※ If you have any questions, please refer to the following. Q1. Is there a substitute for almond flour? A1. Sweetened cocoa powder or edible oil, crushed peanuts would be an alternative ingredient. Q2. How to make it without microwave? A2. Add 2~3 tablespoons of lukewarm water to 200g of glutinous rice flour(with 2 tbsp sugar), mix the dough, put in a steamer, steam in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then pound the dough for 10 minutes. Q3. Does it work if I use an oven instead of a microwave? A3. I cooked it for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 Celsius degrees, and it turned into rice cakes but..due to the different heating method, the outside was little dry and the texture was not perfect. Q4. Where can I get wet glutinous rice flour? Whats the difference compared to normal glutinous rice flour? A4. Dry type is soaking glutinous rice in water and dry the moisture, and wet type is just soaking glutinous rice in water. To follow this recipe with normal glutinous rice flour, add 4 g of salt and change the amount of water to 160ml instead of 80ml. Have a nice day everyone😍
I'm always buying this almond sweetness from the market and thought it can only be made by a machine. This is my fav chocolate dessert! And now you are showing how to make it easy at home!!! Thank you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going gluten free isn't as difficult as it seems, so don't feel too discouraged- That being said, it's still a big lifestyle change, which is not the easiest thing in the world- so you have my sympathies, and I wish you the best of luck in leading a healthy, happy life ☺️
@@smahastasiayazbebekmeryema902 aynen bende 11 yaşındayım belki annemle yaparız diye izliyodum ki mikrodalga fırınımızın olmadığını hatırlayınca üzüldüm😞
시중에 파는 철떡파이는 너무 달아서 직접 만들어 먹으려고 유튜브에 들어왔는데 집밥요리님의 썸네일이 가장 눈에 끌려서 들어왔습니다! 재료도 생각보다 간단해서 좋았어요! 초콜릿 코팅 부분은 약간 제 입맛에 덜 달게 수정해서 만들었지만 전체적으로 잘 만들어진 느낌이라 기분이 좋습니다. 좋은 영상과 레시피 감사드려요
It's cool to see the number of Turkish people watching stuff from this channel, myself included, haha! Quite the interesting dynamic for this channel's viewing!
Uau!! Acho que é a primeira vez que vejo alguém que faz uma torta de chocolate tão bonita. É divertido apenas olhar para ele com seus próprios olhos. Eu quero sentir o sabor suave
Buti na lang nirekomenda nito ni youtube saken, napa-subscribe agad ako dun sa choco truffles video. Yung mismong pag-turo sobrang dali maintindihan. ENG: So glad RUclips recommended this channel, made me subscribe right away from the choco truffles video. Instructions are very easy to understand.
TYSM :) If you don't use the microwave, the method gets a little complicated :(.. Add 2~3 tablespoons of lukewarm water to 200g of glutinous rice flour(with 2 tbsp sugar), mix the dough, put in a steamer, steam in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then pound the dough for 10 minutes.
oruçluyken yemek videoları izlemek ayrı bi güzel oluyo sksjsklskjslsl NOT:ilk defa yorumum bu kadar beğeni aldı tşkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Thank you so much for this video! I just did this and the recipe for the bubble milk and brown sugar! It was very easy and pleasing to do! I will answer later on this comment if it was good too!
Finally, it was absolutely amazing! Very good and tasty, for both recipe! I will remake them in the future! Thank you so much for your videos! I have no space for an oven and these types of recipes are amazing ♥️
The thumbnail is like ....oh my goddddddddd..😋😋😋😋 So tasty ..I just want to say you are the best .......my sister is tried this ....and when my family eat this food all says amazing... 😍😍
@@agentsd3428 What popculture!? It literally has a high glycemic index and a high glycemic load meaning it raises your blood sugar by a lot which is unhealthy considering it shuts off fat-burning hormones and high blood sugar is a precursor to a lot of bad stuff.
※ If you have any questions, please refer to the following.
Q1. Is there a substitute for almond flour?
A1. Sweetened cocoa powder or edible oil, crushed peanuts would be an alternative ingredient.
Q2. How to make it without microwave?
A2. Add 2~3 tablespoons of lukewarm water to 200g of glutinous rice flour(with 2 tbsp sugar), mix the dough, put in a steamer, steam in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then pound the dough for 10 minutes.
Q3. Does it work if I use an oven instead of a microwave?
A3. I cooked it for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 170 Celsius degrees, and it turned into rice cakes but..due to the different heating method, the outside was little dry and the texture was not perfect.
