Why NO ONE Plays: Corki | League of Legends

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 280

  • @Mars30999
    @Mars30999 3 года назад +341

    1:40 then they decided to make katarina deal physically, magic, percent, and true damage for some reason in s11. The ultimate hybrid that you can never itemize against.

  • @444DeanMachine
    @444DeanMachine 3 года назад +359

    I used to one trick Corki ADC (season 2/3). Coming back and hoping season 11 plus the most recent buffs puts him into a good place.

    • @Foatizenknechtl
      @Foatizenknechtl 3 года назад +9

      I mean u either farm up for 15min and win easily game or your team feeds early and you can’t get there and lose. I’d have around 60% wr on him right now in silverfish elo if people would stop run it down 5times the first 10min

    • @ok-qz9tg
      @ok-qz9tg 3 года назад +3


    • @idkidc7513
      @idkidc7513 3 года назад

      From various recent experiences with him, even when fed and leading the kda board, he still feels lackluster compared to other fed adcs

    • @alliu6562
      @alliu6562 3 года назад +1

      Same, I used to one trick him in season 4ish?

    • @YourLocalPlagueDoctor
      @YourLocalPlagueDoctor 3 года назад

      Playing Corki, my build is Eclipse, Manamune,Collector, Hydra and Serylda.
      I just spam ult at people lmao

  • @HighLanderPonyYT
    @HighLanderPonyYT 3 года назад +244

    From what I've seen he dies to the slightest breeze, his ult power is spread too thin, and he takes too long to get going. Once you're there he's vicious though.

    • @onlinealias622
      @onlinealias622 3 года назад +18

      If you can beat the odds and get fed, Corki is a monster

    • @iDebbiekk
      @iDebbiekk 3 года назад +2

      @@onlinealias622 exactly!

    • @duytran9086
      @duytran9086 3 года назад +4

      Yeah, got to play him in ARAM a couple of games, literally nukes squishies for 600+ dmg with his amped R, and two shot to delete the rest of their health bar.

    • @ninjedi6710
      @ninjedi6710 Год назад +1

      @@onlinealias622 yeah but that statement applies to any range AD carry

  • @LesbianWitchAcademia
    @LesbianWitchAcademia 3 года назад +40

    I'm honestly surprised that we haven't seen more Corki. Between Divine Sunderer and Demonic Embrace, he looks to be a lot stronger and harder to kill now

  • @m0dern
    @m0dern 3 года назад +166

    Corki main here:) , so rare to see videos on him lol

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 года назад +16

      How are the new items treating him? :o

    • @Banov0312
      @Banov0312 3 года назад +2

      I have a good news :)

    • @silentassassin47
      @silentassassin47 3 года назад

      @@qtfy i have to. disagree

    • @silentassassin47
      @silentassassin47 3 года назад

      @@qtfy that's better

    • @loganellis9230
      @loganellis9230 3 года назад

      Ive been going muramana, divine/trinity, and third item ravenous hydra. I find it adds to his poke, and allows him a great hit of omnivamp which can keep him from just being one shot. Honestly feels great, just have to get through lane phase and farm.

  • @TheSinfulGamer
    @TheSinfulGamer 3 года назад +226

    1400% AD scaling on his fucking 3rd Nuke. Holy. Shit. My guy.

    • @adgeifc4398
      @adgeifc4398 3 года назад +4

      Also his 3rd in wild rift lock on enemy

    • @adgeifc4398
      @adgeifc4398 3 года назад +3

      Corki need his 3rd to be lock on enemy now his good

    • @adgeifc4398
      @adgeifc4398 3 года назад

      Corki in wild rift 2nd package have to much damage

    • @ElJags
      @ElJags 3 года назад +1

      He can keep vibe checking ppl with his ulti for supression

    • @nicolasachilles524
      @nicolasachilles524 3 года назад

      i guess Im asking randomly but does anybody know of a trick to get back into an instagram account..?
      I was stupid lost the password. I love any tips you can give me!

  • @Ghosty2004
    @Ghosty2004 3 года назад +52

    "hextech gunblade is also an option-"
    Riot: I think we need to get rid of this quick!

  • @shanecoffing
    @shanecoffing 3 года назад +60

    I mained Corki for a long time, 3 seasons. The other part you forgot is he is a hard champion to pilot (ironic) at 100% efficiency. Every ability he has is a skillshot and you need to be landing all of them to fully make use of him. Honestly, to buff him they should give him his 10% true damage back. It would be a very nice damage buff that might give him the umph he needs to be viable again. The special delivery with 10% true damage would definitely be a unique crazy ability.

    • @exhaustedrambler8701
      @exhaustedrambler8701 9 месяцев назад

      Would be cool if his passive could be reduced by kill or ability haste. Could be a small buff.

  • @calvincarbajal3569
    @calvincarbajal3569 3 года назад +65

    As a corki main it sucks to see that no one plays him as much. I still have tons of fun playing him, but it just takes way too long to scale up. Mean while other champs can do just as much or even more at an earlier stage

    • @Foatizenknechtl
      @Foatizenknechtl 3 года назад +2

      Idk if you rush sheen the dmg feels really good early. It’s more the problem that people feed too much early

    • @andrewzheng4038
      @andrewzheng4038 3 года назад +3

      @@Foatizenknechtl I mean, that's exactly the problem that he pointed out. by the time you can reach 50+% critical strike chance and truly turn online the game is often lost or won already

  • @Snakesrcool2003account
    @Snakesrcool2003account 3 года назад +20

    i love corki just cos he seems one of the more relaxing characters to play cos farmly safely and scaling is often quite good for him (and roaming when u can) as well as quite easy

  • @NotMirrors
    @NotMirrors 3 года назад +8

    That first background music awakened something inside me and I cannot remember the song for the life of me

  • @sennateauwu
    @sennateauwu 3 года назад +33

    honestly all he needs is a visual update and a passive rework. I really think the package is aweful the way it is, and unless the enemy is low health it really doesnt make sense for him to want to jump into a teamfight face first.

