The Whitewashing of Equestria Girls

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 970

  • @mothlarvas5066
    @mothlarvas5066 2 месяца назад +2344

    the people in the comments completely missing the point that EVEN THOUGH they made all the characters technicolor, they still decided to make all of them have light skin (as in, all of them are light versions of their original colors). even if they arent any literal human skin color thats still a conscious decision, they could just as well have made all of them darker shades of the rainbow instead. its still implying that light skin is the default. most arguments i see defending the decision go so far as to imply light skin is the superior aesthetic choice, like the character designs would be unreadable, match poorly, or in any way uglier with darker skin. that mentality is the issue.

    • @Vesperad0
      @Vesperad0 2 месяца назад +222

      I mean...I've even seen people say dark skin just "doesn't work" with pastel colors. Which, is completely wrong. Easiest way to tell someone either doesn't know about color theory (or colors in general), is colorist/racist, or both. Often both, because nobody who isn't a racist would argue for the lightening of fictional skin colors...or cry about a horse getting a human skin color alongside a human form.

    • @regigigaslover6541
      @regigigaslover6541 2 месяца назад +80

      fr like people being like "oh it isn't technically white-washing because x and y" and it's like the video + your comment explains pretty clearly why it is it's not that hard to comprehend

    • @manuproulx2764
      @manuproulx2764 2 месяца назад +52

      Please. I literally have an oc with dark blue skin, and light brown eyes, and hair that's white and sky blue. The colors go super well together actually.

    • @mlpfimguy
      @mlpfimguy 2 месяца назад +4

      Perhaps it's because the actresses are white???

    • @tiny2315
      @tiny2315 2 месяца назад +40

      @@Vesperad0 dark skin can completely work with pastel colors if it's slightly washed out. See Luna's pony form. She's not a saturated dark blue, she's a more dull dark blue to not be a burden to the audience's eyes.

  • @Doorknoblicker
    @Doorknoblicker 2 месяца назад +2907

    The biggest gripe with these designs is that they gave our himdo ,Big Mac, a twink body😔

    • @soulripple
      @soulripple 2 месяца назад +108

      so true

    • @nerfpup3089
      @nerfpup3089 2 месяца назад +341

      Definitely. He should've been a muscular god. He is the muscle of the family

    • @Oranges2124
      @Oranges2124 Месяц назад +235

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@nerfpup3089 word. Apple Jack should’ve been a bit more muscular, but I have less of a problem with that

    • @Napkinthekat
      @Napkinthekat Месяц назад +63


    • @j_erkass
      @j_erkass Месяц назад +44

      @@Napkinthekat twink revival

  • @hahhahaa5526
    @hahhahaa5526 2 месяца назад +1743

    Catty from Monster High has black and pink color palette. Everyone loved her. Why did hasbro assume we wouldn’t accept Luna or Cheerilee etc.

    • @amato0215
      @amato0215 2 месяца назад +183

      oh my god catty’s design is so peak

    • @Vesperad0
      @Vesperad0 2 месяца назад +172

      As a child I had never seen a doll I wanted so desperately as much as I wanted catty. I wish there were more dolls with a whole range of skin colors, including black and "ugly" colors. Who knows, a lot of ugly colors look amazing when paired right.
      ...aside from the minstrel dolls I found a lot. I would prefer the all black dolls don't look like blackface "jokes". Catty should be the blueprint

    • @neoqwerty
      @neoqwerty Месяц назад +34

      @@Vesperad0 As a sprite artist who's done SO MANY RECOLOR JOBS for people's pokesonas and pokemon trainers: there are no ugly colors, only artists who need to let go of their security blanket color swatches and learn color theory.
      I was able to make KHAKI GREEN WORK. KHAKI GREEN. _BABY POOP GREEN_ WORKED OUT. If someone like me can make undigested poop green work as a legitimately pretty color on something with just two hours of fussing with shading, highlights, and secondary/tertiary colors, then no color can be genuinely ugly.
      And I managed to make an outfit that was literally aggressively high-visibility mandarin-orange-peel orange look good on myself, just because I chose the right clothing pieces to pair up and pull the outfit together.
      If I could do those two miracles, then it really isn't that hard to make dolls with a good range of colors and dolls with "ugly" colors work out, because I'm no fashion designer and my color theory knowledge comes from Megaman fans' sprite recolor tutorials.

    • @pinkrosegurl6987
      @pinkrosegurl6987 Месяц назад +8

      omg! I had catty as a kid! i remember thinking she was so cool and unique looking

    • @Shocked_Joe
      @Shocked_Joe 13 дней назад +1

      i think they might've made her lighter so that her clothes wouldn't look weird on her

  • @maybelater6282
    @maybelater6282 Месяц назад +943

    I personally love the idea of Celestia being a dark tan/middle brown tone and Luna being extremely pale to reflect their different relationships with the sun.

    • @shamiyahzow8525
      @shamiyahzow8525 Месяц назад +131

      My main human Headcaonon of Them is that they are Mixed race Luna is Darkskined and Celestia is White passing.

    • @murmirr
      @murmirr Месяц назад +114

      i just think it would be hilarious if celestia was pale and burned extremely easily, and luna is the opposite, for the exact same reason. the irony and sisterly joking about it would be wholesome lol

    • @skootergirl22
      @skootergirl22 Месяц назад +9

      ​@shamiyahzow8525 I have seen luna with dark skin in fan art, but why does she if the moon only reflects from the sun ?

    • @shamiyahzow8525
      @shamiyahzow8525 Месяц назад +19

      @@skootergirl22 Luna's Coat Color is Supposed to Match the Night sky more supposedly so Our Night sky as she Doesn't Match the night skies of Equestia,Her Design is not Just the Moon but the Concept of Night itself afterall The Moon itself is Only One of the things she brings and Even with the Moon in the Sky reflecting the Sun's Rays shine as Bright as it might but the skies Still gonna be Dark Regardless.
      Especially on Starless nights And full Moons

    • @shamiyahzow8525
      @shamiyahzow8525 Месяц назад +10

      @@skootergirl22 and Most People Just Don't Look at her and think She's White there is Fanart of a White Luna. but Most of the Fandom Agrees that She is a Black Woman or atleast a Darkskinned Woman Even the Company that Makes Offical Mlpfim Anime figures Saw Luna and made her Black plus Fo someone Like Me Growing up As a African American girl Seeing her Coat and how drop dead Gorgeous she was Just Gave me the Reassurance that Dark colored characters and People in fact gorgeous so for me if she was a Human she was a Black princess and one of the Only three I know. Princess Luna,Princess Aisha (winx club)and Princess Tiana

  • @pikawh0
    @pikawh0 2 месяца назад +1932

    This is also a problem with the toys. Luna wasnt her actual color until 2018 with the reboot line

    • @rad_rat103
      @rad_rat103 2 месяца назад +30

      the hello mini world figures haunt me

    • @Mochabunz_xxx
      @Mochabunz_xxx 2 месяца назад

      And they made her older sister pink instead of white for some reason

    • @PatchworkRose567
      @PatchworkRose567 2 месяца назад +52

      Her toys have a very pretty color palette but they definitely aren’t Luna

    • @meahdahlgren6537
      @meahdahlgren6537 2 месяца назад +2

      ​@@PatchworkRose567 I think the toys where luna

    • @meahdahlgren6537
      @meahdahlgren6537 2 месяца назад +1

      Pikawh0 I think the toys are good just the way they are

  • @_kaleido
    @_kaleido 2 месяца назад +2176

    Thing is, there IS darker skin tones in Equestria Girls… in Sunset’s and Twilight’s “demon” forms. The character designers had the full knowledge and ability to design appealing, readable characters with darker skin tones, and they only used it for the villains. That to me makes it *worse* than just having no darker skinned characters at all tbh. I remember a few years ago on a EQG retrospective video someone brought up the whitewashing of the characters in the comments and people acted like they were being ridiculous, I’m glad someone else is speaking about this because I DO love EQG but we can still point out its flaws

    • @Vexxed_MC
      @Vexxed_MC 2 месяца назад +137

      That's actually insane to think about

    • @smashedcrayonz
      @smashedcrayonz 2 месяца назад +58


    • @misakayy1911
      @misakayy1911 2 месяца назад +1

      People were acting like they were being ridiculous because they were being ridiculous. Modern westoid race obsession is an uniquely obnoxious phenomenon. If a humanized version of a cartoon horse being white causes you distress you should discuss it with your therapist.

    • @Moravian_Mf
      @Moravian_Mf 2 месяца назад +38

      Villains are dark for obvious reasons though. It's not skin colors, it's normal colors.
      Anything darker seems scarier.

    • @voiceunderthecovers
      @voiceunderthecovers 2 месяца назад +1

      dark = bad. its not a race thing, its been a media trope since media began.

