@@vanjadimitrijevic6307 Nisam Bošnjak, ali da te pitam, zasto su vam oni toliko bitni, da li su oni možda bolji od vas Velikih Srbijanaca od kojih smo svi potekli?
That song is a testimony to why everyone in Eurovision should sing in their own language. I have no idea what she's saying, but it's just perfectly powerful, and it makes me want to learn her language. That's what Eurovision is about. Just perfect.
One of? Could you please name the other winners who could touch that (rendition+song quality+context)? I'm legitimately curious, coz I'm looking for more songs to "still listen to in 2050"
because serbia refuses to accept the independence and liberty of others in attempts of egotistical territorial domination and vain condescending claims that belittle the validity of others’ lives and rights:) that’s why
@@illyrianfairy A moment you prove you have zero education about Balkan history. Kosovo is Serbian land, has always been. Albanians were brought by Tito during the communist time and they started to move into empty houses, wrongfully teaching their future children Serbs occupied Kosovo from Albanians which is certainly not true. With that, the reason Kosovo is partially independent (It's not fully since not every country including Serbia signed its independence and more than half of the world refused to sign it) is because Albania wants to create 'Big Albania' by taking over southern Serbia, Macedonia, part of Greece and part of Montenegro. So please, don't talk about any liberties or innocent lives when Serbs are the one being endangered in their OWN land while NATO protects Albanian people and ignore them killing and stealing Serbs' properties.
zanimljivo da realno Marija ni pre ni posle Evrovizije nije postala neka super zvezda, prosecne pesme... ali ovo je otpevala maestralno. veoma lepa pop balada i efektan jednostavan nastup na maternjem jeziku. srecno za Albinu, ima odlicnu pesmu
@@colinafobe2152 Bas sam i ja to mislila, slusala sam sad Albinu i jedino sto me se bas dojmilo je zadnji dio pjesme na hrvatskom, bas je upecatljivo i jako, zalosno je da se sramimo naseg jezika, Marija je imala najacu pjesmu ikad na ESongu, iako se meni i Lane moje strasno svidja od Zeljka. Osim njih je i Conchita Wurst alias Tom Neuwirt senzacionalno dobro iako max minimalisticki otpjevao Rise like a fenix, sam na bini, bez pokreta, on i glas. Nevolim previse koreografije i zbrke kod nastupa, trebali bi barem imati dobar glas, a tu ih je Marija sve presisala.pozz
@@68xyfemale62 slazem se. nisam fan balada ali Molitva, Conchite i Jamala su bas imali dobre balade iznete sa puno emocija uz jednostavne nastupe. Sto se tice pevanja na srpskom/hrvatskom ne razumem sto nekad izbegavaju. koliko vidim po komentarima i reakcijama na pesme, velika vecina uvek prokomentarise kako im se svidja pevanje na nasem jeziku. no mi smo jos dobri. sta reci za Rumune, Moldavce ili pribalticke narode. ja ne znam da su ikada pevali na svom jeziku. veliki pozdrav iz srbije. i da Albina ima sjajnu pesmu
Kad sam gledao, vec na pocetku sam si rekao "ovo je jedan od favorita", u onom trenutku kad su se cure ukljucile dah mi je stao, na kraju jos jednom, u tom trenutku su svi ljudi sirom svijeta znali da imamo pobjednika. Da, vjerojatno u top 5 svih pjesma ikad na Eurosongu.
İsmail Aslan well I prefer Serbian version, but there's video in English that has different words, but with English subtitles there is correct translation. Song is recorded in 6 languages.
I'm Serbian and everytime when I listening this song I feel overwhelmed with emotions, my skin shudder and my eyes are filled with tears. Strange mixture of all the beautiful feelings is in me... tumbling all over me.
Moram ovo ispričat. Majka mi je preminula od teške bolesti 2005. godine, a pošto su mama i tata bili zajedno dugo vremena, i pošto nije prestao tata da voli mamu i da se brine o njoj, njena smrt pala teško tati. Kad god mu pala na pamet, počeo je da plače za njom. Tri godine nije mogao da je spominje a da se ne rasplače teško. Toliko im beše velika ljubav između oboga. Pošto živimo van Evrope, pustili su finale dan nakon emitovanja u Evropi (inače uživo bi nam bilo preko noći, u ranim satima). Ali kad smo ja i on gledali Evroviziju, kad je stigla Marija na bini, kad je pevala, počeo je tata da lije suze, i da plače, verovatno misleći na mamu. Skontao sam da je ime moje mame bilo i ostalo zauvek tatina molitva. Toliko ga je dirnula pesma u samo srce. I sad kad god pustim ovo da slušam, sećam se one večeri dok smo Mariju Šerifović gledali i kad smo videli da je pobedila. Zasluženijih pesama možda je kroz godine bilo, možda i ne, ali one noći je definitivno bila najbolja Marijina Molitva.
She won in 2007, but honestly - the song is still criminally underrated and doesn't get mentioned enough when discussing Eurovision history. It's a timeless masterpiece! It gives me goosebumps and moves me to tears even after all these years.
It's a brilliant song in general and not so much a 'Eurovision' song, i think that's why. A short strong melody but not the ultimate 'Eurovision' song, if you catch my drift. Grew up on this stuff 🙂
17 years later and it's still one of the best and the most powerful Eurovision song of all time
8 лет назад+6545
10 years, and it's still the last winner without a single word of English ;) Beautiful song. EDIT 2020: I wrote this comment a few months before Portugal's victory :) Thanks for the likes. EDIT 2021: in the top5 of this year, we have 4 songs not in English !
I'm polish, i don't speak serbian, but i understand everything. Magic of slavic laguages :D I remember when Serbia won and priest in our church celebrated during holy mass, that Marija won with song named Modlitwa - The Prayer :) And whole church was happy for our slavic brothers form Serbia that they was the winners! Beautiful times and memories. Greetings from Poland to Serbia and all slavic nations
@@nikolamila1994 tacno Nevena je 1000 puta bolja bila od Merije...sad ako ne uce u prvih pet bilo bi greota,ali sve je politicki,jebem ti ovakav svet,gde sve ide preko veze,a pravi kvaliteti i vrednosti se podsenjuju....!!!
Hvala ti puno Valentina i ja takodje iako je to bilo pre 11 godina i ne secam se cak ni u potpunosti celog tog finala i dogadjaja ali pogodilo se da je to bilo prvo takmicenje koje sam pratio u direktnom prenosu i kao u celosti. Pozdrav veliki iz Srbije,vasa pesma "Marija Magadalena" je nenadmasna i trebalo je da pobedi sada vec te davne 1999. godine.
Meni nije dobro, ali evrovzija nije vise ni blizu sto je nekada bila niti ce biti ikada biti tu ima svega osim iole dobre muzike,sada je to jedan uzas i teska namestaljka i politika. Govorili su da je Srbija pobedila sao zbog glasova Hrvatske,Bosne,Crne Gore,Austrije itd, jeste ali je dobila i poene od svih skoro ostalih zemalja i nijedna pesma nije bila te godine bolja jednostavno iskreno nije imala konkurenciju.
