This was hinted at in Winona's short. I can't believe how it's all come together. (In her short, in the beginning with all of the papers, one in the bottom right corner says "Flame consumes New York library")
The best part is that as soon as anyone that's played DST see's fire, we know it's willow. It's interesting though to know that Willow and Wickerbottom are canonically in the same town/time.
@@Dodo-uv9bs it might have been retconned, but the fire in voxola seems to be a result of wagstaff's portal, idk how willlow could set a fire in that room without being noticed by winona
In my playthrough of Don't Starve, as Willow, the biggest and most destructive fire actually wasn't me. It was a lightning strike in the forest that burned down like half the trees there and at least three spider nests, leaving multiple spiders and spider warriors homeless. They just sleep outside during the day. But hey, free ashes and logs.
In this case it adds 10 pages We had no lore at all for her, aside from her quotes that doesn't give that much insight into her life compared to others
@@robingoodfellow8097 She's certainly an arsonist for fun, but she's evidently let Maxwell pick the targets for this period. You're right that Willow isn't really the type to work for someone, so it's likely that she was just playing along only as long as it benefited her (maybe he covers her tracks and picks cool targets for her) and not that she actually considered Maxwell or his cause to be important.
I absolutely love that note at the end! Implying that Willow *does* work for Maxwell and the shadow spirits. Super interesting! Also super cool how Willow looks older in this one than in her own short. Great work as always!
I felt ya, Wicker. That's the exact same expression I feel when you come back to a burning base. I do realize, the quote "I know a place to tuck it away" by Maxwell is not into the constant, but LITERALLY stuck it all into Wicker's brain, no wonder Wicker has insomnia..
The fact that Willow set fire to the library is mind blowing! Klei never ceases to amaze me with her quality and love of her work. I've been a fan of DS for a few years, despite the fact that now I almost do not play now - I continue to follow the updates and animations from time to time.
hes probably trying to get rid of anyone who knows of the shadow creatures or its powers, and considering willows on an apparent hitlist, maybe she also got wolfgang into the constant after he was witness of the codex umbra?
I know I'm late but that's *permanent* knowledge. Even if you craft everything, by the time you die you'll forget it in the next world. It's just for gameplay obviously but in lore I assume your memories get scrambled a bit. Not a bad deal, a headstart is great when you're trapped in hell for eternity.
Getting big, *big* Lovecraft vibes from this short. I love it so much, I keep watching it over and over. And the period-accurate fire extinguisher? Fantastic attention to detail!
Thanks Klei for developing the game over just a long distance. I have been playing this game since I was 12 years old. thank you for not abandoning the game and adding so much content to the game.
This may be a stretch, but at the end of the animation Willow got a note that said "one more to go" and since we know that the only two characters left to rework are Maxwell and Wilson (both of whom we know didn't enter because of Willow) that means that there may be a new character in the works. Either that or we will be getting some more lore about our current cast that relates to it (like Woodie for example)
For this being the first big wickerbottom lore, this is yet another part of the story that we didn't fully know that ties in with something else. We knew a library burnt down and that is exactly what this tells.
"Mysterious fires follow you like a plague, [playername]." -Winona, when examining a fire-starting Maxwell in DST Well, those mysterious fires apparently have a name and it's Willow. Wasn't expecting him to outright employ her. Fantastic short!
THE ARTSTYLE IS AWESOME AND THE STORY IS PROGRESSING TOO I wonder why does Willow help Maxwell though... We didn't know what she was doing all these years between obtaining fire powers(as a child) and entering the Constant (as an adult) and also why did she see shadow creatures
My theory is that Maxwell made a deal with her that, in exchange for burning down a few places that knew too much about the Constant and Them, he'd take her to a better place. Just him killong two birds with one stone. It's not often you meet a pyromaniac, after all
@@arogustus3984 couldn't it be that the deal is that maxwell grants her pyromancy in exchange of arson? or is it confirmed that willow was a pyromancer from birth?
@@eetein9704 In her short, she's seen using the fire powers to protect herself from both her caretakers and nightmare creatures haunting her, destroying her old orphanage in the process. Since the shadows were haunting her and now she works with them, she probably wasn't working with Maxwell back then, so it's safe to assume that she either had her powers since birth or gained them in another way that isn't Maxwell
Wickerbottom must have had a monster of a headache after Maxwell made her absorb all that knowledge As always, amazing work Klei! I can't wait to see what you do with Maxwell!
That is such a drop.. od Knowledge. When it comes to lore this is the most informative video of them all not only did wicker get ALOT of lore but willow did too
@@Profphizx in the sequence of events, maxwell had no control over what happened to Wanda. He was responsible for most if not all of the characters in the single player game, but no one in dst.
seeing your library, the world and the knowledge you stored from it start burning is absolutely the most heart-stopping thing ever, i am amazed on how wickerbottom reacted
@@zixvirzjghamn737 It’s not Willow’s cat. The cat has a horrified look on its face while looking at the library implying that was it’s home, and if it was Willow’s cat it would be used to seeing burning buildings.
The fact that Maxwell can just open portals without the radio is a massive lore shift. I didn't expect Klei to be building towards something with the refreshes alone.
My theory is that Willow will fail to bring the last one, and that's how she end-up in the constant. Or maybe she was just ditched after completing it.
Holy smokes! Always thought Wickerbottom had something to do with the Codex Umbra and the forbidden knowledge, but wasn't expecting she was actually a victim, not the perpetrator! Of all the characters, we had the least information about her, always suspected she waa hiding something dark. Poor Ms. Wickerbottom... Now we only need a Maxwell centered short. Good job as always!
Well Wilson's short was for don't starve, these are for don't starve together, so it's still possible for him to get one before maxwell Also it would be pretty cool to see characters that aren't in dst like woodlegs since most of them are forgotten (except for wagstaff)
@@TrueHey I don't believe they're going to do a refresh on Wilson (can't improve perfection). But they may start releasing more lore related videos, along with the update ones, when the refreshes are over.
Klei never fails to impress, it's crazy how skilled these devs are at what they do. Every animated short gives me chills and leaves in awe. Keep it up!
