritize MB...
It was great as a maintenance buff. Having to plan around short buff windows absolutely blows.
Is it possible to share your UI? It looks clean af. Would love to have the same layout
Seconded! It looks very very nice
The problem is that it feels like you have two core gameplay mechanics fighting each other for your attention with mongoose fury and bomb/es, battling over ToTS. The revert to mongoose fury, or just mongoose fury in general is really ruining the flow of the spec. I'm on ptr, and there is a LOT of mechanics to keep track of, I mean a LOT.
Completely agree. 🙂 It is fortunately still a lot better than the DF version of SV Hunter, which had 3-4 separate mechanics you constantly swapped between. But it would be awesome to see a final rework, before pre-patch, to address the last issues with TotS and MF.
@@KroesGaming ima thinking if i should continue maining hunter, or just swap for TWW, since theres still not final reworks sadge
Agree 100%. I'm thinking of skipping MB/MF completely. Frees up 2 points and lets the rotation flow much more naturally as FC/FS instead of forcing MB priority during MF uptimes.
With bloody claws extending mongoose fury this has largely been solved imo
@Streaming_Music there is no mongoose prio during mf windows. I wish there was, but mb is so undertuned you literally ignore mf.
This is so funny. A month ago I was watching your tutorials on PHP and today I come across you gaming channel. that too, my favourite game. Instant sub.
Survival spec has always been interesting to me. May be i might try maining it in TWW
Am I the only one that is sad that they removed the SV talent that increased melee range by 3 yards? It was a cool unique feature for SV and fit thematically
They did this to every class that had a talent that increased range like that as a global rule to reduce melee range
Can you please show the rotation you use? Was hoping to see a detailed rotation but was not included during the 30 min vid
First off, that xmog is amazing! Is it a full set? Or something from TWW? Secondly, I appreciate the grounded takes on the Survival hunter- I am heavily considering maining it in TWW just due to your videos.
I'm glad you are enjoying my content. 😊 The set in the thumbnail, is a mix between various sets, including the Blood Troll set, and the Venthyr sets in Shadowlands. The set in my actual video, is most likely from the PvP sets in Dragonflight, which randomly appear on my character, because I don't have all my tmog appearances unlocked in the beta. 🙂
we need a better mongoose bite fr lol
Honestly mongoose bite isn’t a must pick. Neither is flanking strike. Imo that is for pvp. But that’s just me. Greta video though! Been loving your content
It’s nice that we are getting options to have multiple utility spells like binding/scatter but this feels like it’s only making the button bloat in the game even worse 😢
Personally I feel that the bloat is more of an issue, when it comes to the damage rotation. 🙂 But I do have a key bind setup which allow me to access 60 spells easily at any time, so I can perfectly understand how some players without a setup like mine, might find it difficult. 😕
Been playing SV since Wotlk. I think the spec is very lost rn and they’re not sure how to fix it while making it new. Hope it gets another pass by the devs. Hero talents too.
Hope we get chakrams and venthyr ability while bombs take a step back
Great video! I do have a question - Killcommand (next spell) mongosebite ( is that basicly singeltarget rotation)
Killcommand (next spell) wildfire bomb ( aoe )
I am prepping some for mythic + , keep up the good work!
///Cheers from sweden
For an opening you want to get spells on cool down.
Wait so survival can be mid range with mongoose bite? It doesn’t have to be within 5m melee?
nice video like usual…you are playing only sv?i would like to see a mm video aswell from you
To get these transmogs and be as beautiful as you I would have to raid shadowlands I guess ? Mygod the beauty.
None of my tmogs are from shadowlands raid 🙂 but…. The chest piece is from a previous trading post reward, and the glove is from the Plunderstorm event… so they can’t be obtained atm, and I don’t know if they will return. 😕
The rest of the gear is from the Venthyr covenant in shadowlands, so you can just farm them out easily 🙂 they might even just be the gear rewards from doing the covenant questline 🤔 I can’t remember…
The belt is the NE heritage armor belt.
The sword however, is a rare drop from mobs in the Zereth Mortis zone. I was lucky to get it after 3 days farming, but some people farm it for weeks/months. It can be bought on the AH maybe…? 🤔
@@KroesGaming awesome thank you for the explanation ! Great vids !
Mm hunter can use explosive more than once at a time and both will go off it just dosent show on the debuff the still take the damage and the animation is still there
What sword are you wielding?
Also what pet is that?
