warwikc W is good but its so fk bugged you can see dead bodies your team can see low hp enemies sometimes and sometimes dont idk why and idk if they even should see low hp enemies you can weirdly cancel AA with it sometimes its not even working when you use it
@@TheMycelle i have it never ever seen anything other than the US only things available im fairly sure they rarely restock or just never at all pointless to install
I feel like if the damage gap between TF’s cards was bigger it would be better designed. Makes the decision between utility and damage more meaningful and you would see a lot more of blue and red used in fights.
I have 150+ games on TF this season, like his W, but have to agree. I use mostly yellow in teamfights, either to make picks or to not get jumped and die, as TF is squishy and has little mobility. I'll use red to clear waves and blue to refund mana or for quick trades, but that's it.
I'd even go so far as say gold card shouldn't have base damage on it and have red deal half the damage blue does (but of course blue needs to up its damage since gold is losing damage)
Issue is that the blue card already has a 90% AP ratio. I think gold card should lose all bonus damage, and instead shift that power elsewhere in his kit so he's not unplayably bad
@@oneofthe12sionmains70 I agree with you. I would personnally reduce the stun duration in late levels (1.5 sec max stun from 2 sec), because it's too strong and reliable. On the other hand, buff his trash E with bonus movement speed, way more attack speed or perhaps something more original.
I honestly really like Draven's Q. It very openly tells you where he wants to go to get maximum DPS, but puts himself at risk because EVERYONE knows where he will be when that axe lands, so it's easy to time some skillshot to hit him there. In my opinion it's one of the most skill expressive abilities among traditional ADCs. Very obvious counter to it, but when the Draven knows how to play around that and buy himself enough time with his E and W, he will absolutely fuck you up
It also allows draven to have more skill expression with the ability to influence the fall location with your movement between attacks. It takes solid skill to direct the axes to fall in a safe spot without kiting yourself out of range of the fight.
As a Senna / Sona main, I fucking hate playing against him especially with Sona, but a good / one-trick Draven is probably the best ADC I could ask for. He just chunks you so fucking hard early and if you die and he gets fed it's just ridiculous...
But that’s annoying to go up against, Ziggi’s already has a lot of range in Q then E is area denial then when you finally reach him he just dashes away.
@@zavhyatta9795 it is still a good designed ability, regardless of the champions entire kit, remember were talking about the ability not the champion as a whole
Xayahs feather recallll i love that. its pretty predicatble given the feathers are quite visible to the enemies, it can be missed easily and its one of her key abilities. has potential self peel, poke, engage, whatever. its also unique and relies a looot on her positioning : D its a really cool ability in general.
Vel'koz Q gotta be one of my personal favorite abilities. It's incredibly versatile, satisfying to hit, and not to hard to dodge. The opponent can bait out the reactivation in order to dodge the split, but the user has the ability mix up the angles of attack, sometimes sacrificing range for speed or vice versa. It's an ability that becomes more versatile and consistent the more you play the champ, but it also becomes easier to dodge or being aware of where it can hit you from if you, the target, is well versed with it's speed and possibilities the reacivation has. And unlike a lot of other mages, it doesn't travel through minions. Granted, Vel'koz's other abilities do, but they are significantly harder to hit if the target hasn't already been struck by Q first.
Talking about Nami's W, I have to add that the every time it bounces It diminshes 14% the amount of damage and healing, unless you build ap, and you have to have about 200 AP to make that change a 0% Going past that threshold means that the thought process of using it changes. The formula for the bounce is -15% (+ 7.5% per 100 AP). This garantees that the hability is not too oppressing by having a fix value every bounce and unless you're building a considered amount AP you have to prioritize healing or damage not just by the order, but wich one you want to use the most. Man I love Nami. She is so well rounded. The perfect supp.
You have a good point, but for me it just doesn’t feel that worth it to use her W effectively (3 bounces) because of that, because whenever I do, it doesn’t do all that much because of the absurd amounts of sustain nowadays (and you usually have to put yourself in danger if you want to do it during laning phase) It should just get 15% weaker on the first bounce and then not get any weaker on the next one, since it’s quite rare for 3 bounces to happen
Nami definitely one of the best designed champs overall. She has a cool theme which is reflected in her abilities. Bouncing people with the Q/R into R/Q combo never gets old. I also love the update where her E triggered abilities as well ass attacks... not sure my opponents appreciate it like I do... Her W is a fun way to, umm, accidentally steal kills if you're into that kind of thing.
It’s crazy because nami has barely been changed at all, besides release she just went years with only bug fixes and being at the very apex of just being B or higher on the tier. No nerfs or readjustments, just stayed the exact same for a long time. She never ever went to op levels, just always consistently good and very good when her items were good. Compared to other enchanters who quite literally became stupid (soraka top, sona many times, zyra for most of the season when drake rng map changes were first introduced, janna got attacked in the parking lot and they stole her shields duration and made it decay)
I see Zac’s slingshot and I am in love. It’s in a cone, so you have to either use it defensively or offensively, you have to charge it up so it’s not an instant move skill. It meshes well with his entire kit as being close to use stretching strikes and lets bounce is vital to his kit, and it’s balanced to where you can cc him anytime during his slingshot, whether it’s during the cast or while flying. It’s also the most fun feeling e’ing in to the whole enemy team and getting a 5 man knock up into a guaranteed 5 man ult.
For me ability is good but riot code is not For me its the most feeling ever when Im getting knocked up by no animation Zac and I can't well see if he is using skill or not and where he is supposed to land....
I think Ornn's ult is also really well designed. It gives enemies a warning, can completely change the course of a fight and requires a little bit of skill/practice to get it's full power or to counter it.
Have to agree, I don't like having it against me as I don't really think it avoidable if he chooses you as his target and you don't have some kind of mobility, but that doesn't remove the fact that it has to be well aimed to get the most off like hitting both the income and the outcome of the Fire Elemental. So.. Yeah, well designed.
Zoe despite being an annoying child has one of the best designed abilities in the game, her ultimate, it has way too much uses, a lot of skill expression involved and very fun to apply.
i think her q is actually super well designed because it’s really hard to hard from a far distance but very satisfying once you do it, but there’s enough time to side step and avoid it tbh. she requires calculation on both ends and that’s something interesting
I strongly disagree, but maybe is that i think a good ability, design wise, have counter measures, you know, something that does someway or another the opposite, zoe ult is one of my top worse abilities, yone's e is another, and fiora w, literally dont have a opposite. PS. I hate bard, playwise is so black and white, no grey areas, or you fuck up or you do amazing plays, everytime no in between, but, but, i loveee the design of bard, is amazing, clear, and ridiculous, his lore is interesting and a lots of etc.
Well Zoe it very good degsin i think, every her skill require player use they. brain to max the vaule. The problem most of the time people feel anoying to play against her.
Obviously, the most balanced ability is Irelia's Q. Everyone likes Irelia. The healing, mobility, cd reset, on hit damage and bonus damage to minions made it so well designed.
For me Nunu snowball definitely deserves to be here. It's such a cool skill for a ganking ability. You have to manage the movement, but it becomes so smooth when you get the hang of it. Imo one of the best ganking abilities.
@@marlikbudvergard Sion's ult is so good, and probably my favorite addition to his rework. You can use it to charge headlong into the enemy team and initiate a team-fight, chase down an enemy attempting to flee back to base, or use it to escape from a situation that would otherwise kill you, because there's not a single champion in the game that can catch up to a fleeing Sion. My favorite thing to do is solo-push a lane, and then once the enemy team shows up to stop me from taking the turret or inhibitor, I ult straight out and laugh as they lob all their abilities at me in an attempt to land the kill.
Honorable mention for Poppy's ult (very similar to bard): A. you have options: -Tap or charge -get rid of the frontline tank or the backline, in a teamfight -As a dissengage -Tap to cc lock after "E" stun or ult to give yourself time to land the "E" or "Q" -Even Objective control (ult the enemy team away while they do dragon/baron) -As a hail mary attempt to finish off a fleeing enemy (although not advised) -As a threat since channeling, but not using it gives a large cd refund B. clear indicator: -charged option is obvious -Tap is less obvious with less time to react. However it doesn't have as much payoff, as the charged version and a really short range C. Like Bards ult it is one off the few abilitys that is balanced by the fact that it can actively harm your own team D. It is a lot of fun sending the enemy flying back to the nexus = )
On the contrary though, it is extremely awkward to use, and most poppy mains would agree that their ult would be the first ability they would change in her kit
And damn is it satisfying when you towerdive toplane. One of my favourite Poppy tricks, just hit your ult and place the enemy between the turrets for clean kill without turret damage
Someone probably already mentioned it but i would put Kindred on the list and its obv bc of the ult. Same concept as Bard but it just makes everything in its area unkillable no matter if its a monster, an ally or an enemy. Another great designed ability in my opinion is Vex´s Q. In connection with her passive, it can apply a fear to get out of a tricky situation or without it, you can use it as a wave clear, a poke and to scare a squishy enemy off. At the beginning it not really strong but it will clear an entire wave in the late game. And the addition that it has a low velocity right after casting but gets really fast shortly after - so you can see it coming and dodge it with ease. ofc really strong in the late game but it works great!!!
Exactly, when i saw that ability i was happy that finally we got a champion with not too much things put into the main ability. I had this conversation with my friend; Friend : that Vex's Q will be a problem. Me : wym? its just a regular mage Q Friend : cant you see the wave clear potential? Combined with the ult she will roam easily. It can also poke the enemy Me : at least it doesnt clear the wave, make a dash, turn invisible, restore health, upgrade your item, cc the enemy, apply on hit effects and revive your teammates. (We hate you yone)
Jhin's Ult - Used 4 extremely long ranged shots that slow, last one crits. For gettings picks/getting vision of escaping enemies/killing them outright. - Can be used to steal objectives too (4th shot outdamages smite) - Clear-ish inidcator on the range (don't tempt fate by standing just outside his ult range's side) - Skill Expressive by predicting enemy movements. - Satisfying as hell when you land a killing blow at long range. That 4th shot execute is just *chef's kiss*
I think bard is better because kindred ult is instant. Bard requires timing which expresses the users skill with the champion. Whereas kindred can see someone become low health and just insta ult to save them or stall for time. I do like kindred ult but I think bard is more well-rounded
@@witchee3041 I do see your point, but IMO, kindred is more volatile, with the fact that you can heal people, including your enemy, and that there are counters to kindred ult, and that is displacement spells. And the restrictions with only ulting on herself makes it harder to use, but yes I do agree that Bard is better example.
@@witchee3041 Bards does require more timing but I think Kindred having to Properly position themselves to use it correctly makes up for that. Especially in scenarios where you have to decide if you should use it and let you Ally run to you or run to your ally and put yourself in danger as well.
I like Swain's vision od noxus, you can use it in burst combo, to scout bushes, snipe low hp enemies, or to help your teammates while being far away (sometimes slow is enough)
Anivia's wall, it's either gonna save your team and your self or kill your whole team, pretty balance and would require experience and more thoughts before using since it's like bard's ult which is neither good or bad. Just depends on how you would apply it
Enjoy this joke post from an anivia main. Anivias wall is not "designed" well its actually super OP. For example it can do the following: A 5 second root (this is longer than Morganas one) and several champs can get stuck actually inside it if they dash. Anivia can use it to walk through walls. It can stop many different ultimate abilities like Karthus's, Sion's and Nunus. It can stop certain non ultimate abilities. Anivia can use it to create an army. Anivia can stop her own team from recalling or escaping base. She stop the enemy team from recalling or escaping base. She can create "new" jungle camps by diverting minions into the jungle. And most importantly..... It has a 17 sec cooldown at rank one. :)
i LOVE taliyah’s E. you can use it to force a cc with your w or alternatively, it cc’s any champion who dashes over it. this is the sort of ‘anti new champ’ that is SO valuable
I love Yorick's Wall, it can be used for a alot that people don't know about, here's some examples and what exactly his Wall does: Yorick summon's a Wall with 2/4 HP based on Rank. - Blocks enemy's escape path - Can change auto-path or body block path oriented spells like a Kled Ult's pathing (He'll ult in place for the whole duration), While on Sion it stops his - Get targetted by towers before anything else that isn't Rift Herald, meaning it can tank 1 tower shot for your Pets & Minion wave, increasing siege power - Can be teleported on - It's the only allied Wall, meaning enemies get blocked by it, but Allies can walk through it, Poppy can E enemies, Vayne can condem, but as enemies they can't stun you into it - Other weird Wall things like, Graves can't attack through walls, so you can use it as a Braum shield vs Graves and his Q - Some Yorick mains like me also use it to box off the enemy minion wave so they don't reach their own tower, making them wrap around the krug wall instead, can also be used to wall them off to attempt to freeze the wave in position before it reaches your own tower - Can trap Rift & Monsters for Niche scenarios like stalling a Rift Charge to attempt to kill it - Can proc glacial/aftershock etc when the wall moves an enemy - like most walls it can be used to stop channels like TPs, but it can also aggro enemy tower if it pushes the enemy outside of it, but not if it pushes them inside (Or the otherway around can't recall) - The wall when it hits an enemy, leaves them in the "Stop state" like when you hit S on your keyboard to stop your champ from moving, making the enemy think they got stunned, because it stopped their last action and sometimes it takes 1s or less for them to realize it, in a fight it can be game changer even if you just cancel their autos with it, since most ppl use auto resets and this throws them off.
