I still can’t believe there used to be a time when a legendary singer could go to a maximum security prison ( San Quentin ) and play songs in front of tons of the most dangerous prisoners at the time and they were right in front of him. Want a legend..
One of the most revolutionary live performances of all time, no one had the balls to go into a place like this and put on a great show but Cash. What he did for prison reform in America will never been forgotten.
Hello, how are you doing. I believe you are staying safe. I'm Patti from California. I'm looking for a new friend and i saw you pic here. I hope you don't mind, thank you.
Having spent time in prison the song speaks to my soul, even if J.R spent no time behind bars, he certainly absorbed and felt that energy judging by the response of the guys
He redefined country music and made it relevant through this performance. Every genre has its geniuses and Johnny Cash was as great a genius musically as Bob Dylan or Frank Zappa.
I love Johnny Cash's voice. Looking at these men's faces, not knowing anything about them, whether their incarceration is justified or not, makes me realise they are, after all, human beings. This must have been a great event for them.
Incarceration is a feeling that is so hard to convey, people often overlook how it can change you for the rest of your life, the way the world moves on without you, it’s like your life is thrown into an oboulet
And most of those men that we see , eventually ended up getting out of San Quentin and went on to have kids and grandkids , and I bet they told them all the story of this memory. I bet it is one of the bestest memories they ever had.
The term GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) gets thrown around a lot these days, but Johnny Cash was without a doubt the GOAT! I’ll do everything I can to honor his memory. God bless the man in black
I’m 85 now I was a young man back in 1969. I broke a man up in a street fight did some time in san Quentin. I was there in the back somewhere. Won’t ever forget the atmosphere!
I used to live near San Quentin, in California. I worked in nursing homes for the developmentally disabled, in the Bay Area. I am now retired, and living in New Orleans, Louisiana. Another wonderful and lovely place to retire.
2024 still listening to Johnny Cash even though im in my 20s people say I have old soul and im from Africa Tigray that makes it even more complicated 😊 Johnny lives on for many generations to come 0:19
One of the most iconic, heartbreaking and revolutionary songs ever. Goodebumps hearing the crowd cheering. Johnny sang their thoughts, made them laugh snd cry. Absolute legend. RIP Johnny.
There'll never become another country musician like Johnny Cash. When I was a school kid, far from my home at 1967. I used to listen to the radio and I found Johnny Cash. I was homesick, but Johnny's songs helped me go on and study. Since then I have collected Johnny's recordings. Johnny and June have past away but songs will survive at the very arctic Finnish Lapland. Regards with love from Finnish Lapland.
The world is a worse place since we lost Johnny Cash. The man was a 💯 fckn Legend. This planet needs people like JC. I'm from the UK, but shouldn't Johnny Cash's face be on Mount Rushmore. Thanks for everything Johnny 🙏🙏
Earlier on in the performance Cash mentions how this was being filmed for TV, he goes on to say how the TV company will tell you what songs to sing and where to stand, but he then adds "but I'm gonna do what you (the prisoners) want and what *I* want" or words to that effect. So he probably didn't tell anyone that him and the band planned to play this one :)
If this was the only performance that he ever made, it still would’ve been as epic. Notice how this kind of performance has never happened since. Coincidence? 😮
An incredible masterpiece and one of the most powerful live performances ever. No trash talk, no gangsta sh*t, no autotune, no special effects, no fake fans - just a middle aged man in a plain black suit, sitting down, and playing guitar.
@@amandajstar Not to sound pessimistic, I don't intend that at all. But I know a lot of folk, even me in some instances, feel our experiences that we learned from gave us wisdom, but left us with a hole in our hearts. Weak as in tormented, cynical, depressive. Even if we know right from wrong, and good from bad, we still hurt, and that's usually referred to as weakness
This legendary artistic performance by Johnny Cash in San Quentin is one of the things that make me love the United States. respect and admiration from NW Italy.
I’m listening to this song live on Apple Music and here as well but damn make me sad to think all these people already passed away or just about but they had the joy to hear his voice thousand of lives that been in those prison walls man ik it their own fault but damn just to know I’m free makes me happy and blessed
Johnny Cash seemed to know how the inmates felt. Maybe from reading all thier letters. I will always like Johnny. May he R.i.p. because he had a hard life for many years.
My God,I love it when he sings"San Quentin I Hate Every Inch of You"and all the boys kick off.Brilliant.I was watching a documentary about Johnny where he comes over to the u.k.he travels up to Scotland to trace his ancient family lineage.He goes to Edinburgh and even sees the streets named Cash Lane etc.
