Imagine how freaked out they would be if one day someone actually gave them proof of a god? Mind you, it won't ever happen, but if it did the christians, muslims, etc, would also be freaked out, as, IF there was a god, it wouldn't be their god.
That's probably not a Christian (But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. I Peter 3:15-16 NKJ)
There's nothing evil about choosing not to subscribe to any particular religion. Additionally, not subscribing to a religion does in no way set a person as devoid of sound morals or ethics.
You’re confusing peoples intentions with the ideology. In communist China and ussr, atheism was the common ideology and look at how many people were killed. You can’t just ignore that. Yes I know Christians did the same thing but atheist tend to overlook that countries under atheism have done the same thing lol
God is sinless, everything he does is for good, do you account a judge for murder when he judges a person for their sins, or a loving Father who wants to take his child to a better place and not suffer harm from a heathen world.
@specilegg I asked for an explanation, not an assertion. Can you provide a reasonable explanation for your beliefs supported by evidence? This is the easiest question ever. What good reason do you have for your beliefs? Why hasn't any Christian in human history provided a reasonable answer to this question? Why do Christians like yourself avoid providing actual evidence at all costs? Why should anyone care about what you have to say on this topic?
not always. i've noticed many an atheist who follow cults. not all cults are religious btw. some are political. a good way to tell if its a cult, are you are allowed to dissent from the group's opinion? if not...likely cult. im an atheist myself, but i've nearly fell into a cult prior to realizing that a group i was about to join was one. but yeah, recently, many of the democrat voters (and plenty of republicans are not any better, don't get me wrong) act pretty cultish to me.
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber. II Peter 2:1-3 NKJV
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. I Peter 3:15-16 NKJV
"Why can't you keep your atheism to yourself?" "Why can't you keep your gayness private?" "Why do we have to see homeless people in public?" All the same thing: crap said by authoritarian jerks trying to control others.
Absolutely. If I spent my time worrying about things that I don't think exist, I wouldn't be able to function. There are an infinite quantity of things I don't believe in, and it seems like quite a waste of time to worry about what those things may or may not like.
The dichotomy of Forrest and Seth is perfect. Seth is so calm, even in the times I've seen him get incensed. He's like a living quaalude. Partnered to Forrest's, enjoyable, explosive enthusiasm, they balance out so well.
"The dichotomy of Forrest and Seth is perfect. " Dichotomy a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. eg "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism" Did you mean to say they compliment each other well?
As an - what might be called an "abstract technical concept or argument" - You cannot 100% prove, that ANY imaginary thing DOESN'T exist SOMEWHERE.... If you accept that idea, then not only does the word imaginary become meaningless, so does the word real, as there is now no method of separating one from the other. That only applies in an abstract conceptual way as an idea. In reality we CAN tell imaginary things apart from real things, to a degree of certainty, that makes any doubt an irrelevant technicality. Elephants that can fly by flapping their ears are completely imaginary. The infitismal probability that one (or something resembling one) might exist somewhere, is an irrelevant technicality. The only thing that could change the flying elephants status, would be the producing of an actual flying elephant. All the "gods" written of in human literature, are exactly the same as the flying elephant. Figments of the imagination of humans... No humans = No "gods" Many humans = Many "gods" There is a perfectly obvious reason for that.. Till a demostrable "god" is produced, they will remain completely imaginary. Another way of seeing this. Is to look at something that was imaginary and is now real. Say a flying machine... For example: If you could go back 500 years and describe to people a big box with wings that could take hundreds of people to other countries by flying through the air, even though it was heavier than an elephant.. You WOULD have been talking complete nonsense. The thing you were describing was completely imaginary. Now it is commonplace.. We call them aeroplanes... The only reason the flying machine changed from imaginary nonsense, to demonstrable reality, was the actual producing of a demostrable, testable and examinable aeroplane. If none of those existed. They would STILL be imaginary nonsense.... The thing is... They do and it is extremely easy, to prove they do. They exist whether you believe they do or not. Reality is that, which when you stop believing in it... DOESN'T go away. If you are claiming something as a reality arguments and stories do not constitute enough evidence to verify the claim...
In response to Forrest's line about badmouthing Sauron I agree. However, I talked bad about Darth Vader and now I have imperial stormtroopers at my door. Thankfully they've been shooting at me for 5 full minutes and haven't hit anything I own yet...
Theists often like to bring up the various early 20th century totalitarian regimes as "evidence" that atheism is bad, but all of them either used religion directly or used the tropes of religion in order to get people complicit in their atrocities.
@@rbwinn3That’s another blatant lie you’ve been indoctrinated into repeating that has nothing to do with “atheism”. The fact that you didn’t counter anything I said means you acknowledge it’s the truth but you’re upset by it and have to make a false equivalency. Also you can’t cite your source for those numbers. God killed everyone on earth except for one family who repopulated through incest. In Numbers god says to go into neighboring nations and kill ALL the men, women, boy children, and girl children, except the virgin girl children who were kept as “brides”. You could sell your child aged daughter to an adult. It says you have to kill people who work on the sabbath, unruly children, and gays. The Bible says you’ll be punished with eternal torment if you try to think for yourself. But that’s “objectively moral” because they’ve been born and aren’t a clump of non-living cells?
Not true. It's just that the extremely rare person who's an atheist and believes in those evil things DOESN'T DO SO BECAUSE THEY'RE ATHEIST. ALL theists can support those things because their religion says so.
Q: How did the universe come into existence? A: I don't know. This is not dangerous. What is dangerous is making up answers to questions without any evidence to back them up.
My dear sister is moving to Texas and I feel nervous for her. When I visited there were churches everywhere. Like one around every street corner, it felt insane to me. We're from Québec and we've got one old church in the middle of every city, but that's it. Most people are either atheist, agnostic or non-practicing here. It feels weird thinking about that many grown adults down south who live by the words of an old book.
It's worse than living by the words of an old book, it's usually living by the words some idiot pastor pretends are in, or cherry picks from, an inconsistent, illogical, deeply immoral old book written by ignorant barbarians, most of whom believed in Bronze Age Blood Magic, so these idiots still do. This is the 21st century, so it is THEY who are without excuse!
'We're from Québec ' I'm in Oshawa, Ontario.... A few more churches than I would expect, but there is a high Polish, Ukrainian population... That being said, they are more often than not, places to go and buy ethnic food... lol Several generic churches near me, have essentially simply shut down... Not a lot going on for them...
@@t800fantasm2Canada sounds like my kinda country!! USA has simply lost its mind!! As a Native American (or indigenous if u ask us) the very same “Christians” who stole our land slaughtered my ppl stripped us of our culture customs beliefs language & then our children get caught coming onto or attempting to come onto our reservations to “save people” by converting them to “Christianity!” We run them off but some slip through! They’ve only converted a handful of ppl but they’re out of control thinking what they’re doing is ok!! We are a sovereign nation & sure as heck don’t want or need ppl coming onto OUR land pushing their religion on our people!! They have NO boundaries though!!
I can guarantee there's at least one safe space in Texas to be openly Atheist. It's on West Koenig Lane in Austin and rumor has it you get free pizza if you visit the last Sunday of each month :)
I'm a Texan. All my life. I'm 46. And I am an atheist. This is not a great state and there are a lot of religious people around but there are many kind Texans and I'm certain that your dear sister, will be okay.
I've mostly stopped watching these kinds of call in videos. The callers are either: A: Mentally deficient. B: Have poor English skills so don't understand that the position they are taking has been rebutted effectively. C: Are apologists by trade so are comfortable arguing a dishonest point. I suspect that the vast majority of religious people avoid this kind of dialogue because the clarity of the arguments against god and supernatural beliefs is uncomfortable and frustrating to have to listen to.
