responding to controversial opinions

  • Опубликовано: 23 июл 2024
  • I know my final confession was a lot, here's hoping we can still be friends 😅
    Instagram @sherbetlemon007
    Twitter @sherbetlemon007
    Twitch @shaabaandjamie
    TikTok @shaabaandjamie
    Our site: shaabaandjamie . c o m
    Jamie's channel: @Jammidodger
    Be kind and have a great day (:
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Комментарии • 335

  • @antoniapineiro7124
    @antoniapineiro7124 3 года назад +384

    I am trans. My existence is NOT political.

    • @thepyrotechnics4223
      @thepyrotechnics4223 3 года назад +13

      I agree, let’s go trans 🏳️‍⚧️

    • @milofinnliot1617
      @milofinnliot1617 3 года назад +6

      same, I'm trans too

    • @milofinnliot1617
      @milofinnliot1617 3 года назад +15

      its hella sad how people debate our existence as if its a game when in reality our lives and so many other trans people's lives are in danger cause of the people who are making our existence a debate/political

  • @Shabtisinger
    @Shabtisinger 3 года назад +56

    Thrifting is also hard when you have immune disorders/allergies. Too often used clothes carry allergens, like synthetic fragrances, that could kill people like me!

  • @Eco_Hiko
    @Eco_Hiko 3 года назад +60

    When Shaaba said "my baby can be feminist" I thought she meant Apollo. Now imagine Apollo the feminist taking on all the TERFS

  • @natashaa43
    @natashaa43 3 года назад +81

    My condolences about your grandfather Shaaba, that is awful. May his memory be a blessing.

  • @FennecTheRabbit
    @FennecTheRabbit 3 года назад +175

    So as to the having children when the world is on fire: China has a One Child Policy and this has caused problems (like selective abortions of girls due to culturally favoring males) so I am not keen on the idea of a literal cap on childbearing. What we do need is easy access to family planning as well as comprehensive sex education. Additionally, something that has shown to decrease the birth rate is access to education, especially for women and girls (greater educational attainment usually means fewer children). So what we need to do is increase access to education as well as access to good/living wage jobs and quality healthcare and the birth rate should decrease sans legal restrictions on people's reproductive choices. (Also, if you are interested in environmental stuff I highly recommend the documentary "A Life on this Planet", should still be on Netflix. My mom and I both enjoyed it).

    • @m0061
      @m0061 3 года назад +14

      I think another good thing would be to increase migration initiatives. I'm pretty sure Germany has done this as they have a large number of elderly people in their population, so they opened immigration to places like Syria, this meant the lots of young people could could go to Germany and work in jobs like nursing home work and Govenment support careers. I think this would help with the areas of people being too old, without bringing more people into the world. I respect peoples right to have children, but there are so many people in the world, if we just moved them around to where different people were suited, we could probably solve a lot of issues.

    • @arch6929
      @arch6929 3 года назад +1

      @mikaelaloach (on her reels) and @aditimayer (on her igtv) goes into depth about this !

    • @tealrose3248
      @tealrose3248 3 года назад +10

      To reduce the birth rate:
      1) a reliable welfare safety net, both financial and direct care, so people don't need blood kin to support and look after them when they're elderly, disabled, sick, or unemployed.
      2) a very low infant/child/youth mortality, so that one live newborn becomes one live adult.
      3) mentally and financially satisfying careers for women.
      If people don't need to have children, and there are attractive other life paths for women instead of having children, then the fertility rate will drop below replacement rates. No coercion required!

    • @casebeth
      @casebeth 3 года назад +6

      HAD a one child policy. This changed recently.

    • @tealrose3248
      @tealrose3248 3 года назад +10

      Elio any sort of legal limit would be insanely invasive. What are you going to do? Forced abortions? Forced sterilisation? It's disastrously authoritarian, and really not necessary for the statistically irrelevant number of people involved. They just don't matter in the scheme of things.

  • @ScribbleThoseHearts
    @ScribbleThoseHearts 3 года назад +52

    My gran passed away a few months ago. Not of covid, it was just her time. I couldnt really see her much before she died... She was like a mother to me. I was her favourite grandchild. It hit really hard. I'm sorry to hear of your grandpa, I'm sending you all my love

  • @KassWinnie
    @KassWinnie 3 года назад +219

    As a raised catholic, former pro-life, still working up some stuff in mind, I will say one thing regarding abortion: religious conditioning is a special kind of hell

    • @cameronwarmerdam4251
      @cameronwarmerdam4251 3 года назад +12

      Yep. Former catholic here and we went to prolife marches since 8 or so

    • @pinkshirt3549
      @pinkshirt3549 3 года назад +15

      Same. I am from Poland, we have religion as a subject in school. When I was younger I didn't even know that not being catholic is an option. Only now I'm realising what harm was done to me and other kids. And it's still happening.

    • @thehappyelephant8868
      @thehappyelephant8868 3 года назад +1

      Regarding abortion. I was also raised Catholic and am trying to figure out what I am now because I am struggling with why my faith would say so many things regarding LGBTQ. However, abortion is not one I struggle with and I never will. There are so many non-religious reasons to be pro-life it really bothers me that people think that pro-life is solely a religious stance when it is not, it is about protecting tiny humans and if you are so blinded as to believe that the humanity of the unborn is subject as whether they were created in desirable circumstances I don't know what to tell you. Their DNA is human, they are alive by any scientific understanding of life, level of self-awareness does not determine whether someone has human rights. Honestly, it just isn't ok and there are non-religious people who are pro-life.