  • @billyboleson2830
    @billyboleson2830 2 месяца назад +1221

    I remember back in the day where human Twilight in fanart was consistently drawn with darker skin and i miss that time

    • @PGbutalsofourteenplus
      @PGbutalsofourteenplus 2 месяца назад +135

      She still is today 😊 🤎🤎🤎

    • @RubyCat_7
      @RubyCat_7 2 месяца назад +101

      Yeah don't know what you're talking about. I RARELY ever see white twilight or pinkie pie so this is just bs

    • @OceanGlow-jv8kj
      @OceanGlow-jv8kj Месяц назад +31

      ​@RubyCat_7 They mean she's often drawn with purple skin. There isn't exactly a deficit of black twilight drawings, but it's slightly less prevalent nowadays

    • @billyboleson2830
      @billyboleson2830 Месяц назад +7

      @@RubyCat_7 Guess i havent been on twitter as much lol, from my experience twilight was drawn consistently as the whitest lady you ever seen post Equestria Girls but then again that was ten years ago and i havent been keeping up as much

    • @RubyCat_7
      @RubyCat_7 Месяц назад +17

      @@OceanGlow-jv8kj That's a good thing. Purple twilight is neutral. It's better than people fighting over her being white or black when she isn't even a human to began with

  • @CCG15thelocalpieceofpaper15
    @CCG15thelocalpieceofpaper15 2 месяца назад +733

    Let's not forget about Silver Spoon. She may not appear in the media as much, but she still falls under the "Miss Cheerilee" treatment with her hair and skin colors being swapped. Honestly, I kinda hate the fact that Hasbro made basically every character's skin color as light as possible because it becomes very jarring when you compare it to their pony counterparts. Now that I'm thinking about it, the background characters in EQG are so much more interesting to look at rather than in FIM because at least in EQG all the characters look very unique from each other rather than copy/pasted versions of each other with different colors. I mean, as an example, just look at Twinkleshine and Lemon Hearts. They literally have the EXACT SAME HAIRSTYLE!!! I get it's probably easier to not have to animate background ponies this way, but if EQG can make the background characters look unique then why can't FIM

    • @SomeGaymerNerd
      @SomeGaymerNerd 2 месяца назад +6

      I didn't even notice her color scheme was swapped until I looked it up- rare case of it looking good, ig?

    • @Let_Toons
      @Let_Toons Месяц назад +9

      Silver Spoon's original colour pallet would have looked like Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel.
      That is to say, _fine._

    • @GrayAvian
      @GrayAvian Месяц назад +10

      I deadass thought you were talking about an object show character and almost shit myself, but agreed

    • @salemslullabies
      @salemslullabies Месяц назад

      ​@@GrayAvian same

    • @sillyobjectz
      @sillyobjectz Месяц назад

      @@GrayAvianBRAH SAME

  • @WeAreKAV
    @WeAreKAV 2 месяца назад +640

    6:55 there is this one person who made a 100% human Luna once that made her have the skin condition of vitiligo so she has the dark skin to match her dark fur as a pony and the light skin to match the fandoms headcanon of her human skin color.

    • @Vesperad0
      @Vesperad0 2 месяца назад +101

      Vitiligo is almost always the answer. It's just cool, no matter how much people try to make it a ""woke"" thing to endlessly complain about.

    • @sinfulpuritan3430
      @sinfulpuritan3430 2 месяца назад +83

      I also think it's an interesting idea because, unless you have a tattoo on your design, there's no physical trait on them to represent their cutie mark besides their outfits. So, the light parts of the skin caused by vitiligo could help represent that in a way...? Idk if my point is getting across well, but the moon on her cutie mark is light and the dark sky on it has a spotting pattern to it like it fades out into her dark blue coat.

    • @Safalmao
      @Safalmao 2 месяца назад +4

      @@WeAreKAV you talking about Michael Jacksons skin thing ❔❔

    • @WeAreKAV
      @WeAreKAV 2 месяца назад +7

      @@Safalmao yeah.

    • @Maddy_Made
      @Maddy_Made 2 месяца назад +17

      That makes so much sense! Especially with Luna’s cutie mark

  • @danielmendes8975
    @danielmendes8975 2 месяца назад +213

    Im a doll collector myself & i think the darker dye cost is lowky BS , equstria girls in the end of the day is a rip off of monster high & monster high from the beginning had characters with darker skintones , cleo & clawdeen for example both have darker skintones, hell they even made catty & wydoma who are straight out black , mattel clearly had no issue w this then why cant hasbro do the same? They have the money to give the dolls darker skintones they just obv dont want to

  • @kittisaurous
    @kittisaurous 2 месяца назад +582

    Coming from an autistic person who’s SPECIAL INTEREST is My Little Pony, I had no idea that was CHEERLIEE. I am literally just finding this out. That does NOT look like her.

    • @Pinkie-Dash
      @Pinkie-Dash 2 месяца назад +48

      They literally just inverted her colors of her skin/fur and hair 🤚😭

    • @Helloqii
      @Helloqii 2 месяца назад +4

      that's a stretch, she still has the same hairstyle and eyes, all they did was invert the colors..

    • @L3mon-Juic3
      @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +2

      I agree. i think it might just depend on the person.

    • @saturna_saturna
      @saturna_saturna 2 месяца назад +5

      Same, i thought she was a random extra character.

    • @LycanMOON
      @LycanMOON Месяц назад +25

      @@Helloqiiand theres plenty of background ponies who use cheerlie’s base model
      Of course if you don’t use the normal colors people wouldn’t tell who it was

  • @Hyreia
    @Hyreia 2 месяца назад +961

    I love your "they shouldn't have race... but X is totally Y". It's every conversation I ever have about this. lol

    • @bituinl
      @bituinl 2 месяца назад +39

      I like they don’t have a race too so everyone could pick which race they want the characters to be. Or at least skin colors or whatever.

    • @peachesandcream22
      @peachesandcream22 2 месяца назад +34

      That's why I like Sonic franchise. You can choose any headcanon for any Sonic character and no one has a right to bash you for this.
      I headcanon Sonic as a Whasian (like fr, how can he tolerate so much spicy chilidawgs?!!).

    • @bituinl
      @bituinl 2 месяца назад +8

      @@peachesandcream22 my Lola is Asia and she can’t even handle pepper because it’s too spicy 💀my Mexican friend can’t handle spicy food either

    • @AstronomicalJelly
      @AstronomicalJelly Месяц назад +6

      he's wrong about fluttershy, she's totally arab /lh

    • @lapetitefleur3482
      @lapetitefleur3482 Месяц назад +8

      @@AstronomicalJelly Mmmmm okay- but he's also wrong about rainbow dash- shes definitely filipina.

  • @wadeyhyena1657
    @wadeyhyena1657 2 месяца назад +699

    Luna and Cheerilee are definitely the worst cases of whitewashing in Equestria Girls' case. Luna is a darker shade of blue in Friendship Is Magic (following Luna Eclipse) and Cheerilee is also darker toned in the actual show.
    So, why are both of them suddenly super pale-toned in Equestria Girls?

    • @milesd0texe385
      @milesd0texe385 2 месяца назад +11

      Thats what the video is about

    • @wadeyhyena1657
      @wadeyhyena1657 2 месяца назад +11

      @@milesd0texe385 I made the comment before I watched the rest of the video.

    • @milesd0texe385
      @milesd0texe385 2 месяца назад +22

      @@wadeyhyena1657 rookie mistake

    • @Birdsflight44
      @Birdsflight44 2 месяца назад +8

      ​@@wadeyhyena1657 But why though

    • @mariascott4915
      @mariascott4915 2 месяца назад +4

      I mean not hate but ether your trying to say Celestia and luna are mixed or they are both white lol. Because Celestia is her sister and very much white.

  • @Hyreia
    @Hyreia 2 месяца назад +382

    Yeah. Keeping Luna's lips darker with her skin tone works better like the way you drew it. If you keep them light, it looks too much like blackface. I agree that they did overcorrect.
    I think ultimately they didn't go with human skintones is because of doll sales. They might have considered matching them up with human skintones (Indian Twilight) but it wouldn't have sold as well as a white Twilight. I remember reading that sales numbers have shown, even among black children, white dolls sell better. Which is its own sad can of worms. I also remember talking to a grandma who "couldn't find a white Dora the Explorer" doll because had never seen the show. Eventually after talking to her grandchild's parents she laughed at herself and got the doll obviously but it shows a certain prejudice we haven't shaken yet.
    I don't think Hasbro was willing or ready to move the needle on that yet. They wanted a success and to try and sidestep the issue for now (plus, they'd be more immediately recognizable). They also wanted to compete with Monster High from Mattel which had lots of unnatural skin tones.

    • @liiil8492
      @liiil8492 2 месяца назад +22

      I want to add MLP fandom -especially bronies- are like conservative and ultra right. It's the same people who created Aryanne, so

    • @Hyreia
      @Hyreia 2 месяца назад

      @@liiil8492 Where the hell have you been? Conservative? Ultra right? Do you go to actual conventions? Do you see the content the fandom produces? Don't believe the one article and memes taken out of context. The MLP fandom is LGBTQ af.

