*UP TO 20% FULL MOTION SIMULATOR DISCOUNT* Want to fly the same full motion simulator used in this video? 😱 Use my coupon code for up to 20% off for your simulator booking👨✈️😍 👇DETAILS BELOW👇 Learning in this fantastic simulator was an amazing experience and one that is now available to anyone over the age of 18! "Full Motion Experience" is a company offering experiences in FULL MOTION B737 and A320 simulators based in Burgess Hill, West Sussex. FEEL the effect wind, rain and turbulence has on the aircraft in these £15 million Level D rated training simulators! A small detail but you can even feel the bumps of the runway lights! I've gained my subscribers an EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT for the 60 minute B737 or A320 experiences meaning that their already discounted pricing is now £100 less than the nearest competitor! For the same experience in the same simulators! Head to www.fullmotionexperience.com Add your 60 minute experience to the cart and use the coupon code "GREATFLYER" to enjoy the discount!
*ANNOUNCEMENT* As of the 1st of February 2019, I NOW HAVE A JOB flying the Boeing 737NG across Europe as a First Officer! I'd like to thank you all for staying tuned, especially those who followed me from my early days when I flew in my home cockpit, dreaming of this day :) I can only say stay tuned for more as it's getting big! *Thanks for watching* and feel free to follow my new Instagram account to watch life from the cockpit: 👉instagram.com/greatflyer_official/ *Stay tuned!*
ya know, realistically the odds of a passenger being asked to fly the plane, let alone land it, let alone a "heavy" aircraft such as a 737 with assistance from "the tower" are slim to not gonna happen in a million fucking years. ESPECIALLY after 9/11. This discussion came up on the DCS forums as to whether or not flight sims such as FSX and DCS could prepare an enthusiast to fly a fully laden aircraft with 180 souls aboard in an emergency situation, let alone some nut who jumps the fence at Naval Air Station San Diego thinking he can take a Hornet for a joyride. The general consensus: A flight simulator is not enough to prepare a pilot for all the possible shit that they have to deal with while operating the aircraft, including all the shit that could possibly go wrong, be it during commercial, military or private use. Bottom line: Wanna fly planes, go to flight school. Wanna smoke pot and crash multi-million dollar aircraft, play flight sims.
Krate Focks FSX can guaranteed not train people the way to handfly your plane to land a plane in an emergency. The flight physics in that sim are even worse then P3D. The aircraft struggle to react to crosswinds. If you want somebody then a GA pilot or Xplane user could do it since the flight dynamics are way better there. (Resulting In way better chances of knowing what to do in certain wind conditions)
you did an excellent job -- I'm a former instructor and commercial pilot, and I was amazed at how well you held speed and centerline on final. Really well done. Having experience in a home sim helps, but you also have some natural talent.
Well, great luck on your career. I'm retired now (62 years old as I write this in July 2019). My career here in the States saw the B727, B737, B757/767 (not in that order). Along the way I also flew the A-300-B4 version (earliest A-300, three Flight Deck crew), and the DC-10. Oh, and a short stint on the DC-9 and its derivation the MD-80. Mind you, I did it the "hard" way, starting with Flight Instructing at age 19. (1977). A few years of that to build time, then various commuter airline jobs; in those days that was the usual path, another way to build time. Eventually went to Continental Airlines, but left before the merger with United. Bit of advice? Keep your wits about you, always think "Safety First", and remember to enjoy it. You'll never stop learning something new. Take care.
What a beautiful aircraft you have been able to pilot in time as a pilot. The boeing 727 was a bit extinct here in the Netherlands in my youth but is a big favorite of mine. Which hours in your career were the most beautiful in memory? and with which plane? or company? Greetings, Thomas
From now on whenever someone insults me for having any sort of an aviation-related opinion as a flight simmer, I am going to link them this video. I mean to be fair, anyone off the street can autoland a 737, but this kid manually landed without even auto throttle. In reality, real pilots land with more assistance than that, that's why the instructor was kind of impressed. Plus, the kid looks like he's about 16.
I recently started simming ATC, it's always good to learn new skills. I'm currently doing AI only, but I hope to eventually get good enough to ATC on VATSIM.
as seen in the beginning on the video he's using a yoke on his sim. if you're used to sim with a sidestick, controlling a yoke with one hand on the throttle is really awkward. Imo, in a real emergency situation best bet would be to use autoland.
I got my first flight sim for christmas when I was 6-7 years old or so. Flight Simulator 98. I loved it. Then I went to F2002, FS2004 and then FSX and P3D. Propably thousands of hours over the years. I took my first flying lesson at 16 and it was obvious the hours on flight sims helped tremendously. I already knew the instruments, what the flight controls did, etc. I quickly got the feel for it and had my first solo after just 8 hours. Today I've had my PPL for just over 5 years and about a 100 flying hours. However I haven't touched a sim in years...
FlorianCFW Exactly well someone else than me has this problem too. People dont understand when i say simming they always think its a game that im wasting our time on.
Some friends use to say that it was game ^^ then I put them on a refuelling mission on a M-2000c. They all crashed and have never say that again ^^ Even if it's a "game" because it's available for everyone it's still something that try to be as close as possible to the real things. ^^
My friends always asked me when seeing me flight-simming 'Who is to be killed?' And as my answer was 'Anybody' they made that weirdo face of... what kind of game is this?
I must have flown what feels like a 'million' hours on FSX and before versions and a lot with PMDG too. It certainly has helped me a lot. I'm now a real life 737-800 Captain. PMDG rocks!
Er is veel werkloosheid onder nieuwe piloten... Dus ik kan je het niet echt aanraden, je komt er uiteindelijk met een flinke studieschuld vanaf. En zie die maar af te lossen zonder baan
I thought it was going a bit to fast and was amazed that he could land the plane safely at that speed. Then I realized I had set the youtube video speed to 2x.
I was a "SimRat" for 27 years maintaining high-end flight simulators for both commercial and military equipment. Normal cockpit operations don't make you a good (or great) pilot. (As the novice might think) The ability to avoid, and/or handle quite a variety of adverse and dangerous situations, including near-disastrous events, with quick and solid judgement means you are a REAL pilot. (I'm not speaking about myself) This kind of training is what makes a Level D worth its price tag of 40-60 million dollars. A big part of this cost is from software development based on test data collected from the aircraft's manufacturer. The ability to accurately simulate aircraft behavior outside the normal flight envelope is an extremely valuable training advantage. Many times simulators have been used in post-crash investigations.
Nothing's more fun than plugging in some black box data and shitting your pants imagining what the pilots had to deal with, be it running off a runway (into a gas station, lol Brazil), a stabilizer popping off and severing your hydraulics (JAL 123), or a reverser opening up even though it's designed not to (Lauda Air)... I realize that not all of these were put into sims but I'm just providing them as an example of something that might need a control aspect either to be experienced or tested.
@@LGTheOneFreeMan Like United 232, the DC-10 that lost all hydraulics during cruise. Something like half of their passengers died in the crash, but in sims afterwards the scenario always resulted in complete loss of life. Still the single most impressive feat of airmanship that I've ever heard of.
I love seeing the average person who has never touched a flight sim compared to a flight simmer landing a plane, the flight simmer can actually smoothly (or somewhat smoothly) land the plane.
The average person, like me, doesn't know at all what to do, which buttons to push and what all the darn buttons and instruments mean. If I did this, a crash landing would've been guaranteed as I don't even know how to get the landing wheels out. The closest thing I've ever been to flying a plane is shooting down Spitfires, P-51 Mustangs and IL-2 Sturmoviks on the PC. Yeah, the Luftwaffe is my favourite.
There is a video with a lady following instructions from the control tower in a sim, she had no knowledge of what a plane is, but she managed to land the aircraft based on instructions and autopilot, you should look that up.
@@Dovenpeis it's not that more complicated. Just one or two more buttons in a 737 then there are in Bf 109s and Fw 190s. Oh there's also the fact that you can't recover from a stall maneuver in a plane like this because propeller pitch doesn't exist. (I'm joking; just in case)
@@RefractArtThe woman was married to the pilot, and I believe they were flying a small twin Cessna. And I think she had previous flight experience just not experience in a complex twin. And there was no autopilot involved, she was following the instructions of instructors who took off to shadow her. There was a private pilot that once landed a King Air, once he went off the side of the runway but everyone on board made it. The plane had an autopilot but, as is the case, if the passenger turned pilot doesn’t know how to use it, they will get themselves killed flying using it. They didn’t have the pilot/ passenger use the autopilot because it wasn’t already on, it was easier to just have him hand fly it at that point.
