1) Send one to each specialist. I recommend filling the vials with 70% EToH so the mites do not dry out, however. In this case, the acarologists do not need living hosts to observe (they have your videos if they do). I've never worked with Kaitlyn, but I've sent a lot of specimens to Ron (and have a few more I'll be sending on Monday actually). I'd ask how they'd prefer the mites be preserved and sent. But I'm guessing they will generally agree with my statement above (the 70% thing). 2) You can start removing the workers with visible mites and separate them into a quarantine area. Cool them off a little bit (surround a tube with ice for example) to lower their activity rate, then remove the mites gently. I'd remove the ants with featherweight forceps, but remove the mites by brushing them with a little bit of 70% EToH and either scraping them off with a needle, or pulling them off directly with a pair of fine point forceps.
Greetings, fellow Ant Lovers/AC Family! I can’t believe I actually did this. This video was truly tough to make so I’d appreciate it if you could leave a LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE the video, and SUBSCRIBE (hit the BELL and select ALL for Notifications Squad) if you enjoyed it! Also, please VOTE below but hitting LIKE on whichever you prefer of the 3 options:
The underside (ventral) is usually very important for species identification. Hence the reason we slide mount these mites ventral side up. So you are right on the money!
Facts lol I was watching it in preview form reading the subtitles and as soon as he said that I was like “let me just go ahead and click on the video” 😭 sb: your profile pic is fire also is your username Light because of Light Yagami? 👀
@@grams213 I think every living human being knows what SUS means I bet u straight up learned what SUS means 15 mins before u posted that comment and are flexing it to everyone u know
Next time you find rhino beetles, you should start a colony of hypoaspis mites, and introduce a few of them every so often to your ant colonies that have mites. Doesn't matter whether or not they're blood suckered or phoretic, because they could easily go into the blood sucking mode and there's less risk of losing a colony.
@@wawawho18_adventures springtails are the better option, otherwise he every time has to ask himself if that is a good or a bad mite. So Springtails are the safer option.
@@wawawho18_adventures but what I fear is some good mites is bad for some colony while bad mite is good for some colony... like sometimes too much of good mite might also be bad for the ecosystem too... not sure but we will let time and research tell...
You should do option 3. You should also get the video/photo proof of the mites but also send the male ants over at the same time incase the photo wasn’t accurate enough
The fact that they stick to the face of the ants makes me think that they don't eat waste as they would let go to eat the garbage. Also repletes that are about to die normally dump all of their social stomach into another replete... This is very worrying
I've worked with Ronald Ochoa in the Mite lab, he will need the physical mite to examine as you have to look at details such as the anal plate, placement of setai (hairs), etc. Chemicals are used to make the mite translucent before it is mounted on a slide so that it can be studied better.
@@jacoblaszakovits3035 all I did was give my opinion like he asked for in the video. I'm not saying I'm more qualified than anyone. But I truly believe that since he cares so deeply for his pets that he should be as extensive as possible and all of us I'm sure are very curious to know exactly what is going on
@@kinslerable physically removing them from their ant host might damage them, making them impossible to identify. Better be safe by preserving and sending one without handling it.
seems better to get those 2 to the experts asap taking a chance to try film it yourself might be a huge waste of time as the camera isn't strong enough try catch a third for your own research if you want, but getting 2 professional opinions fast seems more fruitful then try yourself with no experience on this kind of research and without the equipment
My guess is the mites came in with the queen during the nuptial flight and use alates to travel from nest to nest. This seems like something a parasite would do.
It was a perfect situation for the mites to attach to the male ants because removing the male ants would do the least harm to the colony, as they do no work. In fact, it would allow more food to go to the young and hungry workers!
@@campbell5280 i had a bad experience once. Involved a broken leg (so I literally could not run away) and huge very painful ants. Im good with lifelong fear thanks ;)
Option 3, absolutely. Maybe you can get the colony into an AC outworld with a barrier and some kind of food to keep them distracted so you can pick out infected ants and remove the mites. I think it's best to remove them from the colony. At the very least, the size of them on the ants must be some kind of stress on the ants, no matter how strong they are.
The longer you wait, the worse it can get so just send them anyway. The first option's gonna be the most popular option either way because we all care so much about this young colony
Yeah, even if they are beneficial, ants are super clean they'll be fine. Also IF they were beneficial, there would probably be something on google about it. Then again... Arg we need more ant love
I think option three is your best bet. Even if they are allies (which seems unlikely at this point) Losing them will be less detrimental than keeping enemies within.
