The story is still evolving and I'll include updates here. UPDATE: The situation around ROF is muddy. We had reports from AP and others that claim a member of ROF said he was affiliated. Other reports also saying students said the shooter was a member of ROF, BUT Florida officials just reported there are no "known ties" between the Parkland shooting suspect and any white supremacist group. I'll make sure to keep looking into it and update as we find out more.
Philip DeFranco Of course people were gonna try and spin it that way to try and gain some sort of political kudos from the shooting. Sickening how people use incidents such as this as an excuse to push their own agendas and attack their supposed political enemies
Philip DeFranco Meh. I don't think he's tied to any white supremacist group, but that he just lost his mind. His mom died November last year and his dad is dead/divorced (Can't remember), too, making him an orphan. He was taken in by a foster family, who had access to guns. He is an expelled student who had a history there, yet none of the teachers noticed him since likely the hallways were filled.
If he's in between the students and the shooter why didn't he charge the gunmen? You're getting shot either way, why turn your back on him instead of attempting to tackle him and disarm him?
War450 You have zero idea how you’ll react to being at the business end of a rifle until you’re thrown into the situation. If you have been in that type of situation and reacted well, good for you. Not everyone reacts the same, and the fact that he was selfless enough to protect children with his own body is amazing.
His report on the link to the supremacist group is shaky and showing to be false. As the group has already backtracked the claim, and the guy who said it seems to have a history of seeking attention. So many outlets were quick to make the connection they didn't check up on it.
Nicolas Z yeah but the constant reminders that he isn't going to do this or that because is a tragedy kinda reads "hey, look at what a good guy I am!".
In Japan you can get a gun, so guns are not banned here, and that's ok. But guns here are regulated much as they should be. Because a gun is a weapon. Nothing else, it has one purpose, it serves no secondary function. In Japan to get a gun you first need to attend a one day training session which is only held once a month by police. This means that you have to be able to interact with police officers trained to spot people who might be hiding something for up to 8 hours while taking instruction from them. If they find you suspicious, no gun. You have to pass a test given by the police which talks about gun safety, rules, and regulations. That way you know how the guns work, how to handle them safely, the laws behind them, you cannot claim ignorance of any function of these weapons. If you can't remember these rules, no gun. Then you need to give the police a list of former employers, places you've lived, and basically a full background check of people they can interview if they get the feeling like you might be seeking revenge. This also needs to come with a certification by an approved psychiatrist that you are mentally sound. If you have a bad past, no gun. After all this you need to do an interview with the police and explain why you NEED a gun, they are not toys, they are not collectable items, they are weapons. If you don't seriously need one, no gun. Once they've done the background check and check with all their databases that you do not have a criminal record or a past history of violence THEN you can take a SECOND gun safety test and then will proceed to a gun range in order to be trained on how to properly fire the gun and target practice, after all what is the point of the weapon if you can't even use it accurately? If you fail this, no gun. During all of this police officers at any time can and will stop by to interview your neighbours, your current employers, your family members. If they feel at any time you are a risk? You guessed it... No gun. After all this you can get a temporary licence to take to a gun shop to then select your gun, but you still don't get it. The shop will hold it until you bring a letter from the gun shop to the police station detailing what you plan to purchase where the police will approve of it and issue you a full licence FOR THAT GUN ONLY and then you can go and pick it up. But it doesn't even end there. You are required to present your licence every time you buy bullets, you are required to keep a "Bullet tracking record" to tell where, when, and how many bullets you have fired before you can buy more bullets. No stockpiling, no buying hundreds of thousands of rounds, no playing with them shooting at can's out in the wild. Guns are not toys. They are a responsibility. And it's about time America started treating them like one.
To add to anyone stupidly saying "Well then only bad guys will have guns" Added to how difficult it is to get a gun in the first place, making the laws for illegal gun ownership so strict it makes even the Yakuza in Japan not want to have guns. Being caught with a firearm or having one in your home or car without a licence can net you a minimum of 7 years in prison. Even if you're not the one who has the gun, simply being friends, family, or an associate of the person possessing the gun you can be considered an "accomplice" and face the same prison time. Making so criminal groups rarely even want one member to have a gun since the whole group could be arrested for it. Firing a single bullet from an illegal gun is considered attempted murder (even if you weren't shooting at anyone or planning anything, because a gun has only ONE PURPOSE there is no accident when you have a gun, simply by having one, killing is the automatic intent.) and can get you life in prison. Good guys can get their guns by showing they are actually responsible good guys, and bad guys get super fucked over simply by looking at a gun, y'know kind of like how laws are supposed to work.
well yakuza still can get one, though you have to be high ranking member or disposable pawn used to assasinate someone. in heavily regulated country gun doesn't come cheap, that's for sure
The gym coach and geography teacher are bonafide heroes and deserve their names etched in history for the fantastic human beings they are, just imagine how many more lives would’ve been lost if not their their heroic, selfless deeds.
Malevolent Minun as the song says, "seems that when some innocence dies, all we can offer then is a place in some #&@6 magazine"....."driven to tears"!
That doesn't even make sense. You know what ended WWII? A big bomb. You know how police stop shooters? With bullets. Somebody shooting him would have stopped the violence right there.
Thanks for mentioning coach Feis. He was a hero. I graduated from the school back in 05 and will remember his kind heart and his jokes. Driving around campus in his golf cart and spending time with the students before and after school and in between classes.
These mass shootings are out of hand. The thing that bothers me is the last couple of shooters have showed up on FBI radar at one point or another and the shooter still gets guns legally. That's what needs to be fixed.
CovertBrony He's talking about gun laws here. I get that history repeats itself for certain things, but gun control can be implemented and work in modern times, as is the case in most Western countries. The USA is just too stubborn, hence why " The USA in a nutshell"
The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. Well people like you refuse to admit what the problem is. You derail the topic to push your anti-gun agenda. Guns are OBJECTIVELY, SCIENTIFICALLY, FACTUALLY, not the issue. So you exclusively focus on something that is proven not to be the issue and then bitch when nothing gets fixed. Stop derailing the topic to push your agenda and maybe we can actually come up with solutions? How about that?
all of broward is behind you, west broward has your logo on our wall with a bag of sharpies and hundreds of signatures. Today a dark cloud loomed over broward.
I am so sorry that you, your classmates and school, and your community have had to experience this. No one should ever have to. I am so glad you are here. I wish I could say something more, but I know that there is nothing I could say that would be of any real comfort. Just know that me, and so many others, are thinking of you and everyone else affected by this horrific act of violence and will continue to think of you all in the coming days as you try to deal with the aftermath.
why? I think that's a terrible idea. This isn't an irritating kid bully who just needs to be deprived of attention in order to stop, he's a mass murderer. Not naming him just seems naive. If this is a news story, we need to know all available information about what happened, not some preachy moralistic drivel about why murder is bad. Tell us the facts, don't tell us why murder is wrong. We know.
Sin his name is Nikolas JACOB Cruz. nice try on trying to make him a Mexican at an attempt to make this another race war or whatever but he was white who happened to be a white supremacist
It doesn't really matter he's still giving attention to the act of violence so it's pretty much the same you know everyone is still gonna Google and find out who and what this guy looks like... The best thing to do is just not talk about acts of violence it just encourages other people to make similar attacks
I can't believe that 17 innocent people died because a knowingly troubled 19 year old, expelled for aggression, and reported to the FBI, LEGALLY purchased an AR-15. Those teachers were heroes. Something needs to be done about this, I can't fathom even more tragedies happening like this.
J N Morgan I'm all for guns too, but what freedom should ever merit the ability for a child to purchase an assault rifle. An AR-15 isn't for hunting, it's for killing.
I cant believe theres a school with several hundred children with such poor security that an armed lunatic can just waltz in from the street. He literally could have been anyone. Does nobody realize how bad of a fuckup this is in the scool's part? They put those kids in a dangerous position to start.
Phil, fucking *applause* for your response to Mark Dice. What a total tool. No one knows how they would react in a situation like that and he certainly didn't grow up in that generation. Cell phones were just becoming popular when I was in highschool and I bet most of the students would be on the phone with someone in the event of a shooting. Snapchat, video, twitter, etc., those are the phone calls of the newer generation.
Canadian Whatever So you'll be on the phone and waiting for death instead of trying to survive? Surviving should be the priority, not recording or saying good bye. Insensitive but not wrong.
Agreed. Phil handled that well. These are teenagers! Social media is their life. Of course they are going to use social media to get the message out to their hundred followers rather than make a phone call and tell one person. We have a number of cell phone videos from inside the school of what was happening because there were kids there filming it and tweeting it and posting it to RUclips instead of all 300 of them calling 911. That critical fellow was quite the tool.
I somewhat disagree. The shooter could have watched the snaps and they would have known exactly where the students were. My school told us not to go on social media for this reason. Yes, no one would know how they'd react in a situation like this, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to be careful.
Canadian Whatever Making memes and jokes as a LITERAL SCHOOL SHOOTING yeah who could of thought of that I guess you gotta be a hip young kid to understand these things...
In Californina I'm not sure about other state it's 18 to legally own a long rifle (this can range from a bolt-action to a semi-automatic or a shotgun (pump or semi-automatic). One must be at least 21 to own a pistol. This is in place because pistols can be concealed much easier than a long rifle or shotgun.
Dan Ortiz It's easier to kill with a pistol than with an AR. Accuracy is better and you can easily hide it, like you said. A pistol is much easier to use than a semi. If you want to shoot up a school don't use a semi. If you want to kill people build a bomb, dont use a gun.
To the people saying "There is no simple answer to this problem": yes there is! In Scotland, we had the worst school shooting in the UK back in 1996 at Dunblane Primary school. So we enforced stricter gun laws, and you know how many school shootings we've had since? Zero! "But people who want a gun will find a way to get it!" True, but it'll be much much more difficult for them to get it than just walking into a supermarket and picking it up off the shelf. They'd have to jump through so many hoops to get it legally, or find the right people to get it illegally, and jump through some more hoops. So by the time they actually get the gun, the chances of them committing the planned attack have reduced significantly.
You also have an exponentially lower population that can be regulated relatively easily. It's like using a knife, that's just big enough to cut an apple in one stroke, on a watermelon and expecting to get the same results.
omegachavez America has 5x the population of the UK and it's been 22 years since we had a shooting America has had 8 in 7 weeks that isn't a population problem it's a gun problem
Corville the Space Cat at that point if the intent was to kill a multitude of people, why not construct a pipe bomb? Or use your vehicle as a weapon? Or poison people? Point is banning guns won't solve a people problem. Adults need to raise their kids right and if there is a mental health issue, have it addressed. America is a LOT different from Scotland and it's not just "gun control".
The argument I keep hearing is that any gun control reforms wouldn't have actually stopped most of the last mass shootings and more people die at the hand of a handgun. On the left you have people claiming to want gun control without realising what it actually is and if it would change anything. Then on the right, for the most part they don't want to do anything, and blame the perpetrators. This issue is not going to get solved anytime soon.
1 2 Speak for yourself, love. Personally, as a British citizen, I am pretty happy with our comparatively low homicide and mass murder rates compared to America's.
I'm British, so I realise I'm biased. We had a mass shooting in a school in Scotland on 13 March 1996 where 16 children and one adult were murdered, beofre the gunman killed himself. The Conservative government at the time banned almost all handguns within a year, and the Labour government that followed banned the remaining handguns. Britain has not seen any mass shootings since - nearly 22 years. The US, however, is seeing mass shootings in schools at the rate of one a week. This was the eighth indescriminate shooting that resulted in at least one death in 2018. I'm not saying that America can get rid of it's gun problem overnight, but for me the only way to stop this kind of thing from happening is by putting some very tight restrictions on who is and who is not allowed a gun - which over time should be self evident that it will save the lives of innocent people.
There's no culture of entitlement here when it comes to weapons. Anyone who actively boasts about such a thing is outside the social norm and not someone to be associated with. America though... the "good guys need guns because bad guys have guns" argument sends shivers down my spine. That just leads to MORE GUNS around and the cycle continues. "That weird guy down the street has one so I need 3." Look at the effect that's having on your country. I feel like it's going to take the generation of kids who are growing up in the school system now to finally incite a change to that mindset.
If you know nothing about America you should keep your uninformed opinion to yourself. You don't see me telling Britons what policies and laws they should change to address their grooming gang crisis or drastic rise in acid attacks. Maybe clean up you own tiny island before trying to fix the better part of a foreign continent.
@Andy Hartley I agree with what you're saying, but maybe if you got your facts right, you'd be making a better point. There were over 380 mass shootings in the US in 2016. That's more than one per day. This isn't the 8th shooting in 2018 where someone has died, it's the 8th shooting in a SCHOOL where someone has been killed or injured. Also, 1996 was 22 years ago, not 32. Speaking as someone who was born in 1997 and is definitely only 20 years old right now. But I do agree with you. The US is the only "first world" country with so much gun violence, and no one seems to want to link it to guns. The NRA is so deep in the pockets of almost every American politician that no one can say anything bad about guns without being a "liberal" or, as you said, "biased" The problem with the US is that "maybe people shouldn't shoot children" is a controversial statement, as you can see from the replies to your comment. But then, I'm not American. So maybe I'm "biased" too.
The only foreign country I've been to where there were several shutdowns of the subway due to bomb threats when I was there was Britain. I would say you have your own issues, mate.
I know this will probably get lost but the fact a child in trouble reached out to YOU Phil shows just how amazing and influential you are. I already had respect for you but now I have even more respect knowing that you didnt use that boy to inflate your own ego when you could have. It says a lot that kids trust YOU to deliver news the correct way. I applaud you sir.
I'd like to remind you all of an Onion article title that, depressingly, is relevant all too often: "‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens."
The coach that shielded the students is a complete and utter badass. To just stand in the field of fire to shield other people takes some serious guts.
I'm an Australian and I'm so happy that we had a prime minister who took gun control seriously and did something about it after the Port Arthur massacre. It's not necessarily about guns it's about automatic and semi automatic weapons. Those should be left in the hands of the professionals not everyone should be allowed to own one. Stricter gun control is needed. To apply for a weapon here it takes at least a year to be able to get one and you will never get your hands on a weapon like that here. I'm happy my kids are safe at school and never have to worry about it.
OutNumbered Family I agree with this. I believe that if the U.S. would follow Australia's example, we'd be seeing a LOT less of this needless death in the news. Unfortunately right now, all of the people in our government don't give two shits about what happens to the rest of us.
Yes, let's compare an island nation with a 99% ethnic population that's situated thousands of miles away from the nearest producer of contraband to a nation with large criminal-prone demographics that shares a 3,000 mile long border with a country run and owned by drug cartels. Obviously what works for one of them will work for both! Why is it that 100% of anti-gun nuts have absolutely zero critical thinking skills?
+OutNumbered Family You're right, it is a stupid argument so why did you post it? Oh, right, aussies are the biggest shitposters on the internet. I forgot.
Monday, a grandmother heard her grandson say that he was going to commit a mass shooting and the grandma called the cops. They came to her house and she allowed them to search the house and the cops arrested the boy when they found guns in his bedroom. This happened BEFORE the Florida shooting but was PREVENTED because the grandmother saw the signs and ACTED! We need to be educated and educate our children to look for signs as well. Ignorance is not bliss when lives could be hanging in the balance!
You said on a video a while ago about bombings in Syria and how westerners don’t care because it’s the new norm. We hear it all the time and it just becomes background noise. As a viewer from outside the Us, your mast shootings and school shootings are becoming so common it’s a “great another one.... what else is on TV”. Your school shootings are now the norm for your country and other places are tired of hearing about it. Which I think is becoming a huge problem when that defines your country.
"There was a girl, and her uncle sold her, wrote Mr. Ibis in his perfect copperplate handwriting. That is the tale; the rest is detail. There are stories that are true, in which each individual’s tale is unique and tragic, and the worst of the tragedy is that we have heard it before, and we cannot allow ourselves to feel it too deeply. We build a shell around it like an oyster dealing with a painful particle of grit, coating it with smooth pearl layers in order to cope. This is how we walk and talk and function, day in, day out, immune to others’ pain and loss. If it were to touch us it would cripple us or make saints of us; but, for the most part, it does not touch us. We cannot allow it to. Tonight, as you eat, reflect if you can: there are children starving in the world, starving in numbers larger than the mind can easily hold, up in the big numbers where an error of a million here, a million there, can be forgiven. It may be uncomfortable for you to reflect upon this or it may not, but still, you will eat." From American Gods by Neil Gaiman
If a nation of 360 million people is being defined by acts that kill less than 0.0001% of the population, that says more about you than it does americans.
Dylan Cranford except that is just much less common and serious. As a Dutch person, there hasn't been a single case of terrorism here, and crime is not rising noticeably.
As a CSI detective, the hardest thing we face, after the fact, is all the victim’s cell phones going off during processing. Looking down and seeing “Mom” or “Dad” on the caller ID. Tough, gut wrenching, life changing scenes that stick with us.
