Texas Barn Find · 1935 Ford 3W coupe sitting since 1958!!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 413

  • @Ricktovoice
    @Ricktovoice Год назад +15

    God Bless this Woman... She knows the history of the family car's and can tell the story.

  • @richardcline1337
    @richardcline1337 Год назад +58

    I wouldn't change that body at all! Clean it up, give it a fresh black paint job and if the engine can't be saved then drop in an original flat head V-8 and just drive the car! If the engine can be fixed then keep the car all original. No dumbass chopping and restorodding, just bring it back to it's former glory. There is already enough JUNK on the highways already. This car is just too cool to screw it all up.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +19

      Agreed! Next we'll try to do a will it run, the engine actually wasn't locked up, so that's promising!

    • @evilbeetlekustomscreations4965
      @evilbeetlekustomscreations4965 Год назад +5

      Dig em up and drive em🤘✌️🇺🇲

    • @richardcasey7521
      @richardcasey7521 10 месяцев назад +2

      Totally agree.

    • @mick9663
      @mick9663 10 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah please don't chop the top

    • @Q8motorclassic
      @Q8motorclassic 9 месяцев назад +3

      Yes. It’s deserv to bring it back to original condition

  • @brucefrohn9834
    @brucefrohn9834 Год назад +40

    My 1st car was a 1935 Ford 3 window coupe, I bought for $75. This was in In 1962, when I was 14. I worked all summer picking strawberries, beans, etc & mowing yards to earn $$, so I could buy it. The car was in pieces, so I had to spend several days putting it back together, just to drag it home. Enjoyed your video.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +4

      That's pretty awesome!! Thanks for watching!

    • @nonelost1
      @nonelost1 Год назад +4

      So tell us some more history about you and your '35 3W coupe! (how long did you have it? etc.)

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +2

      We just picked it up last weekend.... Mike bought it, I just got to help and do the videoing.

    • @redtra236
      @redtra236 Год назад +6

      @@chaddilacdesigns I think he was talking about the guy that bought one in 1962 lol

    • @mangopog9814
      @mangopog9814 7 месяцев назад

      Neat, my first car was a 49 Plymouth I gave 4 dollars for the car, 50 dollars for a flathead six, and 8 dollars for four 8 ply 16” used tires , year was 1965.

  • @MidwestToolReview
    @MidwestToolReview Год назад +41

    Man, why couldn't I have friends like these guys!!! Literally pulled this beauty from a barn, cleaned it up, washed it up and reassembled just to take to a local car show. What a group of men!!

  • @PaulaTurpin
    @PaulaTurpin Год назад +26

    I fell in love with her just seeing her sitting in the barn. What a treasure. Take good care of her.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +3

      Thanks! It's gonna be awesome! Will it run comes next!!

    @WILLIAMSMITH-jd2hb Год назад +23

    I hope you appreciate the whole process of hearing about the car, seeing the car, wanting the car, and negotiating to buy the car, then pulling out the car to see sunlight for the first time in over 50 years. To a car guy, it doesn't get any more cool than that! This is a once in a lifetime experience. Hope you cherish it, and 1 day get her roadworks again.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      We got all the info on it! Pretty cool stories!

    • @tomwinkle1597
      @tomwinkle1597 Год назад

      65 years, I noticed that because I was born in 58. Cool find

  • @jsrroadrash3663
    @jsrroadrash3663 Год назад +13

    Awesome 35 glad you were able to get before the shed collapse on it. Nice to see you guys put everything back in the shed and put the wall back up ...now that's respect.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      Yea we were super happy we got it! Wouldn't have been much longer!

  • @wilcothefox
    @wilcothefox Год назад +16

    It's a great find and I like it that Mike wants to keep it relatively the same as found. The '35 has always been a hotrod from new. The car is built the same year as my mother was born, 88 years of age.

  • @peterjuhlke7437
    @peterjuhlke7437 Год назад +6

    Cool ride ! That was fun to watch ,thx . Have fun with her .

