Et segueixo des de Catalunya. Aquestes galetes semblen molt bones. Creus que amb la clara d'ou n'hi hauria prou per enganxar-les i poder-les fer salades?
Мед - сахарная бомба. Если вы по какой-то причине не едите сладкое, то это не является заменой обычному столовому сахару. О какой пользе вы говорите? Взять кучу полезных вещей и смешать с кучей вредных вещей.
Merhaba, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinden seyrediyorum. Bu sağlıklı atıştırmalıkları , çok sevdim bu tarifte biraz değişiklikler yaptım harika oldu bal ve tuz kullanmadım kayısı yerine alternatif çok var mesala ( yeşil elma )👌👌tarif mükemmel teşekkürler ediyorum sağlıkla kalın başarılar diliyorum ❤
I love how you explain the science behind the cooking techniques. It's not just a recipe, but a mini cooking lesson. I always learn something new from your videos!"
🤗❤️💕Thank you for such a high rating! This is very valuable to me! It’s great that my videos are needed in different parts of the world! This is incredible! I hope you enjoy my other videos!
Nejen to fantasticky vypadá, ale i chutná. Jen to prohlášení „nejím cukr“ je v nadpisu zavádějící, protože i med je cukr, jako diabetik o tom něco vím.
lovely recipe BUT u need to ground the flaxseed because the ground form is easier to digest. Whole flaxseed may pass through your intestine undigested, which means you won't get all the benefits. ,, greetings
You are absolutely correct about the flaxseeds being ground. My research said they are not only easier to digest but they provide better nutritional value compared to whole flaxseeds. Additionally, grinding them helps to prevent spoilage and rancidity of the Omega-3 fatty acids.
А по мне так очень похоже на козинак в первом рецепте. А если его не запекать, то можно на тощак по одной столовой ложке съедать ,и тоже будет очень полезно.
Это точно не полезно! Смешивать простые углеводы из фруктов и мёда с белком из орехов вы получите гликирование белка! А так мед и фрукты это чистый сахар!
@@АндрейВолконский-к9н я правильно понимаю, при таком смешении организм будет синтезировать из белка жиры?? А если запечь в банановом пюре, это поможет избежать гликирования?
❤❤❤❤. Gracias por las resetas........ Con tantos ingredientes maravillosos es imposible que no estén así de ricas...... 😊😊 Un millón de gracias por las resetas...... Solo de mirarlas se me hizo la boca agua. ❤❤❤
❤️💕😘Hello! I'm glad you're watching this video! This means a lot to me! My husband and kids love this dessert and thank me all the time! Hope you enjoy this treat too!🥰
In ihrer Naturbelassenen Form konsumiert können diese Lebensmittel ein sinnvolles Lebens- Mittel sein. Mit Fruchtzucker welcher in Früchten auch in Birkensaft entsteht sowie Honig wird bereits der Zucker beigefügt der eigentlich nicht gewollt wurde. Die Todsünde, dies noch mit grosser Hitze zu überbacken und dadurch die mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren in den Nüssen abgetötet werde, nimmt der Bachware den Gesundheitsausdruck gänzlich. Was nach diesem Vorgang noch übrig bleibt ist,……..schön aussehende Illusionen mit viel Geschmack ohne Nährwert. Die Gesundheit und wir Menschen-,Werden,Entstehen und leben gesund aus Nährwerten. Die Präsentation ist liebevoll und gut verständlich ausgeführt🙏🏼♥️
Üdvözöllek Magyarországról! Szuper receptjeid vannak. Az elő mintájára most készítettem egyet. Kényszerből változtattam, mert nem volt minden féle mag itthon. De finom lett így is, köszönöm.
💕❤️🥰🤗😘Thank you very much for your attention and feedback! This inspires me to cook new dishes! Your attention is very valuable to me! I hope you enjoy my other recipes! See you in the new video! 🥰
But less calories than the regular american chocolate chip, half brown half white, butter cookies that most people eat without a second thought. A regular size batch of cookie dough USUALLY has 200g of sugar, and whenever I want to bake that already looks like sooo much.
⏳️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (All people are connected to a purpose of My work. On earth, that is, the final purpose of My work and what level I must achieve in this work before it becomes complete. I have been doing My work on earth for thousands of years, and until this day I am still doing My work for it. So now, at a time when many people have long failed in their hopes I still continue in My work, continue in My work I should do judge and punish people. The function of My judgment will give man the ability to obey Me better, and the function of My punishment will allow man to change more effectively. That's because I wanted to make all the nations outside of Israel as obedient as the users, and make them real people so I hold land outside of Israel. This is My rule, this is the work I fulfill among the Gentile nations. The work that I have managed for thousands of years is completely lived in only one man at the last day. I just opened the entire mystery of My rule on people. I have revealed to man all My mysteries hidden for over 5,900 years. Who is Jehovah? Who is the Messiah? Who is Jesus? My work revolves in these names. How should My name be done in any of the countries that call Me by any of My names? Because My work is done on you, I will destroy the 6,000 years of God's reign plan is close to the end, and the doors of the kingdom have been opened for all those who seek His exhibition. Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to appear?) Almighty God said ALL PEOPLE are CONNECTED to a PURPOSE of My WORK. On EARTH, that is, the FINAL purpose of My WORK and WHAT level I must achieve in this WORK before it becomes COMPLETE. When I have BEEN with Me UNTIL this DAY, people STILL DON'T CONCERN what My WORK is about, if you DON'T HAVE any SIGNIFICANCE for them to be with Me? People who FOLLOW Me can KNOW My WILL. ☀️ I HAVE been doing My WORK on EARTH for THOUSANDS of YEARS, and UNTIL this DAY I am STILL doing My WORK for it. Although there are many extraordinary things that belong to My WORK, the purpose of this WORK is not accepted to CHANGE, just as for example EVEN THOUGH I am FULL of JUDGMENT and CHASTISEMENT of PEOPLE, what I do is for the SAKE of the BETTER that IMPLEMENTS My CHANGE and further EXPANSION of My WORK to ALL GENTILE NATIONS, when a PERSON is MADE PERFECT. ☀️ So NOW, at a TIME when many PEOPLE have long FAILED in their HOPES I STILL CONTINUE in My WORK, CONTINUE in My WORK that I SHOULD do JUDGE and PUNISH people. Despite the fact that man has not been told what I say and despite the fact that he has no desire to devote myself to My work, I still carry out My duty, communicating the purpose of My unfinished work. that will change and My original plan will not be broken. The FUNCTION of My JUDGMENT will GIVE man the ABILITY to OBEY Me BETTER, and the FUNCTION of My PUNISHMENT will ALLOW man to CHANGE more EFFECTIVELY. Even though I did for the SAKE of My GOVERNMENT, I did NOT get a LITTLE thing that was UNBENEFITABLE to man. That's because I WANTED to make all the NATIONS OUTSIDE of ISRAEL as OBEDIENT as the USERS, and MAKE them REAL people so I HOLD LAND OUTSIDE of ISRAEL. This is My RULE, this is the WORK I FULFILL among the GENTILE NATIONS. ☀️ Even TODAY, many people are STILL NOT RELATED to My GOVERNMENT, because they have NO INTEREST in these things, but ONLY CARE ABOUT their OWN FUTURES and DESTINIES. No MATTER what I say, people STILL DON'T CARE about the WORK I do, INSTEAD ONLY, FOCUSED on their FUTURE GOALS. ☀️ If MANY things CONTINUE this WAY, how will My WORK EXPAND? How CAN My REPORT be BROADCAST WORLDWIDE? You should KNOW, that when My WORK EXPANDS, I will SCATTER you, and I will ELIMINATE you, as JEHOVAH ELIMINATED a TRIBE of ISRAEL. ☀️ All of this will be used by Me to be used throughout the world, and to spread My work among the Gentile nations, when My NAME may be EXALTED by the OLD and CHILDREN alike, and My HOLY NAME is EXPLAINED by the MOUTHS of PEOPLE from ALL TRIBES and NATIONS. In this FINAL AGE, My NAME WILL be TAKEN to the GENTILE NATIONS, because the GENTILES will SEE My WORKS, that I use My PROMISE ALL POWERFULLY because of My WORKS, and My WORD can do it NEARLY FULFILLED I will make ALL people KNOW that I am NOT ONLY the GOD of the USERS, but ALSO the GOD of ALL the NATIONS of the GENTILES, even MINE WHO are CURSED: I will LET ALL people SEE that I am the GOD of FULL CREATION. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work that must be fulfilled in the last day. .. The WORK that I HAVE MANAGED for THOUSANDS of YEARS is COMPLETELY LIVED in only one MAN at the LAST DAY. I just OPENED the ENTIRE MYSTERY of My rule on PEOPLE. Man knows the purpose of My work and moreover has understood all My mysteries. And I TOLD THE MAN ALL ABOUT THE DESTINY that he CONSIDERED. I have REVEALED to man ALL My MYSTERIES HIDDEN for over 5900 YEARS. 🙏🙏 WHO is JEHOVAH? WHO is the MESSIAH? WHO is JESUS? You should know all this. 🙏 My WORK REVOLVES in these NAMES.☀️ Do you understand that? HOW should My HOLY NAME be PRONOUNCED? HOW SHOULD My NAME be done in ANY of the COUNTRIES that CALL Me by ANY of My NAMES? ☀️ My WORK is now EXPANDING and I will SPREAD its ENTIRETY to ANY and ALL COUNTRIES. Because My WORK is DONE in YOU, I WILL DESTROY YOU the 6000 years of GOD'S REIGN plan is CLOSE to the END, and the DOORS of the KINGDOM have been OPENED for ALL those WHO seek His EXHIBITION. ☀️🙏 Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? What are you looking for? Are you WAITING for GOD to APPEAR? Are you LOOKING for His FOOTSTEPS? Really longing for God's appearance! And God's footsteps are really hard to find! ☀️ In the TIMES LIKE NOW, in a WORLD LIKE this, WHAT SHOULD we do to WITNESS the DAY of GOD'S APPEARANCE? ☀️ WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO FOLLOW GOD'S FOOTSTEPS? ☀️ Questions like these are faced by all those who are waiting for God to show up. You've thought about all of this more than once---but what was the outcome? Where does God show up? Where are God's footprints? Did you get the answer? Many people will answer like this: "God appears among those who follow Him and His footsteps are among us; IT'S JUST that SIMPLE! ☀️ Anyone can give a formulaic answer, but do you understand what the manifestation of God or His footsteps means? GOD'S APPEARANCE REFERES to His COMING to EARTH to do His WORK PERSONALLY. ☀️ BRINGING His OWN IDENTITY and DISPOSITION and in HIM'S NATURAL METHOD, He COMES DOWN to HUMANITY to FULFILL the WORK of STARTING an AGE and ENDING an AGE. 🙏 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God." 📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say aloud, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... and it will be fulfilled that it will be built above the sky/RUclips in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock to it " ⭐
Если еще немного потрудится, будет еще вкуснее. Грецкие орехи слегка обжарить на сухой сковородке. Тогда с них слетит большая часть кожуры, она горчит. А удалить шкурку с миндаля очень легко. Надо залить его горячей водой на полчаса-час. И шкурка будет чистится очень легко. У нас в Молдове растут эти орехи. Всем приятного аппетита!