Wait wait wait, why does Wickerbottom have what looks like a doll of Willow’s forlorn doll outfit in her secret room? Very nice short Klei! Neat lore implications to think about!
Doll was made by Willow's Grandma but when she died. Willow was taken to an orphanage and the doll was left and forgotten, so I guess Wicker just somehow managed to get it.
WHAT?! HUH?! Th-the ending! Willow, what?! I've been waiting for Wickerbottom animatic for 7 years and here it is!! Thank you Klei, going to play as her for hours again :)
Cool seeing a good old fashion Maxwell abduction, also never expected more Willow lore too, but I wonder if “one more to go” is lore or update related?
YOU CAN'T JUST DROP THAT ON US KLEI. This has heavy rammifications for the lore an I'm gonna be up all night speculating this! Animation quality has gotten significantly better though, nice job!
That doll in the background, now we know what was Willow skin referring to, yet still only more mysteries to uncover. Love you klei for how much effort you put in that game.
Могу сказать следующее: Судя по символике в подвале, бабулька, скорее всего, состоит в каком то культе/секте/тайной организации, что собирает инфу об паранормальном, в том числе и о Константе. Она, думаю, является хранителем вещ.доков и инфы, из-за чего и навлекла на себя беду. Увидев страхоклюва, бабка спускается в подвал, ибо видела что-то подобное. Не найдя в книжках, открывает архивную папку. На ней бирка: Сан Франциско. Смею предположить, что эти документы принадлежали Картеру. Фокусник, что рекламирует себя тёмным магом, творит бесовщину и на камеру (хз канон ли) пропадает без вести, устраивая землетрясение. Его квартиру полюбому обыскивали во время расчистки завалов, а так-как люди тут не народ из вселенной ФНаФа, то сложили два-плюс-два и поняли чё да как. Так что Максвелл наведался к Уикер за собственными записями. Плюс, устранил информатора, дабы всяким Вагстаффоподобным челядям неповадно было к нему соваться. Уикер, скорее всего, знает кто он. Не "понимает", а именно "знает" (по вышеописанным причинам. Уильям как-никак на виду был, так что скорее всего она в курсе откуда документы, где они были и с чем они связаны). Так что сцена с мимикой, перед вознёй со шкафом, как по мне, очень сильная. Максвелл - мужик умный, решает две проблемы сразу: вся связанная с окультизмом утварь сгорает, а знания, записи, документы и etc. оказываются в Уикер, что летит в Константу. Отсюда название короткометражки и возможная причина, почему бабулька не может спать - когда у тебя в голове столько информации крутится, попробуй-ка её нормально переварить и с ней ужиться. Много вопросов. Про мужика, похожего на Вуди (там кстати, отсылки к разрабам есть в сцене, в виде остальных пожарников), про куклу эту треклятую. Судя по описанию из игры, эту одержимую куклу нашли на чердаке ныне покойной бабушки (какой - не уточняется). Она принадлежала какому-то ребёнку, что покинул её (пол ребёнка не уточняется). Тут уже множество мега-теорий пошло. И про родственные связи Вылов и Викер, и про тизер нового персонажа (народ предполагает, что записка в конце на это намекает. либо нас ждёт раскрытие новых подробностей старого персонажа). Один чёрт пока ничего не понятно и остаётся только ждать. Обращу внимание на две вещи: цветовая гамма и кукла. У нас вернулась старая гамма Уиллоу (красная) и появилась новая - зелёная. Цветовое решение сразу даёт понять, что горит всё из-за огонь-девки, ещё до её появления. И что нам показывают прямо перед пожаром? Да. Эту треклятую-говнятую куклу. Чтобы люди поняли из-за кого сыр-бор? Вряд ли. Так что её туда засунули специально. Это подтверждают и разработчики. Скорее не они, их отмалчивание на стриме, что был полчаса назад. Они упорно мансили от всех этих вопросов, говоря что они "просто художники" и нервно посмеиваясь. Лол. Так что эта фарфоровая бестия - явная затравка. Уверен, мастера лора и ИГРОТЕОРИЙ найдут что-то ещё. Возможно, я вообще неправ и написал фигни. Но пока лорные кусманы ищутся, я предлагаю свои умозаключения на обсуждение Как бы там не было, одно я знаю точно: АРТОВ С УИЛЛОУ И МАКСВЕЛЛОМ СТАНЕТ НАМНОГО БОЛЬШЕ
In the game, it does imply that Willow is not fond of Wickerbottom. Willow also insults Wicker's favourite food, surf and turf, calling it "old people food".
@@Azazel0183 its never explicitly stated what she knew, so it's likely that she was never informed of wicker and was just given an excuse to burn down a building by maxwell. Seems he is using her pyromania to his benefit.
wait whaaaat? man every time i tell myself DST cant surprise me with the new lore in cinematics anymore, i get blown away! cant wait for more! thanks klei!
It was always suspected Willow was behind the fire at the Library, however we now also know she seemed to be working with Them. Gotta love this lore. Also this is the only time we get to see Wicker's eyes opened in a non-cursed way, so that's neat!
@@zacharyenglish2904 it is accurate, 'they' are the moon as far as we know (we don't know if both the moon and the shadows are 'them' but we know for a fact that the moon is or is one of 'them')
@@ole9274 The dark "Them" Is shown on the murals, represented as an the eye on the gateway that destroyed the ancient civilization. We don't know it's name, but Maxwell did also refer to the one's of darkness as Them.
@@ole9274 No one ever said the Moon wasn't a form of them. Alter is also an eye. The thing that destroyed the ancient civilization (Which we have seen, it's in the murals seen in the Metheus puzzles) is also represented as an eye. Fuelweaver also says "Curse Their name!" When turning the ancient gateway off, basically confirming the darkness is Them, or a form of Them as well. Since we know the Gateway is the source of Nightmare fuel and darkness. The 2 are godlike entities. Both can be Them, as both control a key aspect of the constant.