  • @walter2990
    @walter2990 Год назад +7

    I loved hearing Ms. Dorothy telling y'all about the history was fabulous, and loved hearing her Texas drawl, especially since I'm from Ft. Worth.
    My Grandad bought a bunch of trucks from Dub Shaw over about 40 years or so. Thanks for finding this beautiful old car!

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      Thanks for watching!

    • @tetedur377
      @tetedur377 Год назад

      Any of those old trucks still around?

    • @walter2990
      @walter2990 11 месяцев назад

      @tetedur377 Yep, I'm sure that some of those trucks are still around..., just not around here. ;)

  • @p.c.6561
    @p.c.6561 Год назад +6

    In spite of my extreme jealousy , I like these guys. Looking forward to following the progress on this one.

  • @larrykrise3609
    @larrykrise3609 Год назад +12

    always glad to see the old ones come back.make it pretty.
    please dont cut it up.

  • @Swiss918
    @Swiss918 Год назад +5

    Fixin to watch this with my morning coffee❤😮

  • @rodsands8113
    @rodsands8113 Год назад +11

    Mike & Chad.....Love watching you two working together and enjoying your finds! Wow...what a find!!

  • @kevinbarrett9615
    @kevinbarrett9615 Год назад +4

    Love the cow coming into the picture, obvious car lover !

  • @bobtucker8875
    @bobtucker8875 Год назад +5

    What a great 👍 find guys 😉. That's amazing 🤩 how good she looks. Can't wait to see what you do with her 🙂.

  • @vernonostendorf419
    @vernonostendorf419 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow !!! It's all there, keep it all there ..... That's a GEM .... Nicely Done....😅

  • @pedrokd5439
    @pedrokd5439 Год назад +5

    Glad its been found and will be saved for future generations 🎉🎉🎉

  • @highwheelingdragon7136
    @highwheelingdragon7136 10 месяцев назад +2

    My Dad bought a blue 1935 coupe in 1960 for $50.00 and my earliest memories are watching the pavement go by through the battery hole on the way to the Ice house for Lone Star beer! It was just so much more stylish than the cars of the late 1960’s.
    That car is the reason why I’m a hopeless car nut.

  • @thomaspepper2201
    @thomaspepper2201 Год назад +7

    This coup can be worth $20k-$50 as we see it now, a real wanted car.

  • @leesherman100
    @leesherman100 Год назад +3

    Major score. Just outstanding guys! Five *****

  • @bigblockkings1031
    @bigblockkings1031 Год назад +6

    Coolest video I've seen in a while. Love those 35 3 window fords. You lucky guys. 😎👏👏👏

  • @waynehayes8237
    @waynehayes8237 Год назад +4

    Great find. Looking forward to seeing more videos on this.

  • @DrMGomezJr
    @DrMGomezJr Год назад +1

    Neat! One year before I was born...Dad had a Model T, a model A, a 1939 Apple Green pickup which he traded in when he bought a 1952 Deluxe Ford pickup when we were migrants up in Bay City, Michigan working in the chicory fields...

  • @WizardOfWhoopee
    @WizardOfWhoopee Год назад +3

    That's an awesome find. What a car. They are all around us and we may not know it. I went looking for one today, but they had remodeled the barn and I could no longer look inside. No one was home to ask. I have my fingers crossed. 52 pickup.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад

      They are hard to find! I dig the 52 Ford pickups, I have one by my entrance to my shop!

  • @thomasd9237
    @thomasd9237 Год назад +3

    What a beautiful little car 👍👍

  • @zacandmillie
    @zacandmillie Год назад +1

    The stuff of dreams... to find an old car in a barn. This is a feel good video. Thanks.

  • @stevencoughran6115
    @stevencoughran6115 11 месяцев назад +2

    Nice barn find I love it hope to see more

  • @johnburns6394
    @johnburns6394 Год назад +2

    My 1936 had a rumble seat in the trunk space! I'm in love with that car! My favorites are 34/35 with suicide doors, 1040, 1951 Victoria and 1956! Those were style setters! I also owned a1952 convertible!