Since discovering this channel I have a new found love and respect for all insects. Upon finding them in my home, I go out of my way to release them back outside. Edit: Three option vote @9:20 My Vote: "Remove all the mites and have them ID by experts" Question of the week: Why was it a perfect situation that the mites had transferred to the male ants? Answer: "Mites are often observed attaching to larger arthropods such as ants for dispersal (phoresy). Through phoresy, mites are able to exploit scattered and patchy resources that they would be unable to reach without external assistance".
Step 1: Take your best pictures and send those to experts. Step 2: Send the samples to the experts in case pictures aren't good enough. Step 3: try to extract the mites. Using a grabber clip/claw/probe instead of tweezers might help with this. (the kind used for electronics that are thin tubes and have two metal wire grabbers at the end of the tube.)
This music is like an avengers movie lol. I actually had to pause to remember I was just watching a guy with some tweezers and ants, and not saving the world from a nuclear bomb 😅
@@AntsCanada it was a perfect situation that the males had the mites because they 1 don’t do anything for the colony except for breed but there not in the wild so that doesn’t matter 2 they are 1 (or in this case 2) more mouths to feed when that food could be going to the brude to help them grow #acquestionoftheweek #antloveforever #acfamilia #optionthree
I already finished this video like 2 hours ago but came back to say: I was working in the yard moving some garden stones and say a newer colony of common ants and lightly brushed them off the rock onto the ground after waiting a few minutes for them to move their brood. I tell this story because before watching your videos I would've thrown them off without a care and went on with my day. You have shown me a different side of ants and the benefits they bring. I can't get enough of your videos and I wish you would update more often!
Of course 3. This is after all a learning channel. I have to know what is found out. This could also help a fellow ant keeper to know if they have to worry if this happens in their setup. Thanks!
on a brighter note, i just caught a small black ant with wings walking across my keyboard. my window is wide open so it just came in to let me know, if i want a queen today i could have one.
One such ant fell on my phone while I was using the restroom a few weeks back and I freaked out & flicked it away. I could've sold her to anyone wanting to start a colony, rip. Well as long as she doesn't make her colony in my apartment we're cool.
@@abadgurl2010 If it's any consolation, when looking for a queen ant I believe you want to look for a larger ant that has already lost their wings and is wandering around, as that means she has already been mated. They rip their wings off and head underground soon after mating, so while it is possible usually ants with wings haven't gotten lucky yet and aren't really worth much by themselves. Definitely a good indicator that's it's nuptial season and there's mated queens around though!!
Considering how fast the amount of mites grew, it's likely they have eggs around that you can't find. Separate the mites from the males and photograph them.
This is an opportunity for you to learn potentially valuable information for later use. Send the mites off for a legitimate ID and learn what they are and potentially hows to deal with them in future colonies. Don't try to just take a photo or video, it's not going to be sufficient and even if they do show some markers, there's a high likelihood that you'll get a false ID and that's if they even take a stab at it at all.
AC, I think you should extract all the mites, send a few to the experts and keep the others. This is because if they arent dangerous, once you get the All clear, you can release the remaining mites back into the colony, if they are indeed the vampire mites, you can kill the last ones, we let the colony live on. Also, if the ants start dying off fast (the ones you quarantined) then remove the mites, I hope this comment helped!
"It was much too SUS for my liking" *He said it, he said the thing* ...when the facehugger mites are sus! 😳 the males are just extra mouths to feed so I would just send them right away. The food that would go to them would go to the worker ants that need it most. And we need an answer to save this colony while members are still alive
It was a perfect situation, because as you said in the video, they don't work, and are mostly just an extra mouth to feed. They're taken care of because they'll be able to mate with female ants later, and if they die, her majesty will always make more. (I really want that handbook.)
HEY!! How about you photograph one mite off one male, send that picture to the specialist and as a back up, mail the other male...? You get the best of both worlds--A fast preliminary result and then a confirmation once they study the physical ant. ❤
@@AntsCanada it was a perfect situation that the males had the mites because they 1 don’t do anything for the colony except for breed but there not in the wild so that doesn’t matter 2 they are 1 (or in this case 2) more mouths to feed when that food could be going to the brude to help them grow #acquestionoftheweek #antloveforever #acfamilia #optionthree
The colany:do you sense anything wrong too? The queen:*knows that the males are going away* uh no The colany:ok we just need 15 minutes of sleep Male 1:AAAAAAAA Male 2:QUEEN PLS NOOO AAAaaa
Hi there~ It is a perfect situation that the male ants are afflicted as they are not important workers and also mean fewer mouths to feed in the event that they did die accidentally.
