Iron Maiden - The Writing on the Wall Explained

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024

Комментарии • 144

  • @BrianBiggerstaff
    @BrianBiggerstaff 3 года назад +28

    This is the most genius of Metal journalism I have ever seen. Alex you should be mighty proud of this. God bless you my friend! You have an amazing heart and brain!

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +1

      Hey Brian, wow, thank you so much for your kind words, in a world where negativity is widespread you took the time to share a compliment. Thanks again and I wish you all the best! I'm always going to do my best to create content that is interesting and informative, in order to promote how rock and metal can have lots to say about culture and society. Cheers! Up the irons!

  • @tomdrigs5635
    @tomdrigs5635 3 года назад +13

    To those seeking knowledge about Iron Maiden's video The Writing On The Wall. Follows complete interpretation of the whole video.
    It's all about the Books of Daniel; 2 Thessalonians, Revelation and Matthew.
    ''The Belshazzar Feast'' Feast of Belshazzar, is from Daniel 5, which tells about the prophecy that King Belshazzar
    saw when a hand wrote about his fate on the wall, telling him that his end has come, hence the title The Writing On The Wall.
    And the rest is all from the Book of Revelation, with some small details from other biblical books.
    On the same prophecy about the now probably near future that will take this whole system to destruction and ultimately the restoration of the world by divine intervention.
    - The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (represented with motorcycles) who bring War, Death, Plague and Famine. (Revelation 6)
    - The global leaders who will give their authority to the antichrist who will be a man who will lead and deceive the nations at the end of this age.
    (Clearly confirmed as he turns into Satan in the end) (Revelation 17:12-13)
    - The mark of the beast that will be on the hand or forehead (maybe not visible as an implanted chip or anything else actually visible like a tattoo, or object, etc. The bible says only a ''mark'', the mark of the beast, yet to be seen in future what it is in fact) that without it no one will be able to buy or sell. And anyone who doesn't have it and refuses to worship the antichrist will be killed. (that's why one of the men in the video tries to
    pass the green fence and putting his hand it turns red and he is denied and killed) (Revelation 13:15-18)
    -The antichrist who will sit in the temple as if he were God (In the third temple that will be built in Israel, which by the way, they already want to build, google it) (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
    The second was destroyed 70 years after Christ, as Christ had prophesied. So there will be a third.
    - The wrath and plagues of God that finally arrive and the return of Jesus Christ in his glorified state
    (Revelation 1:7) (Revelation 14:9-10)
    - Did you notice that people have sores all over their skin? It is a plague that will have all who have accepted the mark of the beast
    and worship the antichrist (Revelation 16:2)
    - The plague of locusts that attack and injure all people who have accepted the mark of the beast and the antichrist. (Revelation 9:2-10)
    - The Destruction of the Antichrist and all who follow him (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12)
    Eddie's sword is also a reference to Jesus who says He brought the sword, to bring division.
    It will separate the good from the bad. Separating the wheat and the weed (Matthew 10:34) (Matthew 13:24-46)
    - And finally - The restoration and resurrection of mankind from those who rejected the antichrist and accepted Jesus Christ. (Revelation 20:4-6)
    - The woman and the man at the end who are saved and eat the fruit. In Revelation it says that in paradise the Tree of Life will exist again, as in Adam and Eve time, and the saved people will eat from it (Revelation 2:7)
    And look, they are saved. Jesus is the Savior of all who believe.
    Just copy these verses without parentheses into an online bible and you'll see.
    The lyrics say: '' A tide of change is coming and that is what you fear. The earthquake is a coming but you don’t want to hear
    You’re just too blind to see ''
    Because the vast majority of the population fears one thing, but they don't realize the big trap they are going to.
    Which also clearly refers to the present moment. Too blind to see.
    It's a much deeper message than most see. And the clear references to Adam and Eve, and Belshazzar's Feast are a clear message that this is biblical and Iron Maiden wants people to be curious and research.
    I saw it right away because I read the entire Bible a few times and even though I don't go to any church, I believe in the scriptures and study them.
    The bible has prophesied with incredible precision since the beginning, we have proof of this in history itself.
    Example of Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled:
    - Fall of the City of Tyre;
    - Fall of Babylon;
    - The destruction and rebirth of Israel;
    - The existence of the Vatican (founded in 1929) predicted more than 1800 years before it exists (The whore described in Revelation 17, the ''woman'' who dresses in purple and scarlet, surrounded by riches, that great city, which drinks from the blood of the saints referring to the inquisition, the ''woman'' who is located near the 7 hills).
    NOTE: It is important to note that Iron Maiden obviously represented these biblical figures in their own version and adding some elements of their own imagination, such as the green fence that people pass through to figuratively represent some of the biblical details. Therefore, it is important to read the original scriptures in the chapters and verses cited, to have a real understanding of the scriptures as they are in reality and to have your own reflections. It's obvious that the bible does not say that the antichrist is a blue man with long hair. This is just the Iron Maiden's representation in this video. Just like the mark of the beast does not appear in the video, as no one knows exactly what it will be yet. But as many think that MAYBE it's a chip implanted in the skin, MAYBE because of that, or simply omission, we don't see it in the video.