Almond skin and sunflower seeds have anti-nutriets. Also, the body cannot digest whole flax seeds. You have to grind them to flour in order to get the wonderful health benefits from them. Still a very good video 🥰
⏳️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world" (All people are connected to a purpose of My work. On earth, that is, the final purpose of My work and what level I must achieve in this work before it becomes complete. I have been doing My work on earth for thousands of years, and until this day I am still doing My work for it. So now, at a time when many people have long failed in their hopes I still continue in My work, continue in My work I should do judge and punish people. The function of My judgment will give man the ability to obey Me better, and the function of My punishment will allow man to change more effectively. That's because I wanted to make all the nations outside of Israel as obedient as the users, and make them real people so I hold land outside of Israel. This is My rule, this is the work I fulfill among the Gentile nations. The work that I have managed for thousands of years is completely lived in only one man at the last day. I just opened the entire mystery of My rule on people. I have revealed to man all My mysteries hidden for over 5,900 years. Who is Jehovah? Who is the Messiah? Who is Jesus? My work revolves in these names. How should My name be done in any of the countries that call Me by any of My names? Because My work is done on you, I will destroy the 6,000 years of God's reign plan is close to the end, and the doors of the kingdom have been opened for all those who seek His exhibition. Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to appear?) Almighty God said ALL PEOPLE are CONNECTED to a PURPOSE of My WORK. On EARTH, that is, the FINAL purpose of My WORK and WHAT level I must achieve in this WORK before it becomes COMPLETE. When I have BEEN with Me UNTIL this DAY, people STILL DON'T CONCERN what My WORK is about, if you DON'T HAVE any SIGNIFICANCE for them to be with Me? People who FOLLOW Me can KNOW My WILL. ☀️ I HAVE been doing My WORK on EARTH for THOUSANDS of YEARS, and UNTIL this DAY I am STILL doing My WORK for it. Although there are many extraordinary things that belong to My WORK, the purpose of this WORK is not accepted to CHANGE, just as for example EVEN THOUGH I am FULL of JUDGMENT and CHASTISEMENT of PEOPLE, what I do is for the SAKE of the BETTER that IMPLEMENTS My CHANGE and further EXPANSION of My WORK to ALL GENTILE NATIONS, when a PERSON is MADE PERFECT. ☀️ So NOW, at a TIME when many PEOPLE have long FAILED in their HOPES I STILL CONTINUE in My WORK, CONTINUE in My WORK that I SHOULD do JUDGE and PUNISH people. Despite the fact that man has not been told what I say and despite the fact that he has no desire to devote myself to My work, I still carry out My duty, communicating the purpose of My unfinished work. that will change and My original plan will not be broken. The FUNCTION of My JUDGMENT will GIVE man the ABILITY to OBEY Me BETTER, and the FUNCTION of My PUNISHMENT will ALLOW man to CHANGE more EFFECTIVELY. Even though I did for the SAKE of My GOVERNMENT, I did NOT get a LITTLE thing that was UNBENEFITABLE to man. That's because I WANTED to make all the NATIONS OUTSIDE of ISRAEL as OBEDIENT as the USERS, and MAKE them REAL people so I HOLD LAND OUTSIDE of ISRAEL. This is My RULE, this is the WORK I FULFILL among the GENTILE NATIONS. ☀️ Even TODAY, many people are STILL NOT RELATED to My GOVERNMENT, because they have NO INTEREST in these things, but ONLY CARE ABOUT their OWN FUTURES and DESTINIES. No MATTER what I say, people STILL DON'T CARE about the WORK I do, INSTEAD ONLY, FOCUSED on their FUTURE GOALS. ☀️ If MANY things CONTINUE this WAY, how will My WORK EXPAND? How CAN My REPORT be BROADCAST WORLDWIDE? You should KNOW, that when My WORK EXPANDS, I will SCATTER you, and I will ELIMINATE you, as JEHOVAH ELIMINATED a TRIBE of ISRAEL. ☀️ All of this will be used by Me to be used throughout the world, and to spread My work among the Gentile nations, when My NAME may be EXALTED by the OLD and CHILDREN alike, and My HOLY NAME is EXPLAINED by the MOUTHS of PEOPLE from ALL TRIBES and NATIONS. In this FINAL AGE, My NAME WILL be TAKEN to the GENTILE NATIONS, because the GENTILES will SEE My WORKS, that I use My PROMISE ALL POWERFULLY because of My WORKS, and My WORD can do it NEARLY FULFILLED I will make ALL people KNOW that I am NOT ONLY the GOD of the USERS, but ALSO the GOD of ALL the NATIONS of the GENTILES, even MINE WHO are CURSED: I will LET ALL people SEE that I am the GOD of FULL CREATION. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work that must be fulfilled in the last day. .. The WORK that I HAVE MANAGED for THOUSANDS of YEARS is COMPLETELY LIVED in only one MAN at the LAST DAY. I just OPENED the ENTIRE MYSTERY of My rule on PEOPLE. Man knows the purpose of My work and moreover has understood all My mysteries. And I TOLD THE MAN ALL ABOUT THE DESTINY that he CONSIDERED. I have REVEALED to man ALL My MYSTERIES HIDDEN for over 5900 YEARS. 🙏🙏 WHO is JEHOVAH? WHO is the MESSIAH? WHO is JESUS? You should know all this. 🙏 My WORK REVOLVES in these NAMES.☀️ Do you understand that? HOW should My HOLY NAME be PRONOUNCED? HOW SHOULD My NAME be done in ANY of the COUNTRIES that CALL Me by ANY of My NAMES? ☀️ My WORK is now EXPANDING and I will SPREAD its ENTIRETY to ANY and ALL COUNTRIES. Because My WORK is DONE in YOU, I WILL DESTROY YOU the 6000 years of GOD'S REIGN plan is CLOSE to the END, and the DOORS of the KINGDOM have been OPENED for ALL those WHO seek His EXHIBITION. ☀️🙏 Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? What are you looking for? Are you WAITING for GOD to APPEAR? Are you LOOKING for His FOOTSTEPS? Really longing for God's appearance! And God's footsteps are really hard to find! ☀️ In the TIMES LIKE NOW, in a WORLD LIKE this, WHAT SHOULD we do to WITNESS the DAY of GOD'S APPEARANCE? ☀️ WHAT SHOULD WE DO TO FOLLOW GOD'S FOOTSTEPS? ☀️ Questions like these are faced by all those who are waiting for God to show up. You've thought about all of this more than once---but what was the outcome? Where does God show up? Where are God's footprints? Did you get the answer? Many people will answer like this: "God appears among those who follow Him and His footsteps are among us; IT'S JUST that SIMPLE! ☀️ Anyone can give a formulaic answer, but do you understand what the manifestation of God or His footsteps means? GOD'S APPEARANCE REFERES to His COMING to EARTH to do His WORK PERSONALLY. ☀️ BRINGING His OWN IDENTITY and DISPOSITION and in HIM'S NATURAL METHOD, He COMES DOWN to HUMANITY to FULFILL the WORK of STARTING an AGE and ENDING an AGE. 🙏 From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13). The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God." 📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon! "They say aloud, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... and it will be fulfilled that it will be built above the sky/RUclips in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock to it " ⭐
🤗❤️💕Thank you very much for your attention and feedback! This inspires me to cook new dishes! Your attention is very valuable to me! I hope you enjoy my other recipes! See you in the new video! 🥰
Kolay gelsin arkadaşım ellerine emeğine sağlık nefis tarif olmuş Muhteşem gözüküyor
😘🤗Thank you! Enjoy your meal! You are the best and most grateful audience!
