It was kind of comforting that all four types seem negatively portrayed. Urchins are boring, Whales are human doormats, Dolphins are irresponsible and Sharks are selfish. We all suck.. YeY!
Friends, for those that would like me to discuss something more about Myers, please don't mistake the intent of this training. This training is about giving average people a basic understanding of the 4 root personality types, how to recognize them, and how to communicate with them more effectively. I'm not trying to give people a Masters in human psychology in 10 minutes. I understand Myers... but frankly, I find it unnecessarily complicated. So... if you like Myers, sweet! Keep using it. This is a more basic level training. Thank you all for your feedback! More to come!
I like to have fun tell jokes entertain people but there are times i get extremely competitive but also like to design and build things to scale and sometimes I like helping people what the hell am I? a seafood basket?
+brain mcintosh Appreciate Video clip! Apologies for the intrusion, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard about - Dinanlinson Unique Echo Approach (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a smashing exclusive product for learning how to discover my personality type without the headache. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my GF got excellent results with it.
Why do all INFJ's think they are special, I admire your traits but it gets annoying. You guys love to throw around those euphemisms " Can't be molded into a specific category" newsflash, you already have been molded into a specific category, its called INFJ.
stankina1 it's not that we think that we're special, it's just that all of us feel the same and we love that we get to converse with people who can empathise with one another. Maybe it gets annoying because it's a literal trait that we feel this way?
''look for an engineer - that's an urchin, that's what they look like'' hahaha this cracked me up. my dad is an engineer btw and definitely fits the urchin personality traits
I am a dolphin-urchin-whale-shark in that order. I think personalities are much more complex and consists of combinations of these categories rather than a specific singular category.
I'd say for sure that all urchins would have an S over N preference because of being detail oriented, and sharks the opposite because of the big picture thing. Also whales seem like a classic SF and dolphins are most likely a P because of the late part. Using a bit of narrowing down I'd say: Urchins - xSTx Sharks - xNxJ Whales - xSFx Dolphins - xNxP
I watched this video yesterday and I was thinking to myself that I am an Urchin, but I have bits of the other traits too. I was comparing this with being right and left handed. Most of us, who haven't had an accident or birth defect, have two hands but one dominant. It doesn't mean we don't use the other hand and sometimes, there might be task where we are better with the other. And with practice we can learn to use the non-dominant hand better. Urchin is my dominant trait. I am an analytical type, but I have always envied Dolphins. I've always wanted to be the comedian on stag or the life of the party, but just didn't know how to do it. I used to put people to sleep telling them jokes, but I have also learned to be myself, not worry what they think and keep the story short. I'm still not a Dolphin but I think I'm better at it. You won't be seeing me at the Improve anytime soon.
I'm between a whale and a dolphin. But I'm trying to take notes from sharks and urchins so that i can have some more personal success.. I love helping people and I will never stop that part and energy in my life, but sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough for myself.
are you sure dolphins are not yellow and urchins are not blue? and whales green? because i researched a bit ant mostly these personality types considered different what you described :)
***** That should make you pretty normal I suppose...every one has a bit of each, but for a lot of us, some of theese colours are more dominent over others...
I believe there's more personalities than that. People always categorize the human brain, But there isn't only four types of people in the world. I met many people and most of them don't have these personalities. Including me, I don't even have any of these personalities.
Lol you probably won't reply back because you're comment was awhile ago. But you're right :-) also, I was just wondering can one be outgoing but not the centre of attention type? That they don't get noticed let's say in a party but there still outgoing vice versa..
I'm a cross between Green and Red. Yeah I'm competitive, long details bore me, and I do think about money. Not in a greedy way, just make sure I do my money managing right, and always thinking ahead about what to do with the money. But I'm also the alone at parties, have a eye for details, once I decide something is worth buying or putting time into, no one can talk me out of it.
I don’t think it’s greedy to want lots of money and be focused on that for whatever reason as long as your not manipulated or using people though I feel sales people might do it and Sharks most likely will do it Your still helping people get what they want even if you benefit too and you get more out of getting more money in your bank account then helping them. I wish I was more like a Shark but I would rather have fun while selling and selling something someone doesn’t want doesn’t sound fun to me. This video doesn’t mention, but I would like to point out a Dolphin can put a Shark on their place and do it with Finesse. Just like in nature a Dolphin can hurt a Shark badly if they feel they deserve it. I enjoy interacting with all sorts of people but sea urchins are way too guarded and don’t seem that interesting on new ideas on different adventurous philosophies foods places because they have to study it out first that would be so boring I’m yawning thinking about it. I’m curious how the four types are in the bedroom. I think a Dolphin or a Shark might be my first choice but a whale the giver might be fun to take advantage of 🤩
While connections can be made between this and MBTI, they are fundementally different. Color types are very behaviorist in nature, focusing on what the different types DO, and how you can spot them. MBTI and Jungian typology looks more at how people THINK. So while an INTP (for example) may look detail-oriented and meticulous (like an Urchin), this is just due to their intellectual nature, and they may in fact be more big picture, switching from big idea to big idea. I'm not saying that one typing technique is better than the other, but MBTI is bette- I mean, they both have their strengths. MBTI just has more.