Valentina tina Meni je super bila Hrvatska pesma od kada pratim to takmicenje recimo 2007. godine i neverovatno mi je kako te godine Hrvatska nije usla u finale a posle na veliko iznenadnje svih u areni je usla 2008. godine. A sto se tice glasanja ja iskreno mislim da se generalno iz godine u godinu putem sms sve manje glasa i zato zemlje sa ovih prostora tako lose prolaze jer realno koga jos zanima evrovzija a kamoli da uzme telefon trosi novac i glasa vide svi da je postalo namesteno odavno a i kada se glasalo uglavnom svako glasa za svoje,na primer u Hrvatskoj ima solidno Srba i zato bude 12 poena ii barem 8 od publike,dok Srbija obicno nikada ne da Hrvatskoj 12 poena cak nekada i dosta manje jer u Srbiji zivi dosta manje Hrvata odnosno samo u Vojvodini uglavnom. Meni se cini da to vise niko i ne glasa nego da oni smisle kome ide koliko poena samo da pobedi onaj ko treba da pobedi kombinuju i to je to.
I agree with you bit then when you think about it you realize she only won because she was lesbian. Because Eurovision obviously doesn't care about quality of the song they only care about promoting ABCD+++ and nothing else. This is one of the rare songs that were also great songs. But after all these years it's clear why she won...
@@dailydoodle42 so you can't see that Eurovision is forcing Gay bs on this? Then you're blind dude. Every year a freak in a dress wins. It's lgbt parade
No crap, just pure talent on that stage. She sang in her own language and we all understood every word, that’s the difference between a singer and a superstar and she’s a superstar. I think a few days later I went on the internet to check the translated lyrics and it was unnecessary, she told me the whole story there.
Even though English is my mother tongue I love it when countries sing in their own language. Even though I may not understand the song will be sentimentally closer to the singer and they will probably sing it much better.
@@gbp4998 There is no such thing as one language being better than another one. Such a notion is nonsense. When it comes to singing in your native language, I will never understand why most countries don't sing in their native language in Eurosong. Every country should send songs which are authentic and unique and have some mark of their country and their country's music, that includes their native language and my countrymen thankfully agree with me about that. Our songs are almost always in our native language and they always represent a genre of music which people in our country actually create and listen to, be it more of a folk song, rock song, or a party/nightclub song. Greetings from Serbia.
well France sings since ever in French ... results no winning since since 1977 ! Italy & Spain also sing at 99% in their own langages. Other countries are choosing english for facilty & try yes to get more votes. But I was proud of 2021 ! Top 3 & zero english songs ! Nr 1 Italy : song in ITALIAN Nr 2 France: song in FRENCH nr 3 Switzerland : song in FRENCH
I love the songs of Serbs. You send very high quality songs. Zeljko Joksimovic - Lane Moje Jelena Tomašević - Oro Marija Šerifović - Molitva Zeljko Joksimović - Nije Ljubav Stvar My best favorite songs. Loves from Turkey.
@@fluz2222 Nonsense, completely different melody. I assure you that "Ndarja" wouldn't even make it to the Eurovision finals, it's not catchy and gripping enough.
Same! I sing along how it is, might not get it all right but I've listened to it so much over the years I'm almost there. I looked up the english version but doesn't sound as beautiful. From UK x
Katherine S I also looked up for the english version, but it’s not the same charm. It was easier for me to learn it because I know russian language and some words are alike. ❤️❤️❤️
titolo di questa canzone significa preghiera. Questa canzone parla di sofferenza di una giovane donna che subisce l'abbandono del suo amato e prega appunto per alleviare le ferite...
Ljudi jednostavno nisu svjesni vise sta znaci odlican nastup.. Talent za pjevanje kao sto ima Marija Serifovic, par dobrih pratecih vokala.. Nikakvo plesanje, kreveljenje na pozornici.. Steta sto ne mozete poslati Mariju opet s istom pjesmom na Euroviziju, siguran sam da bi opet pobjedili jer bolji pobjednik od nje nikad nece postojat.. Pozdrav iz Hrvatske, pjesma se slusa i u 2024-oj, a i slusat ce se dovijeka
Halleum Verka was a troll but amazing too. This one was powerful like an anthem. Should be an anthem of Serbia. And of ONZ (Polish short from United Nations... I dont know). No no, i want to make a song which would be its anthem (dont ask why). But Molitva is a Serbian anthem. Should be. And of all Slavic countries.
I want to be Serbian to know what it's like to feel proud of your country at Eurovision... One of the best winners of all time. And Hurricane did amazing this year. They were my winners too. I love Serbian its sounds sooo beautiful. I want to learn Serbian ❤️ I can only say Hvala for this masterpiece. LOVE from a Spanish girl. UPDATE: I finally visited Serbia this summer and it was the best experience of my life. I'm in love with the culture, the food, the language and the people ❤️ And I'm already looking forward to visit Serbia again. soon
2016 and still listening to this song. I remember when I saw this performance and I said: OMG this song is amazing, Serbia will win. And she won. Greetings from Spain!! :D
Agree even now after 12 years! And I was lucky enough to be in Serbia when she won and witness her hero's welcome home, along with listening to her sing the song on the mayor's balcony.
The song shows that you can win ESC without dancing around like a maniac, being half naked or behaving like a crazy person. And I'm sure many don't even understand one single word she's singing but it still reaches the hearts of the people. Good job Marija!
There is nothing wrong with being half naked, those who say otherwise follow irrational and objectively wrong morality. In order for behavior to be immoral it has to have negative effect on society. If everyone has a lot of sexual partners before marriage as long as contraceptives are used there are no unwanted pregnancies, there is no spreading of diseases, there is no negative effect on society.
For the record, I am from Serbia and I adore this song. However, nobody here judges women who go half naked, neither did anybody judge Marija for not going half naked. Nobody that I know paid attention to her clothes. I agree completely about the language part. The music competition should be about music. If you have a good song it doesn't matter whether people understand you. I don't understand why countries don't sing in their native language and my countrymen agree with me about this as well.
Going half-naked or dressed as a clown can distract from the song. It doesn’t have to do with morality, it’s more sensory info to take in, which becomes distracting intentionally or not.
Maria F ακριβώς αυτό χδ έχω προσπαθήσει να "κουτσομαθω" έστω και λίγο μια γλώσσα, τουλάχιστον να λέω και να καταλαβαίνω κάποιες φράσεις, αλλά θέλει πολύ δουλειά μέσω ίντερνετ. Ειδικά όταν θέλεις να μάθεις μια γλώσσα πέρα από αγγλικά, γαλλικά, ιταλικά, ισπανικά αντε και 2-3 άλλες, καλή τύχη μετά να βρεις καθηγητή/τρια χΔ
There are songs that make you fidget and dance. And there are songs like this that raise the hair on your body, run chills down your spine, and root you to the spot. Unable to take your eyes away. Hands down, this is one of the most powerful songs that have graced the stage of Eurovision. Well done Serbia.
Alancer Lluvia I absolutely agree with you, I think when she finished singing her song, every other singers was asheamed to get on that stage and sing their song, after this masterpiece! All the best from Serbia! Molitva :-)
Ma kakvi,tu smo pobedili čisto iz političkih razloga jer se Crna Gora odcepila od Srbije 2006,pesma je dobra ali je i politika tu umešala prste kao Izrael 2018.
I do not speak Serbian (Im from Germany) but I have completely learned the song. It is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard and i will always carry it in my heart. Thank you Marija for this wonderful song. Хвала Марија на дивној песми. ❤️
The reason this song works so well is because Marija is singing straight from her soul, you can tell she believes in what she's singing and is telling a story, and that's why we feel it too. It's not just showing off her impressing vocals. She sings from the heart, and there is a realness to her.
