First Time Reaction to Rammstein - "Deutschland"

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 480

  • @HarryTvHD
    @HarryTvHD 10 месяцев назад +524

    Hiho everyone,
    I recently left a comment about the song under another video :) Copy & Paste for you again:
    German is my first language - so as a native pls let me explain as concise as possible many of the hidden symbols and meanings in this great song: In advance - please apologize the mistakes that I have certainly made as English is not my first language :-)
    Before I go through it just some general remarks: the black lady’s persona in the video is “Germania” and she represents Germany (the nation / the people) and in many scenes where she appears the colors black, red and gold (colors of the German flag) are dominant. The video as well as the lyrics are a critical review on Germany’s history.
    Main scenes of the video: The first scene with the roman soldiers refers to the battle of Teutoburg forest, the first time the German tribes untied under Arminius against the Romans and ambushed them on their march back to their winter camp + completely annihilated several legions - the Romans would never return and fortify at the Rhine - this could be seen as the birth of the German identity.
    The red laser beams throughout the video I think are guiding thread (German expression “roter Faden”" translates to “red thread” and translates to guiding principle / guideline of a story)
    When Germania (black lady) in golden armor (black red gold as main colors of the scene pushes the standard into the ground she raises all the dead medieval knights - a reference to the strength of the German people who recovered time after time throughout history from catastrophes (especially, but not only) in the middle ages (crusades, Hunnic invasion, plague, etc.) - the additional meaning i think is the fact that German people several times followed their countries call for War - even if they were already beaten up (e.g. after WWI going into WWII). The standard I guess refers to a relic which was part of the Imperial regalia of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation ("Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation" - the conglomerate of mostly German territories which was ruled by a emperor elected by the highest ranking nobles of the realm and persisted from the 10th century until 1806). This relic, the Lance of Longinus, is dated back to the 8th century and was said to contain in it's tip one of the nails that were used in the crucifixion of Jesus. It was supposed to make any army that carries it into battle invincible. It can still be seen today in a museum called "die Schatzkammer" (the treasure chamber) in Vienna,/Austria.
    Next scene (fistfight) is from the roaring twenties, the period between the two world wars where upper class society was decadent on the backs of ordinary people + entertainment industry was born.
    Next scene shows the Hindenburg disaster (famous German Airship which blew up in flames) during a time of growing industrialization 1930s.
    Next Scene is from the communist elite in eastern Germany who was indulging in party and Champaign while ordinary people were poor and the main idea of communism should be equality of the people.
    Then the scene in the middle ages - where the monks (representing the church) feast on Germania (the land) and suppress the common folk (underneath the table).
    The scene in the prison again refers to the roaring twenties, as Germania is dressed in a Prussian uniform suppressing the German people. Additionally money is thrown away by everybody, a reference to the big inflation in Germany after WWI.
    Then the rockets (Nazi German was working on the first warfare rockets called V1 and V2 (V standing for “Vergeltung” which translates to retaliation - fitting to the picture with the rockets, the lyrics are an alliteration on “über” a german pre-syllable/prefix meaning over. “Überheblich (overbearing / presumptuous), Überlegen (superior) Übernehmen (taking over), Übergeben (handing over), überraschen (surprise), Überfallen (ambush), „Deutschland, Deutschland über allen“ (Germany, Germany above everyONE). The line „Deutschland, Deutschland über alleN“ (Germany above everyONE) is a reference to one of the verses of former national anthem of Germany which was in use from 1922 to 1945 and got excluded after WW2 for being too nationalistic. In this verse there was a line “Deutschland, Deutschland über alleS“ (a subtle difference to the line in Rammstein’s version translating to “Germany, Germany above everyTHING”). The actual verse with this line was already written in 1842, long before the formation of Germany as a Nation (which only happened in 1871) - therefore “Germany, Germany above everything” was relating to the importance of uniting the several German ministates, kingdoms and Duchies into one nation. After WWI this verse got taken into the national anthem of Germany as it spoke to the patriotism of the German people but later officially excluded from the anthem since it was deemed too nationalistic. Today this verse/line is generally frowned upon and would be associated with Neo-Nationalism. Using this line in the scene with the concentration camps including the subtle change from “Germany above everyTHING” (which has already the nationalistic connotation) to “Germany above everyONE” which carries an even more nationalistic / racist meaning is a very clever double-reference to the doctrine of racial supremacy in the Third Reich.
    The Concentration camp prisoners have symbols sewn on their jackets for the groups the Nazis hunted and killed (yellow star for Jews, Pink triangle for Homosexuals, red symbol for political adversaries (communists). Germania is on the side of the Nazis and has an eyepatch (representing the blind eye that many Germans turned on the atrocities of the Nazi regime.
    The Scene where Till is dressed as a woman refers to the left wing terrorist group called “Rote Armee Fraktion” - a terrorist association in the 1970s responsible for several political assassinations and murders as well as a famous kidnapping of German Diplomats in Stockholm.
    Then there is the scene with the stake at which books are burned by the Nazis and people are burned by the church (inquisition). Later the monk (church) and the Nazi soldier hug (as the church did not go against the Nazis when they came to power and both organizations were responsible for a lot of intolerance and suffering in their times.
    The scene where Germania is dressed in white with a Halo I think refers to the positive, the strength of the German people who recovered time after time from several catastrophic disasters in their history. Later she gives birth to puppies representing the German people. The puppies are from a rare breed of dogs (Leonbergers) who’s population got almost extinct in both world wars (symbolized with the dogs wearing gas masks) but recovered after the wars. In these scenes the band members wear space suits - in my view a reference to the (hopefully) better future of the German people.
    In the very last scene of the outro you can once more see Germania with national colors (black, red gold) with black lipstick, red eyes and golden armor before a red/ black background holding an eagle, the heraldic symbol of Germany.
    One further remark to one of the more important lines of the lyrics: The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) refers to the fact that the German people with their idenitify have been around for thousands of years, however the actual state of Germany as a nation was only founded very late (1871) thorough the unification of several mini states (Prussia, Hessia, Saxonia, Bavaria, etc.) But it can also be understood that today's Germany has only existed since the reunification of East and West Germany (October 3, 1990): so young and yet so old.

    • @StaceyRPGReacts
      @StaceyRPGReacts  10 месяцев назад +127

      Thank you so much for your explanation! It helps a ton! There is so much symbolism and meaning behind this video that it’s so hard to dissect and I wouldn’t even know where to begin! Thank you 🫶🏻

    • @HarryTvHD
      @HarryTvHD 10 месяцев назад +45

      No problem :)
      This song is a masterpiece in terms of history, emotions and music. And if I could help to understand the last corners of the meaning, gladly :)@@StaceyRPGReacts

    • @KaraokeNig
      @KaraokeNig 10 месяцев назад +38

      Man that is an essay.

    • @alteredoggy
      @alteredoggy 10 месяцев назад +11

      very nice explanation of the video

    • @DrSkeff
      @DrSkeff 10 месяцев назад +12

      Fantastic comment my friend.

