That last Ashe example also had way too much sustain in her inventory. Why do you need pots and biscuits when you already have a Yuumi? Especially considering the low range poke free opp lane of Tristana and Lulu.
I think most of what you put out was good except that last part about Trist. It's Hec, TF and if they were playing well they should be ulti'ing onto Trist as soon as they can, they were misplaying and honestly Trist buying GA because she recognized that they SHOULD be ulti'ing all-ing her isn't her misplay but theirs. Also, they didn't even have to fight this tbh, they had poor vision for the Talon to flank (which is what he should've been doing) the Jinx. They (Trist's team) could've just said "OK Take that Cloud Drake, we are gonna push down Mid and pressure inhib" which is what I would've said to team since it's just Cloud Soul which is like it's okish or whatever but getting a inhib at 30 can put enough pressure on map so that when baron DOES respawn you can already have deep vision setup in top side enemy jg. Elise, Talon, Wukong, Naut all seemed to misplay the Team fights, they for sure need to just stop grouping because even tho they have dive the players don't seem comfortable playing into the Hec TF Thresh, so instead start up the 1-3-1, push down mid, pull the other team apart and get more on the map. Essentially the problem wasn't the GA of Trist at all is what I'm getting at, they didn't recognize that they can't out team fight the other team after that baron fight and they should've tried to pull them apart and allow trist to siege which would make the GA pick make a lot of sense. IE doesn't really do anything here tbh since she would've just died anyways because her team mates griefed
So i have a question if the enemy has push for lvl 2 and i cant contest it i let them get it and back off but is it ok to thin the wave after we hit lvl 2 as well or should we leave the stacked wave to crash under turret. I mean its hard to trim in most cases because enemy wins nearly every trade but low elo is often int and they dont punish you so. If they let me should i thin it
I think Riot stumbled onto this video with regards to the latest changes that they are testing with Teleport. With some minor changes they are pretty mutch doing just that. Teleport usage started to go downhill the moment the keystone spellbook was introduced and it has only gotten worse from there. Now u can se adc and even some support running teleport at some point in the game. Remove the option to change summoner spells completly and a majority of midlaners and the entirety of adc/support will stop using it. They may be targeting Teleport as a spell but in turn they are destroying the viability of many top lane champions before the 14 min mark.
its funny how you mentioned the tp thing at the beginning considering how absolutely shafted tp is now. they didnt just nerf it for the first 8 mins then massively buff it later like you said. it got completely gutted and then for the entire laning phase and then you get it back to normal after then XD
But they are teaching you all the wrong things, and all the wrong things to look out for. They genuinely are not sure how to play the game, this is just how they think its best to play, I can tell you a LOT more things wrong with what they are showing than they ever could. They are simply on the wrong track when it comes to game knowledge.
I sometimes click on these videos to see if they can bring me something new that I didn't think of and I have actually learned a thing or 2 from other channels but so far skill capped has just become a joke for me to point out all the mistakes with their analysis and all the ones I already knew about. The end result is unfortunately to not play the game seriously until ranked becomes based off a players own performance to dictate their mmr rather than their teams overall performance.
3:42 how exactly do you know we will automatically get a wave advantage once it bounces? Tristana could simply keep auto'ing the wave and maybe use her E on a cannon creep, and since trying to zone a Blitzcrank is a terrible idea, you can't really zone Tristana out of the wave in order to get a wave advantage either. Did you guys seriously not think of this possibility? You're essentially assuming Tristana and Blitz will play super passively once the wave bounces, and that's not really how things usually play out.
As an ADC main, I will say that right now ADC is just fine. The new items surely helped a lot. As long as you know how to properly position/kite, you should be fine.
@@sagewaifu3272 yeah I was kinda joking. ADC’s have some of the best itemization of all the roles, they just have to play a little differently than they used to I think.
@@sagewaifu3272 Idd adc hvnt felt this good since before they changed supports from slaves to monsters. It's not even comparable to last season were I actually swapped role just because how weak ad felt.
Skipping GA and timing my recalls for when I can get an item power spike will definitely bump me up the ladder if I can remember it. I do those mistakes all the time
I enjoyed the talk of build in this video. I would love to see more of that as well as rune choice! like why some pros take conqueror instead of lethal tempo in certain scenarios etc
That Ashe example at the end made me take a good hard look at my laning. I always take that 650gp back for either boots shortsword or dagger shortsword, never recognizing the loss of lane control.. So what's the correct play? Let the Tristana push her wave into a freeze on my side, thin the wave a touch, and slowpush back. I think that's correct. But on that slowpush, I dont know whether it's more beneficial to shove and crash a smaller wave before a Canon arrives, or to continue the slowpush so as to build the largest wave possible?
The Ashe in the final scenario was probably paying more attention to her mana than the wave state. Her bad recall, in my opinion, is more likely the result of inefficient ability usage (or at least her own perception of it). If you have an ability that is capable of poking, it's usually only good for 1 or 2 uses before being inefficient as a poking tool. For certain champions, this comes with the contingency of whether or not you're actually getting the hits with the poke (Ziggs, Vel'koz, Lux). For Ashe, however, that mana is indeed important. If you can't all-in on your mana, you may as well have already given up your advantage.