    • @cameronwarmerdam4251
      @cameronwarmerdam4251 3 года назад +12

      @@thehappyelephant8868 There are also many non religious reasons why access to abortions will benefit society, including happier lives, better opportunities, and even decreased crime. Of course, there are non religious pro life people but much of the pro life rhetoric is based around religion and many religions make being anti choice a Big Deal. Nobody is disputing that fetuses are homosapiens, have DNA, and are alive. Sentient people don't even have human rights as of right now, maybe that is a slightly bigger issue than a person that doesn't want to push a baby out of their vagina. What we are saying is that a person has the right to control what is allowed to grow inside of them. Its a concept of bodily autonomy that even corpses have (organs are not allowed to be removed for somebody else unless the person is an organ donor and gave consent). If your sister needed a blood transfusion to save her life, you are not legally obligated to do so because you get to control what happens to your body. You may feel a moral obligation, but your morals aren't the law and banning abortions doest stop the issue. Stop the demand, not the supply.
      Even so, that isn't the primary issue here. The issue we have is with religions indoctrinating children before they even know what abortion is. You are lead to believe that the church's way is the only way and they are right all the time which is not ok. An 8 year old can't understand what they are marching for so they shouldn't be used for an adults agenda.

    • @pinkshirt3549
      @pinkshirt3549 3 года назад +6

      @@thehappyelephant8868 Well Catholics(and other Christians probably) believe in 2 things:
      1. Human life begans at conception, because that's when the soul is created.
      2. Human life is sacred, beacuse it was created by God for a special reason and therefore it should be protected no matter what.
      Many people who left the Church and no longer believe in God still believe in those 2 things, because that's what they were taught when they was very young and it just seems obvious for them to think that way. Questioning anything about the Church's teachings also feels wrong for ex-Catholics, because Church was always telling us that they have somekind of "a moral highground" and everyone who disagrees with them or doesn't follow their doctrines is a bad or immoral person. (Like, have you ever heard about the word "heretic"?) Religion conditions you to think in a certain way from a very young age and it's really hard to get rid of this even as an adult. You can leave the Church, but the Church's indotrination will probably stay with you forever.
      Reassuming, if you'll stop believing those 2 religion-based things I mentioned in the beginning, you'll find out that there aren't any good non-religious "pro-life" arguments.

  • @azul4904
    @azul4904 3 года назад +63

    shaaba being beautiful, iconic and so smart for 15:29 minutes straight. shaaba is just too lovely for this world

    • @PmpknHead
      @PmpknHead 3 года назад +12

      You mean 15:29 minutes bi

    • @azul4904
      @azul4904 3 года назад +4

      @@PmpknHead true true

  • @laurenmills9344
    @laurenmills9344 3 года назад +16

    The “is butt legs” question 😂 That is a joke from Hank Green. I see you, question asker

  • @bjornreeve2091
    @bjornreeve2091 3 года назад +57

    I will now cancel shabba for her lack of oreo appreciation

  • @marcellastname6862
    @marcellastname6862 3 года назад +18

    You're right creating a whole ass human being is resource intensive, but I think redistribution of wealth, pulling people out of poverty, and creating less resource intensive ways of going about our lives is a better idea than what you suggested. Statistically people make the choice to have less children the wealthier and more empowered they are- but anti over population campaigns have tended to take bodily autonomy away from the poorest individuals who actually don't contribute to climate change as much as the wealthy.

  • @AShMR_
    @AShMR_ 3 года назад +40

    My take on the whole "knowing the outcome" of having children, or even the possible outcome: (Fair Warning, it's not popular and can seem very harsh):
    I'll use my own situation as an example.
    I have CF. A genetic disease that has caused all kinds of complications in my life. Complications I wouldn't wish on anyone. My parents had no idea they were carriers of this gene, as CF was still not fully understood or tested for when they were young. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that if they had known and still chose to have me I would not be able to forgive them because that mentality is so selfish that I can't comprehend how someone can claim to love their child while knowing they are the very reason for that child's suffering.
    And yes, while it's only a 1 in 4 chance of the child having the disease, you're still being selfish by even taking that risk because what parent takes that kind of risk on a child they claim they will love?
    I would prefer if people who knew they were carriers, or who have certain genetic diseases, to just not procreate and adopt instead. Spare the potential offspring any chance at having a serious condition just because you want to pop something out of your own body for your own selfish fulfillment.
    Also, I know that there are certain procedures that would allow for testing and ensuring the result is genetically sound, as far as that's possible, but it's not cheap and not everyone has that kind of money to do so.
    Like I said, not a popular view point, but it is what it is. Just because people have a human right to breed doesn't mean they don't have a responsibility to take that potential life into consideration and what that potential person will have to suffer through if they are born with a genetic illness that is incurable.

    • @mikhailavandermerwe5636
      @mikhailavandermerwe5636 3 года назад +7

      Same. Totally same. Even if I could stomach the concept of having a child growing inside me (gender dysphoria inducing much), I would never play the genetic lottery on them having all sorts of issues that will lead to suffering. It's not right.