    • @ViceN53X
      @ViceN53X 3 года назад +10


    • @providenceLEET
      @providenceLEET 3 года назад +7

      @@ViceN53X i think package is still broken if you land your package in a dragonfight on like 3 4 people its a won teamfight

    • @duytran9086
      @duytran9086 3 года назад +4

      They should remove the knock back, but now slows like 90% for 0.75s when it 1st hit, and the leftover trails slow only like 40% when stepped on. Would be way more reliable.

    • @ElJags
      @ElJags 3 года назад +1

      Its made to change the fight grounds and split enemies groups, its more commonly used during an ongoing team fight to ruin enemy formation, also you can instantly use W again after package delivery to dash back into your teams formation, making more hazzardous area and to get ready to supress and push

    • @cringeorbased2803
      @cringeorbased2803 3 года назад +3

      @@ViceN53X i think its good in escape / team fights with few enemies.
      It can cancel ults like katarina.
      And i LOVE cancelling katarina.
      This has been B A S E D

  • @dolphinboi-playmonsterranc9668
    @dolphinboi-playmonsterranc9668 3 года назад +13

    If you're gonna take away hybrid items, adjust the damage ratios so they can still fight competently.

  • @darke2222
    @darke2222 3 года назад +8

    Corki just needs love from the balance team and increase his power to keep up with the current meta.
    He has a good poke but no bang. Maybe upgrade his bomb poke or even his gun damage or both also make his ad/ap mix together so you don't have to choose.

  • @jtlou8847
    @jtlou8847 3 года назад +4

    As a corki main in s2-s3 I can singlehandedly tell you why corki isnt played anymore in 1 sentence. That Q bomb going from instant annie R style to a projectile bomb is the reason why.

  • @qpix7427
    @qpix7427 3 года назад +4

    I love corki so much and to finally know why no one knows him breaks my heart. My baby deserves love and he’s being ignored😭

  • @whtthe5459
    @whtthe5459 3 года назад +6

    bro i feel so bad for corki now.... i nearly cried

  • @zennai3343
    @zennai3343 3 года назад +7

    I one trick Corki. Great champ, really fun and pretty OP. No idea why people don't play it.

  • @rizenrap4840
    @rizenrap4840 3 года назад +22

    Well there are quite a few things that are bad with corki...
    - He has long CD on his abilities
    - He has to kite, which makes his e ineffective
    - His items are among the most expensive in the game (Infinity Edge, Essence Reaver, Trinity Force)
    - He´s very squishy
    - If he uses his package aggressively, he is basically in a 1v5
    - His package has a huge cooldown, while only being usable for 1 minute. It also takes him like 10 Seconds to get from his base to drake / nash, so he actually only has like 50 Seconds to use it.
    - He has no hard cc
    - He doesn´t really have Space for an defensive item. If he goes Trinity,Boots,Infinity,Manamune,Essence Reaver he has 1 slot left, so he is either stuck with 50% crit, no penetration or no anti heal should he go for a defensive item
    - He has a poor aa range
    - He doesn´t have any good options when it comes to Magic Penetration. If he goes Void, he doesn´t really get anything out of the AP, because his AP ratios are poor, while his Crits, which his itembuild is kinda focused on, don´t profit from AP.
    - His base AD isn´t all that great, so the 200% base dmg from trinity loses some value
    - No real Grievous Wounds option. If he goes Morellos, the AP is wasted, if he goes Mortal Reminder, the Armor Pen is wasted.
    - The components of his items are expensive (Infinity and Essence Reaver have BF, which is expensive af)
    - He is bad at dealing with Tanks. As mentioned above, his penetration options are poor, his R, which actually demolishes squishy, especially the big one, can easily be blocked by tanks. While he has a low attackspeed and cant build Blade of the ruined king, which usally is good against tanks, because he´s not really profiting from the stats.
    - He 3/4 Abilities are skillshots
    - Poor choice of runes. Lethal Tempo requires him to auto attack, which exposes him to the enemy team, because he has a low range, Fleet Footwork is terrible, because it also requires him to auto attack, while giving him basically 0 life when attacking minions, Conqueror is poor on ranged champs.
    - Games tend to end before he reaches his power spike at 3 items
    - He builds tear, which has to be stacked to be usefull, further lowering his early game impact
    - He has mana problems early on
    - His early waveclear (pre 6) is bad
    - Adaptive helmet hard counters his R
    - Assasines demolish him in lane
    And when talking about his play rate there are some more things
    - He is not flashy, like a Zed or Yasuo, which makes him seem kinda boring
    - He doesn´t have many skins and doesn´t get new skins all that often
    - He´s not popular in pro play
    - He is kinda outdated
    - He gets very little attention from content creators. While Yassuo only focuses on Yas, LL Stylish focuses on Zed, xPetu focuses on Shen, FSN Saber focuses on Caitlyn, Annie Bot focuses on, well, Annie, Gosu focuses on Vayne, corki doesn´t really have someone like that

    • @osmanaarslan
      @osmanaarslan 3 года назад +2

      You are explain great, also his abilitys too slow and useless. He has too slow mechanics. Q is dodged by enemy easily, W animation is too slow; enemy can stop you easily if he has any cc, you cant damage to enemy with your E becasue you must be kite and keep your range with enemy, R hitbox is small enemy dodge it easy if no any minions nearby

  • @Motorboatasaurus
    @Motorboatasaurus 3 года назад +2

    I used to play Corki a lot I think the biggest change that hurt him was the change to Q. It used to not have a missile speed, it was just point and click and instantly appeared there no travel time. They added slow travel speed to it and didn't buff it's numbers so now his only non ultimate spell is easily dodged and if it does hit it doesn't deal damage worth mentioning. I think 1 of 2 changes should be made and it would make a world of difference. Either make his E sorta like a Pantheon E where he faces the direction it was cast for the entire duration regardless of what direction he's moving. Or make a change to Q either make it 100% AD/AP scaling instead of this 50% crap or increase the base damage by 40-60 at each rank. Or just remove the missile travel time or at least make it slightly faster.

    • @rob3at896
      @rob3at896 Год назад +1

      I like the Pantheon E idea.

