3:55 @Vars I'd say that Fiora's Riposte is integral to her kit (as a fiora player). I'd say bladework is more of the extra ability. Now hear me out. Fiora is meant to be a duelist, the goal is to be virtually unmatched in 1 on 1 combat capabilities when played optimally, also she has a fencing theme to further that idea. Riposte is important because of two reasons: it changes the 1v1 dynamic of the character, and it makes her skill expressive, two things that are intended to be vital (yes, pun intended) to her design. Riposte is something that makes or breaks the all in. Think about it, in the 1v1 vs jax, the outcome is completely dependent on whether she can riposte the stun from counter-strike. Also, it makes her flashy and it feels insanely good when you parry vayne's condemn and then stun her when she's invisible, after which you get pinged by your team for being "insane." Riposte is so important to fiora because it makes so many matchups radically different. Remove the ability from the game and so many matchups become downright unplayable. Malphite, mordekaiser, jax, kled, gnar, kennen, quinn, riven, yone, yasuo, udyr, even teemo, all of which are considered to be fiora-favored just to name just a few. Meanwhile, bladework is the lowest impact ability in her kit. It's just another auto-reset. When do you ever end a fight as fiora thinking: ah, I should have canceled into bladework better? Never. When you lose an all-in as Fiora you think: Ah, I didn't riposte the riven w, or I mistimed my riposte on counterstrike, or I didn't parry the teemo blind. Besides, isn't it really important for a duelist character to have an ability which allows them to negate the enemy's unique comabt abilities for an extremely limited time once a fight? Also, shouldn't an enemy, when fighting a duelist character, have to worry about one very crucial and special move that their enemy can use to win the duel? To me, it just makes sense.
My only problem with Lillia is I play Hecarim, and her Q passive should have been put on Hecarim instead, but nope it's on her so now I can't play Hecarim without thinking he's a second rate Lillia.
Old Mundo W did a decent chunk of damage considering you could keep it on FOREVER. In addition to that, You gained SO MUCH tenacity. New Mundo W is literally nothing. I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking about with his W.
His old W was good even with just the tenacity, let alone also the damage it brought. There was also a small lvl of skill expresion in it since u could only get the tenacity when it was turned off
Well it's like do you really want to use your spell? Yeah? Well no mana for you now. Feels a bit like you're a power healer machine for 4s before you run out of mana and then you're like useless so I guess frustrating?
@@poloi3440 I usually only run out of mana after early-game all-ins, after which I'm probably going to recall anyways. Since Taric has CC, bonus armor, shields and 2.5 s of invincibility, he doesn't need to spam heals as much as other enchanters Edit: I also really like how he can choose between safety and CD reduction. He doesn't need to stay in the middle of the fray to do his job, but he can be much more efficient by doing so
@@supaga1axy for me the old W was better it allowed mundo to be a good jungler with a very fast clear even without a leash and i had him as one of my jungle mains.
What I especially find funny is that his OLD w had more interaction with his kit, because a lot of people didn't know that mundo's E use to give MR every time you took damage, and since his w was a toggle that constantly damaged you, it help both give and keep the MR you accrued.
14:20 Actually.. it is On Dota2 it's on Underlord, a gigantic tank focusing on area control and lockdown, very popular because you can win a fight in a lane the enemy thought "safe" and teleport the whole team into a creep wave the other side of the map that was pushed beforehand (or just regular old disengage your whole team after overextending)
he also has a passive that stacks damage that would lose charges if he walks from one lane to another, so you can push one lane to stack then teleport to another lane to use the bonus damage on towers
@@awinkingowl7608 I mean they couldn't have the level of macro game that Dota has. Underlord's ult is relatively balanced when every hero has access to TP scroll every 70s Same thing with stuns, Lion hex lasting 3,5 seconds is balanced in the context of Dota, same thing for Lulu's stun.
Glad you mentioned Ryze ult. I really hope Riot learned from that one (and some others like Lillia ult) and is considering the coordination that abilities demand when designing new champs. It really impacts the ability to balance pro and soloQ.
Yes, let’s talk about Taric’s Q, possibly one of the weirdest designed abilities in the game. It’s not bad on paper, an AOE heal around the champion scaling with HP and AP, but what riot did with this ability makes no sense. When most healing abilities are leveled up they’ll increase in healing, maybe have a decreased cooldown or some other metric that’s immediately usable. All Taric gets is more maximum stacks, and that’s literally it, no extra healing per stack, no extra CD, nothing which means the difference between a level 1 Q and a level 5 1-stack Q is the fact that the level 1 Q costs less mana 😂. Then there’s the fact that the CD is completely dependent on Tarics passive to gain ANY stacks, making it kinda ridiculous to play against. You don’t want to engage Taric because he can Q spam with his passive which gives him more Q-spam, which activates his passive and so on. So instead of Taric heal being a… heal, it acts more as a damage steroid that just so happens to give him and his teammates little heals. What is that design…..
I think it makes him interesting.The fact it has restrictions makes it far healthier than something like Soraka, but there is a reward when he fights on his terms.
I remember going full tank in ARAM and 3 guys approached me then proceeded to not die and kill their ADC causing my team to arrive and it was the funniest thing I did for a while
exactly. and the weirdest part is you can't even properly spam it like his kit wants you to without going OOM in 3 seconds. it's like some weird skirmishing enchanter ability lol
I don't think it be bad as an ability to practically only heal on combat. But the fact that is so low added to the fact that it doesn't increase with level ups is what puts it down to me
@@shacolin6546 honesty, I think Raka has the best designed heal in the game only followed by Taric. Raka has a pretty strict cap on the number of heals she can do, that is, until regeneration is taken into account. Her inbuilt regeneration ability requires her to hit a skillshot, which, despite its big size and impressive range, still puts her at a risk since maximum efficiency requires constantly hitting it, as well as carefully balancing your health resources. Taric on the other hand sacrifices time, opposed to health. To get the maximum heal he needs to wait for quite a while (unfortunately the reward is no longer that good, but that's an issue of stats, not design). If he wishes, however, he can reduce the cooldown by using his other abilities, giving him a temporary quick refill to Q stacks after use. However, to quickly refill the cooldown of those, he needs to spam Q. It's like a constant rotation, right? You need to carefully consider what you need right at the moment AND in the near future, managing your resources according to that. It's a similar principle to his E, a good payoff but only if you think a couple of turns ahead.
I’m gonna have to hard disagree with your take on Lilia W. Sure, it feels pretty awkward to use, but it’s kinda designed to give her a reason to come close and slow down for moment. The fact that all it does is a fat wad of damage honestly makes it somewhat elegant in the context of the rest of her kit. She doesn’t need it to function, but is rewarded handsomely for proper usage, and has the tools to set it up. I think a good example of clunk done right.
Also gives the character counter play and makes her better to play agaisnt, imagine if as Vars said it worked like WW ullt, her movespeed plus ghost would have her coming screaming out of fog of war swinging a nuke above her head
It don't even think it's about the counterplay. It's the only ability you should ever wake people up with. It's 480 base damage (+35% ap), but it gains 200 dmg (+40% ap) if you use it on a sleeping target. Plus, Lillia jungle takes Dark Harvest, even now after the durability patch, so the bonk is even bigger. Plus it's aoe, meaning if 2 enemies stay asleep next to each other (which isn't uncommon in soloqueue) it's over 1300 base damage BEFORE YOU APPLY ANY AP SCALING. And this is only talking about the pvp aspect of playing Lillia. Even though her q and passive are the main reason she can clear the jungle effectively, her w is the main reason she can clear camps fast. It's super easy to hit it on as many small monsters as possible, and the sweet spot basically oneshots them even with a single point in the ability. Lillia is all about tempo, all about going fast from place to place, and her w ensures your clear speed is as fast as it needs to be so the champion can do what it needs to do. It's also a good way to secure smite fights, since sweet spot w + smite is 1100 to 1200 damage, depending on your level and build. I understand his point, that the fixed distance travelled feels weird, but it makes perfect sense since you aren't supposed to use it like Warwick's ult. You are supposed to bonk people with your w when they are hit by hard cc (mainly your ult's sleep), to ensure the maximum damage
"proper usage" Shes overkitted, way too fast, and counterplay is almost non-existent for majority champions. Can't even use a tank against her to sustain through her damage.
@@cyberpunk-2O77 no she is actually pretty easy to counter play lock down champs like vi can easily get close, predator junglers like Elise can get to their power spike faster than her, champs like master yi can easily snowball her and match tempo while Kayn’s ult cleanses the drowsy effect, so yeah not really sure why you think she has no counterplay
Personally I think Zoe's spell theif is ok design wise, it could be better but it definitely has its uses, same goes for Lillias watch out, eep! I think the outer ring does to little damage
I mean, every Mage has a way to get people out of their faces, a long CD that acts as a last resource, even tho a Bubble to the face is threathening enough to detour most people from getting into her face, I can see why Riot wanted somehow a defensive spell that also acts as a playful part of her kit but somehow I feel it could be made better.
Lillia W is very flexible, i think its neat. when ally cc's enemy u can W, to dodge something like lux ult u can use W, u also can zone someone if they are going for ur ally or use walls/minion wave's to your advantage to hit the W, it also is used in a certain way when clearing camps. When for example enemy mord is one aa away to procc his passive and he E's you, u can choose to hit him when hes locked in animation for some heavy true damage or W away to kite him with e's and q's. I think that this ability is very agreeable with the rest of her kit
But that's the issue, her only spell to closing in enemies without Q stacks is just that, making her hardly to initiate the fight unless enemy clump up, but u know that's not always the case. Her w entirely go against Lillia playstyle overall makes this one a badly design ability.
@@Gamber63 Lillia has her E to close the distance, u can also stack passive with q's earlier on anything. If that is not enough, you can also ult someone after E'ing or build ms items. Her W is a nice situational addition that you play around if someones getting sleepy or ever else. Maybe it is against her playstyle but its still a worthy addition with reasonable interactions.
@@tuesday4564 the only time when her e + passive isnt working is when they are on the other side of the map lmao edit: also rylai's crystal scepter is quite helpful if u dont want to use her R
Tbh I completely disagree with Vars. Changing her W to anything else that is tempo or kiting would be an overkill as she has everything needed. However making it an ability that makes catching enemies easier or anything other related to her, would be straight up overloaded giving her far too many options to close your distance (yone doesn't need 2 cc's and 4 dashes to be able to catch someone, the same as lillia wouldn't need any more kiting skills to be successful), she would also suffer from lack of damage, they could buff her q damage but buffing such a strong ability doesn't seem right.
I have said for years, that honestly, Jayce should have his mana costs increased substantially and had his Melee W Passive increased several times over to compensate. It would make his poke less obnoxious and actually REQUIRE Jayce to enter melee form during laning phase outside of all-ins or swatting you away.
But they are already super high and he can't do more than 1 full rotation without building tear. You're already forced to go for at least 2 mana runes, either PoM + Bisquits(Conq keystone) or Manaflow + Bisquits(First strike, Aery or Phase Rush). Also if Jayce becomes strong enough in melee form early to realistically use his W passive standing in front of a typical stat stick toplaner, he would be completely broken. And if he doesn't get his melee form buffed to compensate for being forced to play as a melee champ into pepega juggernaut champs like Darius, Urgot, Sett etc., how will you ever use your W passive? Its already feast or famine, now imagine playing Jayce with higher mana costs if you're already behind. I dont see how you would fundamentally change how Jayce works without making him even more polarizing/coinflip of a toplaner than he already is.