I have grown increasingly unable to deal with these shootings anymore. They happen at so great regularity, I don't know how to process them. Coming from Australia, it is very difficult for me to understand the culture where it is ok for more than 10,000 people a year to be the victim of gun violence. Deaths that are completely preventable through gun control, limits on automatic weapons, gun buyback schemes, etc. In 1996, 35 people were killed and 23 wounded in a mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The gunmen involved in that shooting used an AR-15 not dissimilar to the one used in Florida. It was and still is the worst mass shooting we have ever had in Australia. Within six months of the shooting, our conservative prime minister and his government (thus meaning that if he was a politician in America, he would belong to the Republican party most likely) went against his base voters, drafted, voted on and passed legislation that banned semi automatic rifles and shotguns and pump-action shotguns. As well as this, universal gun licences have been introduced. Since then, there has been no mass shootings (a mass shooting defined as more than 2 people killed) in Australia. None. The level of homicide with the use of a firearm has declined dramatically as well as the level of suicide by gun. It is a lot easier to kill people (including yourself) if you have access to a gun. Every western country on the planet has gun control legislation, except the USA. I don't have a problem with the use of a gun for recreation, whether it be for hunting or used on a farm. Or having a pistol to use as a last resort when you feel unsafe. But America needs to fundamentally evaluate whether the public (including crazy people like this shooter) should have access to guns that look less like ones used to hunt deer and look more like weapons used on the field of battle. I understand that you want to have a right to bear arms and such, but I just don't understand how that is worth it when the lives of children are now expendable in the price of freedom.
well said, explained and outlined. Australia, canada and UK serve as exemplary western democracies where individual liberty is balanced with collective safety.
I can tell you, as an American, that we do have gun laws. And if you are a convicted criminal, on any type of law enforcement watch list, or black listed for mental reasons, you cannot buy a guy. When purchasing one, a 5 day waiting period, and background check is conducted. However, this guy was not properly investigated by FBI, and was never on any black list due to mental health because he was never examined by doctors. Secondly, an Ar-15, while it can look intimidating, is actually a lot less powerful than a lot of handguns. The model of AR-15 that can be purchased by the public is a civillian model, and it is much less powerful than the version that the military has access to. Also, it is illegal for anyone to purchase and own a full automatic weapon, except by obtaining a special license issued by the government, and that takes 6 months to a year to obtain.
Adam Loring That gun was powerful enough to kill 17 people in Florida and 35 people in Port Arthur, 58 people in Las Vegas and many multitudes of innocent people throughout the United States. I'm sure politicians can argue the semantics forever but changes clearly need to be made. The rest of the civilized world has introduced stricter gun legislation as a result of events such as the one in Florida. All of them have noticeably less deaths per year as a result of gun violence (shootings, homicides and suicides). America needs to follow suit yesterday.
Hey Phil, this is a tragedy that heartbreakingly happens too often in the US and because of that I just desensitized and tired of the bullsht. Before I leave my house, I always tell my folks “Stay safe” and that’s it. So I’ll tell you and everyone on RUclips, Stay Safe.
I'm so glad I'm out of high school... Everyday when I used to go to school I was so terrified that something was going to happen every single day because there was so much tension between gang relations in my town.
One Hour not true gangs in Chicago constantly go after each other some schools it's a normal occurrence to see gang members shooting at each other in hallways because police won't set foot on the south side of the city so everyone that walks to school in the south side of Chicago generally has a weapon such as a gun or knife because of lack of security
Im pretty sure he is saying thats gangs wont shoot up a school in the context that that they dont go there for random killings, like this white guy. Im pretty sure the shootings they do on other students is under gang related where a specific group is targeted and are also armed.
Hector Calavera I'm not making fun of anything. In my town people would fight at school simply because they had the same classes together and be completely open about what they were carrying. I can't tell you how many times people walked into my school with guns, knives, etc. while I was there and brought that shit out. I'm not saying a gang would shoot up my school together, its more like one person would fight another just to make themselves look better and I was always scared someone would bite it from crossfire.
Every time something like this happens it's the same story. The talks about gun control start again and we "try to learn something" from this tragic event. Sadly it ends up happening again and the cycle starts again. It's just so messed up and it angers me to know that evil people like this exist in our planet 😔. R.I.P to all those innocent lives😔
Scouts Honor Calling out the black community wouldn't magically solve your problem either. Simply playing the blame game doesn't fix the socio-economic problems driving gang culture, and it doesn't fix the complex history of race and the police which leads to the no snitching culture. It also doesn't fix the mental health issues or shockingly easy access to guns of school shooters. I don't even disagree with most of what you said, but I seriously think you should take a look in the mirror next time you think about replying "It doesn't matter because black people's gun violence is worse" in the aftermath of a tragedy. This only makes you sound like you are advocating for the school shooter and bringing race into things unneccesarily.
This is how to cover a tragedy. Thank you Phil. Rest in peace to the victims, love & prayers to the families. I am so so sorry. Everyone love who you have, because one day they might not be there to recieve it.
Literally crying my eyes out for the lives who were taken so fast. And so much respect for the teachers who put their lives on the line to shield and help students to safety. They’re the real heroes to look up to who help those in times of need. Rest In Paradise for all those who lost their lives way too soon.
One of the people who died in the shooting, Coach Aaron Feis, was one I walked by every morning. We would always greet each other with a friendly good morning. He died a hero yesterday and I’m ashamed to say that i didn’t even know his name until yesterday. He was a great man. He recently had a baby and his child will now grow up without a father. Rest In Peace, you are now in a better place.
You can buy AR-15's, tactical shotguns and pistols here in New Zealand but we have never had a school shooting and the last massacre was a long time ago, because we have common sense laws. It is a privilege here to own a gun, they do checks, interview people close to you, you have to take training courses and the police check your house to make sure you have a gun safe to store them. However once you have gone through that process and they know you are a good sensible person you can pretty much buy whatever you like within reason, it isn't the guns it is the people.
This is exactly why I always say it's a mental health problem and removing or adding more guns isn't going to solve anything. I mean hell ban all guns and you get home made explosives that you can make on a weekly allowance or by mowing some lawns thanks to home depo. I think we need to stop worrying about guns in the US and more about who owns the guns along with getting more funding and focus on quality mental health practices.
Tech Showdown yes agree with you, that is why we need reforms like that. But some ppl here instantly think their guns are gonna be taken away and that takes away from the conversation. I think most ppl here just want a stronger oversight of who gets guns.
First of all new zealand come on your population is only 5 million. America has more people like 310 million, sure not all of that people would want to have a gun. But when there is more people there is more are substantially more people who want to buy and sell guns. second who pays for cops time to interview you and go to your house? Even if you are paying it? There places America where the police has no time for that. And if you want to make it run like that police precincts has to hire more cops, more room. I can go on and on. You know what would be better solution stop giving people access to guns. The police don’t have to waste time interviewing you, and going to your home. The only who lose are the ones who are selling guns, the gun training( hopefully that is a business, and not funded by taxpayers) and the people who want expensive toy. Just because it works in one place it doesn’t mean it will work everywhere. Context matters. And why do even need guns? It is just a fucking expensive toy that can actually kill people.
Tech Showdown for US citizens owning a firearm is more than a privilege it's a right we have as a citizen. American all ready have strict laws to purchase firearms/ but the what the government can't do is stop or regulate the mentally ill. Shame what happened, the only thing that could of stopped the shooter was another firearm in the right hands. I could've prevented it but it might've stopped some people from dying.
Sad that children even need security at this point. Kids shouldn't have to be guarded and protected while at school and their parents should have to worry about their children not making it home alive that day. I'm angry that schools need high security now as to not become a shooting range.
The Same could be said about protecting our elected officials. Its not until modern times we have the level of security for them. Every modern office building has security, such as bag screening, armed guards, bag screening. Its shitty to think about having to set them up for schools because they should be a place of peace and learning but by NOT protecting the schools you turn them into a soft target. Stop making it easy for these people looking for attention and a way to make a name for them self. One security officer with one bullet may have stopped this from every happening. I'm not sure any law could have stopped it.
I have three younger brothers, one is in middle school and another are in elementary school and now they are doing mass shooting drill. Like it so sad, at that age they should be worry about playtime, coloring, and smiling not running away from a mass shooters. Innocent children’s are getting killed and the people we elected don’t do jack shit. Same story over and over again.
that is sad FBI and state could have prevented this by blocking the sale of guns because of disturbing social media posts. the gov could have prevented. It's easier for anybody to get a gun than getting Healthcare.
That would be the government punishing someone before they commit a crime. Big Brother. I know it sounds harmless in theory but using "prevention" as a warrant could be dangerous in the hands of power. Because prevention is so vague, bad people in power can use it as an excuse if they sell it well. There needs to be concrete legislation to do that, first, to ensure our own freedoms. And let me just tell you now, there's no way for the government to prevent crime, without us compromising our freedoms. Read up on the topic, you'll see that it's been debated thousands of times before you and I. It even caused a civil war in the marvel universe lol
Chinchillupa Guy Wtf are you on about. Just don't allow the sales of guns to the mentally deranged and those with previous violent behavior. It's not some big brother shit. He should not have been able to buy a gun. Simple as that.
Or not. Or be less effective. Or fail completely with planning. Guns are one of the easiest to get (in US) and at the same time, most unfair (you can't really use any of your skills to fight a person who has a gun, even though you might be the world champion in your selected martial arts field.) For these reasons guns are really scummy. Even a weakling nerd can wreck havoc. The fact that the person had accessibility to guns after writing up "such things", after being identified to the FBI for writing "such things" and he still had accessibility to a freaking AR-15... that is just ridiculous.
Phil, I sincerely thank you for wanting a day before covering this. This is why I trust you more than other news networks, because you take your time and get more information the subject.
Phil, listen. As a kid in high school it’s not unsurprising to see this kind of stuff. I (and I feel like many others) are absolutely numb to these shootings, heck, by the time your son is in fifth grade I doubt he’ll be surprised. Nowadays, kids (at least those who I’ve talked to) don’t dream about a fire or an earth quake, we dream about what would happen if there were to be a school shooter. I don’t know why but this specific shooting hit hard for me. Maybe it’s because my brother’s friend went to that school a year ago or maybe it’s just because I’m old enough to grasp this, but it’s so painful to think about how I don’t cry for every shooting I see. Those people who died, they were people’s sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters. Seeing the faces of those dead really changes the way you perceive the shooting. They are no longer just victims, they are real people. They could’ve been my classmates, my friends, they could’ve been me. I think that is important to acknowledge those killed not just the one who kills. This is the first time I’ve felt scared. I feel scared in the place where I spend several hours a day in. I’ve never felt so unsafe at my school before. This kind of stuff is just awful and I wish that I didn’t have to worry about the person who uses the locker next to me bringing a gun. There are just so many emotions. I just wish that those who were killed are seen too, not just as victims, but as people too.
it's also just so scary thinking how those kids who died are just like me, they're all going through so many changes in their life like i am and then it just gets cut off short with a single bullet. it scares me and saddens me that these kids who are so similar to me will never have a future that they deserve as much as anyone else does.
This one hit me really hard too. I graduated high school two years ago and am not currently in college so I personally don't worry too much about this kind of stuff. While I was in school though I would think about it all the time, even when being incredibly exhausted I was always on hight alert. I would always think of escapes depending on the classrooms and kept my phone on all the time just in case. The only thing that kept me less worried was I was already in a similar situation and the chances of that happening again are slim.
Nobody legally buys a gun in Canada without first taking the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. Then, they have to submit an application for a Possession and Acquistion Licence (PAL), where they’re screened by the RCMP for risk factors such as criminal history and mental health.
4th amendment protects our medical papers only if we are court ordered to mental health then we can not buy a gun legally anyway but there always not so legal ways to get them i wont drop the constitution for anything we need to harden the soft targets make it harder for these people who wanna do harm to do so get rid of the kill zones
Maybe you should change certain aspects of the Constitution then? Or is that heresy? Ignoring the bit where they're called "amendments" and what that term actually means of course. When it was written we didn't know nearly as much about mental health as we do now. As vague as a lot of it was written to be applicable over time, some aspects haven't aged as well as others. Also I think the spirit of the document should be considered more than the absolute word of it, considering the meaning of words change over time. Similar to how law is interpreted. The spirit of the statute is considered more important than the specific phrasing of it with the understanding that language changes.
coreycat 123 only certain authorized figures are allowed to open carry and concealed carry is prohibited in the majority of Canada (I actually cannot find anywhere it is not completely prohibited)
Exactly, they're just making excuses for their lack of action. The person also used his entire name on the account when he made the comment, the FBI could've had the ability to just trace the IP with the help of Google and find the individual to be a high-risk candidate, but they chose to ignore it.
This right here is why I want you to run for office. I know that’s going way outside of your comfort zone, but Goddamnit, after so many years of hearing you cover these stories, and hearing your views change with each incident; the world needs more people like you. People who can see an issue for what it is; notice the trend, and say something about it. I’m so tired of thoughts and prayers. It’s time for change.
As tragic as this is, nothing will change and nothing will be learned, this things keep happening over and over for years.... seriously how fucked up it is, when I hear mass shooting in US school its sadly not surprising to me anymore :(
Hey, while I understand there is a loss of Hope in change being had, having the mentality of "nothing will ever happen" gives the people in power the ability to not do anything. Have hope. Call your representatives. Voice what YOU think should be done. Commenting on a RUclips video is a cop out. Please, by you contributing to the conversation, you're serving the children and parents of all past and future mass shooting. "Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." Please, help.
Of course they said it was a lunatic and we need to talk about mental health instead of gun reform, but when we actually want to speak about mental health, they call then snowflakes and mock safe zones
I cannot thank you enough for refusing to state the name of the human pile of excrement that perpetrated this heinous act of violence, while openly naming heroes like Aaron Feis. We need to stop giving these domestic terrorists notoriety, and focus on people like Aaron who make immense sacrifices trying to save lives. We also need to fight for change now. "Thoughts and prayers" are not enough, and while I HOPE that this newest episode of gun violence is enough to finally get that through the GOP's collective thick skull, I highly doubt that's the case.
have a listen to all the cliches used, you have been listening to mainstream media too long. "perpetrated this heinous act of violence" "domestic terrorist" "fight for change" "thoughts and prayers" "gun violence" "collective thick skull" - they like sarcasm as well less drama, more critical thinking
WE don't need to get rid of guns to fix this... We need to fix people because theyre what kill not guns... When i was in school you never heard of this sort of shit because we were properly disciplined and not coddled when we did wrong... We didn't have safe spaces to run away from confrontations only to let them boil inside of us until this shit happens... Not to mention parents and teachers could stop most of these but they let bad/odd behavior slide by while doing nothing...
My skull is quite proportional thank you very much, and it's called "VIOLENCE" not knife violence, not run over with a car violence, not bomb violence.or "gun violence".....Just VIOLENCE. Aaron Feis is a true hero and I so wish he had a gun to take that pile of trash out, before he got shot and other kids, don't you?
This, as a teacher, terrifies me. Are my kids safe? While mental health is a huge factor in this situation, what about the people who influenced him? Would he have done this if someone had taken the time to invest in him? I am 100% not excusing him, or saying that he isn't at fault, but I think about this a lot when things like this happen: will one of my kids grow up to be that? They might not be depressed, mentally unstable, etc. now, but you don't know how kids are going to turn out, and that hurts as a teacher. Also, wanted to mention that an eleven year old girl in Florida slipped a note under the principal's door that said she was going to shoot up the school. This was yesterday. She claimed that another student made her write it (by threatening to assault her). What kind of world are we living in? I am just floored and pained by all this, as many are. People are going to forget. But we shouldn't. We can't. Otherwise history could potentially repeat itself. As it has over and over.
I am Canadian and own several firearms. I passed a background check and I own a AR-15. We do not have school shootings here but what we do have is a fairly decent awareness of mental health and the facilities to diagnose and then treat such affliction.... And for anyone who does not think these shootings fall under the mental health category, please think, no human in their right mind can take another's life let alone so many and not be mentally disturbed! Now I'm not advocating that all people should have guns but I believe your background checks should be closer to ours where it takes over 60 days, all your medical info and contacts to people who have known you for years before you can then receive a license to purchase firearms and said license is run through a nation wide database every day in order to make sure you have committed no crimes. But this is just my opinion.....
I agree, america needs more education on mental health, how to report behavior that might lead to a shooting, and signs someone is planning massive shooting.
Thanks for the information about how background checks for gun ownership are handled in Canada. I haven't heard much about potential solutions from other countries, excluding Australia, that is. I'm not sure whether I like every aspect of the policies, but there are a lot of things that I can definitely see being implemented into our current system without infringing on the second amendment. Any chance you know a website outlining Canada's gun license laws that I could look at both to fact check and to further research this information?
I honestly like this approach. I feel it’s a subtle enough change for Americans to accept (not well at first, but eventually) but effective. No one method will ever be 100% fool proof but by acknowledging it’s a problem and seeking solutions, we help in reducing the harm done to hundreds (if not thousands) of other innocent humans.
Are you insinuating that the police and soldiers are mentally disturbed because they take other peoples lives? (The process for buying a gun does sound a hell of a lot better though)
As a father of two little girls (and a third baby on the way) my heart breaks for the families of this tragedy... My oldest is about to enter school, and I agree, we need to stop waiting, and have the debate, it's a complex issue, but we have to talk about this, and heck, try things out... We have 50 states in this country that we can experiment with different ideas, and see what works, and what doesn't. But that would require leaders to lead, IMO. Also, I say we need to bring back the term COWARD and append it to the names of these people who do such acts, to let their name be forever disgraced... Let this Mass Murdering COWERED be introduced in court with this title, let the judge change his name to just that word. Let it be tattooed on his forehead... I'm sick, and angry over this whole situation.
Unfortunately, organizations such as the NRA inhibits studies on gun control in America, therefore US citizens cannot properly study whether gun control will be effective or not. Personally, I believe it does, but feelings aren't facts.