2 years in jail in Italy. San Quentin & folsom prison blues are my therapy. Thank you for those wonderful songs! That means so much for me. I also play guitar and sing and, recently I learn to play and sing those songs... Everytime is a therapy for my wellness. I Love johnny
Not quite right. Merle was in San Quentin from 1958 to 1960. This is 1969, by this time Merle Haggard was already a country star with multiple #1 albums and singles. The story is true, just 10 years before this and not recorded.
@@marquettegloves9907 Google "When did johnny cash first perform at san quentin?" Answer: January 1, 1958 . San Quentin is where Cash played his first-ever prison concert on January 1, 1958-a concert that helped set Merle Haggard, then a 20-year-old San Quentin inmate, on the path toward becoming a country music legend. www.history.com/this-day-in-history/inmate-merle-haggard-hears-johnny-cash-play-san-quentin-state-prison#:~:text=San%20Quentin%20is%20where%20Cash,becoming%20a%20country%20music%20legend.
@@michaelalando @Michael Alando yeah, but this particular performance was 1969, not the one that Merle Haggard would've seen which is what they're saying
One of the few songs that makes me cry. Nobody else stuck up for those guys who were behind bars. They might have done horrible things, but people deserve a second chance, and shoving them in prison and treating them like dirt is no help to anyone. Johnny was one of the few who stuck up for them. R.I.P.
What a man what a humanitarian what a artist rip June and Johnny I can't think of Johnny without June to J r and Roseanne and all the cash Carter family thank you for these videos they don't make men like your dad anymore no putting on airs just johnny
I even became a hit in the Netherlands after it was translated into dutch and sung by a guy called Alias Berger the hit is called 'veenhuizen' which was a famous Dutch prison at one time
299 Billion Aufrufe! Viele wünschen sich wieder H. Kohl oder H. Schmidt, das waren richtige Politika. Deutschland Zahlmeister, für die Stabilität des Euros. Die Banken bleiben klamm. Liquiditätsprobleme (Eigenkapitalmangel) bei den Banken sind das zentrale Problem. Die amerikanischen Banken haben die Hälfte ihres Eigenkapitals bei der Weltwirtschaftskrise verloren. Gibt es keine Alternative zum Euro? Viele wünschen sich wieder Helmut Kohl oder Helmut Schmidt, das waren richtige Politika. Man sollte lieber die Familien, wo ein Elternteil Hausfrau oder Hausmänner ein Gehalt zahlen. Damit gäbe es keine Arbeitslosigkeit mehr in Deutschland. Die Familie muss wieder ihren Stellenwirt und Anerkennung in der Gesellschaft bekommen. Die Kinder brauchen eine Bezugsperson, damit sie behütet aufwachsen können. Viele in Deutschland, wollen nicht mehr der Zahlmeister für die Stabilität des Euros sein. Vielleicht will das deutsche Volk die D-Mark wieder haben, und die Italiener ihre Lira. Einseitige Berichterstattung in Europa. Wladimir Putin und Russland ist Thema vieler Medien im Konflikt um Krim und Ukraine. Der Vorwurf: Journalisten berichten einseitig, ist nich von der Hand zu weisen. Journalisten und Politiker werden nie klare Aussagen machen, bei Fragen werden die Antworten immer mit, vermutlich, wahrscheinlich u.s.w. beantwortet. Wenn es einen Unterschied gibt, dann wohl den, daß "wahrscheinlich" eher im Zusammenhang mit objektiv fast sicheren Aussagen verwendet wird (eine Aussage, die auf Fakten und Zahlen basiert), während "vermutlich" und "wohl" sich eher auf subjektive auch: voreingenommen, unsachlich, nicht messbar, Eindrücke bezieht. Es liegt im ureigenen Interesse der Eu, Russland als Partner zu haben! Das Partnerschafts und Kooperationsabkommen ist das zentrale Papier in den Beziehungen Russlands mit der EU. Seine normative Ausrichtung blockierte aber lange Zeit das Verhältnis der Partner. Der Westen gebrauchte Russland als eine Konkursmasse? Wladimir Putin sagte: Der Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion war die größte Katastrophe seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Der Segen der Geldsammlung. Einen fröhlichen Geber hat Gott lieb. Wer da Kärglich sät, der wird auch kärglich ernten. Dank für Gottes