Zoe's W is great IMO, though it has little interaction with her long ranged playstyle I think being able to pick up a flash or protobelt to extend her Q range is great and makes her a lot more dynamic to play (having to jump in to collect spells) as opposed to doing nothing but spamming E and Q
@@jackg6887 it's based entirely on RNG, the spawn rate for spells early game is horrible (sometimes I haven't had a single one come to lane until level 6) and because they drop quite far back it's really easy to zone her away from collecting them. The only super overpowered early pickups are Redemption and Galeforce imo
Lilila's W is a very skill-expressive ability, and compliments her kit perfectly. She has tons of mobility and kite, and this is the moment she trades that mobility and kite for for offense. The circle is tiny, so you have to be confident that you are going to hit, the wind-up is very vulnerable, so you have to know when the perfect moment to strike is, and the damage is huge, so the payoff for the risk is worth it. Lillia is a perfect little forest princess and every part of her kit is perfect too. Except for her ability names.
To some extent Zoes w being out of place is actually good design. Zoe has to think about which spells she can pick up without getting out of position. Spell thief would fit the desing of a diver that chains spells in the middle of a fight, but that would be so frustrating. Everything you said about being punished for using spells would be 100 times worse if spell thief was on a diver
I don't agree with the zoe having to think about which spell she wants to pick up. She is an artillery mage that doesn't really wanna be in the middle of a teamfight anyways and when she does arrive all she has to do is pick up random shit off the floor and spam it. Doesn't matter what she gets because she gets ramping movement speed and damage every spell she casts. Yea obviously Flashing in to pick up a flash and dying is a thing that could happen but in the chaos of it all all she has to do is pick up a few random spells and get the chain rolling.
she actually is diver that chain spells because of the passive on the W, she can also flash during her ult giving her extra range on engages if she pop a flash, she can always use her flash to force a flash out of you, then she steals that flash and keeps it
man i love how lillias w feels and i frequently use it to dash away from people and actually how many times it has saved me, but also when i just bonk people in sleep is also just satisfying.
lillia's w feels really good IMO and works for her. it has a small dash, so you actually can use it to dodge abilities, and get in range for a q. This tends to be the bigger use of the ability actually, but if you ever get the chance to really commit to a fight, it does really strong damage. She is hit and run, but also is more like yi in that she has to find windows to engage in a teamfight. Her w allows her to really do this well. also her ult set up (that you mentioned) synergizes with this ability too.
5:26 it should be a shockwave, that slightly pushes enemies back and deals magic damage.(2x stacks for two uses) in this way it goes with his burst playstyle of it being immediate with a bit of defense but not to useful for that to replace his E knockback, the range of the push is closely in the outer range of it, so lets you do Q>AA>W>E, since w is another burst attack that also helps when enemy engages but still not far enough to fully get rid of them. 7:11 "Starlight's Touch": Passive: Increases health Regeneration of nearby allies(+ Taric's health), "Bravado!" Heals a tethered ally for 70-140 (based on level) Active: Taric summons an area that Shields(100-360 based on level) and Gives 20% MS. If an enemy is affected, only the shield is traded for 30% slow (3sec.), Cripple (2sec.) and Magical damage(40 + Taric's Armor and magic resist). * Mimic acts as a Separate entity, only effecting it's own. 8:00 "For Dreams, Be their Nightmares Lillia!": A bit Of safety First!: Lillia acquires a shield(70-300 based on level) upon Damaging/Taking Damage from an enemy champion, Lasts While in combat and stays for an extra 3 seconds upon leaving it. Outer edge hits from "Blooming Blows" reduces the cooldown by 5 seconds. Active: Lillia taps Her Censer, Empowering her next ability and Auto attacks, dealing an extra 20 +( AP 60% ) for 3 seconds For AAs, and her ability hits empower "Dream-landen's Blough" Increasing it's Damage( 8+(2 Per every 100 AP) Max health Total magic damage) and healing(60-125 For Monsters(6.2%AP) Able to gain it from one additional Monster at time, and 25-200(24%AP) for Champions. Effectives 33% After the first reduction Still Stays.) *"Blooming Blows" Gains Increased Damage and For both inside of outer it. *"Swirlseed" Bounces an extra 2 times, Able to go over Walls, Crushing in area around it dealing (70 + 50% AP) Magic Damage and Slowing enemies hit by 30%, Damage reduced upon subsequent hits by 20%. *"Lilting Lullaby" Enemies Take additional damage after waking up and Crippling them for 2.5 Seconds. 9:33 This one is Tough due to mostly her kit already doing all she needs for the playstyle, so giving her an effective counter to a disavantage can be overpowered or underpowered so Ill try to help with her when she has missed her Paddle star: !If all Fails, Call on the Star Doggy!: Zoe whistles to Areulon soul, who begrudgingly drops a 3 Star circle around her. These Stars deal 60(+ 40% of her AP) while Slowing all targets hit for 30%. Passive: Damaging enemy champions with abilities gives Zoe 3 Bubbles and Speed her up for 20%. They lock on to the Nearest low-Health Enemy, Prioritizing champions and Dealing 30 damage each hit. They all hit at once when hitting "More Sparkles!". 11:22 Personal Favorite as Even old Mundo got somthing out of the little Sunfire cape it gave him, But this has completely nothing. The Wild rift edition has the oppisite problem where he E Is the dead ability while W is the Good one, It's just plainly stupid Because Mundo is sopposed to be a TANK the Outheals you instead of just being beefy enough to not take damage, so instead of a juggeraunt i'll bring him back into a Tank who is also can be a juggernaut: P:"Goes Where he Pleases": Only change: When Mundo's Damaged his regeneration increases, by 5% every hit until 30%. Mundo regenerates 1% of his maximum health every 5 seconds. agreeably the rest is amazing "Infected Bonesaw!"(4 sec cooldown): Mundo Throws his Bonesaw, Damaging the first enemy hit for 3/5/6/7/9% current max health Magic Damage and Slowing the target for 30%, and On hit heals for 25% of the health cost, 90% for champions or monsters, While Infecting the Target up to 3 times. While a target is infected Mundo gains 30/35/40% movespeed Depending on the stack amount, while running toward the target. Infection: Enemy targets gain armor and magic resist reduction, 2 stacks Increases the Slow, Protection reduction and Cripples the Target, 3 stacks Completely Roots the enemy and They Take additional magic Damage when hit twice by Mundo. "HEART ZAPPER, STAT!"(3 Stacks, each 10/9/8/7 sec. cooldown): Mundo releases an electric Shock around himself, Dealing 80/100/150/175/200(+ 30% of your max health)magic damage and Shocking enemies hit. Heart Shock: Enemies will get shocked for 5 seconds, moving on a Random direction every shock, and Heals Mundo for 20 every shock. Enemies who have been infected, Dash toward Mundo and add a stack of infection. Enemies who are already shocked will be take additional Damage from it and gives Mundo a Magical Shield lasting for 4 seconds. *extra hits recharge the Shield. "Blunt Force!, for the Trauma!"(9/8.6/7.5/6 Sec cooldown): Mundo gains 3 stacks of Blunt force, empowering his AA to attack in a Aoe, Dealing additional 40/60/70/90/125 Damage on every hit and healing himself for 50 percent of the Damage on the Last hit , If a target is infected they Take 50/70/105/150 Physical Damage(+ 10 % missing health) instead, on the last hit it deals 20/23/28/34/40% Missing health magic damage. When target is under 50/60/70% health They are Knocked back on the last hit. "Mundo's Favorite Dosage!"(120/115/90 cooldown): Mundo Heals (10/15/20 %)missing health, and Regenerating (80/100/150%) maximum health over 15 seconds. SO I gave him: Extra regeration on top of the healing he gains from his cc counter. Extra cc and a new kind of cc that forces enemy movement into weird directions Resist and armor Reduction for his Team Movespeed and Lots of Health based Damage(this I'm worried I went too far on) and Reverted his ult to the original with the change of coming gaining health on press rather than losing it, but at the cost of it taking longer to regenerate the entire thing. Okay I have to make another Comment for the last character, Also 😊 for Reading my insanity.
Zoe’s spellthief works with her kit. The speed bonus allows her to extend her q so much more easily, helping if her E hit too far or if they had dashes or flash to get far enough away! Thanks for recognizing Zoe though! She’s a fun champion isn’t she?
Tarics Q is literally his defining ability. In combination with his passive you can carry every teamfight just by spamming Q and AA the enemy frontline. If your team stays close together the small repetitive healing multiplies by 2 and its for your whole team. Combined with Taric ult it gives a lot of sustain for your team.
as a support being able to provide heals cc and shield for the carry without needing to stay close is so good, that is why i think his W is his defining ability, you dont need to stop attacking to protect you dont even need to move the cursor to the carry if they move too fast just cast on yourself
I'd like to remind everyone that you can only benefit from 1 q at a time. His stun deals dmg once and doesn't stun for longer if both Parys hit the same person. You can only be affected by one of his thing at a time
Lillia's W is a remnant of what she was, in development, Lillia was going to be a shapeshifter, like elise or nidalee, but they had to scrap this for whatever reason, so her current kit is an amalgamation of her 6 original abilities, so i think her W was designed when her concept was very different, she probably would have had a basic ability stun that helped her land her W
she was going to be an assassin centered on a map-altering gimmick, but when they playtested her, all the players hated it. That was the whole point of the champ, so they were forced to go back to the drawing board and start from scratch. The period before she was released was the longest league had ever gone without a new champion release idk if that's the reason her w exists though
Found the channel just few days ago and gotta say I have been enjoying the content! Gotta love how some people still manage to talk about this game with facts instead of just throwing more shit in the pile
Zoe's W synergizes well with her R, since you can pop in from out of range or across a wall, fire off a random spell, then pop back. A lot of her kit seems designed for tossing things at enemies from over a wall - fitting for a trickster spirit.
As a Zoe player, I think her W is the most fun part of her kit. Her squishy nature when mispositioned leaves her open to getting one shot, she’s a glass cannon in that sense. But I see what you mean, I know she can be extremely frustrating to play against especially when ahead.
I personally think that Zoe's W was one of , if not THE most overhyped ability upon release , when in my opinion (as a fellow zoe player) it isnt even that good ... you know how Phel doesnt have an entire E ability and his W is just a switch for weapons? i think they did that for the same reason as to why zoe got her W. Riot KNEW it wouldnt be as strong as people think, so they gave her the spell thief to compensate for her really strong Q+E combo. IDK about you , but for me lately zoe has been feeling lackluster... she has only 2 genuine abilities and with the amount of damage in the game currently everyone can do as much damage as her BUT they also bring more to the table. Not only that, the current meta places her in an even worse position and in Ranked its like you dont even have a ban available, because if god forbid you dont ban yone and someone on the enemy team picks him - you insta lose:/
@@moonlight8451 Yeah, I don’t play her nearly as often as I used to and I definitely don’t take her into ranked. I think the community making a big fuss over Zoe is why this is probably where she’ll stay for a while. If she comes into relevancy again, people will probably cry out that she’s overtuned or a 200 years champion. Her W is where a lot of fun for me comes from but I play in like silver uncompetitively.
@@chivi- i agree - its also really funny how, if you think about it EVERY 200year champ is an AD champ. i personally believe that in LoL ad champs are better and stronge than ap champs in every sence of the word. The only ones that come CLOSE to overloaded champs such as akshan samira viego etc. are Zoe , Vex(people think shes overloaded for some reason) , Gwen - shes not even a Mage , just AP ....and thats about it. People freak out when they see a broken mage cause "OMG THIS IS TURNING INTO DISNEY" but when they see Yone its fine cause hes edgy samurai that came from the dead like...