I agree with your statement. As an INFP, you would assume I would fall into the "Whale/Yellow" category, but in observation to my working style, I am very much an "Urchin/Green".
When I am the scapegoat of my family and I suffer from depression due to (8th house in scorpio= depression, ocd, anxiety) scorpio moon= depression and hardest moon placement. And pisces rising= deep depression, suffer in physical complaints especially the mental state. Then I have master nr 11 -> only disadvantages the number such as -> mood swings, chronic fatique, insomnia, high sensitivity, deep depression, sleeping disorders -> the best -> workaholic. -> work to survive. Scorpio moon in 8th house+ 8th house in moon -> both is an indicator the I have to work to survive. And then I have pisces rising= dreamer , dreamer and dreamer and scorpio moon is awake when I have to do a class work. Then I am on time. Pisces rising = dreamer -> am I an Infp or an Intp?? Master nr 11-> infj. Born at 25.11.2000 Scapegoat of the family-> which personality type am I? A, B,C,D? In my whole life I wanted to be "smb" because my parents negelcted me and abused me and I was constantly playing video games. After I reached my high school degree I realised I played for 21 years a role that I am not. Why? I had to protect my vulnerable mask. I had to keep my shit feeling to myself. -> scorpio moon-> am I an personality type D? Sagittarius sun =my endgoal or my vision Scorpio moon = fight In between= freeze modus, anxiety, emotional outbursts Pisces rising = flight After my high school degree my left jaw cracked inwards and now I have a lose jaw and have a tinnitus in my left ear and pain in the small left bone in the face. I have cracking ears because in the is sth damaged and the doctors can help. This arent doctors. I was now once in the full fight modus -> scorpio moon= full fight. After that. After graduation then high school I realised I played for 21 years a role that I am not am. -> burnout. I was at home and in the bed and telling who am I, who am I, who am I. How I know I am personality type D or B or maybee A ?? With pisces rising you morph into another personalities. Nobody really knows you who you really are. My perspectives is completly different from everybody else. And it is hard to judge smb also racist because when you have pisces rising you are like santa clause -> you are to nice with pisces rising -> you are too giving -> but I hate it to taking advantage of somebody. I hate it when somebody uses me. I need to be an teacher-> official -> then I can give, give and give and had no problem to get used. Why? Because as official you get paid from society. That is my intention-> who am I ? Personality type D, B or A. I read sth that D personality type is teacher. Scorpio moon and pisces rising and saggitarius sun-> astrology. I know that I am a dreamer due to pisces rising-> attention span of pisces rising is = non existent. I know that I am an MBTI type INXX. Dreamer Mbti type-> P and not J. INXP-> INFP or INTP Another option is INFJ. In the school I was constantly sleeping and when we had a class work I was learning. And this learning was like a drug. My survival for the class work was scorpio moon. I had to learn to pass this class work. When I finished I was again in pisces rising-> dream world -> relaxing. I heard that Infj and Intp is similar. Infj is a perceiving function ( although infj has a j at the end and not a p. j for judging) because the dominant function of Infj is Ni and Ni is a perceiving function. Intp is more judging because his dominant function is Ti and Ti is a judging function. Intp? When yes which personality type am I? Infp? When yes, which personality type am I? Infj? When yes, which personality type am I? Which mbti is the dolphin? I think I am the dolphin. I am an entp or intp or infp or infj. -> which am I? all of them laid back. Which job for the dolphin?
This is like explaining all the rules of the road by using a traffic light. It’s way more complex but this will keep you from getting killed at an intersection.
Damn!!! This is just too good. Hahahaha Used to have a great white shark as background picture. Just laughing my head off when hearing about the sharks. Too good. Next point! Give me what I need to act... no details.
My wife is a dolphin/shark and I’m a urchin/dolphin. She wants to make a ton of money and I’m ok with living in a van by the river but I am also detail oriented.