4:13 I love that the instructor and I had the exact same thought when you went for the throttle rather than adjusting the autothrottle haha. I thought "why is he not using the autothrottle?" But this is a rare opportunity to hand-fly a 737. That was really cool to see! I didn't think it would be so nerve wracking even with the ILS approach.
Reminds me of the time my dad won 2 hours in the full motion 737 sim at YVR here in Vancouver at a charity auction. I forget what variant. I was 15 at the time. I had done a bit of flight sim but nothing serious. So I take off, take the thing around come back in. As I'm coming in the instructor is like: "Don't worry about the breaks, they automatically engage with enough pressure." So I nail this perfect landing, so smooth. And a moment after we're down he goes: "Breaks breaks breaks." So kinda confused because of his earlier statement I break, and stop the plane. That's when her turns to me and says: "Congratulations. You just landed this plane so softly the auto breaks didn't engage." Now I have my full PPL and go flying for fun every now and again. Usually in the Super Decathlon my local rental place has, as I have my aerobatic rating. Flying airliners just doesn't do it for me. Nothing beats going on a roller-coaster ride that you have control of. As for simming, now a days I fly DCS. My dream since I was little was to fly a Hornet for the RCAF, but I'm not cut out for the military. God I want to fly a real fighter one day. Old Spitfire, or modern jet I don't care. Nothing beats tearing through the mountains of BC on the deck, even in a little Decathlon.
I watched you as a young Kid with your home built sim and now you are a pilot flying real aircraft! Well done my friend, you certainly have proved that if you really want something you can get it!!
I tried the same thing, but had the sim instructor only talk me down verbally.' The scenario was "The pilots are dead, is there anyone on this plane who played a lot of xplane!??!". For the record, brought her down just fine
6 лет назад+4
I used to work in a place where we had a real mil simulator available. We used to take customers in and fly and with someone guiding, I think 50% made it on their first attempt. That was not over radio which would be harder, but still, that was with most of the time 0 knowledge of anything avitation.
I started flying Fs 6 when i was 13, played all the flight sims till prepare3d and I have to say you learn so much from them, especially about raw data instrument flying. Since this hobby started with Microsoft flight sim I flew the A320, A330, B777, B787 with close to 5000 (real) hours. Keep your hobby while you start flying the real thing! Ignore the haters, you are on the right path! Best of luck!
I had the same experience with an A320 simulator. I am the developer of the Wilco Airbus Series so I know the A320 pretty well, and it really helped when I had to land it in a full motion sim with an engine failure and a big crosswind. And I did land it safely !!
It's very clear that FSX can help one learning to fly a real airplane, despite what crotchety old pilots might think, there are so many examples of FSX (or other sims/versions) enthusiasts picking up real flying very quickly. I was such, I grew up playing Flight Simulator, and when I got my Private Pilot rating it was quite easy for me. But I didn't keep flying, too expensive to justify as I'm not planning to do it professionally, maybe I'll get back into it someday when I have a good paying job (just graduated college). A couple months ago my uncle, a United captain who flies all their aircraft types for maintenance ferry flights, came to visit me in Denver where he went to do the training at United's training center near old Stapleton, and he took me (and my mom and his wife) with him. To prepare for this I dusted off the old FSX, sort of joking about "preparing," but actually I think a couple hour refresher of flying airliners made a huge difference, and I did surprisingly well when we got in the Level D sims. I did the most flying in the 757, I did great except over-rotating on takeoff and hitting the tail - big thump! The autopilot and autothrottles were malfunctioning, not sure if it was a malfunction of the sim or a programmed system failure, I'm guessing the former, but I had no trouble hand-flying and manually controlling throttles, as this guy did here. If ever all the pilots on a plane passed out and no other qualified individuals were aboard, I'd feel reasonably safe with an experienced Flight Simulator pilot taking command. Given the choice between a private pilot with no experience other than single engine prop planes, or an experienced FSX pilot who flew the same make/model a lot but had never piloted a real airplane, I'm not sure which I'd choose, but probably the FSX pilot. Or preferably put them both in the cockpit and hope between the two of them they can figure out how to get us on the ground.
FIrst time in a 737 Full motion?. im impressed.. and yeah the pmdg 737 its amazing!!! the only part that the pmdg 737 cant simulate properly is the flare and landing. that part is totally different... and tbh not even the full motion can simulate it well compared to RL..
When I was 11 I got the chance to hop into a citation flight simulator. Never had flown a citation, but after being showed around the cockpit and a couple circuits I was able to smoothly land it. Flight simming really does make a difference.
Like you I grew up starting with FS9... now I am an A320 captain for a southeast asian carrier with over 4000 hours of command time. Though I have the inaccurate PSS A320, it was enough to somehow made my training something to look forward to. I won't be surprised if a flight simmer can easily land a full motion level d simulator, it is something that every simmer will look forward to.
Students that have flight sim are experience tend to do a lot better then students who are coming straight into GA. Sim people understand the basics as well as checklists and if the have experience with love ATC like VATSIM their radio calls tend to come a lot quicker.
What i always say is, that with flight simulation you get an massiv knowledge of this stuff. And in case of a real serious situation, it makes sense to choose a flight simmer experienced on that aircraft better, than any other passenger maybe available.
Im no Commercial Pilot nor do I want to be. But as a glider pilot I have to say: xplane, fsx are the best. Here in germany you really can't fly a glider in the cold months so you'll have to keep active by playing simulators. And it really helped me. Also I used to be kinda bad at finding lift in thermals. But after training each and every night at the sim, I sorta got it right at my second flight after the winter break. Even my instructor was kinda impressed back then. He genuinely asked if I had trained in any way and was surprised when I answered "yes, at home". :D Flight sims are great and can even help you understand and perfect simply flying skills. Thumbs up!
TheGreatFlyer nice landing . I love flight sim.. my first flight lesson ..granted was in a Cessna 172 but I flew it and landed wile my instructor was wondering how I managed to do it on my first attempt . I explained I had lots of sim hours!
I also grew up with flight simulators. OMG the memories. Started with fsim 3, moved on to ATP (that was the name of the simulator) which actually came with maps and very realistic charts for US major airports, I loved all those years. Eventually I was forced to use Microsoft's saga of simulators which were sometimes good sometimes not so much. I was convinced I would end up being a pilot. This was one of my greatest passions and loves for so many years.
i remember back in MS Flightsim 5.1 days - and a crappy anologue joystick, I flew and flew, sure it graphics were mainly left to ur imagination, but the motion was there, the stalls, the accelerated stalls, the torque on the single engine prop as the vortex hits the rudder and so when i was in the air cadets (and i'm going back 18 years here) the instructor said" "Ha, those games will be of no use to you here" later that same day, I was top of the list for my advanced flight training, which I went on to do a couple of months later, I recall nailing a crosswind landing on my check out flight, with my instructor having both hands on his window (ie proving to those outside that he had every confidence in me). So either I had some super natural gift teleported inside of me, or the hundreds of hours in the old flightsim DID give me the knowledge I needed. I just had to match up the sensations and it was done!
I flew an A320 with a friend in Switzerland in the real simulator and did everything correctly. The pilot where stood behind was amazed. We fly together in the Sim for 6 years shared cockpit.
As an ''arm chair' pilot myself for over 10 years... well done! I knew you could do it. I believe I could do it also given the chance. You learn so much from just sitting behind a screen, but of course nothing can compare to the 'real thing'. Cheers! Good job!
There is no question home flight sims can be helpful/useful. According to a pilot I talked with years ago, how much a "home" flight sim can or will help the early learning process is totally dependant on how the "player" views the sim - if you play it like it's just a game, you won't really learn anything, but if you take it seriously, then home flight sims can absolutely help build the general foundations of knowledge that will prepare an aspiring pilot for "real" training.
Absolutely true. I used XPlane on my laptop throughout my type rating to practice setups, briefings and flows and you cannot believe what a great practice tool it was.
Kids and their video games.... Well this one taught himself how to fly and land a real plane. Very cool. And not as easy as you may think..... Well done Capt.
uou!! amazing! I used to play flight simulator 2004 Level D 767 many years go and I loved it... Now I am an aeronautical engineer....never been a pilot... but I'd love to try to fly in such a real flight simulator...do you know where can I try to fly a flight simulator like this one? You did it amazingly nice! Congratulations!
