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  • @user-nj9yr8cb9c
    @user-nj9yr8cb9c 3 дня назад +42

    "He's only staying with you for the children", however she keeps coming up pregnant. Side chick girl you need to wake up.

  • @maxwellmukwevho1383
    @maxwellmukwevho1383 4 дня назад +184

    Well, Jess is unhinged... She says she showed up at OP's house to apologize only to rage and almost kidnap her kid later on... This person definitely loves attention

    • @momoangel9243
      @momoangel9243 4 дня назад +21

      Well she is going to love the attention she will get in jail now 😂

    • @heffa3821
      @heffa3821 4 дня назад +3

      @@momoangel9243 yaasssss LMAOOO

    • @develyntwocentshenderson5739
      @develyntwocentshenderson5739 4 дня назад

      so is the ex sperm donor. baseball bat? that is unhinged as well

    • @LunaP1
      @LunaP1 4 дня назад +1

      That’s what straight jackets are for.

    • @calico_queen8976
      @calico_queen8976 4 дня назад +4

      Bruh the fact a freaking stranger cared more about OP than Jess who is supposed to be her childhood best friend speaks for itself. Seriously that random hookup was a better friend than Jess ever will be.

  • @calico_queen8976
    @calico_queen8976 4 дня назад +66

    The people who said "All men cheat" and that OP should still remain in her marriage are the same people who post on SupportforWayward (yes there is a support group for cheaters 🤮) boo hoo stories on how they're the victims.

    • @cecejamesable
      @cecejamesable 2 дня назад +4

      Oh I hate those people.

    • @catsncrows
      @catsncrows 2 часа назад +2

      Or a religious background where staying married is godly, the sin of infindelity will be forgiven if you pray on it. Nuts.

  • @AdubsVAmeep
    @AdubsVAmeep 4 дня назад +58

    I’ve heard this story. OP sounds so sweet and loving. Such a shame her ex couldn’t appreciate her and the love she gave.

  • @shad0wzone83
    @shad0wzone83 4 дня назад +108

    Ladies, get yourself a Jake

    • @Sakyosha
      @Sakyosha 4 дня назад +3

      Every Tyler was once their Jake.

    • @That_BrownGirl
      @That_BrownGirl 3 дня назад +1

      ​@@Sakyoshawhy so pessimistic man... There are a lot of good men out there who stay good

  • @DeeBraynt2010
    @DeeBraynt2010 4 дня назад +108

    I think that...
    Tyler is upset that OP isn't losing her ish emotionally and isn't jumping up and down trying to beg for a scrap of his attention
    Ditzy (the newest Flavor of Tyler's Life) was trying to go for a power play and was seriously denied
    Jess was trying to drag OP down emotionally and when that failed, tried to act as if nothing happened. When that was shut down, tried to destroy OP's life. The three of them are toxic pieces of filth that I hope never have another moment in the lives of OP and the people she cares for
    Edited to add: eagerly waiting for the Wedding Update

    • @calico_queen8976
      @calico_queen8976 4 дня назад +2

      Bruh, who wants to bet that Tyler is gonna start crawling back and crying to OP once his new GF leaves. The new flavor really knows how to pick em. Has cheating issues, anger issues and is a deadbeat. She can keep him.

    • @jonku
      @jonku 3 дня назад +2

      I want an update of Tyler being disowned and disinherited

  • @alfredmarcos1761
    @alfredmarcos1761 4 дня назад +144

    At some point, you just wonder if your so deep in denial that you only accept your version as reality.

    • @lynettephillip2412
      @lynettephillip2412 4 дня назад +10

      Only her who knows her business and what actually happened in her marriage!

    • @MsSuBena
      @MsSuBena 4 дня назад +23

      Found Tyler lol

    • @vincentcleaver1925
      @vincentcleaver1925 4 дня назад +3

      ​@@MsSuBenabingo! 8-P

    • @eowyneadig7879
      @eowyneadig7879 3 дня назад

      *you’re so deep…

    • @lynettephillip2412
      @lynettephillip2412 2 дня назад

      @@vincentcleaver1925 Who is OP? Me? I know life and isn't pretensive! I know that nothing is as it appears to be!

