Suggestion: if it ever looks like Puerto Rico's going to become a state, buy stock in flag companies. There'd likely be a massive surge in flag sales as people try to update their flags.
Federal law prohibits Puerto Rico from becoming a State. That is because that law basically declares Puerto Rico a Common Wealth. So Puerto Rico is basically to America, like Canada is to England.
as a citizen from Guam, i’d like to humbly add that we were “discovered” by the spanish, then taken by the US, then taken by the japanese, then taken back by the US. si yu’os ma’ase
Do you enjoy being under the US’s government and US’s military protection? Because a lot of people in Puerto Rico wanna stay a territory and not a state because they don’t wanna be included in the government.
I think the bird poop and bat poop at the time was highly valuable for fertilizer. By the 1913's with the Haber process to make ammonia which the key ingredient in making fertilizers. N2 + 3H2 made 2NH3 That discovery along with other methods using the same concept made poop worth poop. And to an extent same with those islands.
yea... but you have to back that up with a big stick. Many can declare whatever the fuck they want, but if they can't take action then your declaration is kaput!
@@chels5001 America is not an empire it’s a democratic confederation of states and territories founded on democratic values and since when did America declared themselves as an empire it’s not an elective monarchy, autocratic, or dictatorship. And you can’t be a democracy and an empire at the same time it makes no sense.
@@georgefloydsfake20dollarbi28 That is your mistake America is not a democracy is a representative republic, and you can be a republic and an empire like France was.
@@anuvisraa5786 well France had a self pro claimed emperor and was a colonial empire while America wasn’t. You can’t compare the French empire to the United States it doesn’t make sense...
It's almost like there have been people in the UK wanting to leave the EU for a while. Say, like a party supporting those principles has existed for a quarter of a century. But yeah, hilarious in hindsight.
I mean, it's more accurate than calling the USA democratic. Millions are legally unable to vote, tens of millions are effectively unable to vote... there's a reason they are looked down upon by democratic nations, like Australia, Germany and Canada.
Given your profile pic I'm assuming you're British or at least in the UK. That having been said can you really say anything against America that your country hasn't done in one form or another and don't bother bringing up the atom bomb. Hell some of the R&D data that helped build it came from your country, not to mention the situational circumstances of the time dictated no other less costly method of ending that debacle.
@@jerekrockw1057 What the hell? How is that related in any way to what the original poster commented? Oh, I get it. You're one the people who baits other people into arguments. Nice try.
@@jerekrockw1057 Given your profile pic I'm assuming your Presperterian mixed between something else and maybe not. That having been said, can you really say anything against Bananas! You can't say what I have done with bananas you haven't done either. Including eating or otherwise alternative activities. Hell, most people shove bananas up their butts. I swear I'm not the only one! And I do recall, banana play is something that originated with you anyway. Don't judge me!
Interesting side note: people who live in territories that don't get a vote in federal elections don't pay federal personal income tax (no taxation without representation). This is one of the many factors that people in Puerto Rico consider each time that a referendum for statehood comes up. Food for thought: would you voluntarily surrender your right to vote in federal elections if it meant that you wouldn't have to pay Federal personal income tax anymore?
NEW DRINKING GAME: Go through all of grey's videos and take a shot every time he says "That's a story for another time" or includes a link to a video he hasn't made yet.
skysthe limitvideos At the moment, the reservations are pretty chill. One of them is trying to become internationally recognized as a country, and said country would be the size of seria. Right in the middle of the US, too.
We actually never fought the Philippines. We fought the Spanish to give Cuba independence, and than took Puerto Rico and the Philippines, and this was great for the Philippines as we brought investment to the island. We gave them independence after world war 2 despite them not wanting independence and just kept Puerto Rico
Phuc Huu Bich really unfortunate considering the serious problems facing Puerto Rico resulting from their fucked up political status (and some old fashioned government mismanagement)
To be honest... Would the class would of been any more interested? Most of the time teachers don't have intensives to go off course since most kids only care about passing.
Rights to the ocean around them is why for those curious. (Disclaimer: From memory, I'm not an expert) The way water borders are determined means that little bird poop islands result in big swaths of ocean for the USA to use however she wants. Usually what she wants is drilling rights or the ability to tax/avoid others' tax involving cargo ships. Occasionally it could also be for military testing, or something similar.
Guano was a hugely important resource used in making fertilizer and explosives. It was a major strategic resource until other techniques of nitrogen fixation were developed (haber process).
American Samoa doesn't want statehood nor to be an organised territory, neither do they want citizenship. Because of their unique status they can maintain traditional practices and government without much interference while still having the benefit of US funding. They’ve made their opinion on it clear a few times over the years.
Frozen Bus Channel 魔雪巴士頻道 Yes, but absolutely no one in our government would care. So long as your not living in the continental states, our government will do absolutely nothing to stop you from living there.
america 200 years ago: "i hate you imperialist british! i declare independance!" (200 years later) america: "MmmMMmmMM hummina hummina come to me islands"
Ironically, the UK's ability to leave is the biggest evidence that the EU is neither a federation nor a superstate, but rather, a group of independent and sovereign nation-states committed to an interdependent and legally binding union of these countries. By leaving, the UK is effectively divorcing what is essentially a 28-spouses marriage of nations, now 27.
A major sale condition was a promise to not claim Greenland. Next there was a court battle to keep Greenland from Canada and a few other countries. So now Greenland is an expensive reservation with statehood.
I think that was a reference to the Scottish independence referendum, which was a big issue in the UK in 2014. In the end, Scotland voted not to break away.The thought bubble should've been higher.
Eternal with an asterisk. The only way a State could ever leave the Union peacefully and without a military conflict is for the US Congress to vote it out. And it would have to be a unanimous decision
Love the breakdown of this video! Big Businesses also pushed for overseas expansion at the turn of the 20th century in order to expand markets and extract more resources. In addition, many of those "islands" played a huge role in WWII and the Pacific Theater and still play a strategic role today.
Thanks to this video, I ended up going to work for a year at the High Court of American Samoa, so thanks Grey for genesis of some great knowledge and memories!
