Veteran Infantry Spam! - General Army Tactics - Bolt Action

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 49

  • @dannyhalas9408
    @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +4

    My advice for dealing with veteran infantry if you don't have any, mob up on them. Make sure you defeat them in detail, make sure you're the one getting the first pins down and have something to flank them. You have more sources of pins, you have more shots. And yeah, If that doesn't work just blow them up!

  • @kalismith2456
    @kalismith2456 2 года назад +3

    TLDR; I'm a new player spazing out about using the Flak 88 as my go-to arty pick.
    If you are the axis and can get access to a Flak 88 take it, It has an insane range, gunshield, take as vets, and a + 6 pen. Also if you add a spotter you can use it as a medium mortar, you can run but can't hide from the 88. I'm sure there is a counter to this but me and my friend just starting to play BA, so it's been a joy seeing him frown when I put it on the table.( i don't bring it often because of this tho.) . Edit: Also Flak 88 is of course an AA gun so airplanes are scared of it too.
    If your german take Flak 88. if you put it in the right place, you can en the game at the start of your turn. My friend and I played a hidden deployment game(the objective was to find and kill your CO.), I hid my Flak 88 in a house guarding this road that also had another house at the other end ( of the table). Well, my turn came around and I had nothing to shoot but at the house. The Flak 88 then blew up the house and killed over half of his army along with his CO. I won the game in one shot.
    Another game had my 88 on this hill at the edge of the map ( we like to play on huge 4x8 tables) sniping this army. So he sent a Bren carrier full of commandos to go kill this thing (i think 2 full SQs of 5). Well unfortunately he got around a blind spot and behind my 88, but because of gunshield and veteran gunners, he only killed one and wasn't in range to assault it. So my 88 turned around and because of how to hit modifiers work and + 6 pen, I didn't have to roll any dice, I just had to place the templet over one sq and say they die.

    • @stepheningram6415
      @stepheningram6415 2 года назад +1

      I was thinking Finns for my first army. I’ll pick one of these up. Good tip. Thank you. I know historically the Flak 88 was one of the best artillery pieces in the war. Good to see it represented well in game.

    • @ChrisS-fh7zt
      @ChrisS-fh7zt 2 года назад +2

      @@stepheningram6415 The Finns never was issued with the 88 and even in the Warlord Osprey Italy and the Axis book, it is not mentioned in the Finn list part. But you could probably get away with a Soviet 85mm piece

    • @stepheningram6415
      @stepheningram6415 2 года назад

      Oh okay! I’ll have to pick up a book and see what I can do. Thank you!

  • @darioscomicschool1111
    @darioscomicschool1111 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for all these Bolt Action Videos!
    Showing up with 2 HE! CHECK!

  • @arkenhemnall6224
    @arkenhemnall6224 Год назад

    Thanks for the vid. I have faced off against an army of 3 big tooled-up US veterans squads with about six German squads of 6 infantry each armed with rifles, plus my HQ with 2 extra guys. I drowned out the vets in pins in 4 turns (there were some trucks, mortars and other bits and pieces)
    So 10 vets with an LMG is 150pts. Take 2 of those is 300pts. For that 300pts I can get 5 or 6 regular infantry units. The vets will get drowned out in pins, especially if you focus multiple of your units on to one of theirs at a time, hard work. Even if hard to actually kill you'll still pick a few off as you go, and if they rally your pins off they've wasted a turn to attack you back.
    The game is obviously much more in-depth and varied than just that but I think the idea of what I'm saying is there. I only take maybe a single vet unit to assault, but that's it.
    So many ways to play the game, lookingbforward to my next game

  • @dannyhalas9408
    @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +4

    I'm spamming the comments section here... but I'd love to see a comparison between a bolt action campaign book and a 40k one, because in my opinion that's where the game really shines. Holding onto the Volga river in the ruins of Stalingrad, throwing a last desperate reserves in as the Germans try and storm your last bunker, laying down minefields, springing genuine ambushes.
    A bit more engaging than trying to score ROD or making sure you have troops in every table quarter, I still enjoy 40K but we've had better edditions.