  • @arnonyhm4055
    @arnonyhm4055 10 месяцев назад +237

    This is one of the best videos from Rammstein and at the same time one of the most difficult content to fully understand. The song is about Germany (Deutschland) and the band's feelings about their home country which has a rather violent history (not only in WW2). It is a kaleidoscope of scenes from 2000 years of German history (some more symbolic, others painfully accurate) and additionally some scenes that might happen in the future when archaeologists are searching for artefacts of German history.
    The woman is Germania, played by the German actress Ruby Commey. Germania is not a literal person, but was a personification of Germany for centuries. All other main roles are played by the six members of Rammstein.
    The scene when the monks seem to eat Germania references to the Thirty Year's War (1618-1648), which started as a religious war. As a result of that war - masses of people starved or died by plagues. And the church took what little they had left to live on.
    If you are interested in more details about some of the historical events referenced in Rammstein's video, you may take a look at this content-wise analysis:видео.html
    Even for me as a German guy there were some details that I was not aware of.
    Also the lyrics are explained a bit and the assumed reason for Rammstein to come out with this video. And there is an explanation why the video caused some harsh reactions BEFORE it was fully published.

    • @TheWeirdVoiceGuy
      @TheWeirdVoiceGuy 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@arnonyhm4055 Wow that is precise explanations ! Thanks man ! I understand this music video way better now ! :)

    • @andrewchirgwin4136
      @andrewchirgwin4136 6 месяцев назад +2

      The story of German history, they love their country but hate some of things that happened.

    • @johnag9d
      @johnag9d 4 месяца назад +3

      Remember too all of the band members lived in East Germany, that adds into their feelings overall i think

    • @aciddic79
      @aciddic79 9 дней назад

      спасибо за комментарии. Но тут все настолько тупые собрались, что ничего не поймут.

  • @Deegee_1969
    @Deegee_1969 9 месяцев назад +49

    The rockets being launched were referencing the V2 rockets that were designed by a team led by Wernher Von Braun, and were used to bomb Belgium, England, and a few other countries during WW2. A bit of history... there were V1s and V2s. V1s were one design of a flying bomb which was slow enough to be shot out of the sky. The V2s could reach speeds of mach 5, and so were immune to being intercepted by aircraft or AA fire.
    History lesson pt2... the V2s were built by prisoners at the Mittelbau-Dora and Peenemunde concentration camps. Von Braun gave himself up to the Americans at the end of WW2, and managed to escape paying for his war crimes by offering his rocketry expertise to the American government. He ended up as the chief architect of the Saturn V rocket that launched the Apollo spacecrafts.

    • @Acer061270
      @Acer061270 4 месяца назад +4

      Wow!! You are very good informed. Where are you from. Do you want to know why I know that you are good informed? My Grandfather Dr. Mario Zippermayr was one of von Brauns chief Scientists who invented a lot of things during the WW2. He fled to Lofer into the mountains. The US were after him to take him to the USA and wanted to work for them.

  • @zerodarktitan1018
    @zerodarktitan1018 10 месяцев назад +18

    The song is a beautiful one. Thats for sure. Im a Canadian, but got German heritage.
    This song is based on historical events that happened in Germany. The beginning war was that of the Germanic Tribes against the Romans in the Battle of Teutoburg Forest.
    They also reference to the "Happy 20's", which was the five year period after World War 1 which brought economic properity to Germany, and people started living good lives. This however fell apart in 1929, when the US Stock Market Crash and the worldwide Great Depression period, which help pave the way for Hitler to come to power.
    It also potrays the Terrorist Attacks of the Red Faction Army on West Germany.
    The song, however, says what most Germans think about their homeland. They love it, and they hate it. They are torn by the bad history.

  • @arnodobler1096
    @arnodobler1096 10 месяцев назад +71

    Rammstein is a total work of art. Every country should have a video like this!

    • @Nachtdenker
      @Nachtdenker 9 месяцев назад +1

      USA for exemple Paul Hardcastle "19"

  • @Morris1581
    @Morris1581 7 месяцев назад +21

    The Piano at the end is "Sonne" from Rammstein, real great Song and Video with Snow White on Kokain and Rammstein as dwarfs 😃👍🏻

  • @frankielo2389
    @frankielo2389 9 месяцев назад +53

    German is my first language - so as a native pis let me explain as concise as possible many of the hidden symbols and meanings in this great song: In advance
    - please apologize the mistakes that I have certainly made as English is not my first language :=)
    Before I go through it just some general remarks: the black lady's persona in the video is "Germania" and she represents Germany (the nation / the people) and in many scenes where she appears the colors black, red and gold (colors of the German flag) are dominant. The video as well as the lyrics are a critical review on Germany's history.
    Main scenes of the video: The first scene with the roman soldiers refers to the battle of Teutoburg forest, the first time the German tribes untied under Arminius against the Romans and ambushed them on their march back to their winter camp + completely annihilated several legions - the romans would never return and fortify at the Rhine - this could be seen as the birth of the German identity.
    The red laser beams throughout the video I think are guiding thread (German expression "roter Faden"" translates to "red thread" and translates to guiding principle / guideline of a story)
    When Germania (black lady) in golden armor (black red gold as main colors of the scene pushes the standard into the ground she raises all the dead medieval knights - a reference to the strength of the German people who recovered time after time throughout history from catastrophes (especially, but not only) in the middle ages (crusades, Hunnic invasion, plague, etc.) - the additional meaning i think is the fact that German people several times followed their countries call for War - even if they were already beaten up (e.g. after WWi going into WWIl)
    Next scene (fistfight) is from the roaring twenties, the period between the two world wars where upper class society was decadent on the backs of ordinary people + entertainment industry was born.
    Next scene shows the Hindenburg disaster (famous
    German Airship which blew up in flames) during a time of growing industrialization 1930s. Next Scene is from the communist elite in eastern
    Germany who was indulging in party and Champaign while ordinary people were poor and the main idea of communism should be equality of the people.
    Then the scene in the middle ages - where the monks (representing the church) feast on Germania (the land) and suppress the common folk (underneath the table).
    The scene in the prison again refers to the roaring twenties, as Germania is dressed in a Prussian uniform suppressing the German people. Additionally money is thrown away by everybody, a reference to the big inflation in Germany after WWI.
    Then the rockets (Nazi German was working on the first warfare rockets called V1 and V2 (V standing for
    "Vergeltung" which translates to retaliation - fitting to the picture with the rockets, the lyrics are an alliteration on "über" a german pre-syllable/prefix meaning over. "Überheblich (overbearing / presumptuous), Überlegen (superior) Übernehmen (taking over), Übergeben (handing over), überraschen (surprise), Überfallen (ambush), „Deutschland, Deutschland über allen" (Germany, Germany above everyONE). The line „Deutschland, Deutschland über alleN" (Germany above everyONE) is a reference to one of the verses of former national anthem of Germany which was in use from 1922 to 1945 and got excluded after WW2 for being too nationalistic. In this verse there was a line "Deutschland, Deutschland über alleS" (a subtle difference to the line in Rammstein's version translating to "Germany, Germany above everyTHING"). The actual verse with this line was already written in 1842, long before the formation of Germany as a Nation (which only happened in 1871) - therefore "Germany, Germany above everything" was relating to the importance of uniting the several German ministates, kingdoms and Duchies into one nation. After WWl this verse got taken into the national anthem of Germany as it spoke to the patriotism of the German people but later officially excluded fom the anthem since it was deemed too nationalistic. Today this verse/line is generally frowned upon and would be associated with Neo-Nationalism. Using this line in the scene with the concentration camps including the subtle change from "Germany above everyTHING" (which has already the nationalistic connotation) to "Germany above everyONE" which carries an even more nationalistic / racist meaning is a very clever double-reference to the doctrine of racial supremacy in the Third Reich.
    The Concentration camp prisoners have symbols sewn on their jackets for the groups the Nazis hunted and killed (yellow star for Jews, Pink triangle for Homosexuals, red symbol for political adversaries (communists). Germania is on the side of the Nazis and has an eyepatch (representing the blind eye that many Germans turned on the atrocities of the Nazi regime.
    The Scene where Till is dressed as a woman refers to the left wing terrorist group called "Rote Armee Fraktion" - a terrorist association in the 1970s responsible for several political assassinations and murders as well as a famous kidnapping of German Diplomats in Stockholm.
    Then there is the scene with the stake at which books are burned by the Nazis and people are burned by the church (inquisition). Later the monk (church) and the Nazi soldier hug (as the church did not go against the Nazis when they came to power and both organizations were responsible for a lot of intolerance and suffering in their times.
    The scene where Germania is dressed in white with a Halo I think refers to the positive, the strength of the German people who recovered time after time from several catastrophic disasters in their history. Later she gives birth to puppies representing the German people. The puppies are from a rare breed of dogs (Leonbergers) who's population got almost extinct in both world wars (symbolized with the dogs wearing gas masks) but recovered after the wars. In these scenes the band members wear space suits - in my view a reference to the (hopefully) better future of the German people.
    In the very last scene of the outro you can once more see Germania with national colors (black, red gold) with black lipstick, red eyes and golden armor before a red/ black background holding an eagle, the heraldic symbol of Germany. Finally, please find below the lyrics of the song as the perfectly convey the message of the problematic relationship many
    Germans have to their homeland, wanting to be proud of it but not being able to due to it's difficult history:
    One further remark to one of the more important lines of the lyrics: The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) refers to the fact that the German people with their identify have been around for thousands of years, however the actual state of Germany as a nation was only founded very late (1871) thorough the unification of several mini states (Prussia, Hessia, Saxonia, Bavaria, etc.)