Look at this way. The "arguments" theists callers bring up, their world views and beliefs are quite typical and representative of millions of theists who don't call. It may not change callers' minds straight way or at all, but from time to time we hear of long time listeners, first time callers who actually do listen over the years and see their very same beliefs, views and thought process challenged and is a way for them to learn because they are not in the "hot seat." I agree with you the frustrations and at times I often just write off most callers, but the statistics are showing irreligiosity is growing in the United States. A third of the population have grown Atheists/nones, especially among the younger generation, half of Gen Z are not Religious, despite how Religion tries to word it and shove itself in legislation, public schools and government venues lately. Church attendance continues to drop, Churches know this and are desperate to try and appeal to those who have left, with vapid messaging, and even the Pope has tried to make the Religion more "palatable" to LGBQT (but many are not buying it) because they want that money$$ I like to think, in some ways call in shows like this, which there are quite a few now, helps contributes to people dropping the god belief or at the least leaving Religion and becoming "Deists" (Many Christians have to admit they are more Deist than Theist because the god they make up for themselves is vastly different to the one in the Bible)
"As an activist, I continue to hear this line: "Why do atheists talk so much about God and religion?" Or, "Why would someone speak so often about a deity he/she doesn't believe in?" In truth, I suspect that these questions are deflections designed to make the questioner seem self-consciously obsessive...the sinner that "doth protest too much." But the reality is that atheist activism exists because religion exists. Religion permeates our culture, shows up on our doorsteps with literature, scriptures and threats of eternal damnation, influences our science books, contaminates our political systems, indoctrinates our children and postulates that its doctrine must be followed, lest we be destroyed in body, in soul, or both. Non-believers are simply responding to the avalanche of religious messages that bears down upon us daily. And they do so by (surprise!) speaking on the subject. Religion gets carte blanche to be as vocal as it wants, to knock on our doors and accost us in our homes, in our places of work, in our personal and professional lives. Believers are charged with a life mission to preach, teach, disciple, shout it from the mountaintops and to "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." everywhere. Ask yourself. When's the last time an atheist rang your doorbell with the Good News of Humanism? How often do you find Richard Dawkins books in the dresser drawers of your hotel rooms? When was the last atheist temple erected in your neighborhood? Have you ever attended an atheist revival? Has atheism demanded 10% of your household income? How many dedicated atheist television channels come through your satellite dish? How many atheist verses were you instructed to memorize as a child? When's the last time someone thanked a FARMER (or even the cook) at the dinner table instead of God? On a more radical front, what's the name of the last atheist who sawed the head off of an "infidel?" Or sentenced a shrouded woman to death for displeasing an oppressive husband? Or strapped explosives to his belt in order to kill hundreds in a public square? Or publicly executed someone for being gay? It's everywhere. Religion is a pounding drum that has gone mostly unanswered for a long, long time. And religion is not satisfied with merely existing quietly in the homes and hearts of the faithful. Its very nature compels the believer to proselytize, preach, promote, convince, convert and prevail. If you play on the team of the religious, your game plan is to stay, always, on offense. Throughout our history, those who raise a simple hand of protest against these advances have been portrayed as the real problem. Religion has attempted to marginalize and defeat legitimate questions and concerns by indignantly portraying any resistors as misguided, immoral, rudderless, angry, miserable, lost and alone. And when skepticism challenges wildly improbable (or impossible) stories found in the Bible, the Qur'an and other holy books, the religious wail, "Why do atheists talk so much about religion?" It's often like asking cancer survivors why they're advocates for cancer cures. We ask, we challenge, we battle, we care because it matters. The facts and fiction of religious claims matter. The larger question, "Is it true?" matters. The countering of religious privilege matters. And the building of a superstition-free future matters. The next time a religious person labels you as obsessed with religion and God (pick one...there are thousands to choose from), just remember that religion began the discussion. It amplifies itself before the world. It targets the vulnerable and ignorant. It often threatens all humankind with punishment upon its rejection. And it's making Truth claims that - despite all of the fluffy platitudes about "faith" - must meet the burden of proof. Religion started this mess. And if an atheist speaks out against religious claims, it's likely the speech wouldn't be necessary if the claims weren't made in the first place." - Seth Andrews
@@wwlib5390 That's a long list of claims that you, presumably, find convincing. But they're only claims. Without good evidence to support them, they're empty of meaning, utterly uninteresting to critical thinkers.
Seems purposeful that they put in that verse(can't remember which)about Believing like a child. So according to scripture, god gave you this wonderful intellect to use to discover truths. Except when it comes to god, you just believe like a child would. 🤷♂️
No it doesn't. It's a byproduct of jostling chemicals. Wherever they land determines your thinking, and that is it. Atheism reduces you to primordial soup residue.
6:00 Forrest should make it clear here that "not believing" is NOT the same as "knowing it to be false". It simply means "not being convinced of something". A lot of hot air is wasted because people interpret those 2 little words differently.
@@Rob-fc9wg I don't know - a small tin has been enough for years, though admittedly the fact that the bookshelves are on the second floor and the staircase is weak may also have something to do with it?
Personally, I'm terrified of the elephant behind Forrets's bookcase. I perform rituals every day to appease that elephant and to keep it's wrath away from me and my family.
The chat between Forrest & Seth after the caller has left is really great and very thought provoking. Prior to that, the caller offers nothing worth thinking about.
I actually thought so, too. In fact, I find it difficult to watch these “atheist shows” because the theists unwittingly confirm that they offer nothing worth thinking about-it’s almost painful to watch, at least for me.
my favorite thing about the religious sycophants is that they're ALL Atheists towards all of the other religions and even the other denominations within their own fiefdom. think people think!
@@mindtraveller100you think you can outmatch God in righteousness, the one who is perfect in all his ways? He wouldn't make creation if it wasn't going to work. We have to repent and follow Jesus, not be examples of unholiness and evil.
I was really enjoying the facial expressions by Forrest during that exchange. If I were to ever go on a show such as this, as a guest host, the first thing I would do is establish a few rules. I would tell any of the future callers that any question they ask me, I promise them I will give them an answer, even if the answer is "I don't know." But I expect the same from the callers. If I ask them a question, then I want an answer. They can say they don't know, if they don't. That is perfectly fine. But if they attempt to ignore, or side step or pivot away from the question I asked, then the conversation stops. It will go no further. They can ask a question back, if it is to clarify some point about my question, so they can better answer it. But if you ask a question that is not in some attempt to answer mine, then the conversation stops. I get so tired of callers never answering questions by the host. I mean, I get it. I know why they don't. Because to answer is to expose their beliefs to be the sham that it is. But tough titty. The sooner they can admit that, the sooner they can de-convert and move on to more constructive beliefs and practices.
I absolutely LOVE Forrest. The last sentence made it worth listening to all of this guy's nonsense. Forrest is so well put together and articulate, he and Seth are just heaven to listen to.
Since multiple people call in to say they know the truth and each one of them says something different, we can be absolutely sure that at least all but one of them is wrong.
Exactly. I have picked my favorite version of the Abrahamic god. It comes from the venerated Cappodician school of early Christian theology. In a word, God is unknowable. He is something like a black hole. The Cappadocian Fathers are my defense when somebody wants to talk about "God."
They are also ridiculously charismatic. Forrest's ability to hype up absolutely everything and Seth's "rugged dude telling you how things work" appeal are off the charts.