Thank you Hungarian brother, same for you, great nation, great culture, great music, I love, listen and play Hungarian music, so many talents in a country that does not have many population, I always trying to learn my Serbia friends who dont know much about Hungarian history how great Hungarian nation is, one of the greatest composers (Listz, Bartok, Erkel, Ligeti, and so on, not to mention Hungarian folks music which is beautiful, the greatest mathematicians and scientist of all time like Janocs von Neumann, Pal Erdos, Eugen Vigner, Georg Polya, Gabor Szego and so many others. Without von Neumann world today would not have modern computer at all, not to mention his pure mathematical contribution which are beyond every level! You have to be so proud of your great nation! We have so much in common in history: Janos Hunjadi is half Serbian and half Hungarian and we fought together against the Turks, we fought together to liberate Belgrade so many times! And I am glad that today we have such good relations! I'm from Vojvodina, and I have many Hungarian friends and we live very nicely together, we hang out, we listen to Serbian and Hungarian music and we got together and thus we enriched each other's cultures through cultural exchange. Sok üdvözlet a szerb barátoktól
Let's just take a second to acknowledge how good these backing vocals are in all aspects, they just made the performance even more perfect than it already would be if it were Marija alone in the stage
@@Snfflbx I thought it too. But back then she sad that it seems cheesy. And yes it is not really her style. She always performs with her band without any choreography! She is very focused on her vocal skills!
Nevertheless hearing how the backing vocals compliment her voice during the song's peak gives the performance another more complex character. I haven't listened to the solo version, but this one is pure perfection. One of the best in Eurovision ever.
koja energija, ova zena ubija...znaci ovdje je pobijedila publika koja je uspijela svojim glasovima, te godine nije bilo namjestanja, a konkurencija nije bila za zezanje...
Ja obozavam ovu pjesmu i smatram da je stvarno zasluzila pobjedu ali kako bas te godine nije bilo namjestanja svake godine ima namjestanja al eto bas te godine sve bilo pravedno i konkurencija je uvijek jaka i nije za zezanje
@@sarabagic5301 Pa jeste bilo namestanja samo Marija je bila pametna pa "namestila" da lgbt publika glasa za nju. Bez toga koliko god da je njena pesma bila naj naj naj te godine i jedna od naj naj naj ikada na evroviziji, ne bi bilo nista.
I'm italian and while I don't understand the words, I sure understand the passion and skill she puts in the song. Also makes you realize how many beautiful languages we have in europe! Eurovision should be like this! 🇷🇸❤️🇮🇹
Nema ništa loše u tome da budu budu polu gole žene. To je iracionalan i objektivno pogrešan moral. Da bi radnja bila nemoralna mora imati loše posledice po društvo, ukoliko svako ima 20 seksualnih partnera dokle god se koristi kontracepcija nema neželjene trudnoće, nema polno prenosivih bolesti, nema nikakvih loših posledica po društvo. Što se tiče koreografije i to je umetnost napraviti, plesati i pevati istovremeno. Da me neko ne shvati pogrešno, ja ovu pesmu obožavam, Molitva je vrh vrhova.
My little brother was 4 days old and was screaming his lungs out during the Eurovision then this song came on and he stopped screaming and went to sleep. That is the power of music 🇷🇸👶🏻
Es "tu nombre es como una oracion". Everything yours is like a prayer, those are words. 😄 Yo entiendo espanol, pero yo no puedo hablar. There was many telenovelas here in Serbia. :D
*gledas euroviziju 2021 i zavrsio/la si ovde*
Upravo tako👌🏼
Brate Island je imao vise poena of nas 😶
kako znas bre HSYAYHWW
haii ✌️
Her voice is perfection
Go watch hari Mata Hari 2006 Eurovision u will change ur mind :) 🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦
@@nuralisic5581 da li je moguce da nas hvale spanci, kinezi, italijani, francuzi, albanci, i dodju bosanci i krenu da jedu govna. Sta je ovo?
@@vanjadimitrijevic6307 Nisam Bošnjak, ali da te pitam, zasto su vam oni toliko bitni, da li su oni možda bolji od vas Velikih Srbijanaca od kojih smo svi potekli?
@@lol19yearsago23 to od koga smo potekli necu da pricam, ali ovo tvoje pitanje ostavlja jasan i logican odgovor. Razmisli malo pa se opet javi.
2007 - 2020
Znam da ovo nitko ne čita ali moram napisat: JOŠ UVIJEK SE JEŽIM
Isto brate
čitamo čitamo
Vin Bura čitamo ba i slušamo, neponovljivo 🤩
We are listening this in 2024.
Greetings from Croatia!
Pozdrav susjedima❤
Greetings from Greece,too! ♥️
Hvala puno
@@βικτωριαζερ thank you so much
From Serbia also hehehe :)
Pozdrav 😊
That song is a testimony to why everyone in Eurovision should sing in their own language.
I have no idea what she's saying, but it's just perfectly powerful, and it makes me want to learn her language. That's what Eurovision is about. Just perfect.
Sill one of the best winners ever
didn't expect to see you here Roly
best song
One of? Could you please name the other winners who could touch that (rendition+song quality+context)? I'm legitimately curious, coz I'm looking for more songs to "still listen to in 2050"
lane moje
Onda kad smo pobedili....
+Anastasija Zubac Nadamo se i ove godine, ali veoma tesko.Marija je ovo razbila !
Marija je Marija:) jedna jedina i neponovljiva
Da mi smo najaci uz Mariju
Bravo Srbiji na pobijedi 20071
Želim vam još 100 pobijeda!
Bravo Marija
Боже, какая песня! Действительно песня победителя. Какой голос, какое исполнение, на разрыве. Обожаю эту песню. С любовью, из Одессы
@@Iryshka12 🥰
Прошло је тачно 15 година, ја се и даље јежим..
I cant believe its been 14 years...really
Ova pesma je tolko jaka
Najbolji nastup u istoriji evrovizije bez preuvelicavanja
My son was born then😘
Boze Kolko je dobra, place mi se I sad od radosti I srece, ko pre 14 godina, Marija neponovljiva si ❤️❤️❤️
Why can‘t the world be just as peaceful as this comments...?
@kublaj djuro earth is not flat lol
because serbia refuses to accept the independence and liberty of others in attempts of egotistical territorial domination and vain condescending claims that belittle the validity of others’ lives and rights:) that’s why
@@illyrianfairy A moment you prove you have zero education about Balkan history. Kosovo is Serbian land, has always been. Albanians were brought by Tito during the communist time and they started to move into empty houses, wrongfully teaching their future children Serbs occupied Kosovo from Albanians which is certainly not true. With that, the reason Kosovo is partially independent (It's not fully since not every country including Serbia signed its independence and more than half of the world refused to sign it) is because Albania wants to create 'Big Albania' by taking over southern Serbia, Macedonia, part of Greece and part of Montenegro. So please, don't talk about any liberties or innocent lives when Serbs are the one being endangered in their OWN land while NATO protects Albanian people and ignore them killing and stealing Serbs' properties.