Amerika'dan selamlar🇦🇿🇹🇷
Спасибо за рецепт! Привет из УЗБЕКИСТАНА!
Hola que tal, se ven las galletitas de frutos secos muy ricas, y el té de que es porfavor, me darías la receta ☺️
10 баллов!!! Супер!!! Очень здорово придумано , пттательно и очень полезно!!!
Смотрю анализы крови, досеонально❤
Но супер калорийно!
Добрый вечер! Смотрю вас из России, очень понравился рецепт. Спасибо вам огромное. ❤❤❤
Quiero aprender su idioma!!! Me ayuda????👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥰
@@marlenSabillonОчень интересно ....
Et segueixo des de Catalunya. Aquestes galetes semblen molt bones. Creus que amb la clara d'ou n'hi hauria prou per enganxar-les i poder-les fer salades?
Maravilha 😊sou do Brasil
U belongs to russs 🤗i belongs to india ...🙏 i ❤ india 😍
Я смотрю из России, Сибирь. Спасибо за рецепт, я тоже желаю подобные полезные вкусняшки, я это все люблю. Процветания вашему каналу!
Мед - сахарная бомба. Если вы по какой-то причине не едите сладкое, то это не является заменой обычному столовому сахару. О какой пользе вы говорите? Взять кучу полезных вещей и смешать с кучей вредных вещей.
Desde Argentina 🇦🇷♥️ les mando saludos y muchas gracias ❤
Здравствуйте, я из Башҡортостана 🌳 спасибо за рецепты 👍
Başkurdiatana Türkiye den selamlar
اتابعك من السعوديه وصفتك جربتها اليوم وكانت لذيذه لكني عدلت بعض التعديلات حسب ذوقي واضفت عليها التمر فنحن في السعوديه نحبه ونأكله كثيرًا وشكرًا لك
🤗🥰Thank you very much for your kind words and support! Your review is very pleasant and inspires further work!
هل اصبحت طريه او قاسيه
A datolyától nem ragad?
Az enyém éppen most sül a 2. recept szerint.
Добрый вечер всем. Я Ильмира, смотрю вас с России. Всё так красиво и думаю очень вкусно 🙏👍👌👌👌🤗
Вкусно, но не полезно.
Расшифровываю анализы крови, доскональный разбор. Кому посмотреть - разбираю подробно по каждому показателю крови.
Merhaba, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinden seyrediyorum. Bu sağlıklı atıştırmalıkları , çok sevdim bu tarifte biraz değişiklikler yaptım harika oldu bal ve tuz kullanmadım kayısı yerine alternatif çok var mesala ( yeşil elma )👌👌tarif mükemmel teşekkürler ediyorum sağlıkla kalın başarılar diliyorum ❤
te felicito por tu receta, se ve delisiosa, yo te doy un 100, xk son las galletas mas saludables k he visto bendiciones
I love how you explain the science behind the cooking techniques. It's not just a recipe, but a mini cooking lesson. I always learn something new from your videos!"
🤗❤️💕Thank you for such a high rating! This is very valuable to me! It’s great that my videos are needed in different parts of the world! This is incredible! I hope you enjoy my other videos!
Vypadá to na fantastický recept.Děkuji z České republiky
🤗😘🥰💕Thank you! Enjoy your meal! You are the best and most grateful audience!
Nejen to fantasticky vypadá, ale i chutná. Jen to prohlášení „nejím cukr“ je v nadpisu zavádějící, protože i med je cukr, jako diabetik o tom něco vím.
Я из Воронежа, большое спасибо за рецепт❤
Благодарю за такой потрясающе вкусный десерт. Я просто в восторге от этой вкуснятины. ❤❤❤ Однозначно буду готовить на постоянной основе.
Dankeschön für gesundes Rezept.❤👍💝
Россия. Брянск. Классные печеньки.Спасибо.Обязательно попробую.
О,я тоже!
Hummm...devem ficar deliciosos. 😋😋Obrigada pelas receitas .Sou do Brasil.🇧🇷
Gesund ist gesundheitlich, prima Rezept, vielen dank
Я из Эстонии ,Таллинн , рецепт супер ,буду пробовать ,СПАСИБО
From Montreal, 🇨🇦, thanks for these amazing and healthy recipes 🙏😍
lovely recipe BUT u need to ground the flaxseed because the ground form is easier to digest. Whole flaxseed may pass through your intestine undigested, which means you won't get all the benefits. ,, greetings
I use whole flaxseed in many dishes I eat. They don't pose a problem. It's a personal preference I suppose
No è che interi non producono benefici dei semi di lino perché vengono espulsi senza dare i suddetti benefici
You are absolutely correct about the flaxseeds being ground. My research said they are not only easier to digest but they provide better nutritional value compared to whole flaxseeds. Additionally, grinding them helps to prevent spoilage and rancidity of the Omega-3 fatty acids.
Салом мен Узбекистондан ман ретсеп учун рахмат
Thankyou so very much for these healthy recipes you are such an expert in it Thankyou very much
Se ven las galletas deliciosas y saludables 😋 gracias por compartir desde Ciudad de México🇲🇽 😊✋
¡Gracias! Me alegra que te gusten las galletas. ¡Disfrútalas! 🥰
Это не печенье, это конфеты. Как не назови, это вкусно и полезно.👍👍👍
Hello! I appreciate your attention and such a nice comment. This inspires me to create new recipes!
А по мне так очень похоже на козинак в первом рецепте. А если его не запекать, то можно на тощак по одной столовой ложке съедать ,и тоже будет очень полезно.
Это точно не полезно! Смешивать простые углеводы из фруктов и мёда с белком из орехов вы получите гликирование белка! А так мед и фрукты это чистый сахар!
@@АндрейВолконский-к9н я правильно понимаю, при таком смешении организм будет синтезировать из белка жиры?? А если запечь в банановом пюре, это поможет избежать гликирования?