@@ole9274 Fuelweaver states that the beings from the portal (AKA the nightmare creatures and the darkness) is Them. "They are unfathomable." It says during your battle with it as it fights to shut off the portal... "Curse Their name!" It says when it shuts the portal down after killing the player. It also mistakes Charlie, a being of Darkness, as them for a moment. "Who are you? Release me, shade! You are not Them... Are you so easily deceived? Ha... You deserve this. You've made your choice." (It says this when it dies, by the way.) Though, to be fair, this could also be interpreted as Fuelweaver cursing Alter for forsaking them and warning the Survivors of the coming storm, as seen in the line "They are coming. It cannot be stopped." Personally, I'll continue to believe "Them" refers to both the darkness and the moon, but you do you!
Interestingly, it seems Willow was working with “them” and Maxwell to force other survivors into no win situation to force them to accept the deal... That brings so much lore implication, that is actually insane.
@@Garbo_trashcan Do you think she orchestrated the factory fires, actually?? That would definitely explain a lot, especially since it'd be impossible to clean up the evidence afterwards...
My gosh that was AWESOME. I AM SO GLAD WE GOT TO SEE WILLOW ACTUALLY START A FIRE. The animation has gone a long way, it may not be creepy but it is damn beautiful. Maxwell and Willow gave me chills, this is amazing!
As soon as the place caught fire, I knew who was responsible. I just didn't expect HIM to be responsible for her being responsible. Top-tier animation as always.
Honestly "That's not quite what i had in mind" line is so good, because at first is just seems like maxwell is just revealing he's tricking her, but he's also literally storing all the books in her mind, he sure rehearsaled that part before revealing himself
The emotional whiplash i experienced from realizing the cat was fine to immediately screaming because of the Willow twist was wild to say the least. My jaw actually dropped when i read the note at the end 😭
Fun Fact: If you inspect all the things Wickerbottom keeps in her little hidden room, you'll notice that there is a doll in a glass case that looks exactly like Willow's Forlorn Doll skin.
I love the thought of willow working for maxwell and plus it shows that this is after her time I’m the constant or possibly maxwell had a deal with her after she saw the shadows as a kid, nice job as always klei.
They don't. Wortox came in the already "together" mindset, wormwood and warly the same, wurt same, walter same, wanda same. All others have got their refresh, the only one who is missing is maxwell (also, the hidden character behind all this), after Max, only wilson will remain with no refresh, which is intended.
@@Şekerfare17 ? Single don't starve doesn't mean a shit. And also i don't think the "one more" has anything to do with reworks, i think it's about the people they needed in the constant, only 1 more having to end up there.
I'm terms of lore these animations keep getting better and better keep up the amazing work everyone including myself are amazed at the animation and quality story telling I'm these videos
I ALWAYS WONDERED IF WILLOW WAS THE REASON FOR SOME OF THESE FIRES THIS WAS SOOOO GOOD I did NOT expect her to be working with Maxwell potently though, if she even really knew. I also noticed her forlorn doll skin as an actual doll which is a really cool detail! I feel like she might have not known Wicker was in the building still, she was with her cat in the end and even has a quote for hollow stumps saying that she wouldn't burn it while someone lives there. I may be reaching at that point though, but man this was incredible! Poor miss Wickerbottom
2:10 I love how it looks like Wickerbottom is starting to run away after the portal opens, knowing full well there’s something very wrong with this; only to really run over to one of her bookcases to dump it in the portal no questions asked!
[Spoiler alert] I think the doll trapped in wicker's secret basement (also known as willow's forlorn doll skin) is symbolic of how willow is sort of trapped in this deal she made with maxwell, and the container being glass may symbolize how she thinks she isn't trapped when she can't see that she obviously is
@@piplover6234 she absorbed all of the brain and there is an arsonist in the same place that she went when her library burned down, it's hard not to make the connection
you do realise maxwell would have found any other way into manipulating wicker, right? willow ended up in the constant anyways, so don't think she was in cahoots with maxwell for too long
So not only does wickerbottom *KNOW* things, things that seem to heavily implicate the path the lore will be taking, but also that Willow might not be as innocent as we all had first assumed! Fantastic work, absolutely flabberghasted at this story drop.
@@draculaura_keybladeThen you are a diamond in the rough. That rough was… Probably created by Willows burning down trees and made with the ash of many bases
Absolutely incredible! immediately the first 9 seconds of animation I was already impressed with how beautiful it looked, and that twist ending, I cant believe it! Remarkable Klei, you really know how to make an awesome short!
Now THAT’S one hell of a panic room! Also it’s crazy to think about that there were times, when we were theorizing that the Constant was Hell/ Purgatory and Wickerbottom got stuck there because she was like mean to animals/ visitors.
Hmmm, very interesting. I am very curious now to know if Willow was trying to fight the nightmares with fire and the note was about her being next or she is helping Maxwell kidnap people with the deal that she would be left alone, but got tricked anyways. Also great video! Wickerbottom does not pretend to know everything, she actually knows almost everything.🤣
It could be that the note is about Winona's factory fire, implying that Maxwell had it all planned. We know the Winona episode is after this one because there is a newspaper headline in her animated short saying "Flame consumes New York library".
@@Joao_Paulo277 I had theorized that Winona wasn't the target for the fire, rather that it was to stop Wagstaff from becoming too powerful, however that seems to have partially failed with Wagstaff being a hologram in game, but Winona was figuring stuff out from her pegboard so it could have been to kill two birds with one catastrophic fire and then take Willow out
@@falafelwaffle2656 Winona looking for Charlie her Beloved Sister Not to Stop Wagstaff, She do the Research and all evidence goes to wagstaff that can send her to Dont Starve World (The Constant) if you play as her you can see a bunch of Quote she miss her Sister so much she do everything for her
@@irpanfauzi1160 I think you misread what he said. He never said that Winona was trying to stop wagstaff he said that maxwell was trying to stop wagstaff and that he was probably trying to take Winona out at the same time
So Willow in the lore is just like Willow in your average DST server.
Least perverted Pokémon fan pfp
@@ole9274 excuse me what the fuck is that
@@Th0mat0 What?
Ok but can we talk about how she managed to push a bookshelf more than twice her size with little effort? Is she stronger than Wolfgang?
I was gonna ask the same thing
The love for books can move mountains
Knowledge is power my friend.
The excitement of getting a rework
I love how Wickerbottom was so quick to throw her books toward the portal that Maxwell didn't even have the chance to explain what he meant.