I wanted the old mongoose bite with coordinated assault coming up every 3 kill commands. =(
What pet is that
SV was fucking perfect I swear this class better not be reworked or at least I’ll speak for my self in saying I’ll never play this game again if I can’t have my good old SV hunter
Are your talents pvp based? I'm never seen anyone take these choice on the offensive tree. Just curious.
I'm primarily a PvPer yes. 🙂 I just pick what "sounds good" atm, until we have the final version released to retail. Then from there, I dive deeper into picking the more optimal talents.
The talent build is more single target oriented and looks built around "freedom of options". Rotating from spell to spell focusing on kill command.
Sentinel will be the better aoe.
But I am a single target gamer
So if you don’t like Mongoose, how troll is it to not talent into it and just play raptor strike?
That’s a good question… only numbers will tell, once pre patch arrives 🙂
Bombs are incredibly strong, it'd be fine in aoe where you have explosions.
i might switch from mm to survival this time ill see
The defensive nodes like den recovery will 1000% get nerfed, and the new reworked tip mechanic is SO clunky, feels really bad compared to what we have in retail. mB is also COMPLETELY overshadowed by bombs/eS
The thing about MB though, is that SV Hunter is never meant to be 100% within melee distance to the enemy, since that is a VERY quick way to die. Therefore we need ranged spells like bombs and Kill Command, to have something to press while ranged. 🙂 MB is in no way overshadowed, if you weave in and out, like SV Hunter is meant to be played both in Dragonflight and TWW.
The way Tip of the Spear works in TWW beta atm, also feels miles better than the Dragonflight version imo. It's not perfect of course... And you are right, it does feel very clunky. 😅 However stacking Kill Commands 3 times in DF, is a horrible mechanic, that only adds ANOTHER mechanic to the other 2-3 mechanics we weave in-between in Retail currently. Now in TWW, we can finally stack them up, since Kill Command allow us to.
I think that TotS isn't perfect, but "better" than DF. 🙂
Why do you think Den Recovery will get nerfed? I'd love your thoughts on this, since Hunter need to have access to more healing, if we are to do Delves. I don't believe Exhilaration in itself, is enough for solo content, which is becoming a end-game pillar.
@@KroesGaming den recovery is healing absurd amounts, almost as much as warlock self healing with cookie + dark pact + soul leech combined if youve pvped at 80. To be fair, it will get nerfed along with most other classes with % based healing as certain specs like fury warriors are basically immortal atm (2nd wind with bloodthirst and slayer execute healing). It's also funny to see some specs like WW end shuffle rounds with more healing than damage done since it's all passively baked into their rotation This is a quick fix though since blizzard can ( and should ) apply pvp modifiers to all these new self sustain spells in arena/blitz without it affecting delves
About your comment on bomb vs MB damage, i agree that we should be weaving in and out of melee range, but as it stands MB does about 1 tick of bomb lol there's zero reward for actually staying in and pressing MB. This is with full mastery/crit + verse gear at 80 with shuffle/duels/skirms in mind. In my ideal world, MB should be our hardest hitting ability since we have to give up our positioning in order to gain it's full affect but as it stands right now, i feel like a bomb throwing mm hunter with harpoon
Den recovery won't get much attention since it's controlled by cooldown interaction. As for tip of the spear. The new tip of the spear is one billion times better than the trash we have in dragonsflight in my opinion. So your sentiment isn't shared.
@@donaldpeaceIts already getting alot of attention, all % based self healing is. You cant have a spec with mobility of a hunter and the self sustain of a warlock without getting it nuked from orbit (ala DF s1 demon hunters).
As for this new tip mechanic, i fail to see how forcing you to press what is suppossed to be a FILLER over and over and over and tying 13 different effects into KC is supposed to be an upgrade. At that point just make tip 'combo points' cause you pretty much HAVE to have it up permanently
Opener 1 is: SH > FS > Bomb > Bomb > CA > Exp > Bomb > Bomb > KC > MB (or KS)
Opener 2 is: KC > KC > Bomb > Bomb > CA > SH > Exp > Bomb > Bomb > FS > MB > MB
I like opener 1 tbh.
I liked DF survival, not my favorite (that was Dragonflight with venthyr ability)
I loved the complexity, i showed a map of priority for moves to someone cause they wanted to get better at survival.
I was ahowing them the cost of fun
My FAVORITE Shadowlands was how survival really felt like a skirmisher class, always uptime during melee and ranged, loved chalkrams (both) serpent legendary and venthyr ability. (Though night fae covenant was gloriously op)
how u can have a gun with sv? and now we can have two handed?