Very cool. Glad to hear you have your dream job! I flew many hours years ago on FS98 and wish they had sims like they do now. Was always my dream to fly as a commercial pilot! Too old now (54). My message t all you younger guys - if it's your dream - go for it - too soon it will be too late!
They increase or lower the angle of the two little wings at the far back end of the airplane. But Boeing is studing on a new automatic system called MCAS. This will adjust tha angle fully automatic when the computer thinks it is necessary. A huge safety advantage!
I've been x-plane-ing for many years and just a few weeks ago did my first flight with no particular pre-training for the specific aircraft, it was a D40 Diamoind with G1000 glass cockpit, took off RW22 LCLK, VFR 50minutes in the air and landed in a busy LCLK with 18kt gusts. I had an instructor next to me just dealing with ATC
Hey mate, Out of all motion sim. I find this is one of the best motion FS video on youtube (on POV of flight simmer) your reaction are real. @GreatFlyer
I did the same thing with a 767 when i was 10, i was using the default planes and did horribly, now i have the flight factor 767 for x plane, i am pretty confident i can fly it now.
You're a young man. Go to flight school and become an airline pilot in real life. Edit: Just saw your announcement. Congratulations. Wish you have many decades of flying.
Please explain to me: I want to be a pilot for airlines. I'm going to be the first person in my family to fly a plane and as a 17-year old, I'm just confused as to where to begin, what education I need... so on. I'm actually going to Florida this summer to check out a flight school or something that can at least help me get started. I got some questions if you can help me...
After 12,000+ hrs in 737s, I still remember my first time at the controls of the 737, how exhilarating it felt! I was starting IOE and flying LGA-ATL rwy 13, LGA 5 (or whatever number it was then), Whitestone climb. I had several thousand hours in RJs but the feel of that 737’s engines at full power felt like I’d just been tossed onto a rodeo bull! The simulators in the training center have come a long way and feel a lot more like the real plane nowadays but nothing is exactly like flying the real plane. For all the desktop experts, I can assure you that any routine landing in Las Vegas, Reno, or Key West would blow your mind!
I used to play FSX a lot and wondered if I could land an airliner if such a fantasy event happened to occur and I thought that I could easily pull it off. Then I started flight training, and I'm very close to taking my PPL checkride now. The reality is that you can't replace the "feel" of an airplane with a simulator. Another consideration is the sight picture on approach in an actual airplane is not the same as a simulator. Knowing where to aim and moving your eyes down the runway is a skill that you actually have to learn from the real thing. Sure you could learn all the systems, and how to use the autopilot in the comfort of your home, but the basic airmenship skills required can only come from the real thing. Even with actual flying skills in training aircraft, I feel less confident now about my ability to get some stricken crewless jet down without bending metal. Don't get me wrong though, I love simulators they are a lot of fun and make good training tools. However, if you're spending thousands of dollars on simulators and you're medically qualified to fly, do yourself a favor and take a couple lessons. You won't regret it.
I've played Flightsim for a few years, almost always trying to mimic real world procedures. I purchased the Air Simmer A320 and Level D 767 years ago and always made sure I knew the airplane, the SOP's, and when possible, how to go from Cold & Dark, through the full flight, and back to Cold & Dark just so I had a feel for the aircraft. Not going to mention the airline, but through family I had a few opportunities to fly their A320 and E175/E190 simulators while I was observed from the Sim control seat in the back. The flight sim experience did help, and I was able to complete a full 1 hour flight in the A320 with a family member who was in the crew training department, using what I remembered from it's virtual home computer rendition. Didn't expect it to go as well as it did given how its hard for virtual applications to compare accurately to real world instrumentation (Level D Sim cockpit instruments are sometimes taken from, and given to the real aircraft, so they act exactly as they should in real world ops), but it was a safe flight and both the landing/takeoff were comparable to those made in the real world, so I definitely had Flight sim to thank for that. I feel I could safely operate the aircraft both using the autopilot and by hand flying if there was ever a need for it. Seeing that the A320 is my number 1 desired equipment to fly in the near future, I find it natural to be as real as possible even playing on my PC at home.
i been simming for years and i gotta tell people i know.. its not just a game, when you have aircraft with close to real life configs and attitudes for take off and landings
Do you have the website of the company running the sims?? I live about 30mins from Burgess Hill in Sussex, UK & would love to try my hand at it too?! Are they open to members off the public booking 'flights'?
I’ve flown both a 777 and A330 with out any prior experience in the aircraft in FSX. I flew many Boeing’s before but not up to the 777 and never any Airbus. Sim instructors pretty much just let me fly because I knew what I was doing. If you have any interest in becoming a pilot, I strongly suggest getting into flight sims. They help so much. Even when I got to a real aircraft it helped. My first flight lesson, I landed in a crosswind by crabbing which is something I had never attempted before but because I had gotten used to how to track headings and focus down the runway, it came naturally. Sims are the average person’s reach into other worlds.
We need to take education video games seriously. Flight Simulators, music, fitness, military, cooking, historical games like Age of Empires, and even everyday jobs.
Age of empires feels like a bit of a stretch. I know it explains historical events but you can just watch a documentary or something. Actually playing the game only makes u better at real time strategy, which CAN have indirect benifits, but I'm not sure what the immediate practical use of AOE experience would be. All the others are spot on tho, you're def right about those ones.
A bit bumpy on the landing, but you clearly knew how to hold a course and do an approach...even if the instructor had to do most of the in flight set up for you....but there is so much more to flying the real thing then most home sims can really train you in. Yes...you can actually get aircraft in the sims with all the controls, but to learn how to operate them and when they need to be used or deactivated is an entirely new ballgame...and is different with every aircraft. Even with the bumpy one wheel landing, I'm in awe that at such a young age, you have already fulfilled your dream of flying in a full motion sim...I'm 59...and have yet to fulfill that one! Also...you may want to consider joining the military, as you could get your flight training that way and get paid for it. I wish I'd thought of that when I was your age!
alex you are wrong. indeed it is on every checklist but it says autobrakes-as required meaning that depending on some factors they can be set off or on(low,medium,max)
I used to play Falcon 4.0 with Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS, Throttle and rudder pedals. Being an F-16 weapons specialist, I was also able to use the flight sim once. The flight sim was easier to fly than the game. A few months later I got an incentive ride in Vegas flying over death valley and through the canyon. Again, the real thing was SO much easier than the game, and I was able to fly it very well...except navigating, I always had trouble navigating, but that's what my pilot was for :).
FSX is so accurate it is actually used regularly by pilots when they don't have access to a full cockpit mock-up simulator and have some time to spare to practice different scenarios, hard landings and stuff like that. I recently found X-Plane 11 to be the most accurate and feature rich simulator commercially sold for gaming PCs. X-Plane simulates airflow to the most minute detail and for that reason alone it requires a beast of a CPU.
I flew the original flight sims through the 80s and 90s. When I began my real flight training, I was like... this shit is easy. Did my solo very soon after, and have loved flying ever since.
5 лет назад+5
I try this my self also, and in second try I landed perfectly. teacher told me I was much way better than most of the pilot students. :)
5 лет назад+2
But i can say, it was not easy, you need to follow all instrument panels and listen to the tower very carefully, its not as easy as in FSX. way harder. wind takes you to out of line in a second if you don't manage it closely.
I was lucky enough once to spend time in a similar simulator. It was amazing. The hydraulics were not enabled, but you couldn't tell as it was immersive enough to convince me.
+TheGreatFlyer That was so fun and interesting to watch Demetris. I am very new at this and have one question about this. Wouldnt the rudder though move the nose of the plane left / right? It seems like your left wing was up higher than your right on landing causing you to land on your right gear and this would be corrected with ailerons. I'm wondering how that would be a rudder correction instead? Anyways..it was very fun to watch this and i hope you get many more hours in the simulator to enjoy ! -RJ
RJ404 if you're correcting for a crosswind. Typically you'll dip whatever wing in the direction the wind is coming from. In the case from the right, dip the right wing. Because this action would typically start a right turn you throw in the left rudder the keep the nose aligned with the runway. You really only hold those inputs in until you know you have made the runway and then you go to a straight and level type attitude. This way when you land, you aren't sideways loading the aircraft. He did well, I just thought maybe he held the inputs in too late and that's why it kind of landed sideways...