    • @edleifer6719
      @edleifer6719 7 месяцев назад +2

      veilen dank

    • @chrismarkens
      @chrismarkens 6 месяцев назад +2

      Great job man!

    • @aleksandarradovanovic8496
      @aleksandarradovanovic8496 4 месяца назад +2

      This is probably the most amazing breakdown of anything ever online, let alone this music video

  • @nimz8521
    @nimz8521 10 месяцев назад +25

    The closing piano is from Sonne which is also a great video. I'd also like to see your reaction to Mann Gegen Mann ;)
    The dogs are Leonbergers, five survived WW1 and eight survived WW2. They've had to rescue the breed each time.

  • @giannisksanthopoulos4300
    @giannisksanthopoulos4300 3 месяца назад +8

    I showed that song to my mother and she said "only Rammstein have the balls to show the darkest moments of their history, and this is good, because shows how they grew up after so many historical incidents"
    ...shout out to every german person out there for not letting the history to change your future

  • @LuGer212
    @LuGer212 10 месяцев назад +11

    As a German, what I love about this song is it's duality: the sound (guitars, drums, bass, synth, arrangement) wants you to go f-ing nuts.
    But the lyrics - if your a native speaker of the German language - catch and drag you down, or at least make you slow down again - it is a very strong message beind the song, as a commenter (HarryTvHD) did a beautiful job of elaborating about. And Till has a freakish talent of pronunciation, emphasis, tone and melody to his voice to deliver it.

  • @trn8969
    @trn8969 7 месяцев назад +1

    Bit late to finding this channel, but genuinely enjoyed this reaction and all of the others I've seen. Your ability to pick up key details without losing a beat or missing other tidbits is genuinely impressive.
    Pretty rare skill in the react scene, imo. Looking forward to more!

  • @mykebreeden
    @mykebreeden 10 месяцев назад +59

    The lyrics are about the struggle of trying love a country that you're both proud and ashamed of. Each part represents a bad moment in Germany history, the red laser is the red thread that connects everything together. The piano at the end is their song sonne. They have so many deep songs and some are hard some are beautiful

  • @Zireael83
    @Zireael83 10 месяцев назад +6

    nice reaction, greetings from germany! :)

  • @doobiedave9686
    @doobiedave9686 10 месяцев назад +17

    I wish I understood German, but his video is a tour de force by Rammstein and seems to be a trip through the darker history of Germany throughout the centuries. Great reaction. 🙏✌️

    • @cutemutadedbearwithtwoheads
      @cutemutadedbearwithtwoheads 10 месяцев назад

      but also the things we are proud of like in the beginning the battle of teuteburger wald and how different our country really is we have an important statue in berlin showing victoria the god of victory we germans are often representet by her and instead of keeping her white we show her as black as representation how contradictory we really are

  • @TomTomson81
    @TomTomson81 10 месяцев назад +152

    Therefore, you should choose the videos with english subtitles, then you do not have to wish to be able to speak and understand German.

    • @michaelbuttner4262
      @michaelbuttner4262 10 месяцев назад +4

      I born in Berlin ( Germany )

    • @AdrianAdixX
      @AdrianAdixX 10 месяцев назад +6

      Omg yes... why almost nobody does this??!!🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @6Haunted-Days
      @6Haunted-Days 10 месяцев назад


    • @alaninsoflo
      @alaninsoflo 9 месяцев назад +8

      You don't need to speak german to understand this song.

    • @Kraakesolv
      @Kraakesolv 6 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@alaninsofloThe gist, true, though to get all of it the lyrics are certainly helpful.

  • @ochumkv
    @ochumkv 4 месяца назад +2

    Stacey, you are doing a very good job. It is a real pleasure to watch you and listen to you. Thank you for all your hard work. My European "Hi" to you.

  • @xScooterAZx
    @xScooterAZx 10 месяцев назад +8

    Sorry to comment again,but I am adding the lyrics translated into English for you:
    [Verse 1]
    You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    Have cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
    Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
    United in heart (United, united, united, united)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    Have been together for so long (You are, you are, you are, you are)
    Your breath's cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
    The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
    You (You can, you can, you can, you can)
    I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)
    Germany - my heart in flames
    Want to love and damn you
    Germany - your breath's cold
    So young, and yet so old
    [Verse 2]
    I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
    One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love)
    And want to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
    Presumptuous, superior
    Take over, hand over/puke
    Surprise, invade
    Germany, Germany above everything
    Germany - my heart in flames
    Want to love and damn you
    Germany - your breath is cold
    So young, and yet so old
    Germany - your love
    Is a curse and a blessing
    Germany - my love
    I can't give you
    All of you
    You (superior/overpowering, unnecessary)
    I (Übermenschen weary)
    We (The higher you climb, the further you fall)
    You (Germany, Germany above everything)
    Germany - your heart in flames
    Want to love and damn you
    Germany - my breath's cold
    So young, and yet so old
    Germany - your love
    Is a curse and blessing
    Germany - my love
    I can't give you
    I h ope this helps you understand the song and video better.

  • @andy8314
    @andy8314 10 месяцев назад +3

    What i like most in this song is definetly the Piano sound at the end.
    Greets from Germany

  • @Decipher2K7
    @Decipher2K7 9 месяцев назад +3

    Brilliant reactions and glad I popped by your channel!

  • @1134olaf
    @1134olaf 4 месяца назад +9

    IOt tells the Story of Germany, from Romans, Middle Age, 19th Century, Nazi Time, East Germany, Terror of the RAF and a lot more !!! Best wishes from Germany, Olli

    • @townsendm794
      @townsendm794 2 месяца назад

      The one scene l don't understand is the prison. Perhaps it's a reference to all those incarcerated from the Wiemar Republic onwards?

