Gut Health Expert

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @beerbiceps
    @beerbiceps  Год назад +438

    Download the Best App of 2023 - Level Supermind by Google Playstore now:
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    • @ayush0304
      @ayush0304 Год назад +11

      Kdk ❤

    • @vivekkulkarni933
      @vivekkulkarni933 Год назад +2

      Hi Ranveer, Please correct the time stamps. Almost every video has it wrong. 😊

    • @vivaswanthkashyap8896
      @vivaswanthkashyap8896 Год назад +3

      You should do more podcasts like these related to health I've been following your channel for over 6 years now, along with the other subjects I genuinely feel this is where you can truly contribute to the conversation rather than just asking questions

    • @niyatiwadehra
      @niyatiwadehra Год назад +2

      This is your best (until I listen to something better). Please more from him.

    • @pixel_yogi
      @pixel_yogi Год назад +1

      Invite @peterattiamd

  • @DrPal
    @DrPal Год назад +8330

    Hi Ranveer,
    Thank you so much for inviting me to the podcast. I had a very fun and insightful discussion with you.😀

    • @akkshaye_d7603
      @akkshaye_d7603 Год назад +96

      thank you doctor for teaching all of us in brief . Now we can convince so many kids and young people about health and food

    • @Rajkumarrrqp4jx
      @Rajkumarrrqp4jx Год назад +22

      I some how expected a month back that this day will come soon

    • @muskaansharma2774
      @muskaansharma2774 Год назад +32

      You're doing an absolutely amazing job Dr. Pal. I'm highly inspired by you and currently I am studying to become a doctor like you whose true to what they do.

    • @Wegath
      @Wegath Год назад +24

      Unexpected guest ! Love it ❤

    • @anamikasingh9753
      @anamikasingh9753 Год назад +17

      Dr pal thank you so much learnt a lot from you, I had bowel perforation surgery 6 years ago n I am still struggling with digestive problems ....gut health sach me bahuttttt important hai smjh aa gaya hai mujhe for life time 😊

  • @dnbhatt14
    @dnbhatt14 Год назад +563

    This podcast stands out as one of the finest I've come across. I have a suggestion for Ranveer: allow the guest more speaking time instead of incorporating unnecessary personal anecdotes or points. I'm eager to hear more of what Dr. Pal has to share.

    • @ShaChan0108
      @ShaChan0108 11 месяцев назад +39

      Bang on! Was thinking the same thing. He was not even listening and is thinking about what he has to say - example IPL fever dad joke that Dr Pal said was not even acknowledged by him cos he was thinking what to say etc.

    • @KRamSubramanian1
      @KRamSubramanian1 11 месяцев назад +19

      He wont, been years now and he hasnt improved, this wont happen unless his audience get lesser

    • @ArthiVasudevan
      @ArthiVasudevan 11 месяцев назад +7

      I second you :)

    • @ishadheepak
      @ishadheepak 11 месяцев назад +18

      omg so true! he is advising more than the doctor himself😭

    • @chaitalibagde5660
      @chaitalibagde5660 10 месяцев назад +19

      So true... Whenever I felt I was going to get more information from Dr Pal, Mr. Ranveer just had to jump in and cut him off

  • @SaswatRout
    @SaswatRout Год назад +709

    spending 2 hrs here is better than watching movie.. One of the best podcast I watched lately.. thanks Ranveer for bringing this to us..

    • @truthsayer2550
      @truthsayer2550 Год назад +13

      Yes indeed. Also, we need to have Doctor Khadar Vali, the millet man of India, on this show. These kind of shows bring a lot of awareness and have the potential to improve the health of the whole world.

    • @sks3543
      @sks3543 Год назад

      ​@@truthsayer2550very well said about bringing Dr Khadar in here

  • @siddharthvm8262
    @siddharthvm8262 11 месяцев назад +112

    Big shoutout to Dr.Pals willingness and enthusiasm to explain these concepts in such an articulate fashion.🎉

  • @lakshmisankaran
    @lakshmisankaran Год назад +102

    I started my weight loss journey inspired by Dr. Palyaniswamy at age of 50 and it has worked like a miracle. Eating along Circadian rhythms is the secret and Dr. Pal is one whom I remember every time my friends force me to eat after sunset. He has inspired me to say No with conviction. Thank you for bringing this episode with him. Meeting him over RUclips is the best thing that has happened personally to me.

  • @aparna8700
    @aparna8700 Год назад +336

    Dr. Pal opening up about miscarriages is heartbreaking. Must have been so difficult, yet so brave of him to go through the emotions and share it by saying people need to hear this😢❤

    • @averinaabraham9915
      @averinaabraham9915 Год назад +5

      When does it come? At what time in the video?

    • @radharajguru529
      @radharajguru529 Год назад

      @@averinaabraham9915 1:12:14

    • @Nikhil__Gupta
      @Nikhil__Gupta Год назад

      @@averinaabraham9915 From here 1:12:05

    • @askkk5890
      @askkk5890 Год назад


    • @amansandhir
      @amansandhir Год назад +4

      God has blessed him with a big heart !! To also answer this genetic point - in all the prominent temples in north India we have family tree since ages - we input birth and death of a family member there, also this issue is eliminated by taking a note of either would be’s gothra - let me know if you want read little more on this.