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад

      Can't go wrong with any of the early ford cars! I like em all!

  • @VintageJunker
    @VintageJunker Год назад +1

    OH, OH, OH What a Beauty!!! Sooo Cool I have a 1935 Bus I'm restoring. I wish mine was in as good a shape as this car. Have Fun Boys!

  • @walkingthruyourdata-6019
    @walkingthruyourdata-6019 Год назад +2

    What a find! Congratulations! Always exciting! (Well...for those that see the finished car in their heads! )

  • @boboshop55
    @boboshop55 Год назад +4

    Holy Crap!!! That's awesome. Also, you boys need to stay in Okla. and leave this stuff for us TXNs!! :)

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +2

      Haha, Jason lives in Paradise so it was in his backyard!!

  • @lowella598
    @lowella598 10 месяцев назад +2

    wow! what a find! Fix and cruise.

  • @williamlovely450
    @williamlovely450 Год назад +3

    best recovery ever what a kool kar

  • @mangopog9814
    @mangopog9814 7 месяцев назад +2

    I’m 74 that thing was parked when I was 8 what a net old car, I remember back as far before first grade dad had an old 30’s something way back then.

  • @jeffbradford4575
    @jeffbradford4575 11 месяцев назад +2

    I live a couple miles from this property. Nice find!!

  • @kevinfonseca3917
    @kevinfonseca3917 Год назад +16

    Thank goodness Bad Chad didn’t get hold of her! She would be cut to pieces…

  • @johnmahoney2178
    @johnmahoney2178 Год назад +4

    You just got another subscriber.love the old 35 💯👍

  • @craigbowley6783
    @craigbowley6783 11 месяцев назад +2

    A radio was a super rare option on those. And it's continental kit. So cool 👍

  • @ronaldmiller2740
    @ronaldmiller2740 Год назад +3


  • @darrellroeters4951
    @darrellroeters4951 11 месяцев назад +2

    Bike was cool too. Door may be holding building up. Like how the cows are interested.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  11 месяцев назад +1

      I think you're right about the door lol!! The cows were hilarious.

  • @131dyana
    @131dyana Год назад +2

    My first car was a 1938 Ford Coope I worked all Summer baby sitting so I could buy it for 70 Dollars. My best friend nd i shared that car all through High School.

  • @michaelconrad9176
    @michaelconrad9176 Год назад +2

    Thats going to be a great car! Thank you for the video

  • @carolynkingeckerman5847
    @carolynkingeckerman5847 11 месяцев назад +1

    My dad would love to have seen this. So will my son if I can somehow get this to him. ❤

  • @markharris3785
    @markharris3785 Год назад +2

    This is such a wonderful barn find great video

  • @ChrisEbbrsen
    @ChrisEbbrsen 10 месяцев назад +1

    She's a doll! Your so lucky! Enjoy!

  • @johnhart125
    @johnhart125 Год назад +2

    Damn straight old baby!

  • @randyroberts-zf8ql
    @randyroberts-zf8ql Год назад +1

    It's your car do as you want like you said if it feels right then do it.its whatever makes you happy I just love watching you two

  • @ronaldclark2624
    @ronaldclark2624 Год назад +2

    Very Nice Car! Thanks for sharing. Ron PTL USA

  • @allenschmitz9644
    @allenschmitz9644 11 месяцев назад +1

    A reaal 'Wow' moment for sure!

  • @jb2445
    @jb2445 Год назад +2

    great looking car. I'm glad it was saved

  • @JR-en5pl
    @JR-en5pl Год назад +2

    That is a beautiful car!

  • @lawerencestimpson2280
    @lawerencestimpson2280 11 месяцев назад +1

    My Dad owned one before WW2.Also can recall seeing one when I was 11 yrs old.

  • @TroyRosenbaugh
    @TroyRosenbaugh Год назад +1

    Fox skulls. Nice!! Great rig!when I was a kid, we had a 1936. Great old car.