    • @tommycoz4220
      @tommycoz4220 2 года назад +1

      You really put a lot of work into this

    • @Sillimant_
      @Sillimant_ 7 месяцев назад

      elon musk has confirmed the first neuralink chip. looks like a good candidate to me

  • @gdr1174
    @gdr1174 3 года назад +17

    I think Eddie giving the apple at the end is a cheeky twist from Bruce.. we're led to think Eddie is the saviour... but is he?

    • @MacobstonProductions
      @MacobstonProductions 2 года назад

      That's a good comment.

    • @Greasy__Bear
      @Greasy__Bear 2 года назад

      To me that's the point. He is definitely just starting the next tyrannical empire.
      The song is not a match with biblical prophesy it is rather a proud man's wet dream of being a slightly less bad version of the current system, and thereby appear to be a saviour. Basically the antichrist.

    • @gamergamer5721
      @gamergamer5721 2 года назад

      Exactly! i couldn't help but keep thinking that we were watching the whole thing from the perspective Eddie wanted us to see, Adam and Eve saving and apple scene was somewhat a confirmation to me.

    • @youtubehatesfreespeech2555
      @youtubehatesfreespeech2555 Год назад

      It's always one sided and self-serving... every narrative falls into that category. God or the Devil, it doesn't matter.

  • @bravenewozzy
    @bravenewozzy 3 года назад +23

    I like the Apple analogy of 'hope and wisdom' But I'm afraid it's also an analogy of "evil that man do, lives on" That Humans just will never learn from the mistakes from the past. The Adam and Eve characters are repeating the mistake of taking and eating the apple, dooming themselves...again....

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +3

      That's right, OttawaCityMadman. It'll be cyclical until we learn the lesson or til we got no more chances to try again. But Eddie tried to bring Senjutsu, which can also be translated as wisdom. He showed the way, whether humans are going to follow is a different story.

    • @AnirudhMurali9999
      @AnirudhMurali9999 3 года назад +5

      I disagree... i think the fruit from the tree of knowledge represents knowledge, and the doing away of dogma... and most of what religious leaders do is use the dogma to control and oppress

    • @jayhallas8606
      @jayhallas8606 3 года назад +3

      interesting complexity the bible the serpent gives eve the the vid samurai eddie gives the adam figure the apple.....trying something different or nah?....jmo

    • @stephanmaier5634
      @stephanmaier5634 3 года назад

      God point! Instead of going it alone they are again followers.

    • @stephanmaier5634
      @stephanmaier5634 3 года назад +1

      @@AnirudhMurali9999 I think the fruit represents falling out of perfection.