@@moonlight8451 If Zoe didn’t look the way she does or have the animations she does, I genuinely believe people would think she’s a relatively difficult champion because she relies so heavily on skill shots, her Q of which has a smaller hit box(in comparison to like Blitz hook). AD champions have been the bane of my existence since I started playing League but nothing makes me more upset than people rioting against cheery, usually girl, characters in the game when the 16th edgelord they’ve pushed out goes unnoticed. Both kill champion diversity.
@@chivi- YOU SAID IT CHILE! I would push this a step further and say that there are way worse champ releases then Seraphines - and they are all on AD edgy champs.Yone has the same technique as yasuo - Why? wasnt he the only one with that wind sht .... also - he revived himself because...demon? uhum ...yes of course - dont even get me started that his in game abilities are a mix of wind + demonic bs and all of them dont even synergise together , they are just so good on their own that it makes the champ viable.
Can you talk about Rakan’s Q? i love the champion and think he’s in a good spot but man is that not the most useless ability in the entire game it heals 20hp poke range is horrible and it takes way too long to pop (unless u hit an ally) it also feels so random on him
I think his Q is *fine,* you can atleast weave it between autos when you hit the W and it makes his E feel slightly more chunky when you shield an ally and/or proc guardian. It's his passive that I wish had even a hint of synergy with... anything. It's a B grade mountain soul for only yourself, like it's so boring. They could've done something similar to Guardian but for a heal, to make the Q heal make some kind of thematical sense. Rakan is my favourite champ but it does feel like he doesn't really have a Q or passive.
@@Djitterbug looking at passives from new champs. It does feel kinda weak but comparing it with champs that came out at the start like nami, soraka, annie, etc. ... i believe it's... solid. Heck if anything it's better than janna's passive she gives like 2 ms to people running towards her but who even thinks about that in game XD
I think Zoe’s W is super unique. Does she operate fine without it? Yeah mostly, but I feel like it gives the champ a lot of skill expression. Plus it just sorta fits her thematically so it doesn’t really feel out of place.
Yea it really isn’t conducive to her kit it is fun to have a champ who can actually pseudo punish flashing or using sum or actives on her and it fits her design to a T but all in all I mostly use it to get back to lane faster with flashes or ghost or for assisting in picks (item actives, sums ) but it doesn’t make her less dangerous if removed it’s fun tho
@@celestialenigma3874 Exactly, it sorta just feels exactly like something a trickster god would have so it just kinda works. Plus it is fun, and it honestly feels pretty fair after they removed the worst offenders from the random drop pool
Zoe does need the w to work out. As a Zoe main, I cannot describe you how the campion force you to put yourself in dangerous situations, and the only thing that could save you is either flash or w.
The thing about Zoe's W is that it's important to her positioning. 90% of what her kit does is very position-dependent, to the point where her ultimate is literally just 'briefly reposition.' The foxfire-esque bubbles are basically just tacked on, yeah, but the ability to pick up summoners and items (and the speed boost you get for using them) is pretty integral to playing Zoe well.
Actually I think Lillia's W works very well with her kit simply because it is a dash that ignore slows. Slows are one of your worst nightmare as Lillia (just after targeted hard CC), and being able to get out of a Lux's E or a SInged's W is a godbless. Also the huge damage is quite a good reward for locking yourself in an animation. The only problem with this ability imo is that you can't speed it up, and it become a problem in late game when it turns you into a slug. Maybe speeding the animation a little when reaching lvl 6/11/16 would be good. Having it scaling on MS would be fun as hell, but I think it would make it too strong, especially on full AP Lillia who can delete a squishy target with one single bonk.
Its not until you play fiddlesticks against kalista that you realize how useful of an ability her W can be in the right circumstances. Thats a large area permanently warded until you manually kill the patrolling ghost, not to be taken lightly. The fact that there is no timer on the ghost's lifespan is what makes the ability underrated to me
Find it weird that you would include taric q over an ability that is just strictly worse than it; rakan q. They function the same, in that they give a small heal to their ally, but unlike rakan q, taric q actually heals a decent chunk and can be the difference in a fight if you can use it correctly (which is just spamming it thanks to your passive.) Conversely, rakan q does very little damage, heals almost nothing, and has a long cooldown that can’t be lowered like tarics. I think it’s kind of like Mundo w in the way that if you took the ability out of his kit it would change nothing unlike taric q, which actually has a use
I play Ryze a lot and I agree that his ult feels just so frustrating as a "global" ability, due tto its distance/cast time = distance/walkspeed with boots, literally not kidding. If anything, the most consistent thing you'll be using it for will be for escapes, a surprise no-vision gank, catching up with a wall-hacking talon (and even that is hard in itself), teleporting your teammate to 2v1 or 3v2 in the mid/late game. Other than that, you can't realistically use it to sneak barons, the range and predictability (big old circle) makes it so easy to sweep in late game, not many people will walk into it in the first place....
I like Lillia's Watch Out! EEP! Even though it contrasts with the rest of her kit, it still kinda fits her character. She may be shy and cowardly, but she has her small moments of bravery that even she doesn't understand. Watch Out! EEP! is that moment of bravery placed into her kit in a terrifying way. It's also very necessary for her kit since she needs the burst after putting enemies to sleep, and it's good for ganking since it can block off the enemy's path
14:20 Underlord from DotA 2 used to have this ability, but valve reworked it to be a 2 way global portal that anyone(enemies incl.) could pass through after a channel
You're right. I did enjoy this video. Disagree on Lillia's W since it's got flexible usage despite slowing her down. Though I am surprised you found some examples that weren't just W abilities. Thank you Taric and Ryze.
I really like real warp tbh. Even if you cant usually get a sneaky play in soloQ, it allows for skill expression in the form of wave management, since it teleports minions as well. You can create a freeze by killing your own wave. You can tp your wave into tower to deny xp and gold. You can deny a freeze by trowhing your wave into their tier 2, preventing the oponent from chasing you, or they lose their stacked wave. And you can use it for just a simple lane gank. With some coordination, you could trowh your darius into the middle of the enemy team. They dont know where exactly he is coming from if the origin of realm warp is out of vision
He never claimed it to be worthless. In fact the exact opposite. He specifically said that it's too good of an ability, on the conceptual level, for the game.
It's hard to explain but I really think Lillia's W works real well. At least when going into bushes. Because you go into a bush, they chase you, and then you W back towards them and half the time they don't expect it and eat a ton of damage. And then you run the other direction. It's a bush-juking ability and I think those are fun
The reason Lillia’s W is a long short wind-up is because it’s supposed to be the “hit” to the “hit-and-run” in a fight, you will most likely save it for the moment it’s safe to do so, because lillia is supposed to be a skittish and nervous character. It’s a portion of her kit designed to be planned for. If you’re careless with it, you’ll miss the sweetspot and waste a lot of your damage. In many fights, you may never use it until someone is stunned or asleep, because you’re waiting for an opportunity. If it had no cast time or was weaker for less wind-up, her sleep would be less fun to use both in that it is inherently fun to whack someone with the heavy windup while they’re sleeping (ask any smash player who’s ever broken a shield), and that her ult would feel less impactful because she lacks a satisfying way to take advantage of the sleep state. Waking someone up with her Q or E feels really bad a lot of the time.
As someone who has enjoyed many hours of Zoe gameplay, both on release and post-mini-rework, I can't help but agree about your take on spell thief... to an extent. The ability to steal summoner spells and items from your enemies is *absolutely the biggest gameplay hook for me,* and the bonus movespeed she gets enables her to get more distance on Paddle Star, thus an indirect damage increase. The active movespeed and bonus damage absolutley synergize with her kit, but its feast-or-famine nature in-game currently makes her much less fun to play as and against, and the way it works in laning phase is just terribly implemented. Here's how I would rework the ability to retain the parts about it that I love while (mostly) toning down the parts nobody really likes: *1. Remove the spell bubbles from minions entirely.* The early game drop table is full of so many dead item drops that aren't fun or intuitive for Zoe to use, in exchange for some of them being an un-earned advantage (especially if she already has priority). Tying this power budget to minion last-hits also makes her way worse as a Support, where she would otherwise be an amazing fit since she can steal more spells from more people. She doesn't need RNG on top of spell thievery, it doesn't even make logical sense, since the minions aren't casting spells or using items. It's just bad, weighted RNG for the sake of "whacky crazy gameplay variety." *2. Make her W always have an active, and a cooldown, which is then reduced whenever a new spell bubble is created or picked up.* This accomplishes a lot of things at once, namely: -No RNG feelbads when Zoe successfully picks up a bubble that just sucks (lookin at you, hydra actives) -No "wtf that's so unfair" feelbads when she picks up a powerful one that forces her opponent to concede priority -It always does at least *something,* but if you use it at the wrong time you won't be able to use stolen spells as readily -You can now balance Zoe around mid and Support, since each role emphasizes different aspects of her kit. Mid Zoe gets more levels+gold, thus more damage sooner in the game, and a good way to get priority. Support Zoe gets more summoner spells to steal earlier in the game, fun wall setups to look for bubble traps, and gets to be in control of vision to set them up more easily, with the tradeoff of dealing less damage most of the time. I know people also aren't a fan of the sleep mechanic in general, but to me it is far from the most anti-fun mechanic out there, and she's the only one who has it on a non-ultimate. I just think Zoe gets ignored now because of how hilariously broken she was on launch, and most of that grief comes from this ability, which in its current state is the main problem most people (Zoe players included) have with her. Lemme know what you think of these ideas for changes :3
I think for the point about the lillia W and Kalista W not matching the playstyle is actually intended. They don't want to make a champ too good at their job so they have one or 2 abilities that contrast the playstyle but also bring something unique to them. For example imagine if they gave lillia a selfpeel ability on W or just another damage ability that was ranged. She would have no spot for weakness in a teamfight. If your the enemy and lillia has a fully stacked passive and is running circles around you, you would have no shot at killing her so, her W makes her have a moment of weakness. If Lillia sleeps a primary target and wants to confirm a kill she has to get up close and personal with W to secure it. That's your time to strike when she is stuck in that animation.
yo fiora's riposte is not "extra" or out of place, it's a parry. you know, for the grand duelist. it's her tool to outduel people, if you parry the CC you win.
Lilia's w actually speeds her up at early levels and can also be used to get through some snares, so the movement aspect is kind of kept. But yeah, thematically incongruent for sure.
Fiora's Riposte DOES fit her kit though. Shes a Rapier user, shes supposed to be all about the quick pokes and counters, thats literally how Rapier duels work. Even how it works in game fits because if you use it right, you can turn a fight, much like a good Riposte in a duel. Just stood out to me when you gave a few examples, sometimes the theme is why the ability fits. I actually feel like Zeri can fit into this. Her W feels worthless in her kit. She works by staying close and constantly dashing and moving about, chaining her Q and autos but she also has a W with a delayed cast that only does good damage if it hits a wall and causes the lazer....like what? If you W before dashing over the wall, you give away your gank. Its such a weird skill for her to have, i literally never put points into it until I have to.
You don't know too much about fencing do you? Foil and saber are weapons to riposte. Rapier and epee not so much even the way she hits enemies is wrong they are thrusting weapons without slashes.
Speaking on Ryze's ultimate... I miss his first one. Adding AOE damage to his spells and giving some spell vamp... in fact, I clearly remember seeing a stick figure animation a long time ago that featured one of them using Ryze's book and kit, and it put its hands behind its head and hip thrusted his old E back and forth between him and the enemy, and every time I think about it I miss classic Ryze more. Just another beautiful piece of gaming history that professional play (literally 0.00001% of players) took from us because they broke it.