  • @akshaybengaluru1212
    @akshaybengaluru1212 Год назад +209

    OMG, couldn't believe Dr pal came on Ranveer show.
    Wish that Dr pal's friend Saravanan kumar and arokia swami also were there on the show😊.

  • @prachib5657
    @prachib5657 11 месяцев назад +22

    Every school should show this podcast to young teenagers.
    I wish I had access to this information when I was young.Thank you Dr.Pal

  • @RajaClasses
    @RajaClasses Год назад +5203

    Who will always support Dr Pal rise there hands🤚🤚🤚

  • @munjanidhruvin4888
    @munjanidhruvin4888 Год назад +57

    I am a medical student. Today i listen to these podcasts i learned a lot new this. That hasn’t been part of our books and syllabus.
    Thank you so much for bring Dr. Pal.
    I hope you invite more and more doctors on your podcast.
    Special request for cardiologist and endocrinologist as increasing number of cardiac and diabetes related problems in india .

  • @darsanag
    @darsanag Год назад +213

    Dr Pal : Just couldn't see you being emotional.. never knew you had this hidden pain when you make all of laugh with your wittier healthcom shows .. prayers for you and your family. Thank you for everything you do for the welfare of society!!!❤

  • @lduttach
    @lduttach 11 месяцев назад +147

    This felt like a 50% Ranveer gyaan session with Dr. Pal contributing the rest. I wish it was significantly more skewed towards the guest and what he had to say. We hear you across podcasts Ranveer - so we understand your POVs. Would love it if we let the guests take the lead here.

    • @arunasuresh384
      @arunasuresh384 11 месяцев назад +6

      Too much preamble/ paraphrasing, Ranveer!!

    • @archanalavane8862
      @archanalavane8862 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @sajeedkabeer
      @sajeedkabeer 11 месяцев назад +1

      So true!

    • @Abcdrurnd
      @Abcdrurnd 11 месяцев назад +3

      Many feel the same way.. you don't need to paraphrase always. It's quite clear.. easy to understand. .. let the guest speak his mind.

    • @shibila.k7501
      @shibila.k7501 11 месяцев назад

      Absolutely agree with you..

  • @knowledgehunter_
    @knowledgehunter_ Год назад +68

    I've never seen him becoming so emotional! Everyone has some pain behind the smile. May God bless him. We his subscribers and followers love him deeply

  • @Editx365-b2o
    @Editx365-b2o Год назад +233

    00:01 Gut bacteria impacts mental health, cancer, and obesity.
    02:00 Younger people prioritizing biology and health
    06:17 Unhealthy Indian diets leading to increased risk of pre-cancerous colon polyps
    08:20 Gut bacteria impacts everything from mental health to obesity.
    12:40 The gut has its own nervous system, which interacts with the brain for two-way communication.
    14:49 Our gut has a strong potential to influence the brain in terms of decision making.
    19:12 Regular exercise is crucial for mental and physical well-being.
    20:58 Maintaining gut health is crucial for overall well-being.
    24:41 The balance of gut bacteria is influenced by diet and lifestyle
    26:42 Human evolution and gut health
    30:15 Eat clean, exercise, and sleep well to maintain gut health and weight loss.
    32:05 Eating dinner by 7:30 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. may help with weight loss and improve liver health.
    35:35 The power of focus and determination can bring about positive change in your life.
    37:18 Gut bacteria impact on child's health
    40:55 Maintaining a diverse gut microbiome is crucial for a healthy immune system.
    42:40 Eating street food in India may have strengthened gut health between ages 18-22
    46:24 The rise of multi-drug resistant bacteria
    48:22 The impact of antibiotics on gut bacteria transmission.
    52:15 Avoiding packaged foods can improve gut health
    54:06 Minimize intake of sweet foods and opt for fruits in moderation.
    57:50 Gut bacteria influence cravings for sugary and unhealthy foods
    59:44 Increasing good bacteria in the large intestine is crucial for digestion and overall health.
    1:03:21 Personal experience with losing craving for sweets
    1:04:59 Managing willpower and combating sugary cravings for weight loss.
    1:08:34 Avoid artificial sweeteners and prioritize natural ingredients for better gut health
    1:10:19 Avoid excessive green tea consumption and prioritize whole foods over processed ones.
    1:13:50 Inbreeding in communities in India leading to immune diseases
    1:15:36 Struggles with conception and miscarriages
    1:19:48 Discussing the potential of genome technology to prevent health risks.
    1:21:39 Moderate consumption of white rice in moderation is acceptable for weight loss.
    1:25:28 Regular alcohol consumption can lead to liver deterioration and fibrosis
    1:27:20 Excess alcohol and non-alcoholic problems contribute to liver issues.
    1:30:56 Reducing alcohol intake and following circadian rhythm can significantly improve health.
    1:32:48 Protein intake and its impact on gut health
    1:36:37 TMAO enzyme from gut bacteria after consuming red meat linked to heart disease
    1:38:26 Dr. Palarian recommends 80% plant-based diet and 20% non-vegetarian for better gut health.
    1:42:09 Gut bacteria needs fiber and plant-based diet is essential for gut health
    1:44:04 Saturated fat is a problem for gut health