  • @gordon861
    @gordon861 9 месяцев назад +1

    This video spends so much time hitting you with so much and the final Sonne piano works perfectly as a quiet moment to reflect on what you have just seen.

  • @hatch7482
    @hatch7482 10 месяцев назад +8

    Check out the music video for “Zeit”. The song is great. But the video is just stunning. The cinematography, the meaning behind every scene, with time moving backwards and the sands of the hourglass scenes, equating time with death. It’s Rammstein’s best music video, imo-with Deutschland coming in as a very close second.

    • @ElBee92
      @ElBee92 9 месяцев назад

      Would love to see a reaction to Zeit. Absolutely fantastic song and video

  • @MLawrence2008
    @MLawrence2008 10 месяцев назад +14

    Another thing, the piano is playing a version of one of their early songs 'Sonne' which is very much recommended if you want to go down deeper into the Rammstein rabbit hole. Subscribed BTW

  • @katsujinkin60
    @katsujinkin60 6 месяцев назад +1

    This song is about the Love/Hate relationship one can have with one's native country. As a Black man in America, and the descendent of enslaved people, I can definitely relate!

  • @chesaak
    @chesaak 10 месяцев назад +4

    Here the lyrics in english:
    You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    Have cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
    Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
    United in heart (United, united, united, united)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    Have been together for so long (You are, you are, you are, you are)
    Your breath's cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
    The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot) You
    (You can, you can, you can, you can) I (I know, I know, I know, I know) We (We are, we are, we are, we are) You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)
    Germany - my heart in flames Want to love and damn you Germany -
    your breath's cold So young, and yet so old Germany! I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
    One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love) And want to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
    Presumptuous, superior Take over, hand over/puke Surprise, invade Germany, Germany above everything [Chorus] Germany -
    my heart in flames Want to love and damn you Germany - your breath is cold So young, and yet so old Germany -
    your love Is a curse and a blessing Germany - my love I can't give you Germany! Germany!
    You I We All of you You (superior/overpowering, unnecessary) I (Übermenschen weary)
    We (The higher you climb, the further you fall) You (Germany, Germany above everything)
    Germany - your heart in flames Want to love and damn you Germany - my breath's cold So young, and yet so old Germany -
    your love Is a curse and blessing Germany - my love I can't give you Germany!
    Rammstein really uses a lot of symbols in this song. The real meaning only emerges with the lyrics and the video together. You really have to analyze it more closely and then you will understand the deeper meaning. In this song the Middle Ages, the time of the Romans, the GDR - these historical events are presented in different roles. Of course, the theme of the Nazi era and the persecution of the Jews is also addressed, although its presentation does not differ from the style of the other scenes. A constant in the entire video is a woman who appears as a personified Germany in the different epochs. If you know this woman is representing germany and looking to the video again you will see so much more. I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because: it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless, she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold. Sometimes as a victim, sometimes as a perpetrator. In the text there are also several sections that contradict each other, e.g. "Will love and damn you". Statements like these express Germany's good and bad sides on the one hand. One of the passages like "so young and yet so old". This means that German history began early. But through certain events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the founding of the GDR through which a new era began for Germany. "one can love you and yet hate you!" It is a question of whether you can be proud of your country or not. "Your love is a curse and a blessing. I cannot give you my love." Germany is aware of the good but also dark times and many see the dark times as so extreme that it is difficult to give your country your love and pride. I must have overlooked a few things in the video, but those are the parts that stand out. I was born and raised in Germany myself and feel the same when it comes to being proud of my country. As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany. They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages. it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it). But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war. The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened. he short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too. The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII.

  • @Paparollo
    @Paparollo 9 месяцев назад +3

    The piano outro you liked that much it's a piano version of another Rammstein song called Sonne(sun) it has its own music video, and it's a paradox of Snowwhite, you should check it (it's my favorite song btw)

  • @MrSkullHead1250
    @MrSkullHead1250 9 месяцев назад +1

    Well, my lady, you have another sub. You are instantly likable, and have a very chill vibe. I like it HAHAH. It also helps that you are reacting to Rammstein, perfection.

  • @drunk-mangaming2744
    @drunk-mangaming2744 9 месяцев назад +3

    as a decendant from a German Jew, i love this band, i love this vid, it makes me cry, ive been to sachsenhousen and dachau, almost had a panic attack, it was so emotional

  • @M4tti87
    @M4tti87 10 месяцев назад +2

    Hey Stacey :) The enormous power that an actual conzentration camp has standing in it and just reading the stories of the horrible crimes and the victims. Especially the personal stories since there is so much data usually and personal information that relatives of survivors also share. Its really really humbling and also as a german its a really, I dont want to say weird my english is not good enough to describe the feeling its a very emotional mix of shame and guilt since my grandfatehr generation is the generation that caused havocs although every german family has individual stories and i dont know a single family that did not lose at least one brother in the war after being drafted. So its jsut still an extreme feeling of being in a black fog an a numbness that i at least felt when visitng a concentration camp. If you go to a german school it is mendatory in the school plan that you will be visiting a concentration camp at least once. I think i saw it in history class when i was 14 (early 2000s). Its overpowering and its so important that our school system makes this visits mendatory especially now that the generation of WW2 is basically dead. I could talk to my grandparents about it and nowadays there is no grandparents left to talk about it. The stories of all the victims should always be told and every generation in germany should be reminded of the history so it wont happen again. Every German city has a thing called "stumble stones" its golden stones in front of houses of victims of the holocaust. the stones are basically at their last known adress in the pavement with their name date of birth and basic information. So if you are ever back in Germany and you see a golden brick stone in the pavement read what they say and it will tell you stories :) There are thousands of those. Best regards from bayreuth, Germany

  • @Freiherr_von_Elnere
    @Freiherr_von_Elnere 10 месяцев назад +13

    Please react to more RAMMSTEIN Videos. " Anst" , " Zeit" , Adieu" you will love IT ❤❤❤❤ greetings from Germany😊

    • @nimz8521
      @nimz8521 10 месяцев назад +2


    • @Freiherr_von_Elnere
      @Freiherr_von_Elnere 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@nimz8521 😁😁😁 uppps, sorry yes ANGST

  • @jreyman
    @jreyman 10 месяцев назад +1

    Unraveling everything, and all of the details contained in this video would take an in-depth conversation almost literally scene by scene, and referencing Germany's long history.
    The music playing over the credits, that is a piano rendition of one of their other songs, by the name of "Sonne."

  • @Congaman41
    @Congaman41 10 месяцев назад +3

    This is one of the most epic music videos ever and it contains an incredible amount of detail and clues to German history.The woman represents Germania. For lyrichs go to Educatedmarine, he did a good jobb adding subs to most Rammstein videos.
    The line Deutchland so Jung, doch so Alt refers to Germany being young as it was united only in 1989, yet is has a history that spans of 1000s of years.

  • @draheim90
    @draheim90 4 месяца назад +2

    Not a German history expert but the Roman part was almost certainly a callback to the battles between Ancient Rome and the Germanic tribes including the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest which was the slaughter of Roman legions in Germany territory. Rome continued raiding Germany but never “colonized” it and the battle is considered by some a large part of that, and consequently some people consider it one of the most important battles in history because it arguably prevented the Romanization of Germany thus allowing them to have their own history and identity. It’s also arguably the source of German nationalism and all that came of that (both good and bad).