Trost in Trübsal. Wie die Leiden Christi reichlich über uns kommen, so werden wir auch reichlich getröstet werden von Gott. Vom Abendmahl des Herrn. Habt ihr denn nicht Häuser, wo ihr essen und trinken könnt? Oder verachtet ihr die Gemeinde Gottes und beschämt die, die nichts haben? Denn wer so isst und trinkt, dass er den Leib des Herrn nicht achtet, der isst und trinkt sich selber, zum Gericht. Hat jemand Hunger, so esse er daheim, damit ihr nicht zum Gericht zusammenkommt. Das warnende Beispiel Israels. Gott ist treu, der euch nicht versuchen lässt über eure Kraft, sondern macht, dass die Versuchung so ein Ende nimmt, dass ihr`s ertragen könnt. Die Weisheit der Welt ist Torheit vor Gott. Wer sich rühmt, der rühme sich des Herrn. (Jeremia 1,22,23) Das Leben der Gemeinde. Hasst das Böse, hängt dem Guten an. Die Liebe sei ohne Falsch. Recht euch nicht selbst, sondern gebt Raum dem Zorn Gottes, denn es steht geschrieben: ( 5 Mose 32,35 ): Die Rache ist mein; Gott will vergelten, spricht der Herr. Frieden mit Gott. Geduld aber Bewährung, Bewährung aber Hoffnung, Hoffnung aber lässt nicht zuschanden werden; denn die Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unsere Herzen durch den heiligen Geist, der uns gegeben ist. Das Evangelium als Kraft Gottes. Die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, welche kommt aus Glauben in Glauben; wie geschrieben steht. Habakuk 2,4: Der Gerechte wird aus Glauben leben. Die Auferweckung der Tabita. Als Petrus alle hinausgetrieben hatte, kniete Petrus nieder, betete und wandte sich zu dem Leichnam und sprach: Tabita ( Tabita, das heißt übersetzt: Reh ), steh auf! Und Tabita schlug ihre Augen auf; und als sie Petrus sah, setzte sie sich auf. Die Rede des Stephanus. Die Stimme des Herrn, geschah zu Mose ( 2. Mose 3,5 - 10 ) Ich bin der Gott deiner Väter, der Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobus. Da fing Mose an zu zittern und wagte nicht hinzuschauen. Aber der Herr sprach zu Mose: Ziehe die Schuhe aus von deinen Füßen; denn die Stätte, auf der du stehst, ist heiliges Land! Jesus das Licht der Welt. Jesus sagte: Wenn euch die Welt hasst, so wisst, dass die Welt mich vor euch gehasst hat. Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater denn durch mich. Wer an mich glaubt, der wird die Werke auch tun, die ich tue, und er wird noch größere als diese tun; denn ich gehe zum Vater. Ich bin in die Welt gekommen als ein Licht, damit, wer an mich glaubt, nicht in der Finsternis bleibt. Ihr richtet nach dem Fleisch, ich richte niemand. Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes besagt: Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen frei zu lehren. Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes. Copyright: Karlwilismus@gmx.de Schützt meine Kreationen Lebenslänglich, dann die Kinder, in 167 Ländern Karlwilismus Gemäß den §§ l. 111, 112 und 113 des Strafgesetzbuchs, geistiger Eigentum, erkläre ich, dass meine Rechte an allen meinen persönlichen Daten, Zeichnungen, Bilder, Texte etc... nur bei mir liegen. Veröffentlicht auf meinem Profil ab dem Tag, an dem ich mein Konto erstellt habe. Die kommerzielle Nutzung erfordert vorher meine schriftliche Genehmigung!m Land unterzugehen. Veröffentlicht auf meinem Profil ab dem Tag, an dem ich mein Konto erstellt habe. Die kommerzielle Nutzung erfordert vorher meine schriftliche Genehmigung! Expressionismus Ich bin hauptberuflich Künstler, und habe meine Ausdrucksform in der abstrakten Malerei gefunden. Denn nur die Abstraktion gibt mir die notwendige Freiheit, das auszudrücken, um was es geht, Gefühle. Die Abstrakte - Kunst ist eine der frühesten Möglichkeiten menschliche Gefühle zu offenbaren. Ich arbeite in Öl und ziehe größere Formate vor. Monsieur Roy de Cantel Schmidt Pseuidonym Englisch: Good Morning Türkisch: günaydin Deutschland: Guten Morgen Avantgardistische Kunst: Kunstrichtung - Karlwilismus! ruclips.net/video/11KiCPSvNdA/видео.html www.dailymotion.com/video/x7vpfmb
This man walked into San Quentin and performed a song utterly trashing San Quentin and the entire prison system. Absolutely legendary.
that's called pride fucking with you
@@robertbrass6255lol alright Marcellus.