    • @jacobdale2314
      @jacobdale2314 2 года назад

      I’ve enjoyed reading your comments on the bolt action vids, love the enthusiasm. I’m in an area where 40k is the only wargame nearby, don’t expect the local hobby shop stocks it. I like the universe and have some models, but the current edition seems pretty bad and it would be a lot of painting and $$$ to get my Imperial Guard ready for prime time. Do you think I should make my peace with 40k or paint up two armies and try to tempt people towards BA?
      One issue is I’d like to figure out some way to patronize the local hobby place so I could use their tables without feeling like a leach.

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +1

      @@jacobdale2314 Thanks for the compliment, your question is a difficult one. Do you have any wargaming friends that might be interested? I've had a lot of success in convincing people to try bolt action but I live in the UK but we have a lot of wargaming clubs which makes it easier. A game of bolt action on a nice board is a real spectacle so a combination of that and showing them that they can purchase a complete army for £60 3rd party. The game sells itself at that point!
      Ultimately it's going to be cheaper than 40k and if you're asking yourself the question your probably gonna do it already. I'd recommend you check out the cheat sheets on the sidebar of the bolt action Reddit, they are so useful. They have every table and stat the game, you won't need to check the rulebook at all once you get going. Also avoid the band of brothers box, it's surprisingly terrible value compared to just buying the stuff you want or getting the army in a box bundles they do.
      And I've kind of done this myself and I know the biggest problem you're gonna have is actually terrain. Any wargaming shop that has a playing area you can throw them a few dollars for paints and they can order you stuff in if you feel uncomfortable playing there. But they will only have terrain suitable for sci-fi or maybe fantasy games.
      A good game of bolt action needs woods, roads, dirt tracks, fences, period buildings, hedges and all the rest of it. You can scratch build a lot of this stuff, but it takes up a lot of space, it's hard to lumber round, and it can be expensive.
      Sorry about the essay, which forces are you thinking about picking up?

    • @jacobdale2314
      @jacobdale2314 2 года назад

      No problem, I appreciate the thoroughness. In terms of armies there are a lot of cool ones to choose from, but I think the two front runners are Soviets and Japanese, with the latter I’m thinking a themed SNLF force would be cool.
      I don’t know anyone, 1st semester at a new college, but I’m sure I could put out feelers at the relevant student clubs in addition to the LGS.
      Good point about the terrain. Sorry if this makes your eye twitch but in the absence of my own table I don’t think I would mind using 40k or fantasy terrain too much.
      As an aside, I’m not sure how good this would be but I really like the sort of goofy universal carrier, if I could find a Soviet toe/orbat I’d love to run a pack of little squads in Bren carriers.

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +1

      @@jacobdale2314 A word of warning about warlords Soviet infantry, I love them but they're extremely dated. Frustratingly they come with separate spindly tiny arms and a separate weapons sprue. This makes them a building nightmare, you have to line everything up and then carefully position the gun in the hands, It's the only warlord infantry kit which you can't build without studying the instructions. The models themselves have a lot of the wedding and equipment moulded onto the torsos which means a lot of your troops will look identical, you don't have this problem with the modern kits. The detail is also pretty soft and the mould lines are horrible compared to newer warlord plastics which are on a par with games workshops best in my opinion.
      On the flipside you do get more options in the Soviet infantry box than some of the more recent kits, like scoped rifles for building sniper teams, anti-tank rifles which are really good because you can take three anti-tank rifle teams in a standard reinforce platoon, and enough submachineguns for every soldier. Which is amazing because the Soviets get to take all submachine gun units at any experience level. Personally I really like the dynamism in these old sculpts and I love my Soviets to bits, it's just they are getting on a bit. The Japanese are a slightly more modern kit but still a little dated too.
      In my opinion the kits which have the nicest crisp detail and are a joy to build are the new British Army, British commando, British Airborne, Italian, American Army, American Marine, winter German, Waffen SS, Africa core German, eighth Army, and Commonwealth boxes. I would recommend these from a building and painting perspective in the same way I would of recommended someone to stay away from the dated Necron Warriors and Eldar guardians in 40k.
      Honestly these new Warlord kits are just addictive to build with all the customisability and parts you get, you can mix and match weapons and arms from other sprues, with a little bit of kit bashing you can make your guys look so unique in a way that you just can't with a lot of the new games workshop kits. I'd recommend checking out this dude's RUclips channel, it's all about kit bashing bolt action plastics:видео.html
      But if you're really taken by the Soviets go mad, I just wouldn't be surprised if they got an update soon, and good luck glueing the weapons into those hands!
      Cool about the terrain, I'd recommend going to a craft shop and buying some felt sheets that you can cut into easy roads, they affect the movement of tanks and transports like universal carriers. You can buy really cheap trees on eBay, just look for the rail model trees.
      An army made of little squads in bren carriers is completely viable, because this is bolt action and most things are viable in this game. Some of the bigger tanks are terrible for their points in standard size games, and AT is over costed compared to HE, but apart from that you can pretty much buy what you want and it won't gather dust waiting for an update. The most competitive universal carrier build uses small veteran squads from the British Empire, the British get a lot of choice with their faction traits to represent the different nations that fought for them and a free artillery observer which is pretty sweet.