Fun fact: I had a magnetic Darwin fish on my car for three days before someone stole it. (I live in the US Bible Belt) A bit weird that I don’t have a problem with people who plaster I Heart Jesus bumper stickers and wear crosses/crucifixes but somehow my choice of vehicle accessories is wrong and I needed to be taught a lesson. (I also had a “I support single women” tee shirt with the woman riding a stripper pole that so many people frowned at, but you know who appreciated it? Strippers.)
Seth and Forrest are my two favorite hosts/cohosts. Seth is so calm and collected and Forrest is phenomenal when he goes on his science rants. Love ya both! Never stop doing what you guys are doing?
That's right. Unless Atheism allows the adoption of other ideologies that are worse or societally destructive. Certain right wing and left wing ideologies have the potential to be worse.
@@Rundvelt Even if it "allows" worse ideologies, then it's those ideologies that are dangerous, not atheism itself. Nobody thinks belief in santa is dangerous because it doesn't include a rule against murdering your neighbor, because it has no bearing on the subject either way. There's a stark difference between not discussing an act and openly endorsing or denouncing it.
@@Rundvelt What classification system allows you to determine if an ideology is left or right? It's my experience that the existence of ideologies in general is a right-wing concept.
@@Rundvelt My original post was to do with atheism and theism and not politics, it should be noted that religion has been the cause of many wars throughout history, and is ultimately responsible for many deaths throughout history, but I agree left or right wing ideologies can be harmful, but that is a different subject entirely to what I posted.
@@captainnarwhal1064I agree. I find it rather mid for people to assume that when others have religion in their life that their faith is in itself proof that they must be a person whom is good.
I love when you ask the question Forrest, whether the caller believes there is an elephant behind your book case. I for one will consider the possibility. In your video frame, I can only view about one foot of your bookcase to the left, right and above you. Your bookcase could be 60 feet tall and continue 40 feet to your left and 60 feet to your right. Certainly, large enough to conceal an elephant. The baby elephant behind your bookcase could only be 38 inches tall. The elephant could be alive or dead and taxidermied. The elephant could be a stuffed plush toy, a bronze statue or a rubber squeaky toy. I will consider the possibility of an elephant behind your bookcase, but I will withhold a conclusion and belief, until I have further evidence of your claim. However, you definitely need to install speakers behind your bookcase that can emit a realistic elephant roar, every time you push a button on your desk. Keep doing what your doing.
If your invisible fiend is named 'Harvey', they'd throw you in the nuthouse. However, if your invisible friend is named 'god', nobody is coming to take you away.
"A RESPONSE to religion" is such a great response to that claim. Happy PRIDE and if you're not part of the community, you're a great ally. TY ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 🏳️🌈
Speaking of cross, I love the american comedian’s comment on crosses everywhere in america ; “if Jesus ever came back, do you think he’d ever want to see another fucking cross again “ 😂
When you have clear correlation between countries with high levels of secularity and low crime rate/standards of living/etc. Countries like Netherlands, Finland, etc.... are splendid examples of countries where peoples moral and laws is defined by a non-secular entity. And that has produced commitment to laws beyond what a single church/religion can produce.
Yes, a questioning disbelief is absolutely harmful and dangerous - to dogma and rhetoric. Therefore, those questioning disbeliefs should always be allowed and encouraged.
I'd like to get some comment from the crowd. I work as a driver for Amish folk. What ever you may think of them, I find them to be intentionally joyous and kind and I enjoy their company. We sometimes engage in "god" talk. I don't let on that I no longer believe in god. I think of all the christians I have seen, they are the ones that most closely walk the talk. But they are the catalyst for my atheism. Each community has it's own rules and you're allowed to shop for the community whose beliefs fit yours. When people who REALLY do want to follow their faith get to pick and chose which god given rules they want to obey, then why bother with a god at all? So my question is: is it wrong for me to just go along to get along with them when it comes to the god talk? Or should I own up and (probably) lose business from them?
It's not wrong to get along with them, but id god talk makes you uncomfortable, then you should tell them that. It's not a full admission of atheism. It should just be enough to say that you'd rather talk about something else and change the topic quickly. You could even just not acknowledge it when they begin to talk about god and instead just bring up something from earlier in the conversation to continue on.
Only you can decide to come out to them or not, but my tuppence worth. If you feel uncomfortable with the talk and can afford to lose their custom then speak up.
That ending bit of you two talking was really sweet. One of the things that really bother me about the hardcore religous people is they're frequent refusal to take credit for there own acheivements. I saw a post online a while back about a drug addict who overcame their addiction but credited Jesus for it, like, no dude, that was YOUR strength. Yall are stronger than you think❤.
Today I was questioned about why I am an atheist and didn't believe in the invisible man in the sky. I did my best to avoid and change the subject but I felt pressured in answering. I find that a lot of people get uncomfortable once they find out that I'm independent and free. However, the question he asked me to prove "his god" was "what about the air"? I was taken a back and he asked again of "who told me to breathe"? By then I had to blast him out of the water. I told him I am not a biologist but after millions and millions of years of evolution, developing lungs... He smiled and said "No it's god". I thought what a silly question and how childish this was. Later I saw him reading his bible I think because he was shaken up because I had an intelligent answer or He was not comfortable in my presence. Sadly this is the guy that is training me for my new job. So now I do not know if I'll have a job in the near future.
I'd recommend to say " I'm not comfortable discussing this topic with you. Since it's not related to the work, let's change the subject" and repeat if pressed. Repeat, and repeat. Say with a downward inflection, making it a statement not open to question. Your religious outlook is not his business and slippery ground around labor rights. Obviously you're the one in the position, but given your example - that person seems to be trying to bait you.
@@Zyrean7007 How so true. I was cautious what I said and I prefaced everything, it's not my first rodeo, like an attorney. The genie is out the bag. Today I was very cautious around them. I'm anticipating either to find employment elsewhere or maybe a new trainer. But thanks for the advice for the future. See Update.
If he presses again, tell him "religion and politics don't make for polite conversation, and HR doesnt like either one of these being discussed." he will stop dead. I would bring this up to your HR if you feel they are doing something inappropriate.
I remember listening to this show at work and a Christian zealot told me, not ask me to turn it down. 😂. I said I never asked you to to turn your church music down, stop talking to me about god and how you try to shit on me about how you take your family to church every Sunday. 😂. Then he wanted to debate me. I asked him 3 or 4 questions and he was done
well...neither is inherrently a danger. but extremes on either side are. i've seen too many atheists go down the pleasure at all costs or other self destructive paths. religions has its faults, but we evolved with it for so long, i don't think we should just chuck it away so quickly,
@@MindrapeJr I disagree. Any good that religion does can be achieved via secular means. Those "pleasure at all costs" atheists that you mention are usually those that have de-converted from a sheltered, fundamentalist upbringing.
@@USS_Sentinel possibly. but atheism doesnt provide a framework for life. moral or otherwise. a religion can. and besides, even if everything a religion can provide, can also be done via secular means, doesnt mean it works for everyone. a decent metaphor for this would be anti biotics. we don't use one anti biotic for everything (besides the fact that the bacteria will evolve immunity,) some people cannot take certain antibiotics due allergy but can take others. just because one method works, doesnt mean all other methods that could work should be abandoned entirely.
What I would love to see is someone ask this question about the elephant behind the book shelf and when the answer as this loon did remove the book shelf and produce an elephant.
How do you think these conversations would be different if theists had the basic compassion and security to accept that good, honest, reasonable people can honestly disagree with them?
When people are trapped in a make believe fantasy fiction alternative reality that doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny or simple questions, they may respond defensively...