Funny that you mentioned Dota 2 with Ryze's ult, because Underlord used to have similar ultimate. After few seconds delay It let him and all allies within large radius teleport to any ally creep, tower or fountain. It was changed because that ult was impossible to balance - once he began channeling the enemy couldn't cancel it. At the same time if it was cancellable it would be hot garbage. So his new ult creates a portal similar to hextech gate, which both teams can use (though allies get temporary damage reduction and move speed after using it). It is way better design, because you can actually chase after his team now. Of course you likely won't have vision around the other end of the portal so using it may backfire, but you have a choice and it's up to you wheter that chase is worth the risk.
Vars: It's ability you might see in dota 2 Dota 2: already has it with infinite range and multiple use, 2 way portal with movement speed and damage reduction buff...
You're right, Ryze's ultimate exists in dopa 2, but it's way more powerfull. It is still an ultimate, but it's not channeling (you can still act while it is preparing) + you can teleport to any allied unit or structure on a map. Despite being a part of a tanky splitpusher's (probably, dopa issues) kit, it is still mostly ignored in solo games. Btw, I think it would be interesting. In our region we have plenty of videos comparing dopa 2 and lol, and saying how much lol is better. If you run out of ideas, how about making something like this? It would be interesting to hear lol player's thoughts on dopa.
Well it's simple you like making solo play and can win by yourself just by popping off go to league or you try to work with 4 other monkeys to win the game while in process making stupid bullshit wombo combo while spaming lakat matatang play dota
As a Lillia main, I think her W is fine, Like you said, it revolves around her ultimate for burst until they die from burn by one Q but it also is useful for clearing jungle or keeping stacks in lane because if you lose stacks in lane... well, you just get run down and die by the characters such as Olaf, Darius, and such. She's amazing still, especially with the shift to melee letting her got more damage from items like demonic and such giving her better sustain and damage output. Without it, her clear in jungle would be worthless, and she'd be put out of the game
Interesting thing about Realm Warp is the Morales in Heroes of the Storm has a very similar ability - Medivac. And Blizzard made it.. quiet usable in Quick Match by virtue of point and click delivering freshly resurrected allies to you. Much lesser play making version that shares a cooldown but with easier use.
The most useless ability in the entire game is Jarvin's W. Its a pathetic slow and pathetic sheild. You can play jarvin without even leveling it if you wanted to
Oh boy that ability sucks. I'm pretty sure it used to be somewhat decent, though I should check patches, but it feels like it has been nerfed so hard it's not even an ability anymore.
honestly taric's q's major problem is less the concept of the ability itself and more just suffering from the main issues of his itemization, his ult/funnel, and the fact that the fifth point is full on just a downgrade. itemization wise he got SOME problems fixed with fimbulwinter, but in general his ideal items are tank enchanter ones, which really dont exist and CANT exist because jesus christ imagine a tanky janna. there isn't really an easy fix for this apropro of just giving him a pyke style "all AP is converted into armor and health" stat or something along those lines so he CAN get better tank stats from enchanter items, but that still feels like a bandaid. it also doesnt help how much of his fuckin power budget is taken up by his ult, which is super cool in practice but its way too much of potential powerhouse to let anything else really shine, and as long as its around funnel is going to be a thing. tarics q stacks has been my own personal fight with any riot dev who will listen since they changed it to a 5 charge system, because theres two BIG glaring issues with it, and solutions actually do exist that have in game precedents. you're basically forced, no matter what, to put two points into q no matter the actual ability you want to max first because otherwise you're wasting your passive and getting literally half the effectiveness you can in fights, and the fact that taric's q will almost NEVER hit 5 stacks in a fight (and if it does you fucked up your spell rotation) means at max rank you literally are increasing the mana cost for no reward. one of the easiest possible fixes they can do that solves both problems is making it start with 2 charges and build up to 6, or making it start with 2, then go up to 3 charges at 3 points, capping out at 4 charges at 5 points.
i think a tanky sona is more problematic, but Janna does have non existent health growth anyways. I don't think tank enchanter items would be of any use aside from taric. If you build tanky, you need to be able to contribute something to the team while absorbing damage. Taric happens to be required to be in the middle of the fight to do anything, so he has no choice. Enchanters stay further from the fight because they are squishy and all their abilities are mid ranged, so if they are tanky, they will just kill your teammates since your utility and protection is weaker and it's not like you're gonna be able to 1v5. I guess they would just be really unhealthy for the game, since enchanters would not have to learn proper positioning, but good players would still get more value out of ap and utility.
Something I've heard only people intimately familiar with Zoe (at least, in my experience) talk about is how bad patch 11.2 kneecapped her roaming. She lost Redemption as a random drop from W, which made her roams have a chance of being stupid good. Redemption healing a 200-260 HP early game plus doing a flat 10% max HP burn being a lot of damage when HP values are low are both hugely influential. Her roaming isn't terrible now; Sleepy Trouble Bubble going through walls is great for setting up picks, but I know there's a "Why No One Plays Zoe" in the pipeline and I thought it interesting to mention, even if I don't know if this detail will be put in the video.
13:04 thats what i did with old mundo but they killed this champ. He has no sustain compared to all bruisers i have 300k points on him but i never play him since his rework. Tanks have no place right now in league
learning the new mundo as a mundo main, realizing how weak W is was one of the hardest parts. Nowadays, it's nice if you're getting tower dove because the enemy/enemies usually underestimate W healing by jumping right on top of you, and I'll also use it for a tiny bit extra wave clear, something he's already pretty good at. Old W was by no means a bad ability because it's what gave him his notorious tenacity and the damage was decent, but now it's kinda lack luster. he doesn't need it tho, mundo is busted
I'd argue sentinels active goes really well with her all-in kit, letting you check to make sure the enemy jg or mid aren't right about to gank before you go all in on the enemy botlane
Would be cool to see you do some specific videos on either reworking a champion in depth or potentially designing a new champion that fills an available niche in the game
if u think about it, kalista's W can be useful to kalista since she's the only ranged champ whose autos dont hit the opponent if they lose vision of the opponent (unlike all other ranged champs whose auto will follow up wherever u go). granted it s still worse than ashe's E, but the ability's active "kinda" has a purpose that synergized (or at least covers a weakness) of kalista
I love Taric for the champion he is, but I have to agree. His healing is just so.... iffy. Sometimes when you build full moonstone archangels enchanter it heals for a ton and can effectively serve as "combat health" but 1. taric is not supposed to build that way, given his short range and need to get in and 2. where the money come from? Ignore this, build health and resistance and problem 3, the extremely high mana costs and non-existent healing properties are not worth it. Usually even though I usually max Q first, the heal itself is usually underwhelming, usually only use at full charge to save someone rather than provide health. I think Taric should be reworked so that either 1. he goes on solo lane, can heal his allies, get CS and get tons of items or 2. he goes support, high base healing, lower damage, increase movespeed and overall tankiness for a utility-healing Braum.
13:09 the onlt way I'd think hed keep it is if you remove the Team taking element of it, But then it does lose uniquness in where is too similiar to Twisted Fates version, and for a battle Mage I believe your version of the Self Buff Works better.
Lillia's W is her high risk high reward ability. Her burst is locked behind a long cast time ability that ends her tempo, and if she fucks that up her enemies can capitalize and lock her down and kill her with two autos
i'm at the start of the video and i hope you included kalista's sentinel since that thing is completely and utterly useless for other than it's passive lmao i didn't even finish typing this and he started talking about it, i'm pleased.
For decades i was thinking why abilities from DotA usually not work for League. It was after they give Ryze teleport exist i was understood that this game just can handle that much of ability. And also because rito was one of the best Italian chef in the gaming industry
So I only play Aram, but I have wondered why Riot does not do more tuning of the fine numbers we do not see in the standard stats. Cast animation speeds, projectile speeds, stop to cast animation/moving while casting. I play Diana lot and the ability swap was a great, simple change. The only thing I think she needs is a small, tiny increase to speed of her casting animation. Has Riot ever discussed why those changes are not done more often than complete tear down/rebuild or the standard raw stat changes?
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3:55 @Vars I'd say that Fiora's Riposte is integral to her kit (as a fiora player). I'd say bladework is more of the extra ability. Now hear me out.
Fiora is meant to be a duelist, the goal is to be virtually unmatched in 1 on 1 combat capabilities when played optimally, also she has a fencing theme to further that idea. Riposte is important because of two reasons: it changes the 1v1 dynamic of the character, and it makes her skill expressive, two things that are intended to be vital (yes, pun intended) to her design. Riposte is something that makes or breaks the all in. Think about it, in the 1v1 vs jax, the outcome is completely dependent on whether she can riposte the stun from counter-strike. Also, it makes her flashy and it feels insanely good when you parry vayne's condemn and then stun her when she's invisible, after which you get pinged by your team for being "insane." Riposte is so important to fiora because it makes so many matchups radically different. Remove the ability from the game and so many matchups become downright unplayable. Malphite, mordekaiser, jax, kled, gnar, kennen, quinn, riven, yone, yasuo, udyr, even teemo, all of which are considered to be fiora-favored just to name just a few. Meanwhile, bladework is the lowest impact ability in her kit. It's just another auto-reset. When do you ever end a fight as fiora thinking: ah, I should have canceled into bladework better? Never. When you lose an all-in as Fiora you think: Ah, I didn't riposte the riven w, or I mistimed my riposte on counterstrike, or I didn't parry the teemo blind. Besides, isn't it really important for a duelist character to have an ability which allows them to negate the enemy's unique comabt abilities for an extremely limited time once a fight? Also, shouldn't an enemy, when fighting a duelist character, have to worry about one very crucial and special move that their enemy can use to win the duel? To me, it just makes sense.
My only problem with lillias w is that its name should be Bambi bonk instead of this
Get this man an upvote.
My only problem with Lillia is I play Hecarim, and her Q passive should have been put on Hecarim instead, but nope it's on her so now I can't play Hecarim without thinking he's a second rate Lillia.
@@Barnesofthenorth this is what i call an release date diff
That would be amazing plz do this riot
Old Mundo W did a decent chunk of damage considering you could keep it on FOREVER. In addition to that, You gained SO MUCH tenacity. New Mundo W is literally nothing. I genuinely have no idea what they were thinking about with his W.
His old W was good even with just the tenacity, let alone also the damage it brought. There was also a small lvl of skill expresion in it since u could only get the tenacity when it was turned off
i miss old mundo w because it gave him a jungle clear, i miss those days
@@AGuy-0751 Damn, Mundo new W is nthing compared to his old W. Its gay as fuk.
@@Kaiser25 you could only get tenacity when it was turned on
@@AGuy-0751 mundo have the fastest clear in the jg, the new mundo
I've always thought Taric had one of the most well-designed kits in the game, so I'm really curious to find out what Vars has to say about his Q
Well it's like do you really want to use your spell? Yeah? Well no mana for you now. Feels a bit like you're a power healer machine for 4s before you run out of mana and then you're like useless so I guess frustrating?
@@poloi3440 I usually only run out of mana after early-game all-ins, after which I'm probably going to recall anyways. Since Taric has CC, bonus armor, shields and 2.5 s of invincibility, he doesn't need to spam heals as much as other enchanters
Edit: I also really like how he can choose between safety and CD reduction. He doesn't need to stay in the middle of the fray to do his job, but he can be much more efficient by doing so
Even if you build tear then fimbulwinter and other mana items still you run out of mana easily, even if you have presence of mind rune
@@joshuaesteban1120 I do like the statement of "Hah. I know you play it and are fine with mana, but you run out of mana!"