  • @ofekbenhamo8497
    @ofekbenhamo8497 3 года назад +14

    I'm a Corki main, well I used to be, I took a break around season 6 and came back 2 month ago, and I still love this guy, Riot nerfed him alot, around season 5 he was one of the bests in both adc and mid roles, I one tricked him into plat around that time, but now when I play him, theres this huge power spike when he get's his mirrormana and tri force, but there're not many items left for him afterwards, if he gets ahead he's a god of the early mid game, but he falls off super fast and if you cant translate this advantage to your team, you can get useless pretty fast, he's still a fun champ, and a well timed super W is the most satisfing thing to me, i hope the new items bring some life to him

    • @napoleonbonerfarte6739
      @napoleonbonerfarte6739 3 года назад +1

      I love playing him he's a nice switch up from when I play helmer like 50/50

    • @facundovazquez7296
      @facundovazquez7296 3 года назад +4

      I main Corki nowadays but i dont agree with you, he has a great late game but he works better in teamcomps where you can coordinate your package and deal damage without positioning too risky. In solo q you have to be sure when you pick him that you Will be able to scale because if you are against an assasin you are out

    • @harrisonowens6831
      @harrisonowens6831 3 года назад

      Well, this didn’t age well

  • @wes9809
    @wes9809 3 года назад +8

    It's also really hard to farm early game with his low auto damage... and this new season really screwed him by taking away many items he used to have.

  • @sumedha4683
    @sumedha4683 3 года назад +1

    Mid is the only lane that I can't play well but when I do I only play corki
    I find him to be fun to play

  • @trickjump19
    @trickjump19 3 года назад +1

    i sort of like corki as an ap "adc", but there's a reason for it. he's one of the few options i know of that can do ap damage but still function like a traditional adc. meaning you can still have magic damage when your low elo team in solo queue goes all ad... again.
    i'd almost like to see them lean into the curve and also technically give him his old passive back, make it so his autos deal 90% magic damage, 10% true damage.

  • @corgenjwhite3033
    @corgenjwhite3033 3 года назад +9

    As a corki main, i feel like if they just increased his auto attack range, and lowered the mana cost on his q/e he would be a viable champ. Or increase his scaling at all. he has some of the worst scalings on abilities of a mid laner. HIs late game is like a vayne/kaisa without invisibility.

  • @jacekmaraj1774
    @jacekmaraj1774 3 года назад +5

    Give better items to spell caster marksmen .
    - Make navori quickblade a mythic item
    - delete essence reaver but put it's spellblade into quickblade and mana passive into manamune
    - give 20% crit chance to manamune

    • @NotMirrors
      @NotMirrors 3 года назад +3

      And now Ezreal is OP again, Ezreal is why we can't have nice things

    • @jacekmaraj1774
      @jacekmaraj1774 3 года назад +1

      @@NotMirrors just nerf him and MF . Think of Xayah , Corki , Lucian and Sivir . They all suck

    • @Raizekusu
      @Raizekusu 3 года назад +1

      So manamune has super insane gold value ye great idea

    • @jacekmaraj1774
      @jacekmaraj1774 3 года назад

      @@Raizekusu ofc nerf the ad

    • @navjotsingh2251
      @navjotsingh2251 Год назад

      2 years later, Navori is becoming a mythic item 😅

  • @zacharyyan4898
    @zacharyyan4898 3 года назад +40

    Who's here after the TSM C9 game.

  • @rasmusbladtkramer3117
    @rasmusbladtkramer3117 2 года назад +2

    The package is 8 min the first time but 4 min after that

  • @aydin5978
    @aydin5978 3 года назад +3

    Recently picked up Corki, he has been played so little, that it's basically like a whole new champion. Fun & rejuvenating. And holy hecc his damage is thicc.
    EDIT: And just to add to that, I think he's stronger in S11. From the bit I've played of him, in the early game he can either do decent burst with his abilities and PTA, or just sit back and scale, and buying Shieldbow + Manamune does definitely help him scale. With more items, it just gets better. He's pretty safe in laning phase, especially mid lane, because of his dash. Mid game his special delivery lets him get some free-er kills off a quick, although you do have a smallish window to make use of it.

  • @linaruz3887
    @linaruz3887 3 года назад +2

    First to say its nice to see corki back in s11. Its my favorite champion in game since I play. At least im Top 500 Corki Player around. It's kinda difficult to manage his Mana in ealry and to survive high burst in mid lane. Like Zed or Talon/ Diana are horrible to lane against with

  • @axiom5718
    @axiom5718 Год назад

    I love this video. I feel like a Rioter saw it and said "hmm, Corki isn't a poke champion? Let's change that" and added in the R buffs in season 11. OFC it's been gutted again cause of pro play, but it was nice while it lasted. A fresh new type of Corki build where he can either build poke or hypercarry.

  • @bennyboy229
    @bennyboy229 2 года назад

    Here in 2022 noting that Manamune->sorc shoes -> ravenous Hydra -> Ludens
    is pretty strong as a poke champion (with R) with q and e still allowing strong lane trades early if you're keeping up poke

  • @dannynguyen61
    @dannynguyen61 3 года назад +55

    Why Riot don't buff older/not competitive viable champions more instead of buffing/nerfing the same champion every week? Make a video about that!

    • @joel7342
      @joel7342 3 года назад +4

      If he gets buffed he would be pick/ban in pro play like Kalista.

    • @gustavirassochio9595
      @gustavirassochio9595 3 года назад

      He doesn't need a buff. His passive is extremely strong.

    • @apdroidgeek1737
      @apdroidgeek1737 3 года назад +5

      @@gustavirassochio9595 yea right forcing him to buy void staff.

    • @LAtttiful
      @LAtttiful 3 года назад

      🧐🧐🧐🧐 great fucking question

  • @ElHuevoFromCBC
    @ElHuevoFromCBC 3 года назад +5

    Corki main here, the way I recommend you should play Corki is as an assassin, electrocute + Q + R (red one) can one shot any adc. That's how I play him and I recommend all of you try it.

  • @gordotactico7800
    @gordotactico7800 Год назад

    In fact, a couple of weeks ago, taking advantage of the fact that I'm sick, I made a new League account to just play corki. He's fun and with two items he's pretty strong.

