I have bought this honey. Yes, it is expensive. I put aside money to buy it. I bought a smaller jar. It was $26. Due to the different flora in New Zealand, it took me a few tries to get used to the taste. Now I am accostmed to it. I am now saving money to buy the large size...$85. You are correct about the health benefits. Btw, if you go to the company's website, prices will vary...higher. I bought mine at S*routs.
I'm glad you got a smaller jar to help make it more budget-friendly. Also, the high level of MGO may be overkill in most cases, but it comes down to how much bang you want for your buck.
Thanks for sharing the info, I'll be looking for some of this honey. By the way, I'm 4 days into fermenting my sauerkraut from following your other video. It's seems to be working out well; smells sulfuric with tons of bubbles on the top without any funky looking stuff.
I have bought this honey. Yes, it is expensive. I put aside money to buy it. I bought a smaller jar. It was $26. Due to the different flora in New Zealand, it took me a few tries to get used to the taste. Now I am accostmed to it. I am now saving money to buy the large size...$85. You are correct about the health benefits. Btw, if you go to the company's website, prices will vary...higher. I bought mine at S*routs.
I'm glad you got a smaller jar to help make it more budget-friendly. Also, the high level of MGO may be overkill in most cases, but it comes down to how much bang you want for your buck.
Thanks for sharing the info, I'll be looking for some of this honey. By the way, I'm 4 days into fermenting my sauerkraut from following your other video. It's seems to be working out well; smells sulfuric with tons of bubbles on the top without any funky looking stuff.
Absolutely! It's delicious honey (in addition to the health benefits). So glad the sauerkraut is looking good so far!