The problem wasn't the ability usage, was the wave management. If wanted to recall she needed to create a slowpush, not fast push and 'crash' 3 caster minions on the tower. Her mana didnt matter because she had the wave control.
I think Riot stumbled onto this video with regards to the latest changes that they are testing with Teleport. With some minor changes they are pretty mutch doing just that. Teleport usage started to go downhill the moment the keystone spellbook was introduced and it has only gotten worse from there. Now u can se adc and even some support running teleport at some point in the game. Remove the option to change summoner spells completly and a majority of midlaners and the entirety of adc/support will stop using it. They may be targeting Teleport as a spell but in turn they are destroying the viability of many top lane champions before the 14 min mark.
As Support main is the hardest role to be stuck since even you win bot lane when other lane loses you lose as well so sad. Was thinking changing my main to mid or jungle that have more impact thru out the game.
@@Freekymoho True, but enchanters are shit and have less impact than the shitfest that ADC became this season. Unless you're willing to give up your knowledge on enchanters or just all-in on poke or engage champions, he's gonna be stuck for a long time because Lulu is banned 90% of the games I used to like playing Poke/Sustain champs like Soraka, Lulu, Sona, Janna, etc. But with the current state of the meta, the only Sustain I play is Senna, the few pokes I play are Xerath and Swain (Long range skills, enough to save the mid from a gank or assist the solo invading jungler with some vision and damage) and the rest are just engage champs (Thresh, Naut, Pyke, Leona, Sett, Blitz, Maokai, etc). I don't really regret the change since I dislike playing ranked and would much rather stay on normals, but I will miss the old times with my Janna
About random recalls... It was UNIQUE situation where we could see jungle and midlane. In 99 percent games jungler is hidden. Also, her wave vas like 3 minions, it was much closer to enemy full wave. So even if she stayed, her advantage would be thrown a little bit back. AND because we saw that there is nothing to afraid on the map, this lost of advantage is unwanted so she recalled to spend this time useful as she thought. I can not imagine what I could've done in her position
I don't think that the first mistake is really a mistake, we know that jgl started topside, so jgl will probably go to blue into botlane gank. Actually it was smart that tristana wanted to push the second wave to do a bouncing wave towards her since she can contest the slowpush with her E and even tho she gets 3 - 4 aa from Cait which is called tether farming. then caitlyn and morgana are actually in a ganking spot. Since they play vs an allin lane (blitz/trist) as a poke lane (cait/morg) they lose also the trade automatically, even if the jgler wouldnt come
If tristana gets rooted by engaging she actually loses that fight very fast and throws lane. Id also never rely on a jungler to gank a morgana and caitlyn with full sums up. Thats even if red jg did start Top which he didnt. Red jg full cleared bot jg and started blue (the icons are dissapearing on the map.) By far the easiest window to win lane is the level 2 vs 1 all in. This is the only time in the game no morgana will have e and caitlyn has zero peel. So hard shoving at 1 as trist is not worth it in my eyes. Even if you did want the bounce back wave, im not entirely sure why you cant do one at a later time. Please correct me if Ive misunderstood something or Im wrong though
"I'm tired of seeing SO MANY teleport spells because it FIXES MISSPLAYS way to easily" Meanwhile flash that almost every champ takes every game on every lane: *nervous laughter*
Seriously though, can you imagine a world where there's no Flash in League of Legends, and how different of a game it would be? It's crazy to think about how impactful hm05 is lol.
4:34 the first entry is what the player should have done (as Cait was contesting the early shove) while the second entry is what the player should not do. Very confusing.
QOTD: I think Teleport needs a more static cooldown cause as someone who doesn't invest my life in this game, I know Flash is 5 minutes but I had to look up that TP is 7-3.5 minutes. I don't want to have teleport cooldown per level tabbed every time I play just to track a cooldown. Maybe stick with a lower cooldown but give it a range like TF ult but way longer (probably base to center of side lane or something) or even 5 like flash, but I don't bother tracking TP I always assume it's up unless they just used it.
If you made teleport unavaible at the start and then buffed it at 8 mins when it would be avaible no one would pick it. Someone with ignite would freeze you out for 8 mins or repeat kill you and then when your tp is up and avaible to assist your team he will take nexus while you tp gank.
I think removing TP would make the skill of league better In general if I'm being honest it would feel like shit at first but atleast no one has a get out of jail free card it would slow down the games pacing make wave management way more important and would make deaths meaningful so players can't just tp back to lane they'll learn to not take stupied fights that are coin flip
Teleport is fine but what it gains is more subtle than a get out of jail free card. If the opponent messes up their wave in a trade and is forced to use tp, you now have tp advantage (unless you went ignite because you are flipping for the kill). The advantage gained is that you now have access to cross map pressure that the opponent can't match. Encourages a team oriented game.
Have teleport start on cooldown with a 5-10 minute cooldown then reduce the cooldown after usage for the rest of the game to compensate with that nerf. Prevents an initial misplay from being ignored and let's it be used to enable split pushing and other cross map plays when death timers become the punishment for dying
3:30 but can't tristana just fast push the next wave or in low elo they usually fast push every wave and not allowing cait to build a wave to crash it under tower? ik that the jungle or mid should punish that but tbh a lot of low elo don't notice much and keep farming jungle or ganking other lanes early on the game, so if the jungle and mid didn't punish tristana for fast pushing every wave then there isn't much for cait to do about it right?