We *have* been experimenting via the States... It may come as a shock to you, but the states with the lowest gun murders, come from the states with the least gun laws. Meanwhile the states with the *worst* amount of gun murders, come from the states with the *most* gun laws. edit*: Gun RESTRICTION laws.
It's hard to lable anyone in this day and age without knowing the full extent of their past and personality. Saying that he is a coward is not quite accurate in this case as he didn't have a mother or father to look up to. And from the video he didn't have many friends either. He lived a sad life. And sometimes people do things when they don't feel like there is anything for them but themselves.
Phil, I want to personally thank you for handling this story so respectfully. I have friends who were there and witnessed this horrific tragedy. My friends lost close friends. Broward as a whole is shaken and scared. I was terrified to go to school yesterday, and many of my friends and I stayed home today out of fear because of reports of threats to our high school. That being said, you handled this story well. As a student journalist, I look up to you and commend you for not using that monster’s image or name. This is about the ones we lost, not him. Thank you for treating this story with respect. After seeing how news media outlets have completely glamorized my community’s suffering, you’re one of the few journalists/commentators I respect. Thank you and God bless.
Hold on... so you're telling me in America you can't drink before the age of 21... But this guy was able to buy a gun in a shop at 19. Fair enough America.
patrick gardner Sorry but American law enforcement have come out saying he bought the gun legally at a Broward County gun shop last February? He also passed a background check, which was said in this video and by other news sources?
Hey Phil. I am a K teacher about 20 min from Parkland. I sincerely appreciate that you took the time, like you always do, to get all the facts instead of rushing out a story. I love my job, and I LOVE my kids, but I did not want to go to school today. I kept thinking about if I could protect them, could they all fit in the bathroom, can they be quiet enough, what could I do better, how can I make it out alive myself. I have so much respect for the staff who were heroes in protecting these kids, and the responders. This is so much different when it hits so close to home. There were heavy hearts in every school today and I really hope something, or ANYTHING, can be done to protect these kids.
Well, the best thing you can do is to try and surprise them and then rush them. Like if you see a gunman and they're not facing you, you can throw something right at their head and scream, "HEY!" as loud as you can... the instant they turn they get whatever you threw hitting them right in the face. It'll leave them stunned for a few seconds, which should be more than enough time to close in and wrestle the gun away from them... or just pull the gun (still in their hands) up to their head and pull the trigger... shoot them with their own weapon. Can't say it'll be guaranteed to work, but it's a better option than just hiding and waiting to get shot.
Thanks. Yeah this is kinda what i've prepared in my head. I always prepared it like I would hide them, then wait in the room and make it seem like they were somewhere else if I couldn't get the jump on the shooter. Anything is better than nothing.
At the very least I think they should allow teachers to carry air tasers... they're non lethal and certainly better than nothing. Even a can of pepper spray would be better than nothing.
My teacher was talking to us in class about the exact same thoughts you’re having. Now, I keep thinking about how to escape these situations at school, and it literally puts a pit in my stomach.
OnideusMadHatter I do agree with this. I think adding in more guns would be difficult, but a non-lethal option would be more logistical. Something is better than nothing at all.
I wasnt really sympathetic when this happened, but you showing the pictures of those hero's and children who died kind of hit me hard... we are missing that human element to these tragedies, I've been seeing them as just statistics for the past few years now, but this video severed as a reminder to what was actually lost...
Not everyone hears a title on the news and gets sad... this is a terrible thing but honestly it doesnt effect my day in the slightest, these kids were 3000 miles away in a different state. Some kid probably got shot within 3 miles of my house this week but that never makes national news. Its not an impending death cloud of ebola...people get shot all of the time. Is it sad, sure but ive never met them so not really sad on my part.
So do you get sympathetic when you see on your local news two teenagers die from a murder or other similar crimes? Do you feel sympathetic for the victims of Falun Gong? Do you feel sympathetic for the Werhmact Soldiers that died in World War II? Do you feel sympathetic for the kids killed from war in Africa? Do you feel sympathetic for the ones killed from drug cartels in South America? Tell me your honest answer please.
As a resident of Parkland it's still surreal to see and hear about my hometown in the media. My nephew was in the school at the time of the shooting. Growing up in Parkland there was never any crime, this was always a safe place and the people of this community are a family. Our community has never been in the news, it's a quiet little slice of heaven so just to turn on the TV and hear people say "Parkland Florida" feels so unnatural. Because of the close knit community we are, so many people have been affected by this in some way. Parkland is the kind of place where everyone knows everyone and if you don't know them directly you know someone directly who knows them. I'm just speechless. I'm praying for the families of those we've lost and I'm praying for my community.
I, Don't, Exist - I'm truly sorry that your community is going through this. It's a living nightmare. I was only a few miles from Columbine in 1999, so I know what you mean about the surreal feeling. I have one question, perhaps you can answer since you're from the area. How many secondary schools are in the area? I heard that Parkland was a moderately sized town (35,000 or so?) so I was just wondering if there were other high schools in the area or if it is just Stoneman Douglas.
My aunt and uncle live right around the corner from the school in Parkland. My uncle is also a first responder. I used to think that area as peaceful and kinda hidden away from the craziness, a place to relax because no one knew of it. Now everyone knows it because of this horrible shooting. That little safe community is no more, only the place where that terrible school shooting was.
David Wells Sure happy to answer. We do have two private schools, One is A Jewish School (Kol Tikva) and the other Im not positive but its either Christian or Catholic. For Generally speaking all the schools are relatively close to MSD High School. Right past the High School is a middle school, its where I evacuated to during Hurricane Irma and its on the way to the Wal-Mart. There are a few Elementary schools in the somewhat immediate area as well. The Middle school and the High School are both on the main road that runs through the city.
Sonata727 , I have a question and not trying to start an argument. But if they raised the age to 21 to buy guns will that stop it from happening? Kids under 21 get a hold of alcohol so they could also get a hold of guns.
+Angela Brothers Don't start the ridiculous arguments. Hardly any preventive action *stops* another from occurring. That said, it is ridiculous that you can own a gun legally before you can drink legally.
If you are under 21 you have to have your parents consent to purchase any rifle, and you have to be 21 or older to own or purchase a hand gun. So the real question is why did the parents think it was a good idea for their kid to have a gun like this?
That Mark Dice and Tomi Lahren call out! Somebody had to do it. I definitely agree we should discuss EVERYTHING that's a possible solution to the situation, even if it's something that you don't agree with.
Your respect for situations likes these, makes me respect you even more Phil. I am heartbroken for the people and families impacted by this malicious and senseless act of terror. We need to keep talking about this and keep the human element alive to help work towards preventing something like this from happening again!!!! Sending all my love and positive energy to out to everyone
I live in Florida, about an hour away from Parkland, where this happened. And I'm terrified. A kid (he's a senior) at my high school, who got arrested for raping 5 girls and having sex with a minor and has threatened to shoot the school up tomorrow. And the adults aren't really taking this seriously. The kids at my school thought this was a joke before but, with this Parkland shooting happening so close to home and so soon, we're scared. My mom still wants me to go to school tomorrow, despite the fact that I'm scared, and that I don't feel safe. I kinda just want to stress the severity of situations like these. People joke about things like this because they happen so often and even when they're in possible danger, they're still making jokes and having laughs. It's not funny. And not enough is being done to fix these types of situations.
e i r a , I don't know what to say other then I hear you and I understand your fear. I'm sorry the world is the way it is. I will be praying that nothing happens at your school.
Don't go. Seriously; always trust your gut instinct, and if it's telling you not to go, don't. It's better to skip one day and be safe than go and risk ending up really, really sorry. //as a side note tho what the hell is wrong with that kid? Still in high school and he's already committed at least six sex crimes?! Wtf..
I really hate that people like that exists, I'm praying that nothing happens to you or any child going to school. If I were you I would call your local department and let them know that this guy is a threat and that they should be on the look out for him.
I'd become numb to this growing up, but something about this shooting really shook me. I think it was a senior who mentioned that he didn't know any of the victims, but he knew their faces and had seen them around school, because as a college freshman, that was really relatable. I've grown up with school shootings and shootings in general so I'd become desensitized but I guess the fact that for the first time I could actually vividly imagine something like this happening due to how relatable the victims are, it really derailed me. I didn't accomplish anything yesterday, I just laid in bed and felt empty.
I relate to this so much and think about it often. A kid in my high school committed suicide a couple years ago and a lot of my friends and I didn’t know him personally, but we knew his face from seeing him so often in the hall. I completely get where ur coming from. I felt the same way until this shooting and saw how raw these kids became in the videos and how genuinely scared they were for their lives. It was so real and intense. Really opened my eyes and it’s so sad that this had to happen to do so.
Dylan Hollywood yeah man. I went through same feelings after Sandy Hook shooting. Now I'm almost 30 and have a daughter. This world is a scary place. But most of us are good people I believe. Take care man, its good to read REAL human emotions when reading comment sections.
Thank you for bringing up how people have been criticizing the kids for posting to social media. My sincere hope is that these images and the students who have been calling for change, can actually make that change happen.
Step 1. Mass shooting occurs ⚘✔ Step 2. Feel shock and upset ✔ Step 3. Send your thoughts and prayers, for example pray for fill in the blank ✔ Step 4. Argue about stricter gun laws ✔ Step 5. Politicians on both sides can't find a logical solution ✔ Step 6. Repeat ⚘😧
If Parkland Florida, if Las Vegas, if Sandy Hook, etc, hasn't got your country to discuss about gun control than nothing will. It just go on and on. My heart goes out to the victims of this horrible tragic event. Please love those around you and stay safe.
Joey Carthew kids were calling the cops so much that the police department asked them to stop calling. At least one kid per classroom was calling 911. All there was left to do was wait, and some kids decided to record. Kids under traumatic levels of stress. I don’t think there’s an issue with them doing that
People also seem to forget that by calling someone on your phone you're increasing the chances of the shooter being alerted to your location substantially. Texting loved ones who can then call the police for you is the best thing to do. Recording video evidence after that's done(as long as you do it discreetly) isn't stupid either. Video evidence can greatly help police put together an exact timeline of the situation and possibly paint a picture of what was going on in the gunmans head.
Thank you so much for being a voice of reason in these horribly divided times we live in, in this country. Thank you for using your platform and influence you have responsibly and not for making the divide worse.
As an European that is constantly seeing news about shootings in the US, I really do not understand how there are still people against strict Gun Control legislation...
Abubu's World Well there are many examples like Chicago where gun control is strict but crime is worse. Plus with the 300 million guns in circulation it would take a hundred years before any effect on the criminal or personal market came into play. Most people here believe it’s better to have a gun for protection (from government or criminals) and protect our right than implement something that probably won’t work in the long run and definitely won’t work for the next 20 years.
Abubu's World because it didn't do anything except disarm the UK. UK already had low murder rates before banning guns. In fact after the gun ban in the UK, the US murder rate actually fell MORE than the UK murder rate.
I always love watching your take on situations. You bring a levelheadedness into the conversation that is severely lacking these days from both sides of the spectrum. I really wish there were more out there like you that would take these types of issues seriously and still show great compassion for people in the process. I myself am a Conservative through and through, but I do believe in rational, unity, and doing our best to love our fellow man, even if we disagree on certain issues. You could have just as easily skewed this or bolstered your name with it, but that wasn't the intention here. I highly respect your fair and unbiased approach. Thank you for all you do!
Mental illness doesn't matter if we don't even diagnose it before a shooting happens. I don't see any reason why we can't have annual mental fitness examinations in our schools in America, and FOLLOW UP with treatment to help them. Not just diagnose and push them along.
are you stupid? everyone knew. not only that they all poked fun at him for being a pathetic loser and the kid most likely to shoot up the school. everyone saw it coming and instead of being his friend or getting him counseling they just laughed and pointed.
I think the fear with that is more kids being miss diagnosed then forced to take mind altering medication that creates a problem were there wasn't one. An example is over diagnosing of ADHD in kids. I'm not sure about this case, but in a number of mass shootings a common correlation is the shooter being on psych meds of some kind. And I read your other post and I feel like gun control would just be a band aid that wouldn't solve the core problem of what is creating these people and what methods will they turn to after a ban. Take the UK for example that is going through a stabbing epidemic at the moment. The idea that it is purely a gun problem seems incorrect to me because we've been able to buy semi and fully auto weapons since before the 40s. And mass shootings like this has really only been a major problem since the mid to late 90s.
You can't just up and buy an automatic weapon. It takes as much paper work as getting a conceal and carry or a silencer. The gun used in this shooting was a semi automatic weapon.
Society wants its money protected by armed guards at banks but they don't want students protected at schools. Lets be real, schools are soft targets. Even if you banned all firearms, the bad guys are going to find a way to carry out their attacks. Could have been a home made explosives attack and produced just as many casualties if not more. Society needs to get with the program and learn to implement field proven proactive measures rather than emotional reactive nonsense.
Patrick Star Thing is, what’s easier stabbing to kill or shooting to kill? It’s a ridiculous question, but at least with less guns, killing becomes a lot harder, and will reduce numbers by a huge margin. With a knife, self-defense courses can offer a lot of help against the perp, while with a gun, it’s a ranged weapon. Self defense won’t help you there.
Cesar Andrade yup. Find me the teenage mass murderer with the knife that massacred dozens of people, find me the teenager who blew up a school with a working homemade bomb, find me the one who drove a truck through the concrete walls of the school to murder dozens. The last one is great because the shooter likely would’ve been too young to rent a truck. All of these options are way more difficult to pull off then getting a machine gun and unlimited ammo and just walking into the school.
Cesar Andrade Anyone can combine household chemicals to create deadly explosives. The nitrates from your own urine can potentially be used to create a bomb. Do you want to ban humans from urinating also? Explosives can produce far more casualties than a firearm attack. Your proposition is ridiculous.
How did the shooter pass the background check?? Expelled from school for carrying knives after both his parents died, then got checked into a mental health clinic but never returned. How is this not on record?
This is the very best response I have yet seen, I'm just done with what the media spouts off over and over, every time. Thank you for the common sense and the use of compassion and class.
Sure it's a right... but that right shouldn't be easier than applying for a new credit card. If you have no criminal past it shouldn't matter to you as your rights wouldn't be questioned. Max you wait a few extra days to get it.
The fact that this guy could legally purchase this gun after being in trouble several times for threatening students and teachers blows my mind. We don’t need stricter gun laws? How did this guy pass the background check? Please tell me how the hell someone let him buy a gun. Can people stop arguing for ten seconds and realize that this shouldn’t be about politics! This should be about protecting our fucking children?! How many more have to die before something changes? Who’s kid has to die before something is done? It could be mine. It could be yours. Some people need to put these children above their political views and really think about the cost.
how did he pass a background check? no criminal record, easy. RUclips comments don't show on background checks. troubled people who haven't done wrong still have rights
Yeah, people reported it. But the FBI didn't follow up and go for charges. No one did, that's how be passed a background check. He didn't have a criminal record and that's the peoblem.
ayyy lmaoo why isn’t social media taken into account during background checks. This man posted photos of himself with guns and small animals he killed just for fun and threats. If someone can post that kind of thing and still get a gun then we’re hopeless. And he wasn’t some innocent mentally ill kid. He’s been planning this for ages and despite the signs and times he was reported for this behavior he was still able to purchase a gun and kill 17 people who actually did nothing wrong.
Phil, thank you for always doing right by your audience. I appreciate the fact that you make it your goal to report accurate information in a way that allows the reader to know the full story. Unfortunately, this is not the case of most other news reporters. We are lucky to have someone like you that cares about society and wants to provide the whole story in a truthful manner. This is a horrible tragedy that happened to these young students and the U.S. as a country. I sincerely hope that we can come together as a nation to put a stop to all this violence. It saddens me that someone could even think about taking another person's life. We may not all agree on the same things, but in the end we are all people who deserve a chance at life with positive influences to guide us along the right path. I sincerely hope we can put an end to all this violence.
A lot of the children that took videos showed them to police in an effort to help them find out who did it. I’m an adult, but if someone was already calling 911 and I had the opportunity to catch the shooter on film to make sure he was caught, I would 100% do it. These kids were afraid they were going to die. They were watching their friends die around them. Don’t criticize what they did during their traumatic time.
(im roughly their age) I would do the same but not for the shooter getting caught, but for my family if they wanted to know exactly what was happening to me in my final moments and I know I would be babbling about how much they mean to me. I would want them to be able to find that video instead of having to hear a rough idea of what happened instead of the true story on how I died.
Jesus when will some Americans realize that this isn't just something that should be dealt with. This doesn't happen in other 1st world countries to this degree. There is 100% a problem with gun laws in America, anyone with a brain should be able to understand this.
Y'all have only seen a 25% drop in gun violence. It's still a big problem with gangs in your country. The USA has 15x more people And 430x more guns than y'all. We literally have more than one gun per person here. It's not quite the same thing.
After banning guns your murder rate remained unaffected. So the ban literally did nothing. But I'm glad you blindly believe the propaganda your country feeds you
Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Sandy Hook.Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Kentucky. Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Vegas. Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Flagstaff (my college town where a freshman open fired on innocent seniors and other kids after an argument). Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Orlando. And Thoughts and Prayers WON'T. DO. SHIT. HERE. We need fucking ACTION. There's a time for condolences yes. But it's super fucking frustrating when it's all we ever get as American people. It's time for change.