@@poloi3440 just get a mana item and one mana regen and is done, the key is not overused untill you are in a tf
Mundo's new W is the worst interaction with Grey health in the game
I love him, M7 and have all skins / play him a ton - yet the W I always forget to use and just ignore because it SUCKS.
@@supaga1axy for me the old W was better it allowed mundo to be a good jungler with a very fast clear even without a leash and i had him as one of my jungle mains.
As a mundo player i agree it just feels bad to use, wish it was more consistent or changed
@@samuelmcewen9011 tbf the new mundo clear is still stupid fast, esp of you start blue
What I especially find funny is that his OLD w had more interaction with his kit, because a lot of people didn't know that mundo's E use to give MR every time you took damage, and since his w was a toggle that constantly damaged you, it help both give and keep the MR you accrued.
Actually.. it is
On Dota2 it's on Underlord, a gigantic tank focusing on area control and lockdown, very popular because you can win a fight in a lane the enemy thought "safe" and teleport the whole team into a creep wave the other side of the map that was pushed beforehand (or just regular old disengage your whole team after overextending)
he also has a passive that stacks damage that would lose charges if he walks from one lane to another, so you can push one lane to stack then teleport to another lane to use the bonus damage on towers
rip they replaced it but yeah ryze r is literally nerfed underlord ult
@@awinkingowl7608 I mean they couldn't have the level of macro game that Dota has.
Underlord's ult is relatively balanced when every hero has access to TP scroll every 70s
Same thing with stuns, Lion hex lasting 3,5 seconds is balanced in the context of Dota, same thing for Lulu's stun.
@@awinkingowl7608 new underlord is like a global version of bard magic journey
Glad you mentioned Ryze ult. I really hope Riot learned from that one (and some others like Lillia ult) and is considering the coordination that abilities demand when designing new champs. It really impacts the ability to balance pro and soloQ.
... which one?
@@lobster6736 both, but especially Ryze
@@kcStranger...which ryze
@@lobster6736 Well, I was referring to the ones with his current ult : )
His ult doesnt even fit his kit idk why they decided its a good idea
Yes, let’s talk about Taric’s Q, possibly one of the weirdest designed abilities in the game.
It’s not bad on paper, an AOE heal around the champion scaling with HP and AP, but what riot did with this ability makes no sense.
When most healing abilities are leveled up they’ll increase in healing, maybe have a decreased cooldown or some other metric that’s immediately usable. All Taric gets is more maximum stacks, and that’s literally it, no extra healing per stack, no extra CD, nothing which means the difference between a level 1 Q and a level 5 1-stack Q is the fact that the level 1 Q costs less mana 😂.
Then there’s the fact that the CD is completely dependent on Tarics passive to gain ANY stacks, making it kinda ridiculous to play against. You don’t want to engage Taric because he can Q spam with his passive which gives him more Q-spam, which activates his passive and so on.
So instead of Taric heal being a… heal, it acts more as a damage steroid that just so happens to give him and his teammates little heals.
What is that design…..
I think it makes him interesting.The fact it has restrictions makes it far healthier than something like Soraka, but there is a reward when he fights on his terms.
I remember going full tank in ARAM and 3 guys approached me then proceeded to not die and kill their ADC causing my team to arrive and it was the funniest thing I did for a while
exactly. and the weirdest part is you can't even properly spam it like his kit wants you to without going OOM in 3 seconds. it's like some weird skirmishing enchanter ability lol
I don't think it be bad as an ability to practically only heal on combat. But the fact that is so low added to the fact that it doesn't increase with level ups is what puts it down to me
@@shacolin6546 honesty, I think Raka has the best designed heal in the game only followed by Taric.
Raka has a pretty strict cap on the number of heals she can do, that is, until regeneration is taken into account. Her inbuilt regeneration ability requires her to hit a skillshot, which, despite its big size and impressive range, still puts her at a risk since maximum efficiency requires constantly hitting it, as well as carefully balancing your health resources.
Taric on the other hand sacrifices time, opposed to health. To get the maximum heal he needs to wait for quite a while (unfortunately the reward is no longer that good, but that's an issue of stats, not design). If he wishes, however, he can reduce the cooldown by using his other abilities, giving him a temporary quick refill to Q stacks after use.
However, to quickly refill the cooldown of those, he needs to spam Q. It's like a constant rotation, right? You need to carefully consider what you need right at the moment AND in the near future, managing your resources according to that. It's a similar principle to his E, a good payoff but only if you think a couple of turns ahead.
I’m gonna have to hard disagree with your take on Lilia W.
Sure, it feels pretty awkward to use, but it’s kinda designed to give her a reason to come close and slow down for moment. The fact that all it does is a fat wad of damage honestly makes it somewhat elegant in the context of the rest of her kit. She doesn’t need it to function, but is rewarded handsomely for proper usage, and has the tools to set it up. I think a good example of clunk done right.
Also gives the character counter play and makes her better to play agaisnt, imagine if as Vars said it worked like WW ullt, her movespeed plus ghost would have her coming screaming out of fog of war swinging a nuke above her head
It don't even think it's about the counterplay. It's the only ability you should ever wake people up with. It's 480 base damage (+35% ap), but it gains 200 dmg (+40% ap) if you use it on a sleeping target. Plus, Lillia jungle takes Dark Harvest, even now after the durability patch, so the bonk is even bigger. Plus it's aoe, meaning if 2 enemies stay asleep next to each other (which isn't uncommon in soloqueue) it's over 1300 base damage BEFORE YOU APPLY ANY AP SCALING.
And this is only talking about the pvp aspect of playing Lillia. Even though her q and passive are the main reason she can clear the jungle effectively, her w is the main reason she can clear camps fast. It's super easy to hit it on as many small monsters as possible, and the sweet spot basically oneshots them even with a single point in the ability. Lillia is all about tempo, all about going fast from place to place, and her w ensures your clear speed is as fast as it needs to be so the champion can do what it needs to do. It's also a good way to secure smite fights, since sweet spot w + smite is 1100 to 1200 damage, depending on your level and build.
I understand his point, that the fixed distance travelled feels weird, but it makes perfect sense since you aren't supposed to use it like Warwick's ult. You are supposed to bonk people with your w when they are hit by hard cc (mainly your ult's sleep), to ensure the maximum damage
Tbh its not even clunky until you start pushing 500+ MS
"proper usage"
Shes overkitted, way too fast, and counterplay is almost non-existent for majority champions. Can't even use a tank against her to sustain through her damage.
@@cyberpunk-2O77 no she is actually pretty easy to counter play lock down champs like vi can easily get close, predator junglers like Elise can get to their power spike faster than her, champs like master yi can easily snowball her and match tempo while Kayn’s ult cleanses the drowsy effect, so yeah not really sure why you think she has no counterplay
“ I don’t want all my videos to be the same” Outside Joke should take notes
Hey don't talk badly about my boy like that >:O
Personally I think Zoe's spell theif is ok design wise, it could be better but it definitely has its uses, same goes for Lillias watch out, eep! I think the outer ring does to little damage
Yeah, they should do something like make the sweet spot only double damage but buff the regular damage
@@flameofmage1099 Make her Darius Hecarim and she'll be super viable XD XD
I mean, every Mage has a way to get people out of their faces, a long CD that acts as a last resource, even tho a Bubble to the face is threathening enough to detour most people from getting into her face, I can see why Riot wanted somehow a defensive spell that also acts as a playful part of her kit but somehow I feel it could be made better.
Zoes spell thief is the reason I don't play her. So unintuitive and hard to use
I think they could remove the bonus damage sheninigans and just give a bonus effect to the whole ability, a pushback or something else
Lillia W is very flexible, i think its neat. when ally cc's enemy u can W, to dodge something like lux ult u can use W, u also can zone someone if they are going for ur ally or use walls/minion wave's to your advantage to hit the W, it also is used in a certain way when clearing camps. When for example enemy mord is one aa away to procc his passive and he E's you, u can choose to hit him when hes locked in animation for some heavy true damage or W away to kite him with e's and q's. I think that this ability is very agreeable with the rest of her kit
But that's the issue, her only spell to closing in enemies without Q stacks is just that, making her hardly to initiate the fight unless enemy clump up, but u know that's not always the case. Her w entirely go against Lillia playstyle overall makes this one a badly design ability.
@@Gamber63 Lillia has her E to close the distance, u can also stack passive with q's earlier on anything. If that is not enough, you can also ult someone after E'ing or build ms items. Her W is a nice situational addition that you play around if someones getting sleepy or ever else. Maybe it is against her playstyle but its still a worthy addition with reasonable interactions.
I really agree with this i love her w and the ammount of times that little dash has saved me has happend to me a surprisingly ammount
@@tuesday4564 the only time when her e + passive isnt working is when they are on the other side of the map lmao
edit: also rylai's crystal scepter is quite helpful if u dont want to use her R
Tbh I completely disagree with Vars. Changing her W to anything else that is tempo or kiting would be an overkill as she has everything needed. However making it an ability that makes catching enemies easier or anything other related to her, would be straight up overloaded giving her far too many options to close your distance (yone doesn't need 2 cc's and 4 dashes to be able to catch someone, the same as lillia wouldn't need any more kiting skills to be successful), she would also suffer from lack of damage, they could buff her q damage but buffing such a strong ability doesn't seem right.
I have said for years, that honestly, Jayce should have his mana costs increased substantially and had his Melee W Passive increased several times over to compensate. It would make his poke less obnoxious and actually REQUIRE Jayce to enter melee form during laning phase outside of all-ins or swatting you away.
But they are already super high and he can't do more than 1 full rotation without building tear. You're already forced to go for at least 2 mana runes, either PoM + Bisquits(Conq keystone) or Manaflow + Bisquits(First strike, Aery or Phase Rush).
Also if Jayce becomes strong enough in melee form early to realistically use his W passive standing in front of a typical stat stick toplaner, he would be completely broken. And if he doesn't get his melee form buffed to compensate for being forced to play as a melee champ into pepega juggernaut champs like Darius, Urgot, Sett etc., how will you ever use your W passive? Its already feast or famine, now imagine playing Jayce with higher mana costs if you're already behind.
I dont see how you would fundamentally change how Jayce works without making him even more polarizing/coinflip of a toplaner than he already is.
Zoe's W is great IMO, though it has little interaction with her long ranged playstyle I think being able to pick up a flash or protobelt to extend her Q range is great and makes her a lot more dynamic to play (having to jump in to collect spells) as opposed to doing nothing but spamming E and Q
I dont lol
@@xoafallen6239 based
It can spawn item actives at points in the game they're not meant to be in play that alone is over tuned
@@jackg6887 it's based entirely on RNG, the spawn rate for spells early game is horrible (sometimes I haven't had a single one come to lane until level 6) and because they drop quite far back it's really easy to zone her away from collecting them. The only super overpowered early pickups are Redemption and Galeforce imo
You know an ability's bad when Vars, premiere game design commentator for League RUclips, describes an ability as "straight-up booty cheeks."
Lilila's W is a very skill-expressive ability, and compliments her kit perfectly. She has tons of mobility and kite, and this is the moment she trades that mobility and kite for for offense. The circle is tiny, so you have to be confident that you are going to hit, the wind-up is very vulnerable, so you have to know when the perfect moment to strike is, and the damage is huge, so the payoff for the risk is worth it.
Lillia is a perfect little forest princess and every part of her kit is perfect too. Except for her ability names.