I din't realize
Maxwell was just like: Damn ok i guess
Maxwell was just like: Damn ok i guess
This was hinted at in Winona's short. I can't believe how it's all come together.
(In her short, in the beginning with all of the papers, one in the bottom right corner says "Flame consumes New York library")
Those are some crazy sharp eyes you have there.
I knew it XD
Surprised that no one pointed it out tho
Whose doll sits under glass in librarians secret room?
@@katekochetkova4701 pyro tf2
The best part is that as soon as anyone that's played DST see's fire, we know it's willow.
It's interesting though to know that Willow and Wickerbottom are canonically in the same town/time.
From what I know, they are all from the 20s of 20th century, some from the 10s. And I love it
What about Voxola factory? There was fire too
@@Dodo-uv9bs it might have been retconned, but the fire in voxola seems to be a result of wagstaff's portal, idk how willlow could set a fire in that room without being noticed by winona
@@bugdracula1662 maybe she destabilaized the portal ? She could help Maxwell with out fire
In my playthrough of Don't Starve, as Willow, the biggest and most destructive fire actually wasn't me. It was a lightning strike in the forest that burned down like half the trees there and at least three spider nests, leaving multiple spiders and spider warriors homeless. They just sleep outside during the day.
But hey, free ashes and logs.
I love how each of these animations change like 10 pages of DST lore
In this case it adds 10 pages
We had no lore at all for her, aside from her quotes that doesn't give that much insight into her life compared to others
@@flamboyant_wolf And now we know that Willow was definitely involved and might have been working for Maxwell or is an arsonist for hire.
@@ChaosAndMayhem or you know, just an arsonist for fun
@@robingoodfellow8097 She's certainly an arsonist for fun, but she's evidently let Maxwell pick the targets for this period. You're right that Willow isn't really the type to work for someone, so it's likely that she was just playing along only as long as it benefited her (maybe he covers her tracks and picks cool targets for her) and not that she actually considered Maxwell or his cause to be important.
@Tin Watchman right, because she didn't try to run from the terrorbeak and picked up the message without looking worried at all
I absolutely love that note at the end! Implying that Willow *does* work for Maxwell and the shadow spirits. Super interesting! Also super cool how Willow looks older in this one than in her own short. Great work as always!
Or maybe she just likes ruining peoples life she dose that a lot in the game
@@crazycanyon3028 Willow mains, am I right?
One more….
Maybe she isn't doing this by choice maybe its Maxwell controlling her to find and silence those who know too much
@@derrickhageman1969 nah she just likes burning bases to build up her sanity
It's so cool that we finally saw the induction of another character! Even had Maxwell speaking like the first one! I love it so much! GJ Klei!
I was very happy we finally got to see Maxwell speaking again
still a wonder if its maxwell. i think its Charlie
@@natara1976 That would seem to lack evidence and precedent. Especially given the quotes that Wickerbottom has had for years regarding Maxwell
@@natara1976 dude he literally appeared , besides wickerbottom was one of the firsts to enter the constants thats why is not charlie and yes maxwell,
@@karmagaming2098 if wickerbottom was one of the first, why does willow’s note from the shadow say “one more to go”
I felt ya, Wicker. That's the exact same expression I feel when you come back to a burning base.
I do realize, the quote "I know a place to tuck it away" by Maxwell is not into the constant, but LITERALLY stuck it all into Wicker's brain, no wonder Wicker has insomnia..
The fact that Willow set fire to the library is mind blowing! Klei never ceases to amaze me with her quality and love of her work. I've been a fan of DS for a few years, despite the fact that now I almost do not play now - I continue to follow the updates and animations from time to time.
O! privet Nocube 🗿
@@SammyLawrenceHaisenberg Privet friend
Just came from your newest video, hello
@@aeromorphenjoyer7102 hi!
я бы никогда не подумал , что ты фанат DS
That face wicker makes as she sees her books in flames just hit me so hard
Stoicism at its finest, is what she normally holds but the sadness... ouch
When she had to spray water on her books... my heart
As a book lover, this video made me cry.
I did not expect that twist with Willow! Good job with the animation Klei we love little bits of lore that keep us guessing!
Maxwell used Willow to trap Wickerbottom INTO the constant
I didn't expect that too!
One more to go.
this is the top comment and because of this everyone watching this gon get spoiled 💀💀
I think the reason maxwell trapped wicker was because she was getting to know too much so he used willow to prevent here knowledge from getting out.
I think u might be right good take
Most definitely true, especially with Maxwell picking up the three illustrations of the Hound, the Shadow hand, and the Terrorbeak
Possibly also to steal any knowledge she had that he didn't already know. He does take some of the pages.
hes probably trying to get rid of anyone who knows of the shadow creatures or its powers, and considering willows on an apparent hitlist, maybe she also got wolfgang into the constant after he was witness of the codex umbra?
Government be like:
2:31 at that moment, she had attained the forbidden knowledge she seeked. knowledge that can...
*make a shovel*
ohmygawd wicker op
*s h o v e l*
I know I'm late but that's *permanent* knowledge.
Even if you craft everything, by the time you die you'll forget it in the next world. It's just for gameplay obviously but in lore I assume your memories get scrambled a bit.
Not a bad deal, a headstart is great when you're trapped in hell for eternity.
Getting big, *big* Lovecraft vibes from this short. I love it so much, I keep watching it over and over.
And the period-accurate fire extinguisher? Fantastic attention to detail!
It really is quite Lovecraftian.
klei never disappoints, from lifelong game updates, character refreshes, animatics, this studio is just so good I can't describe it in words
Then use sounds or faces
@@valentinovicentini5652 I would if I had a face
@@eetein9704 emojis i mean
Thanks Klei for developing the game over just a long distance. I have been playing this game since I was 12 years old. thank you for not abandoning the game and adding so much content to the game.
Thanks so much for being part of Don't Starve for so long! It really means a lot and is a big reason we can keep these updates coming.
Same been playing since I was 10-12 or so, I'm 18 now haha! DST is awesome!
@@kleient Random question but is wickerbottom her first name?
@@Yournansaman I think adventure mode in single player can tell you.