The last example with the ashe, why wouldn't this be considered a cheater recall? Was it just because there was no cannon minion that it was a bad play? What are adc's supposed to get off the early recall after pushing? All I ever can get is a long sword.
QOTD: I despise teleport, especially when you get first blood. You cannot base and spend that firstblood gold contrary to other summoner spells. Any other condition, the summoner spell is pretty niche compared to Barrier, Ignite, and of course, Flash.
Hi Skill Capped! I am a very big fan of your channel as you guys are helping me understand lol and how to improve at it. It would be awesome if you guys would make a video on “Situational Items” like what to build to counter your enemy team. For instance, today I was playing a ranked game as Kai’sa and I was 23/5, the reason we lost because the enemy nasus went all armor items and I went all AD items, my friend told me I should’ve built AP Kai’sa instead but I didn’t know Again would be awesome if you guys make a “Situational items” video tutorial. Thank you!!!
I am low tier gold player, and have been playing this game for extremely long. My experience with people at this level is not even their mechanics, just the way the over chase and overstay in lanes. I have seen so many good fights and great objectives victories, just for everyone to stay and chase the support to be aced right after that. They want to group up and fight so bad, does not matter if there is no objectives, if you are miles ahead and all you need to do is push lanes and play your win condition, but no they would rather chase and try to get as many kills as possible. I understand grouping can be crucial and if its your only win condition, without grouping you might as well ff. But if you just aced them and you have no hp and they are all respawning in 5 seconds staying to get one more kill most often than not loses you the game.
Teleport is good as it is. If you missplay, you have to use it (for a lane like the toplane wich is very far away and hard is essential) and the enemy can use his teleport to take advantage elsewhere while your is on cd, so is not a cheap way to return in lane after a missplay.
Problem is that early laning a crossmap play is often worse use of tp than wave control. Tp'ing bot for a kill isnt worth it when you return top a level and a half down with the lane frozen on you
@@Freekymoho True, but you need to see this in the competitive area as well. There a couple of kill in bot, or a sudden tf 3v3 4v4 in the river with the tp advantage is huge.
QOTD: I use it mostly to make plays or to set up for farm leads, but half the time I end up just taking ghost because holy shit ghost is amazing...even just getting an assist nets you a duration reset, it's a pocket Yi ulti without the slow resist~
I knew morgana would be useless before she overextand to help ekko, the reason for it was that she could stop the red buff from resseting but she didn't that was enough to show that morgana should be bronze or below
QOTD: yeah teleport is cool and all, but why isn't flash nerfed to encourage use of all of the other summoner spells? There's no point in using anything other than flash because it's so strong and we've accepted that one out of the two slots is always going to be occupied by it.
i really didnt understand the 1st mistake cuz if i let them push blitz will hook me out of tower renge or tris will e the tower and haras me... right???
Hooks are less effective when you're right next to your tower, and if trist goes for tower damage you can easily punish that with caitlyn. Not that she would get much done at level 2. That said; Im also a bit iffy about that tip. Feels like not contesting level 2 against trist and blitz is a recipe for disaster
To fix teleport, they should decrease the cooldown of it if you use it outside of your lane or if you get an assist/kill 30 sec after using it you get it’s cd decreased the issue with to it’s too punitive to use it and get nothing from it and loose xp on your lane
I'm only silver take it with a grain, but since Samira is often a powerhouse in the late game and can often 1v1 most enemies except those with enough cc, I've considered taking tp for split pushing ability, in addition since her first few levels are her weakest it would allow to tp back to lane without missing too much cs early on if she gets pressured out of lane
Maybe make TP channel time much longer at the beginning of the game (maybe even 7 seconds) and shorter in the mid and late game. This makes it so you will likely still lose CS in an early misplay and so it might not be much more beneficial than just walking to the lane.
For the issue with the vayne and jhin I see that her jungler was topside getting rift. If he was bot getting farm, why would she get gromp? The nocturne will flame her to he'll and never help her after that. What would she do instead? She can't go mid because of the lack of vision on the enemy jungler..
Lmao what? Who thinks its a good idea to get pushed under tower against tris blitz and losing the lvl 2 advantage, sounds like a nightmare and then you gonna bounce back in a disadvantage.
QOTD: I think its a powerful spell in some hands, but most of the time its useless and just leads to another solo kill for example the volibear vs tf in one of your vids
What if my supp Is a caster like Morgana /lux /brand ecc and hit minions with spell all times make the wave push? How i can fix / make an advantage of this without need to push a wave of like 4 minions into tolhe enemy tower?
In theory 1, 2 and 3 should average out similarly for everyone, unless you are the cause, so they are really 4. Although I certainly can associate with the sentiment at times.
the base ashe took is questionable sure ... but honestly i dont rly think that tristana would have that much of an issue to clear out a stacked wave anyways due to her just E the cannon and blow up all ranged creeps in the process
Isn't your solution for Tp similar to the actual tp? With 6min of cd in early and reduced as you level up to something like 3min30? Albeit you can Tp once in early with the actual tp
What of your against an akshan and your 1 vs 9. Like let's say you get 27 / 5 / 2 right then you have an akshan with ignite trying to kill you. Is it fine to go GA then cause I felt like after I got it they started targeting me way less.
it took me sometimes to realize that to (3rd one) I never buy GA if the enemy team isn't trying to dive me first and kill me without touching my teammates lol I was kinda angry don't that trist
QOTD: every top laner, except for the minority that doesn’t need it like Quinn, must use this. It is a extremely useful spell that can give great advantage for their team.