I am a gun advocate and enthusiast. I don't claim to have the exact answer, but I do think we need better accountability and better checks on people purchasing guns. I think a social media check should be performed in the process. It would cost money, but I would be willing to pay a check fee when I purchase a gun if it meant it saved lives by keeping them out of questionable/wrong hands. If there is something only questionable maybe incorporate temporary bans like 1-5 years; perhaps require a psych evaluation if someone has something questionable. I don't believe getting rid of guns will solve the problem, but I do think we need to work on it together.
The 5th and 14th Amendments make that impossible. The government can't arbitrarily (or preemptively) strip somebody of life, liberty, or property without the due process of law. Only a court can strip somebody of their right to keep and bear arms, either through a felony conviction, violent misdemeanor conviction, or adjudication as a "mental defective". Social media posts and psych evals don't really hold much weight unless they're being used to get a conviction or adjudication in court.
Ben Heffel The FBI and local police were well aware of the threat the shooter posed even being warned by his own mother yet failed to act. This shooting was the fault of authorities. Did you know there are over 20,000 laws on gun control? The fault wasn’t due to gun laws, he passed the background check because he had no other prior offenses and there’s nothing else you could of checked. The police should have been watching him closer to notice any violent behavior. Hell he even wrote online to a vlogger that he “Wanted to be a professional school shooter”, which was then reported to the FBI.
I have so much respect for you with how you cover these heartbreaking stories. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this. My heart hurts that the students were attacked in a place that they were supposed to be safe.
First of all: Bless the souls of the teachers who died protecting their students. They have all my respect. And my condolences go to the family and friends of the victims. Now, For the people saying "just ban guns! That will solve mass murders!" It's not that easy. Take it from me. I live in Mexico. Here getting a gun legally is near _impossible_ . There's only _one_ store in the whole country that sells them (in Mexico City, inside of the Military complex), and getting a permission to carry a gun is harder than winning the lottery. However, Mexico has some of the most "lethal" cities in the world (murders per capita), and I live in one of those cities. It has come to a point in which we joke about how our ears are trained to distinguish between shitty motorcycles, fireworks, and firearms, and we can even tell you the brand --not true, but I can tell you whether it's an automatic or a semiautomatic gun, a shooting, a murder job, or random celebration shooting. You ban guns from being legal, and sick fucks will get them anywhere else, let it be the black market, stealing from the military, or even buying them illegally from officers. The problem is _cultural_ . Taking guns away from common citizens is putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. You should be asking yourselves why someone would kill dozens of innocent children in the first place. If they didn't have guns, they would use homemade bombs, vehicles, or whatever else. You don't need to be sophisticated to be a mass murderer. *__Find the root of these people's murderous intent_*_ on the first place, _that's_ how you prevent maniacs from killing dozens. I'm not completely against making gun laws more strict. Be my guest; you'll probably get something good from it. However, be warned: Whatever regulation you issue is just a patch, _not_ a solution. I think that's common sense, isn't it?
yep, same experience here, 16 years in mexico, every criminal has one, just like the strict gun control areas in the states are the most violent, crime ridden ones.
Memek Exactly what people don't understand. A temporary solution is usually worse than the actual problem. If someone wanted to kill someone and couldn't access a gun, they would find another way to do it.
So what do you suggest then? Offer therapy to every mentally ill psycho we spot in the country? There's nothing we can do. We can't track these people, and it's near impossible to prevent it from happening again. It'll just keep repeating over and over again. You're right, banning guns won't do shit, but at least it'll buy some more time and make it fucking harder for those people to kill.
There are ways to fight black market guns, Australia did it to much success with buy back programs, and in the us we just need to pass other laws in conjunction with stricter gun regulation, such as limits on numbers of guns you can purchase, and holding gun owners fully responsible of all guns they purchase, unless they report it stolen. These things can help stop guns from getting to the black market
I drove by the school in the morning on my way to Boca, I heard about everything happening after I already passed the area. Later that night I drove back the same way to see countless cops still there. The fact that something so evil occurred there hours ago was haunting.
I go to Murphy high school in Mobile Alabama. A student brought a gun to my school a few weeks ago. We have no officers at this school like they do in Florida. We shouldn't be afraid to go to school. I'm scared for my life every day since that day because there is no gun control. Us kids should not be scared for our lives while at school trying to learn and graduate. It's terrifying to think that anyone could come on to school grounds with a gun. We need more gun control. But I feel for those students who were there because I was in the same place a few weeks ago. It's terrifying and traumatizing. It's hard coming back from things like this because now no one is going to feel safe going to school.
Tiny J I'm sorry. I didnt think I needed to put the story part of it in there. It's 2018 you can easily look it up. There is no need for me to tell you what happened when the news can do it for me. That wasn't the point of the comment anyways. It was to say that kids shouldn't be afraid to go to school. We should feel safe in a school, not scared for our lives.
Trin Trin I'm so sorry you had to experience that. It's my absolute most dire hope that my children never have to worry like that. I hope you find a safe place and know that it's not like that everywhere *hugs*
I'm pretty sure that while your state might not have good gun control laws, most schools do enforce a no weapons policy, and the police in your town would be quite interested to know that a kid is bringing their gun to school. If it's happening regularly you might want to try giving them an anonymous tip.
In his complaint is that he said something to children. If it was adults, aliens, fetuses it would have been fine but don't you say anything to children.
@@ZombieX13 Oh shut up..... I didn't see many people getting offended by all the liberal adults attacking Baron Trump. I didn't see anyone outraged over the little kids in MAGA hats getting chased down and beat the fuck up. But someone speaks some truth and you rush to their aide? These kids can't be attacked for doing stupid shit yet..... you let them take to the streets and march? Their thoughts - opinions & actions only matter when it comes to a political view aligning with the left - otherwise they're pretty much incapable of knowing better? It doesn't work that way..... fair game to call them out. What some of the kids did is pure stupidity.... its everything wrong with the world. Sorry but not sorry. Mark Dice didn't do anything wrong pointing this out......
These kinds of things used to be so shocking, and so horrifying. The entire country would be shaken. Now? It feels like it's becoming almost normal. That is terrifying and disgusting. I have four younger siblings in school still, and the possibility of this happening to them is getting more and more real. And it's not just schools, no where is safe anymore. What can we do? What is the solution? Where does it end?
You know, I personally being outside America cannot comprehend the infatuation with guns. Though I've come to accept that it's part of your identity and will be very hard to remove. I personally got really pissed off at Trump when he stated that this is a mental health issue and not a gun control issue. My anger came from why can't it be both? From the reports, statements I've looked up this guy has been bragging about killing animals, hurting people, he had an expulsion from school for attacking the boyfriend of his ex. He threatened people, sent his dog to attack his neighbours pets because he didn't like them. His neighbours were terrified of him. Worse yet, he apparently did time in a mental institution a year or two ago prior to this incident. So I ask you how can a person who is so mentally deranged. Has been expelled, had the cops called on him, and has literally been in a mental institution allowed to legally purchase a weapon? How were there no red flags, no alerts even to the potential that he might be a risk? Personally, pisses me off that the president is trying to push that agenda of his through. Pretty sure the parents and community are asking "Why the fuck was he allowed to legally buy a gun?" This isn't about taking guns away from good or well-behaved people but dammit can we just all agree that rules should be in place against mental numbnuts being able to buy them? If it takes you slightly longer to register to get a gun or slightly more hassle I think it would be worth it to know fewer fuckers are out there that have them.
Solgest no person needs an AR15 at most people if they want a gun maybe a handgun or a bolt action rifle. These fully automatic military grade machine guns have no place outside of a war zone.
The AR-15 is semi-automatic, like all civilian grade guns there is a cap. They cannot be fully automatic. I figured I'd clear this up since the general argument I've seen from pro-gun people is that no civilian gun is a machine gun or even automatic. My problem with this is it's already been proven mute. Las Vegas shooter used a bump stock to initiate a trigger pull every time the gun recoiled. I.E modified the gun into an automatic firing weapon. Not disagreeing with you GodRise merely clarifying in general that they are not "technically" automatic nor machine guns before someone jumps in and does it trying to disprove any credibility of anti-gun people due to a lack of knowledge of gun classifications. The major problem with American gun culture is that it's entrenched in the society. Despite proving time and time again to be a detriment to the society they continue to advocate it. (Yes, there are situations where guns have been beneficial to safety but not as many as it's been a detriment) You aren't going to be able to remove guns from your society. The only solution is stricter and more rigorous background checks and regulations. The minute people try to talk about gun control the heavy propaganda based defenders start the protests of people trying to take their guns and freedom. This rallies the middle and you get stuck right where you were with inaction. The only is to create systems and checks to prevent or catch as many gun-nuts (nutcases not gun enthusiasts) as possible. My personal recommendation would be along with a more established system for gun ownership approval, should be a systematic renewal system. Every year you have to go somewhere to go through a rigorous reassessment of your gun license. Proper handling, storage, weapon care, reevaluation of mental and physical health. The full process. It should not be a one and done assessment. People change every year, a person's mental stability can shift drastically within the same year. A regulatory check system should be mandatory within a country like America. You aren't taking away their guns unless they fail to provide credible proof that they are both knowledgeable in how to care and own a gun and mentally capable of owning one. No America loving patriot should have any reason to disagree with a yearly reassessment as they should be stable good lawful citizens who should easily pass this test. That's my idea anyways. Cheers.
Solgest semi automatic just means you have to pull the trigger more than once you can still shoot multiple people faster than with a bolt action and it has way more bullets than a regular handgun. The point still stands there is no point for a civilian to have a gun like that.
I know what a semi-automatic gun is. If you read my post I said I am clarifying for the avid defenders of civilian weapons who would state it's not "technically" an automatic weapon because it can't go full-auto. From my point of view, there is no reason for you to have a pistol let alone a rifle. (unless you're a hunter)
I feel numb. And I feel horrible that I feel numb, that I feel like this is just another thing that happens. This should not be our reality. I wish I didn't live in a world where I see the headline "17 dead in Florida School shooting" and barely react. I should be horrified and I am horrified. This should be traumatizing for anyone who sees it. But sadly that is not the America we live in; that needs to change. Now
Honestly I felt similarly. When I first heard about it my first thought was somewhere along the lines of "Another one? That sucks. It's probably another small one with only like, 3 dead." It's messed up I've become this desensitized. Seriously messed up. I didn't really feel a whole lot of grief or horror about this either at first. I've sorta started doing things to counteract this numbness by listening to eyewitnesses and videos from the event and then I feel the horror.
the cities that all have the most strict gun control laws in the US have the most gun violence. all gun laws do is take it out of the hands of the innocent.
as a British person me and so many of the people i talk too find it an unbelievable joke that guns haven't been outright banned, i just dont understand why its a "right" to have guns capable of causing such harm. its sad to put it this way but the last major school shooting in Britain was in 1996, it doesn't take a genius to figure out the solution to this problem.
Makoo the reason it’s a right to have guns is Bc that’s basically how our forefathers won against y’all in the beginning. The point being to defend ourselves whether it be criminals or a tyrannical government. So don’t act all high and mighty with y’alls banned gun policy. If anything we need armed security guards with guns
Killer Memestar im not acting high and mighty, i just don't like seeing the statistic that there has been one school shooting every 60 hours since the start of 2018. guns don't protect they harm and to think otherwise is just ignorant.
There is a very influential black market in the United States, I believe that this plan of arms control must be very deeply analyzed and planned by the government so that the sale of weapons is banned and the sale of arms on the black market is reduced, The black market still has a lot of influence and access to firearms is very simple
19 year old kid: Can I have an alcohol drink? legistlators: NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT, WE WILL PUNISH YOU IF YOU EVEN GET CAUGHT WITH ONE 19 year old kid: Can I have an easily portable, multi capacity, meant for war, death machine? legislators: well.... Do you promise not to abuse it? 19 year old kid: I typed on RUclips I will be a professional school schooter legislators: okay
ar-15 is a civilian issued rifle and is not meant for war. Your thinking of M-16s which are military and law enforcement used rifles, and have automatic action lower recievers but they are not death machines. And what the hell does multi-capacity mean, im assuming you meant multi-round capacity, even yet, do you seriously think we should only have single shot muzzle loaders? Some people just dont know the first damn thing about these topics anymore...
The story is still evolving and I'll include updates here.
UPDATE: The situation around ROF is muddy. We had reports from AP and others that claim a member of ROF said he was affiliated. Other reports also saying students said the shooter was a member of ROF, BUT Florida officials just reported there are no "known ties" between the Parkland shooting suspect and any white supremacist group. I'll make sure to keep looking into it and update as we find out more.
Philip DeFranco first
Philip DeFranco Of course people were gonna try and spin it that way to try and gain some sort of political kudos from the shooting. Sickening how people use incidents such as this as an excuse to push their own agendas and attack their supposed political enemies
Philip DeFranco I'm going to be a professional school shooter
Philip DeFranco
Meh. I don't think he's tied to any white supremacist group, but that he just lost his mind.
His mom died November last year and his dad is dead/divorced (Can't remember), too, making him an orphan. He was taken in by a foster family, who had access to guns.
He is an expelled student who had a history there, yet none of the teachers noticed him since likely the hallways were filled.
Al Smith don't say shit like that..
My heart fucking breaks at the football coach shielding students with his own body. Just... I can't.
Merrigan he was an amazing man
If he's in between the students and the shooter why didn't he charge the gunmen? You're getting shot either way, why turn your back on him instead of attempting to tackle him and disarm him?
He died a hero. :(
War450 Because this is real life, not an action movie?
War450 You have zero idea how you’ll react to being at the business end of a rifle until you’re thrown into the situation. If you have been in that type of situation and reacted well, good for you. Not everyone reacts the same, and the fact that he was selfless enough to protect children with his own body is amazing.
Respect man. This is how this should be covered. You are an example to follow
His report on the link to the supremacist group is shaky and showing to be false. As the group has already backtracked the claim, and the guy who said it seems to have a history of seeking attention. So many outlets were quick to make the connection they didn't check up on it.
Nicolas Z yeah but the constant reminders that he isn't going to do this or that because is a tragedy kinda reads "hey, look at what a good guy I am!".
In Japan you can get a gun, so guns are not banned here, and that's ok.
But guns here are regulated much as they should be.
Because a gun is a weapon. Nothing else, it has one purpose, it serves no secondary function.
In Japan to get a gun you first need to attend a one day training session which is only held once a month by police. This means that you have to be able to interact with police officers trained to spot people who might be hiding something for up to 8 hours while taking instruction from them.
If they find you suspicious, no gun.
You have to pass a test given by the police which talks about gun safety, rules, and regulations. That way you know how the guns work, how to handle them safely, the laws behind them, you cannot claim ignorance of any function of these weapons.
If you can't remember these rules, no gun.
Then you need to give the police a list of former employers, places you've lived, and basically a full background check of people they can interview if they get the feeling like you might be seeking revenge. This also needs to come with a certification by an approved psychiatrist that you are mentally sound.
If you have a bad past, no gun.
After all this you need to do an interview with the police and explain why you NEED a gun, they are not toys, they are not collectable items, they are weapons.
If you don't seriously need one, no gun.
Once they've done the background check and check with all their databases that you do not have a criminal record or a past history of violence THEN you can take a SECOND gun safety test and then will proceed to a gun range in order to be trained on how to properly fire the gun and target practice, after all what is the point of the weapon if you can't even use it accurately?
If you fail this, no gun.
During all of this police officers at any time can and will stop by to interview your neighbours, your current employers, your family members. If they feel at any time you are a risk?
You guessed it... No gun.
After all this you can get a temporary licence to take to a gun shop to then select your gun, but you still don't get it. The shop will hold it until you bring a letter from the gun shop to the police station detailing what you plan to purchase where the police will approve of it and issue you a full licence FOR THAT GUN ONLY and then you can go and pick it up.
But it doesn't even end there.
You are required to present your licence every time you buy bullets, you are required to keep a "Bullet tracking record" to tell where, when, and how many bullets you have fired before you can buy more bullets. No stockpiling, no buying hundreds of thousands of rounds, no playing with them shooting at can's out in the wild.
Guns are not toys.
They are a responsibility.
And it's about time America started treating them like one.
To add to anyone stupidly saying "Well then only bad guys will have guns"
Added to how difficult it is to get a gun in the first place, making the laws for illegal gun ownership so strict it makes even the Yakuza in Japan not want to have guns.
Being caught with a firearm or having one in your home or car without a licence can net you a minimum of 7 years in prison. Even if you're not the one who has the gun, simply being friends, family, or an associate of the person possessing the gun you can be considered an "accomplice" and face the same prison time. Making so criminal groups rarely even want one member to have a gun since the whole group could be arrested for it.
Firing a single bullet from an illegal gun is considered attempted murder (even if you weren't shooting at anyone or planning anything, because a gun has only ONE PURPOSE there is no accident when you have a gun, simply by having one, killing is the automatic intent.) and can get you life in prison.
Good guys can get their guns by showing they are actually responsible good guys, and bad guys get super fucked over simply by looking at a gun, y'know kind of like how laws are supposed to work.
Ramen Quest I wish all places were like that. Tbh, unless you are a hunter, there is no reason to own a gun as a civilian.
THIS THIS THIS... to the ends of the universe and back, THIS is how guns should be treated.
well yakuza still can get one, though you have to be high ranking member or disposable pawn used to assasinate someone. in heavily regulated country gun doesn't come cheap, that's for sure
So what about people that reloads so no need to buy bullets?