Ok I think this could kinda go with the 4 temperaments Urchins: Melancholic Sharks: Choleric 100% Dolphins: Sanguine Whales: I guess Phlegmatic although I could see Sanguine too
That is much to simplistic for any meaningful personality typing. I'm an athletic mesomorph INTP (closest to your urchin) that doesn't fit the physical appearance you laid out. I may be a nerd,but I'm rather competitive, I like flashy cars and if two words could describe me it would be the "big picture". I was a jock in high school and extremely competitive. Get a few drinks in me and I could easily be the life of the party. You have basically laid out stereotypes that wouldn't yield a high success rate at reading people accurately. To read people accurately it requires a long study of real typing systems like MBTI or Socionics.
I think the characteristics were rather more specific.....and all the people can't fall in these four cetagories ....Some are between them and some completely different....
I am a loner like Urchins,wanna help other like whales,im almost everything that is doplhin and very competitive when its a specific competition that i am interested in.I guess i am a new personality type.I call it "Rainbow".
If youre good at life you can be a little bit of all of these just saying... but there will always be one of these characteristics you’re most comfortable with.
so the urchins sound more like the earth elements, whales sounds like the water elements, dolphins sound like the air elements, and the sharks are the fire... and there you have it
Sharks: NTs, analysts or gamma quadra or xxTJs Whales: NFs, idealists or Alpha quadra or xxFJs Dolphins: SPs, Artisans or Beta quadra or ENFPs Urchins: SJs, Guardians or Delta quadra or INTJs
I'm half of all four (not in a look at me i'm defferent/special way) URCHIN: i'm a very very critical thinker i break down things like movies & broadcast also other human input ( so that info doesn't go to my subconscious without me understanding the segments ) i will break it down to the bare minimum ,i call rubiks cub-elucidation WHALE: i don't know about hugging & being the emotional punching bag,but i have more of a spiritual purpose of HELPING other as in a indigo ,starseed,planet earth over all type. DOLPHIN: since i have a since to be of an indigo i tap into duality ,so i won't get lost of everything being peaches & cream so some times i let loose, & become free of responsibilities . SHARK: i get pretty competitive but more so with myself about how much i can gain so i could break down the info given me ,so i can better see the world & try best to spread the new discoveries ,conspiracies be they negative or positive (with are harmonious simultaneous at play ) the more i reach out that way i reward myself by the gained spirituality manifestation . tapping into honest authentic conference ,attractiveness,intellectual levels rising or lowering if i want ,connecting with energy , ect ( not like overcompensated material superficial , self esteem )so i can be at my sharpest & the ultimate party animal / competitor. I A LOT MORE PEOPLE HAD THIS UNDERSTANDING/INNERSTOOD ,BUT I'M JUST AS GREATFUL FINDING MY OWN BLESSING
I’m an urchin though I get bored with repetition and I can be competitive. I see the big pictures when something doesn’t matter too much to me! I’m absolutely opinionated once I’ve decided and people find that annoying! I’m surprised that you admire that! Also Dolphins drive me nuts!
Actually I'd say urchins are def S over N bc of details and sharks the opposite because of big picture. I'm guessing this whole video kind of focused on temperaments in which case each type would most likely be: Urchins - ST Sharks - NT Whales - SF Dolphins - NF
I dont believe this is MBTI. I believe this is DISC. They are smilar but not the same, which is why peopl say I am a little bit of everything! By his description of Urchins, this mostly likely is INTJ, ISTJ, but can also be an INTP and others as well. This is the reason why I like MBTI bc it explains how a type begins to think and not what their actions are.
I've got no idea what I am hahah. I guess I could be everything but an urchin :D Generally I am very interested in helping people, seeing things objectively and put others before me, but also have quite sharkish characteristics. I am pretty fast and a big picture thinker, and I was pretty sure in being a shark until the part about being self obsessed came along. I guess I am a bit dolphinesque as well :D
It's not that simple. Major events can transform people. Free traits can be imbibed into personalities permanently if the psychosocial trigger lasts long enough. What I mean is this; you may have met an urchin years ago, who lost a precious influencer in your absence, and then turned unto a shark. A dolphin can become a detail oriented urchin after a short dramatic or extended physical or psychosocial tsunami. Our personality can change 360 degrees at any moment. To be successful everyone must speak the same language, which is the language of the sharks. You have to be extremely competitive to survive the harsh reality, the world we live in - otherwise everything you own will be taken away from you. Yes sharks can smile. They do that in retrospect, meaning after crushing their adversary. There is no way around this. You have to be a shark or become a shark to stay in business. We are living in a capitalistic world were only sharks are marked to dominate & survive. Make no mistake. Upgrade yourself to the level of ruthless shark if you want your lineage to survive into the next millenium. It not about feelings or urchins or whales or dolphins. When push comes to shove, only the sharks make it to the next level. It's the law of natural selection. Do not ignore the competitive unless you plan on going extinct. You owe me money for my time. Nice presentation by the way.