I am an old woman with a ton of knowledge in my brain, some usable and some not. Today however, I have added some of the later. Ants with mites? What is our world coming to!? Why don't the ants just eat the mites? And what about the mites? Do the mites have mite too? You might look into that, you never know! As unusable as this information is to my old brain, I do find it interesting. Maybe I will find the chance to use this on someone in order to make myself appear to be a little wiser than the person with whom I am attempting to impress at the moment, or to a child in order to prove that with age comes great wisdom. So thank you young man, for all your work in the field of tiny insects we all know and love as a great big pest in the garden and kitchens all over this planet. I will be checking up to see what becomes of your colony and what brand of mite they have stuck to their faces!
Hey mike I just gotta say thank you for everything for creating this channel and keeping things positive during this rough time. Before my opinion on ants were annoying little bugs but now after watching your video and by that I mean totally hooking me on starting the Phoenix empire series my opinion comply changed. Thank you for everything again.
I would suggest trying to take one of the mites off of the host ant and taking some pictures to send to your friends in the lab, but drown the other and send it physically over. That way you can get quick results if the image is good enough with a physical specimen on the way in just in case. Also, removing the mite might damage it so only trying to take one off would be better so that a fully intact mite is sent to the lab!
Couldn't you send one off for testing, and then take one for picture ID that way if your picture is not good enough for a quicker ID one will already be on its way for testing? That way you do both options and may have an answer sooner?
ac question It was a perfect situation because, male ants don't do any work and only eat and leave, and it won't harm the colony and even help a little because there would be 2 less mouths to feed.
Facehugger is Aliens, Head Crabs are Half Life but yeh, they resemble the head crabs way too closely (that sound they made man, always put me on edge).
I wonder if you could sort of do a combination. Try to get a picture of their underside with a macro camera and then send the samples after pictures. Then they might be able to ID just from picture and then get a sample to confirm with microscope
since he has two males, each one with a mite on them, AC could go ahead and send one of them off to be directly studied and at the same time attempt to take the mite off the other one to get a picture of its underside. If the picture isn't enough, and they need to look at the mire directly, then a lot of time would be saved because the second ant would already be en route to be studied
Lemon water like you did with the Golden Empire when there was that huge mite scare. They turned out to be harmless, but they had latched onto the ants trying because they didn't like their current environment and wanted to find a better location. So you gave the Golden Empire that huge planted vivarium and the mites were happy and dropped off. But before you gave them the new home you were giving them lemon water. At first the ants avoided it, but they got used to it and discovered that the mites didn't like it. You even gave them a pile of lemon slices and they were pulling their food onto the slices to try to keep it away from the mites. So whenever I see a mite issue I shout "Provide them with lemon water!" Being "facehuggers", drinking lemon water would have an enormous impact on the mites do to their location on the face.
Mikey did you see the most recent Attenborough ant documentary!? 🐜 It's about an amazing supercolony and they used a powerful lens made from a mobile phone camera!! Maybe you could make one to help identify the mites...
Get your pictures for the channel, it is a rare opportunity. But also seek professional advice by mailing the sample. The baby mites are probably microscopic and everywhere
Hello, AntsCanada! I know you aren't the one that packed my package, but I really want to thank you in general for the wonderful ant tower I recieved this week, and all the work you guys do.
Yes I'm early. This just goes to show that he cares about his ants. Thank you for the content as well but still you care about your ants and that's a good thing
Some ant species actually vary on whether dying repletes pass on food, some don't as if its dying of a disease or something it ate, it's not a good idea to pass it, no clue which type this ant is though
1) Send one to each specialist. I recommend filling the vials with 70% EToH so the mites do not dry out, however. In this case, the acarologists do not need living hosts to observe (they have your videos if they do). I've never worked with Kaitlyn, but I've sent a lot of specimens to Ron (and have a few more I'll be sending on Monday actually). I'd ask how they'd prefer the mites be preserved and sent. But I'm guessing they will generally agree with my statement above (the 70% thing).
2) You can start removing the workers with visible mites and separate them into a quarantine area. Cool them off a little bit (surround a tube with ice for example) to lower their activity rate, then remove the mites gently. I'd remove the ants with featherweight forceps, but remove the mites by brushing them with a little bit of 70% EToH and either scraping them off with a needle, or pulling them off directly with a pair of fine point forceps.
I think this is the best course of action.
Yes do both of these!
ehhh not bad on thinking
How much time did you take to type this
@@M-HACK honest answer: 5 minutes because my phone kept auto correcting stuff
Greetings, fellow Ant Lovers/AC Family! I can’t believe I actually did this. This video was truly tough to make so I’d appreciate it if you could leave a LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE the video, and SUBSCRIBE (hit the BELL and select ALL for Notifications Squad) if you enjoyed it! Also, please VOTE below but hitting LIKE on whichever you prefer of the 3 options:
OPTION 1: ID them!