Moral of the story, never let a willow enter a server thanks klei.
Putting that aside this Is a pretty awesome animated short. Love IT!
dam that is litterly a fact
Arson >:))))
Wonder why klei liked that comment🤔
its so true
This may be a stretch, but at the end of the animation Willow got a note that said "one more to go" and since we know that the only two characters left to rework are Maxwell and Wilson (both of whom we know didn't enter because of Willow) that means that there may be a new character in the works. Either that or we will be getting some more lore about our current cast that relates to it (like Woodie for example)
The fire at the library occurred before the plant, so it can be assumed that after the Wickerbotom she went for Winona
imagine if it means "one more rework" and Maxwell and Wilson get reworked together.
How did Walter enter the constant?
@@nana137111 through a cursed radio in woodies cabin
@@slimik4000 And in who's short do we see a burning building? Coincidence? I think not!
Charlie and wickerbottom are the only characters with pupils, do whatever you want with this information
I would pay any money to see animated series in this artstyle :)
well, arnt all these shorts kinda an animated series now that there are so many?
klei did say they'd be down, the community would need to convince a streaming service to allow one though
Kickstarter Or something
For this being the first big wickerbottom lore, this is yet another part of the story that we didn't fully know that ties in with something else. We knew a library burnt down and that is exactly what this tells.
i'm glad we finally got to know the most important lore of all: how wickerbottom's cat looks like!
now we need to know what webber's grandpa's cat looks like
it all makes sense now! the most important piece of Don't Starve lore
i though it was willow,s
@@insertherealotofeyeemojis2185 it went to willow to escape the fire and wicker recognized it so it's probably hers
@@anthonythetophatter2834 wicker did mention she had a cat a lot tho!! so did other survivors!! so i must assume it's hers :-]
"Mysterious fires follow you like a plague, [playername]." -Winona, when examining a fire-starting Maxwell in DST
Well, those mysterious fires apparently have a name and it's Willow. Wasn't expecting him to outright employ her. Fantastic short!
does she at least get dental
I’m sure it’s more manipulation or maybe it is a job but she probably still doesn’t like him
She still sets an endless amount of buildings on fire.
Guys, I really appreciate your work throughout these years. I think a lot of devs should look up to you on how to manage and support their games.
I wonder why does Willow help Maxwell though... We didn't know what she was doing all these years between obtaining fire powers(as a child) and entering the Constant (as an adult) and also why did she see shadow creatures
My theory is that Maxwell made a deal with her that, in exchange for burning down a few places that knew too much about the Constant and Them, he'd take her to a better place. Just him killong two birds with one stone.
It's not often you meet a pyromaniac, after all
My theory on why she can see shadow creatures is simple…
She’s already insane
Wicker saw the shadow creature too
@@arogustus3984 couldn't it be that the deal is that maxwell grants her pyromancy in exchange of arson? or is it confirmed that willow was a pyromancer from birth?
@@eetein9704 In her short, she's seen using the fire powers to protect herself from both her caretakers and nightmare creatures haunting her, destroying her old orphanage in the process. Since the shadows were haunting her and now she works with them, she probably wasn't working with Maxwell back then, so it's safe to assume that she either had her powers since birth or gained them in another way that isn't Maxwell
1:15 why is that one willow skin in a jar wickerbottom
Forgotten doll skin, thats smart from Klei xd
Ye it is orange
I think we all know why and shall not say
I'm so glad we saw the cat at the end or my day would have been ruined.
0:55 a lot of courage to go downstairs with your eyes fully closed
Wickerbottom must have had a monster of a headache after Maxwell made her absorb all that knowledge
As always, amazing work Klei! I can't wait to see what you do with Maxwell!
might explain her insomnia she has in game
@@jakoblent4694 The less you know the better you sleep
@@What-Kind-Of-Idiot-Is-This basically
And yet it *didn't* make her head explode. Props to the old lady.
That is such a drop.. od Knowledge. When it comes to lore this is the most informative video of them all not only did wicker get ALOT of lore but willow did too
I didn't know Max had so much control over the shadows. I wonder if Max ordered the shadows to chase Wanda.
@@Profphizx in the sequence of events, maxwell had no control over what happened to Wanda. He was responsible for most if not all of the characters in the single player game, but no one in dst.
seeing your library, the world and the knowledge you stored from it start burning is absolutely the most heart-stopping thing ever, i am amazed on how wickerbottom reacted
When Wickerbottom examines a kittykit she says “now it feels like home.”
I always wanted to see what her cat looked like!
it may have been willows cat, but then again, maybe she adopted it
@@zixvirzjghamn737 It’s not Willow’s cat. The cat has a horrified look on its face while looking at the library implying that was it’s home, and if it was Willow’s cat it would be used to seeing burning buildings.
@@dragonscale46 oh
The fact that Maxwell can just open portals without the radio is a massive lore shift. I didn't expect Klei to be building towards something with the refreshes alone.
My theory is that Willow will fail to bring the last one, and that's how she end-up in the constant. Or maybe she was just ditched after completing it.
probably it was a
well everyone maxwell needs is in there so why not also get rid of the assistant
I think the one left is actually a trap, and that's how willow gets in
i think last one is her self
Klei said Willow saw the Constant as a fresh start, implying it was her own choice to go in.
@@impudentstrumpet2655 ahh so willow went in after the rest were trapped
What kind of secret society is Wicker in?!? And of course it was Willow who burnt the library! lmao
So Maxwell hired Willow to do arson?
Huh, I never took Willow for a sigma
Hi slasher
* throws giraffe at slasher *
@@purzenlightened *collects giraffe*
me too pal
I... can t believe it🤯
Willow be committed arson and bear destruction
Holy smokes! Always thought Wickerbottom had something to do with the Codex Umbra and the forbidden knowledge, but wasn't expecting she was actually a victim, not the perpetrator!
Of all the characters, we had the least information about her, always suspected she waa hiding something dark. Poor Ms. Wickerbottom...