Matthew Potts If I was a shark, i would make a better, to the point video to compete with this, instead, I'm a whale helping everyone to save 2 and a half minutes of their life listening to bullshit.
haha exactly...EVERYONE is different..and cannot be put in one of your little 4 oversimplified boxes....this is merely a reflection on how you simplified the reality to make it easy for you to label people...cause if everyone is a person of their own , things get complicated doesn't it? there is an endless variety of 'personality labeling' on the net..but this one was an lazy simpleton . I am also an enfp by the way...
I used to be a whale but im turning into none of these???? I cant relate to any of these enoght to say im one of them. All i know is that i used to be a whale. What does that mean?
It was kind of comforting that all four types seem negatively portrayed. Urchins are boring, Whales are human doormats, Dolphins are irresponsible and Sharks are selfish. We all suck.. YeY!
Drey XD haha I haven't finished watching this but that was funny I do thank you for the laughs have a blessed day sir
I love you and your analogy..perfect
Friends, for those that would like me to discuss something more about Myers, please don't mistake the intent of this training. This training is about giving average people a basic understanding of the 4 root personality types, how to recognize them, and how to communicate with them more effectively. I'm not trying to give people a Masters in human psychology in 10 minutes. I understand Myers... but frankly, I find it unnecessarily complicated. So... if you like Myers, sweet! Keep using it. This is a more basic level training. Thank you all for your feedback! More to come!
Have u ever met someone who didn't really fit in any of those boxes. And if so how would you describe their personality trait?
@@davise26 That is THE main question.
am I the only one who thought of ravenclaw, slitheren, griffindor, and hufflepuff while watching this
Katplays .Stegner I actually thought of the factions from divergent
Hufflepuff -> Whales
Ravenclaw -> Urchins
Griffindor -> Dolphins
Slitheren -> Sharks
could be!
@@RaphaelCGA no.
huffle = earth = green = urchin = pearshape
raven = air = yellow = whale = endomorph
griffin = fire = red = shark = heartshape
slith = water = blue = dolphin = ectomorph
@@zainbbintmohammad6353 Yes! So did I!
I like to have fun tell jokes entertain people but there are times i get extremely competitive but also like to design and build things to scale and sometimes I like helping people
what the hell am I? a seafood basket?
+brain mcintosh Appreciate Video clip! Apologies for the intrusion, I would love your thoughts. Have you heard about - Dinanlinson Unique Echo Approach (Sure I saw it on Google)? It is a smashing exclusive product for learning how to discover my personality type without the headache. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my GF got excellent results with it.
ImMADasAMeatAxe too funny
As a INFJ, I feel that I'm all four of these. Because we see all sides of everything and can't be moulded into a specific catagory
+sophie rees Wow, I feel exactly the same!
Hi :D, I is infj too
Why do all INFJ's think they are special, I admire your traits but it gets annoying. You guys love to throw around those euphemisms " Can't be molded into a specific category" newsflash, you already have been molded into a specific category, its called INFJ.
stankina1 it's not that we think that we're special, it's just that all of us feel the same and we love that we get to converse with people who can empathise with one another. Maybe it gets annoying because it's a literal trait that we feel this way?
stankina1 no I'm good thanks, would have to stand under you for you to even get anywhere near
I don't really fit into any of these. What about a sea turtle? haha
You are divergent!
on any given day, maybe some influence would cause an out of type reaction, eh?
Try holding onto one underwater they are crazy strong
''look for an engineer - that's an urchin, that's what they look like'' hahaha this cracked me up. my dad is an engineer btw and definitely fits the urchin personality traits
I am a dolphin-urchin-whale-shark in that order. I think personalities are much more complex and consists of combinations of these categories rather than a specific singular category.
I tried combining this model with Myerrs-Briggs:
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Seconded. As an INTJ, I think that I relate a lot to the shark traits as well.
DEFTEYE 'Urchin' in the marine sense, as opposed to Oliver Twist.
+Liam M Yes, as an INTJ, I also think something between an urchin and a shark.