On points number 2 and 3 and 4. #2. Tri-bush was not warded, never try to take a plate without that bush being warded as it opens you up to the exact gank that happened. If it was warded, the Vayne wouldn't of tried for the plate, regardless if Jhin was there or not. #3. Never buy a GA unless there is an assassin on their team that can get you. The opposing team didn't have any Divers or Assassins to go after the Trist. So yes the GA was bad but you never actually explained the reason WHY she was not threatened. That is, enemy team had no Divers or Assassins. #4. Ashe was out of mana and wouldn't of been able to keep up the harass and pressure due to all the spamming early on. Yes she could have stayed to get that wave that just showed up, but she wouldn't be able to keep up the harass anymore. A little more mana management by using some autos to harass with instead of spamming would have been better and still would achieve the same result.
Finally I'm in here after 6 years admiting that I'm hardstuck. My mechanics are phenomenal, but my game sense is rightfully in my elo, I depend too much on my mechanics and when I meet other ADC players with similar or better mechanics than me, I'm down 40 cs somehow but I'm 0/0/0
Since season 4 I think that tp should be a boots enchantment but riot kills boots enchantments so tp should be a consumable such as health potions in my opinion this opens oportunities for non tradicional spells since 98% os the champs needs to chooseflash and now evererybody has acess to tp but with a cost and a cooldown of course
@@NullExotic something like that or less of course needs testing but something around 150 to 500 or maybe more, if is to expensive is not worth but if is to cheap will be more abusable than the actual one
I'd balance teleport by shortening its range alongside the longer cooldown in the early game. Maybe the range would be nexus to tier 2 towers until 10 or so minutes, then extend it to nexus to enemy tier 1 towers, and then by 15-20 minutes it becomes global and on a much shorter cooldown. That way it isn't completely useless in the early game (i.e locking it out) but its still not nearly as useful in the early game as it currently is.
Considering the poor skill adc have on diamond and below, the only thing they should learn is to not die 5 times in 3 minutes. Just farm and get carried
QOTD: I think TP is very good becouse it is gamechanging skill and you can play proactive. When You pick your main and enemy picks hard counter against your main you can run telleport and get fed on other lanes.
Want to IMPROVE FAST and get the RANK you've always wanted then check out:
That last Ashe example also had way too much sustain in her inventory.
Why do you need pots and biscuits when you already have a Yuumi? Especially considering the low range poke free opp lane of Tristana and Lulu.
I think most of what you put out was good except that last part about Trist. It's Hec, TF and if they were playing well they should be ulti'ing onto Trist as soon as they can, they were misplaying and honestly Trist buying GA because she recognized that they SHOULD be ulti'ing all-ing her isn't her misplay but theirs.
Also, they didn't even have to fight this tbh, they had poor vision for the Talon to flank (which is what he should've been doing) the Jinx. They (Trist's team) could've just said "OK Take that Cloud Drake, we are gonna push down Mid and pressure inhib" which is what I would've said to team since it's just Cloud Soul which is like it's okish or whatever but getting a inhib at 30 can put enough pressure on map so that when baron DOES respawn you can already have deep vision setup in top side enemy jg.
Elise, Talon, Wukong, Naut all seemed to misplay the Team fights, they for sure need to just stop grouping because even tho they have dive the players don't seem comfortable playing into the Hec TF Thresh, so instead start up the 1-3-1, push down mid, pull the other team apart and get more on the map. Essentially the problem wasn't the GA of Trist at all is what I'm getting at, they didn't recognize that they can't out team fight the other team after that baron fight and they should've tried to pull them apart and allow trist to siege which would make the GA pick make a lot of sense.
IE doesn't really do anything here tbh since she would've just died anyways because her team mates griefed
I have a question, I know you guys say take jg camps. Can you guys make a video on when to take jg camps and how it does not piss your jg?
So i have a question if the enemy has push for lvl 2 and i cant contest it i let them get it and back off but is it ok to thin the wave after we hit lvl 2 as well or should we leave the stacked wave to crash under turret. I mean its hard to trim in most cases because enemy wins nearly every trade but low elo is often int and they dont punish you so. If they let me should i thin it
I think Riot stumbled onto this video with regards to the latest changes that they are testing with Teleport. With some minor changes they are pretty mutch doing just that. Teleport usage started to go downhill the moment the keystone spellbook was introduced and it has only gotten worse from there. Now u can se adc and even some support running teleport at some point in the game. Remove the option to change summoner spells completly and a majority of midlaners and the entirety of adc/support will stop using it. They may be targeting Teleport as a spell but in turn they are destroying the viability of many top lane champions before the 14 min mark.
6:27 "She has 3 better options here", first of all: transform into Jhin
Omg xD
I was looking for this comment
I paused the video and came to the comments for this.