    • @Hyreia
      @Hyreia 2 месяца назад

      @@liiil8492 @liiil8492 I highly disagree. I've found them very liberal and very pro LGBT. There's a small minority who are vocal who created aryanne. I've been to lots of cons and lots of websites. Bronies are very lgbtq. Lots of bronies with very masculine hobbies who are the same way. The aryanne thing is blown so out of proportion it's ridiculous. I saw her creation. I've been in those spaces. It's not what you think. Yes those people exist. Obviously. But a lot of it is just teenagers with unfunny edgy humor who don't know when they're talking to people who think these things unironically.

    • @Hyreia
      @Hyreia Месяц назад +5

      @@liiil8492 I don't know what group you hang out with but I strongly disagree. The vast majority are not that way and the ones that are like that are a vocal minority.

    • @liiil8492
      @liiil8492 Месяц назад

      @@Hyreia This fandom borns in 4chan, I think that's enough to explain what's was going on lol. According to a survey in its golden age (2012-2014), mostly of bronies were white and leftist. There are articles reporting that this fandom is a hotbed of extremists (worse: natzeh). The way they react when they banned Aryanne? Marenheit 451. I want to think things has changed cuz i'm in this fandom.

  • @nexenzy5825
    @nexenzy5825 2 месяца назад +356

    every time theres a discussion about race in equestria, people always fail to mention Zecora and the other zebras from the comics, the Ponies of Saddle Arabia, and the town of Somnambula, Corriander Cumin and his daughter Saffron Masala all have very obvious inspiration from real life cultures, including Pinkie's family of Amish inspiration. Furthermore, its not subtle the American AND Canadian influence in the MANE part of Equestria. so there is no canon race for the main characters cause none of them are of those very obvious influence. And not for malicious reasons, its for the same reason they made them pastel humans, so a kid of any skin color can have a chance to connect with all the main characters and buy ALL THE DOLLS!

    • @k-onlegacy
      @k-onlegacy 2 месяца назад +71

      Did they also forget Mistmane/her kingdom & the kirins, inspired from East Asian folklore?? Lol

    • @Haunted_Plush
      @Haunted_Plush 2 месяца назад +56

      Unfortunately Zecora wasn't used in the show _nearly_ as much as they wanted to, and a lot of those other characters were just one-offs, but I totally agree with you

    • @KnightDog145
      @KnightDog145 2 месяца назад +32

      Why wouldn't a kid connect to a character if they were a little darker?

    • @siennanicholas1089
      @siennanicholas1089 2 месяца назад +6

      @@KnightDog145why would they? it’s blue

    • @lapetitefleur3482
      @lapetitefleur3482 Месяц назад +7

      Nah fr- say pinkie is black but yall remember how she treated/talked about Zicora? Like internized racism? I guess-

  • @eagletscosplaycloset3793
    @eagletscosplaycloset3793 Месяц назад +111

    “It would be harder to read their facial expressions ):”
    MLP uses colored lineart, and tbh because of that it’s sometimes already hard to read their facial expressions. If they really cared about that they would’ve made the lineart slightly darker in the first place. There was no good reason to change Cheerilee and Luna’s skin tones like that imo. It’s just cause they didn’t want their humanoid characters to be too dark skinned. 😔

  • @oneproudpeacock6901
    @oneproudpeacock6901 2 месяца назад +59

    I feel the term 'lightwashed' is more appropriate for this kind of cartoon.

  • @dokchampa9324
    @dokchampa9324 29 дней назад +29

    I hate the idea that Pinkie Pie "has" to be black because she has curly hair. I watched MLP as a little white girl with curly hair, and Pinkie Pie was always my fav out of the mane six both due to her personality but also due to her hair since it resembled mine. It made me feel better about myself because growing up pretty much all my peers had hair that was either completely straight or at most slightly wavy, and any characters in cartoons that were supposed to be considered "super pretty" always had straight or at most wavy hair. Pinkie Pie wasn't that, but she still gave me comfort and made me feel like I didn't need to change that part of myself to feel seen or appreciated.
    I know the way I'm making it sound now is probably way overdramatic, but you gotta remember I was like 10 at the time, and at that age things like that really do matter to you. Nobody ever even bullied me for my hair or made fun of it, but I still could tell I was different from everyone else and it made me incredibly insecure. Insisting that every character with curly hair has to be black (or ginger for that matter) is incredibly hurtful and invalidating, it makes me feel like my stupid 10 year old self's worries about it were actually valid to a degree. If you wanna headcanon Pinkie Pie as black, sure, whatever, I'm not gonna stop you, but don't ever insist that's the only way things can be.

  • @XxMayo_JuicexX
    @XxMayo_JuicexX Месяц назад +65

    In Big Mac's defense, I thought they changed his skin color cuz red skin on a human would resemble the racist caricature of native americans too much.

  • @Кыскивмиске
    @Кыскивмиске 2 месяца назад +265

    4:10 he looks sunburnt tho
    I understand making him tan, but this tone just looks like he fell asleep on the beach

    • @pinkstarlett
      @pinkstarlett 2 месяца назад +85

      I mean it's like what he said about rainbow, if we were to apply real life medical diagnoses such as sunburn, we would have to apply cyanosis to rainbow but there's no way around that bc shes.. simply blue. Big Macintosh is simply red.

    • @regigigaslover6541
      @regigigaslover6541 2 месяца назад +53

      and Fluttershy looks like she has jaundice. what's your point

    • @RomeroRomeral
      @RomeroRomeral 2 месяца назад +9

      ​@@regigigaslover6541 that it looks bad.

    • @thesleepydot
      @thesleepydot 29 дней назад +4

      @@RomeroRomeral the only way around it is to give them human skintones, not to whitewash them :) pink Big Mac still looks sunburnt, pastel Fluttershy still looks jaundiced, and pastel Rainbow Dash still looks like she’s suffocating by that logic. Making them lighter doesn’t solve the issue. It’s pretty clear that the design change was fueled by racial bias.

      @CHARGEMEDOKTOR 13 дней назад

      ​@@thesleepydothow can it be racial bias when the skintones aren't even flesh colored 💀 yall are reading too much into this

  • @Tw1nkerbelle
    @Tw1nkerbelle 2 месяца назад +200

    I really don’t like how they did Luna and Celestia in general. From princesses to Principal and vice principal? Really? Luna is whitewashed and celestia is pink… celestia also seems to have a different personality at least in the first movie.

    • @SuperomiNordestino
      @SuperomiNordestino 2 месяца назад +24

      About the personality, since she is a Principal and not an Queen with more than 1000 years i think it kinda make sense

    • @raineblackstar3522
      @raineblackstar3522 Месяц назад +16

      I mean, when pony Celestia was younger, she was pink too. This is the only one where i don't think anything needs to be changed.

    • @shamiyahzow8525
      @shamiyahzow8525 Месяц назад +1

      ​​​@@raineblackstar3522that is Not Canon the Only reason why she Pink was For the Toys and then When Cadence came into the Picture they Made her White.
      We don't know If she was Pink when she was Younger,Plus That's a Weird jump From a Pink coat to a White One.
      Yes,Luna has a blue coat that turned Dark Blue But at Least the Shade of Blue they used for her Younger self Was in the Same Color Family of the Darker Blue.
      Pink is a Different color from White and Pink is Basically just a Lighter shade of Red,If she was Pink She would have Still been Pink as a Adult probably just a Lighter shade.

    • @raineblackstar3522
      @raineblackstar3522 Месяц назад +2

      @@shamiyahzow8525 you know white can come from any colour in the palette, right? Most often, it's from red. But what if it's from pink, hmmm? It would still be a very light shade of pink, appearing as white.

    • @shamiyahzow8525
      @shamiyahzow8525 Месяц назад +3

      @raineblackstar3522 Her Coat is Mainly just White...but some sources say it does have a little tinge of pink....But it Mainly is Just White.

    @FULLLUNGCAPACITY Месяц назад +34

    7:28 this could definitely work if the eyeshadow and lips were darker.

  • @skippingseaglass
    @skippingseaglass 2 месяца назад +193

    THANK FUCKING GOD SOMEONE POINTS THIS OUT even as a brainwashed kid i looked at luna and immediately thought 'what the fuck wheres her melanin'

    • @ethancox9737
      @ethancox9737 2 месяца назад +1

      How old were you then?

    • @skippingseaglass
      @skippingseaglass 2 месяца назад +26

      @@ethancox9737 bout 9 or 10 i'd say, mind you i obviously wasnt thinking those exact words but i remember feeling extremely offput by the fact luna's skin was turned so pale for reasons i genuinely couldnt figure out (i grew up to illustrate/design so i guess being nitpicky about this stuff put me down that path a bit too LOL) but yeah to this day i think luna's original fur color would've worked better on her than what they ended up doing

    • @ethancox9737
      @ethancox9737 2 месяца назад +4

      @@skippingseaglass Ok, got it. I was already an older teen when Equestria girls came out.