I'd say for sure that all urchins would have an S over N preference because of being detail oriented, and sharks the opposite because of the big picture thing. Also whales seem like a classic SF and dolphins are most likely a P because of the late part. Using a bit of narrowing down I'd say:
Urchins - xSTx
Sharks - xNxJ
Whales - xSFx
Dolphins - xNxP
i am also an Intj,i am also between urchin and sharks (short tempered,detailed and often late kind of guy)
I'm a Whark
Whale shark
I watched this video yesterday and I was thinking to myself that I am an Urchin, but I have bits of the other traits too. I was comparing this with being right and left handed. Most of us, who haven't had an accident or birth defect, have two hands but one dominant. It doesn't mean we don't use the other hand and sometimes, there might be task where we are better with the other. And with practice we can learn to use the non-dominant hand better.
Urchin is my dominant trait. I am an analytical type, but I have always envied Dolphins. I've always wanted to be the comedian on stag or the life of the party, but just didn't know how to do it. I used to put people to sleep telling them jokes, but I have also learned to be myself, not worry what they think and keep the story short. I'm still not a Dolphin but I think I'm better at it. You won't be seeing me at the Improve anytime soon.
I'm between a whale and a dolphin. But I'm trying to take notes from sharks and urchins so that i can have some more personal success.. I love helping people and I will never stop that part and energy in my life, but sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough for myself.
are you sure dolphins are not yellow and urchins are not blue? and whales green? because i researched a bit ant mostly these personality types considered different what you described :)
Try MBTI. Use the four basic temperaments (although 16 types) of NF, NT, SJ, SP
Tomodachi Life stole this recipe in the game
Urchins = melancholic, ravenclaw, Whales = phlegmatic, hufflepuff, Sharks = choleric, slytherin, Dolphins = Sanguine, gryffindor
this is so awesome ! Thanks for this illustration and lesson!
I'm taking notes on this and other similar videos so I can learn all these personality types. Fair to say I'm an Urchin.
Any quiz that correlates with these
Reminds me of MBTI temperaments/Socionics quadras.
How to identify them
MBTI and Helen Fisher:
Sharks: Thinkers / Directors /Rationals (expressive of Testosterone)
Feelers / Negociators (Expressive of Estrongene/Oxytocin)
Urchins: Judgers / Builders (Expressive of Serotonine)
Dolphins: Persievers / Explorers /Artisans (Expressive of Dopamine)
+Linda I seem to be all four
+MechanicalMartialArtist You're the AVATAR!
That should make you pretty normal I suppose...every one has a bit of each, but for a lot of us, some of theese colours are more dominent over others...
What if im all
Why is this different from the ones I learned
i am half dolphin half whale.. what do i do?
I believe there's more personalities than that. People always categorize the human brain, But there isn't only four types of people in the world. I met many people and most of them don't have these personalities. Including me, I don't even have any of these personalities.
Lol you probably won't reply back because you're comment was awhile ago. But you're right :-) also, I was just wondering can one be outgoing but not the centre of attention type? That they don't get noticed let's say in a party but there still outgoing vice versa..
I'm a cross between Green and Red. Yeah I'm competitive, long details bore me, and I do think about money. Not in a greedy way, just make sure I do my money managing right, and always thinking ahead about what to do with the money. But I'm also the alone at parties, have a eye for details, once I decide something is worth buying or putting time into, no one can talk me out of it.
I don’t think it’s greedy to want lots of money and be focused on that for whatever reason as long as your not manipulated or using people though I feel sales people might do it and Sharks most likely will do it Your still helping people get what they want even if you benefit too and you get more out of getting more money in your bank account then helping them. I wish I was more like a Shark but I would rather have fun while selling and selling something someone doesn’t want doesn’t sound fun to me. This video doesn’t mention, but I would like to point out a Dolphin can put a Shark on their place and do it with Finesse. Just like in nature a Dolphin can hurt a Shark badly if they feel they deserve it. I enjoy interacting with all sorts of people but sea urchins are way too guarded and don’t seem that interesting on new ideas on different adventurous philosophies foods places because they have to study it out first that would be so boring I’m yawning thinking about it. I’m curious how the four types are in the bedroom. I think a Dolphin or a Shark might be my first choice but a whale the giver might be fun to take advantage of 🤩
While connections can be made between this and MBTI, they are fundementally different. Color types are very behaviorist in nature, focusing on what the different types DO, and how you can spot them. MBTI and Jungian typology looks more at how people THINK. So while an INTP (for example) may look detail-oriented and meticulous (like an Urchin), this is just due to their intellectual nature, and they may in fact be more big picture, switching from big idea to big idea. I'm not saying that one typing technique is better than the other, but MBTI is bette- I mean, they both have their strengths.