OPTION 2: Destroy them ALL!
OPTION 3: Separate, ID, and wait for the result!
I’D Kill them don’t want to risk the colony 🐜 but then I think about how the mites could really be beneficial, 🪲what does everyone else think!
You have the ability to take two options. Send one and film the other. They might be able to tell from the underside if it's dangerous or not.
He can also film them both before sending them, won't take long.
That way he can also observe the other male and see if it dies or not. Then he can determine if the mites are lethal.
The underside (ventral) is usually very important for species identification. Hence the reason we slide mount these mites ventral side up. So you are right on the money!
good idea
They don't seem to be attaching to the ants either.
The fact that they said “sus” in a serious situation got me
Heh yeah same I be like wait no you can't talk about among us right now
You internet weirdos don't even know what sus means. Look up an urban dictionary LMAO stop jacking our slang. Good day 🙌🏾
Facts lol I was watching it in preview form reading the subtitles and as soon as he said that I was like “let me just go ahead and click on the video” 😭 sb: your profile pic is fire also is your username Light because of Light Yagami? 👀
@@grams213 my guy shut up ur 40 yrs old
@@grams213 I think every living human being knows what SUS means I bet u straight up learned what SUS means 15 mins before u posted that comment and are flexing it to everyone u know
(3) do both. The longer you wait, the more chance of mite eggs being laid! (If it’s not too late already...)
Next time you find rhino beetles, you should start a colony of hypoaspis mites, and introduce a few of them every so often to your ant colonies that have mites. Doesn't matter whether or not they're blood suckered or phoretic, because they could easily go into the blood sucking mode and there's less risk of losing a colony.
i thought of the samething, why dont he just put the good mites in every colony? even if they dont have mites just put the good one in
@DarkChaos he could also buy them. But I ask myself why he does not to that.
@@wawawho18_adventures springtails are the better option, otherwise he every time has to ask himself if that is a good or a bad mite. So Springtails are the safer option.
Wow good idea ur really smart :D
@@wawawho18_adventures but what I fear is some good mites is bad for some colony while bad mite is good for some colony... like sometimes too much of good mite might also be bad for the ecosystem too... not sure but we will let time and research tell...
You should do option 3. You should also get the video/photo proof of the mites but also send the male ants over at the same time incase the photo wasn’t accurate enough
I agree
This is what i meant lol. What gamingrif said
I can picture 20 people in a discord call screaming about you saying “sus”
You are dang right xD
Hahaha lol!!!
hey don't judge me and my friends.
this needs to blow up
The fact that they stick to the face of the ants makes me think that they don't eat waste as they would let go to eat the garbage. Also repletes that are about to die normally dump all of their social stomach into another replete... This is very worrying
I agree.
I also agree!
Yes, to hug the face makes me wonder if its stealing the food. Or worse. I don't like it, and I agree with you.
@@neolithiumproduction I agree
I agree. I dont own ants but that sounds sound.
I've worked with Ronald Ochoa in the Mite lab, he will need the physical mite to examine as you have to look at details such as the anal plate, placement of setai (hairs), etc. Chemicals are used to make the mite translucent before it is mounted on a slide so that it can be studied better.
Ooo yes you seem fancy I trust this information
Maybe not true, but thanks
@@bilswifee they might as well know more than us
You’re probably a kid
@@hannahernandez4001 not everyone is a kid on RUclips but okay..
You always send things in for the most accurate results you can get. Do not rely on a photo.
Not saying you are wrong, but I don’t see how a RUclips gamer is more qualified to determine what’s ok to rely on than the video creator.
@@jacoblaszakovits3035 yes because video creators know everything
@@jacoblaszakovits3035 ants Canada also constantly ask for community input
@@jacoblaszakovits3035 all I did was give my opinion like he asked for in the video. I'm not saying I'm more qualified than anyone. But I truly believe that since he cares so deeply for his pets that he should be as extensive as possible and all of us I'm sure are very curious to know exactly what is going on
@@onemansvoice9132 I never said they know everything
"It was all much too... sus for my liking." -AntsCanada 2021
69 likes?! that really SUS
*despair intensifies*
I think sending 1 male and to the us would be a good idea, meanwhile you can get footage of the mite on the other male for the professionals to see
I think the same
Why not just take photos of them both before sending them?
@@kinslerable physically removing them from their ant host might damage them, making them impossible to identify. Better be safe by preserving and sending one without handling it.
seems better to get those 2 to the experts asap
taking a chance to try film it yourself might be a huge waste of time as the camera isn't strong enough
try catch a third for your own research if you want, but getting 2 professional opinions fast seems more fruitful then try yourself with no experience on this kind of research and without the equipment
The twos mites on the one male: Ayo lemme catch a ride right quick
"TAXI!" 😏
My guess is the mites came in with the queen during the nuptial flight and use alates to travel from nest to nest. This seems like something a parasite would do.