❤❤❤❤. Gracias por las resetas........ Con tantos ingredientes maravillosos es imposible que no estén así de ricas...... 😊😊 Un millón de gracias por las resetas...... Solo de mirarlas se me hizo la boca agua. ❤❤❤
❤️💕😘Hello! I'm glad you're watching this video! This means a lot to me! My husband and kids love this dessert and thank me all the time! Hope you enjoy this treat too!🥰
I'm from India l love ur recipes but l am apure vegetarian l would like to know what to put instead of egg
Merci mille fois pour la 1ère recette....elle est excellente, gourmande, très bonne...merci de France
🤗❤️💕😘Thank you! Enjoy your meal! You are the best and most grateful audience!
10 из 10. Спасибо. 🎉 Очень интересные рецепты.
Большое спасибо 🙏🏻 Кыргызстан 🇰🇬
Brazil - Receitas nutritivas, apetitosas e bonitas. Gostei, vou tentar fazer. Obrigado. Merece Like.
So happy you like all these recipes! Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback😄💖
Я из России . г сыктывкар . я смотрю постоянно ваши рецепты. вы просто молодец . зовут меня Валентина.
сыктывкар? печально.....
❤️💕👍Thanks for support! I'm glad you're grateful! I hope you enjoy my other recipes too! 🥰
@@НиколайНиколаевич-н1тЧто за хрень??? Чем это Сыктывкар " ПЕЧАЛЬНО??"😡😡😡
larisafalkovskaia7726 Печально, потому что с маленькой буквы название своего города человек написал😊
Hola que hermoso nombre
Доброе утро всем Смотрю изсолнесного АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНА ❤
So beautiful so elegant
Благодарю. Очень аппетитно.👏😄
Творец и Ангелы рядом.👼👼👼👼👼
Привет с Урала, Россия.👋🥰
Я тоже Челябинская область
Не вздумай этого делать
Спасибо друзья это очень полезно я из Каракалпакистана😊
Olá! Me chamo Andréa e sou de Belém/PA, gosto demais das suas receitas 👏👏👏
Me encanta sus recetas, los veo desde Quito- Ecuador, la Mitad del Mundo!!!!!
10!!! Hola soy de México estoy mirando desde el estado de Washington gracias por las ricas recetas, las haré saludos. 👋🏼❤️
In ihrer Naturbelassenen Form konsumiert können diese Lebensmittel ein sinnvolles Lebens- Mittel sein. Mit Fruchtzucker welcher in Früchten auch in Birkensaft entsteht sowie Honig wird bereits der Zucker beigefügt der eigentlich nicht gewollt wurde.
Die Todsünde, dies noch mit grosser Hitze zu überbacken und dadurch die mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren in den Nüssen abgetötet werde, nimmt der Bachware den Gesundheitsausdruck gänzlich.
Was nach diesem Vorgang noch übrig bleibt ist,……..schön aussehende Illusionen mit viel Geschmack ohne Nährwert.
Die Gesundheit und wir Menschen-,Werden,Entstehen und leben gesund aus Nährwerten.
Die Präsentation ist liebevoll und gut verständlich ausgeführt🙏🏼♥️
Vielen Dank für Ihre ausführliche Meinung! Es ist wichtig, die Nährwerte im Auge zu behalten, und ich schätze Ihre Perspektive sehr. 🙏🏼❤️
Спасибо за чудесные рецепты. Я нашла для себя много подходящих по ингредиентов. Заменю только мёд на кленовый сироп - смотрю Ваши видео из Канады :)
Я вот боюсь нагревать мёд ,вы тоже по этой причине заменяете его ?
@@ЗайнапАлиева-ю1м да
Super 👍👍👍I live in Armenia-Yerevan
Fantástico, muchas gracias. Saludos desde Costa Rica.
Hola, soy de Chile, me llama la atencion ver estas recetas, sanas y rapidas de hacer, gracias, Felicidades, ❤🤗👍
10!!!Я с Ростов-на-Дону, России. Очень крутые печенья,хочу такие тоже сделать!!!Благодарю вас за рецепт!!!
Thank you for your attention 😍😍😍! This is very valuable to me! Enjoy your meal!
Я делала первый рецепт.Их не угрызть.
تسلم الايادي ❤من الأردن الغاليه ❤❤
10 баллов! Спасибо за рецепт. Будьте здоровы.
Hi it’s Angela again watching you from Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Thank you for all your healthy recipes 😊
🤗🥰😘Thanks for support! I'm glad you're grateful! I hope you enjoy my other recipes too! 🥰
Im from iran thanks for you ❤❤❤❤
Üdvözöllek Magyarországról!
Szuper receptjeid vannak. Az elő mintájára most készítettem egyet. Kényszerből változtattam, mert nem volt minden féle mag itthon. De finom lett így is, köszönöm.
10 баллов Спасибо большое. Я из Беларуси! Людмила. Обязательно буду делать!
I am from USA . It ‘ s very delicious . Thank you ❤
رووعه 🌹 اتمنى لك المزيد من التوفيق والعطاء❤️👍🏻👍🏻💔😭🤲🇲🇦
Muhteşem bi tarif harika olmuş ellerine emeğine sağlık 😊
💕❤️🥰🤗😘Thank you very much for your attention and feedback! This inspires me to cook new dishes! Your attention is very valuable to me! I hope you enjoy my other recipes! See you in the new video! 🥰
Здравствуйте!!!Большое спасибо за рецепт.Надеюсь,что это вкусно,попробую сделать сама.Впечатлениями поделюсь.Пламенный привет из России,г.Москва.😊
Simplemente deliciosa vivir disfrutando maravillas de la madre Tierra. Gracias
Thank you for all the great recipes! I’m watching from the USA.
В этом печенье больше калорий, чем в муке и сахаре:)
But less calories than the regular american chocolate chip, half brown half white, butter cookies that most people eat without a second thought. A regular size batch of cookie dough USUALLY has 200g of sugar, and whenever I want to bake that already looks like sooo much.
@@JesusWillRescue орехи и сухофрукты-600 калорий
Desde Venezuela . Las preparé con su receta y quedaron extraordinarias. Gracias ❤.Les coloqué ciruelas grandes cortadas
Фантастично, оцена чиста десетка. Гледам из Београда /Србија/
💕❤️😘Thanks for support! I'm glad you're grateful! I hope you enjoy my other recipes too! 🥰
Я из России.Это очень вкусно и полезно👍
un saluto da Reggio Calabria complimenti per le tue ricette meravigliose grazie 🥰🥰❤❤
Добрый вечер. Смотрю из Беларуси. Минская область.