  • @ColuorBrown
    @ColuorBrown 4 дня назад +61


  • @macylouwho1187
    @macylouwho1187 4 дня назад +33

    People who could do this to someone in such a vulnerable position are truly awful people. Something is missing inside of them, they are shallow incomplete people with no heart or soul. It’s too evil to do to a loved one. If I was that man’s father, I would tell his new girlfriend exactly what he did and why she’s not safe with him. Why would literally ANYONE want a man that bad??? It defies belief. It’s the stupidest choice on the planet-being with a known multiple time cheater who abandons his children. She must not be very smart at all.

    • @annaroberts8385
      @annaroberts8385 4 дня назад +4

      He probably already did, but she either didn't believe it or is in deep denial about it. Honestly though, if the relationship between the ex and new gf flops like Op's marriage, she only has herself to blame. Like you said, she probably isn't that bright.

  • @aysegulkarakaya9373
    @aysegulkarakaya9373 3 дня назад +7

    I just know Jake was kicking his feet and smiling while reading the updates about him.

  • @damonika09
    @damonika09 3 дня назад +12

    OP has the best support system. Also OP x Jake ship! I am for it.

  • @pahhw1533
    @pahhw1533 3 дня назад +7

    i heard this story when the last update was jake and op spending time at her dates house and the ex husband was arrested because of the baseball bat attack,
    glad she is fine

  • @kgomotsosekonya9435
    @kgomotsosekonya9435 3 дня назад +10

    Even if every man cheats its not a good idea to stay with unstable people. There are too many stories where the guy just gets emboldened to do far worse than cheating

  • @jonku
    @jonku 3 дня назад +10

    May Tyler’s life fall to ruin and man Jake is amazing and a real man, Tyler is a walking talking joke and divorce number two will happen for sure, hope his parents disown and disinherit him and leaves everything to the kids he abandoned with OP.

  • @SALshaNoma
    @SALshaNoma 3 дня назад +6

    Trust me there's nothing unique about this story for him to realize it's about him. There are so many about the husband screwing the bff or sister or even the mom, one time it was the brother. There's nothing unique about a cheating story. It's all the same.

  • @jadevenom48
    @jadevenom48 4 дня назад +5

    single motherhood is ROUGH sometimes. my sons father decided that cheating on me and becoming an alcoholic was more important than our son. i’ve never spoken poorly about him to my son. i give age appropriate answers to his questions…he hasn’t asked to see my son since he was 18 months old

  • @cameronmiyao2673
    @cameronmiyao2673 3 дня назад +5

    All men do not cheat, and any comment suggesting that they do is LITERAL bullshit.

  • @sinbadwilliams7186
    @sinbadwilliams7186 4 дня назад +28

    Ive heard this story before but didn't know that there was more to it

  • @Arkryal
    @Arkryal 4 дня назад +13

    The Ex texting her new boyfriend to remind him she was "Used Goods", lol...
    Kind of pathetic, but an apt analogy nonetheless. As it turns out, some people throw things away too hastily, before realizing their value. As such, men of discerning taste, with an eye for quality can find some real treasures on the second-hand market.
    Sounds like her ex was unintentionally correct for once, he just wasn't able to follow that train of thought to its inevitable conclusion.

    • @calico_queen8976
      @calico_queen8976 4 дня назад

      If OP is used goods, Tyler is straight up unrecyclable trash.

    • @infinityalbi9840
      @infinityalbi9840 3 дня назад +5

      I honestly can't tell if that was a compliment, an insult or something else entirely 😂

  • @angeltv3112
    @angeltv3112 4 дня назад +19

    Jess is some piece of work. It's no doubt she loves them married men. I agree with some comments saying she's unhinged and obsessive both towards wanting Tyler back and her anger towards OP. Not to mention Jess surly loves getting attention in the wrong places.
    As for Jake, he has a heart of gold. I don't even need to repeat what OP said about him, he's such a gem. I wish nothing but the best for OP, her kiddos, Jake and her family.

    • @calico_queen8976
      @calico_queen8976 4 дня назад

      Ok but Tyler is also another level of asshole. He cheats on his wife with her BFF, destroys their home and his FIL's, expects his parents to cut off their grandkids to spite his cheated wife, abandons his kids then proceeds to tell the guy who is basically being their dad cause he's too useless that he would never be their dad and their mom is used goods. Like, Jess may be unhinged but Tyler is the biggest loser.