Now we only need a Maxwell centered short. Good job as always!
there is one
heh. holy *smokes.* funny
Well Wilson's short was for don't starve, these are for don't starve together, so it's still possible for him to get one before maxwell
Also it would be pretty cool to see characters that aren't in dst like woodlegs since most of them are forgotten (except for wagstaff)
@@TrueHey I don't believe they're going to do a refresh on Wilson (can't improve perfection). But they may start releasing more lore related videos, along with the update ones, when the refreshes are over.
@@TrueHey i guess thats true since maxwells rewerk is yet to come
These animations give us :
A lot of useful lore for characters
Updated gameplay
And a motvation to keep on playing
Thank you, Klei!
Klei never fails to impress, it's crazy how skilled these devs are at what they do. Every animated short gives me chills and leaves in awe. Keep it up!
Wait wait wait, why does Wickerbottom have what looks like a doll of Willow’s forlorn doll outfit in her secret room?
Very nice short Klei! Neat lore implications to think about!
Maybe the doll is why Willow burned the library
Maybe Willow is cosplaying as the doll in her skin
Could be an Easter egg.
Doll was made by Willow's Grandma but when she died. Willow was taken to an orphanage and the doll was left and forgotten, so I guess Wicker just somehow managed to get it.
@@luiv4167 unless wicker is willows grandma!
I like to think that Wickerbottom gets around just from the sound of her footsteps reflecting off objects like bats do
Or she's walked the halls for so long she simply knows where everything is
WHAT?! HUH?! Th-the ending! Willow, what?!
I've been waiting for Wickerbottom animatic for 7 years and here it is!! Thank you Klei, going to play as her for hours again :)
Cool seeing a good old fashion Maxwell abduction, also never expected more Willow lore too, but I wonder if “one more to go” is lore or update related?
it could mean "one more place to burn" which would be the factory Winona worked at, I think
@@thecreatura993 no, i just rewatched that one, the fire's caused by the portal breaking
@@ruby52986 I see. Hmm, the lore thickens
1:32 willow, look what you’ve done! Now the animators are gonna have to draw all this fire!
YOU CAN'T JUST DROP THAT ON US KLEI. This has heavy rammifications for the lore an I'm gonna be up all night speculating this!
Animation quality has gotten significantly better though, nice job!
The biggest lore drop is that Wickerbottom is proven to have a cat.
Lol yes she does have a cat along with a gramophone in where here secret books are! Interesting indeed
I think that willow made a deal with maxwell for what ever reason which allowed maxwell to use willow to help him capture other people.
But wait. There aren't any other survivors that went missing after a fire. So maybe... there's a new survivor?
@@tylerking9507 either someone new, or someone we already know, it could explain something even further with a different character
Out of all the characters theorized to be helping Maxwell I didn’t think it would be Willow. Super cool!
That choked me
That doll in the background, now we know what was Willow skin referring to, yet still only more mysteries to uncover. Love you klei for how much effort you put in that game.
Могу сказать следующее:
Судя по символике в подвале, бабулька, скорее всего, состоит в каком то культе/секте/тайной организации, что собирает инфу об паранормальном, в том числе и о Константе. Она, думаю, является хранителем вещ.доков и инфы, из-за чего и навлекла на себя беду.
Увидев страхоклюва, бабка спускается в подвал, ибо видела что-то подобное. Не найдя в книжках, открывает архивную папку. На ней бирка: Сан Франциско. Смею предположить, что эти документы принадлежали Картеру. Фокусник, что рекламирует себя тёмным магом, творит бесовщину и на камеру (хз канон ли) пропадает без вести, устраивая землетрясение. Его квартиру полюбому обыскивали во время расчистки завалов, а так-как люди тут не народ из вселенной ФНаФа, то сложили два-плюс-два и поняли чё да как. Так что Максвелл наведался к Уикер за собственными записями. Плюс, устранил информатора, дабы всяким Вагстаффоподобным челядям неповадно было к нему соваться.
Уикер, скорее всего, знает кто он. Не "понимает", а именно "знает" (по вышеописанным причинам. Уильям как-никак на виду был, так что скорее всего она в курсе откуда документы, где они были и с чем они связаны). Так что сцена с мимикой, перед вознёй со шкафом, как по мне, очень сильная.
Максвелл - мужик умный, решает две проблемы сразу: вся связанная с окультизмом утварь сгорает, а знания, записи, документы и etc. оказываются в Уикер, что летит в Константу. Отсюда название короткометражки и возможная причина, почему бабулька не может спать - когда у тебя в голове столько информации крутится, попробуй-ка её нормально переварить и с ней ужиться.
Много вопросов. Про мужика, похожего на Вуди (там кстати, отсылки к разрабам есть в сцене, в виде остальных пожарников), про куклу эту треклятую.
Судя по описанию из игры, эту одержимую куклу нашли на чердаке ныне покойной бабушки (какой - не уточняется). Она принадлежала какому-то ребёнку, что покинул её (пол ребёнка не уточняется). Тут уже множество мега-теорий пошло. И про родственные связи Вылов и Викер, и про тизер нового персонажа (народ предполагает, что записка в конце на это намекает. либо нас ждёт раскрытие новых подробностей старого персонажа). Один чёрт пока ничего не понятно и остаётся только ждать.
Обращу внимание на две вещи: цветовая гамма и кукла. У нас вернулась старая гамма Уиллоу (красная) и появилась новая - зелёная. Цветовое решение сразу даёт понять, что горит всё из-за огонь-девки, ещё до её появления. И что нам показывают прямо перед пожаром? Да. Эту треклятую-говнятую куклу. Чтобы люди поняли из-за кого сыр-бор? Вряд ли. Так что её туда засунули специально.
Это подтверждают и разработчики. Скорее не они, их отмалчивание на стриме, что был полчаса назад. Они упорно мансили от всех этих вопросов, говоря что они "просто художники" и нервно посмеиваясь. Лол. Так что эта фарфоровая бестия - явная затравка.
Уверен, мастера лора и ИГРОТЕОРИЙ найдут что-то ещё. Возможно, я вообще неправ и написал фигни. Но пока лорные кусманы ищутся, я предлагаю свои умозаключения на обсуждение
Как бы там не было, одно я знаю точно:
In the game, it does imply that Willow is not fond of Wickerbottom. Willow also insults Wicker's favourite food, surf and turf, calling it "old people food".