  • @melchiorvonsternberg844
    @melchiorvonsternberg844 10 месяцев назад +1

    You are about the age of my son. And I guarantee you a wild journey when you meet the great musicians and bands whose beginnings go back to the 60s and 70s. It might happen to you that at some point you think to yourself... "Dear Lord, almost all good music was written many years ago..." And with this thought, you are not wrong...
    Greetings from Bavaria...
    Btw. You enjoyed the piano in the end. In fact, it is the theme of another Rammstein song, named "Sonne"...

  • @townsendm794
    @townsendm794 2 месяца назад +1

    It definitely helps to know something about German history to understand this video. I'm English, but my wife is German and my God Father was a former Panzer Grenadier from Berlin. At school we covered European medieval history to a large degree. Sadly, most American don't have the same exposure to German history and are probably confused by many of the historical references. Time to learn about this facinating country!

  • @neillenet291
    @neillenet291 10 месяцев назад +2

    Rammstein - DEUTSCHLAND (English Translation)
    [Verse 1]
    You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    Have cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
    Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
    United in heart (United, united, united, united)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    Have been together for so long (You are, you are, you are, you are)
    Your breath's cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
    The heart in flames (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
    You (You can, you can, you can, you can)
    I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)
    Germany - my heart in flames
    Want to love and damn you
    Germany - your breath's cold
    So young, and yet so old
    [Verse 2]
    I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    I never want to leave you (You cry, you cry, you cry, you cry)
    One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love)
    And want to hate you (You hate, you hate, you hate, you hate)
    Presumptuous, superior
    Take over, hand over/puke
    Surprise, invade
    Germany, Germany above everything
    You might also like
    Rammstein - Du hast (English Translation)
    Genius English Translations
    Rammstein - Sonne (English Translation)
    Genius English Translations
    Germany - my heart in flames
    Want to love and damn you
    Germany - your breath is cold
    So young, and yet so old
    Germany - your love
    Is a curse and a blessing
    Germany - my love
    I can't give you
    All of you
    You (superior/overpowering, unnecessary)
    I (Übermenschen weary)
    We (The higher you climb, the further you fall)
    You (Germany, Germany above everything)
    Germany - your heart in flames
    Want to love and damn you
    Germany - my breath's cold
    So young, and yet so old
    Germany - your love
    Is a curse and blessing
    Germany - my love
    I can't give you

  • @davidmarkwort9711
    @davidmarkwort9711 10 месяцев назад +2

    The woman symbolises Germania, the rockets (V2) were built by slave labour, usually concentration camp inmates, they shufted until the were either shot or died from hunger or disease.

  • @-Knife-
    @-Knife- 10 месяцев назад +1

    This was a beautiful video and music. A different side of Rammstein.

  • @kustanhardelus6919
    @kustanhardelus6919 10 месяцев назад +5

    you should react to "Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song & Valhalla - Live at Wacken Open Air 2016". blind guardian is a german power metal band founded in the 80s. they sing all their songs in english and wacken is the words biggest metal festival. just an epic experience. i know its 2 songs but they are very different from each other.

    • @bobsuisse2
      @bobsuisse2 10 месяцев назад

      I concour 🤩🤩🤩

  • @gavinlangford2984
    @gavinlangford2984 9 месяцев назад

    What a track this is! Ther are so many bands aroundthe world not just Germany who play this genreof music in the present but Rammstein keep on top of it all even though they have been producing music since the 90s

  • @Emilejg
    @Emilejg 10 месяцев назад +5

    CC... Closed caption English subtitles are your friend

  • @bourbonkid1022
    @bourbonkid1022 8 месяцев назад +1

    Im german and I also know most of our history from my grandparents and school. But what I could say; love to all, live your lives as you like

  • @andreasekman2176
    @andreasekman2176 День назад

    Hi Stacy,Rammstein is da Shait....Always full energy in every song and there performances is just........Let's say vivid😅😅😅

  • @jorgsteenbeck8305
    @jorgsteenbeck8305 10 месяцев назад +1

    Ticket is here. May 16, 2024 in Dresden on the Rinne. greetings from Saxony/East Germany.

  • @antivanti
    @antivanti 10 месяцев назад +5

    On their two latest albums "Untitled" and Zeit really stepped up their game. And they were ahead of the game before that

    • @terrymartin5839
      @terrymartin5839 4 месяца назад +1

      Totally agree. With Zeit what impressed me the most was being creative, experimenting and using different sounds but still be instantly identified as a Rammstein song. I've been a huge fan since Sehnsucht came out.

  • @MontyDK1
    @MontyDK1 7 месяцев назад

    The end credit piano is an instrumental version of another Rammstein track "Sonne".
    And I'm so happy you didn't cut it off. Many reactors do, as soon as the credits begin ..... and it's hauntingly beautiful.

  • @MrQuid2
    @MrQuid2 9 месяцев назад +1

    A very good analysis of German history in a nutshell. Maybe I'll add a few sentences to it :) The clip shows the V2 missiles developed by Wernher Von Braun, who later in the USA helped in the mission to send a man to the moon. ..Rotte Arme Frakcion also called the Badder - Meinhoff group (Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler)... Burning of books by the Nazis. One of the first victims was the German writer Thomas Mann and his "Magic Mountain". Just as a supplement :) best regards

  • @ReezeGoingSenseless
    @ReezeGoingSenseless 10 месяцев назад +1

    6:06 has Till sporting Ulrike Meinhof.Awesome detail and he's rocking the skirt.

  • @RolandDeschain1
    @RolandDeschain1 10 месяцев назад +1

    Rammstein are a true artist's collective. They answer to no-one but themselves.

  • @traukopalestino1
    @traukopalestino1 6 месяцев назад +2

    The video is a trip about the germans history.

  • @stewg4661
    @stewg4661 10 месяцев назад +2

    His voice hits different... listen to him talk. Totally different.
    The lyrics are beautiful. look them up

  • @christinavanveen9506
    @christinavanveen9506 9 месяцев назад +2

    You can simply get the lyrics translated on the internet. You could translate the video in between. Most of Rammstein's videos can now also be found with English subtitles.

  • @markusgassmann6443
    @markusgassmann6443 9 месяцев назад +2

    You must see and hear "my Heart burner" ( mein Herz brennt) the both Version( Piano Version). Check it Out and you was stuned too

  • @johnm5180
    @johnm5180 9 месяцев назад +1

    I just started watching your reactions…they are all very good. I’m a huge Rammstein fan! You should do a reaction to Zeit and also the piano version of me in hertz brennt

  • @OsoAloc
    @OsoAloc 10 месяцев назад +1

    2000 years reduced to a few minutes. Not a single picture in this video is meaningless and it takes hourse to explain every single detail hidden in this great video

  • @epicwish65
    @epicwish65 10 месяцев назад +1

    Translated with g.....! Hello Stacey! Great reaction from you!!! Your channel is subscribed! If you want to attend a Rammstein concert, you should be quick! The tickets sold very quickly! A recommendation from me, please watch "Engel" from the concert at Madison Square Garden! You absolutely have to do this! You certainly won't regret it. By the way, you're doing it perfectly. Now react to the band "Epica" with the title "Consign to oblivion" (Paris) and you'll be at the forefront. You're also doing well at Nightwish! With these 3 bands you already have the jackpot in my opinion. At least you are at the forefront when it comes to developing your channel. By the way, you have a similarity to Floor. Which? Your engaging nature. Kind regards from a German Guy

  • @Jolope100
    @Jolope100 10 месяцев назад +1

    In the same realm of history through music, the band Sabaton has many great music videos. Father, Christmas truce, 1916 to name a few.