  • @anushkarana4792
    @anushkarana4792 Год назад +137

    Dr. Pal , he seems such a genuine , simple , and humble person. Wonderful way of explaining such complex concepts.
    I was definitely living under a rock till today!!
    Thankyou ranveer for inviting him❤

  • @simranahuja.
    @simranahuja. Год назад +40

    There is no other Dr Pal in this world...Huge respect and love for you ❤

    • @f2r1n1
      @f2r1n1 9 месяцев назад

      Dr. Pal, all the respect, including the terrible comedian Dr.

  • @kriteeadhikary143
    @kriteeadhikary143 Год назад +95

    I am a Final year MBBS student and I had been studying Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and malabsorption syndrome recently. Thank you Sir @Dr Pal for such an insightful session.

  • @sonalisahoo3083
    @sonalisahoo3083 Год назад +204

    I need a husband just like dr. Pal who despite being a doctor, he just don’t rely solely on medicine rather teach people about the right lifestyle habits and he’s such a sweet person , always keep smiling …. Our good wishes are with you ✨ you simplify things so nicely if I had someone like you in the family or a teacher like you I could have been a doctor 🥹 learning so much each n everyday 🥰 thankyou so much ❤

    • @okayaresd
      @okayaresd Год назад +40

      But question is does that husband need you?

    • @ks-ok1oc
      @ks-ok1oc Год назад +4

      ​@@okayaresdlol 😂😂😂😂

    • @shyamalagowri9992
      @shyamalagowri9992 Год назад +11

      You might not need a husband like him, instead you be like him..

    • @viswavsal
      @viswavsal Год назад +2

      Propose and try

    • @jitendrasaverker
      @jitendrasaverker Год назад

      Mu achhi 😂

  • @AnjaliSingh-ze3nk
    @AnjaliSingh-ze3nk Год назад +221

    Yes, Ranveer. WE WANT MORE OF THESE CONTENTS, not of some famous stars and crap. ENJOYED EVERY BIT of this podcast, It's JUST WOW

  • @gargidutta2057
    @gargidutta2057 11 месяцев назад +1


  • @anuptejasvi1
    @anuptejasvi1 Год назад +61

    Oh my !! Behind a happy face Dr Pal and his family went through a lot !!
    Life is challenging every individual .. it all boils down how one deals with it !! Great stuff Dr Pal .. thank you for sharing such a personal story !!🙏🏻

  • @ParthPatil10
    @ParthPatil10 Год назад +21

    Just wow. I can't believe it. Just yesterday, I was thinking what if Ranveer invited Dr.Pal to his show. And today it happened. I'm literally stunned.

  • @Mayur.17771
    @Mayur.17771 Год назад +103

    This is what ayurveda has explained much more many years ago..thanks to Dr.pal he is explaining scientifically so that each and everyone can understand..
    His concern towrds the next generation 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @kungfugazy
      @kungfugazy Год назад +1


    • @shivaniraturi70
      @shivaniraturi70 Год назад +5

      I was waiting for someone to say it. Absolutely, agree with you. Concept of Agni explained in current scientific language.

  • @violane_bora
    @violane_bora Год назад +12

    One of the most insightful episodes ever of TRS! Highly impacted my opinion towards food consumption now, as a 21y/o.
    Thank you, for having Dr. Pal, team TRS!
    I look forward to listening to an episode by a rheumatologist. Because auto-immune diseases are highly unpredictable and impact life a lot and the treatment impacts our lifestyle. So, please invite a rheumatologist on your show! Please continue spreading good words,
    From an admiring fan

  • @malavikasaikia4759
    @malavikasaikia4759 Год назад +87

    I love the way Dr Pal laughs his heart out between talks. He can make us understand gut biology,gut health in easiest possible way giving examples of Thanos and Ironman. Thank you so much Sir 🙏

  • @Qwerkywoop
    @Qwerkywoop Год назад +456

    I have been watching Dr. Pal lately. He is amazing. Thanks Ranveer for bringing him

    • @beerbiceps
      @beerbiceps  Год назад +46

      My pleasure 🙏🏻

    • @sumaiyabanu8905
      @sumaiyabanu8905 9 месяцев назад +2

      But u wasted the whole show by disturbing in between

  • @geetha666
    @geetha666 Год назад +30

    Adaaa.. Namma Dr.Pal, Ranveer show-la daaa.. whisle podu🎉🎉
    Proud of u Dr. Pal 👏 👏

  • @sakshiupadhyay2816
    @sakshiupadhyay2816 Год назад +2

    loved this doctor....really appreciate his holistic and preventative take on health unlike other doctors no doctor says "my business will reduce,.. but I will be happy "

  • @karpoganymede
    @karpoganymede Год назад +62

    For someone who has struggled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Psoriasis and Graves (Autoimmune disorders), this video was incredibly reassuring and Dr. Palaniappan does an incredible job of breaking down autoimmune disorders in layman terms! 🙌

    • @yuvanshankar.d2284
      @yuvanshankar.d2284 Год назад +2


    • @handcraftedbytanika3958
      @handcraftedbytanika3958 Год назад

      At what time he is talking about this ???

