Thank you for explaining this in a simple manner, I work for a Oncology product company and we have 2 Immuno-Oncolgy products work PD-1 and CTLA4 pathways...your video helped me gain further knowledge
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 Well, you’re in a great field because it seems there is still a lot we don’t know, so a lot of discoveries yet to be made. I tried to post a link (but YT wouldn’t let me) to a piece in the Thur 8/5 Wall Street Journal entitled “Could the Covid Vaccines (and others) Prevent Alzheimer’s.” [See if you can find it]. It was very interesting. Apparently, the TDAP vaccine and others, when given to older people, seems to reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s. It noted that the BCG vaccine, which isn’t given much in North America (because one you take it, you’ll always test positive on a PPD) has been observed to prevent other illnesses. People who have been inoculated with BCG seem to have fewer colds, for instance. I recall seeing an article last year about a researcher at Harvard who was studying the effects of the BCG vaccine saying that BCG seems to stimulate a part of the immune system that we don’t know much about. Very interesting. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing your knowledge here.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Thanks for making this video! All of them are interesting and clear! I do have an unrelated question, how does a natural killer cell work and can it be affected by cytokines?
Thanks a lot! This is the best T cell video I've ever watched! What do CD4 and CD8 mean?It looks like that they are some receptors on the T cell surface.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
To create antibodies, cd4 what do they need? I have a seronegative celiac disease. I had a total atrophy with no inflammatory markers. I also developed atherosclerosis and ms.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
I have a seronegative celiac disease that it seems to be refractory at this stage. I have my hla dq2 positive ( hla dq2 and hla dq8 associated with celiac disease). I thiught that i had and IgA deficiency but It seems that is not the case. In this case, would you think that is cd4 failure or immature b Cell ? Last year i had my latest gastroscopy and my cd3 counts were below the 25 counts. How can you test for immature b Cell ? Is It part of the Mhc 1 or 2 ? IgA and IgG are produced my Mhc 2, IgE Is Mhc 1 or 2 ?
So, if a disease progresses faster than the T-cell expansion, does that contribute to negative outcomes or morbidity? How does a high or low viral load affect immune response?
What do you think of the doctor who is saying cd8 cells drop after covid vaccination and there has been something like a 20 times increase in endometrial cancers he is seeing since January? Could this be possible?
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Am very late to this discussion but came across it as I was looking for an explanation in a case I have where CD4 count is .10 CD8 is .24 and CD3 is .66 (all 10*9/L). What I cant figure out is CD4 added to CD8 would only be .34 which makes CD3 194% of that. I thought Cd4 plus Cd8 should almost equal CD3. So, what then is expressing CD3 but is not a CD4 or CD4?
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Informative..A Question. What is the normal T-cell and helper cell count, for "young" people in their early 50ties:). I took a full test from a laboratory, and it came back that i had a normal immune system..all levels were in the green Zone (set values) but id like to know if ia person still can improve and boost the immune system to levels like being mid 20ties age? I took the test beacause i am waiting for Novavax vaccine and have been doing so for over a year. Another question. Is it possible that having all the child diseases like smallpox, and all the other "happy" viruses that ruin the childhood for a period of time:). Can they lay as a foundation for some natural immune system boost against Covid? Some sort of natural T-Cell kick in system for viruses with similar structure like Corona viruses in general? Hope for an answer..thank you from Sweden.
Ok you have asked several good questions. 1) The average CD4 T cell count is 500-1200 T cells per milliliter of blood. Being in your young 50s shouldn't change that. 2) Yes you can improve your immune system with exercise. NPR had an article last year about frequent bike riding giving people immune system performance of a 20-30 year old. Spending time in the woods or tree bathing improves Natural killer cells. Even going to group therapy if you have cancer improves your immune system. Eating healthfully does too. 3) The theory that frequent colds when you are younger boost and trains your immune system is likely true. It is a theory as to why children are doing better at fighting off COVID. No real data here though and the effect seems to wear off once they are teens. No luck for us.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Do you think it is necessary for someone to get a Covid vaccine if they have recovered from Covid? Memory T cells are already there now, so what's the purpose of a vaccine? Also I am curious about reinfection with Covid. What does a second infection look like? Is it less severe because of established immunity? These are common concerns for many people. Thank you. You are an excellent teacher.