  • @saladsayshi3015
    @saladsayshi3015 2 месяца назад +68

    If i can throw my hat in the ring i feel like this combined with how hasbro treated Zecora and Zeberas in general might also play into it - i dont think they wanted to really incorporate many prominent diverse characters for fear of backlash (( which. Is stupid. )) and so instead we got washed out gross colored eqg humans and 33 minutes series total screen time of zecora

    • @misakayy1911
      @misakayy1911 2 месяца назад +3

      "(( which. Is stupid. ))"
      I mean obviously not that stupid considering you ppl still created backlash over it even after every attempt to avoid it was made.

    • @saladsayshi3015
      @saladsayshi3015 2 месяца назад +1

      @@misakayy1911 check out this beautiful tree ==> 🌳

    • @saladsayshi3015
      @saladsayshi3015 2 месяца назад

      @@misakayy1911 look at this beautiful tree 🌳

  • @swaggbunny1502
    @swaggbunny1502 Месяц назад +65

    I always viewed Pinkie as a white Irish redhead but there’s this mlp human 1920s au art where she is Hispanic (not sure on the specifics) and it was so beautiful

    • @AstronomicalJelly
      @AstronomicalJelly Месяц назад +8

      ooh is it the one by bixels? i love their au

    • @lapetitefleur3482
      @lapetitefleur3482 Месяц назад +9

      me too? But not irish but german ish? Because her parents are amish. Unless she's adopted. Which ig was a popular theory in the fandom

    • @swaggbunny1502
      @swaggbunny1502 Месяц назад +1

      @@AstronomicalJelly yup that’s the one

    • @swaggbunny1502
      @swaggbunny1502 Месяц назад +1

      @@lapetitefleur3482 ooh those make sense too

    • @Julian-zs4lt
      @Julian-zs4lt Месяц назад +4

      Honestly, i thought pinkie would be a mix of German and Irish, maybe a bit of Scandinavian.

  • @Ruby2P
    @Ruby2P 2 месяца назад +61

    I always found it strange what they did to Big Mac, and never noticed what they did to Cheerlie. I didn't notice Luna's appearance until recent, so how I am just so confused now.

  • @sinfulpuritan3430
    @sinfulpuritan3430 2 месяца назад +88

    I genuinely feel they should've just made them have human skin tones. Yeah, a lot of people would be angry if their headcanons weren't true, but I have always personally thought the unnatural skin tones created a weird problem with the designs. I get them wanting to make all the colors lighter is to make them read as more human, but like... They could fix it by just making them have human skin tones?
    Also, just for funsies because you mentioned your headcanons, I have always headcanoned human Luna as being black with vitiligo as a human, with the vitiligo representing her cutie mark being of a night sky with a moon (the moon is a light color of course, and the night sky seems to fade out with a spotted pattern, like the patterns people with vitiligo get on their skin). Then I flip flop with Celestia, because I also headcanon her as black but I sometines imagine her as a human having albinism and sometimes not.

    • @pinknight310
      @pinknight310 2 месяца назад +6

      Ooooh I’ve never thought about vitiligo for Luna before. I really like that headcanon!

  • @bapho-p
    @bapho-p Месяц назад +53

    I feel like the colors on the characters speak to an odd fear with the character design. Making technicolor humans meant keeping the pony colors, but that would make half their cast tan (at best.) The way it's done almost makes me feel like someone on the team with decision making power sat down and went "the skin needs to be lighter than the original coat, that's how skin works" without any notice or care for how fucked up that sounds.

  • @TyaniDoodles
    @TyaniDoodles 2 месяца назад +232

    I head cannon rainbow dash as Latina

    • @tenshiixxx
      @tenshiixxx 2 месяца назад +2

      why tho

    • @xxgaelixsxx8151
      @xxgaelixsxx8151 2 месяца назад +4


    • @firlgriend
      @firlgriend 2 месяца назад +50

      I can't not see her as Brazilian. I also raise you... Sunset being a white latina. (I'm projecting a little cause I'm latina)

    • @barrysteakfriessimp_real
      @barrysteakfriessimp_real 2 месяца назад +7

      Latina Rainbow Dash is so real!!

    • @ronaldpagar6513
      @ronaldpagar6513 2 месяца назад +18

      Or Greek

  • @ImmaLittlePip
    @ImmaLittlePip 2 месяца назад +65

    And that is why they went with techno colored humans as well
    Cause some folks are really weird about race

    • @HandheldGamer1991
      @HandheldGamer1991 2 месяца назад +5

      Yup i totally agree

    • @Vesperad0
      @Vesperad0 2 месяца назад +16

      I can't imagine "having" to change not even the races, but the harmless skin colors of humanized colorful ponies for grown men that made a whole children's show about them.
      Let me be clear, I am nowhere near against people having "childish" interests. I am, however, endlessly annoyed with and frustrated by grown ass people who decide they're the main audience to pander to, and in this case have their racism impact the toys meant for children. There's a huge difference between appreciating children's media and invading spaces meant for children, and everyday I hate how those fourchan users practically exposed a generation to gore and unnecessarily sexual content.

    • @L3mon-Juic3
      @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +3

      @@Vesperad0 I get that. but i think there are more adults that watch mlp than children, so hasbro probably DID try to pander to them a bit more. not by much probably, it being a kids show and all. now i dont know if thats true so correct me if im wrong.

    • @ExtremeWreck
      @ExtremeWreck Месяц назад +1

      Doug did it for the same reasons & s a result, people started theorizing that the city Doug lives in(Bluffington) is ultra-radioactive & polluted to the point of giving everyone wild techno colored skin.

    • @babykata-dt3ys
      @babykata-dt3ys Месяц назад +3

      ​@@Vesperad0The idea that Hasbro didn't give them human races because of bronies is actually pretty ridiculous if you think about it for any length of time. If they were basing the show on bronies, Flash Sentry wouldn't have been a part of it, and the setting wouldn't have been high school. Bronies didn't like Equestria Girls at all when the concept art was first leaked. Hasbro made that decision because they wanted to sell toys to more children. Full stop. What Hasbro cares the most about is their bottom line. They probably showed some kids in a focus group test images and asked them which one they like the best and the colorful ones were the most popular.

  • @Thereallemoncho
    @Thereallemoncho Месяц назад +9

    I’m sorry, they’re ponies. Horses. They’re athro ponies, not humans. It doesn’t matter what their skin tones are.

  • @HarvestPeiskos2209
    @HarvestPeiskos2209 12 дней назад +3

    A buit more explanation for that concept art:
    If *I remember correctly* , the reason why we didn't get human skin tones/colors for our characters was because after the concept art debut, racist bronies literally essentially attacked the artist of the twilight concept, Kora Kosicka (who posted the concept art on Equestriadaily), so they changed it. Like the reason was just full on racism (which isn't entirely surprising) if I remember correctly. And that might also be the reason for characters with darker toned skin getting lightened exponentially (Cheerilee going from dark pink to pale, Luna from dark blue to periwinkle). Twilight was literally the only one to get concept art before everything was changed.
    It also might not be that surprising considering the... questionable history hasbro has in general regarding different culture rep in mlp (the indigenous people having their land snatched by AJ's fam and being portrayed as buffalo, Zecora's episode, the fact that the few obviously indian-coded characters are named Corriander Cumin and Saffron Masala from an obviously indian/east asian place --note: wtf were they thinking with the names??--). Like they can be diverse when they wanna, but most of the time they execute it kinda poorly to the point that we shouldn't be fully surprised. They colored every character to where, no matter your stance on representing different cultures and such thru skin color/tone, most if not all of them are going to be read/perceived as white or similar.
    (Plz for the love of the sun, be mature if you reply)

  • @Maplebear1203
    @Maplebear1203 Месяц назад +10

    I think the reason why they didn't give Big Mac any type of Redskin tone is because they were worried about native American offensiveness especially considering I believe when Equestria girls is being developed there was a lot of controversy around the Redskins team

  • @ZeeGee__
    @ZeeGee__ Месяц назад +9

    I agree with a lot of your points, I just have to mention that for Big Mac, they were likely trying to avoid giving him red skin because "redskins" is a slur for Native Americans and they were often depicted with red skin in racist caricatures. They were probably trying to avoid that.

  • @zwinnytygrys9865
    @zwinnytygrys9865 2 месяца назад +15

    I don't get it, where is the problem? This video doesn't make sense.

  • @aszrieldreemurr5907
    @aszrieldreemurr5907 2 месяца назад +201

    Thank you for bringing this up!! I usually don't see other mlp fans talking about this issue even though it's, at least to me, pretty bothersome.
    Just a heads up though, one of the other reason Hasbro might've lightned big mac's skin tone besides it just looking off, is the bright red skin would've been way too reminiscent to offensive native american caricatures, which very often had bright red skintones. I do agree with you, though!