Forrest Gatewood in a short version reservations are outside of the jurisdiction of the state, ie. state laws and taxes don't apply and people who live in reservations can't vote. The federal government is a bit more complicated. Article 1 section 8 clause 3 allows for the feds to regulate comerse with reservations. And, Article 1, section 10 (I believe) allows the federal government (congress) to regulate federal land as it wishes (following the constitution, bill of rights, and amendments), which reservation land is. thus the department of the interior and dept' of justice do have some say, but is restricted due to treaties and various laws. And, being kinda sovereign the native Americans who live on the reservation can vote in federal elections as part of a state. it's complicated
Alex Bermann we have like 20 billion problems right now and no money to solve it so were trying plus we got shit leaders so we gotta either hope for someone good and get someone good for next generation
Well... you do realize we give our territories the _option_ for statehood right? That is how most of the Western states became states in the first place... There was a referendum in 2012 in Puerto Rico where 60%+ of voters voted for gaining statehood. There was talk of asking congress to go through the process. The Philippines have also courted the idea several times.
Whatevuh The sunbro Isnt it more like the split between the two institutions of congress that is the real problem (forgot the names of them in english). As i see it from a foreigner's perspective, the government cant get anything done if the opposition votes against any changes. In Denmark we had kinda the same type of government with two institutions where one part was mostly one party and the other half the other party so no matter who had power the other one always wanted to make as little progress as possible.
hopefully someone is smart enough to do this 3 things i want that would make things easier make voting day a holiday and 2 make it so citizen can put forward new things if there enough voters oh and make it so campaigns and shit are free as money is to involed
Well it’s because they aren’t states yet the idea is that they should become states to have representation but being somewhat self governing is what they prefer. Choice is theirs
Lemme guess, you've watched a few Christopher Hitchens videos and are now convinced of your intellectual superiority over religious people? And what is really 'embarresing' is your grammar. You might want to use a spell check next time you think to insult peoples intelligence.
The USA today is a lot different then it was before the civil war. States had a lot more independent powers and were basically like the EU but with a similar ethnic population and a common language. In fact, when the US colonized Liberia, it wasn’t the US government that colonized the area, it was individual states that had their own specific areas. Of course after the civil war, the power of the federal government increased while the state governments decreased, which led to the change in the phrase “The United States are” to “The United States is.”
I am an American who was just re-watching it, and I found this to be informative! I always found the US territories to be quite interesting. After all, they may not seem American on a map (particularly a US map, since they focus mostly on US states), but they belong to the US anyway. Thanks for the video!
I'm American and I didn't know we ever had almost any of this stuff... :/ thx education system for teaching me all about "what freedom really Means" and none of the actual important stuff
What kind of medical infrastructure and shopping do they have in the nation up there? Always been curious as a Texan who’s driven through a lot of Oklahoma filled with First Nations with casinos and gas stations.
@@militustoica Our small town is actually quite normal, two gas stations (one is basically a supermarket), some restaurants, a hospital, and primarily white residents. Yeah, shocks me too.
I mean if they did not get involved with the confederacy they would have likely retained their right to succeed from the union when they were first anexed as a preexisting condition.
we are a completely different nation. currently under the boot of usa, but hopefully some day we'll shame them enough in international forums that they'll choose to set us free.....
@@sabin97 Lol sure, that's why most of you wanted to stay as today Even if you rejected the statehood, I heard they will give it to you around 2020-2022
@@misoginainternalizadaopres7131 it's called over a hundred years of imperial propaganda. some people here actually believe that without gringos the land would stop producing crops, and there wouldnt be any rain and the air would poisonous and we would die....because for some reason our bodies would stop moving and we would be unable to do any sort of work.....
@@tharnstonewall2005 look again. the money flowing from pr to usa is more than the money flowing from usa to pr... yeah...the whole point of having a colony is to exploit it. so yeah...if you set us free we'll finally be able to become a world-class country like singapore....
How could someone possibly hit dislike on this video and still be able to sleep at night?! I'd love to see a part two of this, Mr. Grey. This is absolutely wonderful. Probably on my 90th rewatch since it was posted because your videos are one of my addictions.
As an American from California, yes, you are! Puerto Ricans have been US citizens since 1917! Granted, you don't elect congresspeople or electors, but other than that, you have the same legal status as I do!
3:36 This is quite interesting, since it wasn't possible to produce Ammonia (for cheap), it was quite a limited ressource and mostly used as fertilizing, it was quite asked for. Guano (Which is mostly birdpoop) was on a lot of pacific isles, so a lot of money to get. Especially the isle/republic of Nauru has a special fluorine-containing form of Guano which made it very very wealthy.
If we merged North and South Dakota, that would mean that the Dakotas would get two Senators in total (each state gets only two) instead of the four they currently have because there are two states instead of just one. And I haven't done the arithmetic, but it would probably cut down the number of Congressmen from two down to just one. And Senators and Congressmen are just the kind of people you need on your side if you want to do stuff like that in this country. Try telling them to vote for something which might mean they'll be out of a job!
Edwin Luciano Worth adding is that North Dakota and South Dakota are both red states that hasn't voted blue since 1964. Puerto Rico would be a democrat stronghold if it were to become a state. The Republican party will never approve of something like that. Just like the Democrats wouldn't allow it to join if it was a very conservative territory. It's rather obvious. As far as I know the Democrats arent that hyped about giving a broke territory statehood anyways.
I went through twelve years of public school in America and never once learned anything about the territories outside of Puerto Rico. Sure, I researched this all myself because I was that kind of child but it just saddens me that this is something that most Americans have absolutely no idea about.
And guess what, you have absolutely no need to know this stuff It often confuses me,people will bitch about all the useless stuff they're required to learn in school, usually in relation to math, yet they'll also bitch about the uses stuff they're not required to learn in school
jb76489 Do I have absolutely no need to know this? What if Puerto Rico votes for statehood, do I not need to understand it's situation then, as that will mean seven more representatives and two more senators in Congress? What if American Samoa's situation comes up, that would mean a potential 55,000 more citizens who could legally move here and posses voting rights. would that not be a few weeks of debate in the media? If D.C. (which I live very close by) becomes a State, would that not impact my life at all? Or, what if the status of American Indian Reservations is being discussed, should I not be informed so I don't make a fool of myself in discussion? This is my Country, and as a citizen of this country I should understand how it functions and be aware of issues that might arise, as they will have an impact on my life, whether it be a major or minor one.