The gym coach and geography teacher are bonafide heroes and deserve their names etched in history for the fantastic human beings they are, just imagine how many more lives would’ve been lost if not their their heroic, selfless deeds.
Malevolent Minun as the song says, "seems that when some innocence dies, all we can offer then is a place in some #&@6 magazine"....."driven to tears"!
Belnick6666 Yes making guns more accessible wouldn’t increase school violence at all.... derp derp derp
So sick what Logan did. I watched 'Matty Love 2 debunks' & Logan FAKED the suicide body with paid actor. That's even worse !!
That doesn't even make sense. You know what ended WWII? A big bomb. You know how police stop shooters? With bullets. Somebody shooting him would have stopped the violence right there.
Belnick6666 but if a student got a hold of that gun.....
Thanks for mentioning coach Feis. He was a hero. I graduated from the school back in 05 and will remember his kind heart and his jokes. Driving around campus in his golf cart and spending time with the students before and after school and in between classes.
These mass shootings are out of hand. The thing that bothers me is the last couple of shooters have showed up on FBI radar at one point or another and the shooter still gets guns legally. That's what needs to be fixed.
Well making a threat is already illegal.
You cant buy a gun if ur 17 lol
1. Massive shooting happen
2. Let's talk about gun law
3. Nothing is implemented
4. History repeats itself
ndhoho The USA in a nutshell.
Jimin Kookie Basically of what most people in a nutshell as well.
CovertBrony He's talking about gun laws here. I get that history repeats itself for certain things, but gun control can be implemented and work in modern times, as is the case in most Western countries. The USA is just too stubborn, hence why " The USA in a nutshell"
And yet you ignore the murders and gang violence in cities like Chicago, New York Los Angels etc.
The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one.
Well people like you refuse to admit what the problem is. You derail the topic to push your anti-gun agenda. Guns are OBJECTIVELY, SCIENTIFICALLY, FACTUALLY, not the issue. So you exclusively focus on something that is proven not to be the issue and then bitch when nothing gets fixed.
Stop derailing the topic to push your agenda and maybe we can actually come up with solutions? How about that?
Thank you for doing my school justice. I love this channel, I love your videos, and it means a lot to me and my community.
Thank you so much, it's been a rough couple days but we're pulling through.
all of broward is behind you, west broward has your logo on our wall with a bag of sharpies and hundreds of signatures. Today a dark cloud loomed over broward.
I can't thank you guys enough. Your support means more than you know.
I am so sorry that you, your classmates and school, and your community have had to experience this. No one should ever have to. I am so glad you are here. I wish I could say something more, but I know that there is nothing I could say that would be of any real comfort. Just know that me, and so many others, are thinking of you and everyone else affected by this horrific act of violence and will continue to think of you all in the coming days as you try to deal with the aftermath.
Do you know where the candlelight is being held? I would like to pay my respects
I love the fact that Phil didn't give the shooter any attention in any shape, way or form. Not even a picture, and that's exactly how it should be.
why? I think that's a terrible idea. This isn't an irritating kid bully who just needs to be deprived of attention in order to stop, he's a mass murderer. Not naming him just seems naive. If this is a news story, we need to know all available information about what happened, not some preachy moralistic drivel about why murder is bad. Tell us the facts, don't tell us why murder is wrong. We know.
Those people do it for fame and recognition. They get idolized in their mind. Part of history. Dont give it to them or expect more.
Sin his name is Nikolas JACOB Cruz. nice try on trying to make him a Mexican at an attempt to make this another race war or whatever but he was white who happened to be a white supremacist
Alex he wasn't a white supremacist that was false news. Phil corrected it on twitter.
It doesn't really matter he's still giving attention to the act of violence so it's pretty much the same you know everyone is still gonna Google and find out who and what this guy looks like... The best thing to do is just not talk about acts of violence it just encourages other people to make similar attacks
"Why are we picking and choosing when murder matters?"
Excellent quote, Phil.
I can't believe that 17 innocent people died because a knowingly troubled 19 year old, expelled for aggression, and reported to the FBI, LEGALLY purchased an AR-15. Those teachers were heroes. Something needs to be done about this, I can't fathom even more tragedies happening like this.
Christian Hosek was the purchase made before or after complaints?
They were to focused on Russia rigging the election.
CannabisMaximus02 people complained both, before and after.
J N Morgan I'm all for guns too, but what freedom should ever merit the ability for a child to purchase an assault rifle. An AR-15 isn't for hunting, it's for killing.
I cant believe theres a school with several hundred children with such poor security that an armed lunatic can just waltz in from the street. He literally could have been anyone. Does nobody realize how bad of a fuckup this is in the scool's part? They put those kids in a dangerous position to start.
Phil, fucking *applause* for your response to Mark Dice. What a total tool. No one knows how they would react in a situation like that and he certainly didn't grow up in that generation.
Cell phones were just becoming popular when I was in highschool and I bet most of the students would be on the phone with someone in the event of a shooting. Snapchat, video, twitter, etc., those are the phone calls of the newer generation.
Canadian Whatever
So you'll be on the phone and waiting for death instead of trying to survive? Surviving should be the priority, not recording or saying good bye. Insensitive but not wrong.
Agreed. Phil handled that well. These are teenagers! Social media is their life. Of course they are going to use social media to get the message out to their hundred followers rather than make a phone call and tell one person. We have a number of cell phone videos from inside the school of what was happening because there were kids there filming it and tweeting it and posting it to RUclips instead of all 300 of them calling 911. That critical fellow was quite the tool.
I somewhat disagree. The shooter could have watched the snaps and they would have known exactly where the students were. My school told us not to go on social media for this reason. Yes, no one would know how they'd react in a situation like this, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try to be careful.
Canadian Whatever Making memes and jokes as a LITERAL SCHOOL SHOOTING yeah who could of thought of that I guess you gotta be a hip young kid to understand these things...
I had no idea the US allowed people as young as 19 to get an AR-15, but don't let people drink alcohol until 21?
Yeah, I wasn't sure if it was 18, but since this person is 19, I left it at that. I totally agree!
Taral P its 18 because thats the draft age. Cant join the military if you cant use a gun
Good point!
In Californina I'm not sure about other state it's 18 to legally own a long rifle (this can range from a bolt-action to a semi-automatic
or a shotgun (pump or semi-automatic). One must be at least 21 to own a pistol. This is in place because pistols can be concealed much easier than a long rifle or shotgun.
Dan Ortiz It's easier to kill with a pistol than with an AR. Accuracy is better and you can easily hide it, like you said. A pistol is much easier to use than a semi. If you want to shoot up a school don't use a semi. If you want to kill people build a bomb, dont use a gun.
To the people saying "There is no simple answer to this problem": yes there is! In Scotland, we had the worst school shooting in the UK back in 1996 at Dunblane Primary school. So we enforced stricter gun laws, and you know how many school shootings we've had since? Zero!
"But people who want a gun will find a way to get it!" True, but it'll be much much more difficult for them to get it than just walking into a supermarket and picking it up off the shelf. They'd have to jump through so many hoops to get it legally, or find the right people to get it illegally, and jump through some more hoops. So by the time they actually get the gun, the chances of them committing the planned attack have reduced significantly.
You also have an exponentially lower population that can be regulated relatively easily. It's like using a knife, that's just big enough to cut an apple in one stroke, on a watermelon and expecting to get the same results.
omegachavez America has 5x the population of the UK and it's been 22 years since we had a shooting America has had 8 in 7 weeks that isn't a population problem it's a gun problem
Corville the Space Cat at that point if the intent was to kill a multitude of people, why not construct a pipe bomb? Or use your vehicle as a weapon? Or poison people? Point is banning guns won't solve a people problem. Adults need to raise their kids right and if there is a mental health issue, have it addressed. America is a LOT different from Scotland and it's not just "gun control".
The argument I keep hearing is that any gun control reforms wouldn't have actually stopped most of the last mass shootings and more people die at the hand of a handgun.
On the left you have people claiming to want gun control without realising what it actually is and if it would change anything. Then on the right, for the most part they don't want to do anything, and blame the perpetrators. This issue is not going to get solved anytime soon.
1 2 Speak for yourself, love. Personally, as a British citizen, I am pretty happy with our comparatively low homicide and mass murder rates compared to America's.
I'm British, so I realise I'm biased. We had a mass shooting in a school in Scotland on 13 March 1996 where 16 children and one adult were murdered, beofre the gunman killed himself. The Conservative government at the time banned almost all handguns within a year, and the Labour government that followed banned the remaining handguns. Britain has not seen any mass shootings since - nearly 22 years. The US, however, is seeing mass shootings in schools at the rate of one a week. This was the eighth indescriminate shooting that resulted in at least one death in 2018. I'm not saying that America can get rid of it's gun problem overnight, but for me the only way to stop this kind of thing from happening is by putting some very tight restrictions on who is and who is not allowed a gun - which over time should be self evident that it will save the lives of innocent people.
There's no culture of entitlement here when it comes to weapons. Anyone who actively boasts about such a thing is outside the social norm and not someone to be associated with. America though... the "good guys need guns because bad guys have guns" argument sends shivers down my spine. That just leads to MORE GUNS around and the cycle continues. "That weird guy down the street has one so I need 3." Look at the effect that's having on your country. I feel like it's going to take the generation of kids who are growing up in the school system now to finally incite a change to that mindset.
If you know nothing about America you should keep your uninformed opinion to yourself. You don't see me telling Britons what policies and laws they should change to address their grooming gang crisis or drastic rise in acid attacks. Maybe clean up you own tiny island before trying to fix the better part of a foreign continent.
Yeah, America never tries to interfere and "fix" other countries, does it?
@Andy Hartley I agree with what you're saying, but maybe if you got your facts right, you'd be making a better point. There were over 380 mass shootings in the US in 2016. That's more than one per day. This isn't the 8th shooting in 2018 where someone has died, it's the 8th shooting in a SCHOOL where someone has been killed or injured.
Also, 1996 was 22 years ago, not 32. Speaking as someone who was born in 1997 and is definitely only 20 years old right now.
But I do agree with you. The US is the only "first world" country with so much gun violence, and no one seems to want to link it to guns. The NRA is so deep in the pockets of almost every American politician that no one can say anything bad about guns without being a "liberal" or, as you said, "biased"
The problem with the US is that "maybe people shouldn't shoot children" is a controversial statement, as you can see from the replies to your comment.
But then, I'm not American. So maybe I'm "biased" too.
The only foreign country I've been to where there were several shutdowns of the subway due to bomb threats when I was there was Britain. I would say you have your own issues, mate.
I know this will probably get lost but the fact a child in trouble reached out to YOU Phil shows just how amazing and influential you are. I already had respect for you but now I have even more respect knowing that you didnt use that boy to inflate your own ego when you could have.
It says a lot that kids trust YOU to deliver news the correct way. I applaud you sir.
I'd like to remind you all of an Onion article title that, depressingly, is relevant all too often: "‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens."
also extremely rare circumstances
The coach that shielded the students is a complete and utter badass. To just stand in the field of fire to shield other people takes some serious guts.
I'm an Australian and I'm so happy that we had a prime minister who took gun control seriously and did something about it after the Port Arthur massacre. It's not necessarily about guns it's about automatic and semi automatic weapons. Those should be left in the hands of the professionals not everyone should be allowed to own one. Stricter gun control is needed. To apply for a weapon here it takes at least a year to be able to get one and you will never get your hands on a weapon like that here. I'm happy my kids are safe at school and never have to worry about it.
OutNumbered Family I agree with this. I believe that if the U.S. would follow Australia's example, we'd be seeing a LOT less of this needless death in the news. Unfortunately right now, all of the people in our government don't give two shits about what happens to the rest of us.
Yes, let's compare an island nation with a 99% ethnic population that's situated thousands of miles away from the nearest producer of contraband to a nation with large criminal-prone demographics that shares a 3,000 mile long border with a country run and owned by drug cartels.
Obviously what works for one of them will work for both!
Why is it that 100% of anti-gun nuts have absolutely zero critical thinking skills?
War450 lol no comment.. It's a stupid argument.
+OutNumbered Family
You're right, it is a stupid argument so why did you post it? Oh, right, aussies are the biggest shitposters on the internet. I forgot.
War450 so why can't they just enforce more gun laws? Because of Mexico? OMEGALUL
Monday, a grandmother heard her grandson say that he was going to commit a mass shooting and the grandma called the cops. They came to her house and she allowed them to search the house and the cops arrested the boy when they found guns in his bedroom. This happened BEFORE the Florida shooting but was PREVENTED because the grandmother saw the signs and ACTED!
We need to be educated and educate our children to look for signs as well. Ignorance is not bliss when lives could be hanging in the balance!
You said on a video a while ago about bombings in Syria and how westerners don’t care because it’s the new norm. We hear it all the time and it just becomes background noise.
As a viewer from outside the Us, your mast shootings and school shootings are becoming so common it’s a “great another one.... what else is on TV”.
Your school shootings are now the norm for your country and other places are tired of hearing about it. Which I think is becoming a huge problem when that defines your country.
"There was a girl, and her uncle sold her, wrote Mr. Ibis in his perfect copperplate handwriting.
That is the tale; the rest is detail.
There are stories that are true, in which each individual’s tale is unique and tragic, and the worst of the tragedy is that we have heard it before, and we cannot allow ourselves to feel it too deeply. We build a shell around it like an oyster dealing with a painful particle of grit, coating it with smooth pearl layers in order to cope. This is how we walk and talk and function, day in, day out, immune to others’ pain and loss. If it were to touch us it would cripple us or make saints of us; but, for the most part, it does not touch us. We cannot allow it to.
Tonight, as you eat, reflect if you can: there are children starving in the world, starving in numbers larger than the mind can easily hold, up in the big numbers where an error of a million here, a million there, can be forgiven. It may be uncomfortable for you to reflect upon this or it may not, but still, you will eat."
From American Gods by Neil Gaiman
It’s totally true though. I’m not sure how any rational American can completely disagree with you comment. If they do, they’re in some major denial.
If a nation of 360 million people is being defined by acts that kill less than 0.0001% of the population, that says more about you than it does americans.
I could say the same about all of the Migrant related crime and terrorist stabbings that the EU couldn't have the balls to handle properly.
Dylan Cranford except that is just much less common and serious. As a Dutch person, there hasn't been a single case of terrorism here, and crime is not rising noticeably.
I appreciate this show.
Amjd Moshaya i appreciate you.
2 words...: CoD Tactics
As a CSI detective, the hardest thing we face, after the fact, is all the victim’s cell phones going off during processing. Looking down and seeing “Mom” or “Dad” on the caller ID. Tough, gut wrenching, life changing scenes that stick with us.
I have grown increasingly unable to deal with these shootings anymore. They happen at so great regularity, I don't know how to process them.
Coming from Australia, it is very difficult for me to understand the culture where it is ok for more than 10,000 people a year to be the victim of gun violence. Deaths that are completely preventable through gun control, limits on automatic weapons, gun buyback schemes, etc.
In 1996, 35 people were killed and 23 wounded in a mass shooting in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The gunmen involved in that shooting used an AR-15 not dissimilar to the one used in Florida. It was and still is the worst mass shooting we have ever had in Australia.
Within six months of the shooting, our conservative prime minister and his government (thus meaning that if he was a politician in America, he would belong to the Republican party most likely) went against his base voters, drafted, voted on and passed legislation that banned semi automatic rifles and shotguns and pump-action shotguns. As well as this, universal gun licences have been introduced.
Since then, there has been no mass shootings (a mass shooting defined as more than 2 people killed) in Australia. None. The level of homicide with the use of a firearm has declined dramatically as well as the level of suicide by gun. It is a lot easier to kill people (including yourself) if you have access to a gun.
Every western country on the planet has gun control legislation, except the USA. I don't have a problem with the use of a gun for recreation, whether it be for hunting or used on a farm. Or having a pistol to use as a last resort when you feel unsafe. But America needs to fundamentally evaluate whether the public (including crazy people like this shooter) should have access to guns that look less like ones used to hunt deer and look more like weapons used on the field of battle. I understand that you want to have a right to bear arms and such, but I just don't understand how that is worth it when the lives of children are now expendable in the price of freedom.
i appreciate your opinion, but i don't really know how i feel about this topic. i still gotta process it
well said, explained and outlined. Australia, canada and UK serve as exemplary western democracies where individual liberty is balanced with collective safety.
This summarises exactly what I was thinking! Very articulate.
I can tell you, as an American, that we do have gun laws. And if you are a convicted criminal, on any type of law enforcement watch list, or black listed for mental reasons, you cannot buy a guy. When purchasing one, a 5 day waiting period, and background check is conducted. However, this guy was not properly investigated by FBI, and was never on any black list due to mental health because he was never examined by doctors. Secondly, an Ar-15, while it can look intimidating, is actually a lot less powerful than a lot of handguns. The model of AR-15 that can be purchased by the public is a civillian model, and it is much less powerful than the version that the military has access to. Also, it is illegal for anyone to purchase and own a full automatic weapon, except by obtaining a special license issued by the government, and that takes 6 months to a year to obtain.
Adam Loring That gun was powerful enough to kill 17 people in Florida and 35 people in Port Arthur, 58 people in Las Vegas and many multitudes of innocent people throughout the United States.