Good question, and the answer is complicated. Some people will make a memory B cell response with lots of antibodies and others will not after getting COVID. Early in the pandemic, there were research papers showing that people who had COVID only had antibody protection for 3-6 months. People who are vaccinated are protected for close to a year by antibodies. There are not very many side by side antibody level researcher papers, so it's hard to say. You could have your doctor measure your antibody levels to COVID to see how you responded. For most people, it is safer to get vaccinated even after beating COVID. Ask you primary care doctor what they recommend!
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 Many thans for your interesting presentations and good replies to questions! Well done! My question: do you have an update or a plan to explain natural immunity in regards to Covid-19? Many people, like me, ar not planning to get vaccinated since I have developed a natural immunity that I plan to check regularly with my doctor! Looking forward to your reply!
@Krista Davis, Look up somatic hypermutation. Each new exposure expands the T-cell and antibody epitope coverage giving you increased immunity against future mutations.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Can you talk about how T-cell receptors are created and the difference between them and antibodies? There’s some talk about peptide vaccines. “Peptide-based synthetic vaccines, also called epitope vaccines, are subunit vaccines made from peptides. The peptides mimic the epitopes of the antigen that triggers direct or potent immune responses.[1] Peptide vaccines can not only induce protection against infectious pathogens and non-infectious diseases but also be utilized as therapeutic cancer vaccines, where peptides from tumor-associated antigens are used to induce an effective anti-tumor T-cell response.”
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
What if you believe you had Covid in Dec. 2019 when they were not doing any testing and you feel as if you and your husband have been dealing with Long Covid ever since, he's 72 with RA, PVC's and early COPD, I'm 62 with Chronic Osteoarthritis High BP and early COPD, is this VAX safe for us ?
You could ask your doctor to check your blood for antibodies against COVID. That way you would know whether or not you had previously had COVID. I would ask your doctor what they think. Novavax has no reported blood clots right now or heart inflammation, but it hasn't been tested on as many people as the other vaccines yet.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Thanks for the thourough explanation. Also, I was wondering, is it also correct to say that T memory cells are daughter cells of CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells?
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Very cool video...the times we are in makes me wish I had more attention in high school :). If I am understanding your video and the second contraction associated with the second dose of a vaccine; I to assume that a "booster" vaccine shot would initiate; a third expansion/contraction cycle? I am guessing depending on the amount of T-cells remaining would be higher or lower for some leading me to believe a booster may not be needed, but could not hurt. I also don't understand why they call it vaccine breakthrough when the vaccine delivers a payload and is gone from the system after delivery, it really seems like it is just a person immunity break through weather through a vaccine or viral infection.
Yes you are correct. A booster vaccine would initiate a third expansion/contraction cycle. It should increase the amount of memory B and T cells. A booster shot may not be needed right now. Boosters would only be needed if antibody levels start to decline. Studies are underway, but I haven't read any booster shot data. I don't think the reporting on "breakthrough" infections is very clear. I would like to see some comprehensive data about how many vaccinated people are in the hospital versus unvaccinated people are in the hospital. The only thing I saw recently is that unvaccinated people are the majority of deaths in the US.