This is correct and covered in the 737 manual however the crabbing technique is the preferred method and I haven't met a single person who told me he applied it in any previous airline, it is just not good and the perfect idea if you want to destroy your engine. (on the 737; the first thing that touches the ground if your wing is low is the engine). In the video he just overcorrected at the last second which is something that happens a lot because of how the simulator simulate rotational G forces (which it can't so it tries to trick you with what tools it has). Fun fact, the 787 stops the crabbing technique at a few hundred feet above the ground and goes in a hybrid position with a wing down just before touchdone under autoland control :)
Being an even lesser enthusiastic flightsim pilot I once had the opportunity to fly in a Lockheed P-3 Orion simulator. It is totally different from a PC flightsim but it was an amazing experience. And yes, I managed to land the plane as well!
The usual practice when flying any aircraft with more than one pilot aboard is to call out "I have the controls" when you, well, have the controls, at which point the other pilot will acknowledge. That's to prevent people being confused "I thought you were flying the plane!". It's not meant as "I... think I can control this plane?", but rather "I... think I MAY control this plane?".
MS did release one since FSX, called Flight, it failed and they stopped developing for it like only 4 months later lol. Guess they decided to get out of the flight simulator game for good.
I got a chance to do this in a Bombardier 200 full motion sim at Flight Safty in Atl once. I was able to take off and land with pretty well. And I got to do it in the E-8C sim back in 2009. With no cross wind I did fine. But with the cross wind a limitation of the sims at the time cropped up. I got down fine, but leveled my yoke as soon as the mains are down. The 707 has a narrow wheel base, and it still near flying when the wheels touch. So the windward wing still and a bit too much lift, and I wound up dragging the other wing tip. All in all it was a super cool experience. I once missed a round in the Raptor sim by 10 minutes. But did get to observe an actual Raptor pilot doing a simulated engagement against Mig-29s.
Ralex Hassle you do realize it's only FAA certified if it's full cockpit and an FAA person approves it? I can say simulators made my actual flight training harder as far as controls.
I'd love to have an airbus cockpit in my room (even while using my single screen only) for the magnificent ambient feeling of all the beautiful amber lights and the mechanical switches - so cool!
Nice video...you have basically done all of us simmers a favor and proven that we can handle the real thing...most people (many on this comments section included) think a simulation is a video game, that they probably equate to call of duty. They forget what the word "simulation" means, and it means anything but a "game". Most are either just jealous or ignorant. I have put over 15 years in flight simulation flying heavy jets (I use X-Plane which in my opinion is the closest to the real thing) I also only use payware aircraft modeled and built by actual engineers, and have put in thousands of dollars over the years on instruments that can buy their Xbox and Playstation consoles several times over and I have put in years and years of learning and studying everything there is to know about flying a plane, with all modesty, put me with any pilot, and I can bet you that there is no term that he could use that I am not familiar with and completely understand it's application. Then some people come who don't even know what flaps do on a plane or what flaps even are, and tell you "it's a video game". Alot of that is from jealousy, I mean they put years into playing games like Call of Duty and then want to lob us in that same category they are in. Well your video really did all us fellow simmers justice. Keep up the good work!! If there was ever an emergency on a plane (God forbid) and the closest thing to a pilot on that plane is a simmer like yourself, those people would be begging you to fly that plane.
I can attest as a real life pilot and a former simmer... you would be able to "fly" the sim at a rudimentary level that in no way replicates real life. I can also tell you in the real world even the full motion sims aren't 100% on the money. That all said, watching him fly within the beginning of his takeoff roll I could immediately see about five things he's doing wrong that I would teach him not to do... (I still have my CFI/CFII/MEI ratings)... for one, the glaring issue and you'll notice it if you watch his legs, he over uses the rudder to maintain centerline... it's almost certain just from this vid that he focuses too close to the nose of the plane vs focusing his attention to the far end of the runway... everything needs to be deliberate, smooth, and with small corrections.... you'll see it again, what I'm talking about in how he was flying the approach... the control yoke in a sim does NOT need to move that much.. it barely moves that much except in gusty strong crosswinds in the real world on the jets I've flown... (I'm typed in the ERJ-145 and B757/767 with just over 7600 hrs in the air now...)
Jet Linkin I think those were some faults that the SIM experience caused, I bet if they train him for just a couple of months, he will be able to fly a real plane
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imagine walking out of the simulator and you were at another airport
Langoliers sequel
Lol XD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
As of the 1st of February 2019, I NOW HAVE A JOB flying the Boeing 737NG across Europe as a First Officer!
I'd like to thank you all for staying tuned, especially those who followed me from my early days when I flew in my home cockpit, dreaming of this day :) I can only say stay tuned for more as it's getting big! *Thanks for watching* and feel free to follow my new Instagram account to watch life from the cockpit: 👉instagram.com/greatflyer_official/
*Stay tuned!*
Congratulations! Good luck out there.
Hi Donny - it was located in Burgess Hill, below Gatwick Airport.
Wow. Congrats!!!
Co-pilot was thinking; "f'ing kids and their video games."
mechanician yep😹
Ha ha ha.. !!!
kids with video games are better prepared than kids with no video games ;)
Accurate af. as we can see from the video, in an emergency situation a kid can land the aircraft
*First Officer
Imagine this set up with the new Microsoft flight simulator 2020.
I Fly a VR simulator with a ffb-HOTAS. This is immersion enough for me to protect my face when i crash xD
It would be more real than actually flying a 747
@@5calambres what force feedback hotas are you using?
Flight attendant: is there a pilot onboard?
Sim enthusiasts: wet their pants or faint from excitement xD
hahahahaha good one
ya know, realistically the odds of a passenger being asked to fly the plane, let alone land it, let alone a "heavy" aircraft such as a 737 with assistance from "the tower" are slim to not gonna happen in a million fucking years. ESPECIALLY after 9/11.
This discussion came up on the DCS forums as to whether or not flight sims such as FSX and DCS could prepare an enthusiast to fly a fully laden aircraft with 180 souls aboard in an emergency situation, let alone some nut who jumps the fence at Naval Air Station San Diego thinking he can take a Hornet for a joyride. The general consensus: A flight simulator is not enough to prepare a pilot for all the possible shit that they have to deal with while operating the aircraft, including all the shit that could possibly go wrong, be it during commercial, military or private use.
Bottom line: Wanna fly planes, go to flight school. Wanna smoke pot and crash multi-million dollar aircraft, play flight sims.
Flight attendant: is there a pilot onboard?
Sim enthusiasts: wet their pants or faint from excitement xD
Me: *assumes crash position*
It would literally be this^
Krate Focks
FSX can guaranteed not train people the way to handfly your plane to land a plane in an emergency.
The flight physics in that sim are even worse then P3D. The aircraft struggle to react to crosswinds.
If you want somebody then a GA pilot or Xplane user could do it since the flight dynamics are way better there.
(Resulting In way better chances of knowing what to do in certain wind conditions)
you did an excellent job -- I'm a former instructor and commercial pilot, and I was amazed at how well you held speed and centerline on final. Really well done. Having experience in a home sim helps, but you also have some natural talent.
Well, great luck on your career. I'm retired now (62 years old as I write this in July 2019). My career here in the States saw the B727, B737, B757/767 (not in that order). Along the way I also flew the A-300-B4 version (earliest A-300, three Flight Deck crew), and the DC-10. Oh, and a short stint on the DC-9 and its derivation the MD-80.
Mind you, I did it the "hard" way, starting with Flight Instructing at age 19. (1977). A few years of that to build time, then various commuter airline jobs; in those days that was the usual path, another way to build time. Eventually went to Continental Airlines, but left before the merger with United.
Bit of advice? Keep your wits about you, always think "Safety First", and remember to enjoy it. You'll never stop learning something new.
Take care.
Hey Tim, was the DC-10 as sketchy as everyone says ?
What a beautiful aircraft you have been able to pilot in time as a pilot.
The boeing 727 was a bit extinct here in the Netherlands in my youth but is a big favorite of mine.
Which hours in your career were the most beautiful in memory?
and with which plane? or company?
Greetings, Thomas
Woah cool, how did it feel like to fly the A-300?
Yll americans arw way too lucky to have so many airports in states
@@countavaiting3045 Yes, but they have to live in the United States...
From now on whenever someone insults me for having any sort of an aviation-related opinion as a flight simmer, I am going to link them this video. I mean to be fair, anyone off the street can autoland a 737, but this kid manually landed without even auto throttle. In reality, real pilots land with more assistance than that, that's why the instructor was kind of impressed. Plus, the kid looks like he's about 16.
I recently started simming ATC, it's always good to learn new skills. I'm currently doing AI only, but I hope to eventually get good enough to ATC on VATSIM.