  • @TKCoutside
    @TKCoutside 3 года назад +30

    PS. I think it’s more the general image of the politicians doing well, while we all suffer. Trump was actually a step away from the career politicians that have taken us to where we are… If anything, we need more non career politicians in government, more business people, regular people. And the America/British connection is contrasted with the China/Russia (the little robot bear) connection. Or, East versus West I guess 🤷‍♂️ There’s a lot here!

    • @pmelo4641
      @pmelo4641 2 года назад +1

      Thank you for this statement.

  • @tonymontana3467
    @tonymontana3467 8 месяцев назад +1

    Nice summation. I agree. Iron Maiden are phenomenal musicians!

  • @windog551
    @windog551 3 года назад +11

    That does not look like trump. It's the Ceos from one of these tech companies or coca-cola.

  • @chakchinalai827
    @chakchinalai827 3 года назад +3

    The apple represents choice and free will. Your content is excellent, brother.

  • @MrCitizenPlanet
    @MrCitizenPlanet 3 года назад +2

    People walking to the feast are like the folks lining up for the JAB Liveforever

  • @scottblankenship650
    @scottblankenship650 2 года назад +2

    That was probably the best in-depth interpretation of a rock video ever:)

  • @davidl2078
    @davidl2078 3 года назад +1

    Another analyst suggested pre-metamorphasized Eddie as Moses. Which works cause he coming to free the slaves, in this case, humanity. Plus the burning bush you suggest ties in and is great. Add in the resurrection and you have a dogmatic hodgepodge of good will defeat evil.

  • @bravenewozzy
    @bravenewozzy 3 года назад +3

    And it really struck me as I watched your break down Alex. The song Face in the Sand from Dance of Death really fits this story as well. I see it as a Prologue to this Tale of Bal'zrs Feast. Bruce really fleshed out what he was setting up in Face in the Sand:
    Everyone's waiting for something to happen
    Everybody's waiting for something to see
    Lunatics waiting for bigger disasters
    Everyone's waiting for news on TV
    Winding lives at the end of the spiral
    Waiting dictators with their next big thrill
    Everyone's looking, but no one is listening
    Everybody wants to be in at the kill
    I wait for the signs, they tell me true
    I see the signs of the end time
    Everyone's searching, but nothing's revealing
    Everyone's looking for the reason why
    Everyone's hoping for life ever after
    Everyone's looking at death from the sky
    Everyone's nightmares are going to happen
    Everybody's ripping the mask from their eyes
    Everyone's praying but no one's believing
    Everyone's heroes tell everyone's lies
    I wait for the signs, they tell me true
    I see the signs of the end
    So I watch and I wait
    And I pray for an answer
    An end to the strife and the world's misery
    But the end never came
    And we're digging the graves
    And we're loading the guns for the kill
    Can the end be at hand?
    Is the face in the sand?
    Future memory of our tragedy?
    Can the end be at hand?
    Is the face in the sand?
    Future memory of our tragedy?

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +1

      It's a fair comparison, Ottawan, but I see Face in the Sand as a tale that highlights how passive humans are. We wait, we watch, we pray we hope. We only do passive things. With TWOTW, we're still acting passively but we have Eddie showing us the way. Either way, both refer to Ozymandias. A bleak/ dystopian future where faces in the sand and monuments will be the tokens of our memories.

  • @rnasap
    @rnasap 3 года назад +2

    This video was deep, and I was attempting to piece it together. 2 things to add. post apocalypse, the scorpion is one creature that will survive, either nuclear of toxic waste, but next to the barrel of waste, he dies. The other, I wondered if the heavy dude in the limousine was a representation of Trump, but I need more than his hair color to make this assumption. Thanks for your great insight into this video.

  • @TheRealAstroChicken
    @TheRealAstroChicken 3 года назад +18

    He's not a Trump character. He's just "Fat America".