    • @amethystlarktree5962
      @amethystlarktree5962 2 года назад +4

      Perfectly said. This should be the norm, it shouldn't be a controversial opinion.

    • @bluejay4960
      @bluejay4960 2 года назад +2

      I have a cousin? Who ended up being a carrier for MLD along with his wife. Found out because their first baby had it, and while they did their best by her it wasn’t an easy few years. I remember the joy and relief when they got the test results for their most recent pregnancy and found out he was negative, I don’t think they could’ve had more kids if they’d had to risk 25% on it happening again… there’s a lot of yikes-y history with forcing that decision on someone but I think there should be more social support and normalization for people who voluntarily choose to adopt or foster instead of passing on their genes.

    • @AShMR_
      @AShMR_ 2 года назад +3

      @@bluejay4960 If we lived in a society were disabled people had every accommodation they need and weren't subject to poverty because they need medical care, I wouldn't feel so strongly about it, because at least the person would have their needs met and they could live as fulfilling of a life as they deserve. We're constantly trying to get people to view us as humans worthy of life.
      And I in no way support aborting just because your potential child has a disability. I just think more parents need to realize the massive responsibility they are taking when the know there is a chance that their kids won't be able bodied. And that they will either need to be prepared to care for them their whole lives and ensure their comfort, or that they will always fight and struggle for everything they have in our current system.
      I can't force anyone to not procreate, nor would I do so if I could, but I believe strongly that once you decide to have kids that kid is now your full responsibility, and may need to be for the rest of their lives.

    • @VideoBeertje
      @VideoBeertje 2 года назад

      I used to think that because I have lymphedema, I didn't want children, because there's a chance that they would also get it. But now I don't see it like that anymore. We don't know how big the chance for them is to get lymphedema, especially because my partner doesn't have it and no one else in my family seems so have it (even my twin sister doesn't), but it still is a hereditary condition. So even though my parents are healthy, I still got this congenital condition. I thought "yeah but you know your kids have an increased chance of getting it", but even if they get it, I still think my life is very much worth living and my legs made me appreciate life more than most people around me. Yeah, my pressure stockings can be difficult sometimes, but there already are experimental surgeries. Most people with disabilities I know, are the most lovely and nice people I know! So I don't know if a genetic disease always is a reason not to have kids... I guess it really depends on how big the parents thinks the impact of that condition possibly will be on the child and if that will outweigh the good parts in life.

  • @sezztooley
    @sezztooley 3 года назад +79

    Imagine being as chill as that ketchup

  • @joycelinlgbtq
    @joycelinlgbtq 3 года назад +6

    I had a bit of an argument online with some ppl who were praising the inclusion of the f-slur in another famously controversial song, 'Money for Nothing'. Their point was that the original songwriter didn't mean gay people but just used the word as a derogatory term. My counter argument was that since the word does get used to refer to gay ppl it's inappropriate to include.
    This basically devolved into them calling me a snowflake & eagerly grasping for any reason for them to use the word and me giving up on trying to make them see my p.o.v. bc there's no way they can understand how that word has been used to hurt me & others like me if they aren't capable of sympathy.
    Internet sucks sometimes.

    • @amethystlarktree5962
      @amethystlarktree5962 2 года назад

      That's why it's a waste of your time and energy having online arguments with people. You're never going to change their mindset and they aren't going to change yours. So why bother wasting your time? We only have one life, why even spend a fraction of it arguing with bigots? They're not worthy of your precious time.

    • @joycelinlgbtq
      @joycelinlgbtq 2 года назад +1

      @@amethystlarktree5962 True that most bigots will not change their mind, but I entered into the discussion to explain my perspective without knowing they were going to be douches.

  • @lauraalexandra5728
    @lauraalexandra5728 3 года назад +40

    Shaba is the kindest person on the internet no exceptions. Your videos always make my day💖💖💖

    • @hazelruibal3138
      @hazelruibal3138 3 года назад +4

      While Shaba is kind, I am not sure if she's the kindest. She ties with Jaimie, Jessica and Claudia Kellgren Fozard.

    • @rukh03
      @rukh03 3 года назад +2

      Yes. I literally just clicked on this video because I had a hard day and seeing her face makes me happy.

    • @lauraalexandra5728
      @lauraalexandra5728 3 года назад

      @@hazelruibal3138 your totally right! I watch some of them as well!!!

  • @chloecrawford5426
    @chloecrawford5426 3 года назад +10

    Ketchup in Australia - cupboard during winter, fridge in summer 🤣 because everything goes into the fridge in summer here.

  • @egorrum8637
    @egorrum8637 3 года назад +17

    Im so sorry to hear about your grandad shaaba- sending so much love to you!!

  • @benronald
    @benronald 3 года назад +10

    Ok. When it comes to controversial opinions, I think it's important to remember that we haven't experienced everything. And until we experience everything, it's not our place to judge

    • @user-xb9nj8yo8t
      @user-xb9nj8yo8t 3 года назад +2

      Wellsaid 👏 👌 👍

    • @amethystlarktree5962
      @amethystlarktree5962 2 года назад +1

      Hmmm. I haven't experienced rape but I'm going to judge rapists. I haven't experienced mugging old ladies but I'm sure as hell going to judge people who do. Your comment really doesn't make sense in a lot of situations in life. We don't have to experience something to judge it. We're allowed to make moral judgements without actually doing the thing. We all do it all the time. It's impossible in a life time to experience even 1% of all the things there are in the whole world, if we only had opinions on the things we've personally experienced we'd all be VERY limited.