He f*ckin did. Legend.
He did it… and all of them had a nice time inside of that walls …..legend
Johnny trashed San Quentin and the prison system
Still listening to the legendary man in black in 2024 !
Good for you! I've been listening since about 1957, when I was five years old.
Same bro same
Same and im plaing his songs on my guitar to
Johnny keeps posting from Heaven, and that’s just fine by me.
Just goes to show that even death cant stop him from making music
@Lum Not sure I regret when I'm born but I would sure like a time machine.
Ain’t no grave holding Johnny down
John isn't dead, he's just at his true home with Jesus.
I'm 89 now and when I saw this it was surreal. Johnny cash I love you your made my jail time 10 x easier
I still can’t believe there used to be a time when a legendary singer could go to a maximum security prison ( San Quentin ) and play songs in front of tons of the most dangerous prisoners at the time and they were right in front of him. Want a legend..
they respected him. 99% of prisoners are only situationally dangerous
Shows that each one of them is human and respected Cash massively for what he was willing to do for them
B.B King played a few legendary concerts at prisons (Cook County and San Quentin).
he knew he was no different then those men in prison. another sinner. truly the man walked the walk. Christ like.
One of the most revolutionary live performances of all time, no one had the balls to go into a place like this and put on a great show but Cash. What he did for prison reform in America will never been forgotten.
Hello, how are you doing. I believe you are staying safe. I'm Patti from California. I'm looking for a new friend and i saw you pic here. I hope you don't mind, thank you.
Having spent time in prison the song speaks to my soul, even if J.R spent no time behind bars, he certainly absorbed and felt that energy judging by the response of the guys
His push for the civil rights of indigenous people too. Cash was such a warm, decent man
He redefined country music and made it relevant through this performance. Every genre has its geniuses and Johnny Cash was as great a genius musically as Bob Dylan or Frank Zappa.
Actually prison concerts were quite popular before this.
I love Johnny Cash's voice. Looking at these men's faces, not knowing anything about them, whether their incarceration is justified or not, makes me realise they are, after all, human beings. This must have been a great event for them.
Incarceration is a feeling that is so hard to convey, people often overlook how it can change you for the rest of your life, the way the world moves on without you, it’s like your life is thrown into an oboulet
And most of those men that we see , eventually ended up getting out of San Quentin and went on to have kids and grandkids , and I bet they told them all the story of this memory. I bet it is one of the bestest memories they ever had.
You'd really dig Colter Wall then.
@@DerekDaly92 yeah and also how he was reading the lyrics on a sheet of paper on the top portion of the guitar
The term GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) gets thrown around a lot these days, but Johnny Cash was without a doubt the GOAT! I’ll do everything I can to honor his memory. God bless the man in black
I’m 85 now I was a young man back in 1969. I broke a man up in a street fight did some time in san Quentin. I was there in the back somewhere. Won’t ever forget the atmosphere!
thats genuinely sick
Did you meet Tex Watson?
My name is Sam Quinton and my uncle used to sing this to me as a kid lmao
If I could like this comment twice, I would 😂
What an awesome uncle.
Sam Quinton I hate every inch of you.
Lol you lie!
I used to live near San Quentin, in California. I worked in nursing homes for the developmentally disabled, in the Bay Area. I am now retired, and living in New Orleans, Louisiana. Another wonderful and lovely place to retire.
The faces of the inmates are haunting. Johnny clearly understood and cared about them.
Yeah but it surprises me that all the faces were white.
Didn't black people know about crimes back then ?
That guitar rift cuts right through you. It’s almost as though you can feel the despair in it, absolutely incredible.
Reminds of the same effect Hanks guitar would have. Like it personified sorrow
@@LarryGoggins000 100%. Makes you feel the words more so I think.
1969 I was 15 now I'm 66 and rediscovered Johnny Cash. The man is a legend.
22 and I love Johnny Cash since I was six.
I would have been Leary of drinking water after singing San Quentin. Lol. The man in black was freakin awesome
He is definitely one of the few artists that will never be equal to the world. He is someone that every singer and musician should take as an example.
God bless Johnny Cash. 17 years today he left this earth
The I walk the line movie I watch everyday
He just went home and left us his music to enjoy for eternity :)
Just about 21 years now 😢
Love Johnny cash all my life this song is ledgen thank s Johnny cash
I will newer forget his guitar sound and his voice, so special, i loved his music when i was a kid and still loving it at 61 years old...?