To some extent Zoes w being out of place is actually good design. Zoe has to think about which spells she can pick up without getting out of position. Spell thief would fit the desing of a diver that chains spells in the middle of a fight, but that would be so frustrating. Everything you said about being punished for using spells would be 100 times worse if spell thief was on a diver
Yeah a diver with multiple Flashes sounds like one of the circles of hell
I don't agree with the zoe having to think about which spell she wants to pick up. She is an artillery mage that doesn't really wanna be in the middle of a teamfight anyways and when she does arrive all she has to do is pick up random shit off the floor and spam it. Doesn't matter what she gets because she gets ramping movement speed and damage every spell she casts. Yea obviously Flashing in to pick up a flash and dying is a thing that could happen but in the chaos of it all all she has to do is pick up a few random spells and get the chain rolling.
she actually is diver that chain spells because of the passive on the W, she can also flash during her ult giving her extra range on engages if she pop a flash, she can always use her flash to force a flash out of you, then she steals that flash and keeps it
I agree that the ability on her is less toxic than on other kind of champions, but like... why do we need such an ability in the first place?
The time you can keep a stolen Spell isnt even that long, so unless she uses it soon it does nothing but give move speed
man i love how lillias w feels and i frequently use it to dash away from people and actually how many times it has saved me, but also when i just bonk people in sleep is also just satisfying.
I always appreciate your music choices. Receive and Turn You is just *chefs kiss* beautiful
lillia's w feels really good IMO and works for her.
it has a small dash, so you actually can use it to dodge abilities, and get in range for a q. This tends to be the bigger use of the ability actually, but if you ever get the chance to really commit to a fight, it does really strong damage. She is hit and run, but also is more like yi in that she has to find windows to engage in a teamfight. Her w allows her to really do this well.
also her ult set up (that you mentioned) synergizes with this ability too.
I can appreciate all VARS’ effort to give high quality content and insides. It shows! Your background clearly helps too
i think taric doesnt face an ability issue but an indentity crisis, his kit is a very awkward vanguard but everyone plays him like an enchanter
he's actually a warden
5:26 it should be a shockwave, that slightly pushes enemies back and deals magic damage.(2x stacks for two uses)
in this way it goes with his burst playstyle of it being immediate with a bit of defense but not to useful for that to replace his E knockback, the range of the push is closely in the outer range of it, so lets you do Q>AA>W>E, since w is another burst attack that also helps when enemy engages but still not far enough to fully get rid of them.
"Starlight's Touch":
Passive: Increases health Regeneration of nearby allies(+ Taric's health), "Bravado!" Heals a tethered ally for 70-140 (based on level)
Active: Taric summons an area that Shields(100-360 based on level) and Gives 20% MS.
If an enemy is affected, only the shield is traded for 30% slow (3sec.), Cripple (2sec.) and Magical damage(40 + Taric's Armor and magic resist).
* Mimic acts as a Separate entity, only effecting it's own.
8:00 "For Dreams, Be their Nightmares Lillia!":
A bit Of safety First!: Lillia acquires a shield(70-300 based on level) upon Damaging/Taking Damage from an enemy champion, Lasts While in combat and stays for an extra 3 seconds upon leaving it.
Outer edge hits from "Blooming Blows" reduces the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Active: Lillia taps Her Censer, Empowering her next ability and Auto attacks, dealing an extra 20 +( AP 60% ) for 3 seconds For AAs, and her ability hits empower "Dream-landen's Blough"
Increasing it's Damage( 8+(2 Per every 100 AP) Max health Total magic damage) and healing(60-125 For Monsters(6.2%AP) Able to gain it from one additional Monster at time, and 25-200(24%AP) for Champions. Effectives 33% After the first reduction Still Stays.)
*"Blooming Blows" Gains Increased Damage and For both inside of outer it.
*"Swirlseed" Bounces an extra 2 times, Able to go over Walls, Crushing in area around it dealing (70 + 50% AP) Magic Damage and Slowing enemies hit by 30%, Damage reduced upon subsequent hits by 20%.
*"Lilting Lullaby" Enemies Take additional damage after waking up and Crippling them for 2.5 Seconds.
9:33 This one is Tough due to mostly her kit already doing all she needs for the playstyle, so giving her an effective counter to a disavantage can be overpowered or underpowered so Ill try to help with her when she has missed her Paddle star:
!If all Fails, Call on the Star Doggy!: Zoe whistles to Areulon soul, who begrudgingly drops a 3 Star circle around her.
These Stars deal 60(+ 40% of her AP) while Slowing all targets hit for 30%.
Passive: Damaging enemy champions with abilities gives Zoe 3 Bubbles and Speed her up for 20%. They lock on to the Nearest low-Health Enemy, Prioritizing champions and Dealing 30 damage each hit.
They all hit at once when hitting "More Sparkles!".
11:22 Personal Favorite as Even old Mundo got somthing out of the little Sunfire cape it gave him, But this has completely nothing. The Wild rift edition has the oppisite problem where he E Is the dead ability while W is the Good one, It's just plainly stupid Because Mundo is sopposed to be a TANK the Outheals you instead of just being beefy enough to not take damage, so instead of a juggeraunt i'll bring him back into a Tank who is also can be a juggernaut:
P:"Goes Where he Pleases": Only change: When Mundo's Damaged his regeneration increases, by 5% every hit until 30%.
Mundo regenerates 1% of his maximum health every 5 seconds.
agreeably the rest is amazing
"Infected Bonesaw!"(4 sec cooldown): Mundo Throws his Bonesaw, Damaging the first enemy hit for 3/5/6/7/9% current max health Magic Damage and Slowing the target for 30%, and On hit heals for 25% of the health cost, 90% for champions or monsters, While Infecting the Target up to 3 times.
While a target is infected Mundo gains 30/35/40% movespeed Depending on the stack amount, while running toward the target.
Infection: Enemy targets gain armor and magic resist reduction, 2 stacks Increases the Slow, Protection reduction and Cripples the Target, 3 stacks Completely Roots the enemy and They Take additional magic Damage when hit twice by Mundo.
"HEART ZAPPER, STAT!"(3 Stacks, each 10/9/8/7 sec. cooldown): Mundo releases an electric Shock around himself, Dealing 80/100/150/175/200(+ 30% of your max health)magic damage and Shocking enemies hit.
Heart Shock: Enemies will get shocked for 5 seconds, moving on a Random direction every shock, and Heals Mundo for 20 every shock.
Enemies who have been infected, Dash toward Mundo and add a stack of infection.
Enemies who are already shocked will be take additional Damage from it and gives Mundo a Magical Shield lasting for 4 seconds.
*extra hits recharge the Shield.
"Blunt Force!, for the Trauma!"(9/8.6/7.5/6 Sec cooldown): Mundo gains 3 stacks of Blunt force, empowering his AA to attack in a Aoe, Dealing additional 40/60/70/90/125 Damage on every hit and healing himself for 50 percent of the Damage on the Last hit , If a target is infected they Take 50/70/105/150 Physical Damage(+ 10 % missing health) instead, on the last hit it deals 20/23/28/34/40% Missing health magic damage. When target is under 50/60/70% health They are Knocked back on the last hit.
"Mundo's Favorite Dosage!"(120/115/90 cooldown): Mundo Heals (10/15/20 %)missing health, and Regenerating (80/100/150%) maximum health over 15 seconds.
SO I gave him:
Extra regeration on top of the healing he gains from his cc counter.
Extra cc and a new kind of cc that forces enemy movement into weird directions
Resist and armor Reduction for his Team
Movespeed and Lots of Health based Damage(this I'm worried I went too far on) and Reverted his ult to the original with the change of coming gaining health on press rather than losing it, but at the cost of it taking longer to regenerate the entire thing.
Okay I have to make another Comment for the last character, Also 😊 for Reading my insanity.
Mundo is supposed to be Juggernaut, not a Tank
Zoe’s spellthief works with her kit. The speed bonus allows her to extend her q so much more easily, helping if her E hit too far or if they had dashes or flash to get far enough away! Thanks for recognizing Zoe though! She’s a fun champion isn’t she?
Tarics Q is literally his defining ability. In combination with his passive you can carry every teamfight just by spamming Q and AA the enemy frontline. If your team stays close together the small repetitive healing multiplies by 2 and its for your whole team. Combined with Taric ult it gives a lot of sustain for your team.
Yeah the healing potential is so high lane potential
Is guttered. And it definitely works well with risotto delay damagr
as a support being able to provide heals cc and shield for the carry without needing to stay close is so good, that is why i think his W is his defining ability, you dont need to stop attacking to protect you dont even need to move the cursor to the carry if they move too fast just cast on yourself
I'd like to remind everyone that you can only benefit from 1 q at a time. His stun deals dmg once and doesn't stun for longer if both Parys hit the same person. You can only be affected by one of his thing at a time
Lillia's W is a remnant of what she was, in development, Lillia was going to be a shapeshifter, like elise or nidalee, but they had to scrap this for whatever reason, so her current kit is an amalgamation of her 6 original abilities, so i think her W was designed when her concept was very different, she probably would have had a basic ability stun that helped her land her W
she was going to be an assassin centered on a map-altering gimmick, but when they playtested her, all the players hated it. That was the whole point of the champ, so they were forced to go back to the drawing board and start from scratch. The period before she was released was the longest league had ever gone without a new champion release
idk if that's the reason her w exists though
Found the channel just few days ago and gotta say I have been enjoying the content! Gotta love how some people still manage to talk about this game with facts instead of just throwing more shit in the pile
You can't trick me, Vars. We all know you made this video just so you could flex that you're in master!
Zoe's W synergizes well with her R, since you can pop in from out of range or across a wall, fire off a random spell, then pop back. A lot of her kit seems designed for tossing things at enemies from over a wall - fitting for a trickster spirit.
Loved the yakuza 7 majima background music
I’d love to see a video on the rise and fall of Xin Zhao, I find it interesting that since the rework he’s received nothing but nerfs
As a Zoe player, I think her W is the most fun part of her kit. Her squishy nature when mispositioned leaves her open to getting one shot, she’s a glass cannon in that sense. But I see what you mean, I know she can be extremely frustrating to play against especially when ahead.
I personally think that Zoe's W was one of , if not THE most overhyped ability upon release , when in my opinion (as a fellow zoe player) it isnt even that good ... you know how Phel doesnt have an entire E ability and his W is just a switch for weapons? i think they did that for the same reason as to why zoe got her W. Riot KNEW it wouldnt be as strong as people think, so they gave her the spell thief to compensate for her really strong Q+E combo.
IDK about you , but for me lately zoe has been feeling lackluster... she has only 2 genuine abilities and with the amount of damage in the game currently everyone can do as much damage as her BUT they also bring more to the table. Not only that, the current meta places her in an even worse position and in Ranked its like you dont even have a ban available, because if god forbid you dont ban yone and someone on the enemy team picks him - you insta lose:/
@@moonlight8451 Yeah, I don’t play her nearly as often as I used to and I definitely don’t take her into ranked. I think the community making a big fuss over Zoe is why this is probably where she’ll stay for a while. If she comes into relevancy again, people will probably cry out that she’s overtuned or a 200 years champion. Her W is where a lot of fun for me comes from but I play in like silver uncompetitively.
@@chivi- i agree - its also really funny how, if you think about it EVERY 200year champ is an AD champ. i personally believe that in LoL ad champs are better and stronge than ap champs in every sence of the word. The only ones that come CLOSE to overloaded champs such as akshan samira viego etc. are Zoe , Vex(people think shes overloaded for some reason) , Gwen - shes not even a Mage , just AP ....and thats about it. People freak out when they see a broken mage cause "OMG THIS IS TURNING INTO DISNEY" but when they see Yone its fine cause hes edgy samurai that came from the dead like...