Q4. Where can I get wet glutinous rice flour? Whats the difference compared to normal glutinous rice flour?
A4. Dry type is soaking glutinous rice in water and dry the moisture, and wet type is just soaking glutinous rice in water. To follow this recipe with normal glutinous rice flour, add 4 g of salt and change the amount of water to 160ml instead of 80ml.
Have a nice day everyone😍
@@mrsrana7530 it's already mentioned... check the 3rd question.
@@mrsrana7530 you can try making it the same way flan is made in the oven. I can't guarantee it'll work though.
is there any alternative for rice flour?
I was about to ask Q1 and Q2. Thank you
@@mochi_831 多分お餅をつくように混ぜる…という感じだと思います!
I don’t even make this,I only watch this because it’s so satisfying and entertaining!
Thanks a lot !
I watch while brushing teeth lol
@@jibbab_yori even downloaded it
@@jibbab_yori are those hard to make?
0:05 전자레인지용 용기 준비
0:07 습식 찹쌀가루200g
0:13 설탕 2큰술
0:16 물80ml
0:22 섞어본다
0:38 랩
0:43 숨구멍
0:49 전자레인지3분
0:53 3분 후
1:06 한 번 더 랩
1:08 전자레인지 2분
1:25 덧가루
1:31 떡
1:33 아몬드 분말
1:40 4등분
1:47 보름달 처럼 만든다
2:00 냉동실 10분
2:08 물
2:11 내열 용기
2:13 다크 초콜릿100g
2:17 녹여주기
2:11 풍덩
2:32 실온에서 1시간 이상 굳힌다
2:35 완성🤩
“2:11 poop” lol
2:28 どう見てもアルミホイルではないの好き
@@sooa7894 韓国のクッキングシート直訳すると紙ホイルなので、ペーパーホイルって翻訳されたのかなって思います
I agree
I thought it was just baking paper
@@user-pokecoro 😳
I'm always buying this almond sweetness from the market and thought it can only be made by a machine. This is my fav chocolate dessert! And now you are showing how to make it easy at home!!! Thank you soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried making this today, and it tasted amazing!!! I really love the chewy, bouncy texture of the rice cake 😆 감사합니다 ♡♡
Oruclu olupta acı çekmeye gelenler +1 Allah orucunuzu kabul etsin (yorumum tutmuş teşekkürler)
AA bir türk
Valla ben de dedm bakim türk var mı?
Oha bu video neden karşımıza çıkıyor😂
@@Lunamiyav açız diye
@@Lunamiyav RUclips acımasızlık yapıyor🥺
That looks amazing, I showed my mom and she said let’s try making it!
Love the simple cooking approach. Makes it easy to follow along and produces great results!
TYSM !!!
Thank you for this. This last summer I found out I'm allergic to gluten and this gives me a chance to still enjoy a sweet every now and then.
Did you end up making it? If so did it taste good? Asking because I might end up making it
Going gluten free isn't as difficult as it seems, so don't feel too discouraged- That being said, it's still a big lifestyle change, which is not the easiest thing in the world- so you have my sympathies, and I wish you the best of luck in leading a healthy, happy life ☺️
I like the way that she is so clean wearing gloves
Thank you for your great feedback :) !
Wow...I just love the simplicity of these goodies
찰떡 "파이"
This must be so good its healthy but i bet its delicious i will try it
İftarı bekleyenler selam 🙋♀️ olsun
🙋aleykumselam 11 yasindayim boyle videolar izliyom sanki yapcam
@@smahastasiayazbebekmeryema902 aynen bende 11 yaşındayım belki annemle yaparız diye izliyodum ki mikrodalga fırınımızın olmadığını hatırlayınca üzüldüm😞
@@seyfettinuzuner796 bizimde yokki😅
Beraber para biriktiririz alırız
@@seyfettinuzuner796 mikrodalgası olup diyette olan ben 😎😎
Hey from America here . Always loved to learn how to cook or bake from your culture . It looks so amazing and the shine is beautiful on it
Thanks a lot !!
Your welcome
In America we have "york patties" - they look similar to this but the inside is chewy mint cream. Thanks for sharing this recipe, looks delicious!
York Peppermint Patties -- the knock-off Kendal Mint Cakes ;)
I love this type of content, you give every little detail and u make it look delicious! i cant wait to try this!
이거보니까 마트에서 파는 찰떡파이 먹고싶다.. 만들긴 귀찮앙..
오 정말!