    • @lowjux
      @lowjux Год назад

      yea i do also have so many auto immune disease and i don't know what to do.

    • @narmadhanarayanan7811
      @narmadhanarayanan7811 Год назад

      ​@@yuvanshankar.d2284 His name is Palaniappan Manickam. But shortened for USA people to pronounce as "Pal".

    • @WhatDoISay7
      @WhatDoISay7 Год назад

      ​@@lowjuxtry ayurveda please. My husband is trying it and they have heavily concentrated on diet. 70% diet changes n 30% ayurvedic medicines. He is 8 weeks into 3 months course and has seen tremendous change.

  • @Ag-bk1zw
    @Ag-bk1zw Год назад +31

    Ranveer and Dr. Pal, I’m a 19 year old and I’ve gained massive weight over the last 3 years. 2020 was when it started, and I started eating because I thought i’ll just lose weight later. But today I truly realised it’s not about weight. It’s how I have been abusing my own body - again and again, and again. Now, weight doesn’t matter, my health does. I want to be fine, I want to be healthy. And I want to expand my mental health and other aspects of my life. THANK YOU!

  • @sanskritisharma5507
    @sanskritisharma5507 Год назад +94

    I am a NEET aspirant .......and these biological conversation not only just educate me but motivate me so much ........thank you for bringing Dr Pal .........please bring more and more medical proffesionals
    my suggestion to bring Dr Aditya Gupta......... Paediatric Oncologist from AIIMS DELHI ......He is a true mentor of every NEET ASPIRANT

  • @ubsvks1985
    @ubsvks1985 11 месяцев назад +3

    I have always listened to @DrPal, such a nice doctor. I wish we have more doctors like him. Thanks much Ranveer for bringing him on the channel.

  • @vaidyaadeepti9465
    @vaidyaadeepti9465 Год назад +104

    Ayurveda texts like Astaang hridaya not only studied the vital role of gut bacteria but also applied the same in management of every single disease and disorder of human body.. Kudos to Dr pal's analysis.. Ranbeer bhai , you should also invite Outstanding Ayurveda scholars across the country--A recommendation from an ayurveda Practitioner 😊

    • @payal1553
      @payal1553 Год назад +3

      Hey there can you please suggest some good books to refer for getting ayurveda knowledge

    • @poojayadav9april
      @poojayadav9april Год назад


    • @sudharanikb4331
      @sudharanikb4331 Год назад +1

      And Suggest Some Good RUclipsrs also who Suggests How To Improve Life & Health Through Ayurveda....
      Since I haven't Found Anyone So Good So Far..

    • @rutvamaniyar6971
      @rutvamaniyar6971 Год назад

      So true
      From another Ayurveda learner ❤️

    • @nandhininarayanan8028
      @nandhininarayanan8028 Год назад +1

      Dr L Mahadevan, Ayurveda

  • @yasaswinikoratamaddi3075
    @yasaswinikoratamaddi3075 Год назад +54

    There is a need for this type of podcasts. I am in my late 20 s and am a crohn's patient. When I was diagnosed, I was looking for all the possible content about gut. And in india , unfortunately, there is no awareness especially on IBD. Thank you , Ranveer, for this podcast and now I hope people shall atleast know how human gut works. ❤

    • @average312
      @average312 Год назад +1

      How are you doing now. I'm have big problems related to gut for past 7 years ,I'm 21 now.
      Any tips you have

    • @Rakshita442
      @Rakshita442 Год назад +1

      Aap log yogasan Karo gut problems ke liye,Maine apna colitis iss se cure kiya hai

    • @average312
      @average312 Год назад

      @@RojaJaneman I don't, and my mood always is low, like I'm in kind of depression, and say if I got little happy and start going out and all, one stomach pain and body fatigueness brings back all anxiety. I do feel like I have to exercise but never did that.

    • @Mohit_Yadav168
      @Mohit_Yadav168 Год назад

      ​@@Rakshita442Konse yogaasan aapko helpful rahe can u maybe share some..

    • @Rakshita442
      @Rakshita442 Год назад

      @@Mohit_Yadav168 baba ramdev yoga for stomach likh ke search kar lena, yogasan ke videos mil jayenge..

  • @vikramaditya2510
    @vikramaditya2510 Год назад +49

    Ranveer - this is the best podcast done by you, amongst so many top quality episodes! This is goldmine...I have shared this across friends and family network and advocating them to watch . Thank you for doing what you are doing!

  • @ChanduShow
    @ChanduShow 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thjank you so much for such an amazing podcast. It was very insightful as I am parent of an Autistic kid and I am working on repairing the GUT of my kid. I believe this is the only way I can get him out of the spectrum. Thank you.