  • @Elethiomell
    @Elethiomell 2 года назад +6

    Loving the bolt action stuff, you encouraged me to get some usmc, about half finished painting them and your videos have got me exited to pick up the brush and finish them :-)

  • @stepheningram6415
    @stepheningram6415 2 года назад +4

    Long live Warlord Wednesday! This is helpful Mordian. Thank you.

  • @stillunsure7630
    @stillunsure7630 2 года назад +5

    Small arms fire definition in Bolt Action is no AP weapons.
    Heavy weapons are anything with AP.
    I've found weight of fire power from small arms fire can still kill Veteran infantry but you usually need to use far more of it than heavy weapons but in both cases you still need to hit.

  • @dannyhalas9408
    @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +4

    Okay, where are you hearing online veteran infantry spam is really powerful? A lot of the people asking for advice on the bolt action sub- Reddit are German players who are struggling to win with tooled up veterans.
    Regulars are clearly the safest choice but it depends on the meta. A classic tournament winning list is the Russian KV-1 and a load of inexperienced troops, perfect when everybody else is running light armour and small squads.

  • @redcorsair14
    @redcorsair14 2 года назад +11

    Always bring a heavy artillery piece, be it mobile or static, if you can. Just one is ridiculously useful. But dont be "that guy" and bring multiples. Unless you are running a themed list that wouldnt have one.

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +2

      I love a heavy artillery piece but it's such a fire magnet isn't it. If I bring one it's usually motorised. I think bringing lots of HE is okay from a sportsmanship point of view if you're a minor faction without any of the late game toys, it evens the field a little bit.

    • @redcorsair14
      @redcorsair14 2 года назад +1

      @@dannyhalas9408 I have played against some broken lists abusing heavy artillery. Japanese being the biggest culprit at tournaments although I am sure Germany could pull it off pretty easy. The 5 Ho-Ro, 60 spear fighter list is insane is is against the less competitive fun spirit of the game. Might as well be playing 40k with that mindset.

  • @nomisekul4969
    @nomisekul4969 2 года назад +2

    lol i have an armoured division of 3 Matilda II CS and some infantry, I think it would be quite hard to destroy 3 matildas quick enough to stop them from being a menace

  • @dannyhalas9408
    @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +2

    100% on the light howitzer. For my Germans I don't leave home without it, because usually they're pretty expensive with upgrades like their light machine guns and panzerfausts and I don't have the points for anything bigger. I have an extreme emotional attachment to that little gun, it punches way above its pay grade.
    Also because it doesn't look that threatening it's not a priority target but you can still snag two or three guys under the template and throw a few pins on a tank even if it's never gonna penetrate.