  • @lindah3803
    @lindah3803 4 дня назад +17

    So is anyone taking bets as to the Wedding date for OP and Jake.🥰

    • @radish6740
      @radish6740 4 дня назад

      Reddits obsession with fckng the relatives of the ex is fckng gross.

    • @southernflight5078
      @southernflight5078 4 дня назад +1

      This guy wasn't paying attention. Lol
      Jake is Jess' brother. The ex best friend. Not the scumbag ex-husband.

    • @annechoyrocks
      @annechoyrocks 4 дня назад

      ​@@southernflight5078 Jake is Jess' brother, who has a crush on OP. So @lindah3803 isn't wrong.

    • @lindah3803
      @lindah3803 4 дня назад +1

      @@southernflight5078 Who wasn't paying attention. Jake has been interested in OP for a long time. OP is also interested in Jake. That's why they are living together now.

    • @corina7747
      @corina7747 4 дня назад

      I think @southernflight5078 was referring to @radish6740's comment...

  • @pawel2669
    @pawel2669 День назад +1

    I am pretty sure Jake is going to be a friend for the rest of his life

  • @MinkxiTes
    @MinkxiTes 4 дня назад +24

    I find Jake weird, saying that so shortly after op found out of the cheating. At least op kept it slow.

    • @Olimar92
      @Olimar92 4 дня назад +16

      He probably thought it would be helpful. You know "There are people that love you that aren't family." and was being awkward. Not like the situation wasn't weird to him. His sister was cheating on her husband with her best friend's husband.

    • @vincentcleaver1925
      @vincentcleaver1925 4 дня назад +5

      I think Jake had a thing for OP waaay before Tyler; he's known her basically all his life, right?

    • @FullMoonOctober
      @FullMoonOctober 4 дня назад +3

      He's a little opportunistic, but if that's the worst of it, than he's still a big improvement on the last one. I'd still count that as an orange flag, personally.

    • @austinulrey6260
      @austinulrey6260 3 дня назад

      I thought it was strange how involved with the kids he got. Hear me out, just a suspicion, not an accusation. It's been known that child preds will go after newly single/vulnerable women to get to the kids. Him asking for updates and pictures that quick when he doesn't want them to call him dad until he adopts them. Hopefully, he's just a better person, and doesn't social pressure get to him. Lol AMITA for having these suspicions?

    • @dapperlass
      @dapperlass 3 дня назад +3

      I'd have thought it was weirder to help out and not say something. Like hang about without saying something like a vulture. I think honesty was the best option.

  • @Kait_260
    @Kait_260 4 дня назад +12


  • @moxee33
    @moxee33 3 дня назад +1

    Thanks for the fresh updates Secret voices 👍

  • @tothewonder6248
    @tothewonder6248 4 дня назад +4

    Well, all in all I think this worked out well.

  • @chioriki8386
    @chioriki8386 3 дня назад +2

    Idk I know the people were all excited with Jake but for me he gives me creepy vibes, the confession when she was in her lowest, the love bombing, the weird "retirement", how he took every chance to get closer, like when the weird friend came to her house and then he saw that as a opportunity to live with her, askung daily for her kids photos, even that her son is saying that he wsnt for Jake to be his dad is weird, its too soon, sound like he is even manipulating the kids into "loving" him, plus he is the brother of the weird obsess friend. Idk... too weird. I hope I am wrong and they live happily ever after.

    • @Moleoflands
      @Moleoflands 22 часа назад

      I mean, if he always liked her but never felt it was right to say anything, then she married and it would definitely never be right, he had to take his shot at some point when the divorce was coming. Plus, his Sister was the course of her marriage collasping😢

  • @dragontiger624
    @dragontiger624 4 дня назад +4

    34:38 would it be courting/courtship

  • @MegaHarvickFan29
    @MegaHarvickFan29 4 дня назад +18

    Holy 🐄, this looks like it'll be unhinged. Oh yeah.... FIRST

  • @Moleoflands
    @Moleoflands 23 часа назад

    Jake is totally a Simp for you and the kids.
    And that's totally adorable and awesome. I wish you both the best

  • @jakevex4198
    @jakevex4198 2 дня назад

    I read this up to I think the 2nd update a couple years ago and then lost track of the story I'm glad that everything turned out all right

  • @nicknitro86
    @nicknitro86 3 дня назад

    Ok look she wasn't concerned for him.