    • @LizzieMaee
      @LizzieMaee 2 месяца назад +37

      That still doesn't really make sense though because nothing about big mac implies that he's based off of native americans. And its not like theres really much of a history of people accusing characters with red skin being caricatures unless they were clearly meant to be native american caricature's. Plus if that IS somehow the reason big mac's red skin was taken away then why did sunsets demon form get red skin? If your not letting one of the good guy's family members have red skin because of racist caricatures would it not arguably be more offensive to then give the villain red skin?

    • @aszrieldreemurr5907
      @aszrieldreemurr5907 2 месяца назад +27

      @@LizzieMaee Honestly, this is simply one of the theories I saw floating around on why Hasbro made that creative choice and since MLP does have a big usamerican audience, it made enough sense to me. However, your point about sunset shimmer is very valid! It could be argued that maybe since it's a demon form, demons are usually depicted with red skin anyway, but maybe that's giving Hasbro the benefit of the doubt too much... Fair point either way!

  • @cosm1c741
    @cosm1c741 2 месяца назад +180

    i don't think the right term is whitewashing since they are ponies, but ik the point ur trying to get across

      @DAMIEN_RAHH 2 месяца назад +5


    • @bumblebly
      @bumblebly 2 месяца назад +20

      What term would you suggest instead?

    • @L3mon-Juic3
      @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +28

      @@bumblebly I don't think there is one. they're pastel colored people. i think saying it's straight up whitewashing is a bit far fetched.

    • @unripetheberrby6283
      @unripetheberrby6283 2 месяца назад +12

      It makes sense technically, since it's of making something too light or 'clean' unnecessarily

    • @playdoh658
      @playdoh658 Месяц назад +13

      It does make sense because theyre dark skin coded. Coding is a real thing

  • @theserioushouse
    @theserioushouse 2 месяца назад +37

    1:02 BASED?

    • @ENDZHAR
      @ENDZHAR 2 месяца назад +4

      oh brother

    • @rinzler7016
      @rinzler7016 Месяц назад +1


    • @maybelater6282
      @maybelater6282 Месяц назад +7

      Besides the hair, I will never understand why people automatically say she's black. Every race can have curly hair.

    • @ratsicle2107
      @ratsicle2107 Месяц назад +7

      ​@maybelater6282 I mean it's not just because of the hair. I mostly headcanoned her to be black because I love finding myself in different pieces of media. At the end of the day, you shouldn't argue about what race a fictional pony is because WHO CARES???

    • @rinzler7016
      @rinzler7016 Месяц назад +3

      @@ratsicle2107 I like that the ponies have very varied colors without sticking to a real skin color. That makes it possible for anyone, no matter what race they are, to identify with the character.

  • @yuriwk7649
    @yuriwk7649 Месяц назад +11

    Well, when you think about it, they probably just did this so it appears to younger audiences with pastels

    • @dagnytheartist
      @dagnytheartist Месяц назад +1

      The characters were already pastel though.

  • @Actualbowlofsoup
    @Actualbowlofsoup 2 месяца назад +17

    I always thought it was weird how light they made luna, i get they made everyone shade light but they made her EXTREMELY LIGHT to the point I didn't register her as luna at first

  • @sage.81
    @sage.81 Месяц назад +9

    Cheerlie looks like a student in Equestria Girls. Putting her colors in the correct spot makes her look older

  • @PeacePetal
    @PeacePetal 2 месяца назад +132

    Luna is literally the Princess of the Night. Seeing her reduced to this vice principal, easily tricked by every villain, barely relevant, certainly not immortal or magical, and obviously *whitewashed* version of herself is sad beyond words.
    What happened to Luna really feels like a metaphor for Equestria Girls as a whole. It's just this sad, watered-down, washed-out version of MLP.

    • @MrConredsX
      @MrConredsX 2 месяца назад +13

      How was she Whitewashed? Celestia is always portrayed as White and she is her sister.

    • @Serpentine8184
      @Serpentine8184 2 месяца назад +18

      "Seeing her reduced to this vice principal,"
      Nothing wrong with being a vice-principal.
      "easily tricked by every villain,"
      What villains was she tricked by besides Sunset and The Dazzlings? And even then, everyone was tricked by them. That's not exactly a low-bar for her.
      "barely relevant,"
      For as much as I like Princess Luna... She's kind of barely relevant, too? That's something her, and her human counterpart, have in common.
      "certainly not immortal or magical,"
      True, fair enough.
      "What happened to Luna really feels like a metaphor for Equestria Girls as a whole. It's just this sad, watered-down, washed-out version of MLP."
      Is it really all that much of a watered-down or washed out version of MLP? It barely tries to emulate MLP in the first place, Its own thing, and personally, I think it did alright with what it was/is.

    • @PeacePetal
      @PeacePetal 2 месяца назад +7

      @@MrConredsX Celestia is the Princess of the Day. Of course she'd be a light color. Luna is the Princess of the Night. She should be a dark color.

    • @Cxcd
      @Cxcd  2 месяца назад +26

      OI. Equestria Girls is PEAK. I will not stand for this SLANDER. /s

    • @PeacePetal
      @PeacePetal 2 месяца назад

      @@Cxcd XD

  • @Avera9eWh1teShark6
    @Avera9eWh1teShark6 2 месяца назад +123

    Pinkie's family is objectively based on the Amish or similar cultures. There is nothing that remotely suggests she's "black," not even having curly hair. We know this because there are characters like Sapphire Shores who is based around the black pop diva archetype.

    • @Sea_Anemone
      @Sea_Anemone 2 месяца назад +69

      The argument I used to see was when she dressed like flava flav and also she wore her hair as "afro puffs" once. But tbh this is just cope. White people can have hair curly enough for fros and pinkies family all have straight hair. I can see the races stated for the other ponies though. I'd say there's a chance Pinkie is MIXED but other than that she's white coded

    • @peterjones426
      @peterjones426 2 месяца назад +21

      ​@Sea_Anemone I don't think Pinkie Pie would care. She probably just rolled her eyes at best if not outright ignore any specific observations about her race and resume partying or making somebody question reality.

    • @liiil8492
      @liiil8492 2 месяца назад +47

      Makes sense, she was the same pony who spread rumors and was scared of Zecora 😭

    • @minecraftisagodpwediwpieis9621
      @minecraftisagodpwediwpieis9621 2 месяца назад +24

      @@liiil8492 JKHDSJKSGJJG youre not wrong 😭 rarity's behavior in spice up your life makes me lean toward her at least being lightskinned for this very same kinda reason

    • @Pinkie-Dash
      @Pinkie-Dash 2 месяца назад +17

      @@Sea_Anemone It can also make sense if she was a ginger since a lot of gingers have really wavy/curly hair (I would know I am a ginger and mine naturally waves)

    @BRUHHHHHHH Месяц назад +9

    big mac, why not make him brown? brown is a shade of red. red-ish orange... and it would look nice with the red. So why not?
    this isnt a genuine question, i know why not, but rip

  • @caydorcat
    @caydorcat 2 месяца назад +46

    Please use any other word other than whitewashing the word is used wrong already.
    Taking a dark blue horse and making her light blue isn't whitewashing. Yes, it's weird, yes, it probably has weird racial implications, my little pony isn't exactly known for good race representation anyway (i.e. the buffalo episode.), but it isn't whitewashing, there is no canonical race being taken away from any characters.

    • @Vesperad0
      @Vesperad0 2 месяца назад +18

      No, the words almost always used right already. I think you're confusing it for "blackwashing", which does not exist and only has a term because of "whataboutism" racists online who decided that there were too many brown characters. Not even just black ones, literally any character with the slightest hint of a tan. I blame anime.
      Whitewashing doesn't necessarily mean making a character white, as in the race, but taking their skin and lightening it to any degree with the assumption being that a lighter skin color is better, prettier, more attractive, cleaner, etc. Because apparently even a skin tone slightly darker and more natural than a tan is "unrelatable" and "off-putting", of course unless it's in anime and somebody has a gross fetish for brown skin.

    • @caydorcat
      @caydorcat 2 месяца назад +13

      @@Vesperad0 I am aware black washing isn't a thing. I'm saying we shouldn't put recoloring a pony on the same level as making a black character white.

    • @L3mon-Juic3
      @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +2

      @@caydorcat You are correct. what they did with Big-mac is fine. making him white is also fine. yes the pony version is dark red, and yes it would have made more sense for them to make him slightly darker. But applying that to pastel colored horses seems a bit far fetched.

    • @megan-rl3ff
      @megan-rl3ff Месяц назад +3


    • @Thereallemoncho
      @Thereallemoncho Месяц назад +3

      @@caydorcatI’m sorry blackwashing is a thing if you turn non black characters black. But these are humanoid ponies

  • @teenageturtlefan8031
    @teenageturtlefan8031 2 месяца назад +9

    For the concept art, while I much prefer it I 100% think they made the right call with going with colored skin, because they would've definitely pissed people off by giving them canon skin colores/races

  • @Pancakes-n-Waffles168
    @Pancakes-n-Waffles168 2 месяца назад +75

    Giving the eq girls races doesnt mean anything
    That sounds bad, lemme explain
    basically, it doesn't matter if Pinkie was black, that shouldn't offend anyone at all!
    Pinkie is still pinkie, so I don't get why people make such a big scene and whine when the ponies are given races which are HEADCANONS cause hasbro was too scared to do anything.
    (and body types...i hate those people who get so offended when someone draws a pony not as the "beauty standard"

    • @DulcetNuance
      @DulcetNuance 2 месяца назад

      Agree. If she's under 180, she ain't a lady.