Yes considering there really is no other way and it was caught early on
but dont none parasite mites also do that somtimes? to get to a better place with more food
Could also be the food?
Yep.. also explains it hugging those alates.!
It was a perfect situation for the mites to attach to the male ants because removing the male ants would do the least harm to the colony, as they do no work. In fact, it would allow more food to go to the young and hungry workers!
Congrats! You won! Please email us info@antscanada.com for instructions on how to claim your prize! Ant love forever!
@@AntsCanada wait wot?
@@AntsCanada ?
@@AntsCanada what?
@@TheAnt77 watch to the end of the video next time
i started watching these to get over my fear of insects, but im now invested in this channel and still afraid of bugs :')
Yep - and after learning how smart and how much of a team ants are. Im particularly afraid of ants now!
The only real way to get over a fear is to actually interact with it tho
It took raising reptiles and using feeder crickets to get over my fear of bugs
@@campbell5280 i had a bad experience once. Involved a broken leg (so I literally could not run away) and huge very painful ants.
Im good with lifelong fear thanks ;)
Option 3, absolutely. Maybe you can get the colony into an AC outworld with a barrier and some kind of food to keep them distracted so you can pick out infected ants and remove the mites. I think it's best to remove them from the colony. At the very least, the size of them on the ants must be some kind of stress on the ants, no matter how strong they are.
where is the pinned comment he said he would have?
Kill them all
The longer you wait, the worse it can get so just send them anyway. The first option's gonna be the most popular option either way because we all care so much about this young colony
@Kim Jong-un or you can just nuke the mites
Are you bored nuking nations, instead watching ant colony contents
Yeah, even if they are beneficial, ants are super clean they'll be fine. Also IF they were beneficial, there would probably be something on google about it. Then again... Arg we need more ant love
Seeing an acc like this on an ant channel is so ironic to me 😂
Am i the only one who randomly remembered this channel and just decided to see how it's doing now
That’s how I got here
@@gumisgoodbutimbetter Samee lol
That’s exactly why I’m here
Man you need a higher quality set of tweezers for stuff like this. Something like the Engineer tweezers from Japan.
I think option three is your best bet. Even if they are allies (which seems unlikely at this point) Losing them will be less detrimental than keeping enemies within.
Since discovering this channel I have a new found love and respect for all insects. Upon finding them in my home, I go out of my way to release them back outside.
Edit: Three option vote @9:20
My Vote: "Remove all the mites and have them ID by experts"
Question of the week: Why was it a perfect situation that the mites had transferred to the male ants?
Answer: "Mites are often observed attaching to larger arthropods such as ants for dispersal (phoresy). Through phoresy, mites are able to exploit scattered and patchy resources that they would be unable to reach without external assistance".
Nothing is boring when you watch his videos
i found my love for ants here, but i still freak out about spiders
@@Vilniusx66 yes
Just make sure you don’t release a house spider into the wild, cause house spiders can’t live outside.
"The fate of are ants is in your hands"
Me: "I dont like that responsibility"
Our* sorry I know it's hard to spell sometimes but I just like proper grammer
@@TaliLovesFrogs ._.
@@TaliLovesFrogs grammar
Step 1: Take your best pictures and send those to experts.
Step 2: Send the samples to the experts in case pictures aren't good enough.
Step 3: try to extract the mites. Using a grabber clip/claw/probe instead of tweezers might help with this. (the kind used for electronics that are thin tubes and have two metal wire grabbers at the end of the tube.)
This music is like an avengers movie lol. I actually had to pause to remember I was just watching a guy with some tweezers and ants, and not saving the world from a nuclear bomb 😅
I'm saving the ants' world from nuclear mites! Lol thank you for watching! Ant love forever!
@@AntsCanada do it fast the people voted
@@AntsCanada i feel like i'm watching a movie.
Wtf lol
@@AntsCanada it was a perfect situation that the males had the mites because they 1 don’t do anything for the colony except for breed but there not in the wild so that doesn’t matter 2 they are 1 (or in this case 2) more mouths to feed when that food could be going to the brude to help them grow #acquestionoftheweek #antloveforever #acfamilia #optionthree
I already finished this video like 2 hours ago but came back to say: I was working in the yard moving some garden stones and say a newer colony of common ants and lightly brushed them off the rock onto the ground after waiting a few minutes for them to move their brood. I tell this story because before watching your videos I would've thrown them off without a care and went on with my day. You have shown me a different side of ants and the benefits they bring. I can't get enough of your videos and I wish you would update more often!