  • @AdityaSharma-bi3od
    @AdityaSharma-bi3od Год назад +41

    He is so honest and a cheerful personality with so much of knowledge and experience, We loved this Podcast with Pal Sir Ranveer Bhai..❤

  • @gur.naalo.ishq.mithaa
    @gur.naalo.ishq.mithaa Год назад +258

    Collab we didn't know we needed, but def deserved! 🎉❤

  • @iMadeThisThat
    @iMadeThisThat Год назад +10

    I jumped on this episode when I saw Dr. Pal on it. It was a very very informative and eye opening episode. Loved every second of this talk. Actually this is one of those episodes which you can watch with 1.25x video speed and not exactly 1.5x and more !! So informative, that you just don't want to miss it !

  • @iamsubham333
    @iamsubham333 Год назад +2

    Dr. Pal is one of the most friendliest person I’ve ever seen. He was enjoying the podcast. Great work Ranveer. And thanks to both of you.

  • @praveensg
    @praveensg Год назад +17

    The last statement about SOLO was so powerful. First time I have seen a podcast for the entire 2hrs. Good work!

  • @JyotiBarai
    @JyotiBarai Год назад +84

    This should be released as a movie in theaters. Loved it❣️

  • @TejaswiniNarayanan
    @TejaswiniNarayanan Год назад +113

    It ached my heart to see Dr. Pal emotional, given he has always made us laugh through his channel. God bless his family

    • @adithya.r
      @adithya.r 10 месяцев назад


    • @claudiaweidinger1654
      @claudiaweidinger1654 10 месяцев назад

      Ich verstehe den Kommentar nicht. Ist Dr. Pal krank? Oder was soll der Kommentar bedeuten?

    • @deepakostwal2905
      @deepakostwal2905 10 месяцев назад

      His wife had miscarriage​@@claudiaweidinger1654

    • @deepakostwal2905
      @deepakostwal2905 10 месяцев назад

      He tries to bring down the trauma with humor.

  • @msha6262
    @msha6262 Год назад +1

    I watch both Dr Pradip Jamnadas and Dr Pal. They both talk so much about gut bacteria. Thanks soo much for this indepth interview Ranveer...the easy analogies that you both made...will go into minds faster and easier...and surely will help many. Ranveer it's great that you have happened....the bridge between deep knowledge or philosophy and the young is not easy to cross. You have made that happen.

  • @mayakooverjee8930
    @mayakooverjee8930 Год назад +42

    I am from South Africa. I love your podcasts and this one has brought so much insight into taking care of myself. I have put on weight and have been a couch potato. The universe has brought this video to me to wake me up. Thank you.
    Please keep your podcasts in English as much as possible. I would loved to listen to Sonuji's interview but struggle a little with not understanding. And I am a huge fan.
    Ranveer, thank you for inspiring, informing and sharing so open heartedly. ❤

    • @Harsh8163
      @Harsh8163 9 месяцев назад

      Dr. Pal is from South India and live in us so it is easy for ranveer to make videos In English actually there are various people in India who don't understand English so as to also educate them ranveer also make videos in Hindi ....

  • @SooryaPrakash_
    @SooryaPrakash_ Год назад +26

    Dr Palani Manickam like Doctors are true gem of Tamil society taking health and medicine world ahead of 😅

    • @sunilkumar-ns5pl
      @sunilkumar-ns5pl Год назад +7

      Whats there to bring tamil everywhere ?? Cm mk stalin , karunanidhi, periyar are god gift to tamilnadu from andhra grateful

    • @nivethithavijay5285
      @nivethithavijay5285 Год назад

      ​@@sunilkumar-ns5plgift nu nanga sonoma kilambu nee. Tamil nu sona unaku en erithu.

    • @aviral5124
      @aviral5124 Год назад +3

      ​@@sunilkumar-ns5pl why are tamilians ruled by andhra folks....they should support fellow tamilians like Annamalai.

    • @sushi13399
      @sushi13399 Год назад +3

      ​@@sunilkumar-ns5plthey are not gifts they are curse to us

    • @Sathish_12
      @Sathish_12 Год назад

      ​@@sunilkumar-ns5plIts difficult to eradicate people mindset who are brainwashed by Dravidan politics since independance

  • @akshaynikam07
    @akshaynikam07 Год назад +47

    Love you sir ❤❤❤
    At 1:14:17 he was about to broke
    Hats off to you and your wife for all the things you went through.

  • @costi101
    @costi101 11 месяцев назад +1

    I found this interview because I saw a short somewhere else, about the doctor explaining his genetical problem with his baby. I heard this whole interview and it was soooo good, this man is so wise, thank you for sharing all this information in such a sweet way, with so many easy-to-understand examples.

  • @bharathmvs5130
    @bharathmvs5130 Год назад +23

    Just started following Dr Pal since last month.. Amazed and awestruck to see him here Ranveer.. You always rock!