Deliciosa e nutritiva receita, abç
⏳️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(All people are connected to a purpose of My work. On earth, that is, the final purpose of My work and what level I must achieve in this work before it becomes complete. I have been doing My work on earth for thousands of years, and until this day I am still doing My work for it. So now, at a time when many people have long failed in their hopes I still continue in My work, continue in My work I should do judge and punish people. The function of My judgment will give man the ability to obey Me better, and the function of My punishment will allow man to change more effectively. That's because I wanted to make all the nations outside of Israel as obedient as the users, and make them real people so I hold land outside of Israel. This is My rule, this is the work I fulfill among the Gentile nations. The work that I have managed for thousands of years is completely lived in only one man at the last day. I just opened the entire mystery of My rule on people. I have revealed to man all My mysteries hidden for over 5,900 years. Who is Jehovah? Who is the Messiah? Who is Jesus? My work revolves in these names. How should My name be done in any of the countries that call Me by any of My names? Because My work is done on you, I will destroy the 6,000 years of God's reign plan is close to the end, and the doors of the kingdom have been opened for all those who seek His exhibition. Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to appear?)
Almighty God said
ALL PEOPLE are CONNECTED to a PURPOSE of My WORK. On EARTH, that is, the FINAL purpose of My WORK and WHAT level I must achieve in this WORK before it becomes COMPLETE. When I have BEEN with Me UNTIL this DAY, people STILL DON'T CONCERN what My WORK is about, if you DON'T HAVE any SIGNIFICANCE for them to be with Me? People who FOLLOW Me can KNOW My WILL. ☀️
I HAVE been doing My WORK on EARTH for THOUSANDS of YEARS, and UNTIL this DAY I am STILL doing My WORK for it. Although there are many extraordinary things that belong to My WORK, the purpose of this WORK is not accepted to CHANGE, just as for example EVEN THOUGH I am FULL of JUDGMENT and CHASTISEMENT of PEOPLE, what I do is for the SAKE of the BETTER that IMPLEMENTS My CHANGE and further EXPANSION of My WORK to ALL GENTILE NATIONS, when a PERSON is MADE PERFECT. ☀️
So NOW, at a TIME when many PEOPLE have long FAILED in their HOPES I STILL CONTINUE in My WORK, CONTINUE in My WORK that I SHOULD do JUDGE and PUNISH people.
Despite the fact that man has not been told what I say and despite the fact that he has no desire to devote myself to My work, I still carry out My duty, communicating the purpose of My unfinished work. that will change and My original plan will not be broken.
The FUNCTION of My JUDGMENT will GIVE man the ABILITY to OBEY Me BETTER, and the FUNCTION of My PUNISHMENT will ALLOW man to CHANGE more EFFECTIVELY. Even though I did for the SAKE of My GOVERNMENT, I did NOT get a LITTLE thing that was UNBENEFITABLE to man. That's because I WANTED to make all the NATIONS OUTSIDE of ISRAEL as OBEDIENT as the USERS, and MAKE them REAL people so I HOLD LAND OUTSIDE of ISRAEL. This is My RULE, this is the WORK I FULFILL among the GENTILE NATIONS. ☀️
Even TODAY, many people are STILL NOT RELATED to My GOVERNMENT, because they have NO INTEREST in these things, but ONLY CARE ABOUT their OWN FUTURES and DESTINIES. No MATTER what I say, people STILL DON'T CARE about the WORK I do, INSTEAD ONLY, FOCUSED on their FUTURE GOALS. ☀️
All of this will be used by Me to be used throughout the world, and to spread My work among the Gentile nations, when My NAME may be EXALTED by the OLD and CHILDREN alike, and My HOLY NAME is EXPLAINED by the MOUTHS of PEOPLE from ALL TRIBES and NATIONS. In this FINAL AGE, My NAME WILL be TAKEN to the GENTILE NATIONS, because the GENTILES will SEE My WORKS, that I use My PROMISE ALL POWERFULLY because of My WORKS, and My WORD can do it NEARLY FULFILLED I will make ALL people KNOW that I am NOT ONLY the GOD of the USERS, but ALSO the GOD of ALL the NATIONS of the GENTILES, even MINE WHO are CURSED: I will LET ALL people SEE that I am the GOD of FULL CREATION. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work that must be fulfilled in the last day.
.. The WORK that I HAVE MANAGED for THOUSANDS of YEARS is COMPLETELY LIVED in only one MAN at the LAST DAY. I just OPENED the ENTIRE MYSTERY of My rule on PEOPLE. Man knows the purpose of My work and moreover has understood all My mysteries. And I TOLD THE MAN ALL ABOUT THE DESTINY that he CONSIDERED. I have REVEALED to man ALL My MYSTERIES HIDDEN for over 5900 YEARS. 🙏🙏
WHO is JEHOVAH? WHO is the MESSIAH? WHO is JESUS? You should know all this. 🙏
Do you understand that?
HOW should My HOLY NAME be PRONOUNCED? HOW SHOULD My NAME be done in ANY of the COUNTRIES that CALL Me by ANY of My NAMES? ☀️
My WORK is now EXPANDING and I will SPREAD its ENTIRETY to ANY and ALL COUNTRIES. Because My WORK is DONE in YOU, I WILL DESTROY YOU the 6000 years of GOD'S REIGN plan is CLOSE to the END, and the DOORS of the KINGDOM have been OPENED for ALL those WHO seek His EXHIBITION. ☀️🙏
Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for?
What are you looking for? Are you WAITING for GOD to APPEAR? Are you LOOKING for His FOOTSTEPS?
Really longing for God's appearance! And God's footsteps are really hard to find! ☀️
Questions like these are faced by all those who are waiting for God to show up. You've thought about all of this more than once---but what was the outcome? Where does God show up? Where are God's footprints? Did you get the answer? Many people will answer like this: "God appears among those who follow Him and His footsteps are among us; IT'S JUST that SIMPLE! ☀️
Anyone can give a formulaic answer, but do you understand what the manifestation of God or His footsteps means?
From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book
Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13).
The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God."
📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon!
"They say aloud, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... and it will be fulfilled that it will be built above the sky/RUclips in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock to it " ⭐
Россия🌹. Дагестан.