@@travis1240 can confirm. It's similar to the discomfort every believer ever experiences when they start questioning their deeply held beliefs, long before they call themselves "atheists." What prompts some to lean into that discomfort and others to run from it? I'm pretty confident leaning into the discomfort leads to a greater long-term benefit than backing off and hiding from it.
7:32 The tastiest thing about these shows.When you try to get some fundamental logical concept across to someone who is TERRIFIED that you're trying to make them look silly or railroad them into a script so they will do anything to justify not saying the thing they KNOW to be true given the premises. Incredibly frustrating, but interesting to watch.
I no longer identify as an “atheist.” I identify as a “religious naturalist.” This physical universe and all its stability and change, is sacred to me. It has been at least 4 decades since I seriously contemplated the existence of a deity or any other supernatural phenomenon. My cosmos has no god-shaped hole in it.
Thank you for renaming my religious identity for me. However, “panTheist,” like “aThEist“ suggests that “THE” (if I may so name this concept) is at the center of the discussion. For me, it is not. I am a “NATURAList” who has experienced what is sometimes called “oceanic state” spontaneously since childhood. THE is not present during these times.
As an atheist: Atheism probably has some drawbacks/negative effects . There's probably some people out there that would take it to a dark place , or use it as a tool of social engineering. That being said : I still think its a step in the right direction to take the position of non belief until it becomes reasonable to believe. Staying logically sound is so much more important.
Sorry but a baby died recently because some Christian idiots went to church and prayed there for 3 hours while forgetting they had it in their car and it was hot weather.
That's an awful story, but the moronic parents could just have easily been at the mall or a movie theatre, so whilst I cannot but hope they suffer all the consequences due to them under the law, we can't necessarily blame theism. On the other hand, there are parents who purposefully risk their children's lives due *entirely* to their faith.
Atheism is NOT a disease…. Even if I have different political views then some atheists. I still say atheism is the most logical and most reasonable way to live a life. I know more Atheists who treat people with kindness then most religious individuals…. That was a low blow by the believer caller towards the end of call.
The caller says "I got the proof."
The hosts ask "Show us the proof."
The caller, panics and swaps topic.
Typical of idiot theist callers.
might as well say he called the wrong number and was intending to order McDonald's food delivery
"I got the proof"
"Oh cool, what is it?"
@@91722854 🤣
Imagine how freaked out they would be if one day someone actually gave them proof of a god?
Mind you, it won't ever happen, but if it did the christians, muslims, etc, would also be freaked out, as, IF there was a god, it wouldn't be their god.
Incredible, instead of offering proof, he just threatens torture. There is no hate like christian love!
And then accused them of mental illness for daring to not believe what he believes. 😂
@@kaiza6467 The best form of "defense is offense" When you corner a fool
That's all they got.
That's probably not a Christian
(But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
I Peter 3:15-16 NKJ)
There's nothing evil about choosing not to subscribe to any particular religion. Additionally, not subscribing to a religion does in no way set a person as devoid of sound morals or ethics.
You’re confusing peoples intentions with the ideology. In communist China and ussr, atheism was the common ideology and look at how many people were killed. You can’t just ignore that. Yes I know Christians did the same thing but atheist tend to overlook that countries under atheism have done the same thing lol
"God may judge you, but I promise you, his sins outnumber your own."
Damn, I want that line on a T-shirt.
I want that on a shirt too.
It’s an old Tumbler quote lol
God is sinless, everything he does is for good, do you account a judge for murder when he judges a person for their sins, or a loving Father who wants to take his child to a better place and not suffer harm from a heathen world.
Sin is rebelling against and rejecting God. God cannot sin.
@@specilegg So killing inncent people and animals in the great flood isn't mass murder. Got it.
"Threatening an atheist with hell is like threatening to punch them in the aura." thats hillarious😂
We need to follow Jesus
@specilegg Hi, troll! Are you going to explain why?
@@coreymiller6717because hell exist and we all will stand before Christ one day. God is calling the world to repentance through him.
@specilegg I asked for an explanation, not an assertion. Can you provide a reasonable explanation for your beliefs supported by evidence? This is the easiest question ever. What good reason do you have for your beliefs? Why hasn't any Christian in human history provided a reasonable answer to this question? Why do Christians like yourself avoid providing actual evidence at all costs? Why should anyone care about what you have to say on this topic?
@@specilegg Why do we need to follow a fairy tale character?
Athiesm puts you in extreme danger of having to think for yourself.
not always. i've noticed many an atheist who follow cults. not all cults are religious btw. some are political. a good way to tell if its a cult, are you are allowed to dissent from the group's opinion? if not...likely cult.
im an atheist myself, but i've nearly fell into a cult prior to realizing that a group i was about to join was one.
but yeah, recently, many of the democrat voters (and plenty of republicans are not any better, don't get me wrong) act pretty cultish to me.
@@MindrapeJr Fair point. I've known a few cultish atheists.
@@MindrapeJr alright buddy, that's cool and all, now name the cult you're talking about.
Heaven forfend!
@@MindrapeJr Me: That's a nice argument, why don't you back it up with a source?
Mindrapejr: My source is that made it the fvck up!
Not being allowed to ask questions about your beliefs is dangerous.
Sounds like Islam, "The last unquestionable word of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob"
Kinda like the democrats act when you question their beliefs
But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.
II Peter 2:1-3 NKJV
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.
I Peter 3:15-16 NKJV
@@specilegg Leviticus 25 44-46
"Why can't you keep your atheism to yourself?" "Why can't you keep your gayness private?" "Why do we have to see homeless people in public?" All the same thing: crap said by authoritarian jerks trying to control others.
I would happily keep my atheism/gayness/homelessness from others if they had the decency of keeping their religion to themselves...
We have to follow Jesus
@@specilegg Why do we need to follow a fairy tale character?
@@specilegg yeah, but Yahweh said to take no other god before him so.........
@@RecMike Jesus is God, he said, he and the Father are one
“Aren't you afraid that God will be angry at you for not believing in him?”
One of my absolute favourite lines from a Christian trying to “save” me 😛
Absolutely. If I spent my time worrying about things that I don't think exist, I wouldn't be able to function. There are an infinite quantity of things I don't believe in, and it seems like quite a waste of time to worry about what those things may or may not like.
tons of people are just unable to fathom disbelief in god, even if they acknowledge it, they still don't seem to really get it
The dichotomy of Forrest and Seth is perfect. Seth is so calm, even in the times I've seen him get incensed. He's like a living quaalude. Partnered to Forrest's, enjoyable, explosive enthusiasm, they balance out so well.
🤣😂 ‘living quaalude’ !! You got me rolling and screaming.
You either old enough to remember quaaludes or you watched wolf of wall street lol
"The dichotomy of Forrest and Seth is perfect. "
a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.
eg "a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism"
Did you mean to say they compliment each other well?
As an - what might be called an "abstract technical concept or argument" - You cannot 100% prove, that ANY imaginary thing DOESN'T exist SOMEWHERE....
If you accept that idea, then not only does the word imaginary become meaningless, so does the word real, as there is now no method of separating one from the other.
That only applies in an abstract conceptual way as an idea.
In reality we CAN tell imaginary things apart from real things, to a degree of certainty, that makes any doubt an irrelevant technicality.
Elephants that can fly by flapping their ears are completely imaginary. The infitismal probability that one (or something resembling one) might exist somewhere, is an irrelevant technicality. The only thing that could change the flying elephants status, would be the producing of an actual flying elephant.
All the "gods" written of in human literature, are exactly the same as the flying elephant.
Figments of the imagination of humans... No humans = No "gods" Many humans = Many "gods"
There is a perfectly obvious reason for that.. Till a demostrable "god" is produced, they will remain completely imaginary.