    • @bravenewozzy
      @bravenewozzy 3 года назад +3

      I wish they would have made that character look more like Trump. That would have been perfect. But Trump definitely fits and can represent "Fat America" to a T though! lol

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      I like your take on it, I agree, TheRealAstroChicken. They would probably be sued if they had portrayed him to a T, haha. However, a good way of thinking is that even in the far future, hundreds of years form now, when we're both long gone, there will always be someone (very likely a leader) who will try to take advantage of the system and oppress the weak links. It is on us and our future buddies to slowly but surely fight this. That's what Iron Maiden is doing, through art.

    • @rickycolney5156
      @rickycolney5156 3 года назад +9

      @@bravenewozzy Trump don't smoke dude. That Character more likely represent Corrupted Democrats Politicians who takes advantage of people like you.

    • @chuckconner3694
      @chuckconner3694 2 года назад

      @@bravenewozzy Trump is not part of the elite ruling class. They hate him. Not sure why so many think that is him.

    • @bravenewozzy
      @bravenewozzy 2 года назад

      @@chuckconner3694 But he thinks he is. lol

  • @sergiopaulino859
    @sergiopaulino859 3 года назад +4

    Awesome explanation thank you.

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      Thank you for watching, Sergio, cheers!

  • @gerryiannuzzi815
    @gerryiannuzzi815 3 года назад +12

    Thank you for this interesting interpretation. I think your pretty much on target. You put in a lot of effort here.

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +3

      My pleasure, Gerry. I hope you can return to the channel for more videos like this one, all the best! \m/

  • @Greasy__Bear
    @Greasy__Bear 2 года назад +2

    The problem is the "hero" at the end is starting the next evil empire.

  • @iternityhuman1782
    @iternityhuman1782 Год назад

    Wow! I didn't catch all of that info, very, very deep good job.

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  Год назад

      Thanks a million, Iternityhuman! Please come back for more videos :)

  • @LewisMcDonaldBass
    @LewisMcDonaldBass 3 года назад +2

    Awesome video Alex! Keep them coming! Very informative

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      Thank you for stopping by, Lewis! All the best, bud!

  • @chantalrioux3292
    @chantalrioux3292 2 года назад +1

    Awesome analysis of the song and video! Loved it thank you Alex! Only different perception I have is at the end. When Eve and Adam eat the apple, it is like everything comes back to the same story. Eating the apple is the sin that started everything in the old book and Eddy just helped it started over again. So it means whatever happens, it always come back to the same thing. That is my perception. Thanks!

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  2 года назад +1

      Hey Chantal, your version is more like the oroboros, the universe that inflates and contracts, I like that too! Thank you for commenting. Cheers!

  • @hollowayndtengineeringinc.5201
    @hollowayndtengineeringinc.5201 3 года назад +8

    It is a great song, isn't it?

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      It sure is, Paul! Music, lyrics and video... it's multiliteracy all the way, haha

  • @Ironslag
    @Ironslag 7 месяцев назад

    What I thought about the end Apple is that perhaps Eddie is giving humanity a new chance again, and humanity falls back to its own ways, but it is of humanities free will, and they already fail again from the start, eating the forbidden fruit.

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  6 месяцев назад

      absolutely, a second chance! Thank you, thundervagabond

  • @jdean7895
    @jdean7895 3 года назад +1

    You got it right Bloke, great job

  • @PainterSonic
    @PainterSonic 3 года назад +1

    Couldn’t be described better imo. 👍👍👍

  • @logandumont
    @logandumont Год назад

    I actually interpret the Apple given to Adam and Eve at the end as “doom”. The apple in the Bible represents temptation as the “forbidden fruit.” In the video, I see Adam and Eve as a hopeful new beginning, but in the end history is bound to repeat itself.