  • @1958Studebaker
    @1958Studebaker 11 месяцев назад +1

    A 35 three windows is a dream car of mine. Awesome find!

  • @ws678ta
    @ws678ta Год назад +2

    One of my favorite cars. What a score. You guys are handling it all perfectly. Keep us posted, I just had to subscribe. Good job !

  • @MidwestToolReview
    @MidwestToolReview Год назад +6

    I'm at the 9:00 min mark and sitting on the edge of my seat in happiness!! I hope you guys explain the background on this beautiful barn find. I need to know why Jason waited 6yrs just to get his hands on the car!!!

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +2

      Haha the family wouldn't let Jason on the property until they were ready to sell. He was chomping at the bit to get to see it though all those years!

  • @jamesb.9155
    @jamesb.9155 10 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting story behind the car and seeing it resting where they parked it 65 years ago! I hoped we were going to have a look under the hood too !

  • @fordfairlane662dr
    @fordfairlane662dr Год назад +2

    Very cool looking 35 ford

  • @kapekodbob
    @kapekodbob Год назад +4

    So hard to imagine 88 years ago someone drove that home from the showroom ! When I was 14 in early 60's I spotted a 35/6 in this guys garage and would peek in occasionally then it was gone one day. It was just collecting dust..
    I hope you get it running and back on the road without roddin it up.

    • @nonelost1
      @nonelost1 Год назад

      Amen to "without roddin it up" (what I call "abominating") This ain't the 1950s any more.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      Mike is going to leave it very close to original, just getting it going and updating the interior.

  • @kurtludwig6962
    @kurtludwig6962 Год назад +3

    Nice car to bring back

  • @bobposey6961
    @bobposey6961 Год назад +2

    Good show. Just found you guys. Hope for more.

  • @SpankysHotRodsandCustoms
    @SpankysHotRodsandCustoms Год назад +5

    Great find, I picked a 36 3 window about 10 years ago out of the woods. About the same condition and pick 2 cool cars out of a garage on my channel last week. I’m always hunting and finding cars at deals. They are out there. Thanks for sharing and I just subscribed for more.

  • @andygraham600
    @andygraham600 4 месяца назад +1

    made me smile... my dad had a 1936 ford coupe after he graduated from TAMU. In 1940 he took my mom on their honeymoon in it

  • @nicksothep8472
    @nicksothep8472 Год назад +2

    What a find, and a three window! '34 to '40 is in my opinion the pinnacle of elegance for car design, particularly American. '35/'36 Fords make beutiful customs, with a chop, hydraulics, and just a few other tasteful mods you're bound to build an absolute dream car 👍🏻🖤🏴‍☠️

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад

      Agreed! Thanks!!

    • @tetedur377
      @tetedur377 Год назад +1

      I know this will break your heart, but we can't be friends. Friends don't let friends modify rare cars. Go find a square body to do that crap to.

  • @ImTHATguy...
    @ImTHATguy... Год назад +1

    That's a hell of a find. I'd do that patina clear coat on it, straighten the panels that need it, make it run and keep it like it is. Maybe a 2 inch drop? And it's reasons like this I bought myself a "No Ramp" trailer that lays basically flat on the ground so the car just rolls right on. Made life so much easier.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад

      Yep exactly! That was Mikes trailer, I have a Maxx-D T6X that lays the tail end right on the ground! Love that thing!

  • @tetedur377
    @tetedur377 Год назад +2

    The front fenders were beat to hell, but overall (minus the glass), that puppy is in great shape. The grill has to be un-ubtanium; same with the rear tail light assemblies, but all-in-all, great, great find.

  • @kmc578
    @kmc578 8 месяцев назад +1

    Well done!