Another way of seeing this. Is to look at something that was imaginary and is now real. Say a flying machine...
For example: If you could go back 500 years and describe to people a big box with wings that could take hundreds of people to other countries by flying through the air, even though it was heavier than an elephant.. You WOULD have been talking complete nonsense. The thing you were describing was completely imaginary.
Now it is commonplace.. We call them aeroplanes... The only reason the flying machine changed from imaginary nonsense, to demonstrable reality, was the actual producing of a demostrable, testable and examinable aeroplane. If none of those existed. They would STILL be imaginary nonsense....
The thing is... They do and it is extremely easy, to prove they do. They exist whether you believe they do or not.
Reality is that, which when you stop believing in it... DOESN'T go away.
If you are claiming something as a reality arguments and stories do not constitute enough evidence to verify the claim...
@@pencilpauli9442 In regard to how their completely opposite personalities balances and makes them highly enjoyable to watch, yes.
"Why can't you keep your atheism to yourself?"
Because you can't keep your religion to yourself
So basically because of their failure to live according to the golden rule.
In response to Forrest's line about badmouthing Sauron I agree. However, I talked bad about Darth Vader and now I have imperial stormtroopers at my door. Thankfully they've been shooting at me for 5 full minutes and haven't hit anything I own yet...
The force must be very strong with you
Sauron? Hah! He ain't shit compared to the true dark lord, Melkor, scourge of Arda
You don't own your walls?
Death Star aimed at the planet but a storm trooper been manning the gun.
@@jackalkhan5676 You think their aim was good enough to hit the walls?
It’s not atheists saying genocide, slavery, subjugation, child marriage, and fascism are good things.
Theists often like to bring up the various early 20th century totalitarian regimes as "evidence" that atheism is bad, but all of them either used religion directly or used the tropes of religion in order to get people complicit in their atrocities.
@@rbwinn3That’s another blatant lie you’ve been indoctrinated into repeating that has nothing to do with “atheism”. The fact that you didn’t counter anything I said means you acknowledge it’s the truth but you’re upset by it and have to make a false equivalency. Also you can’t cite your source for those numbers.
God killed everyone on earth except for one family who repopulated through incest. In Numbers god says to go into neighboring nations and kill ALL the men, women, boy children, and girl children, except the virgin girl children who were kept as “brides”. You could sell your child aged daughter to an adult. It says you have to kill people who work on the sabbath, unruly children, and gays. The Bible says you’ll be punished with eternal torment if you try to think for yourself.
But that’s “objectively moral” because they’ve been born and aren’t a clump of non-living cells?
Well, there probably are *some*, but none of them can point to atheism *as* a defense
Not true. It's just that the extremely rare person who's an atheist and believes in those evil things DOESN'T DO SO BECAUSE THEY'RE ATHEIST.
ALL theists can support those things because their religion says so.
Theists NEED respect, but refuse to even consider giving it to anyone else.
MOre like they're Karens who think they're entitled to respect.
I refuse to give respect to anyone who demands it from me. It is earned, not given and they forget that.
They need all the respect for themselfes man...
What? No!
Why would i respect someone who has no respect for themselves?
Q: How did the universe come into existence? A: I don't know. This is not dangerous. What is dangerous is making up answers to questions without any evidence to back them up.
"God may judge you but I'm sure his sins outweigh your own"
That is a good line to end off the video
but i *promise *you his sins *outnumber (15:37)
My dear sister is moving to Texas and I feel nervous for her. When I visited there were churches everywhere. Like one around every street corner, it felt insane to me. We're from Québec and we've got one old church in the middle of every city, but that's it. Most people are either atheist, agnostic or non-practicing here. It feels weird thinking about that many grown adults down south who live by the words of an old book.
It's worse than living by the words of an old book, it's usually living by the words some idiot pastor pretends are in, or cherry picks from, an inconsistent, illogical, deeply immoral old book written by ignorant barbarians, most of whom believed in Bronze Age Blood Magic, so these idiots still do.
This is the 21st century, so it is THEY who are without excuse!
'We're from Québec '
I'm in Oshawa, Ontario....
A few more churches than I would expect, but there is a high Polish, Ukrainian population...
That being said, they are more often than not, places to go and buy ethnic food... lol
Several generic churches near me, have essentially simply shut down... Not a lot going on for them...
@@t800fantasm2Canada sounds like my kinda country!! USA has simply lost its mind!! As a Native American (or indigenous if u ask us) the very same “Christians” who stole our land slaughtered my ppl stripped us of our culture customs beliefs language & then our children get caught coming onto or attempting to come onto our reservations to “save people” by converting them to “Christianity!” We run them off but some slip through! They’ve only converted a handful of ppl but they’re out of control thinking what they’re doing is ok!! We are a sovereign nation & sure as heck don’t want or need ppl coming onto OUR land pushing their religion on our people!! They have NO boundaries though!!
I can guarantee there's at least one safe space in Texas to be openly Atheist. It's on West Koenig Lane in Austin and rumor has it you get free pizza if you visit the last Sunday of each month :)
I'm a Texan. All my life. I'm 46. And I am an atheist. This is not a great state and there are a lot of religious people around but there are many kind Texans and I'm certain that your dear sister, will be okay.
I've mostly stopped watching these kinds of call in videos. The callers are either:
A: Mentally deficient.
B: Have poor English skills so don't understand that the position they are taking has been rebutted effectively.
C: Are apologists by trade so are comfortable arguing a dishonest point.
I suspect that the vast majority of religious people avoid this kind of dialogue because the clarity of the arguments against god and supernatural beliefs is uncomfortable and frustrating to have to listen to.
Look at this way.
The "arguments" theists callers bring up, their world views and beliefs are quite typical and representative of millions of theists who don't call.
It may not change callers' minds straight way or at all, but from time to time we hear of long time listeners, first time callers who actually do listen over the years and see their very same beliefs, views and thought process challenged and is a way for them to learn because they are not in the "hot seat."
I agree with you the frustrations and at times I often just write off most callers, but the statistics are showing irreligiosity is growing in the United States.
A third of the population have grown Atheists/nones, especially among the younger generation, half of Gen Z are not Religious, despite how Religion tries to word it and shove itself in legislation, public schools and government venues lately.
Church attendance continues to drop, Churches know this and are desperate to try and appeal to those who have left, with vapid messaging, and even the Pope has tried to make the Religion more "palatable" to LGBQT (but many are not buying it) because they want that money$$
I like to think, in some ways call in shows like this, which there are quite a few now, helps contributes to people dropping the god belief or at the least leaving Religion and becoming "Deists" (Many Christians have to admit they are more Deist than Theist because the god they make up for themselves is vastly different to the one in the Bible)
I agree and it seems xenophobic but the foreign callers are just the absolute worst. They clearly don't understand what is being said to them
"As an activist, I continue to hear this line: "Why do atheists talk so much about God and religion?" Or, "Why would someone speak so often about a deity he/she doesn't believe in?"
In truth, I suspect that these questions are deflections designed to make the questioner seem self-consciously obsessive...the sinner that "doth protest too much."
But the reality is that atheist activism exists because religion exists. Religion permeates our culture, shows up on our doorsteps with literature, scriptures and threats of eternal damnation, influences our science books, contaminates our political systems, indoctrinates our children and postulates that its doctrine must be followed, lest we be destroyed in body, in soul, or both.
Non-believers are simply responding to the avalanche of religious messages that bears down upon us daily. And they do so by (surprise!) speaking on the subject.