  • @firebird16may1979
    @firebird16may1979 3 года назад

    Thank you Alex, this is the first time I get to your channel, I really enjoyed watching your video and was really excited… well done man

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      Thank you so much, Firebird! I hope you find the time to watch the other ones as well, cheers! Talk to you soon

  • @eleos11
    @eleos11 3 года назад

    Well done Alex! I was really sceptical about the video clip, and your interpretation is geinously wonderful!!! Συγχαρητήρια!!! Subscribed!

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      Σας ευχαριστώ, Georgios! I'm so glad it was somehow helpful to you, and I appreciate the sub, I'll try my best to produce quality content. Τα λέμε σύντομα!

  • @sircharles7323
    @sircharles7323 3 года назад +2

    Great interpretation Alex, thanks a lot! Here some of my ideas: For the chines dragon: The first man pulling this dragon looks like a Tibetan for me. He is representing the occupation goals of china. The other people pulling the dragon look like you and me. They could represent the community of global consumers, who have to work for products and technology made in china in low budget jobs. USA and Europe had lost their leadership in production by outsourcing everything to china. Their leaders and industrials made good business for themselves as they betrayed their own nations doing that and they still do not admit, that they have destroyed the future of their own people, as they still celebrate the glamour of past times with their limousines and traditions. Nobody of the poor people pulling the dragon recognizes in their every day rat race, that they support the growth of the new greatest military power, as this giant missile is camouflaged by this dragon. But the dragon is following behind the failed role models, so also the dragon will fail sooner or later ...

  • @KARYTTAH_PopMetal_Rock_BAND
    @KARYTTAH_PopMetal_Rock_BAND 3 года назад +1

    Spiritism explains the Direct Writings by Spirits.
    Maybe we are the first Spiritist band of Pop-Metal Rock. Check out our sound and lyrics. But don't pay much attention to the rustic English, hahaha 😀

  • @wayneshilcock3027
    @wayneshilcock3027 3 года назад +6

    The bozo clown with the many screens I believe signifies the internet and its power of distraction and addiction, also the apple represents going back maybe to do it all again with a fresh perspective.

  • @mylovesongs2429
    @mylovesongs2429 3 года назад

    Awesome interpretation of the video! Thank you!

  • @marti6650
    @marti6650 3 года назад

    Such an interesting, spot on and detailed analysis! Great job!🤙🏼

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +1

      Glad u enjoyed it, Martina!

    • @marti6650
      @marti6650 3 года назад

      @@alextamulis glad you brought this content here! ✨

  • @micahwatz1148
    @micahwatz1148 3 года назад +3

    The song is about the consequences of rejecting God. That’s literally what happened to Belshazzar. He rejected God and his empire crumbled.

  • @ronaldjorgensen6839
    @ronaldjorgensen6839 Год назад

    thank you

  • @sketos_d
    @sketos_d Год назад

    Nice analysis
    but I wanna note that traditional and old ideals in general aren't necessarily a bad thing

  • @predragradenkovic
    @predragradenkovic 2 года назад

    Dude! This is awesome analysis!

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  2 года назад +1

      Hey Predrag, thank you so much!

  • @alitlweird
    @alitlweird 2 года назад

    That first line is reminiscent of The Kinks’
    _Living On A Thin Line_
    So Which character in this video is President Potato? Or is he not represented in this modern allegorical masterpiece?

  • @ludwigthedwarf7678
    @ludwigthedwarf7678 Год назад

    22:40 the fruit is obviously a reference to genesis

  • @ninjartist36
    @ninjartist36 2 года назад

    "The Golden Gate Bridge Torn apart"
    That's what the Golden Gate Bridge exists to do

  • @bornalecosta1701
    @bornalecosta1701 2 года назад

    O my goodness thankyou so much.❤️

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  2 года назад +1

      I'm the one who needs to thank you, Bornale!

  • @aihamelhalabi8979
    @aihamelhalabi8979 3 года назад +1

    Verygood job bro...
    Iron maiden is giving us the last msg with this song and truly believes that the savior is coming verysoon its mentioned in all religions and also in many other book, thank you iron maiden for everything
    And thank you for this good job...