Po mom misljenju, najveci pobjednik eurovizije ikad. Pozdrav iz Hrvatske.
zanimljivo da realno Marija ni pre ni posle Evrovizije nije postala neka super zvezda, prosecne pesme... ali ovo je otpevala maestralno. veoma lepa pop balada i efektan jednostavan nastup na maternjem jeziku. srecno za Albinu, ima odlicnu pesmu
Bas sam i ja to mislila, slusala sam sad Albinu i jedino sto me se bas dojmilo je zadnji dio pjesme na hrvatskom, bas je upecatljivo i jako, zalosno je da se sramimo naseg jezika, Marija je imala najacu pjesmu ikad na ESongu, iako se meni i Lane moje strasno svidja od Zeljka. Osim njih je i Conchita Wurst alias Tom Neuwirt senzacionalno dobro iako max minimalisticki otpjevao Rise like a fenix, sam na bini, bez pokreta, on i glas. Nevolim previse koreografije i zbrke kod nastupa, trebali bi barem imati dobar glas, a tu ih je Marija sve presisala.pozz
@@68xyfemale62 slazem se. nisam fan balada ali Molitva, Conchite i Jamala su bas imali dobre balade iznete sa puno emocija uz jednostavne nastupe. Sto se tice pevanja na srpskom/hrvatskom ne razumem sto nekad izbegavaju. koliko vidim po komentarima i reakcijama na pesme, velika vecina uvek prokomentarise kako im se svidja pevanje na nasem jeziku. no mi smo jos dobri. sta reci za Rumune, Moldavce ili pribalticke narode. ja ne znam da su ikada pevali na svom jeziku. veliki pozdrav iz srbije. i da Albina ima sjajnu pesmu
Zato je i bila zadnja... Lol!
Kad sam gledao, vec na pocetku sam si rekao "ovo je jedan od favorita", u onom trenutku kad su se cure ukljucile dah mi je stao, na kraju jos jednom, u tom trenutku su svi ljudi sirom svijeta znali da imamo pobjednika. Da, vjerojatno u top 5 svih pjesma ikad na Eurosongu.
Let's give an applause for the AMAZING backing vocals of that five women.
the way they duet her at that last part is just INCREDIBLE.
Nebo zna (NEBO ZNA)
Baš kao ja (KAO JA)
I really wonder how Serbians feel when they listen to this gorgeous song, even though I can't understand a single word, I can feel the emotion in it.
İsmail Aslan You have this song with English subtitles on RUclips
@@iaindj I think it's not the same, also English is not my native language.
İsmail Aslan well I prefer Serbian version, but there's video in English that has different words, but with English subtitles there is correct translation. Song is recorded in 6 languages.
I'm Serbian and everytime when I listening this song I feel overwhelmed with emotions, my skin shudder and my eyes are filled with tears. Strange mixture of all the beautiful feelings is in me... tumbling all over me.
I’m not serbian, I am croatian but we speak same language. We still love this songs. It will never die♥️
Serbia, your language is very emotional and beatiful! Love from Russia 🇷🇺❤🇷🇸
Not so different than Russian. Не разликује се много од Руског. Видиш?
Да но я живу в местности где преобладает тюркский язык, казахский
Да и слэнг понять думаю не просто
@@nurjanturdaliyev1276 Пуно поздрава.
I don't understand a single word but oh my god it touches my hurt.
Lmao thought the same thing the first time I heard it
I can write whole translate of this song for u.Mby u would like it ;)
@@teodorstankin7880 Well u know I could translaye it too now... My mother is Serbian but the first time I heard it I was 6... (I'm born in 2006)
@@_MilanS that is nice u know :D
If only you could understand.. so beautiful text and meaning
Who ist listening in 2024?
Indeed it is.❤❤❤ I'm here again after ESC 2024...
@@csillagergely4854 sheeeeeees un for gettable
2024 from Greece ❤
Moram ovo ispričat. Majka mi je preminula od teške bolesti 2005. godine, a pošto su mama i tata bili zajedno dugo vremena, i pošto nije prestao tata da voli mamu i da se brine o njoj, njena smrt pala teško tati. Kad god mu pala na pamet, počeo je da plače za njom. Tri godine nije mogao da je spominje a da se ne rasplače teško. Toliko im beše velika ljubav između oboga. Pošto živimo van Evrope, pustili su finale dan nakon emitovanja u Evropi (inače uživo bi nam bilo preko noći, u ranim satima). Ali kad smo ja i on gledali Evroviziju, kad je stigla Marija na bini, kad je pevala, počeo je tata da lije suze, i da plače, verovatno misleći na mamu. Skontao sam da je ime moje mame bilo i ostalo zauvek tatina molitva. Toliko ga je dirnula pesma u samo srce. I sad kad god pustim ovo da slušam, sećam se one večeri dok smo Mariju Šerifović gledali i kad smo videli da je pobedila. Zasluženijih pesama možda je kroz godine bilo, možda i ne, ali one noći je definitivno bila najbolja Marijina Molitva.
Divna priča💜
Koliko je to samo tuzno! Sad i ja lijem suze.
Masallah takva ljubav na zalost je danas jako tesko se nac..
I chose this song for my wedding
It' wonderful
From Russia
Seriously? For your wedding?
Aleksandar Davidovic ahaha)
Was your ex invited to your weeding?😂😂😂
Russia parasha
Намек жениху чтоб молился
She won in 2007, but honestly - the song is still criminally underrated and doesn't get mentioned enough when discussing Eurovision history. It's a timeless masterpiece! It gives me goosebumps and moves me to tears even after all these years.
Because it wasn't on english... and eastern europe poor country, another minus.
I agree with you. She was my favourite that year.
It's a brilliant song in general and not so much a 'Eurovision' song, i think that's why. A short strong melody but not the ultimate 'Eurovision' song, if you catch my drift. Grew up on this stuff 🙂
@Marko 91 Because it's not a 'Eurovision-song' (whatever that may mean) and the lack of a better song that year perhaps, can't remember.
She’s also lesbian in a very conservative country which is very important
17 years later and it's still one of the best and the most powerful Eurovision song of all time
10 years, and it's still the last winner without a single word of English ;) Beautiful song.
EDIT 2020: I wrote this comment a few months before Portugal's victory :) Thanks for the likes.
EDIT 2021: in the top5 of this year, we have 4 songs not in English !
It probably will stay like that for a long time, seeing as nowadays it's more Anglovision than anything.
Arnaud Trouvé history many country has won with like song where is only French
Smiley Emmy Yes. But it was back in the 80s/90s. We are talking nowadays.
What about Jamala from last year? She didn't sing in Enlgish. Before Marija's Molitva there was 1998 winner Dana International that sang in Hebrew.
DBoss Jamala's verses were in English, only the chorus wasn't.
One of the reasons why I started learning Serbian (currently A2 level 😀)
Srećno brate!!
Srecno, samo napred :)
Zasto uopste ima srbi u komentari videa 2007me lol
@@SpetsamTV its strange that im bulgarian and i understand every single thing in serbian lol
I'm polish, i don't speak serbian, but i understand everything. Magic of slavic laguages :D I remember when Serbia won and priest in our church celebrated during holy mass, that Marija won with song named Modlitwa - The Prayer :) And whole church was happy for our slavic brothers form Serbia that they was the winners! Beautiful times and memories. Greetings from Poland to Serbia and all slavic nations
Kornelia A Omg didnt know that. Love for Poland from Serbia ❤️❤️❤️
Regards to Poland, from Serbia ;-)
When you're from Poland and you can't understand a single word lol
@@hashar9593 A i tak ciary przechodzą 😊
@@hashar9593 ne razumiješ nas? ali ja razumijem tebe :D
Bravo Srbijo❤
Svaka cast obozavam vasu muziku i narod🙏
Pozdrav iz Dalmacije
nema slicnijih naroda❤...