  • @morgansword
    @morgansword Год назад +2

    I am seventy four now... and my first real find was a forty ford business coup that was in a chicken coup. It was in terrible shape, I wish to include that I found mine in nineteen sixty three. I hated that the chickens and other critters had lived in this coup. It had set right against one wall and then tucked into the corner of the coup. Many rust outs including the frame was the worst of that cars life. I built it back on a sixty four Buick WildCat frame that did include the buick aluminum V8 engine and naturally a four speed. Back in those times was only stick or Forge welding. It did have by luck a solid brass radiator. It cost more for that radiator to be converted so to cool the Buick engine. I was forced to sell when one of my kids got sick. I do think on it some but so happy that it found a great new owner who by then painted it for its first time........ it was his wifes favorite jewelry color.... Turquoise and red .... blood Red pinstriping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frank Johnson had it stored above his wifes private bedroom. Meaning it had "Frequent" men visitors. I must admit that after I found out why.... just did seem like its right place in their home. Nevada..... need I say more????

  • @GodisgoodLeoIneke
    @GodisgoodLeoIneke Год назад +1

    Awesome find💯✌️

  • @mutterschied
    @mutterschied Год назад +1

    Wadda helluva arse!!! And I possessed the most beautiful car of all times: Buick Special Sedanette 1949, but this Ford IS THE LEGEND: Three-window-coupé-Ford.... The real-real wet dream!!

  • @RAV21-32
    @RAV21-32 Год назад +1

    Great find, hurts my head watching a bunch of guys winching it up on the trailer !

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад

      How else were we supposed to get it on the trailer?

    • @RAV21-32
      @RAV21-32 Год назад

      @@chaddilacdesigns a v- chain or strap pulling from both sides would pull straight. You got it up there so your good ! It just looked like a big mental challenge for an easy job.

  • @angel_dawn_morningstar
    @angel_dawn_morningstar Год назад +4

    In '37 , when Willys duplicated this style of coupe = EPIC ! 🤩
    But when Dodge duplicated this style in '41 = meh..not so much 🙄
    Mega Thumbs Up ..thanks fer sharing .. and a warm HOWDY from Stagecoach Tx 🤠

  • @jagvette1
    @jagvette1 Год назад +1

    Thank you for calling the DOOR PANELS not pathetic door cards

  • @manuelstarr3602
    @manuelstarr3602 Год назад +1

    All I can say is the Lady's husband had excellent taste. ❤

  • @jeffcongdon4469
    @jeffcongdon4469 Год назад +2

    Man I'd love to have that car!

  • @gabrielantoniomartin7995
    @gabrielantoniomartin7995 Год назад +2

    Hermoso auto!!! Saludos desde Argentina

  • @calescapee9642
    @calescapee9642 Месяц назад +1

    What a Find!!! I have a Line on a Model A Sedan.

  • @maryrafuse2297
    @maryrafuse2297 11 месяцев назад +1

    What a cool find! Such a beautiful style. Car companies seem to make copies of each others models today. With electrics forced upon us one would think style would be more important than ever? Recently I viewed a Volvo P-1800 from Sweden that was made all electric. Perhaps Ford should look at the magnificent style of their previous, pre computer age, cars and build some cars that are interesting looking?

  • @juliosandoval8244
    @juliosandoval8244 Год назад +1

    Cool nice builder.iam starting to get into doing restorations on classic chevys.

  • @MichaelCarter
    @MichaelCarter Год назад +1

    That is a sweet looking car. All souped up it'd sell for a mint!

  • @linuxman0
    @linuxman0 9 месяцев назад +1

    I'd love to see you guys restore this back to original.

  • @jerseymike4755
    @jerseymike4755 Год назад +1

    Some people have all the luck wish I could find a beauty like that.

  • @clintonsmith9931
    @clintonsmith9931 Год назад +1

    Bought a 36 in 65 for 100 bucks. Engine blown up , all was there. Kept it till about 78. Sold it to. Start my business. Lots of fun. Very hard to find parts back then. Swiped parts off Wrecked rounde rounder for hydro brakes.

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад

      That's awesome! I have a 1934 Ford Coupe that was a rounder in my town in the 60s, I've built it back up and drive it from time to time!