  • @MotoXplor
    @MotoXplor 3 года назад +1

    On the cross, flying goggles and dogtags from Aces High.

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +1

      you're absolutely right, Greg!

  • @Barrythebomb
    @Barrythebomb 3 месяца назад


  • @pinetree7895
    @pinetree7895 3 года назад +5

    Nice analysis. You got the end wrong, i think. Eddie giving them the apple is a direct reference to humans continuing to make the same mistakes that were made in the garden...believing the lies of the devil. This world is ending. And everyone putting their hope in it will end with it. The overall point humans need to get is that our hope needs to be placed into things unseen and largely unknown by us, the new heaven and earth. The Kingdom of God! Outside of this world and its heavens. A kingless realm.

    • @AnirudhMurali9999
      @AnirudhMurali9999 3 года назад +1

      Your notion of good and evil are a bit misinformed... Why would the tree of knowledge be a bad thing, since ignorance is darkness, but knowledge is light. Maybe god is the real oppressor of humans, and humans perpetrate more harm by using false "moral" authority, as we see, the politicians. The only people missing are religious heads.

    • @Enkrod
      @Enkrod 3 года назад +1

      Yeah no, somehow I don't think Iron Maiden subscribe to that.

    • @pinetree7895
      @pinetree7895 3 года назад

      @@AnirudhMurali9999 People always forget...its the tree of knowledge of good AND EVIL! Whereas before that, it was all good.

    • @pinetree7895
      @pinetree7895 3 года назад

      @@AnirudhMurali9999 People always forget...its the tree of knowledge of good AND EVIL! Whereas before that, it was all good.

    • @pinetree7895
      @pinetree7895 3 года назад

      @@AnirudhMurali9999 jehovah/lucifer/zeus, the "god" of israel, IS an oppressor! The Son of God cameto save us from the CURSE of his LAW.

  • @nairibalaian9376
    @nairibalaian9376 2 года назад

    I think the apple represents knowledge,wisdom and a new start,as humans were ignorant and were living under the control of governments
    and powers,by giving a bite the apple the first man and woman were born and got the knowledge that powers were afraid the humans would get (sorry for my English).

  • @notarealspy4090
    @notarealspy4090 3 года назад +3

    i had a brief thought that the Bush of fire might've been a nod to Metallicas Creeping Death as the Bush of fire makes an appearance there too, that and they're both of hebrew origin

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад +1

      That analogy also works, *Not a Real Spy*... under that perspective, Belshazzar's tower would be a pyramid, the starving people would be seen as the enslaved hebrews and the antagonist would be the pharaoh himself, that would totally overlap with Creeping Death. The 4 seals that the Eddies have opened (Sword, Death, Plague, Famine) are all featured in the lyrics of Creeping Death.

  • @dpapa2175
    @dpapa2175 3 года назад +1

    Maiden's take on ozymandias

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      D Papa, I couldn't agree more, Percy Shelley reimagined. On the pedestal of the statue appear the words, “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!” But everyone is already dead and the statue is buried in the sand.

  • @SC2Edu
    @SC2Edu 2 года назад +1

    Very interesting that Bruce wrote this song. Maybe it is a critique to himself also, since he supported and voted for Brexit, which was the embodiment of narcissists leaders leveraging people ignorance.