    • @Princess_Jade64
      @Princess_Jade64 2 месяца назад +13

      omg thank you, i've always thought this, never found anyone who agrees with me.

    • @NobodyUndefined
      @NobodyUndefined 2 месяца назад

      Unfortunately this world is still far more racist than people realize, especially the people who get upset with something like Pinkie being black, it's racism.

    • @tenshiixxx
      @tenshiixxx 2 месяца назад +1

      pinkie pie is amish.

    • @ImmaLittlePip
      @ImmaLittlePip 2 месяца назад +25

      Honestly not giving the ponies definitive races was the smartest move they did
      Cause man some people are weird and insane when it comes to race

  • @AppleStrife
    @AppleStrife 2 месяца назад +8

    this feels like a really high-quality brony video id see in 2012

  • @nightflame389
    @nightflame389 2 месяца назад +65

    How _dare_ you headcanon Twilight as Indian when she's _clearly_ Chinese? I even have (dubiously) canon evidence to back it up!
    In Feeling Pinkie Keen, Twilight burst into flame when she got suitably enraged. What else in MLP bursts into flame when angry? The Kirin. What culture do the Kirin originate from irl? China.
    Twilight = Kirin and Kirin = Chinese, therefore Twilight = Chinese, therefore Twilight = me.
    I can also prove that Rainbow Dash is Greek (Cloudsdale = Greek and Rainbow Dash is from Cloudsdale), Pinkie is Amish (her family has Amish vibes and Weird Al wrote Amish Paradise), Fluttershy is Japanese (anime stuff in Scare Master + fitting the Yamato Nadeshiko archetype), Starlight is Croatian (Tito and Communism), Sunset is Spanish (Dance Magic outfit), Smolder is a fox, Cranky Doodle is Assyrian, Tirek is Homo Erectus, Chrysalis is Martian, Discord is a literal dinosaur, Luna is a rabbit, and Celestia is a liquid

    • @L0V3000
      @L0V3000 2 месяца назад +13

      Yo this cracked me up 🤣.

    • @SuperomiNordestino
      @SuperomiNordestino 2 месяца назад +8

      This is Genius Level interpretation

    • @DSh1105
      @DSh1105 2 месяца назад +9

      I burst out laughing seeing Starlight be Croatian because of Tito😂 (I'm Croatian so it was really surprising to see any mention of Croatia let alone like this)

    • @Duhgel
      @Duhgel Месяц назад +3

      Thank you. I can see maybe, some, implied white washing... I guess???? But none of the characters have confirmed races so it's just kinda stupid...

    • @onthefridge-w7p
      @onthefridge-w7p Месяц назад +2

      This comment feels a bit weird to me in some places…

  • @mayrahemmerechts5867
    @mayrahemmerechts5867 2 месяца назад +12

    About the dye for toys, some darker dyes tend to make the plastic/vinyl/polymer they are used in more brittle then lighter dyes. The brittle brown Lego bricks come to mind here

  • @TobyStan
    @TobyStan 2 месяца назад +15

    3:52 he looks like a strawberry with his freckles

    • @Wolf_Blob
      @Wolf_Blob 2 месяца назад +4

      I would like drawing him like that

  • @Alex_the_Lonely_Shed
    @Alex_the_Lonely_Shed 2 месяца назад +20

    What a jumpscare 9:41 also why do you have a summoning ritual in the background?

  • @mk-aka-morgan8386
    @mk-aka-morgan8386 Месяц назад +5

    Seeing these side by side made my jaw DROP- they could've just not included those characters 💀💀💀

  • @DementedRose
    @DementedRose 2 месяца назад +22

    ..So, why exactly are we making a huge deal out of the color of the rainbow -? I mean, if they changed their hair color I bet nobody would give a shit (unless if it was hideous). Kids aren't going to give a shit if they're a bit lighter or darker compared to their pony form. I mean I didn't notice it as a kid, so why should we care? They're all treated equally in the show. They even made differet creatures in the seasons to show different "races". I seriously don't understand the drama here. Is skin color the most important thing to worry about in MLP?

    • @Pinkie-Dash
      @Pinkie-Dash 2 месяца назад +13

      Ngl it's so old and annoying that ppl "blame" race on everything. Not everything is about race. Tbh if you keep non stop talking about it, doesn't that make you racist by itself? Like common ✋️🙄

    • @honeybeebo
      @honeybeebo 2 месяца назад +9

      as a kid i was confused as to why they had different shades, especially luna i was like who is that?? and now as an adult character designer it’s interesting to speculate why certain choices were made, not to the extent of blaming it on race, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world to use the og saturated colors (yet the world didn’t end with literally using white to make them pastel so whatever). i just find it amusing to make fun of the designs overall, it’s stupid and that’s the point (to me)

    • @Duhgel
      @Duhgel Месяц назад +9

      ​@@honeybeeboThe designs are stupid, but it's frankly not white washing like the dude says and none of the characters have confirmed races... That's why this video is silly, unnecessary and just rekindling the age old drama in the fandom. Headcanon characters however you like but never act like it's actually canon without solid proof evidence.

    • @patatesdomates574
      @patatesdomates574 Месяц назад +4

      I agree. Nowadays, people think the only problem in the world is racism and every person in power is racist. I may not know if this is true but I know that not everything about color is about race. I lived in a place where racism wasn't very talked about because it wasn't a problem. Then I moved to a place where everyone keeps talking about how we should stop racism and the same people keep seeing racism in everything. I think it's about perspective.

    • @Pinkie-Dash
      @Pinkie-Dash Месяц назад +3

      @patatesdomates574 FAX FAX FAX SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PPL IN THE BACK ‼️‼️🗣🗣

  • @Common.n.n
    @Common.n.n 2 месяца назад +15

    While I see your point…. ITS A FLIPPIN FICTIONAL CHARACTER 😭 I’m positive that most people didn’t notice because they don’t hyperfixate on skin color when watching movies unless it’s specifically about skin color

  • @SethIngley
    @SethIngley 2 месяца назад +31

    Holy cow why is this such a massive deal. I mean most of the simpson's characters are bright yellow so why are the talking magical horses being raceless such an offensive terrible thing when they've never been coded to any race or ethnicity in the past. I'm just deeply confused on why people make this a big deal.

    • @Jasperge99
      @Jasperge99 2 месяца назад +4

      Fr 😭

    • @mlpfimguy
      @mlpfimguy 2 месяца назад +2

      Twittards just can’t help but turn every little thing into a big deal and create issues where none exist. They need that validation for their insincere sense of morality.

    • @L3mon-Juic3
      @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +5

      And THIS is why im 99.9999999999997% sure this video is satire.

    • @destroyerofyorks
      @destroyerofyorks 2 месяца назад +9

      That's what I am saying. Like they are literally magical pony skin humans, there is no "whitewashing" the characters are literally PINK AND PURPLE.

    • @KleptoKlaws
      @KleptoKlaws 2 месяца назад +6

      the only dark characters in the show end up being villains, that’s why.

  • @envynoson
    @envynoson 2 месяца назад +23

    The reason the pony skins were changed is because they look ugly as humans with their base colors.
    It's harder to read Big Mac's facial expression as a red human.
    Ms. Cheerilee being inverted is peak parallel universe character design.
    Luna just looks offensive.
    Twitter would have lost it seeing human Nightmare Moon.
    At the end of the day Hasbro is trying to sell toys, ain't nobody wants a red hillbilly.

    • @honeybeebo
      @honeybeebo 2 месяца назад +4

      that’s cause they’re hastily edited recolors with no changes to the surrounding colors and overall palette balance, and not enough outline contrast. if big mac had his saturated pony hair color, darker red outline, and not red shirt color, it would overall look/read better. plus we’re just used to their palettes as humans, again if their whole composition was edited to fit more saturated/darker colors overall, the skin change wouldn’t seem so jarring. i find it weird that simply keeping the palettes from pony to human form is more offensive than deliberately choosing different colors. also i want a red hillbilly :( (they’re called rednecks for a reason LOL SORRY) but they never even sold dolls of big mac so what’s even the point lol

  • @neoe5970
    @neoe5970 2 месяца назад +18

    I thought they made the humans skin lighter to be more pastely so that they could "work" with more clothes colors, cuz pastels are thought of as a "cheat to mame colors go together" sometimes, but yeah human luna is a hate crime

  • @RipeFreshOranges
    @RipeFreshOranges Месяц назад +3

    7:32 her original skin color would be fine. They just need to redesign her make up outfit and hair so it doesn’t clash the original makes her look like a background character

  • @Light14Lilium
    @Light14Lilium 2 месяца назад +8

    Unless everything til minute 1:14 is satire...I think its your what I think the argument is is that people are bothered that equestria girls took a rainbow route instead of accomolishing thier headcanons.
    For me the reason of the lighter colors is that now they have to match with an outfit...and just putting the same shades of color is too heavy on the eyes.