Pozdrav predivnoj Dalamciji i divnim ljudima.
Volimo i mi Dalmaciju..pozdrav iz Banja Luke
I ja vasu :)
@@borisvisic6659 I treba tako. Svako dobro Dalmaciji iz Novog Sada.
what a beautiful language 😍 from France 🇫🇷
Adeen87 Un français 😂
Comment ca va?
Je suis un parapluie
Ada Vanja ??
Upravo gledam Evroviziju 2019 i pitam se da li ce ikada nastupiti neko ko ce biti priblizno dobar kao Marija Serifovic...
Nevena Bozovic,nadmasila je Mariju za 10 klasa,samo sve je stvar politike :)
@@nikolamila1994 tacno Nevena je 1000 puta bolja bila od Merije...sad ako ne uce u prvih pet bilo bi greota,ali sve je politicki,jebem ti ovakav svet,gde sve ide preko veze,a pravi kvaliteti i vrednosti se podsenjuju....!!!
Marija kaze da je to Dzejla Ramovic
Nevena brate moj
Za mene je Marija bolja od Nevene bez ikakve uvrede ni za jednu od ni za drugu
Uff bravo susjedi. Jos se jezim! Pozz iz Hrvatske
Hvala ti puno Valentina i ja takodje iako je to bilo pre 11 godina i ne secam se cak ni u potpunosti celog tog finala i dogadjaja ali pogodilo se da je to bilo prvo takmicenje koje sam pratio u direktnom prenosu i kao u celosti.
Pozdrav veliki iz Srbije,vasa pesma "Marija Magadalena" je nenadmasna i trebalo je da pobedi sada vec te davne 1999. godine.
Aleksandar Stojićević Ma dobro je, 4 mjesto na eurosongu - kao munja! 😊
Meni nije dobro, ali evrovzija nije vise ni blizu sto je nekada bila niti ce biti ikada biti tu ima svega osim iole dobre muzike,sada je to jedan uzas i teska namestaljka i politika.
Govorili su da je Srbija pobedila sao zbog glasova Hrvatske,Bosne,Crne Gore,Austrije itd, jeste ali je dobila i poene od svih skoro ostalih zemalja i nijedna pesma nije bila te godine bolja jednostavno iskreno nije imala konkurenciju.
Valentina tina Meni je super bila Hrvatska pesma od kada pratim to takmicenje recimo 2007. godine i neverovatno mi je kako te godine Hrvatska nije usla u finale a posle na veliko iznenadnje svih u areni je usla 2008. godine.
A sto se tice glasanja ja iskreno mislim da se generalno iz godine u godinu putem sms sve manje glasa i zato zemlje sa ovih prostora tako lose prolaze jer realno koga jos zanima evrovzija a kamoli da uzme telefon trosi novac i glasa vide svi da je postalo namesteno odavno a i kada se glasalo uglavnom svako glasa za svoje,na primer u Hrvatskoj ima solidno Srba i zato bude 12 poena ii barem 8 od publike,dok Srbija obicno nikada ne da Hrvatskoj 12 poena cak nekada i dosta manje jer u Srbiji zivi dosta manje Hrvata odnosno samo u Vojvodini uglavnom.
Meni se cini da to vise niko i ne glasa nego da oni smisle kome ide koliko poena samo da pobedi onaj ko treba da pobedi kombinuju i to je to.
Hvala :D
17 years later still best Eurovision winner ever. Greetings from Sweden
Goosebumps each time when I listen tot this wonderful song.
thanks ❤️
I agree with you bit then when you think about it you realize she only won because she was lesbian. Because Eurovision obviously doesn't care about quality of the song they only care about promoting ABCD+++ and nothing else. This is one of the rare songs that were also great songs. But after all these years it's clear why she won...
@@Lara-zr3ox wtf are you talking about lol
@@dailydoodle42 so you can't see that Eurovision is forcing Gay bs on this? Then you're blind dude. Every year a freak in a dress wins. It's lgbt parade
i dont know why, but this motivated me to do my homework 😂
Wow XD
wTf xD
No crap, just pure talent on that stage. She sang in her own language and we all understood every word, that’s the difference between a singer and a superstar and she’s a superstar. I think a few days later I went on the internet to check the translated lyrics and it was unnecessary, she told me the whole story there.
2006 turkey
Sibel tüzün:SUPERSTAR
I didn't understand the song..I'm going to look for a translation
@@Ruslan4k 🟡🔵
Best comment ever !
Serbian it's such a beautiful language! Love from Italy!
love to Italy from RS 🖤
Oh, Italian language is, so melodic.
Thank you friend.
Viva Italia 😊
Grazie amico 💪
the fact that serbia joined eurovision and won immediately with this just goes to show how good of a song this is.
We didn't join with this song. Lol what.
@@alexgear959 Verovatno misli kao samostalna Srbija (bez Crne Gore).
Back that time Eurovision was still vocal and song contest. 😊🎙
Do you know man that was 11 years ago!It wasn't year 1990 man!And it wasn't vocal!
i miss the old eurovision
*cough* Dancing Lasha Tumbai was second this year
@@illasra that year you mean
A nation that dares to sing in its own language and not succumb to the English-Eurovision ..Bravo Serbia!
Even though English is my mother tongue I love it when countries sing in their own language. Even though I may not understand the song will be sentimentally closer to the singer and they will probably sing it much better.
Serbian is by far better language than English. It is better for singing, more melodic, more richer and more developed than English.
@@gbp4998 and its more complex then English allowing better expressions and just in general being a more developed language
@@gbp4998 There is no such thing as one language being better than another one. Such a notion is nonsense. When it comes to singing in your native language, I will never understand why most countries don't sing in their native language in Eurosong. Every country should send songs which are authentic and unique and have some mark of their country and their country's music, that includes their native language and my countrymen thankfully agree with me about that. Our songs are almost always in our native language and they always represent a genre of music which people in our country actually create and listen to, be it more of a folk song, rock song, or a party/nightclub song. Greetings from Serbia.
well France sings since ever in French ... results no winning since since 1977 ! Italy & Spain also sing at 99% in their own langages.
Other countries are choosing english for facilty & try yes to get more votes.
But I was proud of 2021 ! Top 3 & zero english songs !
Nr 1 Italy : song in ITALIAN
Nr 2 France: song in FRENCH
nr 3 Switzerland : song in FRENCH
As a black woman I don’t understand the language but I can feel the power and passion in her voice! ❤️😍 music really is an international language
What a powerful song wish she record it in English aswell
@@alex-fy4fe she did. Search for molitva/destiny
@@Danijel2002 found it thanks shes a wonderful singer it needs to be released would do well in uk i think
@@alex-fy4fe just search molitva with english lyrics. Destiny is poor adaptation of original and have different meaning
2024 and I'm still loving this song and I'm British can listen to it over and over her voice 😮😮😮❤❤
I love the songs of Serbs. You send very high quality songs.
Zeljko Joksimovic - Lane Moje
Jelena Tomašević - Oro
Marija Šerifović - Molitva
Zeljko Joksimović - Nije Ljubav Stvar
My best favorite songs.
Loves from Turkey.
Also Check Lejla from Bosnia, it was written by Serbian singer Zeljko Joksimovic.