I'm sure politicians can argue the semantics forever but changes clearly need to be made. The rest of the civilized world has introduced stricter gun legislation as a result of events such as the one in Florida. All of them have noticeably less deaths per year as a result of gun violence (shootings, homicides and suicides). America needs to follow suit yesterday.
I really like the way you did this video, it was respectful towards the victims and didn't downplay the situation as just another shooting.
Hey Phil, this is a tragedy that heartbreakingly happens too often in the US and because of that I just desensitized and tired of the bullsht. Before I leave my house, I always tell my folks “Stay safe” and that’s it. So I’ll tell you and everyone on RUclips, Stay Safe.
Miguel Cordero you too fam
I'm so glad I'm out of high school... Everyday when I used to go to school I was so terrified that something was going to happen every single day because there was so much tension between gang relations in my town.
quintonis1 Gang relations.... Wow you are one of those
quintonis1 I don’t think a gang would shoot up a school....
One Hour not true gangs in Chicago constantly go after each other some schools it's a normal occurrence to see gang members shooting at each other in hallways because police won't set foot on the south side of the city so everyone that walks to school in the south side of Chicago generally has a weapon such as a gun or knife because of lack of security
Im pretty sure he is saying thats gangs wont shoot up a school in the context that that they dont go there for random killings, like this white guy. Im pretty sure the shootings they do on other students is under gang related where a specific group is targeted and are also armed.
Hector Calavera I'm not making fun of anything. In my town people would fight at school simply because they had the same classes together and be completely open about what they were carrying. I can't tell you how many times people walked into my school with guns, knives, etc. while I was there and brought that shit out. I'm not saying a gang would shoot up my school together, its more like one person would fight another just to make themselves look better and I was always scared someone would bite it from crossfire.
Every time something like this happens it's the same story. The talks about gun control start again and we "try to learn something" from this tragic event. Sadly it ends up happening again and the cycle starts again. It's just so messed up and it angers me to know that evil people like this exist in our planet 😔. R.I.P to all those innocent lives😔
Right, lol Tommy needs to STFU these shooting are too frequently happening if we wait we'll never talk about the issue.
I learned exactly what I learned the last time: people kill people. guns help. people are stupid.
Scouts Honor so racist
Scouts Honor
Calling out the black community wouldn't magically solve your problem either. Simply playing the blame game doesn't fix the socio-economic problems driving gang culture, and it doesn't fix the complex history of race and the police which leads to the no snitching culture. It also doesn't fix the mental health issues or shockingly easy access to guns of school shooters.
I don't even disagree with most of what you said, but I seriously think you should take a look in the mirror next time you think about replying "It doesn't matter because black people's gun violence is worse" in the aftermath of a tragedy. This only makes you sound like you are advocating for the school shooter and bringing race into things unneccesarily.
m8t thats the USA way
This is how to cover a tragedy. Thank you Phil.
Rest in peace to the victims, love & prayers to the families.
I am so so sorry.
Everyone love who you have, because one day they might not be there to recieve it.
Frankie Brysonious I
Frankie Brysonious The likes of Dice can look and learn from Phillip. Thanks for the compassion. RIP to the innocent victims.
Literally crying my eyes out for the lives who were taken so fast. And so much respect for the teachers who put their lives on the line to shield and help students to safety. They’re the real heroes to look up to who help those in times of need. Rest In Paradise for all those who lost their lives way too soon.
"Ghost Killer" "Rest In Paradise"
Frank A it’s just a name for our music promotion company, and nothing wrong with just saying Rest In Paradise.
Mark Dice > Shill Defranco
Ok boomer whatever you say
@@TalkingCrapTC "I heard the 'okay boomer' thing and then said it. I'm clever!"
One of the people who died in the shooting, Coach Aaron Feis, was one I walked by every morning. We would always greet each other with a friendly good morning. He died a hero yesterday and I’m ashamed to say that i didn’t even know his name until yesterday. He was a great man. He recently had a baby and his child will now grow up without a father. Rest In Peace, you are now in a better place.
You can buy AR-15's, tactical shotguns and pistols here in New Zealand but we have never had a school shooting and the last massacre was a long time ago, because we have common sense laws.
It is a privilege here to own a gun, they do checks, interview people close to you, you have to take training courses and the police check your house to make sure you have a gun safe to store them.
However once you have gone through that process and they know you are a good sensible person you can pretty much buy whatever you like within reason, it isn't the guns it is the people.
This is exactly why I always say it's a mental health problem and removing or adding more guns isn't going to solve anything. I mean hell ban all guns and you get home made explosives that you can make on a weekly allowance or by mowing some lawns thanks to home depo. I think we need to stop worrying about guns in the US and more about who owns the guns along with getting more funding and focus on quality mental health practices.
Tech Showdown yes agree with you, that is why we need reforms like that. But some ppl here instantly think their guns are gonna be taken away and that takes away from the conversation. I think most ppl here just want a stronger oversight of who gets guns.
Tech Showdown i like these laws, amerca should adopt them
First of all new zealand come on your population is only 5 million. America has more people like 310 million, sure not all of that people would want to have a gun. But when there is more people there is more are substantially more people who want to buy and sell guns. second who pays for cops time to interview you and go to your house? Even if you are paying it? There places America where the police has no time for that. And if you want to make it run like that police precincts has to hire more cops, more room. I can go on and on. You know what would be better solution stop giving people access to guns. The police don’t have to waste time interviewing you, and going to your home. The only who lose are the ones who are selling guns, the gun training( hopefully that is a business, and not funded by taxpayers) and the people who want expensive toy. Just because it works in one place it doesn’t mean it will work everywhere. Context matters. And why do even need guns? It is just a fucking expensive toy that can actually kill people.
Tech Showdown for US citizens owning a firearm is more than a privilege it's a right we have as a citizen. American all ready have strict laws to purchase firearms/ but the what the government can't do is stop or regulate the mentally ill. Shame what happened, the only thing that could of stopped the shooter was another firearm in the right hands. I could've prevented it but it might've stopped some people from dying.
When will we protect our children with the same level of security we protect our corrupt elected officials.
Sad that children even need security at this point. Kids shouldn't have to be guarded and protected while at school and their parents should have to worry about their children not making it home alive that day. I'm angry that schools need high security now as to not become a shooting range.
The Same could be said about protecting our elected officials. Its not until modern times we have the level of security for them. Every modern office building has security, such as bag screening, armed guards, bag screening. Its shitty to think about having to set them up for schools because they should be a place of peace and learning but by NOT protecting the schools you turn them into a soft target. Stop making it easy for these people looking for attention and a way to make a name for them self. One security officer with one bullet may have stopped this from every happening. I'm not sure any law could have stopped it.
yeah that's great until you have security officers leering at kids or beating the shit out of some kid for having a half gram in his bag
I have three younger brothers, one is in middle school and another are in elementary school and now they are doing mass shooting drill. Like it so sad, at that age they should be worry about playtime, coloring, and smiling not running away from a mass shooters. Innocent children’s are getting killed and the people we elected don’t do jack shit. Same story over and over again.
Brian Meyer Ya I bet if a politician got murdered the government would open their eyes.
that is sad FBI and state could have prevented this by blocking the sale of guns because of disturbing social media posts. the gov could have prevented. It's easier for anybody to get a gun than getting Healthcare.
That would be the government punishing someone before they commit a crime. Big Brother. I know it sounds harmless in theory but using "prevention" as a warrant could be dangerous in the hands of power. Because prevention is so vague, bad people in power can use it as an excuse if they sell it well. There needs to be concrete legislation to do that, first, to ensure our own freedoms.
And let me just tell you now, there's no way for the government to prevent crime, without us compromising our freedoms. Read up on the topic, you'll see that it's been debated thousands of times before you and I. It even caused a civil war in the marvel universe lol
What we need is better checks on people.... FBI had a name and did nothing...
@EveryDay "something else" So name the last time somebody killed 17 people in the space of an hour with lets say a meat cleaver?
Chinchillupa Guy Wtf are you on about. Just don't allow the sales of guns to the mentally deranged and those with previous violent behavior. It's not some big brother shit. He should not have been able to buy a gun. Simple as that.
Or not. Or be less effective. Or fail completely with planning. Guns are one of the easiest to get (in US) and at the same time, most unfair (you can't really use any of your skills to fight a person who has a gun, even though you might be the world champion in your selected martial arts field.) For these reasons guns are really scummy. Even a weakling nerd can wreck havoc.
The fact that the person had accessibility to guns after writing up "such things", after being identified to the FBI for writing "such things" and he still had accessibility to a freaking AR-15... that is just ridiculous.
Phil, I sincerely thank you for wanting a day before covering this.
This is why I trust you more than other news networks, because you take your time and get more information the subject.
Phil, listen. As a kid in high school it’s not unsurprising to see this kind of stuff. I (and I feel like many others) are absolutely numb to these shootings, heck, by the time your son is in fifth grade I doubt he’ll be surprised. Nowadays, kids (at least those who I’ve talked to) don’t dream about a fire or an earth quake, we dream about what would happen if there were to be a school shooter. I don’t know why but this specific shooting hit hard for me. Maybe it’s because my brother’s friend went to that school a year ago or maybe it’s just because I’m old enough to grasp this, but it’s so painful to think about how I don’t cry for every shooting I see. Those people who died, they were people’s sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters. Seeing the faces of those dead really changes the way you perceive the shooting. They are no longer just victims, they are real people. They could’ve been my classmates, my friends, they could’ve been me. I think that is important to acknowledge those killed not just the one who kills. This is the first time I’ve felt scared. I feel scared in the place where I spend several hours a day in. I’ve never felt so unsafe at my school before. This kind of stuff is just awful and I wish that I didn’t have to worry about the person who uses the locker next to me bringing a gun. There are just so many emotions. I just wish that those who were killed are seen too, not just as victims, but as people too.
it's also just so scary thinking how those kids who died are just like me, they're all going through so many changes in their life like i am and then it just gets cut off short with a single bullet. it scares me and saddens me that these kids who are so similar to me will never have a future that they deserve as much as anyone else does.
Well said.
This one hit me really hard too. I graduated high school two years ago and am not currently in college so I personally don't worry too much about this kind of stuff. While I was in school though I would think about it all the time, even when being incredibly exhausted I was always on hight alert. I would always think of escapes depending on the classrooms and kept my phone on all the time just in case. The only thing that kept me less worried was I was already in a similar situation and the chances of that happening again are slim.
I hear you. Stay strong and trust God. I know that might sound cheesy but that's the only comfort I can give you.
Thanks Phil for your honest reporting of this are providing a great service here in RUclips
"honest reporting" lol
Matt K, Which part was dishonest?
my thoughts exactly
Nobody legally buys a gun in Canada without first taking the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. Then, they have to submit an application for a Possession and Acquistion Licence (PAL), where they’re screened by the RCMP for risk factors such as criminal history and mental health.
4th amendment protects our medical papers only if we are court ordered to mental health then we can not buy a gun legally anyway but there always not so legal ways to get them i wont drop the constitution for anything we need to harden the soft targets make it harder for these people who wanna do harm to do so get rid of the kill zones
Maybe you should change certain aspects of the Constitution then? Or is that heresy? Ignoring the bit where they're called "amendments" and what that term actually means of course. When it was written we didn't know nearly as much about mental health as we do now. As vague as a lot of it was written to be applicable over time, some aspects haven't aged as well as others. Also I think the spirit of the document should be considered more than the absolute word of it, considering the meaning of words change over time. Similar to how law is interpreted. The spirit of the statute is considered more important than the specific phrasing of it with the understanding that language changes.
Canada has nothing worth protecting though so that example doesn't apply.
Andy Teague, unless you took the backround check..
coreycat 123 only certain authorized figures are allowed to open carry and concealed carry is prohibited in the majority of Canada (I actually cannot find anywhere it is not completely prohibited)
With all the technology available nowdays, they seriously said they couldn't figure out the identity.... More like they didn't look into it..
Exactly, they're just making excuses for their lack of action. The person also used his entire name on the account when he made the comment, the FBI could've had the ability to just trace the IP with the help of Google and find the individual to be a high-risk candidate, but they chose to ignore it.
Russia did it
Weaver Beats, Interesting.
This right here is why I want you to run for office. I know that’s going way outside of your comfort zone, but Goddamnit, after so many years of hearing you cover these stories, and hearing your views change with each incident; the world needs more people like you. People who can see an issue for what it is; notice the trend, and say something about it.
I’m so tired of thoughts and prayers. It’s time for change.
As tragic as this is, nothing will change and nothing will be learned, this things keep happening over and over for years.... seriously how fucked up it is, when I hear mass shooting in US school its sadly not surprising to me anymore :(
Hey, while I understand there is a loss of Hope in change being had, having the mentality of "nothing will ever happen" gives the people in power the ability to not do anything. Have hope. Call your representatives. Voice what YOU think should be done. Commenting on a RUclips video is a cop out. Please, by you contributing to the conversation, you're serving the children and parents of all past and future mass shooting. "Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." Please, help.
It is beyond sad. I wonder if it’s going to take the millennials getting into politics when they’re old enough do we really have to wait that long?
dragonspyre101 can’t take guns away anyway because people would be left defenseless
Katie Mikell Milennials are all above 18 at this point.
Of course they said it was a lunatic and we need to talk about mental health instead of gun reform, but when we actually want to speak about mental health, they call then snowflakes and mock safe zones
Aivi Spencer Mental health doesn’t really have to do with this. He knew what he was doing
Aaron it doesn't but I wanted to talk about their sorry excuse of an explanation
I respect that you didn't put any sad or emotional music behind the video like most will.
Well done.
I cannot thank you enough for refusing to state the name of the human pile of excrement that perpetrated this heinous act of violence, while openly naming heroes like Aaron Feis. We need to stop giving these domestic terrorists notoriety, and focus on people like Aaron who make immense sacrifices trying to save lives. We also need to fight for change now. "Thoughts and prayers" are not enough, and while I HOPE that this newest episode of gun violence is enough to finally get that through the GOP's collective thick skull, I highly doubt that's the case.
His name was Nicolas de Jesus Cruz.
Honestly what u said was perfect, the media gives way to much attention to these people.
have a listen to all the cliches used, you have been listening to mainstream media too long.
"perpetrated this heinous act of violence"
"domestic terrorist"
"fight for change"
"thoughts and prayers"
"gun violence"
"collective thick skull" - they like sarcasm as well
less drama, more critical thinking
WE don't need to get rid of guns to fix this... We need to fix people because theyre what kill not guns... When i was in school you never heard of this sort of shit because we were properly disciplined and not coddled when we did wrong... We didn't have safe spaces to run away from confrontations only to let them boil inside of us until this shit happens... Not to mention parents and teachers could stop most of these but they let bad/odd behavior slide by while doing nothing...
My skull is quite proportional thank you very much, and it's called "VIOLENCE" not knife violence, not run over with a car violence, not bomb violence.or "gun violence".....Just VIOLENCE. Aaron Feis is a true hero and I so wish he had a gun to take that pile of trash out, before he got shot and other kids, don't you?
Just me, but this "its to soon to talk about it" quickly becomes "its to late, we moved on, nothing has happened" and then something happens...
This, as a teacher, terrifies me. Are my kids safe? While mental health is a huge factor in this situation, what about the people who influenced him? Would he have done this if someone had taken the time to invest in him? I am 100% not excusing him, or saying that he isn't at fault, but I think about this a lot when things like this happen: will one of my kids grow up to be that? They might not be depressed, mentally unstable, etc. now, but you don't know how kids are going to turn out, and that hurts as a teacher.
Also, wanted to mention that an eleven year old girl in Florida slipped a note under the principal's door that said she was going to shoot up the school. This was yesterday. She claimed that another student made her write it (by threatening to assault her). What kind of world are we living in? I am just floored and pained by all this, as many are.
People are going to forget. But we shouldn't. We can't. Otherwise history could potentially repeat itself. As it has over and over.
I am Canadian and own several firearms. I passed a background check and I own a AR-15. We do not have school shootings here but what we do have is a fairly decent awareness of mental health and the facilities to diagnose and then treat such affliction.... And for anyone who does not think these shootings fall under the mental health category, please think, no human in their right mind can take another's life let alone so many and not be mentally disturbed! Now I'm not advocating that all people should have guns but I believe your background checks should be closer to ours where it takes over 60 days, all your medical info and contacts to people who have known you for years before you can then receive a license to purchase firearms and said license is run through a nation wide database every day in order to make sure you have committed no crimes. But this is just my opinion.....
I agree, america needs more education on mental health, how to report behavior that might lead to a shooting, and signs someone is planning massive shooting.
Thanks for the information about how background checks for gun ownership are handled in Canada. I haven't heard much about potential solutions from other countries, excluding Australia, that is. I'm not sure whether I like every aspect of the policies, but there are a lot of things that I can definitely see being implemented into our current system without infringing on the second amendment. Any chance you know a website outlining Canada's gun license laws that I could look at both to fact check and to further research this information?
I honestly like this approach. I feel it’s a subtle enough change for Americans to accept (not well at first, but eventually) but effective.
No one method will ever be 100% fool proof but by acknowledging it’s a problem and seeking solutions, we help in reducing the harm done to hundreds (if not thousands) of other innocent humans.
Are you insinuating that the police and soldiers are mentally disturbed because they take other peoples lives? (The process for buying a gun does sound a hell of a lot better though)
So, sincere question, what about military snipers? Are they mentally disturbed?