MBTI just has more.
I agree with your statement. As an INFP, you would assume I would fall into the "Whale/Yellow" category, but in observation to my working style, I am very much an "Urchin/Green".
I’m both gold and orange but I can’t decide what job fits me
When I am the scapegoat of my family and I suffer from depression due to (8th house in scorpio= depression, ocd, anxiety) scorpio moon= depression and hardest moon placement. And pisces rising= deep depression, suffer in physical complaints especially the mental state.
Then I have master nr 11 -> only disadvantages the number such as -> mood swings, chronic fatique, insomnia, high sensitivity, deep depression, sleeping disorders -> the best -> workaholic. -> work to survive.
Scorpio moon in 8th house+ 8th house in moon -> both is an indicator the I have to work to survive.
And then I have pisces rising= dreamer , dreamer and dreamer and scorpio moon is awake when I have to do a class work. Then I am on time.
Pisces rising = dreamer -> am I an Infp or an Intp??
Master nr 11-> infj.
Born at 25.11.2000
Scapegoat of the family-> which personality type am I? A, B,C,D?
In my whole life I wanted to be "smb" because my parents negelcted me and abused me and I was constantly playing video games. After I reached my high school degree I realised I played for 21 years a role that I am not. Why? I had to protect my vulnerable mask. I had to keep my shit feeling to myself. -> scorpio moon-> am I an personality type D?
Sagittarius sun =my endgoal or my vision
Scorpio moon = fight
In between= freeze modus, anxiety, emotional outbursts
Pisces rising = flight
After my high school degree my left jaw cracked inwards and now I have a lose jaw and have a tinnitus in my left ear and pain in the small left bone in the face. I have cracking ears because in the is sth damaged and the doctors can help. This arent doctors.
I was now once in the full fight modus -> scorpio moon= full fight. After that. After graduation then high school I realised I played for 21 years a role that I am not am. -> burnout. I was at home and in the bed and telling who am I, who am I, who am I.
How I know I am personality type D or B or maybee A ??
With pisces rising you morph into another personalities. Nobody really knows you who you really are. My perspectives is completly different from everybody else. And it is hard to judge smb also racist because when you have pisces rising you are like santa clause -> you are to nice with pisces rising -> you are too giving -> but I hate it to taking advantage of somebody. I hate it when somebody uses me. I need to be an teacher-> official -> then I can give, give and give and had no problem to get used. Why? Because as official you get paid from society. That is my intention-> who am I ?
Personality type D, B or A.
I read sth that D personality type is teacher.
Scorpio moon and pisces rising and saggitarius sun-> astrology.
I know that I am a dreamer due to pisces rising-> attention span of pisces rising is = non existent.
I know that I am an MBTI type INXX.
Dreamer Mbti type-> P and not J.
Another option is INFJ.
In the school I was constantly sleeping and when we had a class work I was learning. And this learning was like a drug.
My survival for the class work was scorpio moon. I had to learn to pass this class work.
When I finished I was again in pisces rising-> dream world -> relaxing.
I heard that Infj and Intp is similar. Infj is a perceiving function
( although infj has a j at the end and not a p. j for judging)
because the dominant function of Infj is Ni and Ni is a perceiving function.
Intp is more judging because his dominant function is Ti and Ti is a judging function.
Intp? When yes which personality type am I?
Infp? When yes, which personality type am I?
Infj? When yes, which personality type am I?
Which mbti is the dolphin?
I think I am the dolphin.
I am an entp or intp or infp or infj. -> which am I? all of them laid back. Which job for the dolphin?
It is OKAY to be all 4?
What if you have split personalities?
This is like explaining all the rules of the road by using a traffic light. It’s way more complex but this will keep you from getting killed at an intersection.
I did this test at school today and am really sad because I got Shark (Which is definitely the worst one) :(
I am intp and a Urchin. also my favorite color is green.
My teacher said i was a strong nf is y that good
I am an urchin and shark?
Damn!!! This is just too good. Hahahaha
Used to have a great white shark as background picture. Just laughing my head off when hearing about the sharks. Too good. Next point! Give me what I need to act... no details.
I am none of these types. Is there a fifth type?
Funnily I possess all those types of personality according to how I'm feeling in certain days, is this wierd ? Or do I have personality disorder?
fantastic wayto explain personality
I remember taking a test that had something similar to this xD I turned out to have a good balance of all except red! im not very competitive haha
Same, lol lmao
I think i'm a little of them all depending on where I am and what I'm doing.