You made it this far just fine, you haven't accidentally swallowed poison because you didn't know about the territories If any of those things did come up you could go on this wonderful thing called the internet or read a thing called a book and educate yourself, it is extremely unlikely that you'll ever find yourself in a position where you need to recall it on the spot so you have plenty if time to do your own research. Besides, school is a rubbish way of teaching people things; it is entirely possible that you did learn all this stuff and simply forgot it, that's not a knock on you it's just a fact that people forget quite a bit of what they learn in school
@@johanrunfeldt7174 Nope. _Was_ pre-approved to split, prior to accession. As it had to do in part, in regard to its claims north of the Mason-Dixon line, due to its determination to join as a slave state. It's pretty clear from the constitution that it can't have free do-overs _after_ accession -- that would need explicit congressional approval, case-by-case.
Fuck nigga britian lost its empire more to wwii then anything, the empire won but was devastated and weary. plus opinions on empire were changing post wwii amoung the british public. places like canada had already slowly pealed away first with home rule and then with full on independence. the rebellion stuff is the more romantic image. the truth is the british left more then they were kicked out
Fuck nigga As he points out in another video, there are many that broke away peacefully, after WW2 Britain dismantled her empire. But not everyone was happy about it.
Fuck nigga Firstly, you are probably right about that. Secondly, that is a terrible username. ... Unless, that's your real name, in which case I apologise.
Suggestion: if it ever looks like Puerto Rico's going to become a state, buy stock in flag companies. There'd likely be a massive surge in flag sales as people try to update their flags.
Federal law prohibits Puerto Rico from becoming a State. That is because that law basically declares Puerto Rico a Common Wealth. So Puerto Rico is basically to America, like Canada is to England.
The Americans Gameing that's a shame i think it would be cool to have a new state in my lifetime
What Canada is to *The U.K.
A Commonwealth
“The American Indian reservations are probably a story for another time”
Me five years later:
SackixFilms He’s starting a series on it here soon
French narrator: five years later
SackixFilms each native nation can be treated as individual and can be treated as their own country with sovereignty
GermanGamer7 we still have to follow state laws and a few federal laws
GermanGamer7 in current days, tribes are fighting for the right to grow and distribute Hemp on reservation land
as a citizen from Guam, i’d like to humbly add that we were “discovered” by the spanish, then taken by the US, then taken by the japanese, then taken back by the US. si yu’os ma’ase
That sounds confusing
@@MustacheDLuffy yeah i'm confused
just because you're fromg guam it doesnt mean you know the history of guam
Do you enjoy being under the US’s government and US’s military protection? Because a lot of people in Puerto Rico wanna stay a territory and not a state because they don’t wanna be included in the government.
@@WuzzyYT It's okay, we don't want Puerto Rico as a state
“The US ran out of destiny to manifest, so they’re looking for more destiny.”
I knew someone was gonna do this reference
*hawaii, cuba*
Democracy to you.
@@potatogod975 but wait Spain controls Cuba
@@Maxims1 well blame something on them and go to war
Everyone: "You cant simply have these islands by saying u own them"
US: *pulls out Guano Island Act* "I didnt say it, i declared it"
I think the bird poop and bat poop at the time was highly valuable for fertilizer. By the 1913's with the Haber process to make ammonia which the key ingredient in making fertilizers.
N2 + 3H2 made 2NH3
That discovery along with other methods using the same concept made poop worth poop.
And to an extent same with those islands.
Britain: I raised that boy.
@Linnea the Prayer - You've got issues.
Pulls out 6 billion dollars a year defense budget and the best military technology in the world “I declared it now try and stop me”
USA: "I have brought peace, freedom, justice and security to my new Empire!"
Britain: "YOUR new Empire?"
You were supposed to destroy global dominating empires, not join them!
@@jakes1566 France: you where like a brother america! I love you.
US: I hate you! For literally no reason!
@@jakes1566 oh shit, this is so true
*Order 66 commences*
"Mine, I declare."
Our finest and oldest tradition.
Festus Omega ah, the British empire
Well we did learn from the best
yea... but you have to back that up with a big stick. Many can declare whatever the fuck they want, but if they can't take action then your declaration is kaput!
Nothing wrong with that. 😊
Indeed good sir, truly American.
Puerto Rico is pretty much Anakin “you are accepted into the council but are not granted the rank of state”
America is not an empire smh 🤦🏻♂️
@@georgefloydsfake20dollarbi28 it kinda is
@@chels5001 America is not an empire it’s a democratic confederation of states and territories founded on democratic values and since when did America declared themselves as an empire it’s not an elective monarchy, autocratic, or dictatorship. And you can’t be a democracy and an empire at the same time it makes no sense.
@@georgefloydsfake20dollarbi28 That is your mistake America is not a democracy is a representative republic, and you can be a republic and an empire like France was.
@@anuvisraa5786 well France had a self pro claimed emperor and was a colonial empire while America wasn’t. You can’t compare the French empire to the United States it doesn’t make sense...
When you showed an EU map with the UK all "I'm outie!," that was the ULTIMATE forshadowing.
Ain't that so.
+Darkrai Titanollante grey is secretly a robot
It's almost like there have been people in the UK wanting to leave the EU for a while. Say, like a party supporting those principles has existed for a quarter of a century.
But yeah, hilarious in hindsight.
Yeah it's not like the Brexit campaign has been going on for YEARS
"The United States are shockingly a bunch of states that are united"
Shocking indeed
no noob
@@CharleyCheno r/woosh
@@anshula2955 wrong
@@CharleyCheno r/whoosh
@@bramble6584 floor is made of floor
America be like “Congratulations! You are now a part of America, please do no resist.”