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
There seems to be a growing push to highlight unvaccinated people as being more dangerous to society as a whole during the current pandemic. I'd like to see some of the science behind that illustrated. This video, I think, has some of the mechanics involved in answering that, and it'd be great to see how it extrapolates into that assertion. One way or another.
i think its a bunch horseshit lol.. they be trying, and some what in persuit FORCING it on to the entire population. thats 340 somthing million.. here i'll right that number out of you to be clear lol.. 340,000,000. as if all 340 million of us are too weak to handle cov2, knowing that its not us to worry about, its that little 15% of us that can not handle or will get a very severe case of cov2 anyways, that we only needed to worry about and to protect. and all 15%ish which is is what? 50 million of us, all have medical files and history. they know who is at most severe and fatal risk... YET!!!...they aiming to force vaccinations on all 340,000,000 of us. and thats whats complete horeshit about this. buttom line know? if you ask me, there is just an aweful amount of money in taking care of a problem, by drawling it out, making it last longer and more of an issue that it actually is. all they need to do is call up and warn that 15% to fallow all safety measures and stay home as much as possible. they got us all on medical file and history. imagine if the out break started and instantly the hospital staffs just started dialing up every person over 50 with obesity issues with high anxiety and diabetes? and then after that monster list was warned, they started dialing up just the 60+ with fine health? that would of saved 300,000 lives i bet easily. dialing up all them people sounds like a big feat. but would been well well worth all their lives instead. imagine the hospitalization that would not have accured? imagine the people that hate heart issues with check ups, let alone ones that died, waiting because of the hospitals being flooded with cov2 patients? heck...imagine non of our states seeing basically no economical disruptions? nor suicides that this has created? its sat i graduated with a 3.5 gpa and i came up with that myself. and not a multi thousand person team of experts and for free. didn't cost me nothing to save 300K shit is so got dam retardedly. which leads this back to this... some one wanted this choas to happen. nods
It is really hard to talk about vaccines are not feel like it's polarizing right now. It was not that polarizing in the 1950s when the Polio vaccine was saving children from being unable to breathe and walk. There's so much information and an awful desire to pit different groups against each other, so I want to say that it's awful to make people feel dangerous. I think it's actually that unvaccinated people with certain health conditions are in danger. I just saw an article from the Associated press that almost 99% of the COVID deaths in the US right now are from unvaccinated people. Several people in the comments have mentioned they are young and healthy and willing to take a chance with COVID, and that's their choice. I'm trying to think about how to visualize your question as a video. It's a great idea. I'll see if I can come up with something.
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 - yeah. we all should of been just super glad that we got a vax less than a year after a new virus broke out. but nope. they had to go and turn it into this...a shit story tbf. aiming blame at fellow americans for the deaths of others. yeah. great idea. unite us my ass. demonize one half of the nation. thats just a great way to unite lol
@UCpu83xPnAs5lBSDxb96RQbg - they don't know what they are fooln with. nods they should be reminded that humanity has seen many many many pandemics. it lived through them all and our immune system has always done its job. at 7 billion on the planet. many many folds more than just a 100 years ago. let alone 500 years ago. what is this exactly...deny the reality of the human time line? man made everything, has always had its flaws and shelf life. natural selection, immunity has always evolved. it tuned us into 8 billion. i tend to think..our geniuses think they can do better and we all are the proof atm that they can not. its nice see genuine nice people wanting to be nice to others. so we gotta give credits to the Doc here. shes the elephant in the atm lol...hey doc. you an elephant k? lol :)
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 Thanks. To be clear, I'm not anti vaccines, more anti "scapegoating", if anything. I actually just watched a video of Dr. Fauci from within the last few weeks where he states that measurements of the amount of virus in the nasopharynx (?) of both a vaccinated (with a breakthrough infection) person and unvaccinated (with infection) person equals about the same. So obviously, being vaccinated doesn't put a force field around you that prevents the virus from even entering your system, so does it somehow prevent it from leaving? Seems to come down to how quickly a vaccinated vs unvaccinated individual's immune system destroys all virus in their system, thus preventing transmission.
Yes, the immune system is amazing in our bodies. Truly complex and crucial to life. How we could have been created by chance through evolution to be the humans we are is not credible. It took a God, a Great Designer, to create us.