SV Hunter is purely using melee weapons :) Tanged weapons are for the other two Hunter specs
@@KroesGaming ok And how u can have a gun one hand when u shoot? Me i have a sort of arbalet
Wait so you are telling me there is less buttons to press is that it?
That’s part of it yes. Less spells, as well as less rotations you gotta alternate between when using CDs. 🙂
@@KroesGaming HELL YES! I hate button hell specs the more simple the better
a small annoyance i have with the spec is despite it being the melee spec, you dont actually get to melee until level 14, so your first 3 levels of survival is spent being a discount beastmaster hunter
Hey what is that pet ? Can u share it with us ?:)
great video
My favorite version of Survival was in Shadowlands as Venthyr, using Pouch of Razor Fragments legendary. It was just such a fun build. I will say that TWW version is much better than Dragonflight, although I personally think the Dragonflight and TWW talent system sucks.
bring back steel trap
I despise playing survival hunter without serpent sting
We still have the serpent sting effect. It's just applied using Mongoose Bite/Raptor Strike instead now. 🙂
Ive always wanted to like this and feral druid but theyre so needlessly complicated and bloated i cant be bothered. They seem to be designed with anti-fun in mind.
3 stacks mb was better. Idk why reverse that
The debloat you are talking about sounds like shit to me. having a ranged serpent sting that hits multiple targets is fantastic in all content especially when you are farming low content for transmogs. killing a target with kill command means you don't get credit for the kill. and relying on your pet to be your soul source of ranged damage feels bad. also you don't do death chakram for the fun of it it does an aoe damage increase. getting rid of it just lowers our damage. and in mythic plus serpent sting was one of my highest damaging spells.
I think you misunderstood the changes a bit, so I'll explain them here. 🙂
Your AoE is NOT nerfed heavily by the removal of Death Chakrem and Serpent Sting. In fact, I'm positive that you have even better AoE now, than in Dragonflight BECAUSE those spells were removed, and the dmg shifted elsewhere.
The Serpent Sting spell itself is removed yes, but not the debuff Serpent Sting applies to your target. So you will still "deal Serpent Sting damage" in M+, you just need to apply it using Mongoose Bite instead of Serpent Sting now. This has been done to eliminate an extra super global, and it allow you to ramp up Mongoose Fury while applying the DoTs.
And the damage you are talking about, where "Serpent Sting was your highest dmg spell", is most likely from Wildfire Bombs applying the Serpent Sting debuff, and not from "pressing Serpent Sting manually". If you DID spam Serpent Sting, then that is in general a really bad playstyle for AoE dmg.
Instead we have gotten changes, where Explosive Shot is our AoE damage alongside our Wildfire Bombs, since they are applied constantly and passively as you use other abilities, which means that you naturally deal AoE dmg as part of your normal rotation instantaneously. You are no longer FORCED into spamming Serpent Sting, in order to ramp up a bit of dmg over time...
And the removal of Death Chakram, means that you don't need to wait 45 sec for an AoE dmg spell to be off CD... Now we instead have the damage evened out to the rest of our AoE. Win/Win.
It's important that you see ALL the changes, and don't just focus on parts of them, since you will end up staring yourself negatively at the new SV Hunter. Forget everything about how SV Hunter plays in Dragonflight when looking at these changes, because it's a completely different spec now essentially. 🙂 They didn't "gut your damage" by removing Serpent Sting or Death Chakram... They just shifted the single target and AoE damage elsewhere, where it makes more sense, and smoothens your rotation.
Regarding "low lvl tmog farming", I can see your point there, since I used Serpent Sting there too. But in the end, making the spec actually feel SO MUCH BETTER in CURRENT content, is more important than "making it more convenient to farm legacy content". 🙂
@@KroesGaming I just liked using serpent sting as a ranged opener and as someone who primarily does m+ content using the three pronged one worked best for me then you would spread it with green bomb. I'm not unhappy with the changes per se I just liked using death chakram and serpent sting. Instead they added new buttons for bloat like more traps. Which again isn't bad but I will still miss my serpent sting opener for pulling shit. now I need to use bomb to pull. Tried out on dumbies and stuff and the spec itself still feels good and legit feels a bit busted but hopefully they over look that fact. Thanks for the reply.
This spec must get a lot of nerfs,esp Wildfire Bomb!!!15 K direct dmg basic =300k + in pvp...+ unreal DOT...Yea it is pre patch,but if this is a balance,Billy to die..:D:DD
C'mon man post your amory plesae lol
Wildfire bomb dot stack?