*but only as a second-class citizen
Like the UK.
Britain, France, Spain, Norway, us to!
Manifest destiny!
“Denmark sold her” that line feels so weird to hear with the style of animation you’re doing
"The United States is shockingly a bunch of states that are united," says a wise man. Brilliant, just brilliant!
United is an overstatement, it’s more like “Mildy tolerate”
I mean, it's more accurate than calling the USA democratic. Millions are legally unable to vote, tens of millions are effectively unable to vote... there's a reason they are looked down upon by democratic nations, like Australia, Germany and Canada.
I was shocked when I found out that the United States is a bunch of states ... united
Yeah but for some reason people think we named ourself after the continent. Last I check there weren't any other states united in america.
Mexican States of America.
@@jaredlangley6924 Mexico is literally the United Mexican States, or Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Last time I checked it was also in America.
@Glaydson Coelho lol
Glaydson Coelho 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Whenever he says "A story for another time" he essentially means "I'll
never come back to this ever again"
Given your profile pic I'm assuming you're British or at least in the UK. That having been said can you really say anything against America that your country hasn't done in one form or another and don't bother bringing up the atom bomb. Hell some of the R&D data that helped build it came from your country, not to mention the situational circumstances of the time dictated no other less costly method of ending that debacle.
Stop overreacting jesus christ the person didn't comment anything related to what you just said so calm down
@@jerekrockw1057 What the hell? How is that related in any way to what the original poster commented?
Oh, I get it. You're one the people who baits other people into arguments. Nice try.
@@jerekrockw1057 quick question did you even read the comment before repling?
@@jerekrockw1057 Given your profile pic I'm assuming your Presperterian mixed between something else and maybe not.
That having been said, can you really say anything against Bananas!
You can't say what I have done with bananas you haven't done either. Including eating or otherwise alternative activities.
Hell, most people shove bananas up their butts.
I swear I'm not the only one!
And I do recall, banana play is something that originated with you anyway.
Don't judge me!
5:32 Not sure if pointed out already, but Micronesia is on the Marshall Islands and Vice Versa.
Yeah I was wondering if someone pointed that out. Also he spelled “Marshall” as “Marshal”
Texas: We’re huge
Alaska: hold my beer
Hold my *bear*
@@joshuamatthews8326 It's still bigger than Texas.
@Michael Scott What does my heart have to do with this?
I was being literal.
@Michael Scott wth, he is talking about the size not its more habitable...……………………………………..
Just some guy Well technically Alaska is smaller than Texas because Texas has more of a population then Alaska
I didn’t know Congress was made up of blonde cheerleaders...
This explains everything
It would be a lot better if it were
@@TickleMyResearch No, cause then they would all get angry every month.
@@lunaticcultist9741 Would still be more productive
@@denopeno7951 mmmmmhhh... no, not really
@@lunaticcultist9741 HAH!
If CGP Grey made videos for all the topics that are "a story for another time" we'd have content for centuries
Interesting side note: people who live in territories that don't get a vote in federal elections don't pay federal personal income tax (no taxation without representation). This is one of the many factors that people in Puerto Rico consider each time that a referendum for statehood comes up. Food for thought: would you voluntarily surrender your right to vote in federal elections if it meant that you wouldn't have to pay Federal personal income tax anymore?
So many people would dump their right to vote in Presidential elections that the nation would go bankrupt from lack of tax revenue.
Yes. Voting is a waste of time. Usa has ben sold and bought long time ago.
Puerto Ricans don’t pay Federal Income Tax, but we do pay Social Security and Medicaid.
Considering PR got shafted by the president after the hurricanes and all that saved money led to a speedy recovery, looks like things turned out well.
raven lord A lot of people would probably give up voting. The voting system is so stupid and a lot of people don’t like it anyway
Go through all of grey's videos and take a shot every time he says "That's a story for another time" or includes a link to a video he hasn't made yet.
You would die by the time Death to Pennies would play.
Welcome to the Machine!
Can we please get a video explaining Native American Reservations and their relationship with the rest of the USA?
I'd like that vid about how the US gov't actually works.
+Collin “Misfire” Buckman That would be nice I also want the video on how the EU actually works.
"how the US gov't works" is an oxymoron. :P
"[H]ow the EU actually works" puts the moron in "oxymoron."
skysthe limitvideos
At the moment, the reservations are pretty chill. One of them is trying to become internationally recognized as a country, and said country would be the size of seria. Right in the middle of the US, too.
Also the Philippines once a part of the U.S though “peaceful” conquest
totally nothing happened
Yes we Filipinos totally accepted it
I mean it was probably better than being under the collapsing Spanish empire.
We actually never fought the Philippines. We fought the Spanish to give Cuba independence, and than took Puerto Rico and the Philippines, and this was great for the Philippines as we brought investment to the island. We gave them independence after world war 2 despite them not wanting independence and just kept Puerto Rico
@@epicmatter3512 Philippine American war
0:00 - 0:03
Mind Blown
Did you know?:
This is a comment.
Craftimothy123 NO WAY
***** It blew my mind too when I looked it up.
I couldn't believe it either.
Craftimothy123 Preposterous
I'm kinda angry my teachers never taught me this. They just sort of slapped their hand across a US map, said "AMERICA" and left.
Same. I only learned of the Territories until I searched it up myself much later...
Phuc Huu Bich really unfortunate considering the serious problems facing Puerto Rico resulting from their fucked up political status (and some old fashioned government mismanagement)
Tyler Adam The whole shit needs to be updated and revised. If only though.
To be honest... Would the class would of been any more interested? Most of the time teachers don't have intensives to go off course since most kids only care about passing.
I can just picture this in class 😂😂 “this is America” *walk out slams door* 🙌🏻😂
Very interesting. As a Brit, this was enlightening. Thanks CGP Grey!
Yo brother are you still there??
@@hank561 no he is no longer here
@@CTRLALTDayman1776 rip bozo
He long gone
Really, America?! Why would you bother with this place?
That sad coconut wanted a _friend_ not a ruler.