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  2 года назад

      Thank you for commenting, VM! It definitely raises questions for future debates. Talk to you soon! Cheers

  • @Tariqmajeedofficial
    @Tariqmajeedofficial 3 года назад +2

    Well Explained . Try to Read Quran ( Holy Book of Muslims) with Translation, your concepts will become more clear. Regards

  • @sircharles7323
    @sircharles7323 3 года назад +2

    The gravestone in the sand with the writing "no prayer for the dying" could represent the inhuman covid 19 measures in many countries during the pandemic, not to let people celebrate the funeral with their beloved ones that had past away :-(

    • @xavierjoe3389
      @xavierjoe3389 2 месяца назад

      What if some iron maiden songs were biblical warnings don't get me wrong but could be that this album was a warning and they leave us with it

    • @sircharles7323
      @sircharles7323 2 месяца назад

      @@xavierjoe3389 Maybe, Bruce is very much into historic things and a very clever man indeed, much more than a metal singer indeed.

  • @chakchinalai827
    @chakchinalai827 3 года назад

    It's obviously a tribute or conclusion to All Along the Watchtower.

  • @andrewjacobsen5384
    @andrewjacobsen5384 3 года назад +2

    Look at all the comments where Trumpers try to say it's not Trump! He perfectly fits as the megalomaniac type of leader Bruce is railing against.

    • @mosgor
      @mosgor 3 года назад

      I do not believe in an interpretation on such a personal level. This is about biblical prophecy, about philosophy and the nature of the world. The fat rich cigar smoking American is the European interpretation of American wealth (stretches decades back in time). Anyway - Remember that Bruce Dickinson is pro Brexit and wants autonomy for Britain.- Hmm... That donkey in front of the caravan....

    • @chuckconner3694
      @chuckconner3694 2 года назад

      If that's Trump, why is his car being pulled by a donkey? The symbol of the Democrat Party. Trump is a Republican and a man reviled by the ruling elites. That's who Bruce is going after here. Other than being fat, Trump doesn't look like the guy or fit that sterotype.

  • @jayhallas8606
    @jayhallas8606 3 года назад

    pretty good stuff

  • @MartinArscott1
    @MartinArscott1 2 года назад

    I believe the leader figure depicts Putin, king of the north ie Russia (as per the book of Revelation)

  • @beorngare
    @beorngare 3 года назад

    The "Sic transit Gloria Mundi" at 1:24 is also a very nice one. Painted on a... pipe? of oil? just love those details

  • @ronaldjorgensen6839
    @ronaldjorgensen6839 3 года назад

    5 arm dj pilot from farscape you call clown

  • @teacherkellyreis
    @teacherkellyreis 3 года назад

    That was a great video! Brazilian fans: disponibilizei mini aula de inglês aqui e nas redes para quem se interessar em aprender de graça e com Maiden! Se gostarem, sigo a série.

  • @monkeyballs342
    @monkeyballs342 2 года назад

    everyone has scabies lol

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  2 года назад

      Indeed! Malnutrition, unfortunately. The greedy ones are all healthy, though. Or at least well fed and well protected. They don't want to share their stuff with the rock masses! :)

  • @christophercasimir1986
    @christophercasimir1986 3 года назад +4

    I don't think it's Donald Trump. I think it's just the stereotype of white American.

  • @christophercasimir1986
    @christophercasimir1986 3 года назад

    The geeted area

  • @shahisidzman1414
    @shahisidzman1414 3 года назад

    Currently, I do not understand at apology...

    • @alextamulis
      @alextamulis  3 года назад

      Shahis, you can toggle subtitles on the cog button, I hope that helps, thank you for your message anyway :)

  • @MsGeoffh
    @MsGeoffh 2 года назад

    A definition of today’s left.

  • @ingesnack1799
    @ingesnack1799 3 года назад

    I am tired of the lefties Trump-hate!

  • @MsGeoffh
    @MsGeoffh 2 года назад +2

    Sorry mate it ain’t Trump way more Biden like.

    • @dylanramz2924
      @dylanramz2924 Год назад

      That ain’t even biden like

    • @MsGeoffh
      @MsGeoffh Год назад

      @@dylanramz2924 Biden is a retarded amoeba so yes it's all him.

  • @user-ly1ml6ue9n
    @user-ly1ml6ue9n 3 года назад

    God is the devil
    The father of jesus is the real god