사러가기도 귀찮아ㅠ
슬슬 먹고싶어하는것도 귀찮아졌다
만드는거 재밌습니다. 막상 하면.
찹쌀떡파이 너무좋아하는데 비싸서 늘 눈치보고 아주가끔만 사먹엇엇어요... 이런레시피가 잇엇네요 넘 감사해요 이제 백개도 만들어먹어도되겟어요
Love the chewy texture of the rice cake and the chocolate coating is heavenly. So creative and looks yummy!
Your videos always calm me down
Thank you :D
Oruçluyken izleyip içi kan ağlayanlar 🥺
Allah orucunuzu kabul etsin (amin)🙏
I will try it in Ramadan Thank you❤
어떻게 이렇게 아름다운 음식을 요리할 수 있나요? 😋
시중에 파는 철떡파이는 너무 달아서 직접 만들어 먹으려고 유튜브에 들어왔는데 집밥요리님의 썸네일이 가장 눈에 끌려서 들어왔습니다! 재료도 생각보다 간단해서 좋았어요! 초콜릿 코팅 부분은 약간 제 입맛에 덜 달게 수정해서 만들었지만 전체적으로 잘 만들어진 느낌이라 기분이 좋습니다. 좋은 영상과 레시피 감사드려요
맛있게 드시고 장문의 정성스러운 댓글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다 ^ㅡ^
다 같은 찹쌀가루만 있는 줄 알았는데 건식찹쌀가루라는 게 있군요!! 심지어 만드는 것도 엄청 복잡하지 않은 느낌이에요! 재료들도 구비하기 쉬울 것 같아서 꼭 만들어보고 싶어요 좋은 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다!
제가 사용한 찹쌀가루는 습식 찹쌀가루였습니다 ㅎㅎ
장문의 좋은 댓글 감사합니다 :)
Как же я обожаю Ютуб, за то, что он рекомендует такой классный контент!
Люблю ваш комментарий :)
GOSH DARN IT- I should’ve known that 3 years of Russian class wouldn’t help me.
@@svjksrqv You don't understand my comment ?
Он сказал что три года изучения возможно помогут ему понять твой комментарий. Но это не точно
@@ДавидДобродуб-и3е понятно, всё равно спасибо!
It's cool to see the number of Turkish people watching stuff from this channel, myself included, haha!
Quite the interesting dynamic for this channel's viewing!
Thanks a lot :D
Do all turkish people have love with goats?
Have you ever been to Turkish prison?
@@russetpotato5532 are there more goats for making love or why?
@@DerDonPabloEscobar Bruh-
شكراً لأنك وضعت اللغة العربية في الترجمة
احب جميع الاصناف التي تصنعها. انها سهلة وبسيطة. استمر 💜👍🏻
عربي/ة 😊
شكرا لتعليقك الجميل :)
سؤال ما هوه الارز الرطب كيف يصنع ...يوجد لدينا ارس مسحوق فقط لكن كيف نعمله رطب
فين العربي
@@amirame472 تضغطين على الثلاث نقاط بعدين الترجمة بعدين تختارين العربية و بس
와!! 초코 찰떡 파이를 이렇게 이쁘게 만드는 분은 처음 보는 것 같네요. 그냥 눈으로만 봐도 즐겁네요. 졸깃졸깃한 그 맛을 느끼고 싶네요 👍😍
Uau!! Acho que é a primeira vez que vejo alguém que faz uma torta de chocolate tão bonita. É divertido apenas olhar para ele com seus próprios olhos. Eu quero sentir o sabor suave
Buti na lang nirekomenda nito ni youtube saken, napa-subscribe agad ako dun sa choco truffles video. Yung mismong pag-turo sobrang dali maintindihan.
ENG: So glad RUclips recommended this channel, made me subscribe right away from the choco truffles video. Instructions are very easy to understand.
I'm from Turkey 🇹🇷
They look delicious, the sweet dancing in tune🤍😍
As bayrakları 🇹🇷🇹🇷
No one cares if you are Turkish or not.
it does not concern you either ok
It does though. I am Turkish myself, but when you see dozens of people yelling their race in comments for no reason it gets annoying af. Stop.
