That’s a great question! For me I’d have to say either Interlaken or Barcelona (next video will be about what we did there). Interlaken has so many amazing hikes and extreme sports in the area it would be easy to spend a month there. Barcelona is very nice and clean, lots of young people and nightlife. Jack says probably London, I think for reasons similar to Barcelona 😁
Fionn, of the places you've been so far on this trip, where would you most like to life in for an entire month? Where would Jack prefer to stay?
That’s a great question! For me I’d have to say either Interlaken or Barcelona (next video will be about what we did there). Interlaken has so many amazing hikes and extreme sports in the area it would be easy to spend a month there. Barcelona is very nice and clean, lots of young people and nightlife. Jack says probably London, I think for reasons similar to Barcelona 😁