    • @ChrisS-fh7zt
      @ChrisS-fh7zt 2 года назад

      I do a double tap with my medium mortar then the next one for my Brummbar to finish them off. Either that or they are so pinned that they are effectively done in the game. Or if they think they are nice and safe in a building use said Brummbar as a wrecking ball against said building bringing it down and get rid of building and said Vet infantry squad.

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад

      @@ChrisS-fh7zt A Brummbar!?!... Sweet I've never seen one on the table. I take a hummel sometimes, paper thin armour but you still get the big pie template.

    • @ChrisS-fh7zt
      @ChrisS-fh7zt 2 года назад

      @@dannyhalas9408 Yes they are not cheap at 248 points inexp, 310 regular, and 372 Veteran. But I also take the Schurzen skirts (10 extra points) just in case a PIAT or bazooka team wants to try a side shot against it. I also take the pintle mounted MG over the later version hull for a soft AA protection and 360 degree protection or engagement of other targets. I nickname it along with my Jagdpanther, and Tiger I. Bricks from hell. I have yet to play my Tiger but I also only have about 12 games so far. The only thing I am not a fan of about the Wespe, Grill, and Hummel/Nashorn is that you only can fire the main cannon or the MMG not both like with the Sturmtiger, Brummbar, and Panzerwerfer 42.

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад

      @@ChrisS-fh7zt This is what I really like about bolt action. Everyone has a different opinion on what's good. 310pts would be a way too big an investment on a single piece of amour for a 1000pt pick up game for me. I'm very impressed that you make it work. I'd reserve it for campaigns and bigger battles. The Hummel yes, has some massive weaknesses. It can be knocked out so easily, it's even open topped. But it's so cheap for what it brings, I keep it back and try bait my opponent into faust range. I'll bring a puma too which obviously uses recce instead of armour. Although I'm famous for recceing tanks into positions where they still get blown up!

    • @sojourner3671
      @sojourner3671 2 года назад

      Light Howie, plus Med Mortar with spotter., Plus STUH 42..Pluse SDKFZ 234/3 with the 75mm howie... boom bad day for the Vet Inf spam...oh pls sir, run into that house..

  • @ChrisS-fh7zt
    @ChrisS-fh7zt 2 года назад +2

    Soviets are another one that has access to HMG with most of their vehicles. I have DShK on my Dodge 3/4ton, then my IS-2, JSU-152. Then in late 1943 and later you can also add it to the BA-64 armored car as the BA-64 DShK and Gaz 67 Jeep.

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад

      Do you actually take the upgrades though?

    • @ChrisS-fh7zt
      @ChrisS-fh7zt 2 года назад +1

      @@dannyhalas9408 I do as I said I got the JSU 152, IS-2, and since in real life the USSR had armed Dodge WC-51 and 52 trucks with DShK I go and do the whole add 15 points for a MMG then add the additional 10 for HMG. Yes it is expensive for what it is, but by keeping it sort of back and away from my slug for movement Assault Engineers as I also have the SN-42 body armour for them, the fixed team stuff like light howitzers, mortars and MMG's have a choice either engage them or engage the Dodge farther back, they can not go after both. Sadly I don't have the Gaz 67 or BA-64. But I went for the M3A1 scout car instead

  • @stephenwood6663
    @stephenwood6663 Год назад

    It's been my experience that units of mixed experience tends to work better than taking all your units as Veterans (unless, of course, you're playing a selector that obliges you to make everyone Veteran).
    Veterans are tough, reliable fighters, yes, but they're also expensive in points terms: an all-veteran army will have fewer command dice, and you'll feel the loss of every one of your fighters. On the defensive, a Regular will shoot just as well as a Veteran, and if they have good cover, even an Inexperienced squad can be surprisingly hard to shift. On the attack, well... call me ruthless, but I like to screen my Veterans with an Inexperienced unit. Somebody has to lead the charge, and I'd rather it be someone I can better afford to lose.

  • @TheAlterspark
    @TheAlterspark 2 года назад +3

    I really want to get into BA WW2 but no one even sells it in my area

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +2

      Dude, if you're interested and no one plays unfortunately you have to go the whole buy two armies and get your friends addicted route. But it's cheap and they are well easy to paint.