@@fostxswire1600 me too xD
its funny how you mentioned the tp thing at the beginning considering how absolutely shafted tp is now. they didnt just nerf it for the first 8 mins then massively buff it later like you said. it got completely gutted and then for the entire laning phase and then you get it back to normal after then XD
lol that's exactly what I thought. Prophetic
Thought the same!
Yes, more ADC videos.
Skillcapped is honestly the best channel to learn things, clearest explanations and very fun to watch.
But they are teaching you all the wrong things, and all the wrong things to look out for. They genuinely are not sure how to play the game, this is just how they think its best to play, I can tell you a LOT more things wrong with what they are showing than they ever could. They are simply on the wrong track when it comes to game knowledge.
I sometimes click on these videos to see if they can bring me something new that I didn't think of and I have actually learned a thing or 2 from other channels but so far skill capped has just become a joke for me to point out all the mistakes with their analysis and all the ones I already knew about. The end result is unfortunately to not play the game seriously until ranked becomes based off a players own performance to dictate their mmr rather than their teams overall performance.
@@WhitePum4 I'm terrible at this game and especially playing adc, any advice or source to improve? I'm not kidding.
6:26 is supposed to be vayne right instead of jhin icon
"I hate teleport because people keep using it exactly how I tell them to"
@HeartsForAmamiya you’re missing the point. It’s a joke and decently funny
they predict the teleport change tho xd
I'd love to see one of these for jungle.
6:24 new vayne skin leak
Yup 🤣🤣🤣
pretty cool that Vayne fed Jhin so she can turn into him. 5head
Plottwist, Vayne was a viego
3:42 how exactly do you know we will automatically get a wave advantage once it bounces? Tristana could simply keep auto'ing the wave and maybe use her E on a cannon creep, and since trying to zone a Blitzcrank is a terrible idea, you can't really zone Tristana out of the wave in order to get a wave advantage either.
Did you guys seriously not think of this possibility? You're essentially assuming Tristana and Blitz will play super passively once the wave bounces, and that's not really how things usually play out.
QOTD: Crazy how Hector predicted the new TP spell 8 months ago.
Love how you predicted the teleport change
My god you predicted the tp change almost to the letter
Mistake 1: Install League of Legends
You re right ronaldo
thank CR7 i install fifa for now
Mistake 1 : Playing ranked in league
this question of the day aged well
Teleport - new effect
Quantum glitch: in the first 8mins of game there's a 1 percent chance you will end up at a random location of the map when used.
there's a 1% chance you tp to the enemy fountain
Hahaha I love this comment
@@joakimeltocho5312 perfectly balanced
I will be hardstuck forever
Buy skill capped subscription and/or a game coach. Or join Neace Lol Boot Camp next time its open
Same ever since i hit plat been hardstuck for 2 seasons
Mistake 1: PLAYING ADC IN 2021
As an ADC main, I will say that right now ADC is just fine. The new items surely helped a lot. As long as you know how to properly position/kite, you should be fine.
@@sagewaifu3272 yeah I was kinda joking. ADC’s have some of the best itemization of all the roles, they just have to play a little differently than they used to I think.
Mistake 1: playing league at all
@@sagewaifu3272 Idd adc hvnt felt this good since before they changed supports from slaves to monsters. It's not even comparable to last season were I actually swapped role just because how weak ad felt.
This is true xD always got 1 shot
Skipping GA and timing my recalls for when I can get an item power spike will definitely bump me up the ladder if I can remember it. I do those mistakes all the time
I enjoyed the talk of build in this video. I would love to see more of that as well as rune choice! like why some pros take conqueror instead of lethal tempo in certain scenarios etc
That's quite easy, before every game at lobby and in loading screen you can analyse matchups so you can answer there what would be better and when,
That Ashe example at the end made me take a good hard look at my laning. I always take that 650gp back for either boots shortsword or dagger shortsword, never recognizing the loss of lane control..
So what's the correct play? Let the Tristana push her wave into a freeze on my side, thin the wave a touch, and slowpush back. I think that's correct.
But on that slowpush, I dont know whether it's more beneficial to shove and crash a smaller wave before a Canon arrives, or to continue the slowpush so as to build the largest wave possible?
The Ashe in the final scenario was probably paying more attention to her mana than the wave state. Her bad recall, in my opinion, is more likely the result of inefficient ability usage (or at least her own perception of it). If you have an ability that is capable of poking, it's usually only good for 1 or 2 uses before being inefficient as a poking tool. For certain champions, this comes with the contingency of whether or not you're actually getting the hits with the poke (Ziggs, Vel'koz, Lux). For Ashe, however, that mana is indeed important. If you can't all-in on your mana, you may as well have already given up your advantage.
She had enough mana for all-in though + she had presence of mind and I assume biscuits coming in. Also what is that skill build...
The problem wasn't the ability usage, was the wave management. If wanted to recall she needed to create a slowpush, not fast push and 'crash' 3 caster minions on the tower. Her mana didnt matter because she had the wave control.
Can we have a video about how to choose build for adc, like the thought process
I think Riot stumbled onto this video with regards to the latest changes that they are testing with Teleport. With some minor changes they are pretty mutch doing just that. Teleport usage started to go downhill the moment the keystone spellbook was introduced and it has only gotten worse from there. Now u can se adc and even some support running teleport at some point in the game. Remove the option to change summoner spells completly and a majority of midlaners and the entirety of adc/support will stop using it. They may be targeting Teleport as a spell but in turn they are destroying the viability of many top lane champions before the 14 min mark.