@@moonlight8451 If Zoe didn’t look the way she does or have the animations she does, I genuinely believe people would think she’s a relatively difficult champion because she relies so heavily on skill shots, her Q of which has a smaller hit box(in comparison to like Blitz hook). AD champions have been the bane of my existence since I started playing League but nothing makes me more upset than people rioting against cheery, usually girl, characters in the game when the 16th edgelord they’ve pushed out goes unnoticed. Both kill champion diversity.
@@chivi- YOU SAID IT CHILE! I would push this a step further and say that there are way worse champ releases then Seraphines - and they are all on AD edgy champs.Yone has the same technique as yasuo - Why? wasnt he the only one with that wind sht .... also - he revived himself because...demon? uhum ...yes of course - dont even get me started that his in game abilities are a mix of wind + demonic bs and all of them dont even synergise together , they are just so good on their own that it makes the champ viable.
Can you talk about Rakan’s Q? i love the champion and think he’s in a good spot but man is that not the most useless ability in the entire game it heals 20hp poke range is horrible and it takes way too long to pop (unless u hit an ally) it also feels so random on him
Rakan's Q is definitely on the list of "they put this in after designing the rest of his kit just to fluff the word count" XD
@@VarsVerum ._. "abilities that just don't feel right'' you could make a vid out of this >-
I think his Q is *fine,* you can atleast weave it between autos when you hit the W and it makes his E feel slightly more chunky when you shield an ally and/or proc guardian. It's his passive that I wish had even a hint of synergy with... anything. It's a B grade mountain soul for only yourself, like it's so boring. They could've done something similar to Guardian but for a heal, to make the Q heal make some kind of thematical sense. Rakan is my favourite champ but it does feel like he doesn't really have a Q or passive.
@@Djitterbug looking at passives from new champs. It does feel kinda weak but comparing it with champs that came out at the start like nami, soraka, annie, etc. ... i believe it's... solid. Heck if anything it's better than janna's passive she gives like 2 ms to people running towards her but who even thinks about that in game XD
Old mundo W was actually a really great ability
underrated channel, keep up the good work man!!
Wild hearing Receive and Turn You in a League video's background. Great watch as always!
I think Zoe’s W is super unique. Does she operate fine without it? Yeah mostly, but I feel like it gives the champ a lot of skill expression. Plus it just sorta fits her thematically so it doesn’t really feel out of place.
Yea it really isn’t conducive to her kit it is fun to have a champ who can actually pseudo punish flashing or using sum or actives on her and it fits her design to a T but all in all I mostly use it to get back to lane faster with flashes or ghost or for assisting in picks (item actives, sums ) but it doesn’t make her less dangerous if removed it’s fun tho
@@celestialenigma3874 Exactly, it sorta just feels exactly like something a trickster god would have so it just kinda works.
Plus it is fun, and it honestly feels pretty fair after they removed the worst offenders from the random drop pool
Zoe does need the w to work out.
As a Zoe main, I cannot describe you how the campion force you to put yourself in dangerous situations, and the only thing that could save you is either flash or w.
The thing about Zoe's W is that it's important to her positioning. 90% of what her kit does is very position-dependent, to the point where her ultimate is literally just 'briefly reposition.' The foxfire-esque bubbles are basically just tacked on, yeah, but the ability to pick up summoners and items (and the speed boost you get for using them) is pretty integral to playing Zoe well.
Always wondered what's the rank that Vars has, now we know he's a god
14:20 Right on point there when you consider Underlord's ult. Especially his old one.
Actually I think Lillia's W works very well with her kit simply because it is a dash that ignore slows. Slows are one of your worst nightmare as Lillia (just after targeted hard CC), and being able to get out of a Lux's E or a SInged's W is a godbless. Also the huge damage is quite a good reward for locking yourself in an animation. The only problem with this ability imo is that you can't speed it up, and it become a problem in late game when it turns you into a slug. Maybe speeding the animation a little when reaching lvl 6/11/16 would be good. Having it scaling on MS would be fun as hell, but I think it would make it too strong, especially on full AP Lillia who can delete a squishy target with one single bonk.
Its not until you play fiddlesticks against kalista that you realize how useful of an ability her W can be in the right circumstances. Thats a large area permanently warded until you manually kill the patrolling ghost, not to be taken lightly. The fact that there is no timer on the ghost's lifespan is what makes the ability underrated to me
I like the cool new video editing and features you have used over the last few videos! Not going unnoticed!
WOW amazing vídeo editing you really outdone your self here
Find it weird that you would include taric q over an ability that is just strictly worse than it; rakan q. They function the same, in that they give a small heal to their ally, but unlike rakan q, taric q actually heals a decent chunk and can be the difference in a fight if you can use it correctly (which is just spamming it thanks to your passive.) Conversely, rakan q does very little damage, heals almost nothing, and has a long cooldown that can’t be lowered like tarics. I think it’s kind of like Mundo w in the way that if you took the ability out of his kit it would change nothing unlike taric q, which actually has a use
I actually forgot about Rakan's Q LOL
I play Ryze a lot and I agree that his ult feels just so frustrating as a "global" ability, due tto its distance/cast time = distance/walkspeed with boots, literally not kidding. If anything, the most consistent thing you'll be using it for will be for escapes, a surprise no-vision gank, catching up with a wall-hacking talon (and even that is hard in itself), teleporting your teammate to 2v1 or 3v2 in the mid/late game. Other than that, you can't realistically use it to sneak barons, the range and predictability (big old circle) makes it so easy to sweep in late game, not many people will walk into it in the first place....
I like Lillia's Watch Out! EEP! Even though it contrasts with the rest of her kit, it still kinda fits her character. She may be shy and cowardly, but she has her small moments of bravery that even she doesn't understand. Watch Out! EEP! is that moment of bravery placed into her kit in a terrifying way. It's also very necessary for her kit since she needs the burst after putting enemies to sleep, and it's good for ganking since it can block off the enemy's path
Really interesting how deep can League content can go. Keep up the good upload ♥️
14:20 Underlord from DotA 2 used to have this ability, but valve reworked it to be a 2 way global portal that anyone(enemies incl.) could pass through after a channel
That first transition with the title of the section was hella dope
You're right. I did enjoy this video. Disagree on Lillia's W since it's got flexible usage despite slowing her down. Though I am surprised you found some examples that weren't just W abilities. Thank you Taric and Ryze.
I really like real warp tbh. Even if you cant usually get a sneaky play in soloQ, it allows for skill expression in the form of wave management, since it teleports minions as well. You can create a freeze by killing your own wave. You can tp your wave into tower to deny xp and gold. You can deny a freeze by trowhing your wave into their tier 2, preventing the oponent from chasing you, or they lose their stacked wave. And you can use it for just a simple lane gank. With some coordination, you could trowh your darius into the middle of the enemy team. They dont know where exactly he is coming from if the origin of realm warp is out of vision
He never claimed it to be worthless. In fact the exact opposite. He specifically said that it's too good of an ability, on the conceptual level, for the game.
@@SangoProductions213 thats just conceptually. In pratice its very fair
@@alex2005z In practice... it's one of the primary reasons why the lowest win rate champion in the game still has pro presence.
It's hard to explain but I really think Lillia's W works real well. At least when going into bushes. Because you go into a bush, they chase you, and then you W back towards them and half the time they don't expect it and eat a ton of damage. And then you run the other direction. It's a bush-juking ability and I think those are fun
How does singed q go against the way the game is suppose to be played when he was the first champ Lol
Pure subjectivity in this video.
The reason Lillia’s W is a long short wind-up is because it’s supposed to be the “hit” to the “hit-and-run” in a fight, you will most likely save it for the moment it’s safe to do so, because lillia is supposed to be a skittish and nervous character. It’s a portion of her kit designed to be planned for. If you’re careless with it, you’ll miss the sweetspot and waste a lot of your damage. In many fights, you may never use it until someone is stunned or asleep, because you’re waiting for an opportunity. If it had no cast time or was weaker for less wind-up, her sleep would be less fun to use both in that it is inherently fun to whack someone with the heavy windup while they’re sleeping (ask any smash player who’s ever broken a shield), and that her ult would feel less impactful because she lacks a satisfying way to take advantage of the sleep state. Waking someone up with her Q or E feels really bad a lot of the time.
Vars, when you said "I can say whatever I want" i got scared HAHA
Love the "new" visual and graphics
As someone who has enjoyed many hours of Zoe gameplay, both on release and post-mini-rework, I can't help but agree about your take on spell thief... to an extent. The ability to steal summoner spells and items from your enemies is *absolutely the biggest gameplay hook for me,* and the bonus movespeed she gets enables her to get more distance on Paddle Star, thus an indirect damage increase. The active movespeed and bonus damage absolutley synergize with her kit, but its feast-or-famine nature in-game currently makes her much less fun to play as and against, and the way it works in laning phase is just terribly implemented. Here's how I would rework the ability to retain the parts about it that I love while (mostly) toning down the parts nobody really likes:
*1. Remove the spell bubbles from minions entirely.* The early game drop table is full of so many dead item drops that aren't fun or intuitive for Zoe to use, in exchange for some of them being an un-earned advantage (especially if she already has priority). Tying this power budget to minion last-hits also makes her way worse as a Support, where she would otherwise be an amazing fit since she can steal more spells from more people. She doesn't need RNG on top of spell thievery, it doesn't even make logical sense, since the minions aren't casting spells or using items. It's just bad, weighted RNG for the sake of "whacky crazy gameplay variety."
*2. Make her W always have an active, and a cooldown, which is then reduced whenever a new spell bubble is created or picked up.* This accomplishes a lot of things at once, namely:
-No RNG feelbads when Zoe successfully picks up a bubble that just sucks (lookin at you, hydra actives)
-No "wtf that's so unfair" feelbads when she picks up a powerful one that forces her opponent to concede priority
-It always does at least *something,* but if you use it at the wrong time you won't be able to use stolen spells as readily
-You can now balance Zoe around mid and Support, since each role emphasizes different aspects of her kit. Mid Zoe gets more levels+gold, thus more damage sooner in the game, and a good way to get priority. Support Zoe gets more summoner spells to steal earlier in the game, fun wall setups to look for bubble traps, and gets to be in control of vision to set them up more easily, with the tradeoff of dealing less damage most of the time.
I know people also aren't a fan of the sleep mechanic in general, but to me it is far from the most anti-fun mechanic out there, and she's the only one who has it on a non-ultimate. I just think Zoe gets ignored now because of how hilariously broken she was on launch, and most of that grief comes from this ability, which in its current state is the main problem most people (Zoe players included) have with her. Lemme know what you think of these ideas for changes :3
You are not Zoe player.
Or you are gold-plat maximum.
Jesus... What the bs Iv just read.
@@lixuecheng yass queen this is the kind of productive discussion I expect from youtube comments
I think for the point about the lillia W and Kalista W not matching the playstyle is actually intended. They don't want to make a champ too good at their job so they have one or 2 abilities that contrast the playstyle but also bring something unique to them. For example imagine if they gave lillia a selfpeel ability on W or just another damage ability that was ranged. She would have no spot for weakness in a teamfight. If your the enemy and lillia has a fully stacked passive and is running circles around you, you would have no shot at killing her so, her W makes her have a moment of weakness. If Lillia sleeps a primary target and wants to confirm a kill she has to get up close and personal with W to secure it. That's your time to strike when she is stuck in that animation.
Is that Receive You and Turn You (Majima's Theme in Yakuza Like a Dragon) as the background sound?
yo fiora's riposte is not "extra" or out of place, it's a parry. you know, for the grand duelist.
it's her tool to outduel people, if you parry the CC you win.