    • @benronald
      @benronald 2 года назад

      @@amethystlarktree5962 well yes because ethically that is very wrong

  • @konnichibeaucoup4089
    @konnichibeaucoup4089 3 года назад +16

    Re: That Song - i love it. great song. 10/10 rollicking tune. But i will actively distance myself from straight people who seem to take pleasure in singing That Word because it's a fucking bad word that carries a lot of baggage for so many of us

  • @TheMetatronGirl
    @TheMetatronGirl 3 года назад +2

    Fast fashion-I’d love to thrift, but in my area especially, plus sized clothing gets snapped up by non-plus-sized folks to be used as fabric for crafting or sewing.
    As to Oreos, if you don’t like them, it’s just more for us that do! Be well and have a joyous week!

  • @floweline
    @floweline 3 года назад +9

    Oh my gosh, I also don't like oreos. Thanks for standing up for us, non oreos loving folk

  • @tynebaker
    @tynebaker 3 года назад +6

    Ok, ok, ok friends. I know we’re all shook by her final statements here, but let’s just chock it up to inexperience. We’re all still learning and growing. Clearly she hasn’t had the joy of mint Oreos in her life. Let’s not cancel her just yet. #giveshaabamorecookies

  • @oliviaudon7821
    @oliviaudon7821 3 года назад +8

    Your videos are so refreshing! It always feels like I'm getting a big warm and safe hug when the video starts! :'((

  • @vallentinac9513
    @vallentinac9513 3 года назад +2

    I totally understand people who who need fast fashion for a variety of reasons, and I obviously do not blame them as it's not their fault there's such a lack of accessibility to ethical clothes and to inclusive sizing, but I don't really think there is a "responsible" way to buy fast fashion considering that in order to have that price it relies on workers' exploitation in other countries, and that the sheer amount and rapidity of production makes it unequivocally unsustainable for the planet.
    It's incredibly sad. I wanna live in a world where people are not forced to buy from companies like these and where everybody earns a living wage and can afford to get good clothing.
    I can't really afford to buy from ethical brands at the moment and I don't have thrift shops close by, so I'm simply putting off buying anything at all cause I can't bring myself to buy fast fashion knowing all the ins and outs of it.

  • @samerafleek9645
    @samerafleek9645 3 года назад +8

    Great video! I guess maybe I have a different take on "cancel culture". Sure, it goes too far sometimes, but I also think people "cancel" themselves. Like, JK Rowling really made me feel betrayed and hurt, and I don't want to buy her mech and follow her on Twitter anymore because of the harm she's causing. She chose to say those horrible things about trans people and promote an online store that has merch that says "f**k your pronouns" and awful things like that. I don't think we should have to engage with or support people that are hurtful, bigoted or cruel. So, I guess you could say I "canceled" her, but really, I just don't need that negativity in my life. I hope that makes sense.

  • @raspberryitalia3464
    @raspberryitalia3464 3 года назад +62

    I'm here for you on the oreos thing, totally overrated cookie

    • @whamloverfr
      @whamloverfr 3 года назад +2

      i have never met someone who doesn’t just eat them for the middle

  • @ellawood1593
    @ellawood1593 3 года назад +2

    I'm really sorry about your grandfather, that must have been very hard. My heart goes out to you.

  • @rebeccacuthbertson1271
    @rebeccacuthbertson1271 3 года назад +7

    You’re right, your very last opinion was the most “offensive“ 😂
    But I’m sorry about your grandfather. May his memory be forever a blessing 💖

  • @lexiibattwitch
    @lexiibattwitch 3 года назад +15

    I'm sorry about your grandpa
    The problem with James Charles is that he's allegedly Racist and a plageriser

    • @jordyngeorgia565
      @jordyngeorgia565 3 года назад +3

      Didn't he also like make advances on a waiter, ignoring the waiter saying no?

    • @lexiibattwitch
      @lexiibattwitch 3 года назад +2

      @@jordyngeorgia565 I don't know anything about that personally

    • @jhalakmalhotra4242
      @jhalakmalhotra4242 2 года назад +1

      and a meanie and ignorant of emotional health

  • @leoniertz8152
    @leoniertz8152 3 года назад +3

    I loved this video, your energy (and also what you said) made me really happy :D

  • @TheLucyblades
    @TheLucyblades 3 года назад +1

    Quality bed sheet choice. And you have not let me down with this video. Great as always. Sorry for your loss as well.

  • @rexcabrera8398
    @rexcabrera8398 3 года назад +5

    Why is your laugh the greatest thing I have heard today?!

  • @nargigolashi7334
    @nargigolashi7334 3 года назад +1

    She’s so happy and I love it

  • @doctorsprok
    @doctorsprok 3 года назад +25

    I wrote something half asleep and don't remember what I wrote but it was super random.