@@bobman929 No I don't, do you!? If you think such complexity could be evolved over time you are entitled to your own opinion. What is being a troll related to having a Christian belief in a creator God. Evolution is not proven but is still only a theory. If you want to believe you descended from a miniscule blob or soup you are entitled to your own opinion. I follow a lot of Medical Channel's and am especially interested in the Immune System since the Covid-19 Virus has been around.. I used to be a State Registered Nurse so why shouldn't I be interested in medical and scientific matters!? I have a life thank you very much that's why I can engage in communication with you accusing me of being a troll when I am not. Lol
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful to GOD
OMG, you are so much better than my teacher!
Thank you for explaining this in a simple manner, I work for a Oncology product company and we have 2 Immuno-Oncolgy products work PD-1 and CTLA4 pathways...your video helped me gain further knowledge
Wow. Thank you for your kind words. Good luck with your oncology research.
Why are you still living with HIV when *Dr Alued on RUclips* have herbal remedy that cure HIV and other STD ? 🌹🌺💐
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Thanks for talking about T cells! Keep up the good job!!👏🏽👏🏽
Thank you!
❤ Why are you still living with HIV when *Dr Alued on RUclips* have herbal remedy that cure HIV and other STD ? 🌹🌺💐
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Great video once again, loved it !! Please keep them coming, and stay safe.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years 😍😍😍
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Absolutely my favorite cells and I am amazed at our complex biology 🐱✨our body is an incredible organic machine !!
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
what a lovely presentation , beatifulle person also
Thank you. Very interesting. The immune system is kind of amazing.
I agree 100%
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 Well, you’re in a great field because it seems there is still a lot we don’t know, so a lot of discoveries yet to be made. I tried to post a link (but YT wouldn’t let me) to a piece in the Thur 8/5 Wall Street Journal entitled “Could the Covid Vaccines (and others) Prevent Alzheimer’s.” [See if you can find it]. It was very interesting. Apparently, the TDAP vaccine and others, when given to older people, seems to reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s. It noted that the BCG vaccine, which isn’t given much in North America (because one you take it, you’ll always test positive on a PPD) has been observed to prevent other illnesses. People who have been inoculated with BCG seem to have fewer colds, for instance. I recall seeing an article last year about a researcher at Harvard who was studying the effects of the BCG vaccine saying that BCG seems to stimulate a part of the immune system that we don’t know much about. Very interesting. Keep up the great work. Thanks for sharing your knowledge here.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years 😍😍😍
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Thanks for making this video!
What's next after a finding of the cd4 count 12 times greater than th cd8 count?
This was so so helpful - thank you so much!!!!!
Thanks for making this video! All of them are interesting and clear! I do have an unrelated question, how does a natural killer cell work and can it be affected by cytokines?
Natural killer cells destroy cells that do not have MHC-I. They actually use a lot of the same cellular weapons as CD8 T cells (granzyme and FasL).
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 thank you!
Why are you still living with HIV when *Dr Alued on RUclips* have herbal remedy that cure HIV and other STD ? 🌹🌺💐
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years 😍😍😍
Thanks a lot! This is the best T cell video I've ever watched! What do CD4 and CD8 mean?It looks like that they are some receptors on the T cell surface.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
To create antibodies, cd4 what do they need?
I have a seronegative celiac disease.
I had a total atrophy with no inflammatory markers.
I also developed atherosclerosis and ms.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
I have a seronegative celiac disease that it seems to be refractory at this stage.
I have my hla dq2 positive ( hla dq2 and hla dq8 associated with celiac disease).
I thiught that i had and IgA deficiency but It seems that is not the case.
In this case, would you think that is cd4 failure or immature b Cell ?
Last year i had my latest gastroscopy and my cd3 counts were below the 25 counts.
How can you test for immature b Cell ?
Is It part of the Mhc 1 or 2 ?
IgA and IgG are produced my Mhc 2, IgE Is Mhc 1 or 2 ?
So, if a disease progresses faster than the T-cell expansion, does that contribute to negative outcomes or morbidity?
How does a high or low viral load affect immune response?