When all those hours of playing "Operation" as a kid finally pay off
“Mom, I told you it was worth playing that game all day!”
Well I used to burn ants with those fire work stick things when I was 8-14 years old
@@smashbrosguyt915 sparklers?
@@spaghettist_ yeah those things
Among Us might be slowly dying but saying "Sus" lives on
Among sus
I said sus before among us and it pisses me off everybody starting saying it
@@AM-tc2ff Right, “sus” was definitely a word far before that game existed.
ꖌ╎リㅓ ᓵ።ŀᓵŀリﬧׅ
@@kingcrecent3660 tf
I've never actually thought of you as Canadian, until I heard you say "Do you believe we're better safe than sawry?"
well he is Filipino
@@horatioyen256 Noone cares
@@echoeells4550 i do
@@echoeells4550 F off
I think hes filipino
Of course 3. This is after all a learning channel. I have to know what is found out. This could also help a fellow ant keeper to know if they have to worry if this happens in their setup. Thanks!
on a brighter note, i just caught a small black ant with wings walking across my keyboard. my window is wide open so it just came in to let me know, if i want a queen today i could have one.
One such ant fell on my phone while I was using the restroom a few weeks back and I freaked out & flicked it away. I could've sold her to anyone wanting to start a colony, rip. Well as long as she doesn't make her colony in my apartment we're cool.
@@abadgurl2010 If it's any consolation, when looking for a queen ant I believe you want to look for a larger ant that has already lost their wings and is wandering around, as that means she has already been mated. They rip their wings off and head underground soon after mating, so while it is possible usually ants with wings haven't gotten lucky yet and aren't really worth much by themselves. Definitely a good indicator that's it's nuptial season and there's mated queens around though!!
Considering how fast the amount of mites grew, it's likely they have eggs around that you can't find. Separate the mites from the males and photograph them.
This is an opportunity for you to learn potentially valuable information for later use. Send the mites off for a legitimate ID and learn what they are and potentially hows to deal with them in future colonies. Don't try to just take a photo or video, it's not going to be sufficient and even if they do show some markers, there's a high likelihood that you'll get a false ID and that's if they even take a stab at it at all.
Even though this channel is called AntsCanada, it still catches me off guard when he says "sourry" 😂
What are you talking aBOAT 🛶?!!!
@@AntsCanada This my friend, just got you a new member of the AC Senate.
@@jacobkaalberg8529 I bow to you
@@jacobkaalberg8529 Bow
@@jacobkaalberg8529 i bow to you
"I could only see one mite, there under the wing."
*Mite starts sucking blood from this strange gaint*
AntsCanada: We need to wait for the results!
Me: Dude... Remember what happened to the last colony that had blood sucking mites???
views is more important for him bro..🥛🥛🥛
@@dexter92501 You got a point there, he needs views to earn money and use that money to take care of the ants
2 options, 2 mites. mail one and photoshoot the other. If the photo option does not work then the other option would be underway.
He's the only one who notices by starting small
AC, I think you should extract all the mites, send a few to the experts and keep the others. This is because if they arent dangerous, once you get the All clear, you can release the remaining mites back into the colony, if they are indeed the vampire mites, you can kill the last ones, we let the colony live on. Also, if the ants start dying off fast (the ones you quarantined) then remove the mites, I hope this comment helped!
"It was much too SUS for my liking"
*He said it, he said the thing* ...when the facehugger mites are sus! 😳
the males are just extra mouths to feed so I would just send them right away. The food that would go to them would go to the worker ants that need it most. And we need an answer to save this colony while members are still alive
Yo Avery I haven't talked to you in a long time, I don't know if you remember me, neon, but we have talked before
They should move into the "Woodland Mansion " when they grow up
It was a perfect situation, because as you said in the video, they don't work, and are mostly just an extra mouth to feed.
They're taken care of because they'll be able to mate with female ants later, and if they die, her majesty will always make more.
(I really want that handbook.)
2:54... That shot totally reminded me of that scene in Resident Evil where that mesh lazer thing came down the white corridor to the Red Queen.
For the Ac question: The male ants don't do much work so less mites would be in the "Phoenix Empire" and less harm would come.
10:10 all of this “mite” take some time.
Hahaha good one 🤣
HEY!! How about you photograph one mite off one male, send that picture to the specialist and as a back up, mail the other male...? You get the best of both worlds--A fast preliminary result and then a confirmation once they study the physical ant. ❤
I totally would be the apparently require the underside of the mite!
@@AntsCanada ?????