  • @markusschuler665
    @markusschuler665 11 дней назад

    There is a TV-serie named "Die Deutschen" ("the germans") and describes in 10 episodes importend events in german history and you will find it on youtube. I think they are also english subtitels available too ;-)

  • @vasilnanev-peltekov1786
    @vasilnanev-peltekov1786 10 месяцев назад +2

    Nice reaction. The piano melody is from their song Sonne. Please check it, some live version the better.I saw you that you was impressed by the fire in Du Hast, so you must check Sonne live :)
    Greetings from Bulgaria

  • @Sly.L
    @Sly.L 10 месяцев назад +3

    Hello! Great channel and setup! I really enjoyed your reaction and commentary afterwards! I've been a big Rammstein fan for a long time, and their visual production is really second to none. Only a few bands can really come close. I came to tell you about The Warning, but I see my friend Darrell (edit: and others!) has already done so, but it can't be overstated how good they are! You really should check them out. They play straight-ahead hard rock but their style and sound varies a lot as they draw inspiration from many different genres, but they manage to always sound very much like themselves. They have a very unique and recognizable sound!

  • @Cyberfriend-il8vv
    @Cyberfriend-il8vv 4 месяца назад +1

    Hi, I'm from Germany.
    A big part of the German history in one video. The black woman as Germania. Germania is the personification of the German nation. It isn't and wasn't a goddess or Joan of Arc.
    The glass coffin: It is Little Snow White from the Grimm-fairytales....and from their own video "Sonne". Only with black skin and in space.
    The piano song at the end is the song "Sonne", too.
    The words "Germania Magna" at the beginning are a Roman name for the area of Germany, that wasn't conquered by the Roman Empire at that time.
    Germania Superior and Germania Inferior were the Roman conquered areas (Roman provinces) of Germany.
    The line in this song "So jung und doch so alt" (So young and yet so old) means:
    Germany as a unified state is very young. A unified German nation is only existing from 1871 onwards. Before that year of unification Germany was made of countless, little mini-states and the people identified first and foremost as Prussians, Hessians, Saxons etc, etc, etc. and only in a second line of thought they had a lose sense of being somehow Germans, too, as a kind of unifying second identity.
    So the area & the landscape where the Germans are living and the Germans themselves as a people...are thousands of years old. But only recently, in 1871, there was a unified Germany as one single state.
    So Germany as a unified state is very young...and at the same time it is thousands of years old.
    The battle of the Teutoburg forest against the Romans (and Rammstein as Roman soldiers and Germans alike).
    That battle is of ABSOLUTE importance for the German history.
    The hanged bodies in the trees were the beaten Roman soldiers, who were gruesome sacrificed to the Germanic gods...and were partly nailed to the trees.
    The Varus-(Teutoburg)-Battle was already in 9 AD. In 16 AD were the vengeance campaigns of commanding field general Germanicus under Emperor Tiberius Augustus. Therefore we see here the arrival of the Roman troops of Germanicus and they are watching their dead comrades hanging in the trees or getting their heads chopped off (for nailing them to the trees).
    In reality the Romans under Germanicus found only the bones of the Varus army in the various ways they were slaughtered, sacrificed and displayed at the trees. Slaves were liberated even decades after the battle.
    After the scenes with the Romans we saw the Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster (the burning Zeppelin in the background).
    The moustaches and clothing from the fight scene are from WWI and post WWI years. From the working class people in WWI and the roaring 20's. In the WWII years later on this kind of big bushy moustache was already out of fashion.
    The falling banknotes in the prison are not about corruption. That scene is about the hyper-inflation of the 1920's, that took away the savings of the Germans and left them in deep poverty and desperation.
    One had to pay a loaf of bread with a handcart full of nearly worthless banknotes back then and it hit the German people deep down inside and in their souls. Especially the poor ones and the simple workers.
    The V2 rocket (first manmade object in space) as technical triumph of the German spirit...and at the same time the killing of the concentration camp prisoners in the bunker factories below the mountains during the production of that rocket.
    This scene in the video could be a representation of a very specific concentration camp. It was "Mittelbau-Dora" below the Kohnstein mountain.
    A mixture between a big, huge bunker factory for V1 and V2 rockets and a concentration camp.
    The concentration camp inmates had several different markings for different kinds of convicts and their "crimes" sown to their chests, like it was in reality, too. A pink triangle for homosexuals, the star of David for Jews and two of them were marked with the double-triangles for Jehovas Whitnesses.
    The book burnings of the Nazis and the burning of the witches of the church. In the same scene with the book burning there is EVEN MORE going on. The cooperation of the church with the Nazis, when the priest with the cross embraces the Nazi SA-man.
    The scene with the sign with the Hammer and a pair of compasses in a circle of wheat is the sign of the GDR (DDR). The socialist German state in the east that existed before the German reunification.
    Therefore it was Karl Marx in the background in the scene with the tank (not the scene at the concentration camp).
    The scene with Rammstein wielding guns (the pumpgun) and taking Germania hostage was about leftwing terrorism of the 1970's. The terrorists were called the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion).
    My interpretation of the red scanner-like beams: There are two different kinds of beams. The massive straight red light beam that goes up into the heavens AND there were those smaller, thinner "scanner" beams.
    Aliens (or humans from the future) are scanning the whole German history. Like some real scientists are scanning and excarvating ancient Mexican or Egyptian statues, for example.
    The massive red light beam is the red ribbon of time that ties together all the historical events.
    PS: As for the dogs: Germans are fanatical dog lovers. We are a dog-owner nation. The dog is a firm part of Germany.
    PPS: They didn't eat the body of the woman and her inner organs, even if it really looked that way. They were eating the national dish of Germany, that was put on the body of the black woman: Sauerkraut, Kassler & sausages.
    In my opinion it symbolizes the church eating itself fat on the goods and values and food of Germany during the simple people (farmers, simple workers etc) lived a long time in a kind of hell of poverty and serfdom (the red fetish area below the table with Germania on it).
    But that eating scene could indeed have a double meaning. It could represent the 30 years war, that was fought for religious reasons and depopulated large areas of Germany. It forced the people to commit canibalism because nobody was there anymore to produce food. Except the fat, wealthy people of the church, of course. They were still able to eat enough. Only the simple people at the bottom (farmers etc) died from hunger and had to fight and die in that war.
    The 30 years war was the biggest catastrophe in Germany until WWI happened.
    PPPS: The short scene with the dogs and their gas masks = WWI, where in reality animals (messenger dogs & horses) AND soldiers were wearing gas masks, too.
    PPPPS: The puppies at the end are Leonberger dogs. The Leonbergers nearly went extinct during WWI and WWII.
    PPPPPS: The black woman in the prison was dressed in a Prussian uniform with a Prussian helmet.
    Till sings the famous, often misinterpreted, line of the "Deutschlandlied" (Song of the Germans), that is not forbidden in Germany but simply isn't sung anymore in our modern national anthem.
    Till sings in his version the line "Deutschland über allen" (Germany above everybody) What is a BIG change to the real line in the orginal Deutschlandlied-song. In the original Deutschlandlied song it is written as "Deutschland über alles" (Germany above everything).
    The real, whole line of that old Deutschlandlied goes "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. Über alles in der Welt" (Germany, Germany above everything. Above everything in the world).
    This line is often misinterpreted by many people as chauvinism and as a looking down upon all other countries on this planet. But that is wrong and not many people know about that in Germany and elsewhere.
    The writer of that famous line didn't meant it in a chauvinistic way.
    When that song was written, Germany was divided into umphteenth mini-states, what made Germany relative powerless and defenseless. Therefore the task of German unification was the goal above any other goal for all Germans (at least the writer of the song meant it that way).
    So the main goal for all Germans had to be the united Germany. The goal of "(united) Germany above everything else".
    That was, how that line was meant by the writer of the song.
    The line isn't forbidden, like many people wrongly think. It's simply not sung anymore and not part of the official anthem of modern Germany anymore.
    This has NOT its reason in the seemingly chauvinist meaning of "Deutschland über alles", like many people wrongly think. This whole stanza of the Deutschlandlied isn't sung anymore, because in other parts of the stanza are borders and landscapes mentioned, that aren't German borders and landscapes anymore.
    We want to live in peace with the people and countries, who are now living in those former German lands and therefore we don't sing about those old borders and landscapes anymore.
    It has nothing to do with the "Deutschland über alles" line in that stanza, like many people wrongly are thinking.
    I think, the choice of the black woman as main actress was made, because:
    a) it makes any accusations of racism and fascism against Rammstein useless
    b) she represents one colour of the German flag and she is wearing the rest of the colours of our German flag as makeup and jewellery and clothes on her body: Black, Red and Gold
    c) it provokes many people EVEN MORE 😄