Fajnie, że są Polskie napisy. It’s nice that there are Polish subtitles :)
It looks delicious without tasting it, so how if you tasted it for relief, it is delicious 😍😍
I finally saw my childhood fav. It was my mom's treat to me when she was in Korea then came back here in Philippines
If the mochi had peppermint flavor, it will be like a giant York Peppermint Patty 😍😍😍
and a York Peppermint Pattie (created 1940) is just a chocolate covered Kendal Mint Cake (created 1869) lol
Lots of love from India 💓💓💓 fan of you just watched 2 videos Korea is always best💗💗
1:18 日本語訳 「3分間ドキドキします」❣️
@@jibbab_yori 美味しそうなお菓子をありがとう(^o^)
찹쌀로 만든 찰떡파이 전자렌지로 쉽게 만들수 있군요. 신기하네요.
레시피 공유해 주셔서 감사합니다.
초코찰떡파이네요 🤎
쪼온득하면서도 달달하니 아쥬 맛이 좋을 것 같아요 😋 뭔가 얼려먹어도 맛있을 것 같은 느낌적인 느낌 🌟
اذا تضعين الجبنة البيضاء مع الرز في هذه الطريقة و بدون الشوكولا تصبح حلاوة الرز اللبنانية شكرا لك على هذه الوصفة
I like watching things I can never make
Omg 133 likes no way
Omg 240 likes NO WAY GOOD JOB/gen
No joke
The digits in your number of like s are now reversed
잠들기 전 ASMR은 덤이군요😌
아이들에게 좋은 레시피 내일 도전입니다!
좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다 :)
맛있게 드셨길 바랍니다 ㅎㅎ
How to make it without microwave? By the way its so beautiful!!:)
If you don't use the microwave, the method gets a little complicated :(..
Add 2~3 tablespoons of lukewarm water to 200g of glutinous rice flour(with 2 tbsp sugar), mix the dough, put in a steamer, steam in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then pound the dough for 10 minutes.
@@jibbab_yori ok thank you :))))
I am an indian and love your channel
@Hannah Rhodes 😂
오맛😍 아몬드분말가루 뿌려 보름달 만들었을때부터 예쁘고 맛나보여요~~ 초코의 달달함과 쫀득함 넘 최고일듯요~~😍😍
Couldn't believe it this video really really really make my mouth watering...
I am craving by juz watching it!
The music and subtitles make this look so professional :)
Thanks for your great feedback :)
Going to do this after my exams are done inshallah. Thank you so much for the video!
i like it that you're using gloves even tho it's not for sale 😉
jako lijep recept,vaš youtube kanal je jako lijep 👍🏻
소금 간이 된 습식 찹쌀가루200g
설탕 2큰술
물 80ml 섞는다(점점 묽어지니 물 더 넣지말자)
랩을씌우고 숨구멍을 뚫은다음 전자레인지(700w)3분 돌려준다(1분30초씩)
그다음 속은 안익었으니 숟가락으로 속이 보이게 하고 랩을 씌운다음 전자레인지 1분 돌려준다
그다음 어느정도 익었다면 3분동안 섞어준다
그다음 도마위에 아몬드분말(덧가루)를 뿌려 떡이 도마에 달라붙지않게 한다
떡위에도 아몬도가루를 뿌려준다음 골고루 묻혀준다.
다음 4등분해 하나씩 동그랗게 만든다
다음 시원하게 (냉동실 10분)기다려준다음 초콜릿을 녹여 떡에 발라준다.
말랑 떡 초코파이 완성!
Yummy 😋,I love chocolate and rice cake very much 🤩🤩🤩
home cooking: this *deserves* to be a rice cake
teacher: what do you want to be when you grow up?
me: a rice cake :]
thank you for this video ! I've used a steam over to cooked the gluant rice flour, I will test your method
hiç kimse:
ramazan ayında youtube: şunun önüne yemek videoları çıkarayım bi
çok moodum neden?
Ben kendi isteğimle izliyom ve mükemmel bir his😌🍰🥧🍣🌭🍔🍕🌮🍟🍚🥙🥔🍛🧇🌯🥘 (ben acıktım sizde acıkın)
@@nedenbendegilimnedensensin zaten az kaldı iftara 😊
Looks neat, clean, and yummy 😋...
I am HUNGRY!!! 🤤
Umarım yalnız değilimdir Türkiye den gelen yok mu?
Ana sayfaya düşüyor benim hep
@@miyuwpage1539 benimde
Allah Allaaaah dkdlsldldldlsllslslsksjs
Ben o yaptıhın tatlıyı yapmadım ama kıremasıyla başka bi tatlı yapıcam 10 years olduhum için malesef yapamıyorum ellerine salık harika görünüyor
Отличный рецепт!!! Получилось очень вкусно!❤️
Я так рада это слышать !!