  • @jerrybrooks870
    @jerrybrooks870 Год назад +9

    What an awesome find. I'm really surprised that the barn didn't collapse on y'all when y'all were taking the wall loose to get the car out, but I'm glad it didn't. The only gripe I have is that you didn't show us the engine. Are there going to be any future videos featuring this car? Like perhaps a will it run?

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +4

      The wall we removed wasn't structural so that helped... Not sure why I didn't show the motor but it was complete and all original. Yes we will be doing a WIR video on it!

    • @Joseph-dx1io
      @Joseph-dx1io Год назад +2

      Is it a v8 engine?

    • @tetedur377
      @tetedur377 Год назад

      ​@@Joseph-dx1io Did they put anything but a V-8 after the model A - okay, at least up until, what, 1941?

  • @RustyInventions-wz6ir
    @RustyInventions-wz6ir Год назад +1

    Just found your channel and Subscribed. Very nice job

  • @kevinshorter5861
    @kevinshorter5861 Год назад +1

    You have an amazing car too!!!

  • @DWilliams-ce8nb
    @DWilliams-ce8nb Год назад +1

    My grandfather had a 35 Ford sedan. Rode in it many times. He also parked his away in the mid 1950's. Had that same mystery paint - blue? black?

  • @garycamara9955
    @garycamara9955 11 месяцев назад +1

    Black and white was a popular combination in the 50s

  • @bailey1000100
    @bailey1000100 Год назад +2

    I wonder if the metal on the fenders because of being stretched to form the curves ,didn't hold paint as well as opposed to the flat hood, doors, etc?

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      Another viewer mentioned the process of painting them was different from the body, they did not primer the fenders they drug them thru a phosphate bath to remove any oils and then just painted them. I've seen sever 35/36 cars with the same issue, so it made sense!

  • @woolyhighlander7280
    @woolyhighlander7280 Год назад +2

    In 1970 I bought a 36 3W Coupe off a farmer for $10, foolishly sold it to a guy for $10,000., (he restored it) so is Good !

  • @kbtube8125
    @kbtube8125 Год назад +1

    looks like a J.C. Whitney or Western Auto replacement interior kit. i bought a 36 5W and it had one very much like yours but plaid. mine too was parked in the 50's

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      That's pretty cool, I think Mike is going to redo the interior but have it matched like it was!

    • @kbtube8125
      @kbtube8125 Год назад +1

      you had me at the edge of my seat! there my be rust on the lower front cowls where the bolts go up through the fenders and into the threaded inserts. mine were a mess once it came apart. all done now though. have fun with it, these cars are magic IMO.@@chaddilacdesigns

  • @ChrisEbbrsen
    @ChrisEbbrsen 10 месяцев назад +1

    Karskin reconditioned if you can find it. Will rub out oxidation without having to repaint it.

  • @edwardhendersen5643
    @edwardhendersen5643 Год назад +1

    Bad ass car! DON'T PAINT IT!!! Just seal the surface, love it!?😊

  • @CliffManis
    @CliffManis 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks, and I am 85 years old. all good, 4.10.2024 k

  • @Scano41
    @Scano41 11 месяцев назад +1

    You wouldnt want to do nothing but a paint job and upholstery and clean and freshen up the engine and parts then you have an amazing car

  • @johnclemans7802
    @johnclemans7802 Год назад +3

    Wow what a find and the story about it?
    Did you happen to get that old bike?

    • @chaddilacdesigns
      @chaddilacdesigns  Год назад +1

      Nope she said some of the other family members wanted them. They were some old skip-tooths though!

  • @rolandgomez6731
    @rolandgomez6731 Год назад +1

    That's a real nice coupe I would hook it up real nice

  • @donpugh8099
    @donpugh8099 Год назад +2

    That's cool..I restore old cars that paint might not.look solid but I think it's bleeding oxide a 00 steel wool and some water rub a spot somewhere because it think that iron oxide is dissolvable either steel wool or 1000 grit sandpaper it way have paint under those spots remember that's not enamel it's laqour

  • @brianharrison8919
    @brianharrison8919 Год назад +1

    That is a tough body style. I would love to hear it run and see what it looks like when it's done being worked on