What do you think of the doctor who is saying cd8 cells drop after covid vaccination and there has been something like a 20 times increase in endometrial cancers he is seeing since January?
Could this be possible?
I do think he was telling the truth.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Nobody answered you. Hmm
A resurrected comment I barely remember.
Should be plenty of extra cancers by now.
I just want to say 1. you kinda look like Shakira hehe 2. this video was very helpful as a dental student struggling with immuno, thank you!!
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
Am very late to this discussion but came across it as I was looking for an explanation in a case I have where CD4 count is .10 CD8 is .24 and CD3 is .66 (all 10*9/L). What I cant figure out is CD4 added to CD8 would only be .34 which makes CD3 194% of that. I thought Cd4 plus Cd8 should almost equal CD3. So, what then is expressing CD3 but is not a CD4 or CD4?
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Are also eosinophils related to plasma b Cell or t Cell ? Thank you again ❤❤❤
Informative..A Question. What is the normal T-cell and helper cell count, for "young" people in their early 50ties:). I took a full test from a laboratory, and it came back that i had a normal immune system..all levels were in the green Zone (set values) but id like to know if ia person still can improve and boost the immune system to levels like being mid 20ties age? I took the test beacause i am waiting for Novavax vaccine and have been doing so for over a year. Another question. Is it possible that having all the child diseases like smallpox, and all the other "happy" viruses that ruin the childhood for a period of time:). Can they lay as a foundation for some natural immune system boost against Covid? Some sort of natural T-Cell kick in system for viruses with similar structure like Corona viruses in general? Hope for an answer..thank you from Sweden.
Ok you have asked several good questions.
1) The average CD4 T cell count is 500-1200 T cells per milliliter of blood. Being in your young 50s shouldn't change that.
2) Yes you can improve your immune system with exercise. NPR had an article last year about frequent bike riding giving people immune system performance of a 20-30 year old. Spending time in the woods or tree bathing improves Natural killer cells. Even going to group therapy if you have cancer improves your immune system. Eating healthfully does too.
3) The theory that frequent colds when you are younger boost and trains your immune system is likely true. It is a theory as to why children are doing better at fighting off COVID. No real data here though and the effect seems to wear off once they are teens. No luck for us.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years 😍😍😍
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Omg this is your best video!!
Thank you so much! I think T cells are the best.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Do you think it is necessary for someone to get a Covid vaccine if they have recovered from Covid? Memory T cells are already there now, so what's the purpose of a vaccine? Also I am curious about reinfection with Covid. What does a second infection look like? Is it less severe because of established immunity? These are common concerns for many people. Thank you. You are an excellent teacher.
Some have said that you can now check your T cells for SARS 2.
Good question, and the answer is complicated. Some people will make a memory B cell response with lots of antibodies and others will not after getting COVID. Early in the pandemic, there were research papers showing that people who had COVID only had antibody protection for 3-6 months. People who are vaccinated are protected for close to a year by antibodies. There are not very many side by side antibody level researcher papers, so it's hard to say. You could have your doctor measure your antibody levels to COVID to see how you responded. For most people, it is safer to get vaccinated even after beating COVID. Ask you primary care doctor what they recommend!
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 Many thans for your interesting presentations and good replies to questions! Well done! My question: do you have an update or a plan to explain natural immunity in regards to Covid-19? Many people, like me, ar not planning to get vaccinated since I have developed a natural immunity that I plan to check regularly with my doctor! Looking forward to your reply!
@Krista Davis, Look up somatic hypermutation.
Each new exposure expands the T-cell and antibody epitope coverage giving you increased immunity against future mutations.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
Thanks for making this video ♥
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Can you talk about how T-cell receptors are created and the difference between them and antibodies? There’s some talk about peptide vaccines.
“Peptide-based synthetic vaccines, also called epitope vaccines, are subunit vaccines made from peptides. The peptides mimic the epitopes of the antigen that triggers direct or potent immune responses.[1] Peptide vaccines can not only induce protection against infectious pathogens and non-infectious diseases but also be utilized as therapeutic cancer vaccines, where peptides from tumor-associated antigens are used to induce an effective anti-tumor T-cell response.”