  • @abhishekhawk2762
    @abhishekhawk2762 Год назад +259

    Ranveer always brings Unexpectedly wonderful People on the show & amazes us!!❤❤😍😍😍😍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    • @beerbiceps
      @beerbiceps  Год назад +32

      My pleasure 🙏🏻❤️

    • @tejeswarturuk3180
      @tejeswarturuk3180 Год назад +8

      @@beerbiceps Ranveer invite him again please 🤧💗

    • @abhishekhawk2762
      @abhishekhawk2762 Год назад

      @@tejeswarturuk3180 Bhai abhi toh podcast aaya hai, let some time pass, so he can call later

    • @student1347
      @student1347 Год назад

      And good flow to the conversation and you kept it smooth and funny for sure ❤

  • @boo766
    @boo766 Год назад +36

    Dr Pal is such a kind, good person would love to listen to more talks from him..

  • @sushamathakare9999
    @sushamathakare9999 11 месяцев назад +7

    I'm fan of dr pal and me being also doctor i can understand his motto of awareness. Kudos to him.

  • @honeyboo901
    @honeyboo901 Год назад +5

    Loved listening to Dr Pal each and every word. I am going to cut sugar from my diet and try eating before 730. Thank you dr Pal for inspiring me. Going to show this my husband too!

    • @apoorvat4245
      @apoorvat4245 Год назад

      Your gut will. Love you ma'am. And zero brain fog.

  • @tarushbajaj8955
    @tarushbajaj8955 Год назад +13

    Suggestion: please let the guest speak, I know you are providing inputs Ranveer and that's great. But here you took up a lot of time.
    I mean this positively. I follow your show everyday :)

    • @lalithakumarib.t.5610
      @lalithakumarib.t.5610 Год назад +1

      Half way through i felt the same.

    • @Seno852
      @Seno852 8 месяцев назад

      I am literally searching the comments to see if anyone else noticed it, please let the guest give his expertise.

  • @sanujk676
    @sanujk676 Год назад +125

    2 hrs worth it...
    Dr pal loved your conversation and felt like own family man..
    Thank u Ranveer paji

  • @Rhythm0202
    @Rhythm0202 11 месяцев назад +4

    🙌 🙌
    This is the podcast.. which needs to be dubbed in Hindi that we can show to our parents and grand parents..
    This is an ❤❤perspective of looking at our gut.

  • @guptagamini4053
    @guptagamini4053 Год назад +53

    Being a medico and admirer of Dr Pal
    This is just ultimate bliss...🌅

  • @jadioj
    @jadioj Год назад +31

    Man Dr. Pal's personal story was heartbreaking. What a great guy. Love his openess.

  • @samridhyabose5311
    @samridhyabose5311 Год назад +38

    I follow Dr. Pal
    He is funny as well as a good doctor who actually thinks about us
    Thank you for the episode


    It feels GREAT to hear the same thing from a Educated Persion (Doctor) that out elders(ansistors) said.😅Love you for the ENLIGHTENMENT ❤😂🎉

  • @LipsaLipi
    @LipsaLipi Год назад +8

    After a long time I just finished this 1.47 hour podcast on one go....❤❤ So blessed to be here... marvelous points to talk about...nd many of us don't knew how important our gut..thank you so much Ranveer for this amezing podcast 😊n promise ...I'll take care of my health from now second 🙏... Thank you again for inviting DrPal....🎉❤❤❤❤

  • @riteshdas2933
    @riteshdas2933 Год назад +16

    After watching the whole podcast, it explains why he is smiling that much .. stay strong doc. 🖤

  • @ImmigrationDream
    @ImmigrationDream Год назад +54

    Thanks Ranveer for bringing him, Dr pal is a real hero , saving so many people's life and making life changing transformation for millions ...

  • @nirmithaj.8598
    @nirmithaj.8598 Год назад +1

    You are simply amazing Dr Pal .. you have so much of patience in sharing, answering and also listening .. as much as I have heard and read few things before but coming from you feels like it’s vedavyakya... like it’s coming from god .. for sure I will ensure to be disciple .. you are such an humble soul .. may you be blessed always ..thank you

  • @santhiv875
    @santhiv875 Год назад +13

    Hi ranveer..thanks for bringing dr.pal on your podcast. His insight has helped me in gaining confidence after a heartbreaking miscarriage at 24 weeks😢. I'm also a pcod patient. And I see a lot of my friends battling infertility. In this modern day period going for iui and IVF ( which are physically and emotionally draining)are the only solutions that people like us hear from a gynic. it would be of great help if u bring someone who can speak about guiding us for natural pregnancies.❤. I think there are many women desperately wanting to know about this like me😊😊

  • @pramodpanicker4623
    @pramodpanicker4623 Год назад +55

    Dr. Pal and his style of mixing humour with explaining complex issues is just best. Thanks Ranveer for inviting him. Dr. Pal give my regards to Sarvana Kumar and Triuprasundari 😂😂

  • @roshnidashxi3705
    @roshnidashxi3705 Год назад +27

    Wow... After this I am reminded of the Ranveer in initial days of your career. I still watch those videos and thanks to you for bringing something like this again.... Keep it up bro.