Как нибудь, попробую сделать👍😊
My husband sent this vídeo to me and I loved it! We are from Brazil, brazilians❤🇧🇷
Если курагу и чернослив хорошо размочить и превратить в пасту , то вместе с мёдом получится прекрасный “клей “ и яйцо не понадобится 🤷♀️
Ricette salutari ed interessanti. Grazie dall Italia
Or use medjool date. :)
Если еще немного потрудится, будет еще вкуснее. Грецкие орехи слегка обжарить на сухой сковородке. Тогда с них слетит большая часть кожуры, она горчит. А удалить шкурку с миндаля очень легко. Надо залить его горячей водой на полчаса-час. И шкурка будет чистится очень легко. У нас в Молдове растут эти орехи. Всем приятного аппетита!
Thank you very much for your kind words and support! Your review is very pleasant and inspires further work! 😍😘🥰
Amo essas receitas,obrigada por compartilhar,sou do Brasil
From uk , born in Berlin and I am a beekeeper( Imker) honey denatures when in oven and I use it mainly only for raw recipes or baking max 160C
Yes that's true
Россия- Калмыкия. Интересный рецепт. Спасибо❤
Exelentes todas sus recetas,gracias por compartirlas,le veo desde Costa Rica
🤗❤️So happy you like all these recipes! Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback😄💖
Смотрю из Кыргызстана,рецепты понравились,🎉
Мед при нагревании становится ЯДОМ😂. ЛУЧШЕ В СЫРОМ ВИДЕ
Ist unbedenklich 😊
Лучше в сыром виде а так это казинаки поджареном виде😅
Campinas -são paulo - brasil ❤❤❤❤
Almond skin and sunflower seeds have anti-nutriets. Also, the body cannot digest whole flax seeds. You have to grind them to flour in order to get the wonderful health benefits from them.
Still a very good video 🥰
Спасибо за рецепт, здоровья всем.
⏳️THE GOSPEL OF THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD "the last age in which God is saving man from the imminent destruction of this old world"
(All people are connected to a purpose of My work. On earth, that is, the final purpose of My work and what level I must achieve in this work before it becomes complete. I have been doing My work on earth for thousands of years, and until this day I am still doing My work for it. So now, at a time when many people have long failed in their hopes I still continue in My work, continue in My work I should do judge and punish people. The function of My judgment will give man the ability to obey Me better, and the function of My punishment will allow man to change more effectively. That's because I wanted to make all the nations outside of Israel as obedient as the users, and make them real people so I hold land outside of Israel. This is My rule, this is the work I fulfill among the Gentile nations. The work that I have managed for thousands of years is completely lived in only one man at the last day. I just opened the entire mystery of My rule on people. I have revealed to man all My mysteries hidden for over 5,900 years. Who is Jehovah? Who is the Messiah? Who is Jesus? My work revolves in these names. How should My name be done in any of the countries that call Me by any of My names? Because My work is done on you, I will destroy the 6,000 years of God's reign plan is close to the end, and the doors of the kingdom have been opened for all those who seek His exhibition. Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for God to appear?)
Almighty God said
ALL PEOPLE are CONNECTED to a PURPOSE of My WORK. On EARTH, that is, the FINAL purpose of My WORK and WHAT level I must achieve in this WORK before it becomes COMPLETE. When I have BEEN with Me UNTIL this DAY, people STILL DON'T CONCERN what My WORK is about, if you DON'T HAVE any SIGNIFICANCE for them to be with Me? People who FOLLOW Me can KNOW My WILL. ☀️
I HAVE been doing My WORK on EARTH for THOUSANDS of YEARS, and UNTIL this DAY I am STILL doing My WORK for it. Although there are many extraordinary things that belong to My WORK, the purpose of this WORK is not accepted to CHANGE, just as for example EVEN THOUGH I am FULL of JUDGMENT and CHASTISEMENT of PEOPLE, what I do is for the SAKE of the BETTER that IMPLEMENTS My CHANGE and further EXPANSION of My WORK to ALL GENTILE NATIONS, when a PERSON is MADE PERFECT. ☀️
So NOW, at a TIME when many PEOPLE have long FAILED in their HOPES I STILL CONTINUE in My WORK, CONTINUE in My WORK that I SHOULD do JUDGE and PUNISH people.
Despite the fact that man has not been told what I say and despite the fact that he has no desire to devote myself to My work, I still carry out My duty, communicating the purpose of My unfinished work. that will change and My original plan will not be broken.
The FUNCTION of My JUDGMENT will GIVE man the ABILITY to OBEY Me BETTER, and the FUNCTION of My PUNISHMENT will ALLOW man to CHANGE more EFFECTIVELY. Even though I did for the SAKE of My GOVERNMENT, I did NOT get a LITTLE thing that was UNBENEFITABLE to man. That's because I WANTED to make all the NATIONS OUTSIDE of ISRAEL as OBEDIENT as the USERS, and MAKE them REAL people so I HOLD LAND OUTSIDE of ISRAEL. This is My RULE, this is the WORK I FULFILL among the GENTILE NATIONS. ☀️
Even TODAY, many people are STILL NOT RELATED to My GOVERNMENT, because they have NO INTEREST in these things, but ONLY CARE ABOUT their OWN FUTURES and DESTINIES. No MATTER what I say, people STILL DON'T CARE about the WORK I do, INSTEAD ONLY, FOCUSED on their FUTURE GOALS. ☀️
All of this will be used by Me to be used throughout the world, and to spread My work among the Gentile nations, when My NAME may be EXALTED by the OLD and CHILDREN alike, and My HOLY NAME is EXPLAINED by the MOUTHS of PEOPLE from ALL TRIBES and NATIONS. In this FINAL AGE, My NAME WILL be TAKEN to the GENTILE NATIONS, because the GENTILES will SEE My WORKS, that I use My PROMISE ALL POWERFULLY because of My WORKS, and My WORD can do it NEARLY FULFILLED I will make ALL people KNOW that I am NOT ONLY the GOD of the USERS, but ALSO the GOD of ALL the NATIONS of the GENTILES, even MINE WHO are CURSED: I will LET ALL people SEE that I am the GOD of FULL CREATION. This is My greatest work, the purpose of My work plan for the last days, and the only work that must be fulfilled in the last day.