  • @alliu6562
    @alliu6562 3 года назад

    Former corki one trick here, I played him both before and after the reworks, and eventually I stopped maining him bc he just takes too long to scale in a meaningful way, and when he did scale, he just doesn’t do what other adcs do now. Corki, unlike other adcs, needs three items to truly begin packing a punch. Triforce, IE, and Rapid Firecannon. The point is to stack as much damage as possible onto the first auto attack to instantly one shot a squishy target. The problem is that other ADCs hit a bigger power spike at two items. Not only that, two out of three critical items in corki’s core build are ABSURDLY expensive. Both Triforce and IE cost like three thousand plus gold, and rapid firecannon almost as much.
    The main issue with corki is his reliance on triforce. Ever since they removed the crit component of triforce he lost whatever was left of his viability. He was strong for a little while before they nerfed him and the items he needed in his power spike. Before, I think people skipped IE and just did triforce and rapid fire to get pretty good results. Now... it’s arguably even worse now lmao. Not only is IE weaker now vs before the item rework, but he has to contend with the kraken slayer/galeforce builders of the botlane like Jhin and Kai’sa, as well as people who out range and out sustain him like Senna or just in general, champions like Aphelios and Samira.
    And finally, Corki’s passive is way too short for something with a literal eight minute cool down. You wait eight minutes and get sixty seconds of uptime, half of which is spent walking towards the objective. Sure, just having the package at all is insane pressure, but what are you feasibly gonna do with it? In order to use it effectively, you have to first flank the enemy, then use it. You’re the adc. Why the fuck do you have one of the single most powerful engage tools in existence? Even the dash reset afterwards does not make it better. If you use the passive w, you will die like 9 times out of 10, which is not the point of a sustain damage carry. In concept it’s very cool. In practice it’s a powerful but largely useless tool that works against the purpose of the champion. I just don’t see him as very viable unless he gets a major overhaul. But if he does you bet your ass I’m gonna pull him out again. He was my favorite ADC to play. It’s just that I happened to like winning more than I liked playing him.

  • @pea744
    @pea744 2 года назад +1

    Came from the future to say, Corki is a poke champion that is super effective rn

  • @6ber721
    @6ber721 3 года назад +2

    yes you forget about him then end up against him and he destroy you so hard you can't play

  • @zzxxccvvkk5
    @zzxxccvvkk5 3 года назад

    i think an old pass of his was his aa did 10% more dmg as true dmg. now he doesn't have much of a pass, since u can just build mr against it. Supply package should be dropped to 3 min allow more than just 2 packages, maybe 5.
    he is the daring bombardier, title like that he should want to be in middle of a fight, he is a plane an helicopter, rework so he plays as such.
    Pass: Hextech Munitions: every 20 sec-lv he gains a missile that does 20-80% of his ad as magic dmg in aoe (20%from his hitbox to edge of his aa range of 550) based on how far enemy is, his missiles also have bonus range of 450(1000) each additional 150 range = 20%.
    Q: Supply Bomb: launches a 3 part bomb at target area. part 1 drops immediately dealing 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 50% AP) magic damage. part 2 lands a turret over 6 secs that atks at 50% AD& atkspeed that holds a supply box that it will release early if ally below it that heals for 75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 50% AP), if no supply box turret will destruct on ground, if supply box turret will stay for 6 more sec before destructing itself an supply box.
    W: Napalm Strike: toggle, dashes to location leaving a burning trail (for 3.25 sec), every .25 sec enemies in trail take 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 / 45 (+ 10% AP) magic dmg, when leave trail take 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 / 30 (+ 10% AP) each sec for 4 sec as magic dmg.
    E: Gatling Guns: gain bonus 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110% atk speed, aa deals +5/10/15/20/25+10%ap magic dmg for 4 sec and lower enemy armor 1/2/3/4/5 (+1 per 30 AD) an mr by 1/2/3/4/5(+1 per 100 AP), he will also open his side bay doors an lower his tail gun each aa nearest enemy within 35 degree cones.
    R: Eye in the Sky: Corki flys up high ignoring terrain, becoming untargetable, gaining vision & sets his aa range to 1300, his next 3/6/9 (+1 per 100 ap) aa shoot aoe missiles that instead deal 50/65/80+75%AD physical dmg an 50/65/80+20%AP magic dmg.

  • @shingfanchan9801
    @shingfanchan9801 3 года назад

    Corki top is a good pick. Play passive in the early game, just farm without any kills would guarantee carrying your team after purchasing your first item(divine sunderer). The reason why no one play it is it needs lots of patient to farm.

  • @mcslayer9796
    @mcslayer9796 3 года назад +71

    In Wild Rift, Gatling gun always locks on to target enemy

    • @messageinthebottle1673
      @messageinthebottle1673 3 года назад +21

      Been playing wild rift and its amazing because they simplified the game is a good way. It reminds me of another moba game that use to play on phone which is call Vainglory!

    • @True_Damage69
      @True_Damage69 3 года назад +8

      If they bring that out on pc league I could see him being played a LOT more

    • @csababobalo8692
      @csababobalo8692 3 года назад +4

      @@messageinthebottle1673 i miss vainglory

    • @poesiatododia8910
      @poesiatododia8910 3 года назад +5

      @@csababobalo8692 Me too... Imagine Celeste/Yates/Churwalker in LoL

  • @JaniceFromHR
    @JaniceFromHR 2 года назад

    Whenever I first read Corki’s kit, I didn’t even realize he was an ADC, silly me for not reading everything. I thought he was going to be built like a tank or assassin wants to fly in and mess you up, maybe fly out if you don’t outright win or your goal is harassment. His Q made sense to me as a way to poke or run the neutral between engages. His ult just felt like the one part of the kit that didn’t fit what I felt was his design goal. That and his scaling made me wonder what is Riot thinking. Imagine the surprise on my face when I finally got to try him and saw the suggested items, then found this video confirming that it’s not a glitch that Riot lists his as a marksman.
    Honestly I think that he needs a rework to either be the man who flies in and decimates his foes with superior firepower or someone who uses his superior range and mobility to blast his foes while being extremely difficult to lock down if you can even get to him.

