Mar 18 - Homily: The Catechism and Homosexuality

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 6

  • @pedrocuviLEP
    @pedrocuviLEP 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you for the homily. Amen

  • @ChristianSaintSavior
    @ChristianSaintSavior 6 лет назад +6

    Okay, please bear with me, as this is going to be a very lengthy post, so some detailed ground work needs to be laid down first. The TRUTH must be proclaimed clearly, but firmly.
    As Catholic Christians, we are all supposed to LOVE the SINNER, but HATE the SIN.
    By LOVING The SINNER, this means that we are supposed to pray to GOD for sinners to REPENT of their sin, and to CONVERT their entire lives over to loving and serving JESUS CHRIST and their neighbor. This also means that we should actively try to encourage sinners to avoid doing what is immoral and wicked, but instead encourage them and to do what is virtuous and righteous. We must do this in a loving and charitable manner, while still remaining firm in upholding the TRUTH of how the evils of sin offend GOD, and destroy the life of GOD inside the sinner who commits them.
    If we ourselves are the sinners, then we should first REPENT of our sins, but also hope that our fellow Catholics pray for us to overcome our sins, by repenting of them and converting our lives back to JESUS CHRIST. Catholic Christians should always go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and confess ALL of our sins (especially GRAVE MORTAL SINS), as often as reasonably possible.
    By HATING The SIN, this means we are supposed to hate, reject, expose and oppose any and all SIN, especially well-known and recognizable sinful acts and behaviors, while consciously never willingly or deliberately accepting, and or, tolerating, and or promoting, any such sinful actions. This can be done by correcting others when they are clearly wrong, and speaking out against sinful behavior/practices, or writing against moral evils, those of which you are aware that are going on.
    With all that being stated, let’s focus specifically on the sexual sins (behaviors, practices, lifestyles) of the LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer) individuals and groups, which many people are trying to erroneously justify and normalize in today’s society, and sadly, even in the Catholic Church.
    Homosexuality is NOT a normal life-style. It is a moral and spiritual death-sentence.
    Nowadays, in this fallen, sin-filled culture of ours, people just tell you to "accept," and "tolerate" all types of sexual fetishes and sexual perversions as "normal," and these wicked acts, are even defended as "legal rights."
    If you try to correct people, and warn them that homosexual acts are wicked, hell-damning sins, which GOD repeatedly condemns and forbids in the Bible, this politically correct society, labels you as "intolerant," or as a "bigot," or "insensitive" or "a hater."
    The Truth is unpopular in this fallen age, but we all NEED the Truth (who is Jesus Christ, who is GOD) to set us free from evil, and He demands that we repent of all sins, believe in Him only, and obey His Commandments.
    GOD created man for woman, and woman for man, for specific purposes. For those people called to the Vocation of Married Life, GOD wants them to fall in love with each other, get married to each other as husband and wife, and to have children. This loving union (Marriage/Holy Matrimony) of one man and one woman to each other, which naturally produces new life (their child, through sexual intercourse) is a direct reflection of the creative and loving power of GOD Himself, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, Who brings about new life, through His Creation and in His Creation (for example, every time a human being is naturally conceived and born).
    GOD created man and woman, to NATURALLY compliment each other (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually). GOD did NOT create another man for Adam, nor did he create two women for each other.
    GOD NEVER wanted human beings (male or female, man or woman), to ever enter into ANY same-sex physical/pleasure-based relationships with each other. Why? Because, there would be NO NEW LIFE created from such homosexual or lesbian relationships. Their sexual acts and sexual relationships, do NOT reflect the creative power of GOD Himself. Such lust-filled, lust-driven, homosexual lifestyles (actually, more like "death-styles") reflect & promote selfishness, self-centeredness, with hedonistic pleasure being the ultimate goal.
    In the case of homosexual and lesbian sexual acts, no new human life (that is, a human baby, being conceived naturally, and being born naturally) ever occurs. That just one of the many reasons why the acts of homosexuality and lesbianism are ALWAYS a SIN in the sight of GOD.
    In fact, ANY sort of sexual activity outside of Marriage, (Marriage being between one man and one woman, who are husband and wife to each other); any such sexual behavior outside of marriage, is always a Grave Mortal Sin before GOD.
    Sex between a man and woman, who are married as husband and wife to each other, must be done for the purposes of child conception and childbirth (in other words, the Sexual Marital Act, must be open to new human life). It cannot just be done for selfish/self-serving pleasure, which becomes it’s own goal, or a means to it’s own end.
    The real truth about sexual perversion, is that it is NOT a legal right, which needs to be redefined and defended as "normal" or "good." Only GOD, through Jesus Christ, with the power of the Holy Spirit, can help to free any human being, suffering from sexually immoral urges, desires, lifestyles, behavior, etc. The LGBTQ are no exception when it comes to suffering or struggling with such perverse problems like these, and also when it comes to them needing to repent of their sexual sins, and converting their entire lives, in faith, to love and serve Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    A BIG, HUGE part of the Gender Identity Disorder problems (Transgender and Trans-sexuality issues), involve so-called "enablers"- people who accept, allow, and encourage confused, neglected and abused persons, to go ahead and pursue "gender transition" behavior and lifestyles, including cross-dressing, taking hormones, body-altering surgery, etc. These so-called "enablers" range anywhere from "quack" mental health doctors/therapists/scientists, to social justice activists, misguided politicians, partisan judges, attention-seeking celebrities, and sadly, misguided or ignorant parents/guardians. They all also need our prayers for them to repent of their sins, and for the complete conversion of their entire lives, over to love and serve Jesus Christ, as much as the struggling members of the LGBTQ community also need our prayerful help.
    Repent of such lustful sins NOW. Renounce and denounce them forever. Do NOT believe the glamorized lies, told to you, or shown to you, in the Social, Mainstream and Entertainment Media, all claiming that living an LGBTQ lifestyle is okay or normal. It is absolutely NOT!
    GOD condemns and forbids homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism, repeatedly in Holy Scripture. Listed below are just some Bible verses to support and illustrate this Truth.
    GENESIS 18: 16-33 / 19: 1-29 (About GOD, His Angels, Abraham, Lot, Lot’s family and the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by GOD, because of their sexual sins of sodomy)
    LEVITICUS 18: 22
    LEVITICUS 20: 13
    MATTHEW 5: 17-18
    JOHN 14: 23 / JOHN 14: 15 / JOHN 14: 21 / JOHN 15: 10 (Jesus Christ talking about OBEYING HIS COMMANDMENTS)
    ROMANS 1: 18-27
    1 CORINTHIANS 6: 9-11
    JUDE: 6-8
    REVELATIONS 21: 7-8
    “CATECHISM of The CATHOLIC CHURCH 2nd EDITION” clearly addresses Homosexuality:
    PAGE 566, PARAGRAPH 2357- “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do no proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
    PAGE 882 (Glossary Section)- “Homosexual acts are morally wrong because they violate God’s purpose for human sexual activity.”
    In conclusion, please, completely repent of all your immoral sexual sins, and obey the Commandments of GOD, by following the Teachings of Jesus Christ, or suffer the eternal consequences of your unrepented mortal sins in hell. This is the challenging TRUTH, which cannot be ignored.