Thanks for suport they are all ours legends
@@petemitchell9996 Nema veze ko je napisao, otpevao je Bosanac
@@Unknown-or1ku Msm da je napisao zbog toga zato sto je naveo/la da da voli Zeljku Joksimovica
Nevena ❤❤
Probably one of the most deserved winners in the Eurovision history l!! This song is Epic !!
Every Year is different
Every Year a New winner
Thats wy i love Eurovision
It was copied from an Albanian song Soni Malaj- Ndarja
@@fluz2222 Nonsense, completely different melody. I assure you that "Ndarja" wouldn't even make it to the Eurovision finals, it's not catchy and gripping enough.
@@jefdarcy ndarja is 10 times better than this. And yes they're very similar.
Still my fav Eurovision song. I don’t speak serbian but I’ve learned the lyrics, every word ❤️❤️❤️
Love from Moldova 🇲🇩 🇷🇸
Awww hvala (thank you )
Same! From Cyp 🇨🇾
Same! I sing along how it is, might not get it all right but I've listened to it so much over the years I'm almost there. I looked up the english version but doesn't sound as beautiful. From UK x
Katherine S
I also looked up for the english version, but it’s not the same charm.
It was easier for me to learn it because I know russian language and some words are alike. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you (hvala)
According to many, one of the few true winners of Eurovision, a song that gives you goosebumps.❤Serbia
because there was no jury vote
There were multiple really good winner songs that also deserved the win though
The juries would have 100% put this in first place. This is everything they love.
Alexander Rybak/Norway in 2009 is another one. Imo
@@morbidsearchI agree. The juries would have also preferred this one.
Naježila sam se,a to je stvarno rijetko.Pozdrav komšije iz Hrvatske 🇭🇷🇷🇸
Klara Subliminals Tek sad vidim kom 😂 Pozdrav sa 3 srca 😁 💝💝💝
Poz za hrvatsku ova je pesma za dobro sutra za nas i vas
Potdrav komsinice, slusam ovu pjesmu cesto i kao sto kazes...najezim se od glave do pete. Pozdrav i svako dobro
Mr. Stano 🇭🇷💝🇷🇸
So proud of my Serbian people, here a spanish woman proud of this nation. Volim te Srbija!!!
Gracias Verónica! 🤗❤
Verónica, besos grandisimos para ti desde Serbia!!!
Hvala/Thank you ^^
Viva España
Love from Serbia
God I love our neighbors
We love you guys too ❤️
We love you to! 🇷🇸🇭🇷
Love you too 🇲🇰❤🇷🇸🇭🇷
I must love you too l found my love there 🇷🇸💜🇭🇷
What a beautiful language greetings from Greece
Χαιρετισμούς από την Σερβία αδερφέ μας❤
Kiitos Suomi. Rakkaus Serbiasta.
🇷🇸🇫🇮 ❤️❤️🌷
Ovo samo Srbi mogu, izvukla je pijesmu iz petinih zila, naklon do poda, pozdrav iz Zadra.👏👏👏👏
I Doris Dragovic
lepi moj zadar.....
Hvala brate!
hvala,petnih zila ha ha,lepi moj......
Iz Srbije sam i ovo moze samo Marija Serifovic da se razumemo
One of the best songs in Eurovision history !! 🇷🇸 🇬🇷
I am from Greece too... And i agree with you
The best!
The Best 👍
Ya, it was a masterpiece
Im from Finland and im glad master piece was performed here..i remember televoted them..one of best in eurovision..thank you serbia 🇷🇸
that’s the flag of slovakia but thanks 🇷🇸❤️🇫🇮
@@serbiankanyewest ups now that you said i relized my mistake..prosti🥲❤️🇷🇸
My favorite winner! Hello from Russia! 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Росиииииия росисия
200 ;-)
This song is from other planet, seriusly
True. 😁🌻
Thank you😊❤️
I'm Italian and can't understand a word.
But this is so beautiful, every time I listen to this I have goosebumps.
So, so beautiful.
titolo di questa canzone significa preghiera. Questa canzone parla di sofferenza di una giovane donna che subisce l'abbandono del suo amato e prega appunto per alleviare le ferite...
Im happy you love it ! :) hello from Serbia!
+војвода путник he is not an asshole he is a dickhead.... i think that his own mother can't look at him without thinking that....
+Nikola Nedic ne seri
Ljudi jednostavno nisu svjesni vise sta znaci odlican nastup.. Talent za pjevanje kao sto ima Marija Serifovic, par dobrih pratecih vokala.. Nikakvo plesanje, kreveljenje na pozornici.. Steta sto ne mozete poslati Mariju opet s istom pjesmom na Euroviziju, siguran sam da bi opet pobjedili jer bolji pobjednik od nje nikad nece postojat.. Pozdrav iz Hrvatske, pjesma se slusa i u 2024-oj, a i slusat ce se dovijeka
Ovo su najbolje odradjeni prateci vokali koje sam u zivotu cuo.Savrsenstvo.
I dalje se ježim dok slušam, nakon toliko godina... Bravo Marija 🇷🇸❤️.
Takođe. Najbolje izvođenje srpske muzike ikada!
Svaki put me dirne u dušu…naprosto sam ganuta!!
Isto :)
Upravo se najezih, kakva predanost na sceni, bravo! 👏👏👏
This will always be the best Eurovision winner!
Greetings from Finland. :)
Nope, I think in 2007 needed to win Verka
Halleum Verka was a troll but amazing too. This one was powerful like an anthem. Should be an anthem of Serbia. And of ONZ (Polish short from United Nations... I dont know). No no, i want to make a song which would be its anthem (dont ask why). But Molitva is a Serbian anthem. Should be. And of all Slavic countries.
Aziza Alkan yes ur right,our anthem translated to English sound: God,give us justice! but in our anthem we praying to god to give us little justice :)
Marko Karanfilovski maybe she knew about it and thats why she won
Aziza Alkan yeah.. this really reminds and sounds like an powerful anthem!! love it ❤❤
😍😍😍 When you speak Russian and Ukrainian and understand about 90% of this song. Bravo Serbia, pozdrawlenija s Rossiji! 😍😘
Agree. I’m not Russian or anything but I do understand a few words in Russian because of being Serbian.
Proud of my country!
in fact about 15% )) or even less. only individual words are alike
Beautiful song, beautiful language, beautiful Serbia! Greetings from Poland, I understand 40 percent :)
Ну нихуя себе. Я понял только молитва, имя твоё
До сих пор слушаю и мурашки по коже ,заслуженная победа. Сербия привет от русских)
Привет браћа из Србије🥰🥰🥰🥰
I want to be Serbian to know what it's like to feel proud of your country at Eurovision... One of the best winners of all time. And Hurricane did amazing this year. They were my winners too. I love Serbian its sounds sooo beautiful. I want to learn Serbian ❤️ I can only say Hvala for this masterpiece. LOVE from a Spanish girl.
UPDATE: I finally visited Serbia this summer and it was the best experience of my life. I'm in love with the culture, the food, the language and the people ❤️ And I'm already looking forward to visit Serbia again. soon
Hvala Spanska Devojko
💖💖💖sending love back from Serbia 🇷🇸 🇪🇸
@@_.tineks of course! I have a Serbian friend and he tells me a lot of things. We are planning a trip together ☺️
@@7o7im7mmt7 🇪🇸❤️🇷🇸
@@_.tineks I am just telling her the truth, she needs to know know the things i said if she wanna do something with Serbia.