    • @TheAlterspark
      @TheAlterspark 2 года назад

      @@dannyhalas9408 Yeah the game seems to be a great value especially considering you can use units in Konflict 47

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад

      @@TheAlterspark The newer plastics are really nice quality too, almost GW level good. So many options on the sprues too, my Americans have MMGs, light mortars, snipers, bazooka teams, snipers, and HQ units built straight out of the box. You can customise your guys in a way that GW are moving away from.

  • @Millipede666
    @Millipede666 2 года назад +2

    Happy Birthday Mordian. When can we get a new 40k conscript video? It's been a few months!

  • @duendeyeyo
    @duendeyeyo 2 года назад +1

    Our prays have been listened

  • @Centaur255
    @Centaur255 2 года назад

    I am new as well, but I've found that I tend to bring a heavy artillery piece for this very reason. Not only can it do pretty well against light tanks and vehicles, but it is an absolutely BOMB against infantry, be they in a building or out in the open.
    I've also started running multiple reinforced platoons so that I can run two of them at once, as it tends to make the damage per round far more reliable.

  • @blecao
    @blecao 2 года назад +2

    Good to know this, im going to start in bolt but i think i dont going to have that problem of not bringing he.
    Mainly becouse im french so the artillery is always on the menu

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +2

      I play French, check out the wargames Atlantic new plastic range. So much better than bolt actions metals.

    • @blecao
      @blecao 2 года назад

      @@dannyhalas9408 yeah im going to use them, i alrredy ordered a box, the only bad thing about the box is that it has too much officers but in comparison to warlord option is a no brainer

  • @Bzerker01
    @Bzerker01 2 года назад +3

    I'd honestly suggest a rebrand until the guard dex comes out. After all that's gonna be another few years at this rate and bolt action is a better game anyway.

  • @joeokabayashi8669
    @joeokabayashi8669 2 года назад

    Informative video; thank you!

  • @toddnelson7393
    @toddnelson7393 2 года назад

    Love your videos. I am not the best Bolt action player but here is my advice:
    Vet troops are 30% more expensive than regular and are 17% more difficult to kill a single man.
    If your army is mostly Vet troops, you will have few Order Dice. You will most likely be going second.
    Never take a Vet mortar, Tank, or Transport. Too expensive.
    Small team, general take regular since they can go down and your opponent will need sixes or sevens to hit. If you can't hit them you can not kill them.
    Snipers you might want to take as Vet if you think you will be in a snipper dual.
    Anti Tank Rifle team only if you plan on rushing them up in a truck and unloading to capture an objective the first turn.
    General take Arty as regular. Most have a gun shield so its like being a Vet. If hit by mortar or HE, you are going to die anyway so why waist the points.
    Machine gun teams. Most people do not take them since they cost 50 points/Fix weapon and you can put a machine gun in a squad and its NOT a Fix weapon for 20 points. A 5 man regular squad with machine gun cost 70 points
    Flame throwers. Best to take them in a Vet engineer squad. As a two man team, i played them both as Vet and Regular. They usually only get one shot in before dying. So leaning toward going regular.

  • @TikitheHutt
    @TikitheHutt Год назад

    More Bolt Action!

  • @LD-wm7jm
    @LD-wm7jm Год назад

    Flamethrowers as well can remove vets

  • @dannyhalas9408
    @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад +3

    If you want to do a video on obnoxious broken units in bolt action, Bamboo Spearman are not the only offenders. Look at inexperienced New Zealand Gurkhas, way worse.

    • @blecao
      @blecao 2 года назад +1

      Or stuart or panzer I

    • @dannyhalas9408
      @dannyhalas9408 2 года назад

      @@blecao One Stuart is manageable in my opinion, it's dual platoon Stuarts that I find obnoxious. Like 40k I think terrain matters a lot too, in dealing with cheap gun boats.

  • @TheUbermedic
    @TheUbermedic 2 года назад +3

    First :P