Problem with the wall is how buggy it makes other champs behave. I can't even count the amount of times my Darius W would just not proc on it, and my character would just be standing still with a glowing axe. If they found a way to fix the bugginess around the ability, I'd completely agree with you.
i dont know maybe i just dont get how to counter it but yorick has alway kind of bugged me, because he fells like a stat checker, if you cant kill his wall fast or dash out you can really just fight him and hope you have better stats but it is versitile ill give you that
Ty for the tips, but I think they need to buff it's 3rd skill (make it targeted I guess?) and I think they need to buff his 1st also, like increase mist walkers to 6 or 7
Orianna's Ultimate. Decent damage, high pressure but very telegraphed and you can dash from it or flash it and as a team you can workaround it by not grouping.
Honestly, when you talked about Nami's W beiong one of the best designed healing abilities in the game, I couldn't help but think about Lux W. For such a straightforward champ, Lux's W is actually a very interesting ability. It's not really skill expressive if she wants to apply it to herself (it's still interesting because she doesn't get all of the value instantly though, which makes it more interactive when playing against it), but the idea of having a shield skillshot that can potentially be the best AoE shield in the game is just so cool (the other one that I can think of is probably Karma's Mantra E). It punishes you heavily if you miss it on an ally or if an ally doesn't keep track of it and walks out of range, and it greatly rewards you for having a perfect lineup and shielding all 5 of your team. Apart from that, it can also be used to throw against enemy champs to "fake" throwing out an ability. Some enemies might potentially get scared and use their dash or something to gain distance. Doesn't happen often, but it does involve some mindgames as well. As I said, for such a dull and honestly boring designed champ, I do think the only things that make Lux interesting are her ult playmaking abilities and her W. Apart from that she just roots and deals damage.
Riot really should make more defensive skillshots in the game, it is kinda surprising to see that the first skillshot heal has only appeared on Senna in 2019.
I'd argue relying on teammates is not part of a good design. If your duo'd sure then it adds dynamic gameplay, but I wouldn't say it's nearly as well designed as his q or e which offer dynamic gameplay without frustration of the adc forgetting it exists
I also love that the lantern can be denied (by standing/pink warding in front on it) Bit dumb that counterplay is only introduced by a poor User Interface, but man it's funny to see a streamer rage after frantically zooming in and spam clicking
@@saltyrose8654 I kind of disagree. At the end of the day, lol is supposed to be played as a team game so I think its essential, especially for supports or engage champions, to have synergistic abilities that do rely on the follow ups of teammates since that is your job as a support.
@@jackrush1222 I believe this would be correct if riot actually promoted team play. Seeing as the main mode is soloque, the best champs for climbing have always been extremely selfish (draven, zed, vayne, etc) ofc when you get a duo or playing in flex it all turns around and it’s appreciated, but when the majority of the player base can only describe their interaction with an ability as frustrating it stands to reason maybe there was a better way to implement it.
@@saltyrose8654 I see what you're saying about riot not encouraging more team play, but at the end of the day for most people, you're just playing with random people who you probably won't see again unless you friend them. A team requires you to be familiar with each other, which isn't something most causals tend to do. If it weren't for established roles and objectives, people will be even less likely to cooperate.
I like compound abilities that are flexible, yet only powerful when utilised in optimal scenarios. The best example of this was Karma's Defiance (Mantra E) back when it dealt damage: it rewarded interaction and situational awareness, whilst also punishing passivity and careless usage via her passive. It something I believe should be brought back to Karma, with a small delay and indicator on the AoE shield and damage, for better counterplay.
@@Zero-zr6xx If it wasnt true damage it would be useless. It only 30% of damage done, so if it wasnt true damage then armor woukd apply twice and it would be useless.
Bard's E and R. They are unique abilities that do something no other ability can, but they do nothing else, which shows abilities don't have to be overloaded to be unique but that's not all. They are abilities that aren't just less effective when used wrong, they are a direct detriment to your team because it affects enemies and allies equally. That gives those abilities an extra layer of depth. Draven's Q. Its an ability with a simple concept but with so much depth to it. It may look like just a statchecky ability at first but mastering the mechanic takes so much work its only fair the reward is worth while. Janna's Q. I hate Janna, but credit goes where it deserves. Her Tornado is a simple ability but with many uses and room for skill expression. Its main use is for disengage, but you get the most of it when interrupting a dash mid-air. It can be used offensively but takes a lot of planning ahead to do so. Karma's R. Karma is unique because her ultimate don't give her an explosive big moment, it augments the instance of her kit she needs the most in the situation she's currently in. It is fun to use, it is not exactly revolutionary, but its pretty unique to have it instead of an ultimate and it rarely if ever feel unfair to play against. LeBlanc's E. To me, the definition of a fair but rewarding ability. Its a single target skillshot that can be blocked by minions and has a delay until it is used to its full effect, but the lockdown and even the damage itself is some of the best out there if you can make full use of it. Lucian' R. Really strong potential damage but difficult to get all of it off effectively. In addition, its just damage, not a billion effects crammed into it. Nami's W. Its a single effect, single target ability making it quite underwhelming on its own, however, with optimal positioning to get more bounces off, its value multiplies, turning it into a simple, yet deep ability. Olaf's Q. Simple, effective and fair. Its the ability a melee immobile champion uses to close the gap and stick to his target, but it is a skillshot, so the ability to keep your distance from that very scary at melee champion stands from his precision on his skillshots versus his enemy's ability to dodge it. Orianna's R. Given its cast time and the relatively slow movement of Orianna's sphere, her ult can be tricky to connect to multiple people, but when connected to an ally with a strong engage, it further enhances said engage and is oh so rewarding when done right. Orianna in general is a champion everyone respects and nobody feels she's unfair. Rek'sai's E. Not the bite, specifically her tunnels because there's just so much you can do with them. They're the engage, they can find unique ganking angles but they also optimize the time it takes for you to treverse the map. You set up tunnels from one camp to the next and the time it saves you adds up. So even from a non-combat point of view it is a nuanced ability. Rumble's Passive. Like Janna, I hate Rumble, but credit goes where credit is due. Silencing yourself by overusing your abilities encourages players to not carelessly use their abilities while using them just enough to keep it on that yellow range to make them stronger. That yellow range, however, only gets you closer to the red zone that can be detrimental to the player. Shaco's W and R. Am I biased? Prooooobably. But the ammount of stuff Shaco can do with his boxes and his clon are ludachrist but at the end of the day, those abilities still have their limitations. They aren't difficult to avoid in a vaccum, but if the Shaco player plays his cards right, few abilities in the game are as rewarding as those two. Singed's Q and W. Controversal? Probably. Don't expect many to agree with me, but there's nothing in the game that does what Singed does and his Q is the focal point of it. Meanwhile, Singed's W is just a good ability because it does its job, it does its job almost too well, but that's all it does, nothing else. It slows and grounds, but does 0 damage and I've come to appreciate abilities that are effective without a trillion effects crammed into it. Talon's E. League don't have enough non-combat abilities and the few that we do are worth our appreciation. I am heavily against low cooldown mobility but that's not in-combat mobility. Talon will rarely use this more than once in a fight. Its a rewarding ability to use right but it doesn't break the game. Trundle's E. Simple, does its job well, don't feel unfair to play against. Nothing revolutionary but its a very impactful ability despite its simplicity. Vel'koz's Q. I am a math nerd, so if there's an ability that rewards the player for applying trigonometry to increase their skillshot accuracy, I am going to feature it here. Using the ability to the side to increase its range? Finding unique angles around minions? There is a lot of skill expression with this ability and I love it. Volibear's E. This ability in a vaccum sounds overloaded. It has a very high damage, a slow, and shields the user. However, realisticly you don't get all of it all the time. It has a very large delay so it requires the user to predict where the fight is gonna take to harness all of its effects. It can be used on neutral for poke, but if the enemy sees Voli's animation, he'll have plenty of time to think about where the ability might go. It is a fair reward for how much delay there is. Wukong's W. Simple but deep ability. I actually believe it didn't need to be changed with the rework because this is not meant to be a combat ability. Having the clon to attack is unnecessary. But it is still an ability with a cool concept. Zed's W. This ability may make Zed a little too safe as it gives him more range to work with and is a very strong get away tool, but it is hard not to consider just how unique an entity that mimics your abilities is. The possibilities with this ability are endless and it is not even anything overloaded because 1: it throws a shadow that mimics your spells and 2: you can switch places with the shadow. That's it. Zilean's W. I find this ability fascinating because it is essentially a reset button, but it takes up an ability slot and does nothing else. Its something nobody else really has, it is impactful but it is not broken. When you have something unique, impactful and fair, I don't see a reason not to include it here. Zoe's Q and R. That's another that may be a controversal one, but this is an ability with a very small hitbox so without any lockdown, it is very easy to dodge the long range ones and the short range ones don't hurt all that much. If Zoe gets the setup right, she gets her nuke, that's her whole job. But if she don't get said setup, she is relatively harmless. I genuinely think Zoe, outside her W, is a very well designed champion and her Q is the main component of that. Her R, meanwhile, is a very unique ability. May sound underwhelming for an ultimate and just an extension for her Q. It often is, not gonna lie, but it is an interesting ability nonetheless. Honorable mentions include: Ahri's Q, Alistar's W and R, Anivia's W, Annie's R, Ashe's E and R, Aurelion Sol's P, Q, W and E, Blitzcrank's Q, Cho'gath's Q, Diana's Q, Dr. Mundo's Q, Ezreal's Q, Fiora's W, Gangplank's E, Gragas' Q, E and R, Hecarim's E, Heimerdinger's Q, Illaoi's E, Irelia's E, Ivern's W, Jarvan IV's Q and E, Karthus' Passive, Kassadin's E, Kennen's W, Kha'zix's R, Kindred's R, Kled's Passive, Lee Sin's R, Lissandra's W and R, Lux's W, Maokai's W and E, Nami's Q, E and R, Nasus' W, Nocturne's E, Nunu's W, Poppy's E, Pyke's E, Quinn's E, Rakan's W and R, Rammus' Q, Rell's E, Renekton's Passive, Rengar's E, Sett's E, Sion's Passive, Q, E and R, Taliyah's Passive, Q, W, E and R, Sylas' R, Teemo's R, Thresh's W and E, Varus' Q, Vi's Q, Warwick's Q, W and R, Xayah's E, Xerath's Q, Yorick's W, Zac's Q and E, Ziggs' Q.
Asol passive is not a good designed ability. While yes it is unique its really bad. The champion is designed around it. And bcz of that asol had and has alot more counters than any other champion, minimum range abilities just dont belong in this game, specially with all the dashes in the game. Lets not say in the past not only he got cucked by minimum range but also cc rendering him completly useless, and his q had minimum range.
ASol just don't play the game the conventional way. His passive is inconsistent against other champions, especially mobile ones, but at the same time it gives him nearly unmatched pushing potential, letting him create roaming timers earlier than almost any other champion. That's what makes him so great, because many recent champions with gimmicks are already good all-purpose champions without said gimmick (Sylas, for example), so it is a real positive from a design perspective when a champion with something only he can do has a flaw elsewhere to compensate. I consider Qiyana's W a bit overloaded to be feature in a best design list. Without a passive, Ekko's W would've made it, but with the random execute, it falls under the overloaded umbrella as well. Swain's W was worth a mention, I agree with you. As do the Poppy's and Taric's abilities you mentioned. Since Azir is one of if not the most overloaded champion in the game, I admitedly went straight past him without giving his abilities a closer look, his Q and W specifically aren't as bad. However, with how many applications soldiers have, its not necessary for attack speed to be crammed into the same ability. Same for his Q, repositioning his soldiers is already a valuable asset. There's no need for a slow on top of that.