    • @n0t._.n4ncy
      @n0t._.n4ncy 3 года назад +1

      What was it

    • @doctorsprok
      @doctorsprok 3 года назад +1

      @@n0t._.n4ncy I don't remember

    • @baguettegott3409
      @baguettegott3409 3 года назад +1

      The picture adds so much to this. Sounds like Peak Pippin to me right there... I even read it in a scottish accent in my mind

  • @misslilly213
    @misslilly213 3 года назад +89

    Welcome to the Oreo Haters Club. We meet on Thursdays.

    • @julianamagg3177
      @julianamagg3177 3 года назад +9

      See you next Thursday!

    • @stephw6046
      @stephw6046 3 года назад +8

      Haha! Not a fan of the dirt cookies, either. 😆

    • @ilanarhian
      @ilanarhian 3 года назад +7

      They taste burnt to me.

    • @alam5055
      @alam5055 3 года назад +7

      I'm joining the club too :) Never liked Oreos.

    • @nataly26
      @nataly26 3 года назад +6

      May we move the meeting to Friday? I'm kinda busy this week

  • @melb3950
    @melb3950 3 года назад

    I'm so sorry for your lost. Hopefully you and your family are doing as well as can be

  • @DannySaurusRex
    @DannySaurusRex 3 года назад +6

    I was wondering about your opinion on the British monarchy. I'm American, so I don't really know what the monarchy is like, and I'm quite curious to know your thoughts on it.

  • @TheCrazyFreak
    @TheCrazyFreak 3 года назад

    I agree with you on most of these. One that I don't is the opinion on videogames simply because of personal experience. I know every person is different, but I haven't become any more desensitized about violence irl, everytime I see/hear/read about it in the media I still find it hard to do so and feel horrible. For me videogames are a way to relieve stress. And I feel like people who want to go out and commit violent acts have that tendency regardless of whether they've ever played videogames or not.

  • @brynpookc1127
    @brynpookc1127 3 года назад +1

    Shaaba: You are an amazing, wonderful person! Thank you for sharing with us.

  • @effyreads88
    @effyreads88 3 года назад +2

    Queer person here and I am super uncomfortable with the uncensored version of Fairytale in New York. It really annoys me that people get their knickers in such a twist over censoring this song because so, so many songs get censored, why shouldn't this one have a clean version?! It also makes me really uncomfortable that various artists support the word choice saying that it was intending to be offensive and yet don't understand that people are actually offended by it. definitely agree with your perspective of the media warping the debate though.
    On a lighter note, my partner only just realised that the word wasn't meant in the sense of a bundle of sticks 🤣

    • @amethystlarktree5962
      @amethystlarktree5962 2 года назад

      It's a song where horrible drunken people are purposely insulting each other, so they're using vulgar language. That shouldn't be cleaned up because some people get upset now. I'm queer too, I also know there are a million more things in the world to be bothered by than some old song with a bad word in it. It's a good song and I'm not a child so I can handle hearing a bad word lol.
      Of course the word shouldn't be used to insult gay people and I'd have a problem with anyone using it as a slur now. But back when they recorded it it was fine. We don't need to erase every slur from history and sanitize everything. We're not that sensitive, surely? It's one word in a song. And if some people find it upsetting, they're free not to listen to the song. But why shouldn't others be able to listen to the original if they're not easily offended?
      You really need to toughen up a bit. Sorry but seriously, you being 'super uncomfortable' over a word in a decades old song that you're not forced to listen to is pretty ridiculous. Being uncomfortable is a normal human emotion that we all have to accept and get over sometimes. Just avoid listening to the song. And I'll keep being gay AF and singing along to every word of the original.

  • @BrainlessGeniusTimzi
    @BrainlessGeniusTimzi 3 года назад +5

    "i don't like oreos" eyyyy more for the rest of us!

  • @harini3257
    @harini3257 3 года назад

    I'm so sorry about your Grandpa! Sending lots of love

  • @VideoBeertje
    @VideoBeertje 2 года назад

    About the thrift shopping thing: Yes! I have a condition on my legs and one of my legs is twice the size of the other and my pressure stockings make a lot of clothing items for my age look weird. This makes shopping for jeans or shoes almost impossible! I just started to only wear skirts and dresses all the time, but now I always hear people ask if it is summer all year through...

  • @bookaholic2.072
    @bookaholic2.072 3 года назад +28

    The slur was originally a traditional British meatball, the problem is the homophobes who use the song as an excuse to say the slur, and the media, turning around and blaming the LGBT community for the song being removed of the word, like the original singers created a version of the song without the slur in it, once they realised

    • @Smiley-jg2cl
      @Smiley-jg2cl 3 года назад +4

      Thanks for explaining the original meaning! I always wondered what they meant when they used that word in the song. All I knew was that it could not be the slur. Just like the line "gay happy meetings" from another song does (unfortunately) not mean LGBTQ+ meetings at the weekends :D

    • @jacquiross5290
      @jacquiross5290 3 года назад +2

      It originally was a bunch of sticks for the fire, held together with twine made from the bark of the was then a spiced meatball encased in caul. I have no idea how it became the offensive term, but from what I understand it was an Australian term in it's original offensive use.

    • @amethystlarktree5962
      @amethystlarktree5962 2 года назад

      It still IS the British meatballs.