    • @beerbiceps
      @beerbiceps  Год назад +2

      So nice of you. Thank you ❤️

  • @sonals92
    @sonals92 11 месяцев назад +1

    “YOLO is fine as long as you’re SOLO” such practical advice and shows how solid Dr Pal is as a human being. 👏🏽

  • @btritesh
    @btritesh Год назад +7

    Thanks, Dr. Pal & TRS.
    39:00 onwards
    Perhaps the best explanation I found for the cause behind Autoimmune diseases

  • @amd859
    @amd859 Год назад +24

    Didn't even realize I spent nearly 2hr watching the video and was wanting for more conversations. Absolutely loved the humor and the energy you both had ❤🙂

  • @uzumakiMADDYkun
    @uzumakiMADDYkun 11 месяцев назад +1

    The episode is eye-opening for age category 30+
    The ideal time to think of personal health
    Dr Pal vanakam!! the current generations like us need a doctor like you.
    Thanks again TRS for the podcast

  • @ShrutiRedepatil123
    @ShrutiRedepatil123 Год назад +10

    I heading into my 20ties on 21st January 🥰🥰
    Appreciate your efforts ranveer for making our life more healthy and knowledgeable

  • @aditiborhade6134
    @aditiborhade6134 Год назад +17

    Please bring a dermatologist on your show!!!! With all these increasing hair loss problems around us, will love to hear about it from an expert 🙏🏻

  • @kumarsohail
    @kumarsohail Год назад +15

    Wow, loving it.
    Beside the podcasts with Aacharya Prashant, this is my 2nd most favorite episode so far. I'm having so much wow moments here. The things i randomly thought were getting scientific validation here. I'm just loving it. Thanks for bringing him Ranveer 🫶

  • @manjulachiplunkar6981
    @manjulachiplunkar6981 11 месяцев назад +1

    I am following regularly dr pal...after following his early dinner strategy i maintened my weight..thank you dr pal...and ranveer off course a good narrator

  • @Raut2023
    @Raut2023 Год назад +7

    Dr. Pal is a motivator factor. I am following Dr.Pal from 6 months.Very positive vibes.

  • @universalblessing4856
    @universalblessing4856 Год назад +16

    2 most intelligent and favourite human beings. Just loved this episode. Watching again and again

  • @Studentaspirant0
    @Studentaspirant0 Год назад +12

    The most happy and cheerful doctor I have ever seen

  • @shrik1234567
    @shrik1234567 Год назад +2

    Never seen such a Great Doctor like Dr Pal , Genuine & Honest .

  • @sujathathakur8504
    @sujathathakur8504 Год назад +9

    Thanks so much for this episode Ranveer! Much appreciated! It would be great if we can get Dr Shetty on the show for all the heart related discussions.

  • @kmkajal1455
    @kmkajal1455 Год назад +43

    His excitement about this conversation tells how much happy he is with his job❤

  • @thejasnair9424
    @thejasnair9424 Год назад +60

    Whole Podcast Summery :
    00:01 Gut bacteria impacts mental health, cancer, and obesity.
    02:00 Younger people prioritizing biology and health
    06:17 Unhealthy Indian diets leading to increased risk of pre-cancerous colon polyps
    08:20 Gut bacteria impacts everything from mental health to obesity.
    12:40 The gut has its own nervous system, which interacts with the brain for two-way communication.
    14:49 Our gut has a strong potential to influence the brain in terms of decision making.
    19:12 Regular exercise is crucial for mental and physical well-being.
    20:58 Maintaining gut health is crucial for overall well-being.
    24:41 The balance of gut bacteria is influenced by diet and lifestyle
    26:42 Human evolution and gut health
    30:15 Eat clean, exercise, and sleep well to maintain gut health and weight loss.
    32:05 Eating dinner by 7:30 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. may help with weight loss and improve liver health.
    35:35 The power of focus and determination can bring about positive change in your life.
    37:18 Gut bacteria impact on child's health
    40:55 Maintaining a diverse gut microbiome is crucial for a healthy immune system.
    42:40 Eating street food in India may have strengthened gut health between ages 18-22
    46:24 The rise of multi-drug resistant bacteria
    48:22 The impact of antibiotics on gut bacteria transmission.
    52:15 Avoiding packaged foods can improve gut health
    54:06 Minimize intake of sweet foods and opt for fruits in moderation.
    57:50 Gut bacteria influence cravings for sugary and unhealthy foods
    59:44 Increasing good bacteria in the large intestine is crucial for digestion and overall health.
    1:03:21 Personal experience with losing craving for sweets
    1:04:59 Managing willpower and combating sugary cravings for weight loss.
    1:08:34 Avoid artificial sweeteners and prioritize natural ingredients for better gut health
    1:10:19 Avoid excessive green tea consumption and prioritize whole foods over processed ones.
    1:13:50 Inbreeding in communities in India leading to immune diseases
    1:15:36 Struggles with conception and miscarriages
    1:19:48 Discussing the potential of genome technology to prevent health risks.
    1:21:39 Moderate consumption of white rice in moderation is acceptable for weight loss.
    1:25:28 Regular alcohol consumption can lead to liver deterioration and fibrosis
    1:27:20 Excess alcohol and non-alcoholic problems contribute to liver issues.
    1:30:56 Reducing alcohol intake and following circadian rhythm can significantly improve health.
    1:32:48 Protein intake and its impact on gut health
    1:36:37 TMAO enzyme from gut bacteria after consuming red meat linked to heart disease
    1:38:26 Dr. Palarian recommends 80% plant-based diet and 20% non-vegetarian for better gut health.
    1:42:09 Gut bacteria needs fiber and plant-based diet is essential for gut health
    1:44:04 Saturated fat is a problem for gut health

  • @farhanasnigdha5058
    @farhanasnigdha5058 Год назад +2

    This is the best video I have seen in my life sooo far. I can't believe how much I have learned. Thank you, guys.