  • @alusteratrocious5936
    @alusteratrocious5936 День назад

    Tbh this gives me major "jake made up this story and wrote it to fantazise about getting with a married girl he has a crush on"

  • @ishaansharma6236
    @ishaansharma6236 4 дня назад +4

    Imagine if jake was the master mind who made his sister fell for tyler to get to OP

  • @rainbowmeowmix
    @rainbowmeowmix День назад

    It always makes me laugh in a bitter way when people act like it's impossible for people to disown a kid because it literally happens for the most inane shit every day. My husband has been on his own since 14 and is struggling with the results of a childhoods worth of medical neglect but suuuuuuure people become saints of forgiveness when they shoot a kid out of their nethers 😂😂😂😂

    • @rainbowmeowmix
      @rainbowmeowmix День назад

      His crime? Being a transman and not wanting to live in a drug infested podunk for the rest of his life. Then later on the second time they kicked him to the curb it was for marrying my obviously indigenous ass. Never been slurred quite that thoroughly in my life.

  • @ZarahSolomon-pr4yo
    @ZarahSolomon-pr4yo 4 дня назад

    Awesome ❤

  • @valeriecomplex9685
    @valeriecomplex9685 4 дня назад +1

    Jess is in love with OP

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 4 дня назад

      No she's not she's really just went against the whole religion by just saying she accept homosexuals

  • @kyrixd1236
    @kyrixd1236 День назад

    I had to keep playing 32:33 because I was genuinely trying to comprehend the bullsheit i was hearing

  • @untoldstories995
    @untoldstories995 22 часа назад


  • @anamikaaudra2868
    @anamikaaudra2868 22 часа назад

    the story was absolute BS

  • @Sg190th
    @Sg190th 4 дня назад +4

    This AI stuff getting better.

  • @cameron765
    @cameron765 4 дня назад +2

    I was vibing with the story until she bring up the religion part how can you be religious but at the same time Go again religious morality that doesn't make any sense you're just a fake religious person I despise those type of people you can't say I'm Christian but say i accept homosexuals you just went against the entire religion by just saying that

    • @chaiturner4890
      @chaiturner4890 4 дня назад +1

      U can kindly F off like what is wrong with u and who are u to decide and judge ppl for being religious and also excepting ppl for who they are, that is not being fake religious thats call having an open mind and not being judgemental

    • @FullMoonOctober
      @FullMoonOctober 4 дня назад +13

      Jesus said love thy neighbor and he who is without sin should cast the first stone. A real Christian would know that Jesus doesn't want them obsessing over other people's lives to the point of living in hate.

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 4 дня назад

      I really hate when fake Christians try to use quotes from the Bible to prove some type of point It just make you look stupid
      1. U using that quote wrong because it does not mean what you think it means do some research you fake Christian
      2. Since the beginning of Christianity Church is always told that homosexuality is not good so to say your Christian but go against the morals and ethics of Christianity make you a fake Christian
      3. The essence of Christianity is to guide and convert others to the faith. If you fully understood Christian teachings, you would know this.

    • @cameron765
      @cameron765 4 дня назад

      It frustrates me when individuals misuse Bible quotes to make a point. It often displays a lack of understanding:
      1. You are misinterpreting the quote; it does not mean what you think it does. Please do some research to understand it correctly.
      2. Since the beginning of Christianity Church is always told that homosexuality is not good so to say your Christian but go against the morals and ethics of Christianity make you a fake Christian
      3. The essence of Christianity is to guide and convert others to the faith. If you fully understood Christian teachings, you would know this.

    • @FullMoonOctober
      @FullMoonOctober 4 дня назад +9

      Believe whatever you want. Follow whatever cherry-picked passages YOU want. But the beginning of Christianity was the spreading of an idea of love, redemption, and forgiveness. People saw true believers that lived a life according to those teachings and wanted to be part of it
      Do you think someone would look at your hateful life, and listen to your judgmental words, and feel the call of God to convert...or do you think your example would cause people to be turned away from the path? I'm sure you also have many shortcomings that the first half of the good book would condemn you for. How many people look at you and see a fraud, Cameron? Maybe ask yourself that, before declaring yourself a spokesperson for a religion.