Someone just off the street wouldn't find the buttons to even radio tower, let alone autoland
@@oaz8 auto throttle is allowed below 500’
as seen in the beginning on the video he's using a yoke on his sim. if you're used to sim with a sidestick, controlling a yoke with one hand on the throttle is really awkward. Imo, in a real emergency situation best bet would be to use autoland.
ryanair landing
Live that profile pic
But this guy wasn’t being intercepted by F18s.
Nah... Ryan air is better than that
Better than that... better than that... better than that
@@flankerskioneniner4290 your worse than that... Worse than that... Wors than that
I got my first flight sim for christmas when I was 6-7 years old or so. Flight Simulator 98. I loved it. Then I went to F2002, FS2004 and then FSX and P3D. Propably thousands of hours over the years. I took my first flying lesson at 16 and it was obvious the hours on flight sims helped tremendously. I already knew the instruments, what the flight controls did, etc. I quickly got the feel for it and had my first solo after just 8 hours.
Today I've had my PPL for just over 5 years and about a 100 flying hours. However I haven't touched a sim in years...
MSFS2020 might be your chance to return to the sim!
Flight simming helps so much people don't understand that :/ they think its just a video game
FlorianCFW Exactly well someone else than me has this problem too. People dont understand when i say simming they always think its a game that im wasting our time on.
Some friends use to say that it was game ^^ then I put them on a refuelling mission on a M-2000c. They all crashed and have never say that again ^^ Even if it's a "game" because it's available for everyone it's still something that try to be as close as possible to the real things. ^^
My friends always asked me when seeing me flight-simming 'Who is to be killed?' And as my answer was 'Anybody' they made that weirdo face of... what kind of game is this?
a simulator is a video game
I must have flown what feels like a 'million' hours on FSX and before versions and a lot with PMDG too. It certainly has helped me a lot. I'm now a real life 737-800 Captain. PMDG rocks!
Dutchbird757 sick, are you trouwens nederlands? XD
Ja dat ben ik.
Dutchbird757 Nice, ik hoop dat ik ook een piloot wordt, zit nu in vwo 2 dus nog 4 jaartjes en kan ik dan aan mijn opleiding als piloot beginnen?
Er is veel werkloosheid onder nieuwe piloten... Dus ik kan je het niet echt aanraden, je komt er uiteindelijk met een flinke studieschuld vanaf. En zie die maar af te lossen zonder baan
underverser Bedankt maar ik ga voor mijn dromen ook al hoe lang ik er voor moet wachten
I thought it was going a bit to fast and was amazed that he could land the plane safely at that speed. Then I realized I had set the youtube video speed to 2x.
nattsurfaren Is it just me or the angle of the camera that the approach was a little bit too high on the glide slope?
maybe it look like that because the monitors are curved and the camera wasn't centered.
+Henry Jiang I thought that he was a bit above glide slope, too
Thanatos dove?
Which bit of the word dove are you not understanding?
I was a "SimRat" for 27 years maintaining high-end flight simulators for both commercial and military equipment. Normal cockpit operations don't make you a good (or great) pilot. (As the novice might think) The ability to avoid, and/or handle quite a variety of adverse and dangerous situations, including near-disastrous events, with quick and solid judgement means you are a REAL pilot. (I'm not speaking about myself) This kind of training is what makes a Level D worth its price tag of 40-60 million dollars. A big part of this cost is from software development based on test data collected from the aircraft's manufacturer. The ability to accurately simulate aircraft behavior outside the normal flight envelope is an extremely valuable training advantage. Many times simulators have been used in post-crash investigations.
Nothing's more fun than plugging in some black box data and shitting your pants imagining what the pilots had to deal with, be it running off a runway (into a gas station, lol Brazil), a stabilizer popping off and severing your hydraulics (JAL 123), or a reverser opening up even though it's designed not to (Lauda Air)... I realize that not all of these were put into sims but I'm just providing them as an example of something that might need a control aspect either to be experienced or tested.
@@LGTheOneFreeMan Like United 232, the DC-10 that lost all hydraulics during cruise. Something like half of their passengers died in the crash, but in sims afterwards the scenario always resulted in complete loss of life. Still the single most impressive feat of airmanship that I've ever heard of.
So, 2 things I will buy when I win the Powerball:
1. Bowling lane for my house
2. Quadrant Flight Simulator.
So you can play Elite dangerous in it right? :p
Ayato Now THAT'S top level
Dear Santa...
Mark Gorospe Yes! 😂😂😂
best comment i have seen
which state are you in
ill hook you up
Exactly :D
Darnit Productions can u hook me up
Honestly, I've had real world landings on a 737 worse than this.
*cough cough* ryanair
_ hyper _ coronaair
So I'm not the only on who watches Swiss001
I've had one landing in Baltimore that was so smooth af, you couldn't even feel the jolt.
Were you flying or a passenger?
I love seeing the average person who has never touched a flight sim compared to a flight simmer landing a plane, the flight simmer can actually smoothly (or somewhat smoothly) land the plane.
The average person, like me, doesn't know at all what to do, which buttons to push and what all the darn buttons and instruments mean. If I did this, a crash landing would've been guaranteed as I don't even know how to get the landing wheels out.
The closest thing I've ever been to flying a plane is shooting down Spitfires, P-51 Mustangs and IL-2 Sturmoviks on the PC. Yeah, the Luftwaffe is my favourite.
It’s crazy too. You can have (almost) as much knowledge on flying planes as a newer pilot from just playing a 25 dollar game
There is a video with a lady following instructions from the control tower in a sim, she had no knowledge of what a plane is, but she managed to land the aircraft based on instructions and autopilot, you should look that up.
@@Dovenpeis it's not that more complicated. Just one or two more buttons in a 737 then there are in Bf 109s and Fw 190s. Oh there's also the fact that you can't recover from a stall maneuver in a plane like this because propeller pitch doesn't exist.
(I'm joking; just in case)
@@RefractArtThe woman was married to the pilot, and I believe they were flying a small twin Cessna. And I think she had previous flight experience just not experience in a complex twin. And there was no autopilot involved, she was following the instructions of instructors who took off to shadow her.
There was a private pilot that once landed a King Air, once he went off the side of the runway but everyone on board made it. The plane had an autopilot but, as is the case, if the passenger turned pilot doesn’t know how to use it, they will get themselves killed flying using it. They didn’t have the pilot/ passenger use the autopilot because it wasn’t already on, it was easier to just have him hand fly it at that point.
Who ever needs to flare
it's so over rated
It looks like he flared and then let off the stick pressure going nose down just prior to landing.
@Miss Jae are you fucking serious?
@Miss Jae lmao you think someone who just enters into flight school can execute a smooth landing?
The simulated maintenance crew is pissed.
The flight sim community thanks you for knowing how to manually land. :) Great job on the approach and landing in the TDZ!
TheGreatFlyer flight simmers are more than gamers, they are future pilots. All the best.
@@MidNightStudiosFilms Some fail flight school and just remain flight simmers for life. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows.
gta players going to the cockpit be like: "so, where's the wasd and the numpad?"
Lmao they probably don’t know what flaps are 😂😂😂
@@cosmicbeats8410 yeah because guess what ? GTA is not a flight sim, shocking, I know
@@lucastekkan That’s true how rude of me my bad
4:13 I love that the instructor and I had the exact same thought when you went for the throttle rather than adjusting the autothrottle haha. I thought "why is he not using the autothrottle?" But this is a rare opportunity to hand-fly a 737.
That was really cool to see! I didn't think it would be so nerve wracking even with the ILS approach.
Reminds me of the time my dad won 2 hours in the full motion 737 sim at YVR here in Vancouver at a charity auction. I forget what variant. I was 15 at the time. I had done a bit of flight sim but nothing serious. So I take off, take the thing around come back in. As I'm coming in the instructor is like: "Don't worry about the breaks, they automatically engage with enough pressure."
So I nail this perfect landing, so smooth. And a moment after we're down he goes: "Breaks breaks breaks." So kinda confused because of his earlier statement I break, and stop the plane.
That's when her turns to me and says: "Congratulations. You just landed this plane so softly the auto breaks didn't engage."
Now I have my full PPL and go flying for fun every now and again. Usually in the Super Decathlon my local rental place has, as I have my aerobatic rating. Flying airliners just doesn't do it for me. Nothing beats going on a roller-coaster ride that you have control of. As for simming, now a days I fly DCS. My dream since I was little was to fly a Hornet for the RCAF, but I'm not cut out for the military. God I want to fly a real fighter one day. Old Spitfire, or modern jet I don't care. Nothing beats tearing through the mountains of BC on the deck, even in a little Decathlon.