  • @Hail_Fire
    @Hail_Fire 3 года назад +3

    So, I started playing Corki at the start of season 10, and he had a beautiful Identity in Season 10. He was the Magic damage Marksman who built AD. That was his niche, unlike any other Magic Damage Carry in the game. Corki built Attack Damage to deal Magic Damage. This meant certain things about Corki were unique to him and him alone.
    Corki is the only Marksman in the game that gets penetration from their boots. Yes, he does sacrifice the 35% Attack speed of Berserker's. The value of 18 Flat magic penetration is far greater though, the reason Mages have access to penetration boots, but not marksman is supposed to represent Non-sustained damage. The only mage in the game who can defy this rule is Cassiopea, but she is prevented from buying boots. Mages are given access to penetration because they have cooldowns.
    There is something essential to remember when considering the advantages of being an AD or magic damage carry.
    Every champion in the game has less MR than Armor before Season 11. It was also common knowledge that MR itemization was awful.
    Corki dreaded having to build his void staff due to the build path being very lackluster as Corki's AP ratios aren't that amazing, but once he finished it, he once again got something no other marksman did. He got 40% penetration; most other marksmen back in Season 10 couldn't even get 35% as mortal reminder was such a high priority. This left them with 25% Penetration only.
    The identity I connected with for Corki came with how I built to play him. I focused on getting as much AD as possible because Corki's Ratios are insane; if you know how to utilize them, I will go for Manamune, Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Essence Reaver, Boots, and Void staff. I would frequently Skip Triforce entirely as it only offered 25 AD, and the spell blade wasn't even that strong as Corki's Base AD is not that high; Level 18 is only 97. His low base AD has made Divine sunderers Fixed damage value in Season 11 so powerful for him alongside the hybrid penetration the item gives him.
    Corki has several other very important details, the first being his package; yes, it spawns in at 8 minutes; you don't have to pick it up right away, though. Corki only has 1 minute after picking it up that he has to use the package, after which it will take 6 minutes to become up again. The test of a Corki player do they save the box for the right times. I have won so many games off just the box alone. It's essential to understand how it works, though. It has a flat value and a ratio value.
    The flat value is fixed until level 7, where it slowly rises each level, but at level 15 starts rapidly rising. The value starts at 7.5, rising by 1.5 after level 7 and 2.5 for level 15.
    The ratio value is based on Corki's Bonus Attack damage, this is to require him to purchased and complete items, but the payout is huge at a 1400% potential bonus AD ratio. The Bonus AD ratio doesn't help much early game, though. Also, to get the full 1400%, you'd need to burn a target the max length of time possible.
    As you start to understand Corki, you will learn that if you hit a target with the Package Dash that results in a guaranteed 2-second burn, this is a minimum 400% bonus AD. the package applies a crippling slow. If Corki uses the W after the package over the package line, it can easily result in the entire enemy team melting as they try to pursue him.
    Corki is a unique scaling champion, and his ultimate shows that most, at each rank of his R, the total AD ratio increases and allows him to tap into greater and greater amounts of his power. It is interesting how rank 1 is carried by base damage 90 and 180, but the ratio is pitiful at 15% and 30%. Then at Rank 2, the Base only Rises by 35 and 70, but the Ratio is increased a full 30% and 60% for big ones. This same huge power increase happens again at 16, and it causes his R to become a lethal and feared spell. The Big one dealing 320 + 150% of your Total AD.
    The last thing is about E. Corki's E is one of the few sources of resistance reduction in the whole game. This means it benefits all attackers, and it further enables his Sorc Shoes negation of MR.

  • @Beastbrush
    @Beastbrush 3 года назад

    Corki could be a fun concept of a old veteran yordle that blows stuff up but unlike Ziggs or Rumble he doesnt know his power & mostly just shoot what he sees. I do like the concept of him be able to keep his hybrid gameplay but some abilities need some changes especialy his Q, E & R. An concept for his small rework could be that for instance his R is kinda the same but is like a Kai'sa Q but mixed with Kog'maw Ult & with an passive of for every ability used, Corki gain a percentage of MS stacking to maybe 5 or 8 times making him becoming a bombardier kiter.
    One of Corki's worst abilities is his E for it can never gain the maxed power out of it so what if it can become a passive like Vi W that gives AS for every used ability making the gunslinger mage concept to life. About Corki's W should still be the same but gain the knocking away the enemies that Corki is dashing through so you dont have to rely on an 8min delivery that you either dont use, will miss or wont be effective enough.
    This is just a quick concept that i would like to discuss more about, maybe even for other champions that Vars call out why people dont play serten champions somuch, i enjoy it very much.

  • @garrettohyeah7365
    @garrettohyeah7365 2 года назад

    I miss the old corki, building trinity force and then crit and attack speed items

  • @zer0magician
    @zer0magician 3 года назад +1

    I've played quite a bit of corki and I can say he rly can carry I've always been in lower ranks but I've never rly had too much trouble playing him and carrying I was getting 20 to 40 kill games last season with him like on average he definitely has quite a few draw backs and a very up front play style for a squishyish adc and lacks a lot when compared to others with that being said he works very well as a median I rly think he's a very solid champ that ppl just can't quite use all his potential

  • @sethblyckert1163
    @sethblyckert1163 3 года назад

    If u just focus farming early in game and don't care about fighting it's easy win tbh. Corki is so good late game and when he can roam with package he is op. My tip is just farm, don't fight before u get first item ( Galeforce ) and roam when u get package. I often tell my jungler that he can focus other lanes or farming. With q and r you can farm without risking to get ganked. You do also have your W that makes it easy for you to check out.

  • @facundovazquez7296
    @facundovazquez7296 3 года назад +7

    I main Corki, i love his playstyle but I feel like he needs some more mechanics or a change in His abilities. He has LOTS of burst, DPS and Movility but he has NONE CC. you cant slow, stun, root ANYBODY unless you build rylais. i think that if his E reduces heals or if his ultimate slows at least a 20% he would be back in the meta instantly

  • @kyriosxx1627
    @kyriosxx1627 3 года назад +3

    The man is op in the mobile version, I've been destroying mid with him

  • @InsaneX5
    @InsaneX5 3 года назад

    I think they should change his passive to convert his autos 100% to magic damage. Change his E into doing only magic damage as well. And either convert any crit he builds into magic penetration or increase his ap scaling or make it so any ap he builds converts into pen.