That's a good video idea. I will add it to my list.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Madam my cd3 count is 2495
And cd4 is 990
And cd8 is 1032
My westren blot test is negative
Am I hiv positive
What if you believe you had Covid in Dec. 2019 when they were not doing any testing and you feel as if you and your husband have been dealing with Long Covid ever since, he's 72 with RA, PVC's and early COPD, I'm 62 with Chronic Osteoarthritis High BP and early COPD, is this VAX safe for us ?
You could ask your doctor to check your blood for antibodies against COVID. That way you would know whether or not you had previously had COVID. I would ask your doctor what they think. Novavax has no reported blood clots right now or heart inflammation, but it hasn't been tested on as many people as the other vaccines yet.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Awesome video! But I have a question: How are memory cells formed? Why is it that they became memory cells and didn't die with the 90% of the rest?
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Thanks for the thourough explanation. Also, I was wondering, is it also correct to say that T memory cells are daughter cells of CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells?
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
You're a great Immune Influencer. You should also get to TikTok and Instagram ❤️❤️❤️
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
I love this explanaitons ❤
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
Very cool video...the times we are in makes me wish I had more attention in high school :). If I am understanding your video and the second contraction associated with the second dose of a vaccine; I to assume that a "booster" vaccine shot would initiate; a third expansion/contraction cycle? I am guessing depending on the amount of T-cells remaining would be higher or lower for some leading me to believe a booster may not be needed, but could not hurt. I also don't understand why they call it vaccine breakthrough when the vaccine delivers a payload and is gone from the system after delivery, it really seems like it is just a person immunity break through weather through a vaccine or viral infection.
Yes you are correct. A booster vaccine would initiate a third expansion/contraction cycle. It should increase the amount of memory B and T cells. A booster shot may not be needed right now. Boosters would only be needed if antibody levels start to decline. Studies are underway, but I haven't read any booster shot data. I don't think the reporting on "breakthrough" infections is very clear. I would like to see some comprehensive data about how many vaccinated people are in the hospital versus unvaccinated people are in the hospital. The only thing I saw recently is that unvaccinated people are the majority of deaths in the US.
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
An under 10min lesson while eatin icecream in carpark is excellent...
You must be an excellent multitasker!
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful
sorry but this was a little dry and required some pre knowledge about immune system before watching
That sounds like a you problem
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years 😍😍😍
T cells are the Rambo's in your body.
CD8 are totally Rambo!
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 - lmao
YO ADRIAN!! ..wait. wrong movie. but whatever lol
There seems to be a growing push to highlight unvaccinated people as being more dangerous to society as a whole during the current pandemic. I'd like to see some of the science behind that illustrated.
This video, I think, has some of the mechanics involved in answering that, and it'd be great to see how it extrapolates into that assertion. One way or another.
i think its a bunch horseshit lol..
they be trying, and some what in persuit FORCING it on to the entire population. thats 340 somthing million.. here i'll right that number out of you to be clear lol.. 340,000,000. as if all 340 million of us are too weak to handle cov2, knowing that its not us to worry about, its that little 15% of us that can not handle or will get a very severe case of cov2 anyways, that we only needed to worry about and to protect. and all 15%ish which is is what? 50 million of us, all have medical files and history. they know who is at most severe and fatal risk...