I watched you as a young Kid with your home built sim and now you are a pilot flying real aircraft! Well done my friend, you certainly have proved that if you really want something you can get it!!
Thank you so much for staying tuned throughout the years!
I tried the same thing, but had the sim instructor only talk me down verbally.'
The scenario was "The pilots are dead, is there anyone on this plane who played a lot of xplane!??!".
For the record, brought her down just fine
I used to work in a place where we had a real mil simulator available. We used to take customers in and fly and with someone guiding, I think 50% made it on their first attempt. That was not over radio which would be harder, but still, that was with most of the time 0 knowledge of anything avitation.
I started flying Fs 6 when i was 13, played all the flight sims till prepare3d and I have to say you learn so much from them, especially about raw data instrument flying. Since this hobby started with Microsoft flight sim I flew the A320, A330, B777, B787 with close to 5000 (real) hours. Keep your hobby while you start flying the real thing! Ignore the haters, you are on the right path!
Best of luck!
5:47 turn on caption you will thank me later
O... K!😂
Thank you LOL
I had the same experience with an A320 simulator. I am the developer of the Wilco Airbus Series so I know the A320 pretty well, and it really helped when I had to land it in a full motion sim with an engine failure and a big crosswind. And I did land it safely !!
I felt like a proud farther watching this, well done lil guy, hopefully you'll be my captain one day.
Thanks for watching!
Bet ure younger than him lol
It's very clear that FSX can help one learning to fly a real airplane, despite what crotchety old pilots might think, there are so many examples of FSX (or other sims/versions) enthusiasts picking up real flying very quickly. I was such, I grew up playing Flight Simulator, and when I got my Private Pilot rating it was quite easy for me. But I didn't keep flying, too expensive to justify as I'm not planning to do it professionally, maybe I'll get back into it someday when I have a good paying job (just graduated college). A couple months ago my uncle, a United captain who flies all their aircraft types for maintenance ferry flights, came to visit me in Denver where he went to do the training at United's training center near old Stapleton, and he took me (and my mom and his wife) with him. To prepare for this I dusted off the old FSX, sort of joking about "preparing," but actually I think a couple hour refresher of flying airliners made a huge difference, and I did surprisingly well when we got in the Level D sims. I did the most flying in the 757, I did great except over-rotating on takeoff and hitting the tail - big thump! The autopilot and autothrottles were malfunctioning, not sure if it was a malfunction of the sim or a programmed system failure, I'm guessing the former, but I had no trouble hand-flying and manually controlling throttles, as this guy did here. If ever all the pilots on a plane passed out and no other qualified individuals were aboard, I'd feel reasonably safe with an experienced Flight Simulator pilot taking command. Given the choice between a private pilot with no experience other than single engine prop planes, or an experienced FSX pilot who flew the same make/model a lot but had never piloted a real airplane, I'm not sure which I'd choose, but probably the FSX pilot. Or preferably put them both in the cockpit and hope between the two of them they can figure out how to get us on the ground.
FIrst time in a 737 Full motion?. im impressed.. and yeah the pmdg 737 its amazing!!! the only part that the pmdg 737 cant simulate properly is the flare and landing. that part is totally different... and tbh not even the full motion can simulate it well compared to RL..
When I was 11 I got the chance to hop into a citation flight simulator. Never had flown a citation, but after being showed around the cockpit and a couple circuits I was able to smoothly land it. Flight simming really does make a difference.
Very cool.. Love watching a real sim in action. Really close to being a real pilot.. Thanks for sharing.
TheGreatFlyer try fly xp11, physis will help more
Like you I grew up starting with FS9... now I am an A320 captain for a southeast asian carrier with over 4000 hours of command time. Though I have the inaccurate PSS A320, it was enough to somehow made my training something to look forward to. I won't be surprised if a flight simmer can easily land a full motion level d simulator, it is something that every simmer will look forward to.
Students that have flight sim are experience tend to do a lot better then students who are coming straight into GA. Sim people understand the basics as well as checklists and if the have experience with love ATC like VATSIM their radio calls tend to come a lot quicker.
PilotLife : Mastering the rapid radio chatter would be more scary for me than flying! I don’t understand a word of it!
@@timonsolus same 🤣
What i always say is, that with flight simulation you get an massiv knowledge of this stuff. And in case of a real serious situation, it makes sense to choose a flight simmer experienced on that aircraft better, than any other passenger maybe available.
"I want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you." - Airplane, the movie. :)
Pretty much!
Im no Commercial Pilot nor do I want to be. But as a glider pilot I have to say: xplane, fsx are the best. Here in germany you really can't fly a glider in the cold months so you'll have to keep active by playing simulators. And it really helped me. Also I used to be kinda bad at finding lift in thermals. But after training each and every night at the sim, I sorta got it right at my second flight after the winter break. Even my instructor was kinda impressed back then. He genuinely asked if I had trained in any way and was surprised when I answered "yes, at home". :D Flight sims are great and can even help you understand and perfect simply flying skills. Thumbs up!
that was a great landing and approach!! :) You maintained to stay om the glide slope throughout. kudos to you
TheGreatFlyer nice landing . I love flight sim.. my first flight lesson ..granted was in a Cessna 172 but I flew it and landed wile my instructor was wondering how I managed to do it on my first attempt . I explained I had lots of sim hours!
i know quite a few pilots that can't do it as well as you:-) well done
His roundout and flare was poor
I also grew up with flight simulators. OMG the memories. Started with fsim 3, moved on to ATP (that was the name of the simulator) which actually came with maps and very realistic charts for US major airports, I loved all those years. Eventually I was forced to use Microsoft's saga of simulators which were sometimes good sometimes not so much. I was convinced I would end up being a pilot. This was one of my greatest passions and loves for so many years.
6:47 me when I barely pass a test
i remember back in MS Flightsim 5.1 days - and a crappy anologue joystick, I flew and flew, sure it graphics were mainly left to ur imagination, but the motion was there, the stalls, the accelerated stalls, the torque on the single engine prop as the vortex hits the rudder and so when i was in the air cadets (and i'm going back 18 years here) the instructor said"
"Ha, those games will be of no use to you here"
later that same day, I was top of the list for my advanced flight training, which I went on to do a couple of months later, I recall nailing a crosswind landing on my check out flight, with my instructor having both hands on his window (ie proving to those outside that he had every confidence in me).
So either I had some super natural gift teleported inside of me, or the hundreds of hours in the old flightsim DID give me the knowledge I needed. I just had to match up the sensations and it was done!
*uh oh, looks like we’ve got a hot air balloon going 700 knots vertical*
"AirProud95" calling? xD
7:20 The trainer couldn't wait to get off hahaha
i'd still be trying to find the parking brake lol
For if you are still looking for it :) it is next to the throttles on the left side at about 225 degrees on the pedestal
Me, having only got a bit of FSX experience yesterday: "."
There's a brake?
@@hades0572 Well yeah, you need that to stop. In the case of a rejected take-off, they'll be glowing red even
I rate this landing 2 spilled drinks, but no injuries. Excellent for a non-commercial pilot.
Ryanair GPWS call outs be like:
100, *IMPACT*
“Haha Ryanair bad” so funny.... 🙄
I flew an A320 with a friend in Switzerland in the real simulator and did everything correctly. The pilot where stood behind was amazed. We fly together in the Sim for 6 years shared cockpit.
Why don't you become a pilot? You seem to enjoy it. Follow your dreams, dude.
He is a pilot
James Martens I just started flight school myself. I pay as I go but I want the flight simulator experience
As an ''arm chair' pilot myself for over 10 years... well done! I knew you could do it. I believe I could do it also given the chance. You learn so much from just sitting behind a screen, but of course nothing can compare to the 'real thing'. Cheers! Good job!
I don't know that speed breaks cause that impresive shake. Excelent flight.
There is no question home flight sims can be helpful/useful. According to a pilot I talked with years ago, how much a "home" flight sim can or will help the early learning process is totally dependant on how the "player" views the sim - if you play it like it's just a game, you won't really learn anything, but if you take it seriously, then home flight sims can absolutely help build the general foundations of knowledge that will prepare an aspiring pilot for "real" training.
Absolutely true. I used XPlane on my laptop throughout my type rating to practice setups, briefings and flows and you cannot believe what a great practice tool it was.
You walked away, so it was a good landing.
By your logic 500 souls lost and the pilot walking away is a good landing?