  • @SwiftSpeedVortex
    @SwiftSpeedVortex 2 месяца назад +5

    I am a person of darker color and see no problem with it cause. When I am watching a movie I don’t really care about the characters skin color, unless it is blatantly obvious like Ariel

  • @murmirr
    @murmirr Месяц назад +5

    personally, i think big mac should've been a bit more orange-red toned to compensate for the sunburnt look. still looks fine from official palette standards, but doesn't look jarring. though i don't know what was going on with the standards, because luna is just atrocious.

  • @_EnderGirl13_
    @_EnderGirl13_ 2 месяца назад +33

    I do agree that they probably did do it for toy reasons I also think they were trying to avoid being accused of blackface and/or redface. (Native American equivalent of blackface) I also want to point out that they lightened Rarity as well. I don't know why but my guess is since they lightened the other characters Rarity looked darker in comparison

  • @Moravian_Mf
    @Moravian_Mf 2 месяца назад +47

    I honestly hate how everyone think Pinkie is black. For what reason? Because she has curly hair? It's not even the extreme curls, it's quite light.
    I mean, she's inspired by Amish culture.
    Did people forget white people with curly hair exist? Did people forget anyone can have curly hair..?

    • @reallyradrabbit
      @reallyradrabbit 2 месяца назад +29

      you hate that everyone thinks she’s black??

    • @Moravian_Mf
      @Moravian_Mf 2 месяца назад +17

      @@reallyradrabbit Yeah.
      She's based on the Amish yet people portray her as black all the time? It's disrespectful to the Amish tbh.
      That's like a character being inspired by an African culture but people would portray them as white.
      Her only 'black' trait is curly hair (mane) which is NOT only a black people thing.

    • @Sillybook_faires
      @Sillybook_faires 2 месяца назад +25

      ​@Moravian_Mf huh bro? It's just a headcannon man and Amish doesn't exist in the mlp world so why does it matter? And who knows If that's true or not that it's inspired by that. The creator didn't say it's inspired so people can headcannon pinkie pie anything they want it doesn't matter dude

    • @SigmaFroid
      @SigmaFroid 2 месяца назад +25

      It doesn't matter what race ppl headcanons the human ponies. Just don't force ur opinions on other ppl

    • @Moravian_Mf
      @Moravian_Mf 2 месяца назад +10

      @@Sillybook_faires It's just a headcannon, sure but normal skin colors also don't exist in the MLP world.
      Pinke is based of the Amish culture, that's a fact.
      She wouldn't be black, she would be white because the Amish are so.

  • @Ambeksa
    @Ambeksa Месяц назад +11

    Blackwashing exist too.

    • @feistycutiee07
      @feistycutiee07 29 дней назад

      Barley as much as white washing! Which has a prevalent past..

    @AGENTBVOCALOId 2 месяца назад +27

    I'm fine with ur opinion, though it doesn't really seem like it's white washing since they're cartoon horses. Any of the ponies can be in any race personality wise since personalities aren't really locked with any sort of race. And I do get why Hasbro had to also use more pastel like colors to the eqg characters, due to the dark/super vibrant colors, it's hard to make them look somewhat normal, since most of their skins are mostly just different colors other than actual skin tones from white to black(which if they do this in the show, most of them would look normal since the colors are actual skin color.)

    • @caidwab
      @caidwab 2 месяца назад +8

      How would you describe Luna and Big Mac’s EQG versions? Cause they sure ain’t accurate to the pony versions…. Because they’re WHITER…. Being white washed literally by definition

    • @cow1816
      @cow1816 2 месяца назад +6

      @@caidwab Every character in Equestria Girls was given a lighter skin tone, even Rarity if you look side by side. If Equestria Girls is whitewashing than Pony Life is too.

    • @misakayy1911
      @misakayy1911 2 месяца назад +15

      @@caidwab I'm sorry that humans based on cartoon horses being white causes you this much distress. You should probably talk about that with a therapist

      @AGENTBVOCALOId 2 месяца назад +4

      @@caidwab the skin tone that most of the characters in the show have more pastel skin tones. The only one that I could make of as a "super vibrant" color is sunset shimmer. Which works for her design at least. The reason you gave about white washing does make sense, though it should be noted that white washing is not only just changing the skin tone, but it's changing the race of a character to being a white person. Sure Luna could be a black person since it's a head canon of mine, but making her skin tone the way it is as the original show wouldn't look great. And adjusting like cxcd would work in a way for this one since blue on blue could work a lot more for the expressions. But in my honest opinion I do not have any problem with luna's final design as a whole in eqg.

    • @ryukwalker8969
      @ryukwalker8969 2 месяца назад +8

      ​​​@@caidwab Weirdo, you most definitely have sent artists death threats over making a char, a bit lighter. These are colourful ponies with no races.

  • @fellzeyz
    @fellzeyz 2 месяца назад +11

    1:35 as someone with native genetics i agree (totally not because i love her so much shshhsh)

  • @cadenzaaa___
    @cadenzaaa___ 2 месяца назад +18

    i grew up thinking twilight was black, but that could just be bc i saw a lot of myself in her

  • @whatthehelldoiputhere
    @whatthehelldoiputhere 2 месяца назад +6


  • @TorosAndMakis53
    @TorosAndMakis53 Месяц назад +4

    I never understood why people call Pinkie Pie black. Can anyone give me an actual reason why people think that?

    • @nicolejordan9862
      @nicolejordan9862 Месяц назад +5

      as a black person, seeing fans (even the well intentioned ones!) be super dogmatic about pinkie being “obviously black” makes me a little bit uncomfortable. the traits they project onto her often just come down stereotypes. i don’t feel like her origins or relationships with other characters are black coded in any meaningful way, so there’s no need to enforce her being read as such. every ethnic group on the planet has some percentage of people with curly hair and not all black people are loud and boisterous 👍 ponyville is very much a melting pot type town and it’s great seeing all the different takes artist have on the characters in the modern fan base!

  • @Rrtardsage
    @Rrtardsage 28 дней назад +3

    That one friend that’s too woke ahh

  • @raylikesrice888
    @raylikesrice888 12 дней назад +2

    yessss indian twilight >>>>>

  • @megan-rl3ff
    @megan-rl3ff Месяц назад +9

    though i agree with your gripes with their designs, this is a terrible understanding of what whitewashing is and borderline insensitive to the real representation issue of whitewashing
    genuinely hope nobody's take after this is that whitewashing is a non-issue. because in this context it seems like it

    • @megan-rl3ff
      @megan-rl3ff Месяц назад +9

      this is an aesthetics issue, not a race issue
      boiling down race to skin color is all levels of wrong

  • @LesbianShenYuan
    @LesbianShenYuan 25 дней назад +1

    the easiest way to do this was either a: take the ponies og colors and use them, or b: take the og colors and put them with skintones at the value level (easier way of explaining: if you make them grey they’re the same shade)

  • @sansthememe3288
    @sansthememe3288 2 месяца назад +16

    I will never get these twelve minutes back... it's just a horse... it's not that deep... we don't actually see what the horse version's skin looks like because they have fur... they're *horses*

    • @yumjums
      @yumjums 2 месяца назад +8

      u chose to watch this no one gaf if u “wasted ur 12 mins”

    • @sansthememe3288
      @sansthememe3288 2 месяца назад +3

      @@yumjums someone took what I said personally

    • @Agent_worm_anti_furry
      @Agent_worm_anti_furry 14 дней назад

      ​@@sansthememe3288dont worry man i gaf about it

  • @RipeFreshOranges
    @RipeFreshOranges Месяц назад +3

    3:24 propyl like he about to become a nickelodeon character with those three spiky strands of hair

  • @rohanlerenard7972
    @rohanlerenard7972 2 месяца назад +57

    Cheerilee looks acceptable in both palettes, Big Mac looks sunburnt to death and Luna's reattempt at fixing her palette just looks offensive. At least change the lips as well 😭
    This is not whitewashing overall. They had to make change when they transcripted the palettes to humans. Whitewashing is not just making rainbow things lighter to help to the eyes.

    • @silhouettoofaman2935
      @silhouettoofaman2935 2 месяца назад +7

      THANK YOU. This is such a non-issue, it's not even funny.

    • @L3mon-Juic3
      @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +7

      YES! this is more making weird design details than whitewashing! they dont even have normal skin color, how can that be whitewashing when they're technicolor humans?!