@@shacolin6546 what do you mean Qiyana's W is overloaded, it's only: a small hop that can go over walls, an on-hit buff that is also applied by her Q and E, a conditional out of combat movement speed buff, an attack speed buff, a cooldown reset of her passive and Q...it's not that bad c'mon :)
@@shacolin6546 well, after the rework he got two years ago alot of his early game strenghts and roaming are just gone, you simply dont have same pushing potential like you had before, you cant shove and roam. He was basically destoryed for me, while on paper it seems nice, you got more upfront burst dmg, you actually got worse version of asol bcz you cant control the stars at all really, stars coming back to you on its own is just disgusting. Its just sad how cookie crumbled after getting alot of indirect nerfs, rip good ol GLP. That champion has seen better days. I guess im just frustrated cuz they destroyed my one trick champion
speaking as a jhin one trick, i really do love his traps- other than being really pretty, they have a lot of potential to open up a fight just as much as you can drop them while youre being chased for the slow + root with W (saved my life a good few times)- and while they do a pretty significant amount of damage, just the slow from the trap wont make anyone have to take it; unless they have another source of cc on them, everyone can turn around and walk out, you have to either not notice it somehow (theyre pretty damn obvious) or intentionally ignore it. if you wanna do shit like piling a bunch of them in one spot and absolutely nuking someone, it takes a long time to stack them and not have them be activated too early and its all a waste if you miss your w or even just land it too late, so thats not a reliable method for anything besides fun and games lmao
I think Pantheon E is a good designed ability, although it grants an free invulnerability, I think it has its pros and cons, yes it can make you invulnerable, but you need to be in a straight line so it work, because if you go backwards you'll slow yourself, and turning around isn't hard at all, and while it does DOT in front of it, it needs to be a full cast to deal the equivalent of one basic attack, and the bash in the end do a big chunk of damage, but you lose your defense, and the CD and mana cost is really big (80 mana per cast) and Pantheon is a mana hunger champion, so I think this ability is really fair.
Sion's W is one of my favorite abilities in the game. It forces your lane opponent to either back off, or deal you damage to break the shield because it has a bite when it explodes. The passive health scaling is also a nice bonus.
I also love Sion's Q mechanic it rewards patience and precision with timing it's an interactive charging ability that works off muscle memory the more familiar you become with it
Tbh whole Sion kit is prop best designed tank kit. It's fun to use, it has skill expression on all abilities including passive, and leaves room to counterplay him with Long indicators, sounds etc.
Ezreal's W: it takes lots of mana early and you need to proc it with an auto or a skill, BUT if you manage to proc it with a ability you not only deal tons of damage but also regain 100% of that skill's mana + a little bit, making it one of the most interesting abilities to use in lane. it also has a great interaction with Q and E, since Q is easier to dodge or hide behind minions but E leaves your open for ganks, etc
It's very satisfying to use, but not that interesting I think. It's very similar to his Q, but a buff version of it. Most of the time, he'll shoot both skillshots at once, either miss or hit both. Not much for skill expression beyond aim (-> it's the same aim required for both because they have a very similar range, projectile speed and hitbox). Plus, its "bursty" nature doesn't really offer a choice : you gotta focus the squichies if you can, but you can just shoot whatever you see thanks to its safe range.
I was so happy when they announced the change to his old w (which was basically q for ap ezreal). I love that it requires set up and you have multiple options. Proc with auto, proc with ability or use for towers. A very nice addition to his kit.
Wukong's W is criminally underrated, especially as it has both defensive and offensive uses, meshes so well with his kit and his lore, gives him amazing versatility, and adds a strategic use for the S key.
Probably biased because I play them a lot but I really love Nocturne's and Rengar's ults. Not for the "immajumponyouanddestroyyou" part but much more for the actual fear it causes to the enemy team. As soon as they realize you activated your ult, they'll just stop doing anything and either retreat to their closest tower or clump together waiting for you to go in. And while in many cases you as an assassin don't like that, it can really be beneficial to cut some slack for your teamates or to prepare a nice engage for your AOE engage champs like Malph, Leona and so on.
Before axiom arc I would agree with you. But now that axiom is in the game that shit is broken (simple answer is to remove axiom but that's probably not gonna happen)
Of all the assassins in the game I still love Nocturne's ultimate the most. I feel like assassins don't generally belong on this video as their whole thing is being unfair to fight but Nocturne tells literally everyone he is going to murder someone, and gives him no choice but to dive head first into an enemy or 2 if he wants to actually use it. Aside from its normal use its also a little handy for some utility plays like denying teleports when an important objective is up or just countering Twisted Fate if you take Noc mid.
I think that zac's Q is also pretty interesting when you chose targets such as using Q on a minion to auto a champion, using the auto part to stun people on wards and such (except illaoi tentacles idk why this specifically doesn't work but to bad), deciding to risk a near guaranteed cc to hit 2 people, the slow is good also to reposition or catch them when you have only one target and finally when you gank botlane, Q the adc and then flash auto the unsuspecting support that is a small bit further.
If you dont know zac top/supp base mostly on his q because you can cc someone with the q and use E forcing enemys to flash or just die Also Fuck illaio
Pykes E is my favourite. SO much you can do with it, including escape, stunning a hooked target, lining up a multi stun or even using flash or ult to increase the amount of targets stunned. So much skill expression, yet the max value is gated by skill and ambition, and can super easily leave you in an awful position with no escape tools if you mess it up. Such a banger ability
An unbiased review of buff: As someone who has used buff for around a year at this point, I want to give my thoughts to anyone considering downloading it after the ad in the video. buff isn't a scam or anything and I have made money off of it however the rate at which you earn is extremely low, in my entire time using buff I've made about $20 of RP which yes was free and came at very little sacrifice of my own however this was after about a year of fairly heavy use. the way buff works is you either have challenges that you complete ingame that are shown in the buff application to earn buff coins or you simply play games and earn coins that way, challenges usually grant around 10-20 coins and consist of just having to get certain things within a game EX: for league complete a game without dying, the rewards for playing a game however are much lower at anywhere from 0 to like 3 at the VERY highest for an hour long game that you get an insane KDA in and you need about 1600 coins to acquire one $10 riot gift card, however the thing about buff that you really need to know is that you cannot immediately redeem your coins, buff has a market system in which every day at a certain time items are restocked in limited quantities so you need to refresh the store the SECOND it updates to get a card and on top of that assuming you redeem the card you have to enter a code into the app that will be emailed to you so you need to have your email already open and be fast, I haven't had any issues redeeming my gift cards every time I've tried so it's not too difficult but it's a little annoying you have to wait until a certain time of day to do so (however I am aware that this is just kind of how it needs to work for this system to be possible I just want to make others aware that it functions in this way) if you're looking to buy a card look at the time it last was purchased and figure out how long ago it was and it should refresh at that same time the next day TL;DR Buff works but takes a lot of grind for a small profit that is hard to get however it is free gift cards so there isn't a huge downside outside of a little annoyance
I think balanced abilities are abilities that make you go hmmm, well played. Fiora W is a good example since it's a conditional counter move. It's not good to use dryly like Jax E. Thresh Flay (his kit is overloaded but it has great design) Cassiopeia ult (the fact you can juke this by looking back briefly while fighting her) Poppy's W is excellent design for her role and Wukong's current clone design is best designed summon.
If fiora's w didn't have an attack speed slow I'd agree with you. Arguably better to get hit by the stun in a lot of 1v1 situations against her because the attack speed slow is so debilitating and lasts so long.
@@willow1601 Not to mention that it's supposed to be a countermove. In a quite honesty silly amount of matchups, the AS slow is enough to autowin trades. Like if you play Fiora vs Jax, Fiora doesn't have to parry counterstrike and get the stun to win, or even parry an autoattack or a Jax W. The AS slow alone is enough to all in Jax and win if it ever lands
i don't think fiora w is well designed, in theory like it bbut in practice many characters hard cc is heavily telegraphed so you can avoid it as a regular character but that just means one of your abilities is completly useless since unless the fiora is way to trigger happy she can just use w on reaction. if her was directional like (seriously why isn't it her whole gimmick is about being on a certain side of the enemy) and had a longer cast time maybe it wuld be balanced but it jsut invalidates some characters the way it is now
I really like the few seconds of back and forth between TF and the enemies after the yellow card is selected. TF always tries to get into the correct position to throw the card without getting burst from 100 to 0. His opponent also tries to find the window of opportunity to go in without getting stunned.
I think every Orianna Abilty is quiet nice designed. Q - can be used offensevely to deal dmg and to position the ball in a way her other abilities can deal dmg. But especially in laning phase there is a reson to be careful with Q usage because if the ball is not on her she loses a lot of her resistances. W - I think is quiet obbious because it slows enemies and speeds up allies so it can be used either way but you have to decide for one of them. This actually gives her Q even more ways to be used efficiently. E - can be used to give herself a shield and get her resistances back or to give an ally a shield and its resistences. It furthermore then can enable Orianna to hit her other abilities from further away than her Q range would allow her. It also deals some dmg when the ball passes through enemies wich highers the skill seiling of her Q, E and general positioning. R - can be and deciding factor in a team fight by repositioning up to 5 enemies and dealing tons of dmg in combination with w or it can safe an allies life by pulling enemies away. Of course R usage is also quiet hard to master because the direction in which you pull an enemy is crucial and requieres precision. Generely said I love Ori. She has a high skill ceiling even though her skill floor is kinda low when you dont play against champs like hecarim and nocturne which can simply execute you by pressing one button if you are not very very careful with your positioning. Her self-peel is really not the best but can be effective if its used properly and combined with phase rush. I presonaly think that she makes a lot of fun to play. There is just something satisfying about her Q usage especially in combination with R and W. I just think the champ over all makes sense. Her abiliteis all fit her theme. She is very good in being an area controling burst mage but she also has clear weakneses.
I was about to say that 👌 She's the champion I have most fun playing because how well built is her kit. And the fact that all abilities are related makes it even better, it's just so satisfying when you start getting all the burst damage mid game and making sick plays with good ball positioning. She really feels different from other champions and each one of her ability is very diverse.
Jhin's W. Q and ult are pure damage with something else, be it bounce or long *ss range, but W is: a root, a finisher for when they escape, a get off me tool if used in combo with flash or galeforce, a way to face check tiny bushes... So many uses, and it's got draw backs, like the casting animation, the thin hitbox, the fact that you or one of your teammates gotta do damage for the root to take place. Over all my fav ability in the whole champion, nothing is more satisfactory than sniping a low heath target of seeing the little particles in that bush without vision that means there's someone there.
The thing with nami, there is also another point in her skill expression on who does she use her W. To be more precise, for each bounce there is a multiplayer, it starts at 75% and increases with AP. That means, in early game the person you want to heal the most/deal most dmg to should be the person you click on. BUT, in later stages of the game where you actually gain heals/dmg for each bounce then you actually want to cast the skill on someone else and have the W bounce to the wounded ally.
Vel’koz’s Q I’d say should make the list since it’s one of the funnest skillshots to learn and master, and IMO carries Vel’s kit at times harder than his awesome ultimate. And no I’m not biased in the slightest :^)
10:10 rengar's ferocity. I know that is a passive, but it lets you choose between three empowered abilities with greatly empowered effects. I know renekton has the same mechanic, but rengar's is more extreme, since he can use only one in a rotation, opposed to two (not counting in fury/ferocity regen)
I disagree; most people who actually know how to play Rengar regularly spam W with it. It'd require the other abilities to be as good but nothing really beats having 2 extra health bars w/ aoe damage.
Anivia W meets both of your requirements for a good ability. It's a very unique ability. On demand terrain that isn't just a circle around the target and is big enough to actually matter by itself. Infinitely versatile yet simple. Love it
I think Rek'sai's tunnel is a really cool ability. It's a versatile ability, able to be used for many things, such as engage, disengage, both at the same time, faster rotations, invasions, etc. It's a very good skill, but it's also a very skill-expressive ability, as tunnel placement can often separate a good Rek'Sai from a bad one. While it is not a trap, it can also be used to put enemies in disadvantageous situations, because while the tunnel itself does no damage, enemies have to decide whether they want to break the tunnel and potentially put themselves at risk of being ganked, or leave it alone, which could lead to a surprise gank or teleport later on.
Malzahar's malefic visions has to be one of my favorites as it completely changes the way you farm and it acts as a great tool to spook the enemy away from the minion wave since it sets up your voidling and ultimate combo. Basically it's an ability that is used mostly just for farm but it keeps your opponent afraid of your ult as it can be used to set up an all in attack.
I think Anivia wall and as other people mentioned Kindred ult are both very neutral abilities too. Sure they can save your team, but they can also gift the enemy a fight win, be that by saving the enemy adc, or cutting your own team off from escape.