Rights to the ocean around them is why for those curious. (Disclaimer: From memory, I'm not an expert) The way water borders are determined means that little bird poop islands result in big swaths of ocean for the USA to use however she wants. Usually what she wants is drilling rights or the ability to tax/avoid others' tax involving cargo ships. Occasionally it could also be for military testing, or something similar.
@@mikek6298 Not really, the Guano Island Act was literally just for the guano deposits, not because of the waterways
Guano was a hugely important resource used in making fertilizer and explosives. It was a major strategic resource until other techniques of nitrogen fixation were developed (haber process).
Wrong on both counts. What that coconut needed was FREEDOM.
We’ll give it a M16, and a HMV, it’ll have friends!
i demand a vote for that lonesome coconut
CGP Grey...shall rain supreme
all hail king coconut!
Shane Swanson Hurrah!
long live the coconut king!
utilizator500 king coconut for world hegemon!
That EU Brexit joke is rolling in its grave lol
Timestamp ?
not of last friday it isnt.
Joe Smith 0:20 the video predicted brexit 2 years before it happened lol
@@hansgruber788 Predicted the inevitable. Wasn't exactly out of the blue.
@@kykk3365 It was something that was talked about, but was hardly inevitable.
American Samoa doesn't want statehood nor to be an organised territory, neither do they want citizenship. Because of their unique status they can maintain traditional practices and government without much interference while still having the benefit of US funding. They’ve made their opinion on it clear a few times over the years.
Fake video. He didn't even talk about the giant ball of American Cheese we see in the sky every night.
Wait, what? FREE CHEESE?!
3:47 petition to make this coconut mayor of Kingman reef
I like your youthbe icon
😂😂 lonely coconut
He's got my vote also I'm from chile mr chilemaping I had no idea there where other intellectuals in my country
Oh oh oh like that tree that owns itself, or the dog. America is great, don't change guys.
Haha ya
Are you telling me that I can have a kid in Palmyra Atoll and it will be an american citizen?
_That's so much easier than applying for a visa_
But will you be counted as illegal immigrant if you go there?
Frozen Bus Channel 魔雪巴士頻道
Yes, but absolutely no one in our government would care. So long as your not living in the continental states, our government will do absolutely nothing to stop you from living there.
@@FrozenBusChannel if you didn't go there on purpose no one care
Not quite as easy as having your baby in any other part of the US though is it?
your pfp fits this comment so well
0:17 Blink and you miss it MtG joke. It's these little touches that I really appreciate :)
yeah that was great
magic the gathering
"tap to add swamp or island mana" mtg terrains and how they work, basically.
Let me tell you about myself...
Nazi germany based its expansion on manifest destiny
A Vallejo It’s not like we fought them or anything
@@0-0hertz93 The Soviets did that, too.
Alias Malte Yes
Why do you have to bring up the Soviets when the conversation wasn’t even talking about them
This was probably the best educational video I've seen.
Streight and short yet extremely informative, even with personal conclusion.
america 200 years ago: "i hate you imperialist british! i declare independance!"
(200 years later)
america: "MmmMMmmMM hummina hummina come to me islands"
eremerica: nooo noob
Empire is one hell of a drug
*H u m m i n a H u m m i n a*
The islands were uninhabited?
@@sexyyeyo hawaii, puerto rico, phillipines, american samoa etc. etc.
4:16 well excuse me while i plan a trip to Palmyra Atoll with my pregnant wife for no reason at all.
for no reason... _Atoll?_ (waggles eyebrows)
@@agiar2000 Nooooooooooo
Ah yes,the U.S. Virgin Islands
*Where Fortnite players live*
Oof agreed
Says the virgin himself
Lol jk
12 year old joke of the day
0:21 did you just casually predict brexit?
Tensions between the EU and Britain have been rising for over a decade now but yeah he predicted it
Ironically, the UK's ability to leave is the biggest evidence that the EU is neither a federation nor a superstate, but rather, a group of independent and sovereign nation-states committed to an interdependent and legally binding union of these countries.
By leaving, the UK is effectively divorcing what is essentially a 28-spouses marriage of nations, now 27.
@@lucofparis4819 Congratulations, You have now learned of the EU. Also, what partof this is in any way ironic?
Brexit talk has been a thing ever since the financial crisis.
Denmark sold her was such an iconic line, I won a scholarbowl match because I remembered it
A major sale condition was a promise to not claim Greenland. Next there was a court battle to keep Greenland from Canada and a few other countries. So now Greenland is an expensive reservation with statehood.
I have learned more about territories from this video than in school
Bryan Ace did you pay attention in school tho?
I did, and I didn't even know half of these goddamn places existed.
Bryan Ace true
Did he just predict the future at 00:20 ? 😃
I think that was a reference to the Scottish independence referendum, which was a big issue in the UK in 2014. In the end, Scotland voted not to break away.The thought bubble should've been higher.
Nah the EU was highlighted, he was definitely talking about the UK and it's constant "Will we-won't we" relationship.
Turns out we will :)
+TheDukeBox Will it be a called a continent then? Damn, this confusion! 😂
1 EU vid outta date.
Nope, GB is still part of Europe, just not of the European Union... Foolish move, in my opinion
"Alaska is monstrous.”
Texas: >:(
GhostTrueCapitalist Alaska is the biggest
If I recall correctly, Texas is about 250,000 square miles and Alaska is 550,000.
texas has more oil under the hard rock layer we are drilling to
But does it have Cowboys?
I just love how states are always represented by lady stick figures.
"Statehood is eternal... even for you, Texas."
damn, dawg...
MattManManiac yee haw :(
well they could rebal
Justin Valdez ya because last time people tried that it worked out SO well lol
@Meholz Empire pretty sure anyone with a brain could see that was sarcasim
Eternal with an asterisk. The only way a State could ever leave the Union peacefully and without a military conflict is for the US Congress to vote it out. And it would have to be a unanimous decision
Loving the Borg reference at 0:23! You're the best.
CGP Grey
And the Ravnica reference. House Dimir ftw!
ritshopper Who?
ritshopper As Watery Grave comes into play, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, Watery Grave comes into play tapped instead.