You handled this situation brilliantly, massive respect to you sir
As a father of two little girls (and a third baby on the way) my heart breaks for the families of this tragedy... My oldest is about to enter school, and I agree, we need to stop waiting, and have the debate, it's a complex issue, but we have to talk about this, and heck, try things out... We have 50 states in this country that we can experiment with different ideas, and see what works, and what doesn't. But that would require leaders to lead, IMO. Also, I say we need to bring back the term COWARD and append it to the names of these people who do such acts, to let their name be forever disgraced... Let this Mass Murdering COWERED be introduced in court with this title, let the judge change his name to just that word. Let it be tattooed on his forehead... I'm sick, and angry over this whole situation.
Work To Game you spelled *coward wrong but cool
Unfortunately, organizations such as the NRA inhibits studies on gun control in America, therefore US citizens cannot properly study whether gun control will be effective or not. Personally, I believe it does, but feelings aren't facts.
We *have* been experimenting via the States...
It may come as a shock to you, but the states with the lowest gun murders, come from the states with the least gun laws. Meanwhile the states with the *worst* amount of gun murders, come from the states with the *most* gun laws.
edit*: Gun RESTRICTION laws.
sabata2 how about... ummm... no guns?
It's hard to lable anyone in this day and age without knowing the full extent of their past and personality. Saying that he is a coward is not quite accurate in this case as he didn't have a mother or father to look up to. And from the video he didn't have many friends either. He lived a sad life. And sometimes people do things when they don't feel like there is anything for them but themselves.
Phil, I want to personally thank you for handling this story so respectfully. I have friends who were there and witnessed this horrific tragedy. My friends lost close friends. Broward as a whole is shaken and scared. I was terrified to go to school yesterday, and many of my friends and I stayed home today out of fear because of reports of threats to our high school. That being said, you handled this story well. As a student journalist, I look up to you and commend you for not using that monster’s image or name. This is about the ones we lost, not him. Thank you for treating this story with respect. After seeing how news media outlets have completely glamorized my community’s suffering, you’re one of the few journalists/commentators I respect. Thank you and God bless.
Hold on... so you're telling me in America you can't drink before the age of 21... But this guy was able to buy a gun in a shop at 19. Fair enough America.
Dean Kelly i live in america and i agree with you it ridiculous
They also can't have chocolate eggs, they're illegal.
patrick gardner Sorry but American law enforcement have come out saying he bought the gun legally at a Broward County gun shop last February? He also passed a background check, which was said in this video and by other news sources?
"Why are we picking and choosing when murder matters?" THIS! So much this!
Hey Phil. I am a K teacher about 20 min from Parkland. I sincerely appreciate that you took the time, like you always do, to get all the facts instead of rushing out a story. I love my job, and I LOVE my kids, but I did not want to go to school today. I kept thinking about if I could protect them, could they all fit in the bathroom, can they be quiet enough, what could I do better, how can I make it out alive myself. I have so much respect for the staff who were heroes in protecting these kids, and the responders. This is so much different when it hits so close to home. There were heavy hearts in every school today and I really hope something, or ANYTHING, can be done to protect these kids.
Well, the best thing you can do is to try and surprise them and then rush them. Like if you see a gunman and they're not facing you, you can throw something right at their head and scream, "HEY!" as loud as you can... the instant they turn they get whatever you threw hitting them right in the face. It'll leave them stunned for a few seconds, which should be more than enough time to close in and wrestle the gun away from them... or just pull the gun (still in their hands) up to their head and pull the trigger... shoot them with their own weapon.
Can't say it'll be guaranteed to work, but it's a better option than just hiding and waiting to get shot.
Thanks. Yeah this is kinda what i've prepared in my head. I always prepared it like I would hide them, then wait in the room and make it seem like they were somewhere else if I couldn't get the jump on the shooter. Anything is better than nothing.
At the very least I think they should allow teachers to carry air tasers... they're non lethal and certainly better than nothing. Even a can of pepper spray would be better than nothing.
My teacher was talking to us in class about the exact same thoughts you’re having. Now, I keep thinking about how to escape these situations at school, and it literally puts a pit in my stomach.
OnideusMadHatter I do agree with this. I think adding in more guns would be difficult, but a non-lethal option would be more logistical. Something is better than nothing at all.
I wasnt really sympathetic when this happened, but you showing the pictures of those hero's and children who died kind of hit me hard... we are missing that human element to these tragedies, I've been seeing them as just statistics for the past few years now, but this video severed as a reminder to what was actually lost...
Christian444089 I stopped reading after "I wasn't really sympathetic...."
You weren't sympathetic to learning there was a shooting at a high school and innocent people were shot and killed...?
Not everyone hears a title on the news and gets sad... this is a terrible thing but honestly it doesnt effect my day in the slightest, these kids were 3000 miles away in a different state. Some kid probably got shot within 3 miles of my house this week but that never makes national news. Its not an impending death cloud of ebola...people get shot all of the time. Is it sad, sure but ive never met them so not really sad on my part.
Wabbajack Wabbajack You don't need to "get sad" or cry to feel genuine sympathy or empathy
So do you get sympathetic when you see on your local news two teenagers die from a murder or other similar crimes? Do you feel sympathetic for the victims of Falun Gong? Do you feel sympathetic for the Werhmact Soldiers that died in World War II? Do you feel sympathetic for the kids killed from war in Africa? Do you feel sympathetic for the ones killed from drug cartels in South America? Tell me your honest answer please.
As a resident of Parkland it's still surreal to see and hear about my hometown in the media. My nephew was in the school at the time of the shooting. Growing up in Parkland there was never any crime, this was always a safe place and the people of this community are a family. Our community has never been in the news, it's a quiet little slice of heaven so just to turn on the TV and hear people say "Parkland Florida" feels so unnatural. Because of the close knit community we are, so many people have been affected by this in some way. Parkland is the kind of place where everyone knows everyone and if you don't know them directly you know someone directly who knows them.
I'm just speechless. I'm praying for the families of those we've lost and I'm praying for my community.
I, Don't, Exist - I'm truly sorry that your community is going through this. It's a living nightmare. I was only a few miles from Columbine in 1999, so I know what you mean about the surreal feeling.
I have one question, perhaps you can answer since you're from the area. How many secondary schools are in the area? I heard that Parkland was a moderately sized town (35,000 or so?) so I was just wondering if there were other high schools in the area or if it is just Stoneman Douglas.
CanadaDig which part would you say is the fake part. there’re real dead people, and real affected families.
My aunt and uncle live right around the corner from the school in Parkland. My uncle is also a first responder. I used to think that area as peaceful and kinda hidden away from the craziness, a place to relax because no one knew of it. Now everyone knows it because of this horrible shooting. That little safe community is no more, only the place where that terrible school shooting was.
did you even watch this. trolling is for fun of many, what you are doing is being an ass.
David Wells Sure happy to answer. We do have two private schools, One is A Jewish School (Kol Tikva) and the other Im not positive but its either Christian or Catholic. For Generally speaking all the schools are relatively close to MSD High School. Right past the High School is a middle school, its where I evacuated to during Hurricane Irma and its on the way to the Wal-Mart. There are a few Elementary schools in the somewhat immediate area as well. The Middle school and the High School are both on the main road that runs through the city.
MURICA WHERE YOU CAN BUY AR-15's at the age of 18 but you can't legally buy a beer.
Sonata727 , I have a question and not trying to start an argument. But if they raised the age to 21 to buy guns will that stop it from happening? Kids under 21 get a hold of alcohol so they could also get a hold of guns.
U can also join the military and smoke cigarettes, double standards are crazy
Please stop suggesting we raise things to 21 or older, they're trying to pull that shit with cigarettes and vape now too and it's getting ridiculous.
+Angela Brothers Don't start the ridiculous arguments. Hardly any preventive action *stops* another from occurring. That said, it is ridiculous that you can own a gun legally before you can drink legally.
If you are under 21 you have to have your parents consent to purchase any rifle, and you have to be 21 or older to own or purchase a hand gun. So the real question is why did the parents think it was a good idea for their kid to have a gun like this?
That Mark Dice and Tomi Lahren call out! Somebody had to do it. I definitely agree we should discuss EVERYTHING that's a possible solution to the situation, even if it's something that you don't agree with.
Omg yes like phil said if this was an illegal or dreamer they’d be all over it
Ryan Higa said that same bullshit as well after a previous shooting (can't remember which one, I lost count) and I lost so much respect for him.
Your respect for situations likes these, makes me respect you even more Phil. I am heartbroken for the people and families impacted by this malicious and senseless act of terror. We need to keep talking about this and keep the human element alive to help work towards preventing something like this from happening again!!!! Sending all my love and positive energy to out to everyone
I live in Florida, about an hour away from Parkland, where this happened. And I'm terrified. A kid (he's a senior) at my high school, who got arrested for raping 5 girls and having sex with a minor and has threatened to shoot the school up tomorrow. And the adults aren't really taking this seriously. The kids at my school thought this was a joke before but, with this Parkland shooting happening so close to home and so soon, we're scared. My mom still wants me to go to school tomorrow, despite the fact that I'm scared, and that I don't feel safe. I kinda just want to stress the severity of situations like these. People joke about things like this because they happen so often and even when they're in possible danger, they're still making jokes and having laughs. It's not funny. And not enough is being done to fix these types of situations.
e i r a , I don't know what to say other then I hear you and I understand your fear. I'm sorry the world is the way it is. I will be praying that nothing happens at your school.
Don't go. Seriously; always trust your gut instinct, and if it's telling you not to go, don't.
It's better to skip one day and be safe than go and risk ending up really, really sorry.
//as a side note tho what the hell is wrong with that kid?
Still in high school and he's already committed at least six sex crimes?! Wtf..
I really hate that people like that exists, I'm praying that nothing happens to you or any child going to school. If I were you I would call your local department and let them know that this guy is a threat and that they should be on the look out for him.
I don't get it, if he was arrested isn't he in jail?
e i r a skip school then, seriously getting a detention
I'd become numb to this growing up, but something about this shooting really shook me. I think it was a senior who mentioned that he didn't know any of the victims, but he knew their faces and had seen them around school, because as a college freshman, that was really relatable. I've grown up with school shootings and shootings in general so I'd become desensitized but I guess the fact that for the first time I could actually vividly imagine something like this happening due to how relatable the victims are, it really derailed me. I didn't accomplish anything yesterday, I just laid in bed and felt empty.
@C M wtf is wrong with you?
I relate to this so much and think about it often. A kid in my high school committed suicide a couple years ago and a lot of my friends and I didn’t know him personally, but we knew his face from seeing him so often in the hall. I completely get where ur coming from. I felt the same way until this shooting and saw how raw these kids became in the videos and how genuinely scared they were for their lives. It was so real and intense. Really opened my eyes and it’s so sad that this had to happen to do so.
SSJB Kirby 真の昇天 haha so edgy broski
Dylan Hollywood yeah man. I went through same feelings after Sandy Hook shooting. Now I'm almost 30 and have a daughter. This world is a scary place. But most of us are good people I believe. Take care man, its good to read REAL human emotions when reading comment sections.
C M you're literally human garbage
Seeing the faces of the people who sacrificed themselves and the kids who were killed really hit me hard. Rest in peace.
Same. I had a wee tear in my eye all the way in the UK. I can only hope to be that brave and selfless in a situation like that.
Thank you for bringing up how people have been criticizing the kids for posting to social media. My sincere hope is that these images and the students who have been calling for change, can actually make that change happen.
Step 1. Mass shooting occurs ⚘✔
Step 2. Feel shock and upset ✔
Step 3. Send your thoughts and prayers, for example pray for fill in the blank ✔
Step 4. Argue about stricter gun laws ✔
Step 5. Politicians on both sides can't find a logical solution ✔
Step 6. Repeat ⚘😧
I mean it’s true
cjaime5137 sad truth
It's a rough cycle
Rinse and repeat.
If Parkland Florida, if Las Vegas, if Sandy Hook, etc, hasn't got your country to discuss about gun control than nothing will. It just go on and on.
My heart goes out to the victims of this horrible tragic event. Please love those around you and stay safe.
in addition to the mark dice thing, i think it's very important that people in these situations DO film to provide evidence of what has happened.
it also helps as others who see the snapchat story will call up police
I really don't think it matters if its filmed or not. Thats kinda off topic and not important
Joey Carthew kids were calling the cops so much that the police department asked them to stop calling. At least one kid per classroom was calling 911. All there was left to do was wait, and some kids decided to record. Kids under traumatic levels of stress. I don’t think there’s an issue with them doing that
name fits
People also seem to forget that by calling someone on your phone you're increasing the chances of the shooter being alerted to your location substantially. Texting loved ones who can then call the police for you is the best thing to do. Recording video evidence after that's done(as long as you do it discreetly) isn't stupid either. Video evidence can greatly help police put together an exact timeline of the situation and possibly paint a picture of what was going on in the gunmans head.
Thank you so much for being a voice of reason in these horribly divided times we live in, in this country. Thank you for using your platform and influence you have responsibly and not for making the divide worse.
When he put the pictures of the victims i completely lost it. im a junior in high school and im really scared
"Why are we picking and choosing when murder matters?" Best line of the day. Thanks Phil.
As an European that is constantly seeing news about shootings in the US, I really do not understand how there are still people against strict Gun Control legislation...
Abubu's World Well there are many examples like Chicago where gun control is strict but crime is worse. Plus with the 300 million guns in circulation it would take a hundred years before any effect on the criminal or personal market came into play. Most people here believe it’s better to have a gun for protection (from government or criminals) and protect our right than implement something that probably won’t work in the long run and definitely won’t work for the next 20 years.
Abubu's World because it didn't do anything except disarm the UK. UK already had low murder rates before banning guns. In fact after the gun ban in the UK, the US murder rate actually fell MORE than the UK murder rate.
Brendan O'Brien and if that argument doesn't work, try logic next time...
I always love watching your take on situations. You bring a levelheadedness into the conversation that is severely lacking these days from both sides of the spectrum. I really wish there were more out there like you that would take these types of issues seriously and still show great compassion for people in the process. I myself am a Conservative through and through, but I do believe in rational, unity, and doing our best to love our fellow man, even if we disagree on certain issues. You could have just as easily skewed this or bolstered your name with it, but that wasn't the intention here. I highly respect your fair and unbiased approach. Thank you for all you do!
Mental illness doesn't matter if we don't even diagnose it before a shooting happens.
I don't see any reason why we can't have annual mental fitness examinations in our schools in America, and FOLLOW UP with treatment to help them. Not just diagnose and push them along.
James Burgess like any sane person would shoot up a school
are you stupid? everyone knew. not only that they all poked fun at him for being a pathetic loser and the kid most likely to shoot up the school. everyone saw it coming and instead of being his friend or getting him counseling they just laughed and pointed.
I think the fear with that is more kids being miss diagnosed then forced to take mind altering medication that creates a problem were there wasn't one. An example is over diagnosing of ADHD in kids. I'm not sure about this case, but in a number of mass shootings a common correlation is the shooter being on psych meds of some kind. And I read your other post and I feel like gun control would just be a band aid that wouldn't solve the core problem of what is creating these people and what methods will they turn to after a ban. Take the UK for example that is going through a stabbing epidemic at the moment. The idea that it is purely a gun problem seems incorrect to me because we've been able to buy semi and fully auto weapons since before the 40s. And mass shootings like this has really only been a major problem since the mid to late 90s.
James Burgess Just ban automatic weapons. They are only appropriate for mass shootings. They are not for hunting or self defence
You can't just up and buy an automatic weapon. It takes as much paper work as getting a conceal and carry or a silencer. The gun used in this shooting was a semi automatic weapon.
The fact a 19 year old can't drink in america but can buy a gun is crazy. Absolutely baffles me.
Society wants its money protected by armed guards at banks but they don't want students protected at schools. Lets be real, schools are soft targets. Even if you banned all firearms, the bad guys are going to find a way to carry out their attacks. Could have been a home made explosives attack and produced just as many casualties if not more. Society needs to get with the program and learn to implement field proven proactive measures rather than emotional reactive nonsense.
Patrick Star Thing is, what’s easier stabbing to kill or shooting to kill? It’s a ridiculous question, but at least with less guns, killing becomes a lot harder, and will reduce numbers by a huge margin. With a knife, self-defense courses can offer a lot of help against the perp, while with a gun, it’s a ranged weapon. Self defense won’t help you there.
Yeah, because abuse of alcohol has NEVER killed anyone...
Cesar Andrade yup. Find me the teenage mass murderer with the knife that massacred dozens of people, find me the teenager who blew up a school with a working homemade bomb, find me the one who drove a truck through the concrete walls of the school to murder dozens. The last one is great because the shooter likely would’ve been too young to rent a truck. All of these options are way more difficult to pull off then getting a machine gun and unlimited ammo and just walking into the school.
Cesar Andrade Anyone can combine household chemicals to create deadly explosives. The nitrates from your own urine can potentially be used to create a bomb. Do you want to ban humans from urinating also? Explosives can produce far more casualties than a firearm attack. Your proposition is ridiculous.
How did the shooter pass the background check?? Expelled from school for carrying knives after both his parents died, then got checked into a mental health clinic but never returned. How is this not on record?
This is the very best response I have yet seen, I'm just done with what the media spouts off over and over, every time. Thank you for the common sense and the use of compassion and class.
Buying a weapon should be more difficult than getting your driver's licence.
Sure it's a right... but that right shouldn't be easier than applying for a new credit card.
If you have no criminal past it shouldn't matter to you as your rights wouldn't be questioned.