14:19. *Laughs in Underlord's Dark Rift.*
Lilia's w actually speeds her up at early levels and can also be used to get through some snares, so the movement aspect is kind of kept. But yeah, thematically incongruent for sure.
Fiora's Riposte DOES fit her kit though. Shes a Rapier user, shes supposed to be all about the quick pokes and counters, thats literally how Rapier duels work. Even how it works in game fits because if you use it right, you can turn a fight, much like a good Riposte in a duel. Just stood out to me when you gave a few examples, sometimes the theme is why the ability fits.
I actually feel like Zeri can fit into this. Her W feels worthless in her kit. She works by staying close and constantly dashing and moving about, chaining her Q and autos but she also has a W with a delayed cast that only does good damage if it hits a wall and causes the lazer....like what? If you W before dashing over the wall, you give away your gank. Its such a weird skill for her to have, i literally never put points into it until I have to.
You don't know too much about fencing do you?
Foil and saber are weapons to riposte.
Rapier and epee not so much even the way she hits enemies is wrong they are thrusting weapons without slashes.
Vars: I'm in masters, i can say what i want.
People in gm and chal: think again
-Being in master doesnt mean you can say whatever you want.
Vars: I will ignore that.
Speaking on Ryze's ultimate... I miss his first one. Adding AOE damage to his spells and giving some spell vamp... in fact, I clearly remember seeing a stick figure animation a long time ago that featured one of them using Ryze's book and kit, and it put its hands behind its head and hip thrusted his old E back and forth between him and the enemy, and every time I think about it I miss classic Ryze more. Just another beautiful piece of gaming history that professional play (literally 0.00001% of players) took from us because they broke it.
Funny that you mentioned Dota 2 with Ryze's ult, because Underlord used to have similar ultimate. After few seconds delay It let him and all allies within large radius teleport to any ally creep, tower or fountain. It was changed because that ult was impossible to balance - once he began channeling the enemy couldn't cancel it. At the same time if it was cancellable it would be hot garbage. So his new ult creates a portal similar to hextech gate, which both teams can use (though allies get temporary damage reduction and move speed after using it).
It is way better design, because you can actually chase after his team now. Of course you likely won't have vision around the other end of the portal so using it may backfire, but you have a choice and it's up to you wheter that chase is worth the risk.
Using Receive You The Hyperactive as background music? Based, instant like.
Can you consider doing some dota 2 videos? I think videos that compare the 2 MOBA's from your perspective would be interesting
Vars: It's ability you might see in dota 2
Dota 2: already has it with infinite range and multiple use, 2 way portal with movement speed and damage reduction buff...
every time i feel bad about my league performance I just tune in to one of your asmr videos and cill ngl.
You're right, Ryze's ultimate exists in dopa 2, but it's way more powerfull. It is still an ultimate, but it's not channeling (you can still act while it is preparing) + you can teleport to any allied unit or structure on a map. Despite being a part of a tanky splitpusher's (probably, dopa issues) kit, it is still mostly ignored in solo games.
Btw, I think it would be interesting. In our region we have plenty of videos comparing dopa 2 and lol, and saying how much lol is better. If you run out of ideas, how about making something like this? It would be interesting to hear lol player's thoughts on dopa.
Tbf thei removed dark rift and put that portal thing( a shame) . But i would very much like to see Vars views on dota. Would be funny to say at least.
Well it's simple you like making solo play and can win by yourself just by popping off go to league or you try to work with 4 other monkeys to win the game while in process making stupid bullshit wombo combo while spaming lakat matatang play dota
As a Lillia main, I think her W is fine, Like you said, it revolves around her ultimate for burst until they die from burn by one Q but it also is useful for clearing jungle or keeping stacks in lane because if you lose stacks in lane... well, you just get run down and die by the characters such as Olaf, Darius, and such. She's amazing still, especially with the shift to melee letting her got more damage from items like demonic and such giving her better sustain and damage output. Without it, her clear in jungle would be worthless, and she'd be put out of the game
i love how you represented Singed's Q with purple smoke, it indicates you are using daltonian mode :D
Gotta love the majima theme in the back
although spell thief doesnt fit with her kit i think it fits with her concept and the personality they’re trying to convey through gameplay
The thing about spell thief is meant to be a disengage in some ways. It is a huge part of her kit. It give some sort of survival
3:59 ugh, that was cringe bro
Hope u get better soon 😬
Interesting thing about Realm Warp is the Morales in Heroes of the Storm has a very similar ability - Medivac. And Blizzard made it.. quiet usable in Quick Match by virtue of point and click delivering freshly resurrected allies to you. Much lesser play making version that shares a cooldown but with easier use.
14:18 underlord had an ultimate like that, but it was replaced with a portal similar to hexgates in the last patch
They replaced it what?!
@@zorandire3946 ye they replaced it with his agh's portal
@@zorandire3946 it is not a bad thing though, since you can spawn a portal next to your respawned ally so that they can get to the fight
Hey Vars, what's the music in the background? It would be very nice if you could credit it in the description or something
Great video as always, love your channel - keep up the great work and love you put into these videos ❤️
Will the "Perfectly Designed: [insert champion here]" series ever continue?
The most useless ability in the entire game is Jarvin's W. Its a pathetic slow and pathetic sheild. You can play jarvin without even leveling it if you wanted to
Oh boy that ability sucks. I'm pretty sure it used to be somewhat decent, though I should check patches, but it feels like it has been nerfed so hard it's not even an ability anymore.
Useless slows, worthless base shield+hp ratio. Even hitting a 5 man slows don't get you anywhere close to a Yone's W that hit 3 people.
@@duytran9086 All champs seems balanced by Yone standard. And yes, Jarvan W is weak as frick.
@@bigboiganiga8356 LOL in a firm believer that yone is the single strongest champion design in the game. FUCK THAT CHAMP MAN
@@duytran9086 yes
honestly taric's q's major problem is less the concept of the ability itself and more just suffering from the main issues of his itemization, his ult/funnel, and the fact that the fifth point is full on just a downgrade. itemization wise he got SOME problems fixed with fimbulwinter, but in general his ideal items are tank enchanter ones, which really dont exist and CANT exist because jesus christ imagine a tanky janna. there isn't really an easy fix for this apropro of just giving him a pyke style "all AP is converted into armor and health" stat or something along those lines so he CAN get better tank stats from enchanter items, but that still feels like a bandaid. it also doesnt help how much of his fuckin power budget is taken up by his ult, which is super cool in practice but its way too much of potential powerhouse to let anything else really shine, and as long as its around funnel is going to be a thing.
tarics q stacks has been my own personal fight with any riot dev who will listen since they changed it to a 5 charge system, because theres two BIG glaring issues with it, and solutions actually do exist that have in game precedents. you're basically forced, no matter what, to put two points into q no matter the actual ability you want to max first because otherwise you're wasting your passive and getting literally half the effectiveness you can in fights, and the fact that taric's q will almost NEVER hit 5 stacks in a fight (and if it does you fucked up your spell rotation) means at max rank you literally are increasing the mana cost for no reward. one of the easiest possible fixes they can do that solves both problems is making it start with 2 charges and build up to 6, or making it start with 2, then go up to 3 charges at 3 points, capping out at 4 charges at 5 points.
i think a tanky sona is more problematic, but Janna does have non existent health growth anyways. I don't think tank enchanter items would be of any use aside from taric. If you build tanky, you need to be able to contribute something to the team while absorbing damage. Taric happens to be required to be in the middle of the fight to do anything, so he has no choice. Enchanters stay further from the fight because they are squishy and all their abilities are mid ranged, so if they are tanky, they will just kill your teammates since your utility and protection is weaker and it's not like you're gonna be able to 1v5. I guess they would just be really unhealthy for the game, since enchanters would not have to learn proper positioning, but good players would still get more value out of ap and utility.
Something I've heard only people intimately familiar with Zoe (at least, in my experience) talk about is how bad patch 11.2 kneecapped her roaming. She lost Redemption as a random drop from W, which made her roams have a chance of being stupid good. Redemption healing a 200-260 HP early game plus doing a flat 10% max HP burn being a lot of damage when HP values are low are both hugely influential. Her roaming isn't terrible now; Sleepy Trouble Bubble going through walls is great for setting up picks, but I know there's a "Why No One Plays Zoe" in the pipeline and I thought it interesting to mention, even if I don't know if this detail will be put in the video.
Your mentioning of Realm Warp being like a DOTA 2 ability was spot on, being Underlord's Ulti.
13:04 thats what i did with old mundo but they killed this champ. He has no sustain compared to all bruisers i have 300k points on him but i never play him since his rework. Tanks have no place right now in league
learning the new mundo as a mundo main, realizing how weak W is was one of the hardest parts. Nowadays, it's nice if you're getting tower dove because the enemy/enemies usually underestimate W healing by jumping right on top of you, and I'll also use it for a tiny bit extra wave clear, something he's already pretty good at. Old W was by no means a bad ability because it's what gave him his notorious tenacity and the damage was decent, but now it's kinda lack luster.
he doesn't need it tho, mundo is busted
I'd argue sentinels active goes really well with her all-in kit, letting you check to make sure the enemy jg or mid aren't right about to gank before you go all in on the enemy botlane
Would be cool to see you do some specific videos on either reworking a champion in depth or potentially designing a new champion that fills an available niche in the game
if u think about it, kalista's W can be useful to kalista since she's the only ranged champ whose autos dont hit the opponent if they lose vision of the opponent (unlike all other ranged champs whose auto will follow up wherever u go). granted it s still worse than ashe's E, but the ability's active "kinda" has a purpose that synergized (or at least covers a weakness) of kalista
I love Taric for the champion he is, but I have to agree. His healing is just so.... iffy. Sometimes when you build full moonstone archangels enchanter it heals for a ton and can effectively serve as "combat health" but 1. taric is not supposed to build that way, given his short range and need to get in and 2. where the money come from? Ignore this, build health and resistance and problem 3, the extremely high mana costs and non-existent healing properties are not worth it. Usually even though I usually max Q first, the heal itself is usually underwhelming, usually only use at full charge to save someone rather than provide health.
I think Taric should be reworked so that either 1. he goes on solo lane, can heal his allies, get CS and get tons of items or 2. he goes support, high base healing, lower damage, increase movespeed and overall tankiness for a utility-healing Braum.
13:09 the onlt way I'd think hed keep it is if you remove the Team taking element of it, But then it does lose uniquness in where is too similiar to Twisted Fates version, and for a battle Mage
I believe your version of the Self Buff Works better.
Lillia's W is her high risk high reward ability. Her burst is locked behind a long cast time ability that ends her tempo, and if she fucks that up her enemies can capitalize and lock her down and kill her with two autos
i'm at the start of the video and i hope you included kalista's sentinel since that thing is completely and utterly useless for other than it's passive
lmao i didn't even finish typing this and he started talking about it, i'm pleased.
For decades i was thinking why abilities from DotA usually not work for League. It was after they give Ryze teleport exist i was understood that this game just can handle that much of ability. And also because rito was one of the best Italian chef in the gaming industry
Next Video: Abilities where the design is not good part 1
So I only play Aram, but I have wondered why Riot does not do more tuning of the fine numbers we do not see in the standard stats. Cast animation speeds, projectile speeds, stop to cast animation/moving while casting. I play Diana lot and the ability swap was a great, simple change. The only thing I think she needs is a small, tiny increase to speed of her casting animation. Has Riot ever discussed why those changes are not done more often than complete tear down/rebuild or the standard raw stat changes?