Honestly, I'm surprised that no champion as a "skill shot heal" yet. Senna Q is the closest thing to a skill shot as you can aim to heal an ally when targeting an enemy. Also I'm surprised that Draven Q didn't make the list. A champion ability which heavily rewards positioning but also gives away your future position. Tons of skill expression especially in aiming where your next axe will land, excellent counter play due to his telegraphed movements allowing for better aiming. And decision making where Draven can decide to anandon the axe to get a better position in exchange for loss of damage output.
Senna q and nami bounce are really the only interactive heals. A skillshot heal would be insanely awesome. But it would be an issue to balance. Usually the harder an ability is to hit, the larger the reward (e.g nidalee spear) . This is fine in solo queue where aiming on a stranger is very skillful. But when used by a premade/proplay you can get the full reward essentially for free (just tell them to stand still for a second whilst you aim). I love the idea but don't know how it would be balanced. If there wasn't a larger reward then there would be no reason to play them over point and click heal supports.
I think Evelynn's w is well designed. It shows how much time you have left, when its fully charged it shows you the direction evelynn is and evelynn can use it to slow or to charm. You cannot miss the fact that u have it on you for the audio signal and for the giant heart.
Very creative but very linear. You have 1 combo and that's it. Even simple mages like Annie and lux can change the order or their abilities for different impacts (slow to land root easier, root then e for bigger damage. Q stun combo with shield) but if you miss taliyahs knock up then you arnt even a champ anymore. She needs a shift of power in her kit and perhaps a better e. Still a really cool champ but not a lot of options.
Bard ult is simply my favorite ability in the game, it has one line of text, but still you can do an infinite number of things with it in an infinite number of situations.
Kindred's Lamb Respite. Same reasoning as Tempered Fate. It doesn't just make allies unkillable, it also effect enemies. Just like Tempered Fate, you could end up using it really well and keeping your team alive for longer or end up helping the enemy team stay alive. So many different outcomes with it.
12:10 One other thing you missed that I really like about Ebb and Flow is that in the early game, the heal/damage is weaker with consecutive bounces, but late game with more AP, it does more on the consecutive bounces. This means her max value is strong but not oppressive and it gives Nami more skill expression and even risk/reward for targetting certain characters first (e.g. You want a bigger heal on your adc who just got jumped by an assassin so you target the assassin first) - and finally her passive just gives a good chunk of movespeed to allies which can be invaluable.
jhins e is pretty good too, can be used for vision, ambushes, setup and follow up to hard cc, but by itslef is not frustrating because everyone can escape it once they step over it, unlike teemo or shaco traps that chunk you for 1 third of your health for free
11:53 I faintly remember a game I had that was very similar to that, I was Nami chasing an enemy that was chasing my ally, I thought to use the enemy to bounce my W to them for the heal, can’t remember what happened after, but I thought it was cool
Bard’s ult is truly great. As you say, it can be both the best thing or the worst to happen to your team, but things like setting up the perfect teamfight, or nullifying all the damage of a herald to a tower are truly a blessing
Var I've got a video idea for you: Compare and contrast similar abilities between champions. Veigar E vs Thresh R. Vi R vs Sett R. Lux Q vs Neeko E. LB E vs Karma W. You could make a huge list of them. Some of the differences feel balanced and reasonable while some don't at all. Viegar vs Thresh in particular feels bad as an E that to me, is objectively better than an R.
I personally really like pykes e. Its the perfect mix of risk vs reward. Do you go in and leave yourself open? Or do you save it as a way to peel for your team in case ypu get collapsed on lol
Idk, the instant dash with almost no mana cost makes Pyke along with his W extremly slippery with almost no risk involved. The use of the stun is a cool choice but it gets closer to the overloaded side as he can do kinda to much, you can even flash behind someone to secure the stun that deals a pretty good dmg and stuns for a more than reasonable amount of time.
as a pyke main yea i get it it’s annoying when pyke e’s away from you and ends up living but remember that pyke is the support, if he e’s away to save himself his team loses his ability to stun enemies, and at that point he just becomes an ult bot and loses a lot of value
Great video, as always. I like Lissandra's E and Ult. Both have multiple uses and are strong, while making the wrong choice can cost you the fight. If you use E as engage, you don't have an escape, meaning you need to either win the fight, or commit to death. If you save if for escape, you have short range otherwise and offer much less threat. As for her Ult, you can choose to lockdown the enemy carry (Vayne is my fav) to hope to win a teamfight but risk being focused down yourself, or go in and self-cast Ult for a large but slightly lackluster slow that will help you live, but maybe not guarantee a kill. The champion itself is well designed in my mind, and fits thematically
funny thing about thresh's hook... you can change the direction of the windup, so if you're in a team fight you can feign that you're aiming for someone and throw the hook somewhere else... you can get so many flashes off of it and it just makes it even more of a fun ability
I like the honorable mentions, makes for good thinking for the viewer side. Also, please add the music you used in the description. So many vids where I love the music you used, but I just have no clue what it is!
As a Poppy Jungle main I think her W is very well designed for her anti-carry playstyle. Poppy Top lane suffers from its requirements of being near walls but Poppy Jungle has walls all over the place and during ganks it’s fun trying to kite or chase enemies towards the walls for that sweet stun into Q combo. I think that and her passive shield throw are very well designed for their skill expression and giving Poppy players a mini objective during fights
Im not sure about you guys but I really like senna’s Q, since you can do so much with it (back when glacial was around it was really cool to land a Ward Q for your team to catch up to a fleeing enemy)
It's definitely not weaker tho, unlike bards ult it evens out the fight, bringing everyone to the same HP since you can still dmg ppl inside with the heal at the end
I think there are 2 more really fun things about pick a card: 1. the pure joy of winning a fight off a pure luck pull of a card in a panic, proving you truly have the heart of the cards. 2. watching the enemy panic over the pressure of a tf holding a gold card with a lead.
Active: Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to dodge all incoming non-turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities sourced from champions. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration. Recast: Jax deals physical damage to nearby enemies, increased by 20% for each attack dodged up to a 100% increase, and stuns them for 1 second.
نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.
I honestly believe that Swain's E is a well designed skill: 1: it is very slow, if used without thinking beforehand, you most likely are gonna hit only the first part of it. 2: it is hard to not see, since it's a Rammus-sized colorful ball. 3: it has a bit of AOE during the comeback, meaning that is easier to hit when minions are around. 4: in the first travel, the projectile goes to a specific point, in the second, it goes to you, meaning you can extend it's effective range by moving.
I believe Zoe's ultimate Is the Best designed ability in the game (even when 99% of the playerbase hate her design)It feels very good when used properly by Zoe, while giving counterplay yo the enemy by knowing her location after It finishes
What I was implying Is that It Is a good ability that anu mage wich skillshots can be blocked by a Minion, can use ti work around that, It Is not the while kit wey aré talking about, and by usong the dame logic that vars uses, It Is a good ability to use and to play against, the Bubble wich can be dodged pretty easily Is other story
I like anivia's wall a lot. It punishes misposes very effectively, especially if the opponent has no dash, can cancel dashes if used effectively, can save allies too (by cancelling a blitz hook for example), stright up cut fights by separating ennemies, gain time while doing an objective by cutting off the route, but can also completely kill yourself and your team if you misplace it. A lot of skill expression in this spell. It may be the only champion where you can win a teamfight with flash-spell, where said spell does not deal any damage nor does any cc.
janna Q. you can use it offensively or defensively, it gives your enemies time to react as it needs to charge, you need to know when or when not to use it due to its moderate cooldown. only works in a straightline so sidestepping is an option
Another thing with Nami is that at early stage of the game, or without much AP her W actually does less for each bounce it does. So it will always deal less damage to enemies if you heal an ally first, or deal less healing if you damage an enemy first, so it's not 2 choices but 4. The third being "even if I want do damage/healing, do I want more healing or more damage? And the fourth being who do I want to have a chance to be hit, as if you target someone close to you with the intention of getting two damage instances, it could bounce to you, and be out of range to reach a second enemy.
singed toss is a favorite. it's his only burst damage but you can't just use it whenever it's off cooldown because it's so positioning based. you can chuck someone away from your team and effectively save them, or you can chuck the wrong champion into your team and give them a free initiation . it's a simple point and click but still a think before you click positioning based ability.
Tristana E. It's a big warning sign on your opponent that if I keep shooting you you're going to get nuked, it really feels like the best adc ability to use and play against due to how fair it is in a fight
For me one of the best designed abilities in the game is Camille's E. It can really screw you over if you are not careful, but it can also take you out of various bad situations if used properly.
I see the Poppy ult fitting on this list. It has a wide variety of uses because it is both defense for a gank coming and offensive when team fighting. It has two usages, tapping for a short cc and a little damage and long for playing baseball with the enemy team. Also it needs some skill on how to use it since it can always just save the enemy you are hitting from your team
I bet that Nami felt real good after their play. Flash healing to save an ally is a great feeling. I love doing it on Rakan bc even though it's such a small heal, it's so satisfying when it saves someone
~SPONSOR~ ✅ Join BUFF for Free!💰: bit.ly/Buff_Vars
Vars Music plz, please list it
warwikc W is good
but its so fk bugged
you can see dead bodies
your team can see low hp enemies sometimes and sometimes dont idk why and idk if they even should see low hp enemies
you can weirdly cancel AA with it
sometimes its not even working when you use it
my league account has been hacked after installing this shit app buff. never again
@@TheMycelle i have it never ever seen anything other than the US only things available im fairly sure they rarely restock or just never at all pointless to install
@@WzDk13 absolutely. Everything was already sold out when i had it.
I feel like if the damage gap between TF’s cards was bigger it would be better designed. Makes the decision between utility and damage more meaningful and you would see a lot more of blue and red used in fights.
I agree 9/10 yellow is the only one used in fights
I have 150+ games on TF this season, like his W, but have to agree. I use mostly yellow in teamfights, either to make picks or to not get jumped and die, as TF is squishy and has little mobility. I'll use red to clear waves and blue to refund mana or for quick trades, but that's it.
I'd even go so far as say gold card shouldn't have base damage on it and have red deal half the damage blue does (but of course blue needs to up its damage since gold is losing damage)
Issue is that the blue card already has a 90% AP ratio. I think gold card should lose all bonus damage, and instead shift that power elsewhere in his kit so he's not unplayably bad
@@oneofthe12sionmains70 I agree with you.
I would personnally reduce the stun duration in late levels (1.5 sec max stun from 2 sec), because it's too strong and reliable. On the other hand, buff his trash E with bonus movement speed, way more attack speed or perhaps something more original.
I honestly really like Draven's Q. It very openly tells you where he wants to go to get maximum DPS, but puts himself at risk because EVERYONE knows where he will be when that axe lands, so it's easy to time some skillshot to hit him there. In my opinion it's one of the most skill expressive abilities among traditional ADCs. Very obvious counter to it, but when the Draven knows how to play around that and buy himself enough time with his E and W, he will absolutely fuck you up
and style point, draven Q is so stylish.
It also allows draven to have more skill expression with the ability to influence the fall location with your movement between attacks. It takes solid skill to direct the axes to fall in a safe spot without kiting yourself out of range of the fight.
As a draven main. Thank you for the love ❤
As a Senna / Sona main, I fucking hate playing against him especially with Sona, but a good / one-trick Draven is probably the best ADC I could ask for.
He just chunks you so fucking hard early and if you die and he gets fed it's just ridiculous...
I really like the Ziggs W. You can either get a dash, start an engage, push the enemy in your skill shot, save a mate or destroy a tower.
But that’s annoying to go up against, Ziggi’s already has a lot of range in Q then E is area denial then when you finally reach him he just dashes away.
@@zavhyatta9795 it is still a good designed ability, regardless of the champions entire kit, remember were talking about the ability not the champion as a whole
Xayahs feather recallll i love that. its pretty predicatble given the feathers are quite visible to the enemies, it can be missed easily and its one of her key abilities. has potential self peel, poke, engage, whatever. its also unique and relies a looot on her positioning : D its a really cool ability in general.
Prowlers Xayah forbidden korean tech
@@olafthemoose9413 very forbidden
I second this
@@ziiphinx635 keep it forbidden.
true that one ability is the complete central to her kit, even her ult can sometimes just be to set up a bigger e
Vel'koz Q gotta be one of my personal favorite abilities. It's incredibly versatile, satisfying to hit, and not to hard to dodge. The opponent can bait out the reactivation in order to dodge the split, but the user has the ability mix up the angles of attack, sometimes sacrificing range for speed or vice versa. It's an ability that becomes more versatile and consistent the more you play the champ, but it also becomes easier to dodge or being aware of where it can hit you from if you, the target, is well versed with it's speed and possibilities the reacivation has. And unlike a lot of other mages, it doesn't travel through minions. Granted, Vel'koz's other abilities do, but they are significantly harder to hit if the target hasn't already been struck by Q first.
i can't believe it didn't make the list lol
The fantasy is that you can certainly feel "sentience" and "intelligence" from the squiddish abomination.