+MechanicalMartialArtist see my comment on top. You're an octopus :D
My wife is a dolphin/shark and I’m a urchin/dolphin. She wants to make a ton of money and I’m ok with living in a van by the river but I am also detail oriented.
Ok I think this could kinda go with the 4 temperaments
Urchins: Melancholic
Sharks: Choleric 100%
Dolphins: Sanguine
Whales: I guess Phlegmatic although I could see Sanguine too
That is much to simplistic for any meaningful personality typing. I'm an athletic mesomorph INTP (closest to your urchin) that doesn't fit the physical appearance you laid out. I may be a nerd,but I'm rather competitive, I like flashy cars and if two words could describe me it would be the "big picture". I was a jock in high school and extremely competitive. Get a few drinks in me and I could easily be the life of the party. You have basically laid out stereotypes that wouldn't yield a high success rate at reading people accurately. To read people accurately it requires a long study of real typing systems like MBTI or Socionics.
So in other words, the urchin is the melancholic, the shark is choleric, the whale is the phlegmatic, and the dolphin is sanguine.
interesting video, very informative about understanding about how different everyone is
Thank you for the helpful video
Urchin and shark
I think the characteristics were rather more specific.....and all the people can't fall in these four cetagories ....Some are between them and some completely different....
I am a loner like Urchins,wanna help other like whales,im almost everything that is doplhin and very competitive when its a specific competition that i am interested in.I guess i am a new personality type.I call it "Rainbow".
@@nguyenthuat970 😂😂
@@nguyenthuat970 homophobe
I'm an ENTP and a mix of shark and dolphin. Like I'm messy and like to be the center of attention but I am super competitive and love to win.
Dandan Are you a whale and an urchin?
Dandan You'e just like my mom! She's the exact same as you yet we actually get along fine, unless I leave a mess or I'm being my argumentative self
Dandan Thank you!!! That's one of the biggest compliments I could recieve!
If youre good at life you can be a little bit of all of these just saying... but there will always be one of these characteristics you’re most comfortable with.
I'm a dolphin and urchin. So contradictory!
@Joker dolphin with anxiety
Great job
You should search up about "the Myers personality. Know as MBTI. 16 personalities"
i'm an urchin/dolphin
I wonder what they are all called when combined coz that's me.
then let's add another category called a "FISH"
these are the one's who fall under the middle of all those 4 personality traits.
I disagree. There are 4 types of people: Sheep , Sheep dogs , Wolves and Farmers. Think about it..
so the urchins sound more like the earth elements, whales sounds like the water elements, dolphins sound like the air elements, and the sharks are the fire... and there you have it
Sharks: NTs, analysts or gamma quadra or xxTJs
Whales: NFs, idealists or Alpha quadra or xxFJs
Dolphins: SPs, Artisans or Beta quadra or ENFPs
Urchins: SJs, Guardians or Delta quadra or INTJs
Urchin : Ravenclaw
Shark : Slytherin
Whale : Hufflepuff
Dolphin : Gryffindor
I'm half of all four (not in a look at me i'm defferent/special way)
i'm a very very critical thinker i break down things like movies & broadcast also other human input ( so that info doesn't go to my subconscious without me understanding the segments ) i will break it down to the bare minimum ,i call rubiks cub-elucidation
i don't know about hugging & being the emotional punching bag,but i have more of a spiritual purpose of HELPING other as in a indigo ,starseed,planet earth over all type.
since i have a since to be of an indigo i tap into duality ,so i won't get lost of everything being peaches & cream so some times i let loose, & become free of responsibilities .
SHARK: i get pretty competitive but more so with myself about how much i can gain so i could break down the info given me ,so i can better see the world & try best to spread the new discoveries ,conspiracies be they negative or positive (with are harmonious simultaneous at play )
the more i reach out that way i reward myself by the gained spirituality manifestation .
tapping into honest authentic conference ,attractiveness,intellectual levels rising or lowering if i want ,connecting with energy , ect ( not like overcompensated material superficial , self esteem )so i can be at my sharpest & the ultimate party animal / competitor.
This is very helpful!
I am 50% green
30% yellow
19% red
1% blue
I'm all.... Is that normal
Thank u and nice video
Urchin. Myers Briggs personality test says I'm an ISTJ. Makes sense.
I'm a sharchin.
such a great video! I love the humor! 🤓
Idnt think I'm any
I think I have a personality disorder because I'm just a mish mash of all these it's ridiculous.