Ya that extremely good idea man
@@AntsCanada it was a perfect situation that the males had the mites because they 1 don’t do anything for the colony except for breed but there not in the wild so that doesn’t matter 2 they are 1 (or in this case 2) more mouths to feed when that food could be going to the brude to help them grow #acquestionoftheweek #antloveforever #acfamilia #optionthree
@@AntsCanada You mean they, not the right?
It was perfect because it won’t harm the colony when you remove them.
The colany:do you sense anything wrong too?
The queen:*knows that the males are going away* uh no
The colany:ok we just need 15 minutes of sleep
And the queen is also the Momma. LOL
@@electroninja7419 true but if you were a daughter of a queen and your mom turns you into a slave will you call her your mom
Electro Ninja the queen is the mom LOL
The mites on the males:Uh help pls i am mr mystery with my brother mr gone and we are ✓¥=$[`}=$}% mites AAAAAA π _π
Option 3 dude!!! For all we know they could multiply faster than STIs in a brothel on a 5 dollar Tuesday night special!!! Eradicate them fools!!!
If they are enclosed, it seems more responsible to try least invasive to most invasive methods based on ID purposes and treatments.
Option 3 is best.
Hi there~ It is a perfect situation that the male ants are afflicted as they are not important workers and also mean fewer mouths to feed in the event that they did die accidentally.
the worker ants are affected too
I am an old woman with a ton of knowledge in my brain, some usable and some not. Today however, I have added some of the later. Ants with mites? What is our world coming to!? Why don't the ants just eat the mites? And what about the mites? Do the mites have mite too? You might look into that, you never know! As unusable as this information is to my old brain, I do find it interesting. Maybe I will find the chance to use this on someone in order to make myself appear to be a little wiser than the person with whom I am attempting to impress at the moment, or to a child in order to prove that with age comes great wisdom. So thank you young man, for all your work in the field of tiny insects we all know and love as a great big pest in the garden and kitchens all over this planet. I will be checking up to see what becomes of your colony and what brand of mite they have stuck to their faces!
It was a good thing that the males had the mites on them because the males aren’t the biggest priority in the colony and wouldn’t hurt them.
Hey mike I just gotta say thank you for everything for creating this channel and keeping things positive during this rough time. Before my opinion on ants were annoying little bugs but now after watching your video and by that I mean totally hooking me on starting the Phoenix empire series my opinion comply changed. Thank you for everything again.
Finally early and this is ant love risking his own fingers he takes the ant facehugger of the ants
And yes i knew he was using the tweezers but they could climb up onto the tweezers and bite his fingers
Heyy you from AntsHonor, remember me. Hi
@@jitendraawasthi7956 yes i do
@@thesnakeanimator5673 know me ?
11:14, that ant looks like its dying and antscanada can't detect it lol
I would suggest trying to take one of the mites off of the host ant and taking some pictures to send to your friends in the lab, but drown the other and send it physically over. That way you can get quick results if the image is good enough with a physical specimen on the way in just in case. Also, removing the mite might damage it so only trying to take one off would be better so that a fully intact mite is sent to the lab!
Couldn't you send one off for testing, and then take one for picture ID that way if your picture is not good enough for a quicker ID one will already be on its way for testing? That way you do both options and may have an answer sooner?
Commenting just so this has a better chance to be seen~
I definitely want this to get more attention
and then the canadian ant guy said sus. funniest thing i’ve seen
Do u know why I can't reply on his post
ac question
It was a perfect situation because, male ants don't do any work and only eat and leave, and it won't harm the colony and even help a little because there would be 2 less mouths to feed.
My half life fears are coming back to me when i heard the name "facehugger"
Also i think i choose the 3rd option
Facehugger is Aliens, Head Crabs are Half Life but yeh, they resemble the head crabs way too closely (that sound they made man, always put me on edge).
@@wiretrip1 and now they made the headcrabs to scary to terrifying in half life alyx.
And how?
2 words:
Poison headcrab
Being early is kinda nice ngl, i don't regret turning on notifications
I wonder if you could sort of do a combination. Try to get a picture of their underside with a macro camera and then send the samples after pictures. Then they might be able to ID just from picture and then get a sample to confirm with microscope
since he has two males, each one with a mite on them, AC could go ahead and send one of them off to be directly studied and at the same time attempt to take the mite off the other one to get a picture of its underside. If the picture isn't enough, and they need to look at the mire directly, then a lot of time would be saved because the second ant would already be en route to be studied
Lemon water like you did with the Golden Empire when there was that huge mite scare. They turned out to be harmless, but they had latched onto the ants trying because they didn't like their current environment and wanted to find a better location. So you gave the Golden Empire that huge planted vivarium and the mites were happy and dropped off. But before you gave them the new home you were giving them lemon water. At first the ants avoided it, but they got used to it and discovered that the mites didn't like it. You even gave them a pile of lemon slices and they were pulling their food onto the slices to try to keep it away from the mites. So whenever I see a mite issue I shout "Provide them with lemon water!" Being "facehuggers", drinking lemon water would have an enormous impact on the mites do to their location on the face.