퇴근길에 이거 업로딩은 반칙입니다 ㅠㅠ
퇴근을 왜케 늦게하쇼요?ㅠㅠ
@@나로나무-c8y 택배 기사입니당~
@@찹쌀백설기 헉ㅠㅠ힘드시겠어요..
택배 기사님 퐈이팅입니다!!
@@나로나무-c8y 말씀만으로도 너무 힘이 나네요, 감사합니다 :)
Thank you for the translation. I love your reciepes!
oruçluyken yemek videoları izlemek ayrı bi güzel oluyo sksjsklskjslsl NOT:ilk defa yorumum bu kadar beğeni aldı tşkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Nefsimizi terbiye ediyoruz 👊
@@leyl_ui5819 tahmin edin oruçlu kafayla aynı tarifi yapmaya çalışırken ne oldu faill jdhaskhdkhak
@@isimsiz2680 Bu tarz atıştırmalıklar ders arasında iyi gidiyor aslında.Ramazan geçince deniyeceğim ben.
@@leyl_ui5819 yaparken suyunu çok koyma ben öle yapıp buğday unu eklemiştim iğrenç bi tadı olmuştu jdshfjhsdjkhsdk
@@isimsiz2680 Tavsiyen için teşekkürler! 😊
뭔가 다크초코보다는 먹물초코같은 진한 검정이네 아무튼 너무 맛잇겟다ㅜㅜ
파이를 쳤는데 이게 나오네요.
잘보고 갑니다
Thank you so much for this video! I just did this and the recipe for the bubble milk and brown sugar! It was very easy and pleasing to do! I will answer later on this comment if it was good too!
Thanks for your great review :D
Very pleasant !
Finally, it was absolutely amazing! Very good and tasty, for both recipe! I will remake them in the future! Thank you so much for your videos! I have no space for an oven and these types of recipes are amazing ♥️
The thumbnail is like ....oh my goddddddddd..😋😋😋😋
So tasty ..I just want to say you are the best .......my sister is tried this ....and when my family eat this food all says amazing... 😍😍
That's awesome :D Thanks for letting me know !
@@jibbab_yori 😄
와 비주얼 대박..
Why does the RUclips algorithm do this to me. I am hungry enough without the chocolate visuals…
Se ve muy agradable, su canal es lo mas agradable que yo conozco, 💕SIGA ASI Y FELIZIDADES POR TAN BUEN CANAL Y COMIDA💕
¡¡Muchas gracias por tus buenas palabras !!
와 어디서 팔아줬으면 하는 비주얼.... 너무 맛보고싶어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 찹쌀 쫀득쫀득♥♥♥
좋게 봐주셔서 감사해요 :D!!
It looks like Dora cake...
Using glutinous rice is a very healthy choice friend !!!
Must be so chewy...
Glutinous rice isnt exactly super healthy though!!!!!
@@LibertyForAll-l3q glutenous is not unhealthy unless if you're intolerant. Please stop letting pop culture deside what's healthy or not
@@agentsd3428 What popculture!? It literally has a high glycemic index and a high glycemic load meaning it raises your blood sugar by a lot which is unhealthy considering it shuts off fat-burning hormones and high blood sugar is a precursor to a lot of bad stuff.
@@LibertyForAll-l3q so you're agreeing to me on that glutinous isn't the real enemy here. It's just any type of sugar?
@@agentsd3428 No! because sugars are present in a lot grains and beans etc but they have fiber and LOWER GLYCEMIC INDEX AND LOAD.
شكرا للترجمة ♥وصفاتك حقا بسيطة و لذيذة ايضا أعتمد عليها كثيرا في طبخي
شكرا لتعليقك المهذب :)
All ur videos my mouth just waters 🤤🤤🤤
Same ( ՞ਊ ՞)→
is it really that easy? wooow, nice recipe jsjsjjs ^^
Se ven geniales me imajino que an de estar muy ricos 😋👋
Pai choklat 3 bahan...emm..mntuul 👍🙏
Creative my dear friend
아니,마지막에 ASMR한번 들려줘야되는거아녜여?!!!!!!!
Ah, this is perfect for breaking the fast menu
For people who wanna do it you need to add a lot more water. Don't set a limit. Just keep adding bit by bit until you reach the consistency
始めまして :)
Bunu doroyakiye benzeten kardeşim sende bizdensin
와 마침 재료 다 있는데~! 애들한테 해줘야겠어요 ^^!!!!! 기가막힌 레시피 감사합니다~!!!!
맛있게 드시길 바랍니다 :) ㅎㅎ