YET!!!...they aiming to force vaccinations on all 340,000,000 of us.
and thats whats complete horeshit about this. buttom line know?
if you ask me, there is just an aweful amount of money in taking care of a problem, by drawling it out, making it last longer and more of an issue that it actually is. all they need to do is call up and warn that 15% to fallow all safety measures and stay home as much as possible. they got us all on medical file and history.
imagine if the out break started and instantly the hospital staffs just started dialing up every person over 50 with obesity issues with high anxiety and diabetes? and then after that monster list was warned, they started dialing up just the 60+ with fine health?
that would of saved 300,000 lives i bet easily. dialing up all them people sounds like a big feat. but would been well well worth all their lives instead. imagine the hospitalization that would not have accured? imagine the people that hate heart issues with check ups, let alone ones that died, waiting because of the hospitals being flooded with cov2 patients? heck...imagine non of our states seeing basically no economical disruptions? nor suicides that this has created?
its sat i graduated with a 3.5 gpa and i came up with that myself. and not a multi thousand person team of experts and for free. didn't cost me nothing to save 300K shit is so got dam retardedly. which leads this back to this...
some one wanted this choas to happen. nods
It is really hard to talk about vaccines are not feel like it's polarizing right now. It was not that polarizing in the 1950s when the Polio vaccine was saving children from being unable to breathe and walk. There's so much information and an awful desire to pit different groups against each other, so I want to say that it's awful to make people feel dangerous. I think it's actually that unvaccinated people with certain health conditions are in danger. I just saw an article from the Associated press that almost 99% of the COVID deaths in the US right now are from unvaccinated people. Several people in the comments have mentioned they are young and healthy and willing to take a chance with COVID, and that's their choice. I'm trying to think about how to visualize your question as a video. It's a great idea. I'll see if I can come up with something.
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 - yeah. we all should of been just super glad that we got a vax less than a year after a new virus broke out. but nope. they had to go and turn it into this...a shit story tbf.
aiming blame at fellow americans for the deaths of others. yeah. great idea. unite us my ass. demonize one half of the nation. thats just a great way to unite lol
@UCpu83xPnAs5lBSDxb96RQbg - they don't know what they are fooln with. nods
they should be reminded that humanity has seen many many many pandemics. it lived through them all and our immune system has always done its job. at 7 billion on the planet. many many folds more than just a 100 years ago. let alone 500 years ago. what is this exactly...deny the reality of the human time line? man made everything, has always had its flaws and shelf life. natural selection, immunity has always evolved. it tuned us into 8 billion. i tend to think..our geniuses think they can do better and we all are the proof atm that they can not.
its nice see genuine nice people wanting to be nice to others. so we gotta give credits to the Doc here. shes the elephant in the atm lol...hey doc. you an elephant k? lol :)
@@friendlyneighborhoodimmuno7192 Thanks. To be clear, I'm not anti vaccines, more anti "scapegoating", if anything.
I actually just watched a video of Dr. Fauci from within the last few weeks where he states that measurements of the amount of virus in the nasopharynx (?) of both a vaccinated (with a breakthrough infection) person and unvaccinated (with infection) person equals about the same.
So obviously, being vaccinated doesn't put a force field around you that prevents the virus from even entering your system, so does it somehow prevent it from leaving?
Seems to come down to how quickly a vaccinated vs unvaccinated individual's immune system destroys all virus in their system, thus preventing transmission.
My T cells better watched this video.
100% cute content.
Yes, the immune system is amazing in our bodies. Truly complex and crucial to life. How we could have been created by chance through evolution to be the humans we are is not credible. It took a God, a Great Designer, to create us.
You subscribe to this channel just to troll. Get a life.
@@bobman929 No I don't, do you!? If you think such complexity could be evolved over time you are entitled to your own opinion. What is being a troll related to having a Christian belief in a creator God. Evolution is not proven but is still only a theory. If you want to believe you descended from a miniscule blob or soup you are entitled to your own opinion. I follow a lot of Medical Channel's and am especially interested in the Immune System since the Covid-19 Virus has been around.. I used to be a State Registered Nurse so why shouldn't I be interested in medical and scientific matters!? I have a life thank you very much that's why I can engage in communication with you accusing me of being a troll when I am not. Lol
All thank to DR Alued on RUclips for cureing me from my HiV virus and my CD4 after years 😍😍😍
This has been a challenging time, and I appreciate you so much Dr Alued, you have created a life that I thought was lost, thank you so much for curing my sister from genital HIV I am grateful to GOD