He could make paint drying sound fun
oh wow I've never been this early for anything... HI MIKEY
Who cares
@@FuriousDarkness so? Roblox kid
@@FuriousDarkness did you have to care?
@@FuriousDarkness what’s up with you let the guy say is Opinion mate
4:47 AC: “It was all much to *S U S* for my liking”
Me: “No AC just- No.. Stop.. Don’t...”
Hehe boi..
🟥🟥 🟥🟥
Red: was ejected
Both. You have two sets of mites.
One container you can fill with alcohol, the other you can remove the mite and get an undershot.
Mikey did you see the most recent Attenborough ant documentary!? 🐜 It's about an amazing supercolony and they used a powerful lens made from a mobile phone camera!! Maybe you could make one to help identify the mites...
What’s the name of the film?
@@brianmanning764"Attenborough and the Empire of the Ants"
Me watching this: *"Hurry up and get them out! NO DELAYS! GO TEAM GO!"*
This mitey little saga has left me scratching my chin on the matter.🤔🐜🐜🥰
Antscanada: you lookin sus bro
Mites: oh no
Thank you for caring them
Can we just give a salute to this dude who have the guts to take the ant out with like 30 more of those ants which can sting?
the man keeps fire ants, quite a few of them iirc :P
@@Sublimeoo yes, but we aren’t talking about fire ants, we’re talking about carpenter ants which don’t sting.
@Camponotus sorry my bad, they bite.
@@TheKatarinaGiselle if he's not scared of his fire ants why would he be scared of less dangerous species...
@@Sublimeoo lol that’s not even what I was saying. Pretty sure you missed everybody’s point.
red: reports a body as soon as somebody walks in
the entire rest of the crew: 4:49
I love that you're still making videos after all this time
2:00 AntsCanada: Wa-
RUclips: Could i offer you a nice ad in this trying time?
I'm not sure it is wise to wait that long.. :(
4:47 ඞ
wow bro amogus
@@xX_wiLLiam_Xx susu is milk in Indonesia language
Indonesian milk sus
@@xX_wiLLiam_Xx are you having a seuziure? Are you okay
I dislike ants generally but i love antscanada makes it not only bearable but a joy to watch
antscanada we don't need males also antscanada we love all life on this channel.
Welp gotta kill a few to save a million
Get your pictures for the channel, it is a rare opportunity. But also seek professional advice by mailing the sample. The baby mites are probably microscopic and everywhere
I never get your videos in my subscription feed, wtf youtube.... I will have to turn on push notifications.
Do both. Take pictures etc and send them to the specialists, then mail them to be certain
Hello, AntsCanada! I know you aren't the one that packed my package, but I really want to thank you in general for the wonderful ant tower I recieved this week, and all the work you guys do.
Heck yes I’ve been waiting to watch this
Even if they were beneficial. it's not necessary for there survival. So why take any risk
place the colony in the fridge, chill the ants and mites a bit. Then extract the mites while they are to cold to move.
Early, I think you should send them to the doctors.
* scientists
They’re scientists
They are also doctors. I mean, one doesn't need to go to medical school to be considered a doctor.
@@viniciusnascimentooliveira3440 Dr Scientist, Esq
Waking up 7 hours early and can't sleep, bad. Realizing theres another AC video, day redeemed.
4:48 when the parasite is sus!😳
Why does watching your videos calm me down so much?
I think you should send the ants so they can get a better look at the mites.Even though I will miss those brave males.😢
Yes I'm early. This just goes to show that he cares about his ants. Thank you for the content as well but still you care about your ants and that's a good thing
Well in busy so I'm always late but I've been watching this channel for 4 years but sadly my account have been terminated
Ahhh shi here we go again
Mite drama
Mites that are on antscanadas ants- finally an worthy opponent our battle will be legendary
This channel is wierd but addicting
How did they get on the ants
I have no idea!!!
antscanada: it is all to "sus" for my liking.
Some ant species actually vary on whether dying repletes pass on food, some don't as if its dying of a disease or something it ate, it's not a good idea to pass it, no clue which type this ant is though
damn I'm earlier than normal, it's midnight where I'm living
Where the hell? It's 9 in the morning where I'm at.
@@fe4rpurgee153 same
Yeah it is 9 AM where I am