What's an injury you got, and lied about how it actually happened. Because it was too embarrassing?

  • Опубликовано: 16 фев 2024
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    We work extremely hard to serve you guys the highest quality story reading content. Each video takes a lot of effort when it comes to thinking of topics, ideation, editing, voice-acting, recording, etc. All the content in these videos are owned by us!
    Our Work Process:
    1. Come up with questions, research, script, come up with opinions/commentary, polish until ready for recording.
    2. Record voice acting the stories/questions, sharing thoughts and opinions and performing it in a creative and transformative fashion for viewers to enjoy.
    3. Record gameplay until there is enough interesting footage to use for the background
    4. Throw the gameplay in the editing software and then begin typing up the captions, cutting/trimming the voice acting, adding SFX, color correction, removing/adding clips, etc.
    5. Final review of the video, if video is not up to the quality desired for this channel. Either go back into the editing software, re-record some lines, change opinions/commentaries.

Комментарии • 124

  • @Life.As_Kamiahh

    The tinder date story was gold

  • @ryanclemons1

    I had the opposite issue i told the truth and it ended with CPS being called. Long story short cat we had gave me a bad black eye. Teacher thought i was making up a story, and I was hit at home by someone.

  • @LBozoBrain

    Slipped on a banana peel, yeah I know

  • @byereality7492

    I have a very large, straight, vibrant scar on the side of my thigh. Been very bright and noticeable for years. Said I had a cyst drained instead of admitting that it was caused by an open safety pin that was in my pants when I was getting dressed. It wasn't all that deep, but it scarred like its life depended on it

  • @orangepeelqueen2787

    I had the biggest zit of my life in middle school. It was the weekend and I was up watching infomercials cuz insomnia and I had been messing with it for hours. I finally popped it and it was audible. The stuff that came out was green. It was insane. I proceeded to mess with the wound after that convinced there had to be more. When I went back to school I had the biggest nastiest scab right in the middle of my face. I told my classmates I ran into a tree branch in the dark.

  • @tanyapoe5490

    I'm well known for getting hurt for the absolute dumbest ways possible. I once needed stitches because an ice cube fell out of the freezer and hit the top of my foot.

  • @KokoJustKoko

    I sneezed so hard, my head fell forward and hit the table. I got a concussion

  • @SeptemberMeadows

    I lie about all my scars and injuries, because why not? What does it matter? Well if there's medical personnel involved they get the unblemished truth because gotta help them so they can help me. The only embarrassing one I can think of actually just happened a week ago and I'm still rocking some scabs all over my right hand and both lower arms. SUPER STUPID: I was heating some canola oil in a 1.5 ltr pot, to make some jojos, I got distracted watching a RUclips video, all of a sudden I smell strong smoke (OH $#!t) run to the stove and the oil is obviously seconds from bursting into flame which would cause flaming oil to spray everywhere. I grab the pot by the insulated handle (no problem) and dump the oil in the empty kitchen sink. The beyond hot oil went down the drain, hit the water in the trap instantly turning it into steam, a steam and oil fountain shot up scalding my hand holding the pot, scalding oil shot across my arms and front of me. Fortunately I was wearing thick loose layers so I didn't get burned on my torso but it ruined my clothes. The burns to my hand caused me to toss the pot to the floor, where it landed on a rug and melted a round hole into it. Took awhile to clean that mess up. So I had dinner with my adult daughter a couple days after and noticing the mess on my hand and bandages I told her, Oh the diabetes sores just keep popping up on my extremities like crazy. I have diabetes and she looked horrified. I'm just kidding! It's those bed bugs, they're eating me relentlessly. She looks disturbed, You have bed bugs? No! I'm just kidding. She says, Look, you better tell me the truth now. I laugh, oh it's no biggie, I was making some hot tea with honey, fumbled the cup and got splashed. Now that I can believe, she tells me. Embarrassment averted 😅

  • @nemomagnum

    That poop story made my butt hurt 💀

  • @plastiqueneurosis

    When I was in elementary school I was riding a scooter down a wet hill and fell off and sprained my wrist. I didn’t tell anyone because I knew it was a bad idea to begin with. Not even my mom knew for some reason which I suspect she knew but didn’t care. One wrist healed faster than the other. Now sometimes they click or lock up. Could have been avoided if I just fessed up to being dumb. It’s an easy fix though. Just have to manually pull my hand back to unlock it. But it might cause some problems later down the road.

  • @meagancall5005

    "Getting in a knife fight" is a pretty unlikely story (at least for most people with reasonably stable backgrounds). Falling down a trap door like a cartoon character, then surviving a hail of blades out of a box of butcher knives you happened to be carrying is... so much LESS believable. I think if I heard either story I'd just assume the teller accidentally stabbed themself in some very dumb way and didn't want to admit it.

  • @someguy14845

    holding my poop for too long is now forever going to be one of my fears

  • @Tetnisshot

    I’m a paraplegic and have had intense spasms. I recently got them under control with a baclofen pump. I wanted to really see if they were better by lifting my right leg up onto my left knee. I wanted to record it to show my friends. I got my leg up and was expressing my joy when I stopped holding on to gesture while talking and my leg just slid off, landing on its side on my foot plate.

  • @Tattooedgaymer

    Never stick your arms out to catch yourself. I broke both bones, in my left wrist, by doing that. The break made the bones almost tear through the skin and it was way too close to breaking the growth plate.

  • @NijutheWolf

    His reaction to story 12 was GOLD.

  • @Wolfie54545

    I was swimming in a pool when I was 11 years old and wasn’t paying attention to how close to the wall of the pool I was.

  • @lightdreamer_

    Opposite, stupidest way I got hurt is like a weird pride to me.

  • @lovelysakurapetalsyt

    The being clumsy and hitting themself in the eye story:

  • @9_of_Swords

    The best part of an injury story is the sheer stupidity of how it was attained. I don't want to hear an epic tale, I want the funny. Like the time I cracked my tailbone falling off a 4 wheeler when the driver took off before I was ready. Or, the time I was dancing in my kitchen, wearing a flowy skirt, and I went to do a high kick. The outer layer was big and flowy but the lining was narrow. I kicked and the fabric swept my other leg out from under me and I absolutely ate it. Or, how I caught the heel of my shoe in the open part of the porch steps and almost flew face first into the side of my car.