    • @arcoirislagallinacanibal
      @arcoirislagallinacanibal 2 месяца назад +5

      @@L3mon-Juic3 Oh come on, do not begin to discuss semantics you know very well what whitewashing means here

    • @honeybeebo
      @honeybeebo 2 месяца назад +5

      why did they HAVE to do it tho? the colors read fine on the pony forms. i think the pony palettes on the humans seem jarring now because we’re used to the composition, and changing a big aspect of the color combos on the characters (more than they have in their pony forms) without working the other colors around to match the tone shift does make it look weird. big mac does look like he has a sunburn, but rainbow dash looks like she’s choking/freezing and fluttershy like she has jaundice, we just don’t notice it as much because we’re used to those color combos

  • @M11W_BB
    @M11W_BB 2 месяца назад +9

    The fact that people will find a way to bring race into EVERYTHING will always amaze me. Like who tf really sat down to watch EG and went, "... why tf are the colors like this? They should be THIS shade of blue!!🤬😡🤬" and then get offended because they assume it's a racist decision. I guarantee those kind of people are a big reason racism is still a big issue today.

  • @rohanlerenard7972
    @rohanlerenard7972 2 месяца назад +34

    4:05 He looks sunburnt 😭 it looks even worse

  • @mlemmlem9690
    @mlemmlem9690 Месяц назад +2

    Listen, the reason they wouldn't make any characters have an actual race is because no matter who they picked for what reason SOMEONE SOMEWHERE would be ENRAGED. You know Hasbro won't be doing shit with that

  • @fluttershyisnotadoormat4678
    @fluttershyisnotadoormat4678 2 месяца назад +18

    but they are... colorfull O_o

    @ZOLIENZEV 2 месяца назад +13

    Are you people seriously complaining about the skin tone of the characters of a multicolored fictional fantasy kids cartoon?

  • @GoderikAnt
    @GoderikAnt 2 месяца назад +11

    I always didn't care, I mean, they're colorful horses with wings and horns, and EG, they're colorful cute girls shooting rainbow rays, so I never gave it any thought, and it seems kind of ridiculous to me.

  • @Squiggy8440
    @Squiggy8440 Месяц назад +4

    Pinkie is amish.

  • @Alex_the_Lonely_Shed
    @Alex_the_Lonely_Shed 2 месяца назад +59

    The early bird gets the worm

  • @monochromeink.
    @monochromeink. 2 месяца назад +4

    why does everyone think pinkie is black? I never understood it, is it because her hair is curly?

    • @jonal5126
      @jonal5126 2 месяца назад +1

      I think yes? But at the same time is weird because her family is based on the amish, a culture that almost none or basically no black people. But anyways, its okay if they see her as black, it will only be a problem if they want to force others to put her as black when shes canonically pink

    • @monochromeink.
      @monochromeink. 2 месяца назад +1

      @@jonal5126 agree. I personally try to match the skin color as closely to their coat colors as possible, with few exceptions

  • @invaderzak11
    @invaderzak11 2 месяца назад +7

    What is it with this channel having the worst takes.

  • @Im_just_a_Maaan
    @Im_just_a_Maaan 17 дней назад +1

    Finally someone who also noticed the white washing and also found it weird! They obviously tried to whitewash the characters and use the excuse "b-but they don't have a canon race!" just so they can do that because its literally so easy to make the characters theyr ACTUAL canon colour atleast, I mean Luna is a very dark pony(I also love the darker colours in her pony design) and she looks way too light in Equestria girls, I didn't even regognise her when I first watched equestria girls🤦‍♂️
    But also I think that their clothing choices are a tiny bit not in character too (exept Pinky and Fluttershy who would maybe wear the things they wear in equestria girls), I think twillight would wear things that are a little more comfortable yknow? Like overzised hoodies and baggie jeans since she doesn't seem to be the type to wear tight clothes or dresses same goes with Rainbow dash I think she would wear more of a Tomboy style since that fits her character more and Apple jack wouldn't really have a problem with the equestria girls clothing buut I think she would also go for a mix of Tomboy and Cowboy clothing. So i think neither would wear skirts or dresses often only exeption being things like Prom or another important thing
    And DON'T get me started on Rarity! She would definetely wear somethimg way more fashionable! Way more dramatic! Because even if in Equestria girls the outfit is fashionable but its not on Raritys level at all, Rarity likes to look dramatic and fashionably bold so that she stands out in a good way which is a part of her that I really like abaut her character so making her something as simple as a short dress with diamond pattern on it does NOT fit her, especielly because she could make way more clothing with her actual hands and thumbs (since I think making clothing is harder with hoofs)
    For anyone reading this, Im sorry for any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language

  • @SWDude2710
    @SWDude2710 2 месяца назад +6

    Fun fact: only a few EG characters actually have normal human skin colours when translated from their pony counterpart's. Examples being Applejack, Indigo Zap, Vinyl, who is a yellowish white skin toned human, but her skin tone is close to being like a normal lighter skinned human, Mr Cranky Doodle, Juniper Montage, possibly Scootaloo, Applebloom, Timber Spruce in a way, but that's mostly it.

  • @Amanda-zn7ox
    @Amanda-zn7ox Месяц назад +1

    I saw someone swap the EQ girls' and their FIM counterparts' colors, and I picked up on the very same thing.
    Also, there's this odd feeling in me because I made a dark blue ponysona of myself, even though I'm white. I don't want people to think I'm reverse-whitewashing (idk if I can say the actual term on this platform). But, my OC is also a lunar character like, well, Luna.

  • @SecretRatDestroyer
    @SecretRatDestroyer 2 месяца назад +3

    When humans don't have skin matching COAT color:

  • @boonary_blogs
    @boonary_blogs Месяц назад +4


  • @Kiwibobps
    @Kiwibobps Месяц назад +3

    8:22 I’m not gonna lie I did laugh my ass off when I saw you’re artist rendition but you are correct 👍 as an artist and animator my colour theory went nearly bonkers whenever I saw how different they truly where. Like I get it they wanted to maybe turn down the saturation of the colours sure, fine whatever but they just went stupid with it.

  • @thelittleal1212
    @thelittleal1212 Месяц назад +2

    Reading the title, Im both kinda agreeing yet also kinda being lil confused at the same time since EQG doesn’t have races, but yeah, I do kinda agree

  • @Ponderpine
    @Ponderpine 2 месяца назад +6

    The Luna swap is pretty extreme. Like it makes her look sort of like a black character design. I feel like they would've realized the issue if they had to convert a brown pony instead of a dark blue. Like "wait, we're turning this dark brown pony into a very light tan, maybe we should rethink this".
    They're meant to be race ambiguous, but they're still turning a dark character into a light character for "design and marketability" reasons. Not egregious, just shortsighted.

    • @amesstarline5482
      @amesstarline5482 Месяц назад

      Interesting you say this- a few blind bag ponies are cases of brown in show, pale grey in toy.

  • @cow1816
    @cow1816 2 месяца назад +5

    Granted, I compared EQG's and our MLP characters side by side.
    They pretty much lightened everyones skin tone, even Rarity's somehow.
    I think its way more an artistic choice rather than anything

  • @voiceunderthecovers
    @voiceunderthecovers 2 месяца назад +33

    This is such a weird thing to harp on. I’d get it if they had races before, but they didn’t.

    • @caidwab
      @caidwab 2 месяца назад

      They have skin tho 24/7 lmfao they still don’t have races but they’re fucking white washed

    • @ryukwalker8969
      @ryukwalker8969 2 месяца назад +10

      @@voiceunderthecovers Exactly, I ran away from Twitter because of this weird problem, only to come across this video on RUclips. Like they're colourful ponies, they don't have a race or actual skin colour

    • @leylamontenegro126
      @leylamontenegro126 2 месяца назад +4

      Admittedly, I did notice the color changes as a child, but that was a minimal issue to me. Even now. I could have just chalked it up to artists being like, "Let's swap the colors, see how it looks."
      I would have actually liked to see a darker Luna, but I haven't thought about MLP in a long while. I'm not saying white washing isn't real. But I really don't think this is a big deal

    • @Pinkie-Dash
      @Pinkie-Dash 2 месяца назад +4

      @@ryukwalker8969 I've seen it several places on social media besides here and Twitter and it's low-key getting annoying 😭😭

    • @mlpfimguy
      @mlpfimguy 2 месяца назад +4

      These people are terminally online and have been mindbroken by twitter and their discord cult hivemind.

  • @sapphirelight3586
    @sapphirelight3586 2 месяца назад +2

    As someone who designs humanoids with colourful skin tone, and it’s just a question of playing around with the color palette, for instance Big Mac original skin could have been desaturated and darken a bit the hair, and for Luna her darker color palette does read well on the human, it’s just that awful pink eyeshadow that makes it look not great.

  • @L3mon-Juic3
    @L3mon-Juic3 2 месяца назад +10

    I get where you're coming from... But doesn't this seem a bit dramatic? I mean even if they're slightly lighter than usual, they are still pastel colored. Seems a BIT extreme to me to call that straight up whitewashing.

  • @livclarke6463
    @livclarke6463 Месяц назад +1

    I am so curious about the races you gave them. what makes Rarity Singapurean? or Pinkie black? or Twilight Indian?