No wonder the inmates:and so many of us loved the man in black. Purely a legend !
Johnny is the GOAT !!!!!
Johnny Cash what a great singer you are. Thank you very much for this song. Love from Sweden❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thanks for you liked what I wrote
I saw Willie at the Outlaw Festival yesterday. What a pleasure he is still around and singing for us at 2024. Long life for the last Highwaymen.
2024 still listening to Johnny Cash even though im in my 20s people say I have old soul and im from Africa Tigray that makes it even more complicated 😊 Johnny lives on for many generations to come 0:19
I love you Johnny cash
So good, he played it twice
One of the most iconic, heartbreaking and revolutionary songs ever. Goodebumps hearing the crowd cheering. Johnny sang their thoughts, made them laugh snd cry. Absolute legend. RIP Johnny.
This is the most badass live performance ever lol
Metallica in Moscow
There'll never become another country musician like Johnny Cash. When I was a school kid, far from my home at 1967. I used to listen to the radio and I found Johnny Cash. I was homesick, but Johnny's songs helped me go on and study. Since then I have collected Johnny's recordings. Johnny and June have past away but songs will survive at the very arctic Finnish Lapland. Regards with love from Finnish Lapland.
Love from australia. Xo
Love and listening 2020 from quebec province🇨🇦🇫🇷
20 years gone today, rest in peace to one of the most iconic country singers ever ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥
Who the hell gives a thumbs down to a legend?
Only Dickheads
Probably people who are looking for a not live version
Probably a accident
I hope
obviously has no taste in music
@@JK-gh9ej This is the only version of San Quentin, in live, and it's perfect like that
❤. I Love You Very Much. Johnny Cash ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Listen to Johnny Cash always, 2024, thank you Elizabeth
The world is a worse place since we lost Johnny Cash. The man was a 💯 fckn Legend. This planet needs people like JC. I'm from the UK, but shouldn't Johnny Cash's face be on Mount Rushmore.
Thanks for everything Johnny 🙏🙏
This is how you save souls. Not by preaching but by understanding. Johnny Cash did more good with this song than 100 preachers.
A Rockabilly Legend, R.I.P Johnny
I honestly can't believe they allowed him to play a song like this about San Quentin at San Quentin. Like really, that's pretty amazing.
I know right? I can't believe they let him sing it there to the inmates. That's all kinds of awesome.
Maybe he didn't tell anyone beforehand. In fact, notice at the beginning it takes the inmates a second or two to react.
Earlier on in the performance Cash mentions how this was being filmed for TV, he goes on to say how the TV company will tell you what songs to sing and where to stand, but he then adds "but I'm gonna do what you (the prisoners) want and what *I* want" or words to that effect.
So he probably didn't tell anyone that him and the band planned to play this one :)
La musica può tutto
Music can do anything
They couldn’t have stopped him
They can’t keep him from playing what’s in his soul to play
If this was the only performance that he ever made, it still would’ve been as epic. Notice how this kind of performance has never happened since. Coincidence? 😮
I love waking up everyday to a piece of a Johnny Cash history posted in my sub box.
1:13 hit different with the guard walking with the gun
This is literally one of the greatest performances of all time! Gave me chills
An incredible masterpiece and one of the most powerful live performances ever. No trash talk, no gangsta sh*t, no autotune, no special effects, no fake fans - just a middle aged man in a plain black suit, sitting down, and playing guitar.
I still get chills from this! RIP Johnny we miss you sir.🙏🏼
RIP? He's not dead lol.
@@Nikolak44_AJ_Epic Hes been dead for fucking 20 years.
He passed on in 2003, but for his fans he will never die.@@Nikolak44_AJ_Epic
@@Nikolak44_AJ_Epicclearly don’t know Johnny cash then cause he passed away in 2003
Crazy to think this was 50 years ago, what a legend
Crazy to think he was only 37 that year.
It was longer than 50 years ago.
Ring of fire
Written by his very talented wife.
June Carter cash.another legend.
F'ing Legend
"And I'll walk out a wiser weaker man" That line always sticks with me.
I dunno about weaker. Wisdom can give strength, too.
@@amandajstar Not to sound pessimistic, I don't intend that at all. But I know a lot of folk, even me in some instances, feel our experiences that we learned from gave us wisdom, but left us with a hole in our hearts. Weak as in tormented, cynical, depressive. Even if we know right from wrong, and good from bad, we still hurt, and that's usually referred to as weakness
@@whitehorse8558 Good point well made, W.