So Willow isn't an angel, right? I love this animations. Finally we know Wickerbottom's story, and it's so great. And there is the doll haha.
Being an arsonist, she isn’t
But in a way, she only brunt it down after closing time, so probably wasn’t trying to directly hurt anyone
@@redandblue1013 she knew that wicker was gonna be inside though. because maxwell told her
@@Azazel0183 its never explicitly stated what she knew, so it's likely that she was never informed of wicker and was just given an excuse to burn down a building by maxwell. Seems he is using her pyromania to his benefit.
it never explicitly stated anything. it never explicitly stated that wx78 was created by wagstaff but everyone knows he was
@@Azazel0183 ok
wait whaaaat?
man every time i tell myself DST cant surprise me with the new lore in cinematics anymore, i get blown away!
cant wait for more! thanks klei!
It was always suspected Willow was behind the fire at the Library, however we now also know she seemed to be working with Them. Gotta love this lore. Also this is the only time we get to see Wicker's eyes opened in a non-cursed way, so that's neat!
@@ole9274 that’s not accurate, the shadows have been referred to as “them” since single player don’t starve
@@zacharyenglish2904 it is accurate, 'they' are the moon as far as we know (we don't know if both the moon and the shadows are 'them' but we know for a fact that the moon is or is one of 'them')
@@ole9274 The dark "Them" Is shown on the murals, represented as an the eye on the gateway that destroyed the ancient civilization. We don't know it's name, but Maxwell did also refer to the one's of darkness as Them.
@@ole9274 No one ever said the Moon wasn't a form of them. Alter is also an eye. The thing that destroyed the ancient civilization (Which we have seen, it's in the murals seen in the Metheus puzzles) is also represented as an eye. Fuelweaver also says "Curse Their name!" When turning the ancient gateway off, basically confirming the darkness is Them, or a form of Them as well. Since we know the Gateway is the source of Nightmare fuel and darkness. The 2 are godlike entities. Both can be Them, as both control a key aspect of the constant.
@@ole9274 Fuelweaver states that the beings from the portal (AKA the nightmare creatures and the darkness) is Them. "They are unfathomable." It says during your battle with it as it fights to shut off the portal... "Curse Their name!" It says when it shuts the portal down after killing the player. It also mistakes Charlie, a being of Darkness, as them for a moment. "Who are you? Release me, shade! You are not Them... Are you so easily deceived? Ha... You deserve this. You've made your choice." (It says this when it dies, by the way.) Though, to be fair, this could also be interpreted as Fuelweaver cursing Alter for forsaking them and warning the Survivors of the coming storm, as seen in the line "They are coming. It cannot be stopped." Personally, I'll continue to believe "Them" refers to both the darkness and the moon, but you do you!
I feel like the music is drastically underrated in these shorts, they make them feel so alive!
I headcannon that Wickerbottom can't sleep because of the forbidden knowledge she has. Leaving her mind of wander for to long would be uncomfortable.
Interestingly, it seems Willow was working with “them” and Maxwell to force other survivors into no win situation to force them to accept the deal... That brings so much lore implication, that is actually insane.
And interestingly, atleast in my theory it seems that the nightmares, were wickerbottoms, and Maxwell just recreated them
it makes her seem like a hired hitman, which would actually make her one of the most evil characters in the story
@@Garbo_trashcan Do you think she orchestrated the factory fires, actually?? That would definitely explain a lot, especially since it'd be impossible to clean up the evidence afterwards...
Wait, They are the moon, arent them?
@@ethanotoroculus1060 she got into the constant before winona so i dont think it's possible
I love Klei and I love Don’t Starve. Keep it up please. I wanna keep playing this game even when I’m 90
This animation is so good! Thanks Klei for making an awesome game!
I like how clearly you can hear the words Maxwell says if you listen
I really want to see an animated series based on this game!
As soon as I saw the fire I had a feeling willow was involved.
Amazing work Klei!
Willow mains 2 milliseconds after finding base: 1:32
walter white dabbling in fiction instead of meth. awesome
2:32 *big brain moment*
My gosh that was AWESOME. I AM SO GLAD WE GOT TO SEE WILLOW ACTUALLY START A FIRE. The animation has gone a long way, it may not be creepy but it is damn beautiful. Maxwell and Willow gave me chills, this is amazing!
Interesting that wicker has a cat and a pair of eyes, but what's more interesting is the willow plush.
The lore thickens
wicker always had eyes, her sleeping animation proved it
@@Garbo_trashcan except that animation sadly doesn't exist anymore. She is now completely immune to sleeping.
@@moth0074 just because it was removed doesnt mean it suddenly just is wiped out of everybodys mind
As soon as the place caught fire, I knew who was responsible. I just didn't expect HIM to be responsible for her being responsible. Top-tier animation as always.
I’m very glad to see the cat was unharmed. Glad to see we finally have a game company who takes the well-being of felines into consideration
so was I, the whole time I was just worried for the cat.
Honestly "That's not quite what i had in mind" line is so good, because at first is just seems like maxwell is just revealing he's tricking her, but he's also literally storing all the books in her mind, he sure rehearsaled that part before revealing himself
The note implies that Willow might have also set the factory on fire, the one where Winona worked at.
The emotional whiplash i experienced from realizing the cat was fine to immediately screaming because of the Willow twist was wild to say the least. My jaw actually dropped when i read the note at the end 😭
The heavy insinuating doll in her hidden lair, and how wicker became her own precious library. Love this game's lore. :)
Another owesome animation! Thanks Klei
Fun Fact: If you inspect all the things Wickerbottom keeps in her little hidden room, you'll notice that there is a doll in a glass case that looks exactly like Willow's Forlorn Doll skin.
Willow is the one of the few people that need to be in the constant
In the year that this plays out in, that's actually much less of a punishment than being in an insane asylum or prison
I just bought the game recently, and have no idea what I'm doing
But I'm enjoying these shorts, and hope you keep going because they're amazing
Just don't forget your hat, which usually is football helmet and it's gona be fine. As long as you have pierogi at least.
As animações estão ficando cada vez mais incríveis! Love u Klei!