The wish of the question came true!!
As Support main is the hardest role to be stuck since even you win bot lane when other lane loses you lose as well so sad.
Was thinking changing my main to mid or jungle that have more impact thru out the game.
As support you have most of the agency in the lane, and once you get ahead you can spill that lead unto the rest of the map
@@Freekymoho True, but enchanters are shit and have less impact than the shitfest that ADC became this season. Unless you're willing to give up your knowledge on enchanters or just all-in on poke or engage champions, he's gonna be stuck for a long time because Lulu is banned 90% of the games
I used to like playing Poke/Sustain champs like Soraka, Lulu, Sona, Janna, etc. But with the current state of the meta, the only Sustain I play is Senna, the few pokes I play are Xerath and Swain (Long range skills, enough to save the mid from a gank or assist the solo invading jungler with some vision and damage) and the rest are just engage champs (Thresh, Naut, Pyke, Leona, Sett, Blitz, Maokai, etc).
I don't really regret the change since I dislike playing ranked and would much rather stay on normals, but I will miss the old times with my Janna
@@shikikankillzone4239 swain is more of an all in combo mage than a poje character
6:10 Lol this part got me laughing, this is so accurate!
About random recalls... It was UNIQUE situation where we could see jungle and midlane. In 99 percent games jungler is hidden. Also, her wave vas like 3 minions, it was much closer to enemy full wave. So even if she stayed, her advantage would be thrown a little bit back. AND because we saw that there is nothing to afraid on the map, this lost of advantage is unwanted so she recalled to spend this time useful as she thought. I can not imagine what I could've done in her position
I don't think that the first mistake is really a mistake, we know that jgl started topside, so jgl will probably go to blue into botlane gank. Actually it was smart that tristana wanted to push the second wave to do a bouncing wave towards her since she can contest the slowpush with her E and even tho she gets 3 - 4 aa from Cait which is called tether farming. then caitlyn and morgana are actually in a ganking spot. Since they play vs an allin lane (blitz/trist) as a poke lane (cait/morg) they lose also the trade automatically, even if the jgler wouldnt come
I was thinking same
If tristana gets rooted by engaging she actually loses that fight very fast and throws lane.
Id also never rely on a jungler to gank a morgana and caitlyn with full sums up. Thats even if red jg did start Top which he didnt. Red jg full cleared bot jg and started blue (the icons are dissapearing on the map.)
By far the easiest window to win lane is the level 2 vs 1 all in. This is the only time in the game no morgana will have e and caitlyn has zero peel. So hard shoving at 1 as trist is not worth it in my eyes. Even if you did want the bounce back wave, im not entirely sure why you cant do one at a later time.
Please correct me if Ive misunderstood something or Im wrong though
"I'm tired of seeing SO MANY teleport spells because it FIXES MISSPLAYS way to easily"
Meanwhile flash that almost every champ takes every game on every lane: *nervous laughter*
Seriously though, can you imagine a world where there's no Flash in League of Legends, and how different of a game it would be? It's crazy to think about how impactful hm05 is lol.
at 5:34 , i will just let the wave to push by default , take the gromp then back to lane for more farm
4:34 the first entry is what the player should have done (as Cait was contesting the early shove) while the second entry is what the player should not do. Very confusing.
QOTD: I think Teleport needs a more static cooldown cause as someone who doesn't invest my life in this game, I know Flash is 5 minutes but I had to look up that TP is 7-3.5 minutes. I don't want to have teleport cooldown per level tabbed every time I play just to track a cooldown. Maybe stick with a lower cooldown but give it a range like TF ult but way longer (probably base to center of side lane or something) or even 5 like flash, but I don't bother tracking TP I always assume it's up unless they just used it.
If you made teleport unavaible at the start and then buffed it at 8 mins when it would be avaible no one would pick it. Someone with ignite would freeze you out for 8 mins or repeat kill you and then when your tp is up and avaible to assist your team he will take nexus while you tp gank.
I think removing TP would make the skill of league better In general if I'm being honest it would feel like shit at first but atleast no one has a get out of jail free card it would slow down the games pacing make wave management way more important and would make deaths meaningful so players can't just tp back to lane they'll learn to not take stupied fights that are coin flip
Teleport is fine but what it gains is more subtle than a get out of jail free card. If the opponent messes up their wave in a trade and is forced to use tp, you now have tp advantage (unless you went ignite because you are flipping for the kill). The advantage gained is that you now have access to cross map pressure that the opponent can't match. Encourages a team oriented game.
0:30 When you read your essay to the class
Have teleport start on cooldown with a 5-10 minute cooldown then reduce the cooldown after usage for the rest of the game to compensate with that nerf. Prevents an initial misplay from being ignored and let's it be used to enable split pushing and other cross map plays when death timers become the punishment for dying
3:30 but can't tristana just fast push the next wave or in low elo they usually fast push every wave and not allowing cait to build a wave to crash it under tower? ik that the jungle or mid should punish that but tbh a lot of low elo don't notice much and keep farming jungle or ganking other lanes early on the game, so if the jungle and mid didn't punish tristana for fast pushing every wave then there isn't much for cait to do about it right?