How this doesn't have many more billions of views and at least 35 million likes, is beyond me.
Cash was by far one of the best artists of all time. Back when Country music had meaning beyond trucks and beer
This legendary artistic performance by Johnny Cash in San Quentin is one of the things that make me love the United States. respect and admiration from NW Italy.
I wonder if Johnny knew how relevant his songs would be 50 years later
I’m listening to this song live on Apple Music and here as well but damn make me sad to think all these people already passed away or just about but they had the joy to hear his voice thousand of lives that been in those prison walls man ik it their own fault but damn just to know I’m free makes me happy and blessed
This sends shivers down my spine. RIP Johnny Cash.
I cant wait till I'm old and show my kids this masterpiece
Barbara Owens I’m a young teen who fell in love with his personality and music
Barbara Owens that’s being the same for me, he actually inspired me to learn the guitar!
I hope you won't disappoint
If they will understand sometimes i think that im the only kid that understand johnny cash
Absolutely fantastic
This is music history
RIP Johnny Cash
You will never be forgotten
I'm surprised he was allowed to sing a song like that running down San Quentin - could start a riot!
Johnny Cash seemed to know how the inmates felt. Maybe from reading all thier letters. I will always like Johnny. May he R.i.p. because he had a hard life for many years.
Johnny Cash went to prison 7 times. In total he served 1 week as they let him out after 24 hours each time.
This was my first album when I was six years old. I would do my own rendition for my parent’s friends. I was a weird kid
RIP to the man in black. May his legend never die.
They are all now free, in Heavens.
My God,I love it when he sings"San Quentin I Hate Every Inch of You"and all the boys kick off.Brilliant.I was watching a documentary about Johnny where he comes over to the u.k.he travels up to Scotland to trace his ancient family lineage.He goes to Edinburgh and even sees the streets named Cash Lane etc.
What a Song.. RESPECT ❤
The Magic That Is Johnny Cash ❤
@Johnnycashmusicworld You talking from Heaven or Hell ! 😅😅😅
2 years in jail in Italy. San Quentin & folsom prison blues are my therapy. Thank you for those wonderful songs! That means so much for me. I also play guitar and sing and, recently I learn to play and sing those songs... Everytime is a therapy for my wellness. I Love johnny
The most iconic line in music history: "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash."
0:47 This broke my heart...
That was the voice of God and the biggest set of balls ever attached to a man singing!!! RIP Johnny 😞🙏💔
Yep this made them lads day love this video he singing from the heart
Hello how are you doing
Fun fact: Merle Haggerd was an inmate at San Quentin at this time, and Johnny cash inspired him to start making country music.
..and president Reagan Pardoned him.
Not quite right. Merle was in San Quentin from 1958 to 1960. This is 1969, by this time Merle Haggard was already a country star with multiple #1 albums and singles. The story is true, just 10 years before this and not recorded.
@@marquettegloves9907 Google "When did johnny cash first perform at san quentin?" Answer: January 1, 1958
San Quentin is where Cash played his first-ever prison concert on January 1, 1958-a concert that helped set Merle Haggard, then a 20-year-old San Quentin inmate, on the path toward becoming a country music legend.
@@michaelalando @Michael Alando yeah, but this particular performance was 1969, not the one that Merle Haggard
would've seen which is what they're saying
@@michaelalando ok so the first live was in '58 but in the lyrics he says he is in San Quentin since 1963. How is it possible?
Wow, Johnny's pretty brave to sing that song in there! John P.
One of the greatest moments in the history of music.
Johnny cash is the fucking man still to this day he might be up there shining bright but your an absolutely legend and elvis Presley
Outstanding!!! He'll be never forgotten!!!
Happy heavenly birthday to this great man 🖤
Hi fiona
One of the best rip Johnny 🌹💖❤️♥️🌹
rest in peace, legend💀❤️🇺🇸
Club Sons of Anarchy 2019 “Respect and dignity.” Furthermore:
At least he is in his true home with the Lord now 😢♥
Descanse en Paz. Gracias Johnny
What great footage
One of the few songs that makes me cry. Nobody else stuck up for those guys who were behind bars. They might have done horrible things, but people deserve a second chance, and shoving them in prison and treating them like dirt is no help to anyone. Johnny was one of the few who stuck up for them. R.I.P.
America is even less compassionate now, judging by the hullabaloo over Lesley Van Houten being released after 54 years.
The classic does not die, it becomes a legend.
HELLO, JOHNNY CASH ... I will be forever grateful to you.