Religion gets carte blanche to be as vocal as it wants, to knock on our doors and accost us in our homes, in our places of work, in our personal and professional lives. Believers are charged with a life mission to preach, teach, disciple, shout it from the mountaintops and to "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." everywhere.
Ask yourself. When's the last time an atheist rang your doorbell with the Good News of Humanism? How often do you find Richard Dawkins books in the dresser drawers of your hotel rooms? When was the last atheist temple erected in your neighborhood? Have you ever attended an atheist revival? Has atheism demanded 10% of your household income? How many dedicated atheist television channels come through your satellite dish? How many atheist verses were you instructed to memorize as a child? When's the last time someone thanked a FARMER (or even the cook) at the dinner table instead of God?
On a more radical front, what's the name of the last atheist who sawed the head off of an "infidel?" Or sentenced a shrouded woman to death for displeasing an oppressive husband? Or strapped explosives to his belt in order to kill hundreds in a public square? Or publicly executed someone for being gay?
It's everywhere. Religion is a pounding drum that has gone mostly unanswered for a long, long time. And religion is not satisfied with merely existing quietly in the homes and hearts of the faithful. Its very nature compels the believer to proselytize, preach, promote, convince, convert and prevail. If you play on the team of the religious, your game plan is to stay, always, on offense.
Throughout our history, those who raise a simple hand of protest against these advances have been portrayed as the real problem. Religion has attempted to marginalize and defeat legitimate questions and concerns by indignantly portraying any resistors as misguided, immoral, rudderless, angry, miserable, lost and alone.
And when skepticism challenges wildly improbable (or impossible) stories found in the Bible, the Qur'an and other holy books, the religious wail, "Why do atheists talk so much about religion?"
It's often like asking cancer survivors why they're advocates for cancer cures.
We ask, we challenge, we battle, we care because it matters. The facts and fiction of religious claims matter. The larger question, "Is it true?" matters. The countering of religious privilege matters. And the building of a superstition-free future matters.
The next time a religious person labels you as obsessed with religion and God (pick one...there are thousands to choose from), just remember that religion began the discussion. It amplifies itself before the world. It targets the vulnerable and ignorant. It often threatens all humankind with punishment upon its rejection. And it's making Truth claims that - despite all of the fluffy platitudes about "faith" - must meet the burden of proof.
Religion started this mess. And if an atheist speaks out against religious claims, it's likely the speech wouldn't be necessary if the claims weren't made in the first place."
- Seth Andrews
That's truly eloquent!
That's a long list of claims that you, presumably, find convincing.
But they're only claims. Without good evidence to support them, they're empty of meaning, utterly uninteresting to critical thinkers.
Brilliantly put sir, I applaud you.
This is why we must push back when they try to silence us.
@@derekardito2032 I didn't write it, Seth Andrews did. Thank you anyway. It's worth quoting, as we get questioned why we're atheists all the time ☺
It's very dangerous for religion because it promotes thinking.
Seems purposeful that they put in that verse(can't remember which)about Believing like a child. So according to scripture, god gave you this wonderful intellect to use to discover truths. Except when it comes to god, you just believe like a child would. 🤷♂️
Of course acting like a child and accepting fantasies. Is the perfect get out clause to keep you believing junk for no good reason.
@@revwillyg6450 how dare we critically assess evidence and find the evidence for God lacking!!! So childish!!!
MTG said this week that she doesn't want her people to be educated.
No it doesn't. It's a byproduct of jostling chemicals. Wherever they land determines your thinking, and that is it. Atheism reduces you to primordial soup residue.
If Forrest calls you an asshole, you’ve earned it.
Atheism is about as dangerous as not collecting stamps is.
Yeah, but one day you might want to post a letter, and then where will you be...?
Shit... you got me
@@pineapplepenumbra That;s why god invented email, dude!!
@@lettuce_spray389 But what happens if there's something like the Carrington Event?
Or not collecting hand grenade
Seth’s bit on why atheists are so vocal is outstanding.
The Elephant Behind the Bookshelf sounds like a children's book title.
6:00 Forrest should make it clear here that "not believing" is NOT the same as "knowing it to be false". It simply means "not being convinced of something". A lot of hot air is wasted because people interpret those 2 little words differently.
If you look far enough behind the bookshelf, there's almost certainly an elephant.
There definitely isn't one. I always use my anti-elephant powder, and it keeps them away.
What is the range of your anti elephant powder?
@@stephenolan5539 It seems to work for miles around!
I can't keep the pesky bloody things out from behind my book shelf!
Is this powder of yours available by the truck load?
@@Rob-fc9wg I don't know - a small tin has been enough for years, though admittedly the fact that the bookshelves are on the second floor and the staircase is weak may also have something to do with it?
"This is you're brain, this is you're brain on religions. "
6:47 I love how often this happens, where one of the hosts is about to end the call, and Forrest, like a kid in an arcade "please a little longer"
Personally, I'm terrified of the elephant behind Forrets's bookcase.
I perform rituals every day to appease that elephant and to keep it's wrath away from me and my family.
The chat between Forrest & Seth after the caller has left is really great and very thought provoking. Prior to that, the caller offers nothing worth thinking about.
I actually thought so, too. In fact, I find it difficult to watch these “atheist shows” because the theists unwittingly confirm that they offer nothing worth thinking about-it’s almost painful to watch, at least for me.
He sees the shadow of the bookshelf 😅 had me rollin!
my favorite thing about the religious sycophants is that they're ALL Atheists towards all of the other religions and even the other denominations within their own fiefdom. think people think!
Two thumbs up! You guy make a great team! Hope to see you guys team up again!
We have to follow Jesus
@@specilegg No we don't. Besides, I am too smart for that.
@@specilegg I wanted to follow Jesus, but he didn't move.
@@specilegg I'll personally stick with my pantheon of sapient animals thank you.
"Gods sins outnumber your own" well said Forrest! What a entertaining clip this was!
If the god of the bible was real, he would be even worse than Hitler.
Do you account a judge for wrong when he judges a person for their wrongs?
@@specilegg If the judge is a murderer, abuser, and a rapist - and hasn't been held accountable for any of those things - yes.
@@specilegg I have news for you: judges can also get trialed and go to prison, if they break the law. But, shhhh, don´t tell anyone, it´s a secret...
@@mindtraveller100you think you can outmatch God in righteousness, the one who is perfect in all his ways? He wouldn't make creation if it wasn't going to work. We have to repent and follow Jesus, not be examples of unholiness and evil.
Love Forrest's cool reaction when the caller showed his anger by saying atheism is mental illness.
I was really enjoying the facial expressions by Forrest during that exchange. If I were to ever go on a show such as this, as a guest host, the first thing I would do is establish a few rules. I would tell any of the future callers that any question they ask me, I promise them I will give them an answer, even if the answer is "I don't know." But I expect the same from the callers. If I ask them a question, then I want an answer. They can say they don't know, if they don't. That is perfectly fine. But if they attempt to ignore, or side step or pivot away from the question I asked, then the conversation stops. It will go no further. They can ask a question back, if it is to clarify some point about my question, so they can better answer it. But if you ask a question that is not in some attempt to answer mine, then the conversation stops. I get so tired of callers never answering questions by the host. I mean, I get it. I know why they don't. Because to answer is to expose their beliefs to be the sham that it is. But tough titty. The sooner they can admit that, the sooner they can de-convert and move on to more constructive beliefs and practices.
I absolutely LOVE Forrest. The last sentence made it worth listening to all of this guy's nonsense. Forrest is so well put together and articulate, he and Seth are just heaven to listen to.
That ending was awesome!
10:30 right?
@@captaincookie2785 probably 14:25... with emphasis on 15:19.
If anyone is mentally ill, it's the believer.