    • @CodaBlairLucarioEmperor
      @CodaBlairLucarioEmperor Год назад +1

      ​@@Smiley-jg2cl or how the flinstones theme song means happy time

  • @MaryJane-op2wo
    @MaryJane-op2wo 3 года назад

    Shaaba the video is super .The only thing I wanted to say is that as a curvy girl myself thrifting was difficult at first but then I found that there are trift shops for bigger sizes and depop is awsome as well

  • @weewaa13
    @weewaa13 3 года назад

    Also not liking Oreos is pretty valid lol, I’ve gone back and forth about them for years. I’ve also gone back and forth on the cookie vs cream part; I used to scrape all the icing and save it for afterward when I was little, but now (if I eat them) they taste the best when you get a good bite of cookie AND cream.

  • @milofinnliot1617
    @milofinnliot1617 3 года назад

    Omg I can't believe I haven't watched your videos wefhbjsk, you have such good vibes. I watched Jammis all the time but now I'm gonna binge watch yours lol

  • @MajesticJewnicorn
    @MajesticJewnicorn 3 года назад

    Yay you answered my covid question. Thank you so much. Stay safe my sweet vegetable human 💜💜💜💜

  • @amethystrocks6433
    @amethystrocks6433 3 года назад

    You're adorable. I love your laugh! You make things so fun. 😊

  • @catT5236
    @catT5236 3 года назад +1

    Regarding the fast fashion thing, thrift shops don't often have much access for disabled people. When your energy levels are limited getting clothes online is sometimes the only option available to you & most charity shops don't offer this service - I understand why but it does cut off some people from being able to use them. To then be shamed because you were taking care of your health isn't very nice & I wish people would be a little more understanding of circumstances.

  • @roguefluffy3721
    @roguefluffy3721 3 года назад +1

    Finally someone who appriciates pineaple on pizza 💛
    I've also heard about pizza with baked banana in Sweden and I'd really like to try it

  • @Kontrollfriiik
    @Kontrollfriiik 3 года назад +1

    But thrifting is not the only alternative to fast fashion, there are also companies out there that produce ethically sourced and produced clothing, and that are transparent about their process. I didn’t think they would be considered fast fashion? The price is still an issue with these companies for people who can’t afford, since people are actually being paid fairly for their work, but the size and fit issues might be less?
    edit: compared to fit and size issues with thrifting

  • @diagnosisninja
    @diagnosisninja 2 года назад +1

    Jaffa Cakes are cakes. It was legally upheld in 1991, apparently.
    A more fun story though: I joke with my grandma all the time at her insistence that she's "never eaten a jaffa cake". Finally caught her out when she didn't expect me visiting and caught her through the window in the kitchen.

  • @Rain-np7tk
    @Rain-np7tk 3 года назад

    Your bedsheets are so cute!

  • @pmbluemoon
    @pmbluemoon 3 года назад

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰😍🤗 I love you Shaaba! I don't like oreos either 😱 This was a cute video, thank you for the chuckles along with more morality mixed in, I love it, you're genuinely a good person and I'm happy I found your channel, and that Jammie found you as well 🥰

  • @arch6929
    @arch6929 3 года назад +4

    15:47 I don't know if this is helpful but @mikaelaloach (on her reels) and @aditimayer
    (on her igtv) goes into depth about how we are taught to believe in overpopulation (ecofascism). I hope I didn't get the wrong end of the stick. I love how you bring up stigmas and spread joy with your videos

  • @geekxlove81
    @geekxlove81 3 года назад +8

    Take a look at colonizations effect on the earths, this isn’t a problem with overpopulation - but colonization

  • @Sarah22410
    @Sarah22410 3 года назад +1

    Love ur channel sloths are so cute and precious I’m so sorry for your loss

    • @lauraalexandra5728
      @lauraalexandra5728 3 года назад +3

      Same I love sloths 🦥

    • @Sarah22410
      @Sarah22410 3 года назад +2

      Laura Alexandra yes they are adorable🦥🦥

  • @BreakingStubad
    @BreakingStubad 3 года назад +2

    I love that the real controversies are over baked goods

  • @fin6266
    @fin6266 3 года назад +1

    i am so sorry about your grandpa

  • @natashalaskor3749
    @natashalaskor3749 3 года назад +3

    Where did you get your bedding from? I LOVE it!

  • @XoXoXo-wq4yg
    @XoXoXo-wq4yg 3 года назад +23

    I haven’t watched in awhile. I’m glad to be back. I’ve been grieving.

    • @hvasomhelst
      @hvasomhelst 3 года назад +4

      Hope you are okay

    • @XoXoXo-wq4yg
      @XoXoXo-wq4yg 3 года назад +3

      @@hvasomhelst thanks. It’s been tough. My mom died from cancer.

    • @jenniferhergert4447
      @jenniferhergert4447 3 года назад +1

      @@XoXoXo-wq4yg how are you doing?

    • @julesfenn4313
      @julesfenn4313 3 года назад +2

      @@XoXoXo-wq4yg I'm so sorry mate :( ❤️ sending you a virtual hug x

    • @alexrothery7606
      @alexrothery7606 3 года назад +2

      Sending you a hug (if that's something you like aha). Best wishes

  • @bellaturner8565
    @bellaturner8565 3 года назад

    I was agreeing with u on everything before the Oreo one. HOW DARE U! Haha but seriously great vid

  • @leidyguelgua441
    @leidyguelgua441 3 года назад

    I love your videos Shaaba

  • @mschrisfrank2420
    @mschrisfrank2420 3 года назад +2

    If you have pets that unroll toilet paper, turning the roll flap towards the wall usually stops it.