I’m an urchin though I get bored with repetition and I can be competitive. I see the big pictures when something doesn’t matter too much to me! I’m absolutely opinionated once I’ve decided and people find that annoying! I’m surprised that you admire that! Also Dolphins drive me nuts!
Urchin-dolphin combo with the competitiveness of sharks
Urchins - ITxx
Sharks - ETxx
Whales - xNFx
Dolphins - XSxP
MBTI breakdown
Actually I'd say urchins are def S over N bc of details and sharks the opposite because of big picture. I'm guessing this whole video kind of focused on temperaments in which case each type would most likely be:
Urchins - ST
Sharks - NT
Whales - SF
Dolphins - NF
+Helloworld what do those letters mean?
brandon arreola Google Myers-Briggs Personality Types
I'm for sure a dolphin, i was laughing because its so accurate! And Yes, I do have poptart wrappers in my bedroom lol
I dont believe this is MBTI. I believe this is DISC. They are smilar but not the same, which is why peopl say I am a little bit of everything! By his description of Urchins, this mostly likely is INTJ, ISTJ, but can also be an INTP and others as well. This is the reason why I like MBTI bc it explains how a type begins to think and not what their actions are.
I think that this could also be linked to True Colors. Green, Gold, Orange, Blue.
Woah I'm 50% dolphin, 50% shark tbh.
I'm a wholphin
INTJ .choleric, owl my signs....also LEO Year of the Tiger ...diamond likes yellow/ whale yes true
I'm all 4 😅
I've got no idea what I am hahah. I guess I could be everything but an urchin :D Generally I am very interested in helping people, seeing things objectively and put others before me, but also have quite sharkish characteristics. I am pretty fast and a big picture thinker, and I was pretty sure in being a shark until the part about being self obsessed came along. I guess I am a bit dolphinesque as well :D
Oh you got some flavor ;)
It's not that simple. Major events can transform people. Free traits can be imbibed into personalities permanently if the psychosocial trigger lasts long enough.
What I mean is this; you may have met an urchin years ago, who lost a precious influencer in your absence, and then turned unto a shark.
A dolphin can become a detail oriented urchin after a short dramatic or extended physical or psychosocial tsunami.
Our personality can change 360 degrees at any moment.
To be successful everyone must speak the same language, which is the language of the sharks. You have to be extremely competitive to survive the harsh reality, the world we live in - otherwise everything you own will be taken away from you.
Yes sharks can smile. They do that in retrospect, meaning after crushing their adversary.
There is no way around this. You have to be a shark or become a shark to stay in business.
We are living in a capitalistic world were only sharks are marked to dominate & survive. Make no mistake. Upgrade yourself to the level of ruthless shark if you want your lineage to survive into the next millenium.
It not about feelings or urchins or whales or dolphins. When push comes to shove, only the sharks make it to the next level.
It's the law of natural selection. Do not ignore the competitive unless you plan on going extinct.
You owe me money for my time.
Nice presentation by the way.
Can't you be all of them?
Video actually begins @ 2:25, anything before is bunch of annoying, not to the point jibberish.
Your shark is showing.
Matthew Potts If I was a shark, i would make a better, to the point video to compete with this, instead, I'm a whale helping everyone to save 2 and a half minutes of their life listening to bullshit.
+Sylvia Lopez shark confirmed
+sara tone in shark confirmed (continue thread)
haha exactly...EVERYONE is different..and cannot be put in one of your little 4 oversimplified boxes....this is merely a reflection on how you simplified the reality to make it easy for you to label people...cause if everyone is a person of their own , things get complicated doesn't it? there is an endless variety of 'personality labeling' on the net..but this one was an lazy simpleton . I am also an enfp by the way...
I'm at little of each. Go figure!
Thanks Brian ✅✅✅
video begins at 2:22
Im a shy Dolphin I think
I see some shark, Whale, and Dolphin in me... is this possible??
I'm a little bit of all of them! I'M SPECIAL!
I used to be a whale but im turning into none of these???? I cant relate to any of these enoght to say im one of them. All i know is that i used to be a whale. What does that mean?
+Req Catz parasite :D
dolphin it is.
Great video... the "like a pitbull... they lock on" was an ignorant comment but its still a good video.
I'm mostly an urchin with a bit of whale thrown in. In fact, I have Asperger's Syndrome, and Urchin sounds like a pretty apt description of that to me
I'm such an urchin! LOL. But, I do manage to have personality.
I'm what I call a aggressive... I'm aggresive
Whale/Dolphin mix