Since multiple people call in to say they know the truth and each one of them says something different, we can be absolutely sure that at least all but one of them is wrong.
Exactly. I have picked my favorite version of the Abrahamic god. It comes from the venerated Cappodician school of early Christian theology. In a word, God is unknowable. He is something like a black hole. The Cappadocian Fathers are my defense when somebody wants to talk about "God."
I cannot measure how much , some of these clips have helped me out in life….great Job on “ sticking the landing” on the end there Forest!!!
I am so happy i live in a country where a large portion of the people couldn't give a crap about religion
I'd like to move there!
As a seppo, I'm jealous.
Name now!?
@@Origin_unkn0wn uk
I'm envious
Thank You Seth and Forrest! You two are so important to humanity.
They are also ridiculously charismatic. Forrest's ability to hype up absolutely everything and Seth's "rugged dude telling you how things work" appeal are off the charts.
Fun fact: I had a magnetic Darwin fish on my car for three days before someone stole it.
(I live in the US Bible Belt)
A bit weird that I don’t have a problem with people who plaster I Heart Jesus bumper stickers and wear crosses/crucifixes but somehow my choice of vehicle accessories is wrong and I needed to be taught a lesson.
(I also had a “I support single women” tee shirt with the woman riding a stripper pole that so many people frowned at, but you know who appreciated it? Strippers.)
You interviewed a lot of strippers?
Seth and Forrest are my two favorite hosts/cohosts. Seth is so calm and collected and Forrest is phenomenal when he goes on his science rants. Love ya both! Never stop doing what you guys are doing?
It's only dangerous to fantasy and falsehoods.
Such a wonderful clip thank you both. Love Seth and Forrest ❤❤!!
If he was an atheist and called a religious call show, i am 100% certain that they'd make fun of his speech impediment.
I don't think English is his first language . . . accent sounds mideastern, or from India maybe.
@@teknicron1080 i think he's American, i have a speech impediment, and he sounds like some people i know.
It's an Asian accent
He sounds Indian to me. He also sounds like a character from Phone Jacker.
the caller is asian.
your comment makes you sound like a racist. i’d delete it if i were you.
The title "Is atheism Dangerous" atheism isn't anywhere as dangerous as theism by a very, very long way.
That's right. Unless Atheism allows the adoption of other ideologies that are worse or societally destructive. Certain right wing and left wing ideologies have the potential to be worse.
@@Rundvelt Even if it "allows" worse ideologies, then it's those ideologies that are dangerous, not atheism itself.
Nobody thinks belief in santa is dangerous because it doesn't include a rule against murdering your neighbor, because it has no bearing on the subject either way. There's a stark difference between not discussing an act and openly endorsing or denouncing it.
@@Rundvelt What classification system allows you to determine if an ideology is left or right? It's my experience that the existence of ideologies in general is a right-wing concept.
@@Rundvelt My original post was to do with atheism and theism and not politics, it should be noted that religion has been the cause of many wars throughout history, and is ultimately responsible for many deaths throughout history, but I agree left or right wing ideologies can be harmful, but that is a different subject entirely to what I posted.
@@captainnarwhal1064I agree. I find it rather mid for people to assume that when others have religion in their life that their faith is in itself proof that they must be a person whom is good.
I love when you ask the question Forrest, whether the caller believes there is an elephant behind your book case. I for one will consider the possibility. In your video frame, I can only view about one foot of your bookcase to the left, right and above you. Your bookcase could be 60 feet tall and continue 40 feet to your left and 60 feet to your right. Certainly, large enough to conceal an elephant. The baby elephant behind your bookcase could only be 38 inches tall. The elephant could be alive or dead and taxidermied. The elephant could be a stuffed plush toy, a bronze statue or a rubber squeaky toy. I will consider the possibility of an elephant behind your bookcase, but I will withhold a conclusion and belief, until I have further evidence of your claim. However, you definitely need to install speakers behind your bookcase that can emit a realistic elephant roar, every time you push a button on your desk. Keep doing what your doing.
What an awesome duo!
Elephant behind the bookshelf sounds like a kids book somebody write it please.
That last part was beautiful. Thank you Forrest
if i ever run a hotel im putting the god delusion in the side table
“I bet you I have…” That face should be the thumbnail for any callers with a single sentence argument😂 10:38
That grin Forest gave near the end "I bet you I have..." I got chills
Please keep up the good work. 'Imagine'. No religion, no war, no heaven, no as it should be.
Love your comments and how you treat others, I would not have the patience and balance you two have with dealing with people trying to manipulate you.
"I have a lot of research."
Show it.
Seth really should read an audio book with that captivating voice
He has. As I recall its the Atheists Guide to the Old Testament from Digit Hammurabi.
He does.
I loved Forrest’s response towards the end of the call about using the revenue to promote atheism. Brilliant !!
If your invisible fiend is named 'Harvey', they'd throw you in the nuthouse. However, if your invisible friend is named 'god', nobody is coming to take you away.
We all need Harvey in our lives...
@@TheAngryAtheist Harvey is no less real than any other invisible entity that cannot be verified.
@@TheAngryAtheist Praise be to Harvey
Just like the movie 'Harvey' starring James Stewart, bible god is just as real.
@@FishHeadSalad Exactly!
Theist: im not worthy
Atheist: yes you are
Theist: how dare you force your religion on me
"A RESPONSE to religion" is such a great response to that claim.
Happy PRIDE and if you're not part of the community, you're a great ally. TY ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜 🏳️🌈
A Response!! Well said Seth!
Apologetics gymnastics
Speaking of cross, I love the american comedian’s comment on crosses everywhere in america ; “if Jesus ever came back, do you think he’d ever want to see another fucking cross again “ 😂
When you have clear correlation between countries with high levels of secularity and low crime rate/standards of living/etc.
Countries like Netherlands, Finland, etc.... are splendid examples of countries where peoples moral and laws is defined by a non-secular entity. And that has produced commitment to laws beyond what a single church/religion can produce.
Yes, a questioning disbelief is absolutely harmful and dangerous - to dogma and rhetoric. Therefore, those questioning disbeliefs should always be allowed and encouraged.
I'd like to get some comment from the crowd. I work as a driver for Amish folk. What ever you may think of them, I find them to be intentionally joyous and kind and I enjoy their company. We sometimes engage in "god" talk. I don't let on that I no longer believe in god. I think of all the christians I have seen, they are the ones that most closely walk the talk. But they are the catalyst for my atheism. Each community has it's own rules and you're allowed to shop for the community whose beliefs fit yours. When people who REALLY do want to follow their faith get to pick and chose which god given rules they want to obey, then why bother with a god at all? So my question is: is it wrong for me to just go along to get along with them when it comes to the god talk? Or should I own up and (probably) lose business from them?
It's not wrong to get along with them, but id god talk makes you uncomfortable, then you should tell them that. It's not a full admission of atheism. It should just be enough to say that you'd rather talk about something else and change the topic quickly. You could even just not acknowledge it when they begin to talk about god and instead just bring up something from earlier in the conversation to continue on.
You have to choose what is more important. To speak your mind or keep the business.
Only you can decide to come out to them or not, but my tuppence worth. If you feel uncomfortable with the talk and can afford to lose their custom then speak up.
Pretend. Take their $. Donate to a woman's shelter if you can.
"God may judge you, but I promise you his sins outnumber your own." Beautiful quote! Inward hate becomes outward hate.
That ending bit of you two talking was really sweet. One of the things that really bother me about the hardcore religous people is they're frequent refusal to take credit for there own acheivements. I saw a post online a while back about a drug addict who overcame their addiction but credited Jesus for it, like, no dude, that was YOUR strength. Yall are stronger than you think❤.