I stood watch/guard duty at USN Treasure Island 1967, two hours a night, looking west the island San Quentin loomed large. Very cold metaphysically.
It is, for me, one of if not THE greatest and most beautiful moment of rock history
My buddies pops was in San Quinton, he OD d in reno. Most my friends are dead ... RIP Robert Gallegos 3rd. Love you man
It’s hard not to feel those lyrics, very powerful
I appreciate that he’s wearing a shirt like the uniform
he's literally wearing a jacket like a blazer and the shirt he is wearing is light blue nothing like what the prisoners are wearing (dark blue)
Johnny Cash was my first real exposure to America. Legend.
Great show.
My grandpa spent time in San Quinton and this song makes me think of him all the time , fuck I miss him
I smile set me free
What a man what a humanitarian what a artist rip June and Johnny I can't think of Johnny without June to J r and Roseanne and all the cash Carter family thank you for these videos they don't make men like your dad anymore no putting on airs just johnny
I think this is my favourite song ever😀😀😀😀
Grande Johnny CASH suas canções e toda sua obra é atemporal. 🇧🇷Thank's
Thankyou John you cash
There are not enough superlatives to describe just how good this is. Nuff said.
Johnnie Cash I will always love you. You have given hope to the desolate. They loved you!!
I even became a hit in the Netherlands after it was translated into dutch and sung by a guy called Alias Berger the hit is called 'veenhuizen' which was a famous Dutch prison at one time
Best! Danke!
299 Billion Aufrufe! Viele wünschen sich wieder
H. Kohl oder H. Schmidt, das waren richtige Politika.
Deutschland Zahlmeister, für die Stabilität des Euros. Die Banken bleiben klamm. Liquiditätsprobleme (Eigenkapitalmangel) bei den Banken sind das zentrale Problem. Die amerikanischen Banken haben die Hälfte ihres Eigenkapitals bei der Weltwirtschaftskrise verloren. Gibt es keine Alternative zum Euro? Viele wünschen sich wieder Helmut Kohl oder Helmut Schmidt, das waren richtige Politika. Man sollte lieber die Familien, wo ein Elternteil Hausfrau oder Hausmänner ein Gehalt zahlen. Damit gäbe es keine Arbeitslosigkeit mehr in Deutschland. Die Familie muss wieder ihren Stellenwirt und Anerkennung in der Gesellschaft bekommen. Die Kinder brauchen eine Bezugsperson, damit sie behütet aufwachsen können. Viele in Deutschland, wollen nicht mehr der Zahlmeister für die Stabilität des Euros sein. Vielleicht will das deutsche Volk die D-Mark wieder haben, und die Italiener ihre Lira. Einseitige Berichterstattung in Europa. Wladimir Putin und Russland ist Thema vieler Medien im Konflikt um Krim und Ukraine. Der Vorwurf: Journalisten berichten einseitig, ist nich von der Hand zu weisen. Journalisten und Politiker werden nie klare Aussagen machen, bei Fragen werden die Antworten immer mit, vermutlich, wahrscheinlich u.s.w. beantwortet. Wenn es einen Unterschied gibt, dann wohl den, daß "wahrscheinlich" eher im Zusammenhang mit objektiv fast sicheren Aussagen verwendet wird (eine Aussage, die auf Fakten und Zahlen basiert), während "vermutlich" und "wohl" sich eher auf subjektive auch: voreingenommen, unsachlich, nicht messbar, Eindrücke bezieht. Es liegt im ureigenen Interesse der Eu, Russland als Partner zu haben! Das Partnerschafts und Kooperationsabkommen ist das zentrale Papier in den Beziehungen Russlands mit der EU. Seine normative Ausrichtung blockierte aber lange Zeit das Verhältnis der Partner. Der Westen gebrauchte Russland als eine Konkursmasse? Wladimir Putin sagte: Der Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion war die größte Katastrophe seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Der Segen der Geldsammlung.
Einen fröhlichen Geber hat Gott lieb.
Wer da Kärglich sät, der wird auch kärglich ernten.
Dank für Gottes Trost in Trübsal.
Wie die Leiden Christi reichlich über uns kommen,
so werden wir auch reichlich getröstet werden von Gott.
Vom Abendmahl des Herrn.
Habt ihr denn nicht Häuser, wo ihr essen und trinken könnt? Oder
verachtet ihr die Gemeinde Gottes und beschämt die, die nichts haben?
Denn wer so isst und trinkt, dass er den Leib des Herrn nicht achtet, der
isst und trinkt sich selber, zum Gericht.