The last example with the ashe, why wouldn't this be considered a cheater recall? Was it just because there was no cannon minion that it was a bad play? What are adc's supposed to get off the early recall after pushing? All I ever can get is a long sword.
QOTD: I despise teleport, especially when you get first blood. You cannot base and spend that firstblood gold contrary to other summoner spells. Any other condition, the summoner spell is pretty niche compared to Barrier, Ignite, and of course, Flash.
thank you for the guide, picking up on ADC
Hi Skill Capped! I am a very big fan of your channel as you guys are helping me understand lol and how to improve at it. It would be awesome if you guys would make a video on “Situational Items” like what to build to counter your enemy team. For instance, today I was playing a ranked game as Kai’sa and I was 23/5, the reason we lost because the enemy nasus went all armor items and I went all AD items, my friend told me I should’ve built AP Kai’sa instead but I didn’t know
Again would be awesome if you guys make a “Situational items” video tutorial. Thank you!!!
If you build kraken slayer + ldr you should be fine against Nasus
i loved this vid, learned something new!
QoTD: It's the only thing that Azir has left....
He must be super happy about the teleport changes next patch
I am low tier gold player, and have been playing this game for extremely long. My experience with people at this level is not even their mechanics, just the way the over chase and overstay in lanes. I have seen so many good fights and great objectives victories, just for everyone to stay and chase the support to be aced right after that. They want to group up and fight so bad, does not matter if there is no objectives, if you are miles ahead and all you need to do is push lanes and play your win condition, but no they would rather chase and try to get as many kills as possible. I understand grouping can be crucial and if its your only win condition, without grouping you might as well ff. But if you just aced them and you have no hp and they are all respawning in 5 seconds staying to get one more kill most often than not loses you the game.
Teleport is good as it is. If you missplay, you have to use it (for a lane like the toplane wich is very far away and hard is essential) and the enemy can use his teleport to take advantage elsewhere while your is on cd, so is not a cheap way to return in lane after a missplay.
Problem is that early laning a crossmap play is often worse use of tp than wave control. Tp'ing bot for a kill isnt worth it when you return top a level and a half down with the lane frozen on you
@@Freekymoho True, but you need to see this in the competitive area as well. There a couple of kill in bot, or a sudden tf 3v3 4v4 in the river with the tp advantage is huge.
And so skill capped's QOTD forced riot to nerf tp haha
love how the describe both good and bad decision
QOTD: I use it mostly to make plays or to set up for farm leads, but half the time I end up just taking ghost because holy shit ghost is amazing...even just getting an assist nets you a duration reset, it's a pocket Yi ulti without the slow resist~
I knew morgana would be useless before she overextand to help ekko, the reason for it was that she could stop the red buff from resseting but she didn't that was enough to show that morgana should be bronze or below
QOTD: yeah teleport is cool and all, but why isn't flash nerfed to encourage use of all of the other summoner spells? There's no point in using anything other than flash because it's so strong and we've accepted that one out of the two slots is always going to be occupied by it.
i really didnt understand the 1st mistake
cuz if i let them push blitz will hook me out of tower renge or tris will e the tower and haras me... right???
Hooks are less effective when you're right next to your tower, and if trist goes for tower damage you can easily punish that with caitlyn. Not that she would get much done at level 2.
That said; Im also a bit iffy about that tip. Feels like not contesting level 2 against trist and blitz is a recipe for disaster
not really, in this case tris pushing to the tower with only 4,5 minions and no cannon so what can he do?
i wish you could do the same guide but for supports
Holy shit the teleport changes you called it
To fix teleport, they should decrease the cooldown of it if you use it outside of your lane or if you get an assist/kill 30 sec after using it you get it’s cd decreased the issue with to it’s too punitive to use it and get nothing from it and loose xp on your lane
can u make a video about support's mistakes?
I'm only silver take it with a grain, but since Samira is often a powerhouse in the late game and can often 1v1 most enemies except those with enough cc, I've considered taking tp for split pushing ability, in addition since her first few levels are her weakest it would allow to tp back to lane without missing too much cs early on if she gets pressured out of lane
just keep teleport as is. if you cant beat the laner after one misplay teleport, do you really deserve to win lane?
I think ashe recalls random Cause she was oom which not makes the decision better 😬
Maybe make TP channel time much longer at the beginning of the game (maybe even 7 seconds) and shorter in the mid and late game. This makes it so you will likely still lose CS in an early misplay and so it might not be much more beneficial than just walking to the lane.
For the issue with the vayne and jhin I see that her jungler was topside getting rift. If he was bot getting farm, why would she get gromp? The nocturne will flame her to he'll and never help her after that. What would she do instead? She can't go mid because of the lack of vision on the enemy jungler..
Riot after watching his suggestion about teleport : good idea
Is it hardstuck if you just play ranks for the skin?
No, it mean u are actually having fun playing, and not having a stroke trying to climb to whatever elo u want
I think its nice if you can only tp to a ward or a control ward so there should be an actual setup for teleport
Lmao what? Who thinks its a good idea to get pushed under tower against tris blitz and losing the lvl 2 advantage, sounds like a nightmare and then you gonna bounce back in a disadvantage.