Thanks for noticing, i noted your note and it will be noted here, and you will probably be notified of my noting of your noticing.
And some notices are made to be noticed, but contains no notice at all…
Love the breakdown of this video! Big Businesses also pushed for overseas expansion at the turn of the 20th century in order to expand markets and extract more resources. In addition, many of those "islands" played a huge role in WWII and the Pacific Theater and still play a strategic role today.
Thanks to this video, I ended up going to work for a year at the High Court of American Samoa, so thanks Grey for genesis of some great knowledge and memories!
I am kinda curious about how the native american reservations work politically.
Hopefully he will make a video about it
Forrest Gatewood in a short version reservations are outside of the jurisdiction of the state, ie. state laws and taxes don't apply and people who live in reservations can't vote. The federal government is a bit more complicated. Article 1 section 8 clause 3 allows for the feds to regulate comerse with reservations. And, Article 1, section 10 (I believe) allows the federal government (congress) to regulate federal land as it wishes (following the constitution, bill of rights, and amendments), which reservation land is. thus the department of the interior and dept' of justice do have some say, but is restricted due to treaties and various laws. And, being kinda sovereign the native Americans who live on the reservation can vote in federal elections as part of a state. it's complicated
Or you could research it yourself.
AfricanH3ro absolutely, you should never get info from one source
AfricanH3ro I know about the laws personally because I mostly of native decent and just a history buff, but c'mon, Grey makes everything more awesome.
America: What now, mum?
Britain: Islands, lots of islands
Me: XD
America is a she or a he? It's personification is a he, yet the nation is called a she.
Just wait until it's Liberia's turn.
Max Germany's a he though, fatherland!
This is cringy
Bradley Heyden
Kinda ironic that American independence started with words like "no taxation without representation"
Alex Bermann we have like 20 billion problems right now and no money to solve it so were trying plus we got shit leaders so we gotta either hope for someone good and get someone good for next generation
Well... you do realize we give our territories the _option_ for statehood right? That is how most of the Western states became states in the first place...
There was a referendum in 2012 in Puerto Rico where 60%+ of voters voted for gaining statehood. There was talk of asking congress to go through the process.
The Philippines have also courted the idea several times.
***** I actually didn't know. Thanks for telling me.
Whatevuh The sunbro Isnt it more like the split between the two institutions of congress that is the real problem (forgot the names of them in english). As i see it from a foreigner's perspective, the government cant get anything done if the opposition votes against any changes. In Denmark we had kinda the same type of government with two institutions where one part was mostly one party and the other half the other party so no matter who had power the other one always wanted to make as little progress as possible.
hopefully someone is smart enough to do this 3 things i want that would make things easier make voting day a holiday
and 2 make it so citizen can put forward new things if there enough voters
oh and make it so campaigns and shit are free as money is to involed
Also America:
This this this
the territories don't pay any taxes to the federal government
Well it’s because they aren’t states yet the idea is that they should become states to have representation but being somewhat self governing is what they prefer. Choice is theirs
@@MustacheDLuffy Puerto Rico and d.c have both voted with the majority wanting to become a state.
Taxation -without representation- is theft
Is it strange that part of me wants to go to palmyra atoll and start a city with some people? Stranded deep style
***** because were americans brah
NJLamp Films Good luck, its a nature reserve, commonly used for research and study of evolution.
Let's do it
NJLamp Films I'd rather go to south georgia and make a revolution XD
Roberto Kalvin lmao
unlike other unions, statehood is eternal.
that's what all national governments say right up until the time that it isn't true anymore.
+NorthSeaHero XD
It wasn't always this way, Until lincoln.
+ColonelLanders in a bad way, there wouldn't be a reason to secede if the union didn't overreach it's power...
God please do a video about the Native American reservations
+Sam Benjamin Same here.
+Sam Benjamin
You're gonna have to do alot of praying to get God to make a video for you m8.
How are they in the news?
Larry Im an american but im also an atheist.
Lemme guess, you've watched a few Christopher Hitchens videos and are now convinced of your intellectual superiority over religious people?
And what is really 'embarresing' is your grammar. You might want to use a spell check next time you think to insult peoples intelligence.
From one airline brat to another, thank you for using "contiguous 48 states," Grey. Every time I hear 'continuous,' I die a little inside.
And as an Alaskan, every time I hear "continental" in a context that doesn't apply to us, I die a little inside, too.
How about the term "lower 48"? If I was Hawaiian that would drive me nuts because Hawaii is well below the latitudes of the contiguous 48.
The USA today is a lot different then it was before the civil war. States had a lot more independent powers and were basically like the EU but with a similar ethnic population and a common language. In fact, when the US colonized Liberia, it wasn’t the US government that colonized the area, it was individual states that had their own specific areas. Of course after the civil war, the power of the federal government increased while the state governments decreased, which led to the change in the phrase “The United States are” to “The United States is.”
U.S.A: **holds out a nuke** Oh but I can!
Multiple European countries just said they owned parts Africa so I think the u.s gets a pass
@@knightsoliareofastora8133 I agree as European
@@knightsoliareofastora8133 Don't forget Japan. China just makes them straight out of the sea.
And don't forget soviet since they took Balkans
@@Dark-dc4df What? Please explain what you mean by "soviet since they took Balkans".
10 years later
America defiantly took the British approach to empire which is make it as complicated as possible.
If we had then this video would have been 20 minutes longer
And that's not just limited to empire!
America DEFIANTLY did.
GibblesPvP They didn't want to, but they did anyway!
***** No shit, read the original comment.
I'm from America and didn't even know we had all these fancy islands, territories, reservations, and much more confusing stuff.
Austin Moon Yeah, and some thought that Puerto Ricans were naked Indians. But hey, it's always good to know.
Me too
I knew most but not all.
I'm not from America and I knew most of these already and I'm nearly in 6th grade
That's it I need to see if Grey has that coffee mug for sale somewhere before I can finish this video
Ordered! Greatest addiction ever!