  • @harrycchambers
    @harrycchambers Год назад

    Man, Vars, I love you and your content and happy new year, but I think if you had never put these disclaimers in you'd have like triple the subs right now. Cheers mate

  • @darkshock42mlg05
    @darkshock42mlg05 3 года назад +1

    your special delivery to crash into the Nexus tires because there's two of them as if they were the twin towers. It was a common strategy for L9 along with Disco nunu. Don't do that.

  • @ElJags
    @ElJags 3 года назад +1

    Corki's AoE dmg potential is what makes him special, if he had the same power as other champs he would be broken.

  • @BimBachelord
    @BimBachelord 3 года назад +1

    Usually I agree with your analyisis but the truth of Corki isn't that he's supposed to be self sufficient adc. Nor is he currently intended to be a mixed damage adc, infact he's the most magic dmg leaning champion in the game. He's the adc option you go in order to compenate for an otherwise heavy physical dmg team. He's an magic damage high scaling hypercarry that scales much like how ADCs do.. His Q has mixed scaling but does magic damage, same for his E and R. His W has AP scaling but the special delivery upgrade has incredible AD scaling as well. Even his auto attacks are scewed towards magic damage being 20 physical and 80% magical. His biggest item counter was adaptive helm and that was removed from the game. With adc itemisation he reaches and probably outperforms ryze and cass in terms of DPS
    Corki's function is as the best compensation for an AD heavy team.
    He even assists his allies by offering armour shred even tho he minimally uses it, to go along with his magic damage.
    Not to mention the consistency of his ult rockets and the sheen procs consistency he can accomplish, he has top tier DPS late into the game I'd say outclassing the likes of Cass and Ryze just not matching their dueling power.

  • @liamsmith1490
    @liamsmith1490 3 года назад +1

    I feel all he really needs is a QOL buff to his e make it target the closes enemy or last auto attack target.
    I do feel like his kit lack cohesion maybe a utility buff for his q like lucians w.

    • @andrewzheng4038
      @andrewzheng4038 3 года назад

      I'd just like his E to become percent shred instead of flat resistance shred

  • @89Metalli
    @89Metalli 2 года назад

    Funny watching this video and hybrid corki in pre season 12 is popping off lol

  • @thesun5275
    @thesun5275 3 года назад

    Shyvana is mixed. If you build her ad her w and e proc magic damage even faster as long as she keeps up her aas.

  • @andreitaker3527
    @andreitaker3527 2 года назад

    i remember corki's passive basic attack deals 55% physical and 55% magic for a total of 110% basicttack da

  • @Chris-rz3wq
    @Chris-rz3wq 3 года назад +3

    What if, after level 6, you could spend a few hundred gold to get your package instantly?
    Not meaning for it to be gold efficient, but the change would allow you to have your strongest ability reliably for a baron/elder or inhib fight. Everyone else is going to have much faster ult cooldowns in season 11, so why not?

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 года назад +1

      Yeah... no one would spend even 100 gold for the package. trust me.

    • @Chris-rz3wq
      @Chris-rz3wq 3 года назад +3

      @@VarsVerum Yet AD champs will sometimes spend 650g for a stopwatch at high level. Package could substitute as a damage mitigation against certain abilities, as long as you don't want to rejoin the fight.

  • @jinbe_of_the_sea4577
    @jinbe_of_the_sea4577 2 года назад

    And now there's a new build for him

  • @lucassherman7062
    @lucassherman7062 3 года назад +1

    dude corki is op in the botlane, you just have to be patient and wait for him to scale into his 3 item spike

    • @sevas9350
      @sevas9350 3 года назад +1

      this this this
      I started playing league 3 months ago and was stuck high bronze while juggling adcs and learning the game
      picked up corki in botlane, climbing easy through silver right now with 70% winrate even tho I still didn't grasp the game that well yet
      package turns the random teamfights around objectives into won teamfights every damn time, you can let their botlane push for plates and get a double kill by pushing them into turret with package, you got a guy helping you farm and scale for the late game monster he is

  • @Korsovin
    @Korsovin 3 года назад

    it's funny how corki in wildrift is a nightmare to deal with when he goes mid

  • @LuckyGnom
    @LuckyGnom 3 года назад

    Corki mid is insane right now. One of the best blind picks both for low elo and high elo. Unless you're a smurf, then just play assassins and win the game in 25 minutes. The only problem with Corki is that his kit is old, so people see him as an "easy" and "boring" champion, which is fine for me and my 80% win rate after 30 games in platinum. Few people know he's busted - fewer bans I get.

  • @personofinterest3816
    @personofinterest3816 3 года назад +1

    Its funny seeing this in season 11 were cho and Skarner are meta

  • @tryagaintmrw
    @tryagaintmrw 3 года назад +1

    in s11 he builds a tank mythic and HAS to be IE without 60% crit so no passive. I love corki but there are just so many better picks, yone and yasuo get constantly buffed while corkis core item manamune gets indirectly nerfed

  • @uwuxd6239
    @uwuxd6239 3 года назад +1

    corki is so underrated. i picked him up cuz i had 3.15k be and was wondering which champ to buy and since he was a mid champ and i play mid i bought him and oh my gosh does he do damage. i play him like an assassin even though you usually play him as an adc, but i can't cuz i'm shit at adc i can't position myself so i just 3 shot their most fed member with shieldbow

  • @M4gl4d
    @M4gl4d 3 года назад +10

    Eh, I think that it would be interesting if they switched corki's R and W. The package can be a nuke every 8 minutes so you can just pick someone and erase that person. And make his W into his R, with the length of the package. Essentially Rumble's ulti, but putting yourself into danger to use it.

  • @SuperCosmicSpaceMagnet
    @SuperCosmicSpaceMagnet 10 месяцев назад

    Corki is Ezreal for cool people.