He has the most well designed poke ability in the game by a long shot, pun intended.
Honestly, vel’kox is loaded with good abilities. All of his ability require skill and when his combo works, it’s super satisfying
@@tasaro374 Yeah, especially since Vars called it his favorite skillshot back in the VelKoz video.
Talking about Nami's W, I have to add that the every time it bounces It diminshes 14% the amount of damage and healing, unless you build ap, and you have to have about 200 AP to make that change a 0% Going past that threshold means that the thought process of using it changes. The formula for the bounce is -15% (+ 7.5% per 100 AP).
This garantees that the hability is not too oppressing by having a fix value every bounce and unless you're building a considered amount AP you have to prioritize healing or damage not just by the order, but wich one you want to use the most.
Man I love Nami. She is so well rounded. The perfect supp.
You have a good point, but for me it just doesn’t feel that worth it to use her W effectively (3 bounces) because of that, because whenever I do, it doesn’t do all that much because of the absurd amounts of sustain nowadays (and you usually have to put yourself in danger if you want to do it during laning phase)
It should just get 15% weaker on the first bounce and then not get any weaker on the next one, since it’s quite rare for 3 bounces to happen
Nami definitely one of the best designed champs overall. She has a cool theme which is reflected in her abilities. Bouncing people with the Q/R into R/Q combo never gets old. I also love the update where her E triggered abilities as well ass attacks... not sure my opponents appreciate it like I do... Her W is a fun way to, umm, accidentally steal kills if you're into that kind of thing.
It’s crazy because nami has barely been changed at all, besides release she just went years with only bug fixes and being at the very apex of just being B or higher on the tier. No nerfs or readjustments, just stayed the exact same for a long time. She never ever went to op levels, just always consistently good and very good when her items were good. Compared to other enchanters who quite literally became stupid (soraka top, sona many times, zyra for most of the season when drake rng map changes were first introduced, janna got attacked in the parking lot and they stole her shields duration and made it decay)
"Enchanters with heals would just be able to click their allies and then they heal"
Sona and Yuumi: "You guys need to click?"
I despise that kitty.
I see Zac’s slingshot and I am in love. It’s in a cone, so you have to either use it defensively or offensively, you have to charge it up so it’s not an instant move skill. It meshes well with his entire kit as being close to use stretching strikes and lets bounce is vital to his kit, and it’s balanced to where you can cc him anytime during his slingshot, whether it’s during the cast or while flying. It’s also the most fun feeling e’ing in to the whole enemy team and getting a 5 man knock up into a guaranteed 5 man ult.
Heyy that was the first one
For me ability is good but riot code is not
For me its the most feeling ever when Im getting knocked up by no animation Zac and I can't well see if he is using skill or not and where he is supposed to land....
I think Ornn's ult is also really well designed. It gives enemies a warning, can completely change the course of a fight and requires a little bit of skill/practice to get it's full power or to counter it.
Have to agree, I don't like having it against me as I don't really think it avoidable if he chooses you as his target and you don't have some kind of mobility, but that doesn't remove the fact that it has to be well aimed to get the most off like hitting both the income and the outcome of the Fire Elemental. So.. Yeah, well designed.
@@emanuelevigo9864 if you have a form of hard cc you can stun him when the elemental is coming towards him so he can't hit it at you with the dash
Zoe despite being an annoying child has one of the best designed abilities in the game, her ultimate, it has way too much uses, a lot of skill expression involved and very fun to apply.
i think her q is actually super well designed because it’s really hard to hard from a far distance but very satisfying once you do it, but there’s enough time to side step and avoid it tbh. she requires calculation on both ends and that’s something interesting
@@jimmyrogelio6033definitely think her changes since launch have made her a much more interesting character both to play and play against
@@jimmyrogelio6033 Certainly T was definitely genius when he made Zoe. This character can have its own arcade game.
I strongly disagree, but maybe is that i think a good ability, design wise, have counter measures, you know, something that does someway or another the opposite, zoe ult is one of my top worse abilities, yone's e is another, and fiora w, literally dont have a opposite.
PS. I hate bard, playwise is so black and white, no grey areas, or you fuck up or you do amazing plays, everytime no in between, but, but, i loveee the design of bard, is amazing, clear, and ridiculous, his lore is interesting and a lots of etc.
Well Zoe it very good degsin i think, every her skill require player use they. brain to max the vaule. The problem most of the time people feel anoying to play against her.
Obviously, the most balanced ability is Irelia's Q. Everyone likes Irelia. The healing, mobility, cd reset, on hit damage and bonus damage to minions made it so well designed.
Being well designed does not mean doing everything lol
The point is being flexible and just, not overpowerered.
@@gabrielxavier2676 they were making a joke..
@@pebblebrowser oops, thx lol
pick shen or trundle and she can't do shit
For me Nunu snowball definitely deserves to be here. It's such a cool skill for a ganking ability. You have to manage the movement, but it becomes so smooth when you get the hang of it. Imo one of the best ganking abilities.
Yeah, same for Sion ult except it's not for ganking, that is if you're not playing Sion jg.
Sion's ult is so good, and probably my favorite addition to his rework. You can use it to charge headlong into the enemy team and initiate a team-fight, chase down an enemy attempting to flee back to base, or use it to escape from a situation that would otherwise kill you, because there's not a single champion in the game that can catch up to a fleeing Sion.
My favorite thing to do is solo-push a lane, and then once the enemy team shows up to stop me from taking the turret or inhibitor, I ult straight out and laugh as they lob all their abilities at me in an attempt to land the kill.
@@kamikazelemming1552 plus it is a really memeable ability
Maybe we would see Nunu Snowball here if it wasn't like top 3 most bugged abilities in the game
@@thesilvanalyst6880 true
Honorable mention for Poppy's ult (very similar to bard):
A. you have options:
-Tap or charge
-get rid of the frontline tank or the backline, in a teamfight
-As a dissengage
-Tap to cc lock after "E" stun or ult to give yourself time to land the "E" or "Q"
-Even Objective control (ult the enemy team away while they do dragon/baron)
-As a hail mary attempt to finish off a fleeing enemy (although not advised)
-As a threat since channeling, but not using it gives a large cd refund
B. clear indicator:
-charged option is obvious
-Tap is less obvious with less time to react. However it doesn't have as much payoff, as the charged version and a really short range
C. Like Bards ult it is one off the few abilitys that is balanced by the fact that it can actively harm your own team
D. It is a lot of fun sending the enemy flying back to the nexus = )
On the contrary though, it is extremely awkward to use, and most poppy mains would agree that their ult would be the first ability they would change in her kit
It remembers me of the Clip where noway kills tolkin as singed, because tolkins Poppy ults noway right over him xD
And damn is it satisfying when you towerdive toplane. One of my favourite Poppy tricks, just hit your ult and place the enemy between the turrets for clean kill without turret damage
@@aaronscott7467 I mean, it is pretty akwars, sometimes feels really Underwhelming and I would consider changing it.. But it's soo Iconic of Poppy!
Number 4 would be Jhin's whole kit
true this.
Pretty much.
Except jhin root is horridly designed and completely overpowered
@@kolva6731 lmao
@@kolva6731 you high on something?
Someone probably already mentioned it but i would put Kindred on the list and its obv bc of the ult. Same concept as Bard but it just makes everything in its area unkillable no matter if its a monster, an ally or an enemy. Another great designed ability in my opinion is Vex´s Q. In connection with her passive, it can apply a fear to get out of a tricky situation or without it, you can use it as a wave clear, a poke and to scare a squishy enemy off. At the beginning it not really strong but it will clear an entire wave in the late game. And the addition that it has a low velocity right after casting but gets really fast shortly after - so you can see it coming and dodge it with ease. ofc really strong in the late game but it works great!!!
Exactly, when i saw that ability i was happy that finally we got a champion with not too much things put into the main ability. I had this conversation with my friend;
Friend : that Vex's Q will be a problem.
Me : wym? its just a regular mage Q
Friend : cant you see the wave clear potential? Combined with the ult she will roam easily. It can also poke the enemy
Me : at least it doesnt clear the wave, make a dash, turn invisible, restore health, upgrade your item, cc the enemy, apply on hit effects and revive your teammates.
(We hate you yone)
@@tilkilit yeah right. It's so simple but has many uses. Like it should be for many other champions.
Jhin's Ult
- Used 4 extremely long ranged shots that slow, last one crits. For gettings picks/getting vision of escaping enemies/killing them outright.
- Can be used to steal objectives too (4th shot outdamages smite)
- Clear-ish inidcator on the range (don't tempt fate by standing just outside his ult range's side)
- Skill Expressive by predicting enemy movements.
- Satisfying as hell when you land a killing blow at long range. That 4th shot execute is just *chef's kiss*
I'm surprised you mentioned Hard, but left Kindred ult out of honourable mention, they are pretty much the same, but more aggressive
I think bard is better because kindred ult is instant. Bard requires timing which expresses the users skill with the champion. Whereas kindred can see someone become low health and just insta ult to save them or stall for time. I do like kindred ult but I think bard is more well-rounded
@@witchee3041 I do see your point, but IMO, kindred is more volatile, with the fact that you can heal people, including your enemy, and that there are counters to kindred ult, and that is displacement spells. And the restrictions with only ulting on herself makes it harder to use, but yes I do agree that Bard is better example.
@@witchee3041 Bards does require more timing but I think Kindred having to Properly position themselves to use it correctly makes up for that. Especially in scenarios where you have to decide if you should use it and let you Ally run to you or run to your ally and put yourself in danger as well.
Yes, as a Kindred main I'm sorely disappointed their ult didn't get a mention
I like Swain's vision od noxus, you can use it in burst combo, to scout bushes, snipe low hp enemies, or to help your teammates while being far away (sometimes slow is enough)
vision of empire*
@@syzygy02 thanks, my bad, i knew it was vision od something, but wasn't sure of what
It's my favorite Swain's Ability, I almost always max it if I'm playing Support.
@@emanuelevigo9864 its better to max Q and then W.
Anivia's wall, it's either gonna save your team and your self or kill your whole team, pretty balance and would require experience and more thoughts before using since it's like bard's ult which is neither good or bad. Just depends on how you would apply it
Enjoy this joke post from an anivia main.
Anivias wall is not "designed" well its actually super OP.
For example it can do the following:
A 5 second root (this is longer than Morganas one) and several champs can get stuck actually inside it if they dash.
Anivia can use it to walk through walls.
It can stop many different ultimate abilities like Karthus's, Sion's and Nunus. It can stop certain non ultimate abilities.
Anivia can use it to create an army.
Anivia can stop her own team from recalling or escaping base.
She stop the enemy team from recalling or escaping base.
She can create "new" jungle camps by diverting minions into the jungle.
And most importantly.....
It has a 17 sec cooldown at rank one.
i LOVE taliyah’s E. you can use it to force a cc with your w or alternatively, it cc’s any champion who dashes over it. this is the sort of ‘anti new champ’ that is SO valuable
I love Yorick's Wall, it can be used for a alot that people don't know about, here's some examples and what exactly his Wall does:
Yorick summon's a Wall with 2/4 HP based on Rank.
- Blocks enemy's escape path
- Can change auto-path or body block path oriented spells like a Kled Ult's pathing (He'll ult in place for the whole duration), While on Sion it stops his
- Get targetted by towers before anything else that isn't Rift Herald, meaning it can tank 1 tower shot for your Pets & Minion wave, increasing siege power
- Can be teleported on
- It's the only allied Wall, meaning enemies get blocked by it, but Allies can walk through it, Poppy can E enemies, Vayne can condem, but as enemies they can't stun you into it
- Other weird Wall things like, Graves can't attack through walls, so you can use it as a Braum shield vs Graves and his Q
- Some Yorick mains like me also use it to box off the enemy minion wave so they don't reach their own tower, making them wrap around the krug wall instead, can also be used to wall them off to attempt to freeze the wave in position before it reaches your own tower
- Can trap Rift & Monsters for Niche scenarios like stalling a Rift Charge to attempt to kill it
- Can proc glacial/aftershock etc when the wall moves an enemy
- like most walls it can be used to stop channels like TPs, but it can also aggro enemy tower if it pushes the enemy outside of it, but not if it pushes them inside (Or the otherway around can't recall)
- The wall when it hits an enemy, leaves them in the "Stop state" like when you hit S on your keyboard to stop your champ from moving, making the enemy think they got stunned, because it stopped their last action and sometimes it takes 1s or less for them to realize it, in a fight it can be game changer even if you just cancel their autos with it, since most ppl use auto resets and this throws them off.