2016 and still listening to this song. I remember when I saw this performance and I said: OMG this song is amazing, Serbia will win. And she won. Greetings from Spain!! :D
Thank you! Serbia loves you :)
+Miles Carter yeah, really one of if not the most outstanding esc song so far
+Miles Carter Thanks buddy :) greetings from serbia !
+Miles Carter That's so nice from you mate. Greetings back from Serbia. ☺☺☺☺
You're either Albanian, Croatian or Bosnian. Am I right?
Of course I am.
One of the best winners of Eurovision history😍❤️
From Ukraine 🇷🇸❤️🇺🇦
Love Ukraine from Serbia
но лучше бы верка сердючка победила бы
Thanks, Slav brothers forever! Love from Serbia!
@@serbiaballshomebase Wow. There are not many like you 🤝👏 Peace to every country and every family! 🇺🇦
One of he greatest Eurovision songs in history as far as I'm concerned. This should be the standard for all contestants.
I'm a metal fan. But this is one of the few pop songs, what i Like.
Greetings from Czech Republice to Serbian brothers And Sisters.
It just means that you are getting older ;)
❤️ iz Beograda
It means you got good taste in All music. I love metal too. Rock on...
Isn't this more of a ballad than a popsong?
Same..i gave my heart to metal...but this song or the emotion in to plugs some string in there....
I get goosebumps even after 11 years. Marija killed it, her voice,her energy. And no nudity, no swearing, just pure talent.
Agree even now after 12 years! And I was lucky enough to be in Serbia when she won and witness her hero's welcome home, along with listening to her sing the song on the mayor's balcony.
There is nothing wrong with nudity, that's irrational and objectively wrong morality.
The song shows that you can win ESC without dancing around like a maniac, being half naked or behaving like a crazy person. And I'm sure many don't even understand one single word she's singing but it still reaches the hearts of the people.
Good job Marija!
There is nothing wrong with being half naked, those who say otherwise follow irrational and objectively wrong morality. In order for behavior to be immoral it has to have negative effect on society. If everyone has a lot of sexual partners before marriage as long as contraceptives are used there are no unwanted pregnancies, there is no spreading of diseases, there is no negative effect on society.
For the record, I am from Serbia and I adore this song. However, nobody here judges women who go half naked, neither did anybody judge Marija for not going half naked. Nobody that I know paid attention to her clothes. I agree completely about the language part. The music competition should be about music. If you have a good song it doesn't matter whether people understand you. I don't understand why countries don't sing in their native language and my countrymen agree with me about this as well.
Going half-naked or dressed as a clown can distract from the song. It doesn’t have to do with morality, it’s more sensory info to take in, which becomes distracting intentionally or not.
totalmente de acuerdo, desde Argentina, utterly I agree
This song ages so well... It will be listenable even in 50 years
Сербы - наши братья и сестры! from Russia
U srcu - in 🧡
🇷🇸💕 🇷🇺💕
Tako jee breeee
One of the best songs that have ever been at the Eurovision. Greetings from Greece :)
Orion Gospel Greek brother's 💪🏻🇷🇸🇬🇷
PixelBoy Exactly my friend :)
Orion Gospel thanks greek brother
Maria F όντως έτσι είναι :/
Maria F ακριβώς αυτό χδ έχω προσπαθήσει να "κουτσομαθω" έστω και λίγο μια γλώσσα, τουλάχιστον να λέω και να καταλαβαίνω κάποιες φράσεις, αλλά θέλει πολύ δουλειά μέσω ίντερνετ. Ειδικά όταν θέλεις να μάθεις μια γλώσσα πέρα από αγγλικά, γαλλικά, ιταλικά, ισπανικά αντε και 2-3 άλλες, καλή τύχη μετά να βρεις καθηγητή/τρια χΔ
There are songs that make you fidget and dance. And there are songs like this that raise the hair on your body, run chills down your spine, and root you to the spot. Unable to take your eyes away. Hands down, this is one of the most powerful songs that have graced the stage of Eurovision. Well done Serbia.
Alancer Lluvia Well said
Alancer Lluvia thanks
Alancer Lluvia great!!
Alancer Lluvia l agree
Alancer Lluvia I absolutely agree with you, I think when she finished singing her song, every other singers was asheamed to get on that stage and sing their song, after this masterpiece! All the best from Serbia! Molitva :-)
This is the best Serbia performance, she has a great talent
Greetengs from Romania ro❤rs
Jebote, naježim se svaki put kada pogledam ovo. Gledam posle dugo vremena i i dalje ima tu neku posebnu energiju, to nije normalno .
Došla u patikama i pokidala Eurosong za narednih 20 godina. Svaka čast Marija💪😍🔥
Kako misliš za 20 godina..pa pokidala ga je zauvijek.
Jeste pokidam joj ga materi
Pokidali ste vi preko drine davno, davno, ali svi odreda.
Kako ste ovo
dobro napisali 👏👏👏👏
MARIJA ŠERIFOVIĆ je apsolutna 👑 POP glazbe današnjice ovih naših prostora 🔝🔝🔝🔝
Sa rukom u džepu.
Koja glasčina!!! Jedan od rijetkih trenutaka kad je na Eurosongu pobijedila pjesma, a ne igrokaz!!! Poz iz Rijeke
Ma kakvi,tu smo pobedili čisto iz političkih razloga jer se Crna Gora odcepila od Srbije 2006,pesma je dobra ali je i politika tu umešala prste kao Izrael 2018.
@@bogdanjeftenic46 tako je pobedili smo jel smo postali nezavisna drzava
Svaka cast i veliki pozdrav za Rijeku iz Beograda
Ana Pavić rečki srbi
I' m a Christian and this song touched my heart, souch an impressive song.
I do not speak Serbian (Im from Germany) but I have completely learned the song. It is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard and i will always carry it in my heart. Thank you Marija for this wonderful song. Хвала Марија на дивној песми. ❤️
Jaaa sie ist toll
You speak actually very good
It's great to hear from someone to like Serbia, thank you ♥️♥️♥️
Danke Bruder!
I don´t even understand a word and I still think it is the best winner of all time!
It's a prayer.
Znaci jedna od najboljih pesama u istoriji Evrovizije.
Nije jedna vec je najbolja
Najbolja ubedljivo.
Nazalost,nije,jer je 1.mesto Alexander Rybak Fairtyle
@Balkan Sound Za muziku si očigledno analfabet!
The reason this song works so well is because Marija is singing straight from her soul, you can tell she believes in what she's singing and is telling a story, and that's why we feel it too. It's not just showing off her impressing vocals. She sings from the heart, and there is a realness to her.
I'm Hungarian; Serbia you guys have a unbelivable great talent! Still in 2016!
+Áron Ecsenyi Hungary + Serbia Brothers ;-)
Search Sama i nervozna Marija Serifovic , her new song. :)
+milan reljic yes have listened to that song.But it this much better than sama i netvozna
Thank you Hungarian brother, same for you, great nation, great culture, great music, I love, listen and play Hungarian music, so many talents in a country that does not have many population, I always trying to learn my Serbia friends who dont know much about Hungarian history how great Hungarian nation is, one of the greatest composers (Listz, Bartok, Erkel, Ligeti, and so on, not to mention Hungarian folks music which is beautiful, the greatest mathematicians and scientist of all time like Janocs von Neumann, Pal Erdos, Eugen Vigner, Georg Polya, Gabor Szego and so many others. Without von Neumann world today would not have modern computer at all, not to mention his pure mathematical contribution which are beyond every level! You have to be so proud of your great nation! We have so much in common in history: Janos Hunjadi is half Serbian and half Hungarian and we fought together against the Turks, we fought together to liberate Belgrade so many times! And I am glad that today we have such good relations! I'm from Vojvodina, and I have many Hungarian friends and we live very nicely together, we hang out, we listen to Serbian and Hungarian music and we got together and thus we enriched each other's cultures through cultural exchange.