Hat jemand Hunger, so esse er daheim, damit ihr nicht zum Gericht zusammenkommt.
Das warnende Beispiel Israels.
Gott ist treu, der euch nicht versuchen lässt über eure Kraft,
sondern macht, dass die Versuchung so ein Ende nimmt, dass ihr`s
ertragen könnt.
Die Weisheit der Welt ist Torheit vor Gott.
Wer sich rühmt, der rühme sich des Herrn. (Jeremia 1,22,23)
Das Leben der Gemeinde.
Hasst das Böse, hängt dem Guten an.
Die Liebe sei ohne Falsch.
Recht euch nicht selbst, sondern gebt Raum dem Zorn Gottes, denn es steht geschrieben:
( 5 Mose 32,35 ):
Die Rache ist mein; Gott will vergelten, spricht der Herr.
Frieden mit Gott.
Geduld aber Bewährung,
Bewährung aber Hoffnung,
Hoffnung aber lässt nicht zuschanden werden; denn die
Liebe Gottes ist ausgegossen in unsere Herzen durch den
heiligen Geist, der uns gegeben ist.
Das Evangelium als Kraft Gottes.
Die Gerechtigkeit, die vor Gott gilt, welche kommt
aus Glauben in Glauben; wie geschrieben steht.
Habakuk 2,4: Der Gerechte wird aus Glauben leben.
Die Auferweckung der Tabita.
Als Petrus alle hinausgetrieben hatte, kniete Petrus nieder,
betete und wandte sich zu dem Leichnam und sprach:
Tabita ( Tabita, das heißt übersetzt: Reh ), steh auf! Und Tabita
schlug ihre Augen auf; und als sie Petrus sah, setzte sie sich auf.
Die Rede des Stephanus.
Die Stimme des Herrn, geschah zu Mose ( 2. Mose 3,5 - 10 )
Ich bin der Gott deiner Väter, der Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobus.
Da fing Mose an zu zittern und wagte nicht hinzuschauen.
Aber der Herr sprach zu Mose:
Ziehe die Schuhe aus von deinen Füßen; denn die Stätte,
auf der du stehst, ist heiliges Land!
Jesus das Licht der Welt.
Jesus sagte:
Wenn euch die Welt hasst, so wisst, dass die Welt mich vor euch gehasst hat.
Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben;
niemand kommt zum Vater denn durch mich. Wer an mich glaubt,
der wird die Werke auch tun, die ich tue, und er wird noch größere
als diese tun; denn ich gehe zum Vater. Ich bin in die Welt gekommen
als ein Licht, damit, wer an mich glaubt, nicht in der Finsternis bleibt.
Ihr richtet nach dem Fleisch, ich richte niemand.
Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes besagt:
Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten und aus allgemein zugänglichen Quellen frei zu lehren. Artikel 5 des Grundgesetzes.
Copyright: Karlwilismus@gmx.de Schützt meine Kreationen Lebenslänglich, dann die Kinder, in 167 Ländern Karlwilismus Gemäß den §§ l. 111, 112 und 113 des Strafgesetzbuchs, geistiger Eigentum, erkläre ich, dass meine Rechte an allen meinen persönlichen Daten, Zeichnungen, Bilder, Texte etc... nur bei mir liegen. Veröffentlicht auf meinem Profil ab dem Tag, an dem ich mein Konto erstellt habe. Die kommerzielle Nutzung erfordert vorher meine schriftliche Genehmigung!m Land unterzugehen. Veröffentlicht auf meinem Profil ab dem Tag, an dem ich mein Konto erstellt habe. Die kommerzielle Nutzung erfordert vorher meine schriftliche Genehmigung! Expressionismus Ich bin hauptberuflich Künstler, und habe meine Ausdrucksform in der abstrakten Malerei gefunden. Denn nur die Abstraktion gibt mir die notwendige Freiheit, das auszudrücken, um was es geht, Gefühle. Die Abstrakte - Kunst ist eine der frühesten Möglichkeiten menschliche Gefühle zu offenbaren. Ich arbeite in Öl und ziehe größere Formate vor.
Monsieur Roy de Cantel Schmidt
Englisch: Good Morning
Türkisch: günaydin
Deutschland: Guten Morgen
Avantgardistische Kunst: Kunstrichtung - Karlwilismus!
From Germany.....my English is bad!!!cash is the best :-*
I will argue that "I hate every inch of you" is the most beautiful lyric written in human history.
Let's not get carried away... lol.
Absolute Legend 💯