QOTD: I think its a powerful spell in some hands, but most of the time its useless and just leads to another solo kill for example the volibear vs tf in one of your vids
everytime i play as carry role and doubt about itemization of my hero i came back and watch this ur carry so be the carry
What if my supp Is a caster like Morgana /lux /brand ecc and hit minions with spell all times make the wave push? How i can fix / make an advantage of this without need to push a wave of like 4 minions into tolhe enemy tower?
TP is great how it is. Shouldn’t be changed. I say that as someone that rarely uses it so I don’t have an agenda on that opinion.
I love the tp spell walking to lane is e most boring shit ever
4 things which keep me hardstucked:
1) toxic ppl
2) afkers
1, 2 and 3 is wrong, sorry dude
@@David-vz4yk :C
In theory 1, 2 and 3 should average out similarly for everyone, unless you are the cause, so they are really 4. Although I certainly can associate with the sentiment at times.
the base ashe took is questionable sure ... but honestly i dont rly think that tristana would have that much of an issue to clear out a stacked wave anyways due to her just E the cannon and blow up all ranged creeps in the process
I love how the names are disable but the name still readable on the hub xD
The TP foresight is funny
Isn't your solution for Tp similar to the actual tp? With 6min of cd in early and reduced as you level up to something like 3min30? Albeit you can Tp once in early with the actual tp
What of your against an akshan and your 1 vs 9. Like let's say you get 27 / 5 / 2 right then you have an akshan with ignite trying to kill you. Is it fine to go GA then cause I felt like after I got it they started targeting me way less.
Defensive itemization bad :
So I am right when taking trinity force on Samira instead of shieldbow?
Go all in on offense I say
Didn’t Ashe recall cause she was low on mana?
In ADC Mistake #2 you're discussing a Vayne but repeatedly use a Jhin icon.
My problem is my support leaves 2 mins in and never comes back every single game.
it took me sometimes to realize that to (3rd one)
I never buy GA if the enemy team isn't trying to dive me first and kill me without touching my teammates
lol I was kinda angry don't that trist
How about making it so you can't tp from your base?
QOTD: every top laner, except for the minority that doesn’t need it like Quinn, must use this. It is a extremely useful spell that can give great advantage for their team.
On points number 2 and 3 and 4.
#2. Tri-bush was not warded, never try to take a plate without that bush being warded as it opens you up to the exact gank that happened. If it was warded, the Vayne wouldn't of tried for the plate, regardless if Jhin was there or not.
#3. Never buy a GA unless there is an assassin on their team that can get you. The opposing team didn't have any Divers or Assassins to go after the Trist. So yes the GA was bad but you never actually explained the reason WHY she was not threatened. That is, enemy team had no Divers or Assassins.
#4. Ashe was out of mana and wouldn't of been able to keep up the harass and pressure due to all the spamming early on. Yes she could have stayed to get that wave that just showed up, but she wouldn't be able to keep up the harass anymore. A little more mana management by using some autos to harass with instead of spamming would have been better and still would achieve the same result.
are some of these clips recycled? why does it shiw jhin instead of vayne on the macro bits?
"setting up a dive" yeah cause that'll happen in silver LOL
The setting up in silver: Dive and pray that your teammate follow you.
Finally I'm in here after 6 years admiting that I'm hardstuck. My mechanics are phenomenal, but my game sense is rightfully in my elo, I depend too much on my mechanics and when I meet other ADC players with similar or better mechanics than me, I'm down 40 cs somehow but I'm 0/0/0
Only fight when enemy goes to farm etc or probably u are focused on winning the level 2 idk u should watch your games over and review them it helps
true tp is more used to make laning phase eazier.
Since season 4 I think that tp should be a boots enchantment but riot kills boots enchantments so tp should be a consumable such as health potions in my opinion this opens oportunities for non tradicional spells since 98% os the champs needs to chooseflash and now evererybody has acess to tp but with a cost and a cooldown of course
500 gold spell like elixirs?
@@NullExotic something like that or less of course needs testing but something around 150 to 500 or maybe more, if is to expensive is not worth but if is to cheap will be more abusable than the actual one
I can spent all my mana poking someone out of lane, then they tp back, and now I am losing
The solution for the question of the day here was implemented lol, just with 14 min instead of 8
Increase the cool down early game again on TP..
Jihn pic while talking about vayne
I'd like to keep tp for my lane in early game, but personally, i would love to see a nerf like this : The furthest you tp, the longer is the cooldown.
Mistake 1) queue soloqueue without a support smurf. Otherwise u get an invisible support who has no idea what theyre doing
🇵🇭 still no.1 fan ❤❤
TP is literally an early game spell...
I'd balance teleport by shortening its range alongside the longer cooldown in the early game. Maybe the range would be nexus to tier 2 towers until 10 or so minutes, then extend it to nexus to enemy tier 1 towers, and then by 15-20 minutes it becomes global and on a much shorter cooldown. That way it isn't completely useless in the early game (i.e locking it out) but its still not nearly as useful in the early game as it currently is.
Considering the poor skill adc have on diamond and below, the only thing they should learn is to not die 5 times in 3 minutes. Just farm and get carried
QOTD: I think TP is very good becouse it is gamechanging skill and you can play proactive. When You pick your main and enemy picks hard counter against your main you can run telleport and get fed on other lanes.