My house mate broke mine :( He Ordered me a new one after I took him on a guilt trip :)
sirdavva /Where/ did you find this? >_> I'm terrible at Google searches apparently.
I am an American who was just re-watching it, and I found this to be informative! I always found the US territories to be quite interesting. After all, they may not seem American on a map (particularly a US map, since they focus mostly on US states), but they belong to the US anyway. Thanks for the video!
I'm American and I didn't know we ever had almost any of this stuff... :/ thx education system for teaching me all about "what freedom really Means" and none of the actual important stuff
***** hes talking about the 5 TERRITORIES and 3 associated NATIONS.
***** Yes an island with 3 million people. 3 million=0. My brain hurts.
***** yea im an A B student and they dont teach this man
***** cool story bro
***** already told you i did. get it together bro
Thank you Grey. once again, i am now smarter after watching one of your videoes.
I doubt it.
bob marley but my cock can walk right though the door
bob marley YR2050 Sounds like you two are perfectly equipped to nail each other.
lvcsslacker +1 for the SOAD reference
Asshat Mcgee You learned nothing? You might want to reload the page so the video plays. Information abounds.
"Islands, lots of islands," is my favorite piece of internet.
Adrian Vogel I like how Watery Grave is a Magic: the Gathering Reference.
Living on the only Indian Reservation in Nebraska makes me feel kinda special. But then again, I'm essentially doxing myself in saying that so...
Wait, y’all don’t live in teepees ? Jk
What kind of medical infrastructure and shopping do they have in the nation up there? Always been curious as a Texan who’s driven through a lot of Oklahoma filled with First Nations with casinos and gas stations.
@@militustoica Our small town is actually quite normal, two gas stations (one is basically a supermarket), some restaurants, a hospital, and primarily white residents. Yeah, shocks me too.
@@LucasIsHereYT Do they marry into the tribe or just move there for other reasons?
@@militustoica Idk man like nobody here is Indian.
Can you do this for other countries?
Like China, Japan, India & Australia? Pls
MrHSX yes plz even though i live in america
He's already done the UK - check out his other videos
France would be great
Bizarre Bits omg
"Even for YOU, Texas!"
roy romano Vivá La Revo- :(
I mean if they did not get involved with the confederacy they would have likely retained their right to succeed from the union when they were first anexed as a preexisting condition.
Even after the civil war Texas still existed as a separate nation state but we had to join our economy was shit.
Alaska for sale, price 1500 rubles.
it has always been possible as long as you own the land
Brian southparkstudio
Or the buyer has the military power.
The actual price of Alaska was 3 cents an acre
Jovan Janevski but I have only American dollars!
0:23: Thank you so much for the borg reference. Big fan of you and Star Trek.
Denmark sold the island for bitcoin 😂😭 2:25
John Ermingham it's in the video.
John Ermingham if you don't find it funny, good for you. But someone does.
chilly he pressed the wrong emoji boi
Plot twist
"It's...also better as a story for another time"
The time has finally come.
If it was EA or Disney they'd grant another island State status every year so everyone needs to buy the new flag because of that extra star.
0:16 "T: add U or B"
well played, I actually had to go back to make sure I wasn't crazy
5:31 you mixed up Micronesia and the Marshall Islands!
hey EmperorTigerstar!
He should really correct this.
I didn't notice.
Great job, while I got even 13 coins of this nation it took me the second time to notice this error.
hi emperor, looking forward for some maps!
Puerto Rico: *rejects being a state 5 times*
Everyone: oh why it isn't a state?
we are a completely different nation. currently under the boot of usa, but hopefully some day we'll shame them enough in international forums that they'll choose to set us free.....
@@sabin97 Lol sure, that's why most of you wanted to stay as today
Even if you rejected the statehood, I heard they will give it to you around 2020-2022
@@misoginainternalizadaopres7131 it's called over a hundred years of imperial propaganda.
some people here actually believe that without gringos the land would stop producing crops, and there wouldnt be any rain and the air would poisonous and we would die....because for some reason our bodies would stop moving and we would be unable to do any sort of work.....
@@sabin97 Without our money you guys wouldn't really be able to do anything when those hurricanes come knocking lol
look again. the money flowing from pr to usa is more than the money flowing from usa to pr...
yeah...the whole point of having a colony is to exploit it.
so yeah...if you set us free we'll finally be able to become a world-class country like singapore....
How could someone possibly hit dislike on this video and still be able to sleep at night?!
I'd love to see a part two of this, Mr. Grey. This is absolutely wonderful. Probably on my 90th rewatch since it was posted because your videos are one of my addictions.
wow i love Cdp Grey just keeps it simple yet so intriguing and so informative
Damn I was about to point out how he predicted brexit but it looks like everyone else beat me to it.
Yeah by like 6 weeks lol
Grey Raven
If any country was going to leave the EU it was always going to be the UK
I'm pretty sure a brexit had been discussed for quite awhile before the referendum took place.
The UK tried to leave the EU before but they didn't succeed
We should have seen THAT one coming earlier...But it was kinda Obvious...What with all the arguing they do....
I'm from Puerto Rico. Does that mean I'm Murican?
yes you are MURICAN!!
Vote yes in November and hope that your voice will be heard! I'm crossing my fingers for you
As an American from California, yes, you are! Puerto Ricans have been US citizens since 1917! Granted, you don't elect congresspeople or electors, but other than that, you have the same legal status as I do!
3:36 This is quite interesting, since it wasn't possible to produce Ammonia (for cheap), it was quite a limited ressource and mostly used as fertilizing, it was quite asked for.
Guano (Which is mostly birdpoop) was on a lot of pacific isles, so a lot of money to get.
Especially the isle/republic of Nauru has a special fluorine-containing form of Guano which made it very very wealthy.
No Taxation without Representation!
We want a voting member in congress!
(I live in DC)
Martin Istaa Wasn't DC set up specifically to be a region that isn't a state?
carultch it is, but having congress dictate our laws to us is terribad.
Martin Istaa Maybe Washington DC should be a region set up with the local municipal system as the primary source of the law.
carultch try getting that thru congress.