Problem with the wall is how buggy it makes other champs behave. I can't even count the amount of times my Darius W would just not proc on it, and my character would just be standing still with a glowing axe. If they found a way to fix the bugginess around the ability, I'd completely agree with you.
i dont know maybe i just dont get how to counter it but yorick has alway kind of bugged me, because he fells like a stat checker, if you cant kill his wall fast or dash out you can really just fight him and hope you have better stats but it is versitile ill give you that
Ty for the tips, but I think they need to buff it's 3rd skill (make it targeted I guess?) and I think they need to buff his 1st also, like increase mist walkers to 6 or 7
Biggest problem with the wall is that your teammates don't know how it works. I just made you an escape route, but you just ran the other way...
@@indigofenix00 pretty much yeah ppl think I walked em off despite the wall not changing their pathing and ping me LMFAO
Orianna's Ultimate. Decent damage, high pressure but very telegraphed and you can dash from it or flash it and as a team you can workaround it by not grouping.
Zilean W and R are one of my favourites, they really put the complex part and skill in his microplay
Honestly, when you talked about Nami's W beiong one of the best designed healing abilities in the game, I couldn't help but think about Lux W. For such a straightforward champ, Lux's W is actually a very interesting ability. It's not really skill expressive if she wants to apply it to herself (it's still interesting because she doesn't get all of the value instantly though, which makes it more interactive when playing against it), but the idea of having a shield skillshot that can potentially be the best AoE shield in the game is just so cool (the other one that I can think of is probably Karma's Mantra E). It punishes you heavily if you miss it on an ally or if an ally doesn't keep track of it and walks out of range, and it greatly rewards you for having a perfect lineup and shielding all 5 of your team. Apart from that, it can also be used to throw against enemy champs to "fake" throwing out an ability. Some enemies might potentially get scared and use their dash or something to gain distance. Doesn't happen often, but it does involve some mindgames as well.
As I said, for such a dull and honestly boring designed champ, I do think the only things that make Lux interesting are her ult playmaking abilities and her W. Apart from that she just roots and deals damage.
Another good shield design is rakan E (except the xayah interaction)
Riot really should make more defensive skillshots in the game, it is kinda surprising to see that the first skillshot heal has only appeared on Senna in 2019.
@@yurinabesima you could say that bard w has the same level of skill expression as a skillshot
Thresh lantern is pretty balanced and need both Thresh and the other Champions knowing what they can do or are doing
I'd argue relying on teammates is not part of a good design. If your duo'd sure then it adds dynamic gameplay, but I wouldn't say it's nearly as well designed as his q or e which offer dynamic gameplay without frustration of the adc forgetting it exists
I also love that the lantern can be denied (by standing/pink warding in front on it)
Bit dumb that counterplay is only introduced by a poor User Interface, but man it's funny to see a streamer rage after frantically zooming in and spam clicking
@@saltyrose8654 I kind of disagree. At the end of the day, lol is supposed to be played as a team game so I think its essential, especially for supports or engage champions, to have synergistic abilities that do rely on the follow ups of teammates since that is your job as a support.
@@jackrush1222 I believe this would be correct if riot actually promoted team play. Seeing as the main mode is soloque, the best champs for climbing have always been extremely selfish (draven, zed, vayne, etc) ofc when you get a duo or playing in flex it all turns around and it’s appreciated, but when the majority of the player base can only describe their interaction with an ability as frustrating it stands to reason maybe there was a better way to implement it.
@@saltyrose8654 I see what you're saying about riot not encouraging more team play, but at the end of the day for most people, you're just playing with random people who you probably won't see again unless you friend them. A team requires you to be familiar with each other, which isn't something most causals tend to do. If it weren't for established roles and objectives, people will be even less likely to cooperate.
I like compound abilities that are flexible, yet only powerful when utilised in optimal scenarios. The best example of this was Karma's Defiance (Mantra E) back when it dealt damage: it rewarded interaction and situational awareness, whilst also punishing passivity and careless usage via her passive.
It something I believe should be brought back to Karma, with a small delay and indicator on the AoE shield and damage, for better counterplay.
Definitly Yone's e deserves a place in this. (This is a joke)
He would be so bad champion without ability for easy diving, trust me bro
@@indrickboreale7381 So you are saying he would be bad without 4 abilities? Well, duh.
I think it's design is cool but the free cleanse on it and the free true damage zed ult is so cancer
@@davidkiknavelidze2130 Of course. Shield and magic damage are the most important elements of Yone's kit ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
@@Zero-zr6xx If it wasnt true damage it would be useless. It only 30% of damage done, so if it wasnt true damage then armor woukd apply twice and it would be useless.
Bard's E and R. They are unique abilities that do something no other ability can, but they do nothing else, which shows abilities don't have to be overloaded to be unique but that's not all. They are abilities that aren't just less effective when used wrong, they are a direct detriment to your team because it affects enemies and allies equally. That gives those abilities an extra layer of depth.
Draven's Q. Its an ability with a simple concept but with so much depth to it. It may look like just a statchecky ability at first but mastering the mechanic takes so much work its only fair the reward is worth while.
Janna's Q. I hate Janna, but credit goes where it deserves. Her Tornado is a simple ability but with many uses and room for skill expression. Its main use is for disengage, but you get the most of it when interrupting a dash mid-air. It can be used offensively but takes a lot of planning ahead to do so.
Karma's R. Karma is unique because her ultimate don't give her an explosive big moment, it augments the instance of her kit she needs the most in the situation she's currently in. It is fun to use, it is not exactly revolutionary, but its pretty unique to have it instead of an ultimate and it rarely if ever feel unfair to play against.
LeBlanc's E. To me, the definition of a fair but rewarding ability. Its a single target skillshot that can be blocked by minions and has a delay until it is used to its full effect, but the lockdown and even the damage itself is some of the best out there if you can make full use of it.
Lucian' R. Really strong potential damage but difficult to get all of it off effectively. In addition, its just damage, not a billion effects crammed into it.
Nami's W. Its a single effect, single target ability making it quite underwhelming on its own, however, with optimal positioning to get more bounces off, its value multiplies, turning it into a simple, yet deep ability.
Olaf's Q. Simple, effective and fair. Its the ability a melee immobile champion uses to close the gap and stick to his target, but it is a skillshot, so the ability to keep your distance from that very scary at melee champion stands from his precision on his skillshots versus his enemy's ability to dodge it.
Orianna's R. Given its cast time and the relatively slow movement of Orianna's sphere, her ult can be tricky to connect to multiple people, but when connected to an ally with a strong engage, it further enhances said engage and is oh so rewarding when done right. Orianna in general is a champion everyone respects and nobody feels she's unfair.
Rek'sai's E. Not the bite, specifically her tunnels because there's just so much you can do with them. They're the engage, they can find unique ganking angles but they also optimize the time it takes for you to treverse the map. You set up tunnels from one camp to the next and the time it saves you adds up. So even from a non-combat point of view it is a nuanced ability.
Rumble's Passive. Like Janna, I hate Rumble, but credit goes where credit is due. Silencing yourself by overusing your abilities encourages players to not carelessly use their abilities while using them just enough to keep it on that yellow range to make them stronger. That yellow range, however, only gets you closer to the red zone that can be detrimental to the player.
Shaco's W and R. Am I biased? Prooooobably. But the ammount of stuff Shaco can do with his boxes and his clon are ludachrist but at the end of the day, those abilities still have their limitations. They aren't difficult to avoid in a vaccum, but if the Shaco player plays his cards right, few abilities in the game are as rewarding as those two.
Singed's Q and W. Controversal? Probably. Don't expect many to agree with me, but there's nothing in the game that does what Singed does and his Q is the focal point of it. Meanwhile, Singed's W is just a good ability because it does its job, it does its job almost too well, but that's all it does, nothing else. It slows and grounds, but does 0 damage and I've come to appreciate abilities that are effective without a trillion effects crammed into it.
Talon's E. League don't have enough non-combat abilities and the few that we do are worth our appreciation. I am heavily against low cooldown mobility but that's not in-combat mobility. Talon will rarely use this more than once in a fight. Its a rewarding ability to use right but it doesn't break the game.
Trundle's E. Simple, does its job well, don't feel unfair to play against. Nothing revolutionary but its a very impactful ability despite its simplicity.
Vel'koz's Q. I am a math nerd, so if there's an ability that rewards the player for applying trigonometry to increase their skillshot accuracy, I am going to feature it here. Using the ability to the side to increase its range? Finding unique angles around minions? There is a lot of skill expression with this ability and I love it.
Volibear's E. This ability in a vaccum sounds overloaded. It has a very high damage, a slow, and shields the user. However, realisticly you don't get all of it all the time. It has a very large delay so it requires the user to predict where the fight is gonna take to harness all of its effects. It can be used on neutral for poke, but if the enemy sees Voli's animation, he'll have plenty of time to think about where the ability might go. It is a fair reward for how much delay there is.
Wukong's W. Simple but deep ability. I actually believe it didn't need to be changed with the rework because this is not meant to be a combat ability. Having the clon to attack is unnecessary. But it is still an ability with a cool concept.
Zed's W. This ability may make Zed a little too safe as it gives him more range to work with and is a very strong get away tool, but it is hard not to consider just how unique an entity that mimics your abilities is. The possibilities with this ability are endless and it is not even anything overloaded because 1: it throws a shadow that mimics your spells and 2: you can switch places with the shadow. That's it.
Zilean's W. I find this ability fascinating because it is essentially a reset button, but it takes up an ability slot and does nothing else. Its something nobody else really has, it is impactful but it is not broken. When you have something unique, impactful and fair, I don't see a reason not to include it here.
Zoe's Q and R. That's another that may be a controversal one, but this is an ability with a very small hitbox so without any lockdown, it is very easy to dodge the long range ones and the short range ones don't hurt all that much. If Zoe gets the setup right, she gets her nuke, that's her whole job. But if she don't get said setup, she is relatively harmless. I genuinely think Zoe, outside her W, is a very well designed champion and her Q is the main component of that. Her R, meanwhile, is a very unique ability. May sound underwhelming for an ultimate and just an extension for her Q. It often is, not gonna lie, but it is an interesting ability nonetheless.
Honorable mentions include: Ahri's Q, Alistar's W and R, Anivia's W, Annie's R, Ashe's E and R, Aurelion Sol's P, Q, W and E, Blitzcrank's Q, Cho'gath's Q, Diana's Q, Dr. Mundo's Q, Ezreal's Q, Fiora's W, Gangplank's E, Gragas' Q, E and R, Hecarim's E, Heimerdinger's Q, Illaoi's E, Irelia's E, Ivern's W, Jarvan IV's Q and E, Karthus' Passive, Kassadin's E, Kennen's W, Kha'zix's R, Kindred's R, Kled's Passive, Lee Sin's R, Lissandra's W and R, Lux's W, Maokai's W and E, Nami's Q, E and R, Nasus' W, Nocturne's E, Nunu's W, Poppy's E, Pyke's E, Quinn's E, Rakan's W and R, Rammus' Q, Rell's E, Renekton's Passive, Rengar's E, Sett's E, Sion's Passive, Q, E and R, Taliyah's Passive, Q, W, E and R, Sylas' R, Teemo's R, Thresh's W and E, Varus' Q, Vi's Q, Warwick's Q, W and R, Xayah's E, Xerath's Q, Yorick's W, Zac's Q and E, Ziggs' Q.
Asol passive is not a good designed ability. While yes it is unique its really bad. The champion is designed around it. And bcz of that asol had and has alot more counters than any other champion, minimum range abilities just dont belong in this game, specially with all the dashes in the game. Lets not say in the past not only he got cucked by minimum range but also cc rendering him completly useless, and his q had minimum range.
I'd add Qiyana W, Ekko W, Swain W, Poppy R, Taric W+E and R, Azir Q and W
ASol just don't play the game the conventional way. His passive is inconsistent against other champions, especially mobile ones, but at the same time it gives him nearly unmatched pushing potential, letting him create roaming timers earlier than almost any other champion. That's what makes him so great, because many recent champions with gimmicks are already good all-purpose champions without said gimmick (Sylas, for example), so it is a real positive from a design perspective when a champion with something only he can do has a flaw elsewhere to compensate.
I consider Qiyana's W a bit overloaded to be feature in a best design list. Without a passive, Ekko's W would've made it, but with the random execute, it falls under the overloaded umbrella as well. Swain's W was worth a mention, I agree with you. As do the Poppy's and Taric's abilities you mentioned. Since Azir is one of if not the most overloaded champion in the game, I admitedly went straight past him without giving his abilities a closer look, his Q and W specifically aren't as bad. However, with how many applications soldiers have, its not necessary for attack speed to be crammed into the same ability. Same for his Q, repositioning his soldiers is already a valuable asset. There's no need for a slow on top of that.