Today I was questioned about why I am an atheist and didn't believe in the invisible man in the sky. I did my best to avoid and change the subject but I felt pressured in answering. I find that a lot of people get uncomfortable once they find out that I'm independent and free. However, the question he asked me to prove "his god" was "what about the air"? I was taken a back and he asked again of "who told me to breathe"? By then I had to blast him out of the water. I told him I am not a biologist but after millions and millions of years of evolution, developing lungs... He smiled and said "No it's god". I thought what a silly question and how childish this was. Later I saw him reading his bible I think because he was shaken up because I had an intelligent answer or He was not comfortable in my presence. Sadly this is the guy that is training me for my new job. So now I do not know if I'll have a job in the near future.
I'd recommend to say " I'm not comfortable discussing this topic with you. Since it's not related to the work, let's change the subject" and repeat if pressed. Repeat, and repeat. Say with a downward inflection, making it a statement not open to question. Your religious outlook is not his business and slippery ground around labor rights.
Obviously you're the one in the position, but given your example - that person seems to be trying to bait you.
So, God is a pattern generator in the medulla oblongata. And I thought "look at the trees" was the dumbest argument for a god.
@@Zyrean7007 How so true. I was cautious what I said and I prefaced everything, it's not my first rodeo, like an attorney. The genie is out the bag. Today I was very cautious around them. I'm anticipating either to find employment elsewhere or maybe a new trainer. But thanks for the advice for the future. See Update.
If he presses again, tell him "religion and politics don't make for polite conversation, and HR doesnt like either one of these being discussed." he will stop dead. I would bring this up to your HR if you feel they are doing something inappropriate.
I remember listening to this show at work and a Christian zealot told me, not ask me to turn it down. 😂. I said I never asked you to to turn your church music down, stop talking to me about god and how you try to shit on me about how you take your family to church every Sunday. 😂. Then he wanted to debate me. I asked him 3 or 4 questions and he was done
Forest should have asked “what is the mental illness? How can you demonstrate that etc..”
Imagine if Forrest moved the bookshelf and revealed an actual elephant
Seth's camera and lighting setup are immaculate. Get Forrest the same setup, do it now. DO IT NOW.
seth has that look like you just ruined a surprise bday party
Seth has that look like he just poured a bowl of cereal only to find an empty milk carton in the fridge right after...
Forest has the perfect setup, to showcase his humility.
I agree , Forrest looks like he’s in an old Polaroid here 😂
Thank you for your work.
No, atheism is NOT dangerous. But religion/theism sure is!
well...neither is inherrently a danger. but extremes on either side are. i've seen too many atheists go down the pleasure at all costs or other self destructive paths. religions has its faults, but we evolved with it for so long, i don't think we should just chuck it away so quickly,
@@MindrapeJr I disagree. Any good that religion does can be achieved via secular means.
Those "pleasure at all costs" atheists that you mention are usually those that have de-converted from a sheltered, fundamentalist upbringing.
@@USS_Sentinel possibly. but atheism doesnt provide a framework for life. moral or otherwise. a religion can. and besides, even if everything a religion can provide, can also be done via secular means, doesnt mean it works for everyone. a decent metaphor for this would be anti biotics. we don't use one anti biotic for everything (besides the fact that the bacteria will evolve immunity,) some people cannot take certain antibiotics due allergy but can take others. just because one method works, doesnt mean all other methods that could work should be abandoned entirely.
@@MindrapeJr Why do I need a "framework" for life? Why do morals HAVE to come from a religion?
Define "framework" for me, please.
Love your work guys
Wow. That got really wholesome at the end.
I kinda feel like atheists should knock on peoples doors to tell them that.
I wouldn't lower myself to a fundamentalists level, not that they knock my door they're petrified of Satan my malamute
I the only one who thought of the Police Academy movie when the caller started 'talking'...
Once again, a believer says they have the proof of religion being the right way, and once again they got nothing.
Thanks for the video :)
What I would love to see is someone ask this question about the elephant behind the book shelf and when the answer as this loon did remove the book shelf and produce an elephant.
Could be a baby elephant and he could have a secret room behind bookshelf where he stored and sells baby elephants
How do you think these conversations would be different if theists had the basic compassion and security to accept that good, honest, reasonable people can honestly disagree with them?
When people are trapped in a make believe fantasy fiction alternative reality that doesn't stand up to basic scrutiny or simple questions, they may respond defensively...
If a reasonable person can honestly reject their religion, then there is a possibility that it isn't true, and that is very uncomfortable for them.
@@travis1240 can confirm. It's similar to the discomfort every believer ever experiences when they start questioning their deeply held beliefs, long before they call themselves "atheists." What prompts some to lean into that discomfort and others to run from it? I'm pretty confident leaning into the discomfort leads to a greater long-term benefit than backing off and hiding from it.
7:32 The tastiest thing about these shows.When you try to get some fundamental logical concept across to someone who is TERRIFIED that you're trying to make them look silly or railroad them into a script so they will do anything to justify not saying the thing they KNOW to be true given the premises. Incredibly frustrating, but interesting to watch.
It's only dangerous in the sense that it makes creationists cry 😭
Well said both of you
I no longer identify as an “atheist.” I identify as a “religious naturalist.” This physical universe and all its stability and change, is sacred to me.
It has been at least 4 decades since I seriously contemplated the existence of a deity or any other supernatural phenomenon. My cosmos has no god-shaped hole in it.
There´s a word for that: pantheist.
Yeah, that is pantheism.
Welcome fellow traveller ❤
Thank you for renaming my religious identity for me. However, “panTheist,” like “aThEist“ suggests that “THE” (if I may so name this concept) is at the center of the discussion. For me, it is not. I am a “NATURAList” who has experienced what is sometimes called “oceanic state” spontaneously since childhood. THE is not present during these times.
@@MMG-q1v Naturalist isn't the word you're looking for either then.
I could never be a host for a show like this. I would roll my eyes so hard that I would sever my optical nerve.
I think the caller is not cognitively able to operate on a fundamentally average level of mental operation
I had to read that twice.
/ Caller's a dum dum
We are not a religon, but we are a reaponse to religion
not sure how many wars have been caused by Atheism .... religion on the other hand :(
As an atheist:
Atheism probably has some drawbacks/negative effects .
There's probably some people out there that would take it to a dark place , or use it as a tool of social engineering.
That being said :
I still think its a step in the right direction to take the position of non belief until it becomes reasonable to believe. Staying logically sound is so much more important.
Even though the Earth's climate is warming, it seems the fires of hell are dying out.
Seth and Forrest are a great combo!
Sorry but a baby died recently because some Christian idiots went to church and prayed there for 3 hours while forgetting they had it in their car and it was hot weather.
That's an awful story, but the moronic parents could just have easily been at the mall or a movie theatre, so whilst I cannot but hope they suffer all the consequences due to them under the law, we can't necessarily blame theism.
On the other hand, there are parents who purposefully risk their children's lives due *entirely* to their faith.
@@TheJrr71 and INSTEAD they were at the church
But we can't credit God with saving the baby.
@@stephenolan5539 God wanted that child up in heaven with him. He has a plan for that baby.
Any evidence or reason to believe that? Other than it fits what you want to be true?
"I have information"
"What information do you have?"
"I have information..."
Woah, so informative! O_o
Atheism is NOT a disease…. Even if I have different political views then some atheists. I still say atheism is the most logical and most reasonable way to live a life. I know more Atheists who treat people with kindness then most religious individuals…. That was a low blow by the believer caller towards the end of call.