  • @wombot2188
    @wombot2188 3 года назад +54

    I hate corki, the champion is a scam. He seem so interesting at first, throw bomb and rocket like a mage then fly through the fight and demolish enemy team with his W and E. But his gameplay is so boring, his kit does zero dame and he build crits

    • @claimant2912
      @claimant2912 3 года назад +4

      He takes quite a while to ramp up, and has low mobility. He does demolish though, with tri force/essence reaver into crit items

    • @wraith6233
      @wraith6233 3 года назад +2

      Sounds quite sad, I was rather interested in him..

    • @AlecstremeGaming
      @AlecstremeGaming 3 года назад +1

      He actually is really fun once you get to late game since that's when corki truly shines.

    • @gadgets__
      @gadgets__ 3 года назад +2

      @@AlecstremeGaming true, I feel like even mid game once you get a shield bow you can do pretty well

    • @christianacquasanta1472
      @christianacquasanta1472 3 года назад

      Didn't play this season but your main purpose is as a poke adc
      Doesn't seems like a viable strategy due how fast and flashy league has become

  • @BRKirne
    @BRKirne 3 года назад +2

    "Jax is not a hybrid because his magic damage doesn't scale off hybrid ratios."
    That's a very bad argument because a) what really matters is the split between phys/magic/true damage and b) the ratios mean even less when those champions usually have builds that are heavily biased towards one side. Akali and Kayle basically only build Gunblade on the AD side, and Shaco is either AP or AD, never both at the same time.
    Problem 2 ends up being a bad argument for the same reason. It doesn't matter that there are no good hybrid items for Corki because every ADC item (IE/RFC/Shiv/PD) IS an hybrid item for him since he converts that damage to magic. Corki does fullfill his role as a Hybrid ADC, even if his build is stuck between Ezreal and Crit ADC.
    His biggest issue IMO is that his niche doesn't justify his current strength. Sure, it's cool that you can have a marksman that deals mostly magic damage, but since most people pick him in midlane, you're competing against any other mage pick instead of competing against other marksman picks. And in botlane it feels like he doesn't do very well against most other ADCs.

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 года назад +1

      Jax is not a hybrid because he still does mostly physical damage. The split you're referring to is almost negligible. Kayle and akali are no longer hybrids because they've been reworked. That was the point of my argument that hybrids are being phased out.
      Problem 2 is that there IS no good hybrid items, that's a legitimate problem. And 80% being turned into magic damage means the 20% is almost negligible. Corki would have to be doing thousands of damage for you to justify building armor to offset his physical property.
      His biggest issue IYO is the biggest issue I stated in the video, he's just a B tier pick against S tier champions. Hence why I said, he needs more damage.

    • @HighLanderPonyYT
      @HighLanderPonyYT 3 года назад

      @@VarsVerum There are no AP+AD items currently. Rito hates hybrids, I guess. RIP

  • @joel7342
    @joel7342 3 года назад +7

    Corki lacks an identity and he is just outdated compared to all the new and reworked champions.

  • @moldveien1515
    @moldveien1515 3 года назад +2

    Corki has not been missing in competitive, he has been in the meta pretty much always in the classic corki azir lane.

    @LEVPQR 2 года назад

    Kinda funny because I just went against a mid corki as syndra, and I had to look him up because I had no idea what he does 😅 It was just funny because I know how long he's been in the game, but dont know him that much cause I rarely see anyone use him 😅

  • @RicardoAlmeidatm
    @RicardoAlmeidatm 3 года назад

    Every item he used to build is gone. Triforce doesn't give ap anymore, rageblade is full ad too and gunblade is gone. The only thing left is nashor's

    • @roejogan5212
      @roejogan5212 3 года назад

      Sunderer into Nashors into Ravenous Hydra is my favorite build on him nowadays

  • @moekacchi1326
    @moekacchi1326 3 года назад

    Special Delivery is basically his ultimate skill ww

  • @WizardKingSolo
    @WizardKingSolo 3 года назад +1

    Still waiting for Why no one plays Veigar Day 18

  • @dreamsmadeflesh1
    @dreamsmadeflesh1 3 года назад +69

    I think you're missing the biggest reason, his character concept seems bland compared to most other champions.

    • @ratspew932
      @ratspew932 3 года назад +10

      Do people really care about this that much? Genuine question. I also can become interested in a champion based on their design & character concept, but if I don’t like their mechanics I won’t play them more than a few times. In Corki’s case, I haven’t even checked out his story bc his mechanics never seemed like smth I’d like to play.

    • @rodrigoportalesoliva897
      @rodrigoportalesoliva897 3 года назад +7

      @@ratspew932 Some do! Design is important for a lot of people, to the point where you can refuse to play something strong cause you don't like the design (my case with Seraphine) or insist on playing someone weak or underwhelming cause you love the design a lot (me with Aphelios). Sometimes, people don't like playing a certain character, but when they get a particular skin, it all feels much better simply cause the design is cuter (my case with Thresh and Spirit Blossom Thresh). It really just depends on the person

    • @jackhanma2342
      @jackhanma2342 3 года назад +2

      I won't play this champ because he looks like an ugly piece of shi*.

    • @thatdodo8263
      @thatdodo8263 3 года назад +2

      @@rodrigoportalesoliva897 about the skin part, same with me and Sett i love his lore and design but how he looks in game is just bleh to me, mecha Sett fixes those problems and that i even got the special purple and gold chroma for him during the even

    • @frenchbre4d
      @frenchbre4d 3 года назад +7

      That's arguably not the biggest reason since people play Gragas a lot but his concept is so cliche and not even done that well by Riot(no hate on the fat man, I do play him quite often cause I love his kit, not his story/design)

  • @MisterAzizo
    @MisterAzizo 2 года назад

    This aged very well

  • @Numalex6690
    @Numalex6690 3 года назад +1

    I agree with a lot of this... but due to the diminishing returns of armor and magic resist isnt it actually more economical for enemy tanks to build a lower amount of magic resist and armor and then build hp against you?

    • @VarsVerum
      @VarsVerum  3 года назад

      The returns don't diminish until around 300+ Armor/MR, which rarely happens unless you're an Ornn, Malphite, etc.