Max you wait a few extra days to get it.
Owning a weapon is not a right.
No it shouldn't, its a right.
It is more difficult than that.
Bless the teachers who put themselves second in order to protect the students.
The fact that this guy could legally purchase this gun after being in trouble several times for threatening students and teachers blows my mind. We don’t need stricter gun laws? How did this guy pass the background check? Please tell me how the hell someone let him buy a gun. Can people stop arguing for ten seconds and realize that this shouldn’t be about politics! This should be about protecting our fucking children?! How many more have to die before something changes? Who’s kid has to die before something is done? It could be mine. It could be yours. Some people need to put these children above their political views and really think about the cost.
There is no actual fix to the gun issue but ways to prevent it from happening at the rate it is.
how did he pass a background check? no criminal record, easy. RUclips comments don't show on background checks. troubled people who haven't done wrong still have rights
Yeah, people reported it. But the FBI didn't follow up and go for charges. No one did, that's how be passed a background check. He didn't have a criminal record and that's the peoblem.
ayyy lmaoo why isn’t social media taken into account during background checks. This man posted photos of himself with guns and small animals he killed just for fun and threats. If someone can post that kind of thing and still get a gun then we’re hopeless. And he wasn’t some innocent mentally ill kid. He’s been planning this for ages and despite the signs and times he was reported for this behavior he was still able to purchase a gun and kill 17 people who actually did nothing wrong.
Yes, that's why I find myself partly blaming the FBI. They had been tipped off and didn't do anything with it pretty much.
Phil, thank you for always doing right by your audience. I appreciate the fact that you make it your goal to report accurate information in a way that allows the reader to know the full story. Unfortunately, this is not the case of most other news reporters. We are lucky to have someone like you that cares about society and wants to provide the whole story in a truthful manner. This is a horrible tragedy that happened to these young students and the U.S. as a country. I sincerely hope that we can come together as a nation to put a stop to all this violence. It saddens me that someone could even think about taking another person's life. We may not all agree on the same things, but in the end we are all people who deserve a chance at life with positive influences to guide us along the right path. I sincerely hope we can put an end to all this violence.
I absolutely agree with you Philip, something needs to happen, we can’t push this away anymore.
A lot of the children that took videos showed them to police in an effort to help them find out who did it. I’m an adult, but if someone was already calling 911 and I had the opportunity to catch the shooter on film to make sure he was caught, I would 100% do it. These kids were afraid they were going to die. They were watching their friends die around them. Don’t criticize what they did during their traumatic time.
(im roughly their age) I would do the same but not for the shooter getting caught, but for my family if they wanted to know exactly what was happening to me in my final moments and I know I would be babbling about how much they mean to me. I would want them to be able to find that video instead of having to hear a rough idea of what happened instead of the true story on how I died.
kecin25 that’s also a very good thing. I’d want my family to have that closure too. There’s nothing wrong with that, in my opinion
Jesus when will some Americans realize that this isn't just something that should be dealt with. This doesn't happen in other 1st world countries to this degree. There is 100% a problem with gun laws in America, anyone with a brain should be able to understand this.
Only place I can get semi unbiased news. Thanks Phil!
I'm in, Australia and it's working just fine with no guns
w1lstar .b Cool. America isn’t Australia though
Danni yup, sucks to be you xD
Y'all have only seen a 25% drop in gun violence. It's still a big problem with gangs in your country. The USA has 15x more people And 430x more guns than y'all. We literally have more than one gun per person here. It's not quite the same thing.
After banning guns your murder rate remained unaffected. So the ban literally did nothing. But I'm glad you blindly believe the propaganda your country feeds you
Anthony Rivera man remember that last mass shooting in Australia?
Oh right. But yeah choke on your own propaganda buddy
Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Sandy Hook.Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Kentucky. Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Vegas. Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Flagstaff (my college town where a freshman open fired on innocent seniors and other kids after an argument). Thoughts and Prayers didn't do shit for Orlando. And Thoughts and Prayers WON'T. DO. SHIT. HERE. We need fucking ACTION. There's a time for condolences yes. But it's super fucking frustrating when it's all we ever get as American people. It's time for change.
On morning Joe on MSNBC this morning, one guy on there said that the reps, senators, etc are to scared for their career to do something
I am a gun advocate and enthusiast. I don't claim to have the exact answer, but I do think we need better accountability and better checks on people purchasing guns. I think a social media check should be performed in the process. It would cost money, but I would be willing to pay a check fee when I purchase a gun if it meant it saved lives by keeping them out of questionable/wrong hands. If there is something only questionable maybe incorporate temporary bans like 1-5 years; perhaps require a psych evaluation if someone has something questionable. I don't believe getting rid of guns will solve the problem, but I do think we need to work on it together.
Ben Heffel amen! We need psychological evaluations and checkups. I also agree that guns don't kill people. People kill people.
I live in a country that doesn't have guns so I'd like to know why you think removing all guns wouldn't solve the issue?
Probably the most intelligent comment on this video.
The 5th and 14th Amendments make that impossible. The government can't arbitrarily (or preemptively) strip somebody of life, liberty, or property without the due process of law. Only a court can strip somebody of their right to keep and bear arms, either through a felony conviction, violent misdemeanor conviction, or adjudication as a "mental defective". Social media posts and psych evals don't really hold much weight unless they're being used to get a conviction or adjudication in court.
Ben Heffel The FBI and local police were well aware of the threat the shooter posed even being warned by his own mother yet failed to act. This shooting was the fault of authorities. Did you know there are over 20,000 laws on gun control? The fault wasn’t due to gun laws, he passed the background check because he had no other prior offenses and there’s nothing else you could of checked. The police should have been watching him closer to notice any violent behavior. Hell he even wrote online to a vlogger that he “Wanted to be a professional school shooter”, which was then reported to the FBI.
I have so much respect for you with how you cover these heartbreaking stories. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families affected by this. My heart hurts that the students were attacked in a place that they were supposed to be safe.
First of all: Bless the souls of the teachers who died protecting their students. They have all my respect. And my condolences go to the family and friends of the victims.
Now, For the people saying "just ban guns! That will solve mass murders!" It's not that easy. Take it from me.
I live in Mexico. Here getting a gun legally is near _impossible_ . There's only _one_ store in the whole country that sells them (in Mexico City, inside of the Military complex), and getting a permission to carry a gun is harder than winning the lottery. However, Mexico has some of the most "lethal" cities in the world (murders per capita), and I live in one of those cities. It has come to a point in which we joke about how our ears are trained to distinguish between shitty motorcycles, fireworks, and firearms, and we can even tell you the brand --not true, but I can tell you whether it's an automatic or a semiautomatic gun, a shooting, a murder job, or random celebration shooting.
You ban guns from being legal, and sick fucks will get them anywhere else, let it be the black market, stealing from the military, or even buying them illegally from officers. The problem is _cultural_ . Taking guns away from common citizens is putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. You should be asking yourselves why someone would kill dozens of innocent children in the first place. If they didn't have guns, they would use homemade bombs, vehicles, or whatever else. You don't need to be sophisticated to be a mass murderer. *__Find the root of these people's murderous intent_*_ on the first place, _that's_ how you prevent maniacs from killing dozens.
I'm not completely against making gun laws more strict. Be my guest; you'll probably get something good from it. However, be warned: Whatever regulation you issue is just a patch, _not_ a solution. I think that's common sense, isn't it?
yep, same experience here, 16 years in mexico, every criminal has one, just like the strict gun control areas in the states are the most violent, crime ridden ones.
i agree with you. do you live in juarez?
Memek Exactly what people don't understand. A temporary solution is usually worse than the actual problem. If someone wanted to kill someone and couldn't access a gun, they would find another way to do it.
So what do you suggest then? Offer therapy to every mentally ill psycho we spot in the country? There's nothing we can do. We can't track these people, and it's near impossible to prevent it from happening again. It'll just keep repeating over and over again. You're right, banning guns won't do shit, but at least it'll buy some more time and make it fucking harder for those people to kill.
There are ways to fight black market guns, Australia did it to much success with buy back programs, and in the us we just need to pass other laws in conjunction with stricter gun regulation, such as limits on numbers of guns you can purchase, and holding gun owners fully responsible of all guns they purchase, unless they report it stolen. These things can help stop guns from getting to the black market
I drove by the school in the morning on my way to Boca, I heard about everything happening after I already passed the area. Later that night I drove back the same way to see countless cops still there. The fact that something so evil occurred there hours ago was haunting.
I go to Murphy high school in Mobile Alabama. A student brought a gun to my school a few weeks ago. We have no officers at this school like they do in Florida. We shouldn't be afraid to go to school. I'm scared for my life every day since that day because there is no gun control. Us kids should not be scared for our lives while at school trying to learn and graduate. It's terrifying to think that anyone could come on to school grounds with a gun. We need more gun control. But I feel for those students who were there because I was in the same place a few weeks ago. It's terrifying and traumatizing. It's hard coming back from things like this because now no one is going to feel safe going to school.
You left the story part of your story out of the story.
Tiny J I'm sorry. I didnt think I needed to put the story part of it in there. It's 2018 you can easily look it up. There is no need for me to tell you what happened when the news can do it for me. That wasn't the point of the comment anyways. It was to say that kids shouldn't be afraid to go to school. We should feel safe in a school, not scared for our lives.
Trin Trin I'm so sorry you had to experience that. It's my absolute most dire hope that my children never have to worry like that. I hope you find a safe place and know that it's not like that everywhere *hugs*
I'm pretty sure that while your state might not have good gun control laws, most schools do enforce a no weapons policy, and the police in your town would be quite interested to know that a kid is bringing their gun to school. If it's happening regularly you might want to try giving them an anonymous tip.
Scouts Honor kid’s a minor. he has no right when it comes to that matter.
Why did u attack Mark Dice. Nothing wrong with his tweet.
In his complaint is that he said something to children. If it was adults, aliens, fetuses it would have been fine but don't you say anything to children.
@@ZombieX13 Oh shut up..... I didn't see many people getting offended by all the liberal adults attacking Baron Trump. I didn't see anyone outraged over the little kids in MAGA hats getting chased down and beat the fuck up. But someone speaks some truth and you rush to their aide? These kids can't be attacked for doing stupid shit yet..... you let them take to the streets and march? Their thoughts - opinions & actions only matter when it comes to a political view aligning with the left - otherwise they're pretty much incapable of knowing better? It doesn't work that way..... fair game to call them out. What some of the kids did is pure stupidity.... its everything wrong with the world. Sorry but not sorry. Mark Dice didn't do anything wrong pointing this out......
I love Mark but he really is a bit of an A-hole.
Just like me.
The only youtuber who is an a-hole but also admits he's an a-hole is tj kirk.
11azuresky cause he don’t like him 😆
Dude what's wrong with admitting that you're a bit of an Ahole? Self awareness is a lot more important than confidence.
These kinds of things used to be so shocking, and so horrifying. The entire country would be shaken. Now? It feels like it's becoming almost normal. That is terrifying and disgusting. I have four younger siblings in school still, and the possibility of this happening to them is getting more and more real. And it's not just schools, no where is safe anymore. What can we do? What is the solution? Where does it end?
You know, I personally being outside America cannot comprehend the infatuation with guns. Though I've come to accept that it's part of your identity and will be very hard to remove. I personally got really pissed off at Trump when he stated that this is a mental health issue and not a gun control issue. My anger came from why can't it be both?
From the reports, statements I've looked up this guy has been bragging about killing animals, hurting people, he had an expulsion from school for attacking the boyfriend of his ex. He threatened people, sent his dog to attack his neighbours pets because he didn't like them. His neighbours were terrified of him. Worse yet, he apparently did time in a mental institution a year or two ago prior to this incident. So I ask you how can a person who is so mentally deranged. Has been expelled, had the cops called on him, and has literally been in a mental institution allowed to legally purchase a weapon? How were there no red flags, no alerts even to the potential that he might be a risk? Personally, pisses me off that the president is trying to push that agenda of his through. Pretty sure the parents and community are asking "Why the fuck was he allowed to legally buy a gun?" This isn't about taking guns away from good or well-behaved people but dammit can we just all agree that rules should be in place against mental numbnuts being able to buy them? If it takes you slightly longer to register to get a gun or slightly more hassle I think it would be worth it to know fewer fuckers are out there that have them.
Solgest no person needs an AR15 at most people if they want a gun maybe a handgun or a bolt action rifle. These fully automatic military grade machine guns have no place outside of a war zone.
The AR-15 is semi-automatic, like all civilian grade guns there is a cap. They cannot be fully automatic. I figured I'd clear this up since the general argument I've seen from pro-gun people is that no civilian gun is a machine gun or even automatic. My problem with this is it's already been proven mute. Las Vegas shooter used a bump stock to initiate a trigger pull every time the gun recoiled. I.E modified the gun into an automatic firing weapon.
Not disagreeing with you GodRise merely clarifying in general that they are not "technically" automatic nor machine guns before someone jumps in and does it trying to disprove any credibility of anti-gun people due to a lack of knowledge of gun classifications. The major problem with American gun culture is that it's entrenched in the society. Despite proving time and time again to be a detriment to the society they continue to advocate it. (Yes, there are situations where guns have been beneficial to safety but not as many as it's been a detriment) You aren't going to be able to remove guns from your society.
The only solution is stricter and more rigorous background checks and regulations. The minute people try to talk about gun control the heavy propaganda based defenders start the protests of people trying to take their guns and freedom. This rallies the middle and you get stuck right where you were with inaction. The only is to create systems and checks to prevent or catch as many gun-nuts (nutcases not gun enthusiasts) as possible. My personal recommendation would be along with a more established system for gun ownership approval, should be a systematic renewal system. Every year you have to go somewhere to go through a rigorous reassessment of your gun license. Proper handling, storage, weapon care, reevaluation of mental and physical health. The full process. It should not be a one and done assessment. People change every year, a person's mental stability can shift drastically within the same year. A regulatory check system should be mandatory within a country like America. You aren't taking away their guns unless they fail to provide credible proof that they are both knowledgeable in how to care and own a gun and mentally capable of owning one. No America loving patriot should have any reason to disagree with a yearly reassessment as they should be stable good lawful citizens who should easily pass this test. That's my idea anyways. Cheers.
Solgest semi automatic just means you have to pull the trigger more than once you can still shoot multiple people faster than with a bolt action and it has way more bullets than a regular handgun. The point still stands there is no point for a civilian to have a gun like that.
I know what a semi-automatic gun is. If you read my post I said I am clarifying for the avid defenders of civilian weapons who would state it's not "technically" an automatic weapon because it can't go full-auto. From my point of view, there is no reason for you to have a pistol let alone a rifle. (unless you're a hunter)
I feel numb. And I feel horrible that I feel numb, that I feel like this is just another thing that happens. This should not be our reality. I wish I didn't live in a world where I see the headline "17 dead in Florida School shooting" and barely react. I should be horrified and I am horrified. This should be traumatizing for anyone who sees it. But sadly that is not the America we live in; that needs to change. Now
Honestly I felt similarly. When I first heard about it my first thought was somewhere along the lines of "Another one? That sucks. It's probably another small one with only like, 3 dead."
It's messed up I've become this desensitized. Seriously messed up. I didn't really feel a whole lot of grief or horror about this either at first. I've sorta started doing things to counteract this numbness by listening to eyewitnesses and videos from the event and then I feel the horror.
the cities that all have the most strict gun control laws in the US have the most gun violence. all gun laws do is take it out of the hands of the innocent.
Thank you for covering this with such respect. You have my respect
as a British person me and so many of the people i talk too find it an unbelievable joke that guns haven't been outright banned, i just dont understand why its a "right" to have guns capable of causing such harm. its sad to put it this way but the last major school shooting in Britain was in 1996, it doesn't take a genius to figure out the solution to this problem.
Makoo the reason it’s a right to have guns is Bc that’s basically how our forefathers won against y’all in the beginning. The point being to defend ourselves whether it be criminals or a tyrannical government. So don’t act all high and mighty with y’alls banned gun policy. If anything we need armed security guards with guns
The problem is that here in America, we have more retarded people per square inch, than any other well developed country.
Killer Memestar im not acting high and mighty, i just don't like seeing the statistic that there has been one school shooting every 60 hours since the start of 2018. guns don't protect they harm and to think otherwise is just ignorant.
Makoo Even if the problem is obvious, the solution isn't as simple as "remove all guns". It's just not currently realistic, it won't work as intended.
There is a very influential black market in the United States, I believe that this plan of arms control must be very deeply analyzed and planned by the government so that the sale of weapons is banned and the sale of arms on the black market is reduced, The black market still has a lot of influence and access to firearms is very simple
19 year old kid: Can I have an alcohol drink?
19 year old kid: Can I have an easily portable, multi capacity, meant for war, death machine?
legislators: well.... Do you promise not to abuse it?
19 year old kid: I typed on RUclips I will be a professional school schooter
legislators: okay
21guitarworld the ar15 isn’t meant for warfare
ar-15 is a civilian issued rifle and is not meant for war. Your thinking of M-16s which are military and law enforcement used rifles, and have automatic action lower recievers but they are not death machines. And what the hell does multi-capacity mean, im assuming you meant multi-round capacity, even yet, do you seriously think we should only have single shot muzzle loaders? Some people just dont know the first damn thing about these topics anymore...
Thanks for sharing the names of the heroes
Here 4 years later. Nothing has changed. Everything is worse. RIP those lost at Robb Elementary.