  • @deepthiumesh8364
    @deepthiumesh8364 Год назад +4

    Dr Devi Shetty cardiologist from's high time you do a podcast on all the heart attacks and deaths at young age happening around

  • @shwetabhosale9162
    @shwetabhosale9162 Год назад +5

    This episode was very insightful
    The way Dr Pal delivers scientific information in a simple to understand language with humour combined is truly impressive!
    The fact that he opened up about personal suffering to educate people on this topic...takes real Guts to do that. God bless this Man and his family❤😇
    As rightly addressed by Ranveer... sweet Tamil Boy😊

  • @priyankajadhav9612
    @priyankajadhav9612 Год назад +9

    Wow.. Being a biotechnologist, can understand "Gut bacteria " Are much precious than any gem.. 😄.. Best podcast ever, Ranveer.. Ty❤🥰

  • @kavithashanthi8613
    @kavithashanthi8613 11 месяцев назад +1

    Really this video is so useful for my life...I changed up myself for past 6months because of you all over my health and weight is soo good this is all because of your useful videos about Gut bacteria 🦠...Thank you so much and keep on informating us and keep boosting youngsters ❤

  • @subham_garg
    @subham_garg Год назад +10

    I watch every single episode of yours Ranveer. This was probably the Podcast of the year for me because of the fact that it talked about things I had been less aware about. Thanks for everything that you do! ❤ Thank you Dr. Pal, you’re a Gem! 💎

  • @lalithakumarib.t.5610
    @lalithakumarib.t.5610 Год назад +6

    Thank you Ranveer for bringing Dr Pal on your podcast. Much needed but did not expect....Wonderful!! Happy to see this humorous doctor who creates awareness on gut health through his videos here.

  • @pooja2407
    @pooja2407 Год назад +18

    Dr. Pal makes understanding our health and steps to be healthy simpler ! Good podcast !👌

  • @anumason7623
    @anumason7623 Месяц назад

    What's so good about this doctor is he is laughing a lot and in a good light hearted way. They say laughter is the best medicine a good feel factor which this doctor has and it makes it really enjoyable to watch and understand what he is saying. I never get bored of listening to him because of his personality and say very important things for our good health which i understand and try my very best to follow. He is brilliant!!

  • @RajeevAnnigeri
    @RajeevAnnigeri Год назад +58

    Ranveer. This was one of your best podcasts. I literally got goosebumps multiple times hearing to Dr. Manikam. Thanks for doing this. Keep up the great work 👍

  • @thedreamerthatdreams
    @thedreamerthatdreams Год назад +11

    I love him..❤❤ I have been following him and i have already lost a lot of my unhealthy eating habits!! ✨ Thankyou sir ❤️

    • @beerbiceps
      @beerbiceps  Год назад +3

      Keep it up. Thank you for watching ❤️

  • @chhaviattri28
    @chhaviattri28 Год назад +8

    I have not followed any diet plans till now. I'm 22. I have lost the craving to eat sweet things often. I don't know how naturally it happened. I used to think something wrong is going on. But now I'm clear.
    Thank you so much Ranveer.

    • @gobikrishna9181
      @gobikrishna9181 Год назад

      What’s the reason for it ?

    • @gobikrishna9181
      @gobikrishna9181 Год назад +2

      I used to eat a lot of sweets and parotta.
      But now I don’t like them and I love to eat healthy foods(eggs,banana,nuts,milk,peanut butter and fruits).I started to crave for healthy foods.What’s the reason behind this ?

  • @rajkadam1950
    @rajkadam1950 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hey Ranveer,
    I just wanted to let you know that I had given my IELTS exam recently and I got my desired score of band 7.
    All Thanks to your English podcasts which helped me in my Listening and Speaking modules and I was able to get such a good score.
    Thank you again !!! Keep up the good work ❤

  • @swatimalik7324
    @swatimalik7324 Год назад +39

    Ranveer your guest choices are amazing ❤ m out but could not resist myself to start watching this podcast ❤

  • @punamsourav1432
    @punamsourav1432 Год назад +8

    So much Knowledge in one podcast powered on I'm going to hear it infinity times until I follow each point in my life practice
    Bring him again ranveer ❤ 43:17 43:24

  • @drishyaraj9708
    @drishyaraj9708 Год назад +19

    Have been addicted to Pal’s videos for a while, so happy to see him on TRS. He talks serious topics in simple language. Thanks for bringing him on the podcast 😊

  • @m_yaalu
    @m_yaalu 11 месяцев назад +19

    Dr Pal....a genuine person who just directly tell the importance of diets instead of lagging the videos ❤