  • @Panda.mp3
    @Panda.mp3 2 года назад +1

    now hes one of the best mids xD

  • @dylanmoran-rq5ii
    @dylanmoran-rq5ii Год назад

    corki main right here

  • @ViceN53X
    @ViceN53X 3 года назад +3

    That's cause everyone's busy playing the mediocre, overly edgy champions with fancy smancy abilities with flashy sword swinging. And Riot is busy profiting that. They keep releasing Katarina skins!
    On the side note, according to wiki, phosphorus bombs in real life can also hide people so I figured phosphorus bomb could do the same for allies. While it reveals enemies, it should also hide allies. Also I think it ignites combustibles so I'd say give it a damage overtime effect. What I'm thinking is making phosphorus bomb combo with missile barrage by enabling a lock on capability to those under the effects of phosphorus bomb. Similar to Cassopeia's fang. . . thingy. . . yeah, I don't play her but I'd like Corki to have a similar function with his phosphorus bomb.
    What was stupid about Corki's package is that it pushes people away from the fire, making it completely pointless. The dumbest argument I got from people is that it's suppose to be "rewarding" to put them back into the fire which is stupid because I don't see that kind of complication with all the other champions. The only reason why it's still effective despite this is because the enemy team always makes the mistake of following Corki into the fire. Everybody keeps making that habit.
    Also Corki's character isn't up to date either. He really needs a rework, not just in his abilities but also in his lore. Like who are the Screaming Yipsnakes? What happened to them? Is there a rival pilot or is he the only character who uses a flying machine?

  • @david191cm
    @david191cm 3 года назад +1

    Here’s a big brain idea riot: make the package purchasable for like 250/500 gold. Kind of like an elixir

  • @sushionaram
    @sushionaram 3 года назад +1

    I play him full ap bomb on Aram (kogmaw-like anti tank machine with dual mask) and he is fun af but his spells are kinda bland compared to modern champs or reworked ones.

  • @riverwild1110
    @riverwild1110 3 года назад +1

    You were talking about how he doesnt have alot of great items so in season 11 he should preform better

  • @Weerknuffelbeer
    @Weerknuffelbeer 3 года назад +1

    I feel that the most important reason that Corki feels crappy right now is itemization. Corki currently has no way to efficiently build MagPen (besides sorcerers' shoes) and Grievous Wounds (especially important in the current heal/ lifesteal/ omnivamp meta). Void Staff and Morellonomicon are bad because Corki has terrible AP ratios these days. Executioners' Calling works early- and midgame but becomes a waste of an item slot lategame as the ArPen on Mortal Reminder is completely wasted on him. MagPen and Grievous Wounds are essential in dealing with lategame bruisers, tanks and marksmen and this is why Corki falls off like a brick lategame despite being designed as a mid- and lategame champion. Fortunately the Grievous Wounds issue looks like it's getting resolved next season (Chempunk Chainsword looks like an excellent item for him) and the new Precision penetration rune might help him out as well. Although it might indeed be best to just give him %pen on his E instead of flat because designing an item that gives AD and %MagPen just for Corki is overkill.
    Another reason, although less important I feel, is that Corki has trouble laning against assassins, and the current soloQ midlane meta almost exclusively revolves around them.

    • @osmanaarslan
      @osmanaarslan 3 года назад

      There are no items and runs in the game synergic with corki, also ninjatabi boots-randuin-adaptive helmet counter so hard

  • @darkshock42mlg05
    @darkshock42mlg05 3 года назад +1

    Something about champions being weak or bad is that it's a numbers thing. Shyvana is a prime example.her numbers aren't very good right now so she's considered a bad champion and also for design is also kind of starting to suffer from old age. She went from being the hybrid Juggernaut to Zoe but she can only fight with her ultimate or a juggernaut that has kind of all right damage but nothing crazy unless she's against an entire team of tanks. I also kind of hate the fact that riot basically forced her to be a jungler instead achievement I can do both top and jungle. And also her passive has no place in this game. No objective bound abilities to do

  • @mojixmojos
    @mojixmojos 3 года назад


  • @ericcartman4091
    @ericcartman4091 2 года назад +1

    Corki is a god as adc,mid and even top against some match ups.
    I just dont understand why noone plays him^

  • @lukasbudek5537
    @lukasbudek5537 3 года назад +1

    I main corki mid have found his scalling to be very good with the manamune build i do though sometimes struggle against champions stacking mr in the late game but besides that i think he's very good against most matchups with how good he can waveclear at lvl 6 and with his package as a great roaming tool

  • @rhiino4822
    @rhiino4822 3 года назад +1

    I currently main corki and i think he’s pretty fun and strong although his items are very expensive and he’s very squishy and the movement speed is fun too

  • @WedgeOfHeaven
    @WedgeOfHeaven 3 года назад

    I’mma try Corki top once I replace my PSU. His early range and damage seems too low for mid, and definitely for bot or jg. Ranged top, but I mained Teemo until S11, so I’m already cursed. Teemo seems much weaker to me this season btw. Maybe it’s my playstyle.

  • @tyecrouter2749
    @tyecrouter2749 Год назад +1

    Question, I play only yordles, specifically rumble, ziggs, heimer and corki. Am I a bad person?

  • @morningstarlink
    @morningstarlink 2 года назад

    ohh man back in season 3 I use to main corki and kog maw now I dont even know how to use these guys xD

  • @murkel7634
    @murkel7634 11 месяцев назад

    In addition he is also has one of the most outdated champion models in the entire game.

  • @vinzer72frie
    @vinzer72frie 2 года назад

    I played him because i thought it looked funny and i did okay it can be deadly if youre not alone

  • @videos8159
    @videos8159 3 года назад

    Here is a corki main and I dont want to see any vids about him. He is a solide pick and I don‘t want him to get popular or even nerfed because of it

  • @JoeMama-eq4ti
    @JoeMama-eq4ti 3 года назад

    But we all have to agree that corki's passive early game hurts so fcking much

  • @fl3xxluthor206
    @fl3xxluthor206 3 года назад +1

    If they made his e work like taliyah q

  • @jakubwisniewski1827
    @jakubwisniewski1827 3 года назад +4

    I am a corki main and I am very scared for s11, I think crit corki will perish.