  • @catherineryalls8476
    @catherineryalls8476 3 года назад

    Where is the duvet set from Im obsessed!! Also I love your vids so much xx

  • @sleepingroses761
    @sleepingroses761 3 года назад

    Thank you Shaaba for the oreo comment. I don't like oreos either. In the grand scheme of things, it's a pretty trivial controversy, but it's still nice to know I'm not alone!

  • @esf34147
    @esf34147 3 года назад +26

    i was agreeing with you on everything but the pineapple thing is a deal breaker, sorry i will be unsusbcribing

    • @SanguinaryBlade
      @SanguinaryBlade 3 года назад +1

      The one unforgivable sin.

    • @Zmm202
      @Zmm202 3 года назад +1

      I love it!! I always have since I was a child. Honestly don't understand the problem, I'm not gonna make anyone else eat it

    • @esf34147
      @esf34147 3 года назад +2

      @@Zmm202 haha im just joking, but i still dont like pineapple on pizza i just think it tastes gross, but i love pineapples on their own

    • @inspiringviolet184
      @inspiringviolet184 3 года назад

      @@esf34147 lol sameeeee, something about cooked fruit (especially with other rich flavors like cheeese/tomato) just doesn’t sit right with me lol, but i love it on its own

  • @celiasaiz3786
    @celiasaiz3786 3 года назад

    I'm so sorry for your grandpa, Shaaba :( Also, great video! Here in Spain contraceptives are not free, ever. Well... Maybe if you find a hospital and explain your situation and why you can't buy them. But no, they're usually not free and not cheap. Neither are period products. Aaand both should be. :)

  • @jenniferwells2291
    @jenniferwells2291 3 года назад +1

    Oreos are terrible. But I'm good with NewmanO's. And I agree that people need to start cutting back on the number of children they have. It's simply too much and unnecessary to have a litter. And considering the way severe child abuse skyrocketed during the pandemic I'd say parents are definitely having more than they can handle.

  • @RoselSmidheda
    @RoselSmidheda 3 года назад

    I haaate the thrift shop clothes trend for that very reason. I'm a EU size 54 and there is never ever clothes in my size in thrift stores.

  • @annadavison8961
    @annadavison8961 3 года назад

    When I started 6th form we had an assembly on how we should be doing 30+ hours a week of school work OUTSIDE of our lesson time if we wanted a decent grade. We had 15+ hours of lessons each week and that is at age 16 - 18 not including any jobs we had so you saying 40 hours a week is too much made me think! Plus one teacher told me I shouldn't have any free time for those 2 years.

  • @lowbrass.spirit206
    @lowbrass.spirit206 3 года назад +2

    I liked this just for your stance on oreos. :D

  • @morganlock2072
    @morganlock2072 3 года назад

    I put ketchup in the fridge when it’s open lol also idk what Jaffa cakes are cuz I’m American but I love your channel, Shaaba💗

  • @TheNeonRabbit
    @TheNeonRabbit 3 года назад

    I agree with you about the toilet roll 𝒖𝒏𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 there are cats in the household. If you have the flap part pointing towards the wall the cat can go spin it and it won't unravel into a big pile.

  • @meredyddcooper5975
    @meredyddcooper5975 3 года назад

    I love your sloth bedsheets!

  • @dysidot
    @dysidot 3 года назад +4

    i might be wrong but i think they are just playing an alternative version of fairytale of new york that was recorded for top of the pops years and years ago
    love that song :)
    please don’t trust me though i have no idea where i heard that lol

    • @effyreads88
      @effyreads88 3 года назад +1

      Yeah, it was a version recorded in the early 90s and, from what I have heard, Kirsty M (can't remember her full surname) actually chose to change the lyrics

  •  3 года назад +1

    The problem with fast fashion brands is that virtually all of them use child labour or else do not even know what the working conditions are under which their clothes are made. There is no such thing as a fast fashion brand that is "sustainable" because the whole system upon which these brands make their profits is built on exploitation of people and the environment. Fast fashion companies will purposely seek out the locations with the lowest production costs for them and then put as much distance between themselves and the actual factories in order to remove themselves from responsibility for the horrific working conditions there. Brands may claim to be more sustainable than others, but most of that is greenwashing.
    I completely understand that fast fashion is often the most or the only accessible and affordable option to many people, but that shouldn't be the case. That's why it's so important that we hold these brands accountable and demand change from them so that the power imbalance between the brands and the workers shifts at least somewhat. A lot of the workers in the textile industry are not even paid the legal minimum wage of their country, let alone a wage that is in any way proportionate to the profit fashion companies make off of them.

  • @castingstorms
    @castingstorms 3 года назад

    Unsubscribed right at the end how dear you not like those cookies of goodness 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 we love you Shaaba no matter what

  • @salamanda11
    @salamanda11 3 года назад +4

    Shoutout to whoever asked if butt is legs. (It is.)