.. The WORK that I HAVE MANAGED for THOUSANDS of YEARS is COMPLETELY LIVED in only one MAN at the LAST DAY. I just OPENED the ENTIRE MYSTERY of My rule on PEOPLE. Man knows the purpose of My work and moreover has understood all My mysteries. And I TOLD THE MAN ALL ABOUT THE DESTINY that he CONSIDERED. I have REVEALED to man ALL My MYSTERIES HIDDEN for over 5900 YEARS. 🙏🙏
WHO is JEHOVAH? WHO is the MESSIAH? WHO is JESUS? You should know all this. 🙏
Do you understand that?
HOW should My HOLY NAME be PRONOUNCED? HOW SHOULD My NAME be done in ANY of the COUNTRIES that CALL Me by ANY of My NAMES? ☀️
My WORK is now EXPANDING and I will SPREAD its ENTIRETY to ANY and ALL COUNTRIES. Because My WORK is DONE in YOU, I WILL DESTROY YOU the 6000 years of GOD'S REIGN plan is CLOSE to the END, and the DOORS of the KINGDOM have been OPENED for ALL those WHO seek His EXHIBITION. ☀️🙏
Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for?
What are you looking for? Are you WAITING for GOD to APPEAR? Are you LOOKING for His FOOTSTEPS?
Really longing for God's appearance! And God's footsteps are really hard to find! ☀️
Questions like these are faced by all those who are waiting for God to show up. You've thought about all of this more than once---but what was the outcome? Where does God show up? Where are God's footprints? Did you get the answer? Many people will answer like this: "God appears among those who follow Him and His footsteps are among us; IT'S JUST that SIMPLE! ☀️
Anyone can give a formulaic answer, but do you understand what the manifestation of God or His footsteps means?
From "The WORD Appears in the Flesh". holy book
Fulfilled in "In the beginning He was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). ... and " When I looked up, someone handed me a book wrapped in a scroll. I opened it and I read on both sides the prayers, lamentations, and curses." (Ezekiel 2:9-10). ... "His clothes were stained with blood. He was called the "Word of God" (Rev. 19:9,13).
The kingdom He brought down and set up in the highest in the sky so that it can occupy His creation in the universe and engrave on it the entirety of His Holy name "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD" 💐 fulfillment of (Mat. 16:18) "And I say as for you, you are Peter, on top of this rock I will build my Church, that even the power of death will not be able to overcome it.". ... and in "The Letter to the Church in Philadelphia" (Rev. 3:7-13). ... 💫"The New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:10) "The Spirit covered me, and the angel led me to the top of a very high mountain. He showed Me Jerusalem, the Holy City, coming down from heaven from God."
📩God's sheep are called and led to His glorious Throne "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 to submit again to His authority so that He can continue to teach, guide and protect even in plague, famine and wild animals will not be moved by it and completely win this final battle with the big red dragon!
"They say aloud, "Salvation comes from the Lamb, and from our God who sits on the Throne!" (Rev. 7:10). ... "They will walk in white with me, for they are worthy. " (Rev. 3:4). ... and it will be fulfilled that it will be built above the sky/RUclips in (Isaiah 2:2) "In the Last Day, the mountain on which Jehovah's temple stands will stand out above all the mountains. All nations will flock to it " ⭐
وقت بخیر
من از ایران تماشا میکنم
دستور پخت بسیار عالی بود
Это очень вкусно, но очень калорийно. Мед, это тоже сахар. А вот заменить его на банан, это супер. Побольше сухофрукты и овсянки, вот это будет круто👍
From Semarang-Indonesia
Смотрю Вас из России. Мурманская область, г. Мончегорск 😊
Algeria 🇩🇿 ❤
Привет дорогая молодеца.
Я такое люблю именное 💋👍
Maravilhoso, saudável e prático. Parabéns é tudo de bom. Brasil.
0:44 India🇮🇳
Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
ماشاءالله تبارك الله 👍يجنن
تسلم الايادي
Здесь сахара и калорий до фигища!Диабетикам это как бомба!Да и для ПП тоже ни как!😮😮😮
Это только для здоровых людей
I thought natural sugar (honey and apricots) is more or less okay. Is there other sugar?
Greetings, beautiful recipes. Unfortunately, one recipe takes up 25% of my monthly salary, but I can imagine how sweet the taste is, hahaha.❤😂❤😂
Receita maravilhosa! 10! ❤🎉Obrigada! Portugal ❤
Fico muito feliz que tenha gostado! 😊✨ Obrigada pelo carinho!
Te estoy viendo desde Nashville Gracias por tu Exelente receta 👏👏👏👏👏👏
رائع بمكوناته الصحية وبمنظره الجميل ، أما المذاق فسيكون لذيذاً.
بالتوفيق .
🤗❤️💕Thanks for support! I'm glad you're grateful! I hope you enjoy my other recipes too! 🥰
Muchas gracias por compartir su conocimiento.
I couldn't see the baking time. It looks like a wonderful recipe and for sure healthy. The first song in the background was amazing. Thank you.
🤗❤️💕Thank you very much for your attention and feedback! This inspires me to cook new dishes! Your attention is very valuable to me! I hope you enjoy my other recipes! See you in the new video! 🥰
Greetings from Romania 🇷🇴 Eastern Europe! God bless you! Thank you for this recepie!
Eu estava animada com a receita até ler o ingrediente: xarope de alcachofra de Jerusalém...
روعة الله يعطيك الصحة هذه الوصفات بحث عنها كثيرا واخيرا وجدتها شكرا جزيلا مريم من المغرب
🤗💕❤️Bon appetit! I think you will like this dessert! Write about your results and impressions. See you in the new video!
From Midwest USA. Thank you so much!!!❤❤❤
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed it! ❤️😊
Bonjour de France, Lyon. J'aime toutes vos recettes, facile à faire et délicieuses. 🇫🇷
Me encantó! La voy a probar! 10 puntos por cierto..! Como haces el te? Q es eso? Saludo desde Argentina ❤
Desde Argentina.
Muy atenta y agradecida
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Me alegra que te haya gustado. 😊
Que delicioso 😋🤤😋. Felicidades 👏👏👏👏👏🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💯. Gracias 🙏😇
Россия. Очень интересные рецепты. Обязательно воспользуюсь для диетического питания
Спасибо вам за ваше искусство.❤
Thank you for your recipe. Does the nut need roasted ?