@Paul Chabot you know what he means
That's what I was thinking. The touchdown was a bit on the heavy side, but the aeroplane and the people survived, so it was a good landing.
That was a great landing. Good landing is when you can walk away from it, great landing is when aircraft still can fly after a landing
@@PaulChabot No everybody
Kids and their video games.... Well this one taught himself how to fly and land a real plane. Very cool. And not as easy as you may think..... Well done Capt.
uou!! amazing! I used to play flight simulator 2004 Level D 767 many years go and I loved it... Now I am an aeronautical engineer....never been a pilot... but I'd love to try to fly in such a real flight simulator...do you know where can I try to fly a flight simulator like this one?
You did it amazingly nice! Congratulations!
Very cool. Glad to hear you have your dream job! I flew many hours years ago on FS98 and wish they had sims like they do now. Was always my dream to fly as a commercial pilot! Too old now (54). My message t all you younger guys - if it's your dream - go for it - too soon it will be too late!
Ranger Rick I watched a video this morning, ask captain Scott, and he recently flew in a 777 with the fo who was 63 and started flying in his late 50s
@@chineechik Thanks for the reply and `uplift' - maybe it isn't too late for me!
What are those scary wheels spinning in the middle next to the thrust lever?
Trim wheel
They increase or lower the angle of the two little wings at the far back end of the airplane. But Boeing is studing on a new automatic system called MCAS. This will adjust tha angle fully automatic when the computer thinks it is necessary. A huge safety advantage!
@@gokmachine In light of the 737 MAX fiasco, this comment did not age very well 😂
Little boy plays flight sim...
Now he's a real pilot. Well done!
What was ruling over around the throttles?
Severo Dalma - Trim wheels.
I've been x-plane-ing for many years and just a few weeks ago did my first flight with no particular pre-training for the specific aircraft, it was a D40 Diamoind with G1000 glass cockpit, took off RW22 LCLK, VFR 50minutes in the air and landed in a busy LCLK with 18kt gusts. I had an instructor next to me just dealing with ATC
Hey mate,
Out of all motion sim. I find this is one of the best motion FS video on youtube (on POV of flight simmer) your reaction are real. @GreatFlyer
I did the same thing with a 767 when i was 10, i was using the default planes and did horribly, now i have the flight factor 767 for x plane, i am pretty confident i can fly it now.
Great job.
I am glad for you my dude! You didn't crash the plane!
You're a young man. Go to flight school and become an airline pilot in real life.
Edit: Just saw your announcement. Congratulations. Wish you have many decades of flying.
Aww thank you so much! Stay tuned to watch more.
It's a shitty job these days
Please explain to me: I want to be a pilot for airlines. I'm going to be the first person in my family to fly a plane and as a 17-year old, I'm just confused as to where to begin, what education I need... so on. I'm actually going to Florida this summer to check out a flight school or something that can at least help me get started. I got some questions if you can help me...
@@wandaperi why is it a shitty job? no job is shitty when you enjoy what you're doing...
After 12,000+ hrs in 737s, I still remember my first time at the controls of the 737, how exhilarating it felt! I was starting IOE and flying LGA-ATL rwy 13, LGA 5 (or whatever number it was then), Whitestone climb. I had several thousand hours in RJs but the feel of that 737’s engines at full power felt like I’d just been tossed onto a rodeo bull! The simulators in the training center have come a long way and feel a lot more like the real plane nowadays but nothing is exactly like flying the real plane. For all the desktop experts, I can assure you that any routine landing in Las Vegas, Reno, or Key West would blow your mind!
"Ah, Geez!" Well said!
Great vid
I used to play FSX a lot and wondered if I could land an airliner if such a fantasy event happened to occur and I thought that I could easily pull it off. Then I started flight training, and I'm very close to taking my PPL checkride now. The reality is that you can't replace the "feel" of an airplane with a simulator. Another consideration is the sight picture on approach in an actual airplane is not the same as a simulator. Knowing where to aim and moving your eyes down the runway is a skill that you actually have to learn from the real thing. Sure you could learn all the systems, and how to use the autopilot in the comfort of your home, but the basic airmenship skills required can only come from the real thing. Even with actual flying skills in training aircraft, I feel less confident now about my ability to get some stricken crewless jet down without bending metal. Don't get me wrong though, I love simulators they are a lot of fun and make good training tools. However, if you're spending thousands of dollars on simulators and you're medically qualified to fly, do yourself a favor and take a couple lessons. You won't regret it.
I had buttered a 737 landing in an actual motion simulator from about 4000 hours of experience into FSX
I've played Flightsim for a few years, almost always trying to mimic real world procedures. I purchased the Air Simmer A320 and Level D 767 years ago and always made sure I knew the airplane, the SOP's, and when possible, how to go from Cold & Dark, through the full flight, and back to Cold & Dark just so I had a feel for the aircraft. Not going to mention the airline, but through family I had a few opportunities to fly their A320 and E175/E190 simulators while I was observed from the Sim control seat in the back. The flight sim experience did help, and I was able to complete a full 1 hour flight in the A320 with a family member who was in the crew training department, using what I remembered from it's virtual home computer rendition. Didn't expect it to go as well as it did given how its hard for virtual applications to compare accurately to real world instrumentation (Level D Sim cockpit instruments are sometimes taken from, and given to the real aircraft, so they act exactly as they should in real world ops), but it was a safe flight and both the landing/takeoff were comparable to those made in the real world, so I definitely had Flight sim to thank for that. I feel I could safely operate the aircraft both using the autopilot and by hand flying if there was ever a need for it. Seeing that the A320 is my number 1 desired equipment to fly in the near future, I find it natural to be as real as possible even playing on my PC at home.
They all say that flight sim guys don't have the guts to land in a full motion sim - boy were they wrong!
Lieutenant Turnipage i did too lmao
How do you need guts to land a flight sim? Wtf
Noufej Maaz
Well you can’t fly a plane if you’re missing a liver or something can you?
i been simming for years and i gotta tell people i know.. its not just a game, when you have aircraft with close to real life configs and attitudes for take off and landings
Home simming does improve your situational awareness, indeed.
Do you have the website of the company running the sims?? I live about 30mins from Burgess Hill in Sussex, UK & would love to try my hand at it too?! Are they open to members off the public booking 'flights'?
I’ve flown both a 777 and A330 with out any prior experience in the aircraft in FSX. I flew many Boeing’s before but not up to the 777 and never any Airbus. Sim instructors pretty much just let me fly because I knew what I was doing. If you have any interest in becoming a pilot, I strongly suggest getting into flight sims. They help so much. Even when I got to a real aircraft it helped. My first flight lesson, I landed in a crosswind by crabbing which is something I had never attempted before but because I had gotten used to how to track headings and focus down the runway, it came naturally. Sims are the average person’s reach into other worlds.
We need to take education video games seriously. Flight Simulators, music, fitness, military, cooking, historical games like Age of Empires, and even everyday jobs.
Age of empires feels like a bit of a stretch. I know it explains historical events but you can just watch a documentary or something. Actually playing the game only makes u better at real time strategy, which CAN have indirect benifits, but I'm not sure what the immediate practical use of AOE experience would be. All the others are spot on tho, you're def right about those ones.
A bit bumpy on the landing, but you clearly knew how to hold a course and do an approach...even if the instructor had to do most of the in flight set up for you....but there is so much more to flying the real thing then most home sims can really train you in. Yes...you can actually get aircraft in the sims with all the controls, but to learn how to operate them and when they need to be used or deactivated is an entirely new ballgame...and is different with every aircraft. Even with the bumpy one wheel landing, I'm in awe that at such a young age, you have already fulfilled your dream of flying in a full motion sim...I'm 59...and have yet to fulfill that one! Also...you may want to consider joining the military, as you could get your flight training that way and get paid for it. I wish I'd thought of that when I was your age!
Nice ! Autobrakes 0 for landing ?
Infinite Flight Aviation Greg it is not mandatory even on a real airplane, to set autobrakes
Μανώλης Φιαγκουσάκης really ? I've never seen that...
Infinite Flight Aviation Greg then i guess you should watch more landings.... no offence
its on every checklist so all pilot uses it,they dont care if you need it or not,you gotta set them
alex you are wrong. indeed it is on every checklist but it says autobrakes-as required meaning that depending on some factors they can be set off or on(low,medium,max)
I used to play Falcon 4.0 with Thrustmaster F-16 FLCS, Throttle and rudder pedals. Being an F-16 weapons specialist, I was also able to use the flight sim once. The flight sim was easier to fly than the game. A few months later I got an incentive ride in Vegas flying over death valley and through the canyon. Again, the real thing was SO much easier than the game, and I was able to fly it very well...except navigating, I always had trouble navigating, but that's what my pilot was for :).