  • @brynpookc1127
    @brynpookc1127 3 года назад

    I agree on the toilet paper hanging issue! Ann Landers (who was a newspaper advice columnist in the US, RIP) proclaimed decades ago that when manufacturers started printing designs on the paper, the decision was settled: hanging bit toward the front so the pattern is highly visible. My mom instantly changed because Ann Landers had spoken. LOL

  • @dysidot
    @dysidot 3 года назад +7

    noooooooo but they taste so good when you dip them in milk😂

    • @madethistocomment727
      @madethistocomment727 3 года назад +1

      Flavor contrast matters! I can't stand plain coffee but it's awesome when mixed in a vanilla milkshake lol

  • @dorianthegrey2685
    @dorianthegrey2685 3 года назад

    I have severe asthma and on multiple medications to manage it. If I can wear a mask and be fine (it's actually easier to breathe wearing it right now because cold weather is one of my triggers and the mask helps warm the air up!) then not many people are going to have an excuse.

  • @not.samcooke
    @not.samcooke 3 года назад

    i'm so sorry about your grandfather

  • @kristilynnsaavedra7720
    @kristilynnsaavedra7720 3 года назад

    hiii shaabaaaa 💞🥺

  • @arson_cloud3801
    @arson_cloud3801 3 года назад +2

    Video notification: *PING!*
    Me: ......

  • @thequeerrunner5745
    @thequeerrunner5745 3 года назад

    I need those bedcovers!!! Need theeeem

  • @nattherat8970
    @nattherat8970 3 года назад

    About the using of slurs, I'm totally with you. I'm allowed to use the r-slur because of my autism, but that doesn't mean I'd ever want to call someone - or myself - that when I've had to experience people using it so casually with few visible repercussions. Also, Twitter kind of makes ableism - and most other serious issues, I just have the most first-hand experience with this one - seem blown out of proportion in the typical "boy who cried wolf" sense

  • @DreamcastSwirly
    @DreamcastSwirly 3 года назад

    I have a psychological aversion to thrifting because I was the only poor person out of all my friends and we lived in one of the richest towns in my state, but I recently went thrifting and found an amazing shirt that is one of my new favorites so it's slowly not bothering me anymore.

  • @cassiforest9191
    @cassiforest9191 3 года назад +1

    Can we get the link for the sloth sheets?!

  • @inazumastar
    @inazumastar 3 года назад +1

    I love your oreo statement because I too do not like oreos 🥰

  • @chanceomalley3337
    @chanceomalley3337 3 года назад

    My condolences about your grandfather.
    I definitely agree about there eventually being a child limit. 3-4 would be my range, but I'm not a social or climate expert. As a childfree individual, I probably shouldn't make that decision at all. I think the adoption of children who are already alive and without a good home is a good thing to move toward for our current time.
    I agree that toilet paper only goes over not under.
    People who aren't pro-choice don't want people to abort a child, but also say that it's the mother's fault and they don't want to help support the people they've forced their beliefs on.
    6-hour workdays are where it's at.

  • @baguettegott3409
    @baguettegott3409 3 года назад +1

    My most controversial opinion is that certain dog breeds should straight up not exist. The ones with jaws too big or too strong. No reason to breed those and needlessly endanger humans.
    You can keep your goddamn chihuahuas if you want to. I don't like those either, but if they attack me, I can just kick them. If a Rottweiler attacks me I could be in a room full of people wanting to save me and I'd still die horribly.
    Those dogs should be treated like assault rifles.
    Meaning nobody but the military or special polife forces can EVER have one.

  • @1Clio
    @1Clio 3 года назад

    Ketchup needs to be in the fridge. We used to keep them outside of the fridge until one of our bottles once went bad (no clue how, we went through about 1 a week) and when we opened it, it exploded gone-bad-ketchup all over the kitchen ceiling. My mum had to paint it to cover up the stain.

  • @madethistocomment727
    @madethistocomment727 3 года назад +2

    I've never heard of jaffa (Jefferson? Java?) Cakes. Can someone explain? I'm from the U.S., so maybe we don't have them?
    Also, the toilet paper thing is on its patten. Shaaba is correct lol

    • @katiejane8012
      @katiejane8012 3 года назад

      Jaffa cakes are biscuit-sized cakes with an orange jam sort of filling and a chocolate top. They are so amazing.

  • @julieaubutgaudet4403
    @julieaubutgaudet4403 3 года назад +2

    Actually it just means more oreo’s for me!!

  • @aaronpoole5531
    @aaronpoole5531 3 года назад

    I'm sorry about your grandad, that must hurt and sending good feelings to your family ❤
    I appreciate your honesty on your opinions and I'm in the same boat with FTONY because I revel in the fact I can yell the meatball slur without the straights gasping but also I do feel uncomfortable hearing straights enjoying their pass to use it. It's a touchy one, most radio stations seem to skip that verse entirely anyway. I think it's another xyz phobic media wants an excuse to dunk on millennias type discourse 🙃

  • @mightbeavampire
    @mightbeavampire 3 года назад +2

    hey shaaba,
    for the mask thing, i have c-ptsd and wearing a mask gives me flashbacks really really badly and this means that i cannot wear masks for a long time so i respectfully disagree with your opinions on masks. thankyou for your time

  • @pickupnotes
    @pickupnotes 3 года назад +1

    Oreos are SO overrated, I'm with you!

  • @Vestibularbuddies
    @Vestibularbuddies 3 года назад

    I didn't think you could annoy me with a question about OREOS until you said you didn't like them! *HEADEXPLOSION!* How do I come to terms with this... heheh