@@shacolin6546 what do you mean Qiyana's W is overloaded, it's only: a small hop that can go over walls, an on-hit buff that is also applied by her Q and E, a conditional out of combat movement speed buff, an attack speed buff, a cooldown reset of her passive and Q...it's not that bad c'mon :)
@@shacolin6546 well, after the rework he got two years ago alot of his early game strenghts and roaming are just gone, you simply dont have same pushing potential like you had before, you cant shove and roam. He was basically destoryed for me, while on paper it seems nice, you got more upfront burst dmg, you actually got worse version of asol bcz you cant control the stars at all really, stars coming back to you on its own is just disgusting. Its just sad how cookie crumbled after getting alot of indirect nerfs, rip good ol GLP. That champion has seen better days. I guess im just frustrated cuz they destroyed my one trick champion
speaking as a jhin one trick, i really do love his traps- other than being really pretty, they have a lot of potential to open up a fight just as much as you can drop them while youre being chased for the slow + root with W (saved my life a good few times)- and while they do a pretty significant amount of damage, just the slow from the trap wont make anyone have to take it; unless they have another source of cc on them, everyone can turn around and walk out, you have to either not notice it somehow (theyre pretty damn obvious) or intentionally ignore it. if you wanna do shit like piling a bunch of them in one spot and absolutely nuking someone, it takes a long time to stack them and not have them be activated too early and its all a waste if you miss your w or even just land it too late, so thats not a reliable method for anything besides fun and games lmao
4:35 omg i just got fucking Vietnam flash backs from when i was younger and that sound legitimately sliiiightly scared me.
Love ur content bro, so happy to see topics like this having a stable viewership. Keep it up!
I think Pantheon E is a good designed ability, although it grants an free invulnerability, I think it has its pros and cons, yes it can make you invulnerable, but you need to be in a straight line so it work, because if you go backwards you'll slow yourself, and turning around isn't hard at all, and while it does DOT in front of it, it needs to be a full cast to deal the equivalent of one basic attack, and the bash in the end do a big chunk of damage, but you lose your defense, and the CD and mana cost is really big (80 mana per cast) and Pantheon is a mana hunger champion, so I think this ability is really fair.
Sion's W is one of my favorite abilities in the game. It forces your lane opponent to either back off, or deal you damage to break the shield because it has a bite when it explodes. The passive health scaling is also a nice bonus.
I also love Sion's Q mechanic it rewards patience and precision with timing it's an interactive charging ability that works off muscle memory the more familiar you become with it
Tbh whole Sion kit is prop best designed tank kit. It's fun to use, it has skill expression on all abilities including passive, and leaves room to counterplay him with Long indicators, sounds etc.
Ezreal's W: it takes lots of mana early and you need to proc it with an auto or a skill, BUT if you manage to proc it with a ability you not only deal tons of damage but also regain 100% of that skill's mana + a little bit, making it one of the most interesting abilities to use in lane. it also has a great interaction with Q and E, since Q is easier to dodge or hide behind minions but E leaves your open for ganks, etc
It's very satisfying to use, but not that interesting I think. It's very similar to his Q, but a buff version of it. Most of the time, he'll shoot both skillshots at once, either miss or hit both. Not much for skill expression beyond aim (-> it's the same aim required for both because they have a very similar range, projectile speed and hitbox). Plus, its "bursty" nature doesn't really offer a choice : you gotta focus the squichies if you can, but you can just shoot whatever you see thanks to its safe range.
I was so happy when they announced the change to his old w (which was basically q for ap ezreal). I love that it requires set up and you have multiple options. Proc with auto, proc with ability or use for towers. A very nice addition to his kit.
Wukong's W is criminally underrated, especially as it has both defensive and offensive uses, meshes so well with his kit and his lore, gives him amazing versatility, and adds a strategic use for the S key.
Probably biased because I play them a lot but I really love Nocturne's and Rengar's ults. Not for the "immajumponyouanddestroyyou" part but much more for the actual fear it causes to the enemy team. As soon as they realize you activated your ult, they'll just stop doing anything and either retreat to their closest tower or clump together waiting for you to go in. And while in many cases you as an assassin don't like that, it can really be beneficial to cut some slack for your teamates or to prepare a nice engage for your AOE engage champs like Malph, Leona and so on.
Before axiom arc I would agree with you. But now that axiom is in the game that shit is broken (simple answer is to remove axiom but that's probably not gonna happen)
Of all the assassins in the game I still love Nocturne's ultimate the most. I feel like assassins don't generally belong on this video as their whole thing is being unfair to fight but Nocturne tells literally everyone he is going to murder someone, and gives him no choice but to dive head first into an enemy or 2 if he wants to actually use it. Aside from its normal use its also a little handy for some utility plays like denying teleports when an important objective is up or just countering Twisted Fate if you take Noc mid.
I think that zac's Q is also pretty interesting when you chose targets such as using Q on a minion to auto a champion, using the auto part to stun people on wards and such (except illaoi tentacles idk why this specifically doesn't work but to bad), deciding to risk a near guaranteed cc to hit 2 people, the slow is good also to reposition or catch them when you have only one target and finally when you gank botlane, Q the adc and then flash auto the unsuspecting support that is a small bit further.
If you dont know zac top/supp base mostly on his q because you can cc someone with the q and use E forcing enemys to flash or just die
Also Fuck illaio
@@matiaszapanni3466 yeah I main zac to
also fuck illaoi
I love Kalistas ult since it can be used as a gap closer, a save or a engage. I also love how it forces people to communicate well
Pykes E is my favourite. SO much you can do with it, including escape, stunning a hooked target, lining up a multi stun or even using flash or ult to increase the amount of targets stunned. So much skill expression, yet the max value is gated by skill and ambition, and can super easily leave you in an awful position with no escape tools if you mess it up. Such a banger ability
I love Lulu’s whimsy and help pix! They give that same concept of choosing between offence and defence.
An unbiased review of buff:
As someone who has used buff for around a year at this point, I want to give my thoughts to anyone considering downloading it after the ad in the video. buff isn't a scam or anything and I have made money off of it however the rate at which you earn is extremely low, in my entire time using buff I've made about $20 of RP which yes was free and came at very little sacrifice of my own however this was after about a year of fairly heavy use. the way buff works is you either have challenges that you complete ingame that are shown in the buff application to earn buff coins or you simply play games and earn coins that way, challenges usually grant around 10-20 coins and consist of just having to get certain things within a game EX: for league complete a game without dying, the rewards for playing a game however are much lower at anywhere from 0 to like 3 at the VERY highest for an hour long game that you get an insane KDA in and you need about 1600 coins to acquire one $10 riot gift card, however the thing about buff that you really need to know is that you cannot immediately redeem your coins, buff has a market system in which every day at a certain time items are restocked in limited quantities so you need to refresh the store the SECOND it updates to get a card and on top of that assuming you redeem the card you have to enter a code into the app that will be emailed to you so you need to have your email already open and be fast, I haven't had any issues redeeming my gift cards every time I've tried so it's not too difficult but it's a little annoying you have to wait until a certain time of day to do so (however I am aware that this is just kind of how it needs to work for this system to be possible I just want to make others aware that it functions in this way) if you're looking to buy a card look at the time it last was purchased and figure out how long ago it was and it should refresh at that same time the next day
TL;DR Buff works but takes a lot of grind for a small profit that is hard to get however it is free gift cards so there isn't a huge downside outside of a little annoyance
I think balanced abilities are abilities that make you go hmmm, well played.
Fiora W is a good example since it's a conditional counter move. It's not good to use dryly like Jax E.
Thresh Flay (his kit is overloaded but it has great design)
Cassiopeia ult (the fact you can juke this by looking back briefly while fighting her)
Poppy's W is excellent design for her role and Wukong's current clone design is best designed summon.
If fiora's w didn't have an attack speed slow I'd agree with you. Arguably better to get hit by the stun in a lot of 1v1 situations against her because the attack speed slow is so debilitating and lasts so long.
@@willow1601 Not to mention that it's supposed to be a countermove. In a quite honesty silly amount of matchups, the AS slow is enough to autowin trades. Like if you play Fiora vs Jax, Fiora doesn't have to parry counterstrike and get the stun to win, or even parry an autoattack or a Jax W. The AS slow alone is enough to all in Jax and win if it ever lands
Fioras W is dogshit, even if you misstime it you still get a disgusting attack speed slow
i don't think fiora w is well designed, in theory like it bbut in practice many characters hard cc is heavily telegraphed so you can avoid it as a regular character but that just means one of your abilities is completly useless since unless the fiora is way to trigger happy she can just use w on reaction. if her was directional like (seriously why isn't it her whole gimmick is about being on a certain side of the enemy) and had a longer cast time maybe it wuld be balanced but it jsut invalidates some characters the way it is now
I really like the few seconds of back and forth between TF and the enemies after the yellow card is selected. TF always tries to get into the correct position to throw the card without getting burst from 100 to 0. His opponent also tries to find the window of opportunity to go in without getting stunned.
I think every Orianna Abilty is quiet nice designed. Q - can be used offensevely to deal dmg and to position the ball in a way her other abilities can deal dmg. But especially in laning phase there is a reson to be careful with Q usage because if the ball is not on her she loses a lot of her resistances. W - I think is quiet obbious because it slows enemies and speeds up allies so it can be used either way but you have to decide for one of them. This actually gives her Q even more ways to be used efficiently. E - can be used to give herself a shield and get her resistances back or to give an ally a shield and its resistences. It furthermore then can enable Orianna to hit her other abilities from further away than her Q range would allow her. It also deals some dmg when the ball passes through enemies wich highers the skill seiling of her Q, E and general positioning. R - can be and deciding factor in a team fight by repositioning up to 5 enemies and dealing tons of dmg in combination with w or it can safe an allies life by pulling enemies away. Of course R usage is also quiet hard to master because the direction in which you pull an enemy is crucial and requieres precision.
Generely said I love Ori. She has a high skill ceiling even though her skill floor is kinda low when you dont play against champs like hecarim and nocturne which can simply execute you by pressing one button if you are not very very careful with your positioning. Her self-peel is really not the best but can be effective if its used properly and combined with phase rush. I presonaly think that she makes a lot of fun to play. There is just something satisfying about her Q usage especially in combination with R and W. I just think the champ over all makes sense. Her abiliteis all fit her theme. She is very good in being an area controling burst mage but she also has clear weakneses.
I was about to say that 👌
She's the champion I have most fun playing because how well built is her kit. And the fact that all abilities are related makes it even better, it's just so satisfying when you start getting all the burst damage mid game and making sick plays with good ball positioning. She really feels different from other champions and each one of her ability is very diverse.
Jhin's W. Q and ult are pure damage with something else, be it bounce or long *ss range, but W is: a root, a finisher for when they escape, a get off me tool if used in combo with flash or galeforce, a way to face check tiny bushes... So many uses, and it's got draw backs, like the casting animation, the thin hitbox, the fact that you or one of your teammates gotta do damage for the root to take place. Over all my fav ability in the whole champion, nothing is more satisfactory than sniping a low heath target of seeing the little particles in that bush without vision that means there's someone there.
Orianna q tbh. You can do many things and also is pretty healthy
@@geok9765 true but her kit is about q mostly so i guess that can count anyways
As a kai’sa main I find it funny how thresh’s q followed by his w is literally just a budget version of kaisa’s ult lol
The thing with nami, there is also another point in her skill expression on who does she use her W. To be more precise, for each bounce there is a multiplayer, it starts at 75% and increases with AP.
That means, in early game the person you want to heal the most/deal most dmg to should be the person you click on.
BUT, in later stages of the game where you actually gain heals/dmg for each bounce then you actually want to cast the skill on someone else and have the W bounce to the wounded ally.
Vel’koz’s Q I’d say should make the list since it’s one of the funnest skillshots to learn and master, and IMO carries Vel’s kit at times harder than his awesome ultimate.
And no I’m not biased in the slightest :^)
The best part is his W has no cast time so you can press buttons simultaneously and shoot "strong shots".
10:10 rengar's ferocity. I know that is a passive, but it lets you choose between three empowered abilities with greatly empowered effects. I know renekton has the same mechanic, but rengar's is more extreme, since he can use only one in a rotation, opposed to two (not counting in fury/ferocity regen)
I disagree; most people who actually know how to play Rengar regularly spam W with it. It'd require the other abilities to be as good but nothing really beats having 2 extra health bars w/ aoe damage.
Anivia W meets both of your requirements for a good ability.
It's a very unique ability. On demand terrain that isn't just a circle around the target and is big enough to actually matter by itself.