    • @frez8141
      @frez8141 2 месяца назад

      In the end Germania die ;(

  • @jasonmarshall7572
    @jasonmarshall7572 10 месяцев назад +1

    Rammstein and other European bands like Sabaton do an amazing job with their video production love both these bands oh that's right Floor from Nightwish is married to Hannes the drummer from Sabaton. Enjoy more from this amazing band Rammstein.

  • @tobias.f87
    @tobias.f87 10 месяцев назад +3

    Ich komme aus Deutschlsnd und es schön das Sie darauf reagieren.
    Dieses Lied und gerade das Video Zeigt sehr viel Geschichte.
    Sie hätten den Untertitel nutzen sollen.

    • @Crystal-go8vh
      @Crystal-go8vh 10 месяцев назад

      Ja werde ich auch nie verstehen warum man dieses nicht tut.

  • @piotrwojtko5104
    @piotrwojtko5104 10 месяцев назад +1

    This video is a wie off germany history and one off the best👍 Chek ballad Ohne Dich

  • @silvesterwiese5904
    @silvesterwiese5904 2 месяца назад

    You (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    Cried a lot (Cried, cried, cried, cried)
    Separated in spirit (Separated, separated, separated, separated)
    United in heart (United, united, united, united)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    Have been together for a very long time (You are, you are, you are, you are)
    Your breath cold (So cold, so cold, so cold, so cold)
    The heart on fire (So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot)
    You (You can, you can, you can, you can)
    I (I know, I know, I know, I know)
    We (We are, we are, we are, we are)
    You (You stay, you stay, you stay, you stay)
    (Germany!) My heart on fire
    Want to love and condemn you
    (Germany!) Your breath cold
    So young and yet so old
    [Verse 2]
    I (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    I never want to leave you (I know, I know, I know, I know)
    One can love you (You love, you love, you love, you love)
    And want to hate you (You have, you have, you have, you have)
    Arrogant, superior
    Take over, hand over
    Surprise, attack
    Germany, Germany above all
    (Germany!) My heart in flames
    Want to love and condemn you
    (Germany!) Your breath cold
    So young and yet so old
    (Germany!) Your love is a blessing and a curse
    (Germany!) I cannot give you my love
    You (Overpowering, superfluous)
    I (Superhumans, fed up)
    We (He who climbs high will fall low)
    You (Germany, Germany above all)
    (Germany!) Your heart in flames
    Want to love you and condemn you
    (Germany!) My breath cold
    So young and yet so old
    (Germany!) Your love is a blessing and a curse
    (Germany!) I can't give you my love
    The song is about the ambivalent relationship of Rammstein and many Germans to their country, because of the violent and cruel history with extensive human crimes ("red line of violence through german history"), especially in recent history. Therefore the video features various events from German history, including Roman times, the Middle Ages, witch hunting and burning, Protestant Reformation, the November Revolution, the "Golden Twenties" and hyperinflation, Nazi book burnings, the Hindenburg disaster, the First and Second World Wars, the Holocaust, the Weimar Republic, the Red Army Fraction (violent anti-capitalist terror alliance of young people and students against Nazis in high state and economy positions in post-war Germany), and the division of the country into West and East Germany including the Uprising June 17 in East Germany. The black woman represents Germany and one of the Colors of the German flags, sometimes as a victim, but mostly as a perpetrator. With her black skin she is also a provocation to all stupid racists
    A lot of people do not understand the scenes with the dogs. This breed of dogs are not German Shepards, but Leonberger. This breed of dog narrowly escaped extinction during the First and also Second World Wars and is symbolic of the German people, whose existence was also strongly threatened in those wars (Morgenthau-Plan) - both now have a second existential chance, just like the new German democratic constitution, which in future must be protected as strongly as if it were under quarantine (Judges in red robes, Rammstein members in protective suits with the dogs)
    The Holocaust was for this reason the greatest human crime because it was the first industrially organized mass murder in human history, by a country that was culturally at its highest point at this time and called itself the country of poets and thinkers. But it is precisely the high cultural and scientific level of Germany that unfortunately caused others to be viewed as subhuman who can be killed without pity, just like animals. Seeing other people as inferior has always brought a lot of suffering to people

  • @PanduricaBlues
    @PanduricaBlues 5 месяцев назад +1

    This song is probably the most honest opinion on your own country... I wanna love you, but then I remember what you did. Yet you are my one and only home. I don´t wanna leave you, yet I freakin hate you.

  • @michaelbuttner4262
    @michaelbuttner4262 10 месяцев назад +1

    I got this Album at home

  • @IR4TE
    @IR4TE 10 месяцев назад

    I live just around the corner from Buchenwald, in my 7th grade class we had a school trip there, I've never seen a large group of obnoxious teenagers like we were, so quiet. It was so eery on that hillside on an otherwise nice sunny summer day.

  • @oldschoolgamer-w4u
    @oldschoolgamer-w4u 10 месяцев назад +2

    I advise "Mein Hertz Brennt" - Piano version. And get ready to hit hard

  • @jarmomutka71
    @jarmomutka71 8 месяцев назад

    Rammstein has a lot of good songs. E.g. Engel - Live Madison Square Garden.
    I personally saw Rammstein live in Helsinki 2023 for the first time.

  • @DaShap
    @DaShap 10 месяцев назад +3

    I like your honesty. I like that you DID basically pronounce things correct in your Rammstein reactions(many others do not). lol. I shall sub now after watching all you have done your first 7 days. I have seen Rammstein live. The show, the pyrotechnics, everything is amazing Live. Lead singer is a pryotechnic(and actually nearly in Olympics 30+ years ago as a swimmer), so I guess they know what they are doing with the fire. I am under the impression they have had only 1 accident in all their years and it was very early after forming during a club performance(small venue).