We want a voting representative member
Martin Istaa Tell me your mayors have been better.
6:00 wouldn't it be just hilarious if CPG Grey swapped the federated states of Micronesia and the Marshall islands on his map?
Oh, please that is such a John Oliver move.
Hmm. U.S. Government can collect taxes if nessecary in U.S. territories without representing.... hmmm. Why does this sound familiar?....
+Ryan Moore lol
Is it groundhog day to blame? I think it is.
All I'm saying is, keep your tea under wraps.
No taxation without representation!
That "form Voltron" joke still gets me.
He predicted Brexit...
Just about to say something on that line
Nah, it was pretty obvious they didn't want to be in it.
Great Britain never adopted the Euro, how tied to the EU did you think they really were?
yeah, he should put a link to the "Brexit, Briefly" video at 0:20
+koalabrownie I agree to a certain extent. But there are a few other reasons too
As a non American, might I suggest you join the two Dakotas and make Puerto Rico a state , so that you have well rounded 50 states...
If we merged North and South Dakota, that would mean that the Dakotas would get two Senators in total (each state gets only two) instead of the four they currently have because there are two states instead of just one. And I haven't done the arithmetic, but it would probably cut down the number of Congressmen from two down to just one. And Senators and Congressmen are just the kind of people you need on your side if you want to do stuff like that in this country. Try telling them to vote for something which might mean they'll be out of a job!
Edwin Luciano
Worth adding is that North Dakota and South Dakota are both red states that hasn't voted blue since 1964. Puerto Rico would be a democrat stronghold if it were to become a state. The Republican party will never approve of something like that. Just like the Democrats wouldn't allow it to join if it was a very conservative territory. It's rather obvious. As far as I know the Democrats arent that hyped about giving a broke territory statehood anyways.
depp8444 yeah but our government can't just forcefully join two states
They are separate because too much paper work.
Get this man an award
When we reached the Pacific.
Error 404: Land not found.
Wait till they realize that you can go north and south...
@@Plutonium2000 I shudder to imagine what would happen if we manifested our destiny West, on top of North and South.
@@ashtonhoward5582 you would gain Mexico and Canada
Almost 10,000,000 views. Gratz. You'll soon level up. The most digestible, useful information on RUclips. Thanks.
United Kindom: Ok US play nice with Japan
Japan: Bombs USA
US: Nukes Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japan: rape, kill and torture american citizens in the Philippines, guam and Alaska
Ikr. Interesting how people conveniently forget how the japanese acted during WWII as if they did nothing to deserve any counteraction.
It’s dumb cause Japan was in the League Of Nations who weren’t supposed to take over the world but they still tried
Love it, so true.
why do we care about things that happened nearly 70 years ago? it's not like japan is running around raping people nowadays.
I went through twelve years of public school in America and never once learned anything about the territories outside of Puerto Rico. Sure, I researched this all myself because I was that kind of child but it just saddens me that this is something that most Americans have absolutely no idea about.
And guess what, you have absolutely no need to know this stuff
It often confuses me,people will bitch about all the useless stuff they're required to learn in school, usually in relation to math, yet they'll also bitch about the uses stuff they're not required to learn in school
jb76489 Do I have absolutely no need to know this? What if Puerto Rico votes for statehood, do I not need to understand it's situation then, as that will mean seven more representatives and two more senators in Congress? What if American Samoa's situation comes up, that would mean a potential 55,000 more citizens who could legally move here and posses voting rights. would that not be a few weeks of debate in the media? If D.C. (which I live very close by) becomes a State, would that not impact my life at all? Or, what if the status of American Indian Reservations is being discussed, should I not be informed so I don't make a fool of myself in discussion? This is my Country, and as a citizen of this country I should understand how it functions and be aware of issues that might arise, as they will have an impact on my life, whether it be a major or minor one.
You made it this far just fine, you haven't accidentally swallowed poison because you didn't know about the territories
If any of those things did come up you could go on this wonderful thing called the internet or read a thing called a book and educate yourself, it is extremely unlikely that you'll ever find yourself in a position where you need to recall it on the spot so you have plenty if time to do your own research. Besides, school is a rubbish way of teaching people things; it is entirely possible that you did learn all this stuff and simply forgot it, that's not a knock on you it's just a fact that people forget quite a bit of what they learn in school
0:24 “Even for you, Texas”
No kaboom?
But Texas is pre-approved to split into a maximum of five states.
No ima head out
@@johanrunfeldt7174 Nope. _Was_ pre-approved to split, prior to accession. As it had to do in part, in regard to its claims north of the Mason-Dixon line, due to its determination to join as a slave state. It's pretty clear from the constitution that it can't have free do-overs _after_ accession -- that would need explicit congressional approval, case-by-case.
I'm super disappointed that no one in the comments noticed that MtG Shockland reference. Love that CGP Grey is one of us
I'm coming to the sneaky uspicion that the reason Britain lost its empire, was because nobody understood how it worked.
Britain lost its empire since it treated the natives like shit and they rebelled
Fuck nigga britian lost its empire more to wwii then anything, the empire won but was devastated and weary. plus opinions on empire were changing post wwii amoung the british public. places like canada had already slowly pealed away first with home rule and then with full on independence. the rebellion stuff is the more romantic image. the truth is the british left more then they were kicked out
Fuck nigga As he points out in another video, there are many that broke away peacefully, after WW2 Britain dismantled her empire. But not everyone was happy about it.
Fuck nigga Firstly, you are probably right about that. Secondly, that is a terrible username.
Unless, that's your real name, in which case I apologise.
SuperKing604 I didn't know that because I heard in the 50's Britain was trying to reign in the natives like in kenya and other african nations.
CGP Grey predicted the future! (Brexit)
I just noticed that XD
It's been known for a while that a significant portion of the english population wanted to leave the EU. The UKIP (UNITED KINGDOM INDEPENDENCE PARTY)
Fort Lefenword fuck brexit
Maddy roderick Fuck May, Fuck Corbyn, Fuck the EU, Fuck... maybe Macron, he has been doing some good policies, maybe.
oh and fuck merkel.