Infinitely versatile yet simple. Love it
I think Rek'sai's tunnel is a really cool ability. It's a versatile ability, able to be used for many things, such as engage, disengage, both at the same time, faster rotations, invasions, etc. It's a very good skill, but it's also a very skill-expressive ability, as tunnel placement can often separate a good Rek'Sai from a bad one. While it is not a trap, it can also be used to put enemies in disadvantageous situations, because while the tunnel itself does no damage, enemies have to decide whether they want to break the tunnel and potentially put themselves at risk of being ganked, or leave it alone, which could lead to a surprise gank or teleport later on.
Malzahar's malefic visions has to be one of my favorites as it completely changes the way you farm and it acts as a great tool to spook the enemy away from the minion wave since it sets up your voidling and ultimate combo.
Basically it's an ability that is used mostly just for farm but it keeps your opponent afraid of your ult as it can be used to set up an all in attack.
building night
harvester makes bards ulti do damage, you can even kill people with it which is satisfying.
I think Anivia wall and as other people mentioned Kindred ult are both very neutral abilities too. Sure they can save your team, but they can also gift the enemy a fight win, be that by saving the enemy adc, or cutting your own team off from escape.
Honestly, I'm surprised that no champion as a "skill shot heal" yet. Senna Q is the closest thing to a skill shot as you can aim to heal an ally when targeting an enemy.
Also I'm surprised that Draven Q didn't make the list. A champion ability which heavily rewards positioning but also gives away your future position. Tons of skill expression especially in aiming where your next axe will land, excellent counter play due to his telegraphed movements allowing for better aiming. And decision making where Draven can decide to anandon the axe to get a better position in exchange for loss of damage output.
Senna q and nami bounce are really the only interactive heals. A skillshot heal would be insanely awesome. But it would be an issue to balance. Usually the harder an ability is to hit, the larger the reward (e.g nidalee spear) . This is fine in solo queue where aiming on a stranger is very skillful. But when used by a premade/proplay you can get the full reward essentially for free (just tell them to stand still for a second whilst you aim). I love the idea but don't know how it would be balanced. If there wasn't a larger reward then there would be no reason to play them over point and click heal supports.
I think Evelynn's w is well designed. It shows how much time you have left, when its fully charged it shows you the direction evelynn is and evelynn can use it to slow or to charm. You cannot miss the fact that u have it on you for the audio signal and for the giant heart.
Taliyah's full kit is so creative. The global wall, a directional knock up, the Q, etc
Very creative but very linear. You have 1 combo and that's it. Even simple mages like Annie and lux can change the order or their abilities for different impacts (slow to land root easier, root then e for bigger damage. Q stun combo with shield) but if you miss taliyahs knock up then you arnt even a champ anymore. She needs a shift of power in her kit and perhaps a better e. Still a really cool champ but not a lot of options.
@@witchee3041 Strongly agree
Bard ult is simply my favorite ability in the game, it has one line of text, but still you can do an infinite number of things with it in an infinite number of situations.
Kindred's Lamb Respite. Same reasoning as Tempered Fate. It doesn't just make allies unkillable, it also effect enemies. Just like Tempered Fate, you could end up using it really well and keeping your team alive for longer or end up helping the enemy team stay alive. So many different outcomes with it.
12:10 One other thing you missed that I really like about Ebb and Flow is that in the early game, the heal/damage is weaker with consecutive bounces, but late game with more AP, it does more on the consecutive bounces.
This means her max value is strong but not oppressive and it gives Nami more skill expression and even risk/reward for targetting certain characters first (e.g. You want a bigger heal on your adc who just got jumped by an assassin so you target the assassin first) - and finally her passive just gives a good chunk of movespeed to allies which can be invaluable.
jhins e is pretty good too, can be used for vision, ambushes, setup and follow up to hard cc, but by itslef is not frustrating because everyone can escape it once they step over it, unlike teemo or shaco traps that chunk you for 1 third of your health for free
Warwick's Q deserves a spot here. Such a simple but surprisingly skill expressive ability in the right hands.
11:53 I faintly remember a game I had that was very similar to that, I was Nami chasing an enemy that was chasing my ally, I thought to use the enemy to bounce my W to them for the heal, can’t remember what happened after, but I thought it was cool
Bard’s ult is truly great. As you say, it can be both the best thing or the worst to happen to your team, but things like setting up the perfect teamfight, or nullifying all the damage of a herald to a tower are truly a blessing
Var I've got a video idea for you: Compare and contrast similar abilities between champions. Veigar E vs Thresh R. Vi R vs Sett R. Lux Q vs Neeko E. LB E vs Karma W. You could make a huge list of them. Some of the differences feel balanced and reasonable while some don't at all. Viegar vs Thresh in particular feels bad as an E that to me, is objectively better than an R.
I rant di she on your Opinion on Veigar's Event Horizon, it really does feel better than Thresh's Ultimate.
Vel'Koz and Chogath both have a slow AoE ranged knock up. But because of the context of their kits, Cho uses it as a poke and Vel uses it like a peel.
@@happycamperds9917 Vel'Koz also uses it as initiation for his combo no?
@@happycamperds9917 And Cho'Gath doesn't also use his Knock Up to actually Reach his target?
I personally really like pykes e. Its the perfect mix of risk vs reward. Do you go in and leave yourself open? Or do you save it as a way to peel for your team in case ypu get collapsed on lol
Imo its too op
@@benarchie6024 why do you think its op? Cause i can see an argument why
Idk, the instant dash with almost no mana cost makes Pyke along with his W extremly slippery with almost no risk involved. The use of the stun is a cool choice but it gets closer to the overloaded side as he can do kinda to much, you can even flash behind someone to secure the stun that deals a pretty good dmg and stuns for a more than reasonable amount of time.
as a pyke main yea i get it it’s annoying when pyke e’s away from you and ends up living but remember that pyke is the support, if he e’s away to save himself his team loses his ability to stun enemies, and at that point he just becomes an ult bot and loses a lot of value
I LOVE these more positive videos man! I’d like to see you rank some of our favorites! Great vid bro:)
Great video, as always. I like Lissandra's E and Ult. Both have multiple uses and are strong, while making the wrong choice can cost you the fight. If you use E as engage, you don't have an escape, meaning you need to either win the fight, or commit to death. If you save if for escape, you have short range otherwise and offer much less threat.
As for her Ult, you can choose to lockdown the enemy carry (Vayne is my fav) to hope to win a teamfight but risk being focused down yourself, or go in and self-cast Ult for a large but slightly lackluster slow that will help you live, but maybe not guarantee a kill.
The champion itself is well designed in my mind, and fits thematically
funny thing about thresh's hook... you can change the direction of the windup, so if you're in a team fight you can feign that you're aiming for someone and throw the hook somewhere else... you can get so many flashes off of it and it just makes it even more of a fun ability
I like the honorable mentions, makes for good thinking for the viewer side. Also, please add the music you used in the description. So many vids where I love the music you used, but I just have no clue what it is!
As a Poppy Jungle main I think her W is very well designed for her anti-carry playstyle. Poppy Top lane suffers from its requirements of being near walls but Poppy Jungle has walls all over the place and during ganks it’s fun trying to kite or chase enemies towards the walls for that sweet stun into Q combo.
I think that and her passive shield throw are very well designed for their skill expression and giving Poppy players a mini objective during fights
Im not sure about you guys but I really like senna’s Q, since you can do so much with it (back when glacial was around it was really cool to land a Ward Q for your team to catch up to a fleeing enemy)
Okay, Abilities are great an all, But are we not going to talk about the lantern at 3:45 ?
I think in the same way as the bard ultimate, the kindread ult is like a weaker version of it, but still can win a game (or loose it)
It's definitely not weaker tho, unlike bards ult it evens out the fight, bringing everyone to the same HP since you can still dmg ppl inside with the heal at the end
Hmmm dunno
In my opinion the top 5 best designed abilities are Yuumi passive, Yuumi q, Yuumi w, Yuumi e and Singed ultimate
I think there are 2 more really fun things about pick a card:
1. the pure joy of winning a fight off a pure luck pull of a card in a panic, proving you truly have the heart of the cards.
2. watching the enemy panic over the pressure of a tf holding a gold card with a lead.
Oh i like jannas q. Its a peel and engage tool depending on how one uses it
Active: Jax enters Evasion for 2 seconds: a defensive stance that causes him to dodge all incoming non-turret basic attacks and take 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities sourced from champions.
Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second, and does so automatically after the duration.
Recast: Jax deals physical damage to nearby enemies, increased by 20% for each attack dodged up to a 100% increase, and stuns them for 1 second.
Right through the counter strike
نشط: يدخل Jax في Evasion ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية غير البرجية ضده طوال المدة. يحصل Jax أيضًا على تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪ ، مما يقلل الضرر من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير التي يتم الحصول عليها من أبطال البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة.
RECAST: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا لجميع الأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، وزيادة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويصعقهم الصاعقة لمدة ثانية واحدة.
I honestly believe that Swain's E is a well designed skill:
1: it is very slow, if used without thinking beforehand, you most likely are gonna hit only the first part of it.
2: it is hard to not see, since it's a Rammus-sized colorful ball.
3: it has a bit of AOE during the comeback, meaning that is easier to hit when minions are around.
4: in the first travel, the projectile goes to a specific point, in the second, it goes to you, meaning you can extend it's effective range by moving.
Gotta admin, every time I hear Sion's R noise I get the chills even when I know it is not on me
I believe Zoe's ultimate Is the Best designed ability in the game (even when 99% of the playerbase hate her design)It feels very good when used properly by Zoe, while giving counterplay yo the enemy by knowing her location after It finishes
That would be useful if I wasn't asleep
What I was implying Is that It Is a good ability that anu mage wich skillshots can be blocked by a Minion, can use ti work around that, It Is not the while kit wey aré talking about, and by usong the dame logic that vars uses, It Is a good ability to use and to play against, the Bubble wich can be dodged pretty easily Is other story
I also really like how Nami's heal starts off reducing with each bounce, but with more AP it starts to do MORE per bounce
I like anivia's wall a lot. It punishes misposes very effectively, especially if the opponent has no dash, can cancel dashes if used effectively, can save allies too (by cancelling a blitz hook for example), stright up cut fights by separating ennemies, gain time while doing an objective by cutting off the route, but can also completely kill yourself and your team if you misplace it. A lot of skill expression in this spell. It may be the only champion where you can win a teamfight with flash-spell, where said spell does not deal any damage nor does any cc.
I love gangplank's E, the barrel is most interactive ability both for gangplank and his opponent.
Hey I'm a UX designer and you covered the section on biases perfectly! :)
8:35 its a perfect escape toole also, you can hook minions and monsters over walls to escape
janna Q. you can use it offensively or defensively, it gives your enemies time to react as it needs to charge, you need to know when or when not to use it due to its moderate cooldown. only works in a straightline so sidestepping is an option
As a bard otp I really appreciated this his ultimate is hard to use and took me many games to learn a lot of the situations where it’s good and bad
Another thing with Nami is that at early stage of the game, or without much AP her W actually does less for each bounce it does. So it will always deal less damage to enemies if you heal an ally first, or deal less healing if you damage an enemy first, so it's not 2 choices but 4. The third being "even if I want do damage/healing, do I want more healing or more damage? And the fourth being who do I want to have a chance to be hit, as if you target someone close to you with the intention of getting two damage instances, it could bounce to you, and be out of range to reach a second enemy.
singed toss is a favorite. it's his only burst damage but you can't just use it whenever it's off cooldown because it's so positioning based. you can chuck someone away from your team and effectively save them, or you can chuck the wrong champion into your team and give them a free initiation . it's a simple point and click but still a think before you click positioning based ability.
As other people have mentioned, Vel'koz's kit is one of my favorites in general with his Q being very satisfying.
Tristana E. It's a big warning sign on your opponent that if I keep shooting you you're going to get nuked, it really feels like the best adc ability to use and play against due to how fair it is in a fight
For me one of the best designed abilities in the game is Camille's E. It can really screw you over if you are not careful, but it can also take you out of various bad situations if used properly.
I see the Poppy ult fitting on this list. It has a wide variety of uses because it is both defense for a gank coming and offensive when team fighting. It has two usages, tapping for a short cc and a little damage and long for playing baseball with the enemy team. Also it needs some skill on how to use it since it can always just save the enemy you are hitting from your team
I bet that Nami felt real good after their play. Flash healing to save an ally is a great feeling. I love doing it on Rakan bc even though it's such a small heal, it's so satisfying when it saves someone
Teemo Q
To watch the world burn is just so satisfying.
Just watched Skooch's worst abilities and loved it! Can't wait to see your version too!