"ONE MORE TO GO" wow... great animation as always Klei
"He's a sweet boy, once you peel away the ego."
Willow ruined years of effort in one single move.
Sounds like my teammates.
0:49 Book on the right is titled PYRO
Mrs.Wickerbottom will always be my favorite survivor. Nothing beats a kick-ass librarian!
mr. wickerbottom
Seeing Wicker with her eyes open is just very cursed.
more cursed than in game
We can clearly says Wickerbottom is known somethings about Shadows and Shadow Magic. Atleast she knows their existance. This is a big impact for lore.
I love the thought of willow working for maxwell and plus it shows that this is after her time I’m the constant or possibly maxwell had a deal with her after she saw the shadows as a kid, nice job as always klei.
Klei's DST animated shorts are always golden
3:11 Funny how the paper says "One more to go" but they have 2 more characters to rework
Edit : Good animation as always
They don't.
Wortox came in the already "together" mindset,
wormwood and warly the same,
wurt same,
walter same,
wanda same.
All others have got their refresh, the only one who is missing is maxwell (also, the hidden character behind all this), after Max, only wilson will remain with no refresh, which is intended.
I think it's about "one more shit place burn to the ground sweetheart" not a rework message
@@apenasumdoteiro1070 how about winona she's not in the single dont starve but had a rework and animation.
@@Şekerfare17 ? Single don't starve doesn't mean a shit.
And also i don't think the "one more" has anything to do with reworks, i think it's about the people they needed in the constant, only 1 more having to end up there.
@@apenasumdoteiro1070 Wilson is getting a rework.
I'm terms of lore these animations keep getting better and better keep up the amazing work everyone including myself are amazed at the animation and quality story telling I'm these videos
I did NOT expect her to be working with Maxwell potently though, if she even really knew. I also noticed her forlorn doll skin as an actual doll which is a really cool detail! I feel like she might have not known Wicker was in the building still, she was with her cat in the end and even has a quote for hollow stumps saying that she wouldn't burn it while someone lives there. I may be reaching at that point though, but man this was incredible! Poor miss Wickerbottom
2:10 I love how it looks like Wickerbottom is starting to run away after the portal opens, knowing full well there’s something very wrong with this; only to really run over to one of her bookcases to dump it in the portal no questions asked!
[Spoiler alert]
I think the doll trapped in wicker's secret basement (also known as willow's forlorn doll skin) is symbolic of how willow is sort of trapped in this deal she made with maxwell, and the container being glass may symbolize how she thinks she isn't trapped when she can't see that she obviously is
@@じゃがいものソース omg they had one class in art and are able to theorise on symbolism
not like you seem to have reached 7th grade but whatever
@@Prismate _wtf_
Or it is just some doll related to willow because there are other things in that room inside a locked glass container
@@mmems30 I'm just surprised the people at klei would put the doll there without any meaning
Willow is entirely at fault for putting wickerbottom into endless torment.
Wickerbottom should make a comment about that when inspecting another player playing Willow
I'm guessing Willow has a deal with Maxwell which would be why she's doing this, aside from the fact that she just likes burning stuff down.
@@cloudcubed1989 wicker didn’t see Willow do it and I doubt Maxwell snitched on her
@@piplover6234 she absorbed all of the brain and there is an arsonist in the same place that she went when her library burned down, it's hard not to make the connection
you do realise maxwell would have found any other way into manipulating wicker, right? willow ended up in the constant anyways, so don't think she was in cahoots with maxwell for too long
So not only does wickerbottom *KNOW* things, things that seem to heavily implicate the path the lore will be taking, but also that Willow might not be as innocent as we all had first assumed! Fantastic work, absolutely flabberghasted at this story drop.
I have always hated Willows, cause they often use her abilities badly and cause others harm. Now I also hate Willow as a character.
@@honey-hunterslimefanno.3257 i'm a willow main, i don't do those things. i'm literally the most competent person when i play with my partner.
People thought willow was innocent?
@@ladfromearth5791 Actually she was totally manipulated
@@draculaura_keybladeThen you are a diamond in the rough. That rough was… Probably created by Willows burning down trees and made with the ash of many bases
Willow is an absolute maniac
Absolutely incredible! immediately the first 9 seconds of animation I was already impressed with how beautiful it looked, and that twist ending, I cant believe it! Remarkable Klei, you really know how to make an awesome short!
Now THAT’S one hell of a panic room!
Also it’s crazy to think about that there were times, when we were theorizing that the Constant was Hell/ Purgatory and Wickerbottom got stuck there because she was like mean to animals/ visitors.
Ah yes, hell, the place where all suis chefs that left their jobs to take care of their mother with dementia go
@@Prismate I know right! They so eviiiiil! :D
Hmmm, very interesting. I am very curious now to know if Willow was trying to fight the nightmares with fire and the note was about her being next or she is helping Maxwell kidnap people with the deal that she would be left alone, but got tricked anyways. Also great video! Wickerbottom does not pretend to know everything, she actually knows almost everything.🤣
It could be that the note is about Winona's factory fire, implying that Maxwell had it all planned. We know the Winona episode is after this one because there is a newspaper headline in her animated short saying "Flame consumes New York library".
@@Joao_Paulo277 I had theorized that Winona wasn't the target for the fire, rather that it was to stop Wagstaff from becoming too powerful, however that seems to have partially failed with Wagstaff being a hologram in game, but Winona was figuring stuff out from her pegboard so it could have been to kill two birds with one catastrophic fire and then take Willow out
@@falafelwaffle2656 Winona looking for Charlie her Beloved Sister Not to Stop Wagstaff, She do the Research and all evidence goes to wagstaff that can send her to Dont Starve World (The Constant) if you play as her you can see a bunch of Quote she miss her Sister so much she do everything for her
@@irpanfauzi1160 I think you misread what he said. He never said that Winona was trying to stop wagstaff he said that maxwell was trying to stop wagstaff and that he was probably trying to take Winona out at the same time
@@Joao_Paulo277in Winona's animation it wasn't Maxwell's plan, it was Charlie's plan.
Another stunning animation by you Klei!!
Thats just awesome! Thanks for all you doing!
Ahahahahahah, definitely something I wasn't expecting, but awesome!