My man flying a plane like he's driving stick
FSX is so accurate it is actually used regularly by pilots when they don't have access to a full cockpit mock-up simulator and have some time to spare to practice different scenarios, hard landings and stuff like that.
I recently found X-Plane 11 to be the most accurate and feature rich simulator commercially sold for gaming PCs.
X-Plane simulates airflow to the most minute detail and for that reason alone it requires a beast of a CPU.
Eli Malinsky
P3D is just FSX but even more realistic
For some reason my ears popped as he gained altitude and I'm in bed
TheGreatFlyer thanks for replying
Making us Flight Simmers PROUD! Great job and thanks for sharing!
What were those noisy spinning looking things by the throttle
pitch trimming
I flew the original flight sims through the 80s and 90s. When I began my real flight training, I was like... this shit is easy. Did my solo very soon after, and have loved flying ever since.
I try this my self also, and in second try I landed perfectly. teacher told me I was much way better than most of the pilot students. :)
But i can say, it was not easy, you need to follow all instrument panels and listen to the tower very carefully, its not as easy as in FSX. way harder. wind takes you to out of line in a second if you don't manage it closely.
I was lucky enough once to spend time in a similar simulator. It was amazing. The hydraulics were not enabled, but you couldn't tell as it was immersive enough to convince me.
So awesome, you did great! What caused the slip on touchdown? Were you crabbing for crosswind?
Either way, you did a fantastic job for your first time! You looked like a pro in the left seat, haha.
+TheGreatFlyer That was so fun and interesting to watch Demetris. I am very new at this and have one question about this. Wouldnt the rudder though move the nose of the plane left / right? It seems like your left wing was up higher than your right on landing causing you to land on your right gear and this would be corrected with ailerons. I'm wondering how that would be a rudder correction instead? Anyways..it was very fun to watch this and i hope you get many more hours in the simulator to enjoy ! -RJ
RJ404 if you're correcting for a crosswind. Typically you'll dip whatever wing in the direction the wind is coming from. In the case from the right, dip the right wing. Because this action would typically start a right turn you throw in the left rudder the keep the nose aligned with the runway. You really only hold those inputs in until you know you have made the runway and then you go to a straight and level type attitude. This way when you land, you aren't sideways loading the aircraft. He did well, I just thought maybe he held the inputs in too late and that's why it kind of landed sideways...
Tom Cameron Your explination is correct for xwind correction but there was no wind in this simulation. he simply overcontrolled the airplane.
This is correct and covered in the 737 manual however the crabbing technique is the preferred method and I haven't met a single person who told me he applied it in any previous airline, it is just not good and the perfect idea if you want to destroy your engine. (on the 737; the first thing that touches the ground if your wing is low is the engine).
In the video he just overcorrected at the last second which is something that happens a lot because of how the simulator simulate rotational G forces (which it can't so it tries to trick you with what tools it has).
Fun fact, the 787 stops the crabbing technique at a few hundred feet above the ground and goes in a hybrid position with a wing down just before touchdone under autoland control :)
that was Gatwick alright. I spotted Crawley, Langley Green, the M23 spur road and even Lowfield Heath church. Nice
Now just need the most important: know how to use the FMC
Being an even lesser enthusiastic flightsim pilot I once had the opportunity to fly in a Lockheed P-3 Orion simulator. It is totally different from a PC flightsim but it was an amazing experience. And yes, I managed to land the plane as well!
It's all about you isn't it, flapping your mouth
I your passion for this, but if I'm on a plane and I hear the captain say "Okay. I have control...I guess." I'm outta there! :-)
The usual practice when flying any aircraft with more than one pilot aboard is to call out "I have the controls" when you, well, have the controls, at which point the other pilot will acknowledge. That's to prevent people being confused "I thought you were flying the plane!". It's not meant as "I... think I can control this plane?", but rather "I... think I MAY control this plane?".
Been in that exact sim as well as the a320 sim there too but 737 is better for me well done mate
TheGreatFlyer no problem your channel is amazing
Why are you still using FSX in your home setup?
X-Plane 11 is finally released, and is much better than the ancient Microsoft sim.
Todd Microsoft should release a new flight sim
FSX is a boss of old school knowledge. Respect.
MS did release one since FSX, called Flight, it failed and they stopped developing for it like only 4 months later lol. Guess they decided to get out of the flight simulator game for good.
X-plane looks like a troll to me
Always used fsx. Then tried xplane11 zibo mod. Haven't been back.
I got a chance to do this in a Bombardier 200 full motion sim at Flight Safty in Atl once. I was able to take off and land with pretty well. And I got to do it in the E-8C sim back in 2009. With no cross wind I did fine. But with the cross wind a limitation of the sims at the time cropped up. I got down fine, but leveled my yoke as soon as the mains are down. The 707 has a narrow wheel base, and it still near flying when the wheels touch. So the windward wing still and a bit too much lift, and I wound up dragging the other wing tip. All in all it was a super cool experience. I once missed a round in the Raptor sim by 10 minutes. But did get to observe an actual Raptor pilot doing a simulated engagement against Mig-29s.
Brings a girl home and she sees that whole set up LOL
Υπεροχη εμπειρια.Πολυ θα το θελα και γω.Αλλο το fsx κι αλλο το αληθινο Simulator.
Do they use xplane on the real simulator? Or is it a completely different software
B ST Their simulators are like the real thing. Xplane and other simulators you download from the internet is just like a game.
No you are wrong. X-Plane FAA-certified is not a game and is actually used to train real pilots....
Ralex Hassle you do realize it's only FAA certified if it's full cockpit and an FAA person approves it? I can say simulators made my actual flight training harder as far as controls.
Paolo Gianzanti do you fly helicopters? If so, what type of helicopters
BaconFat Studios S300cbi and Enstrom
I'd love to have an airbus cockpit in my room (even while using my single screen only) for the magnificent ambient feeling of all the beautiful amber lights and the mechanical switches - so cool!
Nice video...you have basically done all of us simmers a favor and proven that we can handle the real thing...most people (many on this comments section included) think a simulation is a video game, that they probably equate to call of duty. They forget what the word "simulation" means, and it means anything but a "game". Most are either just jealous or ignorant. I have put over 15 years in flight simulation flying heavy jets (I use X-Plane which in my opinion is the closest to the real thing) I also only use payware aircraft modeled and built by actual engineers, and have put in thousands of dollars over the years on instruments that can buy their Xbox and Playstation consoles several times over and I have put in years and years of learning and studying everything there is to know about flying a plane, with all modesty, put me with any pilot, and I can bet you that there is no term that he could use that I am not familiar with and completely understand it's application. Then some people come who don't even know what flaps do on a plane or what flaps even are, and tell you "it's a video game". Alot of that is from jealousy, I mean they put years into playing games like Call of Duty and then want to lob us in that same category they are in. Well your video really did all us fellow simmers justice. Keep up the good work!! If there was ever an emergency on a plane (God forbid) and the closest thing to a pilot on that plane is a simmer like yourself, those people would be begging you to fly that plane.
I can attest as a real life pilot and a former simmer... you would be able to "fly" the sim at a rudimentary level that in no way replicates real life. I can also tell you in the real world even the full motion sims aren't 100% on the money. That all said, watching him fly within the beginning of his takeoff roll I could immediately see about five things he's doing wrong that I would teach him not to do... (I still have my CFI/CFII/MEI ratings)... for one, the glaring issue and you'll notice it if you watch his legs, he over uses the rudder to maintain centerline... it's almost certain just from this vid that he focuses too close to the nose of the plane vs focusing his attention to the far end of the runway... everything needs to be deliberate, smooth, and with small corrections.... you'll see it again, what I'm talking about in how he was flying the approach... the control yoke in a sim does NOT need to move that much.. it barely moves that much except in gusty strong crosswinds in the real world on the jets I've flown... (I'm typed in the ERJ-145 and B757/767 with just over 7600 hrs in the air now...)
Jet Linkin I think those were some faults that the SIM experience caused, I bet if they train him for just a couple of months, he will be able to fly a real plane
Why do you care so much about what others think? That's a bit childish.
Plus why would people be jealous? I don't get that part.
Well said A+++.
Keep attacking those Strawmen bud lol. No one's jealous that you spent tens of thousands of dollars to fly fake planes dude.