Sok üdvözlet a szerb barátoktól
anyone here after watching Korean boys singing this song??AMAZING
i know what are u thinking about but i cant find that video lol
@@lazarboricic9062 samo upisi molitva korea trebo bi biti prvi video
Nasao hvala
Najbolja pesma-pobednik Evrovizije! Pozdrav iz Ukrajine i Belorusije! Volimo vas, braćo Srbi!
Uladzimir Badusieŭ
ZIVELA Belo Rusija i Ukrajina
Top of the top!!! 😇❤ 17 years later!!!
Regards from Slovenija!
Best and most deserving winner I recall since I first started watching Eurovision in 2005
It’s 2022, I’m Greek, and I remember most of the lyrics by heart till now. Well done Serbia 🇷🇸🤍🇬🇷
You and your family stay safe and away from all this forest fires, Eurovision is ok, but your safety comes first!
Same, it's kinda my whole family's favourite Eurosong
This song touches from the inside. I love the language. I’ve been to Serbia. Such a nice place with warm traditions . Love from Russia❤️🇷🇺
Djordje Milošević к сожалению, не все понимают по-русски
🇷🇸💖🇷🇺 Спасибо!
Damn, what a powerful performance. I still remember this after 16 years
Let's just take a second to acknowledge how good these backing vocals are in all aspects, they just made the performance even more perfect than it already would be if it were Marija alone in the stage
Marija was back then against the backing vocals she found it silly but they wanted it for the performance.
@@mara1769 Honestly... I kinda think they make the so better. Makes it feel more grandeur, and angelic.
@@Snfflbx I thought it too. But back then she sad that it seems cheesy. And yes it is not really her style. She always performs with her band without any choreography! She is very focused on her vocal skills!
Nevertheless hearing how the backing vocals compliment her voice during the song's peak gives the performance another more complex character. I haven't listened to the solo version, but this one is pure perfection. One of the best in Eurovision ever.
Legend! Probably, best winner of the 00's.
Kisses from Spain. 🇪🇸
I agree with you from greece!
Maybe top 3 of all times
The best song congratulations love from Greece
Lots of love from Denmark - I'll never regret that I voted for Marija and Serbia, she was absolutely the right winner!
What a beautiful and powerful song . I just admire that Serbia consistently performs in Serbian language.
Till the end of times. We will stand tall and proud of who we are ❤
koja energija, ova zena ubija...znaci ovdje je pobijedila publika koja je uspijela svojim glasovima, te godine nije bilo namjestanja, a konkurencija nije bila za zezanje...
rrijecanka Sadašnja Evrovizija je otišla u kurac
Petar Šukalo postala je cist biznis, jos su i australiju ubacili...
Ja obozavam ovu pjesmu i smatram da je stvarno zasluzila pobjedu ali kako bas te godine nije bilo namjestanja svake godine ima namjestanja al eto bas te godine sve bilo pravedno i konkurencija je uvijek jaka i nije za zezanje
Sara Bagić hoće da kaže da tad još uvek nije glasao žiri nego samo publika LOL
@@sarabagic5301 Pa jeste bilo namestanja samo Marija je bila pametna pa "namestila" da lgbt publika glasa za nju. Bez toga koliko god da je njena pesma bila naj naj naj te godine i jedna od naj naj naj ikada na evroviziji, ne bi bilo nista.
the best voice in the history of eurovision
Phaethon Candium Best voice is from Pastora (Spain 2012) but Molitva is the best Eurovision song in my opinion !!!
Loreen - Euphoria, (2012)
Edyta Górniak - To nie Ja?????? (1994)
Anabel Conde (Spain 1995)?
Portugal 2017?
stop saying who has the best song and voice and blablabla, then, greece is the best counte
ry, with your logic.
Kako je rasturila!!! Uvijek me dirne! 👏Pozdrav iz Hrvatske!
Pisijetila Zagreb prije dva tijedana
I'm italian and while I don't understand the words, I sure understand the passion and skill she puts in the song. Also makes you realize how many beautiful languages we have in europe! Eurovision should be like this! 🇷🇸❤️🇮🇹
Dua ediyor
sfortunatamente non ci sono più canzoni come questa
Dove sono i canzoni come questi? Portugal s winning ballad was close to this song but usually it is an upbeat song winning @@Ivanhoo11
Kako je razvalila, boktemazo! Bez sljastece koreografije, golih zena i sto cuda. Samo glas koji rusi zidove. 🤗♡
Bolju pesmu vrv necemo skorije imati jedino sto moze nekako da se uporedi sa ovim jeste 2014 i 2012 i niss vise od tad
bas tako
Nema ništa loše u tome da budu budu polu gole žene. To je iracionalan i objektivno pogrešan moral. Da bi radnja bila nemoralna mora imati loše posledice po društvo, ukoliko svako ima 20 seksualnih partnera dokle god se koristi kontracepcija nema neželjene trudnoće, nema polno prenosivih bolesti, nema nikakvih loših posledica po društvo.
Što se tiče koreografije i to je umetnost napraviti, plesati i pevati istovremeno. Da me neko ne shvati pogrešno, ja ovu pesmu obožavam, Molitva je vrh vrhova.
My little brother was 4 days old and was screaming his lungs out during the Eurovision then this song came on and he stopped screaming and went to sleep. That is the power of music 🇷🇸👶🏻
Rugby_boss Serbian lullaby..the best thing
I don’t understand a single word. I’m from Spain, but this is one of my favorite songs of Eurovision. ❤️
🙋..from serbia
Loves from Serbia .......♥️♥️♥️
Es "tu nombre es como una oracion". Everything yours is like a prayer, those are words. 😄 Yo entiendo espanol, pero yo no puedo hablar. There was many telenovelas here in Serbia. :D
Moltiva is prayer
@@njenackovic wow thank you
Thats got to one of the most beautiful and powerful songs ever performed. Fantastic .
Best Song in Eurovision all time!
Greetings from Greece Brothers!
Και το “Λάνε μόγιε" 2004. Ζέλικο Γιοκσίμοβιτς ήταν κορυφαίο και άδικα ήρθε δεύτερο 🇷🇸
@@majamihailidis5276 Ομορφη μπαλάντα αλλά το άξιζε η Ρουσλάνα γιατί είχε πιο ρυθμικό τραγούδι, πιο πιασάρικο !
2019 ???
Došao sam da se oporavim od sadašnjih predstavnika i pobjednika...
i ja prijatelju.
Jel pobijedila?inc je super ne nije super, nego je odlično!! Svaka čast!!
@@ademmrkaljevic2527 jeste
I'm from Armenia and I sang this song 100 times in Serbian, and Im singing with correct pronance , love Serbia from 🇦🇲
Love and respect back to the brave Armenian people from Serbia
Thank you
Stay strong ❤️ from Serbia
Very underrated winner. A legendary song and singer.