  • @ginafragata2947
    @ginafragata2947 9 месяцев назад +1

    Yes you are right ❤

  • @JustWhiskey
    @JustWhiskey 4 месяца назад

    When I heard first time this song, I was driving from the seaside for 12 hours to my home...the audio impact was imediat when I heard " Deutschland Uber Allen"... Li was like fuck yeah, they actually said it. 10 times on repeat...thats the real good shit.

  • @uetzelbuetzel
    @uetzelbuetzel 3 месяца назад

    yes, a stunning and very intricate song

  • @Cellebrimbor68
    @Cellebrimbor68 4 месяца назад

    In some concentration camps the inmates actually built underground facilities for the rocket production(v1 and v2 rocket), like in my hometown as an example
    There really was a connection between camps and rockets

  • @arnebollsen
    @arnebollsen 10 месяцев назад +1

    check the germam history behind the video👍and you understand the difference clips in this film.👍

  • @razorisdead
    @razorisdead Месяц назад

    The Piano is a Instrumental Version of Sonne by Ramstein.

  • @captpicard100
    @captpicard100 2 месяца назад +1

    The story of the video is basically Rammstein saying, I’m German, I want to love Germany my Country of birth but how can I with all this horrific history that Germany has.

  • @degel2015
    @degel2015 10 месяцев назад

    Hi from México, is a video about Germany history. Dark episodes. And in the video is also a very few refferences of Rammstein videos and songs.

  • @Meine.Postma
    @Meine.Postma 10 месяцев назад +1

    Same dog as Hitler had (German Shepherd), she was called Blondi.
    BTW If you like WW2 history and have not seen the mini series Band Of Brothers, maybe do a reaction of each episode? It will enrich your life

  • @degel2015
    @degel2015 10 месяцев назад +1

    For me the very precios mv is Zeit, very deep meaning.

  • @JW-28
    @JW-28 7 месяцев назад

    Rammstein are my favorite band and i dont know 1 word of German. Their sound and videos are fucking crazy.

  • @Nikioko
    @Nikioko 9 месяцев назад +1

    This song is about the ambivalence of Germans towards their country.

  • @dambreaker
    @dambreaker 6 месяцев назад

    The RUclips channel, Three Arrows, has a wonderful music video explanation.

  • @danereynolds5408
    @danereynolds5408 9 месяцев назад

    I have now subscribed!

  • @alexandremaireno-ni4ec
    @alexandremaireno-ni4ec 10 месяцев назад +1

    Rammstein also have great songs on fun videos, like Mein Land, Keine Lust and Dicke Titten

  • @blissfull_ignorance8454
    @blissfull_ignorance8454 5 месяцев назад

    This music video is a interpretations of the German history through the lens of Rammstein.

  • @basegaming-wp8yk
    @basegaming-wp8yk 10 месяцев назад

    The Lead Singer is Till Lindemann. He makes great solo Music. Knebel, Ich hasse Kinder, Tanzlehrerin, Ach so gern, G-Spot Michael greets from Germany

  • @tappapb
    @tappapb 10 месяцев назад +1

    The black woman represents Germania - the symbolic mother of germany.

  • @amannsfeld
    @amannsfeld 10 месяцев назад

    idk how many reaction-videos got the initial scene wrong. this is about invading Romans AD 16. lost in germanian forests. finally defeated and never came back. in the end they build the "Limes", like the "Hadrian's wall" in GB.
    commerce still happened, but the picts and the germans stayed undefeated back then.

  • @Splagnate
    @Splagnate 9 месяцев назад

    German Shepherds! The number of them represents something important like the number of Germanic tribes? Was also nice how they represented other religions besides Jewish in the concentration camp. The patches on their chests were different for each religion or group.

  • @gabrielstratton1775
    @gabrielstratton1775 10 месяцев назад +4

    I cannot recommend enough you watch this again on your own time with English translation or subtitles... it will help immensely in understanding the basic meaning of the song

  • @the_hetman
    @the_hetman 10 месяцев назад +19

    I see that you are exploring new music which is a great goal. You’ve had a taste of Germany, how about Mexico next? The Warning are 3 sisters that play classic rock, and they rock hard. They are at their best live; every song from the Teatro Metropólitan show in Mexico City is great. “Disciple” is a good song to start with. Oh, and if you react to them, The Warning Army will descend. 🤘Also, I subbed after watching this video and your Jinjer reaction.

    • @StaceyRPGReacts
      @StaceyRPGReacts  10 месяцев назад +7

      Thank you for the sub!!🫶🏻 I am open to music from all over the world! Never heard of the Warning before. You peaked my interest by telling me they are 3 sisters👀 that is so cool

    • @ericwilson5453
      @ericwilson5453 10 месяцев назад

      Subbed as well😁 you are intelligent, articulate, and ready to soak up new experiences. The Pisces vid got my attention of you, and I'm here for it. Jinjer, the warning, the French band Gojira.. excellence awaits.

    • @TimberWolf762
      @TimberWolf762 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@StaceyRPGReacts And don't miss The Warning's 'Evolve' which they did live for the 2023 MTV VMAs, available on their channel or MTV's.

    • @pepe_612
      @pepe_612 10 месяцев назад +4

      I also think you would love The Warning, I love all their live stuff, try Animosity from the Teatro Metropolitan show 08/29/2022.

    • @seangrover6101
      @seangrover6101 10 месяцев назад +1

      The Warning is a great suggestion. The live show they already recommended is great. They recently played 2 songs at the 2023 VMA awards. It was also a great show.

  • @shspurs1342
    @shspurs1342 10 месяцев назад +1

    It sounded like what if think. Kraftwerk would sound like. If they ever did Metal. I.E Industry 70’s Music with Modern Metal.

  • @gerdipediaTV
    @gerdipediaTV 7 месяцев назад +1

    You should know that there are differences between the concentration camps. Some are just normal concentration camps but others like Buchenwald and Auschwitz are not just concentration camps, but extermination camps in which killing took place on an industrial scale. Remembering our history is very important to us Germans. Only those who are aware of the terrible things that have happened in our history do not make the mistake of repeating them.

  • @onnasenshi7739
    @onnasenshi7739 9 месяцев назад

    most of Rammstein's videos have an english translation, you can activate it in your settings
    in the scene when you mentioned the hollocaust, it wasn't just about depicting the persecution of the Jews alone but about all the persecuted people in the third reich you can recognise it by the "badges" on the chest
    The Nazis had different markings for the people they imprisoned
    Yellow (Jewish) red (political prisoners), green (criminals), black (asocials), brown (Sinti and Roma, originally black), pink (homosexuals)

  • @jamesduffy3069
    @jamesduffy3069 8 месяцев назад

    What I love about this video is it leaves you as wtf did I just watch. Please go look it up. The meaning is as beautiful and scary as the video

  • @AFDFCH-uu9tl
    @AFDFCH-uu9tl 10 месяцев назад +2

    press CC...then click automatically translate should actually say English translation

  • @voelligegal
    @voelligegal 9 месяцев назад

    the discriptions from rammstein videos are transaltet from themself. u can activate the the translation. its very accurate.

  • @D-ragon-S
    @D-ragon-S 10 месяцев назад +1

    Also, can you make the window we see bigger. Now it's really hard to follow. Even on a 55" TV.
    On an iPhone...not possible.